THE EVENING STAR, i VKIiPUItt M1TTM 09 JJTKRY PAUB. BB OUTBID* FOB lWTBKJMflSt* TMLX- 6BAPBI0 iMD OTEB& MATTBB. WASHINGTON CITY: ftATIRDAY J Ail I'AH. Y 3, 1%3. TUe w Dollar Wr^ki j Star, fuller than of Metropolitan n«-w* and go-^ip, and choice literary reading, wnow on our counter ready lor delivery to the public. Ithas recently been greatly enlarged and improTtnl, and now undoubtedly preasnt* mnch raw watter for the same amount of money than any other ^ -vwekly In the country. Embraced in iu enter- taining contents an* th* following articles : A ll-arrn.r>g. a Budget of Military Operations and Army Movements; I>a*.est New» from thn Annj of the Poumwe; <lr»at Ibittle n»;».r Mnrfrret-N»ro', T»*nn., between the Union Armv undtT Ho** ran a uri.i tha Ri»h..I Ar»w under Joe Johnson and Hr.tKfc: Ai» uirauc* cestui Hani uf John Mortar.; and Miliiarr Operation* generally in Iho West and Soata- wr»t. News fr>m New Or!*ar.p; Thu Hank- Expedi- tion; Condition of Affairs th^r»»; The Baa *8 KximlitioD to Aseist in Opr-tiin^ the Missis- sippi; N»ws from every D:>uion of thr« A riny. Pr*-*i«!»-nt Lincoln'* Emancipation Proclama- tion; How itwan received by the Contrabands in Washington; JrfT Paris' Proclamation spain^t (Ven. Butler; and Fnll Accounts of the Mi-Ikj-wfll nnd PorVr Courts-Martial. Editorial*; Local Nf vrs; Acconau of the Din- ner* at the Hospital*; Telegraphic News; Foretitn Opinions cf th»* American and Forti^n Fress; Sketches; Descriptive Ma'tr; l'oetry. Wit and Humor; Item* and Clippings from the Pre*r, and a liudgxt of valuable information for the farmer, irir- cl*-ni r and bon^kwper. This just the paper above ail others for per- son* sojourning in the National Metropolis to send to their frtend%at a distance. Price only three cento per eopy, or *1 p»-r annnm; postage prepaid bj stamps when so arranged. SPIRIT OF TH1 MORMINtt FRKSS. The InttUigenrrr renew* at some three col- umn* leugih, the President's Kmancipatiou l*roclarMaUeu; question** hi* right to repeal or State laws respecting fclayery, argue* that the proclamation is inefflca- ions as a war measure; of little uuiuj to tin* sl.ivc, as ail th* freedom h»- will gain untier the pro. lsm.iuon will result from tn»* law of force, and not at all from the declaratory portion of the Presi- de c t'- decree. The IntelhgffKfr is glad, however, tha: ihe tim«* has come \\ hen the judgment of the po- litical counsellor*, who hare T> rsiat-ntly clam- ored ior e-uc-h a paper "war m asure" i* topa-s the ordeal of inevitable experiment. In conclusion the intelligent' r ur«res ihe men of the Ford# r Mate*, to siandlirra. m their loy- alty to the Union, an>i not to allow ^theoret- ics 1 ©ejection" to th»» proclamation to cuuf*e Uum to wavi-r in th.-ir allegiance to the ()ou- slitotiom. Th>- Krpniluan in occupied with new-> aiat- teis. to-tiay. Thr Chrvwl'r treat? upon tne arret* !& of sus- pect" d traitors, a:-.d <!i lends the GoY«inmrat fur I * ademption of power in depriving mii>- pcxttd parties of privileges wh;ch it wuuld have been wron« to tamper with in any Oilier than a time of rebellion. / \i t i> «« t i rm % t-» v/i'ik luiuJ J x D U JJU l!iT. TUB GREAT BATTLES AT MIRFBEESBOBO. THE TLBN1NO POINT TN Til It WAK! INTfcKfcSTING EXPLANATIONS CONN KOTKD WITH IT! The fnct« received in Washington bearing on the great battle* at Murfrf*e»boro,l up to i *p tn. to-day, vre pr.blish elsewhere. Such ft* y are tfcey furnish ground for the eiron; hope liiM the Union cause has gained in them a substantial victory of more importance it * future than any utiiiT marking the pros:re.-s 01 thi> or 4 r #1* thia ma The fir*t engng«*ment took place on the 30tU alt. near Ste wart Creek, and ub that day wo drvve the rebel* brick, .»ith heavy lOas of killed and wounded and a h <;.Mred prisoner*; oar Iom in killed and wonrned being seventy. The battle was renewed < n tb»« next day (the tinned Tintll ten p.m. Its leeult on t^iat drty was a* follow». Vte: McCooic's divislou wa* substantially beaten, being driven back tlve xnii***. At 2 p.m. Gen. Thomas broke lh«; rebel center, driving it the distance of a m A; and ( ritu-nden'd lelt winjj toy* the rebel enypn.h- ir.ents at Mnrfr^-bboro'. Whereupon Gen. Ko»*cran-> (according to a telegram;- ad tan -ed our whole line. We apprehend, h-->w»»T« r, that tbi« may be an ^rror, as anoiher telegram (of the &ame dale) rminale* thai McCook o iavision rv*t*Ml fh Ht nkht in tl;« iiA«i»lAn - . i«- Uir n ar, to which it had b^n driven. liowtyer. on the is»t instant, the pngag<tment vrtu again renewed at 3 a. m., and at" 10 a. m. Wood's and Van I'letrt diTi«>i»ns wen* in Murtrwaboro*. driving the enemy. u:k» trrrr in fud reirtaL We thu» pn-w-nt t'io Star's readers a aucvmct explanation of *yhi« »ituution*' op to the l.vtt uiumeut at which (at 1^ p. m. to-day) thcrp in Aaforu.ation in Washington from that bloody ik**id. It gtrrfe substantial ground lor b»l*ivitig thai we have gained an important and decisive ; ictorr, as heavy su» our lo*«ect hiv» be--u. For an idea of these, wv commtTid th* reader to tha tel-graiue concerning the hauler published in other column* of to-day's .Star. 1L ae we now believe, CJ«n. Rosecran^ hai eiguall/ beaten the great r^bel army contending with him for the p<»»e«*ion ot the i>eparun.-nt of thA ( Him1 «'t Km . ... . - v. wr. »»«. » wm w wrest rroin them, tiu* importance of his success can hardly be oT)-r-«»itmaU'd. It mu*t, if properly fol. lowfd ap, re»Aie the command of Rist TVnn**- and Northern Oeorgia from the Richmond a«thoritie«, and at the same time grwatly btreugthea the prob ibliiuee of theMucc«nMof ih« oonbftned land and watwr campaj/n for the res- ou from the rebels of the control of th» Mi«s j»> stppt rtrer between Vicksbarg and Port Hud- no*.a distance of 19u miles.which h<w» so far enabled th-»m to obtain from Tex»w* the supplies they hare drawn from that Stat*, whl -ft are of Ti'al necessity to the »ncc«« of th^-ir «.« . niiitarj operations. At Una moment (}r*nl, li&uka, and l'orur'» it*-*-1 ar>> fairly engagvU in tfiia rampiuga. V/i'.b tu*> railroad roaa<»cU>»iM of tfce r*-b. U in Northern G.'Orjcia in our hnndr, t>r at our ai» r.-y, act the result of a gr»-:vi victory at Mur!T**-«»Woro\ ami witii thf control of Uu- cbatmels of communication i"J wvur Slid rati) brtwwu T«i.a» and Arkansas &ii 1 trie i*ct of tin* in revolt, ;is tii* r- ault of Jn» <] rail'. B&nkti nn.i IV.rt .r "»- ' WiLl be fairly divi>i«d into thre ui^lat.:d »«:- it n^, :«;d »t> mili ary Htr ng'h Will »** b '-n ;hu« well ni|{H rte-troyt-d. t t p 'o 'h-itu.u- it* *t fn*th lia# n-^ulu'd for tL<» ;u »*:. ,»:irt iron thf fac.lry with whi<*h (by its* r.illr >.vl .1 »<l Kt^Wippi n\>r ailva ta/»--«) it c>'.ld co icr. trai it; tr op* and supplies witivrnt d lay jujt trhtr* th« j might b»» n-'tdul fur h»« nontv. Wi'Ji E*/*» T»*iin»*i>>-ee ani North rn < ; y zv\ And U.« command of the euttn* Muri>ti)ipi Tiwr lu our haud«, thi» gr.-al a<lva.i:a<» will to© tuntanUy «wt-pt away. The ad«*r will t!.*rt*for» p"f ivifct a^Ia vn» vrbjr wh n-fjard thf Murfrronijoni . U'Ims -if UM-y hvvf, att w«* better*, r »«uin a hut- subuaI and toDonani . - ~ m . ...V<l IKL'JIJ US OI n_or*» import* act to tb«» ro >d <-a;iN« than ervn tL** redaction of Hichraoud w mid a1 ttus t;me. tVcfvtAj-y of Ubf Tr*)\»ury hiu d*otd- ,d to pay la coin Uu* loan of IHStf, mujub'U^Io rtc^nt WWCH fell dtM» tb* l«t iatfC Bonrtii to be r^'fun-d muat he trumliird i# etHl<>CM** l tjr Uw* l«ftl holder. /"Tlu* |*r- #kVnt his apprurrl th« bill Vl- imntuf We»U rn Vtrgliii# «n a strue ol i'i» 1 f ion, and >1 it uovr a law. Tbi bill w ia m^okI by Uu. Pr-«idv&toa Wrtuitvja/ LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. A (jKEAT INIUN VICTORY. LATH FBOM HOLLY SPRINGS AHD CORINTH. i Till RBCHL OENPRA:. PORKB8T COMPL1TR- LY ROUTED. ALL Hid ARTILLKKY CAPTURED. BFRVT rtFPTr»US4 IT Til VII A S f> \J * H K CRN. 0NBH8. Caibo, III., Jan. 2..Our lines are working to lir.lly Spring* and Curiuth. (ft-ti. Sullivan hipped Forrest at Spnns Ilill. II-? routed his »»ntirf foTcv ami caj>t»:ed .til bi» artillery, and three hundred stand of arm *. The K-'bel CVlonel, Me.pier. 14 killed, imd th Rebel Colonel de fchay, is a priboner. W.G. Tcttlb, Hrig. Gen. iiarrack* Hurned. Mii wavkkk, Jan. -2..Tli«* barracks at (Vtmp Sicel, occupied by the 2?th Wisconsin, wore burnt-dl;iai n*gi*t, and two privates were burnt to d< A!b. Tlit* regiment has removed to Camp M'uhington. Tim Bmnkitit, To-mCiHT..Tu-night, Uxr itigti the lib rality c: Mr. I^eo-iard G rover, an » ntvr- transient will b^ fCiT*"n at hi* theater for thn teneflt of the company who h ire b^n *u.'h heary losers by th® burning of Ford's Theater. The entire company of Grorer'n Theater vol- Tirit- er th^ir service? ; also, th* stars of the Can- terbury and Wa.shinj{U>n Varieties, by ihw kind permission of M»;**rf». Percival and Hamblin. 1 he bill lor to-nijtht is a mo-t powerful ou*. embracing two attractive playn and thr fuil strength of the tripl" companies. We trust that the house will be filled from pit to do me. -MFDICAL SnniRTY OV TUB DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA..TIic #emi annual meetiug of the Society wili bp held in the Mtd cil Pep^rr- nn:t of Georgetown College on V ulreet, near Twelfth, 011 MONDAY. Jan. Sth. at li o'clock. ::i It W. McK. IUCKBB M. 0..Kee *ec. nr^TlANBrAUIIT PAIN Tines WITH 11 ? .MAVjlC LANTISKN .Re* Ch.ulkS Sfittii vriTTgit» hu Kxhibitiou of bin beautiful Painting* w;th a Scientific L*nttiru. THIS KYKtflNM, m L niOL Hall Hand's New I»ui.<l;n*. *"*1 Ninth St.. at o'clock. Admittance 26 cena; children 13 i centa. Mr Bi*k\r will aUo Kpi'sk in the *am« Hall TO- MORROW KVKNINO.at 7 o'clock. yuhjec: ' The llofepitali and I'riwoBw." It* rr-^- SMITHSONIAN LECTURKS.. Prof. A. Lkj* GtToT.oftAe College of New Jersey, will rtf liver a course of Lectur« h cn " The uni;» o' !D the **"-ti-r.i of life, a? exhibited in the . haraiit -r irtic idea.- *ud luutunl relations of the #r«nt yruup-i of the Tejf tabie a,nd antHiitl kingdom*." Tii« flirt Lroture will be gireu on MONDAY EVliNiNft, Juiurjr fitu. Subject Introduction, tinttrr. tixl thn lif»* A>nteu) ; ti» » character, *i.«i l»!jv.- r.-!nV ci tht? great claMitt-K of the vejfo- kingdom. The lecture* will commence nt 8 o'clock p, m, j T>*> public a-c i«Ti!»'il \<Imitt«.nr.« fre.>. ji3-2t CIIL'HCII FAIR..Th« ladies of Fietcher ! Chapel M. E. Church, will hold a Fair at Il ia Fellows' Hall on Seventh st., betwoen D and II strtet®, commencing on MONDAY.at 7 o'clock p. I m., Jar.nnry 5th, Tho patronage of * j «muk public ret-pe -.tfuiiy invited, with the d. ouiis*? of a ric!i eutt*rtt:nuifnt. 1* 2 3t* ! |V-*=*CITY POaT OFFICE, J ? WAdHI5QT0X. I>. C. I Sr.tirr i* hrrrhy jfirun that in accordance with ir.Ktrsrtitn* 2n.it! wn by PoMtma tar G'>n**rft), I will rrCcjve. t il TL'EbDAY. Jauuary fi, aa<3 fur ; thr »:pac» of thirty days tfc«ri»affc«T, for redemption j at tLis office, tuch suthif or drfarrH postage stamps as b.ave btcc-me so by being used as curreney. Appiy at Boom No. 1**, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m., and 2 o'clock p. m. ja 1-eoim L. ClB. HANH. Po*ttiarter. rV" w-.fcUTIC S..To the Ma*t<-r Horn* Mhoer* «»f LkJ? Washington, b. C.. gentlemen, you are IT»»rpl<y nc.tifi.-d ibat t:ie reKul>ir monthly mo^tiTjg ot tin* niackauiitiix Annotation will be held on M*NI>AY EVENING, January 4th. 1861. at tae Jiicbmcnd Hon**, corner of 3th and D nts. Ali are | r i-qu>v.it-d til Mttnnd. By order of Association. de31-51* THE FAIR FOR THb¥kNEFIT OF ST Vincente Orphan Asylum, corner loth aui Of (.« atr« ; t* will1 run nu mon DA YN It XT, 29th inst., al tbft coi urr ofTentfc ami (i *t*' 2i-2w q^-'Bick and wounded oryioJSK3. Scrubs GKNKRU.'K 0" flC9 , / WisJiintton, Drember 15. IDS. \ Sick and woun^d Oi*ic*T* of the R- fu &r Army i in tbia city will call on 3ur#e*>n J. F Barnes, IT. «. i Army, far professional attendance. Office No. 290 II *tie«t Sick and wounded OfFcers of Volunteers in thia city wii! cal! on Forgeon M Clyuer.U. 8. Volun- tfern. fur profnHMiimal atU-nd&nr.e. OSch JO.) Pa »Ter-n«. The aboTn nam»d Sarfeoaa ar« *pr.-.iai!y assigned totbiftduty. JOMiPlf K. MMlTli, de r-dtf Acting Surgeon General. BARGAINS'.FOh SALE-On* nix «eat CAR- RI A(i K, iu yooi or)«r; r««t |2i'; will be Roll for tS A!m>, uov family (JAKKIAQK. aiiuoet uefr; C »-l Will be M)ld Tnnnirj ja 3-?t» KDW'AKD HAYWOOD. APPLKfe. potatoes, and CIDKK.-1;»00 hi.rr(?|^ APHLka. inj Barrels Jackson Whiyj V%hit« Pi»TATOK8,ai::l !<>> Barrel* priui'j CIDER, t «.!. .U - * 11 * » J t » « ' njitCU Wiil i,r, sum 111 IUIH VO KU !X. pu rC t:>«HtT8 J. !*. WATKKS taS *otw* !09 Water *»., G*nr«elnn, l». C. BAL7AC S WORKS. 60 Cskts **b Volume. ; L'Lqt-rs de Id llist ria ConV-mp >r&ihe; l.« licpute d'Arci»; I.on Chuuim ou La nri«ta<neen 1799, L* Mvdicin le Camptvirncj he Per- Goriot; Memoir"-" dt d%ux Jeu\e? Maricw?; Le i)#rii<-er9 Incarnation V&utriu; La Cuu»in Pons Let Rt- v&htes, Louie Lliube! t, Leo i'mi ueon en Pr iviuna; Fomma d<» Trent* An* Imported from Pa is by ja 3 _____ FBASCK TaTLOR. rt* NOTICK TO SUTLKR8. i IIE ()rd»r forbidding ciearatctM for Satiers' Qoooe is reooovtd. AS! information wiil be im- parted ai d arracaements mad* for clearing t i«ir :«r ptiea for their Reg>n»-ntb. to the arujy of the Potf.rr.HT rycallirgat No. .133 i7th nt.. opposite thf H*r l>ep*rtm«nt Tn- icm>: under a *l«-arane<»glT*n to J. H. Clark ft r J Li T wer. N McMauun. U. Siiaw. J J Hi:i mar O Perm*, P C RT*l«»th, 0. O Cn*n.ler.Vt. M. Cfca-e. J. L. JCLri and G. A. Daltzrr ia at Pet- tif nr-f » Wh*rf near Long Bridg", aaa will lo&d «.I- M^i'icy . tlie iith mettul. .1 ?t* (Clirou ] j n. n.\RK 1)aNCATU \KT1C(jNIZKDOI,D r VK WH18KT X for iii>-dic»ual titf, io d at ADA MSO.N 'a, «)0t5 Niuth street on» doer from Pa arena*. PLKK L'-'NUllUL Hit gMOKINtt TOBACCO, Hilly B-wlcjk' Band, lfttt Kin« of the Krer- fl'tvlm A* B:1It w** without an equal in Ioto for iiia triK« uid homing f-oan-la, h<> thU T 'ba.-co taudn uaritaitd iu poiut uf delicacy ; it* riehnA**, era cr.or %r 1 pi^aaant p*rfum r r aving sained f.r it the mrritcrioua lille uf A'c Flu* Ultra. Hold at APAMPON'fc, 30« Ninth aireet, ote door from Pa. avenue. SL'BLL BAKE NLT9, .V) canta pr.r p?ck, feWBfcT CIDBR. 30 cents per «aH<.n, H1NCB MKAT, 15 touts per lb.. fri>ah Roll BUtTKK. V. and ccntx ppr lb,, F(.OS, Mr-td rt-nu p«r down, ORANftEB. LISMONr, APPLES, FIOS, RAISIH8, CURRANTS. 1>ATK8. COoOA l«UTv at ADAM80M'*. 30« Ninth «*., 3* 3 M* One door from Pa. arena* MPO MJT' HM.-VOR SALE OK CHAKTUK- 1 Two mi table jui'l eonrcuinnt? KSnll.H,. of iMi »n.', 6<' lr-n* e»pH<Mt)r. Apply imsn-4mV- 11 to BAKNKS 4. *0* hallmakera, 63H Uih> . rf.t-.f-' n*ar th* wharf. JaJ-hv* B UTTLU, fcOOd. CllKKdH, WHOLhSlLH AND HHTA1L. D f* tiUfROW No. tllO Kiffcth nt.. w*r P% ar. K B.. HotrU, k'iug huoMHt, A.P., ike,, fnrnUHM at lc-wf rt i.«r- i price*. ii F'AFTKJIN I'BC'DrCK- * of 0TAT0B8 8 btit» PIOKL.KD CODFI8H, HADDOCK and UKB- F! NO. h U-Xf* of SncoLt* 8ht>r« HH' Hi NO Per Mk?e at flarT-yi Wharf. «#n board aehr. Ulack. hvao Irwiuir^of J . O. J A jKM X M, yn L«arl, or at D L. MuRRIiH>N'8, earner Tw> Irth ntre»t %n 1 Canal. _ FMIBTWARD DARSWAKR HTOKK -ED AtliK'T) * 1/1 v - -'» « . t-~ a/ f « i /x » n o. 1 rn u tw*'H \7th anc l»fA i(*..Ilarin* tak.ro thr lar*«» nu t rrirmr>di>an formerly «ecapi*<l l>» K l riu <ir»**-r. wo »? «« n«w pr»p%r«^1 to fd'nifih oi it»m ao<l tfc«- trjflf with *»r» *t)iln« iu ihw Har.i wa:«. Oati-.ry &o4 liudM krciiioif U4M* KDMOND At HAVKN, 1**0 T*. aTenuH, t*t l7lh ami I8lh Ht«. J. T> Kr *f>sn--W T tit***: formerl with i rtmiiMI ft (Vy l»* and (Jamph»-rt A. Son. Ja'J I'D* | Wood : WoO<l! Wood X I KI.M>UIX« AXl) STOVK WOODI Ob hnud. th« b«-«t quality of all kindnof WOOD! nft^r.D a.>U MPI-IT IN ANY LHNOTU OR bIZK BHQUIRjiD. KINDLTN WOOD. A Hupcrii r Arti<4« of Pin*. iwImM ei^rcMlr for klrxiliL*. H*w«d Hbort and Vine Bpilt, as tut« tor chtroMi Id bulldlo* AntkrwlW Vir«« in llAdUtor*, Banff**. tee BiTtM CU toArm ordered. TUOS. J. OALT, 0«« Wi r«*n *»« « *, M. llth ito l !Mu Nttt »ud V»H t.i *4 Boywtwntfc ft )«n t-tf | tU »i»4 ChroaioW ) DUKT HtfiM MilOU 1H«1 to MOTMMIIK ! =«»*..br 1/utmM, I ft lit; U *ATLOE, OFFICIAL. % .