Balanced solutions for a better world Engineering Environment Emerging Technologies Balanced solutions for a better world Postgraduate 2021 www.tcd.ie E3 Engineering Environment Emerging Technologies Balanced solutions for a better world www.tcd.ie

Postgraduate better world 2021 - tcd.ie

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Balanced solutions for a better world



Emerging Technologies

Balanced solutions for a better worldPostgraduate



E3 EngineeringEnvironmentEmerging Technologies

Balanced solutions for a better world


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E3 EngineeringEnvironmentEmerging Technologies

Balanced solutions for a better world

Balanced solutions for a better world

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E3 EngineeringEnvironmentEmerging Technologies

Balanced solutions for a better world

"Taking up the challenge of 'BalancedSolutions for a Better World', E3 will address

the challenges of our time; reconcilingtechnological progress with a sustainable

future for planet earth"

Dr. Patrick PrendergastProvost, Trinity College Dublin


About E3

Trinity Facts + Figures

University Life

How to apply + Fees

E3 Postgraduate TaughtProgrammes

School of ComputerScience + Statistics

School of Engineering

School of Natural Science

Balanced solutions for a better world

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As a university we have a responsibility to workwith society to address the most pressing issuesof our time. Universities are centres ofexcellence for research and teaching. They actas focal points, working through a time andplace, to inspire generations. At their best theyuncover new knowledge and foster new ideasfor the betterment of society and the planet onwhich we live.

In 2018 Trinity College Dublin launched its E3initiative. Representing Engineering,Environment and Emerging Technologies, E3 isa radically new type of collaboration betweenthe Schools of Computer Science and Statistics,Engineering and of Natural Science. It sets outto put the finite nature of our natural resourcesfirmly at the forefront of Irish third-leveleducation.

Coupled with a new capital project thatprovides purpose-built teaching and learningspaces, E3 will realise trans-disciplinarypostgraduate programmes under the researchthemes of Data, Production, Well-being,Environment, Resources and Communities.These programmes will imbibe students withthe skills they need to tackle the globalchallenges of today and tomorrow and to bringworld-changing discoveries within their reach.

E3 presents a future-proofed education for new graduates via a suite of Postgraduateprogrammes across its constituent schools.These include a variety of new and existingMaster programmes, from EnvironmentalScience or Electronic Information Engineering,to Smart and Sustainable Cities.

As Dean of the Faculty, I warmly invite you toconsider registering for an E3 PostgraduateTaught Programme. In doing so you will betaking the bold next step, not just in furtheringyour education but, as a participant in thisexciting new venture. With our leading researchprofessors and staff you will become a co-creator of your future and that of generations tocome. Together we will seek out 'balancedsolutions for a better world' and enable societyto live on this planet in a more sustainable andequitable way.

Professor Sylvia Draper

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science


01 02

‘Vision is the art of

seeing thingsinvisible.’

Jonathan SwiftTrinity Alumnus

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About E3 About E3 humanity

enhance our quality of life


03 04


Trinity College Dublin is embarking on anambitious project to expand education andresearch activities across three of its Schools:the Schools of Engineering, Natural Sciences,and Computer Science & Statistics. Recognising the importance for humanity inaddressing the challenge of sustainabletechnological development, the expansion ofthe three Schools is being executed as a singlestrategic activity in the area of “Engineering,Environment, and Emerging Technologies”, or E3.

The E3 vision enables;

� the creation of a purpose built, multi-disciplinary, foundry for the delivery of innovations in research and teaching within the Schools of Engineering, Natural Science and Computer Science and Statistics.

� a future-proofed education for new graduates who will enable society to live on this planet in a way that is sustainable and equitable.

� the underpinning of the infrastructural and staffing needs of these expanded Schools to ensure that their outputs are world leading.

� An increase in the number of STEM students within Trinity by over one third in 10 years.

With E3, Trinity promotes the Vision of a societywhere the interdependence betweentechnological innovation and our natural capitalis advanced by world-leading research,education and entrepreneurship.

E3 will position Ireland at the forefront of fieldsof research in Science, Technology, Engineering,and Mathematics (the STEM disciplines), thatare crucial for future economic competitiveness.It will educate engineers and scientists foremployment in existing and new technologysectors, equip them with the skills andattributes to lead in the creation of newbusinesses, and place Ireland in a leadershiprole globally for the quality of graduates in theSTEM disciplines.

Research in E3As inherently curious and creative, humanitywill always seek to both understand the worldaround us and to create tools, systems andprocesses that enhance our quality of life. Asour understanding of our world grows, we nowknow better the effects, both positive andnegative, that our way of living has on the worldaround us.

These effects lead to challenges that areinherently global, multidisciplinary andcomplex in nature. E3 will be among the firstcentres internationally to integrate engineering,technology and scientific expertise at scale inaddressing some of the biggest challengesfacing Ireland and the world – challenges suchas climate change, renewable energy,personalised data, water, connectivity, andsustainable manufacturing, among manyothers. The span of E3 research has beendefined using six E3 Research Challenges:

Balancedsolutions for a better world





Well-being Cities

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About E3

Martin Naughton E3 Learning Foundry

The central theme of E3 is ‘balanced solutionsfor a better world’. E3 will be a crucialcomponent in our transition to a ‘smarter’economy, developing technological solutionsthat are more sustainable and more equitable inthe use of the earth’s limited natural resources.

The E3 project aims to significantly increase thenumber of students in the E3 Schools. This willramp up over ten years. The education of thesestudents with a new pedagogy will be realisedthrough the Martin Naughton E3 LearningFoundry, a state of the art 6,086 square metrefacility based on the main Trinity campus, whichwill deliver new teaching facilities and aninnovative interactive learning space forundergraduate and postgraduate students.

It will accommodate the substantial growth inthe number of students and staff, and facilitatean innovative curriculum with increasedemphasis on team work, design and project-based activities that will draw the teachingactivities in the E3 Schools closer together.Work will commence on the space this year,with a projected completion date of 2023 on the cards.

E3 Research Institute

Building on its tradition of innovation,entrepreneurship and engagement, theexpected development of the Grand CanalInnovation District (GCID) being championed by Trinity will afford another opportunity tocontribute to the development of Dublin as aninnovation centre. At the heart of GCID, andensuring connectivity to the wider innovationecosystem, the E3 Research Institute will be avenue for large-scale research programmes,especially for those working in collaborationwith industry and other stakeholders.

E3 Research Institute will tackle thefundamental issues of a liveable planet, thetechnological development that is needed forour economy and society, and the socialbehaviours that emerge or that need to befostered.

At the core of the E3 Research Institute is arecognition that technology must evolve insymbiosis with the natural and human world.The natural world furnishes us with resourcesthat are needed for economic activity and forsociety, and that economic activity in turnimpacts on the natural world.

The Martin Naughton E3Learning Foundry which is dueto be completed by 2023.

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� Trinity Campanile

� College Green Entrance

� The River Liffey

� O’Connell Street Bridge

� The Irish Sea

Balanced Solutions for a Better World


E3 ResearchInstitute

Trinity Centre forBiomedical Engineering

The School of ComputerScience & Statistics


School ofEngineeering

Martin Naughton E3Learning Foundry

Trinity College Dublin



E3 ResearchInstituteGrand CanalInnovation District

An innovation district will connectindigenous and multinational companiestogether with researchers and venturecapitalists. Such a district will produce asum that is greater than its parts, drivinginward investment, new collaborationsand jobs. Its benefits will be brought tothe regions through virtual connectionsand the sharing of research, best practiceand space.

Science Foundation Ireland centers;

CONNECT Ireland's Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications

ADAPT The Global Centre of Excellence for Digital Content and Media Innovation

iCRAG (Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences)- Ireland’s national geoscience research centre, located at UCD.

Amber (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) - Centre that provides a partnership between leading researchers in materials science and industry

Trinity Research Centres;Trinity Centre forBioengineering

Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research

Trinity Centre for CreativeTechnologies & MediaEngineering (CHIME)

Trinity's Centre forCreative Technologies &Media Engineering



iCRAGLAB@TCD �Trinity Centre for the Environment (TCE)

Trinity analytical and test facilities;

iCRAG LAB@TCD State-of-the-art electron and laser beam equipment for the characterisation of geoscience material

CRANN Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (AML) Structures Testhalls - Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering

V-SENSE Investigates Visual Computing at the intersection of Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Media Signal Processing

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Trinity College Dublin, founded in 1592, is theoldest university in Ireland and is recognisedinternationally as Ireland's No. 1 university. Forover 425 years, this historic university has beena world leader in high-quality, internationally-recognised education. With a global reputationfor excellence, Trinity promotes creativity andinnovative thinking in students.

Trinity’s bustling 47-acre campus is an oasis inthe very heart of Dublin, a vibrant and safeEuropean capital city. The university’s city-centre location offers students a uniqueopportunity to blend a rigorous academicprogramme with an unparalleled array ofcultural, social and professional experiences.

A wealth of museums, theatres, galleries, cafes,restaurants and historic tourist sites are locatedright on Trinity’s doorstep.

To study at Trinity is to become part of a globalcommunity of thinkers, creators, scientists,artists, inventors and entrepreneurs, fromover 130 different countries.

Trinity’s campus ranks in the top ten of Europe'smost beautiful universities1 and lies in the verycentre of Dublin city. Within minutes ofmuseums, seats of government, theatres andglobal corporations, Trinity is an oasis in themiddle of a vibrant European capital.

For centuries, Dublin has been renowned formusic and literature. Now it is also a Europeanhub of innovation.

Connected to the GlobeOver 31.5 million people pass through DublinAirport every year2. Only one hour from Londonand five hours from New York, Dublin is a hubfor Ryanair and Aer Lingus, low cost carriersconnecting to over 180 destinations3 across theworld.

Dublin ranks 37th worldwide for best studentcities4 and has more than 300 worldwidestudent exchange agreements.

Dublin is home to Europe’s largest urban park,part of the city’s 5000 acres of green space.

Ireland consistently ranks as one of the safestand friendliest countries in the world5. Our air isclean, our hilltops are the world’s greenest andour education system is world-class.

Trinity Facts and Figures Global Reach

09 10

1 Times Higher Education Ranking 20182 + 3 Dublin Airport Facts and Figures 2019 4 QS Best Student Cities Ranking 20195 Global Peace Index Ranking 2019

The Times Higher EducationUniversity Impact Rankings2020 places Trinity College inTop 5 position in the“Sustainable Cities &Communities” category anda Top 30 spot in “Affordableand Clean Energy”.

