Raleigh Charter High School Technology Plan 2009-2013 October, 2008

Raleigh Charter High School Technology Plan › aboutus › technologyplan2009-2013.pdfRaleigh Charter High School. Technology at RCHS allows students and teachers to assess student

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Page 1: Raleigh Charter High School Technology Plan › aboutus › technologyplan2009-2013.pdfRaleigh Charter High School. Technology at RCHS allows students and teachers to assess student

Raleigh Charter High School Technology Plan


October, 2008

Page 2: Raleigh Charter High School Technology Plan › aboutus › technologyplan2009-2013.pdfRaleigh Charter High School. Technology at RCHS allows students and teachers to assess student

Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 1

Necessary Components for the LEA Technology Plans North Carolina G. S. § Article 8, Part 3A 115c-102.6A-C(16).

In order for local education agencies to meet requirements as set forth in North Carolina General Statute § Article 8, Part 3A 115c-102.6C-A, each section of the plan must include at least one strategy or objective that addresses the following: NC public schools will produce globally competitive students.

1. Mathematics/reading scores improvement 2. Classroom use of student resources 3. IMPACT model implementation 4. Computer Skills Test score improvement 5. Computer Skills Curriculum implementation 6. Information Skills Curriculum implementation 7. Technology integration across the curriculum 8. Student distance learning opportunities 9. Assistive technology availability 10. Global Exchange 11. Support for Early College/Learn and Earn (or similar) programs

NC public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals.

1. Teacher/staff skills assessment 2. Diverse training resources (local and online including DPI resources) 3. Follow-up support 4. Local certification and professional development requirements 5. Ethical and professional standards 6. Evaluation of training 7. Readiness of an educator to design, implement, and discuss assessment strategies

is referred to as "assessment literacy." 8. ***Global awareness training

***Global Awareness: The recognition and understanding of interrelationships among international organizations, nation-states, public and private economic entities, socio-cultural groups, and individuals across the globe. NC public school students will be healthy and responsible.

1. School campus security (video, alarms, metal detectors, etc.) 2. School bus security (video, radios, cell phones, etc.) 3. Student and Staff ID systems 4. Student Information/Tracking Systems (SIMS/NCWISE, nutrition, etc.) 5. Internet and email filtering/security 6. Classroom telephone systems and other communications devices 7. Website use (district, school and classroom) Flexible access to resources 8. Equitable access to resources

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 2

9. Ethical and personal responsibility 10. Policy and procedures to address global, ethical and responsible use 11. Technology used to educate, monitor and maintain healthy student lifestyles

Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools.

1. Leadership enabling Teaching and learning collaborative projects 2. MTAC 3. Leadership communication tools and venues 4. Leadership created professional growth opportunities 5. Partnerships 6. Process for addressing ongoing change

NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems.

1. Policy 2. Budget 3. Personnel 4. Security 5. Administrative Applications 6. Hardware 7. Infrastructure-School Local Area Networks and District Wide Area Networks 8. Communication and collaboration tools (email, Web 2.0, file management) for


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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 3

Public Schools of North Carolina North Carolina Instructional Technology Plan State Board of Education Department of Public Instruction Howard Lee, Chairman Patricia Willoughby, State Superintendent


LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY PLAN The local school board has actively involved key stakeholders in the development of a district-wide four-year technology plan that includes the following key components: • a vision statement consistent with the North Carolina Instructional Technology Plan

that reflects the unique qualities and strategic priorities of your local school system;

• the identification of the current situation, goals, objectives and evaluation of the core instructional and administrative components of a technology program that address the five strategic priorities of the Future Ready Students:

Globally competitive students

21st Century professionals

Healthy and responsible students

Leadership for innovation

21st Century Systems;

• a staff development and training component that reflects a budget of 20 to 30 % of the total cost of the technology program; and

• an infrastructure/connectivity component that meets North Carolina Information Technology Services standards to assure compatibility, connectivity, and cost-effectiveness.

LEA Name: Raleigh Charter High School LEA Number: 92K Signature: Superintendent Local Board Chair Person of Contact: Hoey Crain Telephone number: 919-715-1155 Instructional Technology Division Technology Planning and Support NCDPI

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 4

Technology Committee Members

All committee members have been involved in the development of this plan and support its implementation.

Name Title or Group Represented Signature Date Cheryl Smith Network Technician/Parent Hoey Crain Network Administrator/Parent Steve Busonik Teacher Monique Poirier Teacher/Parent Glenda Atkinson Administrator Henry Rich Teacher/Parent Robert Hussey Teacher Stephen Day Teacher Danny Zweigert Parent/Board Rep/PASTA Pres.

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 5

VISION The RCHS technology vision is to promote excellence in teaching and learning. RCHS

strives toward the ideal of a school community without walls where students work with

teachers, parents, peers, and members of the community in an environment capable of

receiving high quality interactive content and where motivated, cooperative, and self-

directed learners themselves create the content and applications specific to their needs

and those of our community.

The RCHS technology program is integral to the RCHS vision of engaged students and

involved parents. Technology not only provides RCHS students with access to the wider

world; it helps us fulfill our goal of bringing home and community into the classroom and

vice versa.

Technology at RCHS supplements traditional classroom instruction to better serve our

visual and kinesthetic learners. In sum, technology is an important aspect of our

curriculum in that it facilitates inquiry-based learning, enhances the relevance of learning

to students’ dreams and career aspirations, helps individualize instruction, and

encourages the active/constructivist learner-centered teaching that we strive to produce.

