TEE EYENXKG TOTES WASHINGTON MONDAY OCTOBER 29 1900 8 I v I Kann Sons Go THE BUSY CORNER Always the best of for the least money FOR We shall sell 100 pieces of Cot- ton Birdeye IS by inches wide each piece full 10 quantity isnt ex- actly as large as we would like to have it but the first hundred en- tomeiis will get one piece each which is the limit at On account of this being a oneday spe- cial It will be impossible to fill Mail or C O D Orders We have secured from Ihe Fashions Publishing Company of Philadelphia New York and Chi- cago exclusive l i t to publish their famous journal Fashions in our city Fashions is one of the best monthlies published in the civilised world md is in sense worthy of the hijihest endorsement as a family paper of unusuaL merit To secure this you will have to register your name at our Bureau of In- formation and receive a eaid which will entitle you to every is sue which is monthly The fol- lowing are the contents for our first number to beJssued Novem- ber 1 Editorial comments by Augusta Pres cott The Tell Tale Schuler Educate Children for Heaven by T De Witt Talmago In the Nick of Time by Elaine Cartwright Cut Glass by Julian Darrel Cowles to Young Stage Aspirants by Ellen Per ry How to Keep Young Marina Ee Pue The Power of Song Ira J Sanliey Paris Fashions by Annetta Rierdon Reed New York Fashions by Helen Grey Sage The Making of a Cracker by Josephine Willis Love and Marriage- In Society Mrs Russel Page You Can Learn to Sing by Emma Calve Rest lessness and Wrinkles by Marian Bright Coolers Thanksgiving by Grace Denio November Evenings around the Chafing Dish by Linda Hull Lamed Decorating the Home for Autumn by Margaret Hill Canfield In My Ladys Boudoir and many other wellknown writers Parties living out of town and wishing us to supply them with this beautiful magazine can have the same mailed for one year by sending us 24 cents in stamps S KANN SONS CO 8th and Market Space Perfect ELEGANTLY TAILORED Mens Suits to Order in blue or black Cheviots unexcelled In fit and work IMf wanshJp for Equal to any 25 Suit in the city Entire satisfaction or money refunded F SCHREIBER 726 Street N W oc21wmtf Uncommonly Fine Hats xh a Theyre such good Hats that it takes 150 to buy their equal anywhere else Doth DER3YS and SOFT HATS in all the new fall shapes and colors And only 160 and 2 lists are big values for the money 250 end 3 elsewhere 0c for stiffbosom COLORED SHIRTS 1IOOUU fc CUULIXANj 4X3 7tli St Successors to A Lewis oc3tf Shoes a the newest tad moot attractire itjlw In shoes Black tins patent leather C Auerbach7 and H Domestic Sewing Machines Phona 772 Our Special O containin yardsthe 9 c Z Free to Our journal by i Advice g 0 11th 1 D t egen men Equal to UIT e 250 0zn ii s TOMORADWI Patrons v- ery TicK Lester Custom I jl 1v l- Our Vonny1anla Avcuu- cMens Boys ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tfayer Pettit WiH Furnish Your Home From Cellar to Roof Prompt Attention Paid to Mail Orders The public Las recognized our ability and the resources at our command in giving them the best Furniture Values for the money Theres not a day that passes where we havent added a new name to our ever increasing list of patrons Every piece of stock that leaves this store bears the mark of Reliability and satisfies in every respect Weve got the confidence of all and mean to retain it Our guarantee backs up every article sold here CREDIT FOR ALL YOUR RURCFiASES AS D PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR COnVE IE CE J f O r iY r r r YXf J 0 o 0 1 I L MAKE 01ff PosIiioii as t Ladiiig FrfflIur llarga flv6rs SIafldL UoquosIioned 5 < > < I I 0 A large and magnificent Sideboard value Heavily carved golden oak swelled f 2 A 0 A II value c oJ- v r j1 A large handsomely carved golden polish finished oak Bed Room Suite Large dresser with French plate mlr ror Massive bed 1U1d 50 washstand to complete value o An 18 golden oak 1 f 95 finished Bedrcom Suite three pIeces I A very elaborately brass trimmed White Enameled Bed Long 95 bras vases spindles and rods A value for 1- I X i i 3 1Li 1 795 35 Sideboard 37 A iO FlLi j 710 fflfliS OF THE DISTRICT Business Men Complain of an Ex- pensive Discrimination Refuse Collected liytlie Public Ser- vice From Residences Hot Must Be Removed Frwjii Stores nt the Expense of the McrclinntH The Hud Condition of Sixteenth Street f j One of the directs of the present sys- tem of collecting and disposing of ashes and miscellaneous refuse is that it makes no provirion for the removal of such from tores and business houses In all the factories stores and premises oth- er than private residences the removal of ashes etc must be done at the expense of the parties owning or occuping the prem- ises in question There has been much complaint at thtarfiiscrlmination beween the householder and the business man in the removal of city waste as the average person is unable to draw a dividing line be tween ashes In a kitchen range or the furnace of a private house and similar residue of fire in the heating apparatus of a store while paper is much the same in all cases The