Research of Case Studies

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  • 8/8/2019 Research of Case Studies


    Jess Pardoe

    Research of Case Studies (Working Title, Warp Films, Hollywood)

    As a class we have previously looked at various films produced by each of these institutions,

    the funding each company receives plays a large role on how successful and popular the

    film will be when released to the public. Each of these institutions has a different target

    audience, Working Title and Hollywood use a range of genres and try to appeal to families

    as well as couples and different age groups; Working Title have also recently starte dwidening their choice of genres as they created a film from the novel, Atonement , this makes

    a change as they usually produce Romantic Comedies . Warp Films are the smallest of the

    three companies and therefore have mainly stuck to one genre of social rea lism, this is

    because their funding is lower so they need to create films that the audience can relate to

    rather than get lost in an unknown world such as Hollywoods Avatar.

    Looking at the different case studies we produced in groups, we studied further i nto why

    Hollywood production companies are so much more successful than Warp Films. The first

    film researched was The Boat That Rocked (2009), the film was rated a 15 because of

    nudity, sexual references and adult humour. The main genre of this film is c omedy, but it

    would mainly appeal to a British audience as the humour can be dry and the cast are British.

    There are also suggestions of other genres w ithin the film such as, Romance, Drama and

    Music. Working Title have tried to appeal to an audience of pe ople who were alive in the

    1960s as the film is all set around this era including the music, costume and content; the

    film features music from artists such as, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, Beach Boys, The Kinks

    and many others.

    This is comparison to This is England (2006), produced by Warp Films, and shows that by

    having a higher budget for The Boat That Rocked meant that they could include a

    reasonably well known cast compared to This is England. Working Title films are now

    known for using stock ac tors/actresses, for example Bill Nighy, Emma Thompson and Nick

    Frost have all been in more than one Working Title film. Warp Films rated This is England

    as an 18, this is because the genre is Social Realism, so there are scenes showing violence,

    bad language and sexual references.

    The group also compared this film to Avatar (2009), a hugely successful Hollywood

    produced film; it is extraordinary and James Cameron (director of Titanic & Avatar) definitely

    showed this as with help from editors he managed to create a new world through digital

    technology. There were over 20 editing software programmes used to produce the film and

    as the director was James Cameron, the budget was enormous, an estimated $237,000,000.

    The three films mentioned are all extremely different, it is clear that the success of a film is

    often down to the budget as shown with the relationship between Hollywood production

    companies and Warp Films.

    The following group looked at Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang (2010), this is a family film

    produced by Working Title and was very successful as their budget was approximately $35million, and the gross revenue was $93,233,750. It was the first 3D film that Working Title

    have ever produced meaning they had a higher budget to try out new technologies which

    would cause their name to become more well known. The film was aimed at the 4 -quadrant

    audience; this includes old, young, male and female. It was rated 4/5 stars by The News of

    the World newspaper, the advertisement and knowledge of the production of the film was

    mainly distributed by word of mouth including reviews on social networking websites.

    The group who were given this film to research compared it with Hollywoods Avatar, as

    previously mentioned, they chose this to relate the f ilm to as it was also produced in 3D but

  • 8/8/2019 Research of Case Studies


    Jess Pardoe

    this didnt take up much of the budget as theirs was over $200 million. Working Title again

    used stock actress, Emma Thompson as she had previously done a lot of acting for their

    institution. Hollywood had freedom o f choice for Avatar as there were no limitations within

    the price of their budget and with an experienced director like James Cameron he would

    make the best decisions for his film.

    Another group chose to look at Wild Child, this film had a budget of 2 0 million and thegross revenue added 2 million on top of that, the film wasnt as successful as previously

    mentioned Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang, this could be because Nanny McPhee had

    the advantage of 3D. Wild Child is a Working Title produced film so they compared it to two

    other films produced by the same company, Green Zone and Atonement.

    Green Zone was not very successful, it cost too much to make so they didnt receive very

    high gross revenue, and in fact it was 6 million lower than the ir budget. Atonement

    however escalated with the revenue, as the budget was 30 million and they received an

    astonishing 129,266,061.

    The group I was a part of chose to look at Johnny English and in comparison, Avatar. This

    was to show the step up f rom Working Title to Hollywood production company films. Johnny

    English was adapted from a TV advertisement commercial . Rowan Atkinson is the star of the

    film and as he previously played the famous role, Mr Bean, he includes humour in his acting

    and facial expressions well; this is an example of intertextuality as the audience may

    recognise his body language or behaviour and link it to Mr Bean. This film became well

    known by word of mouth, people didnt have to choose to go and research what the new film

    that Rowan Atkinsons in is called, they would see if wherever they went. On sides of buses,

    billboards on the outskirts of towns, trailers in the cinema, YouTube clips and trailers and

    even iPhone apps that can be downloaded/purchased such as games of the f ilm or movie

    listings. Working Title also use appearances on television programmes as part of their

    advertisement, for example actors have been on Top Gear previously and images of

    premieres will be aired on breakfast shows and other talk shows. There are different

    categories of films, this one being listed under category D as its a British conglomerate

    production team, Working Title, but funded by the owner, the American company Universal.

    This is in comparison to This is England which is classed in categ ory E as the production

    company, Warp Films, is British and so is the company their funding comes from as they are

    currently an independent film company.

    From the research we have done as a class we can see major differences between Warp

    Films, Working Tit le and Hollywood film production companies. We have looked at new

    technologies in detail and from looking at the films listed in this essay we have seen that

    Hollywood mainly use 3D and Working Title have started becoming familiar with it in the past

    year. Hollywood films receive better feedback from reviewers and the general public as they

    are well publicised and become well -known extremely fast; this is another advantage tohaving a large budget for film for the advertisement process.