Preston Manning - Keynote Address

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  • 7/29/2019 Preston Manning - Keynote Address




    remarks by Preston Manning

    to the annual

    Manning Networking Conference

    Ottawa March 9, 2013

    [Check against delivery]


    When I first got into the management consulting business many years ago, my first client was a

    scrap metal dealer in Edmonton. He had his heart set on buying one of those big machines that

    crush old car bodies into bales for sale to a steel mill. I did all the analysis and came to the sad

    conclusion that he would go broke if he bought that machinenews my client did not want to

    hear. This raised the question that every political candidate and leader must also address: Do

    you tell them what they want to hear, or do you tell them what they need to hear?

    Of course, the Canadian answer to such questions is, Do both.

    So today in surveying the State of the Conservative Movement in Canada I want to say some

    encouraging things that we will wantto hear. But I also want to say some things that I feel we

    need to hear, unpalatable as they may be, if we want to see conservatives continue to win

    elections and govern successfully by conservative principles once elected.

    ThanksBefore doing so, I want to express a special thank you to each of you for your attendance at

    this conference, to our much-appreciated sponsors, and to Blair Nixon for his kind


    Blair is typical of the directors of our Foundation and Centre. He is the CFO of a large

    company and a highly respected lawyer but he devotes hours and hours of unpaid time, as do

    all our directors, to strengthening the conservative movement in Canada. So lets show our

    heartfelt appreciation to Blair and his fellow directors for their service to our cause and


    Intellectual Strengths and Weaknesses

    Each year for several years we have surveyed market-oriented opinion leaders about the state

    of conservative intellectual capital in Canada. Where do they consider conservatives to be

    strong in terms of ideas and policies and where do they consider us to be weak or disengaged?

    One encouraging conclusion from these surveys is that conservatives are consistently

    considered strong on the economythe number one issue in the minds of the electorate.

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    But one disturbing conclusion is that conservatives are generally considered (and this by our

    friends) to be weak or disinterested on the environment the issue of greatest concern to many

    of our children and grandchildren and the policy area where perceived weaknesses in this area

    have become the number one obstacle to getting Canadas petroleum resources to market.

    Whether we agree or not, whether its fair or not, the bad news is that this perceived deficiency

    on the environmental front has become a political and economic liability. The good news,

    however, is that this need not be the case.

    If you visit the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, one of the most beautiful places on the

    planet, you will encounter a remarkable breed of Canadiansthe eastern slope ranchers. On

    the one hand they are rock-ribbed fiscal conservatives who want minimal government

    intervention in their businesses and the economy. But at the same time, embodied in the same

    individuals and their enterprises is a deep commitment to conserving the landscapes,

    grasslands, and aquifers of that part of the world.

    These people may rightly be called Green Conservatives or grassroots conservationists. They

    recognize that conservation and conservatism come from the same root and can peacefully co-

    exist intellectually and politically. They support the principle of living within our means which is at the heart of fiscal conservatism. But they recognize that this is actually an

    ecological principle because inputs and outputs of ecosystems must be kept in balance for them

    to be sustainable. And so they extend their support for fiscal deficit reduction and budget

    balancing to reducing the ecological deficit and balancing the ecological budget.

    As conservatives they also believe in the efficacy of property rights and markets institutions

    which can also be effectively harnessed, if we make the effort, to the task of environmental

    conservation as an alternative to mass governmental intervention in the marketplace in the

    name of environmental conservation.

    There should be a welcoming place in the Big Conservative Tent for Green Conservatives.

    In his recent book, How to Think Seriously About the Planet: The Case for Environmental

    Conservatism1, Roger Scruton demonstrates that there is a responsible moderate alternative

    between the polarizing positions of environmental radicals prophesying planetary doom and

    those who completely deny the seriousness of environmental problems and contend that all the

    statistics are either wrong or grossly misrepresented.

    There are more effective ways of tackling environmental problems including global

    warming, proliferation of plastics, urban sprawl, and the loss of biodiversitythan by treaties,

    top-down regulations, and other approaches offered by big governments and their dependents.

    These more effective ways focus on harnessing a multitude of local and small-scale

    initiatives to the taskthe little platoons of civil society that the great conservative EdmundBurke so fondly extolled.

    Without denying that some large environmental issues require national action and international

    cooperation, the conservative focus and starting point for environmental conservation should

    be at the other endwith individuals, families, communities, and enterprises who are prepared

    to make sacrifices to improve the quality of their own surrounding environments and

    1 Oxford University Press, 2012.

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    neighbourhoodsa focus and starting point which can and should distinguish the conservative

    approach to environmental conservation from left wing alternatives.

    So what does acceptance of this analysis mean for the conservative movement? It means that

    conservative political strategists and policy makers need no longer treat the environment as a

    shield issue as we have in the past, but begin to treat is as a sword issue on which we can

    take a positive and proactive approaches to selling community and market-based solutions toenvironmental challenges.