Ranked in IrelandQS World UniversityRankings 2020

Top world 101universityQS World University

Ranking 2021

Founded in

1592by QueenElizabeth I

17,000students from122 countries

Modules offeredin over



400industry partnersMicrosoft, Google, IBM,European Commission

Over 600course options

More than140,000 alumniliving in

150 countries

Spread across

47-acresin Dublin's citycentre

A deposit libraryholding over6 millionvolumes

200 studentsocieties, sportsclubs andpublications

Supports 112startup companies

Ireland's MostInnovativeUniversityReuters Europe's MostInnovative Universities 2019

Trinity is the

mostinternationalUniversity in theworld.Times Higher EducationRanking 2019

No 1in Europe forproducinggraduateentrepreneurship(Pitchbook, 2020)


QS WorldUniversityRankings forGraduateEmployability2020

Trinity researchersattract approx.€100 millionannually inexternal funding

Approximately2,500 works ofart displayed oncampus

Trinity is a member ofthe League of EuropeanResearch Universities

Over 1 millionvisitors to ScienceGallery sinceopening in 2008

The Book of Kells in Trinity’s OldLibrary waswritten around the yearar





Balanced solutions for a better world

The TrinityCommunity


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Student Services

Academic RegistryAcademic Registry provides central academicadministrative services to assist students withall queries regarding courseapplications/admission, fees, registration,timetables, examinations and assessments. E:[email protected] T: +353 (0)1 896 4500

Careers ServicePlan your future beyond your current course ofstudy with the help of guidance software, skillsworkshops and personal consultations, seewww.tcd.ie/ careers

Trinity Health ServiceTrinity’s Health Service provides GP services forstudents. Student consultations are free ofcharge with modest fees for additional services.All EU students should bring with them aEuropean Health Insurance Card issued in theircountry of origin. Non-EU students are notentitled to free national health services inIreland, and are advised to take out insurancecover for hospitalisation or to extend privatehealth insurance before leaving their homecountry. Private health insurance cover is alsoavailable in Ireland and the student healthservice can advise you on your options, seewww.tcd.ie/college_health

Day NurseryThe day nursery caters for children aged threemonths to four and a half years old. There is afee for this service, seewww.tcd.ie/about/services/daynursery

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University Life

Accommodation at TrinityMany postgraduate students findaccommodation in shared houses or self-catering apartments. Houses and apartmentsvary in price, depending on size, facilities andlocation. The Students’ Union offers a usefulAccommodation Advisory Service atwww.tcdgsu.ie/accommodation. A limitednumber of students may be housed inUniversity accommodation, includingresidences on-campus and at Kavanagh Courtlocated just a 15 minute walk to the University,see www.tcd.ie/accommodation.

Student SocietiesTrinity's 120 societies attract dynamic membersfrom all over university. From arts, culture,politics and debating to gaming, advocacy andmusic, you're sure to find your niche.

SportsThere are over 50 sports clubs available toTrinity students. Choose from 50 sports clubs ina range of disciplines. Get fit, stay active, andmeet people outside the classroom! Theuniversity is also home to a state-of-the-artsports centre. All registered Trinity Collegestudents can utilise the facilities at the SportsCentre including the 25m pool, climbing wall,fitness centre and classes.

SocialisingThe Trinity Ball, Europe’s largest private partyand a highlight of every spring term on campus.

Learning Supports

IT ServicesAs a student at Trinity, you are provided withaccess to hundreds of computers located acrosscampus, secure WIFI, a Trinity Gmail accountand e-learning resources via the BlackboardLearn system, see www.tcd.ie/itservices/students

LibraryTrinity’s library is the largest research library inIreland with six million printed volumes, nearly500,000 electronic books, 80,000 electronicjournals, the country’s largest collection ofmaps and printed music, and an extensivecollection of manuscripts, seewww.tcd.ie/library.



"A trinity educationextends beyond the

classroom and facilitatesstudent internships and

work placements withmulti-national industry


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Disability ServiceThe Student Disability Service works closelywith academic staff, tutors, administrators andother support services to meet the supportrequirements of students with any disability,see www.tcd.ie/disability

Graduate Students UnionThe Graduate Students’ Union serves to protectstudents’ interests and acts as a helpful meetingpoint. The Union organises a variety of events,receptions and trips each year, seewww.tcdgsu.ie

Post Graduate Advisory ServiceThe Postgraduate Advisory Service offers acomprehensive range of academic, pastoral,and professional supports dedicated toenhancing your student experience, seewww.tcd.ie/seniortutor/students/postgraduate/

Student Councelling ServiceStudent Counselling offers a confidential,professional and free of charge service. There isalso a Peer Support Network which isconfidential and based on student-to-studentsupport, see www.tcd.ie/student_ counselling

EmploymentStudents from countries within the EuropeanUnion (EU) are free to take up employmentunder standard EU free movement of labourregulations. However, mixing employment withstudy is not easy, and it is recommended thatstudents do not arrive from elsewhere in the EUwithout possessing the financial resources tocomplete their chosen course of study.

Non-EU nationals who have permission toundertake postgraduate study in Ireland areentitled to take up casual employment, definedas up to 20 hours part-time work per week orfull-time work during vacation periods. In orderto encourage talented, skilled graduates topursue careers in Ireland, non-EU nationals arepermitted to remain in Ireland for an additionalperiod of 12-24 months after receipt of results oftheir final examinations as part of the ThirdLevel Graduate Programme, seewww.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/Student%20Pathway

University Life

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FeesFee details for all courses are available at:www.tcd.ie/academicregistry/feesandpaymentsPlease note a non-refundable online applicationfee per course applied for is required for alltaught and research courses. An EU applicationis one made by a person who fulfils one or moreof the following criteria: 1. who is ordinarilyresident in the EU and who has received full-time further or higher education in the EU forthree of the five years immediately precedingadmission; or 2. who is ordinarily resident in theEU and has worked full-time in the EU for threeof the five years immediately precedingadmission; or 3. who holds a passport from anEU state and has received full-time further orhigher education in the EU for three of the fiveyears immediately preceding admission. Allother applications are considered to be non-EUapplications.

Funding & Scholarships Tuition fees vary by course and can be found onthe Academic Registry website. A range ofscholarships and funding options are available.Trinity accepts student loans and works with theUS federal loan programme.

Postgraduate students should be sure to checkwith their schools and departments for subject-specific funding. PhD students should discussfunding with their potential supervisors. Unlessexplicitly excluded, local scholarships and grantscan be used towards Trinity fees. Please visit ourwebsite for more information on Trinityscholarship opportunities.

Find out more: www.tcd.ie/study/international/scholarships/www.tcd.ie/academicregistry/feesandpayments/

Students considering E3 postgraduateprogrammes can apply tor the E3 ExcellencePostgraduate Scholarships in Engineering,Environment and Emerging Technologies andthe Global Excellence PostgraduateScholarships

How to applyAll course information and onlineapplication details are available atwww.tcd.ie/courses.

Contact usAcademic Registry provides central academicadministrative services to assists students withall queries including course applications/admission, fees and registration.

Academic Registry, Watts Building, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland E: [email protected] T: +353 (0)1 896 4500

General enquiries from International students[outside of Ireland and EU/EEA] should beaddressed to:

Global Relations, East Theatre, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland E: [email protected] T: +353 (0)1 896 4494

How to Apply and Fees

15 16

Language RequirementsAll applicants whose first language is notEnglish and who have not been educatedthrough the medium of English must presentone of the following qualifications in the Englishlanguage:

� IELTS: Grade 6.5 overall� TOEFL: 88 internet-based, 570 paper-based,

230 computer-based� University of Cambridge: Proficiency

Certificate, Grade C or better (CEFR Level C1 or C2); Advanced Certificate, Grade C or better (CEFR Level C1 or C2)

� Pearson Test of English (Academic) – PTE Academic: a minimum score of 63 to be eligible (with no section score below 59) Full details available at: www.tcd.ie/study/apply/admission-requirements/postgraduate.

Visa RequirementsIf you are a citizen of the European Union (EU),you do not need a visa to enter and live inIreland. Some, but not all non-EU studentsrequire visas to enter Ireland, students fromNorth America are among those who do notrequire a visa. The list of visa-required countriescan be found at the INIS website:www.inis.gov.ie. It is important to note that ALLnon-EU students, whether visa-required or not,must register with the Irish Naturalisation andImmigration Service (INIS) for permission toremain in the state. Students must show theiroffer letter at airport immigration where theywill receive a temporary stamp in their passport.They must register with the INIS within the timelimit specified on their temporary stamp. Visa-required non-EU students should contact theirnearest Irish Embassy or Consulate forinformation on visa requirements. Visas cantake up to 8-10 weeks to process, so pleaseallow sufficient time. You should apply as earlyas possible, especially if an Irish visa is required.

For further information:www.tcd.ie/study/international/before-arrival/visa-immigrations. All non-EU fee payingstudents must pay their full tuition fees prior toregistration.

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E3 Postgraduate Taught Programmes Postgraduate Taught Programmes

17 18

School of ComputerScience & Statistics

MSc Computer Science (Augmented & Virtual Reality)

MSc Computer Science(Data Science)

MSc Computer Science(Intelligent Systems)

MSc Computer Science(Future Networked Systems)

MSc Interactive Digital Media

Postgraduate Certificate inStatistics

School of Engineering

MSc in MechanicalEngineering

MSc in BiomedicalEngineering

MSc in Engineering (Environmental Engineering)

MSc in Engineering(Structural and GeotechnicalEngineering)

MSc in Engineering(Transport Engineering)

MSc in Engineering(Sustainable EnergyEngineering)

MSc in ElectronicInformation Engineering

Mphil in Music & MediaTechnologies

School of NaturalSciences

MSc Environmental Science

MSc Biodiversity &Conservation

Masters in DevelopmentPractice

MPhil in EnvironmentalHistory

MSc in Energy Science

The School ofComputer Science &Statistics, School ofEngineering, & Schoolof Natural Science

M.Sc. in Smart &Sustainable Cities

As inherently curious and creative, humanitywill always seek to both understand the worldaround us and to create tools, systems andprocesses that enhance our quality of life. Asour understanding of our world grows, we nowknow better the effects, both positive andnegative, that our way of life has on the worldaround us. Challenges around health,automation, artificial intelligence, climatechange, energy, water and food are inherentlyglobal, multidisciplinary and complex in nature.The role of specialists in understanding andshaping developments in these areas willcontinue to be as important, or more important,than it has been to date. Increasingly however,humanity will require specialists who cancontextualise their knowledge in broader circlesand who can efficiently and effectively workwith experts from other disciplines.

E3 graduates across all its constituentdisciplines will share an experience of havinglearnt and worked in a multidisciplinaryenvironment, been educated by world-leadingexperts in areas of their specialisation andbenefitted from best-in-class pedagogy. E3 graduates will be flexible, adaptable andcreative individuals who bring deep disciplinaryknowledge and problem-solving expertise toany problem they are presented with. They willbe highly sought after by indigenous andmultinational companies in Ireland and will beequipped and ready to work in an internationalcontext if that is their chosen route. During theirstudies, E3 students will have opportunities tofollow their passions, both inside and outsidetheir chosen disciplines, supported by a flexibleand responsible academic support system thatallows the abilities of each student to flourish.

E3 graduates will:

� Have strong technical competence in their chosen discipline

� Be comfortable and experienced working in teams, including with specialists from other disciplines, on ill-defined and multidisciplinary challenges

� Be skilled communicators across a range of platforms and to varying audiences

� Have an ability to think at multiple levels of detail and abstraction

� Be comfortable in both practical and theoretical contexts

� Be able to make informed and ethical decisions that balance technical, social and environmental considerations

� Be able to confront the limitations of their own knowledge and to address these limitations through collaboration and life-long learning

Open a world of possibilities with an E3 Postgraduate programme at Trinity College Dublin

Balanced solutions for a better world

To study at Trinity is to become part of a globalcommunity of thinkers, creators, scientists,

artists, inventors and entrepreneurs spanning158 countries and over 425 years

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School of Computer Science & Statistics

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The School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity is recognised for establishing computerscience as an academic discipline in Ireland. The School has earned a strong internationalreputation and has partnerships in education,research and industry across the globe. TheSchool is actively engaged in research acrossvirtually all areas of computer science includingartificial intelligence, future networks and theInternet of Things (IoT); graphics, vision,augmented and virtual reality; smart cities;statistics and data science.