matter was brought to the attention- of the Commissioners again recently by a letter from T A Judd and By a petition from J R Bowen and others complaining- of the manner in which they are against Mr JiM says that he has been officially informed by the Depart- ment of Street Cleaning that the refuse from his store must be removed at his ex pease while at his residence he says It is taken away by the collector free oV charge He asks that the Commissioners urge upon Congress the necessity of mak- ing an appropriation for the removal o such waste from business places as well as private houses In the petition of Bowen and others a similar request Is made and the petitioners state that they are now taxed to pay Ice the collection of these materials from pri- vate residences and they declare them selves unable to see any reason why the storekeeper or businss man should be ex- cluded from the service In reply to these letters the ComnVs sioners wrote this morning that they would ask Congress to make an addition- al appropriation of 35000 for the collec- tion and disposal of ashes and waste to cover the increased ex- pense of taking such material from stores and business hotels restaurants and houses George W Mercer Acting Superintend ent of Street explained to a re porter of The Times this morning that the failure of the department to take- away ashes and waste stores and business houses is not entirely the fault of the authorities The appropriation made at the last session of Congress was not sufficient to meet the ex- pense He stated that a of 115000 was appropriated for the collec- tion and disposal of garbage miscellane- ous refuse arid ashes in the city of and the more densely populated suburbs It was also stipulated that the amount appropriated should cover the cost of inspection supervision etc Mr Mercer explained that when the service was organized and the work let out to contractors the department agreed to pay 29790 for the collection and disposal- of ashes 8iOO f6r miscellaneous refuse 17000 for night soil and 51000 for gar- bage the balance of the appropriation being reserved for the payment of sala ries and contingent expenses Mr Mercer explained that the 29790 was all that could be spared for the col- lection and disposal of ashesand that it vraST only sufficient forLtaking such refusa away from private residences The ct recalled estimates for tb3 i f burned aste discrim- inated miscella- neous houseS apartment I h H1 sum Wash- ington was f re- fuse lump that n the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ Avery large nicely carved ma hogany finish frame 2 6 75 f A magnificent Parlor Table value full quartered oak pol 1 95 lshed finish French legs A- t3 value for r A large 2b24ln top 8c I This very fint three 14 5 0 piece Parlpr Suite rev ered in silk damask S A pretty 1 0 95 Parlor Large and comfort 1 0 50 able velour covered Bed Lounge oak frame S 5piece Parlor Suite covered In silk tap- estry Parlor Table thrtplece Suite service for the next fiscal year an addi tional appropriation was asked for ex tending the collection of ashes to all the business houses of the city A petition from Morris B Sabin and oth- er residents and property owners residing on Thirteenth Street northeast recently ceived by the Commissioners call their at- tention to the condition of Thirteenth Street between Lincoln Park and B Street The petition sets forth that curbing and granolithic pavement lavg been recently laid but that the street is not paved and that the gutters such as they are being full at mud and refuse to a level with the curbing the rain washes the sand from the street to the pavement The petition- ers declare their belief that the value of the improvements on the property facing this part of Thirteenth Street entitles them to a paved street and they request that the work may be done C B Hunt the Com- puting Engineer in reporting upon the ap- plication recommended that the petitioners- be informed that their communication will be placed on file for earliest consideration at the time when additions are mada to the paving schedules This recommendation- was today approved by the Commissioners Louise M Miller of 5 Quincy Street northeast recently wrote to the Commis- sioners requesting that the unpaid against the premises oh which she lives be canceled In accordance with the recent opinion of the Attorney relating to tax certificates She states that according to the law quoted by the Attorney if the Collector of Taxes or the Assessor gives a certificate stating that there Tin paid taxes or assessments against the prop erty at the time of transfer the District Is barred from collecting any taxes or1 assess- ments that might at that time be due End unpaid In relation claim the writer says Four years ago last September I bought 5 Quincy Street northeast There was at that time no unpaid taxes or assessments recorded against the property either In the office of the Recorder of Deeds or in Cifice of the District so said the Tax Officer in issuing clear tax certificate I paid all taxes since then all special as- sessments