THE EVENING TIMEa WASHINGTON FRIDAY NOYEBME 30 1900 N 0 T Ii- i 3 Decrease of the Traffic Since the 4ineriean Occupation tlve Wine o Soldier Prohibited The Division of Insular Affairs of the War Department has made public a sum mary of that jrortion of the annual report of the Department of Licenses and Mu- nicipal Revenues of Manila Which relates to the liquor IraSe In that city At the time of the American occupa- tion the law In force required all persons firms or corporations doing business of any nature within the municipal radius to have a license Lieut Harry S Bishop in charge of that department states that prior to January 4 19W saloons and in fact all licenses to sejl liquor of any class both wholesale and retail came under the class of general business licenses the fee for which was only 3 with a 1 stamp at- tached Up to June 30 1S99 there had been is eucd since the establishment of the office on September 2 1S8S 214 saloon licenses 14 of which had boon canceled leaving 200 outstanding In addition to the above there were 1 in la sacalled distilleries From that time to Feb- ruary 1 I960 there were Issued 28 more saloon licenses of which 4 were canceled leaving a total outstanding Qf 224 at the lastmentioned date The officer In charge of licenses made certain recommendations in November 1S9S relative to a change lathe law which were carefully considered and embodied- in General Orders No 2 of the Military Governor dated January 4 1900r which provided that the city should be divided into two districts to be known as the First License District including the portion of the city and the Second License District including the residence part of Manila and its immed- iate suburbs The license fee for saloons selling beer whisky and other intcxicating Hq uors was JGCO Mexican in Frt ds and 250 in the Second for saloons selling oniy beer and light wine the fee vss 1CO in the First district and 50 in the Second These licenses were all limited is a pe- riod of six months and strictly forbade the sale in the saloons so licensed of the native wine commonly called Vino Anisado and other intoxicants usually known as native drinks Additional and stringent police regula- tions were provided and special provision made for hotels All saloon licenses In Manila were can- celled January SI 1900 between which date and new licenses were is- sued as follows Licenses for wine liq- uor and beer saloons SO lijenses for wine and beer saloons S7 total 167 re voiced or surrendered 12 total outstand- ing June 169 155 This number In- cludes hotel and restaurant liquor li- censes Lieutenant Bishop states that the of this order was to decrease the number of saloons from 224 to 153 to make the barrooms more orderly and to make the saloonkeepers in every way more careful In complying with the terms of their licenses regarding sales to drunken persons and sales cut hors The report shows that of the 155 licenses 66 are held Spaniards 23 by Americans 26 by Filipinos and Mes tlzos 2 by negroes 8 by Chinese 3 by Japanese and 27 by persons of unknown nationality None of the licenses is held by soldiers discharged from the Army in the Philippines With regard to the native drinks the report says The native wine Is not regulated by any set of regulations referring to It alone Licenses for its sale come under the head of general busi- ness licenses It must not be supposed that a native wine shop is anything lke a saloon or conducted as a wine shop alone the sale of liquor is invariably connected with that of other articles usually native groceries or cooked Toed the stock in nand will rarely exceed 10 being usually a half dozen bottles of the various brands and an equal number of glasses of different sizes The wine Is known by various names Apsado Viao Beno Tuba etc the per- centage of wood alcohol is extremely high The natives drink It moderately and it appears to have no deleterious ef- fect upon them An American drinking large quantities of it as he would so much whisky is speedily rendered temporarily insane then passes into a state of coma until the effects have worn off The regulations regarding its sale to soldiers prif onment and forfeiture of license Li censes for the sale of native wine are is sued only to natives mestizos and Chi- nese The natives have drunk this Uquor for generations and it has not been thought best to prohibit the use of it by them CUSTOMS HEV33NTTIS OF CUBA increase of More Than a Million Dol- lars Over Last Year The Division of Customs and Insular Affairs of the War Department has pre- pared for publication the following statement of receipts from all sources at the several custom houses In the Isl and of Cuba for the first ten months of 1900 as compared with the same period otlS99 The statement shows that the total re- ceipts from customs sources for the ten months ending October 31 1900 were 13 21549903 while for the same ten months of 1899 they were 1242099159 showing- an increase in favor of 1900 of 109450744 and an increase for the month of October 1900 ever the same month of 1899 of 7 17455 The comparison by customs ports Baracoa the first ten months of 1S99 43194981 1900 2468278 Batahano 1899 130376 1SOO 272854 Cienfuegos 1S39 95436198 1900 91639114 Carde nas 1SS9 22869333 1SOO 2 4fi2S5 Caibarien 1S99 122SS903 1900 162852 47 Guantanamo 1899 9094645 1900 364631 Gibara 1S99 1320831 1900 171422 0 Havana 1899 903553947 1900 5994966955 Manzanillo 1599 13V 05763 1900 14112959 Matanzas 1839 32759305 1900 3S936 S9 Nuevitas 1899 1900 13677520 SigIl la Grande 18S9 114 S0126 1900 5178 23272 Sauta Cruz 1899 101843 J900 431762 Santiago lisp 73156148 1900 76979969 Trinidad 1899 S1938443 1960 42119747 Tunas de Zaza 1S99 513318- I960 101397 Defeated in Baltimore The Cook Park Athletic Club of this city went to Baltimore yesterday to play n game of football with the Mount St Jo sephs College eleven of that city with the result that the college boys won by a score of 16 to MAN1LAS LIQUOR TRADE T fiilmberof Lleenes Dur FiscAl CentS leor Xn Under Very Seere Pena ticC up business trieS O ef- fect ot sa- loon by sale of are Involving fine im I t fol- lows I 18284999 i 5 Iecrene1 1l flue Rnt Year erIy- ITeJztfli Per tics June O sad very stringnt < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Determine Structure and Physical If parents realize what a crime they commit la permitting children to have heavy drugs during their early life such dugs for instance as coffee which stunts their growth prepares them for dyspepsia end nervous wrecks they would do any thing go to any amount of trouble and care to change the methods and give their children the advantages that nature de- mands to produce Rfrfect specimens A sixtyyearold woman writes My overIndulgent used to say at the table Why not the child have what she likes it phtshurt hey any He re- ferred particularly to my drinking coffee which I was veryfond of as a child He honestly thought it didnt hurt me for with his strong body apparently without serves he was not consciously affected by coffee but on bundle or nerves was to develop restlessness and stunt my The first effegi Bter drinking coffee was that of exhilaration and I felt courage and strength to attack almost any amount of work but in a few hours the reaction came with misery in my chest palpitation of thesheart and most unbear- able pains in my stomach Finally my attention was called to turn Cereal Food Cofl and we secured some of it It was prepared according to directions out breakfast bring delayed the Postnm got an extra boiling which