PAGE TWO ... Slip J $Ialutrttu lieaftrr PUBLISHED WEEKLY 1310 Assembly St., Columbia, 8. G. Entered at the Post Office at Ce» lumbin, S. C., as second class matter by an Act of Coiurresa. SUBSCRIPTIONS One Yoiar..:. |2.. Six Mouth* . 1JM ihxee Month* _ ;7f ; Single Cepy FOREIGN ADVERTISING W. B. ZIFF CO., 608 S. Dearborn BL. Chicago, 111. Official AdvortieemenU at the r*te allowed hi l*w. i. AGENCY The Leader will publish brief and rational letter* on aubjecta of general interest when they are acoeeapenied by the name* and addressee of the authors and are aet of * defamatory nature. Anonymous communications will not be noticed. Rejected manuscript* will not be returned. GBO. kL HAMPTON Publisher B. PHILIP ELLIS Field Agent L. G. BOWMAN, Circulation Mgr. .. r.. REMITTANCES Chock*, Draft* and Postal or £x. praaa Money Orders should be made payable to the order of The Pidmstto Leader. Communications intended for the current issue must be Tory brie ad should reach the editorial desk not later than Tuesday «f - k L i > news, locals Wodneeday. * Telephone 4US Sa.urday, July 27, 1940 1...T-S c:\i-: nr\i \ hand: I.ess tanii twelve months ago Ih n.a.h of Trustees of Morris Laii.sk, a.ting president of Mor!». Co.lege, Sumter, S. C., to sucT \eed the late Dr. I. David Pinson, .lie Palmetto Leader endorse<r~tW a. o.r.tnunt am} predicted that t ,. La'rivk wouldmake good. At the Cose uf-the--achoul-yeaL last June the board elected Df La: rick permanent president of the college. lJui nVt{ Ilu' pu.^t yi'Ui r resident Gurrick n».t only proved that he -+S-- th*e--rifrtJUi.maw.i\ir.U««- position, but he ga'.e the' board of trustees a program whereby the future progress- of tin.school is'safc and assured. The good judgment of th.- board meets the hearty approval and loyal support of 100, tOt) Baptists in South Carolina. Dr. Gurrick served Morris college as dean and his service there for tlie pust twenty years emiJ netitly qualifies him for the office. He has tine leadership among btAh - races in Sumter and stands high ^^among the Brotherhood in the ~"stiite:~T,et,s" give him a big hand! THK THIRD HJ'NDAl IN AUGUST The third Sunday in August promises to be a "Red Letter Day" in the African Methodist ehuryh in South Carolina. The Bishop, twenty presiding elders 300 ministers and 75,000 church people are concerned^ The third Sunday in-August has been set aside by Bishop J. S. Flipper and President Samuel Richard" Hig gins as Library Rally day for the library fund of Allen university. It will be a monumental affair, if evei yune a ill.respond to the call made by Dr. JohTr-Thtrrrttt«*' who issued the proclamation nearly five weeks ago. We are; informed that some ministers are planning to waise enough in this drive to satisfy the library claim and the Endowment Day claim also. This sounds good and workable. If 60,000 Af- rican Methodist people will contribute $1.0|3 each they will have their library money and the budpet fund too, as we understand it. Every one is asked to give one dollar for the library the third Sunday in August. Allen university treed*- nmt must have better library facilities. The present plan, if pushed, will suffice. SUCCESSFUL SUMMER SESSIO HELD AT BETTIS A. The 1940 session of thfi Bettis Academy Summer school, June 10 July 13, was declared by many "old timers," to have been the best session ever held there. The faculty tend administrativa personnell was as follows: Presi dent A. W. Nicholson, director; Mrs. Sallie L. Collins, English, assistant director. A. C.'Hightow er, Mathematics, History, Civics; Miss Cljjpe B. Singleton, English", Sociology, Science; Mrs. A. J. Murray, Rural Education, Geojji I.. I. Ijt ->y.- -yr- graphy; Miss Justine E. Wiikinson, itogiatx.ar,. Ivuml Problems, Woodson, special laboratory course 1 tor rural teachers. Miss Corume I Gordon, special laboratory course I tor teachers of the first grade. Each instructor did a tirst class job. Other workers were: .\kiss l.ula L. Willis, dean of women; Mrs. Bessie L. Nicholson, dietitiai Miss Mary Bubo, superintendent of dining hall. There were others who served as, assistants in various departments. The mid-morning assembly pe riods on Tuesdays and T inlays were very interesting and inspirational. The programs consistei if piano and vocal Solos, violin. guitar and mandolin selections, urainatic readings, talks by visitors and laculty members. Ainoiig the visitors who gave help tul talks tu vaiious groups d^r mg the session weie: Nurse Sow ell ol the State T. b. association; .Nurse.Trwitevant of.the. \ sen <ounty department of health; Mi. Dowdy, Farm Agent, Aiken coun ty; Miss Shelton, Home Demon stration Agent, Aiken county. Mi J. li. Feltonu State Agent ,.segr< school-s;M-r. \V. A- Scoutley, .-vsst. State Agent Negro schools. .o» South Caioltria. Duripg the last week of the ,'V^.^IUII HIV 'UIUUHI TV. IIVII'I met in joint assembly with the ministers who were attending tin. annual Ministers' Institute at Liet lis. Many earnest. 1'orivMil pnu.ileal addresses were delivered" b\ men and women <>i note, wniti and colored, during that peiiod. Open house. was observed o., Friday an.l Saturday A tile lasl week, at which lime many Vie Weil .tie numerous beautiful and useful articles which had by en iiiaue b\ iiie student teachers m tne se> eral classes, also .many samples .ot the constructive work which tun. oeen done in the classrooms, Spei lal mention should be made ot the \er.v practical ctassiooui setups of the rural teaclicis y roup ami the teachers in the til'st grade group. Misses w ouuson auo iTTT ilon directed the teachers ot liios. gro .ps in the linding' .of new wa>s and procedures by which they caif make their class work .-o pia.li cat and life-like that their puphs w ill- learn v.-ry rapidly and vert etlectively. Miss Wilkinson, w iiu ..'as drafted into service as an in i -cioi at the last moment, did a eiy ell'teetiie job in her depail m-iit. II.-r health class and hoi roup in the i ulal proi lein/ do.'a-tnu-nl had excellent displays >f then handiwork. The- scn-ned lass, tin Knelish classes ami the I her croups* proudly exhibited nany samples of their work. hach Sunday morning' tin- tea| .'her-students assembled it>. tin .-sasinaiti sc'io'il; along wit h tin numbers *»t" llu- NVA . roup ami .th.-i a in |, a.-..mhai itnni- .M m 15. Singleton directed the Sun-" lay school during tin- session I Rev. .I.D. Hammond saw to it "that 1)1 '-a.1 of life wa- otf. il t' I ill. thro Lrh his m- ei al x-ianon-1 I mi ii.g the session. I As suah Presid at at.,i....Mi-| |Ni '-hoisViiTextended a ..nliai -.vol I C'litn t" all members t" the stur. I ivn-i school ami tin- ministers' in l-titnte. and the maii.v '.mi I on *o ;.e self T!:' y . I vcr "n Av to ilu. a i ti )>o.-^--a. I I'oi tin- comfort and tin- LapJONKSV ll.l.-K ' N K\S W S Sunday services weie I- Id a' Foster's chtt^ol; \rnth it a od T I tendance, both day and nig!.t it; I spite of the very warm weather I I'he total collection foi the day rtVus !>2.'FbO. Tlie choir and im-inI tiers of Bethany church am guiiiu I to Hernh-1 sonville, N..C.. tin* 4th I Sunday to their pastoFs church. The"rtri.1T wiir_ruinish the niusic. I A~ "great day' is planned. AVe T-iiIjoy going to this church. hecausi I the people make every thin.- 'so nice I for you. There -will he a bar! ec.'