LOCAL XENTION. The Wee- . -9000, lira. man? a. L TVasnAT. lo te District of Columbia and Maryland, min; emata.ed low temperature today. Waraw tomorrow; nortbeasterit winds; wather useted for forty-eight hours. Per V ' ran; continued low tempes.- fie westerly winds; proiably clearing to estrems west portions Thursday morning. eonwarroso O TUE wAUa. Tlmjmeratmre and condition of water at 7 a~m.: Great Fall, temperature. 63: condition, ". Reesiviag reservoir, temperature, 70. Con- ie at north connection. 34; condition at as5@ eonectio, 36. ditributing reservoir, inUrmtart. 72; condition at induent gate hemse, ; condition at esIlueat gate house, S. HighWater. Low Water. S m. 10:59p.m. I 4:4g am. 436 p.m. , C. Wm.as, 1006F. Corsets itted and altered. Dream. Bannars Day at B. OoLecnaix's to- morrow. Use fourth page. binrswi glasses. HE .rsa, 453 Pa. ave. Vest ear tsailoring department if you wish to taeS latest stylus i fall suitangs and enuesrings. You will find our prices the low- es EMAN. Ban., 7th and E. ss- uen parlor snite, plush. 026. Five-pises ah tapestry. :37.50. clumber suite. antijue siah, 013.50. Chamber s.ite, oak. antique. m02 bevel glass. 017. 8. K. Baows A lios, 1th and Pa. ave. n. w. Y. C Wn=.a . 1003 F, high-class cores. "Masrou," The leading mineral water and singer sham- in the world. CEazLns Kaarn , 806. 737 7th at. a. w. Paarans rot Sussw Caaeru Inte weather. Get a light-weight overcoat. TeaM' need ome. Yee our stock and examine galities. Our 010 fall overcoats are ecial bargains. Esuias aos.. 7th E. 5.nvca.-Belltha J. Laws has removed his B of wall Japlrs. pictures. icure frames. ., tam 1411'. ave. to 4117th st. w. A Pasn or Parasr SrxL-rs given with every eM's suit. Exse.as Baus., 7th and Y. Fon Sr'aa LawN setoyans B. Ir.vr. Center Marke% 0th at wIg. Northern Liberty Market. Nave Town Rrasia made promptly and at sesmable~prie by C. L>. CPLaLa, builder and arpentsr. I37 and 7l ! 1Mth t. 6.w. CanmrTs C.zac'r.n by the Empire Carpet Werks, 601435 Mass. ave. n.W.. are made moth pseof free of charge. Telephone 425-2. Ow Srem of boys' and children's suits Is an largest in the city. see the school suits we are sfling at 12. iaruas Bnos., 7th and E. At Paiavt SaLr. kLow FacToa! PaicmE. 16 new parlor suite., 10 folding body, :0 large 3u and rug carpeta. 'these goods are con- agned to meiand aat be closed out at once. Wi. Low Eir., 937 7th st. aw. Cantr elaning and carpet laying at low sates by A. B: Cact A Bo., 619 La. ave. Aim Dreop's bargains, for sale column. Tan Mos Cortr; wrocx of men's clothing i thecity is found at Earaxs Bos'.. 7thand E. CITY AND DISTRICt AUUSUMNE3s '103103?. Atnaves'.-"Darlington's Widow." NanesaL-Yr. . 1. Winlard in "The Middle- man." Acasse or Masl.-Frederich Paulding in "A Struggle for Life." a=an.' Buaw.-..Peek's Bad Boy." En=saa's Ltcsus Tzarza.-"Through by SOCIETY OWr LOYAL. VOLUs3TE33 A ]ew Osgamn Ies. and the Otdest fee Which It is Feremed. The Iret monthly meeting of the national hard e founders of the society of Loyal Velatess developed the progress that had been mae in the work of organization. This meisty is designed by its originators to "malasia a high standard of honor for every aeilr and seilor, to elevate the tone of Ameri- can nia...ip and to relieve the treasury hrees tie paymeut of millions of dollars to these who are perfectly able to support them- shen while saar-torn and helpless veterans sae daned away with a paltry pittance." It daims not to interfere with any existing ese=-izatie of si-soldiers .nd sailors, and, doss not look for any opposition in direction. It admits into its membership *9 boyal volantner and those who by family -eni were or may be dependent upon imaso se who loyally served the cause of th tnaios in civil capcities during the war, and all loyal citizens who now approve of the ebjects of the society and will join it in a spirit f laetriotism. Thai society is designed to cherish social memories of war history in whisk every member of each family represented has a part aad to elect through its influence a recognition of earniet ethical principles in future legislation. It is opposed to pension attorneys, believing that those who are entitled to this recognition bern the uoveurment can obtain a settlement of their claims wishout the interventian of any bayer er agent. he Sethem meesepasie Medieal Coltege. 10. Charles Aln, W. . King, J. McDonald and others went to Baltimore today to be presest at the opening of the tiouthern Hoameo- pathls Medical College this afternoon. This esilege increases the number of bomeopathie ehga. ia this country to fourteen. The Miarylanid Homecopathic Bociety mnet yes- madsy in Baltimore and c&.ncludes its sessions tsday, the new college being a special feature. A bangqeet tonight will conclude the interest- lag eusreises. A Pltesm skips Town. Ofleer John U. Frnyser of the dres precinct, Evi-. at 68 4%~ street southwest, has left has family, ging, It is said, with a female eon- gneue frc~m a house of ill fame. Of late, It Is a~sgd, Iurayer had been drinking and was haeus to he em Intimate terms with the woman. Us is togt to have left the city with her. Eas weekhe was put of and went out driving with the wosean. and on haturday might Mrs. Prapsuer was nforamed by two of the woman's sempanions of the intentien of the 'ar sto hsave far Richmnond and attempto istop hem, bet was too late. Low Rirs vii 3. ann 0. 3. R. ron Lovax, Lmeeu.-To those who ebttemplte attending thsebn- ot the Military Orer of the Loyal Legion et nited Statee at Philadelphia Oc- inber le and 15 the Baltismore and Ohio railroad estende redated rates of transportation for thieeelves and their famihies. Apph-can thould he amdl at e. upo your nearest hiimore and Ohio agent, wo wili cheerfully supply all iaferamation relative to rates, time of bate, Sleeping car accoaismodations and will make all neessamrv arrngemeents for transpor- taoeo e special parties. The Baltinore and Obis railreed mantains a complete servie of vestabuled eSpreas train. between New York, Ihiladelphae, baltimoe, Washangton, Pitin- burg, Clveland, Columbus, Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinna=i All Baltre and Ohio talm between the east and west -g gegipgd with Pullman sleeping oars and run vie Was- ingten-ss A (rausa Leayav Baicn Hoes, No. 68 Usw Yerk aveme. is advertised to be sold to- marrow atS 'clock. 'This property is amira- bly adapeed far dwelling or besiaese and the .u-ae- ot inveetess is enled tabi. See ad- Naztua aavza U. ass O. 3.3 wos run Na- 'amas, -n==m=nr er Ussas mmrsaa Laes ar Daans., Pa.-Fes the shove esem.as. em Ostnher 14 14, las the Baltimoare and Ohio rail- men wE ell tickets at anl siamtes east and weste Oiriver as iew rateo e sn fare hethe red ip. 'Dhets will be mold Osinee e tea U b--uve and will be valid sar retnr gasae uOsteher 39 beimstee. e Lan ~m Mansio,, ID New Jessey ame--- will be said. iemam.e after- em atS o desh by &satione, Deer A Ow.,io be ===n Aisae. Tase eMeesrTYan- .-Ch Dasks nien a speeiel afte.- mae testssi Mml Versam, the ineb *the .0 lWeeb teimessew ~ *5) henssat 2:U e eleeh, main -sd-i Gns 01, eah m assesm des d ses T e n eas op. QQ s h m l n tomb dt enemmy'*-Mt DR. ARTHUR'S SERION [ nu" tud pnMk ls., Israel? Has be denied to them the e bring- lng to the birth children of the hly seed? Ye af t continent, we put it to yeo en the spot. Can you lay that neither in these United 8tates, In Canada on the north, in mexim on the south, nor yet in the West radesa Ismlands-that not among the whites, not among the blacks, not among the red men have these Methodist churches ever brought forth children of the divinely born race. Could I telephone now the quoetior. to every home in those various countries, and could the replies be telephoned back, these walls would shake with repeating peals of musical thunder-veoes crying this man, and this and that was bern there. And could the process be repeated to yonder old is'ands, far away, but dear to God, and from them onward to the eountrie far and near wherever Christ Im named, a second set of peals would echo the rst and then all would unite to cry: "The children whom the Lord bath given them are for signs and wonders in Isreal from the Lord of hoots that dwelleth in Zion." And now,bush! CouldIathirdies ekto every camber upon earth where at mo- ment a child of Godlis just setting foot in the cold stream, while they around are saying, "He is crossin now," and could I ask, Who was to thee the Lord's evangelist to lead thee out of the City of Destruction? goodly would be the number who would name some of our brethren anbsisters, who, if not apostles to other, were so to them. Ay, and of the number of saints who from all lauds are at this solemn moment passing through the gates into the Father's house on high, say ye that none would name some men here, nen who would instantly bow the head and cry. "My child, for whom I travailed in birth till Christ was formed in his." Happy, happy men, truly fathers in Israel. Your children arise and call you blesmed, and when you are gone your children will bear the burden and heat of the day. And those of us whose quivers have not been fall of these arrows of the war of redemption: Let us frat glorify God in our more honored brethren, and next let us humble ourselves and see where has lain our weakness. and above all let us not relinquish hopo, for God can make the barren to rejoice, cha take away their reproach and can cause their seed to inherit the Gein- tles. DZDICaTrI AZUsw rO 0on. And now in this second ecumenieal confer- ence we et ourselves anew to the building of the house of our God. When the second temple war to be built and men's hearts were not warm and firm, Haggai cried to Zerubabel to be strong, to Joshua, the high priest, to be strong, to all the people to be strong and to work. for the Lord was with them, and so with these words I have done. Ye men of thee new world, be strong. Ye sons of Old England, be strong. To children of the Teuton fatherland, be strong. To first fruit few of the otter Eurou an nations, be strong. Ye children of the African sun, be strong. Ye that are the earnest of Asia, the historic land of Eden, of the ark, of the temple, of the cross, be strong. "All ye people of the land, waith the Lord, be strong and work, for I am with you, maith the Lord of Hosts." And, finally. all ye whose hearts mnove you thereto. lift up a meek and reverent voice and in the words of Holy Script- ure. repeating after me, distinctly say: "Unto n a Child it born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon- His shoulders, and his Name shall be called Wonderful, Coun- sellor. The Mighty God. The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and of peace there wid be no end. In the name of our God will we set up our banners. The Lord of Hosts is with i, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Yo shall go out with joyand be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up their tree, and instead of the briar shall come up the myrtle tree. and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an ever- lasting sign that shall not be cut of. The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of Hosts; I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of Bosts in Jerum- lem, and to pray before the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, in those da it shall come to pass that ten men take shall old of the skirt of Him that is a Jew saying, we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. (Zech. 6:23.) In that day shall ye say, praime the Lord, call upon His name. declare Hie doings among the people.make mention that His name is exalted. Sing unto the Lord, for He bath done excellent things; this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout. thou inhabitant cf Zion,for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. (Isa. 12, 4-5-.) Thou that dwellest between the Cherubims shine forth. Turn ms again slad cause Thy face to shine. So shall we not go back from Thee. Quicken as and we will call upon thy name. (Ps. 0: 1--18.) And now, Lord.behold their threatenm and grant unto Thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak the Word. by stretching forth Thine hand to heal, and that signs and wonders r.y be done by the name of Thy Holy Child, Jesus. (Acts 4: 2.9-3').) Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we seek or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glorj in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages without end. Amen. TWELYE DAYS OF CONWa'RENCE. Many Tepaes to Se Discuessed in the Great Methodet Gathertag. The meetings of the ecumenical conference, which opened today, will continue untal Tuae- day, October 3. On the second day, Thursday. October S. the topic for discussion will be-Ecumenical Method- lsa." The first say will be read by the Rev. Dr. D. J. Waller, secretary of tho Wesleya MIethodist conference, his subject being "The Present Status of Methodisrn in the Eastern Sec- tion." Addresses will be made by the Rev. John Medaerift of the Methodist new connec- tion; the Rev. Jamee Donnelly, vice president of the Irish Methodist church, and the Rev. J. H. Batt of the Bible Christian church. In the asiternoon Bishop Charles B. Fowler of the Methodiet Episcopal church will opep the die- cuseion with an essay on "The Present Status of Methodism in the Western Section." He will be followed on the same subjet by Bishop C. B Galloway of the Methodist Episcopal church south, the Rev. Dr. William iaaof the Methodist church in Canada and iop W. B. Arnett of the African Methodist Episcopal church. The topic for the third day, Friday, October 9, will be "The Christian Church: Its Essential Unity and Genuine Catholicity." In the amorn-. ing the Rev. T. G. Selby of the Wesleya Meth- odist church will rend an essay on'*Chritian Unity." and the address to follo wi be deliv- ered bythe Rev. Dr. A. S. Hunt of the Metho- dist Eicalchurch and the Rev. Thomme Mitellofth Prismitive Methodist church. The essay at the afternoon sessican will be on "Christian Co ertion," by the Rev. Dr. A. Coke Smith, e dtpiscopslehnrch seth. The addressee will be delivered by 3. 0. Rowe of the United Methodist free church the Rev. T. J. Ogburn of the Methodist church and the Rev. James La Boay et the Methodist new eonneetion. On the fourth day (Saturday, October 10) the to wiul be -*The Church and UeientIds Thot."Percy W. Buntig.editor of the Cosrnsmperary .Brnssr, of the WeaneMth. disa church, will reed am est asening aession on ''The Influence of Modern Seientiae folwe y Rhev. Dr . eryo h Meshoim 'peos church on "'The Attiud of the ChurhToward the larine Ihses. et Unbelief," and by the Rev.W. T. Davison, tator in biblical literature and enegesel In El....n Conaege, Wesleyn Methodist ehureb, en "The Bible and Modern Critieismn." On the afth day, Monday, Oeteber 12, the toplo will be "'The Charch and Bor Agnis. IM ..8. Daer et the Methodist Elcn eh will open the pe Pr==M.'' be the Rev. Jeha Bond of the WaanMethedi eareh end the Rev. Wilm Day ot the Afnisen Methodist U Resien ehureb. In theaftme- neon the Rev. P. Eg et o the Ladau Man ot the Wesleyan Ltedia h~ wal the ----"'- ie a en "The Re- Ptems andthe -==Usee of the boirPreas." The speakse we he the eRa. Dr. C. M. Dewsrt ot th Methodist chahi (benss, the Rev. Dr. Jgm . el dent of the Primsitie om. Qhe Re,. Dr. 3..R M of thQe yesapht the m eia wi be eemanseehied he ea byasRev. Jemen "enhe he am henw.a a- *f .p r N m.uetI- 1 ades at af Ta.ammevesed m "se pesbytry of Wahtsn de hem su "m Jejamantd mai eeng yetenday a ment 4uV5&, Va., Ike E. esEei a ano pg- sding Y moderater. New. basise /milk was eeived as a member t the pres!tsy em te peehy- t'ry et ed. The Darnestowa, Nd., ebaseb pessated to te prsby'tery a ad for le pastssl serviess oev >- a W. Mye.. Mr. Myers sigmifyg hie aseeptmes of te saa ainngements were made for his temtdanont ea the 17th inst. The committee appointed to inquire into the expediency ot orgaling eharches t Ama- esotia and 2 Cty reprted program and wepontin with Insruetients toreport at "nom'"'"."e ..ept "t i.'"'.dsto the synod of Batthore at its awprchina meetung in this city on the Nth fappesar that the essbytery consists of thirty-ne ministers and a under its care twenty-seven ehrches, com- nseted with which are 8o -.ommac.a.te, 183 ruling elders, ixty-six Gaos, '7.12 Sab- bath school members and six candidates for the minld. Total eeatrabutioas to charch Rev. J. A. Whitaher was, at his own. reauest, diasm e to the presb of Troy N. Y. The ~c-ma -="oe to the ereal assembly, Bev. Dr. BEartlett and Hon. gas. Lyman, re- ported to the presbytery. Their report was ao- eepted, their Sdelity was approved and the thanks of the presbytery were tendered to Rev. Dr. Bartlett for his signal service to the chureh In the action of the last general assembly in the ease of Prof. Briggs. TO savn uloN TMZOLEeaonL anEMNA!. The following paper, introduced by Justice Drake, led to a spirited debate and waeadopted by a vote of 92 to 10-18 ministers and 8 elders voting in favor of it and 8 ministse and 2 elders against it: -Where.s, the Union 00 Seminary in the city of New York, when it inde- pendent institution, memoralized 66 general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America to 'e pleased to adopt it as a rule and plan in the enerciss of the roprietorship and control over the several edlogical seminaries;' that the board of di- rectors of each seminary should be authorized to appoint all professors for the same, and that 'no such appointment should be considered as a complete election if disapproved by a major- ity vote of theassembly.' And, whereas, the said seminary, in its memorial, agreed that if the said plan should be adopted by the assembly the seminary would conform to the same; and the assembl did adopt the plan, wbeaeby there was formed tween the two bodies 1 compact, the effect of which was to bring seminary into ecclesiastical conneotion wi general assembly. "And whereas, after that seminay had for twenty years enjoyed the benefit of said com- pact and said connection, its board of directors on the first occasion of a disapproval by the assembly of its appointment of a professor, re- pudiated the compact which the seminary it- self had proposed to the assembly and refused to submit to the control which itself had of- fered to and vested in that body, therefore the presbytery of Washington city ovrtares the general asseipbly to make a formal declara- tion of the entire severance of all relations be- tween it and said seminary." The consideration of the revision of the con- fession of faith was postponed to an adjourned meeting. to be held in the Church of the Cove- nant Niovember 2. *GEOGTWN. termnse AsocirTioN mxuomm. The regular monthly meeting of the stock- holders of the First Co-operative Building As- sociation took place last night and many were present. The bonds of the second series, on which had beam paid $180. were redeemed at $212.29. Bonds of the third, on which had been paid the same amount brought 0287.90. The fourth series bonds. which were issued last June netted for their owners $281.64. The directors meeting was held immediately after, and the usual business was transacted. cOMPLAIrT Or aD MILE. Housekeepers are complaining loudly bf the adulterated milk that is being sold in many of the stores about town. One lady last night purchased a quart of what was recommended to her as pure milk, and this morning it was sovered with a thick,tasteless,chalky substance, and the milk proper was of a dark greenish color. A gentleman who has had considerable experieace in the dairy business said this morning that owing to the long dry spell which w have just had and the present high prie of reed dairymen have been obliged to make their cows suffer by it. As a consequence the supply of pure milk has been short, the demand large ad the pure milk has been fixed Up to meet the demand. LorDaD CANAL noaTe ADnva. There were several arrivals of canal boats this morning. One loaded with coal became astened in the mud near S2d street and not antil three times the regular number of mules had been hitched to the tow line was the owner able to proceed with his cargo. One boatloaded with heavy timbers leaves today for one of the landings near Williamsport. rTELL InTo TEm cANAL. A small boy while playing on one of the canal boats near the Aqueduct bridge yesterday stumbled and fell into the water. The father quickly went to his assistance and after a great deal of struggling succeeded in saving him from a watery grave. On regaining the boat's deck emergency remedies were applied to the little tow path follower and after a few hours he wan "himself again." Norms. House No. 8321 0 street, which was adver- tised to be sold at public auction yesterday, was withdrawn, the highest bid received- @10,00-being far below the owner's estismate of its value. The Boys' Club wili pnest hereafter for the transaction of business on Saturday night, and not on Monday, as heretofore. The residents in the neighborhood of 38d and S streets complain of techaracter of the dumping. on a vacant lot In that localiy They ayboth decayed animal and vgebe matter Isthere almost daily, and the air about Is often polluted. Wilfred L. Sturgaapoiigyung man of this p lace, died lsightof tpodfever, In the elghteenth year of hsage. The cass against Mr. Benj. P. Shank. m ie- missed In thia Poliee Court -this morning, the consderng hatthe turning et the heose dirctin o th elctro ar was purely moeidentaL Lettie Get e This TIme . Lettle Brown, a young colored woman, about who, amany negroes have got into trenble and one lost his life, was a prisoner in the Pollee Court yesterday. She was eadthhat.- lng assaulted a negro named Jns who claimed that she cut him *~~ adhecoul not tel whsarth an or woman ought to be In jail and discharged the woman - Teibly Diteem by a fleg. A seven-year-old daughter of Joha Owem, a telegraphi linemanothe employ ctthe Distrist, was terribly bitten by a dog Sunday afernoca. Mr. Owems resides on 90th .treet northwest he- tween P and Qstreets, and whom the child was setto abo's houss a large b attacked it ndlacerated its arm sa bdy Dsath er Dr. Lien. Dr. Aleus=ia= Matthese died at ~~.cl bet county, 3d., yesraday, to the szyevn year of his age. Tly deeased was a hehoe Mr. C. N. Matthews and funeral srvies e be held at the resuee of the latter, Us. 143 30th steet northwest tosrow afeae atS o'eloek. Dr. Matthew was in early life a ataeelt of medicine In the cse of the late Dr. Graftea Tler, and was for a timne s.asan"Si'it hims I.tupemtise 51this peed. sea~g seld as oigto Talbet so h ha.suud.s the o neatly Sy he tvely engaged to ameisal week. widow ed s se.' T es 5emes Crter, a gayr~m4 Was.Gfts. a hoeersier,getttsali tien ea s hedg es 3tl menU *1sdis west Ote msisi a hatetsd 3wm. ~*nsihmu 8udo bs 1l IEIWMIf 1 a. . tats ofthetdm M 1 "Educatesn" wi be ton *ugs esohe .eseet day. Wed ea, Osee 1 Ebew.V.N ?itchstt 'ftoAsbsaa Mehois .1ehe is to be the tra scoee. UOn sb~s winlbe "The Rigios 'rainnag and Cmare et as Ye." 