- Dspabtmrvt or Prim. I Wasiiisoto*. January 1 IBM. f Information has been reeeiTed at Mils De»art- mont from Mr. Dayton, the Minister of the United i*t&te* to Franee, of the deaths of the follow;a® named citiaena of the United State*, in Franm: Marie Henrietta Blou <*. at Pari*, an the Itth of February. U-ia, atfed aixty-one yearn, born at Alex* andria. Virginia, wife of Pierro Yincent Aurref, of 8ooTille. Paul Lue CaacoaTn. at Pari* on the Slut of Jan* tj*ry, *#pd fleTen and a half year*,b<ra in N-w Orieins. Louuuana, ion «f Pierre Andre kdouarrf CuroiTu and Kaeh«i Vi'z. Marie Adeie IJerlaucourt, at Paria, on the 4th >f March. lSf.j. Agmi twenty-twn yearn, in«truclr »*, torn in North America. Charles Crain, at Paria. on the 23<1 of S'ptem^er, I3f.!,agrd thirty 1!t« yearn,horn in New Orleans, l.O t .-Maoa dentiat. Margarc-t Whitrng, at Paria, on tne Nth of D r.. rnbrr, ;.«1. ag;d fiity-fonr ye-rn, bo'-n at towc.{"r Ch»ilt»»tc>n,> wifa of Kbe» eier CoLltm r , dsugh tr or El<ierd Whiting and Abigail ;a:q i*h Wh:lii:(, Emilia Augusta Co-k, at Paris, on th* nh of June, 1^2, ag«-1 forty y«ar*,born it Bridgeport. T it i ted Stat«*B. JUiza^eth JLIonorine Rirarde, at Paris, on f-« lMh of May, l?k>3, aged rifty-three years born in NVw Orlt-auH, daughter uf Aeitillea Kirarie and &e:aphine Trydtl. J^an K»nn»><iy,at Pari*, on the Jr'th of .T^nn^ry, l.-tf-'!, an«"i twenty-fBTfii yeara, by vuetliun a coach mm . hr.rn in New York Air~in Ti'iHe, at Oaillon.ou the 11th of May, 1361 * -i'i1 'w«ntT fnnr vuapm h* vnt*tLinn a.«Hfi!iilln hnra in the LMted stale" Jedidiah Vincent Hcntinaton.at 8au, on therith of Maxell, IS12. born in New York, age4 lorty-.lertn ye m. kpoutve of M&rr Huntington. Q *rtrude Fi*her, wife of Edw»rd Robin*. »t Sau, cn lie l .b of March, W62. aged twenty four rears, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Auieiin blurfrs. wife of John Fierp^nt Morgan, at Nice, on thn l.'th of February, lJVit, aged twenty* ail years, born in New * c-rs. Ja3-Jt BOARDING. rj'WO FURNISHED ROOM 3 FORRBNT, in a 1 honsa pi«H«antly situated on I st., between 17th an«i l.^tn «:n. Adtiri-Hn' D," at lhi* oUr*. Ja32t* Q(UJ WEST I^Tfl STREET..A f'» g«ntle n>n 0«"«" can be »ccc:i:inulate-1 with ROOM.i and BOARD by calling soon. House occupied Northern family. ja3-2t* A HANDSOMELY PI UNIFIED Sl'lTB OF R{H»MH, on H.-fnnd floor, < aritH Firs c'ms B' arc,) it Duw vacant at Ni>. 1 Franklin Plaee,f street, between iirth and 14th. Unexcep'i iut^le rpfnn nre rrqnin-d. )a 2 Iw* FfAMIlTFS AHI) 81NOU aiNTLIXMN CAM h«* a'-c.>n>moiIat«d wjrfe ple.vsaut Front and H«^k RC'OMS, lighted with **-, a id have hot and eoW water in each, by applying at 473 D street, north #a*t comer of Second. Table Bo.*r-1ers al*o accoiuiuudatt-d. ja ? St* LnMT-CLA£8 TUlMMHll H KiMS. with o7 1 with.-.ut Board. Bath Room, gas,at No ISA D *tr«t-t, betw» »n 4.4 and 3d St., 3 duors below City Hull; hr.ilthy Ucatiou and the very bef*t nf neigh- borhood. de 31-tJt* liJAR1)INli.. Lhtkh and well Furnished ROOMS f for rent, with Board, single and coraranmea- (iiiK. one Mqnare from Wlllardf' Hotel. Inquire at Star Ofr.ce. no i3 U A I I C PA DTTLV ir« I - C'^ht * i ttin* x. auxxuu, atu- REMEMBER TTIK HERO OF NEW ORLKAN ! THE HI K"R 1 L')YS IN THE FIELD AtUIN! The members t>f the HIO K' RY (M.t* R tak*p^-e^t pWaaurt in announcing to their many friends and the public in general that they Will $ive their 11th GRAND DALL at T»Tnp»r*n<y Hall, on Est . between 9th an<1 nth atn., onL THUKHDAY, Jan.ftth. 1*>S Tickoti *1. sdm < ft(,tml!e!i!sn h d laiicn. For particulars fee fat i e a 1 v«rti*;r»enti). By rder of the Committee. It* { UiAM> M1HTAKV A.NDClVK BALL, TFMPERA\CK HALL. WEDNESDAY NIUI1T, January 1. Tic Arts ONE DOLLAR, admitting a fmtl-man and ladie?. ja 2 ft* TXkE NO'i ICE - The SIII EL DS BOYS t7ke great pleasure in annou: cing to their niary fr'emiB nnil th--- public in general, thV they intend gi'ing their eleventh GRAND* BALL at IVniperaQce Hall. E street, etw-..nL SHh ar.dfioth, on THURSDAY NIGH r. January :&d, 1*^3. See particular* in future adyerti^msnt. la 2-3t* w » c*iu s#n r>o m»» r a# f * u' r<iuc .*ir> r. a j/iji w. ft. A. r OR "TOE THlilll TIMK. KINU FRIEND3, W K (IRKKT THKK ! The iuemberp of the MERRY SOCIAL ASSOCI- ATION viill rive their THIRD GRAND HOIKKE on MONDAY EVENING J.in<ia-y 5th is;3.a' Temp?ranc< Hall, E utrevt, j fween 9th »nd 1- th. The raemb'is pled**! thrn.'Hflvrs that thin Poirec ahall nurpas;, all other* which thtjr hare jjiren. Floot Manogtrs. J. W. Lanfelale, t1 B Clement*, Ge^r**1 Ow**n«, W. D, Biddleraan. B&lkt Master C. W. Dint fommMl'r. of Ar-rnnfrrnrn!*. J. W . Laufdaie. W. D. Hid 11*wan. V Rnv«, J. II. Lowry. >1. J. Hlcginw. dejjl «t'_ TIANCING ACADKMY, MMPERANCE HAI.I. F. $trr*t% hrtrr-en9tA and \otU..Prof MARINi brgr lea?«- to aunounce to the public that his aect.ne auarHr in Dttnrin* * ill commencoon 8ATT7RP \ Y n*>xt, | January :M, l*i3 V r ladies, min-tm an-i; ma«terq. from to ftS p, m : for tr-ntleiaen. froaa tMT. " "* .i.Vii4' tA and \3L CJTORT OP THE GUARD-By Mrs. J C. Itre K riont; Si M. Tiann.a Romance.By Jean Paul, 2 rolfi.; Si. nnnw, ,f i Kfflulta o! Emancipation. B> 0<>chin; JJ1.50. I>e ToCflufcTilltt'tt Democracy in Ami-riri, 2 toI*., new edition; 9 I. Atbeoa. or Tragedies of ITnbelief; $1. Buckle » Kaeaya, with biographical *k«tfh: .51 The Pfntat»ueh and the Book of J->ehua.By Bi-hnp Coli-nt-n; 81 26. (.' urowekiH Diary, March, 138!, to November, i#62; 9) 21. i-i>ring« of Actior . By Mrs. Richar Ja, 91. Memoir* »f Mrs Joanna Bf-thnne; $1. The Students History of Fran re; 9' 25- jal FRANCKTAYLOR. PB0r08AL8 FOR ORADINti SOOTH CAPI- TOl, 8TKKKT. FROM N 8TREKT cOUTH TO frOVTH BIDE OF 8 STRKRT 80CTII. Mator's OrPiCK, January 1, W3. Prspos a l a will be received at the Mayor's Office ul til 12 o'clock m.,on the Hth day of January, 1»>3, for executing the following act: An act for grading South Capitol street, from N to 8 ft root nauth. Be it matted by tht Board uf AitUrmen and Board cf Common Council of th* city of Wathiiigton. Tttat tho aum 01 sixteen hundred dollar* ( S 1,600,) or ao n>och thereof aa may be necessary. be and the same ip hen hy aptrnprated, payable o«t of the funda of the Fifth and ft««*enth Ward*, for the purpose of grading Soath Capitol atraet to the proper grade and to the proper width between the curbTiNe*, from south sidf of N street south to the south aide of 8 Ktreot south. See.V. And be it eneuted, The Mid grading to be |ti-r ea to the loweat responsible bidder or bidders. uvvi >urui iTinancurur io me tmosoi of thirty two huudrM (3,300) dollar! for the faithful com- pliance of hi> or her contract; provided he or they shall grade one-half the entire length of said 3outh Capital street, from IV street south to soath side of fcstreet south,ouer before the tirstday of Jane next, so e« to make a rood road from If street Muth to the south side ef 8 street south, aad that the *ht>le work shall be completed within on© year from the date of said contract. Sec. 3. Andbt it mntitd, That said work te be ad- vertised for proposals for ten data, aad In no shall the work cost orer a fx teen hundred dollars; provided that ne part of said appropriation fchtll be paid until said work is completed to the Hallsfac- tion of ths Mayor. Bidders are required to state the total ameuat for oxeeuting and complying with the requirements of the above aet. Jy 1 dt!4 RICHARD WALLAOH, Mayer. N1W AND BIMPLIVIXD MBTHOD FOX PIANO PORTS AND SINGING. PROFB8&OR ALBXANDBB WOLOWBKI. TlIfiJST. TOCALIST AND COMFOSBR, Has op«n«d Ladies and Gentlemen's Afternoon (4 o'clock') ssxd Bv«ning ( nVJoek > Biuciag Glasses, on most liberal term*. Prof. Wolowskf will also explain the full theory af Muuio aad Reading by his system. By Prof. Wolowekl's new method a person har* ingeuly a slight kuewledge or music will be ena- bled , in a very short time, to read mu*ie with great facility, and execute operatio as well as elassioal music with rare perfection. A* to the vocal part, by bl» way of TOCollaatlott he arrives at mo»t extraordinary reeutte, render* the role* powerful and enable* the singer to to- cafiae with facility, accuracy and fine quality of tone. Prof. Wolciwoki reee(ye« vieltori daily from JO to Ham and from 3 to 4 p. ra.. at his reeidence. No. 4til Tenth street between K and P. , N. D. Children ever eight year* of age are a<v oepted. de 8 1m DUET, rftOM NABOB 4, 1W. TO BOTBKBBB 12, 1881. by ADAM GUROWBKI. BJfILP&IN*8 Bookstore, de It if *44 Pa, ivtmi. I WAUOMB. U » V V A- L - - . . » v/u u*iiu » mi oi wagon* wbiefc I will Mil Ttrt rtu-»p Wacom of all dMCtiytiMl, built to onl«r io th« Terr beet iniMf i and wurranted give ati*f*ctlon. R«- pairic# in all 1U branches attended to with n«atneM end dif-patrh. WM. W. bapli7, lath «tr*et, near Pa. areaue, WadUmUw, dt 5-im' _Proi«pect dtreet. <**orf««U»wn. Dminob meat. OMKSirO mincb MKAT KING L BUROHBLL. d* 23 Corner lB*h ard Vermont aT. vrbnuh JUVBNILI BOOIU. i K Capitein* 8»hr»-I>e l)oU, 61 cento. La Poci aiuc oenfa-d or, «3 o«nU. M ivjiuuiw (1 B«nU d*» WmU, f) eenta PotitM AnntflprnlW PvipMi $1. Ia» h«i(Mur PoliohUM*, #1*. Lt IfM Mixtions*, 01, 1* ri<*Of K»ri, $1 N omvt-M TW*tr* <4'«dao*tt*a, 0*atS, P»-H Drib tour, ||. Boii Pu>*. 91 irir*4^"r,rta- r»A»o* tATu>*. PERSONAL. I'll " IC NOTIOH la hereby rir»n that the Mrlbir will not be re*»-»nalbl« for debt 1 wr li-.b uift contracted iu otr n*rae wit* ».it aer written authority. HMZ A B3T11 IRO^I WrhiBf^B. P. 0., In.t,UB, > a- est* | WILL MK JAMN.H BISHOP, WHO WBOTB »» on th* 20th ait., to a gaatletnan at Haltiafeore, be pleaded to leer# hta addroas at the Office of tho Btar. Ja l-3t* NO IMPOSITION -MADAM K R038 heajum ar riT#»d. Dortrowi and AHtrnloffint. Was born with a natural irift. Shf» tell* the pt*t and f iturw. I wju= n«*Tr>r Known to fail. She ran tell your rmry 1 ' ' . «"«*<>« m»rri«j,.« hrilllf ton t»t h i«f j \ noil J" ^ wurr r*yxrxr>A j « « » , __ those long separated No. 435 w*»st If str.»et, he- twpi-n Sixth and Seventh. Th» only pi-rson that run Khotr a likenos* of future hu«hana or ab*-*nt friend iu reality. Ladit-s 30 cent*; gentleman 9 - dec3fMw* MB8. L. SMITH, a most axoellent tout and h»al in* Medium will sitting* at 60 Soath A street. between 1st and 3d sts., Capitol EIi 1 i. for ex- aiuinatlou of disease, string your Htid« a* welt deceased friends, *^ts names, reals tne future. Hnnrs from 9 a. m. tili 9 p.m. Sittings 91. de*= Sir* WANTS W AM'*'1.» Bundle w^v-nKR and CH4M- HKi M A 19. Apply at the ybbitt lloi.se. It* V\f A NTBD.Bjr a young *o nan, a *t > UATI>>?V " in a re« p«cTal>lt> private fninily, a* nurse V4- dren Box 31 rUnr office .11* WANTFD-Two 8ALB8 LAnrKP, in a Fa-icy S'ore, 34 Market .*p»cv, between 7th an 1 8t;i. j* 3 31* W'ANTBD.A respectable Tiid lie aped VFQMAM, to take charge ut » m -H fiiiily Unod wi<-it giren Kuquire yfil Penn. avenue, south aid-. 3 doors fr- m 12th It* deuce, "Kmpin) Office ja3 2t* WASIED-To KMNTor PURCHASE in ttt *ei»>"y » f the Navy Yuri. & sma'l Dwelling H<>T*f»K, for which a reasonable price will bf p*oi. Address, staling particulars or applT io p^r'oa to liKMUEL 6K1)UI9, Ntry Store. Washington. D. 0. - It* WOOD COPPERS WASTKD..**50 WOOD CHOPPERS wanted immediately, to chop wood by the lord, for which tfl* highest price *i!l be given. Persons will employed at orers er» by the nion h on bringing garc" o* 4') men or roor.-, Apply to the Stores of RIPDLK 4 00., and JNO. 11. TAYLOR, Maryland av«*nue. or to the office of GILBERT & MEER,«M K street, I \1t/ANTED.A res enable mi le-***! WHITE »» » OS# AN , to uurn» on* child Apply imsa-" d;nt<lyat35? Ninth fitreet, corner Mas^achus tie |T«. ONE lirNPRF.n FOLLARS will bw <iren to any one who will procure me a nice hou*e be- tween lr-*h « * mid Georgetown. Lea** no'ice at Bni 39 Star Office. Ja.lSt* j VM7ANTED.Two or threw Unfurni.-ked RO' MS, » by a gentleman, with wife and chill, in G*nr»ft»irn «»r Eir»t Wa d. 'or h^use^-pii*; Good price will be given. Add rep* Be* fct%r Ofti No. 39, stating terms and 1< cation. J*3 3t* ("^OTI&NMIST BMPLOYMKMT WANTKD-A T gi.od Ik nun will be paid to anj ©«r*on who pro- cures the ad*ert{Her employment in this city, bringing about jjjlftOO a year Brst of ref-ren^.e can be viven if "quired Addres«t, in strict "onS- ur » wrr i iirr uru 10111 B'l' rv-. 1 m »* > v V17ANTED.A W AIT ft K !tt th^ Gonlinf R<>*tau »» rant. '247 P»»nn. *T<»nae, b«'tw»»en 12th an"! 13th its., ore that anderntands the bu«ine« <. can have got d ttngcs th« whole year round. None bu». huch muHt apply. Inquire immediately. with ref- er»-nop. nt 1h rp<»t*n *nt 217 P»r>n nr<* j»"? if VV ANTED IMMLDIATKLY.A Furnishel PAR » LOR and BED R00>l, communicating, by a pentlenmn and his wife, with or wft.hout Boar 1. Woulo like the roonih ii»ar Penn avenue an 1 be tween 4H and 17 th «ts. Addre«« iin uc iiat ly' M.," Po*t Office Box HI. KivinK full d»'<o<ipti'ju of the rouirn. number, and pri- e n»r rni-n'h. UT ANTED.17 a competent woman, who is *c- cuhtoroed to worfc a MTUAJ1<>N an house- keeper for a widower or niDgle man. PleaJf a1 lr«-cii fe«x «£ 7 Mar (Iffce. ilr.Vlw VVtANTKD-A flrnt r«te COOK WA8UKR *nJ " IKuNfcR, in a private tauiiljr. Wn<e- s w per month. Aho an industrious CI1AMBMRM AID. N«>ne ne>d appl) without good rHooinmerniatiund. Call at No. 341 I st., between Itlb au-1 lt4b. de J 'w* WT ANTED- The public to know that we have a » * few small Tubs ql very choice Dairy Butter, suitable for families. Also Wrapping Paper, ata tionery, Tobacco a&d Ci^arit Ac. * 8. JONES A BRO., de "V'-lrri* 97.1 P* * h(>t*Mn J^th *ml l:th AHOI>K WASTID-If po'aiblf*. c».-ntr»I lor*- tion, anil Lorth of Penn are , with about ti*. twelve rconih, for a nniall, first cla** fa nily. »n oil resident of thm city, having prop rty of their own. I'rr partirnlarn. pleas* *pply by letter or in p-*M»»n to the Agency Office. 511 Ninth *t , near Pa. are. Tenants f r part of hou«e or oth°rwise, can always be hacTat thic. office, without charge de 29 W. B. MILLER. \Vr ANTED.A Colored MAN. aa waiter; one w no i " thoioughly underatauda hi* bunion**, anl can come well recommended. A p-ply imm©1larely, 45? Thirteenth street, near the &r*>oa«. de 24 V\7ANTKD.500 GOVERNMENT LABORING M KM, at Aquia Cret-k. Kor furth-r particu- lars apply to C. E. DUCK, Esq ., 6th atret-t wharf. dec 22-li't \\JANTK 1)7.One or more " UNFUKNUUMD »» ROOMS, by a gentleman an l wife, in a de- sirable locality, «r convenient to the city earn, either with or without Board. Ad.lrewi, stating terras, etc., "Permanent," Box *25 Star Office, de IP.t/ WANTED.We are baying SECOND HAND FURNITURE. STOVES end HEJ)I)INO, for which we are paying the highest cash prices, Fam- ilies declining housekeeping, or having a surplus of furniture will find it to their advantage to gi<ra una call. BONTZ * (TRTlFprTW je 12-tf No 369 Seventh it.. betwSen T and k JVJOTK?*..Those id want of Kmployment of any kind would better call on the new Intellitfi- .ce Office, No. 511 Ninth St., where the best of pay will be yiren to first class servants. I hare always applications on hand for food Cooks, Laundres»«s, Chambermaids. Waiters and 8«amstresftes; also for Young Men to wait on tables, in private families or hotels. Farm Hands wanted. Employers in want of good h«lp will find it to their advantage to call, N. B..Homes wanted. The best of tenants can be obtained wixhout obarce by applying as above. no4tf friI._MILLKR FU'RNIBl-ED HOU8K WANTKD..Wanted to rent, for from one to three years a Furnished Dwelling for a private family. Location in the First or Second Ward preferred. Addrea* Lock Bo* Washington. D. C M4-tf WANTED IMMKDIATKLY-A WOMAN, who ' * understands mangling, and other work con- nected with washiny clothe, at the National Steam Laundry, Pa. av» nue, b»*tw«"»n '.1th *pd 13S «t*. de 17-tf JA8. F. HOTOHKlS*. Proprietor. UARTERMA8TKR8 1) K P O T, ALKXAN- ! VL DRIA. Vi.. Dee. lith, WiJ..W ANTKD t WANTKD 100 EXPERIENCED CaHPIN TER8 for the Quartermaster's Department, at Alexandria, Ya. Application to be made to Mr. J. DOUGHERTY, Superintendent at this depot C. B. FERGUSON, difl.Vlm Capt A. Q. M, TT. 8. Army. \\7 ANTBD.300 food, sober and experienced » v TBAM8TBR8, for the Quartermaster's de ' partment in thiseity. Apply to C. H. SNOW, Gen- eral 8uoerlnt«nd*nt tfcl« J. J. DANA, de^lm 0«»t.»Dli.Q M..U 8.A, (Intel., Repnb . Chron , Bait Ana, and Phila. Ledger, »1hm copy, one month. 1 llT ANTUD. Brery mnoh to know that 1 am in " th6 mar hat, wmt to par eaah for all artielea In the heaeefarniehing line. Theee leaving the eity or having a ear plna, will do well to eall. R. BuCHLY. 