Many Surprises Will Greet Visitors to Fete Opening in Convention Hall, March 6. "Shrine Arabian Fete, Oriental setting arranged In Shrine form a la Bagdad, transported over the burning sands, Is what the huge Almas Temple entertalnmeiit to be held at Convention Hall, from March 6 to 18, has been termed by those In charge of the arrang"- m All"'during the week "cores of workmen, decorators and expert scenic designers have been busy get¬ ting the big hall In shape for the event that has all Masonry talkln«,, and when the doors are thrown open a week from tomorrow night It Is predicted that Washington will witness a sight never before seen In ^John'j. T. Mullane, director-gen- eral of the undertaking, was much .ratified last night at the progress of the work, and said that he was doing everything possible to arrange the hall so that there would be at¬ tractions going on at all times. Many Novelties. "In the past at any like affair there has always been complaint from some about particular parts of the building," he said. I promised after our plans have been carried out there will be no occa¬ sion for similar complaints. There will be novelties a plenty In every nook and cranny of the hail and at every hour, day and night that the doors are open. "Already we have more than fifty exhibits signed up. On the K street side of the building Meyer Goldman's orchestra will make things hum continuously, while Immediately next to the band stand will be ample space for all to dance. Adjacent to the danc¬ ing pavilion will be the Garden of Allah which for scenic splen¬ dor will surpass anything ever seen In Washington before. "The L, street side will contain a plantation scene, and next to this a stage has been erected where acro¬ batic stunts and special vaudeville numbers will be staged every fifteen or twenty minutes. Special Free Attraction*. "In the center of the building, at Tarlous times during the night, ¦pectacular free attractions will be held, so that those who are usually hard to please had better Inspect the show before registering a com¬ plaint." Mr. Mullane said further that L. F. Steuart, Illustrious potentate of Almas Temple, had visited the hall and given him O. K. to every bit of work so far completed. Mr. Steuart was much pleased with the feature which will allow busi¬ ness men to exhibit merchandise and wares of every description, and said that In a way It would be a small- slied merchants and manufacturers' household exposition. Applications for floor space to ¦how; their goods have been coming into the office of the director gen- eral bo fast for the past six days that an extra corps of clerks was engaged to assign the different booths. Local merchants In and out of the shrine have vied with each other for the most desirable loca¬ tions, and that some will be dis¬ appointed, if not left out entirely, seems certain at present. Every unit of Almas Patro' has been notified to assemble at the headquarters, 711 Thirteenth street, at 8:30 sharp. Monday, March 6, and, accompanied by the famous Almas Band, the members will march In a body to the hall. The speaker of the occasion has not been an nounced. but last night Mr. Mullane said that an official high in Govern¬ ment circles would do the honors If In the city at the time. In order to facilitate matters and save the engaging of extra help, all desiring particulars regarding space, etc., are reouested to commciunate with Mr. Mullane direct, room 601, Continental Trust Building. Will Advise City Club Gymnasium Patrons Beginning tomorrow, C. Edwin Beckett, who Is to act as adviser to the athletic committee of the City Club, will be at the club every Monday and Thursday from 5 until 6 o'clock to examine and advise members who desire . to take up gymnasium work. Upon Mr. Beckett's report will de¬ pend the activities of the member. whether he is to take up calisthen¬ ics or apparatus work. John Brew¬ er, chairman of the athletlo com¬ mittee, announces that the athletic program Is about