.e Friday night and Saturday at Foster's I ha pel given by the ehurcli. "Revival meetings shall soon I start. Tin- meet iip..u4.Bellamy I will begin the first Sunday livoc IJ. \\* Wilbui'n has as his efficient | helper; Rev Colvio >«' ^ >»» vj|uu t<in* bury, pastor of tin- Mt. Muriah church. Rev. J. Ri Ezell is bark home also Mrs. F. (i. Norris aftCr spend 'ntc a--successful term Al!.-i Benedict summer school session W Benedict-Allen immei school , Airs. M. G. Ezell is home from Asheville, NT. C., where she' attended summer school this sum mer, - All of the teachers- had a nice time attending the different summer schools. Mr. James Uogun is back home doing fine at'tej.being ill and confined to the Veteran hospital in Columbia. Mrs. Mary Clowney left Thursday night for an.( indefinite stay in New York City'^with her many relatives and friends. Miss Elizabeth j Farr is back "home after spending a lovel \aca tion in NYC with brothers aunts, cousirrs and friends; _ Miss Nancy >Gatfney and nop hew Master Charles Thomas art visiting lenitives and.friends. Mr. Roland Foster Jr., and Eu relle Foster are visiting tlu-ii grand parents, Mrs. Belle. .Fostei and Mr. and Mrs."Butler Gore. The Michigans are spending sev eral weeks of their vacation heie: Mrs. Ellen Kelch, Little Bobbie and Jimmie Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Stewart; Mr. rind Mrs Odell Stewart spent several days here so they are vacat'fyning othi er places now. Mr "and MrsT."AA-. Stewart Mrs. Hart and Mr' Cletus Littlejohn of Caroleen^N. C., A ^a. .* < T1 -..MAYBE SO (Ly V-. H. \NG '.so lulus. I to ii"i . .t '. pass uul. l.» Hi, a^'v'. « iv. . > « ^CUi'i jii Kking aero. 1 %». .iii,; hard K> MiiJ IK Ik. J I i (Ik- Si '.k will k-L-. U'i'.i.si' i k>>uiii nut help it. Nc t vlU'l*aK'J«>t* n.o \ k t. i... *, no .kiiKiiil aL all. i.e.-k. n. t'uiik iiot .unity I i\u;i' g ..... v. ..1 bo K . <i. People make tn h:u !i l'ims orei .k a.i ubiiK's in a.-1 a.sT Sumo crt tlUM* luiK'ials a.tr in;; lulls k\ null a poison dies. ho i.- dead that s all. it is just a lot of silly sitilimeiitalis.u mat pioiiijis poo ... ;..v pi:-'!!!- .. big morale of pomp ami spieu loi istami back. t.iHloiUtkors; you'll ....... s bo nooiloil). When a persun flies lie^Ts just a mumo"> nothing more. ilo's gone. Ho will lay .none in spile of a lot of hypocritical. sho\v-off. talkative sob ..iff. ' 1 ve soon so much make-believe tot.so manv funerals; I've boa rd people say so many things they .i.e. woyUl say while'the .person .viil, So much r.ave i soon of thi-f. noral business that 1 have 'mailt spt nt St m!ay here with relatiws :iul f iotuls. Mr. <><!o-l 1 Stewart and Mr. (lotus I.ittlejohn spoilt several mo. .u'lv 1.1' t 'hi'ir I Inn- uli SlllldaV. af Art ni>» ii at- ili»- homo <»f -Mr.- and "MItts Tlu'nipsrmr- .. Mr. ami Mis. Hicazcl ami dtiu /htm',. also Mrs. Mercic Collins aid daughter worshipped with us Sunday at Foster chapel. , .U.y, I'./'ll is niakiny. f«»i i s.iiccnsst'til revival meeting' at his hlirch." His hVIp.-r is not known Mr. M'i'.huin Ihtty of Col .mi ia vas. a visitor/lure Sunday. Alt'. .1. M. !<'. ir. ail.is -!.i> i' ii' Columbia with his aunt working: .Miss Aiherta Slcwait is back tome alter attending, suninici I'ia" in !l"i k*d1 ill . Mastm .J iifiAjM^ui -fiir? yom # oi'ifd the summer in tho North Ai'.h ..m i' s, .and pint's ajso ^K'ys Mo aic ufy jdad to know that Airs. * la. a tiilnioio is imp_rovinu rapidly; I here will ho several .- i n j r 11 -t oniest- hold at .loiisCillc this! week. Ill SI! 1MVKK I'M' T. (HI K( 11 |{e\. .1. ( . « oilier. I'astor Wwhei y, S. I'. Me retained oii.o Nat a id-ay hlifi.ly Trptffrerf -trnd l.appy a'.'toi spciukii,u' su h an ciitV..a!-le .al'l. rtioon at the children day picnic. It was largely attend. d- a at c roili of children from v iiiit i^.ii k r tlw^diicctioiVof Mrs i.lia 1 >a was pjesmd and took <n -a-; am t.kis. tla.'. piiuu..ram.-J\.ll the oiaidi mi -nowed. their "an»iet> o> : .-"li.a-tl.After the pro= rain a;! kinds "! ; oodkaitd lem.. :.a a a,i A U-ULtM.Liiuv f"! o'.v. Ni'V. \o.i-.. 'Mrs. lilndde-n - wore t late hut all- -P+k. w»;-w.u~l. tii. i; iuteres! ami iv _ia i i ha\ all the visiting i i. in.:.-. A: >|n u.inj a pleasant day Sal'.ii <iay. we t rl.iu.oil i»» tin.; same ptaci aim I.a<i a Wi.mliil'ul time. \\ i- :.ad a yiami Sunday school utai tail; out pa.-lo: Inou.aht Us a wonderl'ui mi s: age. The U*\t wa.~"tahrr ;"ii»m the I'u'vt clause ol 2lo iii' Job. lie sed as a subject is' v.tin lei!ul lo L»e a servajU oj hm!. Alter >ei vice we enjoyed a "\v"r>fiTtT-rlul lalt\ ay nI rtiTnie "Delir finstMrtTi-n- Mrs-: Lai.-ra d-rr'-Mat+eyr She wa.- accompanied hy Mrs. Kannie !ones of Newliei ry. Mattie h.li'.atj. !h lioyd enjoyed a pleasant trip to South Carolina Male college in Uran'eelurc'. A proup id' children from this ennyiiunity aie c'etliim ready foi -liie amp, 1 \ aie ieav 111July ".'in. We lame tiuiu a pleasant llip. > . ^,\\'e are sorry to know of the illness of -uui pastor's wife, Mrs. 1511a 'Collier. We hope' her a ,, speedy recovery. We shall emit inn.--to thank («od lo' tl.e n.anv Idcsi-incs la- hath bestowed upon t1*" SOCIAL SL( I Kiry I.'/ I »> I I.' w II eiiii ua i I \ \ II I .IVO A r< ( ( )!t study. reveals the tact that we have nut s-t up a ft ndanvcntal security for teachers a- ainst old ajjes ami retirement. There is of course here and there in a 5fcew school systenls a thirdy^r.vpreamd. sporadic pension for teachers; and under this we find ahout 25 per cut of the teaching croup covered. More than l.OOD.OOO of the ind us trial workers ha e a guarantee of a definite income against retirement and old a>;e. This protection is found among other irrnmw in 'l fnn/lnm/.n^nl but is woefully lucking among and for our teachers. 'l he teaebfr i- Th t maker civ ilrv.ation. An attiC de should he created amone the peoplq^vhere' by every teacher 1 eyond the probative' stage in' the profession should be covered. The' feasabh plan to adopt is a plan in cooper. ation with the Wagner-Ix-wis Act in the Congress whereby federal : aid for teachers' pensions should J b'1- tl.'*fi?Mt<jly provided. " To leavr this to the local authorities will not get us anywhere. IE PALMETTO LEADER FD MAYBE^mShsi-ckleford) ;K UK^i'kST a request of those concerned. When I'm dead. I'm gone, 110 matter how good, how bad. ..I'm gone. Let some mortician take nu twhat's lelt) and keep me for awuiie. Bring me back home so I can fie in state for a full*"Uay. I*ate in the afternoon, without any ceremonies at home or anywhere else, carry me to the cemetirry. f^*t.my.pastor.repeat.thc uurial business. That's all. Those who think much of me can come by my home. N'o church. sermon, 110 resoluling no noth ir.g.iMy spirit will no doubt slip away quietly, why should you ma1-"" iviso over a dead body? If you dul not say anything Lu me whila 1 was with you, it will c too late then. My friends may love me more, after I'm gone: My enemies don't count. If 1 don't know what people think of me ""while I'm here: 1.eatTt.find out after' I'm dead. I only want to be a jd'cnyhnt' memory-. That's.. aiL I'lL he inspite of all the big funeral ceremonies pulled off. (Rights Reserved) I ST. I»IHLII» \.MK CHril' HRev. T. If. Weathers. Pastor On Sunday sit 10:00 o'clock S; S. was.conducted l»v the Sni't. M K. 11 n>ToTr"ntid' t hr 7Tssrst«nt---SHptHenry Johnson. Jr. A large attendants was present. l'lie lesson was well taught hy tlu* teachers and .reviewed .l>y the pastor. A. tuoaitt raised i?.T.70. A Warm pray« i service was conducted hy the prayer committee. Alter which a noble sermon was 'reached by tin- pastor from the t.