WASHINGTON By John D. Reynolds The South Carolinu Athietic » t Conference has just completed S il one of the most successful basket :g< the Annual Tournament held at Booker Wahington on Friday and -E Saturday of last week was a fit![' ^ ting culmination of this year's ef~ f"|~ fOlltg on the part ol _the confer|L- ence. A large number of schools £i- participated in the play-off games which began early Friday morn fcl' «ncr M nro thnn two hundred rdav I ers, coaches and chaperons at l i " tended the tournament and were guests of the school during these frf two davs. Results of the toumament are as follows: In the ope«^ E inC g0 '* the tournament FriBg. day morning, Mather Academy H_- easily disposed of Jackson High School of Camden, 35-19; in the second game, Harbison Institute t- 1 44-10- th^(» werel the only two games in the morn r* 5t*pt q^ag'nn ^ndny, the fact that the tournament got off Li to a latestart. The remaining games followed in the order given ft-? Avery girls 39, Lancaser girls 6; Boys: Burke, Charleston, 39-Av cry, Charleston 34; Boys, Butlei 26, Tomlinson 9; Girls, Finley Hi 31, Immaculate Conception 18, "Boys, Booker Washington, 29, Im j | maculate Conception 23; Girls, i v. Avery 33, Booker Washington 30; - t- 1 C lk - in what was prooaoiy one 01 uie \"? best games of the entire tournament Burke Industrial School of harh*ston lost a. .Dirillmg _.game; to the^famcd Mather- Blue Devils iTr T~ : Saturday morning, 25^28; Math t-U pr had to come from behind on [, <^9jk reveral occasions to tie the score and finally had to freeze the Ball in the final moments of the game Boys Harbison 35, Coulter 27; Girls, Butler High 28, Harbison 24_t Boys,. Finley 28, Butler 26; Girls, Avery 27, Finley 15. In the late afternoon, Booker Washington boys were eliminated in a gruelling game- with the.Mather Blue Devils 26-29; Girls, Butler r* g* . 16, Jackson 9; Boys, Harbison 28 i' Finley 21. In the final games Sat urday nightr the following" learns were represented; Finley girls vs Jack son High girls (consolation bracket). Booker -Washington boys vs Finley boys_ (consolation bracket); Avery girls vs girls, (championship); Mather] boys vs Harbison boys, winners -and-Finley.8,- Jackson itBooker Washington 10, Finley 20; Tn t" Vl n frntrlo r»f.+ V»r»- mi uln N ... v/-» mv snillCf Avery girls nosed out Butlei . grrfs.29-28..tmd.found.it heees : c'ory to r^nort to the act of freezing the ball in the final moments * oL the game. The Mather vs Harbison boys game (final) was a little more close than was expect ed; Mather had more than a lii tie trouble in disposing of Harbi son.to win the-title Tl.Ml Pham_ .plow* tho ;ir 1 er Academy boy's and Avery Institute girls_each. player of which team received a beautiful gold basketball. Winner of the Dest sportsman award is Johnie Fields Booker Washington and W. .RishJr er.uf Avery. The best sjiorts^ ' (team), Avery. Team with fewest fouls.bovs, Tomlinson, number of fouls 12. Team with the fewest " -fouls, girls, Lancaster, number of fouls 17; Highest team acore_fctt hoys goes to Harbison Institute with 1.10 points; for girls Avery «»UU 1 ri<5 TT -1 . r-5 1 »»-*«,« mo. xiipnesi individual score for boys poos to Foster of Harbi son with G8 points; for girls, W Risher of Avery with -48 points The Booker Washington faculty and student body, and the officer* f and members of the South Caro Una Athletic Conference wish to take th'is opportunity to express their thanks and appreciation toj those persons in the etty who exi ing this tournament a success. Our thanks especially to the presidents of the two colleges, Dr *. Rtarks and Dr. Higgins for mak ing it possible-to house most of the players and their coaches m these two institutions. 1 As has been previously announced Booker Washington i s otie of the thirteen sehools-engag ed in the Secondary Education Study being conducted ~by the Southern Association. Oppoitunit> . is being.given.to.some- teachers to -visit other schools whch are £ _ also engaged in the study in order r "'that observations may be made as to juat what is being done and to gain many valuable ideas. This week, Monday, Tuesday and WecL nesday, five teachers from this K sehool guests (ft Mr. W. A, Ik'. Robinson at the Atlanta Univer sity laboratory School, Atlanta, Ga. There teachers are; Miss M. " \ > 'OWARD SCHOOL I'.T.A. MEETING The Parent-Teacher association, of Howard School held its egular monthly meeting Tuesday * night, March 4th at 8 o'clock in c the school building, Mr. Harry J The \Choral Club sang two se T lections^ Sweet and low and Three Blind Mice. Misses Rowe u nd Rutherford were in charge of thi& group. Prayer was offered ( Miss R. C. Watson. Till1 minutes were read and adopted. The pupils of the first grade ! (under the guidance of Miss C.K 1 Gordon) rendered three numbers A. dramatization of "Little Miss Muffet," and two numbers by th< ' R°"'l The pa rents u/pi p hen entertained by an Education- ' -nl.Picture,."Animal.Life".whieh vii.s gre.atly enjqyed. 1 Principal Madden informed the -s members that the membership ; irive The State PTA had begun utut asked that each member reg :ster one hundred per cent. Miss Gordon having the-largest number of parents present was presented the banner by Mr. C Robinson. From all indications thj par ents were highly pleased with :he meeting and a willingness was shown in cooperating in the PTA Irive. jOHNSTON NEWS .==* J Sunday was our regular meeting day at Bethel CME church Rev. W. E. Wilson delivered a {£_ -soul'-, stirring sermon. We were very glad -.1g> have Profs. C. A Ruben, C, B. Toomer and Miss L. T. Sewell t0 worship with us ] Sunday school began at the us ual hour with all officers at their posts of duty. Prayer service began at 7:45 p.m. conducted by Rev. W.M. Da- vis. After which the pastor brot us a wonderful message. Little Miss Helen Amos enter- tamed seven of .her girl friends on her birthday, Feb. 24th. The arirls enjoyed the evening playing \ games until a late hour; when , =taku__ and ks cream was served by Mrs. Noah Amos. Each guest < -brmigHtt a lovely gift to Helen.( ^ -Those.present-were JLuth Myles. _ Pauline Matthews, Virginia Da- i vis, Lula Edwards, Lucile Ellis, j Lue- Heten Attdway, Phoebe Ru"bt'ns, Misses L. T. Sewell, Thoma- ( sina~"Holmes; Edith Frazrer and Mamie Peterson. " Mr. ani? Mrs. C. P. Pope attend ed services at Rock Hill Baptist ( church the 1st Sunday near Sa- ] li.da. A certain somebody *is all smil- ~j ihg i?i town. Guess everybody knows why. A i . \KW TRINITY HA PTIST CHURCH Rev. B. F. Stewart, Pastor (Vidlford, S. (/.. the Sunday 1 school was open^tl. at the usual hour with s'upt. J«- B Foster at his 1 post «f duty.