June 11, 2017, The Most Holy Trinity 11 de junio, 2017, Santísima Trinidad St. Nicholas Parish Parroquia San Nicolás Affiliated with Pope John XXIII School All are Welcome We are the Body of Christ at St. Nicholas. Grounded in our diversity, we gather for worship, cherish the traditions of our Catholic faith, witness to the Gospel of Jesus, minister to others, and live as Christians in the world. Todos son Bienvenidos Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás. Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para adoración, apreciamos las tradiciones de nuestra fe católica, damos testimonio del Evangelio de Jesús, servimos en ministerio a los demás, y vivimos como cristianos en el mundo. 806 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202 Parish Office - Oficina Parroquial 847.864.1185 Fax: 847.864.7810 www.nickchurch.org [email protected] Office Hours/Horas de Oficina Monday - Thursday 9:00 am-8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-4:30 pm Sunday 10:00 am-1:00 pm Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday: 7:45 am, bilingual on Tuesday and Friday Saturday 8:00 am Holy Hour Saturday 7:00 - 8:00 am Misa de la semana: Lunes - viernes: 7:45 am en la Iglesia, bilingüe el martes y viernes Sábado: 8:00 am Hora Santa el sábado de 7:00 - 8:00 am Sunday Masses/Misas Dominicales Saturday Vigil./Vigilia en sábado: 4:30 pm Sunday: In English: 9:00 am (in Church, with ASL interpreter) and 11:00 am Domingo: En Español: 9:00 am (en la Capilla) y 1:00 pm Communion Service: Monday - Friday: 6:15 am in Chapel Pastor / Párroco Rev. Joseph Tito [email protected] x25 Pastor Emeritus / Párroco Jubilado Rev. Robert Oldershaw [email protected] Deacons / Diáconos Chris Murphy/[email protected] x44 Jaime Rojas/ [email protected] x33 God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. — John 3:16a Tanto amó Dios al mundo, que le entregó a su Hijo único. — Juan 3:16a

St. Nicholas Parish Parroquia San Nicolásnickchurch.org/bulletins/2017/20170611.pdf · Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás. Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para

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Page 1: St. Nicholas Parish Parroquia San Nicolásnickchurch.org/bulletins/2017/20170611.pdf · Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás. Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para

June 11, 2017, The Most Holy Trinity 11 de junio, 2017, Santísima Trinidad

St. Nicholas Parish Parroquia San Nicolás Affiliated with Pope John XXIII School

All are Welcome We are the Body of Christ at St. Nicholas. Grounded in our diversity, we gather for worship, cherish the traditions of our Catholic faith, witness to the Gospel of Jesus, minister to others, and live as Christians in the world.

Todos son Bienvenidos Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás.

Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para adoración,

apreciamos las tradiciones de nuestra fe católica, damos testimonio del Evangelio de Jesús, servimos en

ministerio a los demás, y vivimos como cristianos en el mundo.

806 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202 Parish Office - Oficina Parroquial 847.864.1185 Fax: 847.864.7810 www.nickchurch.org [email protected]

Office Hours/Horas de Oficina Monday - Thursday 9:00 am-8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-4:30 pm Sunday 10:00 am-1:00 pm

Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday: 7:45 am, bilingual on Tuesday and Friday Saturday 8:00 am Holy Hour Saturday 7:00 - 8:00 am

Misa de la semana: Lunes - viernes: 7:45 am en la Iglesia, bilingüe el martes y viernes Sábado: 8:00 am Hora Santa el sábado de 7:00 - 8:00 am

Sunday Masses/Misas Dominicales Saturday Vigil./Vigilia en sábado: 4:30 pm Sunday: In English: 9:00 am (in Church, with ASL interpreter) and 11:00 am Domingo: En Español: 9:00 am (en la Capilla) y 1:00 pm

Communion Service: Monday - Friday: 6:15 am in Chapel

Pastor / Párroco Rev. Joseph Tito [email protected] x25

Pastor Emeritus / Párroco Jubilado Rev. Robert Oldershaw [email protected]

Deacons / Diáconos Chris Murphy/[email protected] x44 Jaime Rojas/ [email protected] x33

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. — John 3:16a

Tanto amó Dios al mundo, que le entregó a su Hijo único. — Juan 3:16a

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Week At A Glance / Fechas Importantes Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral 847.864.1185

Pope John XXIII School Principal Gail Hulse 847.475.5678

[email protected]

1120 Washington St., Evanston, IL 60202 Website: www.popejohn23.org

Director of Religious Education /

Directora de Educación Religiosa

Sr. Christina Fuller, OSF x23

[email protected]

Coordinator of Religious Ed. Spanish

Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa en Español

Juanita Tamayo/[email protected] x29

Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries / Director de los Ministerios de Jóvenes James Holzhauer-Chuckas x26 [email protected]