'Te Family" wi be i ajmet of the by the gev. T. I, ets.me eI the Methodist Protestat OUr .4"'The Sunday School" of Joh Evaes 60 Mee- dist 3,k ehrbh. In the oars.ae as Rev. Jha 1-to the Mtethodist charh will red an espa en - a d*- cation; How It May Best Be hemoted. He will be followed bythe ae. Dr. J. D. 3a- mond of th Methodist Episcoa church mouth n "The Ethies of eneas y Edne- tics" b the Rev. A. Hoiday of the United Met are church em "bieetarteam and State Education," ad by J. C. Daaey of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion churck on "Secondary Ednestion." There will be a evening -ession on this day with the following addresses, among other things: "The Broadest Facilities for Higher Education; the Duty of the Church." by the Rev. Dr. N. Burweof the Methodist church in Canada; "University Edaation," by the Rev. W. F. Wlater, tutor in biblical literature and exegess, Didebury Col- lege, Wesleyan Methodist church, and by the Nov. Dr. W. F. Warren e ae Methodist Epis- copal church. "Bomanism" will be th tepie at he lrat session on Thursday, October 15, the eighth day, as follows: "The Present Position of Io- manism," by the Rev. M. T. Myers. president of the United liethodist free church: "Romaan- iam as a Political Power." by the Rev. Dr. L. . Fiske of the methodist Episcopal church, and "Itomanism as a Religious Power," by the Rev. Dr. William Nicholas of the First Metham diet Church. "Tetuperanee" will be the topic of the seond ession, "The Church and Temperance Reform" being discassed by the Rev. Dr. R. H. Mahon of the Methodist Episopal church south, folowed by Thomas Worthington of the Independent Methodist and Free Gospel church. "Legal Prohibition of the Saloon will them be treated b the Rev. Dr. C. H. Phillips of the Colored Methodist Episcopal church in America, and the IRev. Dr. S. Antis of the Primitive Meth- odist church. On the ninth day, Friday, October 16, the topic will be ".Social Problems." "The Church in Her Relation to Labor and Capital" will be discussed by Alden bpeare of the Methodist Episcopal church, "The Moral Aspect of Labor Combinations and Strikes" by the Rev. J. Berry of the Australian Methodist church and "The Moral Aspects of Combinations of Capital" by J. R. Inch of the Methodist church in Canada. The following program will be followed at the afternoon session: "Obligations of the Church in 'helation to the Social Condition of the Peo- ple." by the Rev. Peter Thompson of the Lon- don mission of the Wesleyan Methodist church; "Christian Work Among the Poor," by the Rev. Wm. McKee of the United Brethren in Christ; "Christian Work Among the Rich," by the Rev. Tho. Allen of the Wesleyan Methodist church and "Christian Work in Agricultural Districts,' by the Rev. Dr. J. C. Hartzell of the Methodist Episcopal church. "Missions' will be discussed in the evening. The Rev. W. J. Townsend of the Methodist New Connection will read an essay on "Missions to Heathen Lands." The Rev. C. H. Kiracofe of the United Brethren in Christ will follow with an address on "New Fields Entered Sines 1881." Thou. Lawrence of the Primnitive Methodist church will spea on "Missions in Christian Lands." followed by the Rev. Wm. Gibson of the Weeleyan Metho- dist church and the Rev. Dr. C. N. Grandison of the Methodist Episcopal church. On the tenth day. Saturday, October 17, the topic will be "War and Peace." "International Arbitration" will be the subject of the opening paper by T. Snap. of the United Methodist Free church. Addresses will be delivered by J. S. Taylor of the Methodist Episcopal church and the Rev. Enoch Salt of the Weeleyan Meth- odist church. On the eleventh day, Monday, October 19, the topic will be "The Church and Public Mo- rality. ' The program for the dist session is as follows: Essay on "Legal Restran on the Vices of Society," by E. W.', Hill'of thi Methodist Episcopal church south; address on "Lotteries, Betting, Gambling and Kindred Vices," by the Rev. Joe. Posnett of the Wesleyan Methodist church. and address on "Marriage and Divorce Laws," bi Hiram L. Sibley of the Methodist Episcopal church, The essay at the afternoon session will be on ft. Lord's Day," by the Rev. Dr. T. G. Steward of the African Methodist Episcopal church. The Rev. Geo. Green of the Wesleyan Reform Union will fol- low with an address. T. Ruddle of the Bible Christian church will read a paper on "The Attitude of the Christian Church Toward Amusements" and Bishop C. D. Foes of the Methodist Episcopal church will follow witra address. The twelfth day, Tuseday, October 20, will be the last day of the conference. The open- ing essay will be on "The Christian Resources of the Old World," by the Rev. J. S. Simon of the Wesleyan Methodist church. The Rev. Dr. J. C. Watts of the Methodist New Connec- tion Church will follow with an address. Chancellor Edward Mayes of the Methodist Episcopal church south will then read a paper on "The Christian Resourcesof the New World." and an address will be made by the Rev. Dr. J. A. N. Chapman of the Methodist Episcopal church. The afternoon session will open with an essay on "The Church of tho Future," by the Rev. Dr. J. M. Buckley, editor of the Chrithan Ad- vocak, of the Methodist Episcopal church. Ad- dresse% will be made by the Rev. J. W. Dawson of the Wesleyan Methedist church, Bishop E. IR. Jiendrix of the Methodist Episcopal church south and the Rev. F. W. Bourne, president of the Bible Christian church. TR A. A. . EZICamPa=NT. Two ampertast Chalramen Appelated at the Meeting lost Night. There was a meeting of the executive com- mittee of the G. A. 3. encampment at Willard's Hotel last evening. Some business of import- ance was trassatedl, but for the most part the evening was devoted to looking over the ground and considering the matter of the best form of organization. It was deelde that all chair- men of subcommIttees who may be appointed hereafter shall also be members of the general executive committee. Two such subeommit- tees were given their oceial heads last evening in the persons of Clapt. Geo. E. Lemon. who was placed in charge of the committee on Anance, and Col. L. P. Wright, who was made chairman of the ommittee on aecomoa- tione. Dept. Comn. 5. K. Pipes of the Grand Army was also elected a member of the ex- ecative comunittee. The matter of the sub- committees, their character, number and du- ties, washlft in the hands ofaspcicommittee wthdirctonsto at tenext meeting. tiom litlewas started last si by the suggsion of ouede the memsbers that enough work was not being done and that the matter et adding ames to the list of workers ought to be much further advaneed than it was. This was answered in a general way when It was understood that at Boston last year the werk of elcigamefor the om- miutes was not cmetduilthe Iret week in December. Thenseral stisment laet night was that It was better to gs ahead sol ~I this ns awerk rather than to rs thins ra th ris ofmakingsrious biun- dies. The meeting last night was held with eloeed doors and lasted for oWe two hours. Mr. Harrisea Dime.,= who eceepted the position of ereayeseayafternoon, was un hand and plne iey nto the maidst of his arduems lbr.It 'asa mato have the mneetings of the eneeti eomittee at Willard's neil further noises, and at the next meeting, which was Azed or tiaterday night, atis heped that the list e esneof sb- eemmites will be cmiss warn cia oenmessa At the monthly meetiug of a. Old Gasad last night a omittee of lee amumae was appointed to devise ways end mmn hr the entertaelamset of visiting comrads daring the oh eeuti eomatse mtted a draw- lug of a gertiboate, headsme en unqu in a.theneaymessieher, It bei the castem of the gpsto penteash honor- arymember spa his whei'.th eh ae- taneand aime the Lseas bees of the sre The eepe now numbes e swe acie end SE hemesary ---b-- feewing essaanwere eectedmenr yeimb~mastumedma Whil-Esib L u3. * -maasa .. Iber L e .he . W - -t~a sts saw es r aSonoa Y tc esset term at jau a % evert as ena- t apsprvise W.0. Wassa, -ssd e iarsnapeM~q, an of Meary n -umm-s.d ged wit mbme--se ell er ee3.d up. A rise oew sese s rernesi hem es isured to Drummaesa a m rtsm to remove Wisen -ibes and wi be heard sol mena. irm aspaaew wm=aae. The treble among a beessn huse, mas- uiesed in TO Iran last week, is new in proess of et----t- The beard et direetees of the he department having asmerted their ensive right under the law to mace regulatoe te the vrnament of e de earstet Wardens HalwadWarleld have roer thelel geuestie to the attornev of the ceeaes. n is understood that a movereet will be made to br the Friendship Hand Regime Cem- olayervlee o for bought 0additioal feet of whiec hea bees divided between the HydraUliosand the Columbia engine compans coonr coar. The eanty sourt, Judge Chichester, has epened its Oeteber term at the Columbus Streurthese Wa.Humbles,ohargedwith b abling, been ee soquitte and is thought term of the eont. On the probate side of the court the estate of the late Jeferson Taeey was ordered to be oormisto to the sheriff for ad- ministration. The court will continue in s e- sion the residue of the week and will try sey- mrlriminal eses esa gins"casar,.o. CANAL COUUU3O3. Two canal boats with coal arrived here on Monday via the river from the Bock creek lock of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. One came to J. B. Zimmerman and the other to W. A. Smoet & Co. Others are expected. NoT,. C. W. Millan of Brooklyn, N.Y., hae bought of M. H. Nash for $9,000 his dwelling and spacious lot at West End. The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Creegan took place yesterday from her home. 312 North P street. A requiem masn was celebrated at St. Mary's Church. TAz.rApoosa excursion leaving Washington October 12 will be the last of the season.-du*. Baomosm cres headache: ies.-Adat. R=a===== the grand excursion to Talapoo.e October 12. Apply 1321 F street.-Ade. CUMBERLAND's CARNIVAL. The Aso Overnowing With Sp--lt- of the Celebrntten. Cumberland is overflowing with strangers, who are there to witness the three days' carnival which began yesterday. Special trains from Martinsburg, Keyser, Terra Alta and other towns brought thousands of passengers and thie attendance from the surrounding rural ecso is also very large. The feature of the first day was the sham battle between the second and fourth battalions of state troops, which took place yesterday afternoon on the plateau back of the city. The afair was witnessed by an immense crowd, who were treated to a reel- istie representation of battle. The dress parade review after the sham battle ended was very Ane. Last night a band contest for a prize of $100 took place in front of the court house between the fourth Battalion Band of Baltimore and the Altoona Band. The officers of the second and fourth bat- talions were entertained at the residence of Col. George A. Pearre last evening. Congressman Molaig and a number of ladies were present and an elaborate dinner was served. Usew and Iee in the Nethwet. Considerable snow and sleet fell at Miller, S. D.. Monday, with some rain. The weather is very cold. The first hard frost of the season fell Sun- day night at Owatonna, Minn. Ice was formed in several places. Crops of all kinds are out of danger. The will of J. . Emmet ("Fritz") names his son as executor. The estate is bequeathed to his ehildren. He settled a large sm on his wife at the time of their separation a year or two ago. IYOU WIanI To overcome that esteem. Thed Feealin. er te bund up your appetite and purify your blood, tashe HOOD'S SA3SAPAMIr.a Poeea the best known vegetable toicc and alter- tive properties, it builds up is a perdectly natural way all the weakened parts, purities and promotes healthy circulation of the blood. and makes you feel real baa- gry. Be sue to set HOOD's ma3APaILLA It is the best blood purifier, the best nerve helper. the best streeath builder. Give it a trial. HOOD'S PIULU-Invsorate the liver, regulate the bowels. feotive. but entle. Price 256. 