de- veloped all Its virtues and we all fell in love with It from the first moment The change in our physical health after drink- ing Postum was something remarkable We have as delicious coffee as anyone could ask but it is a perfectly healthy cpffee and the more we drink of it in teased the better we are I am satisfied that the In- creasing amount of heart difficulty of late years among young people Is directly at tributable to the use of coffee and It is a great blessing to have so safe and delicious- a food coffee as Postum Please omit my name from publication East Brookfleld Mass Name given upon application to Pas turn Cereal Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich Impressions Made Upon a Visitor to the City 1810 Flatteriiijc Tril nle to the Feminine Portion of Iojialntion Xcarly- Onelliilf of Pie Inhabitants of Irish OrieitJ TliV SIr ar Saddler and Iti ncwtrtictjoji by a Vandal Description of the Territory of Colum bia Is the title of a little book which was paWisbed in Paris In the year 1S16 The author of the volume was the late D Colombia in 1SIO Is given as 24 023 tl at of the city of Washington In the year 189 the population of the District according to the author was 14 S3 In another pert the author says Near- ly onehalf of the population of Is of Irish origfnl The laboring class is chiefly Irish nail many of them have no acquaintance with the English language They have cut the canal trade and repaired the streets and executed most of the man- ual labor of the city In one of streets of Washington- we observed a sign beard with the follow- ing inscription Peter Rodgers saddler from the green fields of Erin and tyranny to the green streets of Washington and liberty ee Copenhagen view the seas tis all ablaze The seas shall be free Yankee Doodle it up It appears thai this saddler is a native of Cork from he was banishes at the age of for no other rea- son as he states than that of hiving worn a greenroJored coat and vented sighs for his dear native country This sign board was attacked by some malicious hand and the poor old cply mortified at this outrage in a of freedom published his complaint JirtJfe National Advertiser offering a dollar ft was all he possessed as a reward for brlnglsg the offender to justice Speaking of female society of Washing- ton the author says The state of female society at does great honor to the sex They have been accused of sacrificing too much to the empire of fashion but as we have not been able to verify the extent of this tribute it would be dangerous to de cide on so delicate a subject They are certainly superior women generally high- ly gifted in mental as they are adorned with personal endowments They have hitherto withstood the lamentable ray ages which art sad luxury have in other great cities produced upon the sex There Is an evil however which Is deeply lamentable It is natural to love those who are made to be loved and no sooner do tbe young ladles of Washington arrive at the nubile state than they give their hand to some wooing stranger or member of Congress who carries them oft in triumph to his distant The young citizens who have teen daily con teniplatlng the regular advances of thOse shoots into perfection disappointed in i without reason against the corrup- tion of the times against family interest and an unnatural and disheartening pref- erence to forelgcers Washington thus resembles a nursery whose fine plants are annually transported to a foreign and less congenial soil In cities and towns the motives to marriage are not so strong as in the country and on this account members of Congress have the advantage When the author of The Enquiry Into the Nature and Causes of tbe Wealth of Nations wrote hat admirable work in 1776 it ap pears tnt a young widow In North Amer- ica with four or five young children was considered as a kind of fortune The value of children he observes was the greatest of all encouragements to mar riageThis Is no longer the case as is evi- dent fron the increasing number of bach elois and of window frames of a certain color which they readily recognize How far preferable the sweet illusion of moral love With all our predilection for the Columbian fair we have seen with regret among the ladies of Washington a fond- ness for play that bewitching passion which extinguishes the best sentiments of the heart and creates a dislike to every pleasant or useful occupation When In dulged In from motives of gain the vio- lence of hope fear and other worse pas- sions changes the very features In ef- facing tbtfr divine impression of the male which Is so often irre sistible AflVlKC Girl From the GlevelsiL Plain Dealer t George asked me lou old T wwnld be on iwy TJext Birthday The iioputlen fellow Of course said 19 Xo 1 sai 20- Sfcrcj jdi1 arent but 24 2u Lit rtgfxx la to give e a cluster rin with a rafuonj in it for cresy year f 1Ienlth I pit lOt the effect mea I I Pos- t I I I ASHINGTOli LONG AGO the I n 1 I I B We d The population of the TerrI- tory c as- S OS th I tiock2d kEep j i see fie I I 1 I 1 man laRd Wash- ington I I their ardent intentions sigh and exclaim not le- comenance u you 4 FIRST sIxiiN ITEIRS could growth ill n Washing- ton all ts hich I 4 home 4 vp gung ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = > > + Easy to MaKeEasy to Digest and of Exquisite Flavor Strengthening and most Econymical in use Sold atai grocery stonsordcr it iti i tet- M sa 4 Rcfreshng sV scat sac > Beginning tomorrow night this store will remain open until late every Saturday night until Christmas Purchases to the amount of 5 or more delivered without cost to within 100 miles radius of this city 513515 Seventh Street Purchases of Christmas gifts made now will be cheerfully laid away If de and delivered day Be fore Christmas The Christmas Dolls and Toys are on show and the forsrab Opening will occur next Monday The stores story was never so interesting as it is now because at tells of some very important transactions of some very large purchases in which quantity made prices lower thanthey otherwise would haye been Some of these purchases are ready for selling tomorrow fortunately for the special offerings which we mate are actually without precedent f We do not want you to get the idea that youre being extended a favor when we allow you to have your purchases charged It is our way of doing business and were always as pleased to sell you in this way as tot cash You pay nothing for this privilege all our prices are plainly inatked and you may arrange the terms T to suit your convenience v 1 L 1 rL 11 II I 11 i I I I t I I I LL I I I 11 1 1 n J I l I already I- r t sIred 1- i l l- II youand E a I 4 I 1 ¬ + > + > > + I we secured stock a few veeks ago of suits and overcoats from Fechheiiner- v Fishel Co we thought we had reached the limit of Valueoffering By purchase of the plus stock of David Marks Son7s suits and overcoats we are enabled to offer you greater values than ever suits and overcoats of the very highest grade for Which this firm has become X the country over We have made but one lot of the purchase Ijecaiisd they are all garments of almost equal 51 worth t d Mens suits and overoo arts rorthUP 0 t su- rf 1475 When the suiplua Ui celebrat- ed + are suits of plain and fancy cheviots and cassimercs fancy wor studs oxford chevlats etc with coats made with the new military shoulders and lined with quality of linings They are all handsome dressy suits equal in every way to custom tailors suits for which they ask you 30 and more f There 04 4 ben t 1 + 350 suits 193 