for improvements Over two years ago I was served a notice to pay something like 322 for some assessment that should have been levied and paid six or seven years ago which I have not paid for the reason given by the Attorney of the District that a clear tax certificate bars collection As this law has not been repealed I suppose it is still in force and I hereby ask that you cancel the assess- ment in question and clear the title to the property in accordance vlth the law The application having been referred to the Water Registrar for his consideration- the clerk of that department recently re- ported to Capt D D Gaillard in charge of that department recommending that the applicant be advised that the reassessment on lot 87 block 3 West Eckington was made under the provisions of the act Congress approved July 8 1898 and being in all respects in accord therewith cannot be canceled The clerk further reported that his office was not aware that any opinion has been rendered by the Attorney relating to cases of this character and he further states that such an opinion could not affect the status of this or simi lar assessments which if they can be can celed at all can only be so canceled by judicial proceedings The Engineer Commissioner today the application to his associates approving the recommendation of the Water Office The Funeral of Mr Stnlee The funeral of William H Stake who died at his studio 1107 F Street northwest of asphyxia- tion early Saturday morning held this af ternoon at 2 at family residence in Brookland The lodge of of which 3Ir Stake was a member attended tieS interment which took place in Hock Creek Cemetery Exactly Whnt A handy little box just right for a ladys purse For any case of nervousness sleeplessness stomach Little Jffrve nerve medicine for the price in market I I no an f for- warded were vest pocket of Cucnrel Candy prevents Alldrugiatii lOc try Relief is sure onlr assess- ment are to her the- Ta You or a gentlemans Crithiartic illnem weak indigestion Carters Pills The a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ lit A I lr L1 A large 5plcce silk damask coyered Parlor Suite 3 0 95 beau- tifully carved frame tuted back spring edge puffed front 45 value for A handsome round end China Closet 14 95 finished 42 In wIde worth 22 for t i quartered oak polished Made ilaid arid Lined FREE dOo Ingrain Car pets A yd 75c Ingrain Car pets A jd M1 Brussels Car pets CARPETS 25C 50t 7St eo ¬ ¬ ¬ A Hardwood Chair at half 35C the prIce you pay elsewhere A very large Golden Oak Combina tion Case large Book Case Roomy Desk and Cupboard 14 95 I tilL with French plate glass back A5 most desirAble Roman 24 8 Seat Mahoganlze Frame wIth silk damask cover Iig Mayer Pettlt 415 417 Seventh Street x c = t ti WalkTh- ere are going to bo some mighty dull days among the other tailoring we making up the 2200 stock of woolens that we bought of Prank Baker Co 707 Market Street f ment of these ods goes on sale this morning at these crowdbring I- Ing prices T Winter Suits made to from fine T cheviots choice of black blue or neat mixtures 15 values for Overcoats made to or der from black blue or grey Chev lots elegant ly tailored and trimmed Choice 8 If you eysr get a garment here that isnt well make you a new one tree or reach in the cash drawer and hand your money back The Tailor 637 F- An OverCoat UsHlnpr- A dark grey overcoat is missing from the Lav- rence Hotel The proprietor of the hotel has re to the police the name of a man ha su4- pects of having stolen it and Detective lacy is looking for hin- iTyo Cn cs of Vagrancy JVilliam guilty this to chaise of vagrancy Judge Scott took his per bonds to leave the District at ones On a charge Alonzo F Simms was sent to jail thirty days Police Parade Plans The Cbmmissoncrs today requested of the Sec- retary of War the use of the Fifth United States Cavalry Band in the police tiarade to take place pn Novembcr 15 A similsri was sent to the of thtr 3Tarj for the use of the United ilarine Band on the same occasion Aillcpred TIkiev CnrtKl t Inspector This morning received a from Earcaster Pa ar- rest there of Charles Shine and John Hifdebrand the boys wanted line on the charg of stealintr 200 from Edward who camp l his band of fortunfe tellers near Roses Wine Sortie beyond BrooklancL ThEY will back to this city for trial When you rennet sleep for coughing it is hardly secesfary that any One tell that need R few jdos of Chamberlains Cough Remedy togllay the irritation of the throat and nwike sleep possible It is it For sate by Hairy Evans wholesale arid retail and tilt druggists e i in I i a I i establishments whIle 1 arc I The 80 t a Ii t- i Winter i 1 t t t t I t 1 i HORNi- t t t- e 0 0 0 e e e 0 e 0 0 I 0 004 morning ropiest Smith the G brought ou s I t Winning Phlladelpjiia second install meas- ure right orted Hayes pleaded r tatrs Beard ren the ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + < < A Great Year For Gunning Lots of game and we have all the necessaries with which to hunt All the bes raafces of Guns at lowest prices ITHACA GUNS from PARKER iammerlesa I 7 