In addition, the School leads five majornationally-funded large-scale research centres;ADAPT, LEARNOVATE, CONNECT, ENABLE and V-SENSE.

The school of Computer Science and Statisticshas a strong track record of working withindustry as research partners and via studentinternships in Dublin and around the world.Many of our graduates are in leadership positionsin the global technology sector or are founders offast growing startups like Iona Technologies,Havok, Kore, Swrve, Quaternion Labs,LinguaBox, WiFi Guard, CipherApps, HauntedPlanet Studios, Haptica, GLANTA, TolerantNetworks, Cara Health, X Communications Ltd,EmpowerTheUser, Insight Statistical Consulting,Xcelerit, Wripl and Emizar, SoapBox Labs, GoodTravel Software, SilverCloud, Danalto, Volgramsand Data Chemist.

The School has a wide range of postgraduatetaught and research programmes. School ofComputer Science & Statistics (SCSS) also offersa variety of options for students wishing topursue PhD studies, from working individuallywith an expert supervisor to engaging in a rich

programmes of studies offered by one of thethree SFI Centres for Research Trainingsupported by the School.

Whichever career route our programme studentschoose, we are preparing them with strongresearch sills and an ability to ask insightful andpertinent questions. Whether they choose to joinIreland’s vibrant R&D sector or to enteracademia, our students are helping to ask andanswer some of the most pressing questions inComputer Science & Statistics.

Students joining us can look forward to a friendlyatmosphere with world-class academic staffsupported by a state-of-the-art teaching andresearch environment. The success of our Schooldepends on the enthusiasm and ingenuity of ourstaff and students. If you join us, we will workhard to foster your creativity and, in return, weare sure you will enjoy your time with us andhelp contribute to our reputation as a leadingcentre for academic excellence.

Computer Science at Trinity is ranked number 1 inIreland, top 25 in Europe and top 100 worldwide (QSsubject rankings, 2019).

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Computer Science

Augmented & Virtual Reality I am a senior software developer and

software development/project managerat Materialise GmbH in Bremen, adevelopment office of Materialise, NV,with headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. Iwas contacted by a headhunter fromGoogle in Dublin right after finishing mydegree and went through the first roundsof the hiring process but cancelled itmyself because I had a job offer withMaterialise. We are leading in thesoftware development for AdditiveManufacturing/3D printing. Julian from Germany

About the programmeThe MSc in Computer Science – Augmented & VirtualReality programme takes one year to complete. In thefirst two semesters students take a range of taughtmodules, and then from April to August work full-timeon their individual dissertations. All students take aset of core modules but then specialise in Augmented& Virtual Reality.

The programme equips students with the theoreticaland practical knowledge to enable them toparticipate in the design and development of thetechnology that underpins the fast moving videogame market and the wider industries of interactiveentertainment, new media and communication. Thisstrand is a modified version of the well-establishedand successful MSc in Interactive EntertainmentTechnology and is built on research expertise in theTrinity Centre for Creative Technologies. This Centre isbased on a unique collaboration of ComputerScience, Engineering, Drama and the Arts; the focus ison the creative technologies including film,interactive multimedia, games, and simulation.

CurriculumAll students take a number of common MSc CoreModules, including Research & Innovation Methodsand Machine Learning. MSc students also undertake ayear-long research project for their ResearchDissertation. This substantial individual projectexposes students to the leading edge of research intheir area. We expect the top projects to deliverpublishable quality papers and, during the year, thedissertations will be showcased to an industryaudience comprising indigenous, small & mediumemployers and multinational companies.

Along with the core modules, students takespecialised taught modules specific to the area ofAugmented and Virtual Reality. The Computer Visionmodule equips students with knowledge of a range ofimage processing, feature extraction and shaperepresentation and transformation techniques. Itbuilds on the machine learning module by targetingthese techniques in the computer vision domain,which is an essential component of modernautonomous systems and augmented realityapplications. The Mathematics of Light & Soundmodule deals with the mathematical knowledge andskills needed for the synthesis and analysis of audioand video signals. Computer Graphics introducesessential modelling and linear algebra techniquesbefore delving into the 3D computer graphicspipeline, OpenGL, projection and viewing techniquesand illumination models required in interactivegraphics applications. Real-time Rendering willexplore the graphics pipeline, GPUs as well as avariety of shading, illumination and renderingtechniques. The Augmented Reality module willequip students with a solid background in alternative3D compositing techniques. Students will learn todevelop interactive applications on both PC andmobile devices. Real-time Animation deals withcomputational techniques for simulating motion,introducing topics such as blending, kinematics andmotion capture, and will involve programmingassignments in interactive animation. All studentstake a module in Advanced Software Engineering,which explores the methods and techniques involvedin large-scale software development encompassingAgile and eXtreme Programming (XP), Test-drivendevelopment and Re-factoring.

Contact Us

Course Director: Dr John Dingliana

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1765


Finally, students may select two electives from a poolof modules offered to MSc students in the School.

The course is designed and taught by staff who areleading experts in their fields, and the course contentis inspired by their cutting-edge work as well as theircontacts with leading industry researchers around theglobe.

Please note that the course content is updated on anannual basis and some changes may occur from yearto year.

Theoretical/taught modules

Machine Learning 5 credits

Research Methods and Innovation 5 credits

Computer Vision 5 credits

Computer Graphics 5 credits

Mathematics of Light and Sound 5 credits

Real-time Animation 5 credits

Real-time Rendering 5 credits

Augmented Reality 5 credits

Advanced Software Engineering 10 credits

Options modules 10 credits

Dissertation 30 credits

Career ProspectsWe expect our graduates to be in high-demand for topend research and development positions withinleading multi-national companies and from startup-companies alike. There will also be opportunities toprogress to PhD study with many funded positionsavailable locally. Previous graduates from our M.Sc.programmes have gone on to work for games companiessuch as Havok, EA, DemonWare and Playfirst, whilstothers have joined leading visual effects studios such asFramestore CFC and Double Negative. We expect futuregraduates from this strand to be equally successful insecuring employment in this industry.

Admission RequirementsAdmission is restricted to graduates who haveachieved an upper second class honours degree orbetter, in computing, information technology,statistics, mathematics or a related discipline, whohave acquired good programming skills. Applicationsfrom well-qualified candidates from other numeratedisciplines who have sufficient knowledge ofcomputing, including the ability to programme mayalso be considered for admission.

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Computer Science

Contact Us

Course Director: Dr John Dingliana

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1765


About the programmeData Science or Big Data has become a hugelyimportant topic in recent years finding applications inHealthcare, Finance, Transportation, Smart Cities andelsewhere. As part of this programme, Trinity’sleading experts in this field will guide you throughhow to gather and store data (using IoT and cloudcomputing technologies), process it (using advancedstatistics and techniques such as machine learning)and deliver new insights and knowledge from thedata.

The Data Science programme combines statistics,cloud and security technologies with datamanagement. It covers all key aspects of the field:how to securely store and manage data, how tovisualise and analyse at scale and how to use analysisto make decisions. Graduates of this strand will beequipped to tackle the huge challenges andopportunities that the big-data revolution is bringingto all aspects of life; in IT, health, transport, scienceand engineering to name but a few. The School ofComputer Science and Statistics is one of the fewSchools globally that has expertise in all of theseelements of data science. Dublin is a centre for severalof the major IT players in data science, such asGoogle, Facebook, LinkedIn, eBay and Twitter, as wellas a major centre for data science research andconsulting through the presence of companies suchas IBM Research, Accenture and Deloitte.

CurriculumThe course is taught over a full calendar year, withtwo 12-week semesters of taught modules, involvingattendance at labs and lectures, followed bydedicated research work over the remaining summer


All students take a number of common MSc CoreModules, including Research & Innovation Methodsand Machine Learning. MSc students also undertake ayear-long research project for their ResearchDissertation. This substantial individual projectexposes students to the leading edge of research intheir area. We expect the top research projects todeliver publishable research and, during the year, thedissertations will be showcased to an industryaudience comprising indigenous, small & mediumemployers and multinational companies.

Along with the core modules, students takespecialised modules specific to the area of DataScience. Data Analytics deals with the key techniquesof data mining and analysis, including classificationtechniques, neural networks and ensemble methods.Students discover how large data sets might begathered and manipulated in large cloud computingfacilities in the Scalable Computing module. Themodule on Optimisation Algorithms for Data Analysisexplores topics such as convex optimisation and largedimension simulation. Applied Statistical Modellingdeals with many popular techniques such as MarkovChains and Monte Carlo Simulation with anopportunity to apply these techniques to real datasets. Students learn how to reveal the insights derivedfrom large data sets in the Data Visualisation moduleand cover essential crypto and security concerns ofdata in the Security & Privacy module.

Finally students choose three additional electivesfrom a pool of modules offered to MSc students in theSchool.

The course is designed and taught by staff who areleading experts in their fields, and the course contentis inspired by their cutting-edge work as well as theircontacts with leading industry researchers around theglobe.

Please note that the course content is updated on anannual basis and some changes may occur from yearto year.

Theoretical/taught modules

Machine Learning 5 credits

Research Methods and Innovation 5 credits

Data Analytics 10 credits

Scalable Computing 5 credits

Applied Statistical Modelling 5 credits

Optimisation Algorithms 5 credits

Data Visualization 5 credits

Security and Privacy 5 credits

3 x Options modules 15 credits

Dissertation 30 credits

Career ProspectsWe expect our graduates to be in high-demand fortop-end research and development positions withinleading multi-national companies and from start-upcompanies alike. There will also be opportunities toprogress to PhD study with many funded positionsavailable locally. Graduates of this programme havemany exciting career opportunities. All of the majorInformation Technology companies, from Google toFacebook to Amazon, employ large teams of datascientists. Another important career path ismanagement consulting with companies such asAccenture, McKinsey & Company and PwC.

Admission RequirementsAdmission is restricted to graduates who haveachieved an upper second class honours degree orbetter, in computing, information technology,statistics, mathematics or a related discipline, whohave acquired good programming skills. Applicationsfrom well-qualified candidates from other numeratedisciplines who have sufficient knowledge ofcomputing, including the ability to programme mayalso be considered for admission.

Data Science

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Computer Science

Contact Us

Course Director: Dr John Dingliana

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1765


Programming (XP), Test-driven development and Re-factoring. Finally students choose three additionalelectives from a pool of modules offered to MScstudents in the School.

The course is designed and taught by staff who areleading experts in their fields, and the course contentis inspired by their cutting-edge work as well as theircontacts with leading industry researchers around theglobe.

Please note that the course content is updated on anannual basis and some changes may occur from yearto year.

Theoretical/taught modules

Machine Learning 5 credits

Research Methods and Innovation 5 credits

Adaptive Applications 5 credits

Artificial Intelligence 5 credits

Knowledge and Data Engineering 5 credits

Information Retrieval and Web Search 5 credits

Advanced Software Engineering 10 credits

3 x Options modules 15 credits

Dissertation 30 credits

Career ProspectsEmployment opportunities exist in a wide range ofareas such as internet-based services, financialservices, mobile communication companies. Studentswill also benefit from the comprehensive researchscope, networks, and wealth of researchachievements in both the School and the ADAPTCentre. Graduates will be suited to careers in Web-technology companies such as Google, Facebook,Twitter, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, Symantec, eBayand SAP, Business-Intelligence led organisations,Consultancy companies, Innovative start-ups buildingintelligent applications and IT in large organisations.