- We were fortuhate i to have Prof. Roy itffl and all ot his teachers in our Sunday school. Piof. Hill taught class -No. 1; < Prcf; C. C. Roberson, class No. 2 and Mitis Hilda Hunt class No. 3. The lesson was beautifully dis- L cussed in the various classes af- ter which the pastor brought out many fine points whrle reviewing the lesson. _ .The morning service began ai 12 o'clock. The pastor chosed a? text Gal. 3:16, theme The Unchangeable Promise. From which he delivered a strong message. The BTU met at seven o'clock "Everyone exhibited a spirit to add new life to the BTU throughout -the, year. ' The pastor delivered a heartfelt message at the evening se^viee taken from Ezekrel 2:1, subject TffinTn on -rrrrr WA ftwl gmu1 ful to our pastor for the splendid service he has rendered during the seventeen years he has been with is. We pay a warm tribute to hini for the wonderful work he has done t0 help build up oui church and community. His ser vice has been most commendable With this great man to stand by us we are planning bigger and bet ter thmgn for the future. L. Lawrence, Mr. J. H. Whiteman Miss M. R. Saxon, Miss H. E Sawyer and.Mr. O..A.Griffin. Some time during next week a group from the Junior Hi School will visit the Booker Washington High School, Newport News, Va. Pmcipal J. Andrew 8immon# oas announced the schedule o 1 commencement activities. Th< -firat activity cm the calendar wHhl be held on Palm Sunday, April 6 A complete schedule of activities' will be announced at a later date | » . TH1 BENNETTSVIL^ NEWS . B. Sander*, Reporter . The farmers were held up a litle last week from planting on ac :ount of the heavy rain and cold vave in our section. l!rs._Minnie Alston returned home ifter spending" * long vaoation iacksonvrlle, Fla., with her son and family Mr. Edgar Alston. She reported a pleasant trip. Mrs. Augustana Brown, Cohen Hailey were called to Cheraw tc spend awhile with her hiotliei Mi Harry Brown during his Illness 3he returned full of smiles over lis improvement. Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes had * m ^ their home painted on Majtfial street and it rs looking like a new place altogether. Where there is union there is strength. Prof.j and Mtb. A., S. Sanders pf Swansea; Miss Mabel Reese and Miss Ella Reese instructors In. thrr graded school, Batesburgj: Miss Francis Morris of ColumbiM* Miss Rnehei rheen teacher pf Florence and Miss Rophine McColhim of Dillon high school spent the.>> ek end home with parents^and friends. All vpnnrterl a aiiceessfnl term to ilatc in their school*." Rev. A. J. Wright spoke from' the snbjpct The Certainty of God Sunday mooning. When in the ity visit us. He also stressed Founders day at Benedict college March 16th. A large number will witness the program at the col lefce_ Sunday evening. The stork made a pop call to Mr. and Mrs. N. Nicholas and left a fine g'irl baby. Mother and baby ure during nicely. Mrs. 12 mm A D. Hanna spent * Few hours in Columbia last week visiting her husband Dr. W. Hanna and reported he is tmprov ing nicely and will soon return home. Our sick friends: Mrs. Kizzie Moore, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs L Brockington, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. N Thomas, Mr. C. McCollum, Rev Williams, Mrs. Goodman and Mrs Vr. Sanders. Mrs. Allen Robinson and daugh ter, MissA! ftoblnson "were trr the city Sunday making visits to aid friends. Mrs. Thomasena P. Beesley ir aut again after a few days illness tvi^h the flu. Mr. Henry Zimmerman is in Co lumbia doing^sbme special. pa i nting for Prof, and Mrs. John Reese The recreation scnool for colared children from 3 to 6 years ol age is doing nicely in their reapening in one of the Sunday school rooms in Shiloh Baptist church on Cheraw St. Mrs. C King supervisor. Mr. J. Bradford and son H Bradford Mr. J. Prince ami smr Mr Joseph Prince spent awhile n Cheraw visiting Mr. McKnight md Mr. Shields. St. Michael Methodist Church Rev. W. J. Gupple, Pastor Sunday school lesson was in rerostingly and.timely taught by Tic IMOhlTS..Aflci ihurch nehoalour pastor came before us and delivered an inspiring message from Isaiah 22:22: And the key 3f the house of David will I lay upon his shoulders; so he shall spen, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. Theme Christ Bears the Key as the Key to the. Kingdom of Heaven. Main topic, The Church. ST. PALL BAPTIST CHURCH ' Rev. L. B. Moon, Pastor Laurens.S. S. began at the usual hour with Supt. and teachers at their ppst. Class No. 5 Mrs Katie Hicks has charge now and the children are very happy to have her. BYPU is still progres sing. Rev. Johnson preached Sun day morning and the pastor will he with us throughout Sunday 16^ Rev. P. J. Barton o f White .rill TLf ro T r\%\ «oAM r mill Will sjicarv au» iuio. u wihiowm fl..h .1 ? RunHuy IfUh the public is invited. The public is invited to Mrs. Charlotte Thompson Friday nite, March 14 to a cake cutting. Come and be the lucky one. There will be $1 in the cake.Al8ou,99Jfl£., to C?4- Da«,1 \M or\ rlnu r»ierV\f lWorpVl 17 ou * OUI 1*1 uuuwjr ...fet.v, * . v.. - . and see the men dress in ladies clothes. You will enjoy this, don't miss it. The PhlpK Aid club me*- atf the home of Mrs. Mamie Thompson March 6th and will meet with Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, March 20th. The trio.of St..Paul'#.Junior choir sang from Anderson College Anderson, over Station WAIM Sun day. Friends here and elsewhere listened with interest.The Trio is composed of Mrs# Minnie Clinkscale, Teola Saxton, Minnie Irby. Mrs. M. C. Whitener pianist. They appeared at S*. Paul Rev^ Campbell, pastor for the evening services. John Robert Hunter, reporter. - f , , B PALMgnt^LftADteR GREENYlLtifi NEWS Miss Wtitle * Mae Robinson of New York Cfty is visiting^ her mother, Mrs. Ella Jtobinson of 402 Elford (St. Mrs. Fannie Knuckles Johnson died Tuesday morning at her xes idence near the old Spartanburg Toaxl. ^Surviving relatives are a husband, Mr. Walter Johnson, p daughter,several sons, brothers and sisters. Funeral services at Laurel Creek ~M. E, church Sunday [afternoon, franks and son in chart** Mr. and Mrs. Robert CalhoUn spent the week end in Abbeville visHing relatives. Mrr.Tohn S. Mills of Salisbury, N. C. was thei guest of Mr. and Mrs. B7F Young of Elford street Piiday evening;. U- Willi. T.~.. TI * -* Mon- iUl. TV 4|ilv? WHIIIC3 llUlll u* iUOlf ly St. left the city recently for -Southern Pines, N. C. . Mrs. M&rgie Poster and her bro ther Mr. Prince Perkins of the Woodruffs road were in "tire ctty "Monday on builnesr . It is reported that Rev. Theodore Drummond, a minister who was ordakned sometime ago at Springfield Baptist church, is now the pastor of two churches, one in Anderson county and the other in Spartanburg county. His Green ville .friends are wishing- for him continued success in his work. Mr. Conrad Gandy, a student of Benedict college in Columbia was the week end guest of his parents Rev. and Mrs.~C. F. Candy; Mr. Charles F. Gandy, Jr., of Washington, D. C., spent Sunday wit>, his-parents, Rev. and Mrs. CF. Gandy, He left Sunday night for Camp Dix I n New Jersey where he will be given a year*« training in army life. Rev. J. W. Walker, principal of Union-Gower St. school was the guest minister Springfield church Sunday. Rev. Walker preached at both morning and evening services. The Benedict College Singers, a mixed octet under the direction of Prof. S. Louis Finley, Jr., gave La vdr> rrfiilld ZlVfllfaVl n 111'Ji.ut v v.