THE EVENING STAR. DOUBLE SHEET. WASHINGTON. sAT-BDAY .......are d8. IsM. ":osC O HT . NOmY .... Sditer. M ewsiwe 88a' he a ro r, ser'sag- ..es. ".s Ade dat eir..id.w a.se' ma dorbte that M any ether deag paver -sbehed i Wserhtws, aed e isswt t that of as tke therdsav ag"r here added is- e-ther- r TaM Sra is connected with the wires of the Na- lonal Telephone Exchange and with the Western Unien Telephone Exchange. Both these agencies em therefore be availed of in sending to Tan rA a dvementfa, orders for the paper to be served. news, or any Information, at any hour of the day free of charge. These facilities are a great conve- mie.sr and will be appreciated by the customers of Tsn Srms. The situmaten in Virkiula. There is an evident determination on the part of the readjuster leaders in Virginia, to try the experiment of running an independent elec- toral ticket In the presidential canvaes. They are working quietly but diligently to this end, and there is apparent uneasiness In the demo- cratic ranks. The republicans, being In a hope- les minority with only two parties In the field. can afford to look on with unconcern at any movement that promises to divide their oppo- nents. Therefore they are not disturbed at the preparations to carry out the Mahone plan. The running of three electoral tickets In Vir- ginia will render that state doubtful, and that will make the canvass of national interest, because upon the vote of the state might hang the choice of a President. The plan of the readjusters is to run an electoral ticket uncommitted to any candidate or princt- pies and, it they can elect It, to determine, after the presidential election for whom the votes shall be cast. In the event of a close election, as was the case In 1S76, there would then be eleven men of Virginia, having It within their power to give victory to either side, and It can readily be imagined what excitement would hang upon and around their action. The regu- lar democratic and republican organizations will be in the field In support of the tickets made at Cincinnati and Chicago. The readjus- tere count upon antagonizing both and com- maning votes enough to give them a plurality. They carried the state election last fall, and this Is the basis of their calculation for success In their venture next fall. But there Is one im portant consideration to be entertained which the readjusters seem to lose sight of. In the state election they were opposing the"bourbon" democracy only, and in such an election the re- psbicans, having nothing at Issue In the shape of a ticket of their own were willing to support rtem. But for the aid of republican votes the readjusters would have been beaten last fall. In the coming canvass the republican party will have its own ticket in the field, and every effort of the party will be put forth in its behalf. With Blaine, Sherman or Grant, or some equally well known and popular republican leader at the bead of a ticket, It is net likely that the read- justers will be able to obtain the votes o any considerable number of that party, eapecially in view of the fact that possibly the "Indepen- dent" electoral ticket, If successful, might in the end be used to elect a democratic President. Without any assurance to the contrary, and without any sort of restraint being placed upon the readjuster electors, It is as fair to assume that they might vote for a democrat as a re- publican. The state organ of the readjusters says that the funders in their secret souls are afraid of the "Independent" movement and adds, "Well they may be, for no novel pro- position in politics has so rapidly won favor as this Suggested independent movement. Not Only Is it approved by the readjusters in their county meetings, but by many who have here- tofore acted with the funders." This is a rose- colored view of the situation, to say the least, and evidently is not warranted by the facts. The Indications are that the regular democratic, or, as it Is now termed, funder, wing of the party is being strengthened by the return of voters who went off with the readjusters; but, as we stated at the outset, it looks as if the latter were deter- mined to make a test of their strength by run- ning an electoral ticket. Tlhe Grant men still cling to the belief that their candidate as the republican nominee for President would receive a liberal support from democrats. The Globe-Democrat, in dis- cussing the division In the republican party in Missouri, says "Nearly all the republicans and many democrats of the state want U. S. Grant for President." It is this assumption of dem- ocratic support that to a great degree influences the Grant managers to treat so lightly the op- postion within the party to the third-term movement. They calculate that a large pro- portion of this opposition will subside upon the nomination of Grant and come up to his sup- port, and such as refuse to do this, they believe, can be offset by votes drawn from democratic ranks. Therefore, they are not likely to be deterred in their plan of nominating Grant by ezpresdons of republican hostility to him. Whether or net their estimates of democratic -Grant voters in the various states are based upon good grounds cannot be determined until after the election. But tile belief Is, appa- rently, firmly fixed In the minds of the Grant boomers, and they usually speak with as much eonfidence of getting democratic votes for their candidate as if they had them secure.- The trade in oleomargarine Is thriving. Not- withstanding t.he opposition to I0 Six millions of pounds of this artificial butter are exported monthly from New York to Europe. where there are no laws, as yet, to prohibit Its sale. There is no law in this country against its sale as oleomargarine, even for domestic consumption, thle only requirement being that It shall, when put upon the market, be plainly marked oleo- margarine. The manufacturers are contending that it 18, in fact, as good butter as the genuine -article, and In proof of this they assert that even experts fall to discover the difference be- tween the two. If this be true, then there Is no hardship In the law requiring the oleomarga- rine to be stamped. If it possesses so much moerit, then It does not need to go upon the mar- ket In the disguise of butter. The piano-makers' strike In New York will throw nearly 5,600 persons out of employment when all the factories that intend to close shall have joined In the lock-out. The average wages of these persons, who are mostly skilled labor- ae about pB per day, making the total loss to that clas nearly 615,000 daily. The Baltimore SBzahas made a calculation which shows that If -thle hands hold out for eight weeks, and at fhe end of that time accomplish their purpoee-an Increase of 1l per cent in wages--It will require them to work right along for eighty weeks be- fore they will be able to recoup themselves for the eight weeks time lost. It is announced that the Constellation is mow ready to receive her cargo of pro visionS and other articles for the relief ol the saferlngjpeople in Ireland. Two benevo- lent genitlemen one of whom Is understood to be Congrenmman Morton, have volunteered to furnish half the cargo, and efforts are being mbad to obtain the other half by contribution, in time f!ar thle vessel to sail without delay. The respnse received to calls for contribut'ons are encoureaging, and now that the want is under stood, it will probably be promptly supplied. There Is a very fair prospect of the pasage a1 this session of Congress, of a biltodemane thi legal status of telegram, and protect them from unreasonable search and sebr,re. In the pres eat anditionof the statutes private telegrami are IateM to seizure and exposure by any inves tgating commIttee er by the curts, and there ma universal demand for a law to protect thel Mt ci correspondence. Thee are 1st new adverthmmnta In Tan Ira oaE PsrCE, BOSOFN DRY GOeOs HOwSE. OPENING OF SPBING MILLINERY, ON MONDAY, MAROH 22d. WE WILL OPEN AN ATTRACTIVE AND FINN MILLINERY DEPARTMEN. WE HAVE ENGAGED THE SERVICES OF A FIRST-CLASS FRENCH D[ILLINEi OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND EXCELLENT TASTE, FORMERLY WITH MADAME VIROT. IN PARIS. ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND FULL OF FINE OOODS, IN LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENTS. AND UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE PRICES, WILL BE OFFERED. WE INVITE THE LADIES OF WASHINGTON AND VICINITY TO INSPECT OUR STOCK OF GENERAL DRY GOODS. WOODWARD, LOTHEOP & OOHANE 705 SIARMET SPACE. ONE PRICE. mar20 MADAME PALMER, No.1107 F Street n.w., WILL DISPLAY ON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. MARCH 24TH and 25TE, 1880. A HANDSOME SELECTION OF FRENCH BONNETS AND ROUND RATB, ALSO, BREAKFAST CAPS AND FICHUS. mar20 ON OR ABOUT APRIL 10TH WE SHALL ESTABLISH OUR WAREROOMS AT 1425 NEW YORK AVENUE, (NEAR 15T8 STREET.) IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR LARGE STOOK before moving, we shall offer GAS FIXTURES. FURNACES, RANGES. PARLOR GRATES, &c.. AT MUCH BELOW THE PRESENT WHOLE- OLE flm , Parties in want of goods of this kind will find this an opportunity to purchase at VERY LOW RATES. EDWARD CAVERLY & CO., mar20 , MASONIC TEMPLE. yOODRUFF'S FOR FILING'LETTERS. FILE HOLDERS FOR FILE ROOMS. VOUCHERS, DEEDS, OFFICES, VAULTS, WILLS, PA1PHLET3. S 4FES. DESK, Ac. Ac.. o. SALES ROOMS AND MANUFACTORY, mar20-s,tu.th.2m 705 and 70 Sth at. n.w. PARIS SPRING NOVELTIES. ROUGE ADRIANOPLE YEURDO THOT, YED LBARkGE DORIA KASCHMYR LAHORE BEGE. AFGHAN ALOTH. CLOTHS, BLACK CREPE DE CHINE, BLACK CANTON CREPE, BLACK SATIN DE LYON. at $2.006 $2.50, $3.00, COLORSD SATIN DR LYON, at 62.50. BLACK BROCADE SATINS. from 1.75 to 65.00; BLACK SILKS (best makes). from 75. to 65.00; COLORED SILKS (new shades), from $1.00 to BLAK SATINS from $100 to $2.75; COLORED SATI'NS (all prices); SUMMER SILKS from 6236c. to 61.25; BLACK GRENADINES (new assigna) ; BLACK ALL SILK PEKINS. from $1.25 to $2.90, VELVET GRENADINES* PARASOLS AND UMBRYLLAS- NEW STYLES IN FISOHUES AND SCARFS; SPRING ULSTERS. JACKETS and WRAPS NEW STYLES in SHAWLS, HOSIERY, HAND- KERCHIEFS, &c.. Ac. Our stock is now very large and complete in all departnents, and well worthy the' attention of' all efoaIs earhof "good earng fabrics' at WF "One Price only, marked in Plain Figures." PERRY k BROTHER, . Penn. are., cor. Oth at. Established in 1840. R&OVLEBE NN REAL ESTATE INS. CO. of aNEW YRK have removdto thir new office, No. 1418 NEW YORK AVE. m,ar2-eot E~ATON & KING, 1No. 824 9th St. nl.w., bet. H andI I. PARI81A NETS n EGLIS ROUND BATS, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, March 23d and 24th. mar20-6t The Young Ladles' Journal. IS THE BEST MAGAZIE FOR LADIES AND aThe APRI NUMBR, now ready cmencesa also contains an ItN SE COLORED FASHION PANORAMA with 20 FIGURES. and a GIGANTIC Snpleent ove one adsur with FIG for lender Stool, Stip for Chair. Ac.: Cut-Out Patters Ac.: ;everal ew Cmlete Stories, Illus- tratd aoMni.Poetry,Rcp. &c. Price, icluding all the supplementa, 85 cents. THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY, 31 Beek.aana at., New York. Snbscriptions received for all Foreign Publications NOTICE OF REMOVAL. YOUNG & MIDDEETON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS, HAVE REMOVED) TO mar20-St E420 New York ave. G"^N" OPENING AT PALA[S ROYAL. EE17 PennsylvanIa Avenue, MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. VA.NC 22D,. 