perfected. Tregoe to Speak at Credit Men's Dinner J. H. Tregor secretary-treasurer of the National Association of Credit Men, will speak at the midwinter dinner of the Washington Associa¬ tion of Credit Men, In the New City Club, at 6:80 p. m. Wednesday. The welfare committee, composed Of A- W. Wright, chairman; Mrs. N. L* Pennington, vice chairman; F. W. White, F. W. Buckler, A. F. Harland, W. C. Hanson, and E. H. Ellis, has had charge of making arrangements for this dinner. CLAIMS BOARD TO QUIT. The War Claims Board, created during the world war to adjust claims against the Government, will be dissolved on March 1, the War Department announced late yester¬ day. Of the 80,000 claims filed with the board, only thirty-one remain to be settled. These are claims of tha Du Pont Engineering Co., the Rem- lngton Arms Co., and the United States Cartridge Co. A Salad Dressing and Sandwich Filler It Will Make Sandwiches Tast* Better Sold By All Firat-Class Grocery Start* Bride Outgrows Groom in Tryst Lasting 30 Years NEW ORLEANS, Feb., 25. 'pHIRTY years ago, when Franz Smith knew Anna Schmidt in Steinbach, Hol¬ land, she was a golden-haired gretchen barely reaching his shoulder . but time has wrought changes in their rel¬ ative statures. He discovered this when he met her aboard the steamship Frlsia, in preparation for their wedding, which occurred at the immigration office. The prospective groom iden¬ tified his bride-to-be with some difficulty, for she was a full head taller than he. FraYiz and Anna attended school together when they were children. They made a tryst and the childhood ro¬ mance endured. ADVERTISEMENT. New York Men Growing Hair On Bald Spots Women Getting Youthful Look¬ ing Glossy, Silky Hair. Grey-Haired People Darkening Their Hair Without Using Hair Dyes. Genuine Crude Oil Just as It comes from Mother Earth, has long been known for Its wonderful effect on the hair. Men at oil wells, or handling crude oil around refin¬ eries, have remarkable heads of hair. But you have never been getting the Genuine Crude Oil, when you bought it at drug stores, or had it applied at hair dressers or barbers. What you did get was a "topped" or cooked crude oil, or residue, with most of the life taken out of it, In extracting the natural kerosene, gasoline, and light ingredients, so valuable for the hair, hence the filthy smelling stuff, so characteristic of cooked oil. Bowen Furnishes the Genuine. You are now given, for the first time an opportunity, to be treated with the real Genuine Crude Oil, in BO WEN'S GENUINE CRUDE OIL HAIH GROWER, now in use in many of the most exclusive hair dressing shops In Washington, and on sale for use In the home, at Peoples Drug Stores, O'Donnell's, Easterday's, King's, Hotel Harris, Kerfoot's, Ferry's, and numerous other drug stores. Exclusive Hair Shops Using It. Hepner's, 625 13th St. N. W., Emile's, 1213 ConnecUcut Ave. N. W.; Borden's, 1115 G St N. W.; Harper Method, Westory Building; Marinello Shop. 723 11th St. N. W.; Rauel's, 1413 H St. N. W.; Georges & Emlle. 920 17th St. N. W.; Ber¬ tha Parkers. 1112 G St. N. W.; Leon & Jules, 1332 H St. N. W.; M. Fitzgerald, 1211 F St. N. W.; Turley's, 1417 F St. N. W.; Vanity Shop, 6 Dupont Circle, N. W.; Salon De Beaute, 724 H St. N. W.; La France Shop, 709 12th St N. W.; Garden Rose Shop, 1110 H St. N. W.; Mme. Taylor's, 721 11th St N. W.; Louey Venn's. 1225 Connec¬ ticut Ave. N-. W., Permanent Wave Shop, Home Life Bldg.; La Vigne Beauty Salon, 1804 F St. N. W.; Heller's, 1771 Columbia road N. W.; and many others. Special Warning. In demanding of your druggist for home use. Insist upon -only the original and genuine, BOWEN'S GENUINE CRUDE OIL HAIR GROWER and BOWEN'8 GENU¬ INE CRUDE OIL SHAMPOO, the preparations that have taken hold of the people so strongly since they were first placed on sale in New York, where they made such a wonderful showing. They are fully guarantee, and your money will be returned gladly if not fully sat¬ isfied. they are the best you have ever bought. In them all offensive odors are concealed by the addi¬ tion of other wonderful material for the hair, and If offered any other preparation, remember It will not lie the genuine crude oil, but a preparation containing some by¬ product of crude oil, and not the real, genuine crude oil. There are only one GENUINE CRUDE OIL HAIR preparations, and those are BOWEN'S. Will Snpply You Direct. If your druggist cannot supply you, write Bowen A Ramage. 