TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY SEPTEMBEE 1 1900 2 THE EVENTNff I I Republicans Said to Have Retro- graded to SlaveHolding Views Comments Upon tIle Iollc evident McICInlcy Iiy Vcraot the Part o Administration Clinrsed AVIt- lFniiU A has been prepared by Democratic T i rs a collection of adverse opinions ex- pressed by former Republicans on ins pol icy of the present Administration No ef fort has been put forth to maKe the list a complete one the only attempt bsing to show the general note of discord which is sounding in the Republican party William Lloyd Garrison at the annual meeting of the Progressive Frieuds Long wood Pa June 10 1S99 used these words More than all else we have weakened faith in ideals accustomed ourselves to brutality retrograded to slaveholding views as regards the treatment of socalled inferior races discarded the saving nod immortal essence of Lincolns Gettysburg address and Lowells supreme gospel of Democracy Brotherly love selfrespect honesty character decency all these we are asked to barter for the Philippines with their inevitable train of new wars hatreds selfcontempt murder and dis easeMr Garrison also said Whittiers ring ing question is again in order Is the dollar only real God and truth anti right a dream Weighed against your lying must our manhood kick the Sidney Edgertcn one of the founders ol the Republican party in a letter to Senator Hanna dated June 5 WOO said The Philadelphia Convention of this year will be made up of men in whose view the principles of Washington and Jefferson are avowedly antiquated and out of date useful only in the orations of the Fourth of July or the warmedover porch platitudes of a political campaign and it will in terms countenance a policy which denies to ICOGOCCO persons within our ex- clusive jurisdiction the inalienable rights which in its earlier days the Republican thus guaranteed a policy which its purpose of governing subject peoples without their consent outside constitutional principles and safeguards at the caprice of irresponsible appointees or a venal majority in Congress and in flagrant and derisive violation of the rrin- ciples of Washington and Jefferson and those promulgated in the Declaration Independence and embodied in the Federal Constitution Your Convention will vociferously up hold and applaud the dotage of an Admin- istration which doubling In its own track within a space of sixty ays has broken faith with an innocent and confiding peo- ple who by the hazards of war passed un der its jurisdiction an act rightly char- acterized by itself as the breach of a plain duty at the command of the and mercenary appetite for plunder pos- sessed by those by whom that Administra- tion was created and which thus is con- strained to remember its creator Mr Justice Brewer of the Court of the United States in a before the Liberal Club of Buffalo X Y said To man nation comes the t decide lo the strife of truth with falsehood for the or evil side Trath forever on the scaffold wrtujgr forever o the throne Yet that scaffold sways the future ard the dim unknown SteTHfeth God with the sliadavr fccepins above ISis own With thesGL problems resting upon burdening the nation is it wise to thro UDon it the awful problem of dealing millions far more incapable of and unuse fo selfgovernment Can we expect find safety in adding to our difficulties Can we relieve against one problem o dealing with ignorant and unfit hero by adding millions more to the prob- lem This is no trilling question and i not answered by any gush about duty destiny in fact all this talk about des tiny is wearisome We make our own des tiny We aie not the victims but the of fate and to attempt to upon the Almighty responsibility for lbs which we choose to do is not only an in suit to Him but to ordinary human Intel ligence John Sherman in an address at a sol diers reunion at Mansfield in August 1S9 said of the Philippine war It is an un necessary war an uncalled for war an unjust war Patrick OFarrell of Washington in speech at Cooper Union N Y said I rs member when I first saw the sacred soil i Virginia during the great civil war ye the great war read a sign o a large brick building in Alexandria Birch Co dealer in slaves- I remained South long enough to that slavery business to death Oh I awfully proud that I was an Abolitionis and a Republican in those days Thos were the days of Lincoln and liberty No when I walk up Pennsylvania Avenue look up at the White House and am Tied back to the days of Price Birch Co dealer In slaves and I read on tha White House in Imaginary lines McKinley Co wholesale dealers in Fil iplno slaves ExSpeaker Reed who liSa declined t make campaign speeches in support of th Administration is reported to have said Empire can wait ExPresident Harrison whose apathy has disturbed the Republican managers said in reference to the Porto Rican It Is a departure from correct piesGen John Beatty of Ohio has said The Republican ticket nominated Philadelphia is made up of a civil frau ENDURED DEATHS AGOXIES Only a roaring fire enabled J JL of San Antonio Tex to lie down when by Asthma from which he suffered for years writes his misery was often so great that seemed he endured the agonies of death but D lings Nor Discovery for Consumption wholl cured him This marvelous medicine is the known cure for Asthma as well as Coughs and Colds and all Throat Chest an Lung troubles Price SOc and 100 Guarantee Trial bottles free at Henry Evans Drug Store Economy Hall Wonder what JlertE f will say today ECONOMY HALL is the best place in town to have your clothes made Economy fitness and goodness com- bined See the Trousers were sell CO Ing to order at JOi Youd pay some other tailor and be S2I3 out of pocket MERTZ and MERTZ- tconomy Tlall 000 and 908 F St EMPIRE CONlE1JED Adverse ofI Lincoln Vcnkcning of uericnnl There ledges part of of conscienc spe motet t fo libertyI onl I t t I f I t J F 6 f t 1 H 1 IH I ift Men Who 1ie every and mat- ters I 4 1 ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + + + + ++ ++ for its head and a military fraud for its tail The war which the United States is now waging in the Philippine Islands is a war of conquest and subjugation As such it contradicts the declaration and professions of our whole history and is subversive of the very ground work of our Government It means a revolution not in the Philippine Islands only but a revo- lution at tome which if successful will ultimately change this republic into an empire General Lawton is reported on the au thority of the Rev Peter McQueen of West Somerville llass to have said we want is to stop this damna- ble war It is time for diplomacy time for mutual understanding LOCAL DSSIQCSATIC ISSEtrrHGS Ibid Toiiafrlii and a ncr Hnisctl Two Democratic meetings are scheduled to talce place in Washington tonight The Central Democratic Club will meet at Costellos Hall at the corner of Sixth and G Street at S oclock Several speakers of local prominence will make addresses There will be a banner raising by the District of Columbia Democratic Associa tion at 730 when a large Bryan and Ste- venson banner will be suspended above Pennsylvania Avenue Following this there will be speeches in the hall cf the as sociation 904 Pennsylvania Avenue The National Independent Political Union a colored organization which was formed in 1876 and which in 1888 united with the National AssociaUonybf Demo cratic Clubs met last evening at 212 S Street nOrthwest The club was reorgan ied R E Gilchrist was elected tem- porary chairman and J T C Newsom tem- porary secretary Permanent officers were elected as fol- lows L C Moore president A Worth- ington Brinctley vice president R E Gilchrist secretary J L as- sistant secretary William Sewall treas- urer H H Tate first assistant treasurer and James H Marshall sergeantatarms Executive T C New chairman A W Brinckley vice chairman Joseph C Cunningham John Duker U S Brown L C Campbell i William Sewall and Joseph Blackman- i The next meeiing of the club will be held j on Wednesday September 5 at 1013 York Avenue The organization issues the following Invitation All members of the union and others opposing the imperialistic tendency of the present trustridden Administration re- gardless of past political affiliation ere earnestly requested to be present A WASSTCTS TO ADDICKS ti PiKlit in Delaware WILMINGTON Del Sept has j been considerable talk about Republican harmony in all the counties and H H Billany chairman of the AntiAddicks Harmony Committee yesterday sent a let- ter to Chairman Ewart of the Addicks committee in which he rays I am instructed to Inform you that we again ask you to arrange for the holding- of common primaries with us and we re quest a reply from you by Wednesday j nest at 10 oclock This reply will be con- sidered final In order that the common primaries may be absolutely fair and im- partial we agree that your committee shall name onehalf of the election oil IBAntiAddicks men declare that the let- I ter is their ultimatum and unless the Ad j dicks men come in they will go into nom inatksns alone James Frink AlIce State Chairman of the Union Republicans and Dr Caleb Layton the factions candidate for Con- gress were here conferring with Walter j H Hayes and William 3 Hilles It is said they are triynjc to arrange for a meeting tc discuss harmony The Dupont men say they will not have much success j State Chairman Churchman of the anti Addicks Republicans was out of the city but it is whisrered that the Addicks men will not consult with him They will try to bring about peace through the Higgins Hilles element Dupont leaders say that his close friends are prepared to contribute to the support of the party and incidentally as one of his leaders puc it make it hot for J Edward Addicks The Dupont men de- clare that they believe National Chairman Hanna will faring Addcks to terms auu- make him haul his ticket psospsEiry IN THE WEST Muse Ie lnetions Throw One Thou tSIeii Out of York HOUGHTON Mich Sept Mine at Florence Wis has closed completely It employing 150 men at the beginning of the season The Tilden Mine at Bessemer lets out j 100 and the Pabst at Ironwood about 40 Other reductions have recently taken place cutting foic at the Michigan Iron- Works mines about 1000 from the figures of last BURGLAR CATJGHT IN THE ACT Maryland Citizens Surround Them in- n Store DENTON Md Sept Brown and Harry Ransom were committed jail yesterday by Justice W H Coaee on the charge of robbing the store of T H Jarman Son at Greensboro in Caroline county early in tee mornin- gs H Lowe who was sleeping in a room near the hardware store of Jarman Son was awakened by a noise and gave an alarm It was found that the store was being sobbed and a company of men sur- rounded and succeeded in capturing Brown and Ransom before they could make their escape In their possession were 300 in money and 100 pocket knives and 50 razors all cf which were identified by the Messrs Jarman The shoes of the accused were found on the outside of the store After being lodged in jail Brown talked very freely about the affair He said they came from Delaware Thursday night for the express purpose of robbing this store a floor plan of which they had in their possession He stated that they intended tb crack the safe but did not have time When they were discovered Brown said he started for the front door where ho was confronted