Admission RequirementsAdmission is restricted to graduates who haveachieved an upper second class honours degree orbetter, in computing, information technology,statistics, mathematics or a related discipline, whohave acquired good programming skills. Applicationsfrom well-qualified candidates from other numeratedisciplines who have sufficient knowledge ofcomputing, including the ability to programme mayalso be considered for admission.

About the programmeThe M.Sc. Computer Science - Intelligent Systemsfocuses on smart, interactive web applications andsystems, which are becoming an integral part of ourdaily lives - at home, in the workplace, and in socialinteraction. Designing and building these systemsrequires expertise in artificial intelligence, humanlanguage understanding and generation, web systemsand applications, data analytics and knowledgeengineering. The marketplace of the future will seeintelligent behaviour becoming the standard forcomputer systems. This strand is closely linked to theschool’s research groups involved in the ADAPTcentre.

ADAPT is a national research centre for DigitalContent Technology, bringing together world-classexpertise in Web Content Technologies; Knowledgeand Data Engineering; Information Retrieval; MachineTranslation; Graphics, Video and Image Processing;Data Analytics; Personalisation & Adaptive Web;Natural Language Processing; Human ComputerInteraction; Artificial Intelligence. ADAPT’s cuttingedge research is explored through applications indomains such as health, entertainment, education,digital humanities, aviation and finance.

CurriculumThe course is taught over a full calendar year, withtwo 12-week semesters of taught modules, involvingattendance at labs and lectures, followed bydedicated research work over the remaining summermonths.

All students take a number of common MSc CoreModules, including Research & Innovation Methodsand Machine Learning. MSc students also undertake ayear-long research project for their ResearchDissertation. This substantial individual projectexposes students to the leading edge of research intheir area. We expect the top projects to deliverpublishable quality papers and, during the year, thedissertations will be showcased to an industryaudience comprising indigenous, small & mediumemployers and multinational companies.

Along with the core modules, students takespecialised modules specific to their area of study.Information Retrieval & Web Search examines, in-depth, the theoretical and practical issues involved insearching the web or any or large corpus ofdocuments, including text processing, ranking scores,classification etc. In Knowledge & Data Engineering,students learn about the semantic web includingmodel design, reasoning and querying. ArtificialIntelligence deals with AI techniques and models ofhuman cognitive architectures, knowledgerepresentation techniques such as ontologies andmodels of natural language processing. This moduleis complemented by the Text Analytics module,which demonstrates how finite-state methods, modeltheory and category theory can be used to analysecontent and determine sentiment. The hands-onAdaptive Applications module explores howapplications can adapt to suit individual users. Allstudents take a two-semester module in AdvancedSoftware Engineering, which explores the methodsand techniques involved in large-scale softwaredevelopment encompassing Agile and eXtreme

Intelligent Systems

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Computer Science

About the programmeComputer networking has transformed society overthe past 20 years and is continuing to enable newadvances from social networking through Internet-of-Things to Cloud computing. The M.Sc. ComputerScience – Future Networked Systems builds onresearch activity within the CONNECT nationalresearch centre and a long history of innovation andstart-up companies at the school.

CurriculumThe course is taught over a full calendar year, withtwo 12-week semesters of taught modules, involvingattendance at labs and lectures, followed by full-timeresearch work over the remaining summer months.

All students take a number of common MSc CoreModules, including Research & Innovation Methodsand Machine Learning. MSc students also undertake ayear-long research project for their ResearchDissertation. This substantial individual projectexposes students to the leading edge of research intheir area. We expect the top projects to deliverpublishable quality papers and, during the year, thedissertations will be showcased to an industryaudience comprising indigenous, small & mediumemployers and multinational companies.

Along with the core modules, students takespecialised modules specific to their area of study.Arising from research within the school's Smart &Sustainable cities research centre, the UrbanComputing module explores techniques for gathering

urban data, management of that data, visualizationand alerts and involves the development of acomplete smart city application. The Next GenerationNetworks module explores future trends in fixed andwireless communications networks including next-generation access, LTE and Software-Defined networktechnologies. Scalable Computing looks at howapplications and workloads can be serviced bywarehouse-scale computing facilities, exploring cloudarchitectures, resource management and securityconsiderations. The Internet of Things moduleexplores the technology underlying this burgeoningarea including middleware, service discovery &composition and sensor & network virtualization.Practical exercises lead students through design,implementation and deployment of an end-to-end IoTapplication. Security & Privacy complements othermodules, covering topics such as Authentication,Digital Rights Management, Cloud security and userprivacy. Distributed Systems deals with concurrency,the science of distributed transactions, web servicesand advanced application frameworks. All studentstake a module in Advanced Software Engineering,which explores the methods and techniques involvedin large-scale software development encompassingAgile and eXtreme Programming (XP), Test-drivendevelopment and Re-factoring. Finally, students mayselect two electives from a pool of modules offered toMSc students in the School.

The course is designed and taught by staff who areleading experts in their fields, and the course contentis inspired by their cutting-edge work as well as theircontacts with leading industry researchers around theglobe.

Please note that the course content is updated on anannual basis and some changes may occur from yearto year.

Theoretical/taught modules

Machine Learning 5 credits

Research Methods and Innovation 5 credits

Scalable Computing 5 credits

Next Generation Networks 5 credits

Urban Computing 5 credits

Internet of Things 5 credits

Distributed Systems 5 credits

Security and Privacy 5 credits

Advanced Software Engineering 10 credits

Options modules 10 credits

Dissertation 30 credits

Career ProspectsPrevious graduates from the strand have gone on towork in software engineering and financialtechnology roles in companies such as Facebook,Microsoft, Citi and Genesys.

Admission RequirementsAdmission is restricted to graduates who haveachieved an upper second class honours degree orbetter, in computing, information technology,statistics, mathematics or a related discipline, whohave acquired good programming skills. Applicationsfrom well-qualified candidates from other numeratedisciplines who have sufficient knowledge ofcomputing, including the ability to programme mayalso be considered for admission.

FutureNetworked Systems

Contact Us

Course Director: Dr John Dingliana

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1765


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MSc Interactive Digital Media

About the ProgrammeFounded in 1996, the MSc in Interactive Digital Media(IDM) was the first of its kind in Ireland. Its graduateswork in the digital media and related sectors, bothnationally and internationally. It is delivered on a full-time basis over one year and carries a total ECTSweighting of 90.

This MSc course provides a foundation in thetechnologies and media relevant to the digital mediasector. The course runs full-time over a twelve-monthperiod. Formal teaching is divided into two twelve-week semesters.

Each student selects and undertakes a smallindividual research project, which must be submittedin the form of a dissertation of 12,000 words by mid-April. Students also complete a larger final projectover the summer, which is a team effort with otherstudents from the class. A special laboratory withdedicated hardware and software is provided for thestudents to support them in the courses and theirproject work.

CurriculumThe course is designed to help students combine theirexisting skills – technical as well as non-technical –with the knowledge needed to design and developdigital media applications and content on existingand emerging platforms. To this end, the coursecovers the programming languages and applicationsused in digital media, a range of design techniques(graphic design, interactive design, UI/UX design,game design) as well as approaches to contentcreation in a range of modalities (moving image,audio, sensor technologies).

The MSc in Interactive Digital Media lets studentsbuild on knowledge gained at undergraduate level inorder to allow them to work and stay current in thedigital media sector. Platforms for digital mediaapplications are constantly evolving, and what usedto be focused on desktop computers and mobiledevices now also include Virtual and AugmentedReality and Internet of Things. The skillsets requiredto design and build digital media applications andcontent have expanded and now include analytical,technical and creative skills. Teams creating digitalmedia are practically always multidisciplinary, socommunication is more important than ever.

The course also covers critical thinking around digitalmedia, giving the students the ability to situate worksin relevant cultural contexts and anchor their ideas indeeper thinking than is often possible in today’s fast-moving world. While the course covers practicalaspects of design and technology, it also includes asolid theoretical foundation for each topic, such asscientific, cultural and critical concerns, rather thanfocusing exclusively on how to use off-the-shelfapplications.

Students are accepted from a wide range ofbackgrounds, and the range of skills each yearfacilitates exchange and learning between differentdisciplines. Students work collaboratively on courseassignments and their final projects, which areexhibited publicly at the end of each year in ourAnnual Showcase.

Course Modules

Programming for Digital Media 10 credits

Authoring for Digital Media 10 credits

Contextual Media 10 credits

Audio, Video and Sensor 10 creditsTechnologies

Visual Computing and Design 10 credits

Research Paper 10 credits

Final Project 30 credits

Graduate ProspectsGraduates from the IDM programme work in manyroles across the digital sector. Current positions heldby our graduates include: App Designers andDevelopers, Web Designers and Developers, SoftwareDevelopers, Graphic and Visual Designers, UI and UXDesigners, Interaction Designers, Game Designers andDevelopers, Product Designers, TechnologyJournalists, Project Managers, Security and DataAnalysts, Digital Analysts, Corporate CommunicationsLeads, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), ChiefInformation Officers (CIOs), Chief Commercial Officers(CCOs), Research Fellows and Professors.

Entry RequirementsApplications will be accepted from good honoursgraduates in any discipline. Literary, artistic andcreative ability is taken into consideration along withmathematical, technical and problem-solving ability.

Contact Us

Course Director: Dr Mads Haahr

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 2418


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MSc/P. Grad. Certificate in Statistics

About the programmeThis part-time course is intended for graduates ofdisciplines, other than statistics, who want to developand deepen their knowledge of statistical methods forsolving problems involving data arising in businessand industry, in public service agencies or in researchagencies. The course is best seen as ‘continuingprofessional development’ for people who needstatistics for their work. The course provides a broadintroduction to the statistical ideas and methodsrelevant to data gathering and analysis in a widevariety of research areas as well as business andadministration. The intention is to provideparticipants with a practical grasp of statistics basedon a sound knowledge of the underlying ideas andconcepts. Graduates of the course should be wellplaced to apply the ideas and methods to which theyhave been introduced in their own work. To this end,all the material is presented in the context of practicalexamples from a wide range of applications.

From 2021/22 it is intended that this programme willbe offered online, allowing students to follow thematerial at their own pace and to make it available tothose who do not have access to the TCD campus.

CurriculumThe first semester focusses on why and when we usestatistical methods, and introduces the basicmethods that are the most commonly used instatistics. The emphasis is on choosing the bestmethod and how to interpret its result, rather thanthe mathematical details. The latter part of thesemester introduces the R programming environmentfor doing a statistical analysis. Students will becomefamiliar with how to run and interpret, through R, themethods that they have learnt and how to output theresults in the best way.

The second semester looks at 2 key ideas in statisticsthat most users of statistical methods will face.Regression is the name to a broad set of tools that areused to discover relationships between differentvariables and use them for interpretation andprediction. Experimental design looks at ways to setup experiments so that they yield data that answersthe questions of interest in the most efficient way.Practical implementation of all of these tools aredone through R.

Assessment is through online assessmentsthroughout each semester and individual projects.