^ "t yu^ivn Friday evening. Those who brav ed the inclement weather and went out to-hear the singers had JUL occasiorr to -regret From becinning to end the program was_ replete with thrills for music lovars^ ..Selections by the octet, the male quartet, the female quartet and the baritone and soprano solos were all good. Prof. Finley's com position, "The ^aughmg Song", received greatest.»ppl«*me. And the delightfully smooth voice of one of the sopranos was heard in a number requested by* the audience. .Prof. Q. E. Kelson apolio brief" ly about the importance of the national defense program and reminded friends and adumni of Ben edict -that they are expected to share in the celb celebration of Founder's Day on. thel6th of this month. Prof. T. J.Hnnhorry. rvl Y ^ Official, was in the city last week on business.. .i NEW MT. ZIONBAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. J. Abney, Pastor Orancphnrc S (f. Mar/^VT Qfh ^ Sunday's bright sunshine brought many out who had been hibernat ing during the inclement weather. The morning services were well attended. Our pastor spoke from the subject: "The Abundant Life". It served to freshen our souls as a gentle rain refreshes a thirsty garden. Among our visitors was Mr. W. P. McLaughlin, a student of Benedict college, who spent the week end" with the pastor. Mr. McLaughlin has consented to organize a gospel chorus at New Ht. n and 'Wff are all leaking tnm> ward with pleasure to it. The Busy Bee club held it* reg alar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. F. Pierce on Treadwell -i. A. CI J * M sireei, ourmay aiiemoon ai lour ,Q^:lock. The meeting, however, was no usual one for Sunday marked another milestoone for the club, that being its 18th anniversary. It waff CfftebTated with a Family rally. "The Total amount raised was $16.25. Prizes were awarded to the three families reporting the- highest amount ol money. _ Mr. T. K. Bythewood presented the prizes to the following: 1st prize, Mrs. H. F. Pierce and famHy; 2nd prize, Rev. J. J. Abney and family; 3rd price, Mr. L. B. Frederick and family. After the rally a program was rendered by the following: Instrumental solo, Miss Cecelia Jonee; address, Squire Morgan; Solo, ' " wofcnis Buoma -. K. CHURCH Rev. R. I. Lemon, Pastor Charleston, S. C..Services at Morris Brown last Sunday, werr featured all day, with the preseuc . of Dr. S. R. Higgins, president a* Allen university, Columbia, S. C Dr. Higgins preached at both ser-~ vices, Ailing the place of Dr. J E. Thomas, the presiding elder of the Mt, Pleasant district who was confined at his home m Florence. ^ivith illness Dr. Higging preache<l a most inspiring sermon at 11 j a.m. based upon the theme "The | Incarnate Word". The text select ed for this service was John 1:15. A large congregation was pres ent and enjoyed the message brot by the speaker. The quintet fcqm *11"- nnivoraifv three female and two male members, rendered ef-fectrvely, several selections at, this sag-vice. Again at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Higgins preached to a large aieemblage, vising as subject "Wanted.A Kingly Complex" Ar spiritually enlivened. IAt both services, Allen's qumtet renderec selections which were well receiv ed, and which reflected credit upon the school, and those interested in <he development of this group. Virtually our . services were brought to the dose Of a per feet day. Our second tfuarterly conference :wfcs closed with the services on Sunday night. The elder was paid out in full. We express the hoperthat Dr. Thomas will soon be restored to his usual good health. Our force# at Morris Brown continue to work in the interest of our spring rally. It is heped that the goal that we seek will be realized at the close of the rally. Sister L. G. Davis at this writing is confined at her home with illness. Our Junior Church choir sponsored an entertainment last Monday night which was well receiv ed, and reflected credit to Bro. Robt. Gadsden the leader of this group, Ifo. Higgins during the entire day took the opportunity of emphasizing the claims of -Allen university in forceful^ and_ convincing terms. Many interesting, as .well as important^ facts, were brought to -the attention of the large congregation who listened with InterestPto the speaker. Oui senior choir, under the direction of Bro. W S. Grant, will motor to Georgetown on Wednesday to sing at Bethel AME church, that eitv. It is planned that the choir of Bethel will rn the near future, visit Morris Brov»n, exchanging this visit. We look forward to that event with pleasure. "Variety is the spice of life". Morris Brown still maintains her Forward Look MOUNTVILLE NEWS I Re^. and Mrs. W. L. Wilson and Mr." Ralph Pttghsley of Laurens, Ls..C were the afternoon and ^dinner JOTBtg of.Mn.and.M*»tI Toms. HpnH(>r!inn nnH tVieir itAnah ter, "Ethel Mae of Mountvirlle pun day. Mr. Lewis Henderson of Chester spent the week end with his parents. Mrs. Pelia Fowler, her son and daughter were visitors of her sister Mrs. Laura Holland of Clinton on Sunday. 1st NAZARETH BAPT CHURCH Rev. W. H. Neal, Pastor There was another wonderful program at the Veterans Hospital sponsored by Mrs. Julia Glenn and her Co-workers, which all the veterans enjoyed so much. Mrs Harris, Mr. J. C. Laury, Mr Mc Daniel were Mrs Glenn's assist ants for the evening. They will render an Easter program next second ^Stmday. ^...» mm fa S' Oisbiwj Paper,.Mrs F. Dwight. One ctf our visitors, Mrs. Taylor made a short talk in which she commended the President Mrs. R. F. Dwight on her splendid lead erahip or 18 years of cooperation and harmony. After the program a delicious course of ice cream and cake was served aVid souvenirs with the name of the club and its age on them were presented to the club and its visitors. Sunday night services were a continuation of the spiritual fer' vor of the day Our pastor exhorted us on the importance of preparation for e l personal account of which we shall not bo ashamed. are now looking forward to our annual spring rally which will occur on the fourth Sunday at 3 L o'ctofifc. "... " J Jtovaryone is iaVlttd to vlslt tfia little dhvirch with the big walcoma. t ^ ^ "r ST. fiTEPHKN A MB CHITBP H In spiteoT the COW weather Sunday was a lovely- -day, ami many of the church goers were seen on their way to the house oi worship. Morning worship begar at 11 o'clock. The pastor accompanied by the P. E. Rev.. T. J. ascended the rostrum. After preliminaries the pastor came forth and presented the P- E. He delivered a noble and heartfelt sermon from St. Luke 20:40, subject n.11. haart. wore »n feel glad while the man of God gave us thoughts for food. This sermon was indeed a masterpiece and it will long be remembered In the hearts of the hearers. The financial reports for the day were very goodT MARLBORO CO. TR. AND BENNKIT'S V1LLE HI NEWS There is to be held an annual boro County Training and Ben- netsville hifch school on Wednesday March 20th and Thursday, Slat: Since basketball is rapidly becoming one of the major high school sports j we feel that a tournament will help develop a spirit of friendly relationship among the school of this section. The following rules were drawn up for the conducting of our tour nament. * - 1. Any school may enter that has a basketball team and is train ed under a qualified person for at least two hours per week. 2. Each team shall pay an entrance fee of 50 cents. s ,8. No tetam shall be allowed to admit more than ten boys and twelve girls to the tournament games free. 4. All teachers of the schools talcing a part in the tournament shall be admitted to games free. 5. All schools planning to par ticlpate shall ha»e representatives at the Marlboro Co. Tr. and high school on Tuesday, March the 18, In order that the Bchedulp can be drawn up and drawing uf teams performed. 