C BELGIUM double barrel G C from 4 1U Single barrel from 0 50 SPECIAL LOT ARMY LEG G1XS regular 1 values for 909 Pa Ate ilONDAT OCTOBEK S3 19001 Partly clontJj fresh northeasterly wind TEMPERATURE Temperature at fl a m 55 Temperature at 12 noon 62 Temperature at 2 p m 60- THK SUN AND MOOS Sun rose G22TAJL I Pn wt 5m T r Moon rises Moon sets 955 PiL TIDE TAULE Low tide 010 A1L thigh tide 1145 AM STREET LIGHTING Lamps lit ioday 541 P3L Lamps out tomorrow 53SAM AMUSEMENTS Columbia Theatre A Bachelors Romance evening Lafayette Square Opera House Countess Val cslca Hashims Academy of Music Fashionable vauds- ville sect evening Chases ewr vautfeyille afternoon and Kernans Lyceum Theatre The Bowery Bur afternoon and evening The New Bijou The Trocadero Burlesquers afternoon and evening IN AND ABOUT THE CITY Stole a Dollar TVnteli- Frank Jamci was fined jo by Judge Kimball this stealing a watch valued at front Abraham PcterF For Hauling a SeinJ- ame3iicCCrmick vasrfoed 10 for hauling a in in the waters ofthe Potomac in violation of the fish Lie A Policy Xaiy Case Watson was arraigned in tlie Ebticc Court this morning charged with a violation of the policy law He was remanded for a further hearing Duncan JlcCurrie was arrested on Seventh Street yesterday aficrcccn fjr annoying ladies on the street Tiicge Scott this wornisg fined him 10 with ths Itsrnative of thirty days in the wcrthcuse Will IbId JTo inquest The Coroner haS decidcd not to hold an in the circijof the irro infants of whom Alice Carter is suppcsid to bs the mother They were found dcsdin tie cellar of the hpuM oc- cupied by the woman She Will be tried in tie Police Court nor ver on of vioTatTng health ordaance in Jailing to the bodies in an authorized cemetery o 2150 I nun iI r CQt irig 7cto all kir 0 I 5 Oc b 0- WALFORDS o 0- ICEbe jiimeJi- I I The JndcutJona and Tuesday light to I I J I and 615P L I GrandPolite even n 1 Robert in- quest row 9 from 650- p 4ueuifl izttlter fteioon morning fer C Por Annoying Ladies the < > > 3JC0JKS A pretty Corner 1 98 mahoganlzed frame with sIlk s A heavv White a- Bed best 5 for the A 450 value I 8 for to 0 A solid Oak Chair Cane seat high back golden oak finish 150 95C value elsewhere Our prHe to 1 50 A DIner to X I T Chair damask scat Enamel The Bed offere1 price A 250 Old Bruin The nest and Purest Dark in the World BREWING GO Telephone 1229 for a case The PotCalledthe Be S APOL i 0 cause the Housewife Didnt Use e- a6Se 3333e33 I z 7 I 9eer ONSUMEBS Kettle Black BIG 001 Y The kind thats a pleasure to own High Back Reed Rocker full roll close X cane and brosd Inns Worth 3 K- ft CREDIT GIVEN 1 BORK- Sf 1083iOio Seventh St 1 Comply With the Law Every houte In ASH Can 135 Refuse Can 50c by August 1 Garbage Can 50c R HARDWARE LOrLl tOlO Pa AVC- i tailors ask JO for the identical suitings we are xnaMntr up at 20 Come judge for youKelf HEBBARD WiNEMAN TOO XI ii tH Street Phone 2041 FAV0SS3TE- F0E WES4WO3ERJ Fined for Assault Five dollars or fifteen days was the sentnce in two assault cases in the Police Court this morn ing August South for assaulting Lawrence Hill and Joseph Williams for an assault on William S Bruff were the culprits iKsne of Pensions The Pension Bureau issued the following bul letin today Issue of October 12 law District of Columbia Addlticoal Jacob Trautman S12 Original widows special Fanny 8 with Span original Henry E Kronz 17 Uiiam A Pratt 0 SJ R U- JOCKERS w m I seat WAlK E ee se e e k e Our prices aTe the yet JOHN TIlE I I J Q4IV C Washington mus t have these 3 cans lowest MEkcFS I 3a I ar ¬ A very pretty Golden Oak 3 45 nicelY polished with Only f Avery pretty Golden Suite large dressing case with bev- el plate mirror neat 18 75 ly carved bedstead and washstand a- II SI ru ze Curtains fJ 150 Size Lace Curtain L1 i 5 250 Size Lace CurtaIns 0 Fin e Tapestry portieres 9J t fQ f c aj Desk drawer worth 550 4 i 7 Oak Bedroom 4 DRAPERiES Lace Si q siC cst3 1itjif 1 IH cjC 5 SL48 1 S245 BUY AT 1 5 i Tl Selling Sew River Lump Coal at fo a T ion Suitable for Ranges Latrobes and Hotair Furnaces Su- pcrior to Anthracite for Steam and Hot water Heaters I 702 St N W PHONE 476 J 0 CXNLTFF Her GAS STOVES For Cooking and Heating GAS APPLIANCE EXCHANGE Ii21 New York Avenue for 1 The JVasMngton Brew yUdriSs cry Co deliverin 12 quart bottles of Golden Slop beer to homes in unlettered wagons for Write or phone oct282t Body of a Dead Infant The body of a dead infant was found jn the near Umatclla and the Piney Branch Hoa yesterday afternoon by Thomas Taylor and companions It was removed to the rnor U2 the Coroner notified Drove a Spnvlnccl Horse John Williams was charged in the Police today with collecting garbage without a permit and with driving a spavined horse He was toed in the first case and his personal bonds taken to work horse until I COAl 1 t j t l J t 1 I 11th r i- Ot e Ie 0 PIANOs S 521 11th St NW S t c 12 1 f hOi a J l Court L 5 not th f tEE T A t WVLJZEH 4 GS4 S C 45 Jal5LItt 5 is woods e + + + G AS TO R c A rorlafsnbasdChildnB Tile Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tne- Signaturo f II 8 s4 of 5 S5 <

