The Princess and the Pea. Cuentos Tradicionales en Inglés

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  • 7/25/2019 The Princess and the Pea. Cuentos Tradicionales en Ingls


    The Princess and the Pea.

    Cuentos tradicionales en inglsCuentos infantiles en ingls para leer a los nios

    Te presentamos en ingls este cuento tradicionalpara que tus hijos

    aprendan jugando. Una historia de los hermanos Grimm narrada en

    ingls para que ensees este idioma a tus hijos.

    Un divertido cuento en inglsque podrs leer a tus hijos para que

    aprendan ingls mientras se divierten. Los cuentos tradicionales son

    ideales para ensear ingls a los nios de forma sencilla e


    The Princess and the pea cuentos cortos en inlgs

    !nce there "as a prince "ho "as loo#ing for a princess. $ut she must

    %e a real princess. The prince "ent right round the "orld and

    although he found several once upon a time the %eautiful princesses

    there "as al"a&s something not quite right a%out them. 'n the end he

    came home ver& disappointed.

    !ne night there "as the most terri%le storm. 't thundered it lightningedand the rain poured do"n in sheets. The #ing and queen and prince satround the (re toasting crumpets. )uddenl& there "as a ringing of the %ell atthe palace gates. Putting on his mac#intosh the #ing "ent to see "ho could
  • 7/25/2019 The Princess and the Pea. Cuentos Tradicionales en Ingls


    %e outside on such a dreadful night. *hen he opened the gates a princess"as standing there. $ut "hat a sight she "as+ *ater streamed o, the endsof her long hair ran do"n her clothes and into her shoes.

    -/ou0d %etter come in said the #ing leading the princess into the

    palace "here she stood dripping and not loo#ing at all li#e a


    - /es ' am a princess she assured them.

    The old queen "as dou%tful. *e0ll soon see a%out that she said to

    herself. 1nd she "ent to prepare the spare %ed for their &oung visitor.

    2irst she too# o, all the %edding and then she laid a pea at the ver&

    %ottom. !n top of the pea she put t"ent& mattresses and on top of

    the mattresses she put t"ent& feather %eds.

    Cuentos para aprender ingls

    The ne3t morning the princess "as as#ed ho" she had slept.

    -' hardl& slept a "in# all night she said. The %ed "as desperatel&

    uncomforta%le. There "as something hard at the %ottom of it and '0m

    sure ' am %ruised all over.

    4o" the& #ne" she "as a real princess. 2or no one %ut a princess

    "ould %e a%le to feel a pea through t"ent& mattresses and t"ent&feather %eds+ The prince "as thrilled to %its for he had alread& fallen

    in love "ith her. 1nd the& decided to %e married.

    1s for the pea "ell it "as put into a museum "here it ma& still %e

    seen if no one has stolen it.

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