6. A trophy shall be given to the winning teamTahJ a plaque to the runner-up team. All information concerning t£iis tournament may be obtained from Principal C, D. Wright and Prof Prof. M. H. Robinson. The 10th grade of our school un der the supervision of Prof. M.H. Robinson, is planning an oratorical contest as a part of our spring events. The elimination-^, contest was held Thursday in the school auditorium, and as an outcome of this preliminary movement the speakers will be chosen. The Marlboro Co. Tr and Ben- nettaville high school PTA association "held its monthly meeting Tuesday night, March 4th in the school building. A very s{tfendird program was rendered by the teachers -of the school, but we were Wry that Ihete were.not- more parents present. Following this program there was a report given from the committee drawn up to devise means to enclose the school grounds. This committee is busy selecting wire material and other buildmg ne- cessitieg.o The hope of this association in that this neclosurecan be started before this school year is ended. Many of the patrons and teachers have already contribute their dollars and we sincerely hope that many more will see fit to do so. (ST. JAMEP A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. Win. McDonald, Pastor S. iS. was calledto order at 10 a.m. with officers present. Junior class No. 1 is holding the banner, Mrs, Lola Cheeky, teacher. Our pastor was indisposed Sunday to our reghet, however at 11:30 Rev. R. B. Gulden who is always willing to render service, brought a burning message from St. Mark 90:19, theme The Family Doctor. The Missionary society met at 5 o'clock with the president, Mrs Mary Phelps and a loyal number present. The Vice-President Mrs Wm. McDonald, presided. Sunday night Rev Golden deliv erad another wonderful message which was well received. The cluba and amilimries obiiTVetU thetr.astral.weekly.meetings. We invite you to St. James for inspiring service*. On the *icV list are Mr. Hence Byrd, Harry Mickens and M!rs. Harriett Rhodes. We are hoping for therti a speedy recovery. ^iiBacrihe Kor.~ The Palm'*":* leader ". '. . ~ \ J. x : ' 'i / ~...- ^ J" Saturday, March 15, 1941' : Gl»»8iBed Advsrt,iHing ,1 __ I r -. Coliimi} .i. Special Notices, Cards of Thanks Memoriams, Birth Announcement# Marriage Announcements, etc., ar charged for at the rate of 10c p* line. Cash must ricomuany th i . IN MEMORIAM In memory of Mis. Louisa Blak ely, our darling mother, who de' parted this life March 12, 1039. - Vou modo tha flight from earth ,J to heaven two years ago,' ; " To join our father who had left us ten years before. In the still hour8 of the night We think of you and the worl you have done. We seem to hear you whisper in the usual way ' That our burdens are lightet when we prav. "When.we.think- of the changes that have come to our home W* are made jLq lorget them, for I you come in a song. 1 When our eyes go out in search -of youf^T And your voice we long to hear: ..C ate vunaoicu xor you come in a prayer. We are working to be with you again some day," *" For you made the way possible vS hen you taught us 4o pray. The Children Lilla, George, Leevy and Spencer Blakely. ~~ P CARD OF THANKS . Newberry, S. C.->.I wish to thank all-the iriendg and neighbors of Summerville under the solicitation of- Mrs. Janre Nance for the lovely surprise on last Monday afternoon piounding nty mother, Mrs. Matilda Johnson who 'has been confined to bed Vour years. We feel very, very grateful to them, and will always remember them at the altar in days to come. Signed: V - (Mrs.) Mary F. Cleland daughter. CHARLESTON DISTRICT " WOMAN'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN- SF.RYICE E. L. Smyrl Jones ^Diat. Cor. Sac. The officials of the District are endeavoring to get the work lined * ^ up in the best shape The World's _ % Day of Prayer was observed by the District on Friday, Feb. 28tb at Old Rethel M Chvirch In Char leston. Mrs. A. E. Fields, the Chr of the Spiritual Life Com, assist ed by the Chr. of the Spiritual Life Com. of the Local Churches conducted a splendid service with about thirty-one persons attend ing, in spite of the severe cold weather. The four projects .sup ported thru the offering at this Service were presented and the Program was arranged TrbrrT material sent down to the Societies ^ . from the Spiritual T .iff Depnrt.r ment of the Woman's Division The Dist. Supt. Rev. S. M Miller closed the Service with an inspiring meditation We appreciated the presence and participation ol the ministers Who were with ue from the various Charges, also the members. Lenten envelopes are being sen! to the Socities and they are asked to the societies and they are askec on Good Fridav wVipn fVic omwi Opes are to be returned with a penny a day for each of the fort} days of Lent. We are asked to accompany each gift with a pray er. How great a service we can render for our Woman's Missionary Endeavor if we prove faithfwl The Executive Committee meets at Wesley M. Church in Charleson, on Saturday, March 15, at 11 a.m. Plans will be made for the Diatrict meeting prior to the Con _ feyence Spcicty meeting in June Reports of the Quarter's work will be made and the officials have been asked to bring some promo tionai objective for the next quar ter's work. The District President, Mrs. Ge neva Myers of Charleston has vis ited the Lanes and Greeleyville Charges in the interest of the Society. Reports to the Cor. Sec thus far, show that the Societies are being organized gradually the City Church Societies are gong forward nicely with the finan:iai actvities, as well as some of Personal visits have been made to St. JameB, St. Jude and on Sun day, March 16th, I am scheduled to be with the Society at Wesley M Church on the Pinopolis charge the Rev. L.C. Mahoney, pastor Mrs. Nancy Joy of Monck's Cor : ner. Pres. Contacts are being made with Local Cor. Sees, foi future visits elsewhere. L f - ^ -u-> J .'jr,ri ..i'ja'.'-in -Vr

Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-03-15 [p Page …historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067919/1941-03-15/ed...[,

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By John D. ReynoldsThe South Carolinu Athietic

» t Conference has just completedS il one of the most successful basket

:g< the Annual Tournament held atBooker Wahington on Friday and

-E Saturday of last week was a fit!['^ ting culmination of this year's ef~

f"|~ fOlltg on the part ol _the confer|L-ence. A large number of schools£i- participated in the play-off games

which began early Friday mornfcl' «ncr Mnro thnn two hundred rdav I

ers, coaches and chaperons at

l i " tended the tournament and were

guests of the school during these

frf two davs. Results of the toumamentare as follows: In the ope«^E inC g0 '* the tournament FriBg.day morning, Mather Academy

H_- easily disposed of Jackson HighSchool of Camden, 35-19; in thesecond game, Harbison Institute

t-1 44-10- th^(» werelthe only two games in the morn

r* 5t*pt q^ag'nn ^ndny, thefact that the tournament got off

Li to a latestart. The remaininggames followed in the order given

ft-? Avery girls 39, Lancaser girls 6;Boys: Burke, Charleston, 39-Avcry, Charleston 34; Boys, Butlei26, Tomlinson 9; Girls, Finley Hi31, Immaculate Conception 18,"Boys, Booker Washington, 29, Im

j | maculate Conception 23; Girls,i v. Avery 33, Booker Washington 30;

- t- 1 C lk -

in what was prooaoiy one 01 uie

\"? best games of the entire tournamentBurke Industrial School ofharh*ston lost a. .Dirillmg _.game;

to the^famcd Mather- Blue DevilsiTr T~ :

Saturday morning, 25^28; Matht-U pr had to come from behind on

[, <^9jk reveral occasions to tie the score

and finally had to freeze the Ballin the final moments of the game

Boys Harbison 35, Coulter 27;Girls, Butler High 28, Harbison24_t Boys,. Finley 28, Butler 26;Girls, Avery 27, Finley 15. Inthe late afternoon, Booker Washingtonboys were eliminated in a

gruelling game- with the.MatherBlue Devils 26-29; Girls, Butler


g* . 16, Jackson 9; Boys, Harbison 28i' Finley 21. In the final games Sat

urday nightr the following" learnswere represented; Finley girls vs

Jackson High girls (consolationbracket). Booker -Washingtonboys vs Finley boys_ (consolationbracket); Avery girls vs

girls, (championship); Mather]boys vs Harbison boys, winners-and-Finley.8,- Jackson itBookerWashington 10, Finley 20;Tn t" Vl n frntrlo r»f.+ V»r»- miulnN

... v/-» mvsnillCf

Avery girls nosed out Butlei. grrfs.29-28..tmd.found.it heees

: c'ory to r^nort to the act of freezingthe ball in the final moments* oL the game. The Mather vs Harbisonboys game (final) was a

little more close than was expected; Mather had more than a liitie trouble in disposing of Harbison.to win the-title Tl.Ml Pham_.plow* tho ;ir 1er Academy boy's and Avery Institutegirls_each. player of whichteam received a beautiful goldbasketball. Winner of the Destsportsman award is Johnie FieldsBooker Washington and W. .RishJrer.uf Avery. The best sjiorts^

' (team), Avery. Team with fewestfouls.bovs, Tomlinson, numberof fouls 12. Team with the fewest

" -fouls, girls, Lancaster, number offouls 17; Highest team acore_fctthoys goes to Harbison Institutewith 1.10 points; for girls Avery«»UU 1 ri<5 TT -1 . r-51»»-*«,« mo. xiipnesi individual scorefor boys poos to Foster of Harbison with G8 points; for girls, WRisher of Avery with -48 pointsThe Booker Washington facultyand student body, and the officer*

f and members of the South CaroUna Athletic Conference wish totake th'is opportunity to expresstheir thanks and appreciation tojthose persons in the etty who exi

ing this tournament a success.Our thanks especially to the presidentsof the two colleges, Dr

*. Rtarks and Dr. Higgins for making it possible-to house most ofthe players and their coaches mthese two institutions.

1As has been previously announcedBooker Washington i s

otie of the thirteen sehools-engaged in the Secondary EducationStudy being conducted ~by theSouthern Association. Oppoitunit>

. is being.given.to.some- teachersto -visit other schools whch are

£ _also engaged in the study in order

r "'that observations may be madeas to juat what is being done andto gain many valuable ideas. Thisweek, Monday, Tuesday and WecLnesday, five teachers from this

K sehool guests (ft Mr. W. A,Ik'. Robinson at the Atlanta Univer

sity laboratory School, Atlanta,Ga. There teachers are; Miss M.




The Parent-Teacher association,of Howard School held itsegular monthly meeting Tuesday *

night, March 4th at 8 o'clock in c

the school building, Mr. Harry JThe \Choral Club sang two se T

lections^ Sweet and low andThree Blind Mice. Misses Roweu nd Rutherford were in charge of

thi&group. Prayer was offered(Miss R. C. Watson. Till1 minuteswereread and adopted.

The pupils of the first grade !(under the guidance of Miss C.K 1Gordon) rendered three numbersA. dramatization of "Little MissMuffet," and two numbers by th< '

R°"'l The pa rents u/pi p

hen entertained by an Education- '

-nl.Picture,."Animal.Life".whiehvii.sgre.atly enjqyed. 1

Principal Madden informed the -s

members that the membership ;irive The State PTA had begunutut asked that each member reg

:sterone hundred per cent.Miss Gordon having the-largest

numberof parents present was

presented the banner by Mr. CRobinson.From all indications thj par

ents were highly pleased with:he meeting and a willingness wasshown in cooperating in the PTAIrive.


Sunday was our regular meetingday at Bethel CME churchRev. W. E. Wilson delivered a{£_-soul'-, stirring sermon. We werevery glad -.1g> have Profs. C. ARuben, C, B. Toomer and MissL. T. Sewell t0 worship with us ]Sunday school began at the us

ual hour with all officers at theirposts of duty.

Prayer service began at 7:45p.m. conducted by Rev. W.M. Da-vis. After which the pastor brotus a wonderful message.

Little Miss Helen Amos enter-tamed seven of .her girl friendson her birthday, Feb. 24th. Thearirls enjoyed the evening playing \games until a late hour; when ,

=taku__ and ks cream was servedby Mrs. Noah Amos. Each guest <

-brmigHtt a lovely gift to Helen.( ^

-Those.present-were JLuth Myles._

Pauline Matthews, Virginia Da- i

vis, Lula Edwards, Lucile Ellis, jLue- Heten Attdway, Phoebe Ru"bt'ns,Misses L. T. Sewell, Thoma- (

sina~"Holmes; Edith Frazrer andMamie Peterson. "

Mr. ani? Mrs. C. P. Pope attended services at Rock Hill Baptist (church the 1st Sunday near Sa- ]li.da.A certain somebody *is all smil- ~j

ihg i?i town. Guess everybodyknows why. Ai



Rev. B. F. Stewart, Pastor

(Vidlford, S. (/.. the Sunday 1school was open^tl. at the usualhour with s'upt. J«- B Foster at his 1post «f duty.- We were fortuhate ito have Prof. Roy itffl and all ot I»his teachers in our Sunday school.Piof. Hill taught class -No. 1; <

Prcf; C. C. Roberson, class No. 2and Mitis Hilda Hunt class No. 3.The lesson was beautifully dis- Lcussed in the various classes af-ter which the pastor brought outmany fine points whrle reviewingthe lesson.