by a man with a lantern Clinton B Jarmo whom he covered with his pistol but on hearing some ono in the rear lie found that they were sur- rounded He thought there was not enough at stake to do anything so desperate as shooting a man Brown is about thirty York Ransom claims to be less than twenty years old and is from Baltimore ble by kidney F bladder trouble Dr Kilraera the great kiUiiej remedy promptly mares At n i druggists in fifty cent and dol- lar Eizev You may have a sample bottla by mail fate also pamphlet telling all about it and iti wonderful cures Ad Jrt3 I r Kilmer Co Sinzhamtoc a Y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE District tf Columbia Washington August 28 1000 Proposais for Bituminous pro- posals will br received at this office until 12 OCLOCK NO N THUnSDAV SEPTEMBER OTH1- CQO to furuuJi the various branches of the Dis- trict goTcrnme t with thirtyfive hundred tons more or les jf Bituminous Cp l during the fiscal eidir June 30 1901 The contract will be awardeO to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders forms of proposal with information can be obtained at the Clerks Office District Building The Commissioners reserve the to reject any or all bids and to waive defects HEXIIY B F 1IAOFARLAND JOHN W ROSS LANSING H BEACH Commissioners of the District of Co- lumbia 3u2SOtcxSu What I I Pvo Thou I I I I I Perkins n CommitteeJohn ante New- I j I I I The nepn1Jli n Teatuhssr nn I 1There I j I I I t I I I j I I I r I 1 r 1 i lend LFlorence d down- S I w t I the spring 1Joseph G s five years old and claims to be front New W ii 0 I S r1 Il3 B E PROPOSALS CoalSealed Prop- erty RoomS to lie Acute Stage I I Hi- s I own and a a to- t I i a S y y L i e Women aa wtll men sr and e Swamp Stout L 1 r r F r i r f L year L It unit i L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tJicso Little Pills Dyspepsia Indigestion and Hearty lilting feet remedy for Pain the Side lID LIVER They regulate the Bowels Small Pill Small Dosa Small Price IN TIlE STOCK MARKET lntion Ueeutsse o All scnce of Brokers NEW YORK Sept 1 There was no Stock Slarat here today nod will be none on Monday Labor Day It is said that there are more brokers out of the city at present on yachting cruises and in the mountain and seashore resorts than ever before at one time The same is true of the investing and speculating crowds It Is very certain that the holidays will not lose to the brokers many commissions They have done practically nothing for several weeks past the little trading be- ing among the floor traders themselves the men who pay no commissions The only item of interest In Wall Street today was the bank statement which showed as was expected a good increase in cash and reserves The few people who could i e found to discuss the situa- tion expressed the opinion almost unani- mously that the stupid market will con tinue for some time longer It is not be- lieved rhat there will be any important hardening of the money market though some advance in rates is likely when the largest shipments of money to the West and South are under way New York Stock 3IarKct Corrected by W B Ilibbj k Co mem- bers of the New York Stock Exchange H19 F Street Open High TOW 215 American S W 351i 20 S5VJ S5JS- A S Wire pfd 742 745i 74JJ 73 American Sugar 120H 120H H7K 1I8K American Tobacco l3 C3 S3X 03K Atchison Atchison pfd 0 SSif 277 2S- 702i 70H 72H 72 72 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 55H vr 54 55H C C C St L 58 S3 SS 58 Chicago B Q 125li 12 5i 124S 124S Chicago Gas 051 951 04 C4J4- C JL A St Paul 11 113 113 133 Clii R 1 Pacific OSJ I1W54 1C6 lOliJ Consolidated Gas 174 174 174 74J Continental Tobacco r CJf 0 G 26 Federil Steel J 34S 34 S General Electric J39 139 130 13U Louisville Nashville 71Ji 71M 71Ji 71 Metropolitan Traction 154S 14 Manhattan Elevated OIH Sl Missouri Pacific 51 51 51 51 New Jersey Central 133 133 1S 135 New York Central 139 133JS ISO ISO N Y O Western ZlA 21X 21 Northern Pacific 50 50i Northern Pacific pfd 71JJ 71H 71H 71 i Pacific Mail SOi 313 30J 30 Icnna Railroad J2SU IiiJi r7 l liSK Reading firsts 57 57 57J4 C7J4 Southern lacitic 33H 33S 23 Sij Tenn Coal Iron 7014 TDK 70li 70J4 Union Pacific 59 5Ji 5SU 59 Union Pacific pfd 70H TGJi 7 i 70S U S Laathsr 10If IOJ 10K lOS U S Rubber i K 29H i94 M Corrected daily by W of the New York VllEAT Open Sept 74U Oct 75H Cons Sept 40 59 OATS Sept 2IH Oct siji- IOIIK cpt JOCO Oct 1111 LAnD C70 J77- UlBS Sept 712 Oct 707 irlict B Hibbs Co Stock Exchange Iil9 F Low 213 74E 74Ji 74K 21 i 1 21 21S ili 2li 1057 lOSS 10M 1110 J105 1103 710 7IOH 703 7V07- ASeptembcr October December January Yorlc Cotton Market Open High Low S7G b65 S S59 851 s 5- SI3 S3S 39 S43 ti40 641 MAILS O1T LABOR DAY Money Order nutS Registry Divisions Uc Closed The money order and registry divisions- of the main postoffice will be closed to the public on Monday Labor Day A delivery by carriers from main office and Station G will be made at 730 a m window will be open for the de- livery of mail to clerks in the departments from 9 to 1030 a m and for the general public from 6 to 7 p m Collections will be made at the main office and Station G at 530 and 930 a m and 5 and 1130 p m at Station A at 620 and 830 a m and 5 and 1130 p m at Station B at 730 and 915 a m and S- and 1130 p m at Station D and F at 930 a m and 5 and 1130 p m at Sta- tion H at 11 a m and 4 p m Deliveries at stations at 730 a m coup ty collections at 9 a m and 5 p m and 930 p m Station F The followingnamed stations will be open to public for the transactions of business Station A 6 to 11 a m and 5 to 7 p m Station B 6 to 11 a m and 530 to 7 p m Station C 7 to 10 a m Station D 6 to 11 a m and 530 to 7 p m Station F 6 to 11 a m and 5 to 7 p ni Station G 6 to 11 a m and 5 to 7 p m and Station H 6 to 11 a and 5 to 7 p m Oil Magnates Brother to Take Up the Cattle Business TOPEKA Kan Sept Rocke feller who has been seriously ill at his western Kansas ranch and who it is said has been frozen out of the Standard Oil Company by his brother John D Rocke- feller will devote his entire time to me cattle business He has ordered a new house built on his ranch ninety miles west of here and has instructed his agent here- to furnish the place in fine style The house will cost about 30000 and per- haps more It will be furnished fit for a king as Rockefeller says he will give en- tertainments out there the coming winter His wife will live on the ranch with him It is located on the Wichita and Western Railroad and comprises 30000 acres of fina grazing land Rockefeller has it stocked with fine cattle now and he says he will shortly buy a lot more He claims to have the finest stock farm in the world He is now East winding up his minor business affairs so he can give more attention to the ranch Bostons La1 or Day Parades BOSTON Sept is definitely set- tled th2t Mayor Hart will not parade cf the Central Union and the Build- ing Trades Council next Monday and on account of the slight on the part of the organizations but few of the city employes will march in the procession although the affiliated with these bodies The Mayor will review the parade of the Knights of Labor which passes City Hall an hour previous to the time set for that of the Central Labor Union and Building Trades Council TO OURE A COLD IS OKE DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets All drussists refund the if it fails to cure E W Groves signature etC box 25c SS2 P EB Ave Sf W Bra SICK lE DA g R v n 01 A pcr ii ii PUllS s1ansca DrowS- irm csg Dad Taste the JJifi 1 IouthCottc Tongue TOn 1 E laIc the o I I 28 1 mi j- On 72 2 4 Jl 50 5Ui 9 Grain and Provision k mem- bers Street High 75 75 40 59 J9Ji Sept 715 710 1eu 215 87 S41 sn Carriers the m PRANK ROCKEFELLERS PLANS 1Frank lIt the majority are members of the organizations hon tJ DERTAKEru- JJ1TILLIAM LEE 11ndertnkcr Ii1tonD C PoeltivolyCur- colIbr Cress from If11IOtI Toots i ii 1 Las Sti F in ill daily I tt i c lH 154 tji 9i C1s1naro 753iA 405 403A 3934 675 670 t37d 077 075 077 s65 Will review anti I 1ety ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° ° ° Second Day of the Rifle Matches at Sea Girt Competitors Malca the Showing in ReKarfl to TVan- iieiitciiantM Allison and Coolcsoii Entered for the yim1 e- Iiispectors Geiieiiil Test RIFLE RANGE SEA GIRT N J Sept 1 The sharp crack of the rifle was heard as early aa 8 oslocTi this morning when the second days shooting of the New Jer- sey State Rifle Association commenced Last nights trains brought in scores of the best sharpshooters of New York Pennsylvania Maryland Massachusetts Rhode Island New Jersey and the District c Columbia The latter has already twenty five men on the grounds and ex- pect twice as many more by Sunday night The Washington boys numerically show up better than the representatives of any of the States present although New York and New Jersey are not tar behind New men at the butts this year say that Sea Girt is undoubtedly the best range In j the country and that some remarkably good scores will be made The matches arc robbed of some of their interest the failure of the Georgians to send a team or several of them North to com pete for the valuable prizes and the honor j attached to winning them General Spen j cer tile real head of the association the Southerners to come North and j try their skill again but the Governor of Georgia down heavily on the invita tlcn claiming that the crackers had been unjustly and unfairly treated j While the Georgians do not compete j this year little disappointment is as it will give the marksmen of other j States a better opportunity of winning some of the trophies The entire first day of the meeting was devoted exclusively to practice shooting The riflemen wanted to accustom them- selves to the and further wanted j to test their rifles and the ammunition that was supplied from the arsenal Some fairly creditable scores were made The scooting today was under the best conditions possible lust the kind that marksmen want Only a slight breeze j was blowing and as a result some excel- lent shots were made Shooting began in the Wimbledon CUD match one of the most important events the week The Inspectors Match also opened up auspiciously Representatives from the various States on the ground are at the butts in these matches The Wimbledon match is an individual event and is at lCOO yards thirty shots each It is shot under the rules of the National Rifle Association and the prize is the Wimbledon Cup valued at 500 Thus far there are seven entries in the Wimbledon match They are Capt R A Derussey Twelfth New York Private G Hudson Fourth New Jersey Lieut A N Allison First Battalion Washington Lieut W W Cookson Sixth Battalioir Washington Lieut L B Martin Second New Jersey Capt W F Whitlemore Fourth New Jersey and Capt Hobart Tut- tle First Brigade staff New Jersey In the inspectors match representing various States the following inspectors general of rifle practice are now at the butts on this match which ic at 500 and 600 yards twentyfive shots at each dis- tance Lieutenant Farrell Fourth Battalion District of Columbia Lieutenant Allison First Battalion District of Columbia Lieut Sumner Payne Battalion A Heavy Artillery Massachusetts Lieutenant Cook son Sixth Battalion District of Columbia Captain King First District of Columbia Major Bell Washington Lieutenant Leiz Third Battalion District of Columbia Captain