4fli» Seventh etreet, between G and H, (ea«t aide,) Dealer in New and 8*oond-hand Farni- tnre. no l«-tf D1TBCTIVB DKPARTMBNT, MBTROPdLI TAN POLIOI. No. 516 Blerenth street went, I Near the eorner of Penn*TlTn«» *venae \ The Pnbiie are hereby Informed that aH omm re eniringthe eerTicea of a Deteetir© Officer will be promptly and carefully attended to. "/V* </eWta,M upon application being made at the Poltee !l*ad- 9«art«re, No. <110 11th nt^eet ve«t, nnder scperrU ion of W. B. WBBH, 8nperintend»nt nor 24-tawSm of Metropolitan Poline. HmtLt-K yOK hale-A bright h»jr <*»Uio*, Round, kind. fa«t, and very litndioat, of M&mbrino atoek, fifteen-and-a-h .If baada high; fir® ream old n*\% apring Price #228. Can be ae. any morning in tho all»r opening out i>f Vifteea-ana a-Tlalf aUvet, adjoia in* th* hnnw of HcrrMarr HfwnH d" ^1-tf 2,000 rbl8. pbVmrr'ci,ari*ird oidbb far *«ie by kllih A oalr«H, 14 8euth Gay etre«t, da Baitmo re. OC0UPK for MALM. h'KOf th« moit ityllah Uooy*<* la ilwdtr will bp >«old rhi up, aa the o«Mr baa B ,.(van u«n iui »v. Iti PBi* H9T P street, Bear iJth street. »»<x>pi floor. d»«i lw* KL> BLANKKTB, BSD BPEBAD*. hBO 60MK0BT8 9 4, 10 4. 11 4 and 12*4 8HBKTI *(M, TA&LX LIMN, TO*KL8»rd NAPKINS. FLANNELS. FLANNEL 81IIBT3*ad DBA Vf EEfl GLOVEb wid l!()8IIKT of *11 kind#. WM. K. R1LB* * BKOTUBR No 3'», C*mtr»l Storw*. Between 7th -ml 8th *t« . de H 2W Opymlto OxntT IT A~PI~1C8' KM BKOl l»KBEll POO KMT H\M» 1 4 KEBCUIKFB,» new assortment at bi kIotaU rm Om price rnly, ra*rk«xl in plain 8nrw. P KKK> k BRO. 6* 9*- 1<X Pa its. and Ninth i4r«et. |>A1 VOKAL AND HOOP HKIftTH I htm lots )itt rwsiTtd, la the bent HtlM ud at tb»lo«i«teiab prir<«. J. W OOLLBY. de 8 tl»n 898 tUranth wt.. »kof> Pa. »r. glOU 1>W* QOOD8AT KKDUOED PEIOJto, holida y' vk pssrtrs 1 AUo.Ud pit-oen rich DUck DRK8H 91LKF, »tl»«UuAforn«rtric «, J. W. OOUUlY, 4a tl$t*o ib*r« P«. » vm hr mi it rva. M ill **_oM »t » ___. . tK«» Pw®* of W. 6. KiTllKOTI, Mratf «< Utt * 4 Fmia, at*. * M Mf 0MTt>fl >OltW Uiltmill LUI11V.H TBBBB O'OljrX'.K r. M. BOST HIP0ET1NT FROM Till! COW! Our Iron-Clad Monitor Found- Clou CVlt UUUl Wr piop the prea*> tonnnonnce that a d;-pitch bat jnpt on received here, nlft'-intf thai the M<>uit<;r, on her way Souih, .foundered a; a?a, and w(nt de-wn, in the vicinity of Hatter*#! No particular* h*re yet Wn received. Th.> natural supposition if, that all on board p r- lshed. LATFrf'T FROM TliM FIELD AT MUIU'KRES BORO\ T'p to the hour at which th#> second ediUon of the Star go* * to pre*s to-day, nothing addi- tional from Ro.«-ecrana' arm; iww! nuchal W lu-hingtor., except the fpecial dtspai a lo tlir; Philadelphia Pren, apparently dat*~! la.stpyr». nir* at Murfreeeboro', which will be found in our column*. If tfcrre is no mistake In the telegram, (of which we bare doubt,) these truilr* not only raged on the 31'th and 31sd ulta., and th« 1st inbt., hut on tho trd alao; ka viu« ai lis termina- tion last evening the is«ae quite as uudrwr- inined 0* at lu a. m. the day before; to which period the inlormation previously rewired came down. If on thu contrary it BimDlT rover* th tim» to 'he night of the first, It inrolvi-u further proof ihnt Wi' bad gained a bub->tantial victory. Wt» incline to the latter belief because >-a4j-t5^.1, from the entire absence ol di»p>;teh»*« to the Government b< arinjr ye*t- u .y*s d'lte from tht- banlf-lield, (and from other far.4 within oar knowledge ,'bat the wires w»redo\*rn venterlay. rtnd have nut iieen %«*t repaired so as to con r*y :i mccHSge covering an a^coniitof anything that occ urred th* re yesterday, though the special dispatch to the I'rrxt may ha\e cum'- over them before the line beoatuf deranged, leaving »:<rly in the morn n;r. In truth, liowerer, th rem;It lsetili in dotibt,. 1 he dispatch to the New Y-rk Xribun*, which we have just received from .New York, «heds us little light on it as its predecessor*. THE i'OIU'JkK (JUL' KT M AiiTI A.L. To-day, the t legrams jf the acc ns-r-d, orlgi- naily rejected as evidt-nte by il»e C-onrt, an ! 'ubsequently *rre« d to be admitted, w<-re ag.iin r- fid and formally filed. Lieut. Mevenrou, or Coi. Marshall's N. Y" ITt'h, waa th« n examined, ie»tif.viu^ Ia the inj- pct-siJ iiity ol the maroh P t-*t haj been irtdeied to make on the v :tb. oms rig »o th*-iin- Iir.'irt!Pith. it v n: Ilia /»,.-*« »» * v, 0..-4 -1.. *~ j .. - - j w* wM»<»k j « »i»u »*11U iV \ U** lact that tbel.r-. eot the fiu-my on hii rifhi wns li>oovir«hcl:niD^ tj U1 aiU*.k»-d by liiin mi thai oa y. ordered. TELEGRAPHIC. MHS F&OM Vl< KSBVKG. VIA RICH. MOM). RKPORTFD FEDERAL ATTACK AND Rfl- Pl'LSE AT CHICKASAW MAYOl*. MIM. THE RAILPOAD AS FAR A? DKLUl. MISS.. DKoTKOYKD BT THE FEDERALS. FIGHTING STILL GOING OM N kw Yukk, Jan. 3..1 he T:ibuui< h:u from a Richmond paper a Vltkhiuric dispatch dai#<l the 3Cth. Aroonnt# t>ay there wrere fcnr at- tempi* to lurce their lim-*. On Monday. ^,000 Fedtr&Ua^aik d the Tight wing,on CThi^ka:->aw Pajou. but wi rr repulsed to th»*ir bvai*. 1 jbinp 4(0 pritt rs and fire Hand of colors. Th<- Fed*rai* have destroyed the railroad a* far a> iVlhi, which tov* ii, it in reported, has been de- stroyed. The flih? was still going on. THE SiLW \i)Kk TK1BL XE S AC( Ol !*T OF THE BATTLE H IE * .X L9!)EE. TUU al>VAMTAIiK* WITH TUH BSKMl OH WK&N L.-D A Y. ON TIirRSI>AT OCR KATTKKlJLS OPK* A TEKKIhl.P. FlUfc O* Til KM AND TUK iN KM V Ul TK WAY. Niw York, Jan. :i..The Tnbuv't Nashville dispatch, dated the 1st mat., at Murfroesboro', the \ attle w:;n not dt-ciilcd wbfu it eluded on Wednt-rday, tin* Slut uit. The rebels ocali- lted tlir ground which wa» ours tu the morning n: u tin * advantage was theirs. Ou Thursday M nw n ?i lerribl- tir*- wa» om>nwi ir /->« battel le?, wh'ti tin* «?i!<m beit&n to fire way. Tbc-mas "was prcttiug ou the cutr* and Ont U B<;« n advun rinjr on lb*1 l»-ft Tbe but l** wa* more severe tbauever. T if rw-ult U ret doubt- ful. LATE FROM HOLLY SI*KI3I<*S. TEH &FBKL UtNKKAL JORRBaT 1>ADLT frlim'Ki). Koi.l.T SrRisoP, Jan.2..Major GcnrrH T7*l- Wcl, G«nfral~u\-Ck*ej. 2>uliiv&u biw> sure- d'd iu getting a flj;ht out of Forrest, aud h:u» whipped bim badly, lit- captured *ix piece# of ..rtdlery and a*r> at manj hor^ee and Dnaon- erf. Van l>orn was repulsed .»t oveijr point rx- cept this, and with h**a\v let*. U. S. Okaxt, Major Ot»n'! cotud'g >1ETMlKULUiai AL. Cl*oia5ATl, Jan. 3..[To lntri- tut%on }.Kain.UK, warm, ihermom*t»r j. . wind from south. ARRIVAL OK Xiit OthA.1 Ql'RR!f, Kbw Ycbk, Jan. a.The tU*ain»kip Ocean Qne*»n ha» arrived from AspmwalL Sh»« briar* *1,300,0)0 iu tr»»a»ur*. NKVV \OKk MTViat MAKR FT. Vrw You*, J:ui.3..ll.fc a. m..Firat Board. I'ouponu, 6Mil, 7.3-10 Trraaorj Notm, UN*alu»2X; Ortiticataa MJXaWi*; IHd LKtnaad NoW^ (*©ld« I33^al.{3\. TKT FIKTHLH PAllTllI'LAHS Oi Tills URkAT BATTLE IN TK*- EO§»C!RAN'« T \KK> * PRIHOf HR*. OTIR IflFTT GCNfl. AND SKVKN ST AM 1)3 Of 8T ATB OOLOKd. TBI GR>AT BaTTLI OP THI WAR [Dl*p*tch to th* Philadelphia Pre#*.] PATTLK-riBI.D SIAB MURPRBIWnOBO, Dee 31.l p. m..The great battle of the war ia th« South west is ow being fought here. It u raging furiously as 1 write. The entire liae has suO'ereA terribly tlUs morning, and the lost* oa both sidee has been tii avy. The rebels held an advantage in position this uorning, but are now suffering terribly under he t;:illinft Jirv of our destructive artillery, * hich v. at gut luto good pcsiUuu about uoon .o-ciay. Ttu» forlorn hope of Uils army. comprUia^ our regim* uU of rvgular tufantry (including iir lHUi regular », 2,20o atroaje.) and two batter- er, lo*t all of thrir field officer*, two UUrdi of heir liu** officers, a ad half ot the eulUted m«a ailed Mid bounded. lur aaurrfw iroop, (ft CTliiadtflpUia r*gi. ! «*« ) if Ool. Wyukoop'a lUcht cATivlry brltadft, U*o anftwd v*r*ly. Majorc Uo^nzartM kud \S»rd w r* bo-h killed dur. ic * cbarc©. I tw cavalry h»r«d hb I iukuu^uv -red uuiir lr» with tue nt adia«»-Mt of vM>-r r>yalu drv jootiH, ki d much of our iucchm u due lbl». Ot'H. UoiiMwiu win wotini#,! at ttv» hMl »r A* hplemiid divirim, afv-r in tkiar two bift- m4 cL.tr*>*-. and ftflitlnic for (wart/ flr* h >uri CRc. MM»W-jr lsfter.ou*>l/ woutt<i*vi in vkt> taf Ckn, Palm-r danr"^»t»s«v wauudvl. SKOO.NU IMnPaTOU J lu» lM*c. Ji, < 3u r. M.I kar« - ^ from '*»* Iron' wb»t dln rUuf X*r fif%nUe *44 iSTJftKe day.Lu ut n. .mwpn jolin>oo directs the ~.tT of euftnj lu pt rkuu About one o clock (*en. Tsomu thr,.. . *r iirt> corp* d annee a*«in»t xb» rni-ror'n and brr&kiiic it, druve .. * a ml* in great contu.lon. 11 R*bel*. killed and wounded, lay m k**m thi» jrround. Oen. li"*e<Tan« th*n ord*r*d an *4? ,nm . th«- n?lr*> lin»- of hU array In «ap|vor; of q, TV.own*, rind w* ktxm eiija^d th« ePMi£L clow rjuart r* for the flr*t ilmr ia the - - * of the rebellion. BAl«w time Qea. Rowrmn* ob*»rr«4 u. u»v|» xaminr, -worn ae da*o«d rmp.Aw? ili« lruct, fulio^eJ by hi* t.ttf. Tlii» rmip (rrMrilk liymendoHN snonK th» . Mi« n», whor»ll'.»1 V p^j^r j»r.d flrove the ene^r for *o»» (liitw* r\C> »! :it r^i-ll!*-* l *aof(*e>! r\t!» with kt:i «! at the tiukf hj tlir ] !.» on tbell. G»n Ne;;Wy's divi-ion, w.ih lU artillery, w rautinc gr ai drviruruua aa*. t!ii' rrh-1. nn tin* li-f. of rrnttv. n C'riiteiuien, with hi" rorp* d'annr, f in. xh» U1\ wi: i of out annr, hi* gaii^d tt| ! «*nei:;T t *Cfc.i.-l.'-V a;.U :a UrlM:i(t I " J* through itin town, which ih now r, pi^ Xirvr Ijcfun* lis. T> Iom on < t^T hw Tory bury. We I.'iTt- taken n-ar'.y 3,UX) pri*o».»-rs :«i;! Iom n<-t «' &r -o hravjr a* tli*' <T th* r-Wls. Wi' ar»» follow rs- th»*e-.rmy up.: n i w Udr.ff hin. into AtatMUBH *v »f> giro h m v.y : «( Oi-mrnl Chnatham, the ffr«-nteit Wowrr, and Ow Hftins., t»f Aikar.ras, th* hn.n»1»<vn*«t in U«»* n-bfl army, fcfr Una kiiirtl, aad ihew br»di«»e ar*1 in nnr pr*=»»*>«ion Vr Ijhti* uiin-u t>Tr«r fifty gun* and #*%! xUindu of Stair ralor». anb vuii laiUT raoM ihi h*nLa-rteis. [Ihrpau-L lo the Philadelphia Fr<*« ] 1Uitlk-v:kiu kb a a Mi'trn.MM, Jit. 2, p a. Our arr.j btTuutckcd on Jar >-»mt grouud lftet night thatoccuyie 1 by uur turcm «n the p»pM <»« Our army tf.*vnrd aun:»- a/lvxijiinn th* bat. tl«- of yi(si« rd»y, but c«t viUwni terrible e«- na*r. Tbf- Iom on both nd<*P rin only be d^r^ty* xs a)4>t>l utelv Iri'ir.cnriiiut. Ot*n Nffrlly fought hi* tiivivion all day rm. It-rdnj Kpirndldly, :im\ luwt very h^aruy to mi>n, but tav«*d hi* art»ll»ry. (frD. KtHlMO'&u iinuiurlai: wd kilil'Wf ||^ hrforr he f»'ll wTriviy wnnaiM. H* ta « down cuoof the cr^ai heroes of the battle. 1 hem»-iny wan beat »ly rviuforced irwm mm direction lait mehl Maj Oi fi. Mpl'ook h?ui his hr>r*r blow* nto.n* *>y a shell y<"»twd»y afurnoon, \ad, aititfluKliVfi-ri'ly hru:*f<l, *«wh» r*> mo anted aaf rodv to tht front of hip eahant a*vi-ion. <thi. Hicrfiliiin, cvmwhiT*, ajid all Umes, nhlhiiHl rr« at rnolnm and moral court**, exposing himself«onunua.ly at riUcal perils, li* gm\r ordrrfe iaci'MoaUy, in a firm raaaan. The light w«s r. nvw««d this morning wtk great It-rociU'. (trOPMl Ho^onuw colledH hit scattered troop* and reorganize tb^q# 1m Tllfilt. lo-day we ha*e dn\*a the enPiiif t* c mifcV 1 bo restTTe brig-ad'-* are pettir.? into 11m« 1 w nf. K*iu lorcements ar<- arming. an'l 'H IU». crj«n* is (k't* rmin» d tod^stroy the I?*-belt it ii| co*t. t LOO iV.ii NW8« As F.XTRAOUTtijrARTfA'R.-On c*mU*r, Mim Adelaide K. ThompMia riCMg the tiTirrof Justice Wi'ltT. and asknl fat & snntt u" W ' " * 1 a «»w * ii' i c* it .* x.rQ ^ tii»- Patent Office Hotpital, who Ph* ci«p| \hi1j hirtHc^ oi-risun viirleit *»i jcw>irra|| mdbey from thr r.icm of Mr*. Lr, r k L>,^. morr, whs i»ai! rr:»*n:ly died, on VlMlil MM nf-.ir I). Thr wa.rr.au v :«* i*«u* i tad rl*«p id the i;nnd* of Pntrohnrva Jrrom.1 T -v'or,wto *: nncf pr«c« r d«*d to the room lately orcoptf by th»* and then- fonnd IlurhtlU hl. unkncen It-maJe in cliii ti i M' to i. Han*fcn u n-v :irr»*rt»*rl, liu! tl«»- fi-tnnl** \va»- riilcsrt-d toft upon p;Tin« lu-r nwnr »n<l the Kcmttr of kr Iiuum-.Kajtny N iii tirn, Nut 447 Tiiirieeuit ft, which v Re a fictitious name. HuirliHI w.tf UiHtfi hefur** JuNti'-eTliampMi for trial. F.-tirulinni T*v l'irpr>»o«»<ri. <1 tc fur thf |t-w»-Iry, and lottud a lot <>f it a: Tfia chett s room In th» hospital, and u-r bank bo ft cn hi« prac-n. Iianchett. while talk:n* wiA titr f-tran^f woman, put into tti»* bur no in w d.^.w-d"* r.w»m, a *m»ll porttuu ol t >ej<*«rejqt which vu also recovered by Mr. Taj tat 1 por, pt.-.tt."ratjnn before 1 hoaipttfL Mifti Ac>iKidf F..Th(impMm f^tatfd that she Bp knows the deceap«id for fomf tim , a-.d knv that she h?d an adopted child in Ru >de Maatf; ruid during tin* la»t illnt-Mi of Lhc dfiMUtd r»n;uet-ted wilne**, in ca.»» of her d«**ih, to M* that her property wn* scared for that chM. which witn*»* promised. and iatht- :>-\»oa of**r action a pn>*ecuung wttMaa. WttTiw atf '.hat Hzuirhnt beca«e arqnaint-d wits fe> cenwd, and at hi* j-ojv -.non the d-J«aa4 boarded for « tim- ax the l*elarau H >txt-. Sak r**queutijr the rented thu i\n»tn and liftM'lf baxui»om»ly, and wax t«tt in4ntr1ltf and rv good *' amrtf»«e» She took a great duMB, to t!:i* man Hanrbitt, a Ithougti for a tioM riB iithuijubfd him, aw&jfiom h*r, b>-cauee At pisit'd ha laahiiity 10 maiuiain h m^if W)k FfFR VfD< tn the h«»n«r tlf't r lh» flrmrh r\f * Imkhtu re, and was informed that HtnchrtiM bwn there and taken the ^vr+'.rj from tin room. Sh«* fc^Mth^il and K>c»r.iiDMl that IH fact lib fctau-d, and ®hv at oace proc to l»a\«* ibc party anv»t«rd. Mr. B'atz.$an employee at the Patent OM lic*plt*!, t<»tjfl*d t!»ai the defeased aad ftM wilr N-mnif acquainted at the i lerao llovtaJ ai:d Han.hett through his aid w»s appomv-4 to the not pit*l. Mice Duunore told uun da* the V* a.-owlifted to him tor #retung Hao<h.*t th* are, m >-b»' u-»i*»d the man, and it woai^ probably relieve her of his presence. A K. SpurjKon Al*o 10 the a *tf a\ersion of deceased to the prisoner, ad khaft .1 prtlrtimn named Stallurd paid the fonertif * xpen»^» at Congress burial rround, lianchdfc pnv >ng u n doll.11> tcwardi tin- calllii out of the money taken from the deceased. Th* J uFtice committal Hanc*iett for fcnh« hearing; :«nd when the further h»'uriaf-wtt had Mr. Stafford (known a? the inventor ofh projectile bearing hi% name.) appeared m4 U rUfod that he know the deceased aad hir fri'-titi*. Her family was very re*peciaMa, aad the lady hem-ll v< ai a widow. He had wrttA to a triend in Rhode Inlmut «hn nmniii wMH iSS to *t-e about the affair . A «i>loivtl wcm^u, «bo aurt*-d h^-r U Eicknt se, was rillowed to tewttfr, and ataMd llanchett fr» qn« nilr t1* r^om tlit? dt-ceaa^d'* wishee; ani *>he never i+a«^ authorize him to take the pr.^erty V*l»eved it was jo»t thp reT<»r*e. Tb- pr bad aile***! that b«> could prove by tni» < wuiuan tbatdece*»ed told htm to tat* c»*g of tit« property for the child : but the only tamtilar remark made to mm wai day beiore h»'r d«*a:h, wh»*n ehe said u> H.re©r*e, when 1 die m that my r. mataa Mi »ent to Rhode Uind." _ ^ JuMive Thompcon hn« rommiu^l Uaachp^ to jail; but the rvidt-nor exciting u*picw« <1 foul play, the Juuc«, Serjeant Nidppoa aas patrol maa Taylor hare not end^u utatr lauee^ hud ha\<* IrartMl thai U**aas«-tJ, brbn eiprwird a wt*h thai a pn*i-nu>ru<m e tion of her body should be mmK mdlra1 own euspirion that Ktir bad b»*< n fcfll with. Th» Srrprant and patrolman hare takrn charge of all the pr»|*rty and nitnr* found in th«- ruoin, and will hjld U forthor orrtm from the proper oll^era lurniturr u> rrrj r+*jHc'ahl» , and In fo*d and tbeproperty altogether will amount eit%l hundred dollars m yala* ^ . The patr<~4vnan acting nn<W Uw orders Sergeant Skippon. railtled to credit for IP wal rtnd mduktry ia th* case no far, aad not yet ceased bin >x»>rUon» to follow the ci** given by far;# *ta<*»* disco THr»«d, wbi^b y canee a du>tnu-nn<-nt and examinsuoa of body. S Pkatu run* 1stk«i-ika*» * ako ro«rBE..La»t fTininj, S^nrt- Sktppon, ULs official round of th« sixth police d ^fovwvd a i-ulorfd Mwwb M and N !«*<»». dp»Tor» to (n*t a doctor and Urf carKt for, be took the mrti'T in hU and with U»e aid of patroim-u i oo4 had her n-mo red to the bouw o' «tta lt&rtley, coloml, near by. Tuie she vu found dead in the room, wh* M-nt for, but d"vlin*d ho id in* alter a*.ertninihf nil the facta, aad mr-diau*ly to thr Mayor to hare urred The colored it vu by eereral Butler. furstOv-Jbs ooia and anoorrrat moarj, by Lewte Jokim * Oo* Hanker* U. R Ooapoa Boa da, Ml » *T U.fe.7Ju Kou*.. lot ! U. ft.OruteaiM Ia<MHMlaMi «%' U«urt»nwuii«r»' Obaefca. paya- U«< ia OrtiftcaM M# Amrrwaa Ootd UtalM Ajarricaa Kllm ItSalM Virginia baitk iwtM, ft JUootav. Hsatfc o4iaa, Oeorgta be., 90 cU*o»uav, Nortfc oil an, 3w <U*oocat. HEPont Ward Static* Oaw Foi, (Vnrrtfr, lon^d ovnr to military. KrftNif, dniBk, SI A Vock, r: xtftkw rood*. Harn«»* H (lrank; rto Md IX Kun, a»»*utt; (U. itoyfciu*, do, f urUu.r .