Contact Us

Course Director: Prof. Simon Wilson

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1759


Theoretical/taught Modules (for the proposed online version)

Introduction to Statistics 10 credits

Statistics using R 5 credits

Regression 10 credits

Experimental Design 5 credits

Admission Requirements

Applications will be considered from any degree-levelcandidate. While the mathematical level of the courseis kept to a minimum, some background inmathematics is essential.

Leaving Certificate mathematics is sufficient.

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School of Engineering

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Welcome to the School of Engineering…..we are delighted that you’re consideringstudying here!

The School of Engineering at Trinity has beenteaching Engineering since 1841. There havebeen immense developments since that time,but the continuity of excellence in teaching andlearning is a source of pride for the School andits graduates.

The School of Engineering is a vibrant,intellectual community of innovativeresearchers, teachers and students, whichcombines high-quality teaching with expansiveresearch activity.

Each year, the Engineering School welcomesgrowing numbers of visiting and full-timestudents from around the world who enrich ourshared multicultural learning environment. TheSchool has international students from all overEurope, North and South America, Australia,Asia and Africa.

The School strives to educate global citizenswho will have a real impact on society and whowill enhance engineering throughout the world,by sharing their innovative ideas.

The School of Engineering at Trinity is ranked inthe top 200 Engineering Schools in the worldand offers outstanding teaching by engineerswho are at the forefront of their field worldwide.It has a strong philosophy of research-ledteaching and continuously benchmarks itselfagainst the top international engineeringschools.

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Mechanical Engineering

(1 year fulltime) (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip)

About the programmeThe M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering is designed toprovide a flexible route to a Masters qualification forstudents who have completed a Bachelors degree. Itaddresses advanced topics over a wide range ofMechanical and Manufacturing Engineering subjects.

Within the M.Sc., there is a wide range of moduleoptions and an excellent opportunity to engage intopical research with leading research groups withinthe School of Engineering, as an important part of thisprogramme is a research dissertation, which directlybuilds on some of the content of the modules.

CurriculumThe M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering consists oftaught modules and a project together amounting to90 ECTS. The taught component comprises modulestotalling 50 ECTS credits. M.Sc. students will alsocomplete a substantial research project and submit adissertation which accounts for a further 40 credits tobe eligible for the award of the degree.

Those not undertaking the dissertation (or who havepartially completed it) may, with approval of theCourse Director, take the alternative EngineeringProject module (10ECTS) in order to be eligible for theaward of the Postgraduate Diploma.

“This course is idealfor those who seethemselves as futureleaders andinnovators, workingin research, designand developmentroles in high-technology areas”.

Prof. David Taylor

Contact Us

Course Director: Prof. David Taylor

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1703/1383


Theoretical/taught modules

Research Project 40 creditsResearch Methods 5 credits

The remaining credits can be made up from thefollowing modules:

Flow induced vibration and fluid 5 credits structure interaction Advanced materials 5 creditsAdvanced thermal fluid sciences 5 creditsEngineering Vibrations 5 creditsControl Engineering II 5 creditsInstrumentation and Experimental 5 creditsTechniques Introduction to Computational Fluid 5 creditsMechanics

Micro and Precision Manufacturing 5 creditsAdvanced manufacturing 5 creditsSupply chain management 5 creditsRisk management and Safety 5 creditsAssessment Systems

Wind Energy 5 creditsEnergy Policy and Demand 5 creditsWave and Hydro Energy 5 creditsTransportation 5 creditsAdvanced Spatial analysis using GIS 5 credits

Medical device design 10 creditsTissue engineering 5 creditsFinite Element Analysis 5 creditsBiomechanics 5 creditsBiomaterials 5 credits

Some of the module options in either semester maybe withdrawn from time to time and some newmodules may be added, subject to demand.Additional modules may be chosen, subject strictly totimetabling compatibility, with the prior approval ofthe Course Director and relevant Head of School.

Career ProspectsThis course prepares you to work in a wide range ofindustries and Ireland and worldwide, including themedical device, aerospace and automotive sectors.

Admission RequirementsCandidates for this course must normally hold a firstor second class, first division honors Bachelor degreein engineering or a cognate discipline and pursue thecourse full-time for a period of not less than 12consecutive months.

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Biomedical Engineering

Many of the world’s top medical technologycompanies have invested significantly in Ireland and anumber of exciting, research-based, indigenouscompanies are emerging and competinginternationally. These companies are involved indeveloping, manufacturing and marketing a diverserange of products and services from disposableplastic and wound care products to precision metalimplants including pacemakers to microelectronicdevices, orthopedic implants, diagnostics, contactlenses and stents.

This M.Sc. programme also provides an excellentfoundation for students to pursue further researchactivities and qualifications, with many studentspursuing further research in Trinity and in otherinternational leading universities such as Stanfordand Harvard as well as in hospital and clinicalenvironments.

The minimum requirement for entry is an UpperSecond Class Honours Degree (2.1 or higher) orequivalent in Engineering (for example Biomedical,Mechanical, Electronic, Chemical), Physical Sciencesor related discipline from a recognised University.Other degree programmes may be deemed suitableprovided that the applicant has proven mathematicalability. This means that the applicant should haveachieved at least an A grade in Mathematics (orequivalent subject) at Leaving Cert, A levels orequivalent and in addition the Undergraduate degreeprogramme must have included some mathematicalcomponent.

About the programmeSome of the most exciting work in biomedicalengineering today takes place at the intersection ofdisciplines where the biological, physical and digitalworlds intersect and have an impact on the humancondition. The M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineeringprovides students the opportunity to be involved inexciting new developments in biomedical engineeringranging from developing new materials for use incardiac care, or designing innovative next generationmedical devices, to artificially growing new tissue toreplace organ transplantation.

The M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering is the onlycourse of its kind in Ireland. The programme hasreceived two awards in 2012 which recognise thescale and diversity that the M.Sc. in Biomedicalengineering course delivers in terms of the studentexperience, its contribution to the Irish economy andmaking an impact on global healthcare challenges.

Students of the M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering atTrinity College Dublin take lectures from internationalexperts in a variety of biomedical engineering subjectareas and carry out research in world class, state-of-the-art research laboratories and facilities. This M.Sc.programme also provides an excellent foundation forfurther research and many graduates are currentlypursuing PhD research in diverse fields of biomedicalengineering in universities in Ireland and around theworld.

CurriculumThe MSc in Biomedical engineering aims to provideengineers and scientists with the education andcreative skills needed to practice in the medicaldevices industry in Ireland and focus on importantclinical needs. Students can opt for the MSc inBiomedical engineering with specialisation strands.All three streams lead to the award of the MSc inBiomedical Engineering and consist of compulsorycore modules and optional modules.

Career ProspectsEmployment in the biomedical engineering industryin Ireland has grown to the level where the industrynow directly employs over 12,000 people in Ireland, ofwhich up to 20% are graduate engineers andscientists (see www.ida-ireland.ie). The engineerworking in this industry needs to be both technicallycompetent and capable of integrating those aspectsof biology and medicine related to the medicaldevice. Many bioengineers are involved in applyingscience and engineering knowledge to themanufacture of medical products. The medical deviceand diagnostic industry continues to be a vibrantgrowth sector and a cornerstone of the Irish economy.

There are currently over 160 medical technologycompanies in Ireland, exporting €6.8bn worth ofproduct annually and employing 24,000 people - thehighest number of people working in the industry inany country in Europe, per head of population.

Theoretical/taught modules

General Stream Modules ECTScreditscreditscreditscredits

creditsTotal Mandatory 65 credits


creditsTotal ECTS 90 creditsTissue Engineering Stream Modules





Total Mandatory 80 credits


Total ECTS 90 creditsMedical Device Specialisation Stream



Total Mandatory 80 credits


Total ECTS 90 credits

Contact Us

Course Director: Prof Michael Monaghan

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 3393


“The success and impact of this course makes our highlyskilled graduates employable in large multinationalcompanies, in start-ups and in clinical settings in Ireland andaround the world. Our MSc programme also provides astrong foundation for students interested in pursuing PhDresearch.”Prof. Michael Monaghan (Course Director)

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* Mandatory for students with no prior Biology/Biomedical background

** Must have approval from module co-ordinator*** Subject to meeting pre-requisite criteria as set out

in the module descriptor**** MEP56BM9 is a prerequisite for this module

"The MSc. gave me a broad understanding of the medical device industry and really helped me when interviewingfor the big biomed companies as I was already familiar with their products. A large part of my job involves rapidprototyping models with 3D printers which I was highly exposed to in the MSc. If you are interested in learning moreabout the medical device industry I would highly recommend the course".Padraig Irwin, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering Graduate

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Engineering

About the programmeThis is a one year full-time or two year part-timepostgraduate programme designed to providegraduate engineers with specialist understanding inone of the following areas: Structural and GeotechnicalEngineering; Environmental Engineering;Transportation Engineering; or Sustainable EnergyEngineering. These programmes reflect our academicexpertise and link closely with our research challenges.Our MSc programmes offers you with an opportunity toadvance your knowledge and expertise in one ofspecialist areas of Engineering

This level 9 programme is accredited by EngineersIreland, which is a member of the European Networkfor Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE)and the Washington Accord and thus internationallyrecognised by signature countries, including China(CAST), India (NBA), UK and the USA (ABET).

The reputation of the MSc in Engineering programme isevidenced by the quality of students we attract bothnationally and internationally, and from industry. Inrecent years, about 70% of our annual intake ofstudents are international, originating from more than20 countries such as Brazil, China, France, India, Italy,Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa, UK, USA etc. The MSc inEngineering is highly regarded by the industry. Inrecent years, about 10% of the typical intake are parttime students whom originate from the civilengineering consultancy and construction industry, aswell as from local authority engineering departments.

CurriculumThe MSc in Engineering programme is designedaround the concept of the T-Shaped learning, whichprovides a depth of specialist knowledge and skillsand a breadth of complementary skills. This approachenhances not only the students’ employability skills,but also self-development skills.