Interim Director of Music Ministry /

Director Provisional del Ministerio de Música

John Schuchert / [email protected] x34

Coordinator of Pastoral Care /

Coordinadora del Cuidado Pastoral

Barb Soricelli / [email protected] x42

Outreach / Servicios Sociales St. Vincent de Paul Society x45

Administration / Administración Business Manager / Gerente de Negocios

Maureen Connelly /[email protected] x24

Manager of Office Support /

Gerente de Apoyo de Oficina

Alejandra Lule-Rivera / [email protected] x37

Office Support Specialist / Especialista de Apoyo de Oficina

Andrea Infante-Martinez/[email protected] x21

Accounting Assistant /Asistente de Contabilidad

Mary Erickson / [email protected] x30

Bulletin / Boletín

[email protected] x37

Sunday Announcements / Anuncios del Domingo

[email protected]

Maintenance / Mantenimiento Abelardo Mendoza, Diego Perez x35

Looking for additional information? Visit us at www.nickchurch.org, scroll to the bottom and sign up for Stay in the Loop or find us on Facebook

Presiders for Next Weekend, June 17-18, 2017 4:30 pm: Fr. Jim Halstead 9:00 am English: Fr. Jim Halstead 9:00 am Spanish: Fr. Robert Molina 11:00 am: Fr. Jim Halstead 1:00 pm: Fr. Paul Nguyen

Sunday, June 11 10:30 am GLFF Support Ministry Music Rm 2:00 pm Quinceañera Preparation St. Germain Rm 3:00 pm Spanish Baptisms Church 5:00 pm Haitian Mass Church Monday, June 12 8:00 pm AA Meeting Oldershaw Hall Tuesday, June 13 9:30 am Clases de Ingles St. Germain Rm Wednesday, June 14 7:30 pm AA Meeting St. Germain Rm Thursday, June 15 6:30 pm Quinceañera Rehearsal Church Friday, June 16 7:00 am Rosary, followed by Daily Mass at 7:45 am Church 7:00 pm Circulo de Oración Chapel 7:00 pm Youth Ministry Core Team Meeting Youth Rm 8:00 pm Circulo de Oración - Aniversario Oldershaw Hall Saturday, June 17 12:00 pm Quinceañera Church 5:00 pm AA Meeting St. Germain Rm Sunday, June 18, FATHERS DAY 10:00 am Father’s Day Photo Shoot by Youth Ministry Courtyard 3:00 pm English Baptisms Church Looking Ahead: Evening Prayer - St. John the Baptist, June 23rd Tierra y Luz Registration, June 25th Rummage Sale, July 15th Early Bulletin Deadlines:

For the July 9, due date is Tuesday, June 27

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Dear Community of St. Nicholas, While Easter Sunday in St. Peter’s Square felt like a culmination of the spiritual growth I had experi-enced throughout my semester in Rome, that growth had its roots in my visit with our Renaissance/Baroque Art History course to the renowned Church of the Gesù on March 24. I was excited to see the mother church of the Society of Jesus because my now-deceased great-uncle had been a Jesuit himself, but I expected nothing out of the ordinary from our field trip; we had visited many churches already and we would visit many more.

After our professor explained the art-historical significance of the commanding façade and the ex-quisite interior, he allowed us to spend several minutes engaging with the space on our own. Feeling drawn to the gilded tomb of St. Ignatius, I knelt at the balustrade. Noticing prayer cards in several lan-guages, I picked up an English one and began to read. The prayer, too long to recount in full, ended with the words, “Give me love of yourself along with your grace, for that is enough for me.” Almost immediate-ly, I felt infused with a rush and a hum that still today I cannot adequately explain. I was amazed at the glo-ry of God made manifest in that beautiful church. I wanted to shout out, to tell my fellow students what had happened and share my feelings of awe and ela-tion. Yet, I remained silent as our professor gathered us to continue the day’s tour. As we left the Gesù and the Ignatian apartments next door, my spirit settled.

I cannot claim to have seen the Lord as clearly as Moses did in today’s First Reading, but I under-stand the proclamation of “a God merciful and gra-cious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” much more clearly than I did before that day in the Gesù. Wherever God guides me, I hope to fulfill Paul’s exhortation to “live in peace” as Jesus did.

Thank you for listening to my reflections these past two weeks. I have always been proud to call St. Nicholas my home parish. I am ever grateful to worship with you.