347 6th Ave., New York, Sole Distribu¬ tors. and they will supply you either through your own druggist, or direct. The price is only 50 cents the bottle. Be sure and get both the Genuine Crude Oil Hair Grower, and Genuine Crude Oil Shampoo, to get best results, as they are a real combination and leave the hair like strands of satin, full of life. REWARD! For Erery Answer. Use Tour Wits. Send Correct Names of Four Girls 1 MAY HELP MAKE YOUR FORTUNE Each girl's name has four letters, but they are mixed. Arrsnge letters so nsmes sre correctly spelled. The first one U Maty.do you know the others? If so, write their nsmes in s letter snd A M Y R giving your U L L U own n,me ,nd addreas. . BY RETURN MAIL N E J A YOU GET REWARD Da it u We send you the wonderful A U Ifl nirkle plated "Blind Man's Key ] I..J Ring" and the "Invtelble Powtr" I two gifts vou'll never forget. No waiting ot chance or trick.you act both FREE Everybody delighted. Thoee who are amart will cncloae five cents In stamp* or a nlckle. to help covet coat of quick delivery of rewards and expenae. Use your hrains, and the "Invisible Power ' and "Blind Man's Key Ring" should help you maks and protect yout fortune. Address. W. R. Hoi tings head Chtmlesl Co I Dept. 2I C. lilnghamton, N. T. f J. C. I. TO SEEK I FUND OF MO Campaign Will Be Started on March 6 by Prominent Women of District. A campaign to raise $45,000 (or the maintenance fund of the Young: Women's Christian Association of the District will be launched on the evening of March 6, it was an¬ nounced yesterday. The campaign will be directed by Miss Grace M. Axtell, of the Cam¬ paign Service Bureau, of the na¬ tional board. The workers will be divided Into two sections, namely, teams made up of "home women" and teams drawn from among the professional and business women. Dr. Ada R. Thomas and Miss Mildred Bartholow will have charge of the latter division and will organise six teams. Each team will have a captain and lieutenant. Heventy-flve workers In this divi¬ sion will meet for supper on Wednes¬ day, March 1, to complete plana. The home women's division will Futurism Has No Future, Declares Professor of Art BERKELEY, Cal., Feb. 25. «T DONT believe futurism has a future. Ten years from now nobody will ever hear of it This is the opinion of Pro¬ fessor Eugene Neuhaus, of the art department of the University of California. "Futuriam ia not a phase of art, but is really the work of unskilled artists," said Professor Neuhaus. be In charge of Mrs. Cheater D. 8wope, who will line up twelve teams. This division will form Its plans at a luncheon of captains and lieutenants on March 2. Women prominent In social and professional circles will head com¬ mittees. They Include Mrs. Harry E. Hull, Mrs. John Denby Hlrd, Miss Mildred Bartholow, and Dr. Ada Thomas. St John's Student Bank To Open Doors Tuesday Th« student's bank of St. John's College will formally open for busi¬ ness Tuesday morning at the School of Commerce and Finance. J. R. Hopkins, aralat&nt caahler of the Merchant*1 Bank, will direct the af¬ fairs of the new Institution. Plana for the next scholastic year will be discussed Friday night when the board of governors of the school of commerce and finance meet at the college. An addition to the col¬ lege will be one of the chief topics under discussion. The ladles' auxiliary of the oollege will meet next Friday night. A drive for new members Is in progress and reports of campaign committees will be made. A new course In "business chart¬ ing" will be opened at the school this week. CLASS