The degree programme is divided into three parts:two semesters of taught courses (September – Aprilinclusive) with an average of 18 lectures per week anda major dissertation (April – September inclusive).Candidates must take twelve modules, namely thefour mandatory modules (M1, M4, M5 and M3)together with at least four of their chosenspecialisation and four other modules, which in totalamounts to 90 ECTS. In the first semester, candidatespursuing the course full-time must take mandatorymodules, M1, M4, M5 and M3; along with four othermodules selected from options (including at least twofrom their selected specialisation), listed on the right.In the second semester, candidates pursuing thecourse full-time must take module M3 along with fourother modules selected from options (including atleast two from their selected specialisation), alsolisted on the right:

Environmental Structural Geotechnical TransportSustainable Energy

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Theoretical/taught modules

MandatoryM1 Civil Engineering Management 10 creditsM4 Engineering Project 5 creditsM5 Research Methods 1 5 creditsM3 Engineering Dissertation 30 credits(Structural & Geotechnical / Environmental / Transport / Sustainable Energy)

Environmental EngineeringHydrological Processes and Hydrometry 5 creditsAir Pollution 5 creditsWaste Management and Energy Recovery 5 creditsWater Quality and Hydrological Modelling 5 creditsWater Resource Planning and 5 creditsClimate Change Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation 5 credits

Structural and Geotechnical EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering 5 creditsAdvanced Computation for Structures 5 creditsWind and Earthquake Engineering 5 creditsBridge Engineering 5 creditsAdvanced Concrete Technology 5 creditsOffshore Geotechnical Engineering 5 creditsA Unified Theory of Structures 5 creditsConcrete Durability and Sustainability 5 creditsAdvanced Theory of Structures 5 credits

Transport Engineering, Policy and PlanningTransportation Policy 5 credits)Transport Modelling and Planning 5 creditsIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) 5 creditsTransport Design 5 credits

Sustainable Energy EngineeringWind Energy 5 creditsSolar Energy Conversion Applications 5 creditsBuilding Energy Physics and Control 5 creditsEnergy Policy and Building 5 creditsEnergy Demand Wave and Hydro Energy 5 credits)

CommonFacade Engineering 5 creditsAdvanced Spatial Analysis Using GIS 5 credits

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Engineering Environmental Structural Geotechnical TransportSustainable Energy

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Contact Us

Course Director: Dr Liwen Xiao

Course Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1457


“I chose Trinity College Dublin as it has an excellent track record of producingsuccessful professionals. The experience and profile of the lecturers was key tomy choice. I found the lectures to be comprehensive - while being exam focused,they also equipped me with the tools I needed in my professional career. Sincegraduating, I have worked as a Structural Design Engineer for PM Group onmany challenging projects for blue chip multinationals across the globe. Havingspent a number of years working in industry, I for one can vouch that this courseprovided me with both a strong technical background, and the skills required tosucceed in large multidisciplinary teams”.Killian Shields, Structural Design Engineer at PM Group

Some of the module options in either semester maybe withdrawn from time to time and some newmodules may be included, subject to demand. Inaddition to passing the prescribed examinations,each student must submit a dissertation on anapproved topic relating to their chosen specialisation.

Part – Time Option: For candidates taking the coursepart-time over two years, during the first year,candidates take eight modules, namely: themandatory modules (M1, M4 and M5), along with fiveof the module options (including at least two fromtheir chosen specialisation) which amount to 45 ECTS.By the end of the course, part-time candidates musthave completed four mandatory modules (M1, M4, M5and M3), at least four of their specialisation moduleoptions and four of the other options, amounting to atotal of 90 ECTS. The part-time option runs in parallelwith the full-time course. Full and part-time studentsattend the same lectures which are typically scheduledMonday –Friday, 9-6pm. During the teaching periods,students taking the part-time option are typicallyrequired to attend 9-12 hours per week during Year 1and 3-6 hours during Year 2.

Career ProspectsThe market for MSc in Engineering graduates is large.Graduates from this programme have gainemployment opportunities with private sector firmssuch as consulting engineers RPS Group, Arup, andJones Engineering Group, local county councils suchas Dublin county council and contracting companies.Some students chose to pursue further research inTrinity and other international leading universities.

Surveys of our recent MSc course graduates indicate ahigh level of employability. Three months aftercompleting the programme, over 85% of graduatesresponding to the surveys reported that they were infull time employment or in further studies, and themajority of them were paid between €35,000 and€60,000 per annum, demonstrating the high valueindustry is placing on our graduates.

Application RequirementsThe entry criteria are an upper second honoursdegree (or equivalent) in a Civil Engineering or relateddegree. Relevant Industrial Experience may be takeninto account in allocating places, where the course isoversubscribed.

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CurriculumThis M.Sc. course consists of taught modules and aproject amounting to 90 credits. The taughtcomponent comprises modules totalling 50 credits. Inthe first semester, students pursuing the course musttake modules worth at least 25 credits, and in thesecond semester they take the balance of the credits.M.Sc. candidates will, in addition, complete asubstantial research project and submit a dissertationwhich accounts for a further 40 credits to be eligiblefor consideration for the award of the degree. Allcandidates are required to take the followingmodule(s): Research Project/Dissertation (40 credits),Research Methods (15 credits), Statistical SignalProcessing (5 credits), and Introduction to DeepLearning (10 credits). In addition, candidates select afurther 20 credits from the following list to bring theirtotal credits to 90: Speech and Audio Engineering (5credits), Spatial Audio (5 credits), Audio ProductionEngineering (5 credits), Digital Media Systems (10credits), Wireless Networks and Communications (5credits), Complex Systems Science (5 credits), andReconfigurable Hardware for ComputationalEngineering (10 credits)

Some of the module options in either semester maybe withdrawn from time to time and some newmodules may be added, subject to demand.

Career ProspectsThis programme prepares you to work in a wide range of areas including; electrical energy, circuitdesign, computer gaming, software development,image processing, technical consultancy, academicresearch, telecommunications, finance andmanagement.

This M.Sc. programme also provides opportunities tofurther research in Trinity and in other internationalleading universities.

Application RequirementsAdmission is normally restricted to graduates whohave achieved an upper second class honours degree(2.1), or better, in engineering, science, computing,statistics, mathematics or a related discipline. Well-qualified candidates or industry professionals fromother numerate disciplines who have sufficientknowledge of computational aspects of engineeringand science, may also be considered for admissionspurposes subject to the decision of the Dean ofGraduate Studies. We will also accept official MOOCcertification from reputed online sources e.g.Coursera, eDX, the IET, the IEEE in relevant numeratetopics as appropriate demonstration of pre-requisiteknowledge.

MSc/P. Grad. Dip Electronic Information Engineering

About the programmeThis is a one year full time postgraduate coursedesigned to provide graduate engineers withspecialist understanding of modern computationalproducts and systems. There is no aspect of modernlife that is not now altered by information processingengines. Examples include digital assistants (speechrecognition and synthesis), automotive (remotesensing and electronic control systems), the economy(quantitative automated trading), entertainment(audiovideo streaming and cinema visual effects),health (medical imaging), science (computationalbiology/geography/chemistry/photography) and thedigital humanities. The principles enabling the designof this new wave of products are embodied in thediscipline of Information Engineering. This courseallows graduates to specialise in fundamental theoryand applications relating to the generation,distribution, analysis and use of information inengineering and science.

This M.Sc. course is a full-time one year postgraduatecourse and consists of taught modules and a projectamounting to 90 credits. The taught componentcomprises modules totalling 50 credits. In the firstsemester, students pursuing the course must takemodules worth at least 25 credits, and in the secondsemester they take the balance of the credits. M.Sc.candidates will, in addition, complete a substantialresearch project and submit a dissertation whichaccounts for a further 40 credits to be eligible forconsideration for the award of the degree.

Theoretical/taught modules

Research Project/Dissertation 40 creditsResearch Methods 15 creditsStatistical Signal Processing 5 creditsIntroduction to Deep Learning 10 credits

In addition, candidates select a further 20 creditsfrom the following list to bring their total credits to 90:

Speech and Audio Engineering 5 creditsSpatial Audio 5 creditsAudio Production Engineering 5 creditsDigital Media Systems 10 creditsWireless Networks and 5 creditsCommunications Complex Systems Science 5 creditsReconfigurable Hardware for 10 credits Computational Engineering

Some of the module options in either semester maybe withdrawn from time to time and some newmodules may be added, subject to demand.

Contact Us

Course Director: Prof. Michael O'Riordan

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 2508


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CurriculumThe MMT programme is a full-time, twelve monthcourse (or part-time over twenty four months). Duringthe first semester, students must take thePsychoacoustics 1 module along with a number ofelective modules to make a total of 30 credits. In thesecond semesters students must take thePsychoacoustics 2 and Research Methods modulesand again a number of elective modules to make 30credits. The third semester, which is open to whopassed both the first and second semesters, has agreater research orientation and requires thecompletion of a research project and written thesis.Part-time students must take a minimum of 30 creditsin the first year of which Psychoacoustics will makeup 10.

Career ProspectsMany of our graduates have gone on to havesuccessful careers as composers and performers in awide range of genres from rock/pop/electronica, tocontemporary composition, and music for film and TV.

Admission RequirementsAcceptance for the course is based on an overallassessment, which takes into account:

Academic track recordMusical/compositional/artistic and/or technologicalability as evidenced by a portfolio submissionFormal musical knowledge - ideally level 5/6ReferencesInterview

MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Music & Media Technologies

About the programmeIn recognition of a shared interest in InformationTechnology and a growing awareness of its relevancefor music, Electronic and Electrical Engineering andMusic initiated a Master programme in Music andMedia Technologies (MMT) in Trinity in 1996.A particular feature of this programme is a balancedapproach to musical and technological topics.Musically, a strong emphasis is placed on thedevelopment of adaptable compositional skills, whiletechnological topics are addressed from both ahands-on workstation/studio exposure and afundamental mathematical and scientific basis, whichfocuses on musically relevant issues.

The first two semesters form a self-containedPostgraduate Diploma course which provides thenecessary musical and technological skills to allowcreative individuals to engage in computer-assistedcomposition and production, apply software tools forthe music and New Media industries and/or enter thearena of music-on-screen; production for New Mediaproducts.

The third (summer) semester of study, leading to theM.Phil. degree, is an option open to those achieving asufficient standard in their first & second semestermodule assignments and/or exams. Students arerequired to complete a thesis which can be of amusical or technological nature. The programmecovers a wide range of subjects within the generalfield of music technology, and provide students witha fully professional qualification. The programme canbe taken full-time over a 12 month period or part-timeover a 24 month period.

Theoretical/taught modules

Semester 1 30 creditsPsychoacoustics 1 5 creditsElectroacoustic Composition 1 5 creditsContemporary Composition : 5 credits

Theory & Practice 1 Synthesis & Sound Design 5 credits Creative Coding 5 credits Visual Music 1 5 credits Audio Engineering 5 credits Introduction to Max 5 credits Semester 2 30 credits Psychoacoustics 2 5 credits Research Methods & Innovation 5 credits Electroacoustic Composition 2 5 credits Contemporary Composition 5 credits

Theory & Practice 2 Visual Music 2 5 credits Programming Interactive Systems 5 credits Audio Production Techniques 5 credits Spatial Audio 5 credits Introduction to XR Technologies 5 credits Motion Picture Engineering 10 credits

Semester 3 30 credits

“Another really important element ofthe music and media technologiesprogramme for me it the send ofcommunity that it brought. Thesense of artists coming from loads ofdifferent disciplines and comingtogether to make music and arttogether, graphic designers, videoartists, musicians, composers, andthat is still really important for metoday, a sense of community thatgoes far beyond the course itself”. Linda Buckley, Composer and MMT graduate

Contact Us

Course Director: Dr Dermot Furlong

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 1864


“MMT is an enablingprogramme of study whichseeks to encourage studentcreativity in New Media relatedfields through the embrace ofboth theoretical and practicalskill development relating tomedias technologies”Dr Dermot Furlong (Course Director)

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School of Natural Sciences

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Welcome to the School of Natural Science

The School of Natural Sciences conductsresearch, and delivers teaching, on all aspects ofthe natural world, from the formation of theearth, the behaviour of the environment, theevolution and ecology of its organisms and itsinteractions with human society. The School isengaged with solving some of the majorchallenges facing human society through ourteaching, research and partnership withindustry and policy development bothnationally and globally.

The School comprises of the Disciplines ofBotany, Geography, Geology and Zoology andtwo research centres, accommodate ca. 40academic staff, 25 support staff, 20 postdoctoralresearch fellows and over 100 graduate researchstudents who generate annual research incomein excess of €4 million and produce an averageof 150 publications per year. The School alsodelivers three taught masters degreeprogrammes.