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 6

NC public schools will produce globally competitive students. Current Situation Narrative Students will use technology to master basic skills, improve critical thinking and problem solving abilities, and to develop the technology skills that will better prepare them for the world after high school. Research supports the idea that targeted use of technology for specific instructional goals has a positive effect on student outcomes. Technology, computers, and the RCHS network are critical to support learning at RCHS. The school has no media center, thus our tech resources supply our community of teachers and learners their “windows to the world.” Likewise, experiential, inquiry, and project-based learning is the pedagogy of choice at Raleigh Charter High School. Technology at RCHS allows students and teachers to assess student achievement, work on multi-media projects, access online resources and research, use remediation and application software, search on-site and remote databases, and practice the technical skills that will support future college and work experiences. Access to online resources such as SASinSchool.com and NCWise Owl are utilized by teachers on classroom computers and by students on lab computers. Students do not have access to the classroom computers. Currently RCHS does not offer distance learning opportunities to teachers or students. During the coming years we will explore collaborations with local colleges and universities, as well as LearnNC to provide some of these opportunities. RCHS has three computer labs which are flexibly scheduled, in accordance with the IMPACT model, to allow access by all classes. The labs consist of 25 internet accessible computers. There is also a mini-lab for Exceptional Students where assistive technologies will be available according to student IEPs. The computers have Microsoft Office XP/2003, which includes Word, Excel, Power Point, and Access. All of the computers have printing capability via a network printer. The labs serve as a primary resource for information collection, documentation, and organization for the students. Curricular software resources currently available to students and staff at RCHS include the following:

• NetSupport • Geometer’s Sketchpad (site license) • SAS-in-School • TI Interactive • MS Publisher 2000/2003 • Adobe Video Collection • Adobe Creative Suite CS2/CS3 • Maple8

• The Sky • KnowledgeMaster (site license) • Elice Language Lab (lab license) • BlueJ • Finale • Atomic Microscope • MS Visio 2003 • Jostens YearTech

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 7

Application Service Providers:

• SAS-in-School • Turn-It-In • Naviance

In 2003, the school unveiled a state-of-the-art foreign Language Lab, funded primarily through parent donations. At RCHS, the ELICE Language Lab addresses conventional instructional deficiencies by allowing students to speak German, Spanish, and French for hours each week, greatly enhancing their speaking and comprehension skills. The students listen individually to lessons on CD-ROMs or, alternatively, lessons developed by instructors in a number of formats (including cassette tapes, .mp3, .wav files or CD-ROMS) and respond spontaneously. Students record themselves and/or their group conversing in the language of study. In addition, students have the capability to access internet-based curricula (including foreign news broadcasts) in visual/auditory formats, and email/chat with native speakers in other parts of the world promoting global learning. Students have remote access to their files and email. Teachers have terminal server capabilities allowing them to access technology resources at RCHS remotely. Secure wireless access is currently available to teachers. Currently, the student per computer ratio at RCHS is 3:1, (student-accessible workstations—all have internet connectivity). The actual number of computers per classroom is one (these are for teacher use, and were not included in the ratio), in each of the 33 classrooms. One hundred percent of classrooms/computers at RCHS have internet access. The art classroom has four computers for student use. RCHS also has a mini lab with six computers which are primarily used for special programs. Given the small size of RCHS classrooms and the fact that there is no space for an additional lab, RCHS will explore the possibility of obtaining a mobile laptop lab over the next five years. Over the last few years, RCHS has added mounted LCD projectors and screens to every classroom and lab. The LCD projectors allow teachers to use multimedia rich content and bring the outside world into the classroom. Near-term hardware and software goals include a dynamic student portal and content management system. Additional licenses for current software titles will need to be procured, and additional curricular software resources will be identified and purchased to the extent that they fit with a specific instructor’s curricular objectives. RCHS plans to form an MTAC during the 2008-09 school year, and work towards providing teachers more “formalized” collaboration time in order to implement the IMPACT model to the degree possible at the school.

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 8

NC public schools will produce globally competitive students. Strategic Technology Plan Include at least one strategy or objective that addresses the following:

1. Mathematics/reading scores improvement 2. Classroom use of student resources 3. IMPACT model implementation 4. Computer Skills Test score improvement 5. Computer Skills Curriculum implementation 6. Information Skills Curriculum implementation

7. Technology integration across the curriculum 8. Student distance learning opportunities 9. Assistive technology availability 10. Global Exchange 11. Support for Early College (or similar) programs

Strategic Priority 1: NC public schools will produce globally competitive students.* Objective1.1 Enhance Information Skills & Computer Skills Curricula by classroom technology integration.


Resources Needed(Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

1.1.1 Encourage faculty to integrate technology into their curriculum, thereby addressing both the information skills and computer skills curricula in a meaningful way.


Technology Team





August, 2008

Ending June, 2012


annually in June


Reviews, Periodic Faculty


1.1.2 Provide faculty with collaboration time to assist each other with planning for integrated lessons

Faculty, planning/ collaboration time





August, 2008

Ending May, 2010


annually in April



1.1.3 Develop and

Technology Team,

Technology Team





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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 9

implement a remediation program for students who did not pass the 8th grade computing skills test.

Faculty August, 2008

Ending May, 2010

Reviewed annually in


Skills Test results

Objective 1.2 Utilize school technology resources to support the continued improvement in EOC scores.


Resources Needed(Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

1.2.1 Student EOC scores in Reading and Math will continue to improve by increased use of classroom-based technologies to enhance teaching and learning.


SAS in School, Geometer Sketchpad,

TI Interactive


Administration, Technology Team




August, 2008

Ending May 2012

Reviewed annually upon

release of ABC’s Report Card

NC ABC’s Report Card

1.2.2 Students will continue to be able to access their email and personal file space as well as shared file spaces on the RCHS network from home.

