> " VOL. XVI.NO. 48^ Popular Pastor of Jones Chapel Church DR. JOHN F. MORELAND The Rev. .1, F Mnrnhn>Jr.the-i riK-wly appointed pastor of Jones Chapel A. M. E. Zion church here is one of the stiongest literacy past or Columbia 'nas had in man> years. To suy .he will be wel eonie by Co.unibia citizens^ex p. esse it mildly. Dr. Moreland > - holds an _A.B. degree from I.iv-1 ington eolleve; B.D.. from Hoo*. seminary; S.T.M. from Eden Tlieo logical seminary, and will soon get his Ph. D., from the University of Chicago. He has pastored in Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; St. Louis, Mo.; was presiding elder several years and came to Columbia from Wilson, N. C., Where the people are in arms for his return as their pastor. Though P young, but he has been a member of every General conference since he ha3 been preadhing; been a member of the finance committed and Episcopal committee. He~Ts~ the__sou__pL_lke_lat£, Dr. Moreland, who once edited "The Star of Zion," his denomination paper. The Reverend Moreland will preach Sunday morning from the subject: "Boasting Some" and the subject of the evening message which will be at 6 p. m. "Paths For The New Year". A spvial representative for the "Leader" will be there Sunday morning and our news editor, Prof. W. R. Bow man, will have charge of the ev. ening service. Prof. Bowman will also worship Sunday night with Dr. E. A. Davis, the popular pastor of Bethlehem Baptist church. The Xmas Seal Sale Now On 1 LOOK! READ!! BUY!!! -* V ' Xmas Seals are being mailed to some and others qre being ap proached by members of th^com mittoe, telling you about ThuT . campaign. Not any one must say no^but each woman, man, girl and boy do their Very best to nelp" Kich'and county go over the top. Don't fail to purchase a bond o r Christmas Seals. "RIDGEWOOD CAMP must be the best in the state, and I know you want it so. Our sick must be given the best.of.care And our well mrst be kept well. All this can be done "by your cooperation. You will hear over the radio from different committee mem. Jjers» :w&y -you-should make this sacrifice. Remembar /'No Homo is 15afe, Until Every Home is Safe. NOTICE The Personal Service organization will hold its next meeting At the home of Mrs. John Owens, .>MWh^ street; DpfgYnBer T7 1941 at f>:30 o'clock. All members are asked to be present. Mrs. Clardia Tilurc, president Mrs. John Owens, secretary Estella Hemphill, reporter LEXINGTON NEWS Kev. I. U. Simmons, Pastor T'hincs nin mnvinc nn We had a <?rand time Sunday a. m., at Spring Hill and p. m., at Bethel. Our newly appointed pastor is preaching noble sermons and we ar(. hiprhly pleased. We had the Rev. J. S. Danley to worship with us Sunday to our delight. Rev. W. E. I^ee presented our pastor to Spring Hill members and friends, M rs. Joanna I.itea <^f Philadel phia is here on a two Voeks visit to lQlatives and friends. She also worshipned wih us at her home t'lllihi.'h Knrinv Hill Sunday. J'lof.R. W. Gil'ard. Miss Martin P. W'ieht and Mis,, Sullivan all spent Thanksgiving at their resneo*p»e homes and reported an epmyaljlo week end. Pastor Simmons Presiding El. der W. B. P. Clark, Rev. P. C. T aws n*>d Btq. Hartwell of Co lumbia visPed the Piedmont Con. fe ence held at Andemon Thvlra. day. £ to £ 4.' 2 <£* V .-» Mrs. Lu semond Well Kno, Citizen Laid to Rest . Mfte.-.bula E: Rosemond, Aiit* of the late Mr. J. E. Rose. o«» d. and fon -thirty eight years a citizen of Columbia, passed auay Friday morning, November 7, at her home. Mrs. Rosemond wag born in Anderson county, July 8, 1881 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jackson. She attended the schools of Easley and Anderson, S. C. In her early youth she was active in the church and Sunday school. Mrs. Rosemond joined Wesley Methodist church immediately on coming to Columbia and faithful, ly served -in many capaci tteaup until the time of her illness. For more than fifteen years she served aa president..of the.Ladies' Aid society of her church and for a number of years she served as Stnday school teacher. She was as active and faithful 'n her neighborhood and commun- <ty as she was in her church. Mrs. Rosemond was the mother if seven children and leaves five mourn her death. Though ill «any years she was always use. ft'l and able to play the part of a dear mother to her children. .Her death Wag cfiliW and peaceful. Funeral services were con_ 'ucted at her church hy the Rpv M. MrCailuwr She was laid to " -est -under a blanket oi 4>ea«tifuT: ^owcs in the Palmetto cemetery, '"avine a host of relatives and "Yi nds to mourn her death. They Attend Meeting Pickens and Oconee Counties IVachers Hear Speakers Nonis, Nov. 29.In this little town located in Pickens county, he monthly meeting of the Pick r.s County Teachers' Association was held last Friday afternoon in the auditorium of the local "TfgK school. V_V. Waters, the Jeanes Supervisor of county schools invited Mrs. Andrew W. Simkins, "he State- director of the "T.B." Seal sale program and Seymour Carroll the State Director of the XmertcnTV" Humane Education Society. both of Columbia. Mrs. Simkins and Mr. Carroll brought helpful and instructive messages on their work over the State. Mrs. Simkins devoted her talk to "he sale of the Christmas Seal -ale, while Mr. Carroll devoted '"is talk to kindness to animals. M. N. Sullivan, the president of the Association presided at the meeting, and introduced the speak ^rs. Mr. Sullivan is also princinal of the Pickens County Train ne school. L. W. Bryson is the inncipal of the Norris school, "^e general sessions of the association was opened with prayer \v the Rev. J. F. Bryant, princi. in oi me central Junior hi^h ehnol at Central. From here Mrs. Simkins and ""tr. Carroll motored ^Westminster Where the members of the "T^nee County Teachers' Associ tion heard them speak. , "^BFNEZER A. M. E. CHI RCH Rev. I). N. Wilson, Pastor .On.htst SnYilay morninpr the >nstor preached a very inspiring nrpnn, Hi* subject was. "Crosf bearing an<l Discipleship". The -"rinture- text .was taken Yrom .Mark.10:21." Suipiaj^fichogbJwao conducted by Lhe Supt., Mr. Joseph Kinloeh, and lhe lesson was reviewed by the nastor. . .Ttre A7 C." E. leaprue was conduct "d b|v the vice president* MVn. Beatrice Reaves. A musical and I literary.program was rendered bv fne members of the leagues. - At -7:30 the Rev. Elsie WyleT Taylor preached. She preached a mul stirring sermon. Her subject was "Repentence in Salvatic^n." The services were largely attend < ) throughout th day. Miss Harrisena Reaves, reporter RTTTHffl< i'i n r III IM'TT Rev. R. J, Hutchinson, Pastor Bishop J. S. Flipper with hi? cabinet of officers, has just closed a wonderful annual conference o.f the Charleston Dfhtrict, one in which there were no complaints and everyone- expressed themselves os having enjoyed a wonderful ~onf erence^ While in the citv. Mrs. Flipper visited the school Thursdry morning, giving a lecture ahd leaving with the school some wholesome and encouraging remarks. She wa^ accompanied by one of her lad» - f> if ndp.who.she.lriLrrwlUl'Wl, and who in turn sang a solo. I wag inable to remember her name. Tbev left Rhcfrtly afterwards. Bethel members are proud of the crtum of the pastor and his dear