    When we classify an issue as a shield issue it is usually because we feel that someone else

    occupies the high ground on that issue. We feel we cant win on that issue and so we adopt a

    defensive posture. But on the environmental front at the federal level there is no one on the

    high ground. Its ours for the taking if we resolve to do so.

    But to do so also means there is a major job to be done in mobilizing grassroots support for

    conservative environmentalism. A great starting point is to support the formation of the

    grassroots coalition movement, Conservation Works Canada, which former minister Monte

    Solberg proposed earlier in this conference.

    Green conservatives of Canada, unite! And change the climate of environmental discourse in

    this country.

    Strengths and Weaknesses in the Training of Conservatives for Public Service

    As many of you know, the main focus of the Manning Centre and Foundation going forward is

    to support and expand our School of Practical Politics to strengthen through training the

    knowledge, skills, ethical foundations, communications and leadership capacities of our

    political practitioners especially those who subscribe to conservative values and principles.

    For what purpose? So that they can win more elections, yes; but more importantly so that they

    will govern in accordance with conservative values and principles once elected.

    With these objectives in mind, let me now share with you some of the results of our surveying

    and consultations to determine what the emphases and priorities of our training efforts should


    In a recent survey we asked Canadians how important they thought it was that their political

    representatives possess such skills as the ability to analyze, make decisions, and communicate

    effectively. Predictably, 64% to 70% of respondents ranked these skills as highly important,

    with communication skills ranking the highest. But when we asked these same respondents to

    grade our current political class on the extent to which they actually possess these skills, only

    15% gave the current political class a ranking of high to excellent. In other words, there is ahuge gap between the skill levels that our citizens say they wish our politicians to have in these

    areas and the actual skill levels we politicians are perceived to possess.

    Lots of need and room therefore for skill training not just for candidates for public office, but

    also for constituency executives, campaign teams, volunteers, and political staff all those

    whose services are needed by politicians to do their jobs better. And as in hockey if our

    forwards and defensemen are better trained than those of our opponents; if our goalies are

    better coached than theirs; we ought to win more games, play-offs, and Stanley Cups.

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    Even more interesting, I was involved recently in a small focus group in the Lower Mainland

    of BC which involved some federal, provincial, and municipal politicians some retired, some

    still active, but all conservative-oriented. When they were asked what do you think is the most

    important reason that voters support you? surprisingly no one mentioned their political

    values or ideology. No one mentioned their policy stand on some issue. Instead all mentioned

    how we treat people our constituents, our staff, our opponents, and the media as the

    primary basis on which voters determined whether to support them or not.

    There is such a thing as ideological politics which appeals to people on the basis of right,

    left, or centre ideological postures. There is also such a thing as issue politics which

    appeals to people on the basis of whether they support or oppose your policy on a particular

    issue. But we need to constantly remind ourselves that at the most fundamental level there is

    always character/personality politics in which the primary appeal of the politician to the

    voter is on the basis of character and personality perceptions.

    When we explored this dimension further through our recent national opinion survey, the

    personal traits which respondents said they most desired in their politicians were strength of

    character, industriousness, and civilized conductwith personal charisma being much loweron the list of preferred traits.

    What all of this suggests is that, besides giving attention in our School of Practical Politics to

    raising the knowledge and skill levels of conservative political participants, we ought to give

    even more attention to strengthening those character traits which voters consider fundamental

    to earning and retaining their trust.

    Ideological Strengths and Weaknesses

    Now finally, Id like to say something about the ideological strengths and weaknesses of the

    Canadian conservative movement. And by the conservative movement I mean not just theparties but also the think tanks, the advocacy groups, the conservative volunteers and voters

    who make up the whole extended conservative family.

    As most of you will know, the Canadian conservative movement is not a monolithic entity but

    is a broad coalition comprising conservatives of various related but distinctive ideological


    Libertarians for whom freedom from constraint is the most important dimension. Fiscal conservatives for whom budget balancing and living within our means

    financially is the most important.

    So called progressive conservatives whose interests and priorities are more socialthan fiscal. Green conservatives who apply the principle ofliving within our means ecologically

    as well as fiscally.

    Social or cultural conservatives for whom the strengthening of family and traditionalcultural values are most important.

    Democratic conservatives for whom the involvement of rank and file people inchoosing and directing their governments is most important.

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    Constitutional conservatives for whom subsidiarity and decentralization of power isthe most important.

    From my perspective, and I hope yours, allof these people who self-identify as some kind of

    conservative are part of the conservative family. All have something to contribute and the

    support ofallis required to win electoral majorities if our aim is to form governments that can

    act on conservative values rather than merely talk about them in opposition. Thus the fiscalbrother cannot say to the progressive sisterWe have no need of you in the family. Nor can

    the libertarian uncle say to the social conservative aunt There is no place for you at the family

    table if we want the family as a whole to be united and electorally successful.