1 W.r D0 You SAT. O,. Yo'03 That's what they ask us. This te what we tell 'em: Neeas It I. For the Feet, and the Easnt need it, and It meets all the reuwiramenta et the Past. Ithsa positive euse for tender, painful, swesty Neat. Orin and Dun- ioes. Try it. All drfauts sl it, 25e. Ad earmntd them deema their window, in Sue style with it. You eeud em the windows at theme popular drug etcres: Akher C leaner'a, 1429 Pmnnsylvania ave. ;A. 3. PIn- ney's, .a. 7th andI sta, ad Uad==ehatti. :8th and les. These draggite knew that Terra Pirma bes lerthe Fest is **stkh good." They don't acesm- amed any otherind to their oea'." CN Appeer te haveNi. That siss hideesed hewsm the powuiereeter WE NAYD ITt Atabade asatepmr..ss TaeteseasaWa.a theshederhsmdea - gyanessa buems~ ehslsei ssa te hen 01111 enew m "imameI MaEL ,o mn mencems>sera sam.s kmmOasas - Uua~m Ite. Dest4meewE, U.. Oster G. W Daedvtee aan abosd atr et Wasagangls wa he yieimd t she e elims in he eede Waesa iahe and uames maw, segee, whe were mt.d her beray sad a- malt. The twe mgreees and in rginiaj st ses he r ter i e m Watasi, and .se was aerated Is Wambt.n, U the G&W was .a atred is, Atamaatit. The e wma e--Uead - the Ie hor Augst oe the brm e Dr. W. P. Damm. mear Gfe e. They te sse bern at Redmss Seat the feorem em the term aheet 6 e'eleek in e Msig and meamaa Me. sets ad left her ftr dead. The trial took plaeu in Jdge Darbe's esert and the priomert were desemded by ealered meinbae et the bat. They weAved a ltal by To a tsand enrer ariges eto fdeloed the y the ------as that hie decas- s wasagis The thes ased for marey, bat Judge told them that he eiud be so more aseital tha the law and remanded thema that they did net hw any meaey when they cmmited the crime. The jedge added that they were forma that the ebhage againet s .ae wn snot m=oder. I*iag thema tee extens of the law-ten years the 3a.ti- ore Ien y-the jedge empvesemd eun row a e not ve them mre. Frank Hall, tM he r se who wsenssetd in Hanmore, wa aequitte Lew aras va B as 0. . . aes Iuusa& Tors.-The 3 and O. . B. will ma roend- trip excursion tickets at greatly reduced rate@ for voters who may deeire to go Oran Washig- ton to their home.s ldiana tr the eeoem. Tickets will be soid October 0 to 11 iheeadve will be good r ag utl October 11 imcladve, and will be valid ar raem= passg a6t Os- tober 31, 1891. Scantm 28 YE.a. SSCAL?. ITCHIeN. SEIN DI..A.. WIE.D. LESS SUPVsaIrZ CURED HE CUTICURA REEEDIES. If I had knowa of On CUTICURA REM3DIM tweaty.eight yeamsme it wouldhaveaved M w80. ad an imnnes amount at smeno. My dass (periesi.) mmad o ny head Ina aspes nt DOamer han a cnt. It .peed rapidly all over ay body and got under my ell. The esaks weald deop of of M all the time and my fering weemadlem aid withst relief. One th-mad dollars woad not tempt me to have this diaa ever smet. I am a por man. but feel rich to be relieved of what some ot the dect-- mid was leprosy. some rigworam. peodrade. A. I smmet Praise the CUTICUMA REMEDIES tee mch. They have smde my skina c lear ad fee from soalks as a baby's. All I eed of the was 05 worth. If you bad been here mad said you would have cured me for S3.6%Mo. Ton. woud have bad the mony. I looked like the picture (No. 2. pam* 47) Ia your book. **ew to Care Ska D eames,." but now I am as aesr as any person ever was. Through force of habit I rub my hands over my arms and les to ecrst.k oee. In a while. but toso perptom. I am al well. I acratched tweaty-eight yease and it gsot to be a kind of emacad mateme to me. I thank you a thaomead adns. DENNIS DOWNING. Wamerr. Vt. CUTICURA ENSOLENT ThemewUloodendSkiaPalurer. temafy (tolam s the blood of all impuriies mad paooemam -lemaae)t and CUTICURA. the great SkimCare. and CUTICURA SOAP. an esainte Skim 3..Saat=. extermally (to cear the skin and scalp and sartee the hair) hnstaatly relieve and speedily ea evary wedesof iachha. b-ratag, sealy. crossed. pimply. merefaleum and hbmedftary disease.mad humorat theskin. semip ad blood, with lo of a r, am ataasay to esa, from pimples to eseala. Said verywhe. Peke, OUTIOUBA. Ss.; SOAP. 25c.; RE OLVENT. 1. Preped by the POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION. oasee. Sead fotr now to Core Skis D0emes."' t pese. 6O0lugs-a*- mad LO te0im- I- PIMPLES. black-heds. red. serek, chapped and ealy skin cased by CUTICURA SOAP. ACHING SIDES AND RACK. Hip. Kine and Utesie Paim ad Weashneese RE- LIEVED IN ONE MINUTE by the CUTICURA ANTI-PAIN PLASTEE. The a med only pata- hi11me plader. eof-wh HUTELE B.0.. 212. 214, 214b 218 N. HOWARD ST.. DALTIMOREL A SELECTED ASSOETMENT Of OUR LATEST STYLES IN JINE DEm OOD1S, SILKS. PanSArN WRAPS, EARLY IAL LINrisET. NOTELTINI, he., WILL RE.DUPA IN PaARnm 0 AND D. mARsNGTON NOTEL 01 TEIB CITE. ON WEDNDAY AND TEUSEAT. 00TOBEE 7TAND . ONDEUS TAEEN POE COSTUM metkw. AND mKrrWama yee e e the best and moeempitae f PALL SUlTS and OTeNnCATE Ye he e tm WM-e--a --at ym to - E3tew westee mea PEW af a - i1. mse ema mse what e -s deimg' Satyese uels, Sueas Sue a t eS we U 3S -tle Pis-ele AR-wes ask O 6 P1St weeth SI12.0 Am AD-wealds 3. amnswSu. h banska. War. atOIS t 03LS We hey. ma kmmm am t akmb km at 61-44. SLR US. Si. sew. Lm M, atos RB.. 6L g 3 wU pavar e esto~we mde pa ms -au.MA A mvnes=mmma am cm -iane C sn ei.~ ~ 41 N.1&t N. 11gaUT f. thse. l ut a. i. tVbdee tatu Wm reptekr maims.M -tle O4i &as..m 00M be topea Smetabsi to le*4 at the Ilbmadt owing Netbiembt" t bled read tI.ieiavi asM!aisq Y d. Sket 7sftbat. is mskepeetr y to -ah A cuma Duadruf. G- The New Ymsmsam Mtyls t VAS D.Atk. Isaa itso. 0"b mbi. Itmm onee. 71ke oS.E~ a De ebmm .in, by Dr. Nden' Nere... toinaphe freeoaf 11r ][as Darns MTOin, lM I a A amnem pot.. Dr. IbM'. Oe a s preat rem dy ofw OurO . O ly O e~ t .i W~m aM W~ at redu ed piAc . at . ua.'.a 00460 Wefv* Oft t Oure Omm Way aS p DirWee. Caeaa es is "-at is it" wi4th Faamc & sus. (mee Praca, it Gee. 71I sad D. Pus Old By. Whiaky. Tic. 1R. Nas o.- A. luvemlde. Oeim a wims Whee A Wiles.. Mr 1lgb Arta .e . It chaero .b OS wgh Io s mza0a (*cs aril 0th autt maeflwet. 41ii.* SEXCURSIONS. PICNICS, &c. TPUCIAI. £1L.AUUM C 111W ls TEUBATAT1350 SAL U~s At 240p. in.. as Thhuly. ebbm.& M.e now busse .in t a teamar cari. MaeI f woke .a .pedal trip I.tOU 013)1 VKXON. IONS135or W~bbKIlloTUi. awhet the eey. -a her roes. wt famud 4b s. $1. toclulkeg eabOSm tit _n"sia omisaf bam V e. M~aaelsw whed. too t th at. it I. L a 3LA33. The To33 OP WA*UI10T0I. -1sp LAI OP MAORA tal. 0. ad after (kiaber b t Paidiat two ai d StaarC-ARLZM MACALISTEM will leave her Whet. foatof ia at.. aslolbaU: 1W U1 OUN.T Vkcu) -Oae trip daalyt. gaI Sweday, at 10 a. .bmrp. jechimig the.y..a usae uts .t 3 p&. F~a told tip. 01. iancadjeg ada...oa~ to ti gara.dround.. Sasat cate on the Chedee Maumt ammd Lumil erved at day t7YOU MARORALL HAU.- r trip daily. agimmt Sundaf. at 10 a. ta.. raurlb. rte a earturn at 3 ar i. kLiqeat sew dmamgver a kin, tsum" thos 2Ae.. Lajidie.. .. ___e_ S U3DA1, illN TO J.AR'SHALL MALL-SACRED MUSIC.-The Chuas Mmwhl~a.r far MarseinU Kai as Nendays a" I11 a.aW. :Su .l'. ad tat. ser uirp. tuualsr. inchl tie city at ,:jus. &.'e& end . t... Mound u. p,. 2a t ar e:a porous: .bahikm lac. CAPT. L. L. SLAKE. mai Omma~sie Chart.. Mukom. K1 ZCU3SIoNS. IMILn ON TIE POTOIA FOIL >3 CENTS. TWO ao 3.1.. emer. la.amam w wtA . Sai and sensekaucr~r Step at Aic.an. r pider STAGE EXCURSIONS. " ALY- ~w ate tCob Lam. .nomdip u a 1..m. , ar ra. *:i. to 7c.: NLe. rare ad hea~i,~..i p 3c. J.. bevy aderk baeeeaMa ilknrs a. I hsi hand 11eLy e.Lewa ..l3 a~a a. a. w. ee l- L~n.mu. & Bro. Wmea.wddeatataeraath Depatm beemplte. AN sades adallquie.Wa abemea~aa Itswgeodushirt we ar aktug a epoels rue . aesaimubtyi eacr the guglar put.. sai fo satn qm litt.ehsewbmes. Our .'4-ack AU-wool lIre. Cloth at Mc par yard. Our Ad-lind HNt Cleotored wuebt. Weclt Sil. Tar par sari. Ue 34-Nch TwIflei e Sutate- clot. Si er yard. s sea was"er atis a oar $'amd d3 nude. Weare camideat you am atd- ass. mimi S1.2T3. yard. lrsecb kaad,hua caast be cx- m.led Is m way. imu.W sash K cluring. Theea bavdsoe awl tyY~ o aIL I UtfTTla !ws S saiTrr t.AesMns SOON MW V QM TEE t'QRtam -DaRUPSTOl"S WID W." "1tARLIN.aT ,R s'llat w " "Da*UroTOle9l aIDaOW.- -DLLUnaTON"S wtDaw.- dOUR DowtJSS, Era aa.l..iit p ..A parW ..Ir. t1rn.I.r" V eft as waS...sont d HAS! D. .tiaTS NOW ON SaLL seat w.arKE POTLl. riDS[TL so KW NATION" 'I U..IIrl& ONE \ RCE ONLT. DMlasrf tl.sAa1. o...bt r It, bo.aft A.IMt, tS. R S. WIU.WW S"w.1M M ttr. A. M. P&.m"S c..s.r. TEE MIDDLL>tLN. OF wit ARTRUR J)ntw. as>"t d -no ru".r Llyt." "aloft asa be "RL.! EATIL1.E SaTCRDA!. M-ftf. ( -*w 12-"". ra/t REDSI..- YsaaAA'. 1(LL I. TN1 All i'.a.g.t..at. are. mw I lob tA. =rb we&-%W .. T...wR JAMEs M. WARD AM CABBIE CLAAM WARD >r mc-Civabows +. m N lI.wat P dm: LWM-14.1k io u4 -..Comm listio.,- to. IS. 2.aat:A1o"a ". Ortwr.a to Dr- (1n4e. IN awa... RMt week --Ttt1T 1'Aw1'0k APOoRraLI. . Ac ""v uCAmm ut .S/ D . ITE! ZYLLUID AND SATVRDLT Karl 4 /RE ICE raULISRE r "!RE STV eGLE Or in&% Tra p.m usA ruwk pos.aa.. tW M. ammom .r.a.c t..;o.Araal.tlc poSwts w of tar aw. Oct.iae III-Rort". ""A TI:IAII.TELL." .4r rtlk CALDP. ELL'w UA).a ...t. Al ADEMI. l'on..t..tt .a.. I. at.. u.a.. J!r.aa) """1ut4..I. a"wWwat..r.te a.l "t1.q, ut .. rc.an. 4L'1...,,r asllW..s (i w R %. r."Ul"a.. P w 11. tT..nte .o.a..a.a..waJa"*. AOare.mJ.AL t'ALI'Mr1.L. lI{l K. e.g. .t1IS a..AaD Ta)litYANI)i4 'SD RAIL! DALTvvu":, 1'YIat'L t.: (*UjOOQN7?[. Eta.. TM LAW, (N'I'UNk ls, F. r tr. M. o.4 we TEE ))LS (N[A).ak. HALO E "EaISYs W$.& M10 to Ur... A. I'.a. .na..r u, U.. 1i. - JUD(.L t.. 4-w a. 1..... WSILM t5at"T ur Uw L..ltalt MU).. % AN 1A A/A).DLWi. lot Prta.- O tkaal, 6a.'4.. Mayes w@&MSiML ad 11na.--Sfewer w..tai, r.:.. Nu tr"..-awJ Gttr. AI. 171a... "AI ealu.atla atlNoE.'a M.:y tlt. S. M-kta..o. tar, {., .al.tlw ti e racer/ I. dumm .e.... t. M-"idi.r cummufmm 69 U "'e...*. Dtarrr nur..1,1..euta is tinlU. t9/our t...ltar.sa r.aaat tW aveeraa. SPECIAL W ilte 8.'I.V*U I.ad l.4"tw......1 wla, a. a r. .a. Yw.aueWalt t..at:..tr.aw.at lbe A .ar.e.t, a set iur Iii) I.A uYt l ali{uu.r Ira) o. t. " /uta .a.e.tIUS N.. sa twlr.ayl l.l.a wdat',* ur a.laato.ua to Toura.wa.R raw& ttfllw.t at todi ed rat... Gwl I kIUWL ORQiSTta, w " Lr LANPAll tl.aA.t*... TWELrTR PLAW)N. t.:ta... ab. c'ISllI.Dt lia Dt Vt Prl.a boa/:a Sup.aw Mr. JA11LS SACVAJL barter rld. Aa/.s. a1..taarr, Li. Lulls tmla Ur. tt1M Eaadar sad (At.w . 1'I.abt.. Amimed al wllwtsuj iM aatd a AA MM G. Owa/ owbitews a[ WI. rtnaR Upcb ar. dUS WIMC66ntt. Lk1'IELR0TT'SEVIlSDAE.Ea y DLt'L'I1R1ia LL HMiL Ire?y we c ut . a A Uo s1611 I tw.. r.wiuuil r S l'aESDA1, a.l la ., ISlli at lI a... t.a1 a."ttlAl..a. a.r tae a.alfra. d lr ...aa, .wt., S2 ..tore l..oa.w le .w t....vwd mom i...b 4 tM thrw rnai .,a.."rta. ita.wead ..b 1ttr is'.a4 sad IsYV1. uaelq will be Iawwatl.A .a! rata r ad Vaa.'a art arch a+.a !t. HABHIb" DUUC TRLATM tl.wa P. Darn.. I. I_ arks ..SA T. P. Do&& Pr.1,w4orr ad Iaata.owa waver tyw... w.,.. 5...a.,. urlatrS, no a tltta.l W omw ATEIDSUZ MEW ram -8 DAD DOL V.ds 1r. at.aap- IS d tlVRlrM A WIIJaIkD6 bland. t."i.td.ttAp..AssSU/ wow t1...dlaap s.r.e R.wit.rlr. D.aaw, Il.ttsweal tSrSt1 ww err u en* a" tNaay.at moaf aim 11..e Wael-1"t;uaa Ut Ye.M luAK. aim r "I.L UI.kAT ELLI.LLICE 1'.Iit ar tfal 0 I. . '"After IS. A.orar wa.wlr .ttr..Uo, w atl. ur I awlerm i Irw a owwow. vealo cute... ti.s .. a tr.6 a w wtL pw .aalrtlr.aa ors day Wit'. ur .n.d ...x .bow. at..:. l.uay w aarMal.aa. r..d.r ym.1a rrts, slut aft ua a tort .". t. a" ui t'"wA1, sul I6la.rd Lk"." ..U I.r rr mw e.'ar) do go$, aat 6utw.. u u" . w at:). II.. .a..,a .d. "a. rw:. et. taraiaaa i wdse+r ral... .Sulam. 51 .afu..dlal..la-Na< arbda