School of Physics

The School of Physics has a long anddistinguished history of teaching and research.Richard Helsham, the original Erasmus Smith'sProfessor, was the first to lay out Newton'smethods in a form suitable for theundergraduate, so that his Lectures in NaturalPhilosophy were in use for a hundred years inthe College and elsewhere in Europe.

Later holders of the chair include G. F. Fitzgerald, famous in relativity theory, andE. T. S. Walton, the only Irish recipient of a Nobel

prize in Science. Fitzgerald campaigned for thebuilding of a dedicated Physical Laboratory, butsadly he did not live to see the erection of theelegant building completed in 1906. The SamiNasr Institute for Advanced Materials,completed in 2000, houses the central part ofthe School today.

Excellent modern facilities for teaching andresearch are provided over a number ofbuildings including CRANN, a state of the artcentre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnologyresearch housed in a purpose built 6000m²building.

The School now consists of a very livelycommunity of over 200, including 28 academicstaff, 50 postdoctoral fellows and over 100graduate students, representing many differentnationalities.

Trinity offers you the opportunity to study withworld leading experts in the School of Physics,with programmes designed to provide you witha qualification for employment across a range ofresearch and industry settings.

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The course provides the opportunity to developinterests in particular areas of Environmental Sciencethrough tutorials, seminars and an extended deskstudy.

Following successful completion of the taughtmodules, students will embark on a closelysupervised research project intended to expand theskills and knowledge base acquired in earliermodules. Previous research projects have covered adiverse range of subjects including: groundwatercontamination; atmospheric heavy metal deposition;environmental education; sewage processingsystems; bio-indicators of marine pollution; and theimpacts of erosion in African lakes, ocean chemistryand climate change: and radon in the natural andwork environment.

Career ProspectsThe course aims to produce environmental scientistswith an interdisciplinary background able to tacklethe broadest range of environmental protectionissues. Previous graduates of this M.Sc. course havebeen employed by a range of agencies involved inenvironmental protection, as environmentalconsultants and in local government. Many graduateshave gone on to do further research in a range ofenvironmentally related disciplines. Graduates fromthe course have pursued their interests inenvironmental sciences throughout the world.

Admission RequirementsApplications for admission are accepted from:(i) holders of first or upper second class honors

degrees, or their overseas equivalent, awarded by recognised universities, institutions and degree awarding bodies.

(ii) holders of other degrees or relevant qualifications including professional qualifications, who have at least three years’ work experience in an environmental profession.

Late applications from well-qualified applicants maybe considered provided all the places on the coursehave not been allocated. Applications must be madeonline.

Access to the on-line application system is availablehere at postgraduate webpages.s

MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Environmental Science

“One of the best things about Trinity is that wehave access to amazing researchers throughour courses. We get to know researchers whoare leading in their field which opens up a lotof opportunities for us students and gives usinsight into life after university.”Aneta Nerguti, M.Sc. Environmental Science

About the programmeThe taught M.Sc. degree in Environmental Sciences,as the first of its kind in Ireland, has an establishedpedigree, attracting students with diverse academicbackgrounds from Ireland and abroad. This full-time,intensive course is intended for administrative andscientific workers and new graduates with anappropriate science related background, althoughapplications from graduates with differentbackgrounds are also welcomed. It comprises a seriesof taught modules encompassing a variety of currentenvironmental themes, followed by five-monthintensive research project. There is also the possibilityto opt for a diploma course in EnvironmentalSciences, consisting of the taught modules only.

CurriculumThe course provides students with a wide range ofknowledge and skills relating to the expandingsubject of Environmental Science. It aims to provide afirm scientific understanding of currentenvironmental issues that will be of relevance tothose interested in environmental management andrelated areas. The course provides a foundation ofunderstanding of current environmental policies andlegislation, and builds upon this with practical andtheoretical courses that include subjects such asocean and coastal management, water resources andpollution, climate change and environmental impactassessment. Theory and practice are closely linked todevelop field, analytical, and presentation skills,including dedicated modules relating to data analysisand Geographic Information Systems.

Theoretical/taught modules

Hydrology and Groundwater quality 5 creditsEarth system science: Deep time 5 creditsResource Development: Managing 5 creditsImpacts on the EnvironmentEnvironmental Monitoring 5 creditsEnvironmental policy 5 creditsEnvironmental Entrepreneurship 5 credits

Field Climate ModulesThe Arctic and Climate Change – 5 creditsSvalbard, NorwaySocietal Adaptation to Climate – Spain 5 credits

Practical skills modulesData handling and analysis 5 creditsPractical environmental skills 5 credits

Project modulesIndividual desk study 10 creditsProject planning 5 creditsIndividual research project 30 credits

* Students may omit the individual research project to be awarded a Post-graduate Diploma, those wishing to obtain the degree of Master in Science must complete a four month individual research project.

Contact Us

Course Director: Sean McClenaghan

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 2990


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CurriculumThe course is taught through a variety of methods:lectures, practical classes, field-based learning,guided reading and discussion groups, and web-based methods. A variety of assessment proceduresare employed – including essay writing, oralpresentations, web-based tests, examinations andassessment of dissertations. The approach is todevelop, progressively, a high degree of independentthinking and academic excellence in studentscompleting the course, providing a smooth transitionfor those entering both directly from undergraduatedegrees, and for those entering the course fromindustry.

Students undertake a 10 credit desk-based study anda 30 credit individual research project, both of whichare supervised by School of Natural Science staff.Themes for both desk studies and research projectsare proposed by staff, but students may also developtheir own ideas. A highlight of the programme is theresidential field course, currently held in spring andbased in South Africa, focusing on practicalmanagement of biodiversity conservation (the cost ofthis field course is not included in the course fee

Career ProspectsThe programme provides in-depth training andexperience for those looking to further their career invarious aspects of biodiversity and its conservation,for students wishing to pursue further post-graduateresearch in this area, and for professionals alreadyworking in conservation biology wishing to obtainrelevant qualifications.

Admission RequirementsApplicants should hold at least an upper second classhonours degree, or equivalent qualification, in ascience subject that included significant componentsof botany, zoology or a relevant life science. Non-EUapplicants will be required to hold an equivalentqualification. Candidates with relevant experience asprofessional practitioners in biodiversitymanagement or policy may be accepted with lowerqualifications.

Applicants whose first language is not English mustsubmit evidence of competency in English in a testadministered by an institution independent of theirown university (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL).

MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Biodiversity and Conservation

About the programmeBiodiversity is the diversity of all life on earth, and iscurrently being lost at an increasing rate. Biodiversityprovides us with food, clothing, fuels, constructionmaterials, medicines and a wide range of ecosystemservices. We ourselves are part of the biodiversity ofthis planet: we must understand and conservebiodiversity to secure a sustainable future forhumanity.

This programme has been designed to providestudents with a sound theoretical and practicalgrounding in the science of biological diversity and itsconservation. The programme is taught in modules,and these are grouped into theoretical components,practical research skills, and modules dealing withindividual desk-based and experimental researchprojects.

Theoretical/taught modules

Introduction to biodiversity 5 credits

Introduction to 5 creditsconservation biology

Practical environmental assessment 5 credits

Human interactions with biodiversity 5 credits

Impacts of global environmental 5 credits change on biodiversity

Data handling and analysis 5 credits

Taxonomy, systematics and ID skills 5 credits

Practical conservation skills 5 credits

Overseas field course 5 credits

Individual desk study 10 credits

Project planning 5 credits

Individual research project 30 credits* Students may omit the individual research project to be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma, those wishing to obtain the degree of Master in Science must complete a four month individual research project.

Contact Us

Course Director: Dr Stephen Waldren

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 497 2070


“Choosing to do the MSc inBiodiversity and Conservation wasdefinitely one of the best decisions

I’ve ever made. This taught Masters isbroad enough that you are exposed to

a variety of areas and individualsinvolved in the conservation field,

which helped me narrow in on what Iwanted to focus on in the future”.

Dana Miller (Graduate)

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Career ProspectsGraduates have been very successful in securingappropriate jobs with international developmentorganisations, such as specialized United Nations’agencies, national aid agencies and internationalnon-governmental organisations, and in the privateand social enterprise sectors.

Admission RequirementsEntry to the program is based on competitiveselection. Applications for admission are acceptedfrom holders of first or upper-second class honorsdegrees (grade point average 3.5 equivalent) awardedby recognised universities and institutions, andrecognised degree awarding bodies (e.g. NCEA,CNAA); holders of other degrees from recogniseduniversities or degree granting institutions who haveexperienced at least three years of appropriateemployment; holders of recognised professionalqualifications obtained through examinations whohave spent at least four years in study and who, inaddition, have been employed for at least two years inthe work of their profession;

Applicants whose first language is not English mustsubmit evidence of competency in English in a testadministered by an institution independent of theirown university (e.g. the British Council).

Scholarships AvailableScholarships of up to €5,000 are available.

To be considered for a scholarship you must submit a200 word statement on “How I will contribute to ourTrinity College Dublin community”, along with youroffer letter number from Trinity College Dublin.Submissions should emailed to [email protected]

MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Development Practice

About the programmeEstablished in 2009 following recommendations fromthe International Commission on Education forSustainable Development Practice, the Global Mastersin Development Practice (MDP) is a world-leading anduniquely innovative interdisciplinary graduate degreeprogramme that blends health, natural, social, andmanagement sciences--combined with cross-sectoralprofessional field training and placements to betterunderstand international development problems andapply best practices. The Dublin MDP was the onlyprogramme in Europe to receive seed funding in thefirst round from the MacArthur Foundation.

The Dublin MDP is a member of the GlobalAssociation of Master’s in Development Practice,headquartered at the UN Sustainable DevelopmentSolutions Network, with offices in ColumbiaUniversity, New York, linking with over 30 universitiesand thousands of partner organisations worldwide.

CurriculumThe goal of the Dublin MDP is to produce roundeddevelopment practitioners with a deepunderstanding of scientific methods and techniquesto reduce global poverty, in addition to extensive on-the-ground training in developing country contexts,and in international organizations. The coursemodules are categorized according to each of theGlobal MDP Program’s four pillars—health, natural,social, and management sciences. Some arecategorized as cross-disciplinary, although theprogram as a whole emphasizes theinterconnectedness between development issues inthese four fields. The MDP is rooted in evidence that

effective public policy must be based science-based.Course offerings include a blend of traditional class-room based modules and field training placements.

Theoretical/taught modules

Globalisation and African Development 5 creditsSmart and Sustainable Eco-Cities 5 creditsImpact Measurement 5 creditsGender and Development 5 creditsClimate Change: Science, 5 creditsDevelopment and Justice Civil Engineering for Sustainable 5 creditsDevelopment Development Economics 5 creditsGlobal Health 5 creditsSustainable Agriculture And Land Use 5 creditsGeographic Information Systems 5 creditsQualitative Research Methods 5 creditsTheories of Development 5 creditsDissertation 30 credits(including fieldwork preparation)

Global Classroom: Foundations for Sustainable Development Practice (Option)

(1 year fulltime) / (2 years part-time) (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip.)

Contact Us

Course Director: Prof. Pádraig Carmody

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 2414


"The opportunity to explore a diverse range of topicswithin my programme with professors who are alwaysapproachable and helpful makes learning very engaging. I have been lucky enough to undertake a field courseabroad and present my findings to my peers both in Trinityand further afield".Graduate Andrew Neill, M.Sc. Development Practice

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CurriculumModules will be assessed by a mix of presentations(pass/fail) and marked written assignments ranging informat from essays to archival and library exercises,seminar reports, digital content creation (e.g. GISmaps) and historical case studies. There will be nowritten examinations.