Wbittemore Fourth New Jersey Captain Springsteod Fourth New Jersey Lieutenant Goddard Sixth Pennsylvania Capt Eason Lasowan Rhode Island Capt J Madison Haire Third New Jersey and Lieutenant Martin Second New Jersey- A number of individual matches opened up today on the different ranges Lieuten- ant Martin of the Second New Jersey stands first In the Savage match scoring 42 out of a possible 50 Others are on the line In the pool matches Hobart Tuttle of the Governors staff leads with a score of 3S out of 50 Lieutenant Colladay of Washington has a score of S out of 35 in another pool match XOT SOLD IX PATHS t If you arc going to the Worlds Pair at Paris this year you should by all means take with you a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Chairra and Diarrhoea Remedy It is not sold in Paris asS is almost certain to be needed on the trip After you have called in a French physician and paid him for his senires and paid for the medicine its prescribes you will realize lime much a little bottle of this remedy is worth when you are 3000 or more from home and among strangers For sale by Henry Evans wholesale and retail and all druggists STATEMENT of the condition cf the iUNHAT TAX LIFE KCSURAIfCE COMIAKY of Sew York on the 30th dav of June 1000 Assets 15771459 43 Liabilities 1435230777 Surplus 1403531 63 Income for six months ending June 30 1900 1326515 41 Disbursements for six months ending June 30 1000 1191952 SO State of New York city of Sew York and County of New York s J L HALSEY Vice President and J H GIF FIX Secretary of the Manhattan Life Insurance Company do declare and say that the accom- panying statement of the condition of said com- pany on the 30th day of June 1000 is correct and true according to the best of their information knowledge and belief 7 I HALSEY Vice President- J II GIFFIX Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this lotli day of August WOO Seal TVMX STEBBIXS Notary Public Kings County 41 Certificate filed in New York County B S IIEXDRICK 3IanaScr Central Eastern De- partment 715 Fourteenth Street northwest D C It STATEMENT of the condition of the EQUITABLE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE COMPANY for six months ending June 30 1GOO ASSETS Ctish SG3S3 01 Loans on collateral S4S1 43 Loans on real estate 12197 1C Stocks market value 2785 09 Interest ciued 49S 03 Personal iropeity 350003 Total V20Ot2 23 Losses reported 500 00 Capital stoCt paid in 01950 00 Authorized capital stock 10000000 Disbursements 27723 42 Dividends 221 00 I ALLEN C CLARK Secretary of the Equitable Industrial Insurance Company depose and say the annexed statement is ALLEN C APPLETOX P CLARK It Notary lubiic TAYLOR On Friday August 31 19CO 1150 a m LILLIAN L TAYLOR beloved daughter of Ida SI and J W Taylor aged nineteen months Asleep in Jesus Funeral from parrats residence Saturday Sep- tember i ieeo p m it ANDERSON On Thursday August 30 1000 at 10 p m in Georgetown University Hospital JOSEPH 11 AJTBEPSON in year of his age Funeral from residence of his sister Mrs R D Crupper SOS C Street northeast Sunday Sep tember 2 at 4 Friends and in- vited It SIMMONS On Fri wy August 31 1QOO at 7 a m ELfiXNOll of Alexander II and A Simmons three years and eleven months Puneral Saturday September 1 at 3p m from the residents ot parents Kenilyrorth 1 C Funeral private I it CIjVRlilDQE to I vin3 remembrance of cur mother SIRS 3IARY A CLARJUDGE who died August 29 1S33 It BY HEn CHiLpKEJv SRO o TIN GFORTROPHIES Washington Best don I I b in- vited tnt t I ran es of i r I I V ear I STATEMENTS u CLARK- S al nED I t I fortr pro Jgbter red J IN express- ed miles FIN kNCIAL Wash- ington true- gt Mars MMQiHAM ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = > ¬ ¬ > > < The latest Method of Treating Ca- tarrii and Bronchial Trouble Successfully Electric Ozone inhalation which hastens mole- cular change and an internal treatment that the cause assisting nature to resunje her normal functions is Dr Shades own discovery and is acknowledged to be the most thorough pleasant and successful treatment ever practiced and applied in this city Dr Shade lisa cured more lung throat and catarrhal patients titan all the Washington physicians combined Call on him at his Eieetno PrIors consult him free of charge Not a penny to pay Trial treatment free K23 13th St Hours a to 0 Closed on Sunday sel2t s we jjuotc about Half 4 our decks of every Summer Garment at once Come while you have best choice Interesting items follow Ffanne Suits In very stylish patterns Single and A Double Breasted worth up 1250 for IpO03 f t 10 Flannel Suits 500 t A line of AllWool Light and Dark T Colored Sack Suits single and double breasted a few Serges among them and O- X all suitable for fall wear 4 J worth up to 1350 at vpv 3- S o Seoarate Pants t 4 A line of Fancy Worsteds in neat X- A stripes that sold up to 5 T 0 for aZyu 3- X A few Double and Single Breasted Blue X Serge Coats sold for 4 re 7 T duced to kpZ 50c Office Goats 25c t OneHalf Marked Price for Light Fancy Vests 1 Bicycle Pants all wool 190 ts S Furnishings A few 125 and 150 Qr J X Negligee Shirts color guaranteed S 50c and 75c Undershirts 34c S t 75c Right Shirts now 43c 621 Pa Ave EXECUTIVE OFFICE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Au gust 24 1900 Notice is hereby that ccrdance with the acts approved June June JO 1679 June 17 1890 August 11 1KH July S 1S83 and June 2 WOO the following water mains have iaid viz Flint street between Fifth and Ninth stresis and L Street between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets south cast on July 2S 1000 and August 13 1900 and a water main tax has been levied against all lots land abutting upon the street road or alley in which the said mains were laid In the County of Washington District of Co- lumbia plat 11 Brightwood Park in block 30 lot 1 Fifth Street front Jennie Brummell 5893 lot 1 Flint Street front Jennie Dram mell 6250 lot 2 Jeans Bruiamell 62SO lot 3 Redford W Walker 6250 lot 4 Jennie Braaunell PiSO lot 5 Jennie BrummeH 6250 lot 6 Jennie Brummeil 8250 lot 7 Jennie Bruznmen 0250 lot S Jennie Brummell C2 0 lot 9 Jennie Brummell 0250 let 10 Jennie BrummelL G250 In block 22 lot 1 Jennie Brummell 2C250 lot 2 Jennie Drum ascII 250 lot 3 John T Doyle No 1 56250 lot 4 Francis II Criswell lot 5 Jennie E Seats 0250 lot e ilary A Cummings 62SO lot 7 Charles J BeckwS e50 lot B Emma L Miner 6260 In block S lot 1 Ohio National Bank 36250 lot 2 Ohio National Bank 6250 lot 3 Ohio National Bank S6250 lot i Ohio Bank 96250 lot 5 Ohio National Bank iS50 lot 6 Ohio National Hank K50 lot 7 Ohio National Bank 6250 lot S Ohio National Bank 5 250 In block IS enblot 29 Matthew C Getty 6250 lot H Sarah Garner 625G let 12 Kate W ZlcCowan LaO lot 13 Hugh J Carey ottO lot 14 Ellen Elizabeth Blood 6250 lot 15 Ueorge Langley f 250 lot 16 William M Clayton 0250 In block 23 lot 9 William JI Clayton 96250 lot Kr M Clayton ffi SO lot 11 William H Clayton G250 lot 31 William iL Clayton 250 lot 13 William y Clayton 6250 lot 14 William M 3250 lot 15 William i Clayton S 2 50 l t 16 William II Clayton 6259 in block 2y lot 13 Finley II CaUert Morris Bar jiett John T Doyle and Frank J Fe1derline 5250 lot 14 Finley H Calvert Morris Barnert Join T Doyle and Prank J FedderJine 6250 part of lot 15 Duller B Graffs subdivision fronting 25 feet on Flint Street and extending lack that width the full depth Edward T El- liott 3123 part of Sot 15 being the east 25 feet bv the depth thereof George J Seufferie 3125 lot 16 James R Sands f 250 lot 17 Lillie W 5G250 lot 13 Archibald M Harrison 6250 lot 19 John R Ellersocand 0 VVemple 0250 lot 20 illiam M lot 21 William II Clayton 6250 part of 22 being the west 20 feet by the depth of said lot Louise Pauline Clifford 25 part of lot 22 being the east 30 feet by tie depth of said lot Katherine AVidmayer 3750 lot 23 Conrad Roeben 6250 lot 21 Conrad 6250 In the city of Washington District of Columbia- in square 1047 lot 12 Thirteenth Street front Eugene Carusi and Clarence F Normcnt trustees 7341 lot 11 Eugene Curusi and Clarence F torment 6760 lot 10 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F Kormcnt trustees 6507 lot 9 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F Norment trustees 4X597 lot S Fugene Carusi and Cla- tece F Norment trustees 0007 lot 7 Eugene Caruii and Clarence F Norment trustees 6007 part of lot C being the west half u Franklin P Serrin 3349 part of lot C being the east half VO Leon Tobriner and John W Schaefer trustees 3349 lAt 5 Rufus IL Drby GG07 part of lot 4 being the west 53 feet 10 inches in width by the depth of said lot Rufus II Darbv 54354 30 Mary A Coyle 2680 sublot 35 Menu A Coyle 2318 sublot 34 A Cork 1093 sublot 33 Mary A Coyle 013 32 Mary A Cole 22SS sublet 31 Mary A Coyle 1900 EuMot 30 Mary A Coyle 2044 In square 104S lot 17 Thirteenth Street iront Elizabeth C Sothoran 75 sublot 33 Martha J Woodward 1563 sublot 34 Martha J Woodward 1503 sublot 35 Martha J Wood war I 15S3 sublot 36 Martha J Woodward 1503 37 Eugene Carusi and Clarence- F Norment trustees laC3 sublot S3 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F Norment trustees 1563 sublot S9 Eugene Carnal and Clarence F Nor Trent trustees 1303 sublot 40 Eugene Ca Tusi and Clarence F Jxorment trustees 1563 sublot 41 Alice A Linkins 15C3 sublot 42 Alice A IJiikins luC3 sublot J3 Alice A Xinkins 1503 sublot 44 Alice A Linkins 1503 sublot 45 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F- Korment trusxrts 15C3 enblot 16 Eugene Ca rusi and Clarence F Xorment trustees ublot 47 Eugene Carusi and Ciarccce F Ferment trustees S15C3 sublot 48 Eugene Canal and Clarence F torment trustees 15C5 sublot 19 Nellie W Moore 1503 sublet 50 Nellie AY Moore 41563 sublot 51 Nellie W Moore 15G- 3sublot 52 Nellie AV Moore 1503 sublot 53 Eugene Canisi and Clarence F Norment trustees Sn50 sublot 54 Eugene Carted sail Clarence F Ferment trustees 1750 sublet 55 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F Norment trustees 1875 lot 24 Eugene Carusi and Clarence P Garment trustees 5375 sublot 77 Sheldon Jackson Col- lege sublot 78 Sheldon Jackson College 2250 sublot 70 Sheldon Jackson College 12250 sublot SO Sheldon Jackson College 2281 sublot 81 Sheldon Jackson College 22S1 sublot S2 Sheldon Jackson College 22 l sublot S3 Sheldon Jackson College jJ22iSl sxjblot SI Sheldon Jackson Coilege sublot SI Sheldon Jackson College 22SI sublot SR Sheldon Jackson College 22SI sublot S7 Sheldon Jackson College S22JS1 By order of the ComuissioTiers of she District of Columbia CEO F GREEN Water R C au2712tcSem HAVE TOU Sore Throat Pimples Copper CoS cred Spots Aches Old Sores Ulcers ia Mouth Hair Falling Write JC51 Jlasonic Temple Chicago Iii for proofs o urea Capital 500000 We solicit the aipst ob- ttinatc cases We Jiave cured the worst cases 15 53 slays 100page nook Free mylSt- fCocstijjaMi Specialist re- moves I- An weekday i Vkn Wear i Away Don i o Such prices Valneswill net fail to I 5 > 1 U LOEB t COg COUlSHOXERS NOTICE hen in 23 of 50 W William cry m Clayton- i f Roe n tn1 tees sub lot Sub lot rub lot I 1563 I 50 S 81 tar COOKWEft Er Y CO J ttJ- I r 1 o SADE LL clear z 8 4 d 1 8 4 1671 been re- spectively National in- to <> > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > < < + John Bottles Epitaph The Eastbourne Gazette lisa unearthed an epitaph on a man called John Bottle whose tombstone is writ the legend John