-xts Acts llr'JI. One came for- | and .joll.t .! t lie clVLU'Cll MS II full member ltoin Red Hill liapt b tell for her convenience in the person of Mis. Sara Davis. The rally for the pastor was beeiin and will\oiiiin;:e next Sunl day. o'ch-ck Rev. Taylor of Mi. Olive and Matthew churches delivered a spnitual sermon.! At-olclock a line League service was conducted by the president. Wc* an; clad to have oui ninny visitors with us-r .Mrs H. 1). Lee oT .New *l>Yrk; Miss Yi.da Reed of New York. At S:00 o'clock. Rev. 11. \V. Walker preach d a wonderful set rnun of which everyone enjoyed Rev. Weathers and choir Will ren der service at Mt. Zion Baptist hurch Sunday night. Com.- t< ^church, join t4m church. SJIILOII. I'RKSBYTKRl AN ( HI R(TI I'tker Davis, Reporter j Winnsl.oi ii.' S. 1S. S. at tin* usual hour <-al!ed to order 11>" i-. Ca«pi r t.ileon. Rev. K. E. Martin and Mr. A. H. Martin and Mrs] Massir Martin from White Hall j 5tTT! iidist church were visitors. Jh v. Mai_tin preached _fr«»m the Miss Heatricc Clayhorn was Clec.ted in t:«> to tin- S. S. conven lion* and TdTiugHf a wonderful report See I iker Davis for the Palmetto Leader. Kev. J \V; Tally and Mr- Henry Williams were dinner guests of Mis. Maron- Henderson. Kkick lack llaptist -Church Surtax.uXternoon choirs came lion.; vaiioiis places to participate ->vinr 1'dack Jack menibefs." MfT Jesse l»Vf«l - aetetl as1master.of eei'eiiHiii.N and Mr. Richard Caldwell. Mr. Byrd certainly know.Low i i put over a program. Tlw. eh.oiis taking part were St. Murk and St. Luke, St. Matthew, Light eiiiim (ii ove and Zion. All did line. Thiee usher boards were also present. A eolection of Sl'.L»it was raised by Mr. Joe W'ash in j t-.11.rrrrrt- Joe (Hover.. FIRST NAZARETH R \PITS T ( HI KCH Rev. W. H. JVieal, Pastor The Sunday school opened at its usual hour with the Superin- TTTTTTn !TTT pTeSlilTTTgV After ttU' US-j pal class discussion we had a re[ « t from the convention l/y oui delegate. Kveryone reported as having enjoyed the report and wo are determined to send a delegate to tlie convention next yyur.. At 11 :3U the pastor entered the pulpit, to deliver another one ol his soul stirring sermons. At 3:30 a ei'up of spiritual singers from a neighboring city gave a very in teresting program. For this proj grain we give thanks to Mr. H.II. Poole. At S-.lin o'clock Rev. Neal nioun t<d the pulpit ii'.'i'n nd in spite of the heat delivered a wonderful sermon. « On Sunday, .Inly 2kth, we are having our Memorial services which will he preached by Rev. J P. Reeder, pastor of Zion Bapt eh'Tch of this-city. At this ser-1 vice we are going to burn the t mortgage on the parsonage. The fire will be started by the person who raisoif" the second highest amount of money in our recent! lally. who ..was.Mrs. Brooks^On Sunday nigbri our pastor is leaving for New York City where he will spend his vacation studyI ine at Columbia university. . W' all wish him a most pleasant stay. We still invite you to come and worship with us at the Little Church with the Big Heart. EBENEZEK A. M. E. CHURCH . Mullinfe, S. C. -SupLFox worth is a happy soul when it comes to leading: our Sunday school. Those elected to attend' our State League and Sunday School meeting in Co lunvbia next week were Misses Lillie Mae Hodge, Hattie Grissett and Messrs Samuel Davis, .James Paige. The pastor's morning: message was The. Eternal Arms of God. Our- visitors were Misses Verdelle Deas of Marion, S. (\; Miss GraciFe I.akin of Florence, S. C.; also Mrs. Martha Robinson of New York City. Misses Mary I ewt< and Ruth Higgins united with the h 11 ivli Tnlv 1 Jf I ea-iiJo and tilt? -pastor are still taking the leacf^ith that organization After the state meeting we are expecting new life in th» League. The threatening storm out out >ur nite services. Uur pastor is to promOi and the senior and jubilee choirs.are.te serve at Lake View next Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The second Sunday afternoon in next month Rev. Burrell and those will serve us at 3:30. Our revival meeting starts the "second Sunday in August. Rev. L. D. Gamble the popular pastor of St. Stephen church of Georgetown. in charge. We pray and hope with the family and the many relatives and friends of Publisher Hampton of The Palmetto Leader that lie will soon be restored tpohis normal health, after undergoing an operation iti New York City recently. Many from here are making llude wayto Atlanta Beach during those hot days. Come to our servi.'os. Yon are Welcome. Head The. Palmetto Leader. it leads. KBFNKZKU \. M. K. ( III IC< II < lull lesuni..S. ('.tmr sel'Viees on last Sunday were great all day at 11 o'clock tin- Rev. \V. It. Row man. I>.!)., of Columbia preached from Cit-nesis 18:11, liis subject was There is Nothing too Hard for tlie Lord. He preached a \er\ inspiring sermon. 12 Visitors were present among whom were Profs. Holmes, from Sumter; J Anderson from Lexington and Dr Pryit of Columbia who accompanied Rev.- Bowman. The S. S. was conducted by the Supt.. Mr. Joseph Kin loch' and was largely attended. Mrs. Rachel Mm rv. St. Stephens AMK church Bowman, S. C.. and Mr. Fred Tol belt. Morris St. Rapt. church were among the visitors. At 8 o'clock we were blessed to have with us the -Rev. T. J. Miles, presiding elder gf tfre Georgetown district who preached a sermon that will be long remembered by all. He preached from the sub ject Be Courageous from Joshua 1 :h. The older members of tb.e church rejoiced to see I)r. Mile# he was onl> of the ti ist pastors no remodeled {.he church and made it a fine structure. 11 visitors were present ninong: whom were Mr. James Gad son, Mrs. Victoria Gadson, Miss .Grace Giles and -Mr.-'Washington Ti I'TTi" Georgetown'.' file .Missionary Society met 577 the home of Mrs. Julia Gilliard Several sisters were present. Mrs Glenn joined the society. Ml'S. II. Tolbert was a visitor. A donation was. contrilu t.sl to a sick. The delegates and otlieers of the \V. H.and K. M. are all ready to leave with til 1 assessments of the con-J vent ion tin Wednesday. A repast was served, to the delight of all. Mrs. Sarah -Middlclon is oh the sick list. We. hope for her a spvdey recovery:-" " Mrs. J. Watson member of No. 8 class Mr. Ed. l.aSaine, leader, entered into eternal rest Tuesday. July 10th. 11'40. CHESTERFIELD NEWS I. A large number of worshippers attended the Sunday serti.es at I.Mt. Tahor M. E. church..The paa tor. Rev. 1'. C Hiddleston prcadhed a soul stirring sermon. Sunday school, with Mr. Johnny Sanders. Supt, was well attended. Religious services were held last week at Grundview Presbyterian church conducted by l)r. 1. 11. West, ('Inn loltc. N. ('- The following pel-sons were the quests of DrLL. and Mrs. J. II. Toatley during the week: Rev. and Mrs. Butler, Laurens; Mrs. A man da (>ury, Clinton; Dr. L. L>. West. Dr. and Mrs. S. Q. Mitchell and family, -.Charlotte, X.- Cip Messrs Sidney Alford and llow ard Jackson spent the weekend at home from AfonckS Corner. A neat sum ol' eighteen dollars was raised Sunday night as the result of a rally. An excellent program was rendered previous to the termination of the rally. Among the visitors at (itand view Presbyterian church Sunday morning were Mrs. Sunie Ellis. Due West. Mrs.