23D Aun 24TH, To which our patrons and friends are respectfully invited. PALAIS ROYAL. A. LISNER. SPECIAL NOTICE. RARE R ING MEN TO A few Vacant Stands in the New Wamhl.gtda (or C t) Mak~ betwm Ith and 9th at.n.w.wl from the established rates, whn aid for in ad- MNTHrLT ENTAL WITH DUoomer oir: untebhm' taDis............611.20. U.eou8S..d............1.20. But.'mSt.d..................5.40. Ruok8arS.d5...........10.2 n. aas. .ate.d.8. gia.t&e..de le Yor or Boston iarne I s. a . A .l e rEeo US GsAND OPENING OF PARIS BONNETS AMD ROUND HATS. ALSO. THE MOST ARTISTIC SELECTION OF FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, &e., ON WEDNEDAY AND THURSDAY. MaON 24TH AND 25T., 1W. To which the Public is Invited. I. L BLOUT, mar20 -St 710 Seventh Street n.w. *AT LAST, 13, 1*, 14 TO ANY S + dres onreceipt of loc. Caul adadress. C. T. CR HEN, mar20.t 1909 Pa. ave. BARGAIN.TIN PIANOS. a UHICKEBING SQ...............$5 1 1O$ERCS ................ 17 1 PEEK & SONS .............................0230 FREEBORN G. SMITH'S BRADBURY PIANO WAREROOMS, No. 1103 Penna. ave. OPECIAL NOTICE.-Wanted Ladies to call and con ult MAOAME HARTM&N. late of New on and learn her attractive prices f r DRESS and ( LOAK MAKING. Several Apprentices wanted at 714 19th at. Cutter and Designer also nf New York. mar20-2" NEW GOODS : NEW GOODS : Now INSTOBE $40.000 WORTHGOF DESIRABLE DRY GOODS. We do not intend to allow our sales to run down. Shall offer extra inducements to all in want of first- claes qualities. Our stock of FBLA NOVELTIES FIGUREDAND STRIPED BLACK SILK, BAR'NS IN BLAOK AND LARGE LINE O MOURNINGGOODS, Will be found much more select than heretofore. Bilk Fringes. Gimps and Buttons in endless variety. W. M. BROWN mar20 817 Market lpaee. WTANTED-LADIES TO KNOW Mmne. Garrett.is Vagen for Mine. Grippes' importe Pttrs the world. 1223 Fetreet. mar20-2t REPOIIT OF THE CONDITION oF THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK OF THE DISThIOT OF OLUMBIA. AT WAsBraTON AT THE CLosE oP BUsINEsS. F&B- $UARY 21sT. 1880. RESOUBCES: Loans on Collateral and Real Estate secu- ritY............................... $85.,165.07 Other Bonds................................112,631.28' Assessments.............................. 6.114.93 Due from State Banks and bankers...... 173.40 Beal estate, furniture and fixtures....... 84,461.69 Current expenses and taxes paid......... 807.11 Prenmsadpate oa id ....i................... 55.00 Checks adohrcsitems............. 942.65 Bills of otherBanks........................ 596.00 Fractional currency (including nickels).. 86.08 Specie (including gold Treasury certifi- cates)................................ 563.20 Legal tender notes........................ 10.102.00 Total.................................$321,628.36 LIABILITIES: Undivided profits..................... $g8,480. 27 Individual depoits.............01, 874.09 Tbne certificates of deposit............... 5.270.00 Total................................*321.628.36 DISTRIOT OF COLUMBIA, e COUNTY or WASHINGTON. I, B. P. SNYDER. Treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowled and belief. B. P. SNYDER. Treasurer. Subscribed aad sworn to before me this 17th day of March. 1880. THOMAS R. JONES, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: WM. STICIENEY,~ M. G. EMERY Directors. Z. 0. ROBBINk, SPRING GOODS. MY OWN IMPORTATIONS. NOW READY FOR INSPECTION. A CALL IS SOLICITED. W.S8. TEEL., 935 Penna. ave. LADIES' RIDING HABITS to order a specialty. mar20 THE DESIRE OF EVERY HOUSE- S o le articles that are GOOD. CHEAP a UNIFORM. These three charrcterletios have made B URCHARD'5 CANNED COFFEE a household word in Washington. and these same characteristics are doing the same thing for BURCHARD'S NEW MIXED TEA. All Fine Groceries at RURCHARD'9, mar20 Pa. awe. and For-and-a-half t. VERMILYA'S LADIES' SHOES. The best in the world for the mony. All Winter Boots will be sold at a DISCOUNT OF FIFTEEN PER CENT for the next 30 days. Also, odd sizes for se chea LADIS' and CHBILDREN'S SHOEB MADE TO ORDER. mar20 WE ARE SELLING BOOTS AND SHOES AT OLO PRICES. Good House Slip 50 and 60c.- better one at 65. 75c. and [unwards Qid's School Shoes 50. 60 and 7c. up and Boy's Schosl Shoes 75, 85c. and $1 up- good School Shoes for Boys1, 61.26 eolid. The best $1.50 Gent's Gaiter and Laced Shoe can be boughz. Our $1.25 and 61.30 Ladies' Peb. and Kid But. Boots excels all. Fine Goods as low in proportion. Pair Justh'a Heel Plates given away a 1914.and 1016 Pa. ave. SignBig Shoe.mr20 OhUR IMPORTATION FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS, FnoX an the emient1IModias will beex ibited en TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. March 28d and 24th. The Ladles are respectfully invited. MRS. N. .1. HUNT, mar20 Nos. O3i and 653 D at. NO CURE. NO PAY-Pals Corn Solvent. Sure cure for hardeor soft corns without pain. 25e. a bottl. R. GIESBER,. So.e Agent for District of Columbia, 1021 7th st. n.w. mar20-2w* TRE NEWEST BOOKS. 5 n 0ea Vo.8 De Emusat.................0ad10es Roman by Constance Fennimore Woolson. .81.25 Winter Sunbeamis, by S. S. 00x........... 1.75 John Byan, by 5. A. Froude............... 75 All the Magazines for April. EASTER CARDS of the latest designs. FRANCIS B. MOXIUN, SUccEssons To MoHUN' Baos., mar20 1013 Pa. ave., cor. 11th st. T HE ENTIRE STOCK DRY GOODS. MILLI- R FANC 00 . and FURNSHINGS will be closed cut at once. EEGARDDLESS O1 COST. prior to rebuilding the fatore. COME EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. D. L. ENGEL, 1936 Pennsylvania ave., mnar18-6t Near 20th street. CHICKEN FEED._CHICKEN FEED. ,00BUSHELS WHEAT, iSaved from Herr & Ciasel's flre, will be sold cheap, by &. C. W mar16-1m lst and Dasta. n.w. T HESPLYSOE 1U43 9th Street Rorthwest, near K. Atiatica Is invited to the above Str8 Jus gF- goer to alparts ofthaeioty free of hrs. mar16-is (JM NUD2EEWORLD ANEU YE THE VETEBINARY MEDICINE DEPOT, 4..4th.stre.t m.. Cole Medicine for Ecnes Liunmt ppr at. for HeOe.Toni. owe.orHse.or PITMUTEBOC AN aSMiTHnG V.o . NYMOUH 300 AID 000. WAT8. VMLt beWO A - e - i II Market .nea- not ts ed EOJea asadeof bathroom: piermanent. AflrS ox tabhed Law Offies, or with a Lawyer who baa so11 lta to oean aoc in thi tm Addres ANTED-NE T OF KIN HEIB O -uur Un- vint hswat;seir adesed for-6ooer ggf reat Briaonfro 1665.o prm nt. CAdrssOn 00.n1 amona. Pi.aelhia. E.r2-2t W ANTEDB Apl idy uit naunise Geoma WPell seondothrd stry":ut front BOOM in private famiy , witho ir oc"'a'n Meas. . v"|" , Nor- Add . t. Star oowce. mar2-St* W ork a EnIN Sont famliERSI bee. WANTZ anclamdMnyRgs remkr 20000rm gestrefere fore i an RtRR Yea xOpe WANTED-AGENTS can make from G5 to 810 byll i~al sef l ptened atorysoe. can. 855'Pa.icv" n.." Sam""- 60 cents. mr* WANTED-Small HOUSE. with modern in- Adfro OMents. One wilarge yahu referre Addfrr octonMs WM.. A. W LENor 0 Ka. mbet? W9thtrade ANtDM; stvrate. WOAddes man toWriv Wnd hep.bout house; woemntoncook and wash. Siamaily. Addas Box 116. Evening Star Ofee.e. 1a 9-2t WANTED-HONS in ke rtown, by oo Mut be good neho rho State u partiulars. Addes Vrco, Sta O.f59ice . nm lee W rANTED-m reh cook, with th et rneer andelp fromt housAte; woantsoo andTU ATION in private family. Address xY Z, tar Offce. marl9-2t* W ANTED-HOS 21 whieolredon Cy oodS GIt. Families ftrn shed Servant te mara. Peolstego nteighbcerhod OStace, Room 24rtiederat 12o.t "*andi *** C. B.* i'RIE & ar . mar19-2t WANTED-Arlc 1stk, twot Funihedbs. e YCaplto Hll for man wfand chid ar rned for huaekepng- orwould board. Ad- droeswt frll tehrtpparti, wat T. SITU-Q M. 0. mar19-2t0 ~V(o childrn)Bw OOMt nea WarDart-i roomnee be furnshed-tht as bheSm. Refer- AONce if required. Address "Essex," Star Of- fice. marl9-2t' 'WANTED -- To E, T7 oood DWELLING- HOUS about 8 roos furnished orvunfs o- neope'. notcllgen erm fiem be reasoal Adrs, stating te and locality,BoxI,tr Offce. mar19 6t' alesen in is city and Btmor. Cali 9 o 12, 84 St. Cloud Building. mar8-S BEMAI NS eS and othe rheldo. Come d. Ofice cur. 7thandsts.n.w. P..1D- M.L0. marl9-t' WANTED-An Active, benhteman ad wof- t ter to drve bus ness wagona tae t ad Po hrest smut be well recommended. FRANCIS romneed307 furmhedht. a be m.aRefr- WANTD-A few LAIE of busines capacity e nd plreueasan Address Eae, inar ns that will pay three dolars per Call from 10 a.m, till 4 p.m. at 941 H st.n.w. mar18-3t* WANTED-EoRANT- ofo idad otherING Help. Famii es frn ise a shor nortcefre of che. Oie oor. th and te. B a1-3 WANTED- la with cra ble expr ience or three persons who would not wish to trel with lagepatis.A des frparticulars, Mrs. A. Y. WE'BOUNTY LAND EWARRNTS and 48 and 44. Le Droit Building. feb W ANTED-to ea"'"mine and COOSe ' SE- BER MACI..NUES from 1otereid. Cony sonn sisf cor hsbne dtxhaneorOn- ANTED-OABPETS to orMAN at RICE'S Wr team Bodietin wagon and to aene tow ma o at . 307 cor. 7thmlt. and pasan adMrat. oea., ina . e1ns ama a . a.. mr BOARDING. * NT- or Th oft BORd, t or F lp.Fatie fu0nise atsrfereices fe- changed. mar20-w* And TEDr convenit t en ar.able eOrD,. 