God bless. Evan

Estimada Comunidad de San Nicolás, Mientras que el Domingo de Pascua en la Plaza de San Pedro se sentía como una culminación del crecimien-to espiritual que había experimentado durante mi semes-tre en Roma, ese crecimiento tuvo sus raíces en mi visita con nuestro curso de Historia del Arte Renacentista / Ba-rroco a la famosa Iglesia del Gesù del 24 de Marzo. Yo estaba emocionado de ver a la madre iglesia de la Com-pañía de Jesús porque mi tío abuelo ya fallecido había sido un jesuita, pero yo no esperaba nada fuera de lo co-mún de nuestro viaje; Ya habíamos visitado muchas igle-sias y visitaríamos muchas más.

Después de que nuestro profesor explicará el signifi-cado histórico-artístico de la fachada dominante y el inte-rior exquisito, nos permitió pasar varios minutos obser-vando el espacio por nuestra cuenta. Sintiéndome atraído por la tumba dorada de San Ignacio, me arrodillé ante la balaustrada. Viendo las tarjetas de oración en varios idio-mas, cogí una inglesa y empecé a leer. La oración, dema-siado larga para contarla en su totalidad, terminó con las palabras: “Dame amor de ti mismo con tu gracia, porque eso es suficiente para mí.” Casi inmediatamente, me sentí infundido por una ráfaga y un zumbido que todavía hoy no puedo explicar adecuadamente. Me sorprendió la glo-ria de Dios manifestada en esa hermosa iglesia. Quería gritar, contar a mis compañeros lo que había pasado y compartir mis sentimientos de asombro y alegría. Sin em-bargo, permanecí en silencio mientras nuestro profesor nos reunía para continuar la gira del día. Cuando dejamos a Gesù y los apartamentos ignacianos al lado, mi espíritu se estableció.

No puedo afirmar que he visto al Señor tan claramen-te como Moisés lo hizo en la Primera Lectura de hoy, pe-ro entiendo la proclamación de “un Dios misericordioso y lleno de gracia, lento para la ira y abundante en amor y fidelidad” mucho más claramente que antes de ese día en Gesù. Donde quiera que Dios me guíe, espero cumplir la exhortación de Pablo de “vivir en paz” como lo hizo Je-sús.

Gracias por escuchar mis reflexiones en las últimas dos semanas. Siempre he estado orgulloso de llamar a San Nicolás mi parroquia de origen. Siempre estoy agra-decido de adorar con ustedes.

Dios los bendiga. Evan

A Note from Parishioner Evan Armacost Una Nota de Feligrés Evan Armacost

Evan Armacost is a rising senior pursuing a four-year BA/MA in Classical Studies as part of the Kilachand Honors College at Boston University. A long-time parishioner and a graduate of Pope John XXIII School, he is the son of Cynthia Judge and Brad Armacost. Once an altar server for many years, Evan is now a regular lector. He is also a com-pany member of Pacific Garden Mission's Unshackled!, the longest-running radio drama in history

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Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia

Listening Sessions – Still time to Respond Thank you to everyone who participated in our parish listening sessions last weekend. Because of gradua-tions and several other events, several of our regular parishioners were unable to attend and we wanted to invite you to respond to the two questions we asked:

1. What is one thing you love about St. Nicholas Parish?

2. In order to see our parish grow, is there one thing you would like to see us change in terms of Ministry, Liturgy or Administration?

As Fr. Tito’s first year comes to a close, the Parish Pastoral Council would like to provide him with your feedback. Please send your comments to us no later than Mon-day, June 19, 2017 and they will be included with the other feedback. Please send to: Sheila Hebein [email protected]. Or you can drop off your comments to the rectory.

Sesiones de Escuchar– Aun Hay Tiempo de Responder Gracias a todos los que participaron en las sesiones de escuchar de la parroquia el último fin de semana, debi-do a graduaciones y otros eventos, muchos de nuestros feligreses regulares no pudieron acompañarnos y les queremos invitar a que respondan a las dos preguntas que se hicieron:

1. ¿Que es la cosa que más le gusta de San Nico-lás? 2. Para poder ver crecer a nuestra parroquia, ¿hay alguna cosa que le gustaría cambiar en términos de Ministerio, Liturgia o Administración?

Al terminar el primer año del Padre Tito, el Concilio Pastoral Parroquial le gustaría poder compartir con el sus pensamientos. Por favor mande sus respuestas antes del 19 de junio del 2017, para incluirlas con las otras respuestas. Mande sus respuestas a: Sheila Hebein, [email protected] o déjelas en la oficina en la rectoría.