TO VISIT CAPITOL Students of the Americanization class of Mlaa M. L«. Benaon will visit the Capitol on a tour of in- If you want to be well, We have it to «e!L Holmes Health Bread Phone Main 4537 .tructlon. Student* attending other Amerlcanlntlon ohn are Invited to jolo. Beet Fitting Plate Made Most Natural Looking Teeth Painless Dentistry Extractions Free Dr. H.O. Lehman, D.D. S. Dental Specialist Suite 203 Jenifer Building 400 7th St., Corner D Over Harris Jewelry Store. Mala 7SK See Our Window Display 919 F Street N. W. With the dawn of Spring.fashion steps out to play its heaviest part. Then, too, the HUDSON or¬ ganization plays its heaviest part.in presenting the best obtainable values of the newest styled apparel for women and misses. The character of these gar¬ ments is such as only seen under the HUDSON ban¬ ner, and if you desire to "look your best" in the com¬ ing Spring fashion parade, let the HUDSON store be your goal. FIRST.Our Unapproachable Array of Spring Dresses There is a charm indescribable in these newly designed Spring dresses of Canton crepe, satin-back Canton, taffeta, georgette, etc. Plenty of the always-wanted plain models, plus many distinctive beaded and embroidered designs. Knit crepe. Stores In Principal Cities 919 F Street N. W. $^.50 $9C.OO $ 25 35 Charming Selection Spring Sports Coats The season's swagger models, tailored from polo cloth, herringbone, tweeds, etc. VALUES TO $39.50. $10.50 $10.50 $QC-00 19 25 MoreDressy TRICOTINE SUITS Featuring long straight lines 1" C\ mt £ g\ FA £ J P* beautiful navy blue tailored suits. JL «J) f | |»JU 4) J |_ ij) /I L Just right for drtssy occasions this #f LJ, spring.Values up to *65. U %J M«/ 0 .And the Vogue This Spring Models Sport Suits The mannish models tailored from herringbone, tweeds and the new Skibo cloth of all shades. Plain tailored skirts, slash or natch pockets. Many belted 'models. VALUES TO $40.00. $ 24 .75 ^Palais Royal The Shopping Center.11th and G Sts. Established 1877. A. LI8NKK, Prop. »» »»»»#######<#»»»###» #>»»» »»»»»###»##»»##»»»»#»#######»»» % The Bargain Basement Specials With Spring just ahead, tomorrow's three (3) specials will interest every woman and miss. Don't fail to see these new. Dresses=Coats=Suits This Basement Store Has Been Famous for Years .for Best Suits, Dresses and Coats at $15.00 NewDressesat'15 Of Silk Taffeta, Canton Crepe, Crepe Knit and Crepe de Chine, in jade, cornflower, henna, to¬ mato, buck, navy, rust, brown, champagne and black. Features B°uffant' bas<iue. shirred, sash draped, exquisitely beaded, spangled, silk embroidered and with novelty piping, and tailored effects with silk braid trimming: Fashionable Models for Every Woman and Miss.and Wonder¬ ful Values at $15.00. New (bats at $15 Of Wool Tweed, Velours, Bo¬ livia and material simulating camel's hair . in mixtures, copen blue, tan, rust, cedar, buck, taupe, rookie, etc. FTiatiirac tailoring and rc<uurtr& the silk iininsrs give the appearance of custom- made coats. The big rag- Ian sleeves, the pockets, leash belts are chic features. The novelty stitching, braid and button trimmings are espe¬ cially appealing in the sports coats. The new capes are pic¬ turesque. The Price.$15.00.Is Special. These Coats Have Only to Be Seen. New Suits at $15 Of Wool Tweeds and Jersey. in mixtures, bark, rookie, tan, copen, helio, jade, navy, rust, green, cedar, etc. l^oofiiroQ The tailored ef- r e<uure» fectg of high_ class suits will be noted. See the chap models, the cape suits, the Tuxedo and sports models. Those with leash belts, big pockets and silk linings are re¬ productions of imported suits. On Sale for the First Time Tomorrow.at $15.00..Bargain Basement. The Newest Spring Styles in Women's Sweaters and Blouses at Blouses.Of Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and Pongee. Tailored and embroidered and beaded novelties. Sweaters.Of light weight Shetland wool in spring colors, finished with sash. Special at $2.95. .Palala Royal narjcflln Bawmmt. $0.95 2