-iCleo McQueen, Mr. Norwood McQueen, Cheraw; Mr. and Mrs. Mann and children, Wadeshoro, N. C. Mr. Willie Ni'ens attended hurch in Ruby Sunday. The lawn party, given at the home of Mrs. Lizzie (Jill, Tuesday night was quite an enjoyable affair. Miss Rosa Toatley left Saturday to resume hr-eposition as tea chef in the Catawba high school. Messrs -Dwight Nelson, Mayes ville; C. A. Pogue, Sumter; Miss I Cecelia Richardson, Columbia I were the gucstk of Misses Cecel1 ia^ Rosa and Johnetta Toatley I Friday. ANDREW CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH Uy W. R. Bowman » t'. visited and preached Sunday, July 14 at Andrew Chapel Baptist church ten miles from OianprebuiK, pastured by that you 11,if giant, Rev. J. O. Toomer, ;L. u 1...1 i u I »in« i.-» 111viv 11 iniwvim uy ma j lai K'j »ny rotation. Rev. Toomer is a young man, ' born in Orangeburg county; pasturing three large churches ami will graduate tioin Benedict colsi'Ve next year. We preached the best we could to mi estimated crowd of 500 or i. lire, judging from the "Amen" ue heard, they enjoyed 'tire sor-' mon. a We met a largo crowd of form er friends, among those were: Deacon Jtavid Cain and head Deari-n* Pitt and others. We look dinner with our old I'liind Must s iShul.-r and to sa\ the least Mrs. Sh: ler had everything on the table eatable! While there we met and chatted with Adam Gardener, ,\V. B. Dash, P D. Dash, Louis Hanton and others Gardener was driving his new '40 Ford car. A crowd of friends went with tis Sunday night to.Felderville Methodist church, where we met our friend, Solomon Stokes, who is the pillar of that church. Stokes is a great churchman and deserves .much recognition by his .fellow-churchmen. The WPA Summer school at State college is doing unusual good work. We have three white professors and two colored. They -4cre.very much.pleased.with the progress their teachers are making. The campus is very sad because of the death of Mrs. Johnson, the only daughter of Prof. J. P. Burgess. The funeral was Tuesday afternoon in Trinity Methodist chureh. The funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. W. R Gregg. Remarks by J. B. Felton of the.Stat;.Hepai'tinent.rrf.Kduation au<l I)r. J. B. Randolph of Claflin college. Full details will aii|icai' later. ROCK Hll.I. I.OCAI.S Ruby Lee Reid Mr. L.P. MeFarlin of Kingstree S.tl('.. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reid on Hampton street. Mrs. Emma Lee Reid has just returned lrom teaching summer school in Kingstree. M T, uni. rumen li.Vels spout a few <iays in Charlotte, N. ('., last week. Tlu. Rock Hill Elite Giants played a ^series of. baseball games in Raleigh, N*. winning two and tk'iivg one. The Giants defeated Tauidis, N. on Friday night with a score of 10 to 11.. Mrs. Lillian Pride is indisposed at her home on Hampton street. Mrs. Maude Riley is sick and now is at the York Countv hospital. . Miss Evelyn Pharr is able to be out after a few weeks illness Also Mr, S. C, Weston. The (lathings at 518 Hampton ^street spent a few hours Sunday in Charlotte, N. C. Miss Etoise Morris of Ridge Spring, S. ('., a former teacher oi (lie Piydniont "Simmer school and| who now holds a position at Tomlinson high school. Kingstree, is |visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W, German oil South Trade street. Mr. Sam Bacotte of Darlington, passed through Rock Hill Saturday nite. Mrs. Eva Phillips of 510 Hamp ton street spent Sunday with her mother at Smith Turn-out, S. C. Mr. J. M'.Ghee of Orangeburg passed through the city on Tuesday night. ; Mrs. Diana Simpson and fanii_b' arc, planning to leave for Wash ington. D. C., Saturday. . M Tss Mirian Singleton is leav-*| ing for Charleston, S. C., Tues day morning. The Heawnly Gospel Singers ONE WAY 1^^ cents per mile ROUND TRIP 10% less than double the one way fares " e ' Mir Conditioned i . voaciies I ON THROUOH TRAINS | J. T. COBB Division Passenger Agent Columbia, S. C. i li I m i3wj I ifflwiiflwimna || LEEVY'S | FUNERAL HOMI A I ndertnkintj And Embalm lx T . SLOOAN. jf: LOWER PRICES fel..AAlHI fEANCE SEKVIC IA o 1^- "As Near As Your Nearest Phc X A T . ? YBatesburg and Ridgeway, B.* '? 1831 TAYLOR ST. COLUMI I* .- PHONE 9276 Saturday, July 27, 1940 will render a program at the New Hope M E church Tuesday, July 2.J, at 8:.'K) p.m. Come and en7oy^n^veHin^~ol'.ftrrn. Miss Edith Cureton .aid Miss Ponselle l^ois Pharr k'ft Monday morning to go to the mountains where they plan to work. Miss Willie B. White of Philadelphia, Pa., is visiting Mrs. Chai lotte Crawford on South Trade street. Mrs. Mattie Fugerson is now op her vacation. She is a nurse of Dr. Dunlap. TWO STt'DKNTS IN FRENCH INSTITUTE RECEIVE AWARDS At the closing exercises today of the French Institute, which: just completed its fourth session at the Atlanta University Sum met School, two prizes were won by Miss Frances Hayes of Lynchburg, Virginia. A third prize went 10 miss Haiherlne Klllf? b! Raleighr l^forth Carolina. A special feature of this year's Institute was an attempt to integrate French with other subjects in the curriculum. During the session the students heard the noted artist Mr. Hale Woodruff, lecture on "French Art"; Professor Kemper Harreld "Frengh Musi S1'; Dr. Ira De A. Rt-id. "The French West African Possessions" (which he visited last sum mer); and Miss Henrietta Herod on the .correlation between French and English. mi r I HOME-COMING DAY AT ST. PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH Colleee Place, Solumbia, S. C.~ The S. S. began at its usual houi C.,n/loi, i .. v »juuvi<4 v viiv ivnauii wars ijt'illltifully imparted. Preaching ser vice began at 1 o'clock; Subject Mission in Life. St. Jobn 18:37:. To this end was I born ami for this cause came I into this world. We had for our quests Cent.cr Baptist Choir of Timmonsvilk* 'of which Kev. M. P. Pearson is the pastor. Two souls were gained in this service. An enjoyable time was had. At 8:45 Communion was served. Quite a few visitors. t wire present. Collection for the day $147.49. PROFESSIONAL CARDS TV. > Oft ice Hours: Telephone: 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Rea. 8871 6 P. M. to 8 P. M. DR. W. D. Chappelle Physician and Surgeon Diseases of Women and Children A Specialty Office: Residence: 2115 Lady St. 1301 Pine St. Columbia, S. C. DR. H. H. COOPER DENTIST Special Attention"tSfteji to Diseases of the Gumt Gold Crown and Bridge Work A Speciality Office Phone 6429 Res. 8264 1125 Washington St., Cola., S. C. Office Hours! * Telephones: 8:30 A.M. to 7;QQP.M. Office 6034 Residence 8873 DR. D. K. Jenkins DENTIST - * Fillings, Flutes, Crowns, Bridges. Anesthesia a Specialty DR. J. G. STUART Rye, Ear, Nose and Throat I Glasses Fitted Accurately Office-Hours Telephones 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. Res. 4692 4 P, M, to 6 P. M. Office 3796 Office Residence 2030 Taylor St. 1317 Pine St. REV. J. H. JOHNSON NOTARY ^PUBLIC Office 2029 Marlon Street " Dealer in Real Estate, Performs marriage .ceremonies, writes wills, deeds, mortages, claims, etc. CaU So* Him x Office Phone 8407 Ron. 679f Counts Drug: Store PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUND. / ED AS WRITTEN BY YOUR / DOCTOR f A Full Line at Toilet Articles 1105 WASHINGTON STREET PHONE 1-1967 David G.Ellison x General Insurance Honest and efficient atten- / tlon given to all business placed with me. PHONE 5717 I. S. Leevjr, Manager \