Hoys suits In sfzes 3 to S years and doublebreasted suits in sizes 7 to 16 years some of which are all wool cad all of which are well made wertful and longwearing gar made worthful and longwearing Ear- less than 5350 are offered you 198 450 suits 298 Another lot of boys in vestie styles from 3 to 10 years and In dou styles from 7 to 16 years the former having silk vests and vests of same all of them all wool and elegantly trimmed 29S Instead of 450 t est e IT t it ults t brea ted doublebreasted- 4 I 4 for- t iV I x i I ¬ + + Dangerously Wounded While Virginia Moonshiners A TianWs slvInfif flay Attact In Meek lenlmrsr County Deputy Collectors Repelled l y the Aid of Winchester Riflea One of the a Tounc at Alexandria PETERSBURG Va Xoy 30 Last Tuesday eputy United States Collectors Charles Gee and John Chapman and Unit ed States Deputy Marshal Benedict left here for Mecklenburg to look for II licit stills In that county Yesterday morning when the officers attempted to raid a still near Lacrosse ilecklenburg county they were fired upon by the moon shiners with Winchester rifles and Cot lectors Gee and Chapman were shot Chapman was seriously wounded and Gee had his shattered Gee is one of the most zealous and fearless officers in the service of the Government Chap man is the son of william H Chap- man United States revenue agent for the division of Virginia and North Carolina LYNCHBURG Va Nov 30 To many persons In Lynchburg the Thanksgiving holiday was darkened by a sad piece of news that reached the city In the It was a telegram received by one of the officers of the Revenue Service stating that Deputy Collectors John and Charles Gee bad been fired near Lacrosse Mecklenburg county by a party of Illicit distillers and seriously wounded According to the message young Chapmans wounds are of a dan- gerous character and expected to prove fataL His father CoL William H Chapman revenue agent of this district who is spending Thanksgiving at his old home in Orange county was notified to come immediately to Ills soifs bedside at the home of Dr R S Powell at Wood View Brunswick county The telegram was re peated to Colonel Chapman from Lynch burg Deputy CollectorS Gees arm vs broken by a rifle ball Deputjj iarsijal Benedict of near Richmond who formed one of the party of officers escaped un- hurt The officers were at the time in takIng a raid air the property of an hunt distiller and their work hadirsus ed the wrath of the lawbreakers and REYEKIJB AGENTS SHOT Raid- ing Stu lent 1 arm Col arc eng ged Q tlffic era Thee ogical after- noon Chap- man upon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ jJi There are overcoatsO- f blue and black terseys tan covert oxford cheviots arid other high grade fabrics in Raglan Paddock and auto- mobile styles besides the less conservative styles for eon jeryative men The linings of these too are the finest U ngs equal the tyonU find and workmanship and fit best ¬ They tie worth up to 25 because they are they are enormous values at 1475 f 200 mens fancy vests 450 values for 149 There is nothing the matter with them theyre perfect in every way and thoroughly stylish being of silk figured and broken plaid cheviots and double breasted Youll find them selling for fL50 about town even now Choice of these for 149 600 mens hats for 129 wlien we took the town by storm Six hundred mens golf and Fedora and flat set brim soft hatsy in the new and ppoper shades of light and dark pearl and browns and aliio mens derbys in black and new shades with reversible silk bands and bindings for 129 each they tie all 250 bats A makers surplus stock boys clothingw- ill be put on sale tomorrow morning and it illustrates well what we have always told you that Hechts are ever on the alert to your interests well as their own This stock is the best part of an enormous purchase made by our five stores m conjunction with one mother and the prices are next to half nd J J I i 250 values offer tomorrow a bargain in mens hats which equals the startling offering 6f last week f 1 If s 1 We == === + + = ± ± 6 SUitSv98 A third lot of boys suits embracing vestie styles from 3 to 10 years and doablebreasted styles from 7 to 16 years of blue and blaek allwool cheviots and fancy mixed and cheviots all of them grand val- ues at 6 for 5S- S500 reefers 298 Lot of boys blue chinchilla reefers with high storm collars with which the boy can defy the cold and wind well lined and worth no less than 3 to be offered at 298 c1s3Im red 3 ¬ Sale of boys knee pants White laundered shirtwaists I 2 a pair for a great lot of boys T striped and mixed cheviot T knee pants all stanch 4 worthful garments the kind i 4 which sell for39c usually 23c a pair for another lot of boys allwool knee pats boys corduroy knee most thoroughly made sell regularly for 50c and flOe pair I 3c pants Special bargain in mens underwear I T made of best f quality Australian lambs X wool in single and dou 4 ble breasted regular X Values at 2 a garment 139 for- T mens red flannel un- derwear garment 4 I 4 garment lor one case of mens all wool fleecedlin cd shirts and drawers very heavy for wear by men exposed to weather Which are the regular values at 2 I t o a another Jot of boys krieft pants some Ith double seats and knees in blue black and fahiy all wool ctfevlots tbe finest pants possible to buy which sell for 75c and 89c pair 49cT pair foi 1f gannfot for a splendid line of heavy- weight shirts and drawers shirts have French iecks and are silk taped and finished with buttons drawers are reinforced the regulaj values at 60c men pear JJ fleeceiIOd ¬ x Ladies 39c underwear 19c 19c garment for ladies derby ribbed fleecelintel vests and J pants which are the regular values sold by every store at 39c I I H caused them to resort to their desperate action For time past revenue off- icers have called upon to make raids Mecklenburg county In the neighborhood of Lacrosse and several successful raids have been made there John Chapman is about twentyfive years of age For some time he has been- a student at the Theological Seminary at Alexandria where he has been studying for the Episcopal ministry To aid In se curing himself an education from time to time has assisted his father Chapman as a deputy collector He Is a young man of great promise bright and Intelligent and is beloved and cd mired by all who know him A BIG iNSURANCE POLICY F V Morgan Said to Be One of the HairXHIIon TRIsk CHICAGO Nov 30 Frederick W Mor- gan the President of the Morgan Wright Company Is declared to be one of the most heavily insured men In Chicago He las been a liberal patron of life Insurance for years carrying upward of 200000 and now It is stated that he has closed a con tract for an additional 500000 General Agent John H Nolan of the Hartford Company which is supposed to have issued the big policy declined to make public the name of the person to whom it was Issued but admitted that he had written a prominent capitalist for 330 MO that morning The policy Is one of the lopayment plan and Is certainly one of the largest recently Issued In Chicago The annual premiums amount to 11514 Mr Morgan who is believed to be the man Is a firm believer In life insurance as a and now carries over 500000 probably 1550000 aItOgether The amount places him in the list of the heavily in- sured men of the United States Among others who carry large lines of life insurance are John Wanamaker of t some been he Colo- nel I c I pro- tection I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 850 overcoats 1249 Jn transportation a lot of boys win