The Washington Times.(Washington D.C.) 1922-02-26 [p 5]. · 2017. 12. 26. · Many Surprises Will Greet Visitors to FeteOpeningin ConventionHall, March6. "Shrine Arabian Fete, Oriental

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Page 1: The Washington Times.(Washington D.C.) 1922-02-26 [p 5]. · 2017. 12. 26. · Many Surprises Will Greet Visitors to FeteOpeningin ConventionHall, March6. "Shrine Arabian Fete, Oriental

Many Surprises Will GreetVisitors to Fete Opening inConvention Hall, March 6.

"Shrine Arabian Fete,Oriental setting arranged In Shrineform a la Bagdad, transported overthe burning sands, Is what thehuge Almas Temple entertalnmeiitto be held at Convention Hall, fromMarch 6 to 18, has been termed bythose In charge of the arrang"-m All"'during the week "cores ofworkmen, decorators and expertscenic designers have been busy get¬ting the big hall In shape for theevent that has all Masonry talkln«,,and when the doors are thrownopen a week from tomorrow nightIt Is predicted that Washington willwitness a sight never before seen In

^John'j. T. Mullane, director-gen-eral of the undertaking, was much.ratified last night at the progressof the work, and said that he wasdoing everything possible to arrangethe hall so that there would be at¬tractions going on at all times.

Many Novelties."In the past at any like affair

there has always been complaintfrom some about particular partsof the building," he said. Ipromised after our plans have beencarried out there will be no occa¬sion for similar complaints. Therewill be novelties a plenty In everynook and cranny of the hail andat every hour, day and night thatthe doors are open.

"Already we have more thanfifty exhibits signed up. On theK street side of the building MeyerGoldman's orchestra will makethings hum continuously, whileImmediately next to the bandstand will be ample space for allto dance. Adjacent to the danc¬ing pavilion will be the Gardenof Allah which for scenic splen¬dor will surpass anything everseen In Washington before."The L, street side will contain a

plantation scene, and next to this astage has been erected where acro¬batic stunts and special vaudevillenumbers will be staged every fifteenor twenty minutes.

Special Free Attraction*."In the center of the building, at

Tarlous times during the night,¦pectacular free attractions will beheld, so that those who are usuallyhard to please had better Inspectthe show before registering a com¬plaint."Mr. Mullane said further that L.

F. Steuart, Illustrious potentate ofAlmas Temple, had visited the halland given him O. K. to every bit ofwork so far completed.Mr. Steuart was much pleased with

the feature which will allow busi¬ness men to exhibit merchandise andwares of every description, and saidthat In a way It would be a small-slied merchants and manufacturers'household exposition.

Applications for floor space to¦how; their goods have been cominginto the office of the director gen-eral bo fast for the past six daysthat an extra corps of clerks wasengaged to assign the differentbooths. Local merchants In and outof the shrine have vied with eachother for the most desirable loca¬tions, and that some will be dis¬appointed, if not left out entirely,seems certain at present.Every unit of Almas Patro' has

been notified to assemble at theheadquarters, 711 Thirteenth street,at 8:30 sharp. Monday, March 6, and,accompanied by the famous AlmasBand, the members will march Ina body to the hall. The speaker ofthe occasion has not been announced. but last night Mr. Mullanesaid that an official high in Govern¬ment circles would do the honors IfIn the city at the time.In order to facilitate matters and

save the engaging of extra help, alldesiring particulars regarding space,etc., are reouested to commciunatewith Mr. Mullane direct, room 601,Continental Trust Building.

Will Advise City ClubGymnasium Patrons

Beginning tomorrow, C. EdwinBeckett, who Is to act as adviser tothe athletic committee of the CityClub, will be at the club everyMonday and Thursday from 5 until6 o'clock to examine and advisemembers who desire . to take upgymnasium work.Upon Mr. Beckett's report will de¬

pend the activities of the member.whether he is to take up calisthen¬ics or apparatus work. John Brew¬er, chairman of the athletlo com¬mittee, announces that the athleticprogram Is about perfected.

Tregoe to Speak atCredit Men's Dinner

J. H. Tregor secretary-treasurer ofthe National Association of CreditMen, will speak at the midwinterdinner of the Washington Associa¬tion of Credit Men, In the NewCity Club, at 6:80 p. m. Wednesday.The welfare committee, composed

Of A- W. Wright, chairman; Mrs.N. L* Pennington, vice chairman;F. W. White, F. W. Buckler, A. F.Harland, W. C. Hanson, and E. H.Ellis, has had charge of makingarrangements for this dinner.