Saturday, July SlipJ MAYBE^mShsi-ckleford)historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067919/1940-07-27/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · as dean and his service there ... Day" in the African Methodist ehuryh

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... SlipJ$Ialutrttu lieaftrr

PUBLISHED WEEKLY1310 Assembly St., Columbia, 8. G.

Entered at the Post Office at Ce»lumbin, S. C., as second classmatter by an Act of Coiurresa.


One Yoiar..:. |2..Six Mouth* . 1JMihxee Month* _ ;7f


W. B. ZIFF CO., 608 S. DearbornBL. Chicago, 111. Official AdvortieemenUat the r*te allowed hil*w. i.


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Communications intended for thecurrent issue must be Tory briead should reach the editorial

desk not later than Tuesday «f- k L i > news, locals

Wodneeday. *

Telephone 4US

Sa.urday, July 27, 1940

1...T-S c:\i-: nr\i \ hand:

I.ess tanii twelve months agoIh n.a.h of Trustees of Morris

Laii.sk, a.ting president of Mor!».Co.lege, Sumter, S. C., to sucT\eed the late Dr. I. David Pinson,.lie Palmetto Leader endorse<r~tWa. o.r.tnunt am} predicted thatt ,. La'rivk wouldmake good.At the Cose uf-the--achoul-yeaL

last June the board elected DfLa: rick permanent president ofthe college.

lJui nVt{ Ilu' pu.^t yi'Ui r residentGurrick n».t only proved that he

-+S-- th*e--rifrtJUi.maw.i\ir.U««- position,but he ga'.e the' board of trusteesa program whereby the futureprogress- of tin.school is'safc andassured. The good judgment ofth.- board meets the hearty approvaland loyal support of 100,tOt) Baptists in South Carolina.

Dr. Gurrick served Morris collegeas dean and his service therefor tlie pust twenty years emiJnetitly qualifies him for the office.He has tine leadership among btAh

- races in Sumter and stands high^^among the Brotherhood in the~"stiite:~T,et,s" give him a big hand!


The third Sunday in Augustpromises to be a "Red LetterDay" in the African Methodistehuryh in South Carolina. TheBishop, twenty presiding elders300 ministers and 75,000 churchpeople are concerned^ The thirdSunday in-August has been setaside by Bishop J. S. Flipper andPresident Samuel Richard" Higgins as Library Rally day for thelibrary fund of Allen university.It will be a monumental affair, ifevei yune a ill.respond to the callmade by Dr. JohTr-Thtrrrttt«*' whoissued the proclamation nearlyfive weeks ago.We are; informed that some

ministers are planning to waiseenough in this drive to satisfy thelibrary claim and the EndowmentDay claim also. This soundsgood and workable. If 60,000 Af-rican Methodist people will contribute$1.0|3 each they will havetheir library money and the budpetfund too, as we understandit. Every one is asked to giveone dollar for the library thethird Sunday in August. Allenuniversity treed*- nmt must havebetter library facilities. The presentplan, if pushed, will suffice.


The 1940 session of thfi BettisAcademy Summer school, June 10July 13, was declared by many"old timers," to have been thebest session ever held there.The faculty tend administrativa

personnell was as follows: President A. W. Nicholson, director;Mrs. Sallie L. Collins, English,assistant director. A. C.'Hightower, Mathematics, History, Civics;Miss Cljjpe B. Singleton, English",Sociology, Science; Mrs. A. J.Murray, Rural Education, Geojji

I.. I. Ijt ->y.- -yr-

graphy; Miss Justine E. Wiikinson,itogiatx.ar,. Ivuml Problems,Woodson, special laboratory course

1 tor rural teachers. Miss CorumeI Gordon, special laboratory course

I tor teachers of the first grade.Each instructor did a tirst classjob. Other workers were: .\kissl.ula L. Willis, dean of women;Mrs. Bessie L. Nicholson, dietitiaiMiss Mary Bubo, superintendentof dining hall. There were otherswho served as, assistants in variousdepartments.The mid-morning assembly pe

riods on Tuesdays and T inlayswere very interesting and inspirational.The programs consisteiif piano and vocal Solos, violin.guitar and mandolin selections,urainatic readings, talks by visitorsand laculty members. Ainoiigthe visitors who gave helptul talks tu vaiious groups d^rmg the session weie: Nurse Sowell ol the State T. b. association;.Nurse.Trwitevant of.the. \ sen

<ounty department of health; Mi.Dowdy, Farm Agent, Aiken coun

ty; Miss Shelton, Home Demonstration Agent, Aiken county. MiJ. li. Feltonu State Agent ,.segr<school-s;M-r. \V. A- Scoutley, .-vsst.State Agent Negro schools. .o»

South Caioltria.Duripg the last week of the


met in joint assembly with theministers who were attending tin.annual Ministers' Institute at Lietlis. Many earnest. 1'orivMil pnu.ilealaddresses were delivered" b\men and women <>i note, wnitiand colored, during that peiiod.Open house. was observed o.,

Friday an.l SaturdayA tile laslweek, at which lime many VieWeil.tie numerous beautiful and usefularticles which had byen iiiaue b\iiie student teachers m tne se>eral classes, also .many samples .otthe constructive work which tun.oeen done in the classrooms, Speilal mention should be made otthe \er.v practical ctassiooui setupsof the rural teaclicis y roupami the teachers in the til'st gradegroup. Misses w ouuson auo iTTTilon directed the teachers ot liios.gro .ps in the linding' .of new wa>sand procedures by which they caifmake their class work .-o pia.licat and life-like that their puphsw ill- learn v.-ry rapidly and vertetlectively. Miss Wilkinson, w iiu..'as drafted into service as an in

i -cioi at the last moment, did aeiy ell'teetiie job in her depailm-iit. II.-r health class and hoiroup in the i ulal proi lein/ do.'a-tnu-nlhad excellent displays>f then handiwork. The- scn-nedlass, tin Knelish classes ami theI her croups* proudly exhibitednany samples of their work.hach Sunday morning' tin- tea|.'her-students assembled it>. tin