tee weight tan covert overcoats wore exposed to the rain and as the result are slightly stained by the wa ter The express company agreed to stand the loss us to sell them al any price They are not badly dam aged in some instances the stain is not noticeable They will air t e sold how- ever at 249 and at this price they are the best bargain of the season They are good coats are made by best boys maker an they told ¬ ¬ 39c- A lot of odds and ends In boys white laundered shirt back nd front In sizes 6 7 11 1 13 and 14 only regular 1 waists to go for SOC waistspleated > 125 kid gloves immense lot of ladies 2 ciasp and Foster hook real kid gloves in all the popular shades gloves which you cannot dupli cate elsewhere for less than 125 go tomorrow for GOc pr I I t OCe- An ¬ UiNNIN Let ussupply the ucetdcd Gun and Ammunition We sell the best makes of Guns in Ibe country for big or little genie We also rent guns and repair them MODERATELY WALFORD 477 and 909 Pa Ave Philadelphia 2250000 Hahne Co of Newark N J partnership 1400000 J J Hill of St Paul 51000000 George W Vanderbilt ol New York 1000000 Frank W Peavey of Minneapolis IOCO000 Au gust of New York 600000 W W GIbbs of Philadelphia Chauncey M Depew of New York 500 000 Theodore A Havemeyer of New York 500000 E H Abbott of Milwaukee 500 000 FerCmand W Peck of Chicago 400 000 and Frank O Lowden o Chicago 250000 A Vermont Mans Dou1lc Crime CHICAGO Nov 30 Fred A Hudson shot and killed his paramour Belle A Walker yesterday morning and then shot himself mortally The young people ac- cording to Hudsons antemortem state- ment came from Minneapolis four months ago They were not married but lived together as Mr and Mrs F A Hudson at the Hotel Vickery Hudson comes from Middleton vt where his lather W A Hudson Is the proprietor of a livery stable I II 500000 t l L Belmont ¬ ¬ ¬ and rerv Food f J Norsfords- I PhospbateR- o rishes invigorates the tired brain and body tgiv rest quiet w A Tonic and strength and iCP- Sale of womens wraps- We have made our first catch in ladled wraps We have bought several hundredfgarments from a reliable maker much jK under the regular price i They are all here and go on row morning just in time you to present indications that need them badly at once X I w ic sale tomor foX bur for f- are oull < + 800 coats 500 200 ladies handsome quality black kersey jackets up to date in style with new sieev t and new fronts elegantly lined coats just liKe ru have in our regular stock eelllng at S to go for 5 for choice 498 for lot of sam pies of childrens heavy cloth coats in sizes 2 to S years with automobile and pleated backs fur sibbon and lacetrim bled which were made to be sold for as mach as g 12 coats 950 Another lot of heresy jackets in black tan royal and castor silklined thoroughly stylish with new cuffs and fronts and at every point fashionable in stead of 12 we can sell these at 950 ladles Your and make a careful inventory- of what Furniture you may re- quire to make the home for Christmas time These marginal suggestions may jog your memory Pay us what you can weekly or monthly well be quite satisfied Come In and look around Youre quite welcome n- On Thinking Cap beau- tiful ¬ A CIVIL WAR BOMAITCE Kentucky Couple United in31arrlnge After Many Years PLYMOUTH Ky Nov 30 A romance that began during the civil war culmi- nated here yesterday nthe marriage of Capt James Fizer and Miss Mary Mason by Rev Father Feye of thfr Cathq- Ilc Church at the residence of 3L J BratJerick Captain Fizer was in command aLa company of the Fourth Kentucky which was stationed In the sannner of 1S64 At the social entertainments given by the citizens to the officers of the regimnt he met Miss Slary of Ralph TOns I i I I Tom I I here daughter ¬ Auto coats We shall also place on j sale a lot of ladies new automobile coats In black tan and castor at 4- 1S 3 just like those for g which we have had to a j 425 and which are being Ji sold about town even now at 30 i 1998 sc skirts 129 TVe shall put on sale tomorrow a new lot of ladies Oxford cloth rainyday skirts at L29 which are the regular 3 values made with stitched bottoms full width and inverted pleat backs J a very wellmade and dressy skirt for very little money 4 450 cheviot serge skirts 298 Lot of ladies black cheviot serge skirts positively all wool hill width inverted pleat backs and trimmed with three 5 rows of sulk around the bottoms instead of 450 lot 298 j ladies 1 298 skirts for 798 Lot of ladies black pebble cheviot and wide wale cheviot skirts some made with flounce and some seven gore lined with X mercerized Italian cloth 798 instead of 8129 J Sale of childrens coats Rainy day t f t J ± for lot of chil drens Eiderdown coats with large square collars trimmed with tiny head and silk In white pink blue tc worth twice this much f t I r i I I LOS gimp ¬ 1 S for long and short J bedford cord coats with A deep capes trimmed wIth ribbon and heavy lace 4 lined with sateen about j- 5d of them and all rem pies worth up to 5 T r Ladies 50 and 4 shoes Sl29 of ladfes tan bicycle boots whlcii always sold at 350 and 4 to- go for 129 tomorrow tadies 050 shoes 4 Tot of ladles surpass led batten handwelted soles vfd8tTform toeE i B widths and all jEizes Q ll for for 248 200 pairs IadiesT75c felt house slippers 49c 210 pairs of ladies felt h use slippers will be sold tomorrow at 49c pair which are sold by shoe stores at 75 Have and are plush trimmed Childs 98c shoes 65c 30 pairs of cbllorens and misses dongola button and shoes In S 12 to 2 and dongola box calf find satin calf shoes for little DS in sizes all of theta SSc values Wili be sold tomorrow at 63c Boys and youths 150 shoes 98c 300 pairs of boys and youths satin calf shoes made with strong soles and leather bck straps sizes 1312 to 5 12 the same grades which all shoe stores fell for L50 to go tomorrow for Ole pair as a special offering Womens SI Juliets 69c SS pairs of womens red and black felt Juliets with fur trimmings and hanSturned soles the regular values which are sold regularly for 1 to tomorrow for 63c pair Mens S3 shoes 198 o calf satin calf enamel and patent shoes with two or three soles In four styles of toes alt stylish shapes and the Best 3 footwear youll be offered anywhere for U tomorrow HECHT AND COMPANY 513515 Seventh f Lot are 2 48 j III L s 3 1 4 arid m sses 7 r tO 1n 2 pair f 1 T son J aIe T 4 s box d J J I- Sheet t- aH t altO dl sad D cO 4 hand turned olin i lace sizes 3 I 100 pairs men rid kid leather > + < > + + + + ± DiningRoom Bedroom Suites Parlor Suites Extension Tables Bookcases Morris Chairs Sideboards Suites Kitchen Tables Writing Desks Fine Rockers iron Bedsteads Chifonniers Combination Oases Handsome Couches Linoleum Best Stoves Banquet Lamps I Elegant Carpets Fine Rugs I China Mailings Ma6 Laid and Lined LrUJUi 1 OCREDIT HOUSE Northeast Corner Seventh and H Streets r T Carp ts Free I BIG NEW r DITflflITQ linson the first agent of the old Korisr Central Railroad It was a case at first sight but on account of the for the regiment to go to the uncertainly of the war they parted not to meet again three months ago At tie conclusion of peace between the States Captain Fizer was transferred to the Far West Since that time corres- pondence had ceased and each thought the other The captain who is now Home at Ma rica tad FalniouEb on a visit to renew his old friendships ned finding 5Its Mary still single 4t was easy to recall the days of itswar and re new the old love Captain and Mrs Fizer left for ili ir home in Marion lad after icr ceremony tuck order until marrIed Soldier ¬ ¬