Career ProspectsTraining in critical thinking and mixed methodsresearch skills (such as qualitative and quantitativeapproaches in GIS software) will open up students’career perspectives in public management, privateconsultancies and NGOs, while also being an excellententry point for doctoral studies

Admission RequirementsRelevant preparatory courses include NFQ level 8-degree courses in the Humanities (History, PoliticalScience, History of Ideas, Cultural Studies or similar)and the Natural Sciences (Environmental Sciences,Geography, Ecology, Biology or similar). Applicantsshould normally have at least an upper second class(2.1) Honours Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (forexample, GPA of 3.3) in a relevant discipline orspecialisation.

Applicants with English as a foreign language shouldbe aware that this course involves extensive writtenassessment. TCD’s English Language Requirement.

M.Phil/P. Grad. Dip in Environmental History

About the programmeThe M.Phil. in Environmental History offers anadvanced qualification to graduates in History,Political Science, History of Ideas, Cultural Studies orsimilar. This course gives students a firmunderstanding of the interplay of, and feedbacksbetween, nature and culture over time. The taughtfull- or part-time degree has a strong methodologicalfocus, including training in digital humanitiestechnologies, mixed (quantitative-qualitative)methods and innovative assessment design,supplemented by an optional self-financed field tripto Iceland. The purpose of this M.Phil. programme isto train students in methods and themes that aredirectly relevant to the professional workplace at atime when there is an increasing awareness of theneed to include the competencies and insights of thehumanities in understanding and addressingenvironmental issues, not least climate change.

The M.Phil programme will be led by and draw uponthe resources of the Trinity Centre of EnvironmentalHumanities, a leading research hub in the field ofdigital environmental humanities, giving students theopportunity to familiarize themselves with the latestdevelopments in the field.

Theoretical/taught modules

Methods and Debates in 15 creditsEnvironmental History

Oceans and the Anthropocene 10 credits

Parchment to Pixel: 10 creditsWorld History through Historical Maps and GIS

Energy and Power 10 creditsin the Modern World

Environmental History 5 creditsResearch Seminar

Individual Research Project 30 credits

Students will also be able to choose between anumber of optional modules from the School of Histories and Humanities as well as from theSchool of Natural Sciences.  Contact Us

Course Director: Dr Katja Bruisch

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 3192


“Our Centre is brilliant for theopportunities it has to offer,mostly because of thecommunity and the widerange of backgrounds andexpertise that those who areresearching here at the Centrecan provide.”Tenaya Jorgenson, PhD student, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities

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MSc/P. Grad. Dip in Energy Science (1 year fulltime) / (2 years part-time) (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip.)

‘The professors were understanding, motivating, humbleand importantly profound and exceptional in theirrespective fields.'Vishnu Nair, Energy Science Graduate 2019

Vishnu now works at the Secretariat of the United NationsFramework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC),based in Bonn, Germany.

About the programmeEnergy Science is a jointly run programme by theSchools of Physics, Chemistry and Geology.  The MSc in Science of Energy consists of six taughtmodules worth 10 ECTS each. These are structuredaround a cross-cutting introductory module. Theintroductory module is designed to furnish studentswith all of the basic physics, chemistry andengineering concepts that are required to become an"Energy Scientist". These basics are complementedby essential "Economics of Energy" and "Principles ofEnergy Policy".

Then, with the ability to understand and analyse thecompeting aspects of all of the essential science,engineering and economics pertinent to the energydiscipline, the students proceed to five specialisedtechnically orientated core modules; "ConventionalEnergy Sources & Technologies", "Electric PowerGeneration and Distribution", "Sustainable EnergySources & Technologies I & II", and "Managing theImpact of Energy Utilisation".

With these modules completed and examined in themonths September to April, students proceed to a 15week research project worth 30 ECTS in a leadingresearch laboratory or in industry in the months ofMay-August.

CurriculumThe curriculum is designed to allow students fromscience, engineering, or other backgrounds withrelevant experience, to gain the scientific knowledgeneeded to contribute to the energy sector. This can bethrough industry, business, academia, governmentpolicy or media communication.

Students will examine the fundamental and appliedscience of how energy resources could be diversifiedfrom conventional polluting sources (e.g. CO2, NOX,SMOG) to renewable sources, where the sustainabilityof both the energy source and the conversiontechnology is presently unknown.

The course will be delivered across 6 modules eachworth 10 ECTS, and will include a 30ECTS project

Theoretical/taught modules

Introduction to Energy Science 10 credits

Conventional Energy Sources 10 creditsand technologies

Electric Power Generation 10 creditsand Distribution

Sustainable Energy Sources 10 creditsand Technologies I

Sustainable Energy Sources 10 creditsand Technologies II

Managing the impact of 10 creditsEnergy Utilisation

Career ProspectsThe cost of energy is a dominant factor in determiningthe profitability of any manufacturing business. Largemulti-national companies are therefore veryconcerned by the efficiency and sustainability of theirenergy usage, as are government organisations.Ireland and the other European Union member statesare the international leaders in energy efficiency andenergy sustainability. Our leadership is driven by theEuropean target to produce a 30% reduction inenergy usage and CO2 production by 2030. Theenergy innovations that will deliver this target will beunderpinned by graduates strong in the discipline ofenergy science.

In addition to environmental and energy regulatingauthorities, graduates of the MSc in Energy Sciencehave knowledge and skills directly applicable to ahost of energy orientated industries, including; powergeneration and distribution; electronics, automotive,aviation, construction and oil & gas. For graduatesinterested in academic research, the societal pursuitof clean and secure Energy is at the heart of theresearch agenda of every major country.

Upon completion students develop a wide range ofskills: excellent communication skills, scientific skills,analytical skills, IT, organisational skills and criticalthinking which are valued by employers inengineering, oil and gas and many other industries.Transferable skills gained during M.Sc. Energy Scienceopens up perspectives to other industries which arenot directly related to the degree leaving studentswith a big spectrum of career opportunities.

Admission RequirementsThis MSc is suitable for graduates who have achievedan upper second-class honours degree or theinternational equivalent in either physical sciences orengineering. However, applications from similarlyqualified candidates from other disciplines arewelcome if they can demonstrate a sufficient level ofknowledge or interest in the Energy sector.

Scholarship InfoThe School of Physics is delighted to offer a numberof partial scholarships to students undertaking theMSc Energy Science degree in academic year 2020/21.The value of the scholarship is a 5,000 Eurocontribution towards tuition fees (Non-EU). Thesepartial scholarships aim to support and developgifted postgraduate students and will be awarded tocandidates who demonstrate a high level of academicachievement, extracurricular accomplishments orcontribution to society.

‘An important aspect of the degree is thatspecial attention is also given to educatestudents on the strengths of conventional fossilfuel energy sources, and nuclear energytechnologies. By doing this the studentsunderstand the strengths of these technologiesthat made them successful such that they willunderstand how renewable technologies mustbe configured to displace them.’ Dr Stephen Dooley, Course Director.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020, hasranked Trinity College Dublin in the top 5 “Sustainable Cities &Communities” global university rankings category, and in the top30 “Affordable and Clean Energy” global universities.

Contact Us

Course Administrator: Jenny Kirkwood

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 896 2019/086 4044972


'I’ve been able to study under some world-renownedprofessors in lecture theatres which oncehosted famous scientists such as Ernest Walton andErwin Schrodinger. I’ve used some of the mostadvanced microscope imaging equipment in thecountry.'Robert Smyth, Energy Science Graduate 2019

Robert now works for ElectroRoute, providing access tothe live Irish power market where he trades on thebehalf of power generation companies.

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M.Sc. in Smart & Sustainable Cities

About the programmeThis new MSc in Smart and Sustainable Cities atTrinity approaches the study of smart andsustainable urbanism by drawing from the researchbased expertise of leading scholars in the area of“Engineering, Environment, and EmergingTechnologies”, or E3.

The Masters in Smart and Sustainable Cities is thebringing together of a rounded understanding of both‘smart cities’ and ‘sustainability’ as overlapping areasnecessary for the analysis of contemporary cities.The breadth of research across Trinity College can becombined to support a vision for a happy, green andcost-effective city, where we address the requiredoptimisation of resources, harness the growthpotential for business, reduce the city’senvironmental impact, and improve citizens’ qualityof life within urban environments.

Trinity set up the Future Cities Research Centre whichundertakes multi-disciplinary research that enables,promotes and facilitates behavioural change forsustainability. The research is supported by theapplication of sensor, communication and analyticaltechnological solutions to sustainability concerns inurban infrastructure such as energy, water, wastemanagement and transportation systems.

Sustainability will be a crosscutting theme and willpermeate the entire degree with the aim of exploringsolutions to real-life urban issues and developingstrategies for truly ecological and socially just cities.The programme will be highly interdisciplinary andstudents will study smart urbanism, by combining the

methodological and conceptual tools of different,compatible disciplines.

This programme draws upon existing modules withinthe Schools of Computer Science & Statistics, Schoolof Engineering, and the School of Natural Sciences.The programme will also have a number of novel andambitious components such as company placementsfor students and a mandatory field trip to one of threealternating European cities.

Theoretical/taught modulesThe M.Sc. in Smart and Sustainable Cities will bedelivered full-time over one year. The coursecomprises 8 compulsory modules, carrying 5 ECTScredits each, and a Dissertation module carrying 30ECTS credits. In addition, students also take a total of20 ECTS of optional credits to give a total 90 ECTS forthe course, as outlined below:

Core (compulsory modules)

Urban GovernanceSmart Eco-Cities of the FutureGeographical Information Systems (GIS)Urban SustainabilityIntroduction to Machine LearningResearch MethodFieldtripPlacementDissertation

Options (choose 4)

Transportation PolicyTransportation Modelling & PlanningEnergy Policy & Building Energy DemandUrban ComputingArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningEnvironmental PoliciesHuman Interaction with BiodiversityClimate Justice, Climate Change & Development

The programme draws upon existing modules withinthe Schools of Computer Science, Engineering andNatural Sciences as well as introducing new, coremodules exclusive to this masters. For some of theoptional modules, pre-requisites apply and admissionis dependent on getting the module coordinator’sapproval, based on prior education and experience.

Career ProspectsThe new master's degree programme is designed tomeet the learning needs of students who want toenter an expansive but demanding employmentmarket, preparing them for professional work ininstitutions and public or private companies, in thefield of Smart and Sustainable Cities.

Admission RequirementsAdmission to the course is competitive. Applicantswill be expected to have an Honours Bachelor degreeat 2.1 or above in a Social Science or Science-basedcourse such as Engineering, Sociology, ComputerScience, Economics, Geography or cognate fields.In case of heavy competition for places or concernsregarding a particular applicant’s suitability,applicants may be interviewed or asked to submit awritten sample for assessment.

Contact Us

Course Email: [email protected]

Course Tel(s): +353 1 497 2070


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Sinead Lucey,E3 Business Development ManagerFaculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Trinity College Dublinthe University of Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland Email: [email protected]

Nora VargaE3 Student Recruitment & Admissions Office Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Trinity College Dublinthe University of Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland Email: [email protected]

Melanie MaiE3 Student Recruitment & Admissions Office Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science Trinity College Dublinthe University of Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland Email: [email protected]