.-sasinaiti sc'io'il; along wit h tinnumbers *»t" llu- NVA . roup ami.th.-i a in |, a.-..mhai itnni- .M m15. Singleton directed the Sun-"lay school during tin- sessionI Rev. .I.D. Hammond saw to it "that1)1 '-a.1 of life wa- otf. il t'I ill. thro Lrh his m- ei al x-ianon-1I mi ii.g the session.I As suah Presid at at.,i....Mi-||Ni '-hoisViiTextended a ..nliai -.volI C'litn t" all members t" the stur.I ivn-i school ami tin- ministers' inl-titnte. and the maii.v '.miI on *o ;.e self T!:' y .I vcr "n Av to ilu. a i ti )>o.-^--a.I I'oi tin- comfort and tin- LapJONKSV

ll.l.-K'N K\S W S

Sunday services weie I- Id a'Foster's chtt^ol; \rnth it a od TI tendance, both day and nig!.t it;I spite of the very warm weatherI I'he total collection foi the dayrtVus !>2.'FbO. Tlie choir and im-inItiers of Bethany church am guiiiuI to Hernh-1 sonville, N..C.. tin* 4thI Sunday to their pastoFs church.The"rtri.1T wiir_ruinish the niusic.I A~ "great day' is planned. AVe T-iiIjoygoing to this church. hecausiI the people make every thin.- 'so niceI for you.There -will he a bar! ec.'.e Fridaynight and Saturday at Foster'sI hapel given by the ehurcli."Revival meetings shall soonI start. Tin- meet iip..u4.BellamyI will begin the first Sunday livocIJ. \\* Wilbui'n has as his efficient| helper; Rev Colvio >«'^>»» vj|uu t<in*bury, pastor of tin- Mt. Muriahchurch.Rev. J. Ri Ezell is bark homealso Mrs. F. (i. Norris aftCr spend'ntc a--successful term Al!.-iBenedict summer school sessionW Benedict-Allen immei school

, Airs. M. G. Ezell is home fromAsheville, NT. C., where she' attendedsummer school this summer, - All of the teachers- had anice time attending the differentsummer schools.

Mr. James Uogun is back homedoing fine at'tej.being ill and confinedto the Veteran hospital inColumbia.Mrs. Mary Clowney left Thursdaynight for an.( indefinite stayin New York City'^with her manyrelatives and friends.Miss Elizabeth j Farr is back"home after spending a lovel \acation in NYC with brothers aunts,cousirrs and friends;

_Miss Nancy >Gatfney and nophew Master Charles Thomas artvisiting lenitives and.friends.Mr. Roland Foster Jr., and Eurelle Foster are visiting tlu-iigrand parents, Mrs. Belle. .Fostei

and Mr. and Mrs."Butler Gore.The Michigans are spending several weeks of their vacation heie:Mrs. Ellen Kelch, Little Bobbieand Jimmie Brown and Mr. andMrs. Odell Stewart; Mr. rind MrsOdell Stewart spent several dayshere so they are vacat'fyning othier places now. Mr "and MrsT."AA-.Stewart Mrs. Hart and Mr' CletusLittlejohn of Caroleen^N. C.,


.* < T1

-..MAYBE SO(Ly V-. H.


'.so lulus. I to ii"i . .t '. passuul. l.» Hi, a^'v'. « iv. . > « ^CUi'ijii Kking aero. 1 %». .iii,; hardK> MiiJ IK Ik. J I i (Ik- Si '.k willk-L-. U'i'.i.si' i k>>uiii nut help it. Nct vlU'l*aK'J«>t* n.o \ k t. i... *, no.kiiKiiil aL all. i.e.-k. n. t'uiik iiot.unity I i\u;i' g ..... v. ..1 boK . <i.

People make tn h:u !i l'ims orei.k a.i ubiiK's in a.-1 a.sT Sumo crttlUM* luiK'ials a.tr in;; lullsk\ null a poison dies. ho i.- deadthat s all. it is just a lot of sillysitilimeiitalis.u mat pioiiijis poo

... ;..v pi:-'!!!- .. bigmorale of pomp ami spieu loi

istami back. t.iHloiUtkors; you'll....... s bo nooiloil). When a persunflies lie^Ts just a mumo">

nothing more. ilo's gone. Ho willlay .none in spile of a lot of hypocritical.sho\v-off. talkative sob..iff. '

1 ve soon so much make-believetot.so manv funerals; I've boa rdpeople say so many things they.i.e. woyUl say while'the .person.viil, So much r.ave i soon of thi-f.noral business that 1 have 'mailt

spt nt St m!ay here with relatiws:iul f iotuls.Mr. <><!o-l 1 Stewart and Mr. (lotusI.ittlejohn spoilt several mo..u'lv 1.1' t 'hi'ir I Inn- uli SlllldaV. af

Art ni>» ii at- ili»- homo <»f -Mr.- and"MItts Tlu'nipsrmr- ..

Mr. ami Mis. Hicazcl ami dtiu/htm',. also Mrs. Mercic Collinsaid daughter worshipped with us

Sunday at Foster chapel. ,

.U.y, I'./'ll is niakiny. f«»ii s.iiccnsst'til revival meeting' at hishlirch." His hVIp.-r is not known

Mr. M'i'.huin Ihtty of Col .mi iavas. a visitor/lure Sunday.

Alt'. .1. M. !<'. ir. ail.is -!.i> i' ii'

Columbia with his aunt working:.Miss Aiherta Slcwait is back

tome alter attending, suniniciI'ia" in !l"i k*d1 ill .

Mastm .J iifiAjM^ui -fiir? yom# oi'ifd the summer in tho North

Ai'.h ..m i' s, .and pint's ajso ^K'ysMo aic ufy jdad to know that

Airs. * la. a tiilnioio is imp_rovinurapidly;

I here will ho several .- i n j r 11 -toniest- hold at .loiisCillc this!week.

Ill SI! 1MVKK I'M' T. (HI K( 11

|{e\. .1. ( . « oilier. I'astor

Wwhei y, S. I'. Me retainedoii.o Nat a id-ay hlifi.ly Trptffrerf-trnd

l.appy a'.'toi spciukii,u' su h an ciitV..a!-le.al'l. rtioon at the childrenday picnic. It was largely attend.d- a at c roili of children fromv iiiit i^.ii k r tlw^diicctioiVof Mrsi.lia 1 >a was pjesmd and took<n -a-; am t.kis. tla.'. piiuu..ram.-J\.llthe oiaidi mi -nowed. their "an»iet>o> : .-"li.a-tl.After the pro=rain a;! kinds "! ; oodkaitd lem..:.a a a,i A U-ULtM.Liiuv

f"! o'.v. Ni'V. \o.i-.. 'Mrs. lilndde-n- wore t late hut all-

-P+k. w»;-w.u~l. tii. i; iuteres! amiiv _ia i i ha\ all the visiting

i i. in.:.-.A: >|n u.inj a pleasant day

Sal'.ii <iay. we t rl.iu.oil i»» tin.; sameptaci aim I.a<i a Wi.mliil'ul time.\\ i- :.ad a yiami Sunday schoolutai tail; out pa.-lo: Inou.aht Us awonderl'ui mi s: age. The U*\twa.~"tahrr ;"ii»m the I'u'vt clause ol2lo iii' Job. lie sed as a subjectis' v.tin lei!ul lo L»e a servajU ojhm!. Alter >ei vice we enjoyed a

"\v"r>fiTtT-rlul lalt\ ay nI rtiTnie "DelirfinstMrtTi-n- Mrs-: Lai.-ra d-rr'-Mat+eyrShe wa.- accompanied hy Mrs.Kannie !ones of Newliei ry.

Mattie h.li'.atj. !h lioyd enjoyeda pleasant trip to South CarolinaMale college in Uran'eelurc'.A proup id' children from this

ennyiiunity aie c'etliim ready foi-liie amp, 1 \ aie ieav 111July".'in. We lame tiuiu a pleasantllip. > .

^,\\'e are sorry to know of theillness of -uui pastor's wife, Mrs.1511a 'Collier. We hope' her a

,, speedy recovery.We shall emit inn.--to thank («od

lo' tl.e n.anv Idcsi-incs la- hathbestowed upon t1*"

SOCIAL SL( I KiryI.'/ I »> I I.' w II eiiiiua i I \ \ II I .IVO

A r< ( ( )!t study. reveals the tactthat we have nut s-t up a ft ndanvcntalsecurity for teachers a- ainstold ajjes ami retirement.There is of course here and

there in a 5fcew school systenls a

thirdy^r.vpreamd. sporadic pensionfor teachers; and under this wefind ahout 25 per cut of the teachingcroup covered.More than l.OOD.OOO of the indus trial workers ha e a guarantee

of a definite income against retirementand old a>;e. This protectionis found among otherirrnmw in 'l fnn/lnm/.n^nl

but is woefully lucking amongand for our teachers.