Technology Team,

WebFiles Technology

Faculty, Technology



Beginning January 2008


May 2011

Reviewed Quarterly beginning

March, 2009


Helpdesk logs,

Network Monitoring


1.2.3 Assistive

Special Programs

Technology Team,




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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 10

Technologies will be available as needed in the mini-lab for Exceptional Students

Special Programs Chair

August 2008

Ending May 2011


annually in June


1.2.4 Provide online access to the core curriculum in the form of e-learning (distance learning) courses for alignment of instruction

Faculty, computers

Curriculum coordinator




August, 2008

Ending June, 2010


annually in June

Student and

teacher surveys

Objective 1.3 Implement the IMPACT Model to the degree possible at RCHS.


Resources Needed(Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

1.3.1 Form an MTAC to analyze and correlate the schools practices with the Impact Model.

Faculty and

Technology Team





August 2008

Ending June 2011


annually in June

Meeting Minutes

1.3.2 Provide Technology Team staff development to understand and implement the

Technology Team, Staff Development

Principal, Technology



State, Grants


August 2008

Ending June 2011

Annual reviews, Faculty surveys

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 11

IMPACT model. Reviewed

annually in June

1.3.3 Provide Technology Team with time to collaborate with faculty on developing and implementing technology-integrated lessons.

Technology Team,


Principal, Technology





August 2008

Ending June 2011


annually in June

Faculty surveys

Objective 1.4 Research and implement Global Exchange and early college programs.


Resources Needed(Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

1.4.1 Research Global Exchange technologies such as wikis and social networking tools





Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2009

MTAC Report

1.4.2 Utilize MTAC recommended technologies/ existing sites (ELISE, ePals) for Global Exchange

Classroom Teachers, Internet-connected computers




Beginning August, 2009 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in April

Student Projects


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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 12

Research available early college programs

MTAC MTAct n/a n/a Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2009

MTAC Report

1.4.4 Implement early college programs for advanced students

Classroom Teachers, Internet-connected computers




Beginning August, 2009 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in April

Student registration

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 13

NC public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals. Current Situation Narrative Teachers will use technology across the curriculum to support inquiry-based, student-centered, active learning classroom instruction that boosts student achievement. Evidence-based practice and the latest proven technology tools and trends will be identified and incorporated into the RCHS Tech Program to enhance teaching and learning and ensure continuous improvement. All teachers will show proficiency in technology consistent with the NC Standard Course of Study concerning the incorporation of strategies for technology integration into their lesson plans. The RCHS professional development program is primarily voluntary and participatory. It addresses time aspects by creating various opportunities for teachers to learn about/explore/practice with technology on their own, on the job, and with support. RCHS does not currently require technology specific staff development. The classroom is the focal point for teaching and learning, and therefore teacher utilization of technology resources in support of curricular objectives is a critical priority at RCHS, second only to productive student use. RCHS teaching faculty are currently offered periodic training opportunities to support their instructional uses of curricular software applications and other instructional tools. Professional development is also conducted in administrative functions including: lab management, taking attendance/managing grades, developing Individual Education Plans (IEP’s), analyzing student performance data, and collaborating with others. Teachers and staff utilize the aforementioned resources, in addition to CECAS and other state-provided tools. In addition, teachers have the option of obtaining a technology “coach” for a special project. One-on-one and buddy/mentor support is offered, as is summer training (offsite). External trainers and conferences are infrequently offered due to budget constraints. In 2005, the RCHS Professional Development Plan was developed to accommodate faculty preferences in terms of what training is needed as well as how that training could best be offered. Faculty completed two staff surveys to help answer these questions--in-house technology proficiency and training preferences surveys as well as the on-line TAGLIT survey. Survey results identified training resources (proficient faculty members willing to train their peers) as well as individual training needs and preferences; this data informed the in-house training offerings schedule, and coaches’ suggestions for teachers to use online resources such as eBistro, NCWiseOwl, and LearnNC. What these surveys did not reveal, however, was the degree to which certain teacher technology skills were more conducive to curricular integration and student outcomes. Given the very limited nature of the RCHS professional development budget, the administration is very interested in supporting training offerings that are most likely to produce curricular integration and student impacts. A statistical analysis was conducted comparing computer skills proficiencies with teacher instructional technology utilization both within the classroom and labs. This analysis statistically confirmed that presentation and data management technologies are most important to classroom management and

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 14

instruction, and that RCHS teachers proficient with these tools were significantly more likely to incorporate instructional technologies into their lessons. Thus the RCHS Tech Plan and professional development program particularly emphasizes professional development and proficiency in these applications. In addition, the Plan is guided by the how responses, which indicated RCHS professional staff prefer voluntary, informal, onsite training offerings. In addition, mini-workshops are preferred over in-depth programs, although 25% of the staff prefer “buddy” mentors and 10% prefer one-on-one training opportunities. 60% prefer an in-house peer-trainer, while 40% prefer an offsite professional trainer who preferably has teaching credentials. The RCHS professional development plan is also driven by the NC Standard Course of Study, North Carolina Educator Technology Competencies, and by the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers. On-Site One-on-One Informal Training: Research shows that some teachers learn best by working on their own machine one-on-one with a colleague who is also a teacher. At RCHS, teachers and administrative staff are surveyed annually for their technology proficiencies. Teachers with needs in certain applications are then matched with a mentor who is proficient. In addition, the RCHS technical staff schedules one-on-one sessions after school with teachers who are interested in upgrading hardware or software/applications skills. On-Site Small-Group Informal and Formal Training: Technical staff and vendors support the training needs of departments with specialized applications (the foreign language department in the Language Lab, for example) with ad-hoc and formal training sessions that are scheduled as needed and conducted on site. On Site Formal Small and Large Group Training: Training in Office applications, NetSupport lab management, Web Page creation and curricular applications are typically offered on a bimonthly basis. Tech training sessions have also been offered and conducted during staff development/teacher workdays. Attendance has been both voluntary and mandatory. These sessions are conducted by internal staff, and are repeated frequently. Off-site and Summer Training: All staff are encouraged to participate in summer courses offered by the NCSU Computer Training Unit (CTU), Wake Community College, Wake County Public Schools, SAS-in-School, The Wade Edwards Computer Learning Center, online technology staff development resources like LearnNC, and other such providers. As the RCHS technology program matures, a greater share of the RCHS Tech Budget will need to be allocated to staff development priorities. Additional training resources will allow outside experts to come into the school to share their knowledge, and will allow key teaching staff to attend education technology conferences and participate in other off-site technology-oriented workshops and seminars.