LOCAL DR. ARTHUR'S SERION - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1891-10-07/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · CanmrTs C.zac'r.n by the Empire Carpet Werks,601435

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-9000,lira. man? a.L TVasnAT.lo te District of Columbia and Maryland,

min; emata.ed low temperature today.Waraw tomorrow; nortbeasterit winds;wather useted for forty-eight hours.Per V '

ran; continued low tempes.-fie westerly winds; proiably clearingto estrems west portions Thursday morning.

eonwarroso O TUE wAUa.Tlmjmeratmre and condition of water at 7

a~m.: Great Fall, temperature. 63: condition,". Reesiviag reservoir, temperature, 70. Con-ie at north connection. 34; condition atas5@ eonectio, 36. ditributing reservoir,inUrmtart. 72; condition at induent gatehemse, ; condition at esIlueat gate house, S.

HighWater. Low Water.S m. 10:59p.m. I 4:4g am. 436 p.m.

, C. Wm.as, 1006F. Corsets itted and altered.Dream. Bannars Day at B. OoLecnaix's to-

morrow. Use fourth page.binrswi glasses. HE .rsa, 453 Pa. ave.

Vest ear tsailoring department if you wishto taeS latest stylus i fall suitangs and

enuesrings. You will find our prices the low-esEMAN. Ban., 7th and E.

ss- uen parlor snite, plush. 026. Five-pisesah tapestry. :37.50. clumber suite. antijuesiah, 013.50. Chamber s.ite, oak. antique.m02 bevel glass. 017. 8. K. Baows A lios,1th and Pa. ave. n. w.

Y. C Wn=.a . 1003 F, high-class cores."Masrou,"

The leading mineral water and singer sham-in the world. CEazLns Kaarn ,

806. 737 7th at. a. w.

Paarans rot Sussw CaaeruInte weather. Get a light-weight overcoat.TeaM' need ome. Yee our stock and examinegalities. Our 010 fall overcoats are ecialbargains. Esuias aos.. 7th E.

5.nvca.-Belltha J. Laws has removed hisB of wall Japlrs. pictures. icure frames.

., tam 1411'. ave. to 4117th st. w.

A Pasn or Parasr SrxL-rs given with everyeM's suit. Exse.as Baus., 7th and Y.

Fon Sr'aa LawNsetoyans B. Ir.vr. Center Marke% 0th at

wIg. Northern Liberty Market.

Nave Town Rrasia made promptly and atsesmable~prie by C. L>. CPLaLa, builder andarpentsr. I37 and 7l ! 1Mth t. 6.w.

CanmrTs C.zac'r.n by the Empire CarpetWerks, 601435 Mass. ave. n.W.. are made mothpseof free of charge. Telephone 425-2.

Ow Srem of boys' and children's suits Isan largest in the city. see the school suitswe are sfling at 12.

iaruas Bnos., 7th and E.At Paiavt SaLr. kLow FacToa! PaicmE.16 new parlor suite., 10 folding body, :0 large

3u and rug carpeta. 'these goods are con-

agned to meiand aat be closed out at once.Wi. LowEir.,

937 7th st. aw.

Cantr elaning and carpet laying at lowsates by A. B: Cact A Bo., 619 La. ave.

Aim Dreop's bargains, for sale column.

Tan Mos Cortr; wrocx of men's clothingi thecity isfound atEaraxs Bos'.. 7thandE.


Atnaves'.-"Darlington's Widow."NanesaL-Yr. . 1. Winlard in "The Middle-

man."Acasse or Masl.-Frederich Paulding in

"A Struggle for Life."a=an.' Buaw.-..Peek's Bad Boy."

En=saa's Ltcsus Tzarza.-"Through by


A ]ew OsgamnIes. and the Otdest feeWhich It is Feremed.

The Iret monthly meeting of the nationalhard e founders of the society of LoyalVelatess developed the progress that hadbeen mae in the work of organization. Thismeisty is designed by its originators to"malasia a high standard of honor for everyaeilr and seilor, to elevate the tone of Ameri-can nia...ip and to relieve the treasuryhrees tie paymeut of millions of dollars tothese who are perfectly able to support them-shen while saar-torn and helpless veteranssae daned away with a paltry pittance."

It daims not to interfere with any existingese=-izatie of si-soldiers .nd sailors, and,doss not look for any opposition in

direction. It admits into its membership*9 boyal volantner and those who by family-eni were or may be dependent uponimaso se who loyally served the cause of

th tnaios in civil capcities during the war,and all loyal citizens who now approve of theebjects of the society and will join it in a spiritflaetriotism. Thai society is designed

to cherish social memories of war history inwhisk every member of each family representedhas a part aad to elect through its influence arecognition of earniet ethical principles infuture legislation.

It is opposed to pension attorneys, believingthat those who are entitled to this recognitionbern the uoveurment can obtain a settlementof their claims wishout the interventian of anybayer er agent.he Sethem meesepasie Medieal Coltege.10. CharlesAln, W. . King, J. McDonald

and others went to Baltimore today to bepresest at the opening of the tiouthern Hoameo-pathls Medical College this afternoon. Thisesilege increases the number of bomeopathieehga. ia this country to fourteen.The Miarylanid Homecopathic Bociety mnet yes-madsy in Baltimore and c&.ncludes its sessions

tsday, the new college being a special feature.A bangqeet tonight will conclude the interest-lag eusreises.

A Pltesm skips Town.Ofleer John U. Frnyser of the dres precinct,

Evi-. at 68 4%~street southwest, has left hasfamily, ging, It is said, with a female eon-gneue frc~m a house of ill fame. Of late, It Isa~sgd, Iurayer had been drinking and washaeus to he em Intimate terms with the woman.Us is togt to have left the city with her.Eas weekhe was put of and went out drivingwith the wosean. and on haturday might Mrs.Prapsuer was nforamed by two of the woman'ssempanions of the intentien of the 'arstohsave far Richmnond and attemptoistophem, bet was too late.

Low Rirs vii 3. ann 0. 3. R. ron Lovax,Lmeeu.-To those who ebttemplte attendingthsebn- ot the Military Orer of the LoyalLegion et nited Statee at Philadelphia Oc-

inber le and 15 the Baltismore and Ohio railroadestende redated rates of transportation forthieeelves and their famihies. Apph-canthould he amdl at e. upo your nearesthiimore and Ohio agent, wo wili cheerfullysupply all iaferamation relative to rates, time ofbate, Sleeping car accoaismodations and willmake all neessamrv arrngemeents for transpor-taoeo e special parties. The Baltinore andObis railreed mantains a complete servie ofvestabuled eSpreas train. between New York,Ihiladelphae, baltimoe, Washangton, Pitin-burg, Clveland, Columbus, Chicago, St. Louisand Cincinna=i All Baltre and Ohiotalm between the east and west -g gegipgdwith Pullman sleeping oars and run vie Was-ingten-ssA (rausa Leayav Baicn Hoes, No. 68

Usw Yerk aveme. is advertised to be sold to-marrow atS 'clock. 'This property is amira-bly adapeed far dwelling or besiaese and the.u-ae- ot inveetess is enled tabi. See ad-

Naztua aavzaU. assO. 3.3 wos run Na-'amas, -n==m=nr er Ussas mmrsaa Laesar Daans., Pa.-Fes the shove esem.as. emOstnher 14 14, las the Baltimoare and Ohio rail-men wE ell tickets at anl siamtes east andweste Oiriver as iewrateo e sn farehethe red ip. 'Dhets will be mold Osineee teaU b--uve and will be valid sar retnr

gasae uOsteher 39 beimstee. e

Lan ~m Mansio,, ID New Jesseyame--- will be said. iemam.e after-ematS odesh by &satione, Deer A Ow.,io be

===n Aisae. Tase eMeesrTYan-.-ChDasks nien a speeiel afte.-mae testssi Mml Versam, the ineb*the .0 lWeeb teimessew ~*5)henssat 2:U e eleeh, main-sd-i Gns 01, eah m

assesm des d sesT e n eas op.

QQ sh m ln tomb dt


DR. ARTHUR'S SERION[ nu"tudpnMk ls.,

Israel? Has be denied to them the e bring-lng to the birth children of thehly seed? Ye aft continent, we put it to yeo en the spot.Can you lay that neither in these United 8tates,In Canada on the north, in mexim on thesouth, nor yet in the West radesa Ismlands-thatnot among the whites, not among the blacks,not among the red men have these Methodistchurches ever brought forth children of thedivinely born race. Could I telephone nowthe quoetior. to every home in those variouscountries, and could the replies be telephonedback, these walls would shake with repeatingpeals of musical thunder-veoes crying thisman, and this and that was bern there.And could the process be repeated to yonderold is'ands, far away, but dear to God, and

from them onward to the eountrie far andnear wherever Christ Im named, a second set ofpeals would echo the rst and then all wouldunite to cry: "The children whom the Lordbath given them are for signs and wonders inIsreal from the Lord of hoots that dwelleth inZion."And now,bush! CouldIathirdies ekto

every camber upon earth where at mo-ment a child of Godlis just setting foot in thecold stream, while they around are saying, "Heis crossin now," and could I ask, Who was tothee the Lord's evangelist to lead thee out ofthe City of Destruction? goodly would be thenumber who would name some of our brethrenanbsisters, who, if not apostles to other, wereso to them.Ay, and of the number of saints who from all

lauds are at this solemn moment passingthrough the gates into the Father's house onhigh, say ye that none would name some menhere, nen who would instantly bow the headand cry. "My child, for whom I travailed inbirth till Christ was formed in his."Happy, happy men, truly fathers in Israel.

Your children arise and call you blesmed, andwhen you are gone your children will bear theburden and heat of the day. And those ofus whose quivers have not been fall of thesearrows of the war of redemption: Let us fratglorify God in our more honored brethren,and next let us humble ourselves and seewhere has lain our weakness. and above all letus not relinquish hopo, for God can make thebarren to rejoice, cha take away their reproachand can cause their seed to inherit the Gein-tles.

DZDICaTrI AZUsw rO 0on.And now in this second ecumenieal confer-

ence we et ourselves anew to the building ofthe house of our God. When the secondtemple war to be built and men's hearts were notwarm and firm, Haggai cried to Zerubabel tobe strong, to Joshua, the high priest, to bestrong, to all the people to be strong and towork. for the Lord was with them, and sowith these words I have done. Yemen of thee newworld, be strong. Ye sons of Old England, bestrong. To children of the Teuton fatherland,be strong. To first fruit few of the otterEurou an nations, be strong. Ye children ofthe African sun, be strong. Ye that are theearnest of Asia, the historic land of Eden, ofthe ark, of the temple, of the cross, be strong."All ye people of the land, waith the Lord, bestrong and work, for I am with you, maith theLord of Hosts." And, finally. all ye whosehearts mnove you thereto. lift up a meek andreverent voice and in the words of Holy Script-ure. repeating after me, distinctly say: "Unton a Child it born, unto us a Son is given, andthe government shall be upon-His shoulders,and his Name shall be called Wonderful, Coun-sellor. The Mighty God. The EverlastingFather, The Prince of Peace. Of the increaseof His government and of peace there wid beno end.In the name of our God will we set up our

banners.The Lord of Hosts is with i, the God of

Jacob is our refuge.Yo shall go out with joyand be led forth with

peace: the mountains and the hills shall breakforth before you into singing and all the treesof the field shall clap their hands. Instead ofthe thorn shall come up their tree, and insteadof the briar shall come up the myrtle tree. andit shall be to the Lord for a name, for an ever-lasting sign that shall not be cut of.The inhabitants of one city shall go to another,

saying, Let us go speedily to pray before theLord and to seek the Lord of Hosts; I will goalso. Yea, many people and strong nationsshall come to seek the Lord of Bosts in Jerum-lem, and to pray before the Lord. Thus saiththe Lord of Hosts, in those da it shall cometo pass that ten men take shall old of the skirtof Him that is a Jew saying,we will go with you,for we have heard that God is with you.(Zech. 6:23.)In that day shall ye say, praime the Lord, call

upon His name. declare Hie doings among thepeople.make mention that His name is exalted.Sing unto the Lord, for He bath done excellentthings; this is known in all the earth. Cry outand shout. thou inhabitant cf Zion,for great isthe Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.(Isa. 12, 4-5-.) Thou that dwellest between theCherubims shine forth. Turn ms again sladcause Thy face to shine. So shall we not goback from Thee. Quicken as and we will callupon thy name. (Ps. 0: 1--18.)And now, Lord.behold their threatenm and

grant unto Thy servants, that with all boldnessthey may speak the Word. by stretching forthThine hand to heal, and that signs and wondersr.y be done by the name of Thy Holy Child,Jesus. (Acts 4: 2.9-3').) Now unto Him thatis able to do exceeding abundantly above allthat we seek or think, according to the powerthat worketh in us, unto Him be glorj in thechurch by Christ Jesus throughout all ageswithout end. Amen.


Many Tepaes to Se Discuessed in the GreatMethodet Gathertag.