'l he teaebfr i- Th t maker civilrv.ation. An attiC de should hecreated amone the peoplq^vhere'by every teacher 1 eyond the probative'stage in' the professionshould be covered. The' feasabhplan to adopt is a plan in cooper.ation with the Wagner-Ix-wis Actin the Congress whereby federal

: aid for teachers' pensions shouldJ b'1- tl.'*fi?Mt<jly provided. " To leavrthis to the local authorities willnot get us anywhere.


FD MAYBE^mShsi-ckleford);K UK^i'kSTa request of those concerned.When I'm dead. I'm gone, 110

matter how good, how bad. ..I'mgone. Let some mortician take nu

twhat's lelt) and keep me for awuiie.Bring me back home so

I can fie in state for a full*"Uay.I*ate in the afternoon, withoutany ceremonies at home or anywhereelse, carry me to the cemetirry.f^*t.my.pastor.repeat.thcuurial business. That's all.Those who think much of me

can come by my home. N'o church.sermon, 110 resoluling no noth

ir.g.iMy spirit will no doubt slipaway quietly, why should youma1-"" iviso over a dead body? Ifyou dul not say anything Lume whila 1 was with you, it willc too late then. My friends may

love me more, after I'm gone: Myenemies don't count. If 1 don'tknow what people think of me

""while I'm here: 1.eatTt.find outafter' I'm dead. I only want to bea jd'cnyhnt' memory-. That's.. aiL I'lLhe inspite of all the big funeralceremonies pulled off.

(Rights Reserved)

I ST. I»IHLII» \.MK CHril' HRev.

T. If. Weathers. Pastor

On Sunday sit 10:00 o'clock S;S. was.conducted l»v the Sni't. MK. 11 n>ToTr"ntid' t hr 7Tssrst«nt---SHptHenryJohnson. Jr. A large attendantswas present. l'lie lessonwas well taught hy tlu* teachersand .reviewed .l>y the pastor. A.tuoaitt raised i?.T.70.A Warm pray« i service was conductedhy the prayer committee.

Alter which a noble sermon was'reached by tin- pastor from thet.-xts Acts llr'JI. One came for- |

and .joll.t .! t lie clVLU'Cll MS IIfull member ltoin Red Hill liaptb tell for her convenience in theperson of Mis. Sara Davis.The rally for the pastor was

beeiin and will\oiiiin;:e next Sunlday.

o'ch-ck Rev. Taylor ofMi. Olive and Matthew churchesdelivered a spnitual sermon.!At-olclock a line League servicewas conducted by the president.Wc* an; clad to have oui

ninny visitors with us-r .MrsH. 1). Lee oT .New *l>Yrk; Miss Yi.daReed of New York.

At S:00 o'clock. Rev. 11. \V.Walker preach d a wonderful setrnun of which everyone enjoyedRev. Weathers and choir Will render service at Mt. Zion Baptisthurch Sunday night. Com.- t<

^church, join t4m church.


I'tker Davis, Reporter jWinnsl.oi ii.' S. 1S. S. at tin*

usual hour <-al!ed to order 11>" i-.

Ca«pi r t.ileon. Rev. K. E. Martinand Mr. A. H. Martin and Mrs]Massir Martin from White Hall j5tTT! iidist church were visitors.Jh v. Mai_tin preached _fr«»m the

Miss Heatricc Clayhorn was Clec.tedin t:«> to tin- S. S. convenlion* and TdTiugHf a wonderful reportSee I iker Davis for the PalmettoLeader.

Kev. J \V; Tally and Mr- HenryWilliams were dinner guests ofMis. Maron- Henderson.

Kkick lack llaptist -ChurchSurtax.uXternoon choirs came

lion.; vaiioiis places to participate->vinr 1'dack Jack menibefs." MfTJesse l»Vf«l - aetetl as1master.ofeei'eiiHiii.N and Mr. Richard Caldwell.Mr. Byrd certainly know.Lowi i put over a program. Tlw.eh.oiis taking part were St. Murkand St. Luke, St. Matthew, Lighteiiiim (ii ove and Zion. All didline. Thiee usher boards werealso present. A eolection of Sl'.L»itwas raised by Mr. Joe W'ashin j t-.11.rrrrrt- Joe (Hover..


Rev. W. H. JVieal, Pastor

The Sunday school opened atits usual hour with the Superin-TTTTTTn !TTT pTeSlilTTTgV After ttU' US-jpal class discussion we had a re[« t from the convention l/y ouidelegate. Kveryone reported ashaving enjoyed the report and woare determined to send a delegateto tlie convention next yyur..

At 11 :3U the pastor entered thepulpit, to deliver another one olhis soul stirring sermons. At 3:30a ei'up of spiritual singers froma neighboring city gave a very interesting program. For this projgrain we give thanks to Mr. H.II.Poole.At S-.lin o'clock Rev. Neal nioun

t<d the pulpit ii'.'i'n nd in spiteof the heat delivered a wonderfulsermon. «

On Sunday, .Inly 2kth, we arehaving our Memorial serviceswhich will he preached by Rev. JP. Reeder, pastor of Zion Bapteh'Tch of this-city. At this ser-1vice we are going to burn the

t mortgage on the parsonage. Thefire will be started by the personwho raisoif" the second highest amountof money in our recent!lally. who ..was.Mrs. Brooks^OnSunday nigbri our pastor isleaving for New York City wherehe will spend his vacation studyIine at Columbia university. . W'all wish him a most pleasant stay.We still invite you to come andworship with us at the LittleChurch with the Big Heart.


. Mullinfe, S. C. -SupLFoxworthis a happy soul when it comes toleading: our Sunday school. Thoseelected to attend' our State Leagueand Sunday School meeting in Colunvbia next week were MissesLillie Mae Hodge, Hattie Grissettand Messrs Samuel Davis, .JamesPaige.The pastor's morning: message

was The. Eternal Arms of God.Our- visitors were Misses VerdelleDeas of Marion, S. (\; Miss GraciFeI.akin of Florence, S. C.; alsoMrs. Martha Robinson of NewYork City. Misses Mary I ewt<and Ruth Higgins united with theh 11 ivli Tnlv 1 Jf

I ea-iiJo and tilt? -pastor are stilltaking the leacf^ith that organizationAfter the state meetingwe are expecting new life in th»League.The threatening storm out out

>ur nite services.Uur pastor is to promOi and the

senior and jubilee choirs.are.teserve at Lake View next Sundayafternoon at 3:30. The secondSunday afternoon in next monthRev. Burrell and those will serveus at 3:30.Our revival meeting starts the

"second Sunday in August. Rev.L. D. Gamble the popular pastorof St. Stephen church of Georgetown.in charge.We pray and hope with the familyand the many relatives and

friends of Publisher Hampton ofThe Palmetto Leader that lie willsoon be restored tpohis normalhealth, after undergoing an operationiti New York City recently.Many from here are making

llude wayto Atlanta Beach duringthose hot days.Come to our servi.'os. Yon are

Welcome.Head The. Palmetto Leader. it



< lull lesuni..S. ('.tmr sel'Vieeson last Sunday were great all dayat 11 o'clock tin- Rev. \V. It. Rowman. I>.!)., of Columbia preachedfrom Cit-nesis 18:11, liis subjectwas There is Nothing too Hardfor tlie Lord. He preached a \er\inspiring sermon. 12 Visitorswere present among whom wereProfs. Holmes, from Sumter; JAnderson from Lexington and DrPryit of Columbia who accompaniedRev.- Bowman.The S. S. was conducted by theSupt.. Mr. Joseph Kinloch' and waslargely attended. Mrs. RachelMm rv. St. Stephens AMK churchBowman, S. C.. and Mr. Fred Tolbelt. Morris St. Rapt. church were

among the visitors.At 8 o'clock we were blessed tohave with us the -Rev. T. J. Miles,presiding elder gf tfre Georgetowndistrict who preached a sermonthat will be long remembered byall. He preached from the subject Be Courageous from Joshua

1 :h. The older members of tb.echurch rejoiced to see I)r. Mile#he was onl> of the ti ist pastorsno remodeled {.hechurch and made it a fine structure.11 visitors were present ninong:whom were Mr. James Gad

son, Mrs. Victoria Gadson, Miss.Grace Giles and -Mr.-'WashingtonTi I'TTi" Georgetown'.'

file .Missionary Society met 577the home of Mrs. Julia GilliardSeveral sisters were present. MrsGlenn joined the society. Ml'S. II.Tolbert was a visitor. A donationwas. contrilu t.sl to a sick. Thedelegates and otlieers of the \V.H.and K. M. are all ready to leavewith til 1 assessments of the con-Jvent ion tin Wednesday. A repastwas served, to the delight of all.Mrs. Sarah -Middlclon is oh thesick list. We. hope for her aspvdey recovery:-" "

Mrs. J. Watson member of No.8 class Mr. Ed. l.aSaine, leader,entered into eternal rest Tuesday.July 10th. 11'40.