The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1863-01-03 [p ]. · 2017-12-25 · THEEVENINGSTAR, i VKIiPUItt M1TTM 09 JJTKRY PAUB. BB OUTBID* FOB lWTBKJMflSt* TMLX- 6BAPBI0 iMDOTEB&MATTBB. WASHINGTONCITY:

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Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1863-01-03 [p ]. · 2017-12-25 · THEEVENINGSTAR, i VKIiPUItt M1TTM 09 JJTKRY PAUB. BB OUTBID* FOB lWTBKJMflSt* TMLX- 6BAPBI0 iMDOTEB&MATTBB. WASHINGTONCITY:




TUe w Dollar Wr^kij Star, fuller thanof Metropolitan n«-w* and go-^ip, and

choice literary reading, wnow on our counterready lor delivery to the public. Ithas recentlybeen greatly enlarged and improTtnl, and now

undoubtedly preasnt* mnch raw watter forthe same amount of money than any other

^ -vwekly In the country. Embraced in iu enter-taining contents an* th* following articles :A ll-arrn.r>g. a Budget of Military Operationsand Army Movements; I>a*.est New» from thnAnnj of the Poumwe; <lr»at Ibittle n»;».rMnrfrret-N»ro', T»*nn., between the UnionArmv undtT Ho** ran a uri.i tha Ri»h..I Ar»wunder Joe Johnson and Hr.tKfc: Ai» uirauc*cestui Hani uf John Mortar.; and MiliiarrOperation* generally in Iho West and Soata-wr»t.