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The RCHS professional development program will continue to involve the teaching staff in determining vision, professional development offerings, goals, roles, and responsibilities. Professional development offerings will continue to be offered several times each month during the school year and over the summer in accordance with evolving staff needs. The plan will also continue to identify the school’s in-house “experts” by area of expertise, and will establish formal mentoring relationships where needed. It will identify any mandatory training that is required and establish incentives to encourage the attainment of advanced competencies. In order to assist the ability of all staff to attain at least a basic level of proficiency, the tech staff will continue to develop FAQ’s, tutorials, and help-manuals that are posted on the school’s intranet, Classroom Central. Over the next five years, RCHS will continue to work closely with the NCDPI, the Office of Charter Schools, and other partners in an effort to improve staff development in technology as well as in other areas, utilizing DPI resources such as eBistro and NC Wise Owl, online training resources and/or conferences to increase global awareness, and DPI or other state resources such as the Principals’ Executive Program’s SAS EVAAS training to increase teacher’s assessment literacy. The RCHS professional development program must consistently offer whatever it takes for our faculty, technical staff, and administrators to continually stay on top of the latest developments in this dynamic field.

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 16

NC public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals. Strategic Technology Plan Include at least one strategy or objective that addresses the following:

1. Teacher/staff skills assessment 2. Diverse training resources (local and online including

DPI resources) 3. Follow-up support 4. Local certification and professional development


5. Ethical and professional standards 6. Evaluation of training 7. Readiness of an educator to design, implement, and

discuss assessment strategies ("assessment literacy.") 8. ***Global awareness training

Strategic Priority 2: NC public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals.* Objective 2.1 All teachers and staff will receive relevant technology staff development. (For teachers, integration of technology will be the goal of the training; for staff, effective and efficient operation.).


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

2.1.1 Teachers will complete a technology self-assessment to determine staff development for the year.

NC DPI assessment instrument, internet-connected computers


Classroom Teachers



Beginning June, 2008


May, 2012

Assessed annually in August

Completed assessments reviewed by

Administration and

Technology Team

2.1.2 Plan and offer technology staff development based on Technology self-assessments. This staff development may be on-site (provided by both in-house, and external presenters—including NCDPI),

Technology Team,

Administration, Trainer(s)

Technology Team,



State, grants


August, 2008

Ending May, 2010

Planned annually

in September

Agendas and

rosters from on-site staff

development sessions and

on-line classes

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 17

at conferences or other external locations (such as NCSU, WCPS, WCC), or online. 2.1.3 Evaluate staff development activities to determine their effectiveness/follow up required


Technology Team, Administration

Staff, Technology

Team, Administration




August, 2008

Ending May, 2011

Reviewed annually

in June


review, Survey

2.1.4 Discuss the possibility of establishing a minimum CEU requirement for technology staff development

Policy, MTAC





August, 2008

Ending May , 2009

Policy in place if determined, Annual review of compliance

2.1.5 Staff will participate in SAS EVAAS training through the Principals’ Executive Program

Administration, Teachers

Administration, Teachers

$250/per person


Fall, 2008


2.1.6 Targeted training will be provided for Web 2.0 resources, and Global Awareness websites/resources

Technology Assistant, Administration, Trainer(s)

Technology Facilitator, Administration


Federal, State, local

Beginning October, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Planned annually in September

Agendas from on-site staff development sessions and on-line classes

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 18

Objective 2.2 Staff development activities will be followed up to ensure their effectiveness.


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

2.2.1 The Technology Team or other knowledgeable faculty will address skills/concepts that need reinforcement (per evaluations) individually.

Completed evaluations,

Technology Team

Technology Team




August, 2008

Ending May, 2011

Reviewed annually

in May


Team observation

between January and

May each year

2.2.2 Reinforce ethical and professional standards at the beginning of school year






August 2008

Ending May, 2012

Annual Staff

Meeting agenda

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NC public school students will be healthy and responsible. Current Situation Narrative RCHS Tech resources will support healthy student learning practices, the RCHS student Honor Code, the integrity and security of the physical plant, school-wide information systems and electronic data. Students at Raleigh Charter High School are educated for success in life. Technology plays an essential role in this preparation helping students learn necessary skills for today’s constantly changing society. The planned use of technology at RCHS will positively impact the school community by facilitating a healthy, safe school environment. The RCHS Tech program supports the RCHS Safe Schools Plan in a number of ways. For example, Classroom Central’s “Find-A-Student” tracks each student’s schedule so that a student’s whereabouts is known at all times. Students are electronically tracked not only by name and student number, but also by their picture ID. Campus security is maintained via door alarms and Pilot Mill security guards. All visitors are closely monitored, and the school-wide intercom system allows for the implementation of lock-downs in the event of an emergency. All teachers are able to immediately contact the office in an emergency, or enlist emergency support via the telephones in their rooms equipped with outside lines. There is no electronic surveillance. Students are required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy form at the beginning of the school year. Policies are reviewed annually. Content Filtration and monitoring systems are in place to ensure safe and appropriate student use of electronic resources. Parental monitoring of student internet activity is another capability that is currently being implemented. All electronic data is considered sensitive and is thus secured at a very high level. Network security at RCHS is maintained via state-of-the-art internal and external controls. RCHS currently has no technology supported student programs (DARE, CIS, etc.), nor does it serve meals to students. Student discipline data is maintained on-site by the Administration.utilizing an Excel spreadsheet.