whfe. also the P. E., Dr. L. L. Fanner, and hia den rwife. We vnnt to thank the teachers, ~*»>et~brthr tttt1 Misses Dlxson, Tohnnon and Robinson for assist in? n0 in th« choir, for they play, ed their part*. jjfal COLUMBIA, SOL The Union Community Its'Nineth Anniversary A. Clayton I*o\% ell of New The Union Commu-Hy hospital will observe its nineth anniversary Fiidav, December 12, 1941 with a program at Sims hijfh school, Union, S. C., at 7:30 p.m. The main speaker for "the occasion will be Rev. A. Clayton Powell, Jr., pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist church of New York City. Thia church i$ one of, if not the largest Negro church in the world. It has an active member. ship of ten thousand people. Rev. Powell, its pastor is an outstand- Mr. Arthur Jackron who i s spending the winter in Charleston I was here for the Thanksgiving season to see his wife Mrs. Rosa 1 A. Jackson and daughter. Miss I Mi'dred Jackson. Mr. Jackson is "chef" cook at the Medical college in Charleston, which place he has filled for several years. Miss Dorothy Heath had as her guests Saturday- her .friends, Misse9 Constance and Flora Hall of Rock Hill. The following Finley high tea-._. chera Spent Thanksgiving- week, end at their respective homes: Miss Dewey McDowell, Union; Miss Hr-O. Wright,- Camden r Miss Naomr Neat, Cohimhiaf.Miss" ~Emma L. Beatty, Winnsboro; Miss Gwendolyn H e nry, Newberry; Mis9 Lacy, the librarian visited relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchener motored down last Friday from N.Y.C. and stopped here a day and night making pop calls on old friends while enroute to Hobe Sound, Fla., where thev will open the I.akeview Inn, for the winter. > Mrs. Mitchener is Chester's own j Miss Willene Walker, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Walker. While here, they were , the guests of Mrs. Ella Watson, Columbia St. , Mrs. lone Jones, chairman.of i fhe Christmas Seal Sale of Ches- ( ter county for the colored, called | ner workers together in the dining | room of Finley high school - on ; Tuesday afternoon and with the < help of the County Nurse, Miaa Linda Bray and Mrs. Banks, gen- i eial chairman (both white) gave ( much information concerning the i selling of seals and the great good that is done by the sales. They urged the support of all in *his effort and full co-operation was promised. A palatable lunch ->on was served. Rev. J. W. Manoney, pastor of Melina Presbyterian church, Sardinia is spending several days here with his wife. P'-of. and Mrs. Ralph Martin of Greenville, were the guests of Drcf. , and Mrs. A. D. Hnrdin a 'ew days last week. Everyone vas glad to see them, and espec- ally, MrB. Martin, who was a member of the Finley high facul'v for several years. Teachers md pupils called her "Miss Gain- j V.for she was Miss Elizabeth Gaines before marriage. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Finley^of Asheville, spent Thanksgiving -ierp with their brother ami sislor in law, Prof, and Mrs. S. ]L Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Heath and daughter, Miss Dorothy Heath, motored to Ke»shaw, S. C. and en:oved a big dinner with relatives *here. News .of the death of Mrs. Majnic-Jonea -Clarke.m.Nr Y. V. was received here as ouitc a shoclr to "all oT Chester. For several months she had been ailing-, and vent there for treament a few weeks ago. Arrival of the body and funeral service are not known "et. She was a member of Queen Hathsheha Chapter No. 7, Order af the Eastern Star. . . At Cftrmel Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon a program of appreciation was had for the ser' iees rendered by Pastor James Foster who has been serving for a few months, but who has been "ailed to a larger work in Sumter i rood ^worlf "during'" his "pastorate, and has affiliated with all of the community and school activities, and has made many friends who wish him abundance of success in his new field. He is one of Chester's own sons, being the third ion of Mr. James Foster, Sr. The death of Mr. Lawson McCoy at his home, Center street, 'ast Saturday night, was very sad news to his host of friend# we. Funeral services wev« . V* V VVMI '"Cted Wednesday afternoon at Mt. Olive Raptist church; the sermon was preached by Rev. W. M. Honor." Hie had been ill for mnny m~n*hni.All was rt»W lAt him that lovinpr "hands and medi. cal skill could do. H<> leaves his wife, two daughters, Miss Essie Ray McCoy of this citv; Mrs. Odessa M. Hopkins of Washington, one son, Mr. lesser McCoy of Baltimore*. Ottjher relatives present at the^ funeral services were big sister, "5frs. I^aurn Carter and son Mr. Floyd Carter of Detroit; Mr. Clarence Ohisholm, Continued on 8 « AIttcffr JTH CAROLINAr SATURDAY^ Hospital Observes ( V December 12th < 7 k York (J;ty Guest Speaker j .speaker and an ardent Tace worker; and7 he has recently been elected as Councilman for the City! jf New York. .This is hie initial visit to South Carolina; thte Union Community ! hospital urges an invitation to all leaders, religioug and civic, to' business men, to laborors, to far- t mers, and to men and women in all wtrfks-of~4ife.to attend the program and hear the worthwhile^ message which Rev. Powell wITT"" bring to the race. President Higgins Guest Minister at Knoxville College Home-comhig President S. R. Higgins return- ed to his office Monday n'«;ht af- ter being awny several days hn speaking engagements. He was guest minister at the annual home eoming festival at KnoxviTTCCoI-""^ lege, Knoxville, Tenn., last week and delivered a great sermon on a great occasion to a_ great crowd.. Q t tVo ^ i.wii.cwuiiuitK accorcung to 11 Professor Fisher of Allen who ae- 5:4 companied the president to and ''' from Knoxville. .Brr-ffiggins Is a graduate o f r Knoxville college and Professor 'V Fisher is an ex-faculty member, ''' and now 'headB the Department of CA English at Allen university. President Higgins served as keynote speaker in the six annual ' conferences which has kept him on the go this fall, ns a speaker, no is in much demand. h . ~ STHE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY R SPEAKS v The Woman's Auxiliary o'f the "i Cooperative Baptist Convention ot th South Carolina met in the 36th fr session of the .Convention- held--^, KTth~th<r7erusalem Baptist church, ti 1 Mile Charleston, Rev. S. L. Taylor, pastor, November 12.11, 1041 c, Mrs. S. L. Cpllins of Edgefield, 0, S. C. resigned her office rs presi ^ dent, and in th* reorganization ,j the following i* the roster: ^frr:.7^ C. Mabel Taylor, Columbia, presi. i. dent; Mrs. Edna Nicholson, Tren ' on, vice president atw.e1 t .. . «-> *-- kins, Charleston, secretary; Mrs. Mai'ir/on Moore. Edgefield,- treas. -J urer; Mrs. Ei\>ie Anderson. * Orangeburg, ekairmrn. .(rxctfjfive ,. Doard; Mrs. T>^lmn Nix. Orange 1 tees were headed as fi^lows: burg. Field Missionary. Commit. Health. Mrs. Mary Simmons: Home Mission, Mrs. T. Nix: Chi! ? Welfare, Mrs. Ethel Jones. Fo. reign Msision. Mrs. Nolan Whaley; Needlework. Mrs. F. A. -Dickinson. ' Frch of these wcrmen .pledged her JJ loyal support to the work <.f th Convention, and it is predicted that 1 the auxiliary will attain itc ac tivity of former years. The program of the Auxiliary * was rendered on Friday rfterhoon ; v ve» v ;v 11>fut an l inspiring ad _£j liv«< Vil-' "(T. li vereir hv Mis f. c -1< Tores'bf WosTev churc*'\ Charles si ton. on "The Lights lli'ti? Out h" A Christian Women." The lights ti mottjoned l.y .the speaker being pi "one Love. and Dependability. r< Rev. James Ahnov of Orrne bur- T ivus yroson i uy K o v-. -.t fJ-.