News fr>m New Or!*ar.p; Thu Hank- Expedi-tion; Condition of Affairs th^r»»; The Baa *8KximlitioD to Aseist in Opr-tiin^ the Missis-sippi; N»ws from every D:>uion of thr«A riny.

Pr*-*i«!»-nt Lincoln'* Emancipation Proclama-tion; How itwan received by the Contrabandsin Washington; JrfT Paris' Proclamationspain^t (Ven. Butler; and Fnll Accounts ofthe Mi-Ikj-wfll nnd PorVr Courts-Martial.

Editorial*; Local Nf vrs; Acconau of the Din-ner* at the Hospital*; Telegraphic News;Foretitn Opinions cf th»* Americanand Forti^n Fress; Sketches; DescriptiveMa'tr; l'oetry. Wit and Humor; Item* andClippings from the Pre*r, and a liudgxt ofvaluable information for the farmer, irir-cl*-ni r and bon^kwper.This i» just the paper above ail others for per-

son* sojourning in the National Metropolis tosend to their frtend%at a distance. Price onlythree cento per eopy, or *1 p»-r annnm; postageprepaid bj stamps when so arranged.

SPIRIT OF TH1 MORMINtt FRKSS.The InttUigenrrr renew* at some three col-

umn* leugih, the President's Kmancipatioul*roclarMaUeu; question** hi* right to repeal or

State laws respecting fclayery, argue*that the proclamation is inefflca- ions as a warmeasure; of little uuiuj to tin* sl.ivc, as ail th*freedom h»- will gain untier the pro. lsm.iuonwill result from tn»* law of force, and not atall from the declaratory portion of the Presi-dec t'- decree.The IntelhgffKfr is glad, however, tha: ihe

tim«* has come \\ hen the judgment of the po-litical counsellor*, who hare T> rsiat-ntly clam-ored ior e-uc-h a paper "war m asure" i* topa-sthe ordeal of inevitable experiment.In conclusion the intelligent' r ur«res ihe men

of the Ford# r Mate*, to siandlirra. m their loy-alty to the Union, an>i not to allow ^theoret-ics 1 ©ejection" to th»» proclamation to cuuf*eUum to wavi-r in th.-ir allegiance to the ()ou-slitotiom.

Th>- Krpniluan in occupied with new-> aiat-teis. to-tiay.Thr Chrvwl'r treat? upon tne arret* !& of sus-

pect" d traitors, a:-.d <!i lends the GoY«inmratfur I * ademption of power in depriving mii>-

pcxttd parties of privileges wh;ch it wuuldhave been wron« to tamper with in any Oilierthan a time of rebellion.

/ \i t i> «« t i rm % t-»v/i'ik luiuJ J x DU JJU l!iT.



The fnct« received in Washington bearing onthe great battle* at Murfrf*e»boro,l up to i * ptn. to-day, vre pr.blish elsewhere. Such ft*

y are tfcey furnish ground for the eiron;hope liiM the Union cause has gained in thema substantial victory of more importance t« it *future than any utiiiT marking the pros:re.-s 01thi> or 4 r #1* thia ma

The fir*t engng«*ment took place on the 30tUalt. near Ste wart t» Creek, and ub that day wodrvve the rebel* brick, .»ith heavy lOas ofkilled and wounded and a h <;.Mred prisoner*;oar Iom in killed and wonrned being seventy.The battle was renewed < n tb»« next day (the

tinned Tintll ten p.m. Its leeult on t^iat drtywas a* follow». Vte: McCooic's divislou wa*substantially beaten, being driven back tlvexnii***. At 2 p.m. Gen. Thomas broke lh«; rebelcenter, driving it the distance of a mA; and( ritu-nden'd lelt winjj toy* the rebel enypn.h-ir.ents at Mnrfr^-bboro'. Whereupon Gen.Ko»*cran-> (according to a telegram;- ad tan -edour whole line. We apprehend, h-->w»»T« r, thattbi« may be an ^rror, as anoiher telegram (ofthe &ame dale) rminale* thai McCook o iavisionrv*t*Ml fhHt nkht in tl;« iiA«i»lAn - . i«-

Uir n ar, to which it had b^n driven.liowtyer. on the is»t instant, the pngag<tment

vrtu again renewed at 3 a. m., and at" 10 a. m.Wood's and Van I'letrt diTi«>i»ns wen* inMurtrwaboro*. driving the enemy. u:k» trrrr infud reirtaLWe thu» pn-w-nt t'io Star's readers a aucvmct

explanation of *yhi« »ituution*' op to the l.vttuiumeut at which (at 1^ p. m. to-day) thcrp inAaforu.ation in Washington from that bloodyik**id. It gtrrfe substantial ground lor b»l*ivitigthai we have gained an important and decisive ;

ictorr, as heavy su» our lo*«ect hiv» be--u. Foran idea of these, wv commtTid th* reader to thatel-graiue concerning the hauler published inother column* of to-day's .Star.1L ae we now believe, CJ«n. Rosecran^ hai

eiguall/ beaten the great r^bel army contendingwith him for the p<»»e«*ion ot the i>eparun.-ntof thA ( Him1 «'t Km. ....- v. wr. »»«. » wm w wrest rroin

them, tiu* importance of his success can hardlybe oT)-r-«»itmaU'd. It mu*t, if properly fol.lowfd ap, re»Aie the command of Rist TVnn**-m» and Northern Oeorgia from the Richmonda«thoritie«, and at the same time grwatlybtreugthea the prob ibliiuee of theMucc«nMof ih«oonbftned land and watwr campaj/n for the res-ou from the rebels of the control of th» Mi«s j»>stppt rtrer between Vicksbarg and Port Hud-no*.a distance of 19u miles.which h<w» so farenabled th-»m to obtain from Tex»w* the suppliesthey hare drawn from that Stat*, whl -ft are ofTi'al necessity to the »ncc«« of th^-ir «.« .

niiitarj operations. At Una moment (}r*nl,li&uka, and l'orur'» it*-*-1 ar>> fairly engagvU intfiia rampiuga.V/i'.b tu*> railroad roaa<»cU>»iM of tfce r*-b. U in

Northern G.'Orjcia in ourhnndr, t>r at our ai» r.-y, act the result of a gr»-:vivictory at Mur!T**-«»Woro\ ami witii thf controlof Uu- cbatmels of communication i"J wvurSlid rati) brtwwu T«i.a» and Arkansas &ii 1 triei*ct of tin* in revolt, ;is tii* r- ault of Jn»<] rail'. B&nkti nn.i IV.rt .r "»- '

WiLl be fairly divi>i«d into thre ui^lat.:d »«:-it n^, :«;d »t> mili ary Htr ng'h Will »** b '-n;hu« well ni|{H rte-troyt-d. t

t p 'o 'h-itu.u- it**t fn*th lia# n-^ulu'd for tL<» ;u »*:. ,»:irt ironthf fac.lry with whi<*h (by its* r.illr >.vl .1 »<lKt^Wippi n\>r ailva ta/»--«) it c>'.ld co icr.trai it; tr op* and supplies witivrnt d lay jujttrhtr* th« j might b»» n-'tdul fur h»« nontv.

Wi'Ji E*/*» T»*iin»*i>>-ee ani North rn < ; y zv\And U.« command of the euttn* Muri>ti)ipiTiwr lu our haud«, thi» gr.-al a<lva.i:a<» willto© tuntanUy «wt-pt away.The r» ad«*r will t!.*rt*for» p"f ivifct a^Ia vn»

vrbjr wh n-fjard thf Murfrronijoni . U'Ims -ifUM-y hvvf, att w«* better*, r »«uin a hut-subuaI and toDonani .- ~

m . ...V<l IKL'JIJ US OIn_or*» import*act to tb«» ro >d <-a;iN« thanervn tL** redaction of Hichraoud w mid a1ttus t;me.

tVcfvtAj-y of Ubf Tr*)\»ury hiu d*otd-,d to pay la coin Uu* loan of IHStf, mujub'U^Iortc^nt WWCH fell dtM» 0« tb* l«t iatfCBonrtii to be r^'fun-d muat he trumliird i#

etHl<>CM** l tjr Uw* l«ftl holder./"Tlu* |*r- #kVnt his apprurrl th« bill Vl-

imntuf We»U rn Vtrgliii# «n a strue ol i'i»1 f ion, and >1 it uovr a law. Tbi bill w iam^okI by Uu. Pr-«idv&toa Wrtuitvja/





BFRVT rtFPTr»US4 IT Til VII A S f> \J * H K CRN.0NBH8.

Caibo, III., Jan. 2..Our lines are working to

lir.lly Spring* and Curiuth. (ft-ti. Sullivan

hipped Forrest at Spnns Ilill. II-? routedhis »»ntirf foTcv ami caj>t»:ed .til bi» artillery,and three hundred stand of arm *. The K-'bel

CVlonel, Me.pier. 14 killed, imd th Rebel Colonelde fchay, is a priboner.

W.G. Tcttlb, Hrig. Gen.

iiarrack* Hurned.Mii wavkkk, Jan. -2..Tli«* barracks at (Vtmp

Sicel, occupied by the 2?th Wisconsin, woreburnt-dl;iai n*gi*t, and two privates were burntto d< A!b. Tlit* regiment has removed to CampM'uhington.

Tim Bmnkitit, To-mCiHT..Tu-night, Uxr itigtithe lib rality c: Mr. I^eo-iard G rover, an » ntvr-transient will b^ fCiT*"n at hi* theater for thnteneflt of the company who h ire b^n *u.'hheary losers by th® burning of Ford's Theater.The entire company of Grorer'n Theater vol-Tirit- er th^ir service? ; also, th* stars of the Can-terbury and Wa.shinj{U>n Varieties, by ihw kindpermission of M»;**rf». Percival and Hamblin.1 he bill lor to-nijtht is a mo-t powerful ou*.

embracing two attractive playn and thr fuilstrength of the tripl" companies.We trust that the house will be filled from

pit to do me.


of the Society wili bp held in the Mtd cil Pep^rr-nn:t of Georgetown College on V ulreet, nearTwelfth, 011 MONDAY. Jan. Sth. at li o'clock. ::i

It W. McK. IUCKBB M. 0..Kee *ec.

nr^TlANBrAUIIT PAIN Tines WITH11 ? .MAVjlC LANTISKN .Re* Ch.ulkS SfittiivriTTgit» hu Kxhibitiou of bin beautiful Painting*w;th a Scientific L*nttiru. THIS KYKtflNM, mL niOL Hall Hand's New I»ui.<l;n*. *"*1 Ninth St..at o'clock. Admittance 26 cena; children 13 icenta.Mr Bi*k\r will aUo Kpi'sk in the *am« Hall TO-

MORROW KVKNINO.at 7 o'clock. yuhjec: ' Thellofepitali and I'riwoBw." It*

rr-^- SMITHSONIAN LECTURKS.. Prof. A.Lkj* GtToT.oftAe College of New Jersey, willrtf liver a course of Lectur« h cn " The uni;» o'!D the **"-ti-r.i of life, a? exhibited in the . haraiit -rirtic idea.- *ud luutunl relations of the #r«nt yruup-iof the Tejf tabie a,nd antHiitl kingdom*."Tii« flirt Lroture will be gireu on MONDAY

EVliNiNft, Juiurjr fitu. Subject Introduction,tinttrr. tixl thn lif»* A>nteu) ; ti» » character,*i.«i r» l»!jv.- r.-!nV ci tht? great claMitt-K of the vejfo-

kingdom.The lecture* will commence nt 8 o'clock p, m, jT>*> public a-c i«Ti!»'il \<Imitt«.nr.« fre.>. ji3-2t

CIIL'HCII FAIR..Th« ladies of Fietcher !Chapel M. E. Church, will hold a Fair at

Il ia Fellows' Hall on Seventh st., betwoen D andII strtet®, commencing on MONDAY.at 7 o'clock p. Im., Jar.nnry 5th, Tho patronage of * j«muk public i« ret-pe -.tfuiiy invited, with thed. ouiis*? of a ric!i eutt*rtt:nuifnt. 1* 2 3t* !

|V-*=*CITY POaT OFFICE,J ? WAdHI5QT0X. I>. C. ISr.tirr i* hrrrhy jfirun that in accordance with

ir.Ktrsrtitn* 2n.it! d» wn by PoMtma tar G'>n**rft),I will rrCcjve. t il TL'EbDAY. Jauuary fi, aa<3 fur ;thr »:pac» of thirty days tfc«ri»affc«T, for redemption jat tLis office, tuch suthif or drfarrH postage stampsas b.ave btcc-me so by being used as curreney.Appiy at Boom No. 1**, between the hours of 10

o'clock a. m., and 2 o'clock p. m.ja 1-eoim L. ClB. HANH. Po*ttiarter.

rV" w-.fcUTIC S..To the Ma*t<-r Horn* Mhoer* «»fLkJ? Washington, b. C.. gentlemen, you areIT»»rpl<y nc.tifi.-d ibat t:ie reKul>ir monthly mo^tiTjgot tin* niackauiitiix Annotation will be held onM*NI>AY EVENING, January 4th. 1861. at taeJiicbmcnd Hon**, corner of 3th and D nts. Ali are |r i-qu>v.it-d til Mttnnd.By order of Association. de31-51*

THE FAIR FOR THb¥kNEFIT OF STVincente Orphan Asylum, corner loth auiOf

(.« atr« ; t* will1 run nu mon DAYN ItXT, 29th inst.,al tbft coi urr ofTentfc ami (i *t*' d» 2i-2w

q^-'Bick and wounded oryioJSK3.Scrubs GKNKRU.'K 0" flC9 , /

WisJiintton, Drember 15. IDS. \Sick and woun^d Oi*ic*T* of the R- fu &r Army iin tbia city will call on 3ur#e*>n J. F Barnes, IT. «. iArmy, far professional attendance. Office No. 290II *tie«tSick and wounded OfFcers of Volunteers in thia

city wii! cal! on Forgeon M Clyuer.U. 8. Volun-tfern. fur profnHMiimal atU-nd&nr.e. OSch JO.) Pa»Ter-n«.The aboTn nam»d Sarfeoaa ar« *pr.-.iai!y assignedtotbiftduty. JOMiPlf K. MMlTli,de r-dtf Acting Surgeon General.

BARGAINS'.FOh SALE-On* nix «eat CAR-RI A(i K, iu yooi or)«r; r««t |2i'; will be Roll

for tS A!m>, uov family (JAKKIAQK. aiiuoetuefr; C »-l Will be M)ld Tnnnirjja 3-?t» KDW'AKD HAYWOOD.

