7KLV UHSRUW LV EHLQJ VXEPLWWHG RQ EHKDOI RI DQ LQGLYLGXDO 06 7KLV UHSRUW LV EHLQJ VXEPLWWHG RQ EHKDOI RI D 6LQJOH (QWLW\ 7KLV LV D MRLQW UHSRUW EHLQJ VXEPLWWHG RQ EHKDOI RI D FRDOLWLRQ Name of Single Entity 7KLV FRYHU SDJH PXVW EH FRPSOHWHG E\ WKH UHSRUW SUHSDUHU -RLQW UHSRUWV UHTXLUH RQO\ RQH FRYHU SDJH Name of MS4 06 $QQXDO 5HSRUW &RYHU 3DJH &KRRVH RQH Name of Coalition Provide SPDES ID of each permitted MS4 included in this report. Use page 2 if needed. SPDES ID 25 SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID Cover Page 1 of 2 0&& IRUP IRU SHULRG HQGLQJ 0DUFK Fill in SPDES ID in upper right hand corner. SPDES ID SPDES ID 25 (Per Part II.E of GP-0-10-002) SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID 3258632975 DRAFT J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 1 2 01 9 N Y R 2 0A 37 1 T ow n o f Oy ster B ay N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A N Y R 2 0A

MS4 Annual Report Forms - Oyster Bay

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Name of Single Entity

Name of MS4

Name of Coalition

Provide SPDES ID of each permitted MS4 included in this report. Use page 2 if needed.











Cover Page 1 of 2

Fill in SPDES ID in upper right hand corner.


(Per Part II.E of GP-0-10-002)







3258632975 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 1

2 0 1 9

N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

T o w n o f O y s t e r B a y

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

Provide SPDES ID of each permitted MS4 included in this report.SPDES ID





































Cover Page 2 of 2










9714632978 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 2

2 0 1 9

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A N Y R 2 0 A

Indicate whether this MCC form is being submitted to certify endorsement or acceptance of:An Annual Report for a single MS4A Single Entity (Per Part II.E of GP-0-10-002)A Joint Report


Each MS4 must submit an MCC form.

If Joint Report, enter coalition name:

Joint reports may be submitted by permittees with legally binding agreements.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 1

3855151783 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 3

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

For each contact, select all that apply:Principal Executive Officer/Chief Elected OfficialDuly Authorized RepresentativeLocal Stormwater Public ContactStormwater Management Program (SWMP) CoordinatorReport Preparer

MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification(MCC) Form

First Name



Last NameMI


City State Zip



( ) -

Section 2 - Contact Information

Contact information must be provided for each of the following positions as indicated below:1. Principal Executive Officer, Chief Elected Official or other qualified individual (per

GP-0-08-002 Part VI.J).

3. The Local Stormwater Public Contact (required per GP-0-08-002 Part VII.A.2.c & Part VIII.A.2.c).4. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator (Individual responsible for

coordination/implementation of SWMP).5. Report Preparer (Consultants may provide company name in the space provided).

A separate sheet must be submitted for each position listed above unless more than one position isfilled by the same individual. If one individual fills multiple roles, provide the contact informationonce and check all positions that apply to that individual.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 2

MCC form for period ending March 9,


Important Instructions - Please Read

2. Duly Authorized Representative (Information for this contact must only be submitted if a DulyAuthorized Representative is signing this form)

If a new Duly Authorized Representative is signing this report, their contact information must beprovided and a signature authorization form, signed by the Principal Executive Officer or ChiefElected Official must be attached.


J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR Ex0.pdf 4

DRAFT2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

J o s e p h S S a l a d i n o

S u p e r v i s o r

5 4 A u d r e y A v e n u e

O y s t e r B a y N Y 1 1 7 7 1

j o s e p h s a l a d i n o @ o y s t e r b a y - n y . g o v

5 1 6 6 2 4 6 3 5 0 N a s s a u

For each contact, select all that apply:Principal Executive Officer/Chief Elected OfficialDuly Authorized RepresentativeLocal Stormwater Public ContactStormwater Management Program (SWMP) CoordinatorReport Preparer

MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification(MCC) Form

First Name



Last NameMI


City State Zip



( ) -

Section 2 - Contact Information

Contact information must be provided for each of the following positions as indicated below:1. Principal Executive Officer, Chief Elected Official or other qualified individual (per

GP-0-08-002 Part VI.J).

3. The Local Stormwater Public Contact (required per GP-0-08-002 Part VII.A.2.c & Part VIII.A.2.c).4. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator (Individual responsible for

coordination/implementation of SWMP).5. Report Preparer (Consultants may provide company name in the space provided).