Dear Parishioners, I am pleased to introduce myself as your new Director of Music Ministry, and I am beyond excited to become a part of your spirit-filled faith community! My life in the Chicagoland area began right here in Evanston. In the fall of 2010, I moved from my hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas into a small studio apartment on the corner of Sherman and Grove. I pursued a Master’s Degree in Music at Northwestern University and worked at Alice Millar Chapel. After I completed my studies, I sang with the professional Schola at Ho-ly Name Cathedral for two years. I then returned to Evanston to work as the Assistant Director of Music at First United Methodist Church. For the past year, I have been the Director of Music at St. Cornelius Church in the Jefferson Park neighborhood. Now I come to you and am tickled that my journey once again brings me back to Evanston! In addition to being a church musician, I work as a professional singer. I perform with ensembles such as the Chicago Symphony Chorus, Grant Park Chorus, and Chicago a cappella. Additionally, I teach private voice at Highland Park High School. I offer my heartfelt thanks to Fr. Tito, the Search Committee, John Schuchert, and the dedicated musicians of St. Nicholas for entrusting me with this role. I look forward to officially joining you all next month!

Blessings, Ace Gangoso

Estimados Feligreses, Me da un placer presentarme como el Nuevo Director del Ministerio de Música, y ¡estoy más que excitado de ser parte de su comunidad de fe llena del espíritu! Mi vida en el área de Chicago comen-zó en Evanston. El otoño del 2010, me mude de mi pueblo de origen Little Rock, Arkansa a un apartamento pequeño en la esquina de la Sherman y Grove . Estudié una Maestría en

Música en la Universidad Northwestern y trabaje en la capilla Alice Millar. Cuando termine mis estudios, cante profesionalmente en la Schola en la Catedral del Sagrado Nombre por dos años. Después regrese a Evanston para trabajar como Asistente Director de Música en la Iglesia First United Methodist. El ultimo año he sido el director de Música en la Iglesia San Cornelio en el barrio de Jefferson Park. Ahora llego a ustedes, y ¡me agrada que mi jornada me regrese a Evanston! Además de ser Músico de iglesia, trabajo co-mo cantante profesional. Realizo con conjuntos como el Chicago Symphony Chorus, Grant Park Chorus, y el Chicago a capella. Además doy clases de voz priva-das en Highland Park High School. Ofrezco mis gracias de todo corazón al P. Tito, el comité de búsqueda, John Schuchert, y los músicos de San Nicolás por confiar en mi con este papel. ¡Espero con anticipo unirme a ustedes oficialmente el próximo mes!

Bendiciones, Ace Gangoso

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Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia

Our Parish School is Having a SUMMER READING BOOK

FAIR at the Evanston Barnes & Noble

1630 Sherman Avenue

In store: Sunday, June 11th 10am - 8pm Online: June 11th - June 16th

Earn money for the school when you purchase ANY items, such as books, DVDs, toys, even coffee and treats in

the BN Cafe!

For online purchases go to bn.com/bookfairs

June 11-16, use CODE: 12148391


Purchase Barnes & Noble Bonus Bucks Gift Cards from the School office.

Use them for all your in-store or online purchases dur-ing the Book Fair.

Remember to take a PJ23 hand-out after Mass June 11 and present it at check-out

or use CODE 12148391 online.

Nuestra escuela Parroquial tiene una FERIA DE LIBRO ESTE

VERANO en el Barnes and Nobles de

Evanston 1630 Sherman Avenue

Compras en tienda: domingo, 11 de Junio, 10am- 8pm Compras por internet: 11 de junio a 16 de junio

Recaude dinero para la escuela comprando cualquier cosa , tal como libros, DVDs, juguetes,

también café y tentempiés en el BN Café!

Para compras por internet vaya a bn.com/bookfairs

del 11 al 16 de junio, use el CODIGO: 12148391


Compre tarjetas de regalo de Barnes and Noble de Bonus Bucks en la oficina de la escuela. Uselos para

sus compras en la tienda o por internet durante la feria de libros.

Recuérdese de llevarse un folleto de PJ23 después de la misa el 11 de Junio y presentelo al

pagar o use la CLAVE: 12148391 en línea.

Congratulations to the Pope John XXIII School Class of 2017! We love you and are so proud of you!

(* recipient of The President’s Award for Academic Excellence, ** recipient of The President’s Award for Academic Achievement)

Clothilde Alcade Maria Andersen ** Marie Barber ** Paulina Bravo ** Daniel Caproni * Joseph Caproni * Dylan Casey Angelica Gyorgy * Maeve Healy * Matthew Kelsh ** Evan MacEwen

Luke Marren * Jack McCauley Perrion McClinton Angie Plata ** Samantha Qualls ** Celia Reinhart * Madeline Rodriguez * Mariana Salas ** Ricardo Salinas * Michael Sullivan ** Elise White

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Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia

Celebrate with me! This year is my golden anniversary/Jubilee. I will be celebrating with my religious community, Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart, family and friends at our mother house in Frankfort, Illinois on Saturday, June

10th. I will be out of town the following two week-ends at the Franciscan Fed-eration in Buffalo, New York and then on to retreat in Maine.