.The morning service began ai12 o'clock. The pastor chosed a?text Gal. 3:16, theme The UnchangeablePromise. From whichhe delivered a strong message.The BTU met at seven o'clock

"Everyone exhibited a spirit to addnew life to the BTU throughout-the, year. '

The pastor delivered a heartfeltmessage at the evening se^viee

takenfrom Ezekrel 2:1, subjectTffinTn on -rrrrr WA ftwl gmu1ful to our pastor for the splendidservice he has rendered during theseventeen years he has been withis. We pay a warm tribute tohini for the wonderful work hehas done t0 help build up oui

church and community. His ser

vice has been most commendableWith this great man to stand byus we are planning bigger and better thmgn for the future.

L. Lawrence, Mr. J. H. WhitemanMiss M. R. Saxon, Miss H. ESawyer and.Mr. O..A.Griffin.

Sometime during next week a

group from the Junior Hi Schoolwill visit the Booker WashingtonHigh School, Newport News, Va.Pmcipal J. Andrew 8immon#

oas announced the schedule o 1commencement activities. Th<-firat activity cm the calendar wHhlbe held on Palm Sunday, April 6A complete schedule of activities'will be announced at a later date |

». TH1


. B. Sander*, Reporter .

The farmers were held up a litlelast week from planting on ac

:ount of the heavy rain and coldvave in our section.l!rs._Minnie Alston returned homeifter spending" * long vaoation i»iacksonvrlle, Fla., with her son and

family Mr. Edgar Alston. Shereported a pleasant trip.Mrs. Augustana Brown, Cohen

Hailey were called to Cheraw tcspend awhile with her hiotliei MiHarry Brown during his Illness3he returned full of smiles over

lis improvement.Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes had

*m ^their home painted on Majtfial

street and it rs looking like a new

place altogether. Where there isunion there is strength.

Prof.j and Mtb. A., S. Sanderspf Swansea; Miss Mabel Reese andMiss Ella Reese instructors In. thrrgraded school, Batesburgj: MissFrancis Morris of ColumbiM* MissRnehei rheen teacher pf Florenceand Miss Rophine McColhim ofDillon high school spent the.>> ekend home with parents^and friends.All vpnnrterl a aiiceessfnl term to

ilatc in their school*."Rev. A. J. Wright spoke from'

the snbjpct The Certainty of GodSunday mooning. When in theity visit us. He also stressedFounders day at Benedict collegeMarch 16th. A large number willwitness the program at the collefce_ Sunday evening.The stork made a pop call to

Mr. and Mrs. N. Nicholas and lefta fine g'irl baby. Mother andbaby ure during nicely.Mrs. 12mm A D. Hanna spent *

Few hours in Columbia last weekvisiting her husband Dr. W.Hanna and reported he is tmproving nicely and will soon returnhome.Our sick friends: Mrs. Kizzie

Moore, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs LBrockington, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. NThomas, Mr. C. McCollum, RevWilliams, Mrs. Goodman and MrsVr. Sanders.Mrs. Allen Robinson and daugh

ter, MissA! ftoblnson "were trrthe city Sunday making visits toaid friends.Mrs. Thomasena P. Beesley ir

aut again after a few days illnesstvi^h the flu.Mr. Henry Zimmerman is in Co

lumbia doing^sbme special.paintingfor Prof, and Mrs. John ReeseThe recreation scnool for colaredchildren from 3 to 6 years ol

age is doing nicely in their reapeningin one of the Sundayschool rooms in Shiloh Baptistchurch on Cheraw St. Mrs. CKing supervisor.Mr. J. Bradford and son H

Bradford Mr. J. Prince ami smr

Mr Joseph Prince spent awhilen Cheraw visiting Mr. McKnightmd Mr. Shields.

St. Michael Methodist ChurchRev. W. J. Gupple, Pastor

Sunday school lesson was inrerostingly and.timely taught byTic IMOhlTS..Aflci ihurch nehoalourpastor came before us anddelivered an inspiring messagefrom Isaiah 22:22: And the key3f the house of David will I layupon his shoulders; so he shallspen, and none shall shut; and heshall shut, and none shall open.Theme Christ Bears the Key as

the Key to the. Kingdom of Heaven.Main topic, The Church.

ST. PALL BAPTIST CHURCH' Rev. L. B. Moon, Pastor

Laurens.S. S. began at the usualhour with Supt. and teachersat their ppst. Class No. 5 MrsKatie Hicks has charge now andthe children are very happy to

have her. BYPU is still progressing. Rev. Johnson preached Sunday morning and the pastor willhe with us throughout Sunday 16^

Rev. P. J. Barton o f White.rill TLf ro T r\%\«oAM

r mill Will sjicarv au» iuio. u wihiowm

fl..h .1 ? RunHuy IfUh the

public is invited.The public is invited to Mrs.

Charlotte Thompson Friday nite,March 14 to a cake cutting. Comeand be the lucky one. There willbe $1 in the cake.Al8ou,99Jfl£., toC?4- Da«,1 \M or\rlnu r»ierV\f lWorpVl 17ou * OUI 1*1uuuwjr ...fet.v, *.v.. - .

and see the men dress in ladiesclothes. You will enjoy this, don'tmiss it.The PhlpK Aid club me*- atf the

home of Mrs. Mamie ThompsonMarch 6th and will meet with Mr.and Mrs. John Mills, March 20th.The trio.of St..Paul'#.Junior

choir sang from Anderson CollegeAnderson, over Station WAIM Sunday. Friends here and elsewherelistened with interest.The Trio iscomposed of Mrs# Minnie Clinkscale,Teola Saxton, Minnie Irby.Mrs. M. C. Whitener pianist. Theyappeared at S*. Paul Rev^ Campbell,pastor for the evening services.John Robert Hunter, reporter.


f, ,


Miss Wtitle * Mae Robinson ofNew York Cfty is visiting^ hermother, Mrs. Ella Jtobinson of 402Elford (St.

Mrs. Fannie Knuckles Johnsondied Tuesday morning at her xesidence near the old SpartanburgToaxl. ^Surviving relatives are a

husband, Mr. Walter Johnson, p

daughter,several sons, brothersand sisters. Funeral services atLaurel Creek ~M. E, church Sunday[afternoon, franks and son inchart**Mr. and Mrs. Robert CalhoUn spentthe week end in Abbeville visHingrelatives.

Mrr.Tohn S. Mills of Salisbury,N. C. was thei guest of Mr. andMrs. B7F Young of Elford streetPiiday evening;.U- Willi. T.~.. TI * -* Mon-iUl. TV 4|ilv? WHIIIC3 llUlll u* iUOlf

ly St. left the city recently for-Southern Pines, N. C. .

Mrs. M&rgie Poster and her brother Mr. Prince Perkins of theWoodruffs road were in "tire ctty"Monday on builnesr.

It is reported that Rev. TheodoreDrummond, a minister whowas ordakned sometime ago at

Springfield Baptist church, is now

the pastor of two churches, one inAnderson county and the other inSpartanburg county. His Greenville .friends are wishing- for himcontinued success in his work.