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1900 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-10-29/ed...Editorial comments by Augusta Pres cott The Tell Tale Schuler Educate

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IKann Sons Go


Always the best offor the least money


We shall sell 100 pieces of Cot-

ton Birdeye IS by incheswide each piece full10 quantity isnt ex-

actly as large as we would like tohave it but the first hundred en-

tomeiis will get one piece eachwhich is the limit at

On account of this being a oneday spe-cial It will be impossible to fill Mail orC O D Orders

We have secured from IheFashions Publishing Company ofPhiladelphia New York and Chi-

cago exclusive l i t to publishtheir famous journal Fashionsin our city Fashions is one ofthe best monthlies published inthe civilised world md is in

sense worthy of the hijihestendorsement as a family paper ofunusuaL merit To secure this

you will have to registeryour name at our Bureau of In-

formation and receive a eaidwhich will entitle you to every issue which is monthly The fol-

lowing are the contents for ourfirst number to beJssued Novem-ber 1

Editorial comments by Augusta Prescott The Tell TaleSchuler Educate Children for Heavenby T De Witt Talmago In the Nick ofTime by Elaine Cartwright CutGlass by Julian Darrel Cowlesto Young Stage Aspirants by Ellen Perry How to Keep Young Marina EePue The Power of Song Ira J SanlieyParis Fashions by Annetta Rierdon

Reed New York Fashions by HelenGrey Sage The Making of a Crackerby Josephine Willis Love and Marriage-In Society Mrs Russel Page You CanLearn to Sing by Emma Calve Restlessness and Wrinkles by MarianBright Coolers Thanksgiving byGrace Denio November Evenings aroundthe Chafing Dish by Linda Hull LamedDecorating the Home for Autumn by

Margaret Hill Canfield In My LadysBoudoir and many other wellknownwriters

Parties living out of town andwishing us to supply them withthis beautiful magazine can havethe same mailed for one year bysending us 24 cents in stamps


8th and Market Space


Mens Suits to Orderin blue or black Cheviots

unexcelled In fit and work IMfwanshJp for

Equal to any 25 Suit in the cityEntire satisfaction or money refunded

F SCHREIBER 726 Street N Woc21wmtf

Uncommonly Fine Hatsxh a Theyre such good Hats that it takes

150 to buy their equal anywhere elseDoth DER3YS and SOFT HATS in allthe new fall shapes and colors Andonly

160 and 2 lists arebig values for the money 250 end 3 elsewhere

0c for stiffbosom COLORED SHIRTS1IOOUU fc CUULIXANj 4X3 7tli StSuccessors to A Lewis oc3tf


a the newest tadmoot attractire itjlwIn shoes Blacktins patent leather

C Auerbach7 and H DomesticSewing Machines Phona 772





Freeto Our


by i






D tegenmen

Equal to UIT

e 2500zn







TicK Lester




1v l-


Vonny1anla Avcuu-

cMens Boys










tfayer Pettit WiH Furnish Your Home From Cellar to Roof Prompt Attention Paid to Mail Orders

The public Las recognized our ability and the resources at our command in giving them the best Furniture Values for the money Theres not a day that passes where we haventadded a new name to our ever increasing list of patrons Every piece of stock that leaves this store bears the mark of Reliability and satisfies in every respect Weve got the confidence ofall and mean to retain it Our guarantee backs up every article sold hereCREDIT FOR ALL YOUR RURCFiASES AS D PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR COnVE IE CE


fO r iY r r r YXfJ

0 o0



01ff PosIiioii as t Ladiiig FrfflIur llarga flv6rs SIafldL UoquosIioned






A large and magnificent Sideboardvalue Heavily carvedgolden oak swelled f


0A IIvalue c oJ-

v r


A large handsomely carved goldenpolish finished oak Bed Room SuiteLarge dresser with French plate mlrror Massive bed 1U1d

50washstand to completevalue

oAn 18 golden oak


95finished Bedrcom Suitethree pIeces


A very elaborately brass trimmedWhite Enameled Bed Long

95bras vases spindles androds A value for






79535 Sideboard

37A iO




Business Men Complain of an Ex-

pensive Discrimination

Refuse Collected liytlie Public Ser-vice From Residences Hot MustBe Removed Frwjii Stores nt theExpense of the McrclinntH The HudCondition of Sixteenth Street

f j

One of the directs of the present sys-tem of collecting and disposing of ashesand miscellaneous refuse is that it makesno provirion for the removal of such

from tores and business houses Inall the factories stores and premises oth-er than private residences the removal ofashes etc must be done at the expense ofthe parties owning or occuping the prem-ises in question There has been muchcomplaint at thtarfiiscrlmination beweenthe householder and the business man inthe removal of city waste as the averageperson is unable to draw a dividing line between ashes In a kitchen range orthe furnace of a private house and similarresidue of fire in the heating apparatus of astore while paper is much the samein all cases