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 20

NC public school students will be healthy and responsible. Strategic Technology Plan Include at least one strategy or objective that addresses the following:

1. School campus security (video, alarms, metal detectors, etc.)

2. School bus security (video, radios, cell phones, etc.) 3. Student and Staff ID systems 4. Student Information/Tracking Systems

(SIMS/NCWISE, nutrition, etc.) 5. Internet and email filtering/security 6. Classroom telephone systems and other

communications devices

7. Website use (district, school and classroom) 8. Flexible access to resources 9. Equitable access to resources 10. Ethical and personal responsibility 11. Policy and procedures to address global, ethical and

responsible use 12. Technology used to educate, monitor and maintain

healthy student lifestyles

Strategic Priority 3: NC public school students will be healthy and responsible.* Objective 3.1 Improve effective and efficient security


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

3.1.1 Maintain current security system; security guard after hours

Security System,




Provided by

Building Management


August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June


Company Invoices,

Vandalism Reports

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Raleigh Charter High School Strategic Technology Plan 21

3.1.2 School bus transportation is not provided; therefore bus security is not needed.






August, 2008

Ending June, 2012


3.1.3 Continue issuing student and staff ID cards.

ID cards



Provided by

Lifetouch at no cost.


August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June

Schedule with

Student Pictures

Objective 3.2 Provide effective communication among staff members and with the community


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

3.2.1 Maintain telephone and intercom system.

Telephone and

intercom hardware and software

Technology Team


Annually for telephone

system support

School Budget


August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June



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3.2.2 Maintain school website for students, parents, and community.


Technology Team

Technology Team

$1000.00 Annually




August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June

Usage statistics

3.2.3 Staff computers will be ready for NCWise transition; until then SIMS will be maintained.

Technology Team





August, 2008

Ending June, 2011

Reviewed annually

in June

NC Wise

information up-to-date

Objective 3.3 Provide a safe online computing environment for students.


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results June, 2009

3.3.1 Maintain content filtering (internet and email utilizing SonicWall).

Content filter

Technology Team



August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June

Invoice, Reports

3.3.2 Maintain and upgrade electronic data security

Firewall hardware, security software, and monitoring

Technology Team



August, 2008

Funded annual


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measures consistent with Security Plan

tools. Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June 3.3.3 Copyright and Fair Use will be reviewed with students annually.





August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June

Lesson plan(s)

3.3.4 Acceptable Use Policy will be signed by all students; policy will be reviewed annually to insure that it addresses global, ethical and responsible use of the internet and other technology resources.

Technology Team

Technology Team



August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Review annually

in June

Signed AUPs

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Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools. Current Situation Narrative Technology will better facilitate and enhance school-home communications. In addition it will serve to strengthen current community collaborations and build new community partnerships, especially with the business community, other schools and communities, and within the immediate neighborhood. Technology is a tool that greatly enhances effective and efficient communications between school, home, and community. Communication and collaboration are interdependent factors in the success of any educational technology plan, and they are fundamental to RCHS educational philosophy. At RCHS, technology is the primary vehicle for keeping parents informed of student progress and activities. Email is the customary method for communicating school news to student families via the weekly RCHS electronic newsletter, Phoenix News. In addition, in order to facilitate strong family and student/faculty communications, all faculty and all students are provided email addresses/accounts. In 2003 the school purchased a NEC telephone system with a Viacom All-Paging system and telephones in every classroom/at each staff workstation. The new telephone system has greatly enhanced inter and extra-school communication capabilities. Each telephone has outside line access and is voicemail accessible, allowing teachers and parents to communicate without interrupting instructional time. The Technology Plan calls for increased home communications and enhanced parental involvement. RCHS has an interactive website for access by students, families, the community and business. Approximately 40% of teachers have web pages on the school site, and we will continue to encourage all of our teachers to maintain web pages for their classes. Full deployment of Classroom Central content should enhance education-related home interactions and further encourage parental participation in the school and in their student’s learning. RCHS Technology/Communications efforts include the following:

• A focus on students, parents, faculty, and the general public. • Involve the community (businesses and community groups) in the RCHS

instructional program. • Maintain parental and community involvement in the RCHS Tech Program. • Establish and grow relationships with community and business supporters as well

as other educational technology resource entities, such as ExplorNet, LearnNC, PEP, NCCAT, Teacher Academy, and the North Carolina Virtual School (NCVS) etc. to help achieve plan objectives.

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Although RCHS has no Learning Centers, the RCHS Technology Program will collaborate with the Citizenship/Flex programs to enhance student opportunities for outreach activities in the neighborhood. Currently, students provide homework help to elementary school students at nearby Hope Elementary School, and Flex activities have included students “tech-tutoring” seniors living in a neighborhood elderly complex that is part of a Federal Hope VI project. Sustained interaction with neighborhood children, seniors, and other community members will allow our students (including members of the school’s Computer Club and Key Club) to share their computer skills with local children needing homework help as well as with low-wealth seniors who have never been on the Internet. It will benefit our students by allowing them to work with and learn from others who are different from themselves, enhancing their Spanish skills, and help bring diversity into our school. Incorporating our technology assets into our community outreach efforts will enhance our efforts to get to know our neighbors and serve the community. Local broadcast media are employed to broadcast school closings and other urgent information. In addition to the local media, updates with regard to adverse weather policy/days and school closing are scrolled across the school website. RCHS currently does not have any agency partnerships. In the future, when partnerships are developed, agencies certainly will have access to technology as needed. RCHS has an informal Technology Committee. During the 2008-09 school year, RCHS plans to establish an MTAC to analyze the IMPACT model and other technology-related issues. A representative from the MTAC will be invited to report to the Board on a regular basis.