The meetings of the ecumenical conference,which opened today, will continue untal Tuae-day, October 3.On the second day, Thursday. October S. the

topic for discussion will be-Ecumenical Method-lsa." The first say will be read by the Rev.Dr. D. J. Waller, secretary of tho WesleyaMIethodist conference, his subject being "ThePresent Status of Methodisrn in the Eastern Sec-tion." Addresses will be made by the Rev.John Medaerift of the Methodist new connec-tion; the Rev. Jamee Donnelly, vice presidentof the Irish Methodist church, and the Rev. J.H. Batt of the Bible Christian church. In theasiternoon Bishop Charles B. Fowler of theMethodiet Episcopal church will opep the die-cuseion with an essay on "The Present Statusof Methodism in the Western Section." He willbe followed on the same subjet by Bishop C.B Galloway of the Methodist Episcopal churchsouth, the Rev. Dr. William iaaof theMethodist church in Canada and iop W. B.Arnett of the African Methodist Episcopalchurch.The topic for the third day, Friday, October

9, will be "The Christian Church: Its EssentialUnity and Genuine Catholicity." In the amorn-.ing the Rev. T. G. Selby of the Wesleya Meth-odist church will rend an essay on'*ChritianUnity." and the address to follo wi be deliv-ered bythe Rev. Dr. A. S. Hunt of the Metho-dist Eicalchurch and the Rev. ThommeMitellofth Prismitive Methodist church.The essay at the afternoon sessican will be on"Christian Co ertion," by the Rev. Dr. A.Coke Smith, e dtpiscopslehnrch seth.The addressee will be delivered by 3. 0. Roweof the United Methodist free church the Rev.T. J. Ogburn of the Methodistchurch and the Rev. James La Boay et theMethodist new eonneetion.On the fourth day (Saturday, October 10)

the to wiul be -*The Church and UeientIdsThot."Percy W. Buntig.editor of the

Cosrnsmperary .Brnssr, of the WeaneMth.disa church, will reed amest aseningaession on ''The Influence of Modern Seientiae

folwe y Rhev. Dr . eryo hMeshoim 'peos church on "'The Attiudof the ChurhToward the larine Ihses. etUnbelief," and by the Rev.W. T. Davison, tatorin biblical literature and enegesel InEl....nConaege, Wesleyn Methodist ehureb, en "TheBible and Modern Critieismn."On the afth day, Monday, Oeteber 12, the

toplo will be "'The Charch and Bor Agnis.IM ..8. Daer et the Methodist Elcn

eh will open the pePr==M.'' be the Rev. Jeha

Bond of the WaanMethedi eareh endthe Rev. Wilm Day ot the AfnisenMethodist U Resien ehureb. In theaftme-neon the Rev. P. Eg eto the LadauMan ot the Wesleyan Ltediah~ wal

the----"'- ie a en "The Re-Ptemsandthe -==Usee of theboirPreas." The speakse we he the eRa.

Dr. C. M. Dewsrt ot th Methodist chahi(benss, the Rev. Dr. J g m . eldent of the Primsitie om.Qhe Re,. Dr. 3..R M ofthQeyesaphtthe m eia wi be eemanseehied

heeabyasRev. Jemen



a- *f.pr N m.uetI- 1

ades ataf Ta.ammevesed m"se pesbytry of Wahtsn de hem su"m Jejamantdmai eeng yetenday a ment4uV5&, Va., Ike E. esEei a ano pg-sding Y moderater.New. basise /milk was eeived as a

member t the pres!tsy em te peehy-t'ry et ed.The Darnestowa, Nd., ebaseb pessated to

te prsby'tery a ad for le pastssl serviessoev>- a W. Mye.. Mr. Myers sigmifyg hieaseeptmes of te saa ainngements weremade for his temtdanont ea the 17th inst.The committee appointed to inquire into

the expediency ot orgaling eharches t Ama-esotia and 2 Cty reprted program andwepontin with Insruetients toreport at

"nom'"'"."e ..ept"t i.'"'.dsto thesynod of Batthore at its awprchina meetungin this city on the Nth fappesar that theessbytery consists of thirty-ne ministers and

a under its care twenty-seven ehrches, com-nseted with which are 8o-.ommac.a.te,183 ruling elders, ixty-six Gaos, '7.12 Sab-bath school members and six candidates forthe minld. Total eeatrabutioas to charchRev. J. A. Whitaher was, at his own. reauest,diasm e to the presb of Troy N. Y.The ~c-ma -="oe to the ereal assembly,Bev. Dr. BEartlett and Hon. gas. Lyman, re-

ported to the presbytery. Theirreport was ao-eepted, their Sdelity was approved and thethanks of the presbytery were tendered to Rev.Dr. Bartlett for his signal service to the chureh Inthe action of the last general assembly in theease of Prof. Briggs.

TO savn uloN TMZOLEeaonLanEMNA!.The following paper, introduced by Justice

Drake, led to a spirited debate and waeadoptedby a vote of 92 to 10-18 ministers and 8 eldersvoting in favor of it and 8 ministse and 2elders against it:-Where.s, the Union 00 Seminary

in the city of New York, when it inde-pendent institution, memoralized 66 generalassembly of the Presbyterian church in theUnited States of America to 'e pleased toadopt it as a ruleand plan in the enerciss of theroprietorship and control over the severaledlogical seminaries;' that the board of di-

rectors of each seminary should be authorizedto appoint all professors for the same, and that'no such appointment should be considered asa complete election if disapproved by a major-ity vote of theassembly.' And, whereas, thesaidseminary, in its memorial, agreed that if thesaid plan should be adopted by the assemblythe seminary would conform to the same; andthe assembl did adopt the plan, wbeaeby therewas formed tween the two bodies 1 compact,the effect of which was to bring seminaryinto ecclesiastical conneotion wi generalassembly."And whereas, after that seminay had for

twenty years enjoyed the benefit of said com-pact and said connection, its board of directorson the first occasion of a disapproval by theassembly of its appointment of a professor, re-pudiated the compact which the seminary it-self had proposed to the assembly and refusedto submit to the control which itself had of-fered to and vested in that body, thereforethe presbytery of Washington city ovrtaresthe general asseipbly to make a formal declara-tion of the entire severance of all relations be-tween it and said seminary."The consideration of the revision of the con-fession of faith was postponed to an adjournedmeeting. to be held in the Church of the Cove-nant Niovember 2.

*GEOGTWN.termnse AsocirTioN mxuomm.

The regular monthly meeting of the stock-holders of the First Co-operative Building As-sociation took place last night and many werepresent. The bonds of the second series, onwhich had beam paid $180. were redeemed at$212.29. Bonds of the third, on which hadbeen paid the same amount brought 0287.90.The fourth series bonds. which were issuedlast June netted for theirowners $281.64. Thedirectors meeting was held immediately after,and the usual business was transacted.

cOMPLAIrT Or aD MILE.Housekeepers are complaining loudly bf the

adulterated milk that is being sold in many ofthe stores about town. One lady last nightpurchased a quart of what was recommendedtoheras pure milk, and this morning it wassovered with a thick,tasteless,chalky substance,and the milk proper was of a dark greenishcolor. A gentleman who has had considerableexperieace in the dairy business said thismorning that owing to the long dry spell whichw have just had and the present high prie of

reed dairymen have been obliged to make theircows suffer by it. As a consequence the supplyof pure milk has been short, the demand largead thepure milk has been fixed Up to meetthe demand.

LorDaD CANAL noaTe ADnva.There were several arrivals of canal boats

this morning. One loaded with coal becameastened in the mud near S2d street and notantil three times the regular number of muleshad been hitched to the tow line was the ownerable to proceed with his cargo. One boatloadedwith heavy timbers leaves today for one of thelandings near Williamsport.

rTELL InTo TEm cANAL.A small boy while playing on one of the canal

boats near the Aqueduct bridge yesterdaystumbled and fell into the water. The fatherquickly went to his assistance and after a greatdeal of strugglingsucceeded in saving himfrom a watery grave. On regaining the boat'sdeck emergency remedies were applied to thelittle tow path follower and after a few hourshe wan "himself again."

Norms.House No. 8321 0 street, which was adver-

tised to be sold at public auction yesterday,was withdrawn, the highest bid received-@10,00-being far below the owner's estismateof its value.The Boys' Club wili pnest hereafter for the

transaction of business on Saturday night, andnot on Monday, as heretofore.The residents in the neighborhood of 38d and

S streets complain of techaracter of thedumping. on a vacant lot In that localiyThey ayboth decayed animal and vgebematter Isthere almost daily, and the air aboutIs often polluted.Wilfred L. Sturgaapoiigyung manof this place, died lsightof tpodfever,

In the elghteenth year of hsage.The cass against Mr. Benj. P. Shank. m ie-missed In thia Poliee Court -this morning, the

consderng hatthe turning et the heosedirctino th elctro ar was purelymoeidentaLLettie Get e This TIme .

Lettle Brown, a young colored woman, aboutwho, amany negroes have got into trenble andone lost his life, was a prisoner in the PolleeCourt yesterday. She was eadthhat.-lng assaulted a negro named Jns

who claimed that she cut him *~~

adhecoul not tel whsarth an or

woman ought to be In jail and discharged the

woman- Teibly Diteem by a fleg.

A seven-year-old daughter of Joha Owem, atelegraphi linemanotheemployctthe Distrist,was terribly bitten by a dog Sunday afernoca.Mr. Owems resideson 90th .treet northwest he-tween P and Qstreets, and whom the child was

setto abo's houss a large b attackeditndlacerated its arm sa bdy

Dsath er Dr. Lien.Dr. Aleus=ia= Matthese died at ~~.cl

bet county, 3d., yesraday, to theszyevnyear of his age. Tly deeased was a hehoeMr. C. N. Matthews and funeral srvies e beheld at the resuee of the latter, Us. 14330th steet northwest tosrow afeaeatS o'eloek.Dr. Matthew was in early life a ataeelt ofmedicine In the cse of the late Dr. GrafteaTler, and was for a timne s.asan"Si'it himsI.tupemtise 51thispeed. sea~g

seld as oigto Talbet so hha.suud.s the o neatly Sy hetvely engaged to ameisal week.widow ed s se.'

T es 5emes Crter, a gayr~m4Was.Gfts. a hoeersier,getttsalitieneashedg es 3tl menU *1sdiswest Ote msisi a hatetsd


8ud o bs 1lIEIWMIf

1 a.. tatsofthetdm M 1"Educatesn" wi beton*ugs esohe .eseet

day. Wed ea, Osee 1 Ebew.V.N?itchstt 'ftoAsbsaa Mehois.1eheis to be the tra scoee. UOn sb~s winlbe"The Rigios 'rainnag and Cmare et asYe." 'Te Family" wi be i ajmetofthe by the gev. T. I, ets.meeIthe Methodist Protestat OUr .4"'TheSunday School" of Joh Evaes 60 Mee-dist 3,k ehrbh. In the oars.ae asRev. Jha 1-to the Mtethodistcharh will red an espa en - a d*-cation; How It May Best Be hemoted. Hewill be followed bytheae. Dr. J. D. 3a-mond of th Methodist Episcoa churchmouth n "The Ethies of eneas y Edne-tics" b the Rev. A. Hoiday of the UnitedMet are church em "bieetarteam andState Education," ad by J. C. Daaey of theAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion churck on"Secondary Ednestion." There will be aevening -ession on this day with the followingaddresses, among other things: "The BroadestFacilities for Higher Education; the Duty ofthe Church." by the Rev. Dr. N. Burweofthe Methodist church in Canada; "UniversityEdaation," by the Rev. W. F. Wlater, tutor inbiblical literature and exegess, Didebury Col-lege, Wesleyan Methodist church, and by theNov. Dr. W. F. Warren e ae Methodist Epis-copal church."Bomanism" will be th tepie at he lrat

session on Thursday, October 15, the eighthday, as follows: "The Present Position of Io-manism," by the Rev. M. T. Myers. presidentof the United liethodist free church: "Romaan-iam as a Political Power." by the Rev. Dr. L.