    But if the breadth and depth of this coalition is its strength, what is its weakness, its Achilles

    heel, its greatest vulnerability? Is not its greatest weakness intemperate and ill considered

    remarks by those who hold these positions deeply but in fits of carelessness or zealousness say

    things that discredit the family as a whole, in particular, conservative governments, parties, and


    Two recent examples from Alberta:

    A derogatory reference to homosexuals by a social conservative candidate, made inthe past but dredged up during the recent provincial election to derail the Wildrose

    campaign in that province.

    A questionable comment by a prominent libertarian and a good friend of mine, whichseemed to imply that the freedom of an individual to view child pornography had no

    serious consequences for others.

    A genuinely free society and the broad conservative movement itself may tolerate such

    comments out of our commitment to free speech, and employ free speech to qualify, mitigate,

    counter, or denounce such comments. But at the same time, in an era of intense partisan

    competition and gotcha journalism, conservative governments, parties, and campaignssimply cannot afford to be blindsided and discredited by these incidents when the individuals

    involved are clearly identified with those governments, parties, and campaigns.

    In addition, these incidents provide perverse incentives and opportunities for human rights

    commissions and the courts as in the recent Whatcott decision of the Supreme Court of

    Canadato further restrict rather than safeguard or expand freedom of speech.

    To be honest, I must confess to personally contributing to this problem at one time and not

    addressing it early or resolutely enough. In the early days of the Reform Party, we were so

    anxious to allow our members the freedom to express contrary views that we virtually let them

    do and say as they pleased. But in later years I have come to see the wisdom of Edmund

    Burkes observation that before we encourage people to do as they please, we ought first to

    inquire what it may please them to do.

    So, three suggestions for reducing these discrediting incidents and their impacts to a minimum:

    (1) Expand training efforts to teach our spokespersons and candidates, especially whendealing with value-laden issues, to be wise as serpents and gracious as dovesnot

    vicious as snakes and stupid as pigeons.

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    (2) Democratically debate within the conservative movement where the lines in the sandshould be drawn when we speak as free individuals and when we purport to speak for

    conservative governments, parties, campaigns, or organizations. This subject,

    difficult as it is, is better discussed at conferences like this than at party conventions.

    If I am only speaking for myself and I am the primary bearer of the consequences of

    what I say, the horizons of free speech should be as broad and expansive as the sky.But if in speaking we are identified with a conservative organization made up of

    many others who will also bear the consequences of what we say, there are limits to

    what we can say defined by that line in the sand and the responsibility we owe to


    (3) For the sake of the movement and the maintenance of public trust, conservativeorganizations should be prepared to swiftly and publicly disassociate themselves

    from those individuals who cross the line.

    This does not mean that we as individual conservatives on a personal level ostracize or

    disassociate ourselves from those who cross the line. Everyone makes honest mistakes,

    conservatives believe in second chances, and we need to rally around those who have been

    lured across the line by opponents rather than piling on.

    The Canadian public, however, has a right to say to any and all aspirants to political office and

    the rest of us active in the political arena: If you cant govern your own zeal, if you cant

    govern your own prejudices, if you cant govern your own tongue why should we trust you to

    govern us? We earn the right to govern others by first learning and practising the government

    of ourselves.

    Concluding Overview

    In conclusion, and on a more uplifting note, let me lastly summarize the big picture of the

    State of the Conservative Movement in Canada:

    Majority conservative-oriented governments in Yukon, Saskatchewan, NewBrunswick, Newfoundland, and of course Ottawa.

    Challenges to retain a conservative-oriented government in BC where the NDPthreatens and in Manitoba where the NDP is still in power.

    Challenges in Alberta where an aging progressive conservative administration has lostits way both ethically and financially and either needs to be completely overhauled or

    replaced. Great opportunity in Ontario where Tim Hudak, with hard work and help from all of

    us, is in a good position to replace a discredited Liberal administration.

    An enormous amount of work to be done to apply conservative values and principlesat the municipal level right across the country the level where there are 25,000

    elected officials compared to around 800 at the provincial and territorial level, and

    308 at the federal level.

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    And an enormous amount of work needing to be done to strengthen both conservatismand the economy the two go hand in hand almost everywhere east of the Ottawa


    Are conservative leaders, parties, and candidates up to the task? I believe so, particularly if the

    conservative movement does its work to strengthen the knowledge, skills, ethical foundations,

    communications, and leadership capacities of those who participate in Canadas politicalprocesses from a conservative perspective.

    In pursuing this task, let us take inspiration and resolve from those who have gone before, in

    particular from Canadas first Prime Minister, John A. Macdonald, who faced the daunting task

    of building both a governing party and a country at the same time.

    In stewarding the ideological coalition which is the modern conservative movement, let us take

    inspiration from his success in creating and managing the Great Coalition that brought Canada

    into being.

    In raising up and training a new generation of leaders, let us take inspiration from his success

    in turning narrow and unsophisticated colonial politicians into statesmen and Fathers ofConfederation.

    In shaping and communicating the Big Ideas of this conference, let us take inspiration from his

    success in shaping and communicating the Big Idea of Canada itself.

    Thank you.