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Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools. Strategic Technology Plan Include at least one strategy or objective that addresses the following:

1. Leadership enabling teaching and learning collaborative projects

2. MTAC 3. Leadership communication tools and venues

4. Leadership created professional growth opportunities 5. Partnerships 6. Process for addressing ongoing change

Strategic Priority 4: Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools.* Objective 4.1 Develop useful community and university partnerships.


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results July, 2009

4.1.1 Formalize relationships with community colleges and four year programs to become a regular partner in internships and student teaching experiences.






August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Reviewed annually

in June

Activity Report

4.1.2 Review the school’s policy on learning centers annually






January, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Report to Board

June, 2008

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Objective 4.2 Provide teachers and students with email and file access.


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results July, 2009

4.2.1 Continue to provide RCHS teachers and students with email and file access.

Email Accounts, mail server, file server, adequate storage space,

Technology Team

Technology Team

previously addressed




August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Reviewed annually

in June

Students and

staff have email accounts;

documents available on file


Objective 4.3 Improve school’s public relations.


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results July, 2008

4.3.1 Distribute press releases to local media regarding school events and community partnerships.

Press Releases, Administration





August, 2008

Ending June, 2011

Reviewed annually

in June

Press Release


4.3.2 Maintain school’s website on a weekly basis.

Technology Team, Teachers, Students

Technology Team, Webteam club, Teachers and Staff




August, 2008

Ending June, 2012

Website up to

date, usage statistics

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Reviewed annually

in June 4.3.3 Encourage more teachers to post web pages on the school site.


Technology Team, Training




Beginning August, 2008


June, 2012

Reviewed annually in June

Teacher Websites

4.3.4 Develop an inclusive MTAC and have it report to the Board


Technology Team




Beginning August, 2008


June, 2009

Meeting Minutes

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NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems. Current Situation Narrative Systematize the maintenance, growth, and development of the school’s technology resources. Develop budgets, policies, and procedures to ensure adequate tech resource support of high academic achievement and performance. Since the inception of the technology program at RCHS, the main focus has been developing and maintaining a stable and robust network environment. Incorporating a state-of-the-art gigabit network backbone as well as 100 Mbps connectivity to all desktop computers has enabled the use 21st Century tools such as streaming audio/video, video conferencing, internet collaboration and distance learning. One consideration in prioritizing RCHS resource investments in the development of network capacity was maintenance, upgrades, and technical support. Our network infrastructure allows for the employment of sophisticated software tools that allows us to effectively manage all our workstation maintenance, repair, and upgrade needs with a very small staff of 1.75 full-time employees (FTE’s). Personnel RCHS tech personnel strive to effectively support instructional technology by: • Ensuring and optimizing connectivity • Providing expert and timely technical support • Making informed choices concerning networking, hardware, and software, and efficient administration. • Providing visionary and informed leadership. Budget and Resources Our IT staff manages the RCHS Technology budget to ensure effective support, maintenance, training, and upgrades of tech resources. In addition to managing existing resources, we will be identifying new sources of funding for curricular support, professional development, and to support connectivity to the NC Information Highway (NCREN). Bandwidth access that is not cost prohibitive is essential for distance learning with streaming video, video conferencing and other high-bandwidth applications. Tech personnel will continue to add value by assembling computer workstations from the highest quality components, and maintaining them in-house. Software, hardware and related peripherals will be planned for and acquired utilizing the latest research available and in accordance with state, federal, and RCHS standards, purchasing procedures, and guidelines. Currently the RCHS operating budget supports 1.75 FTE’s (Full Time Equivalent staff), monthly Internet connectivity charges, as well as approximately $42,000 (increased annually for inflation), to support the program. This includes replacing 25% of all student and teacher workstations each year. Server upgrades occur every five years.

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Additional funds have, in the past, been contributed in cash and equipment by the IBM Employee Matching Grant program and by the school’s “Parent, Student, Teacher Association” (PASTA). RCHS tech budgets conform to the following DPI “sound budgeting” recommendations:

• Expense hardware and software maintenance and replacement from the RCHS operating budget.

• Make sound educationally based decisions on technology related purchases. • Maintain a system for tracking and reporting technology related expenditures

(nearly all IT procurement is currently done electronically). • Consider TCO methodology in the development of technology budgets.

RCHS spends approximately $300 per student, annually, much less than the amount per student that the state allocates to other public schools, on average, in a single year. Despite this fact, RCHS has succeeded in developing a very-low-cost technology environment that excels in comparison to most North Carolina high schools. This was done by utilizing non-budgetary assets, including the volunteer expertise, labor, and equipment assemblage skills of the greater school community. Additional funding, perhaps with help from corporate partners, grant funds, the State and/or Federal E-rate programs will be needed to complete the development and deployment of the RCHS network and Classroom Central. Additional curricular and training activities, a portable wireless lab, and ultra-high speed connections are other priorities that will require extra-budget funding. The establishment of video conferencing and distance education capabilities will require additional funds as well. Hardware and Software RCHS Tech staff will work to ensure all students and personnel will have access to sufficient hardware and software to support high quality educational technology. The current hardware/software configuration at RCHS is as follows: Hardware:

• 8 Network servers (File (Staff), Terminal (Staff), Web, Mail (Staff and Students), DC (Staff), DC (Student), File (Student), Monitoring with minimum specs: Intel Dual Xeon 2.0 GHz, 2GB RAM, Ultra320 SCSI RAID 10

• 170 workstations (minimum specs: AMD AthlonXP2400 Processor, 40GB hd, 512MB DDR RAM, 56xCDROM)

• 9 networked laser printers (3 color) • 3 copy machines • 33 LCD projectors • 3 Digital Cameras • 1 Digital Video Camera • 6 DVD players • 3 DVD Burners • 4 TV’s (3 with VCR)

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Software: Network:

• Microsoft Server 2003 R2 • SQL Server 2000 • Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition • MS Exchange Server 2007 • Microsoft Terminal Server • Solarwinds Network Monitoring • Network Instruments Observer Packet Analysis


• MS Office XP/2003 • Grade Machine • Adobe Acrobat Reader • Adobe Design Suite CS2/CS3 • Macromedia Studio 8 • Flash/Shockwave • Java • Real Player • QuickTime • Curricular Software.