APPLKfe. potatoes, and CIDKK.-1;»00hi.rr(?|^ APHLka. inj Barrels Jackson WhiyjV%hit« Pi»TATOK8,ai::l !<>> Barrel* priui'j CIDER, t«.!. .U -* 11 * » J t » « '

njitCU Wiil i,r, sum 111 IUIH VO KU !X. pu rC t:>«HtT8J. !*. WATKKS

taS *otw* !09 Water *»., G*nr«elnn, l». C.

BAL7AC S WORKS. 60 Cskts **b Volume. ;L'Lqt-rs de Id llist ria ConV-mp >r&ihe; l.«licpute d'Arci»; I.on Chuuim ou La nri«ta<neen1799, L* Mvdicin le Camptvirncj he Per- Goriot;Memoir"-" dt d%ux Jeu\e? Maricw?; Le i)#rii<-er9Incarnation d» V&utriu; La Cuu»in Pons Let Rt-v&htes, Louie Lliube! t, Leo i'mi ueon en Pr iviuna;L» Fomma d<» Trent* An* Imported from Pa is byja 3


rt* NOTICK TO SUTLKR8.i IIE ()rd»r forbidding ciearatctM for Satiers'Qoooe is reooovtd. AS! information wiil be im-parted ai d arracaements mad* for clearing t i«ir:«r ptiea for their Reg>n»-ntb. to the arujy of thePotf.rr.HT rycallirgat No. .133 i7th nt.. oppositethf H*r l>ep*rtm«ntTn- icm>: under a *l«-arane<»glT*n to J. H. Clarkft r J Li T wer. N McMauun. U. Siiaw. J J Hi:imar O Perm*, P C RT*l«»th, 0. O Cn*n.ler.Vt.M. Cfca-e. J. L. JCLri and G. A. Daltzrr ia at Pet-tif nr-f » Wh*rf near Long Bridg", aaa will lo&d«.I- M^i'icy . tlie iith mettul.j» .1 ?t* (Clirou ] j n. n.\RK1)aNCATU \KT1C(jNIZKDOI,D r VK WH18KTX for iii>-dic»ual titf, io d at ADA MSO.N 'a, «)0t5Niuth street on» doer from Pa arena*.

PLKK L'-'NUllUL Hit gMOKINtt TOBACCO,Hilly B-wlcjk' Band, lfttt Kin« of the Krer-fl'tvlm A* B:1It w** without an equal in Ioto foriiia triK« uid homing f-oan-la, h<> thU T 'ba.-cotaudn uaritaitd iu poiut uf delicacy ; it* riehnA**,era cr.or %r 1 pi^aaant p*rfum r r aving sained f.rit the mrritcrioua lille uf A'c Flu* Ultra. Hold atAPAMPON'fc, 30« Ninth aireet, ote door from Pa.avenue.

SL'BLL BAKE NLT9,.V) canta pr.r p?ck,feWBfcT CIDBR. 30 cents per «aH<.n,H1NCB MKAT, 15 touts per lb..fri>ah Roll BUtTKK. V. and ccntx ppr lb,,F(.OS, Mr-td rt-nu p«r down,ORANftEB. LISMONr, APPLES, FIOS, RAISIH8,CURRANTS. 1>ATK8. COoOA l«UTv

at ADAM80M'*. 30« Ninth «*.,3* 3 M* One door from Pa. arena*MPO MJT' HM.-VOR SALE OK CHAKTUK-1 Two mi table jui'l eonrcuinnt? KSnll.H,.of iMi »n.', 6<' lr-n* e»pH<Mt)r. Apply imsn-4mV-11 to BAKNKS 4. *0* hallmakera, 63H Uih>. rf.t-.f-' n*ar th* wharf. JaJ-hv*


D f* tiUfROWNo. tllO Kiffcth nt.. w*r P% ar.K B.. HotrU, k'iug huoMHt, A.P., ike,, fnrnUHMat lc-wf rt i.«r- i price*. ii


8 btit» PIOKL.KD CODFI8H, HADDOCK and UKB-F! NO.h U-Xf* of SncoLt* 8ht>r« HH' Hi NOPer Mk?e at flarT-yi Wharf. «#n board aehr. Ulack.hvao Irwiuir^of J . O. J A jKM X M, yn L«arl, orat D L. MuRRIiH>N'8, earner Tw> Irth ntre»t %n 1Canal.


FMIBTWARD DARSWAKR HTOKK -EDAtliK'T) * 1/1 P» v - -'» «. t-~ a/ f « i /x » n o. 1 rn utw*'H \7th anc l»fA i(*..Ilarin* tak.ro thr lar*«» nu trrirmr>di>an formerly «ecapi*<l l>» K l riu<ir»**-r. wo »? «« n«w pr»p%r«^1 to fd'nifih oi it»m ao<ltfc«- trjflf with *»r» *t)iln« iu ihw Har.i wa:«. Oati-.ry&o4 liudM krciiioif U4M*

KDMOND At HAVKN,1**0 T*. aTenuH, t*t l7lh ami I8lh Ht«.J. T> Kr *f>sn--W T tit***: formerl with irtmiiMI ft (Vy l»* and (Jamph»-rt A. Son. Ja'J I'D* |Wood : WoO<l! Wood X IKI.M>UIX« AXl) STOVK WOODIOb hnud. th« b«-«t quality of all kindnof



KINDLTN WOOD.A Hupcrii r Arti<4« of Pin*. iwImM ei^rcMlr for

klrxiliL*. H*w«d Hbort and Vine Bpilt, astut« tor chtroMi Id bulldlo* AntkrwlW Vir«« inllAdUtor*, Banff**. teeBiTtM CU toArm ordered.

TUOS. J. OALT,0«« Wi r«*n*»« « *, M. llth ito l !Mu

Nttt »ud V»H t.i *4 Boywtwntfc ft)«n t-tf | tU »i»4 ChroaioW )

DUKT HtfiM MilOU 1H«1 to MOTMMIIK! =«»*..br 1/utmM, I ftlit; U *ATLOE,


Dspabtmrvt or Prim. IWasiiisoto*. January 1 IBM. f

Information has been reeeiTed at Mils De»art-mont from Mr. Dayton, the Minister of the Unitedi*t&te* to Franee, of the deaths of the follow;a®named citiaena of the United State*, in Franm:Marie Henrietta Blou <*. at Pari*, an the Itth of

February. U-ia, atfed aixty-one yearn, born at Alex*andria. Virginia, wife of Pierro Yincent Aurref,of 8ooTille.Paul Lue CaacoaTn. at Pari* on the Slut of Jan*

tj*ry, *#pd fleTen and a half year*,b<ra inN-w Orieins. Louuuana, ion «f Pierre Andrekdouarrf CuroiTu and Kaeh«i Vi'z.Marie Adeie IJerlaucourt, at Paria, on the 4th >f

March. lSf.j. Agmi twenty-twn yearn, in«truclr .« »*,torn in North America.Charles Crain, at Paria. on the 23<1 of S'ptem^er,

I3f.!,agrd thirty 1!t« yearn,horn in New Orleans,l.O t .-Maoa dentiat.Margarc-t Whitrng, at Paria, on tne Nth of D

r.. rnbrr, ;.«1. ag;d fiity-fonr ye-rn, bo'-n attowc.{"r Ch»ilt»»tc>n,> wifa of Kbe» eier CoLltm r ,

dsugh tr or El<ierd Whiting and Abigail ;a:q i*h

Wh:lii:(,Emilia Augusta Co-k, at Paris, on th* nh of

June, 1^2, ag«-1 forty y«ar*,born it Bridgeport.T it i ted Stat«*B.JUiza^eth JLIonorine Rirarde, at Paris, on f-«

lMh of May, l?k>3, aged rifty-three years born inNVw Orlt-auH, daughter uf Aeitillea Kirarie and&e:aphine Trydtl.J^an K»nn»><iy,at Pari*, on the Jr'th of .T^nn^ry,

l.-tf-'!, an«"i twenty-fBTfii yeara, by vuetliun a coachmm . hr.rn in New YorkAir~in Ti'iHe, at Oaillon.ou the 11th of May, 1361

* -i'i1 'w«ntT fnnr vuapm h* vnt*tLinn a.«Hfi!iilln hnrain the LMted stale"Jedidiah Vincent Hcntinaton.at 8au, on therith

of Maxell, IS12. born in New York, age4 lorty-.lertnye m. kpoutve of M&rr Huntington.Q *rtrude Fi*her, wife of Edw»rd Robin*. »t Sau,

cn lie l .b of March, W62. aged twenty four rears,born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Auieiin blurfrs. wife of John Fierp^nt Morgan,

at Nice, on thn l.'th of February, lJVit, aged twenty*ail years, born in New * c-rs. Ja3-Jt

BOARDING.rj'WO FURNISHED ROOM 3 FORRBNT, in a1 honsa pi«H«antly situated on I st., between

17th an«i l.^tn «:n. Adtiri-Hn' D," at lhi* oUr*. Ja32t*Q(UJ WEST I^Tfl STREET..A f'» g«ntle n>n0«"«" can be »ccc:i:inulate-1 with ROOM.i andBOARD by calling soon. House occupiedNorthern family. ja3-2t*

A HANDSOMELY PI UNIFIED Sl'lTB OFR{H»MH, on H.-fnnd floor, < aritH Firs c'ms

B' arc,) it Duw vacant at Ni>. 1 Franklin Plaee,fstreet, between iirth and 14th. Unexcep'i iut^lerpfnn nre rrqnin-d. )a 2 Iw*

FfAMIlTFS AHI) 81NOU aiNTLIXMN CAMh«* a'-c.>n>moiIat«d wjrfe ple.vsaut Front and

H«^k RC'OMS, lighted with **-, a id have hot andeoW water in each, by applying at 473 D street,north #a*t comer of Second. Table Bo.*r-1ers al*oaccoiuiuudatt-d. ja ? St*LnMT-CLA£8 TUlMMHll H KiMS. with o71 with.-.ut Board. Bath Room, gas,at No ISA D*tr«t-t, betw» »n 4.4 and 3d St., 3 duors below CityHull; hr.ilthy Ucatiou and the very bef*t nf neigh-borhood. de 31-tJt*liJAR1)INli.. Lhtkh and well Furnished ROOMSf for rent, with Board, single and coraranmea-

(iiiK. one Mqnare from Wlllardf' Hotel. Inquire atStar Ofr.ce. no i3



- C'^ht

*i ttin*

x. auxxuu, atu-


IN THE FIELD AtUIN!The members t>f the HIO K' RY (M.t* R tak*p^-e^t

pWaaurt in announcing to their many friendsand the public in general that they Will $ivetheir 11th GRAND DALL at T»Tnp»r*n<yHall, on Est . between 9th an<1 nth atn., onLTHUKHDAY, Jan.ftth. 1*>S Tickoti *1. sdm <ft(,tml!e!i!sn h d laiicn. For particulars fee fat i ea 1 v«rti*;r»enti).

By rder of the Committee. It*



Tic Arts ONE DOLLAR, admitting a fmtl-manand ladie?. ja 2 ft*

TXkE NO'i ICE - The SIII EL DS BOYS t7kegreat pleasure in annou: cing to their

niary fr'emiB nnil th--- public in general, thVthey intend gi'ing their eleventh GRAND*BALL at IVniperaQce Hall. E street, etw-..nLSHh ar.dfioth, on THURSDAY NIGH r. January :&d,1*^3.See particular* in future adyerti^msnt. la 2-3t*

w » c*iu s#n r>o m»» r a# f *u' /» r<iuc .*ir> r. a j/iji w. ft. A.r OR "TOE THlilll TIMK. KINU FRIEND3,W K (IRKKT THKK !The iuemberp of the MERRY SOCIAL ASSOCI-

ATION viill rive their THIRD GRANDHOIKKE on MONDAY EVENING J.in<ia-y5th is;3.a' Temp?ranc< Hall, E utrevt, b» jfween 9th »nd 1- th. The raemb'is pled**!thrn.'Hflvrs that thin Poirec ahall nurpas;, all other*which thtjr hare jjiren.

Floot Manogtrs.J. W. Lanfelale, t1 B Clement*,Ge^r**1 Ow**n«, W. D, Biddleraan.

B&lkt Master C. W. DintfommMl'r. of Ar-rnnfrrnrn!*.J. W . Laufdaie. W. D. Hid 11*wan.V Rnv«, J. II. Lowry.>1. J. Hlcginw. dejjl «t'_

TIANCING ACADKMY,MMPERANCE HAI.I. F. $trr*t% hrtrr-en9tA and\otU..Prof MARINi brgr lea?«- to aunounceto the public that his aect.ne auarHr inDttnrin* * ill commencoon 8ATT7RP \Y n*>xt, |January :M, l*i3 V r ladies, min-tm an-i;ma«terq. from to ftS p, m : for tr-ntleiaen. froaatMT. " "* .i.Vii4'

tA and

\3LCJTORT OP THE GUARD-By Mrs. J C. ItreK riont; Si M.Tiann.a Romance.By Jean Paul, 2 rolfi.; Si.nnnw, ,f i

Kfflulta o! Emancipation. B> 0<>chin; JJ1.50.I>e ToCflufcTilltt'tt Democracy in Ami-riri, 2 toI*.,new edition; 9 I.Atbeoa. or Tragedies of ITnbelief; $1.Buckle » Kaeaya, with biographical *k«tfh: .51The Pfntat»ueh and the Book of J->ehua.ByBi-hnp Coli-nt-n; 81 26.(.' urowekiH Diary, March, 138!, to November, i#62;9) 21.i-i>ring« of Actior. By Mrs. Richar Ja, 91.Memoir* »f Mrs Joanna Bf-thnne; $1.The Students History of Fran re; 9' 25-



Prspos a l a will be received at the Mayor's Officeul til 12 o'clock m.,on the Hth day of January, 1»>3,for executing the following act:An act for grading South Capitol street, from N to8 ft root nauth.Be it matted by tht Board uf AitUrmen and Boardcf Common Council of th* city of Wathiiigton. Tttattho aum 01 sixteen hundred dollar* ( S 1,600,) or aon>och thereof aa may be necessary. be and the sameip hen hy aptrnprated, payable o«t of the funda ofthe Fifth and ft««*enth Ward*, for the purpose ofgrading Soath Capitol atraet to the proper gradeand to the proper width between the curbTiNe*,from south sidf of N street south to the south aideof 8 Ktreot south.See.V. And be it eneuted, The Mid grading to be|ti-r ea to the loweat responsible bidder or bidders.

uvvi >urui iTinancurur io me tmosoi of thirtytwo huudrM (3,300) dollar! for the faithful com-pliance of hi> or her contract; provided he or theyshall grade one-half the entire length of said 3outhCapital street, from IV street south to soath side offcstreet south,ouer before the tirstday of Janenext, so e« to make a rood road from If street Muthto the south side ef 8 street south, aad that the*ht>le work shall be completed within on© yearfrom the date of said contract.Sec. 3. Andbt it mntitd, That said work te be ad-vertised for proposals for ten data, aad In noshall the work cost orer afxteen hundred dollars;provided that ne part of said appropriation fchtllbe paid until said work is completed to the Hallsfac-tion of ths Mayor.Bidders are required to state the total ameuatfor oxeeuting and complying with the requirementsof the above aet.Jy 1 dt!4 RICHARD WALLAOH, Mayer.

N1W AND BIMPLIVIXD MBTHOD FOX PIANOPORTS AND SINGING.PROFB8&OR ALBXANDBB WOLOWBKI.TlIfiJST. TOCALIST AND COMFOSBR,Has op«n«d Ladies and Gentlemen's Afternoon (4o'clock') ssxd Bv«ning ( nVJoek > Biuciag Glasses,on most liberal term*. Prof. Wolowskf will alsoexplain the full theory af Muuio aad Reading byhis system.

By Prof. Wolowekl's new method a person har*ingeuly a slight kuewledge or music will be ena-bled , in a very short time, to read mu*ie with greatfacility, and execute operatio as well as elassioalmusic with rare perfection.A* to the vocal part, by bl» way of TOCollaatlotthe arrives at mo»t extraordinary reeutte, render*the role* powerful and enable* the singer to to-cafiae with facility, accuracy and fine quality oftone.Prof. Wolciwoki reee(ye« vieltori daily from JO toHam and from 3 to 4 p. ra.. at his reeidence. No.4til Tenth street between K and P. ,N. D. Children ever eight year* of age are a<voepted. de 8 1m

DUET,rftOM NABOB 4, 1W. TO BOTBKBBB 12, 1881.


BJfILP&IN*8 Bookstore,deIt if *44 Pa, ivtmi.I WAUOMB.U » VV A- L - - .