The matter was brought to the attention-of the Commissioners again recently by aletter from T A Judd and By a petitionfrom J R Bowen and others complaining-of the manner in which they are

against Mr JiM says that he hasbeen officially informed by the Depart-ment of Street Cleaning that the refusefrom his store must be removed at his expease while at his residence he says Itis taken away by the collector free oV

charge He asks that the Commissionersurge upon Congress the necessity of mak-ing an appropriation for the removal osuch waste from business places as well asprivate houses

In the petition of Bowen and others asimilar request Is made and the petitionersstate that they are now taxed to pay Icethe collection of these materials from pri-vate residences and they declare themselves unable to see any reason why thestorekeeper or businss man should be ex-cluded from the service

In reply to these letters the ComnVssioners wrote this morning that theywould ask Congress to make an addition-al appropriation of 35000 for the collec-tion and disposal of ashes and

waste to cover the increased ex-pense of taking such material from storesand business hotelsrestaurants and houses

George W Mercer Acting Superintendent of Street explained to a reporter of The Times this morning thatthe failure of the department to take-away ashes and waste stores andbusiness houses is not entirely the faultof the authorities The appropriationmade at the last session of Congress wasnot sufficient to meet the ex-pense He stated that a of

115000 was appropriated for the collec-tion and disposal of garbage miscellane-ous refuse arid ashes in the city of

and the more densely populatedsuburbs It was also stipulated that theamount appropriated should cover thecost of inspection supervision etc MrMercer explained that when the servicewas organized and the work let out tocontractors the department agreed topay 29790 for the collection and disposal-of ashes 8iOO f6r miscellaneous refuse17000 for night soil and 51000 for gar-

bage the balance of the appropriationbeing reserved for the payment of salaries and contingent expenses

Mr Mercer explained that the 29790was all that could be spared for the col-lection and disposal of ashesand that itvraST only sufficient forLtaking such refusaaway from private residences The ct

recalled estimates for tb3

i f







h H1








that n the


























Avery largenicely carved mahogany finish frame

26 75


A magnificent Parlor Table valuefull quartered oak pol

1 95lshed finish French legs A-

t3 value for rA large 2b24ln top 8c


This very fint three14 50piece Parlpr Suite rev

ered in silk damask S

A pretty 1 0 95Parlor

Large and comfort1 0 50able velour covered

Bed Lounge oak frame S

5piece Parlor Suite

covered In silk tap-estry



service for the next fiscal year an additional appropriation was asked for extending the collection of ashes to all thebusiness houses of the city

A petition from Morris B Sabin and oth-er residents and property owners residingon Thirteenth Street northeast recentlyceived by the Commissioners call their at-

tention to the condition of ThirteenthStreet between Lincoln Park and B StreetThe petition sets forth that curbing andgranolithic pavement lavg been recentlylaid but that the street is not paved andthat the gutters such as they are beingfull at mud and refuse to a level with thecurbing the rain washes the sand fromthe street to the pavement The petition-ers declare their belief that the value ofthe improvements on the property facingthis part of Thirteenth Street entitles themto a paved street and they request that thework may be done C B Hunt the Com-puting Engineer in reporting upon the ap-

plication recommended that the petitioners-be informed that their communication willbe placed on file for earliest considerationat the time when additions are mada to thepaving schedules This recommendation-was today approved by the Commissioners

Louise M Miller of 5 Quincy Streetnortheast recently wrote to the Commis-sioners requesting that the unpaid

against the premises oh which shelives be canceled In accordance with therecent opinion of the Attorney relating totax certificates She states that accordingto the law quoted by the Attorney if theCollector of Taxes or the Assessor givesa certificate stating that there Tinpaid taxes or assessments against the property at the time of transfer the District Isbarred from collecting any taxes or1 assess-ments that might at that time be due Endunpaid

In relation claim the writer saysFour years ago last September I bought

5 Quincy Street northeast There was atthat time no unpaid taxes or assessmentsrecorded against the property either Inthe office of the Recorder of Deeds or in

Cifice of the District so said the TaxOfficer in issuing clear tax certificate Ipaid all taxes since then all special as-

sessments for improvements Over twoyears ago I was served a notice to paysomething like 322 for some assessmentthat should have been levied and paid sixor seven years ago which I have not paidfor the reason given by the Attorney ofthe District that a clear tax certificatebars collection As this law has not beenrepealed I suppose it is still in force andI hereby ask that you cancel the assess-ment in question and clear the title to theproperty in accordance vlth the law