Tech Policies One important objective of the RCHS Technology Program is the establishment of appropriate policies, procedures, and guidelines for promoting an instructional technology environment that provides equitable and efficient access to all members of the learning community. Administrative policies will either directly or indirectly support all of the five Goals of the Plan. Policy issues that are basic to an instructional technology program address equitable access, standards, finance, coordination of programs and resources, and the appropriate application of technology. Student-oriented policies that address student utilization will, consistent with the schools overall philosophy, respect student freedoms and autonomy. Policy issues associated with educational technology infrastructure and resources are made complex by rapid changes in technologies. Further complexity is added by the abundance of agencies and processes that regulate technology and education. Network/Infrastructure RCHS’s very fast, high capacity (100Mbps workgroup/1Gbps backbone) digital network infrastructure supports a high-bandwidth distributed Windows computing environment across the three-building campus. Currently, students, faculty, and staff enjoy easy access to the benefits of an excellent networking infrastructure and fast connections to global internets via the following configuration:

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Network: • 100% switched Ethernet connections (at least 5 drops) in all classrooms, labs, and

offices. • 100% CAT 5 wiring (100/1000 Base T) • Fiber-optic Gigabit Ethernet connecting both main buildings to the backbone • Access via switches (5) 48-port, (3) 24-port using (3) resilient 1xGigE links • 6 Mbps down and 6 Mbps up primary internet bandwidth; 6 Mbps down and 512

Kbps up secondary/redundant bandwidth. • Wireless LAN 802.11(g)-54Mbps • In-house web hosting • 2 SONY AIT-2 Backup Tape Libraries • SONICWALL 3060 Firewall with redundant WAN connection • SONICWALL SSLVPN-2000 Appliance • SONICWALL ES-400 Anti-Spam Appliance • A phone system with voicemail capability and outside line accessibility at every

teacher/staff workstation. (NEC, 2003). Network Security: The RCHS network security system includes both hardware and software components. In addition, network documentation, other IT documents, and network management hardware are physically secured behind locked doors at all times. All RCHS electronic data is considered sensitive and is thus secured at a very high level. Network security at RCHS is maintained via state-of-the-art internal and external controls. These controls include the following:

• Firewall Hardware with deep packet inspection, intrusion protection, gateway anti-virus, gateway anti-spyware, and content filtering.

• Symantec Corporate Antivirus, Sonicwall Anti-Spam/Antivirus email security Appliance and Windows Server 2003 Active Directory for user logon security.

• Real-time network monitoring tools (Network Instruments/Observer) and Web Analytic tools (Google/Urchin) with alerts and tracking capabilities.

The above systems all support the ability of RCHS systems administrators to monitor and detect suspicious activity. File and share-level permissions

• Security barriers via a two-domain segmented network (one domain for faculty and one for students) to provide a security barrier.

• WSUS (Windows Software Update Services) running on Windows Server 2003 push Windows security updates to nodes (host clients) on the network.

• 128-Bit WEP wireless encryption secures the RCHS wireless network. Student wireless access is currently limited to the six (6) Science Department laptops.

RCHS IT staff has a plan of response and recovery in the event of cyber attacks and incidents. The plan calls for isolating the troubled network segment and resolving the issue using information provided by our network monitoring tools. System backups are

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conducted nightly and a full system restore could be achieved at the cost of at most one day’s loss of data. Now that the school’s basic network and hardware infrastructure is established, the next focus will be building out and optimizing the utilization of this system. These efforts will include:

• Securely enhancing staff access • Securely enhancing student access • Scheduled maintenance and upgrades • Developing networked curricular and administrative support applications

including: o Interactive data-driven student/faculty portals. o Administrative Database o Online Forms Database o SIMS to NC WISE conversion o School-wide broadcasts/audio/video feeds o Bandwidth in support of distance learning

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NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems. Strategic Technology Plan Include at least one strategy or objective that addresses the following:

1. Policy 2. Budget 3. Personnel 4. Security 5. Administrative Applications

6. Hardware 7. Infrastructure-School Local Area Networks and District

Wide Area Networks 8. Communication and collaboration tools

Goal 5: NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems.* Objective 5.1 Support, maintain, and upgrade existing technology infrastructure (hardware, software, security).


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results July, 2009

5.1.1 Continue to support, maintain, and upgrade Network Infrastructure and hardware

Technology Team,

Hardware, Connectivity

Technology Team,



Beginning January, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in April

Invoices and purchase orders

5.1.2 Continue to support, maintain, and upgrade software

Technology Team,


Technology Team,



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in April

Licenses renewed; invoices and purchase orders


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Continue to support, maintain, and upgrade security hardware and software (for administrative applications, email, and content filtering).

Technology Team, Hardware, Software

Technology Team, Principal

previously addressed


Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in April

Licenses renewed

5.1.4 Add more functionality to Classroom Central web portal (administrative and curricular).

Technology Team

Technology Team,



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in June

Usage statistics, demonstrate new functionality

5.1.5 Utilize VOIP, NCRen, Skype, and other tools to further communication and collaboration

Technology Team

Technology Team,



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in June


Objective 5.2 Secure funding sources to support growth and expansion.