I- Ii The stores story was never so as it is nowchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-11-30/ed-1/seq-3.… · THE EVENING TIMEa WASHINGTON FRIDAY NOYEBME 30 1900 N 0 T Ii-

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Page 1: I- Ii The stores story was never so as it is nowchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-11-30/ed-1/seq-3.… · THE EVENING TIMEa WASHINGTON FRIDAY NOYEBME 30 1900 N 0 T Ii-


T Ii-

i 3

Decrease of the Traffic Since the4ineriean Occupation

tlve Wine o Soldier Prohibited

The Division of Insular Affairs of theWar Department has made public a summary of that jrortion of the annual reportof the Department of Licenses and Mu-

nicipal Revenues of Manila Which relatesto the liquor IraSe In that city

At the time of the American occupa-

tion the law In force required all personsfirms or corporations doing business ofany nature within the municipal radius tohave a license Lieut Harry S Bishop incharge of that department states thatprior to January 4 19W saloons and infact all licenses to sejl liquor of any classboth wholesale and retail came under theclass of general business licenses the feefor which was only 3 with a 1 stamp at-

tachedUp to June 30 1S99 there had been is

eucd since the establishment of the officeon September 2 1S8S 214 saloon licenses14 of which had boon canceled leaving200 outstanding In addition to the abovethere were 1 in la sacalleddistilleries From that time to Feb-ruary 1 I960 there were Issued 28 moresaloon licenses of which 4 were canceledleaving a total outstanding Qf 224 at thelastmentioned date

The officer In charge of licenses madecertain recommendations in November1S9S relative to a change lathe law whichwere carefully considered and embodied-in General Orders No 2 of the MilitaryGovernor dated January 4 1900r whichprovided that the city should be dividedinto two districts to be known as theFirst License District including the

portion of the city and theSecond License District including the

residence part of Manila and its immed-iate suburbs

The license fee for saloons sellingbeer whisky and other intcxicating Hquors was JGCO Mexican in Frt ds

and 250 in the Second for saloonsselling oniy beer and light wine the feevss 1CO in the First district and 50 inthe Second

These licenses were all limited is a pe-

riod of six months and strictly forbadethe sale in the saloons so licensed of thenative wine commonly called Vino

Anisado and other intoxicants usuallyknown as native drinks

Additional and stringent police regula-tions were provided and special provisionmade for hotels

All saloon licenses In Manila were can-celled January SI 1900 between whichdate and new licenses were is-

sued as follows Licenses for wine liq-uor and beer saloons SO lijenses forwine and beer saloons S7 total 167 revoiced or surrendered 12 total outstand-ing June 169 155 This number In-

cludes hotel and restaurant liquor li-

censesLieutenant Bishop states that the

of this order was to decrease thenumber of saloons from 224 to 153 tomake the barrooms more orderly and tomake the saloonkeepers in every waymore careful In complying with the termsof their licenses regarding sales todrunken persons and sales cut hors

The report shows that of the 155licenses 66 are held Spaniards

23 by Americans 26 by Filipinos and Mestlzos 2 by negroes 8 by Chinese 3 byJapanese and 27 by persons of unknownnationality None of the licenses is heldby soldiers discharged from the Army inthe Philippines

With regard to the native drinks thereport says The native wineIs not regulated by any set of regulationsreferring to It alone Licenses for itssale come under the head of general busi-ness licenses It must not be supposedthat a native wine shop is anything lkea saloon or conducted as a wine shopalone the sale of liquor is invariablyconnected with that of other articlesusually native groceries or cooked Toedthe stock in nand will rarely exceed 10being usually a half dozen bottles of thevarious brands and an equal number ofglasses of different sizes

The wine Is known by various namesApsado Viao Beno Tuba etc the per-centage of wood alcohol is extremelyhigh The natives drink It moderately

and it appears to have no deleterious ef-

fect upon them An American drinkinglarge quantities of it as he would so muchwhisky is speedily rendered temporarilyinsane then passes into a state ofcoma until the effects have worn off Theregulations regarding its sale to soldiers

prif onment and forfeiture of license Licenses for the sale of native wine are issued only to natives mestizos and Chi-nese

The natives have drunk this Uquor forgenerations and it has not been thoughtbest to prohibit the use of it by them


increase of More Than a Million Dol-lars Over Last Year

The Division of Customs and InsularAffairs of the War Department has pre-

pared for publication the followingstatement of receipts from all sourcesat the several custom houses In the Island of Cuba for the first ten months of1900 as compared with the same periodotlS99

The statement shows that the total re-

ceipts from customs sources for the tenmonths ending October 31 1900 were 1321549903 while for the same ten monthsof 1899 they were 1242099159 showing-an increase in favor of 1900 of 109450744and an increase for the month of October1900 ever the same month of 1899 of

7 17455The comparison by customs ports

Baracoa the first ten months of1S99 43194981 1900 2468278 Batahano1899 130376 1SOO 272854 Cienfuegos1S39 95436198 1900 91639114 Cardenas 1SS9 22869333 1SOO 2 4fi2S5Caibarien 1S99 122SS903 1900 16285247 Guantanamo 1899 9094645 1900364631 Gibara 1S99 1320831 1900171422 0 Havana 1899 903553947

1900 5994966955 Manzanillo 1599 13V05763 1900 14112959 Matanzas 183932759305 1900 3S936 S9 Nuevitas

1899 1900 13677520 SigIlla Grande 18S9 114 S0126 1900 517823272 Sauta Cruz 1899 101843 J900431762 Santiago lisp 73156148 190076979969 Trinidad 1899 S1938443 1960

42119747 Tunas de Zaza 1S99 513318-I960 101397

Defeated in BaltimoreThe Cook Park Athletic Club of this

city went to Baltimore yesterday to playn game of football with the Mount St Josephs College eleven of that city withthe result that the college boys won by ascore of 16 to



fiilmberof Lleenes DurFiscAl

CentS leor Xn

Under Very Seere Pena ticC








loon by

sale of

are Involving fine im






Iecrene11l flue Rnt Year erIy-ITeJztfli Per


June O


very stringnt




























Determine Structure and Physical

If parents realize what a crimethey commit la permitting children to haveheavy drugs during their early life suchdugs for instance as coffee which stuntstheir growth prepares them for dyspepsiaend nervous wrecks they would do anything go to any amount of trouble andcare to change the methods and give theirchildren the advantages that nature de-mands to produce Rfrfect specimens

A sixtyyearold woman writes MyoverIndulgent used to say at thetable Why not the child have whatshe likes it phtshurt hey any He re-ferred particularly to my drinking coffeewhich I was veryfond of as a child Hehonestly thought it didnt hurt me forwith his strong body apparently withoutserves he was not consciously affected bycoffee but on bundle ornerves was to develop restlessness andstunt my