The application having been referred tothe Water Registrar for his consideration-the clerk of that department recently re-

ported to Capt D D Gaillard in chargeof that department recommending that theapplicant be advised that the reassessmenton lot 87 block 3 West Eckington wasmade under the provisions of the actCongress approved July 8 1898 and beingin all respects in accord therewith cannotbe canceled The clerk further reportedthat his office was not aware that anyopinion has been rendered by the Attorneyrelating to cases of this character andhe further states that such an opinioncould not affect the status of this or similar assessments which if they can be canceled at all can only be so canceled byjudicial proceedings

The Engineer Commissioner todaythe application to his associates

approving the recommendation of theWater Office

The Funeral of Mr StnleeThe funeral of William H Stake who died at

his studio 1107 F Street northwest of asphyxia-tion early Saturday morning held this afternoon at 2 at family residence inBrookland The lodge of of which 3IrStake was a member attended tieS intermentwhich took place in Hock Creek Cemetery

Exactly WhntA handy little box just right for a ladys purse

For any case of nervousness sleeplessnessstomachLittle Jffrvenerve medicine for the price in market








vest pocket of Cucnrel Candyprevents Alldrugiatii lOc

tryRelief is sure onlr



to her


Youor a gentlemansCrithiartic illnem

weakindigestion CartersPills The a

















litA IlrL1

A large 5plcce silk damask coyered Parlor Suite3 0 95

beau-tifully carved frame tuted back spring edge puffed front

45 value for

A handsome round end China Closet

14 95finished 42 In wIdeworth 22 for

t i

quartered oak polished

Made ilaid arid LinedFREE

dOo Ingrain Carpets A yd

75c Ingrain Carpets A jd

M1 Brussels Carpets

CARPETS25C 50t 7St


¬ ¬ ¬

A Hardwood Chair at half 35Cthe prIce you pay elsewhere

A very large Golden Oak Combination Case large Book Case RoomyDesk and Cupboard

14 95

ItilLwith French plate glassback

A5 most desirAble Roman2 4 8Seat Mahoganlze Frame

wIth silk damask cover Iig

Mayer Pettlt415 417 Seventh Street





WalkTh-ere are going to bo some

mighty dull days among the othertailoring we

making up the 2200 stock ofwoolens that we bought of PrankBaker Co 707 Market Street fment of these ods goes on salethis morning at these crowdbring I-

Ing prices T

Winter Suitsmade to

from fineT cheviots choice

of black blue orneat mixtures

15 values for

Overcoatsmade to order fromblack blue orgrey Chevlots elegantly tailoredand trimmedChoice

8If you eysr get a garment here

that isnt well make you anew one tree or reach in the cashdrawer and hand your money back

The Tailor

637 F-

An OverCoat UsHlnpr-A dark grey overcoat is missing from the Lav-

rence Hotel The proprietor of the hotel has reto the police the name of a man ha su4-

pects of having stolen it and Detective lacy islooking for hin-

iTyo Cn cs of VagrancyJVilliam guilty this tochaise of vagrancy Judge Scott took his per

bonds to leave the District at ones On acharge Alonzo F Simms was sent to jail

thirty days

Police Parade PlansThe Cbmmissoncrs today requested of the Sec-

retary of War the use of the Fifth United StatesCavalry Band in the police tiarade to take place pnNovembcr 15 A similsri was sent to the

of thtr 3Tarj for the use of the Unitedilarine Band on the same occasion

Aillcpred TIkiev CnrtKl tInspector This morning received a

from Earcaster Pa ar-rest there of Charles Shine and John Hifdebrandthe boys wanted line on the charg of stealintr

200 from Edward who camp lhis band of fortunfe tellers near Roses Wine

Sortie beyond BrooklancL ThEY willback to this city for trial

When you rennet sleep for coughing it ishardly secesfary that any One tellthat need R few jdos of ChamberlainsCough Remedy togllay the irritation of thethroat and nwike sleep possible It isit For sate by Hairy Evans wholesale aridretail and tilt druggists



in I

i a


establishments whIle 1arc



80 ta

Ii t-







i HORNi-t

t t-

e 0 0 0 e e e 0 e 0 0 I 0 004



Smith the G



s I

t Winning

Phlladelpjiia second install




Hayes pleaded



Beard renthe







< <

A Great YearFor Gunning

Lots of game and we have all thenecessaries with which to hunt All thebes raafces of Guns at lowest prices


PARKER iammerlesa I 7 C

BELGIUM double barrel G C

from 4 1U

Single barrel from 0 50

SPECIAL LOT ARMY LEGG1XS regular 1 values for


Pa Ate


Partly clontJjfresh northeasterly wind

TEMPERATURETemperature at fl a m 55Temperature at 12 noon 62Temperature at 2 p m 60-