Bottle who died from love ol his own name The grim ness of the humor is not unlike that of the older epitaph on one Mugff who fulfilled the cup ol Ins affliction the 30th of June 1820 R I P Then there is Angelica Jordan who started the kitchen fire with kerosene she is said to have crossed her last name and become a part of her first have not much in common with epitaphs but at the same time a man who lias tradebTwith the wrong firm or with the finn which docs not give fast senice often thinks sadly of what might have been if he had only put his orders with the right firm We lIre not the only firm in the busi- ness but there are none with greater financial responsibility and none that eo fast and at the same time so even a service You cannot prove this until you try it but our free book explains Howard Crosby Go 10O1 Chestnut St FIiHa Congress St Boston Wall St New York JENKINS Stock Brokers J42I F Street Phone I77O BRANCH 3 Central National flank Building Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue Phone 2202 SMALL MARGINS BOARD SERVICE FAST WIRE QUOTATIONS vAr 613 Fifteenth Street Washington 61 Broadway Hew York Pittsburg Washington Richmond Atlanta New Orleans Jacksonville Birmingham Micoa and all principal intermediate Eastern cities LOOK US OP IN BRADSTREETS Money to Loan- At 4 and 5 Per Cent ON PEAL ESTATE UJ D O- NO DELAY 3EYOSB EXAMINATION OF TITLE WAJTEIl II ACICEK- wutf 7w 11th er N tr- W B HIB3S CO BAXKER3 aND BROSFKV 1419 F Street CorreipcndenU of LJDEXBUI1G TIIAUIAHW CO Kerr York 4i and 5 Per Cent Promptly Loaned on Real Estate in Ulstrict Columbia HEISICELIi 2ICLERAS 1005 F Street odCtt LEGAL NOTICES IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SPECIAL TERM FOR ORPHANS COURT BUSINESS In re the es- tate of MARGARET JI CARRICO deceased No 9880 Application been made to this court by Alice C Comwell executrix of the will of Mar- garet IL Carrico deceased for leave to sell part ol lot C in square 1000 being the house and premises known as 1242 Eleventh st se Wash- ington D C for the payment of the debts of said decedent it is ordered this 17TII DAY OF AUGUST A IX 1000 that Jolm Masters Jeffer- son Jilasters Edward Masters Rose Masters Clara Masters and all others concerned appear in this count on THURSDAY TIlE 27TH DAY OF SEP- TEMBER AT 1 OCLOCK P M to show cause why sadi application should not be granted This order U to be published once a week for three suc- cessive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter and Washington Times before the return day here in mentioned Bv the Court HARRY M CLABAUGn Justice Attest JOIIN R ROUZER Act Register of Wills CHESTER HOWE and VICTOR H WALLACE Attorneys for Applicant aulS S tl SCECIAL NOTICES GENERAL STORAGE OF MERCHANDISE- On and after September 1 1900 Stor- age Warehouse No 1 of the UnionTrust and Storage Company of the District of Columbia situate at the corner of First and Streets northeast on the line of the Baltimore Ohio with trash facilities from said road to the warehouse will be- open for the transaction of business mInt jag to the receipt and storage of freight merchandise of all kinds This warehouse offers many advantages namely its situation construction and availability as to receiving and despatch railroad freight The building is of brick with concrete floors well lighted thoroughly ventilated and equipped with modern conveniences ot every kind Household will also be received for storage in a separate compartment of this building For terms apply at the office of said company 1400 F Street northwest- or at the warehouse au312tem PERSONS WHO WITNESSED THE AC- cident at Eleventh and F Streets on Wednesday August S about p m by which man sad woman thrown from Cabin John Bridge car ttl kindly send names and addresses to E CARUSI SONS Columbia Building city au2SHein- sj i e VERMONT AVE AND THOMAS CIRCLE I A SELECT DAY COLLEGE FOR YOUNG lIEN I AND Collegiate Academic and Primary Departments EiCLTSH SCIENCE AND BUSINESS COURSES English The College aims at developing Culture through a thorough mastery of the English and other Modern languages tine and Mathematical pursued throughout the College course Business Yoanp teen desiring to equip for Commercial pursuits are afforded every facility to acquire a thoroughly practi- cal training in business Apply for catalogue to aulTtf BROTHER ABDAS President SCHOOL 513 13th s- t5J9 Thirteenth Street sel3t ST MARYS ACADEMY Alexandria Va Boarding School for girls Large grounds am pie eqiupmciit terms moderate Classes will resumed Tuesday September 4 au2lmo Lawn and silk shirts and will see that theyre done tip to suit you without too raccli starch in them or the buttons torn off We use iso acids thus guaranteeing no harm to the colors All our shirts are done with our soft and pliable Anti Swear buttonholes and no extra charge If your laundry work is let tS know 1mm Car W treated prouiptiy toni vigorously or FINANCIAL on Grain and Stocks give 24 DINGMAr OFFICESuite MURPHY COli Members New York Sleek Ecbule k MONEY AT of I I I I I L and and I I I I goods I I ratesand I I I were JOHNS COLLEGE BOYS Literary j SCip i I systematically entire SPAr SHg nw RE 10VEDs N W I I 4Ji B tiff 8 I i i I un t sfa tory 1 I il Eth anti G Sts H I COf Pisa 1 must b ii ill hra own vouT1lelth sss e saTes tIns 0 J Oil ill t north- west 9 fe EDUCT1ON studies are them- selves Ut iaIH1di i Sei Lary i 110tEl IGtht ITtIrSt casespermanently- A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BASKS AND TRUST COMPANIES WE WILL LEND YOU If you thinking of borrowing money to UAt over your financial difficulties come to us W- are especially organized and equipped for lending money on pianos or household furniture in amount from 10 up and you will find our rapid reliable sad strictly confidentiaL Loans carried from one month to a year as you consideration large ones If you appreciate low rates courteous and attention to your Interests you will negotiate a loan through us Most private offices in the city special ladies No publicity SECURITY LOAN COMPANYR- OOM 1 WARDER BUirjJIKO Corner 9th and F Eta N W t25tf TIIE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON D C Capital 500000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 303000 KTCIIANCE ON ENGLAND IRELAND FRANCE and GERMAKT Letters of Credit AVAILABLE IK ALL FOREIGN PARTS DANK COLLECTIONS ORDERS FOR INVESTMENTS STOCKS AND BONDS ap23U Union Trust and Storage Go- of the District of Columbia No 1400 F St N W Caoital S12OOOOO MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN WE LEAD Others follow Our plans for loaning money on Household Goods Pianos Organs etc are the fairest and cheapest for the borrower You cau secure all the inducements offered by others here and more We are the largest oldest and most reliable company in the city We employ the largest force of assistants so can attend to your wants the quickest We loan money for the inter- est only and want our money out so you nerd have no fear of losing your goods You get the same fair treatment your neighbors get and the same courteous treatment the merchant from hiss banker when you deal with us Small loans receive the lame careful attention as a larg one PRIVATE OFFICES Capital Loan Guarantee Co 302 F St NW ties P St XW We fiegotiste Loans On Life Policies Warehouse Receipts Household Goods Pianos cud Other Chattels Loans made on monthly payment system If you have a loan elsewhere we will take it up and advance voa more money No expense unless loan is made LCANS AND FIRE INSURANCE 707 G St X V- Rocra 3 First Floor flair Oppo Patent Office acCtfem- OS FURJUTCttE 1XAVOS ETC v thout removal from your possession and In mount from 10 up to 500 Our rates are the cheapest and yon can make your own terms Loans made within three hours from the time you apply We loan for the interest only and do not want your goods so you need have no fear of Icfing them Oyr ctEccs are up on the fifth floor frcin the street and are so arranged that insure strictest privacy Drop in and set POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN CO tSS530 F St sear Oth nw Room 74 Atlantic Building TaKe Elevator to Fifth Floor MONEY 50000 MONEY To loan on furniture pianos etc without re- moval or publicity and the day you ask for it- C any pay nests to suit giving one month or one year aj vets desire end at rets that you can afford to pay If you now have a with any other and as expense if loan is not nude Always willing to give information regarding rates antI methods to secure loan arc the oldest joan company in the city and will jive you honest treatment All business strictly coo fidentiaL Private offices Washington Loan Go- GIO K Street S TV L03SS 01 I PIAXGS Wagons at Uwest rates and on the We ate oa the Building and Loan Association plan which snakes the cost ot carrying loans much less than you pay allows you to pay it off in any sired notes you desire running from one to twelve- months You only pay for the ua ol money for the lensth of time you carry it If have a loan with some other company we will p y it off and advance more money if desired Itatej cheerfully no cost to you tiSlcss loan is made Loans snide anywhere in the District Call and get rates Front room first floor Sci- entific American Building National Mortgage Loan Co DO YOU REED JV1QNEY- We Have st for You You go to no trouble to borrow friends be independent of asking favors We will lend yon on your furniture and pianos or any hotchold goods or personal property Will chars you less and the most lenient icrms In you can borrow on your own terms Call and get our rates before you decide who to borrow from Strictly confidentiaL Private offices CO LUMBIA GUARANTEE CO CIS F st nw aulltfcm MONEY TO LOAN at S S 4 and 4 pet cent In Bums of 1600 to IO000 on D CL real estate pay off S and 6 per cent mortgages and begin anew all transactions conducteed with economical consideration for borrowers WM IL SAUNDERS CO 1407 F st EW jyltferai- lOXEY loaned salaried people and retail mer- chants upon their own names without se curity easy payments TOLSIAN Room 43 933- SH G St oc 2lvr No calomsl aos3 or ipiafes just simple health helps bowels 0 K in the morning Season 7s Brown Tablets JTo Calomel Mass or Opiates Masons Yellows I firan and Aerve avjo Cure Dyspepsia f rater 30 Tablets 10c All Druggists or mailed far price Masons Croats of Olives ZSc Cures Cuf r 7 Burn Pimples ardPile- HT ilASOj CHEJI Co 515 Phila iaJ- OHKSOK HOUSE Colonial Heath on front fiKtclass board terns reasonable ilRS G E JOHNSON au26YHt Walters Headache Powders Have ycu tried them Sold by druggists Ask for them 10 ccrta su9il iiEiMLi2nr- Coniplt te Home Farnlshers Cash or Credit 7th und I Eye St3 Uric Acid Which Poisons Tiia Wood and weakens the Kidneys quickly cx using varners Safe Cure Sold by all MONEYo Any vice decide and lotus stme treat- ment for do arc may small will rcceive thu receives EVANS t COMPAJ7Y Cash to Loafl any away wa can our rates will loan amount making time and Jean company desire more money give us a caji Will cheerfully mike a 30 loan as 100- no charge or ieadv an1 Mariag I stud upnar5 assails SlO HORSES etc day leaning else- where nd you you rivet and C2 F Street N v- nc0tt need from fact a 0 Ii in tim AloraZstJi Sag ofa iWgdis Rest Mesons Whites Rrduce Jnfthrnmatiu CumoSoroTliroat SWILIIER RESORTS liver all JL5L Corn by ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = = = = = = =

SADE John MONEYochroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-09-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 2 THE EVENTNff TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY SEPTEMBEE 1 1900 I I Republicans Said to Have Retro-graded

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Page 1: SADE John MONEYochroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-09-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 2 THE EVENTNff TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY SEPTEMBEE 1 1900 I I Republicans Said to Have Retro-graded



Republicans Said to Have Retro-

graded to SlaveHolding Views

Comments Upon tIle Iollcevident McICInlcy Iiy

Vcraot the Part o

Administration Clinrsed AVIt-lFniiU A

has been prepared by DemocraticT i rs a collection of adverse opinions ex-

pressed by former Republicans on ins pol

icy of the present Administration No ef

fort has been put forth to maKe the list acomplete one the only attempt bsing to

show the general note of discord which issounding in the Republican party

William Lloyd Garrison at the annualmeeting of the Progressive Frieuds Long

wood Pa June 10 1S99 used these wordsMore than all else we have weakened

faith in ideals accustomed ourselves tobrutality retrograded to slaveholdingviews as regards the treatment of socalledinferior races discarded the saving nodimmortal essence of Lincolns Gettysburg

address and Lowells supreme gospel ofDemocracy Brotherly love selfrespecthonesty character decency all these we

are asked to barter for the Philippineswith their inevitable train of new warshatreds selfcontempt murder and dis

easeMr Garrison also said Whittiers ring

ing question is again in orderIs the dollar only real God and truth anti right

a dreamWeighed against your lying must our

manhood kick theSidney Edgertcn one of the founders ol

the Republican party in a letter to SenatorHanna dated June 5 WOO said

The Philadelphia Convention of thisyear will be made up of men in whoseview the principles of Washington andJefferson are avowedly antiquated and outof date useful only in the orations of theFourth of July or the warmedover porchplatitudes of a political campaign and itwill in terms countenance a policy whichdenies to ICOGOCCO persons within our ex-

clusive jurisdiction the inalienable rightswhich in its earlier days the Republican

thus guaranteed a policy whichits purpose of governing subject

peoples without their consent outsideconstitutional principles and safeguardsat the caprice of irresponsible appointeesor a venal majority in Congress and inflagrant and derisive violation of the rrin-ciples of Washington and Jefferson andthose promulgated in the DeclarationIndependence and embodied in the FederalConstitution

Your Convention will vociferously uphold and applaud the dotage of an Admin-istration which doubling In its own trackwithin a space of sixty ays has brokenfaith with an innocent and confiding peo-

ple who by the hazards of war passed under its jurisdiction an act rightly char-acterized by itself as the breach of a plainduty at the command of theand mercenary appetite for plunder pos-sessed by those by whom that Administra-tion was created and which thus is con-

strained to remember its creatorMr Justice Brewer of the

Court of the United States in abefore the Liberal Club of Buffalo X Ysaid

To man nation comes the tdecide

lo the strife of truth with falsehood for theor evil side

Trath forever on the scaffold wrtujgr forever othe throne

Yet that scaffold sways the future ardthe dim unknown

SteTHfeth God with the sliadavr fccepinsabove ISis own

With thesGL problems resting uponburdening the nation is it wise to throUDon it the awful problem of dealingmillions far more incapable of and unusefo selfgovernment Can we expectfind safety in adding to our difficultiesCan we relieve against one problem odealing with ignorant and unfithero by adding millions more to the prob-lem This is no trilling question and inot answered by any gush about dutydestiny in fact all this talk about destiny is wearisome We make our own destiny We aie not the victims but the

of fate and to attempt toupon the Almighty responsibility for lbswhich we choose to do is not only an insuit to Him but to ordinary human Intelligence

John Sherman in an address at a soldiers reunion at Mansfield in August 1S9

said of the Philippine war It is an unnecessary war an uncalled for waran unjust war

Patrick OFarrell of Washington inspeech at Cooper Union N Y said I rsmember when I first saw the sacred soil iVirginia during the great civil war yethe great war read a sign o

a large brick building in AlexandriaBirch Co dealer in slaves-

I remained South long enough tothat slavery business to death Oh Iawfully proud that I was an Abolitionisand a Republican in those days Thoswere the days of Lincoln and liberty Nowhen I walk up Pennsylvania Avenuelook up at the White House and amTied back to the days of Price BirchCo dealer In slaves and I read on thaWhite House in Imaginary linesMcKinley Co wholesale dealers in Filiplno slaves

ExSpeaker Reed who liSa declined tmake campaign speeches in support of thAdministration is reported to have said

Empire can waitExPresident Harrison whose apathy

has disturbed the Republican managerssaid in reference to the Porto Rican

It Is a departure from correctpiesGen

John Beatty of Ohio has saidThe Republican ticket nominated

Philadelphia is made up of a civil frau

ENDURED DEATHS AGOXIESOnly a roaring fire enabled J JL

of San Antonio Tex to lie down whenby Asthma from which he suffered for yearswrites his misery was often so great thatseemed he endured the agonies of death but Dlings Nor Discovery for Consumption whollcured him This marvelous medicine is theknown cure for Asthma as well asCoughs and Colds and all Throat Chest anLung troubles Price SOc and 100 GuaranteeTrial bottles free at Henry Evans Drug Store

Economy Hall

Wonder whatJlertE f

will say today

ECONOMY HALL is thebest place in town to haveyour clothes made Economyfitness and goodness com-

binedSee the Trousers were sell CO

Ing to order at JOiYoud pay some other tailor and be

S2I3 out of pocket


tconomy Tlall

000 and 908 F St


AdverseofI Lincoln

Vcnkcning of uericnnl









fo libertyI




t I




t1 H 1 IH I



every and

















+ +




for its head and a military fraud for itstail The war which the United States isnow waging in the Philippine Islands is awar of conquest and subjugation Assuch it contradicts the declaration andprofessions of our whole history and issubversive of the very ground work of ourGovernment It means a revolution notin the Philippine Islands only but a revo-lution at tome which if successful willultimately change this republic into anempire

General Lawton is reported on the authority of the Rev Peter McQueen ofWest Somerville llass to have said

we want is to stop this damna-ble war It is time for diplomacy timefor mutual understanding


Ibid Toiiafrlii and ancr Hnisctl

Two Democratic meetings are scheduledto talce place in Washington tonight TheCentral Democratic Club will meet atCostellos Hall at the corner of Sixth andG Street at S oclock Several speakersof local prominence will make addresses

There will be a banner raising by theDistrict of Columbia Democratic Association at 730 when a large Bryan and Ste-venson banner will be suspended abovePennsylvania Avenue Following this therewill be speeches in the hall cf the association 904 Pennsylvania Avenue

The National Independent PoliticalUnion a colored organization which wasformed in 1876 and which in 1888 unitedwith the National AssociaUonybf Democratic Clubs met last evening at 212 SStreet nOrthwest The club was reorganied R E Gilchrist was elected tem-porary chairman and J T C Newsom tem-porary secretary

Permanent officers were elected as fol-lows L C Moore president A Worth-ington Brinctley vice president R EGilchrist secretary J L as-

sistant secretary William Sewall treas-urer H H Tate first assistant treasurerand James H Marshall sergeantatarms

Executive T C Newchairman A W Brinckley vice

chairman Joseph C Cunningham JohnDuker U S Brown L C Campbell

i William Sewall and Joseph Blackman-i The next meeiing of the club will be heldj on Wednesday September 5 at 1013

York Avenue The organization issues thefollowing Invitation

All members of the union and othersopposing the imperialistic tendency of thepresent trustridden Administration re-

gardless of past political affiliation ereearnestly requested to be present


ti PiKlit in Delaware

WILMINGTON Del Sept hasj been considerable talk about Republicanharmony in all the counties and H HBillany chairman of the AntiAddicksHarmony Committee yesterday sent a let-

ter to Chairman Ewart of the Addickscommittee in which he rays

I am instructed to Inform you that weagain ask you to arrange for the holding-of common primaries with us and we request a reply from you by Wednesday

j nest at 10 oclock This reply will be con-

sidered final In order that the commonprimaries may be absolutely fair and im-

partial we agree that your committeeshall name onehalf of the election oilIBAntiAddicks men declare that the let-

I ter is their ultimatum and unless the Adj dicks men come in they will go into nom

inatksns aloneJames Frink AlIce State Chairman of

the Union Republicans and Dr CalebLayton the factions candidate for Con-

gress were here conferring with Walterj H Hayes and William 3 Hilles It is said

they are triynjc to arrange for a meetingtc discuss harmony The Dupont men saythey will not have much success

j State Chairman Churchman of the antiAddicks Republicans was out of the citybut it is whisrered that the Addicks menwill not consult with him They will tryto bring about peace through the HigginsHilles element

Dupont leaders say that his closefriends are prepared to contribute to thesupport of the party and incidentally asone of his leaders puc it make it hot forJ Edward Addicks The Dupont men de-

clare that they believe National ChairmanHanna will faring Addcks to terms auu-make him haul his ticket

psospsEiry IN THE WEST

Muse Ie lnetions Throw One ThoutSIeii Out of York

HOUGHTON Mich SeptMine at Florence Wis has closedcompletely It employing 150 men atthe beginning of the season

The Tilden Mine at Bessemer lets outj 100 and the Pabst at Ironwood about 40

Other reductions have recently taken placecutting foic at the Michigan Iron-Works mines about 1000 from the figuresof last


Maryland Citizens Surround Them in-n Store

DENTON Md Sept Brownand Harry Ransom were committedjail yesterday by Justice W H Coaee onthe charge of robbing the store of T HJarman Son at Greensboro in Carolinecounty early in tee mornin-

gs H Lowe who was sleeping in a roomnear the hardware store of Jarman Sonwas awakened by a noise and gave analarm It was found that the store wasbeing sobbed and a company of men sur-rounded and succeeded in capturing Brownand Ransom before they could make theirescape In their possession were 300 inmoney and 100 pocket knives and 50 razorsall cf which were identified by the MessrsJarman The shoes of the accused werefound on the outside of the store