Mr. Conrad Gandy, a student ofBenedict college in Columbia was

the week end guest of his parentsRev. and Mrs.~C. F. Candy;

Mr. Charles F. Gandy, Jr., ofWashington, D. C., spent Sundaywit>, his-parents, Rev. and Mrs. CF.Gandy, He left Sunday nightfor Camp Dix I n New Jerseywhere he will be given a year*«training in army life.

Rev. J. W. Walker, principal ofUnion-Gower St. school was theguest minister Springfield churchSunday. Rev. Walker preached atboth morning and evening services.

The Benedict College Singers,a mixed octet under the directionof Prof. S. Louis Finley, Jr., gave

La vdr> rrfiilld ZlVfllfaVln 111'Ji.ut v v.^ "t yu^ivn

Friday evening. Those who braved the inclement weather and wentout to-hear the singers had JULoccasiorr to -regret Frombecinningto end the program was_replete with thrills for music lovars^..Selections by the octet, themale quartet, the female quartetand the baritone and soprano soloswere all good. Prof. Finley's com

position, "The ^aughmg Song",received greatest.»ppl«*me. Andthe delightfully smooth voice ofone of the sopranos was heard ina number requested by* the audience..Prof. Q. E. Kelson apolio brief"ly about the importance of thenational defense program and remindedfriends and adumni of Benedict -that they are expected toshare in the celb celebration ofFounder's Day on. thel6th of thismonth.

Prof. T. J.Hnnhorry. rvl Y ^ Official,was in the city last weekon business.. .i


Rev. J. J. Abney, Pastor

Orancphnrc S (f. Mar/^VT Qfh ^

Sunday's bright sunshine broughtmany out who had been hibernating during the inclement weather.The morning services were well

attended. Our pastor spoke fromthe subject: "The Abundant Life".It served to freshen our souls as

a gentle rain refreshes a thirstygarden.Among our visitors was Mr. W.

P. McLaughlin, a student of Benedictcollege, who spent the weekend" with the pastor. Mr. McLaughlinhas consented to organizea gospel chorus at New Ht.

n and 'Wff are all leaking tnm>ward with pleasure to it.The Busy Bee club held it* reg

alar monthly meeting at the homeof Mrs. H. F. Pierce on Treadwell-i. A. CI J * Msireei, ourmay aiiemoon ai lour

,Q^:lock.The meeting, however, was no

usual one for Sunday marked anothermilestoone for the club,that being its 18th anniversary.

It waff CfftebTated with a Familyrally. "The Total amountraised was $16.25. Prizes were awardedto the three families reportingthe- highest amount olmoney. _Mr. T. K. Bythewood presented

the prizes to the following: 1stprize, Mrs. H. F. Pierce and famHy;2nd prize, Rev. J. J. Abneyand family; 3rd price, Mr. L. B.Frederick and family.

Afterthe rally a program wasrendered by the following: Instrumentalsolo, Miss Cecelia Jonee;address, Squire Morgan; Solo,

' "

wofcnis Buoma -.

K. CHURCHRev. R. I. Lemon, Pastor

Charleston, S. C..Services atMorris Brown last Sunday, werrfeatured all day, with the preseuc

. of Dr. S. R. Higgins, president a*Allen university, Columbia, S. CDr. Higgins preached at both ser-~vices, Ailing the place of Dr. JE. Thomas, the presiding elder ofthe Mt, Pleasant district who wasconfined at his home m Florence.

^ivith illness Dr. Higging preache<la most inspiring sermon at 11j a.m. based upon the theme "The| Incarnate Word". The text selected for this service was John 1:15.A large congregation was present and enjoyed the message brotby the speaker. The quintet fcqm*11"- nnivoraifv three female andtwo male members, rendered ef-fectrvely,several selections at, thissag-vice. Again at 7:30 p.m. Dr.Higgins preached to a large aieemblage,vising as subject"Wanted.A Kingly Complex" Ar

spiritually enlivened. IAt bothservices, Allen's qumtet renderecselections which were well received, and which reflected credit uponthe school, and those interestedin <he development of thisgroup. Virtually our . serviceswere brought to the dose Of a perfeet day. Our second tfuarterlyconference :wfcs closed with theservices on Sunday night. Theelder was paid out in full. Weexpress the hoperthat Dr. Thomaswill soon be restored to his usualgood health.Our force# at Morris Brown

continue to work in the interest ofour spring rally. It is heped thatthe goal that we seek will be realizedat the close of the rally.

Sister L. G. Davis at this writingis confined at her home withillness.Our Junior Church choir sponsoredan entertainment last Mondaynight which was well receiv

ed, and reflected credit to Bro.Robt. Gadsden the leader of thisgroup,

Ifo. Higgins during the entireday took the opportunity of emphasizingthe claims of -Allen universityin forceful^ and_ convincingterms. Many interesting, as

.well as important^ facts, were

brought to -the attention of thelarge congregation who listenedwith InterestPto the speaker. Ouisenior choir, under the directionof Bro. W S. Grant, will motor toGeorgetown on Wednesday to singat Bethel AME church, that eitv.It is planned that the choir ofBethel will rn the near future,visit Morris Brov»n, exchangingthis visit. We look forward to thatevent with pleasure. "Variety isthe spice of life". Morris Brownstill maintains her Forward Look


I Re^. and Mrs. W. L. Wilson andMr." Ralph Pttghsley of Laurens,Ls..C were the afternoon and^dinner JOTBtg of.Mn.and.M*»tIToms. HpnH(>r!inn nnH tVieir itAnah

ter, "Ethel Mae of Mountvirlle punday.

Mr. Lewis Henderson of Chesterspent the week end with hisparents.Mrs. Pelia Fowler, her son and

daughter were visitors of her sisterMrs. Laura Holland of Clintonon Sunday.

1st NAZARETH BAPT CHURCHRev. W. H. Neal, Pastor

There was another wonderfulprogram at the Veterans Hospitalsponsored by Mrs. Julia Glennand her Co-workers, which all theveterans enjoyed so much. MrsHarris, Mr. J. C. Laury, Mr McDaniel were Mrs Glenn's assistants for the evening. They willrender an Easter program nextsecond ^Stmday. ^...»

mm fa S' Oisbiwj Paper,.MrsF. Dwight.One ctf our visitors, Mrs. Taylormade a short talk in which

she commended the President Mrs.R. F. Dwight on her splendid leaderahip or 18 years of cooperationand harmony. After the programa delicious course of ice cream andcake was served aVid souvenirswith the name of the club and itsage on them were presented to theclub and its visitors.

Sunday night services were a

continuation of the spiritual fer'vor of the dayOur pastor exhorted us on the

importance of preparation for e

l personal account of which we shallnot bo ashamed.W« are now looking forward to

our annual spring rally which willoccur on the fourth Sunday at 3

L o'ctofifc. "..." J Jtovaryone is iaVlttd to vlslt tfialittle dhvirch with the big walcoma.