So, we will celebrate here at St. Nicholas on Satur-

day, September 30th at the 4:30 pm Mass with a re-ception to follow.

“Press down and overflowing” gratitude to you for supporting me these past 22 years. St. Nicho-las — you — are my greatest ex-perience of Christ’s body, the Church.

In humble gratitude, Sr. Christina Fuller

¡Celebre Conmigo! Este año es mi aniversario de oro, Estaré celebrando con mi comunidad religiosa, Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart, familia y amigos en nuestra casa religio-sa en Frankfort, Illinois el sábado, 10 de junio. Estaré fuera los próximos dos fines de semana en la Federa-ción Franciscana en Buffalo, New York y después de retiro en Maine. Así que, celebraremos aquí en San Nicolás el sábado, 30 de septiembre en la Misa de 4:30 pm seguida por una recepción. Estoy llena de agradecimiento por los últimos 22 años. San Nicolás — ustedes — son la mejor experiencia

del Cuerpo de Cristo, la Iglesia. En agradecimiento humilde, Hrna. Christina Fuller

Final Profession 1975, with her parents

Celebrating 40 years

Adventures on Promise Island Where Kids discover God’s Lifesaving love!

August 7 -11, 2017 at St. Nicholas in Oldershaw Hall Children entering Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Catechists, Junior leaders (7th-through High school) and parent volunteers needed!

Vacation Bible School: 9:00 am- 12:00 pm, Five Half-Day Sessions (Snack included) Bible stories, memory verses, songs, craft projects, praise dancing, games and prizes!

$20 VBS Registration/ fee. Make checks payable to St. Nicholas Church, Add VBS on the memo line. Mail or bring to Saint Nicholas Church, 806 Ridge Avenue Evanston, Il. 60202

Natasha Witschy 847.859.2457, [email protected] or

Gabrielle Roeder 847.328.9261, [email protected]

MONTHLY AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY Would you like to spend one afternoon a month studying and discussing scripture? St. Nick’s Afternoon Bible Study Group will begin reading the Acts of the Apostles at our next meeting on Thursday, June 22nd at 1:30 pm in the rectory’s basement Library. Our group meets about once a month either on Thursday or Friday afternoon to discuss, analyze and otherwise make sense of New Testament Scripture. We spent ten weeks leisurely reading through the Gospel of Matthew and now will turn our attention to the Acts of the Apostles starting with chapters 1 thru 3. We’d love to have you join us. For further information contact Mary Erickson at 847.269.1226.

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Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia

Soup Kitchen Dinner Thank You A big THANK YOU to the following volunteers who helped greet, set-up, prepare, serve, and/or clean up for the soup kitchen dinner that we hosted on Wednesday, May 31. We served a spaghetti dinner to 102 guests from the Evanston area and made and handed out bag lunches to them. We received many words of thanks from our guests for the delicious meal and for our hospitality! Way to go St. Nicholas! Thank you!!!!

Patience Andrews Peter Hebein Nathan Ruiz Jeanie Brabeck Sheila Hebein Vanessa Senecal Carmen Brown Jim Lindholm Margaret Sents Tom Carney, Jr.

Rosemary Mahany Yvonne Smith Caitlyn Collier Margaret McClory Katrina Swanson Colin Collier Rosalie Murphy Pat Trafton Elizabeth Collier Colleen Powell

Mike Trinchitella Tyler Collier Leonor Rojas Arizona Tuckwell Karen Corrado Miguel Rojas Beata Welsh Carolina Gomez Pedro Rojas

SUMMER PARISH PARTY OPPORTUNITIES Gospel Music Sing Along: Monday, June 19, 7-9pm Love Gospel Music? Want to hear or sing some? Join Gospel Musicians Sandra Davis, Pat and Roger Savage-Williams and others for a fun night of great music. . . whether you've sung before or not. Location: St. Nicholas Chapel / Cost: $20 per person

An Encore Performance: Irish Salon. Saturday, June 25, 7:30 pm Brian Friel, long recognized as Ireland's greatest living dramatist, “dazzles us with plays that speak in a language of unequaled poetic beauty” and that “take the pulse of the Irish people.” Parishioner Cynthia Judge has produced this salon of Friel’s works with her husband, Brad Armacost, bringing some of Friel's memorable characters to life. Cynthia Judge and Evan Armacost will make cameo appearances. Location: St Nicholas Parish / Cost $50 per person