. » v/u u*iiu » mi oi wagon* wbiefc I will MilTtrt rtu-»p Wacom of all dMCtiytiMl,built to onl«r io th« Terr beet iniMf iand wurranted t» give ati*f*ctlon. R«-pairic# in all 1U branches attended to with n«atneMend dif-patrh. WM. W. bapli7,lath «tr*et, near Pa. areaue, WadUmUw,dt 5-im' _Proi«pect dtreet. <**orf««U»wn.Dminob meat.OMKSirO mincb MKAT

KING L BUROHBLL.d* 23 Corner lB*h ard Vermont aT.vrbnuh JUVBNILI BOOIU.iK Capitein* 8»hr»-I>e l)oU, 61 cento.La Poci aiuc oenfa-d or, «3 o«nU.M ivjiuuiw (1 B«nU

d*» WmU, f) eentaPotitM AnntflprnlW PvipMi $1.Ia» h«i(Mur PoliohUM*, #1*.Lt IfM Mixtions*, 01,1* ri<*Of 4« K»ri, $1N omvt-M TW*tr* <4'«dao*tt*a, f» 0*atS,L« P»-H Dribtour, ||.I« Boii Pu>*. 91irir*4^"r,rta- r»A»o* tATu>*.

PERSONAL.I'll " IC NOTIOH la hereby rir»n that the

Mrlbir will not be re*»-»nalbl« for debt 1 wr

li-.b uift contracted iu otr n*rae wit* ».it aer

written authority. HMZA B3T11 IRO^IWrhiBf^B. P. 0., In.t,UB, > a- est*

| WILL MK JAMN.H BISHOP, WHO WBOTB»» on th* 20th ait., to a gaatletnan at Haltiafeore,

be pleaded to leer# hta addroas at the Office of thoBtar. Ja l-3t*


riT#»d. Dortrowi and AHtrnloffint. Was bornwith a natural irift. Shf» tell* the pt*t and f iturw. Iwju= n«*Tr>r Known to fail. She ran tell your rmry

1 ' ' . «"«*<>« m»rri«j,.« hrilllf ton t»th i«f j\ noil J"^ wurr r*yxrxr>A j « « » , _» __

those long separated No. 435 w*»st If str.»et, he-twpi-n Sixth and Seventh. Th» only pi-rson thatrun Khotr a likenos* of future hu«hana or ab*-*ntfriend iu reality. Ladit-s 30 cent*; gentleman 9 -


MB8. L. SMITH, a most axoellent tout and h»alin* Medium will sitting* at 60 Soath A

street. between 1st and 3d sts., Capitol EIi 1 i. for ex-

aiuinatlou of disease, string your Htid« a* welt v«

deceased friends, *^ts names, reals tne future.Hnnrs from 9 a. m. tili 9 p.m. Sittings 91.de*= Sir*


W AM'*'1.» Bundle w^v-nKR and CH4M-HKi M A 19. Apply at the ybbitt lloi.se. It*

V\f A NTBD.Bjr a young *o nan, a *t > UATI>>?V" in a re« p«cTal>lt> private fninily, a* nurse V4-dren Box 31 rUnr office .11*

WANTFD-Two 8ALB8 LAnrKP, in a Fa-icyS'ore, 34 Market .*p»cv, between 7th an 1 8t;i.

j* 3 31*

W'ANTBD.A respectable Tiid lie aped VFQMAM,to take charge ut » m -H fiiiily Unod wi<-it

giren Kuquire yfil Penn. avenue, south aid-. 3doors fr- m 12th It*

deuce, "Kmpin) Office ja3 2t*

WASIED-To KMNTor PURCHASE in ttt*ei»>"y » f the Navy Yuri. & sma'l Dwelling

H<>T*f»K, for which a reasonable price will bf p*oi.Address, staling particulars or applT io p^r'oa toliKMUEL 6K1)UI9, Ntry Store. Washington. D.0. - It*

WOOD COPPERS WASTKD..**50 WOODCHOPPERS wanted immediately, to chop

wood by the lord, for which tfl* highest price *i!lbe given. Persons will b« employed at orers er»by the nion h on bringing garc" o* 4') menor roor.-, Apply to the Stores of RIPDLK 4 00.,and JNO. 11. TAYLOR, Maryland av«*nue. or tothe office of GILBERT & MEER,«M K street,


\1t/ANTED.A res enable mi le-***! WHITE»» » OS# AN , to uurn» on* child Apply imsa-"d;nt<lyat35? Ninth fitreet, corner Mas^achus tie|T«.

ONE lirNPRF.n FOLLARS will bw <iren toany one who will procure me a nice hou*e be-

tween lr-*h « r» * mid Georgetown. Lea** no'iceat Bni 39 Star Office. Ja.lSt* jVM7ANTED.Two or threw Unfurni.-ked RO' MS,» by a gentleman, with wife and chill, in

G*nr»ft»irn «»r Eir»t Wa d. 'or h^use^-pii*;Good price will be given. Add rep* Be* fct%r OftiNo. 39, stating terms and 1< cation. J*3 3t*

("^OTI&NMIST BMPLOYMKMT WANTKD-AT gi.od Ik nun will be paid to anj ©«r*on who pro-

cures the ad*ert{Her employment in this city,bringing about jjjlftOO a year Brst of ref-ren^.ecan be viven if "quired Addres«t, in strict "onS-

ur » wrr i iirr uru 10111 B'l' rv-. 1 m »* > v

V17ANTED.A WAIT ft K !tt th^ Gonlinf R<>*tau»» rant. '247 P»»nn. *T<»nae, b«'tw»»en 12th an"!

13th its., ore that anderntands the bu«ine« <. canhave got d ttngcs th« whole year round. None bu».huch muHt apply. Inquire immediately. with ref-er»-nop. nt 1h rp<»t*n *nt 217 P»r>n nr<* j»"? if

VV ANTED IMMLDIATKLY.A Furnishel PAR» LOR and BED R00>l, communicating, by a

pentlenmn and his wife, with or wft.hout Boar 1.Woulo like the roonih ii»ar Penn avenue an 1 between 4H and 17 th «ts. Addre«« iin uc iiat ly' M.,"Po*t Office Box HI. KivinK full d»'<o<ipti'ju of therouirn. number, and pri- e n»r rni-n'h.

UT ANTED.17 a competent woman, who is *c-cuhtoroed to worfc a MTUAJ1<>N an house-

keeper for a widower or niDgle man. PleaJf a1 lr«-ciife«x «£ 7 Mar (Iffce. ilr.Vlw

VVtANTKD-A flrnt r«te COOK WA8UKR *nJ" IKuNfcR, in a private tauiiljr. Wn<e- s wper month. Aho an industrious CI1AMBMRM AID.N«>ne ne>d appl) without good rHooinmerniatiund.Call at No. 341 I st., between Itlb au-1 lt4b.de J 'w*

WT ANTED- The public to know that we have a» * few small Tubs ql very choice Dairy Butter,suitable for families. Also Wrapping Paper, ata

tionery, Tobacco a&d Ci^arit Ac.* 8. JONES A BRO.,

de "V'-lrri* 97.1 P* * h(>t*Mn J^th *ml l:th

AHOI>K WASTID-If po'aiblf*. c».-ntr»I lor*-tion, anil Lorth of Penn are , with about ti*.

twelve rconih, for a nniall, first cla** fa nily. »n oilresident of thm city, having prop rty of their own.I'rr partirnlarn. pleas* *pply by letter or in p-*M»»nto the Agency Office. 511 Ninth *t , near Pa. are.Tenants f r part of hou«e or oth°rwise, can alwaysbe hacTat thic. office, without chargede29 W. B. MILLER.

\Vr ANTED.A Colored MAN. aa waiter; one w no i" thoioughly underatauda hi* bunion**, anlcan come well recommended. A p-ply imm©1larely,45? Thirteenth street, near the &r*>oa«. de 24V\7ANTKD.500 GOVERNMENT LABORING

M KM, at Aquia Cret-k. Kor furth-r particu-lars apply to C. E. DUCK, Esq ., 6th atret-t wharf.dec 22-li't

\\JANTK1)7.One or more"

UNFUKNUUMD»» ROOMS, by a gentleman an l wife, in a de-

sirable locality, «r convenient to the city earn,either with or without Board. Ad.lrewi, statingterras, etc., "Permanent," Box *25 Star Office,de IP.t/

WANTED.We are baying SECOND HANDFURNITURE. STOVES end HEJ)I)INO, forwhich we are paying the highest cash prices, Fam-ilies declining housekeeping, or having a surplusof furniture will find it to their advantage to gi<rauna call. BONTZ * (TRTlFprTWje 12-tf No 369 Seventh it.. betwSen T and kJVJOTK?*..Those id want of Kmployment of anykind would better call on the new Intellitfi- .ceOffice, No. 511 Ninth St., where the best of paywill be yiren to first class servants. I hare alwaysapplications on hand for food Cooks, Laundres»«s,Chambermaids. Waiters and 8«amstresftes; alsofor Young Men to wait on tables, in private familiesor hotels. Farm Hands wanted. Employers in wantof good h«lp will find it to their advantage to call,N. B..Homes wanted. The best of tenants canbe obtained wixhout obarce by applying as above.no4tf friI._MILLKRFU'RNIBl-ED HOU8K WANTKD..Wanted to

rent, for from one to three years a FurnishedDwelling for a private family. Location in theFirst or Second Ward preferred. Addrea* Lock Bo*Washington. D. C M4-tfWANTED IMMKDIATKLY-A WOMAN, who' * understands mangling, and other work con-nected with washiny clothe, at the National SteamLaundry, Pa. av» nue, b»*tw«"»n '.1th *pd 13S «t*.de 17-tf JA8. F. HOTOHKlS*. Proprietor.

UARTERMA8TKR8 1) K P O T, ALKXAN-! VL DRIA. Vi.. Dee. lith, WiJ..W ANTKD tWANTKD 100 EXPERIENCED CaHPINTER8 for the Quartermaster's Department, atAlexandria, Ya. Application to be made to Mr. J.DOUGHERTY, Superintendent at this depotC. B. FERGUSON,difl.Vlm Capt A. Q. M, TT. 8. Army.\\7 ANTBD.300 food, sober and experienced» v TBAM8TBR8, for the Quartermaster's de' partment in thiseity. Apply to C. H. SNOW, Gen-eral 8uoerlnt«nd*nt tfcl«

J. J. DANA,de^lm 0«»t.»Dli.Q M..U 8.A,(Intel., Repnb . Chron , Bait Ana, and Phila.Ledger, »1hm copy, one month. 1llTANTUD.Brery mnoh to know that 1 am in" th6 marhat, wmt to par eaah for all artieleaIn the heaeefarniehing line. Theee leaving theeity or having a earplna, will do well to eall. R.BuCHLY. 4fli» Seventh etreet, between G and H,(ea«t aide,) Dealer in New and 8*oond-hand Farni-tnre. no l«-tf

D1TBCTIVB DKPARTMBNT, MBTROPdLITAN POLIOI.No. 516 Blerenth street went, INear the eorner of Penn*TlTn«» *venae \The Pnbiie are hereby Informed that aH omm reeniringthe eerTicea of a Deteetir© Officer will bepromptly and carefully attended to. "/V* </eWta,Mupon application being made at the Poltee !l*ad-

9«art«re, No. <110 11th nt^eet ve«t, nnder scperrUion of W. B. WBBH, 8nperintend»ntnor 24-tawSm of Metropolitan Poline.

HmtLt-K yOK hale-A bright h»jr <*»Uio*,Round, kind. fa«t, and very litndioat,of M&mbrino atoek, fifteen-and-a-h .Ifbaada high; fir® ream old n*\% apringPrice #228. Can be ae. any morning in tho all»ropening out i>f Vifteea-ana a-Tlalf aUvet, adjoiain* th* hnnw of HcrrMarr HfwnH d" ^1-tf

2,000 rbl8. pbVmrr'ci,ari*ird oidbbfar *«ie by kllih A oalr«H,14 8euth Gay etre«t,da Baitmore.

OC0UPK for MALM.h'KOf th« moit ityllah Uooy*<* la ilwdtr willbp >«old rhi up, aa the o«Mr baa


,.(van u«n iui »v. Iti PBi*H9T P street, Bear iJth street. »»<x>pifloor. d»«i lw*


hBO 60MK0BT89 4, 10 4. 11 4 and 12*4 8HBKTI *(M,TA&LX LIMN, TO*KL8»rd NAPKINS.FLANNELS. FLANNEL 81IIBT3*ad DBA Vf EEflGLOVEb wid l!()8IIKT of *11 kind#.WM. K. R1LB* * BKOTUBRNo 3'», C*mtr»l Storw*.Between 7th -ml 8th *t« .de H 2W Opymlto OxntT

IT A~PI~1C8' KMBKOl l»KBEll POOKMT H\M»1 4 KEBCUIKFB,» new assortment at bi kIotaUrmOm price rnly, ra*rk«xl in plain 8nrw.

P KKK> k BRO.6* 9*- 1<X Pa its. and Ninth i4r«et.|>A1 VOKAL ANDl» HOOP HKIftTH Ihtm lots )itt rwsiTtd, la the bent HtlM ud attb»lo«i«teiab prir<«. J. W OOLLBY.de 8 tl»n 898 tUranth wt.. »kof> Pa. »r.

glOU 1>W* QOOD8AT KKDUOED PEIOJto,holida y' vk pssrtrs 1AUo.Ud pit-oen rich DUck DRK8H 91LKF,»tl»«UuAforn«rtric «, J. W. OOUUlY,4a tl$t*o ib*r« P«. »

vm hr mi itrva. M ill **_oM »t » ___. .tK«» Pw®* of W. 6. KiTllKOTI, Mratf «< Utt* 4 Fmia, at*. * M

Mf 0MTt>fl >OltW

Uiltmill LUI11V.HTBBBB O'OljrX'.K r. M.


Our Iron-Clad Monitor Found-Clou CVlt UUUl

Wr piop the prea*> tonnnonnce that a d;-pitchbat jnpt b» on received here, nlft'-intf thai the

M<>uit<;r, on her way Souih, .foundered a; a?a,

and w(nt de-wn, in the vicinity of Hatter*#!No particular* h*re yet Wn received. Th.>natural supposition if, that all on board p r-



T'p to the hour at which th#> second ediUonof the Star go* * to pre*s to-day, nothing addi-tional from Ro.«-ecrana' arm; iww! nuchalW lu-hingtor., except the fpecial dtspai a lo tlir;

Philadelphia Pren, apparently dat*~! la.stpyr».nir* at Murfreeeboro', which will be found in

our column*.If tfcrre is no mistake In the telegram, (of

which we bare doubt,) these truilr* not onlyraged on the 31'th and 31sd ulta., and th« 1stinbt., hut on tho trd alao; ka viu« ai lis termina-tion last evening the is«ae quite as uudrwr-inined 0* at lu a. m. the day before; to whichperiod the inlormation previously rewiredcame down.

If on thu contrary it BimDlT rover* th tim»

to 'he night of the first, It inrolvi-u further proofihnt Wi' bad gained a bub->tantial victory. Wt»incline to the latter belief because >-a4j-t5^.1,from the entire absence ol di»p>;teh»*« to theGovernment b< arinjr ye*t- u .y*s d'lte from tht-banlf-lield, (and from other far.4 within oarknowledge ,'bat the wires w»redo\*rn venterlay.rtnd have nut iieen %«*t repaired so as to con r*y:i mccHSge covering an a^coniitof anything thatocc urred th* re yesterday, though the specialdispatch to the I'rrxt may ha\e cum'- overthem before the line beoatuf deranged, leaving»:<rly in the morn n;r.In truth, liowerer, th rem;It lsetili in dotibt,.

1 he dispatch to the New Y-rk Xribun*, whichwe have just received from .New York, «hedsus little light on it as its predecessor*.

THE i'OIU'JkK (JUL' KT M AiiTI A.L.To-day, the t legrams jf the acc ns-r-d, orlgi-

naily rejected as evidt-nte by il»e C-onrt, an !'ubsequently *rre« d to be admitted, w<-re ag.iinr- fid and formally filed.Lieut. Mevenrou, or Coi. Marshall's N. Y"

ITt'h, waa th« n examined, ie»tif.viu^ Ia the inj-pct-siJ iiity ol the maroh P t-*t haj beenirtdeied to make on the v :tb. oms rig »o th*-iin-Iir.'irt!Pith. it v n: Ilia /»,.-*« »» * v, 0..-4 -1.. *~j .. - - j w* wM»<»k j « »i»u »*11U iV \ U**

lact that tbel.r-. eot the fiu-my on hii rifhiwns li>oovir«hcl:niD^ tj U1 aiU*.k»-d by liiinmi thai oa y. a« ordered.