--Kr^rr.t 5] » r of Columbia. Rev. Abney de ai liver.H a very forceful mossagi from Jer. 20; t from the subject ir "A Flame in Mv Heart." Selection were rendered hv a fiY.nn °rs from th .Jerkin* Ornhanaee i; Thus , verv inspiring session was brought t«» a close. The bene j( ficirri^ of the AwxittnTy 'nfe'TT't ' 's Acndr mv. Trenton, and the , Tenkins Orphanage, Charleston f' two verv worthy institutions beinc conducted for the uplift of out ' vcrung people. 'T CARLISLE NEWS TT Mrs. Anna Thompson left Sat urday evening for Wnshingl£iL_D_ .J O. lu I l*!l III1!' Oaugnlor, Mrs. Inez Writer, and her son Clarence 1 Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stewart t entertained quite a few at a din F ner party Friday evening, Novem a l>er 21, in honor of her sister, Mrs 1 Sala.V Hill of Detroit, Mich A grand reception wrs given by the members and friends o' '< St. Luke A. M. E. Zior church ir honor erf Rev. Hillian, Frida'V eve ^ ning at the home of Mr and M* PliffforT "Thomas. More than forty nefsons were served. They had a jolly time ard plenty of fun. p Miss Bernire Brown of Colum bin is here for n few drys visitine .j her grand mother. Mxs.F.lnrir Fneliah and family. Mias Sallie Atvo Hill, the daugh ter erf Mrs. Blanch Hill, ic her" ' for a few davs from Charlotte, N C. * Mrs. Alma Sims Primer and hushand and others from Columbia ' were up Thursday visiting he' ^ 'father. Mi. F rey k Slim*, ami ^ others. 0 ThdH? on the sick list seem to 17 he doing w'ell, with the exception of Mr. Johnie Whicker. T i £ea "NOVEMBER 29,"T&43t" ' General Holmes B. Springs Working C For Re-employment IV ^ M KX (TTven advice- Tl TOR NEW JOBS < »' so Se\ mntir- Carroll.Talks With _'* n «I \iul Cpvernor ' * ' >9 (Special mf '> Ti < I.endej i At the request JJ f C(!vqr»or__J. E. llarley of this ,r tate. fl ic:. General Holmes B. ? Jjhrtirs. 'he State director of the Jt >' etiv. Service has -Teifuested pi r-tar.i/ati ti- of every kind in the 1 itale and lea'ets i every field " ' end, r (h' ir ? ''Vife in t'n.i rolv.ploymci TT << Idi- * leavinj? he Army. The p.mc al in receiv t'C.e 'l-ll ^ VIT r>, : t :i?;.| Pr.i.pr.rn ion of citizensai.d 'animations 11 over the State. ' At the conl'erentv with the Genral was Seyrn.mr Carroll, of Comb a. ,,f the left.line citi- |e< ens f t- e c' r< t who praised So \v« 1: e" l.e ;»!: al a..d the <r orkers at Selective Sen-ice head- -|U] uarters. located.on the, second st c,r of The Wade "Hampton office vjj iii'dipjr for the support and coop- 'e, ration that the Special Selective jjj' i-uiiiiiiiucc.fins.received y_~ com State headquarters. The >ve al county committees all ov. r)r the State will work with the qx cat ROTiTds'nnd the 17 e Fniplov ent Committee in finding re-em 'u, ryirenl for the military men re cP e" cd of duty in the army be. <gj, iu>e of the age limits and re. Qjirning to civilian life. General Springs' statement to ie NYcro press yesterday is as \V illows: \V "I have requested tnat our var- <rri ns organizations and leader's in Til ir> communities throughout the 'ur ate tender their service to the T. I'-emp'oymcnt committeemen as hr< xiated with each Local Hoard, by it'h a view of assisting hi the M. nployment or reemployment of icse men who are being relieved 0f 0111 military duty, are being re- j rued 10 llrilr various communi. «rc es." . »rf Naturally he said that the.men--Cg; turu.inc to civil life be employed Tr reemployed, are better quail- L( I'd for employment by reason of eir experience in the.military -\fr nice. Before Governor Mayink retired from office to be- \Ji une Junior U. S. SenatorTTJehT" al Springs reappointed the orig- «-i] ally appointed committees in Ma icli count v t n Virtia j-- - - ~ ..v^«c4 y»vi UI1UCI it* Selective Service in South ho: roiina. (] \VlN~N.SBORO NEWS j Ru. Thanksgiving was spent around nip ir town with a deal of trail. I;11 ..ility. A lovely pre Thanksgiv pa if limner was. given by tlu.. New elite Sinkers club of Fairfield e.uity training school. It was I ie n.osi elaborate affair of ifoU....,' nd c r in tie school. Before °le <li > : w:i, served, a very in-! a> 'i est.i, pr ijirani was.rendered SU( f ' '. of liar-dub. It-open.i.. I " "1 rcmo to the Garden" j '* n r by th croup, after which ]ai n: .">! Anderson *vad the scrip ire lessor. Elise Bovkin led in j ^°' rav-or,.ArpprrvjfrTa To poems were | \cit-d .hy. Sara White, Mildred II 1 '' ai'd F.li'/.aheth Down" l'hy ic a Henry sainT" a lovely solo rid lie presentation to the in- .11 trt.ei.or, Mis. Vera Stubhs was j.n lade by Lillio Mae Davis. A la pe grovp of invited pupils i:t« Fier "witn ."Miss N. S. Bennett nd lh iircipal-Wv RAse. -They -dirt back a listen from the t(iV>lo ml ate until they touched of that ... elu iou* and well prepared food. Quite a large group of Winnsororians witnessed tlie clash be .veen State A. and M. and Ben. j lict colleges. p ,\V\; -wvt*' a lad to have m our lidst Misses Vera Sinclave - the Tu ue-t of Miss Willie Mac Code, ' linton college. Rock-Hill; Miss ^ 'onselle Pharr, guest of Miss »r£ 'isc Matiigault and Master Isaac linton, Jr.. of Mt. Tabor v/ho nc_ "11 |>T|' 'Q|l hir i'i V "T" l., to see his aunt Beatrice Ross ' nd brother Willie Frank. We welcome Rev. J. H. Lipsy nd family pastor of Zion A. M. church who moved in last week nd had his children enrolled in ur school here. nol Rev 1> R. BedMbnueh, the new astor of Wayman A.M.E. church li nking a beautiful beginning ere. We see nothing short i o f ro£Xes sounder hia pastorate bore. :a ua too is soon to transfer his bo "pings here and liv0 among tis. p^, i'e welcome him nlso. tonhvarg are both on the sick M s. Heln Hegler and Mrs. Ada st. Mrs. Boulware is to go tn U i. .r. W . . I'd' up 5»nn. \\ p nope mow non both of the above namoil may wT c aj?ain themselves. Prof. Lindsay Richmond who Is wn o\v.; teaching in our county motor if d t'o~ Rock Hill, S. C., last week -nf > witness the home.comin.fi: at . 'riendship college. He was ac ompanwul by Mr*. W. A. Rnjrs "tt] nd daughter, Kathleen: Misses ar 'nola and Josephine, his two si*. r*,< ers and Miss Magjfie Moore, 'hey reported a royal trip. ne liber . ? ~PRICE:: Scottish RijLe Masons !lose Successful leeting .Branchville, S (_L. Nbv. 26th. fie Williams Grand Ledge, Scotill Rite, Free and Accepted Ma >ns of Sopth Carolina closed u ceessful grand lodge meeting re Thanksgiving Day. The Rev. L. G. Bownir.n, grand aster of the state, delivered one the strongest fratern. l adesies ever delivered to a gram dge. Other addresses were L\ e Rev. S. D. Salley, the Re\n__WBCwhan a~7ul the Ke\ S. D. ckenbaeker. The financial reports exceeded ose of last year and ;he br.nkinr Rftnittee reported a 1 1 deatl iims paid and several Jiundrec liars in the hank. Tlie l^astem Star held thei eeting the same time and re. rted all claims paid and the or. r in a healthy condition. The following officers were efted for--the ensuing-year;. Iltr L. G. Bowman, 33rd deee, M. W. Grand Master. Co mbia; 111. S. D. Rickenbacker nd decree, D. G. Master, Branc1" le; 111. Gilbert Thomas 39n greo, S. G. Warden, Branchvill' . C..Eb^lumphu 32nd.degree. G Warden, Branchville; 111. W Russell, 32nd decree, G. See. angeburg; Bro. W. M. Parham and Treasup^tv-Union: Pi -if ff:: Bfiwman~Grancr Lecturer. Co. nbia; Bro. Wylie Suber, Gra~'' nior Deacon, Strother: Rrothe iney Hill, Grand Junior Deacor aneeburg. Appointive officers by the gran'" ister: District No. 1, Rvothc E. Smifh. Bear fort; Distric* ». 