989 Ks .n mw a ar2-14t* ore prENunshe ond nowsotrv witho BAND,Inaiate fAN Aat.n.w"* feb2-mn o T NHE TBEMONHOUSE of fere good MS, wi nth satclarssboteo exoard, for 62ad60ye month. House is well urnid heated with team and every waY desirable. jan29-2m hosei ate ciI .Transient boarders ao'mno LOST AND FOUND. OT-Mch 19 con fr m th strt Junc and 1th st cars, a a PURSF contain- insaou.10 ewadiflfta.14 Nn.w.- 11.tr a v ou them . utbonew. T. E. Am"910vria a.ve..... ma.-E $ FINANCIAL. FRAUD AND FAIR DEALING AR Nw Br aneo YO orktio prae eOOspeca on7 coutrynd diefrest deax- bers. mg h al n tew se;lw'alal inOrmo forTNetofrnshand spcuOS, by aec __PROFESSIONAL. SHS. JOHNSTON Removed from 16 t te 717 H st. oo ClaBAptis hu.Flin a specitafamty. C teew on silver. Gas adminstered. haes moserat.B eforence:Bev. Dr. Domer andomo LOS EC ANDE FOUTBEND.EQI te to hath atd usefun ees, thousa of e- aen 1 persn from fa and nE, visit DR. Willards Hotel, for reef from and avoidance of CoRs,YBunony Chllis, Dias ed andas E Ehences and ao aileo ithe femt Established 1861. Oice fee, r1 per visit. .arS CLB. 9EirENBOn rve. emved-t"410 11th 57 to SQpest and alrtions on e tra.t.g,0 cets. de..6 T~.M. S. BBOWN, DENTIST. No. 725 14rs tibo et.EchtohP Artifca door. as91 betwe andK Batiful8Sets o a.t.d. ..-I COAL AND WOOD. THEEBT PEEWUM NOR BiiT 00AZ. ARI EINLIN@ WOOD was awarded teous.ver all eca D.pet and NUm. ia-ieet. wa. 035s: INS ad lenna. avene. aoes men. nW. 0- FOR RENT AND SALB. FOR Ra F*-.2 0.0*.".u|ni=sh"ed F B5RE T-A= R AND RID-ROOM, fur- 1FOmdenmprovemen. WHE LlaBnd, ore a7t. adR0-3 ImBENT B Fivet-chn ROOKS, laweoin .oii Stricty r-la.Berecs - * y RBENT-Ten-roam modern OUSE all con- 1ve,ism-eecesitrel locafio- 618 Eat.; rest imod- ae Apply 806 E at., or AR A A B "E.66 FOB EN r-Threewtory BRICK. seven rootm, o 4th at. n.w wit water andas near Iepa ts. Key at 4a 1lth st. n.w., up Staira. F REN-IneCOVNTRY PLACE, nea So- diere Rom, 11 oome astable. fruit and shade tres. The rent will ha paid in part or whole by persons desirous of boarding. mar20 1w DOE BENT-A small PLACE of about 4 acres . just west of the city. New barn and house np.ty,fwater. Just suited for dairy bust- ues. H F. DAVIS, 58115th at. mar20-3t* ]F RBENT AND SALES OF PROPERTY PRI- T ANb T AUTION.-See Buletin Issued on the lit and 15th of every month, at the office of THOSE.WAGGAMAN,65197thcst.n.w. m90-3t L10R RENT-Two beautiful large dOOMd, fur- 1 nih d or unfurnished;. private family. 1129 14'h at.. above Hamilton, near Thomas circle. References exchanged. Terms moderate. LOR RENT-HOUSE of 11 rooms, modern ims- ~rovemenuts, 7 of which will be for rent; side and stable. S adults board with renters. Be- erence required. 51s B et. n.w. mar2o-3t F*."nlor sutable for lgt hneeepnr; al mdrn 1mp68een $nd $10 per month. Inqure136 Fst n.e., Sherman Row. mar20 3t FOR BENT-9 or 3 unfurnished or partly t,Lr- nhhed ROOMS. second floor, gas bath h )t and cold water; every convenience for housekeeping. References exchanged. 1627 Oonneetlogt ave., near Q stio ¢tew}rt. mar2061' RSALET LOT,H 20x90 feet, north side W FOR,oy 50yads west of 14th at. n.w.. at 25 cents per foot" also one LOT in same square (202). frontingest 20 feel on 14th et. at 50 cents per foot. M. C. TUCKER, Second Auditor's Ofice, (Winder Building.) mar20-3t' FOR ENT-romApril let next. a nice 2-story COTTGE HUSE,No.1214 Pennsylvanias. a e rooms, large wood house, front and back garden, and all modern improvements. In- quire next door, or at No. 56 Brl .t. Geore- 'VORRENTOneof the most elegant RURAL F*RESIDENE near this city, 1% miles from street cars - ten-room house, cellar, porch. 5 acres groud"" tbemagifnt viewo- hisciy only 618 per month. Apply at 1141 2 ath n.w9 10 to l2oo lock a.m. mar2l-3t OB RENT-,07 C it. n. w. 2025 11th at. n w. 11 rooms and stable, 620, 1420 T at. n.w. rooms, $15; 2116 11th et.n.w. 5 Srooms $10; i08 14th at. s.w., 6 rooms. 16; 526 11th 0. .w., 9 roo t s ; 131 8 C at. s.w. . 5 rooms, $1 3. 629 Virginia s.iw trL.A lyt m,. WO12 t ave s.w. 8 r., 15; 423 10th at. s.w.629 TirgiO .w., stors Apply to A..OCAiWO) 1225 9th st. n.w. mar2-8t' F OR BENT-A large, well furnished front ROOMI on second floor.wtth BOARD, in a private fam- fly near departments and cars. 1908 H at. n.w. Terms for two 645 per month. mar19 3t' FIOR RENT-Six unfurnished BOOMS, modern improvements fine location; rent to be taken in board and $25 per month paid extra. Address ARMSTRONG. City Post Office. marl9-3t' RENT-To neman and wife, without cide,ROOM Son second floor, furnished or unfurnished; bath. gas and water same floor. Rent reasonable. 1417% a t. n.w. tuarl9-2t" mOU RENT-808 A at. ns.e. ; key next door: House modern im provemente. Apply to JORN B. COILIETTE. 114 12th st. n.w., or Third Auditor's Office Treas'y dep't. Bent $18 per month. ml9-3t* F RRENT-1012 17th st. n,w. next to corner et.. handsome BRICK DWILLING, *0. and all modern conveniences. Rent low to a- nent tenant. Inquire of NEAL T. MURRAE 1 4%st. n.w. mar18-St* F*OR E"-"|""r 1"ha.B ara T,oI.60 F RB T-861tatB.9r,m.$0;A;17 H at.. B., 9 r., mo.i., -173513th sd., B., 9r , m.i 25;1620R St.. . r., $5. Lots 20x 100, N:.#. av., 20 cts. ft., on time; money and brick furnished to build- 7 per cet. nnt. and Houses on time, cheap. J. G. HESTER, 519 7th at. mar16 L!R RENT-No. 211 D at. n.w.. 13 rooms, new- Alyfitted up and in complete order fine cistern crge house and stable. G. W. 1100PE.2330 FOB SALE-Casar-LOT 76x125. to 26 foot alley, with two small houses, M street, near New Hampshire avenue. Terms, 640 cash and 610 monthly. Also, choice lot on M st., between New Jersey ave. and e1st at. n.w. J. W. STAR 1429 New York avenue. moarl -61 DOR BENT, LEASE OR SALE-One and three- 11narleses of GROUND, with two story HOUSE. 'ted east side 13th at between B and D eta. s.e. , et $I2.50. J. WV. S2 ABR. 1429 New York ave. mar15-6t FORSALE-At6,00ontrao620csad 25 l mon. 8-try and basem$0n t BcKs n HO SE, with 12rooms besides bath room; has every m'oder improvem t; fots soth oon i at., a few doors east of North Capitol at. ; has recently been put in thorough condition. J. W. STARR, 1429 New York avenue. mar15-St 'OR RENT-HOUSE No. 1226 0 at n.w., con- r taining 8 rooms, including bath. Modern im- provements. Apply 12200 at. n.w. mar1l-9t" ETeSUT dow rbath, ETUc. nihd. ndfor, and onS nee$oo on thirt% apply. 12 Iowa e. m 82-t F OR RENT-That a choice four-story BRI .WHOUSE, 1404 16th a.*near Scott Statue. All m. 1., 9 rooms and bath. Bent Inquire on the premises, or of J. W. P. MYER S b08-Ith F OR RNT-619 13thsat. n.w. two handsomely furnished SUITES of OOt; all modern im- provements; first and sacond floors; bath on each noor ;terms moderate. febl-Sm B BNTFunise and ED- Ing, and several Dmall DO . 4 vanla av. onr4l4 a5 80a 8. aall ea FOR SALE. F SALE-Handsome Jewelers' SHOW CASE, J6x2 feet. Also, two Walnut WALL CAsEUS; will sell cheap. Apply 409 12th st.n.w., next door BIG BAGINA splendid vectve double GA rth 63e cah thA we haviurn NIMMO as CO.'8, 4101th st.n.w. mar19-St* FOB SALE, AND ON EXHIBITION AT J. J. h apmnsok store Penyvani av bet broidered PICTUhE; subject-Ohrist BlesigLit- tie Childen.amar18 t* AGE TOK OSPIG WAGONS, suitable TAEWAGONS. This Wagon isnce- fr al y lo o mothl isaments. JASK EE SALE-New ad Second-hand CARRIAGES 410-416 8th it., bet. Dand E n.-w. mar-6m F*aa''MOCKING WM BNIRD 0A3. c.."very heeat0% the,n PAARTIES ABOUT PUBCHASING OR DISPOS- WAR of ARIAGSHREan demand for the same. aneed. W 0 .DWNYStabe 1 1"hat. n.w. feb0 EVEA IN eylttle used, in- n.w. febe PERSONALT, A N ATTRACTV.COMPANIONAnr.E COI, ORED LAY bten17 and 85 years of ae an naIIEbiagodlongyoung ht Petofce, icosigrhoorp and dadein IEOREOIDS (PLS CUEqTOUT INS N. D. 714 1tt w. mar1-3m P.LIBnEY 482 7t i.wliremovet h OUTA N PRCE beore tttie. marS-i's fcin affairs of life11a oneinth fessin- tells the future ;smn and mnarnin.A.r n.y. mar2. and Wee - u. . r Ea n FOR RENT AND SALE. EET. a- FOR SAE. For fA list. ea'I or seed for REAL ESTATE REVIEW, pu edmonthly free. ..WABNEB. marf03t 916 r at. .w. REAL TATE BULLETIN. JOHN SHERMAN & CO.. ST. CLOrn BUILoG, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers. HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT in different portions of the city. Cal3 at our Office for the list. HOUSES OF ALE, PRICES FOR SALE. and some that are very desirable will be Exchanged for I Unimproved Ground. LOTS FOR SALE, and when desired money will be 1 advanced for building. SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE PAID TO PROPERTY ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE. REAL ESTATE BULLETIN 188WED MONTHLY. mar20 F B RENT-By B. O. HOLTZMAN. b ReAL EsTatE AenNT aiN &tcom ,a. 10th and F streets northwest. 23 156% st. n.w.. 17 1107 Pa. ave. n.y., roms and bath. .4200 1ne business room. 36 Fur.house, F at.n.w.125 411 13th at. n. w., 612 Pa. ave. n.w.. r al ........... 3 store ....... ...... 75 516l1thst.n.w ,store 26 1421 N.Y. ave. n.w.. 75 1224 O st.n.w......... 25 811 E at. n.w.. 17 15289th st.n.w....... 30 rooms and bath .... 60 289 134 st. s.w., a 943 D st. n.w.. tore 75 rooms............. 25 478Penn'aave. n.w., 1336 D at. n.w..shop 20 17 rooms. bath...... 60 233 434 st. s.w., 6 608 F st. n.w., 9 rs... g0 room% and store.. 18 Fur.house,n.w.H st. 50 2208 13th St. n.w.. 1787 F st.n.w.. 11 rs. 6 rooms ......... 16 and bath ............ 45 828 H at. n.e.. store 15 608La. ave. n.w..... 25 928 D it. .w., 7 730 9th at. n.e., 9 rooms............... 11 rooms and bath .... 25 817 D at. n e., 6 1 610 L. av.. .w.... 25 rooms.............. 10 1 1250 9th at. n.w....... 25 Imake nocharge to landlords for advertising their t property. and keep it before the public constantly. r I have manyof the finest building sites in the city for sale; also. Houses in every section at Price from 61,000 to $60,000. Now Is the time to buy. R. O. HOLTZMAN. mar20 10th and F stea. .w. D"'**FOR'RET 1006 M n.w.,1e rooms, m.i....................45.00 1300p n.w., 7 " m i.................... 35.00 111510th n.w.7 " gas and water........ 25.00 71 K n.e.. 10 " m.i................ 25.00 805 H n.e., 8 m................. 2000 1 102526th n.w. 7 n.1.................... 