The first effegi Bter drinking coffee wasthat of exhilaration and I feltcourage and strength to attack almost anyamount of work but in a few hoursthe reaction came with misery in my chestpalpitation of thesheart and most unbear-able pains in my stomach

Finally my attention was called toturn Cereal Food Cofl and we securedsome of it It was prepared according todirections out breakfast bring delayed thePostnm got an extra boiling which de-veloped all Its virtues and we all fell inlove with It from the first moment Thechange in our physical health after drink-ing Postum was something remarkable Wehave as delicious coffee as anyone couldask but it is a perfectly healthy cpffee andthe more we drink of it in teased thebetter we are I am satisfied that the In-creasing amount of heart difficulty of lateyears among young people Is directly attributable to the use of coffee and It is agreat blessing to have so safe and delicious-a food coffee as Postum Please omit myname from publication East BrookfleldMass Name given upon application to Pasturn Cereal Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich

Impressions Made Upon a Visitorto the City 1810

Flatteriiijc Tril nle to the FemininePortion of Iojialntion Xcarly-Onelliilf of Pie Inhabitants ofIrish OrieitJ TliV SIr ar Saddlerand Iti ncwtrtictjoji by a Vandal

Description of the Territory of Columbia Is the title of a little book whichwas paWisbed in Paris In the year 1S16The author of the volume was the late D

Colombia in 1SIO Is given as 24

023 tl at of the city of WashingtonIn the year 189 the population of

the District according to the author was14 S3

In another pert the author says Near-ly onehalf of the population of

Is of Irish origfnl The laboring classis chiefly Irish nail many of them have noacquaintance with the English languageThey have cut the canal trade and repairedthe streets and executed most of the man-ual labor of the city

In one of streets of Washington-we observed a sign beard with the follow-ing inscription Peter Rodgers saddlerfrom the green fields of Erin and tyrannyto the green streets of Washington andliberty ee Copenhagen view the seastis all ablaze The seas

shall be free Yankee Doodle it upIt appears thai this saddler is a native

of Cork from he was banishes atthe age of for no other rea-son as he states than that of hiving worna greenroJored coat and vented sighs forhis dear native country This sign boardwas attacked by some malicious hand andthe poor old cply mortified at thisoutrage in a of freedom publishedhis complaint JirtJfe National Advertiseroffering a dollar ft was all he possessedas a reward for brlnglsg the offender to

justiceSpeaking of female society of Washing-

ton the author saysThe state of female society at

does great honor to the sex Theyhave been accused of sacrificing toomuch to the empire of fashion but as wehave not been able to verify the extent ofthis tribute it would be dangerous to decide on so delicate a subject They arecertainly superior women generally high-ly gifted in mental as they are adornedwith personal endowments They havehitherto withstood the lamentable rayages which art sad luxury have in othergreat cities produced upon the sex

There Is an evil however which Isdeeply lamentable It is natural to lovethose who are made to be loved and nosooner do tbe young ladles of Washingtonarrive at the nubile state than they givetheir hand to some wooing stranger ormember of Congress who carries themoft in triumph to his distant Theyoung citizens who have teen daily conteniplatlng the regular advances of thOseshoots into perfection disappointed in i

without reason against the corrup-tion of the times against family interestand an unnatural and disheartening pref-erence to forelgcers Washington thusresembles a nursery whose fine plants areannually transported to a foreign and lesscongenial soil

In cities and towns the motives tomarriage are not so strong as in thecountry and on this account members ofCongress have the advantage When theauthor of The Enquiry Into the Natureand Causes of tbe Wealth of Nationswrote hat admirable work in 1776 it appears tnt a young widow In North Amer-ica with four or five young children wasconsidered as a kind of fortune Thevalue of children he observes was thegreatest of all encouragements to marriageThis

Is no longer the case as is evi-dent fron the increasing number of bachelois and of window frames of a certaincolor which they readily recognize Howfar preferable the sweet illusion of morallove With all our predilection for theColumbian fair we have seen with regretamong the ladies of Washington a fond-ness for play that bewitching passionwhich extinguishes the best sentimentsof the heart and creates a dislike to everypleasant or useful occupation When Indulged In from motives of gain the vio-lence of hope fear and other worse pas-sions changes the very features In ef-

facing tbtfr divine impression of themale which Is so often irresistible

AflVlKC GirlFrom the GlevelsiL Plain Dealer

t George asked me lou old T wwnld beon iwy TJext Birthday

The iioputlen fellow Of course said19

Xo 1 sai 20-

Sfcrcj jdi1 arent but 242u Lit rtgfxx la to give e a cluster

rin with a rafuonj in it for cresy year





the effect mea












I B We d The population of the TerrI-tory c




I tiock2dkEep


isee fie








I their ardent intentions sigh and exclaimnot












all ts





4 vpgung






























Easy to MaKeEasy to Digest and of Exquisite FlavorStrengthening and most Econymical in use

Sold atai grocery stonsordcr it





RcfreshngsV scat sac


Beginning tomorrow nightthis store will remain openuntil late every Saturdaynight until Christmas

Purchases to the amountof 5 or more deliveredwithout cost to within 100

miles radius of this city 513515 Seventh Street

Purchases of Christmasgifts made now will becheerfully laid away If de

and delivered day Before Christmas

The Christmas Dolls andToys are on showand the forsrab Openingwill occur next Monday

The stores story was never so interesting as it is nowbecause at tells of some very important transactions of some very large purchases in which quantity made prices lower thanthey otherwise would haye been

Some of these purchases are ready for selling tomorrow fortunately for the special offerings which we mate are actually without precedent f

We do not want you to get the idea that youre being extended a favor when we allow you to have your purchases charged It is our way of doing businessand were always as pleased to sell you in this way as tot cash You pay nothing for this privilege all our prices are plainly inatked and you may arrange the terms Tto suit your convenience v

1 L 1 rL 11 II I 11 i I I I t I I I LL I I I 111 1 n

J Il I already I-

r t sIred 1-

i l










+> +

> >


I we secured stock a few veeks ago of suits and overcoats from Fechheiiner-v Fishel Co we thought we had reached the limit of Valueoffering By purchase of the

plus stock of David Marks Son7s suits and overcoats we are enabled to offer you greater valuesthan ever suits and overcoats of the very highest grade for Which this firm has become

X the country overWe have made but one lot of the purchase Ijecaiisd they are all garments of almost equal

51 worth

t d

Mens suits and overoo arts rorthUP0t


1475When the suiplua




are suitsof plain and fancy cheviots and cassimercs fancy worstuds oxford chevlats etc with coats made with the newmilitary shoulders and lined with quality of liningsThey are all handsome dressy suits equal in every way tocustom tailors suits for which they ask you 30 and more

f There04




350 suits 193Hoys suits In sfzes 3 to S

years and doublebreasted suits insizes 7 to 16 years some of which areall wool cad all of which are wellmade wertful and longwearing garmade worthful and longwearing Ear-less than 5350 are offered you198