2. Rev. R. M. Hutto. 32nd de ee. Charleston; District No. 3 D. D Mozie. 32nd degree, C<> nbia: District No 4. Rrothe C. Cohen,"Union: District No. * >ther W. M. Parhani, Snartnn rg: District No. 6.__brr.thc-n^WJelerT" Greenville. The following arc the officer the Eastern Star: Mrs. Bxdlt? Williams, Grand Ma. m: Mrs. Susie Salley. A. G. Ma > n; M rs. Ixi ven ia unurh. G cretary; Mrs. Lottie Drone. O easurer; Mrs. Rosa Barton C. jcturer; Mrs. Frances People er; Mrs. Clara Parker, Martha ?. Lu'ft M. kmkentacker. Ruth s. Dorothy Thompson. Fsthera.._,Hattie Bonnie. Pat -Electe'r rhe Supreme Grand CQunm' 1 meet next July ir. Boston ISS. [*he officers of the Mo'tnar' lrd are 111. C. D. Sallow TH.f. Bowman. 111. S. D Rickenbaek I'l. D. D. Mozie nnd 111. C. D mph.' Tne semi-annual session w:r et at Gethsemang .Banti*' reh near Snlem Crossroad ir' irfield county. BARNWELL NEWS The Tut key. Chicken and l-luy-. itest at the-Butler "High schoo t Wednesday niyht, v as u rea.-' ees.s,.Qc.iu> a laive -crowd at _.. 1 . lui-u- U-C are Svrry-- in&t outfit o crowd only a low youl< ry away the Thankftfnvtn^ vis ami also the chance7 of the tor of beinz the prctJest an liest persons in the ^iiool buil. Miss Iriella Prjost/r. n hp.111! i little brown skvH gl'l. won tnr le of being the upliest persothe building /find wa< awarder ?. £he says/'ptease let her wir ain". / ' RetTTiT Academy choir appeared the -Brrhh-hTTii h 1 p'n nday bight. Mr. and Mrs. David Miller o ' in?t<m-Snlem. N. C ." were th' ek end quests of Mr? and Mr« J. Folder. Miss Attdrey Dixson and Mis? uise Rorndtree. teachers of th<" untain Inn and RiefrsiT-H rar^ tmorial hieh schools, spent th1ankseivingf holidays homo with rents. Pr. and Mrs. P. ,T. Pix. "i and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Roniv' o r. Colcloug-h t Wreck Vows have ronoho t the Palmet Loader that Pr. .1. C. CMcon?' pular pastor of Sydney Park (' K. church, was in IT wrieek TsTs ek in Georcria while attending1 : oreia conference ^To war rushed to his home in n shorwed. while his condition ic ry painful, it is not «aer»o-« i -1.-1-1 a*. in v "in mm. <ni<l i'l-»'\vnPrr I] ho eln 1 to know that his no ont ic n^t of n serious nature Pull details of the «cr'dent nr a telenhone "onversrtien wit1 "s. Coloonch. tue ntws odito-r wad. she thought the pood do"tould ho nhlo to mill ovor nil ri»*ht stntomonts from hic physician ans any thinfc. Tho faculty and student body pother with hor ninnv" friend"®" e glad to have Miss NeU'« M. irdon hark at hor post after a "> months absence due to iUr ss. J i % d FIVE CENTS PER COPY j | Sammon's Art College Offers Four Scholarships . : C'uh.mbia, S.Nov. 20.The ~~ ] uuthoOt-k-* of SammTynV Art col. I'eye take "pleasure in announcing e o .'j r endowment procurement -cholarshipe for partial aid to applicant entering school Thursday, Tanuary 1, 1042. Schcrmrships elude: Trainincr in Beauty Cul- '.;re T-air.ini in Barbering .one: Training in.Community Organization.one. r> ^+mTTnrrs "A Star School of *">istinctior". The much talked ""Mures include its reasonable nit'on rat", 5*s individual student 'of] ; « i" )>irih»fiiu.rii.rof pnulft; out inohr'inir Butn-e G°s plant, "vf «>p nuir.v other thinnrs not ifi <1.her' to.suit lilt? Pd H'« desire. MuMp'e cv'tviT-l ad antr ex 'st at Summon'*. A ciin1nma . *re»i above me tinned sdhool is a ^er*aHioasset. Inou'*ies a^d int^"Tn"?t. "d For further information. ' dtp "1 14^1 ATF TTMF"5 tT.AT. * 7»VK. T Or'Bo7T iriTTfJ Col: robin. S. C. Helton and Mickle Mr. a-d Mvs. T e'-j" Ro'fnn wmh.. .U-^l&ana^ tbe-^^n'ih'lie <>f their 'auehter Marv E'l"n to Marian fi"k'e. on the 2°>rd of Areust. "'ar.v Ellen, was a «t 'dent at the field county trnini-e school. Mr. Mi-kle attended hi in Ridge;ay. is the -*"n 0f M> . and ''r?. Robert Mickle and is employ d at Anderson quarry. \T»-o Hf T T it D. iudi > i t. J 3ncs Passes Mrs; Marv I. p n ig ll well known citizen of Un;or. passed tc he gnat bevond Mondav, No vember IT, in New York City. She_ -ran b-orn in V*Tron. s. C. Ma^eh J. 1833, the daughter of the late "vr.thja Netherg md Herrv Ne ''prs: £*e was married to Mr. / °harle.v Henry Jones who'TWeced. / ?d her to t're grave. Before leaving / "nion she.united with the St. Paul _3a.pti?t ctHirotTr-frhe vvas"bhe of the noneers, andn was among /'the /:;}/.! lew priprt when this ""hrur':li wfc organized and rtamed. She was verv active in chptch work lavintr served as first ryn^den*- nt* e Willing Worker /'Club. This lu! i- st ill ev:<t'.n/r .and dr/ing wpfmdid wc'k \YMp> in New York she sorvej willingly.ir the Canaan "'nmist tdi'ir It/ until her health "ailed. Her finC spirit of love, de otion and lenity will be forever herishcd \yy thos" who knew h°r; Pi"'' r l/c. ".-(To conducted "rom St/Paul Prp{:st euuroh 9nn. '.a\ av /. .R-ev-. I.. C. San. v. /ocfn.-ntid, LU.<.-'-c-"beTu :f Ih' of 'he <-f th deceased -r,d the gvei.t «e»vi"»« gr<ndc-p-h "C'sio rendered wer her favorite elc:tio- s. < i.y -uli'ci-.children. ^ugeiT^Jon'e-. *N*" York H t v: 'u_ j Winston Salem." N. C. BETH PL A M. F. CUIKCII Rev. I. \Y. Janerelte, Pastor TVip S*ndnv ^rh 1 m"t p* the sval hour with it = cer-Ps of of_ trrs mi far!-r« nres->nt. The sen- was tho'-ou^hlv tnu7vt in -11 (lassos, The eh'1 uop h'iv"~T>o T~ _zun to think r.aw of fvHita ru> """d adore 77T th" Sunday >chool arc roadv to eive thrni *hf ... st typo f f enter4 * ro'n- ve to Cfri«t'"as. The writer of hose* notes believes t^o n'mt has oeen plorioup an 1 vnlor-us. b-,t "e can "ot live in it On*- nro, 'ran'1?, must bo c-, arrancr'.d to "Tof tFo needs and 4 imps if we ire proinr to bolt and boon t'-o iTPetor crop interested >n a f -s relative to the Sunday School. TU~ ^ * .1 1 1. » i :.» (i'siut niTvrrn two coienn_ >q- - s Ins; g *' .. nW®Rme serviceh de1>"t"-ed +he messaee from the subject. "An nttemnte i invasion that did not vV*''p"+ wp S(? . 'ected from Isiah 7:7. Manv b*au Mful points wefe tmoueht out and - ^ "he sermon \va« forcefully nrd spiritually delivered. . Wr were edad to se-> the many visitors and friom'.- " ho attended services the past Sabbath. HT are h"n -p F at o r finan." al nlr n will he sui:ci'ss.ful and . hat th" moo->be»-shin will r^snond as the Lord has prospered them. *Ve are still be1ievevc in the re denishiny of the barrel of m"al ">nd the euiso of oil when we do 'he best for the furtherance of. any rood eausr wln-ehi.hu'"!'Ntt V 7TP worthy institutions are helped. ?PFNI) TTTANKcr.IVTNG HOI II)AYS HERE Miss E'iznbeth McCortniek wag home dimmer the Thank^u'lr"? Vio] ;^ays: With her was Mr. D. Bu Blackman. of Bennetts'iPe.. formerly of Jefferson hi?h school In York, fmd who is now workiner in Seneca. Th"v report an enjoya| ble week end. t .J. :~i-3S

Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-11-29 [p ].historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067919/1941-11-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · T aws n*>d Btq. Hartwell of Co lumbia visPed the Piedmont

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VOL. XVI.NO. 48^

Popular Pastor ofJones Chapel Church

DR. JOHN F. MORELANDThe Rev. .1, F Mnrnhn>Jr.the-i

riK-wly appointed pastor of JonesChapel A. M. E. Zion church hereis one of the stiongest literacypastor Columbia 'nas had in man>years. To suy .he will be weleonie by Co.unibia citizens^exp. esse it mildly. Dr. Moreland

> - holds an _A.B. degree from I.iv-1ington eolleve; B.D.. from Hoo*.seminary; S.T.M. from Eden Tlieological seminary, and will soonget his Ph. D., from the Universityof Chicago.He has pastored in Seattle,

Washington; Portland, Oregon;St. Louis, Mo.; was presiding elderseveral years and came to Columbiafrom Wilson, N. C., Wherethe people are in arms for hisreturn as their pastor. ThoughPyoung, but he has been a memberof every General conference sincehe ha3 been preadhing; been amember of the finance committedand Episcopal committee. He~Ts~the__sou__pL_lke_lat£, Dr. Moreland,who once edited "The Star ofZion," his denomination paper.

The Reverend Moreland willpreach Sunday morning from thesubject: "Boasting Some" and thesubject of the evening messagewhich will be at 6 p. m. "PathsFor The New Year". A spvialrepresentative for the "Leader"will be there Sunday morning andour news editor, Prof. W. R. Bowman, will have charge of the ev.ening service. Prof. Bowman willalso worship Sunday night withDr. E. A. Davis, the popular pastorof Bethlehem Baptist church.

The Xmas Seal SaleNow On 1

LOOK! READ!! BUY!!!-* V '

Xmas Seals are being mailedto some and others qre being approached by members of th^committoe, telling you about ThuT

. campaign. Not any one must sayno^but each woman, man, girland boy do their Very best to nelp"Kich'and county go over the top.Don't fail to purchase a bondo r Christmas Seals. "RIDGEWOODCAMP must be the bestin the state, and I know you wantit so. Our sick must be given thebest.of.care And our well mrstbe kept well. All this can be done"by your cooperation.

You will hear over the radiofrom different committee mem.Jjers» :w&y -you-should make thissacrifice. Remembar /'No Homois 15afe, Until Every Home isSafe.


The Personal Service organizationwill hold its next meeting Atthe home of Mrs. John Owens,.>MWh^ street; DpfgYnBer T71941 at f>:30 o'clock. All membersare asked to be present.

Mrs. Clardia Tilurc, presidentMrs. John Owens, secretaryEstella Hemphill, reporter

LEXINGTON NEWSKev. I. U. Simmons, Pastor

T'hincs nin mnvinc nn

We had a <?rand time Sunday a.m., at Spring Hill and p. m., atBethel. Our newly appointed pastoris preaching noble sermonsand we ar(. hiprhly pleased.We had the Rev. J. S. Danley

to worship with us Sunday to ourdelight.

Rev. W. E. I^ee presented ourpastor to Spring Hill membersand friends,M rs. Joanna I.itea <^f Philadel

phia is here on a two Voeks visitto lQlatives and friends. She alsoworshipned wih us at her homet'lllihi.'h Knrinv Hill Sunday.

J'lof.R. W. Gil'ard. Miss MartinP. W'ieht and Mis,, Sullivanall spent Thanksgiving at theirresneo*p»e homes and reported anepmyaljlo week end.

Pastor Simmons Presiding El.der W. B. P. Clark, Rev. P. C.T aws n*>d Btq. Hartwell of Columbia visPed the Piedmont Con.fe ence held at Andemon Thvlra.day.

£ to£ 4.'2 <£*V .-»

Mrs. Lu semondWell Kno, CitizenLaid to Rest. Mfte.-.bula E: Rosemond,

Aiit*of the late Mr. J. E. Rose.o«» d. and fon -thirty eight yearsa citizen of Columbia, passed auayFriday morning, November7, at her home.

Mrs. Rosemond wag born inAnderson county, July 8, 1881daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.Jackson. She attended the schoolsof Easley and Anderson, S. C. Inher early youth she was active inthe church and Sunday school.

Mrs. Rosemond joined WesleyMethodist church immediately oncoming to Columbia and faithful,ly served -in many capacitteaupuntil the time of her illness. Formore than fifteen years she servedaa president..of the.Ladies'

Aidsociety of her church and fora number of years she served asStnday school teacher.She was as active and faithful

'n her neighborhood and commun-<ty as she was in her church.

Mrs. Rosemond was the motherif seven children and leaves five

mourn her death. Though ill«any years she was always use.ft'l and able to play the part ofa dear mother to her children..Her death Wag cfiliW and peaceful.Funeral services were con_'ucted at her church hy the RpvM. MrCailuwr She was laid to


-est -under a blanket oi 4>ea«tifuT:^owcs in the Palmetto cemetery,'"avine a host of relatives and"Yi nds to mourn her death.

They Attend MeetingPickens and Oconee CountiesIVachers Hear SpeakersNonis, Nov. 29.In this little

town located in Pickens county,he monthly meeting of the Pick

r.sCounty Teachers' Associationwas held last Friday afternoonin the auditorium of the local"TfgK school.

V_V. Waters, the JeanesSupervisor of county schools invitedMrs. Andrew W. Simkins,"he State- director of the "T.B."Seal sale program and SeymourCarroll the State Director of theXmertcnTV" Humane Education Society.both of Columbia. Mrs.Simkins and Mr. Carroll broughthelpful and instructive messageson their work over the State.Mrs. Simkins devoted her talk to"he sale of the Christmas Seal-ale, while Mr. Carroll devoted'"is talk to kindness to animals.M. N. Sullivan, the president

of the Association presided at themeeting, and introduced the speak^rs. Mr. Sullivan is also princinalof the Pickens County Train

neschool. L. W. Bryson is theinncipal of the Norris school,"^e general sessions of the associationwas opened with prayer\v the Rev. J. F. Bryant, princi.in oi me central Junior hi^hehnol at Central.From here Mrs. Simkins and""tr. Carroll motored ^WestminsterWhere the members of the"T^nee County Teachers' Associ tionheard them speak. ,

"^BFNEZER A. M. E. CHI RCHRev. I). N. Wilson, Pastor

.On.htst SnYilay morninpr the>nstor preached a very inspiringnrpnn, Hi* subject was. "Crosfbearing an<l Discipleship". The-"rinture- text .was taken Yrom.Mark.10:21."Suipiaj^fichogbJwao conducted byLhe Supt., Mr. Joseph Kinloeh, andlhe lesson was reviewed by thenastor.

..Ttre A7 C." E. leaprue was conduct"d b|v the vice president* MVn.Beatrice Reaves. A musical andI literary.program was rendered bvfne members of the leagues.- At -7:30 the Rev. Elsie WyleTTaylor preached. She preached amul stirring sermon. Her subjectwas "Repentence in Salvatic^n."The services were largely attend

< ) throughout th day.Miss Harrisena Reaves, reporter

RTTTHffl< i'i n r III IM'TTRev. R. J, Hutchinson, Pastor

Bishop J. S. Flipper with hi?cabinet of officers, has just closeda wonderful annual conference o.fthe Charleston Dfhtrict, one inwhich there were no complaintsand everyone- expressed themselvesos having enjoyed a wonderful~onference^While in the citv. Mrs. Flippervisited the school Thursdry morning,giving a lecture ahd leaving

with the school some wholesomeand encouraging remarks. She wa^accompanied by one of her lad»

- f> if ndp.who.she.lriLrrwlUl'Wl, andwho in turn sang a solo. I waginable to remember her name.Tbev left Rhcfrtly afterwards.

Bethel members are proud of thecrtum of the pastor and his dearwhfe. also the P. E., Dr. L. L.Fanner, and hia den rwife.We vnnt to thank the teachers,

~*»>et~brthr tttt1 Misses Dlxson,Tohnnon and Robinson for assistin? n0 in th« choir, for they play,ed their part*.


The Union CommunityIts'Nineth Anniversary

A. Clayton I*o\% ell of New

The Union Commu-Hy hospitalwill observe its nineth anniversaryFiidav, December 12, 1941with a program at Sims hijfhschool, Union, S. C., at 7:30 p.m.The main speaker for "the occasionwill be Rev. A. Clayton

Powell, Jr., pastor of the AbyssinianBaptist church of New YorkCity.