After being lodged in jail Brown talkedvery freely about the affair He said theycame from Delaware Thursday night forthe express purpose of robbing this storea floor plan of which they had in theirpossession He stated that they intendedtb crack the safe but did not have timeWhen they were discovered Brown saidhe started for the front door where howas confronted by a man with a lanternClinton B Jarmo whom he covered withhis pistol but on hearing some ono inthe rear lie found that they were sur-rounded He thought there was not enoughat stake to do anything so desperate asshooting a man Brown is about thirty

York Ransom claims to be less thantwenty years old and is from Baltimore

ble by kidneyF bladder trouble Dr Kilraera

the great kiUiiejremedy promptly mares Atn i druggists in fifty cent and dol-

lar Eizev You may have a sample bottla by mailfate also pamphlet telling all about it and itiwonderful curesAd Jrt3 I r Kilmer Co Sinzhamtoc a Y

OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THEDistrict tf Columbia Washington August 28

1000 Proposais for Bituminous pro-posals will br received at this office until 12OCLOCK NO N THUnSDAV SEPTEMBER OTH1-

CQO to furuuJi the various branches of the Dis-trict goTcrnme t with thirtyfive hundred tonsmore or les jf Bituminous Cp l during thefiscal eidir June 30 1901 The contractwill be awardeO to the lowest responsible bidderor bidders forms of proposalwith information can be obtained at the

Clerks Office District BuildingThe Commissioners reserve the to reject anyor all bids and to waive defects HEXIIY B F1IAOFARLAND JOHN W ROSS LANSING HBEACH Commissioners of the District of Co-

lumbia 3u2SOtcxSu



Pvo Thou





I Perkins n







The nepn1Jli nTeatuhssr nn I

















i lend

LFlorenced down-


I w


I the





five years old and claims to be front New

W ii 0 I S r1Il3




Prop-erty RoomS

to lie

Acute Stage



















Women aa wtll men srand


Swamp StoutL 1




L year

L It unit





























tJicso Little Pills

DyspepsiaIndigestion andHearty liltingfeet remedy for

Pain the SidelID LIVER They regulate the BowelsSmall Pill Small Dosa Small Price


lntion Ueeutsse o Allscnce of Brokers

NEW YORK Sept 1 There was noStock Slarat here today nod will be noneon Monday Labor Day It is said thatthere are more brokers out of the city atpresent on yachting cruises and in themountain and seashore resorts than everbefore at one time The same is true ofthe investing and speculating crowds ItIs very certain that the holidays will notlose to the brokers many commissionsThey have done practically nothing forseveral weeks past the little trading be-

ing among the floor traders themselvesthe men who pay no commissions

The only item of interest In Wall Streettoday was the bank statement which

showed as was expected a good increasein cash and reserves The few peoplewho could i e found to discuss the situa-tion expressed the opinion almost unani-mously that the stupid market will continue for some time longer It is not be-

lieved rhat there will be any importanthardening of the money market thoughsome advance in rates is likely when thelargest shipments of money to the Westand South are under way

New York Stock 3IarKctCorrected by W B Ilibbj k Co mem-

bers of the New York Stock Exchange H19 FStreet

Open High TOW 215American S W 351i 20 S5VJ S5JS-A S Wire pfd 742 745i 74JJ 73American Sugar 120H 120H H7K 1I8KAmerican Tobacco l3 C3 S3X 03KAtchisonAtchison pfd


SSif 277 2S-

702i 70H72H 72 72

Brooklyn Rapid Transit 55H vr 54 55HC C C St L 58 S3 SS 58Chicago B Q 125li 12 5i 124S 124SChicago Gas 051 951 04 C4J4-

C JL A St Paul 11 113 113 133Clii R 1 Pacific OSJ I1W54 1C6 lOliJConsolidated Gas 174 174 174 74JContinental Tobacco r CJf 0 G 26

Federil Steel J 34S 34 S

General Electric J39 139 130 13U

Louisville Nashville 71Ji 71M 71Ji 71

Metropolitan Traction 154S 14Manhattan Elevated OIH SlMissouri Pacific 51 51 51 51New Jersey Central 133 133 1S 135New York Central 139 133JS ISO ISON Y O Western ZlA 21X 21Northern Pacific 50 50iNorthern Pacific pfd 71JJ 71H 71H 71 iPacific Mail SOi 313 30J 30Icnna Railroad J2SU IiiJi r7 l liSKReading firsts 57 57 57J4 C7J4Southern lacitic 33H 33S 23 SijTenn Coal Iron 7014 TDK 70li 70J4Union Pacific 59 5Ji 5SU 59Union Pacific pfd 70H TGJi 7 i 70SU S Laathsr 10If IOJ 10K lOSU S Rubber i K 29H i94 M

Corrected daily by Wof the New York

VllEAT OpenSept 74UOct 75H

ConsSept 40


Sept 2IHOct siji-


Oct 1111LAnD


UlBSSept 712Oct 707

irlictB Hibbs Co

Stock Exchange Iil9 F

Low 21374E 74Ji 74K

21 i 1 2121S ili 2li1057 lOSS 10M1110 J105 1103

710 7IOH703 7V07-


Yorlc Cotton MarketOpen High Low

S7G b65 SS59 851 s 5-

SI3 S3S 39S43 ti40 641


Money Order nutS Registry DivisionsUc Closed

The money order and registry divisions-of the main postoffice will be closed to thepublic on Monday Labor Day

A delivery by carriers from main officeand Station G will be made at 730 a m

window will be open for the de-

livery of mail to clerks in the departmentsfrom 9 to 1030 a m and for the generalpublic from 6 to 7 p m

Collections will be made at the mainoffice and Station G at 530 and 930 am and 5 and 1130 p m at Station A at620 and 830 a m and 5 and 1130 p mat Station B at 730 and 915 a m and S-

and 1130 p m at Station D and F at930 a m and 5 and 1130 p m at Sta-tion H at 11 a m and 4 p m

Deliveries at stations at 730 a m coupty collections at 9 a m and 5 p m and930 p m Station F

The followingnamed stations will beopen to public for the transactions ofbusiness Station A 6 to 11 a m and 5to 7 p m Station B 6 to 11 a m and530 to 7 p m Station C 7 to 10 a mStation D 6 to 11 a m and530 to 7 p m Station F 6 to 11 a mand 5 to 7 p ni Station G 6 to 11 a mand 5 to 7 p m and Station H 6 to 11 a

and 5 to 7 p m

Oil Magnates Brother to Take Upthe Cattle Business

TOPEKA Kan Sept Rockefeller who has been seriously ill at hiswestern Kansas ranch and who it is saidhas been frozen out of the Standard OilCompany by his brother John D Rocke-feller will devote his entire time to mecattle business He has ordered a newhouse built on his ranch ninety miles westof here and has instructed his agent here-to furnish the place in fine style

The house will cost about 30000 and per-haps more It will be furnished fit for aking as Rockefeller says he will give en-

tertainments out there the coming winterHis wife will live on the ranch with himIt is located on the Wichita and WesternRailroad and comprises 30000 acres of finagrazing land Rockefeller has it stockedwith fine cattle now and he says he willshortly buy a lot more He claims to havethe finest stock farm in the world Heis now East winding up his minor businessaffairs so he can give more attention to theranch

Bostons La1 or Day ParadesBOSTON Sept is definitely set-

tled th2t Mayor Hart will notparade cf the Central Union and the Build-ing Trades Council next Monday and onaccount of the slight on the part of theorganizations but few of the city employeswill march in the procession although the

affiliated with these bodies The Mayorwill review the parade of the Knights ofLabor which passes City Hall an hourprevious to the time set for that of theCentral Labor Union and Building TradesCouncil

TO OURE A COLD IS OKE DAYTake Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets Alldrussists refund the if it fails to cureE W Groves signature etC box 25c

SS2 P EB Ave Sf W Bra


g R v

n 01 A pcrii

ii PUllS s1ansca DrowS-

irm csg Dad Taste theJJifi 1 IouthCottc Tongue


1 E

laIc theo



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Jl50 5Ui


Grain and Provisionk mem-



75 75

4059 J9Ji











majority are members of the organizations

hontJ DERTAKEru-

JJ1TILLIAM LEE11ndertnkcr

Ii1tonD C


Cress fromIf11IOtI Toots

iii 1 Las Sti









lH 154tji 9i



405 403A3934

675 670 t37d077 075 077




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Second Day of the Rifle Matchesat Sea Girt

Competitors Malca theShowing in ReKarfl to TVan-

iieiitciiantM Allison andCoolcsoii Entered for the yim1 e-

Iiispectors Geiieiiil Test

RIFLE RANGE SEA GIRT N J Sept1 The sharp crack of the rifle was heardas early aa 8 oslocTi this morning whenthe second days shooting of the New Jer-sey State Rifle Association commenced

Last nights trains brought in scores ofthe best sharpshooters of New YorkPennsylvania Maryland MassachusettsRhode Island New Jersey and the Districtc Columbia The latter has alreadytwenty five men on the grounds and ex-

pect twice as many more by Sunday nightThe Washington boys numerically show upbetter than the representatives of any ofthe States present although New Yorkand New Jersey are not tar behind

New men at the butts this year say thatSea Girt is undoubtedly the best range In j

the country and that some remarkablygood scores will be made The matchesarc robbed of some of their interestthe failure of the Georgians to send ateam or several of them North to compete for the valuable prizes and the honor j

attached to winning them General Spen j

cer tile real head of the associationthe Southerners to come North and j

try their skill again but the Governor ofGeorgia down heavily on the invitatlcn claiming that the crackers hadbeen unjustly and unfairly treated j

While the Georgians do not compete j

this year little disappointment isas it will give the marksmen of other j

States a better opportunity of winningsome of the trophies

The entire first day of the meeting wasdevoted exclusively to practice shootingThe riflemen wanted to accustom them-selves to the and further wanted j

to test their rifles and the ammunitionthat was supplied from the arsenal Somefairly creditable scores were made

The scooting today was under the bestconditions possible lust the kind thatmarksmen want Only a slight breeze j

was blowing and as a result some excel-lent shots were made Shooting began inthe Wimbledon CUD match one of themost important events the week

The Inspectors Match also opened upauspiciously Representatives from thevarious States on the ground are at thebutts in these matches

The Wimbledon match is an individualevent and is at lCOO yards thirty shotseach It is shot under the rules of theNational Rifle Association and the prize isthe Wimbledon Cup valued at 500

Thus far there are seven entries in theWimbledon match They are Capt R ADerussey Twelfth New York PrivateG Hudson Fourth New Jersey Lieut AN Allison First Battalion WashingtonLieut W W Cookson Sixth BattalioirWashington Lieut L B Martin SecondNew Jersey Capt W F WhitlemoreFourth New Jersey and Capt Hobart Tut-tle First Brigade staff New Jersey

In the inspectors match representingvarious States the following inspectorsgeneral of rifle practice are now at thebutts on this match which ic at 500 and600 yards twentyfive shots at each dis-tance