CLAIMS BOARD TO QUIT.The War Claims Board, created

during the world war to adjustclaims against the Government, willbe dissolved on March 1, the WarDepartment announced late yester¬day. Of the 80,000 claims filed withthe board, only thirty-one remain tobe settled. These are claims of thaDu Pont Engineering Co., the Rem-lngton Arms Co., and the UnitedStates Cartridge Co.

A Salad Dressing andSandwich Filler

It Will Make SandwichesTast* Better

Sold By All Firat-ClassGrocery Start*

Bride OutgrowsGroom in TrystLasting 30 YearsNEW ORLEANS, Feb., 25.

'pHIRTY years ago, whenFranz Smith knew Anna

Schmidt in Steinbach, Hol¬land, she was a golden-hairedgretchen barely reaching hisshoulder . but time haswrought changes in their rel¬ative statures.He discovered this when he

met her aboard the steamshipFrlsia, in preparation fortheir wedding, which occurredat the immigration office.The prospective groom iden¬

tified his bride-to-be withsome difficulty, for she was

a full head taller than he.FraYiz and Anna attendedschool together when theywere children. They made a

tryst and the childhood ro¬

mance endured.


New York Men GrowingHair On Bald Spots

Women Getting Youthful Look¬ing Glossy, Silky Hair.

Grey-Haired People DarkeningTheir Hair Without Using

Hair Dyes.Genuine Crude Oil Just as It comes

from Mother Earth, has long beenknown for Its wonderful effect onthe hair. Men at oil wells, or

handling crude oil around refin¬eries, have remarkable heads ofhair. But you have never beengetting the Genuine Crude Oil,when you bought it at drug stores,or had it applied at hair dressersor barbers. What you did get wasa "topped" or cooked crude oil, or

residue, with most of the lifetaken out of it, In extracting thenatural kerosene, gasoline, andlight ingredients, so valuable forthe hair, hence the filthy smellingstuff, so characteristic of cookedoil.Bowen Furnishes the Genuine.You are now given, for the first

time an opportunity, to be treatedwith the real Genuine Crude Oil, inBOWEN'S GENUINE CRUDE OILHAIH GROWER, now in use inmany of the most exclusive hairdressing shops In Washington, andon sale for use In the home, atPeoples Drug Stores, O'Donnell's,Easterday's, King's, Hotel Harris,Kerfoot's, Ferry's, and numerousother drug stores.

Exclusive Hair Shops Using It.Hepner's, 625 13th St. N. W.,

Emile's, 1213 ConnecUcut Ave. N.W.; Borden's, 1115 G St N. W.;Harper Method, Westory Building;Marinello Shop. 723 11th St. N. W.;Rauel's, 1413 H St. N. W.; Georges& Emlle. 920 17th St. N. W.; Ber¬tha Parkers. 1112 G St. N. W.;Leon & Jules, 1332 H St. N. W.;M. Fitzgerald, 1211 F St. N. W.;Turley's, 1417 F St. N. W.; VanityShop, 6 Dupont Circle, N. W.;Salon De Beaute, 724 H St. N. W.;La France Shop, 709 12th St N. W.;Garden Rose Shop, 1110 H St.N. W.; Mme. Taylor's, 721 11th StN. W.; Louey Venn's. 1225 Connec¬ticut Ave. N-. W., Permanent WaveShop, Home Life Bldg.; La VigneBeauty Salon, 1804 F St. N. W.;Heller's, 1771 Columbia road N. W.;and many others.

Special Warning.In demanding of your druggist

for home use. Insist upon -only theoriginal and genuine, BOWEN'SGENUINE CRUDE OIL HAIRGROWER and BOWEN'8 GENU¬INE CRUDE OIL SHAMPOO, thepreparations that have taken holdof the people so strongly since theywere first placed on sale in NewYork, where they made such a

wonderful showing. They are fullyguarantee, and your money willbe returned gladly if not fully sat¬isfied. they are the best you haveever bought. In them all offensiveodors are concealed by the addi¬tion of other wonderful material forthe hair, and If offered any otherpreparation, remember It will notlie the genuine crude oil, but apreparation containing some by¬product of crude oil, and not thereal, genuine crude oil. There areonly one GENUINE CRUDE OILHAIR preparations, and those areBOWEN'S.