Thia church i$ one of, if not thelargest Negro church in theworld. It has an active member.

shipof ten thousand people. Rev.Powell, its pastor is an outstand-

Mr. Arthur Jackron who i s

spending the winter in Charleston Iwas here for the Thanksgivingseason to see his wife Mrs. Rosa 1A. Jackson and daughter. Miss IMi'dred Jackson. Mr. Jackson is"chef" cook at the Medical collegein Charleston, which placehe has filled for several years.

Miss Dorothy Heath had as herguests Saturday- her .friends,

Misse9Constance and Flora Hallof Rock Hill.The following Finley high tea-._.

chera Spent Thanksgiving- week,end at their respective homes:Miss Dewey McDowell, Union;Miss Hr-O. Wright,- Camdenr MissNaomr Neat, Cohimhiaf.Miss" ~EmmaL. Beatty, Winnsboro; MissGwendolyn H e nry, Newberry;Mis9 Lacy, the librarian visitedrelatives in Atlanta.

Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchenermotored down last Friday fromN.Y.C. and stopped here a dayand night making pop calls on oldfriends while enroute to HobeSound, Fla., where thev will openthe I.akeview Inn, for the winter. >

Mrs. Mitchener is Chester's own jMiss Willene Walker, the daughterof the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam,Walker. While here, they were ,the guests of Mrs. Ella Watson,Columbia St. ,

Mrs. lone Jones, chairman.of ifhe Christmas Seal Sale of Ches- (ter county for the colored, called |ner workers together in the dining |room of Finley high school - on ;Tuesday afternoon and with the <help of the County Nurse, MiaaLinda Bray and Mrs. Banks, gen- ieial chairman (both white) gave (much information concerning the iselling of seals and the greatgood that is done by the sales.They urged the support of all in*his effort and full co-operationwas promised. A palatable lunch->on was served.

Rev. J. W. Manoney, pastor ofMelina Presbyterian church, Sardiniais spending several dayshere with his wife.P'-of. and Mrs. Ralph Martinof Greenville, were the guests ofDrcf. , and Mrs. A. D. Hnrdin a'ew days last week. Everyone

vas glad to see them, and espec-ally, MrB. Martin, who was amember of the Finley high facul'vfor several years. Teachersmd pupils called her "Miss Gain- jV.for she was Miss ElizabethGaines before marriage.

Mr. and Mrs. John N. Finley^ofAsheville, spent Thanksgiving-ierp with their brother ami sislorin law, Prof, and Mrs. S. ]LFinley.Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Heath anddaughter, Miss Dorothy Heath,motored to Ke»shaw, S. C. and en:oveda big dinner with relatives*here.News .of the death of Mrs. Majnic-Jonea-Clarke.m.Nr Y. V. wasreceived here as ouitc a shoclr to"all oT Chester. For severalmonths she had been ailing-, andvent there for treament a fewweeks ago. Arrival of the bodyand funeral service are not known"et. She was a member of QueenHathsheha Chapter No. 7, Orderaf the Eastern Star. .

. At Cftrmel Presbyterian churchSunday afternoon a program ofappreciation was had for the ser' ieesrendered by Pastor JamesFoster who has been serving fora few months, but who has been"ailed to a larger work in Sumteri

rood ^worlf"during'" his "pastorate,and has affiliated with all of thecommunity and school activities,and has made many friends whowish him abundance of success inhis new field. He is one of Chester'sown sons, being the thirdion of Mr. James Foster, Sr.The death of Mr. Lawson McCoyat his home, Center street,'ast Saturday night, was verysad news to his host of friend#we. Funeral services wev« .V* V VVMI'"Cted Wednesday afternoon atMt. Olive Raptist church; thesermon was preached by Rev. W.M. Honor." Hie had been ill formnny m~n*hni.All was rt»W lAthim that lovinpr "hands and medi.cal skill could do. H<> leaves hiswife, two daughters, Miss EssieRay McCoy of this citv; Mrs.Odessa M. Hopkins of Washington,one son, Mr. lesser McCoyof Baltimore*. Ottjher relativespresent at the^ funeral serviceswere big sister, "5frs. I^aurn Carterand son Mr. Floyd Carter ofDetroit; Mr. Clarence Ohisholm,

Continued on 8 «


Hospital Observes (V December 12th <7


York (J;ty Guest Speaker j.speaker and an ardent Tace

worker; and7 he has recently beenelected as Councilman for the City!jf New York..This is hie initial visit to SouthCarolina; thte Union Community !hospital urges an invitation to allleaders, religioug and civic, to'business men, to laborors, to far- tmers, and to men and women inall wtrfks-of~4ife.to attend theprogram and hear the worthwhile^message which Rev. Powell wITT""bring to the race.

President HigginsGuest Minister atKnoxville CollegeHome-comhig

President S. R. Higgins return-ed to his office Monday n'«;ht af-ter being awny several days hnspeaking engagements. He wasguest minister at the annual homeeoming festival at KnoxviTTCCoI-""^lege, Knoxville, Tenn., last weekand delivered a great sermon on agreat occasion to a_ great crowd..Q t tVo ^

i.wii.cwuiiuitK accorcung to 11

Professor Fisher of Allen who ae- 5:4

companied the president to and '''from Knoxville..Brr-ffiggins Is a graduate o f rKnoxville college and Professor 'VFisher is an ex-faculty member, '''and now 'headB the Department of CAEnglish at Allen university.President Higgins served askeynote speaker in the six annual 'conferences which has kept himon the go this fall, ns a speaker,no is in much demand.



STHEWOMAN'S AUXILIARY RSPEAKSvThe Woman's Auxiliary o'f the "iCooperative Baptist Convention ot thSouth Carolina met in the 36th frsession of the .Convention- held--^,KTth~th<r7erusalem Baptist church, ti1 Mile Charleston, Rev. S. L. Taylor,pastor, November 12.11, 1041 c,Mrs. S. L. Cpllins of Edgefield, 0,S. C. resigned her office rs presi ^dent, and in th* reorganization ,jthe following i* the roster: ^frr:.7^C. Mabel Taylor, Columbia, presi. i.dent; Mrs. Edna Nicholson, Tren '

on, vice president atw.e1 t ... «-> *--

kins, Charleston, secretary; Mrs.Mai'ir/on Moore. Edgefield,- treas. -Jurer; Mrs. Ei\>ie Anderson. *

Orangeburg, ekairmrn. .(rxctfjfive ,.Doard; Mrs. T>^lmn Nix. Orange 1tees were headed as fi^lows:burg. Field Missionary. Commit.Health. Mrs. Mary Simmons:Home Mission, Mrs. T. Nix: Chi! ?Welfare, Mrs. Ethel Jones. Fo.reign Msision. Mrs. Nolan Whaley;Needlework. Mrs. F. A. -Dickinson. 'Frch of these wcrmen .pledged her JJloyal support to the work <.f thConvention, and it is predicted that 1

the auxiliary will attain itc activity of former years.The program of the Auxiliary *

was rendered on Friday rfterhoon ;v ve» v ;v 11>fut an l inspiring ad _£jliv«< Vil-' "(T. li vereir hv Mis f. c -1<Tores'bf WosTev churc*'\ Charles siton. on "The Lights lli'ti? Out h" AChristian Women." The lights timottjoned l.y .the speaker being pi"one Love. and Dependability. r<Rev. James Ahnov of Orrne bur- Tivus yroson i uy K o v-. -.t fJ-.--Kr^rr.t 5]» r of Columbia. Rev. Abney de ailiver.H a very forceful mossagifrom Jer. 20; t from the subject ir"A Flame in Mv Heart." Selectionwere rendered hv a fiY.nn°rs from th .Jerkin* Ornhanaee i;

Thus , verv inspiring sessionwas brought t«» a close. The bene j(ficirri^ of the AwxittnTy 'nfe'TT't' 's Acndr mv. Trenton, and the ,Tenkins Orphanage, Charleston f'two verv worthy institutions beincconducted for the uplift of out


vcrung people.'T


Mrs. Anna Thompson left Saturdayevening for Wnshingl£iL_D_ .J

O. lu I l*!l III1!' Oaugnlor, Mrs. InezWriter, and her son Clarence 1

Thompson and family.Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stewart t

entertained quite a few at a din Fner party Friday evening, Novem al>er 21, in honor of her sister, Mrs 1

Sala.V Hill of Detroit, MichA grand reception wrs given

by the members and friends o' '<St. Luke A. M. E. Zior church irhonor erf Rev. Hillian, Frida'V eve ^

ning at the home of Mr and M*PliffforT "Thomas. More than fortynefsons were served. They had a

jolly time ard plenty of fun. pMiss Bernire Brown of Colum

bin is here for n few drys visitine .jher grand mother. Mxs.F.lnrirFneliah and family.Mias Sallie Atvo Hill, the daugh

ter erf Mrs. Blanch Hill, ic her" '

for a few davs from Charlotte, NC.