. Fiske of the methodist Episcopal church,and "Itomanism as a Religious Power," by theRev. Dr. William Nicholas of the First Methamdiet Church."Tetuperanee" will be the topic of the seond

ession, "The Church and TemperanceReform"being discassed by the Rev. Dr. R. H. Mahon ofthe Methodist Episopal church south, folowedby Thomas Worthington of the IndependentMethodist and Free Gospel church. "LegalProhibition of the Saloon will them be treatedb the Rev. Dr. C. H. Phillips of the ColoredMethodist Episcopal church in America, andthe IRev. Dr. S. Antis of the Primitive Meth-odist church.On the ninth day, Friday, October 16, the

topic will be ".Social Problems." "The Churchin Her Relation to Labor and Capital" will bediscussed by Alden bpeare of the MethodistEpiscopal church, "The Moral Aspect of LaborCombinations and Strikes" by the Rev. J. Berryof the Australian Methodist church and "TheMoral Aspects of Combinations of Capital" byJ. R. Inch of the Methodist church in Canada.The following program will be followed at the

afternoon session: "Obligations of the Churchin 'helation to the Social Condition of the Peo-ple." by the Rev. Peter Thompson of the Lon-don mission of the Wesleyan Methodist church;"Christian Work Among the Poor," by the Rev.Wm. McKee of the United Brethren in Christ;"Christian Work Among the Rich," by the Rev.Tho. Allen of the Wesleyan Methodist churchand "Christian Work in Agricultural Districts,'by the Rev. Dr. J. C. Hartzell of the MethodistEpiscopal church. "Missions' will be discussedin the evening. The Rev. W. J. Townsend ofthe Methodist New Connection will read anessay on "Missions to Heathen Lands." TheRev. C. H. Kiracofe of the United Brethren inChrist will follow with an address on "NewFields Entered Sines 1881." Thou. Lawrenceof the Primnitive Methodist church will speaon "Missions in Christian Lands." followed bythe Rev. Wm. Gibson of the Weeleyan Metho-dist church and the Rev. Dr. C. N. Grandisonof the Methodist Episcopal church.On the tenth day. Saturday, October 17, the

topic will be "War and Peace." "InternationalArbitration" will be the subject of the openingpaper by T. Snap. of the United MethodistFree church. Addresses will be delivered byJ. S. Taylor of the Methodist Episcopal churchand the Rev. Enoch Salt of the Weeleyan Meth-odist church.On the eleventh day, Monday, October 19,the topic will be "The Church and Public Mo-

rality. ' The program for the dist session is asfollows: Essay on "Legal Restran on the Vicesof Society," by E. W.', Hill'of thi MethodistEpiscopal church south; address on "Lotteries,Betting, Gambling and Kindred Vices," bythe Rev. Joe. Posnett of the WesleyanMethodist church. and address on "Marriageand Divorce Laws," biHiram L. Sibley of theMethodist Episcopal church, The essay at theafternoon session will be on ft. Lord's Day,"by the Rev. Dr. T. G. Steward of the AfricanMethodist Episcopal church. The Rev. Geo.Green of the Wesleyan Reform Union will fol-low with an address. T. Ruddle of the BibleChristian church will read a paper on "TheAttitude of the Christian Church TowardAmusements" and Bishop C. D. Foes of theMethodist Episcopal church will follow witraaddress.The twelfth day, Tuseday, October 20, will

be the last day of the conference. The open-ing essay will be on "The Christian Resourcesof the Old World," by the Rev. J. S. Simon ofthe Wesleyan Methodist church. The Rev.Dr. J. C. Watts of the Methodist New Connec-tion Church will follow with an address.Chancellor Edward Mayes of the MethodistEpiscopal church south will then read a paperon "TheChristian Resourcesof the New World."and an address will be madeby the Rev. Dr. J. A.N. Chapman of the Methodist Episcopal church.The afternoon session will open with an essayon "The Church of tho Future," by the Rev.Dr. J. M. Buckley, editor of the Chrithan Ad-vocak, of the Methodist Episcopal church. Ad-dresse% will be made by the Rev. J. W. Dawsonof the Wesleyan Methedist church, Bishop E.IR. Jiendrix of the Methodist Episcopal churchsouth and the Rev. F. W. Bourne, president ofthe Bible Christian church.

TR A. A. . EZICamPa=NT.Two ampertast Chalramen Appelated at the

Meeting lost Night.There was a meeting of the executive com-

mittee of the G. A. 3. encampment at Willard'sHotel last evening. Some business of import-ance was trassatedl, but for the most part theevening was devoted to looking over the groundand considering the matter of the best form oforganization. It was deelde that all chair-men of subcommIttees who may be appointedhereafter shall also be members of the generalexecutive committee. Two such subeommit-tees were given their oceial heads last eveningin the persons of Clapt. Geo. E. Lemon. whowas placed in charge of the committee onAnance, and Col. L. P. Wright, who was madechairman of the ommittee on aecomoa-tione. Dept. Comn. 5. K. Pipes of the GrandArmy was also elected a member of the ex-ecative comunittee. The matter of the sub-committees, their character, number and du-ties, washlft in the hands ofaspcicommitteewthdirctonsto at tenext meeting.

tiomlitlewas started last siby the suggsion of ouede the memsbers thatenough work was not being done and that thematter et adding ames to the list of workersought to be much further advaneed than itwas. This was answered in a general waywhen It was understood that at Boston lastyear the werk of elcigamefor the om-miutes was not cmetduilthe Iret weekin December. Thenseral stisment laetnight was that It was better togs ahead sol~I this ns awerk rather than to rs

thinsra th ris ofmakingsrious biun-dies. The meeting last night was held witheloeed doors and lasted for oWe two hours.Mr. Harrisea Dime.,= who eceepted theposition of ereayeseayafternoon, wasun hand and plne iey nto the maidst ofhis arduems lbr.It 'asa mato havethe mneetings of the eneeti eomittee atWillard's neil further noises, and at the nextmeeting, which was Azed or tiaterday night,atisheped that the liste esneof sb-eemmites will be cmiss

warn cia oenmessaAt the monthly meetiug of a. Old Gasad

last night a omittee of lee amumae wasappointed to devise ways end mmn hr theentertaelamset of visiting comrads daring the

oheeuti eomatse mtted a draw-lug of a gertiboate, headsme en unqu in

a.theneaymessieher, It beithe castem of the gpsto penteash honor-arymember spa his whei'.th ehae-taneand aime the Lseas bees of the sre

The eepe now numbes e swe acieend SE hemesary ---b-- feewing



Whil-Esib Lu3. *

-maasa ..Iber L e .he

. W --t~asts sawes r aSonoa

Ytc esset term at jau a %evert as ena- t apsprvise W.0. Wassa,-ssd e iarsnapeM~q, an of Mearyn -umm-s.d ged wit mbme--se eller ee3.d up. A rise oew sese s

rernesi hem es isured to Drummaesa am rtsmto remove Wisen -ibes and wi beheard sol mena.

irm aspaaew wm=aae.The treble among a beessn huse, mas-

uiesed in TO Iran last week, is new in proessof et----t- The beard et direetees of thehe department having asmerted their ensiveright under the law to mace regulatoe te the

vrnament of e de earstet WardensHalwadWarleld have roer thelel

geuestie to the attornev of the ceeaes.n is understood that a movereet will be madeto br the Friendship Hand Regime Cem-

olayervlee ofor

bought 0additioal feet of whiec heabees divided between the HydraUliosandthe Columbia engine compans

coonr coar.The eanty sourt, Judge Chichester, has

epened its Oeteber term at the ColumbusStreurthese Wa.Humbles,ohargedwith

b abling,beenee soquitte and is thought

term of the eont. On the probate side of thecourt the estate of the late Jeferson Taeey wasordered to be oormisto to the sheriff for ad-ministration. The court will continue in s e-sion the residue of the week and will try sey-mrlriminal esesesagins"casar,.o.CANAL COUUU3O3.Two canal boats with coal arrived here on

Monday via the river from the Bock creek lockof the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. One cameto J. B. Zimmerman and the other to W. A.Smoet & Co. Others are expected.

NoT,.C. W. Millan of Brooklyn, N.Y., hae bought

of M. H. Nash for $9,000 his dwelling andspacious lot at West End.The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Creegan took

place yesterday from her home. 312 NorthP street. A requiem masn was celebrated atSt. Mary's Church.

TAz.rApoosa excursion leaving WashingtonOctober 12 will be the last of the season.-du*.Baomosm cres headache: ies.-Adat.R=a===== the grand excursion to Talapoo.eOctober 12. Apply 1321 F street.-Ade.


The Aso Overnowing With Sp--lt- ofthe Celebrntten.

Cumberland is overflowing with strangers,whoare there to witness the three days' carnivalwhich began yesterday. Special trains fromMartinsburg, Keyser, Terra Alta and othertowns brought thousands of passengers andthie attendance from the surrounding ruralecso is also very large. The feature of the

first day was thesham battle between the secondand fourth battalions of state troops, whichtook place yesterday afternoon on the plateauback of the city. The afair was witnessed byan immense crowd, who were treated to a reel-istie representation of battle. The dressparade review after the sham battle ended wasvery Ane.Last night a band contest for a prize of $100

took place in front of the court house betweenthe fourth Battalion Band of Baltimore andthe Altoona Band.The officers of the second and fourth bat-

talions were entertained at the residence of Col.George A. Pearre last evening. CongressmanMolaig and a number of ladies were presentand an elaborate dinner was served.

Usew and Iee in the Nethwet.Considerable snow and sleet fell at Miller,

S. D.. Monday, with some rain. The weatheris very cold.The first hard frost of the season fell Sun-

day night at Owatonna, Minn. Ice was formedin several places. Crops of all kinds are outof danger.The will of J. . Emmet ("Fritz") names his

son as executor. The estate is bequeathed tohis ehildren. He settled a large sm on hiswife at the time of their separation a year ortwo ago.

IYOU WIanITo overcome that esteem. Thed Feealin. er te bundup your appetite and purify your blood, tashe

HOOD'S SA3SAPAMIr.aPoeea the best known vegetable toicc and alter-tive properties, it buildsup is a perdectly natural wayall the weakened parts, purities and promoteshealthycirculation of the blood. and makes you feel real baa-gry. Be sue to set

HOOD's ma3APaILLAIt is thebest blood purifier, the best nerve helper. thebest streeath builder. Give it a trial.HOOD'S PIULU-Invsorate the liver, regulate the

bowels. feotive. but entle. Price 256. 1

W.r D0 You SAT. O,. Yo'03

That's what they ask us. This te what we tell 'em:Neeas It I. For the Feet, and the Easnt need it, and Itmeets all the reuwiramenta et the Past. Ithsa positiveeusefortender, painful, swesty Neat. Orin and Dun-ioes. Try it. All drfauts sl it, 25e. Ad earmntdthem deema their window, in Sue style with it. Youeeud em the windows at theme popular drug etcres:Akher C leaner'a, 1429 Pmnnsylvania ave. ;A. 3. PIn-ney's, .a. 7th andI sta, ad Uad==ehatti. :8th andles. These draggite knew that Terra Pirma beslerthe Fest is **stkh good." They don't acesm-amed any otherind to their oea'."

CNAppeerte haveNi.

That sisshideesedhewsm the powuiereeter




- gyanessabuems~ehslsei ssa

te hen

01111 enew m "imameI MaEL,omn mencems>sera sam.skmmOasas - Uua~m Ite.

Dest4meewE, U.. Oster G.WDaedvtee aan abosd atr et Wasaganglswa he yieimd t she e elims inhe

eede Waesa iahe and uames maw,

segee, whe were mt.d herberay sad a-malt. The twe mgreees and in rginiaj stses he r ter i e m Watasi, and .se wasaerated Is Wambt.n, U the G&W was.aatred is, Atamaatit.The e wma e--Uead - the Ie hor

Augst oe the brm e Dr. W. P. Damm. mearGfe e. They te sse bern at Redmss

Seat the feorem em the term aheet 6 e'eleekin e Msig and meamaa Me. sets adleft her ftr dead.The trial took plaeu in Jdge Darbe's esert

and the priomert were desemded by ealeredmeinbae et the bat. They weAved a ltal by

To a tsand enrer ariges eto fdeloed they the ------as that hie decas-

s wasagisThe thes ased for marey, batJudge told them that he eiud be somore aseital tha the law and remandedthema that they did net hw any meaey whenthey cmmited the crime. The jedge addedthat they were forma that the ebhage

againet s .ae wn snot m=oder. I*iag thematee extens of the law-ten years the 3a.ti-ore Ien y-the jedge empvesemd eunrow a e not ve them mre.Frank Hall, tM he r se who wsenssetd

in Hanmore, wa aequitteLew aras va B as 0. . . aes Iuusa&

Tors.-The 3 and O. . B. willma roend-trip excursion tickets at greatly reduced rate@for voters who may deeire to go Oran Washig-ton to their home.s ldiana tr the eeoem.Tickets will be soid October 0 to 11 iheeadvewill be goodr ag utl October 11 imcladve,and will be valid ar raem= passg a6t Os-tober 31, 1891.

Scantm 28 YE.a.SSCAL?. ITCHIeN. SEIN DI..A.. WIE.D.