N kw Yukk, Jan. 3..1 he T:ibuui< h:u from a

Richmond paper a Vltkhiuric dispatch dai#<lthe 3Cth. Aroonnt# t>ay there wrere fcnr at-

tempi* to lurce their lim-*. On Monday. ^,000Fedtr&Ua^aik d the Tight wing,on CThi^ka:->awPajou. but wi rr repulsed to th»*ir bvai*. 1 jbinp4(0 pritt n« rs and fire Hand of colors. Th<-Fed*rai* have destroyed the railroad a* far a>

iVlhi, which tov* ii, it in reported, has been de-stroyed. The flih? was still going on.




Niw York, Jan. :i..The Tnbuv't Nashvilledispatch, dated the 1st mat., at Murfroesboro',

the \ attle w:;n not dt-ciilcd wbfu it eludedon Wednt-rday, tin* Slut uit. The rebels ocali-lted tlir ground which wa» ours tu the morningn: u tin * advantage was theirs. Ou ThursdayM nw n ?i lerribl- tir*- wa» om>nwi ir /->«

battel le?, wh'ti tin* «?i!<m beit&n to fire way.Tbc-mas "was prcttiug ou the cutr* and OntU B<;« n advun rinjr on lb*1 l»-ft Tbe but l** wa*more severe tbauever. T if rw-ult U ret doubt-ful.

LATE FROM HOLLY SI*KI3I<*S.TEH &FBKL UtNKKAL JORRBaT 1>ADLTfrlim'Ki).Koi.l.T SrRisoP, Jan.2..Major GcnrrH T7*l-

Wcl, G«nfral~u\-Ck*ej. 2>uliiv&u biw> sure- d'diu getting a flj;ht out of Forrest, aud h:u»whipped bim badly, lit- captured *ix piece#of ..rtdlery and a*r> at manj hor^ee and Dnaon-erf.

Van l>orn was repulsed .»t oveijr point rx-cept this, and with h**a\v let*.

U. S. Okaxt, Major Ot»n'! cotud'g>1ETMlKULUiai AL.

Cl*oia5ATl, Jan. 3..[To lntri-tut%on }.Kain.UK, warm, ihermom*t»r j. . windfrom south.

ARRIVAL OK Xiit OthA.1 Ql'RR!f,Kbw Ycbk, Jan. a.The tU*ain»kip Ocean

Qne*»n ha» arrived from AspmwalL Sh»«briar* *1,300,0)0 iu tr»»a»ur*.

NKVV \OKk MTViat MAKR FT.Vrw You*, J:ui.3..ll.fc a. m..Firat Board.

I'ouponu, 6Mil, 7.3-10 Trraaorj Notm,UN*alu»2X; Ortiticataa MJXaWi*; IHd LKtnaadNoW^ (*©ld« I33^al.{3\.TKT FIKTHLH PAllTllI'LAHS Oi





[Dl*p*tch to th* Philadelphia Pre#*.]PATTLK-riBI.D SIAB MURPRBIWnOBO, Dee31.l p. m..The great battle of the war ia th«Southwest is ow being fought here. It uraging furiously as 1 write.The entire liae has suO'ereA terribly tlUs

morning, and the lost* oa both sidee has beentii avy.The rebels held an advantage in position this

uorning, but are now suffering terribly underhe t;:illinft Jirv of our destructive artillery,* hich v. at gut luto good pcsiUuu about uoon.o-ciay.Ttu» forlorn hope of Uils army. comprUia^our regim* uU of rvgular tufantry (includingiir lHUi regular », 2,20o atroaje.) and two batter-er, lo*t all of thrir field officer*, two UUrdi ofheir liu** officers, aad half ot the eulUted m«aailed Mid bounded.lur aaurrfw iroop, (ft CTliiadtflpUia r*gi.

! «*« ) if Ool. Wyukoop'a lUcht cATivlry brltadft,U*o anftwd v*r*ly. Majorc Uo^nzartMkud \S»rd w r* bo-h killed dur. ic * cbarc©.I tw cavalry t» h»r«d hb I iukuu^uv -red uuiirlr» with tue nt adia«»-Mt of vM>-r r>yalu drvjootiH, ki d much of our iucchm u due t« lbl».Ot'H. UoiiMwiu win wotini#,! at ttv» hMl »r

A* hplemiid divirim, afv-r in tkiar two bift-m4 cL.tr*>*-. and ftflitlnic for (wart/ flr* h >uriCRc. MM»W-jr lsfter.ou*>l/ woutt<i*vi in vkt> tafCkn, Palm-r danr"^»t»s«v wauudvl.

SKOO.NU IMnPaTOU Jlu» lM*c. Ji, < 3u r. M.I kar«

- ^ from '*»* Iron' wb»tdln rUuf X*r fif%nUe *44iSTJftKe day.Luut n. .mwpn jolin>oo directs the ~.tTof euftnj lu pt rkuuAbout one o clock (*en. Tsomu thr,.. .*r iirt> corp* d annee a*«in»t xb»rni-ror'n and brr&kiiic it, druve .. *

a ml* in great contu.lon. 11R*bel*. killed and wounded, lay m k**mthi» jrround.Oen. li"*e<Tan« th*n ord*r*d an *4? ,nm .th«- n?lr*> lin»- of hU array In «ap|vor; of q,TV.own*, rind w* ktxm eiija^d th« ePMi£Lclow rjuart r* for the flr*t ilmr ia the - -

*of the rebellion.BAl«w time Qea. Rowrmn* ob*»rr«4 u._«u»v|» xaminr, -worn ae da*o«d rmp.Aw?ili« lruct, fulio^eJ by hi* t.ttf.Tlii» rmip (rrMrilk liymendoHNsnonK th» . Mi« n», whor»ll'.»1 V p^j^rj»r.d flrove the ene^r for *o»» (liitw*r\C> »! :it r^i-ll!*-* l *aof(*e>! r\t!»with kt:i «! at the tiukf hj tlir ] !.» ontbell.G»n Ne;;Wy's divi-ion, w.ih lUartillery, w rautinc gr ai drviruruua aa*.t!ii' rrh-1. nn tin* li-f. of rrnttv.G« n C'riiteiuien, with hi" rorp* d'annr, fin. xh» U1\ wi: i of out annr, hi* gaii^d tt| !«*nei:;T t *Cfc.i.-l.'-V a;.U :a UrlM:i(t I "J* through itin town, which ih now r, pi^Xirvr Ijcfun* lis.T> Iom on < t^T hw Tory bury.We I.'iTt- taken n-ar'.y 3,UX) pri*o».»-rs :«i;!Iom i» n<-t «' &r -o hravjr a* tli*' <T th* r-Wls.Wi' ar»» follow rs- th»*e-.rmy up.: n i w Udr.ffhin. into AtatMUBH *v »f> giro h m v.y : «(Oi-mrnl Chnatham, the ffr«-nteit Wowrr, andOw Hftins., t»f Aikar.ras, th* hn.n»1»<vn*«tin U«»* n-bfl army, fcfr Una kiiirtl, aad ihewbr»di«»e ar*1 in nnr pr*=»»*>«ionVr Ijhti* uiin-u t>Tr«r fifty gun* and #*%!xUindu of Stair ralor».

anb vuii laiUT raoM ihi h*nLa-rteis.[Ihrpau-L lo the Philadelphia Fr<*« ]1Uitlk-v:kiu kbaa Mi'trn.MM, Jit.2, p a. Our arr.j btTuutckcd on Jar >-»mtgrouud lftet night thatoccuyie 1 by uur turcm«n the p»pM <»«Our army tf.*vnrd aun:»- a/lvxijiinn i« th* bat.tl«- of yi(si« rd»y, but c«t viUwni terrible e«-na*r.Tbf- Iom on both nd<*P rin only be d^r^ty*xs a)4>t>l utelv Iri'ir.cnriiiut.Ot*n Nffrlly fought hi* tiivivion all day rm.It-rdnj Kpirndldly, :im\ luwt very h^aruy tomi>n, but tav«*d hi* art»ll»ry.(frD. KtHlMO'&u iinuiurlai:wd kilil'Wf ||^hrforr he f»'ll wTriviy wnnaiM. H* ta «down a« cuoof the cr^ai heroes of the battle.1 hem»-iny wan beat »ly rviuforced irwm mmdirection lait mehlMaj Oi fi. Mpl'ook h?ui his hr>r*r blow* t»nto.n* *>y a shell y<"»twd»y afurnoon, \ad,aititfluKliVfi-ri'ly hru:*f<l, *«wh» r*>moanted aafrodv to tht front of hip eahant a*vi-ion.<thi. Hicrfiliiin, cvmwhiT*, ajid all Umes,nhlhiiHl rr« at rnolnm and moral court**,exposing himself«onunua.ly at riUcal perils,li* gm\r ordrrfe iaci'MoaUy, in a firm raaaan.The light w«s r. nvw««d this morning wtkgreat It-rociU'. (trOPMl Ho^onuw colledHhit scattered troop* and reorganize tb^q# 1m

Tllfilt.lo-day we ha*e dn\*a the enPiiif

t* c mifcV1 bo restTTe brig-ad'-* are pettir.? into 11m«1 w nf.K*iulorcements ar<- arming. an'l 'H IU».

crj«n* is (k't* rmin» d tod^stroy the I?*-belt it ii|co*t.t


c*mU*r, Mim Adelaide K. ThompMia riCMgthe tiTirrof Justice Wi'ltT. and asknl fat &

snntt u" W ' " * 1a «»w * ii' i c* it .* x.rQ ^tii»- Patent Office Hotpital, who Ph* ci«p|\hi1j hirtHc^ oi-risun viirleit *»i jcw>irra||mdbey from thr r.icm of Mr*. Lr, r k L>,^.

morr, whs i»ai! rr:»*n:ly died, on VlMlilMMnf-.ir I). Thr wa.rr.au v :«* i*«u* i tad rl*«pid the i;nnd* of Pntrohnrva Jrrom.1 T -v'or,wto*: nncf pr«c« r d«*d to the room lately orcoptfby th»* and then- fonnd IlurhtlUhl. unkncen It-maJe in cliii ti i M' to i. Han*fcnu n-v :irr»*rt»*rl, liu! tl«»- fi-tnnl** \va»- riilcsrt-d toftupon p;Tin« lu-r nwnr »n<l the Kcmttr of krIiuum-.Kajtny N iii tirn, Nut 447 Tiiirieeuit ft,which v Re a fictitious name.HuirliHI w.tf UiHtfi hefur** JuNti'-eTliampMifor trial. F.-tirulinni T*v l'irpr>»o«»<ri. <1 tc

fur thf |t-w»-Iry, and lottud a lot <>f it a: Tfiachett s room In th» hospital, and u-r bank bo ftcn hi« prac-n. Iianchett. while talk:n* wiAtitr f-tran^f woman, put into tti»* bur no inwd.^.w-d"* r.w»m, a *m»ll porttuu ol t >ej<*«rejqtwhich vu also recovered by Mr. Tajtat1 por, pt.-.tt."ratjnn before 1 hoaipttfLMifti Ac>iKidf F..Th(impMm f^tatfd that she Bpknows the deceap«id for fomf tim , a-.d knvthat she h?d an adopted child in Ru >de Maatf;ruid during tin* la»t illnt-Mi of Lhc dfiMUtdr»n;uet-ted wilne**, in ca.»» of her d«**ih, to M*that her property wn* scared for that chM.which witn*»* promised. and iatht- :>-\»oa of**raction &» a pn>*ecuung wttMaa. WttTiw atf'.hat Hzuirhnt beca«e arqnaint-d wits fe>cenwd, and at hi* j-ojv -.non the d-J«aa4boarded for « tim- ax the l*elarau H >txt-. Sakr**queutijr the rented thu i\n»tn andliftM'lf baxui»om»ly, and wax t«tt in4ntr1ltfand rv good *' amrtf»«e» She took a great duMB,to t!:i* man Hanrbitt, a Ithougti for a tioM riBiithuijubfd him, aw&jfiom h*r, b>-cauee Atpisit'd ha laahiiity 10 maiuiain h m^if W)kFfFR VfD< tn the h«»n«r tlf't r lh» flrmrh r\f *Imkhtu re, and was informed that HtnchrtiMbwn there and taken the ^vr+'.rj from tinroom. Sh«* fc^Mth^il and K>c»r.iiDMl that IHfact lib fctau-d, and ®hv at oace procto l»a\«* ibc party anv»t«rd.Mr. B'atz.$an employee at the Patent OM

lic*plt*!, t<»tjfl*d t!»ai the defeased aad ftMwilr N-mnif acquainted at the i lerao llovtaJai:d Han.hett through his aid w»s appomv-4to the not pit*l. Mice Duunore told uun da*the V* a.-owlifted to him tor #retung Hao<h.*t th*P»are, m >-b»' d« u-»i*»d the man, and it woai^probably relieve her of his presence.A K. SpurjKon Al*o 10 the a *tf

a\ersion of deceased to the prisoner, ad khaft.1 prtlrtimn named Stallurd paid the fonertif* xpen»^» at Congress burial rround, lianchdfcpnv >ng u n doll.11> tcwardi tin- calllii out of themoney taken from the deceased.Th* J uFtice committal Hanc*iett for fcnh«

hearing; :«nd when the further h»'uriaf-wtthad Mr. Stafford (known a? the inventor ofhprojectile bearing hi% name.) appeared m4U rUfod that he know the deceased aad hirfri'-titi*. Her family was very re*peciaMa, aadthe lady hem-ll v< ai a widow. He had wrttAto a triend in Rhode Inlmut «hn nmniii wMH


to *t-e about the affair .

A «i>loivtl wcm^u, «bo aurt*-d h^-r UEicknt se, was rillowed to tewttfr, and ataMdllanchett fr» qn« nilr t1* r^omtlit? dt-ceaa^d'* wishee; ani *>he neveri+a«^ authorize him to take the pr.^ertyV*l»eved it was jo»t thp reT<»r*e. Tb- prbad aile***! that b«> could prove by tni» <wuiuan tbatdece*»ed told htm to tat* c»*gof tit« property for the child : butthe only tamtilar remark made to mm waiday beiore h»'r d«*a:h, wh»*n ehe said u>H.re©r*e, when 1 die m that my r. mataa Mi»ent to Rhode Uind."

_ ^JuMive Thompcon hn« rommiu^l Uaachp^to jail; but the rvidt-nor exciting u*picw« <1foul play, the Juuc«, Serjeant Nidppoa aaspatrolmaa Taylor hare not end^u utatr lauee^hud ha\<* IrartMl thai U**aas«-tJ, brbneiprwird a wt*h thai a pn*i-nu>ru<m etion of her body should be mmK mdlra1own euspirion that Ktir bad b»*< n fcfllwith. Th» Srrprant and patrolmanhare takrn charge of all the pr»|*rty andnitnr* found in th«- ruoin, and will hjld Uforthor orrtm from the proper oll^eralurniturr u> rrrj r+*jHc'ahl» , and In fo*dand tbeproperty altogether will amounteit%l hundred dollars m yala*


The patr<~4vnan acting nn<W Uw ordersSergeant Skippon. i» railtled to credit for IPwal rtnd mduktry ia th* case no far, aadnot yet ceased bin >x»>rUon» to follow the ci**given by far;# *ta<*»* disco THr»«d, wbi^b ycanee a du>tnu-nn<-nt and examinsuoa ofbody. SPkatu run* 1stk«i-ika*» * ako

ro«rBE..La»t fTininj, S^nrt- Sktppon,ULs official round of th« sixth policed^fovwvd a i-ulorfdMwwb M and N !«*<»».dp»Tor» to (n*t a doctor and UrfcarKt for, be took the mrti'T in hUand with U»e aid of patroim-ui oo4 had her n-mored to the bouw o'«tta lt&rtley, coloml, near by. Tuieshe vu found dead in the room,wh* M-nt for, but d"vlin*d hoidin*alter a*.ertninihf nil the facta, aadmr-diau*ly to thr Mayor to hareurred Thecoloredit vuby eereralButler.

furstOv-Jbs ooia and anoorrrat moarj,by Lewte Jokim * Oo* Hanker*

U. R Ooapoa Boada, Ml »*TU.fe.7Ju Kou*.. lot!U. ft.OruteaiM Ia<MHMlaMi «%'U«urt»nwuii«r»' Obaefca. paya-

U«< ia OrtiftcaMM#Amrrwaa Ootd UtalMAjarricaa Kllm ItSalMVirginia baitk iwtM, ft JUootav. Hsatfc

o4iaa, Oeorgta be., 90 cU*o»uav, Nortfcoil an, 3w <U*oocat.

HEPont Ward Static* OawFoi, (Vnrrtfr, lon^d ovnr to military.KrftNif, dniBk, SI A Vock, r:xtftkw rood*. Harn«»* M« H(lrank; rto Md IX Kun, a»»*utt; (U.itoyfciu*, do, furUu.r .