I. A large number of worshippersattended the Sunday serti.es atI.Mt. Tahor M. E. church..The paator. Rev. 1'. C Hiddleston prcadheda soul stirring sermon. Sundayschool, with Mr. Johnny Sanders.Supt, was well attended.

Religious services were heldlast week at Grundview Presbyterianchurch conducted by l)r. 1.11. West, ('Inn loltc. N. ('-The following pel-sons were the

quests of DrLL. and Mrs. J. II.Toatley during the week: Rev. andMrs. Butler, Laurens; Mrs. A manda (>ury, Clinton; Dr. L. L>. West.Dr. and Mrs. S. Q. Mitchell andfamily, -.Charlotte, X.- Cip

Messrs Sidney Alford and lloward Jackson spent the weekend athome from AfonckS Corner.A neat sum ol' eighteen dollars

was raised Sunday night as theresult of a rally. An excellentprogram was rendered previousto the termination of the rally.Among the visitors at (itandview Presbyterian church Sundaymorning were Mrs. Sunie Ellis.Due West. Mrs.-iCleo McQueen,Mr. Norwood McQueen, Cheraw;Mr. and Mrs. Mann and children,Wadeshoro, N. C.

Mr. Willie Ni'ens attendedhurch in Ruby Sunday.The lawn party, given at thehome of Mrs. Lizzie (Jill, Tuesdaynight was quite an enjoyable affair.

Miss Rosa Toatley left Saturdayto resume hr-eposition as teachef in the Catawba high school.

Messrs -Dwight Nelson, Mayesville; C. A. Pogue, Sumter; MissI Cecelia Richardson, ColumbiaI were the gucstk of Misses Cecel1ia^ Rosa and Johnetta ToatleyI Friday.


Uy W. R. Bowman

» t'. visited and preached Sunday,July 14 at Andrew ChapelBaptist church ten miles fromOianprebuiK, pastured by thatyou 11,if giant, Rev. J. O. Toomer,

;L. u 1...1 i uI »in« i.-» 111viv 11 iniwvim uy ma

j lai K'j »ny rotation.Rev. Toomer is a young man,

' born in Orangeburg county; pasturingthree large churches amiwill graduate tioin Benedict colsi'Venext year.We preached the best we could

to mi estimated crowd of 500 ori. lire, judging from the "Amen"ue heard, they enjoyed 'tire sor-'mon. a

We met a largo crowd of former friends, among those were:Deacon Jtavid Cain and head Deari-n*Pitt and others.We look dinner with our old

I'liind Must s iShul.-r and to sa\the least Mrs. Sh: ler had everythingon the table eatable! Whilethere we met and chatted withAdam Gardener, ,\V. B. Dash, PD. Dash, Louis Hanton and othersGardener was driving his new '40Ford car.A crowd of friends went with

tis Sunday night to.FeldervilleMethodist church, where we metour friend, Solomon Stokes, whois the pillar of that church.Stokes is a great churchmanand deserves .much recognition byhis .fellow-churchmen.The WPA Summer school at

State college is doing unusualgood work. We have three whiteprofessors and two colored. They-4cre.very much.pleased.with theprogress their teachers are making.The campus is very sad because

of the death of Mrs. Johnson, theonly daughter of Prof. J. P. Burgess.The funeral was Tuesdayafternoon in Trinity Methodistchureh. The funeral sermon waspreached by the Rev. W. RGregg. Remarks by J. B. Feltonof the.Stat;.Hepai'tinent.rrf.Kduationau<l I)r. J. B. Randolph ofClaflin college. Full details willaii|icai' later.

ROCK Hll.I. I.OCAI.SRuby Lee Reid

Mr. L.P. MeFarlin of KingstreeS.tl('.. is visiting Mr. and Mrs.Carl Reid on Hampton street.Mrs. Emma Lee Reid has justreturned lrom teaching summerschool in Kingstree.M T,uni. rumen li.Vels spout a few<iays in Charlotte, N. ('., lastweek.Tlu. Rock Hill Elite Giantsplayed a ^series of. baseball gamesin Raleigh, N*. winning two andtk'iivg one. The Giants defeatedTauidis, N. on Friday nightwith a score of 10 to 11..Mrs. Lillian Pride is indisposedat her home on Hampton street.Mrs. Maude Riley is sick andnow is at the York Countv hospital.


Miss Evelyn Pharr is able tobe out after a few weeks illnessAlso Mr, S. C, Weston.The (lathings at 518 Hampton^street spent a few hours Sundayin Charlotte, N. C.Miss Etoise Morris of RidgeSpring, S. ('., a former teacher oi(lie Piydniont "Simmer school and|who now holds a position at Tomlinsonhigh school. Kingstree, is|visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Germanoil South Trade street.Mr. Sam Bacotte of Darlington,passed through Rock Hill Saturdaynite.Mrs. Eva Phillips of 510 Hampton street spent Sunday with hermother at Smith Turn-out, S. C.Mr. J. M'.Ghee of Orangeburgpassed through the city on Tuesdaynight. ;Mrs. Diana Simpson and fanii_b'arc, planning to leave for Wash

ington. D. C., Saturday.. MTss Mirian Singleton is leav-*|ing for Charleston, S. C., Tuesday morning.The Heawnly Gospel Singers

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Saturday, July 27, 1940

will render a program at the NewHope M E church Tuesday, July2.J, at 8:.'K) p.m. Comeanden7oy^n^veHin^~ol'.ftrrn.

Miss Edith Cureton .aid MissPonselle l^ois Pharr k'ft Mondaymorning to go to the mountainswhere they plan to work.

Miss Willie B. White of Philadelphia,Pa., is visiting Mrs. Chailotte Crawford on South Tradestreet.

Mrs. Mattie Fugerson is now opher vacation. She is a nurse ofDr. Dunlap.


At the closing exercises today ofthe French Institute, which: justcompleted its fourth session atthe Atlanta University SummetSchool, two prizes were won byMiss Frances Hayes of Lynchburg,Virginia. A third prizewent 10 miss Haiherlne Klllf? b!Raleighr l^forth Carolina.A special feature of this year's

Institute was an attempt to integrateFrench with other subjectsin the curriculum. Duringthe session the students heard thenoted artist Mr. Hale Woodruff,lecture on "French Art"; ProfessorKemper Harreld "Frengh MusiS1'; Dr. Ira De A. Rt-id. "TheFrench West African Possessions"(which he visited last summer); and Miss Henrietta Herodon the .correlation between Frenchand English.

mi rI


Colleee Place, Solumbia, S. C.~The S. S. began at its usual houiC.,n/loi, i ..v»juuvi<4 v viiv ivnauii wars ijt'illltifullyimparted. Preaching service began at 1 o'clock; SubjectMission in Life. St. Jobn 18:37:.To this end was I born ami forthis cause came I into this world.We had for our quests Cent.crBaptist Choir of Timmonsvilk* 'ofwhich Kev. M. P. Pearson is thepastor. Two souls were gained inthis service. An enjoyable timewas had. At 8:45 Communionwas served. Quite a few visitors. twire present. Collection for theday $147.49.


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