If I had knowa of On CUTICURA REM3DIMtweaty.eight yeamsme it wouldhaveaved M w80.ad an imnnes amount at smeno. My dass(periesi.) mmad o ny head Ina aspes nt DOamerhan a cnt. It .peed rapidly all over ay body andgot undermy ell. The esaks weald deop of of Mall the time and my fering weemadlem aid withstrelief. One th-mad dollars woad not tempt me tohave this diaa ever smet. I am a por man. butfeel rich to be relieved of what some ot the dect-- midwas leprosy. some rigworam. peodrade. A. IsmmetPraise the CUTICUMA REMEDIES tee mch. Theyhave smde my skina c lear ad fee from soalks as ababy's. All I eedof the was 05 worth. If you badbeen here mad said you would have cured me forS3.6%Mo. Ton. woud have bad the mony. I lookedlike the picture (No. 2. pam* 47) Ia your book. **ewto Care Ska D eames,." but now I am as aesr asany person ever was. Through force of habit I rubmy handsovermy arms and les to ecrst.k oee. Inawhile. but toso perptom. I am al well. I acratchedtweaty-eight yease and it gsot to be a kind of emacadmateme to me. I thank you a thaomead adns.


CUTICURA ENSOLENTThemewUloodendSkiaPalurer. temafy (tolam sthe blood of all impuriies mad paooemam -lemaae)tandCUTICURA. thegreat SkimCare. andCUTICURASOAP. an esainte Skim 3..Saat=. extermally (tocear the skin and scalpand sartee the hair) hnstaatlyrelieve and speedily ea evary wedesof iachha.b-ratag, sealy. crossed. pimply. merefaleum andhbmedftary disease.mad humorat theskin. semip adblood, with lo of a r, am ataasay to esa,from pimples to eseala.

Said verywhe. Peke, OUTIOUBA. Ss.; SOAP.25c.; RE OLVENT. 1. Preped by the POTTERDRUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION. oasee.

Sead fotr now to Core Skis D0emes."' tpese. 6O0lugs-a*- mad LO te0im- I-

PIMPLES. black-heds. red. serek, chapped andealy skin cased by CUTICURA SOAP.

ACHING SIDES AND RACK.Hip. Kine and Utesie Paim ad Weashneese RE-LIEVED IN ONE MINUTE by the CUTICURAANTI-PAIN PLASTEE. The a med only pata-hi11me plader. eof-wh

HUTELE B.0..212. 214, 214b 218 N. HOWARD ST..













metkw. AND mKrrWama

yee e e the best and moeempitae fPALL SUlTS and OTeNnCATE

Ye he e tm WM-e--a --at ym to -

E3tew westee mea PEW af a - i1. mseema mse what e -s deimg'Satyese uels, Sueas Sue a t eS we U3S -tle Pis-ele AR-wes ask O 6 P1St

weeth SI12.0

Am AD-wealds 3. amnswSu. h banska.War. atOIS t 03LSWe hey. ma kmmm am t akmb km at

61-44. SLR US. Si. sew.

Lm M, atos RB.. 6L g

3 wU pavar e esto~we mde pa

ms-au.MAAmvnes=mmmaam cm -iane


ei.~ ~ 41N.1&t N.11gaUTf.

thse. l ut a. i. tVbdee tatuWm reptekr maims.M -tle O4i

&as..m 00Mbe topea Smetabsi to le*4at the Ilbmadt owing Netbiembt" t

bled read tI.ieiavi asM!aisq Y

d. Sket 7sftbat. ismskepeetr y to

-ah A cuma Duadruf. G-

The New Ymsmsam Mtyls t VAS D.Atk.Isaa itso. 0"b mbi.

Itmm onee. 71ke oS.E~a

De ebmm .in, byDr. Nden' Nere... toinaphe freeoaf11r ][as Darns MTOin, lM I a

A amnem pot.. Dr. IbM'. Oe as preat rem dy ofw OurO . O ly O e~ t .i W~m a M W~

at redu ed piAc . at. ua.'.a 00460Wefv* Oft t OureOmm Way aS p

DirWee. Caeaa es is "-at is it" wi4thFaamc & sus. (mee Praca,

it Gee. 71I sad D.Pus Old By. Whiaky. Tic. 1R. Nas o.-

A. luvemlde. Oeim awimsWhee A Wiles.. Mr 1lgb Arta .e .

It chaero .b OS wgh Io s mza0a(*cs aril 0th autt maeflwet. 41ii.*




At 240p. in.. as Thhuly. ebbm.& M.e nowbusse .in t a teamar cari. MaeI f woke .a.pedal trip I.tOU 013)1 VKXON. IONS135orW~bbKIlloTUi. awhet the eey. -a her roes. wt

famud 4b s. $1. toclulkeg eabOSm tit_n"sia omisaf bam V e.

M~aaelsw whed. too t th at.

it I. L a 3LA33.

TheTo33 OP WA*UI10T0I.

-1sp LAI OP MAORA tal.

0. ad after (kiaber b t Paidiattwo ai dStaarC-ARLZM MACALISTEM will leave her

Whet. foatof ia at.. aslolbaU:1W U1 OUN.T Vkcu) -Oae trip daalyt. gaISweday, at 10 a. .bmrp. jechimig the.y..ausae

uts .t 3 p&. F~a told tip. 01. iancadjegada...oa~ to ti gara.dround.. Sasatcateon the Chedee Maumt ammd Lumil erved at dayt7YOU MARORALL HAU.- r trip daily. agimmt

Sundaf. at 10 a. ta.. raurlb. rte a earturn at3 ar i. kLiqeat sew dmamgver a kin, tsum"thos 2Ae.. Lajidie.. .. ___e_S U3DA1, illN TO J.AR'SHALL MALL-SACRED

MUSIC.-The Chuas Mmwhl~a.r far MarseinU Kaias Nendays a" I11 a.aW. :Su .l'. ad tat. ser uirp.tuualsr. inchl tie city at ,:jus. &.'e& end . t...Mound u. p,. 2a t ar e:a porous: .bahikm lac.

CAPT. L. L. SLAKE.mai Omma~sie Chart.. Mukom.


FOIL >3 CENTS.TWO ao 3.1.. emer. la.amam w wtA.Sai and sensekaucr~rStep at Aic.an. r pider

STAGE EXCURSIONS." ALY- ~w ate tCob Lam. .nomdip u

a 1..m. , ar ra. *:i. to 7c.: NLe. rare adhea~i,~..i p 3c. J.. bevy aderkbaeeeaMa ilknrs a.

I hsihand 11eLy e.Lewa ..l3 a~a a. a. w. ee l-

L~n.mu. & Bro.

Wmea.wddeatataeraathDepatm beemplte. AN sades

adallquie.Wa abemea~aaItswgeodushirt we ar aktug aepoels rue . aesaimubtyi eacr

the guglar put.. sai fo satnqm litt.ehsewbmes.Our .'4-ack AU-wool lIre. Cloth

at Mc par yard.Our Ad-lind HNt Cleotored

wuebt. Weclt Sil. Tar parsari.

Ue 34-Nch TwIflei e Sutate-clot. Si er yard. s sea was"eratis a oar $'amd d3 nude.

Weare camideat you am atd-ass. mimi S1.2T3. yard.

lrsecb kaad,hua caast be cx-m.led Is m way. imu.W sashK cluring.

Theea bavdsoe awl tyY~o

aIL I UtfTTla!ws S saiTrr t.AesMns SOONMW


"1tARLIN.aT ,R s'llat w "

"Da*UroTOle9l aIDaOW.--DLLUnaTON"S wtDaw.-

dOUR DowtJSS, Eraaa.l..iit p ..A parW ..Ir. t1rn.I.r"

V eft as waS...sont d HAS! D..tiaTS NOW ON SaLL

seat w.arKE POTLl. riDS[TL soKW NATION" 'I U..IIrl&

ONE \ RCE ONLT.DMlasrf tl.sAa1. o...bt r It, bo.aft



S"w.1M M ttr. A. M. P&.m"S c..s.r.


as>"t d -noru".r Llyt." "aloft asabe


M-ftf. ( -*w 12-"". ra/t REDSI..-YsaaAA'. 1(LL I. TN1 All

i'.a.g.t..at. are. mw I lob tA.=rb we&-%W .. T...wR


CABBIE CLAAM WARD>r mc-Civabows +. m

N lI.watP dm: LWM-14.1k iou4 -..Comm

listio.,- to. IS. 2.aat:A1o"a " .Ortwr.a to Dr- (1n4e. IN awa...

RMt week --Ttt1T 1'Aw1'0k APOoRraLI. .

Ac ""v uCAmm ut .S/ D.



"!RE STV eGLE Or in&%

Tra p.musA ruwkpos.aa.. tW M. ammom.r.a.c t..;o.Araal.tlc poSwts w of tar aw.Oct.iae III-Rort". ""A TI:IAII.TELL." .4r

rtlk CALDP. ELL'w UA).a ...t. Al ADEMI.l'on..t..tt .a.. I. at.. u.a..

J!r.aa) """1ut4..I. a"wWwat..r.tea.l "t1.q, ut .. rc.an. 4L'1...,,r asllW..s (i w R%.

r."Ul"a.. P w 11. tT..nte .o.a..a.a..waJa"*.AOare.mJ.AL t'ALI'Mr1.L. lI{l K. e.g. .t1IS

a..AaD Ta)litYANI)i4 'SD RAIL!DALTvvu":, 1'YIat'L t.: (*UjOOQN7?[. Eta..TM LAW, (N'I'UNk ls,

F. r tr. M. o.4weTEE ))LS (N[A).ak. HALO

E "EaISYs W$.& M10 to Ur... A. I'.a..na..r u, U.. 1i. -

JUD(.L t.. 4-w a. 1..... WSILMt5at"T ur Uw L..ltaltMU).. % AN 1A A/A).DLWi.

lot Prta.- O tkaal, 6a.'4.. Mayes w@&MSiMLad 11na.--Sfewer w..tai, r.:..

Nu tr"..-awJ Gttr. AI.171a... "AI ealu.atla atlNoE.'a M.:y tlt. S.

M-kta..o. tar, {., .al.tlw ti e racer/ I. dumm.e.... t.

M-"idi.r cummufmm 69 U "'e...*. Dtarrrnur..1,1..euta is tinlU. t9/our t...ltar.sa r.aaattW aveeraa.

SPECIALW ilte 8.'I.V*U I.ad l.4"tw......1

wla, a. a r. .a. Yw.aueWalt t..at:..tr.aw.atlbe A.ar.e.t, a set iur Iii) I.A uYt l ali{uu.r

Ira) o. t. " /uta .a.e.tIUS N.. sa twlr.ayl l.l.awdat',* ura.laato.ua to Toura.wa.R raw& ttfllw.tat todi ed rat...

Gwl I kIUWL ORQiSTta,w " Lr LANPAll tl.aA.t*...

TWELrTR PLAW)N.t.:ta...

ab. c'ISllI.Dt lia Dt VtPrl.a boa/:a Sup.awMr. JA11LS SACVAJL

barterrld. Aa/.s. a1..taarr, Li. Lulls tmla Ur. tt1M

Eaadar sad (At.w . 1'I.abt.. Amimed alwllwtsuj iM aatd a AA MM G.

Owa/ owbitews a[ WI. rtnaR Upcb ar. dUSWIMC66ntt. Lk1'IELR0TT'SEVIlSDAE.Eay DLt'L'I1R1ia LL HMiL

Ire?y we c ut . a A Uo s1611 Itw.. r.wiuuil r S l'aESDA1, a.l la ., ISlliat lI a... t.a1 a."ttlAl..a. a.r tae a.alfra. d lr ...aa,..wt., S2 ..tore l..oa.w le .w t....vwd mom i...b 4

tM thrw rnai .,a.."rta. ita.wead ..b 1ttris'.a4 sad IsYV1. uaelq will be Iawwatl.A.a! rata r ad Vaa.'a art arch a+.a!t.


tl.wa P. Darn.. I. I_ arks ..SA T. P. Do&&Pr.1,w4orr ad Iaata.owa

waver tyw... w.,.. 5...a.,. urlatrS,no a tltta.l W omw


V.ds 1r.at.aap- ISdtlVRlrM A WIIJaIkD6

bland. t."i.td.ttAp..AssSU/wow t1...dlaap s.r.e

R.wit.rlr. D.aaw,Il.ttsweal tSrSt1

ww erru en* a" tNaay.at moaf aim

11..e Wael-1"t;uaa Ut Ye.M luAK. aimr "I.L UI.kAT ELLI.LLICE 1'.Iit ar tfal 0I. . '"After IS. A.orar wa.wlr

.ttr..Uo, w atl. ur I awlerm i Irw a owwow. vealocute... ti.s .. a tr.6 a w wtL pw .aalrtlr.aa orsday Wit'. ur .n.d ...x .bow.

at..:. l.uay w aarMal.aa. r..d.r ym.1a rrts, slutaft ua a tort .". t. a" ui t'"wA1, sul I6la.rd

Lk"." ..U I.r rr mw e.'ar) do go$,aat 6utw.. u u" . w at:).II.. .a..,a .d. "a. rw:. et. taraiaaa i wdse+r

ral... .Sulam. 51 .afu..dlal..la-Na< arbda