450 suits 298Another lot of boys in vestie

styles from 3 to 10 years and In doustyles from 7 to 16 years

the former having silkvests and vests of same all of themall wool and elegantly trimmed 29SInstead of 450

test e




t brea teddoublebreasted-








Dangerously Wounded WhileVirginia Moonshiners

A TianWs slvInfif flay Attact In Meek

lenlmrsr County Deputy CollectorsRepelled l y the Aid of WinchesterRiflea One of the a Tounc

at Alexandria

PETERSBURG Va Xoy 30 LastTuesday eputy United States CollectorsCharles Gee and John Chapman and United States Deputy Marshal Benedictleft here for Mecklenburg to look for II

licit stills In that county Yesterdaymorning when the officers attempted toraid a still near Lacrosse ilecklenburgcounty they were fired upon by the moon

shiners with Winchester rifles and Cot

lectors Gee and Chapman were shotChapman was seriously wounded and

Gee had his shattered Gee is one

of the most zealous and fearless officers

in the service of the Government Chap

man is the son of william H Chap-

man United States revenue agent for thedivision of Virginia and North Carolina

LYNCHBURG Va Nov 30 To manypersons In Lynchburg the Thanksgivingholiday was darkened by a sad piece ofnews that reached the city In the

It was a telegram received by oneof the officers of the Revenue Servicestating that Deputy Collectors John

and Charles Gee bad been firednear Lacrosse Mecklenburg county by aparty of Illicit distillers and seriouslywounded According to the messageyoung Chapmans wounds are of a dan-gerous character and expected toprove fataL

His father CoL William H Chapmanrevenue agent of this district who isspending Thanksgiving at his old homein Orange county was notified to comeimmediately to Ills soifs bedside at thehome of Dr R S Powell at Wood ViewBrunswick county The telegram was repeated to Colonel Chapman from Lynchburg Deputy CollectorS Gees arm vsbroken by a rifle ball Deputjj iarsijalBenedict of near Richmond who formedone of the party of officers escaped un-hurt

The officers were at the timein takIng a raid air the property of anhunt distiller and their work hadirsused the wrath of the lawbreakers and




Stu lent





eng ged


tlffic eraThee ogical


Chap-man upon








jJi There are overcoatsO-

f blue and black terseys tan covert oxford cheviots aridother high grade fabrics in Raglan Paddock and auto-mobile styles besides the less conservative styles for eon

jeryative men The linings of these too are the finestU ngs equal the tyonUfind

and workmanship and fit best


They tie worth up to 25 because they are they are enormous values at 1475 f

200 mens fancy vests 450 values for 149There is nothing the matter with them theyre perfect in every way and thoroughly stylish

being of silk figured and broken plaid cheviots and double breasted Youll find them selling forfL50 about town even now Choice of these for 149

600 mens hats for 129wlien we took the town by storm Six hundred mens golf and Fedora and flat set brim soft hatsyin the new and ppoper shades of light and dark pearl and browns and aliio mens derbys in blackand new shades with reversible silk bands and bindings for 129 each they tie all 250 bats

A makers surplus stock boys clothingw-ill be put on sale tomorrow morning and it illustrates well what we have always told you

that Hechts are ever on the alert to your interests well as their own This stock is the bestpart of an enormous purchase made by our five stores m conjunction with one mother and theprices are next to half



i 250 valuesoffer tomorrow a bargain in mens hats which equals the startling offering 6f last week





== ===






6 SUitSv98A third lot of boys suits embracing

vestie styles from 3 to 10 years anddoablebreasted styles from 7 to 16years of blue and blaek allwoolcheviots and fancy mixedand cheviots all of them grand val-ues at 6 for 5S-

S500 reefers 298Lot of boys blue chinchilla reefers

with high storm collars with whichthe boy can defy the cold and windwell lined and worth no less than 3to be offered at 298

c1s3Im red

Sale of boys knee pants White launderedshirtwaistsI

2 a pair for a great lot of boys

T striped and mixed cheviot

T knee pants all stanch4 worthful garments the kindi

4 which sell for39c usually

23ca pair for another lot ofboys allwool knee patsboys corduroy kneemost thoroughly made sellregularly for 50c and flOe


I 3cpants

Special bargain in mens underwearI

T made of best

f quality Australian lambsX wool in single and dou4 ble breasted regularX Values at 2 a garment


T mens redflannel un-





garment lor onecase of mens allwool fleecedlin

cd shirts and drawersvery heavy for wear bymen exposed to weatherWhich are the regularvalues at 2


t o

a another Jot ofboys krieft pants some Ithdouble seats and knees inblue black and fahiy allwool ctfevlots tbe finestpants possible to buy whichsell for 75c and 89c pair

49cTpair foi

1f gannfot for asplendid line of

heavy-weight shirtsand drawers shirts haveFrench iecks and aresilk taped and finishedwith buttonsdrawers are reinforcedthe regulaj values at 60c



J JfleeceiIOd


x Ladies 39c underwear 19c19c garment for ladies derby ribbed fleecelintel vests and

J pants which are the regular values sold by every store at 39c


caused them to resort to their desperateaction For time past revenue off-icers have called upon to make raidsMecklenburg county In the neighborhoodof Lacrosse and several successful raidshave been made there

John Chapman is about twentyfiveyears of age For some time he has been-a student at the Theological Seminary atAlexandria where he has been studyingfor the Episcopal ministry To aid In securing himself an education fromtime to time has assisted his father

Chapman as a deputy collector HeIs a young man of great promise brightand Intelligent and is beloved and cdmired by all who know him


F V Morgan Said to Be One of theHairXHIIon TRIsk

CHICAGO Nov 30 Frederick W Mor-

gan the President of the Morgan WrightCompany Is declared to be one of the mostheavily insured men In Chicago He lasbeen a liberal patron of life Insurance foryears carrying upward of 200000 andnow It is stated that he has closed a contract for an additional 500000

General Agent John H Nolan of theHartford Company which is supposed tohave issued the big policy declined tomake public the name of the person towhom it was Issued but admitted that hehad written a prominent capitalist for330 MO that morning

The policy Is one of the lopaymentplan and Is certainly one of the largestrecently Issued In Chicago The annualpremiums amount to 11514 Mr Morganwho is believed to be the man Isa firm believer In life insurance as a

and now carries over 500000probably 1550000 aItOgether The amountplaces him in the list of the heavily in-

sured men of the United StatesAmong others who carry large lines of

life insurance are John Wanamaker of
















850 overcoats

1249Jn transportation a lot of boys win

tee weight tan covert overcoats woreexposed to the rain and as the result

are slightly stained by the water The express company agreed tostand the loss us to sell themal any price They are not badly damaged in some instances the stain is notnoticeable They will air t e sold how-ever at 249 and at this price theyare the best bargain of the seasonThey are good coats are made by bestboys maker