^ ^ "r


In spiteoT the COW weatherSunday was a lovely- -day, amimany of the church goers were

seen on their way to the house oiworship. Morning worship begarat 11 o'clock. The pastor accompaniedby the P. E. Rev.. T. J.

ascended the rostrum. After preliminariesthe pastor came forthand presented the P- E. He delivereda noble and heartfelt sermonfrom St. Luke 20:40, subject

n.11. haart. wore »n

feel glad while the man of Godgave us thoughts for food. Thissermon was indeed a masterpieceand it will long be rememberedIn the hearts of the hearers. Thefinancial reports for the day were

very goodT


There is to be held an annual

boro County Training and Ben-netsville hifch school on WednesdayMarch 20th and Thursday, Slat:

Since basketball is rapidly becomingone of the major highschool sports j we feel that a tournamentwill help develop a spiritof friendly relationship among theschool of this section.The following rules were drawn

up for the conducting of our tournament. *

-1. Any school may enter thathas a basketball team and is trained under a qualified person for atleast two hours per week.

2. Each team shall pay an entrancefee of 50 cents.s ,8. No tetam shall be allowed toadmit more than ten boys andtwelve girls to the tournamentgames free.

4. All teachers of the schoolstalcing a part in the tournamentshall be admitted to games free.

5. All schools planning to particlpate shall ha»e representativesat the Marlboro Co. Tr. and highschool on Tuesday, March the 18,In order that the Bchedulp can bedrawn up and drawing uf teamsperformed.

6. A trophy shall be given tothe winning teamTahJ a plaque tothe runner-up team.

All information concerning t£iistournament may be obtained fromPrincipal C, D. Wright and ProfProf. M. H. Robinson.The 10th grade of our school un

der the supervision of Prof. M.H.Robinson, is planning an oratoricalcontest as a part of our springevents. The elimination-^, contestwas held Thursday in the schoolauditorium, and as an outcome ofthis preliminary movement thespeakers will be chosen.The Marlboro Co. Tr and Ben-

nettaville high school PTA association"held its monthly meetingTuesday night, March 4th in theschool building. A very s{tfendirdprogram was rendered by the teachers-of the school, but we were

Wry that Ihete were.not- more

parents present.Following this program there

was a report given from the committeedrawn up to devise means

to enclose the school grounds. Thiscommittee is busy selecting wirematerial and other buildmg ne-

cessitieg.o The hope of this associationin that this neclosurecanbe started before this school yearis ended. Many of the patronsand teachers have already contributetheir dollars and we sincerelyhope that many more will see

fit to do so.


Rev. Win. McDonald, Pastor

S. iS. was calledto order at 10a.m. with officers present. Juniorclass No. 1 is holding the banner,Mrs, Lola Cheeky, teacher.Our pastor was indisposed Sundayto our reghet, however at 11:30Rev. R. B. Gulden who is alwayswilling to render service,

brought u« a burning messagefrom St. Mark 90:19, theme TheFamily Doctor.The Missionary society met at

5 o'clock with the president, MrsMary Phelps and a loyal numberpresent. The Vice-President MrsWm. McDonald, presided.Sunday night Rev Golden deliv

erad another wonderful messagewhich was well received.

The cluba and amilimries obiiTVetUthetr.astral.weekly.meetings.We invite you to St. James for

inspiring service*.On the *icV list are Mr. Hence

Byrd, Harry Mickens and M!rs.Harriett Rhodes. We are hopingfor therti a speedy recovery.

^iiBacrihe Kor.~The Palm'*":* leader". '. . ~ \J. x :


'i / ~...-

^ J"Saturday, March 15, 1941'

: Gl»»8iBed Advsrt,iHing ,1 __Ir -. Coliimi} .i.

Special Notices, Cards of ThanksMemoriams, Birth Announcement#Marriage Announcements, etc., ar

charged for at the rate of 10c p*line. Cash must ricomuany th


In memory of Mis. Louisa Blakely, our darling mother, who de'parted this life March 12, 1039.

- Vou modo tha flight from earth ,Jto heaven two years ago,' ;


To join our father who had leftus ten years before.

In the still hour8 of the nightWe think of you and the worl

you have done.We seem to hear you whisper inthe usual way '

That our burdens are lightetwhen we prav.

"When.we.think- of the changesthat have come to our homeW* are made jLq lorget them, for I

you come in a song. 1When our eyes go out in search-of youf^T

And your voice we long to hear:..C ate vunaoicu xor you

come in a prayer.We are working to be with youagain some day," *"

For you made the way possiblevS hen you taught us 4o pray.The Children

Lilla, George, Leevy andSpencer Blakely. ~~



Newberry, S. C.->.I wish tothank all-the iriendg and neighborsof Summerville under thesolicitation of- Mrs. Janre Nancefor the lovely surprise on lastMonday afternoon piounding ntymother, Mrs. Matilda Johnson who'has been confined to bed Vouryears. We feel very, very gratefulto them, and will always rememberthem at the altar in daysto come.

Signed: V- (Mrs.) Mary F. Cleland




E. L. Smyrl Jones^Diat. Cor. Sac.

The officials of the District are

endeavoring to get the work lined *

^up in the best shape The World's _ %Day of Prayer was observed bythe District on Friday, Feb. 28tbat Old Rethel M Chvirch In Charleston. Mrs. A. E. Fields, the Chrof the Spiritual Life Com, assisted by the Chr. of the SpiritualLife Com. of the Local Churchesconducted a splendid service withabout thirty-one persons attending, in spite of the severe coldweather. The four projects .supported thru the offering at thisService were presented and theProgram was arranged TrbrrT materialsent down to the Societies ^

. from the Spiritual T .iff Depnrt.rment of the Woman's DivisionThe Dist. Supt. Rev. S. M Millerclosed the Service with an inspiringmeditation We appreciatedthe presence and participation olthe ministers Who were with uefrom the various Charges, alsothe members.Lenten envelopes are being sen!

to the Socities and they are askedto the societies and they are askecon Good Fridav wVipn fVic omwi

Opes are to be returned with a

penny a day for each of the fort}days of Lent. We are asked toaccompany each gift with a prayer. How great a service we can

renderfor our Woman's MissionaryEndeavor if we prove faithfwlThe Executive Committee meets

at Wesley M. Church in Charleson,on Saturday, March 15, at 11a.m. Plans will be made for theDiatrict meeting prior to the Con

_ feyence Spcicty meeting in JuneReports of the Quarter's workwill be made and the officials havebeen asked to bring some promotionai objective for the next quarter's work.The District President, Mrs. Ge

neva Myers of Charleston has visited the Lanes and GreeleyvilleCharges in the interest of theSociety. Reports to the Cor. Secthus far, show that the Societiesare being organized graduallythe City Church Societies are gongforward nicely with the finan:iaiactvities, as well as some of

Personal visits have been madeto St. JameB, St. Jude and on Sunday, March 16th, I am scheduledto be with the Society at WesleyM Church on the Pinopolis chargethe Rev. L.C. Mahoney, pastorMrs. Nancy Joy of Monck's Cor

: ner. Pres. Contacts are beingmade with Local Cor. Sees, foifuture visits elsewhere. L

f -

^ -u->J .'jr,ri ..i'ja'.'-in -Vr