Jazz in the Courtyard: Thursday, June 29, 6:30-8:30pm Second City Jazz brings its straight ahead jazz to St. Nick's courtyard. (You'll recognize bass player, Chris Nemeth, as one of the talented musicians who accompanies our choir.) This piano-bass-drums trio has entertained Chicago area audiences for over nine years. As a bonus, Chris is adding a trumpet to this trio! Bring your own supper to this Ravinia-esque event and we'll supply appetizers and wine, beer, and pop. Location: St Nick's Courtyard / Cost $25 per person

July 4th Fireworks, Drinks & Dessert: Tuesday, July 4, 8:00pm Join your St. Nick's friends at Mary Lee and John Lally's 20th floor penthouse on July 4. Come for drinks and dessert. Watch the sun set over the Harms Woods Forest Preserve and at nightfall, enjoy a fabulous view of the fireworks displays in Chicago and surrounding suburbs. See north, south, east and west views from the condo's terrace and balconies. Restriction: Adults only Location: 9715 Woods Drive, Skokie / Cost $30 per person

Tickets available through rectory or purchased at Masses, June 10/11

Check or cash appreciated.

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Community Life/Vida de la Comunidad

Can also contact James Holzhauer-Chuckas at [email protected]


St. Peter Chapel 8116 Niles Center Rd., Skokie, 8:30 AM - Registration of Devotees 9:30 AM - Rosary and De-votional Prayers 10:00 AM - Mass 11:30 AM - Lunch & Fellow-ship Installation of new members will be during the Mass. The only obligation from a member is to attend Mass every first Friday or Saturday of the month. The Scapular of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be worn during the Mass. Contact Ampy Basa, 847-869-6283, for more information.

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Community Life/Vida de la Comunidad

IGNATIAN VOLUNTEER CORPS Retired? Semi-retired? Open the doors of your heart! Ignatian Volunteer Corps offers men and women age 50 and olders the opportunity to engage in direct, hand-on service. Visit www.ivcusa.org/chicago or contact Jacqueline Fitzgerald 312.961.6206 or [email protected] ———————— BLACK CATHOLIC INITIATIVE ANNUAL RE-TREAT, June 16-17, 2017 at Mundelein Seminary, $200. Come learn, grow, connect and be restored in the faith. [email protected], 312.577.0475. ———————— SOCCER FESTIVAL, Saturday, July 16 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Kamen Park, sponsored by Ridgeville Park District. www.ridgeville.org/soccer ———————— EVANSTON YOUTH CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY July 24—July 28, meets in the evening and is for Ev-anston Residents age 13-17. Deadline for applying is July 10. 847.566.5018 or Officer Taniya Jenkins at [email protected] or Officer Enjoli Daley at [email protected] ———————— THIS IS HUNGER: AN INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE, Beth Emet, June 16-June 20 A high impact, experiential installation in a 53-foot long, double expandable trailer. The trailer travels across the United States teaching the reality of hunger in America and inspiring people to take action. The goal for all of us is to end hunger. The truck will be parked at Beth Emet from Friday, June 16 - Tuesday, June 20. You can sign up as a group with up to 30 participants, or individuals can sign up on their own. The program is geared toward sixth grade stu-dents through adulthood. Younger children can visit with their parents at their discretion. The whole expe-rience lasts 45 minutes and holds 30 people at a time. Visit MAZON at http://thisishunger.org/ to learn more about this exhibit and to reserve your free tick-ets. ———————— THE CONSCIENCE MONOLOGUES: WOMEN’S STORIES OF CONSCIENCE IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 8th Day Center for Justice invites you to the final per-formance of The Conscience Monologues on Sunday, June 25th, at 2pm at Piper Hall on Loyola Universi-ty’s Rogers Park campus. RSVP to Mary Ellen at [email protected]. Suggested donation of $10 to $50. Visit 8thdaycenter.org for more details.

EVANSTON'S 2017 STARLIGHT CONCERT SE-RIES has begun. The free concert series will feature eight concerts, including one Starlight Junior concert, at park locations throughout the city through August 2. For times and park location visit: https://parliamentofreligions.org/

Office of Human Dignity & Solidarity Immigration Ministry

The Word is a gift. Other persons are a gift

“Let us pray for one another so that, by sharing in the victory of Christ, we may open our doors to the weak and poor. Then we

will be able to experience and share joy.” -Pope Francis

A recent executive order, signed on March 6, imposes travel restrictions for nationals of six Muslim majority countries; sus-pends refugee resettlement for 120 days; and drastically reduces the number of refugees the United States welcomes from 110,000 to 50,000, a historic low. ACTION: This month urge the President and your policymakers to rescind these policies and enforce the core American values of welcoming persecuted families and individuals who come to

the U.S. to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity. Send an email at http://www.confrontglobalpoverty.org or call your members of Congress: 888.562.8232. For additional ways to advocate for Immi-

grants and Refugees visit: www.CatholicsAndImmigrants.org.