39c-A lot of odds and ends In

boys white laundered shirtback nd

front In sizes 6 7 11 1 13and 14 only regular 1waists to go for SOC

waistspleated >

125 kid gloves

immense lot of ladies 2

ciasp and Foster hook real kidgloves in all the popular shadesgloves which you cannot duplicate elsewhere for less than125 go tomorrow for GOc pr

I I t





Let ussupply the ucetdcd Gun andAmmunition We sell the best makesof Guns in Ibe country for big or littlegenie We also rent guns and repairthem MODERATELY

WALFORD477 and 909 Pa Ave

Philadelphia 2250000 Hahne Co ofNewark N J partnership 1400000 JJ Hill of St Paul 51000000 George WVanderbilt ol New York 1000000 FrankW Peavey of Minneapolis IOCO000 August of New York 600000 WW GIbbs of PhiladelphiaChauncey M Depew of New York 500000 Theodore A Havemeyer of New York500000 E H Abbott of Milwaukee 500

000 FerCmand W Peck of Chicago 400000 and Frank O Lowden o Chicago250000

A Vermont Mans Dou1lc CrimeCHICAGO Nov 30 Fred A Hudson

shot and killed his paramour Belle AWalker yesterday morning and then shothimself mortally The young people ac-

cording to Hudsons antemortem state-ment came from Minneapolis four monthsago They were not married but livedtogether as Mr and Mrs F A Hudsonat the Hotel Vickery Hudson comes fromMiddleton vt where his lather W A

Hudson Is the proprietor of a liverystable








and rerv Foodf J


PhospbateR-o rishes invigorates the tired brain

and body tgiv rest quiet

wA Tonic

andstrength and iCP-

Sale of womens wraps-We have made our first catch in ladled wraps We have

bought several hundredfgarments from a reliable maker much jK

under the regular price i They are all here and go onrow morning just in time you to present indications

that need them badly at once X

Iw ic

sale tomorfoX bur for f-

are oull <


800 coats

500200 ladies handsome

quality black kerseyjackets up to date instyle with new sieev tand new fronts elegantlylined coats just liKe ruhave in our regular stockeelllng at S to go for

5 for choice

498 for lot of sampies of childrens heavycloth coats in sizes 2 toS years with automobileand pleated backs fursibbon and lacetrimbled which were made tobe sold for as mach as


12 coats

950Another lot of

heresy jackets in blacktan royal and castorsilklined thoroughlystylish with new cuffsand fronts and at everypoint fashionable instead of 12 we can sellthese at 950



and make a careful inventory-

of what Furniture you may re-

quire to make the homefor Christmas time These

marginal suggestions mayjog your memory Pay us whatyou can weekly or monthlywell be quite satisfied Come

In and look around Yourequite welcome



Thinking Cap




Kentucky Couple United in31arrlngeAfter Many Years

PLYMOUTH Ky Nov 30 A romancethat began during the civil war culmi-nated here yesterday nthe marriage ofCapt James Fizer and Miss MaryMason by Rev Father Feye of thfr Cathq-

Ilc Church at the residence of 3L JBratJerick

Captain Fizer was in command aLacompany of the Fourth Kentucky whichwas stationed In the sannner of 1S64

At the social entertainments given by thecitizens to the officers of the regimnt hemet Miss Slary of Ralph TOns




I Tom






Auto coats

We shall also place on jsale a lot of ladies newautomobile coats Inblack tan and castor at 4-

1S 3 just like those for gwhich we have had to a j425 and which are being Jisold about town evennow at 30



skirts 129TVe shall put on sale tomorrow a new lot of ladies Oxford

cloth rainyday skirts at L29 which are the regular 3 valuesmade with stitched bottoms full width and inverted pleat backs Ja very wellmade and dressy skirt for very little money 4

450 cheviot serge skirts 298Lot of ladies black cheviot serge skirts positively all

wool hill width inverted pleat backs and trimmed with three 5rows of sulk around the bottoms instead of 450 lot 298 j

ladies 1298 skirts for 798Lot of ladies black pebble cheviot and wide wale cheviot

skirts some made with flounce and some seven gore lined with Xmercerized Italian cloth 798 instead of 8129 J

Sale of childrens coats

Rainy day t





for lot of chil

drens Eiderdown coatswith large square collarstrimmed with tiny headand silk In whitepink blue tc worthtwice this much









¬ 1 S for long and short J

bedford cord coats with Adeep capes trimmed wIthribbon and heavy lace 4lined with sateen about j-

5d of them and all rempies worth up to 5 Tr

Ladies 50 and 4 shoes Sl29of ladfes tan bicycle boots whlcii always sold at 350 and 4 to-

go for 129 tomorrow

tadies 050 shoes 4Tot of ladles surpass led batten handwelted soles vfd8tTform toeE i

B widths and all jEizes Q ll for for 248

200 pairs IadiesT75c felt house slippers 49c210 pairs of ladies felt h use slippers will be sold tomorrow at 49c pair

which are sold by shoe stores at 75 Have and are plushtrimmed

Childs 98c shoes 65c30 pairs of cbllorens and misses dongola button and shoes In

S 12 to 2 and dongola box calf find satin calf shoes for little DS in sizesall of theta SSc values Wili be sold tomorrow at 63c

Boys and youths 150 shoes 98c300 pairs of boys and youths satin calf shoes made with strong soles and

leather bck straps sizes 1312 to 5 12 the same grades which all shoe storesfell for L50 to go tomorrow for Ole pair as a special offering

Womens SI Juliets 69cSS pairs of womens red and black felt Juliets with fur trimmings and

hanSturned soles the regular values which are sold regularly for 1 totomorrow for 63c pair

Mens S3 shoes 198o calf satin calf enamel and patent

shoes with two or three soles In four styles of toes alt stylish shapes and theBest 3 footwear youll be offered anywhere for U tomorrow


fLot are

2 48 jIII

Ls 3


4 arid m sses7


1n 2 pair



son JaIe


s box dJJ


Sheet t-

aH t

altO dlsad D cO 4

hand turned olin i

lace sizes3


100 pairs men rid kid leather



< >









Parlor Suites




Morris Chairs



Kitchen Tables

Writing Desks

Fine Rockers

iron Bedsteads







Best Stoves




Elegant Carpets

Fine Rugs


China Mailings

Ma6 Laid and Lined

LrUJUi 1 OCREDIT HOUSENortheast Corner Seventh and H Streets

r TCarp ts Free I


linson the first agent of the old KorisrCentral Railroad It was a case

at first sight but on account ofthe for the regiment to go to the

uncertainly of the war theyparted not to meet again threemonths ago

At tie conclusion of peace between theStates Captain Fizer was transferred tothe Far West Since that time corres-pondence had ceased and each thought theother The captain who is now

Home at Marica tad FalniouEb ona visit to renew his old friendships nedfinding 5Its Mary still single 4t waseasy to recall the days of itswar and renew the old love Captain and Mrs Fizerleft for ili ir home in Marion lad aftericr ceremony