Mrs. Alma Sims Primer andhushand and others from Columbia '

were up Thursday visiting he' ^'father. Mi. F rey k Slim*, ami ^

others. 0

ThdH? on the sick list seem to 17

he doing w'ell, with the exceptionof Mr. Johnie Whicker. T

i £ea"NOVEMBER 29,"T&43t" '

General Holmes B.Springs Working CFor Re-employment IV^M KX (TTven advice- TlTOR NEW JOBS < »'

soSe\ mntir- Carroll.Talks With _'*

n «I \iul Cpvernor' *

' >9 (Special mf'> Ti < I.endej i At the request JJf C(!vqr»or__J. E. llarley of this ,rtate. fl ic:. General Holmes B. ?Jjhrtirs. 'he State director of the Jt>' 1« etiv. Service has -Teifuested pir-tar.i/ati ti- of every kind in the 1

itale and lea'ets i every field" ' end, r (h' ir ? ''Vife in t'n.i rolv.ploymciTT << Idi- * leavinj?he Army. The p.mc al in receiv

t'C.e 'l-ll ^ VIT r>, : t :i?;.| Pr.i.pr.rnion of citizensai.d <» 'animations11 over the State. '

At the conl'erentv with the Genralwas Seyrn.mr Carroll, of Comba. ,,f the left.line citi- |e<ens f t- e c' r< t who praisedSo \v« 1: e" l.e ;»!: al a..d the <rorkers at Selective Sen-ice head- -|U]uarters. located.on the, second stc,r of The Wade "Hampton office vjjiii'dipjr for the support and coop- 'e,ration that the Special Selective jjj'

i-uiiiiiiiucc.fins.received y_~com State headquarters. The>ve al county committees all ov. r)rthe State will work with the qxcat ROTiTds'nnd the 17 e Fniplovent Committee in finding re-em 'u,ryirenl for the military men re cPe" cd of duty in the army be. <gj,iu>e of the age limits and re. Qjirningto civilian life.General Springs' statement toie NYcro press yesterday is as \Villows: \V"I have requested tnat our var- <rrins organizations and leader's in Tilir> communities throughout the 'urate tender their service to the T.I'-emp'oymcnt committeemen as hr<xiated with each Local Hoard, byit'h a view of assisting hi the M.nployment or reemployment oficse men who are being relieved 0f0111 military duty, are being re- jrued 10 llrilr various communi. «rces."

.»rfNaturally he said that the.men--Cg;turu.inc to civil life be employed Trreemployed, are better quail- L(I'd for employment by reason ofeir experience in the.military -\frnice. Before Governor Mayinkretired from office to be- \Jiune Junior U. S. SenatorTTJehT"al Springs reappointed the orig- «-i]ally appointed committees in Maicli count v t n Virtia j-- -

- ~ ..v^«c4 y»vi UI1UCIit* Selective Service in South ho:roiina. (]

\VlN~N.SBORO NEWS j Ru.Thanksgiving was spent around nipir town with a deal of trail. I;11..ility. A lovely pre Thanksgiv paif limner was. given by tlu.. Newelite Sinkers club of Fairfielde.uity training school. It was Iie n.osi elaborate affair of ifoU....,'nd c r in tie school. Before °le<li > : w:i, served, a very in-! a>

'i est.i, pr ijirani was.rendered SU(f ' '. of liar-dub. It-open.i..I " "1 rcmo to the Garden" j '*n r by th croup, after which ]ain: i« .">! Anderson *vad the scripire lessor. Elise Bovkin led in j ^°'rav-or,.ArpprrvjfrTaTo poems were |\cit-d .hy. Sara White, MildredII 1 '' ai'd F.li'/.aheth Down" l'hyic a Henry sainT" a lovely solorid lie presentation to the in- .11trt.ei.or, Mis. Vera Stubhs was j.nlade by Lillio Mae Davis.A la pe grovp of invited pupils

i:t« Fier "witn ."Miss N. S. Bennettnd lh iircipal-Wv RAse. -They -dirtback a listen from the t(iV>loml ate until they touched of that ...elu iou* and well prepared food.Quite a large group of Winnsororianswitnessed tlie clash be

.veen State A. and M. and Ben. jlict colleges. p,\V\; -wvt*' a lad to havem ourlidst Misses Vera Sinclave - the Tuue-t of Miss Willie Mac Code, '

linton college. Rock-Hill; Miss ^'onselle Pharr, guest of Miss »r£'isc Matiigault and Master Isaaclinton, Jr.. of Mt. Tabor v/ho nc_"11 |>T|' 'Q|l hir i'i V"T"l., to see his aunt Beatrice Ross 'nd brother Willie Frank. I»We welcome Rev. J. H. Lipsynd family pastor of Zion A. M.church who moved in last week

nd had his children enrolled inur school here. nolRev 1> R. BedMbnueh, the new

astor of Wayman A.M.E. churchli nking a beautiful beginning

ere. We see nothing short i o fro£Xessounder hia pastorate bore. :aua too is soon to transfer his bo"pings here and liv0 among tis. p^,i'e welcome him nlso.tonhvarg are both on the sickM s. Heln Hegler and Mrs. Ada

st. Mrs. Boulware is to go tnU i. .r. W .

. I'd'up 5»nn. \\ p nope mownon both of the above namoil may wTc aj?ain themselves.Prof. Lindsay Richmond who Is wn

o\v.; teaching in our county motor ifd t'o~ Rock Hill, S. C., last week -nf> witness the home.comin.fi: at .

'riendship college. He was acompanwul by Mr*. W. A. Rnjrs "tt]nd daughter, Kathleen: Misses ar'nola and Josephine, his two si*. r*,<ers and Miss Magjfie Moore,'hey reported a royal trip. ne

liber. ?


Scottish RijLe Masons!lose Successfulleeting.Branchville, S (_L. Nbv. 26th.fie Williams Grand Ledge, ScotillRite, Free and Accepted Ma>ns of Sopth Carolina closed uceessful grand lodge meetingre Thanksgiving Day.The Rev. L. G. Bownir.n, grandaster of the state, delivered onethe strongest fratern. l adesiesever delivered to a gramdge. Other addresses were L\

e Rev. S. D. Salley, the Re\n__WBCwhana~7ul the Ke\ S. D.ckenbaeker.The financial reports exceededose of last year and ;he br.nkinrRftnittee reported a 1 1 deatliims paid and several Jiundrecliars in the hank.Tlie l^astem Star held theieeting the same time and re.rted all claims paid and the or.r in a healthy condition.The following officers were eftedfor--the ensuing-year;.Iltr L. G. Bowman, 33rd deee,M. W. Grand Master. Combia; 111. S. D. Rickenbackernd decree, D. G. Master, Branc1"le; 111. Gilbert Thomas 39ngreo, S. G. Warden, Branchvill'. C..Eb^lumphu 32nd.degree. GWarden, Branchville; 111. WRussell, 32nd decree, G. See.

angeburg; Bro. W. M. Parhamand Treasup^tv-Union: Pi -if ff::Bfiwman~Grancr Lecturer. Co.

nbia; Bro. Wylie Suber, Gra~''nior Deacon, Strother: Rrotheiney Hill, Grand Junior Deacoraneeburg.Appointive officers by the gran'"ister: District No. 1, Rvothc

E. Smifh. Bear fort; Distric*». 2. Rev. R. M. Hutto. 32nd deee. Charleston; District No. 3D. D Mozie. 32nd degree, C<>

nbia: District No 4. RrotheC. Cohen,"Union: District No. *

>ther W. M. Parhani, Snartnnrg: District No. 6.__brr.thc-n^WJelerT"Greenville.The following arc the officerthe Eastern Star:Mrs. Bxdlt? Williams, Grand Ma.m: Mrs. Susie Salley. A. G. Ma> n; M rs. Ixi ven ia unurh. G

cretary;Mrs. Lottie Drone. Oeasurer; Mrs. Rosa Barton C.jcturer; Mrs. Frances Peopleer; Mrs. Clara Parker, Martha?. Lu'ft M. kmkentacker. Ruths. Dorothy Thompson. Fsthera.._,HattieBonnie. Pat -Electe'rrhe Supreme Grand CQunm'1 meet next July ir. BostonISS.[*he officers of the Mo'tnar'lrd are 111. C. D. Sallow TH.f.Bowman. 111. S. D RickenbaekI'l. D. D. Mozie nnd 111. C. Dmph.'Tne semi-annual session w:ret at Gethsemang .Banti*'reh near Snlem Crossroad ir'irfield county.