Oficina de Dignidad Humana y Solidaridad

Pastoral Migratoria

La Palabra es un don. El otro es un don “Oremos unos por otros para que, participando de la victoria de Cristo, sepamos abrir nuestras puertas a los débiles y a los po-

bres. Entonces viviremos y daremos un testimonio pleno de ale-gría.

Papa Francisco ACCIÓN: Este mes pida al Presidente y a sus legisladores que promuevan leyes que cumplan con los valores estadounidenses básicos de dar la bienvenida a las familias perseguidas y a los individuos que vienen a los Estados Unidos para reconstruir sus vidas con seguridad y dignidad. Envíe un correo electrónico a sus representantes en el Congreso en confrontglobalpoverty.org o llame al: 888.562.8232. Para encontrar maneras de apoyar a Inmigrantes y Refugiados,

visite: www.CatholicsAndImmigrants.org.

Page 10: St. Nicholas Parish Parroquia San Nicolásnickchurch.org/bulletins/2017/20170611.pdf · Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás. Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para


Praying for our sick/

Orando por nuestros enfermos

Communion for the Sick, Homebound: Call Barb Soricelli Comunión para los enfermos y discapacitados: Llame a Barb

Soricelli a 847.864.1185, ext. 42.

Rodolfo Aguilar Lea Ames

Joanne Marie Andiorio Mac Alexander Brite

Elda Carvajal Jill Chazi

David Ciorciari Jennifer Clausen Fernin Corona Delora Davis

Maria Feliciano Martha E. Flores G.

John Giannini Elysse Gillette Ed Gilpatric

David Goldberg Juan Gomez

Amalia Gonzalez Wayne Goodman Pam Goulbourne

Steve Gould Joan Hall

Jerry Hautman Steve Hautman Jimmy Hayner Kristin Hemani

Sarah Hill Yvonne Hunt

Blanche Infante Mary Theresa Jurecky

Georgina Laguna Miguel Laguna

Marjorie Loisseau Allen Long

Margaret Long Amelia Lopez Jane Markey

Maria Martinez Tamara McDaniel

Irene Molina Ilse Moreno

Joseph Mowad Josephine Mowad

John Neilly

Marian Neilly Zoe Nicolaz

Engracia Nieto Ray Norman

Mary Pat Ortbal Marian B. Perry

Oliva Rico José Salud Rodríguez

Michael Rogers Juan Rojas

Eugenio A. Ruiz M. Vern Shipley

Roger T. Smith Emina Sofradzija Lupita Solorzano

Mary Spolnik Artie Stromblad

Brucetta Stromblad Marge Sutor Jerry Zansitis Paul Zelinski Sofia Zematis

Mass Intentions/Intenciones de Misa

Sunday, June 11 9:00 am (En) † Catherine Conrad 9:00 am (Sp) † Paula Gomez and Bernardino Gomez 11:00 am † Sadie Lenihan Johnson and † Chimamanda Dinkel 1:00 pm † María Abonce Monday, June 12 7:45 am

Tuesday, June 13 (Bilingual) 7:45 am † Antonio Lule

Wednesday, June 14 7:45 am † Jan and † Carl Wallemark

Thursday, June 15 7:45 am

Friday, June 16 7:45 am Saturday, June 17 8:00 pm † Simona Muñoz 4:30 pm † Stephen Mielczarek

† deceased/difunto

Pray for those in service of our country:

Cyrus Bailey David Beachman Steve Blackshear Richard Caballero

Alexander Ellis Jean-Jaques Emilien

Scott Frank Molly Hampton

Margarita Hernandez Quinn Heydt

Marie McGary Dennis Monagle

Seiko Okano Antonio Riveraan

Jacob Roche Claude Senecal

Sean Tuohy

Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office.

Unción de los enfermos: Llame a la Oficina Parroquial

May the angels lead you into paradise.

May the martyrs come to welcome you

and take you to the holy city, the new

and eternal Jerusalem.

Que los ángeles los lleven al paraíso.

Que los mártires les den la bienvenida y

los lleven a la ciudad Santa, la

nueva y eterna Jerusalén.

† Renae Sconyers † Don Berendsen † Emilio Barraza † Esperanza Sandoval

Readings for the Week

Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12

Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16

Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19

Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26

Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32

Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37

Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58

Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Mt 5:1-12

Martes: 2 Cor 1:18-22; Sal 119 (118):129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16

Miércoles: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Sal 99 (98):5-9; Mt 5:17-19

Jueves: 2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26

Viernes: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 116 (115):10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32

Sábado: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37

Domingo: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58

Page 11: St. Nicholas Parish Parroquia San Nicolásnickchurch.org/bulletins/2017/20170611.pdf · Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás. Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para


Reconciliación (Confesiones): Sábado: 3:30– 4:15

pm en la capilla de Reconciliación en la iglesia o por cita llamando a la oficina parroquial.