Lieutenant Farrell Fourth BattalionDistrict of Columbia Lieutenant AllisonFirst Battalion District of ColumbiaLieut Sumner Payne Battalion A HeavyArtillery Massachusetts Lieutenant Cookson Sixth Battalion District of ColumbiaCaptain King First District of ColumbiaMajor Bell Washington Lieutenant Leiz

Third Battalion District of ColumbiaCaptain Wbittemore Fourth New JerseyCaptain Springsteod Fourth New JerseyLieutenant Goddard Sixth PennsylvaniaCapt Eason Lasowan Rhode Island CaptJ Madison Haire Third New Jersey andLieutenant Martin Second New Jersey-

A number of individual matches openedup today on the different ranges Lieuten-ant Martin of the Second New Jerseystands first In the Savage match scoring42 out of a possible 50 Others are on theline In the pool matches Hobart Tuttleof the Governors staff leads with a scoreof 3S out of 50

Lieutenant Colladay of Washington hasa score of S out of 35 in another poolmatch


If you arc going to the Worlds Pair at Paristhis year you should by all means take with youa bottle of Chamberlains Colic Chairra andDiarrhoea Remedy It is not sold in Paris asSis almost certain to be needed on the trip Afteryou have called in a French physician and paidhim for his senires and paid for the medicineits prescribes you will realize lime much a littlebottle of this remedy is worth when you are3000 or more from home and amongstrangers For sale by Henry Evans wholesaleand retail and all druggists


York on the 30th dav of June 1000Assets 15771459 43Liabilities 1435230777Surplus 1403531 63Income for six months ending June

30 1900 1326515 41Disbursements for six months ending

June 30 1000 1191952 SO

State of New York city of Sew York and Countyof New York s

J L HALSEY Vice President and J H GIFFIX Secretary of the Manhattan Life InsuranceCompany do declare and say that the accom-panying statement of the condition of said com-pany on the 30th day of June 1000 is correct andtrue according to the best of their informationknowledge and belief

7 I HALSEY Vice President-J II GIFFIX SecretarySubscribed and sworn to before me this lotli

day of August WOO

Seal TVMX STEBBIXSNotary Public Kings County 41 Certificate

filed in New York CountyB S IIEXDRICK 3IanaScr Central Eastern De-

partment 715 Fourteenth Street northwestD C It


months ending June 30 1GOO

ASSETSCtish SG3S3 01Loans on collateral S4S1 43Loans on real estate 12197 1C

Stocks market value 2785 09Interest ciued 49S 03Personal iropeity 350003

Total V20Ot2 23

Losses reported 500 00Capital stoCt paid in 01950 00Authorized capital stock 10000000Disbursements 27723 42Dividends 221 00

I ALLEN C CLARK Secretary of the EquitableIndustrial Insurance Company depose and saythe annexed statement is


It Notary lubiic

TAYLOR On Friday August 31 19CO 1150a m LILLIAN L TAYLOR beloved daughter ofIda SI and J W Taylor aged nineteen months

Asleep in JesusFuneral from parrats residence Saturday Sep-

tember i ieeo p m itANDERSON On Thursday August 30 1000 at

10 p m in Georgetown University HospitalJOSEPH 11 AJTBEPSON in yearof his age

Funeral from residence of his sister Mrs R DCrupper SOS C Street northeast Sunday September 2 at 4 Friends and in-

vited ItSIMMONS On Fri wy August 31 1QOO at 7

a m ELfiXNOll of Alexander II andA Simmons three years and eleven

monthsPuneral Saturday September 1 at 3 p m

from the residents ot parents Kenilyrorth 1 CFuneral private I it

CIjVRlilDQE to I vin3 remembrance of curmother SIRS 3IARY A CLARJUDGE who diedAugust 29 1S33









tnt t


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The latest Method of Treating Ca-

tarrii and Bronchial Trouble


Electric Ozone inhalation which hastens mole-cular change and an internal treatment that

the cause assisting nature to resunje hernormal functions is Dr Shades own discoveryand is acknowledged to be the most thoroughpleasant and successful treatment ever practicedand applied in this city Dr Shade lisa curedmore lung throat and catarrhal patients titan allthe Washington physicians combined

Call on him at his

Eieetno PrIorsconsult him free of charge Not a penny to

pay Trial treatment free K23 13th St Hoursa to 0 Closed on Sunday sel2t

s we jjuotc about Half 4our decks of

every Summer Garment at once Comewhile you have best choice Interestingitems follow

Ffanne SuitsIn very stylish patterns Single and ADouble Breasted worth up1250 for IpO03 ft 10 Flannel Suits 500 tA line of AllWool Light and Dark

T Colored Sack Suits single and doublebreasted a few Serges among them and O-

X all suitable for fall wear 4 Jworth up to 1350 at vpv 3-

So Seoarate Pants t4 A line of Fancy Worsteds in neat X-

A stripes that sold up to 5 T0 for aZyu


X A few Double and Single Breasted BlueX Serge Coats sold for 4 re 7 T

duced to kpZ

50c Office Goats 25ct OneHalf Marked Price for Light Fancy


1 Bicycle Pants all wool 190 ts

S FurnishingsA few 125 and 150 Qr J

X Negligee Shirts color guaranteed

S 50c and 75c Undershirts 34c St 75c Right Shirts now 43c

621 Pa Ave


gust 24 1900 Notice is hereby thatccrdance with the acts approved JuneJune JO 1679 June 17 1890 August 11 1KHJuly S 1S83 and June 2 WOO the followingwater mains have iaid viz Flint streetbetween Fifth and Ninth stresis and L Streetbetween Twelfth and Fourteenth streets southcast on July 2S 1000 and August 13 1900

and a water main tax has been leviedagainst all lots land abutting upon the streetroad or alley in which the said mains were laidIn the County of Washington District of Co-

lumbia plat 11 Brightwood Park in block30 lot 1 Fifth Street front Jennie Brummell

5893 lot 1 Flint Street front Jennie Drammell 6250 lot 2 Jeans Bruiamell 62SOlot 3 Redford W Walker 6250 lot4 Jennie Braaunell PiSO lot 5 JennieBrummeH 6250 lot 6 Jennie Brummeil 8250lot 7 Jennie Bruznmen 0250 lot S JennieBrummell C2 0 lot 9 Jennie Brummell 0250let 10 Jennie BrummelL G250 In block 22 lot1 Jennie Brummell 2C250 lot 2 Jennie DrumascII 250 lot 3 John T Doyle No 1 56250lot 4 Francis II Criswell lot 5 Jennie ESeats 0250 lot e ilary A Cummings 62SOlot 7 Charles J BeckwS e50 lot B Emma LMiner 6260 In block S lot 1 Ohio NationalBank 36250 lot 2 Ohio National Bank 6250lot 3 Ohio National Bank S6250 lot i Ohio

Bank 96250 lot 5 Ohio National BankiS50 lot 6 Ohio National Hank K50 lot 7Ohio National Bank 6250 lot S Ohio NationalBank 5250 In block IS enblot 29 MatthewC Getty 6250 lot H Sarah Garner 625Glet 12 Kate W ZlcCowan LaO lot 13 HughJ Carey ottO lot 14 Ellen Elizabeth Blood

6250 lot 15 Ueorge Langley f 250 lot16 William M Clayton 0250 In block 23 lot9 William JI Clayton 96250 lot Kr MClayton ffi SO lot 11 William H ClaytonG250 lot 31 William iL Clayton 250 lot 13

William y Clayton 6250 lot 14 William M3250 lot 15 William i Clayton

S 2 50 l t 16 William II Clayton 6259 inblock 2y lot 13 Finley II CaUert Morris Barjiett John T Doyle and Frank J Fe1derline

5250 lot 14 Finley H Calvert Morris BarnertJoin T Doyle and Prank J FedderJine 6250part of lot 15 Duller B Graffs subdivisionfronting 25 feet on Flint Street and extendinglack that width the full depth Edward T El-

liott 3123 part of Sot 15 being the east 25feet bv the depth thereof George J Seufferie

3125 lot 16 James R Sands f 250 lot 17Lillie W 5G250 lot 13 Archibald MHarrison 6250 lot 19 John R Ellersocand 0VVemple 0250 lot 20 illiam M

lot 21 William II Clayton 6250 partof 22 being the west 20 feet by the depth ofsaid lot Louise Pauline Clifford 25 part of lot22 being the east 30 feet by tie depth of saidlot Katherine AVidmayer 3750 lot 23 ConradRoeben 6250 lot 21 Conrad 6250In the city of Washington District of Columbia-in square 1047 lot 12 Thirteenth Street frontEugene Carusi and Clarence F Normcnt trustees

7341 lot 11 Eugene Curusi and Clarence Ftorment 6760 lot 10 Eugene Carusiand Clarence F Kormcnt trustees 6507 lot9 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F Normenttrustees 4X597 lot S Fugene Carusi and Cla-tece F Norment trustees 0007 lot 7 EugeneCaruii and Clarence F Norment trustees 6007part of lot C being the west half u FranklinP Serrin 3349 part of lot C being the easthalf VO Leon Tobriner and John W Schaefertrustees 3349 lAt 5 Rufus IL Drby GG07part of lot 4 being the west 53 feet 10 inches inwidth by the depth of said lot Rufus II Darbv54354 30 Mary A Coyle 2680 sublot35 Menu A Coyle 2318 sublot 34 A

Cork 1093 sublot 33 Mary A Coyle 01332 Mary A Cole 22SS sublet 31

Mary A Coyle 1900 EuMot 30 Mary A Coyle2044 In square 104S lot 17 Thirteenth Street

iront Elizabeth C Sothoran 75 sublot 33Martha J Woodward 1563 sublot 34 MarthaJ Woodward 1503 sublot 35 Martha J Woodwar I 15S3 sublot 36 Martha J Woodward1503 37 Eugene Carusi and Clarence-

F Norment trustees laC3 sublot S3 EugeneCarusi and Clarence F Norment trustees 1563sublot S9 Eugene Carnal and Clarence F NorTrent trustees 1303 sublot 40 Eugene CaTusi and Clarence F Jxorment trustees 1563sublot 41 Alice A Linkins 15C3 sublot 42Alice A IJiikins luC3 sublot J3 Alice AXinkins 1503 sublot 44 Alice A Linkins

1503 sublot 45 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F-Korment trusxrts 15C3 enblot 16 Eugene Carusi and Clarence F Xorment trusteesublot 47 Eugene Carusi and Ciarccce F Fermenttrustees S15C3 sublot 48 Eugene Canal andClarence F torment trustees 15C5 sublot 19Nellie W Moore 1503 sublet 50 Nellie AY