20.00 1 1741 11th " 6 " ........................ 16.00 10)1121st " 6."...................... 16.00 4269ths.w., 6 " ........................ 14.00 907 9th n.e. 6 ". .......... 10.00 FOR SALE-An 8-room House. mod. imps. bay window and cellar, on Columbia at., near O n.w.. lot 20x100 $3,500; 1300 Q n.w..8 storlea,3 bay win- dows. mod. imps., $4,000. mar19 1 FOR RENT- FOR RENT. YOR RENT. 732 21st t. 13 re.....$60 433 20th st., 5 re.....612 1 1918 K st.,'10 re........30 824 24th st., 4 rs.......10 1 2145 H st., 7 rs.........23 738 24th st, 6rs.......10 1 21I8 Hst.,B8rs....20 2110ONst. ....10 < 2120 H st.. 8 T......... 20 725 21st st.. 5 re.......10 Cor. 25th and G st.,8 rs. 53126th st., 6rs.......10 and Store.............20 710 H st.a.w.. 6 rs.....10 2313 L st., 5 r.........15 Also a list of proprty For Sale at this office. V'. B. WIICOX. REAL ESTATE AENT, mar16-t, th&s6t Cor. 20th and I sts. n.w. eo. 918 F street opposite o Temple. Jbr Ren. Furnisked. 11634 Hr 5t., Geo....25 Mansion. WestEnd.0 S and Ots. n.e.......20 t Penna. ave. n.w....111 13227 Vt. n.w..........20 Est., naar 7tb.........1 1917 9th at. n.w.. ....29 F at., near11th.......150 Store&dw.N N. .v.20 GrantPLes.near10tb160 615Lst.n.w .......18 E et., near 6th........12 409 1th st. .w.......18 r O e.e. bet.lat and 2d.100 7225th st. n.w.........17 1 Mt. Pfsaasat. 20s....100 490 F st. s.w...........15 Ast.. near2as.e.....100 324 1th st. s.w........15 ( Le Droit Park..........75 62 P st. A.w.........14 V%ftwntsAeb. 1415-1417 3d st. n.w. ..13 Suburban Mansion. .12 24 I et. n.e.........12 21 near H n.w......60 190013th at. n.w......12 16 161 S at. n.w....65 Cor. 10th and E n.w...I2 142 A at. n.e...........50 3 P st. n.w..............12 llth et. n.w., near K..35 th and K n.e. (new)..12 15129th n.w...........56 562Nt. s.w.........0 Storm 14th at above Q 30 1121 Park Place n:e..93( t Stsre w' p ' & 3..30 Alsq anumberofeter a H181Kst.........0 Olos. Stora,. FOR SAE!'FOR ALf! SALEil? Handsome New House. 15th and 8 sts...6., 750 2 Brick Houaes,16th andL (to closean estate) 2.500 New Bri near 7th ad n.w....... .... 3000 8-roosed with stsbe. 14th and..... 3000 1 New Heuses on 0-street line of ears........... 1600 1 Houses near new market on 9th a. 000 and 1,600 Lot in northwest. 19.6 45; no cash for two years. 6 Los near 15th and 0 sts n.w. 30 cente foot I have large and small sms always on hand to LOAN at lowest rates. tr E. A. toINTIRE. FOR RENT- r THE C0RCORAN BUILDING, OPPOSrrn U. S. TanasunT. 15TH 1$TaBeT. ( Fine Stores, Office Rooms-singiy or communi- a cating-for Business Offices, Studios, etc. Water and closets on every floor. Elevator and steam heat. 1 Dark rooms for storage. Inquire of the Janitor. mar12 FOR SALE-Beautiful BUILDING LOT fronting on Iowa Circle and Rhode Island avenue, con- tainine 2,100 square feet of ground. FOR SALE-Desirable TRIANGLE, bounded by New Hampshire avenue. N and 20th ate. n. w. - con- tains oaly 4. 810 uare feet of land, and is entirely surrounded by wi parking. FOR RENT-Handsome large BUILDING, fac- ts Pennlaniaavenue, near 14th at. n.w. ; suit- a abl fo a irs-clsretarant. FOR RENT- re TORES and OFFICE ROOMS in Lenman Biding. FORBENT-1916 15th st..w. a desirable three-. story, nine-room Brick DWET.LkwG. FOR RENT-15040Caroline st.n.w., new six-room BNok HOUSE. THO. a. uruuu a 00., mar1212223 F atreetnorthwest. BOOKS, &c. U lST RIECEIWED.-A new supply of ASTER C ARDS. ..d ZANIER EGGS. EASTER CARDS and EASTER.EGGS. A very L.anGE AssonTMmrr on hand this year, in- cluding designs from all the manufacturers. NEW BOOKS. The Reader's Hand-bo, yRev.E.C.Brewer.88.50 Oral DeformItIes, by............ 5.00 Patent Case Index.,b W. P.Fe , Jr........ 5.00 Schouler's Bailmnnt.including Carrier's..6.00 Prayers and Hymnnals in cases and separetely. W. U. &O. H. MORRISON, iw rfBooRaT.TMRR AND STATIouuna, mar19 473 Pa. ave. fesorne on's Maru Ward's and Hil- Easter EgCards and Easter Eggs. a novelty. Easter1 arrad by Miss Eastman. Sabbath-School Cards. ' day Cards. WE. ma 1WTEREaS £ SON, mar11 458 Tth street. BANNBETSANDSTANDARDS. In Nickel and Bron. PANELS AND EASELS-. PRAYER BOOKS AND HYMNALS, In Sete and in Cases, all Styles of Bindings. CORRESPONDENCE CARBS. PAPETERTETA LateS Style. Ba*raa 5. CHAPEAE. mar11 MET3O?oLITA B00ESTOnE, 311 EM, aSfe PTANos AND ORG1ANS. at Natimial F um D. The~~ DAdeb P.lswanoE.ie n otar Plau aossadthe uralehadam 530g. feb17 , , ~ or,a Ao1wses fehl E 7 M,U.W.s ba m d [51B0 AND OiRGANS AT EEn THAT feb1 sw INrn O a 00.. febiB d10f 11hSt. n.w. A.u NWO MEEL365 M N'CA W mas -ss a5. ass. BUSIN E B O SANO E . reateale scity No ooidn 1.00 CASE AND DESIRABLE BUSINESS er de wiRwbee betl ceh DNE"HALF OF A LARG OFFICE cn therst flo fLeDroit Bailding foe rnt cheap toa oa ApJORN T. ARMS. WANTED-TOF T ';E atr 0.- Type. etc. Address COLUEBIAN. . 15WILL BUY SCAI BUILDING& and aFIZIT,BESo an esalhe Woo an Co, . Rent $10. Apply at 1226 0 st.. between a ad 5p.m. OR SALE OR EXOHANGE-TROUT RUN HOTEL. with Furniture and Farm excele.t uaiuess. Aleo. FARM inTennee% ith springa, @00 acres in Kentucky; Texas 640 acrem. Good ti. e.JOHN WIGHTMEAN mor20-6t* Trout Run. lta. )WNaR OFFERS FOR SALE STOCK and FIX- TR S tore. 154 HiRh~, near Bridge at., eorgetown. Stock consists of Rok.Stationery. . bcaton beet, and doing good business: small arttal equired; cash or approved paper. Further LOAN. MONEY ON REAL ESTATE, IN SVrS vo Surr. At 6, 7 and 8 per cent. No EIe'sy When SecurOo AOmp TZ Ri . HOLTZMANN. mar20 l0th and F sts. n.w. FIOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PBiOY 1 TY-Ibe VILLA at Point Lookout. contin- og seven rooms, with seven lots in fine e-ndition. t)a.o. FARM. containing about forty-three aes ituated at the Washington & Ohio Junction; ften tinutes ride from city; god dwelling and utbnildings:" suited for stoes yard. market gar- Len or genhouse A rare chanae. A.plyA t SALE-A beautiful FARM. about 7 miles Ffrom Washington. 136 miles fr.un local depot is dlexandris. on Leesburg Pike. containing 30 acre a good state of cultiv.atio improved by Brick )welling, Stable and outbuldings. fine Orchard. very variety of fruit, and never-talliug Springs. L'hs Farm can be bought cheap on easy terms, raded for city property,and ts well suited for bnii- ieee men or office holders, as trains and boats run onetantly during the day. e a Estt OANpent, mar20-3t Corner 15th and Gstreets. OR SALE-VACANT LOT, 2x100 feet, on 9th at.. near T n. w. will be sold very low for cash. lddrees M., Star ole. mar9-3t 2 ) TO LOAN ON OOOD REAL ESTATE 8.URITY, at low rate of interest, in sums to nit. 0 H. PARKER~ mar19-3t* Corner 4;y and E ate. s.w. pOl SALE-A good paying MEAT AND PRO- ISION TORE; will sell low. Reason for sell- or proprietor leaving city. Call at 1127 7th st. I.W. mar19-3t' p SALE-About 100 ROUSES in South Wash- intn 6fo400 to $4,00a ~on terms to uit buyers. Apply C H. ARKER. marl9-3t* Corner 434 and E sts. e.w. POR SALE-GROCERY STORE, STOCK and FIXTrES, centrally located, and doing good Sling. Address Box 102, Star office. mar19 3t BEAUTIIUL RESIDENCE SITE FOR SALE.- Corner lot, with outlook on Conn. avenue. at he northwest corner of 18th end M te. for sale. 't was purchased a short time since by a gentleman n the navy, who now sells because he expects to be rdered away. A rare chance. B. F. WAtER. marl9-3t 916 Fst. .w. ONEY TO LOAN- $100,000 TO LOAN, rat-class gilt edge real estate securnt interest. on B. H. WARNER. mar19 916 F at. n.w. DOR SALE-A irAt-class GROCERY STORE. Scentrary e do a business of $3,0 mot.Star o®oie. ml8-3t' J R.'ALE--STOOHK and FIXTURES of a first- Sto one of the best stands to he city. Good reasons for selling. Address Box 7, Star oficoe. msnlS-3t DROM 76 TO 100 MARBLE AND SLATE MAN- I TLEB will be sold little above 008T for the ext 30 days. SOAP STONE for Grates and Stoves sets to ft Iery cheap. NEW YORK SLATE LND MARBL MANTEL MA2NUBACTORY-48$ 1st., near National Hotel. marl-t MOE SALE-BsasowABLS Tanus.-Oottage-buit BRICK HOUSE. modern improvements. rounds and shrubbery: in one of th beat localiti 'fGogtwn : cars sthe door. InqureRe ordes Onie,:Ct al h or marlS4 PS*Leae of anold-a estaebl h ad Re- all ICE CREAM ESTABLISHMENT now doing t in another business. Address Box 1 -tan Of- ice. marl5-6t' BTA HOMEAt$ rea bagis 5 elan FRAMES. 4 and 5 rooms each no lots, 13t1h and 17th sts s.e.; $50to 570-al cash and $15 onthly. WM. HOLTZMAN. st. I.w. marmr-lm M~R SALE-Good Will Stock and Furniture of a long-established DII(INO AND LUNCH BOOK l'ing a business of $6, 000ayear; central location - sill bear close investigation: recently refurnished broughout. Liberal terms. Leaving the city anes selling. Adars Box 61, Star office. mans-e3t' A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY PLACE FOR SALE-- adiE svillel Md., onthe Baltiore andOh ca,five minutes walk from the depot. It consists. f about three-fourthsof an se of g roved by a frame cottage and fine able.Indha bout sixy fruit tres embracing all the best va- eties. House was but new within two yesr,and as all conveniences. This is a rare chance or a erson who wants a cheap suburban home. o I.P.LIBBEY, 432 7th st. n.w. marl-Lm BARGANS,~Arare inducement Is offered In a handsome three-story Press Brick RESTI ENCE, with brownstone trimming, on M at.. ear Connecticut ave. ; property new; substantially 'niit; 12 rooms, bath hot and cold water, butlat ba an els ut; an desguera.A beautiful two y , B i Briek Front HOUS n 8 st.between 14th and 15th eta., with S8co 11 moder conveniencs, and in perfect order 0x126 to an alley; price $2,600-on eayterm%o cod party. Alec, small BRICK weUl locabuL for 6lSN0 cskand 620 prmont.HUE come, modr im gvements. Titles sad perfe mr1 Wl. pl . E. BURFORD & 0 CE. 0.0TOLIn Aums to Suit, On Baar. Ea-ram Sucuarr. THOU. J. FISHER & 00., mar9-2w 12281 at. n.y. I10 LONO Er ESTATE SECURITT- lanS-3m' 328 4le street nrhet SEDUCATIONAL. as ast bem for ~EFS SOP R LaURQe 2 1ta.nei AL 8A' TECHER OF sSPENCERIN EN EVENING nr.ABSES-Mcm , Tuetav, Weg- n advanc.LA GEI .R ? Js GS. MA.M., I Pr imital. Iw.. an f4e awe to el rni. duteen c ld .8mmcufl' n ratEsi 242drak aT.ie 00 STEB ENM 0ITEST i. lesM..s... -s ..MM M.. BOOT ANDEm SHOES. UI4 ldt& 6*88s.8...

Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1880-03-20 [p ]. · THEEVENINGSTAR. DOUBLE SHEET. WASHINGTON. sAT-BDAY.....are d8. IsM. ":osCO HT. NOmY....Sditer

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Page 1: Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1880-03-20 [p ]. · THEEVENINGSTAR. DOUBLE SHEET. WASHINGTON. sAT-BDAY.....are d8. IsM. ":osCO HT. NOmY....Sditer


sAT-BDAY .......are d8. IsM.":osCO HT . NOmY ....Sditer.

M ewsiwe 88a' he aro r, ser'sag-..es. ".s Ade dat eir..id.w a.se'ma dorbte that M any ether deag paver-sbehed i Wserhtws, aed e isswtt thatof as tke therdsav ag"r here added is-e-ther-

r TaM Sra is connected with the wires of the Na-lonal Telephone Exchange and with the WesternUnien Telephone Exchange. Both these agenciesem therefore be availed of in sending to Tan rAadvementfa, orders for the paper to be served.news, or any Information, at any hour of the dayfree of charge. These facilities are a great conve-mie.sr and will be appreciated by the customers ofTsn Srms.

The situmaten in Virkiula.There is an evident determination on the part

of the readjuster leaders in Virginia, to try theexperiment of running an independent elec-toral ticket In the presidential canvaes. Theyare working quietly but diligently to this end,and there is apparent uneasiness In the demo-cratic ranks. The republicans, being In a hope-les minority with only two parties In the field.can afford to look on with unconcern at anymovement that promises to divide their oppo-nents. Therefore they are not disturbed at thepreparations to carry out the Mahone plan.The running of three electoral tickets In Vir-ginia will render that state doubtful, and thatwill make the canvass of national interest,because upon the vote of the state mighthang the choice of a President. Theplan of the readjusters is to run an electoralticket uncommitted to any candidate or princt-pies and, it they can elect It, to determine, afterthe presidential election for whom the votesshall be cast. In the event of a close election,as was the case In 1S76, there would then beeleven men of Virginia, having It within theirpower to give victory to either side, and It canreadily be imagined what excitement wouldhang upon and around their action. The regu-lar democratic and republican organizationswill be in the field In support of the ticketsmade at Cincinnati and Chicago. The readjus-tere count upon antagonizing both and com-maning votes enough to give them a plurality.They carried the state election last fall, andthis Is the basis of their calculation for successIn their venture next fall. But there Is one important consideration to be entertained whichthe readjusters seem to lose sight of. In thestate election they were opposing the"bourbon"democracy only, and in such an election the re-psbicans, having nothing at Issue In the shapeofa ticket of their own were willing to supportrtem. But for the aid of republican votes thereadjusters would have been beaten last fall. Inthe coming canvass the republican party willhave itsown ticket in the field, and every effortof the party will beput forth in its behalf. WithBlaine, Sherman or Grant, or some equally wellknown and popular republican leader at thebead of a ticket, It is net likely that the read-justers will be able to obtain the voteso anyconsiderable number of that party, eapecially inview of the fact that possibly the "Indepen-dent" electoral ticket, If successful, might in theend be used to elect a democratic President.Without any assurance to the contrary, andwithout any sort of restraint being placed uponthe readjuster electors, It is as fair to assumethat they might vote for a democrat as a re-publican. The state organ of the readjusterssays that the funders in their secret soulsare afraid of the "Independent" movementand adds, "Well theymay be, for no novel pro-position in politics has so rapidly won favor asthis Suggested independent movement. NotOnly Is it approved by the readjusters in theircounty meetings, but by many who have here-tofore acted with the funders." This is a rose-colored view of the situation, to say the least,and evidently is notwarranted by the facts. TheIndications are that the regular democratic, or,as it Is now termed, funder, wing of the party isbeing strengthened by the return of voters whowent off with the readjusters; but, as we statedat the outset, it looks as if the latter were deter-mined to make a test of their strength by run-ning an electoral ticket.

Tlhe Grant men still cling to the belief thattheir candidate as the republican nomineefor President would receive a liberal supportfrom democrats. The Globe-Democrat, in dis-cussing the division In the republican party inMissouri, says "Nearly all the republicans andmany democrats of the state want U. S. Grantfor President." It is this assumption of dem-ocratic support that to agreat degree influencesthe Grant managers to treat so lightly the op-postion within the party to the third-termmovement. They calculate that a large pro-portion of this opposition will subside upon thenomination of Grant and come up to his sup-port, and such as refuse to do this, they believe,can be offset by votes drawn from democraticranks. Therefore, they are not likely to bedeterred in their plan of nominating Grant byezpresdons of republican hostility to him.Whether or net their estimates of democratic-Grant voters in the various states are basedupon good grounds cannot be determined untilafter the election. But tile belief Is, appa-rently, firmly fixed In the minds of the Grantboomers, and they usually speak with as mucheonfidence of getting democratic votes for theircandidate as if they had them secure.-

The trade in oleomargarine Is thriving. Not-withstanding t.he opposition to I0 Six millionsof pounds of this artificial butter are exportedmonthly from New York to Europe. where thereare no laws, as yet, to prohibit Its sale. Thereis no law in this country against its sale asoleomargarine, even for domestic consumption,thle only requirement being that It shall, whenput upon the market, be plainly marked oleo-margarine. The manufacturers are contendingthat it 18, in fact, as good butter as the genuine

-article, and In proof of this they assert thateven experts fall to discover the difference be-tween the two. If this be true, then there Is nohardship In the law requiring the oleomarga-rine to be stamped. If it possesses so muchmoerit, then It does not need to go upon the mar-ket In the disguise of butter.

The piano-makers' strike In New York willthrow nearly 5,600 persons out of employmentwhen all the factories that intend to close shallhave joined In the lock-out. The average wagesof these persons, who are mostly skilled labor-ae about pB per day, making the total loss tothat clas nearly 615,000 daily. The BaltimoreSBzahas made a calculation which shows that If

-thle hands hold out for eight weeks, and at fheend of that time accomplish their purpoee-anIncrease of 1l per cent in wages--It will requirethem to work right along for eighty weeks be-fore they will be able to recoup themselves forthe eight weeks time lost.

It is announced that the Constellationis mow ready to receive her cargo of provisionS and other articles for the relief olthe saferlngjpeople in Ireland. Two benevo-lent genitlemen one of whom Is understood tobe Congrenmman Morton, have volunteered tofurnish half the cargo, and efforts are beingmbad to obtain the other half by contribution,in time f!ar thle vessel to sail without delay. Therespnse received to calls for contribut'ons areencoureaging, and now that the want is understood, it will probably be promptly supplied.

There Is a very fair prospect of the pasage a1this session of Congress, of abiltodemane thilegal status of telegram, and protect them fromunreasonable search and sebr,re. In the preseat anditionof the statutes private telegramiare IateM to seizure and exposure by any investgating commIttee er by the curts, and therema universal demand fora law to protect thelMt ci correspondence.Thee are 1st newadverthmmnta In Tan Ira
















ONE PRICE. mar20

MADAME PALMER,No.1107 F Street n.w.,







Parties in want of goods of this kind will find thisan opportunity to purchase at VERYLOW RATES.





SALES ROOMS AND MANUFACTORY,mar20-s,tu.th.2m 705 and 70 Sth at. n.w.


AFGHAN ALOTH. CLOTHS,BLACK CREPE DE CHINE,BLACK CANTON CREPE,BLACK SATIN DE LYON. at $2.006 $2.50, $3.00,COLORSD SATIN DR LYON, at 62.50.BLACK BROCADE SATINS. from 1.75 to 65.00;BLACK SILKS (best makes). from 75. to 65.00;COLORED SILKS (new shades), from $1.00 toBLAK SATINS from $100 to $2.75;COLORED SATI'NS (all prices);SUMMER SILKS from 6236c. to 61.25;BLACK GRENADINES (new assigna) ;BLACK ALL SILK PEKINS. from $1.25 to $2.90,VELVET GRENADINES*PARASOLS AND UMBRYLLAS-NEW STYLES IN FISOHUES AND SCARFS;SPRING ULSTERS. JACKETS and WRAPSNEW STYLES in SHAWLS, HOSIERY, HAND-KERCHIEFS, &c.. Ac.Our stock is now very large and complete in alldepartnents, and well worthy the' attention of' all

efoaIs earhof "good earng fabrics' at

WF "One Price only, marked in Plain Figures."PERRY k BROTHER,

. Penn. are., cor. Oth at.Established in 1840.


INS. CO. of aNEW YRK have removdto thirnew office, No. 1418 NEW YORK AVE.m,ar2-eot

E~ATON & KING,1No. 824 9th St. nl.w., bet. H andI I.

PARI81A NETS n EGLIS ROUNDBATS, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, March23d and 24th. mar20-6t


aThe APRI NUMBR, now ready cmencesaalso contains anItNSE COLORED FASHIONPANORAMA with 20 FIGURES. and a GIGANTICSnpleent ove one adsur with FIG

for lender Stool, Stip for Chair. Ac.: Cut-OutPatters Ac.:;everal ew Cmlete Stories, Illus-tratd aoMni.Poetry,Rcp. &c.