Will Snpply You Direct.If your druggist cannot supply

you, write Bowen A Ramage. 3476th Ave., New York, Sole Distribu¬tors. and they will supply youeither through your own druggist,or direct. The price is only 50cents the bottle. Be sure and getboth the Genuine Crude Oil HairGrower, and Genuine Crude OilShampoo, to get best results, asthey are a real combination andleave the hair like strands of satin,full of life.

REWARD!For Erery Answer. Use Tour Wits.Send Correct Names of Four Girls 1MAY HELP MAKE YOUR FORTUNEEach girl's name has fourletters, but they aremixed. Arrsnge lettersso nsmes sre correctlyspelled. The first one UMaty.do you know theothers? If so, write theirnsmes in s letter sndAM Y R giving yourU L LU own n,me ,nd addreas.


Da it u We send you the wonderfulA U Ifl nirkle plated "Blind Man's Key]I..J Ring" and the "Invtelble Powtr"I two gifts vou'll never forget. No waiting otchance or trick.you act both FREE Everybodydelighted. Thoee who are amart will cncloaefive cents In stamp* or a nlckle. to help covetcoat of quick delivery of rewards and expenae.Use your hrains, and the "Invisible Power ' and"Blind Man's Key Ring" should help you maksand protect yout fortune.Address. W. R. Hoi tingshead Chtmlesl Co

I Dept. 2I C. lilnghamton, N. T.


Campaign Will Be Started on

March 6 by ProminentWomen of District.

A campaign to raise $45,000 (orthe maintenance fund of the Young:Women's Christian Association ofthe District will be launched onthe evening of March 6, it was an¬nounced yesterday.The campaign will be directed by

Miss Grace M. Axtell, of the Cam¬paign Service Bureau, of the na¬tional board. The workers will bedivided Into two sections, namely,teams made up of "home women"and teams drawn from among theprofessional and business women.

Dr. Ada R. Thomas and MissMildred Bartholow will have chargeof the latter division and willorganise six teams. Each teamwill have a captain and lieutenant.Heventy-flve workers In this divi¬sion will meet for supper on Wednes¬day, March 1, to complete plana.The home women's division will

Futurism Has NoFuture, DeclaresProfessor of ArtBERKELEY, Cal., Feb. 25.«T DONT believe futurism

has a future. Ten yearsfrom now nobody will ever

hear of itThis is the opinion of Pro¬

fessor Eugene Neuhaus, ofthe art department of theUniversity of California."Futuriam ia not a phase

of art, but is really the workof unskilled artists," saidProfessor Neuhaus.

be In charge of Mrs. Cheater D.8wope, who will line up twelveteams. This division will formIts plans at a luncheon of captainsand lieutenants on March 2.Women prominent In social and

professional circles will head com¬mittees. They Include Mrs. HarryE. Hull, Mrs. John Denby Hlrd,Miss Mildred Bartholow, and Dr.Ada Thomas.

St John's Student BankTo Open Doors TuesdayTh« student's bank of St. John's

College will formally open for busi¬ness Tuesday morning at the Schoolof Commerce and Finance. J. R.Hopkins, aralat&nt caahler of theMerchant*1 Bank, will direct the af¬fairs of the new Institution.Plana for the next scholastic year

will be discussed Friday night whenthe board of governors of the schoolof commerce and finance meet atthe college. An addition to the col¬lege will be one of the chief topicsunder discussion.The ladles' auxiliary of the oollege

will meet next Friday night. A drivefor new members Is in progress andreports of campaign committees willbe made.A new course In "business chart¬

ing" will be opened at the schoolthis week.

CLASS TO VISIT CAPITOLStudents of the Americanization

class of Mlaa M. L«. Benaon willvisit the Capitol on a tour of in-

If you want to be well,We have it to «e!L

Holmes Health BreadPhone Main 4537

.tructlon. Student* attending otherAmerlcanlntlon ohn are Invitedto jolo.

