Student - Oswego

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Page 2: Student - Oswego
Page 3: Student - Oswego

Stud at Aasoeiation State b i v e r e i t y at Oewego Senate - 7th Legislative Seaelon 15th Sena4;e Meeting

B-ambew *9# *w* Bi l l 80

Be i t enacted by the Student &roolatias Sowto 91 University of Wen York, College of &!to and Sol.boem at that:

$75730 be alloted from the Ro- P u d t o Studetntfs A r t League,

Oueet Lecturer $1 25 -00

=bition Hoom Opeming of the Gallery

Wedla Sample8 ( for epeakwr) l Z i . 50

Page 4: Student - Oswego

30 it Further ?nc.c-to3 th..t; tho l!kpzrtront of 2inmcz ~xr l A c . u . v t , ~ : opcrktc unbr the c~ll~!:im~ 2u: dclino~ :

Thc chiof f inm:izl oxmutive\of th2 Studont ;or o c i a t i m ~ h l l Imm rtr, D h x c t o r 0.: linmcb.. IIo ~ w l b~ ap-~ointed by trhc .. r w i d c n t nith

Tlic rc!cpoaclbili-tics o f hic o f f i c ~ nill. fncl d o d l thogo as previously ou-1;lFnod i n Bill ,:j3 and B U C C C Q ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ I s l ~ - , t i ~ n ~

Director of

Page 5: Student - Oswego


\ Wudent Aaeooiation 7 # t e e WIiveraity a t Oewego

Senate 7 th Legis la t ive Session 9 5th Senate Yeeting

B l l l 82 Be it enacted by t h e S t a r a t Aamoehtl~ 8aamte Q? t h e S t a t e

University of New Pork, ~ o l l e g o of &tm rab4 8a imoer a t Olrwego that :

B l l l 5 be mended i n t h e followiag r lothqp

1 ) Seation 11 - four weeks be trtxbrfitwtd i n t h e plrrae of throe weeks,

2) Section 14 - !the Senate Binrrroe Camittee a h a l l teqtrire an waluat ion o f a gratrr or rrr activity bj t h e reeponsible or clfdiarr foe that w e n t m !Phi6 evaluation s h;f"' 1 be prrrsntod t o tho Pinuma Gemnuittee within two 8-• o f t h e and of t h a t event.

Paseed 20yes 3 abstentions

Page 6: Student - Oswego

STudent Auaodation State Univawity st Oswego Senate 9th Legislative Session 15th Senate Meeting -+ ..

i 8 , 1 W l B i l l 83

Be it enacted by the Student &-ti- O f & ~ t . t . ~ U n i v e r e i t y of New Yoqk, College of IIIrCI md m a at O m - that :

Relrolution 14 be rerrcindd,Md that Bill 89 rhall replace it.

B e it enacted by t3ie $todent &8oofaHm 8 e of the STatar ~n ivaare i ty of HEW York, College of Artr md 8&8nee8 at Orwego t h a t tt

A pepanent Q e w t a p-3tt.sq~ ahaU b8 eetabliahed obneistina of three senators to develope M e fm IYh. dntananae and order of the Sanate, w i t h i n the Semata a9r-.

QeguPral . Pasegd 19 yes 3 abstentions

Page 7: Student - Oswego

Sill 8+

BQ it oncctod by t ho Z-bdont Association Lan..to of thc Stcte Univoraf ty 03 Ecn Yorlr, 30Uage of A r t s wd S O ~ Q ~ C Q E at 0emgo th3.t:

?he Dimctor of 3inanoa f o r t?o Ctudont Association, S t c t o Uniwrcity eollogo st Os~mgo, be rcinbtamod f o r c e r d c o s rondsrod durirq t h o J'lccal Yoar onGic~f in July 1972, at tho rate of $5000.00 y o ~ ~ l g . !&is -to fa al?riv~d st in cormi8omtfon of tho conpounclcd dutioa 02 tho obsoloto potlitLono of Trccsuror and A o o i s t z ~ t T m ~ s ~ o r vocteil in one indPvidual-Tho J ) f r ~ ~ t o r of M~MOO- m d ih consiitcrafiion of tho irzomasod vrork load that nil1 bo incurr3d during t h o trculctztory aL::.m of th12 T r o c 3 s u ~ y &pt, r w m s i w , The szlary 2-E condit iond mcl cont in~oat on tho irxmdlato omplLzxxrbtion 02 a vicoroua t=ioing pro.pm that .:;ill inouro tho stcff'inc of the Trsamry D~pt. on a long t a m bcais. Ba it f'urthas enacted that 5800.00 b9 trans farrod fxor the o u p l u c in Jo11uca-y 1972 t o tho a d c r y of the Treasurer ii: t f i o 1971-72 bud@ ic orilor t o bring th0 salzt-y of thc IWv Dirootor o f Zinmco t o d m d l o t e d c m of ';;5000.00, crzlary rate shcl l ba in offoct for the f i o c d y m r onding Ju ly 1972 only. It -11 bc sub- joct t o r3oiom a r d reomsi6~r=',tion 3ur- tho gropcrction of the 1972-73 33ud~;ot.

Shauld tho Diroctor of PLnmco for SA, Stat0 Univcxcity Colloge at O c w e ~ o , bo ap:>ointsd prior to Cci7t. 15, 1971, ho owould bc al-

CQE rondcrod until July 1972.

4 bbatentioar 4 no'

Page 8: Student - Oswego

Sontta - 7th.La&112tivo S o s ~ i o n 17th Sonato I.:coting


Sill 85 Z

h& 90 it anczctod by tho S t u d a t ibcocioticm Soncto of tho f t r t o UnPvorraity of 1:m York, t ' o l l c p of Arto a d Sckoncoa :-..t Ocnogo tPl2t:

Page 9: Student - Oswego

Z t a t c U n i v x c i t y r : t Cr:;'o:;o Son- tc 7th hf lc le t ivc Soocion 18th Son - t o ::ooting

C be D i l l 06 ich ? k

jjo it ancat08 by tho Studont Iloroc:.c~t;lcm Sonrtf3 of tho Ct,c.to University at 17017 Yor::, Collam of :?tc and Ecionco. :t Oomgo that r

.,:390.00 bo d l c t o Q to 310 Itrlim Slub froc tho rrob/3mm L~UZIB,

Page 10: Student - Oswego

Bill 87

Be it enac2ed by the Student Association Senate of the State University of Mew York, College of Arts and Sciences at Oswego that:

$900.00 be alloted to the Ski Club Prom the Program Fund.

$900.00 Labrador

Passed 16 Yes 6 We Abstentions 2 No

Page 11: Student - Oswego

S tv.2ont A a ~ o o i ~ t L o n S t a t o Univmity al; Ocwgo

Januc-yr 4, 1972 Bill 38 -

od From t h o Soncto h n d to t h o Health Contor t o i t 8 loan pro-, for tho purposo of nodloonos,