Price, icluding all the supplementa, 85 cents.THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY,

31 Beek.aana at., New York.Snbscriptions received for all Foreign Publications



mar20-St E420 New York ave.




EE17 PennsylvanIa Avenue,


To which our patrons and friends are respectfullyinvited.




A few Vacant Stands in the New Wamhl.gtda (orC t) Mak~ betwm Ith and 9th at.n.w.wlfrom the established rates, whn aid for in ad-

MNTHrLT ENTAL WITH DUoomer oir:untebhm' taDis............611.20.U.eou8S..d............1.20.But.'mSt.d..................5.40.Ruok8arS.d5...........10.2

n. aas. .ate.d.8. gia.t&e..dele Yor or Boston iarne

Is. a . A.l erEeo U S






MaON 24TH AND 25T., 1W.

To which the Public is Invited.

I. L BLOUT,mar20 -St 710 Seventh Street n.w.

*AT LAST, 13, 1*, 14 TO ANYS +dres onreceipt of loc. Caul adadress.C. T. CR HEN,

mar20.t 1909 Pa. ave.

BARGAIN.TIN PIANOS.a UHICKEBING SQ...............$51 1O$ERCS ................ 171 PEEK& SONS .............................0230


No. 1103 Penna. ave.

OPECIAL NOTICE.-Wanted Ladies to calland con ult MAOAME HARTM&N. late of New

on and learn her attractive prices f r DRESSand ( LOAKMAKING. Several Apprentices wantedat 714 19th at. Cutter and Designer also nf NewYork. mar20-2"



DRY GOODS.We do not intend to allow our sales to run down.

Shall offer extra inducements to all in want of first-claes qualities. Our stock ofFBLA NOVELTIES FIGUREDAND STRIPEDBLACK SILK, BAR'NS IN BLAOK AND

LARGELINE O MOURNINGGOODS,Will be found much more select than heretofore.Bilk Fringes. Gimps and Buttons in endless variety.

W. M. BROWNmar20 817 Market lpaee.WTANTED-LADIES TOKNOW Mmne. Garrett.isVagen for Mine. Grippes' importe Pttrs

the world. 1223 Fetreet. mar20-2t




Loans on Collateral and Real Estatesecu-ritY............................... $85.,165.07

Other Bonds................................112,631.28'Assessments.............................. 6.114.93Due from State Banks and bankers...... 173.40Beal estate, furniture and fixtures....... 84,461.69Current expenses and taxes paid......... 807.11Prenmsadpate

oaid....i................... 55.00

Checks adohrcsitems............. 942.65Bills of otherBanks........................ 596.00Fractional currency (including nickels).. 86.08Specie (including gold Treasury certifi-cates)................................ 563.20

Legal tender notes........................ 10.102.00Total.................................$321,628.36

LIABILITIES:Undivided profits..................... $g8,480. 27Individual depoits.............01, 874.09Tbne certificates of deposit............... 5.270.00

Total................................*321.628.36DISTRIOT OF COLUMBIA, eCOUNTY or WASHINGTON.

I, B. P. SNYDER. Treasurer of the above-namedbank, do solemnly swear that the above statementis true to the best of my knowled and belief.

B. P. SNYDER. Treasurer.

Subscribed aad sworn to before me this 17th dayof March. 1880. THOMAS R. JONES,

Notary Public.Correct-Attest: WM. STICIENEY,~M. G. EMERY Directors.



935 Penna. ave.LADIES' RIDING HABITS to order a specialty.mar20


S o le articles that are GOOD. CHEAPa UNIFORM. These three charrcterletios havemadeBURCHARD'5 CANNED COFFEE

a household word in Washington. and these samecharacteristics are doing the same thing for


All Fine Groceries atRURCHARD'9,

mar20 Pa. awe. and For-and-a-half t.

VERMILYA'S LADIES' SHOES.The best in the world for the mony. All Winter

Boots will be sold at aDISCOUNT OF FIFTEEN PER CENT

for the next 30 days. Also, odd sizes for se cheaLADIS' and CHBILDREN'S SHOEB MADE TO

ORDER. mar20


Good House Slip 50 and 60c.- better oneat 65. 75c. and [unwards Qid's SchoolShoes 50. 60 and 7c. up and Boy'sSchosl Shoes 75, 85c. and $1 up- good SchoolShoes for Boys1, 61.26 eolid. The best $1.50Gent's Gaiter and Laced Shoe can be boughz. Our$1.25 and 61.30 Ladies' Peb. and Kid But. Bootsexcels all. Fine Goods as low in proportion. PairJusth'a Heel Plates given away a

1914.and 1016 Pa. ave.SignBigShoe.mr20



an the emient1IModias will beexibited enTUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. March 28d and

24th.The Ladles are respectfully invited.

MRS. N. .1. HUNT,mar20 Nos. O3i and 653 D at.NO CURE. NO PAY-Pals Corn Solvent. Sure

cure for hardeor soft corns without pain. 25e.a bottl. R. GIESBER,. So.e Agent for District ofColumbia, 1021 7th st. n.w. mar20-2w*

TRE NEWEST BOOKS. 5 n 0eaVo.8 De Emusat.................0ad10es

Roman by Constance Fennimore Woolson. .81.25

Winter Sunbeamis, by S. S. 00x........... 1.75John Byan, by 5. A. Froude............... 75

All the Magazines for April.EASTER CARDS of the latest designs.


mar20 1013 Pa. ave., cor. 11th st.



will be closed cut at once.EEGARDDLESS O1 COST.

prior to rebuilding the fatore.COME EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS.

D. L. ENGEL,1936 Pennsylvania ave.,

mnar18-6t Near 20th street.


iSaved from Herr & Ciasel's flre, will be soldcheap, by &.C. Wmar16-1m lst and Dasta. n.w.

THESPLYSOE1U43 9th Street Rorthwest, near K.Atiatica Is invited to the above Str8 Jus

gF-goer toalparts ofthaeiotyfreeofhrs. mar16-is



Cole Medicine for Ecnes Liunmt pprat. for HeOe.Toni. owe.orHse.or


NYMOUH 300 AID 000.

WAT8.VMLt beWOA - e - i II Market

.nea-nottsed EOJea

asadeof bathroom: piermanent. AflrS ox

tabhed Law Offies, or with a Lawyer who baaso11 lta to oean aoc in thi tm Addres

ANTED-NE T OF KIN HEIB O-uur Un-vint hswat;seir adesed for-6ooer ggf reat

Briaonfro 1665.o prm nt. CAdrssOn

00.n1 amona. Pi.aelhia. E.r2-2t

W ANTEDB Apl idy uit naunise Geoma

WPell seondothrd stry":utfront BOOM in private famiy , witho ir

oc"'a'n Meas. . v"|" , Nor- Add . t.Star oowce. mar2-St*

W ork a EnIN Sont famliERSI bee.

WANTZ anclamdMnyRgs remkr 20000rm

gestrefere fore i an RtRR Yea xOpeWANTED-AGENTS can make from G5 to 810

byll i~al sef l ptened atorysoe.

can. 855'Pa.icv" n.." Sam""-60 cents. mr*WANTED-SmallHOUSE. with modern in-Adfro OMents. One wilarge yahu referre

Addfrr octonMs WM.. A. W LENor 0 Ka. mbet?W9thtrade ANtDM; stvrate. WOAddes man toWriv

Wnd hep.bout house; woemntoncook andwash. Siamaily. Addas Box 116. EveningStarOfee.e. 1a 9-2tWANTED-HONS in ke rtown, by oo

Mut be good neho rho State u partiulars.

Addes Vrco, Sta O.f59ice . nm lee

W rANTED-m reh cook, with th et rneer

andelp fromt housAte; woantsoo andTU

ATION in private family. Address xY Z, tarOffce. marl9-2t*

W ANTED-HOS 21 whieolredon Cy oodS

GIt. Families ftrn shed Servant te mara.

Peolstego nteighbcerhod OStace, Room 24rtiederat

12o.t "*andi *** C. B.* i'RIE &ar . mar19-2t

WANTED-Arlc 1stk, twot Funihedbs. e

YCaplto Hll for man wfand chid arrned for huaekepng- orwould board. Ad-

droeswt frll tehrtpparti, wat T. SITU-Q

M. 0. mar19-2t0

~V(o childrn)Bw OOMt nea WarDart-iroomnee be furnshed-tht as bheSm. Refer-AONce if required. Address "Essex," Star Of-fice. marl9-2t''WANTED -- To E, T7 oood DWELLING-HOUS about 8 roos furnished orvunfs o-

neope'. notcllgen erm fiem be reasoal

Adrs, stating te and locality,BoxI,trOffce. mar19 6t'

alesen in is city and Btmor.Cali 9 o 12, 84 St. Cloud Building. mar8-S

BEMAI NS eS and otherheldo. Comed. Ofice cur. 7thandsts.n.w. P..1D-

M.L0. marl9-t'WANTED-An Active, benhteman ad wof-

t ter to drve bus nesswagona tae t ad Po

hrest smut be well recommended. FRANCIS

romneed307 furmhedht. a be m.aRefr-

WANTD-A few LAIE of busines capacity

e nd plreueasan Address Eae, inar ns

that will pay three dolars per Call from 10a.m, till 4 p.m. at 941 H st.n.w. mar18-3t*

WANTED-EoRANT- ofo idad otherING

Help. Famii es frn ise a shor nortcefreof che. Oie oor. th and te. B a1-3

WANTED- la with cra ble expr ienceor three persons who would not wish to trel with

lagepatis.Ades frparticulars, Mrs. A. Y.


48 and 44. Le Droit Building. febWANTED-toea"'"mine and COOSe


BER MACI..NUES from 1otereid. Cony

sonn sisf cor hsbne dtxhaneorOn-


Wr team Bodietin wagon and to aene tow

ma o at . 307 cor. 7thmlt.

andpasanadMrat.oea., ina. e1ns

amaa . a.. mr

BOARDING.* NT- or Th oft BORd, t or

F lp.Fatie fu0nise atsrfereices fe-

changed. mar20-w*

And TEDr convenit t en ar.ableeOrD,.989 Ks .n mw a ar2-14t*

ore prENunshe ond nowsotrv witho

BAND,Inaiate fAN Aat.n.w"*feb2-mn o


wi nth satclarssboteo exoard, for 62ad60ye

month. House is well urnid heated with teamand every waY desirable. jan29-2m

hosei ate ciI .Transient boarders ao'mno

LOST AND FOUND.OT-Mch 19 con fr m th strt Junc

and 1thst cars, a a PURSF contain-

insaou.10 ewadiflfta.14 Nn.w.-

11.tr a v ou them . utbonew. T. E.

Am"910vria a.ve..... ma.-E $


AR Nw Br aneo YO orktio

prae eOOspeca on7 coutrynd diefrest deax-bers. mg h al n tew se;lw'alal

inOrmo forTNetofrnshand spcuOS, by aec

__PROFESSIONAL.SHS. JOHNSTONRemoved from 16 t te 717 H st. oo

ClaBAptis hu.Flin a specitafamty. C teew

on silver. Gas adminstered. haesmoserat.B eforence:Bev. Dr. Domer andomo


te to hath atd usefun ees, thousa of e-aen 1 persn from fa and nE, visit DR.