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning & Ending dates)

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results July, 2009

5.2.1 Annual Board Approval of Staffing Levels, Tech Budget

Board of Directors

Technology Team,



Beginning May, 2008

Board Minutes

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and Tech Plan Document

Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in May

5.2.2 Annual support of costs of connectivity

Principal, Board of


Technology Team,



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in May

Budget Approval

5.2.3 Identify additional grant opportunities in support of Tech Plan objectives


Technology Team

Beginning September, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in April

Log of grants applied for

5.2.4 Participate in corporate Matching Grant Program


Technology Team,



Corporate Partners

Beginning September, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in September

Matching Grant award documentation

Objective 5.3 Create, revise, and update policies, procedures and guidelines as required.


Resources Needed (Human & Material)

Person(s) Responsible

Budget Needs

Funding Sources

Time-line (Proposed

Beginning &

Method of Evaluation

Evaluation Results July, 2009

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Ending dates) 5.3.1 Develop policies, present to Board for approval.


Technology Team, Principal, Board of



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2009 Reviewed annually in August.

Policies in place.

5.3.2 Develop procedures, present to Board for approval.


Technology Team, Principal, Board of



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2009 Reviewed annually in August.

Procedures in place.

5.3.3 Develop guidelines, present to Board for approval.


Technology Team, Principal, Board of



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2009 Reviewed annually in August.

Guidelines in place.

5.3.4 Communicate policies, procedures and guidelines to all staff (and students) as applicable.

Policies, Procedures

& Guidelines

Technology Team, Principal, Board of



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in August.

Policies, procedures, and guidelines available for review.

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5.3.5 Review/revise policies, procedures, and guidelines annually as necessary.

Policies, Procedures

& Guidelines

Technology Team, Principal, Board of



Beginning August, 2008 Ending May, 2012 Reviewed annually in August.

Policy Review Meeting Minutes

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Appendix A

Local Education Agency (LEA) Technology Plan Policy, Procedure, & Guidelines Implementation Chart

Policies, Procedures, & Guidelines (Policies should be translated into predominant languages of students and parents)

LEA Policy Code or


LEA Date of Adoption,

Implementation or Revision

Policies Required

A. Materials Selection Policy (GS §115c-98(b)) POL-07A Adopted 3/15/07 B. Disposal of Equipment / Replacement of Obsolete Equipment (GS §115c-518) POL-07B Adopted 4/15/07 C. Hardware and Software Procurement (GS § 115c-522, 115c-522.1) POL-07C Adopted 4/15/07 D. Copyright Policy (PL §94-553, 90 Stat. 2541) POL-07D Adopted 4/15/07 E. Acceptable Use Policy (PL §106-554) POL-06E Revised 8/01/06 F. Equipment/Materials Donation Policy (GS §115C-518 POL-07F Revised 10/01/08 G. Data Privacy Policy (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 (FERPA)) POL-07G Adopted 4/15/07 H. Inventory Control Policy (GS §115c-539, 115c-102.6A-C(5)) POL-07H Adopted 4/15/07 I. Access to Services Policy (GS §115c-106) POL-07I Adopted 4/15/07 J. Student Discipline and Liability Policy (GS § 115C-391, 115C-398) POL-07J Revised 8/10/08 K. Remote Access Policy (GS §147-33.111) POL-07K Adopted 4/15/07 L. Virus Protection Policy (GS §147-33.111) POL-07L Adopted 4/15/07 M. NCWISE ID and Password Workstation Policy (GS § 147-33.111) POL-08M Revised 8/10/08 N. Security Awareness Policy (GS §147-33.111) POL-07N Adopted 4/15/07 O. Network Security Policy (SBE EEO-C-018, SB 991, 2004) POL-07O Revised 4/22/08 P. Advertising and Commercialism Policy (GS §115c-98) POL -07P Adopted 4/15/07


A. Hardware and Software Deployment PROC-07A Adopted 4/15/07 B. Equipment maintenance and repairs PROC-07B Adopted 4/15/07 C. Outdated Resources and Equipment Replacement PROC-07C Adopted 4/15/07 D. Disaster Recovery of Data and Hardware PROC-07D Adopted 4/15/07 E. Administration of Online Courses PROC-08E Adopted 8/10/08 F. Other(s) (as needed by LEA)


A. Policy Translation GL-07A Adopted 4/15/07 B. Web Site Development GL-07B Adopted 4/15/07 C. Instructional Use of Videos GL-07C Adopted 4/15/07 D. Development of Online Resources GL-07D Adopted 4/15/07 E. Other(s) (as needed by LEA)

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Appendix B

The Technology Plan Budget

Item Type Per Unit Cost

Number of Units

PurchasedTotal Annual Unit Cost Erate %

Lease Cycle Primary Funding

Secondary Funding

Email/file space Hardware $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00 District Technology Fund Assistive Tech Other $500.00 1 $500.00 District Technology Fund

IMPACT Staff Dev Staff Development $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00

District Technology Fund Grants

Phone Support Infrastructure $500.00 1 $500.00 District Technology Fund Website Maintenance Connectivity $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 District Technology Fund Data Security Infrastructure $6,220.00 1 $6,220.00 District Technology Fund Network Infrastructure Infrastructure $21,200.00 1 $21,200.00 District Technology Fund Software Software $5,530.00 1 $5,530.00 District Technology Fund Classroom Central Other $500.00 1 $500.00 District Technology Fund Staff Other $100,000.00 1 $100,000.00 District Technology Fund Connectivity Connectivity $6,000.00 1 $6,000.00 $0.00

Total Budget Expenditures $147,450.00

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In compliance with federal laws, N C Public Schools administers all state-operated educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to:

Dr. Elsie C. Leak, Associate Superintendent Office of Curriculum and School Reform Services

6307 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6307

Telephone (919) 807-3761; fax (919) 807-3767