Moore 41563 sublot 51 Nellie W Moore 15G-3sublot 52 Nellie AV Moore 1503 sublot 53Eugene Canisi and Clarence F Norment trusteesSn50 sublot 54 Eugene Carted sail Clarence FFerment trustees 1750 sublet 55 EugeneCarusi and Clarence F Norment trustees 1875lot 24 Eugene Carusi and Clarence P Garmenttrustees 5375 sublot 77 Sheldon Jackson Col-

lege sublot 78 Sheldon Jackson College2250 sublot 70 Sheldon Jackson College

12250 sublot SO Sheldon Jackson College2281 sublot 81 Sheldon Jackson College22S1 sublot S2 Sheldon Jackson College22 l sublot S3 Sheldon Jackson College

jJ22iSl sxjblot SI Sheldon Jackson Coilegesublot SI Sheldon Jackson College

22SI sublot SR Sheldon Jackson College22SI sublot S7 Sheldon Jackson College

S22JS1 By order of the ComuissioTiers of sheDistrict of Columbia CEO F GREEN Water

R C au2712tcSem

HAVE TOU Sore Throat Pimples Copper CoScred Spots Aches Old Sores Ulcers ia MouthHair Falling Write

JC51 Jlasonic Temple Chicago Iii for proofs ourea Capital 500000 We solicit the aipst ob-

ttinatc cases We Jiave cured the worst cases15 53 slays 100page nook Free mylSt-







i Vkn Weari Away Don io Such prices

Valneswill net fail to








hen in23





cry m


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sub lot

Sub lot

rub lot

I 1563



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John Bottles EpitaphThe Eastbourne Gazette lisa unearthed an

epitaph on a man called John Bottle whosetombstone is writ the legend John Bottlewho died from love ol his own name The grimness of the humor is not unlike that of the olderepitaph on one Mugff who fulfilled the cup olIns affliction the 30th of June 1820 R I P

Then there is Angelica Jordan who started thekitchen fire with kerosene she is said to havecrossed her last name and become a part of herfirst

have not much in common with epitaphs but atthe same time a man who lias tradebTwith thewrong firm or with the finn which docs not givefast senice often thinks sadly of what mighthave been if he had only put his orders with theright firm We lIre not the only firm in the busi-ness but there are none with greater financialresponsibility and none that eo fast andat the same time so even a service You cannotprove this until you try it but our free bookexplains

Howard Crosby Go

10O1 Chestnut St FIiHaCongress St BostonWall St New York


Stock BrokersJ42I F Street Phone I77O

BRANCH 3 Central Nationalflank Building Seventh Street and PennsylvaniaAvenue Phone 2202SMALL MARGINS BOARD SERVICE



613 Fifteenth StreetWashington

61 Broadway Hew YorkPittsburg Washington Richmond Atlanta

New Orleans Jacksonville Birmingham Micoaand all principal intermediate Eastern cities


Money to Loan-At 4 and 5 Per Cent



wutf 7w 11th er N tr-


1419 F StreetCorreipcndenU of


4i and 5 Per CentPromptly Loaned on Real Estate in Ulstrict


1005 F Street odCtt



tate of MARGARET JI CARRICO deceasedNo 9880

Application been made to this court byAlice C Comwell executrix of the will of Mar-garet IL Carrico deceased for leave to sell partol lot C in square 1000 being the house andpremises known as 1242 Eleventh st se Wash-ington D C for the payment of the debts ofsaid decedent it is ordered this 17TII DAY OFAUGUST A IX 1000 that Jolm Masters Jeffer-son Jilasters Edward Masters Rose Masters ClaraMasters and all others concerned appear in thiscount on THURSDAY TIlE 27TH DAY OF SEP-TEMBER AT 1 OCLOCK P M to show causewhy sadi application should not be granted Thisorder U to be published once a week for three suc-cessive weeks in the Washington Law Reporterand Washington Times before the return day herein mentioned

Bv the CourtHARRY M CLABAUGn Justice

AttestJOIIN R ROUZER Act Register of Wills

CHESTER HOWE and VICTOR H WALLACEAttorneys for Applicant aulS S tl


GENERAL STORAGE OF MERCHANDISE-On and after September 1 1900 Stor-

age Warehouse No 1 of the UnionTrustand Storage Company of the District ofColumbia situate at the corner of First and

Streets northeast on the line of theBaltimore Ohio with trash facilitiesfrom said road to the warehouse will be-

open for the transaction of business mIntjag to the receipt and storage of freight

merchandise of all kindsThis warehouse offers many advantages

namely its situation construction andavailability as to receiving and despatch

railroad freightThe building is of brick with concrete

floors well lighted thoroughly ventilatedand equipped with modern conveniences otevery kind

Household will also be received forstorage in a separate compartment of thisbuilding

For terms apply at the officeof said company 1400 F Street northwest-or at the warehouse au312temPERSONS WHO WITNESSED THE AC-

cident at Eleventh and F Streetson Wednesday August S about

p m by which man sad womanthrown from Cabin John Bridge car ttlkindly send names and addresses to ECARUSI SONS Columbia Building city


sj i e


Collegiate Academic andPrimary Departments


English The College aims at developingCulture through a thorough mastery of theEnglish and other Modern languages

tine and Mathematicalpursued throughout the

College courseBusiness Yoanp teen desiring to equip

for Commercial pursuits are affordedevery facility to acquire a thoroughly practi-cal training in business

Apply for catalogue toaulTtf BROTHER ABDAS President

SCHOOL513 13th s-

t5J9 Thirteenth Streetsel3t


Boarding School for girls Large grounds ampie eqiupmciit terms moderate Classes willresumed Tuesday September 4 au2lmo

Lawn and silk shirts and will see thattheyre done tip to suit you without tooraccli starch in them or the buttons tornoff We use iso acids thus guaranteeingno harm to the colors All our shirtsare done with our soft and pliable AntiSwear buttonholes and no extra chargeIf your laundry work is lettS know

1mmCar W

treated prouiptiy toni vigorously or



Grain and Stocks






Members New York Sleek Ecbule













I goods










jSCip i

I systematically entire

SPAr SHgnw




4Ji B

tiff 8


i iI

un t sfa tory1


Eth anti G Sts H


COf Pisa1

must b iiill hra own vouT1lelth sss esaTes tIns 0 J




north-west 9



studies are





Sei Lary

i 110tEl


ITtIrSt casespermanently-









If you thinking of borrowing money to UAtover your financial difficulties come to us W-

are especially organized and equipped for lendingmoney on pianos or household furniture inamount from 10 up and you will find ourrapid reliable sad strictly confidentiaL

Loans carried from one month to a year as you

consideration large onesIf you appreciate low rates courteous

and attention to your Interests you willnegotiate a loan through us

Most private offices in the city specialladies No publicity


OOM 1 WARDER BUirjJIKOCorner 9th and F Eta N W








Union Trust and Storage Go-

of the District of Columbia

No 1400 F St N WCaoital S12OOOOO


WE LEADOthers follow Our plans for loaning money onHousehold Goods Pianos Organs etc are thefairest and cheapest for the borrower You causecure all the inducements offered by others hereand more We are the largest oldest and mostreliable company in the city We employ thelargest force of assistants so can attend to yourwants the quickest We loan money for the inter-est only and want our money out so you nerdhave no fear of losing your goods You get thesame fair treatment your neighbors get and thesame courteous treatment the merchantfrom hiss banker when you deal with us Smallloans receive the lame careful attention as a largone PRIVATE OFFICES

Capital Loan Guarantee Co302 F St NW ties P St XW

We fiegotiste LoansOn Life Policies Warehouse Receipts HouseholdGoods Pianos cud Other Chattels Loans made onmonthly payment system If you have a loanelsewhere we will take it up and advance voamore money No expense unless loan is made


Rocra 3 First Floor flair Oppo Patent OfficeacCtfem-

OS FURJUTCttE 1XAVOS ETCv thout removal from your possession and Inmount from 10 up to 500 Our rates are thecheapest and yon can make your own termsLoans made within three hours from the time youapply We loan for the interest only and do notwant your goods so you need have no fear ofIcfing them Oyr ctEccs are up on the fifth floor

frcin the street and are so arranged thatinsure strictest privacy Drop in and set

POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN COtSS530 F St sear Oth nwRoom 74 Atlantic Building

TaKe Elevator to Fifth Floor

MONEY 50000 MONEYTo loan on furniture pianos etc without re-

moval or publicity and the day you ask for it-C any pay

nests to suit giving one month or one year ajvets desire end at rets that you can afford topay If you now have a with any other


expense if loan is not nude Alwayswilling to give information regarding

rates antI methods to secure loan arc theoldest joan company in the city and will jiveyou honest treatment All business strictly coofidentiaL Private offices

Washington Loan Go-

GIO K Street S TV


Wagons at Uwest rates and on theWe ate oa the Building and

Loan Association plan which snakes the cost otcarrying loans much less than you pay

allows you to pay it off in any sirednotes you desire running from one to twelve-months You only pay for the ua ol money forthe lensth of time you carry it If have aloan with some other company we will p y itoff and advance more money if desired Itatejcheerfully no cost to you tiSlcss loanis made Loans snide anywhere in the DistrictCall and get rates Front room first floor Sci-

entific American Building

National Mortgage Loan Co


We Have st for YouYou go to no trouble to borrow

friends be independent of asking favors We willlend yon on your furniture and pianos or anyhotchold goods or personal property Will charsyou less and the most lenient icrms In

you can borrow on your own terms Call andget our rates before you decide who to borrowfrom Strictly confidentiaL Private offices COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO CIS F st nw

aulltfcmMONEY TO LOAN at S S 4 and 4 pet

cent In Bums of 1600 to IO000 on D CL

real estate pay off S and 6 per cent mortgagesand begin anew all transactions conducteed witheconomical consideration for borrowers WM ILSAUNDERS CO 1407 F st EW jyltferai-

lOXEY loaned salaried people and retail mer-chants upon their own names without se

curity easy payments TOLSIAN Room 43 933-

SH G St oc 2lvr

No calomsl aos3 or

ipiafes just simple

health helps bowels

0 K in the morning

Season 7s Brown TabletsJTo Calomel Mass or Opiates

Masons Yellows I firan and Aerve avjoCure Dyspepsia f rater

30 Tablets 10c All Druggists or mailed far priceMasons Croats of Olives ZSc

Cures Cuf r 7 Burn Pimples ardPile-H T ilASOj CHEJI Co 515 Phila iaJ-

OHKSOK HOUSE Colonial Heath onfront fiKtclass board terns reasonable


Walters Headache PowdersHave ycu tried them Sold by druggists

Ask for them 10 ccrta su9il

iiEiMLi2nr-Coniplt te Home Farnlshers

Cash or Credit7th und I Eye St3

Uric Acid Which PoisonsTiia Wood and weakens the Kidneys quickly cx

using varners Safe Cure Sold by all



decide and lotus stme





may small will rcceive thu



Cash to Loaflany

away wacan ourrates

will loan amount making time and

Jeancompany desire more money give us a cajiWill cheerfully mike a 30 loan as 100-

no charge orieadv an1


I stud upnar5 assailsSlO

HORSESetc day



where nd


yourivet and

C2 F Street N v-


need from



0 Ii in tim AloraZstJi

Sag ofa iWgdis Rest

Mesons Whites Rrduce JnfthrnmatiuCumoSoroTliroat




JL5L Corn






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