THK SUN AND MOOSSun rose G22TAJL I Pn wt 5m T rMoon rises Moon sets 955 PiL

TIDE TAULELow tide 010 A1Lthigh tide 1145 AM

STREET LIGHTINGLamps lit ioday 541 P3LLamps out tomorrow 53SAM

AMUSEMENTSColumbia Theatre A Bachelors Romance

eveningLafayette Square Opera House Countess Val

cslcaHashims Academy of Music Fashionable vauds-

ville sect eveningChases ewr vautfeyille afternoon

andKernans Lyceum Theatre The Bowery Bur

afternoon and eveningThe New Bijou The Trocadero Burlesquers

afternoon and evening


Stole a Dollar TVnteli-Frank Jamci was fined jo by Judge Kimball

this stealing a watch valued atfront Abraham PcterF

For Hauling a SeinJ-ame3iicCCrmick vasrfoed 10 for hauling ain in the waters ofthe Potomac in violation

of the fish Lie

A Policy Xaiy CaseWatson was arraigned in tlie Ebticc

Court this morning charged with a violationof the policy law He was remanded for afurther hearing

Duncan JlcCurrie was arrested on SeventhStreet yesterday aficrcccn fjr annoying ladies onthe street Tiicge Scott this wornisg fined him

10 with ths Itsrnative of thirty days in thewcrthcuse

Will IbId JTo inquestThe Coroner haS decidcd not to hold an

in the circijof the irro infants of whomAlice Carter is suppcsid to bs the mother Theywere found dcsdin tie cellar of the hpuM oc-cupied by the woman She Will be tried in tiePolice Court nor ver onof vioTatTng health ordaance in Jailing to

the bodies in an authorized cemetery



Inun iI r CQt irig 7ctoall kir

0I 5 Oc

b 0-


ICEbe jiimeJi-I

IThe JndcutJona

and Tuesday light toI




and 615P L


GrandPoliteeven n











morning fer


Por Annoying Ladies






A pretty Corner1 98mahoganlzed frame with

sIlk s

A heavv White a-

Bed best5for the A 450 value I 8for to 0

A solid Oak Chair Cane seat highback golden oak finish 150 95Cvalue elsewhere Our prHe to

1 50A DIner to





damask scat

EnamelThe Bed offere1




Old BruinThe nest and Purest Dark

in the World


Telephone 1229 for a case

The PotCalledthe Be SAPOL i 0cause the Housewife Didnt Use e-

a6Se 3333e33 I z





Kettle Black

BIG001 Y

The kind thats a pleasure to ownHigh Back Reed Rocker full roll close

X cane and brosd Inns Worth 3 K-


1 BORK-Sf 1083iOio Seventh St 1

Comply With the LawEvery houte

In ASH Can 135

Refuse Can 50cby August 1

Garbage Can 50cR HARDWARELOrLl tOlO Pa AVC-

i tailors ask JO for the identicalsuitings we are xnaMntr up at 20Come judge for youKelf

HEBBARD WiNEMANTOO XI ii tH Street Phone 2041



Fined for AssaultFive dollars or fifteen days was the sentnce in

two assault cases in the Police Court this morning August South for assaulting Lawrence Hilland Joseph Williams for an assault on WilliamS Bruff were the culprits

iKsne of PensionsThe Pension Bureau issued the following bul

letin today Issue of October 12 law Districtof Columbia Addlticoal Jacob Trautman S12Original widows special Fanny 8

with Span original Henry E Kronz 17Uiiam A Pratt 0


R U-





E ee se e e

k e

Our prices aTethe yet








Washingtonm u s t havethese 3 cans


MEkcFSI 3a I



A very pretty Golden Oak3 45nicelY polished with



Avery pretty GoldenSuite large dressing case with bev-el plate mirror neat

18 75ly carved bedstead andwashstand a-

II SIru zeCurtains

fJ150 Size LaceCurtain L1

i 5

250 Size LaceCurtaIns 0

Fin e Tapestryportieres


t fQ f


ajDeskdrawer worth 550 4



Oak Bedroom



Siq siC

cst3 1itjif 1

IH cjC





1 5i Tl

Selling Sew RiverLump Coal at fo a Tion Suitable forRanges Latrobes andHotair Furnaces Su-pcrior to Anthracitefor Steam and Hotwater Heaters I

702 St N WPHONE 476


GAS STOVESFor Cooking and Heating


for 1 The JVasMngton BrewyUdriSs cry Co deliverin12 quart bottles of Golden Slop beer to homesin unlettered wagons for Write or phone


Body of a Dead InfantThe body of a dead infant was found jn the

near Umatclla and the Piney Branch Hoayesterday afternoon by Thomas Taylor andcompanions It was removed to the rnor U2the Coroner notified

Drove a Spnvlnccl HorseJohn Williams was charged in the Police

today with collecting garbage without a permitand with driving a spavined horse He was toed

in the first case and his personal bonds takento work horse until



t lJ t


I11th r

i-Ot e Ie 0

PIANOs S521 11th St NW S




fhOia J



5not th f




4 GS4 S C 45







GAS TO R c A rorlafsnbasdChildnB

Tile Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears tne-Signaturo


8 s4of

5 S5