Beet Fitting Plate MadeMost Natural Looking Teeth

Painless DentistryExtractions Free

Dr. H.O. Lehman, D.D. S.Dental Specialist

Suite 203 Jenifer Building400 7th St., Corner D

Over Harris Jewelry Store. Mala 7SK

See OurWindow Display

919 FStreet N. W.With the dawn of Spring.fashion steps out to

play its heaviest part. Then, too, the HUDSON or¬

ganization plays its heaviest part.in presenting thebest obtainable values of the newest styled apparelfor women and misses. The character of these gar¬ments is such as only seen under the HUDSON ban¬ner, and if you desire to "look your best" in the com¬ing Spring fashion parade, let the HUDSON storebe your goal.

FIRST.Our Unapproachable Array of

Spring DressesThere is a charm indescribable in these newly designed Spring

dresses of Canton crepe, satin-back Canton, taffeta, georgette, etc.Plenty of the always-wanted plain models, plus many distinctivebeaded and embroidered designs. Knit crepe.

Stores InPrincipal Cities

919 FStreet N. W.

$^.50 $9C.OO $25 35Charming Selection

Spring Sports CoatsThe season's swagger models, tailored from polo cloth, herringbone, tweeds, etc.

VALUES TO $39.50.

$10.50 $10.50 $QC-0019 25MoreDressy TRICOTINE SUITSFeaturing long straight lines 1" <£ C\ mt £ g\ FA£J P*

beautiful navy blue tailored suits. JL «J) f | |»JU 4) J |_ ij) /I LJust right for drtssy occasions this #fLJ,spring.Values up to *65. U %JM«/


.And the Vogue This Spring

Models Sport SuitsThe mannish models tailored

from herringbone, tweeds andthe new Skibo cloth of all shades.Plain tailored skirts, slash or

natch pockets. Many belted'models. VALUES TO $40.00.


^PalaisRoyalThe Shopping Center.11th and G Sts.Established 1877. A. LI8NKK, Prop.



The Bargain BasementSpecials

With Spring just ahead, tomorrow's three (3)specials will interest every woman and miss. Don'tfail to see these new.


This Basement Store Has Been Famous for Years.for Best Suits, Dresses and Coats at $15.00

NewDressesat'15Of Silk Taffeta, Canton Crepe,

Crepe Knit and Crepe de Chine,in jade, cornflower, henna, to¬mato, buck, navy, rust, brown,champagne and black.

Features B°uffant' bas<iue.shirred, sash

draped, exquisitely beaded,spangled, silk embroidered andwith novelty piping, and tailoredeffects with silk braid trimming:

Fashionable Models for EveryWoman and Miss.and Wonder¬ful Values at $15.00.

New (bats at $15Of Wool Tweed, Velours, Bo¬

livia and material simulatingcamel's hair. in mixtures,copen blue, tan, rust, cedar,buck, taupe, rookie, etc.

FTiatiirac tailoring andrc<uurtr& the silk iininsrsgive the appearance of custom-made coats. The big rag-Ian sleeves, the pockets, leashbelts are chic features. Thenovelty stitching, braid andbutton trimmings are espe¬cially appealing in the sportscoats. The new capes are pic¬turesque.

The Price.$15.00.Is Special.These Coats Have Only to BeSeen.

New Suits at $15Of Wool Tweeds and Jersey.

in mixtures, bark, rookie, tan,copen, helio, jade, navy, rust,green, cedar, etc.

l^oofiiroQ The tailored ef-r e<uure» fectg of high_class suits will be noted. Seethe chap models, the cape suits,the Tuxedo and sports models.Those with leash belts, bigpockets and silk linings are re¬

productions of imported suits.

On Sale for the First TimeTomorrow.at $15.00..BargainBasement.

The Newest Spring Styles in Women's

Sweaters andBlouses atBlouses.Of Georgette Crepe,

Crepe de Chine and Pongee.Tailored and embroidered andbeaded novelties.Sweaters.Of light weight Shetland wool in

spring colors, finished with sash. Special at$2.95. .Palala Royal narjcflln Bawmmt.