The Tut key. Chicken and l-luy-.itest at the-Butler "High schoot Wednesday niyht, v as u rea.-'ees.s,.Qc.iu> a laive -crowd at

_.. 1 .lui-u- U-C are Svrry-- in&t outfito crowd only a low youl<ry away the Thankftfnvtn^vis ami also the chance7 of thetor of beinz the prctJest anliest persons in the ^iiool buil.

Miss Iriella Prjost/r. n hp.111! ilittle brown skvH gl'l. won tnr

le of being the upliest persothebuilding /find wa< awarder?. £he says/'ptease let her wirain". / '

RetTTiT Academy choir appearedthe -Brrhh-hTTii h 1 p'nnday bight.Mr. and Mrs. David Miller o '

in?t<m-Snlem. N. C ." were th'ek end quests of Mr? and Mr«J. Folder.Miss Attdrey Dixson and Mis?uise Rorndtree. teachers of th<"untain Inn and RiefrsiT-H rar^tmorial hieh schools, spent th1ankseivingfholidays homo withrents. Pr. and Mrs. P. ,T. Pix."i and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Roniv'o

r. Colcloug-ht WreckVows have ronoho t the PalmetLoader that Pr. .1. C. CMcon?'pular pastor of Sydney Park ('K. church, was in IT wrieek TsTsek in Georcria while attending1 :oreia conference^To war rushed to his home in

n shorwed. while his condition icry painful, it is not «aer»o-«

i -1.-1-1a*. in v "in mm. <ni<l i'l-»'\vnPrrI] ho eln 1 to know that his noont ic n^t of n serious naturePull details of the «cr'dent nr

a telenhone "onversrtien wit1"s. Coloonch. tue ntws odito-r wad.she thought the pood do"touldho nhlo to mill ovor nil ri»*htstntomonts from hic physicianans any thinfc.Tho faculty and student bodypother with hor ninnv" friend"®"e glad to have Miss NeU'« M.irdon hark at hor post after a"> months absence due to iUrss.



|Sammon's ArtCollege OffersFour Scholarships .

: C'uh.mbia, S.Nov. 20.The ~~

] uuthoOt-k-* of SammTynV Art col.I'eye take "pleasure in announcinge o .'j r endowment procurement-cholarshipe for partial aid to applicantsentering school Thursday,Tanuary 1, 1042. Schcrmrshipselude: Trainincr in Beauty Cul-'.;re.two;T-air.ini in Barbering

.one: Training in.CommunityOrganization.one.r>

^+mTTnrrs "A Star School of*">istinctior". The much talked""Mures include its reasonablenit'on rat", 5*s individual student'of] ; « i" )>irih»fiiu.rii.rof pnulft;out inohr'inir Butn-e G°s plant,"vf «>p nuir.v other thinnrs notifi <1.her' to.suit lilt? PdH'« desire.

MuMp'e cv'tviT-l ad antr ex'st at Summon'*. A ciin1nma .*re»i above me tinned sdhool is a^er*aHioasset.Inou'*ies a^d int^"Tn"?t."d For further information.' dtp

"1 14^1 ATF TTMF"5 tT.AT. * 7»VK.T Or'Bo7T iriTTfJ Col: robin. S. C.

Helton and MickleMr. a-d Mvs. T e'-j" Ro'fnn wmh..

.U-^l&ana^ tbe-^^n'ih'lie <>f their'auehter Marv E'l"n to Marianfi"k'e. on the 2°>rd of Areust."'ar.v Ellen, was a «t 'dent at thefield county trnini-e school.Mr. Mi-kle attended hi in Ridge;ay.H° is the -*"n 0f M> . and''r?. Robert Mickle and is employd at Anderson quarry.

\T»-o Hf T Tit D. iudi > i t. J 3ncs

PassesMrs; Marv I. p n ig ll wellknown citizen of Un;or. passed tche gnat bevond Mondav, November IT, in New York City. She_-ran b-orn in V*Tron. s. C. Ma^ehJ. 1833, the daughter of the late"vr.thja Netherg md Herrv Ne''prs: £*e was married to Mr. /°harle.v Henry Jones who'TWeced. /?d her to t're grave. Before leaving /"nion she.united with the St. Paul_3a.pti?t ctHirotTr-frhe vvas"bhe of the

noneers, andn was among /'the/:;}/.! lew priprt when this""hrur':li wfc organized and rtamed.She was verv active in chptch worklavintr served as first ryn^den*- nt*e Willing Worker /'Club. Thislu! i- st ill ev:<t'.n/r .and dr/ingwpfmdid wc'k \YMp> in New Yorkshe sorvej willingly.ir the Canaan"'nmist tdi'ir It/ until her health"ailed. Her finC spirit of love, de

otion and lenity will be foreverherishcd \yy thos" who knew h°r;Pi"'' r l/c. ".-(To conducted"rom St/Paul Prp{:st euuroh 9nn.

'.a\ av /. .R-ev-. I.. C. San.v. /ocfn.-ntid, LU.<.-'-c-"beTu

:f Ih' of 'he <-f th deceased-r,d the gvei.t «e»vi"»« gr<ndc-p-h"C'sio rendered wer her favoriteelc:tio- s.< i.y -uli'ci-.children.

^ugeiT^Jon'e-. *N*" York H tv:'u_ j Winston Salem."

N. C.

BETH PL A M. F. CUIKCIIRev. I. \Y. Janerelte, Pastor

TVip S*ndnv ^rh 1 m"t p* thesval hour with it = cer-Ps of of_trrs mi far!-r« nres->nt. Thesen- was tho'-ou^hlv tnu7vt in

-11 (lassos, The eh'1 uop h'iv"~T>o T~_zun to think r.aw of fvHita ru>

"""d adore 77T th" Sunday>chool arc roadv to eive thrni *hf

...st typo f f enter4 * ro'n-

veto Cfri«t'"as. The writer ofhose* notes believes t^o n'mt hasoeen plorioup an 1 vnlor-us. b-,t"e can "ot live in it On*- nro,'ran'1?, must bo c-, arrancr'.d to

"Tof tFo needs and 4 imps if weire proinr to bolt and boon t'-o

iTPetor crop interested >n a f-s relative to the Sunday

School.TU~ ^ * .1 1 1. »i :.» (i'siut niTvrrn two coienn_

>q- - s Ins; g *' ..

nW®Rme serviceh de1>"t"-ed +hemessaee from the subject. "Annttemnte i invasion that did not

vV*''p"+ wp S(? .

'ected from Isiah 7:7. Manv b*auMful points wefe tmoueht out and - ^

"he sermon \va« forcefully nrdspiritually delivered..Wr were edad to se-> the manyvisitors and friom'.- " ho attendedservices the past Sabbath.HT are h"n -p F at o r finan."al nlr n will he sui:ci'ss.ful and .

hat th" moo->be»-shin will r^snondas the Lord has prospered them.*Ve are still be1ievevc in the redenishiny of the barrel of m"al">nd the euiso of oil when we do'he best for the furtherance of. anyrood eausr wln-ehi.hu'"!'Ntt V 7TPworthy institutions are helped.?PFNI) TTTANKcr.IVTNGHOI II)AYS HERE

Miss E'iznbeth McCortniek waghome dimmer the Thank^u'lr"? Vio];^ays: With her was Mr. D. BuBlackman. of Bennetts'iPe.. formerlyof Jefferson hi?h school InYork, fmd who is now workiner inSeneca. Th"v report an enjoya|ble week end.

t.J. :~i-3S