Willards Hotel, for reef from and avoidance of

CoRs,YBunony Chllis, Dias ed andas

EEhences and aoaileo ithefemtEstablished 1861. Oice fee, r1 per visit. .arS

CLB. 9EirENBOn rve. emved-t"410 11th

57 to SQpest and alrtions on e

tra.t.g,0 cets. de..6T~.M. S. BBOWN, DENTIST. No. 725 14rs

tibo et.EchtohP Artifca

door. as91

betwe andK Batiful8Sets o

a.t.d. ..-I


THEEBT PEEWUM NOR BiiT 00AZ. ARIEINLIN@ WOOD was awarded teous.ver all eca

D.pet and NUm. ia-ieet. wa.035s: INS ad lenna. avene. aoes

men. nW. 0-

FOR RENT AND SALB.FORRaF*-.20.0*.".u|ni=sh"edF B5RET-A= R AND RID-ROOM, fur-

1FOmdenmprovemen.WHELlaBnd, ore a7t. adR0-3ImBENT B Fivet-chn ROOKS, laweoin

.oii Stricty r-la.Berecs -

* yRBENT-Ten-roam modern OUSE all con-1ve,ism-eecesitrel locafio- 618 Eat.; rest imod-ae Apply 806 E at., or ARA A B "E.66FOB EN r-Threewtory BRICK. seven rootm,

o 4th at. n.w wit waterandas nearIepa ts. Key at 4a 1lth st. n.w., up Staira.

FREN-IneCOVNTRY PLACE, nea So-diereRom,11 oome astable. fruit and

shade tres. The rent will ha paid in part or wholeby persons desirous of boarding. mar20 1wDOE BENT-A small PLACE of about 4 acres. just west of the city. New barn and house

np.ty,fwater. Just suited for dairy bust-ues. H F. DAVIS, 58115th at. mar20-3t*]FRBENT AND SALES OF PROPERTY PRI-T ANb TAUTION.-See Buletin Issued

on the lit and 15th of every month, at the officeof THOSE.WAGGAMAN,65197thcst.n.w. m90-3tL10R RENT-Two beautiful large dOOMd, fur-1 nih d or unfurnished;. private family. 112914'h at.. above Hamilton, near Thomas circle.References exchanged. Terms moderate.LOR RENT-HOUSE of 11 rooms, modern ims-~rovemenuts, 7 of which will be for rent; side

and stable. S adults board with renters. Be-erence required. 51s B et. n.w. mar2o-3t

F*."nlor sutable for lgt hneeepnr;almdrn1mp68een $nd $10 per month.Inqure136 Fst n.e., ShermanRow. mar20 3tFOR BENT-9 or 3 unfurnished or partly t,Lr-

nhhed ROOMS. second floor, gas bath h )t andcold water; every convenience for housekeeping.References exchanged. 1627 Oonneetlogt ave.,near Q stio ¢tew}rt. mar2061'

RSALET LOT,H 20x90 feet, north sideWFOR,oy 50yads west of 14th at. n.w.. at 25cents per foot" also one LOT in same square (202).frontingest 20 feel on 14th et. at 50 cents per foot.M. C. TUCKER, Second Auditor's Ofice, (WinderBuilding.) mar20-3t'

FORENT-romApril let next. a nice 2-storyCOTTGE HUSE,No.1214 Pennsylvanias.

a e rooms, large wood house, front andback garden, and all modern improvements. In-quire next door, or at No. 56 Brl .t. Geore-

'VORRENTOneof the most elegant RURALF*RESIDENE near this city, 1% miles fromstreet cars - ten-room house, cellar, porch. 5 acresgroud"" tbemagifnt viewo- hisciyonly 618per month. Apply at 1141 2 ath n.w910 to l2oo lock a.m. mar2l-3t

OB RENT-,07 C it. n.w. 2025 11th at. n w.11 rooms and stable, 620, 1420 T at. n.w.rooms, $15; 2116 11th et.n.w. 5Srooms $10; i0814th at. s.w., 6 rooms. 16; 526 11th 0..w., 9roo t s ; 131 8C at. s.w. . 5rooms, $1 3. 629 Virginia s.iw trL.A lyt m,. WO12 tave s.w. 8 r., 15; 423 10th at. s.w.629TirgiO.w., stors Apply to A..OCAiWO) 1225 9th

st. n.w. mar2-8t'FOR BENT-A large, well furnished front ROOMI

on second floor.wtth BOARD, in a private fam-fly near departments and cars. 1908 H at. n.w.Terms for two 645 per month. mar19 3t'

FIOR RENT-Six unfurnished BOOMS, modernimprovements fine location; rent to be taken

in board and $25 per month paid extra. AddressARMSTRONG. City Post Office. marl9-3t'

RENT-To neman and wife, withoutcide,ROOMSon second floor, furnished or

unfurnished; bath. gas and water same floor. Rentreasonable. 1417% at. n.w. tuarl9-2t"

mOU RENT-808 A at. ns.e. ; key next door: Housemodern improvemente. Apply to JORN B.

COILIETTE. 114 12th st. n.w.,or Third Auditor'sOffice Treas'y dep't. Bent $18 permonth. ml9-3t*

FRRENT-1012 17th st. n,w. next to corneret.. handsome BRICK DWILLING,*0.and all modern conveniences. Rent low to a-

nent tenant. Inquire of NEAL T. MURRAE 14%st. n.w. mar18-St*

F*OR E"-"|""r 1"ha.B ara T,oI.60F RB T-861tatB.9r,m.$0;A;17Hat.. B., 9 r., mo.i., -173513th sd., B.,9r , m.i 25;1620R St.. . r., $5. Lots 20x100, N:.#. av., 20 cts. ft., on time; money andbrick furnished to build- 7 per cet. nnt. andHouses on time, cheap. J. G. HESTER, 519 7that. mar16

L!R RENT-No. 211 D at. n.w.. 13 rooms, new-Alyfitted up and in complete order fine cistern

crge house and stable. G. W. 1100PE.2330FOB SALE-Casar-LOT 76x125. to 26 foot

alley, with two small houses, M street, nearNew Hampshire avenue. Terms, 640 cash and 610monthly. Also, choice lot on M st., between NewJersey ave. and e1st at. n.w. J. W. STAR 1429New York avenue. moarl -61DOR BENT, LEASE OR SALE-One and three-11narleses of GROUND, with two storyHOUSE. 'ted east side 13th at between B and

D eta. s.e. , et $I2.50. J. WV. S2 ABR. 1429 NewYork ave. mar15-6tFORSALE-At6,00ontrao620csad25 lmon. 8-try and basem$0nt BcKsnHO SE, with 12rooms besides bath room; hasevery m'oderimprovem t; fots soth oon i at.,a few doors east of North Capitol at. ; has recentlybeen put in thorough condition. J. W. STARR,1429 New York avenue. mar15-St'OR RENT-HOUSE No. 1226 0 at n.w., con-r taining 8 rooms, including bath. Modern im-provements. Apply 12200 at. n.w. mar1l-9t"ETeSUT dowrbath,ETUc.nihd.ndfor, and onSnee$oo on thirt%

apply. 12 Iowa e. m 82-tFOR RENT-That a choice four-story BRI.WHOUSE, 1404 16tha.*near Scott Statue. All

m. 1., 9 rooms and bath. Bent Inquire onthe premises, or of J. W. P. MYER Sb08-IthFOR RNT-619 13thsat. n.w. two handsomely

furnished SUITES of OOt; all modern im-provements; first and sacond floors; bath on eachnoor ;terms moderate. febl-Sm

B BNTFunise and ED-

Ing, and several DmallDO . 4vanla av. onr4l4 a5 80a 8. aall ea

FOR SALE.F SALE-Handsome Jewelers' SHOW CASE,J6x2 feet. Also, two Walnut WALL CAsEUS;will sell cheap. Apply 409 12th st.n.w., next door

BIG BAGINA splendid vectve doubleGA

rth 63e cahthA we haviurnNIMMO as CO.'8, 4101th st.n.w. mar19-St*FOB SALE, AND ON EXHIBITION AT J. J.

hapmnsok store Penyvani av bet

broidered PICTUhE; subject-Ohrist BlesigLit-tieChilden.amar18t*

AGE TOK OSPIG WAGONS, suitableTAEWAGONS. This Wagon isnce-

fr al y lo omothl isaments. JASK

EE SALE-New ad Second-hand CARRIAGES

410-4168th it., bet. Dand E n.-w. mar-6m


of ARIAGSHREandemand for the same.

aneed. W 0.DWNYStabe 1 1"hat.n.w. feb0EVEA IN eylttle used, in-

n.w. febe


ORED LAY bten17 and 85 years of aeannaIIEbiagodlongyoung ht

Petofce, icosigrhoorp and dadein


INS N. D. 7141tt w. mar1-3mP.LIBnEY 482 7t i.wliremovet h

OUTA N PRCE beore tttie. marS-i's

fcin affairs of life11a oneinthfessin- tells the future;smn

and mnarnin.A.rn.y. mar2.


Wee - u. .

r Ea n


For fA list. ea'I or seed for REAL ESTATEREVIEW, pu edmonthly free.

..WABNEB.marf03t 916 r at. .w.


Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers.

HOUSES AND STORES FOR RENT in differentportions of the city.

Cal3 at our Office for the list.HOUSES OF ALE, PRICES FOR SALE. and somethat are very desirable will be Exchanged for I

Unimproved Ground.LOTS FOR SALE, and when desired money will be 1advanced for building.SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE PAID TO



ReAL EsTatE AenNT aiN &tcom,a.10th and F streets northwest.

23 156% st. n.w.. 17 1107 Pa. ave. n.y.,roms and bath. .4200 1ne business room. 36Fur.house, F at.n.w.125 411 13th at. n. w.,612 Pa. ave. n.w.. r al ........... 3store ....... ...... 75 516l1thst.n.w ,store 261421 N.Y. ave. n.w.. 75 1224 Ost.n.w......... 25811 E at. n.w.. 17 15289th st.n.w....... 30rooms and bath .... 60 289 134 st. s.w., a943 D st. n.w.. tore 75 rooms............. 25478Penn'aave. n.w., 1336 D at. n.w..shop 2017 rooms. bath...... 60 233 434 st. s.w., 6

608 F st. n.w., 9 rs... g0 room% and store.. 18Fur.house,n.w.H st. 50 2208 13th St. n.w..1787 F st.n.w.. 11 rs. 6 rooms ......... 16and bath ............ 45 828 H at. n.e.. store 15

608La. ave. n.w..... 25 928 D it. .w., 7730 9th at. n.e., 9 rooms............... 11rooms and bath .... 25 817 D at. n e., 6 1

610 L. av.. .w.... 25 rooms.............. 10 11250 9th at. n.w....... 25

Imake nocharge to landlords foradvertising their tproperty. and keep it before the public constantly. r

I have manyof the finest building sites in the cityfor sale; also. Houses in every section at Pricefrom 61,000 to $60,000. Now Is the time to buy.

R. O. HOLTZMAN.mar20 10th and F stea. .w.

D"'**FOR'RET1006M n.w.,1e rooms, m.i....................45.001300p n.w., 7 " m i.................... 35.00111510th n.w.7 " gas and water........ 25.00

71 K n.e.. 10 " m.i................ 25.00805 H n.e., 8 m................. 2000 1102526th n.w. 7 n.1.................... 20.00 11741 11th " 6 "

........................ 16.0010)1121st " 6."...................... 16.004269ths.w., 6 "

........................ 14.00907 9th n.e. 6 ". .......... 10.00FOR SALE-An 8-room House. mod. imps. bay

window and cellar, on Columbia at., near O n.w..lot 20x100 $3,500; 1300 Q n.w..8 storlea,3 bay win-dows.mod. imps., $4,000. mar19 1



732 21st t. 13 re.....$60 433 20th st., 5 re.....612 11918 K st.,'10 re........30 824 24th st., 4 rs.......10 12145 H st., 7 rs.........23 738 24th st, 6rs.......10 121I8Hst.,B8rs....20 2110ONst. ....10 <2120 H st.. 8 T.........20 725 21st st.. 5 re.......10Cor. 25thandGst.,8 rs. 53126th st., 6rs.......10and Store.............20 710 H st.a.w.. 6 rs.....10

2313 L st., 5 r.........15Also a list of proprty For Sale at this office.


mar16-t, th&s6t Cor. 20th and I sts. n.w.

eo. 918 F street opposite o Temple.Jbr Ren.