Bautizos: Cada segundo domingo del mes 3:00 pm. Los

padres y padrinos deben de participar en formación pre-bautismal. Para más información llame a Juanita Tamayo a 847.864.1185, ext. 29. NO hay bautizos durante Cuaresma.

Matrimonios: Llame a la oficina parroquial, arreglos deben

hacerse por lo menos 4 meses antes de la fecha deseada.

Recursos de Anulación: Llame a Barbara Soricelli a

847.864.1185 ext. 42.

Ayuda para Recuperarse de la Adicción: La parroquia

ofrece una ayuda gratuita y confidencial para recuperarse de la adicción, disponible para todos los que están luchando con una adicción, o para sus familiares o aquellos que los aman. Llame a 773.489.6438.

Apoyo de embarazos: Los Servicios de maternidad de Ca-

ridades Católicas ofrecen servicios de conserjería profesional para jovencitas, mujeres embarazadas, o papás, y familias que tienen un embarazo no planeado. Llame a 800.227.3002.

Artículos en el Boletín: Artículos para el boletín deben ser

enviados por correo electrónico a [email protected] 10 días antes del domingo en que se quiere publicar, si requiere traducción envíelo 15 días antes. Hay un limite de 200 palabras.

Anuncios en el púlpito: Envíe los anuncios por e-mail a

[email protected] o déjelos en Oficina Pa-rroquial. El cierre es viernes al mediodía.

Quinceañeras: El servicio de XV años requiere prepara-

ción. Para más información y fijar fecha llame a Yolanda Salgado 847.869.7173.

Presentación de 3 años: Se celebra los domingos durante

misa. Necesita registrarse con 2 semanas de anticipación. Para más información llame 847.864.1185.

Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday: 3:30-

4:15 pm in Reconciliation Chapel in the Church or call the Parish Office.

Baptisms: 3rd Sunday of month at 3:00 pm Parents should

participate in Preparation Program. Call Mary Burke-Peterson 773.209.5114 [email protected] to arrange. There are NO baptisms during Lent.

Weddings: Call parish office, arrangements should be made

at the Parish Office four months prior to wedding date.

Annulment Resources: Please contact Barb Soricelli at

847.864.1185, ext. 42.

Addiction Recovery Resource: The parish has a free and

confidential Addiction Recovery Resource, available to those who are struggling with an addiction, or for family members and others who love them. Please call: Margaret Mantle at 847.869.3599 or Kevin Axe at 847.492.9490.

Pregnancy Support: Catholic Charities Maternity Services

offers professional counseling services for pregnant teens, women, birth fathers, and their families who are experienc-ing an unplanned pregnancy. Call 800.227.3002.

Bulletin Articles: The deadline for bulletin submissions is

10 days before publication, if translation is needed submit 15 days prior. There is a 200 word limit. Articles can be sent by e-mail to [email protected].

Pulpit Announcements: Submit pulpit announcements to

[email protected] or drop off at the Parish Office by Friday at Noon.

Gay, Lesbian, Family & Friends Outreach: Meets month-

ly. Contacts: Cristie Traina 847.337.8797; Family and Friends Support: Georgie Ellis, 773.338.4342.

Parish & Sacramental Information / Información sacramental y de la parroquia

DCFS Abuse Hotline 1.800.25.ABUSE (1.800.252.2873) Archdiocese Victim Assistance: 1.866.517.4528

DCFS Línea Anónima de Abuso 1.800.ABUSE(1.800.252.2873)

Asistencia para Victimas de la Arquidiócesis 1.866.517.4528

1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855-435-7693) English/Spanish/Korean/Polish

Connects immigrant families in crisis with reliable and im-mediate information.

¿Necesitas ayuda? Línea Directa de Apoyo Fami-liar: Conectando a familias con información confiable e


Religious Education Sunday Catechesis Opportunity for Religious Education– SCORE- for children k-8th grade Meets Sunday morning after 9:00 am Mass from September to May. Call Sr. Christina at the parish office for more infor-mation

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Call Sr. Christina at the parish office for more information

Educación Religiosa Catecismo para niños de K-8vo grado Se reúnen los sábados de 9:00 am a 11:00 am de septiembre a mayo. Llame a Juanita Tamayo en la oficina parroquial para más detalles.

Rito de Iniciación Católica para Adultos (RICA) Llame a Juanita Tamayo en la oficina parroquial para más detalles.

Page 12: St. Nicholas Parish Parroquia San Nicolásnickchurch.org/bulletins/2017/20170611.pdf · Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás. Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para


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