Furnisked. 11634 Hr 5t., Geo....25Mansion. WestEnd.0 S and Ots. n.e.......20 tPenna. ave. n.w....111 13227Vt. n.w..........20Est., naar 7tb.........1 1917 9th at. n.w.. ....29F at., near11th.......150 Store&dw.N N. .v.20GrantPLes.near10tb160 615Lst.n.w .......18E et., near 6th........12 409 1th st. .w.......18 rO e.e. bet.lat and 2d.100 7225th st. n.w.........17 1Mt. Pfsaasat. 20s....100 490 F st. s.w...........15Ast.. near2as.e.....100 324 1th st. s.w........15 (LeDroit Park..........75 62 P st. A.w.........14

V%ftwntsAeb. 1415-1417 3d st. n.w. ..13Suburban Mansion. .12 24 I et. n.e.........1221 near H n.w......60 190013th at. n.w......1216 161 S at. n.w....65 Cor. 10th and E n.w...I2142 A at. n.e...........50 3 P st. n.w..............12llth et. n.w., near K..35 th and K n.e. (new)..1215129th n.w...........56 562Nt. s.w.........0Storm 14th at aboveQ 30 1121 Park Place n:e..93( tStsre w'p


& 3..30 Alsq anumberofeter aH181Kst.........0 Olos. Stora,.

FOR SAE!'FOR ALf! SALEil?HandsomeNew House. 15th and 8 sts...6., 7502 Brick Houaes,16th andL (to closean estate) 2.500New Bri near 7th ad n.w....... .... 30008-roosed with stsbe. 14th and..... 3000 1New Heuseson 0-street line of ears........... 1600 1Houses nearnewmarket on 9tha. 000 and 1,600Lot in northwest. 19.6 45; no cash for two years.6 Los near 15th and 0 sts n.w. 30 cente footI have large and small sms always on hand to

LOAN at lowest rates.tr E. A. toINTIRE.FOR RENT-

r THE C0RCORAN BUILDING,OPPOSrrn U. S. TanasunT. 15TH 1$TaBeT. (

Fine Stores, Office Rooms-singiy or communi- acating-for Business Offices, Studios, etc. Waterand closets on every floor. Elevator and steam heat. 1Dark rooms for storage. Inquire of the Janitor.mar12

FOR SALE-Beautiful BUILDINGLOT frontingon Iowa Circle and Rhode Island avenue, con-

tainine 2,100 square feet of ground.FOR SALE-Desirable TRIANGLE, bounded by

New Hampshire avenue. Nand 20th ate. n. w. - con-tains oaly 4. 810 uare feet of land, and is entirelysurrounded by wi parking.FOR RENT-Handsome large BUILDING, fac-

ts Pennlaniaavenue, near 14th at. n.w. ; suit- aablfoa irs-clsretarant.

FOR RENT- re TORES and OFFICEROOMS in Lenman Biding.FORBENT-1916 15th st..w. a desirable three-.

story, nine-room Brick DWET.LkwG.FOR RENT-15040Caroline st.n.w., new six-room

BNok HOUSE. THO. a. uruuu a 00.,mar1212223 F atreetnorthwest.


A very L.anGE AssonTMmrr on hand this year, in-cluding designs from all the manufacturers.

NEW BOOKS.The Reader'sHand-bo, yRev.E.C.Brewer.88.50Oral DeformItIes, by............ 5.00Patent Case Index.,b W. P.Fe , Jr........ 5.00Schouler's Bailmnnt.including Carrier's..6.00Prayers and Hymnnals in cases and separetely.

W. U. &O.H. MORRISON,iw rfBooRaT.TMRR AND STATIouuna,mar19 473 Pa. ave.

fesorne on's Maru Ward's and Hil-Easter EgCards and Easter Eggs. a novelty.Easter1 arrad by Miss Eastman.Sabbath-School Cards. ' day Cards.

WE. ma 1WTEREaS £ SON,mar11 458 Tth street.



In Sete and in Cases, all Styles of Bindings.CORRESPONDENCE CARBS.


mar11 MET3O?oLITA B00ESTOnE, 311 EM, aSfe


at Natimial F um D. The~~DAdeb P.lswanoE.ie n

otar Plauaossadthe uralehadam530g.feb17, , ~ or,a Ao1wsesfehlE 7 M,U.W.sba m d


feb1sw INrn O a 00..febiB d10f11hSt. n.w.




-ss a5. ass.



reateale scity Noooidn

1.00 CASE AND DESIRABLE BUSINESS erde wiRwbee betlceh

DNE"HALF OF A LARG OFFICEcn therstflofLeDroit Bailding foe rnt cheap toaoa ApJORN T. ARMS.

WANTED-TOF T ';E atr 0.-Type. etc. Address COLUEBIAN. .

15WILL BUY SCAI BUILDING& andaFIZIT,BESo an esalhe Woo an Co,.Rent $10. Apply at 1226 0 st.. between a

ad 5p.m.ORSALE OR EXOHANGE-TROUT RUNHOTEL. with Furniture and Farm excele.tuaiuess. Aleo. FARM inTennee% ith springa,

@00 acres in Kentucky; Texas 640 acrem. Good ti.


TR S tore. 154 HiRh~, near Bridge at.,eorgetown. Stock consists of Rok.Stationery.

.bcaton beet, and doing good business: smallarttal equired; cash or approved paper. Further


At 6, 7 and 8 per cent.No EIe'sy When SecurOo AOmpTZRi . HOLTZMANN.mar20 l0th and F sts. n.w.FIOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PBiOY1 TY-Ibe VILLA at Point Lookout. contin-og seven rooms, with seven lots in fine e-ndition.t)a.o. FARM. containing about forty-three aesituated at the Washington & Ohio Junction;ften tinutes ride from city; god dwelling andutbnildings:" suited for stoes yard. market gar-

Len or genhouse A rare chanae. A.plyA t

SALE-A beautiful FARM. about 7 milesFfrom Washington. 136 miles fr.un local depot isdlexandris. on Leesburg Pike. containing 30 acrea good state of cultiv.atio improved by Brick)welling, Stable and outbuldings. fine Orchard.very variety of fruit, and never-talliug Springs.L'hs Farm can be bought cheap on easy terms,

raded for city property,and ts well suited for bnii-ieee men or office holders, as trains and boats runonetantly during the day.

ea Estt OANpent,mar20-3t Corner 15th and Gstreets.OR SALE-VACANT LOT, 2x100 feet, on 9that.. near T n. w. will be sold very low for cash.

lddrees M., Star ole. mar9-3t2 ) TO LOAN ON OOOD REAL ESTATE

8.URITY, at low rate of interest, in sums tonit. 0 H. PARKER~mar19-3t* Corner 4;y and E ate. s.w.

pOl SALE-A good paying MEAT AND PRO-ISION TORE; will sell low. Reason for sell-

or proprietor leaving city. Call at 1127 7th st.I.W. mar19-3t'

p SALE-About 100 ROUSES in South Wash-intn6fo400 to $4,00a ~on terms to

uit buyers. Apply C H. ARKER.marl9-3t* Corner 434 and E sts. e.w.POR SALE-GROCERY STORE, STOCK andFIXTrES, centrally located, and doing goodSling. Address Box 102, Star office. mar19 3t

BEAUTIIUL RESIDENCE SITE FOR SALE.-Corner lot, with outlook on Conn. avenue. at

he northwest corner of 18th end M te. for sale.'t was purchased a short time since by a gentlemann the navy, who now sells because he expects to berdered away. A rare chance. B. F.WAtER.marl9-3t 916 Fst. .w.


rat-class gilt edge real estate securnt interest. on

B. H. WARNER.mar19 916 F at. n.w.

DOR SALE-A irAt-class GROCERY STORE.Scentrary e do a business of $3,0mot.Star o®oie. ml8-3t' JR.'ALE--STOOHK and FIXTURES of a first-Sto one of the best stands tohe city. Goodreasons for selling. Address Box

7, Star oficoe. msnlS-3tDROM76 TO 100 MARBLE AND SLATE MAN-

I TLEB will be sold little above 008T for theext 30 days. SOAP STONE for Grates and Stoves

sets to ft Iery cheap. NEW YORK SLATELND MARBL MANTEL MA2NUBACTORY-48$1st., near National Hotel. marl-tMOE SALE-BsasowABLS Tanus.-Oottage-buitBRICK HOUSE. modern improvements.rounds and shrubbery: in one of th beat localiti'fGogtwn : cars sthe door. InqureReordes Onie,:Ct al

h or marlS4PS*Leaeof anold-a estaebl h ad Re-

all ICE CREAM ESTABLISHMENT now doingtin another business. Address Box 1 -tan Of-ice. marl5-6t'

BTA HOMEAt$ rea bagis 5 elanFRAMES. 4 and5 rooms each no lots, 13t1h

and 17th sts s.e.; $50to 570-al cash and $15onthly.WM. HOLTZMAN. st.

I.w. marmr-lmM~R SALE-Good Will Stock and Furniture of along-established DII(INO AND LUNCH BOOK

l'ing a business of $6,000ayear; central location -

sillbear close investigation: recently refurnishedbroughout. Liberal terms. Leaving the city anes

selling. Adars Box 61, Star office. mans-e3t'

A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY PLACE FOR SALE--adiE svillel Md.,onthe Baltiore andOhca,five minutes walk from the depot. It consists.faboutthree-fourthsof an se of g

roved by a frame cottage and fine able.Indhabout sixy fruit tres embracing all the best va-

eties. House was but new within two yesr,andas all conveniences. This is a rare chance or aerson who wants a cheap suburban home.

oI.P.LIBBEY, 432 7th st. n.w. marl-LmBARGANS,~Arare inducement Is offered In ahandsome three-story Press Brick RESTI

ENCE, with brownstone trimming, on M at..ear Connecticut ave. ; property new; substantially'niit; 12 rooms, bath hot and cold water, butlat ba


ut;an desguera.A beautiful twoy , B i Briek FrontHOUSn 8 st.between 14th and 15th eta., with S8co

11 moderconveniencs, and in perfect order0x126 to an alley; price $2,600-on eayterm%ocod party. Alec, small BRICK weUl locabuL for

6lSN0 cskand 620 prmont.HUEcome, modr im gvements. Titles sad perfe

mr1Wl. pl . E. BURFORD & 0CE.

0.0TOLIn Aums to Suit,On Baar. Ea-ram Sucuarr.

THOU. J. FISHER & 00.,mar9-2w 12281 at. n.y.I10 LONO Er ESTATE SECURITT-lanS-3m' 328 4le streetnrhet

SEDUCATIONAL.asastbem for

~EFS SOPR LaURQe 2 1ta.nei


EVENING nr.ABSES-Mcm , Tuetav, Weg-n advanc.LA GEI .R ?

Js GS. MA.M.,I Pr imital.

Iw.. an f4e

awe to el rni. duteen c ld

.8mmcufl' n ratEsi 242drak aT.ie


i. lesM..s...


UI4 ldt&