A separate sheet must be submitted for each position listed above unless more than one position isfilled by the same individual. If one individual fills multiple roles, provide the contact informationonce and check all positions that apply to that individual.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 2

MCC form for period ending March 9,


Important Instructions - Please Read

2. Duly Authorized Representative (Information for this contact must only be submitted if a DulyAuthorized Representative is signing this form)

If a new Duly Authorized Representative is signing this report, their contact information must beprovided and a signature authorization form, signed by the Principal Executive Officer or ChiefElected Official must be attached.


J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR Ex1.pdf 5

DRAFT2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

R i c h a r d L e n z

C o m m i s s i o n e r o f P u b l i c W o r k s

1 5 0 M i l l e r P l a c e

S y o s s e t N Y 1 1 7 9 1

r l e n z @ o y s t e r b a y - n y . g o v

5 1 6 6 7 7 5 9 3 5 N a s s a u

For each contact, select all that apply:Principal Executive Officer/Chief Elected OfficialDuly Authorized RepresentativeLocal Stormwater Public ContactStormwater Management Program (SWMP) CoordinatorReport Preparer

First Name



Last NameMI


City State Zip



( ) -

Contact information must be provided for each of the following positions as indicated below:1. Principal Executive Officer, Chief Elected Official or other qualified individual (per

GP-0-08-002 Part VI.J).

3. The Local Stormwater Public Contact (required per GP-0-08-002 Part VII.A.2.c & Part VIII.A.2.c).4. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator (Individual responsible for

coordination/implementation of SWMP).5. Report Preparer (Consultants may provide company name in the space provided).

A separate sheet must be submitted for each position listed above unless more than one position isfilled by the same individual. If one individual fills multiple roles, provide the contact informationonce and check all positions that apply to that individual.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 2


Important Instructions - Please Read

2. Duly Authorized Representative (Information for this contact must only be submitted if a DulyAuthorized Representative is signing this form)

If a new Duly Authorized Representative is signing this report, their contact information must beprovided and a signature authorization form, signed by the Principal Executive Officer or ChiefElected Official must be attached.

5690581587 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 6

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

D & B E n g i n e e r s a n d A r c h i t e c t s

3 3 0 C r o s s w a y s P a r k D r i v e

W o o d b u r y N Y 1 1 7 9 7

5 1 6 3 6 4 9 8 9 0 N a s s a u

If Yes, complete information below.Submit a separate sheet for each partner. Information provided in other formats will not beaccepted. If your MS4 cooperated with a coalition, submit one sheet with the name of thecoalition. It is not necessary to include a separate sheet for each MS4 in the coalition.

If No, proceed to Section 4 - Certification Statement.

Partner/CoalitionName (con't.)



City State Zip



( ) -

SPDES Partner ID - If applicable

Yes No

What tasks/responsibilities are shared with this partner (e.g. MM1 School Programs or Multiple Tasks)?







Did your MS4 work with partners/coalition to complete some or all permit requirements during this reportingperiod? Yes No

Additional tasks/responsibilitiesWatershed Improvement Strategy Best Management Practices required for MS4s in impairedwatersheds included in GP-0-08-002 Part IX.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 3


Legally Binding Agreement in accordancewith GP-0-08-002 Part IV.G.?

4643023765 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 7

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

N a s s a u C o u n t y S t o r m W a t e r

C o a l i t i o n N Y R 2 0 A 0 2 2

1 1 9 4 P r o s p e c t A v e n u e

W e s t b u r y N Y 1 1 5 9 0 2 7 2 3

S t o r m w a t e r 2 @ n a s s a u c o u n t y n y . g o v

5 1 6 5 7 1 7 5 0 8

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

If Yes, complete information below.Submit a separate sheet for each partner. Information provided in other formats will not beaccepted. If your MS4 cooperated with a coalition, submit one sheet with the name of thecoalition. It is not necessary to include a separate sheet for each MS4 in the coalition.

If No, proceed to Section 4 - Certification Statement.

MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification (MCC) Form

Partner/Coalition Name (con't.)



City State Zip



( ) -

Section 3 - Partner Information

SPDES Partner ID - If applicable

Yes No

What tasks/responsibilities are shared with this partner (e.g. MM1 School Programs or Multiple Tasks)?







Did your MS4 work with partners/coalition to complete some or all permit requirements during this reportingperiod? Yes No

Additional tasks/responsibilitiesWatershed Improvement Strategy Best Management Practices required for MS4s in impairedwatersheds included in GP-0-08-002 Part IX.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 3


Legally Binding Agreement in accordancewith GP-0-08-002 Part IV.G.?

MCC form for period ending March 9,


J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR Ex2.pdf 8

DRAFT2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

O y s t e r B a y / C o l d S p r i n g H a r b o r

P r o t e c t i o n C o m m i t t e e N Y R 2 0

1 1 1 S o u t h S t r e e t 2 T o w n s e n d S q u a r

O y s t e r B a y N Y 1 1 7 7 1

r o b @ o y s t e r b a y c o l d s p r i n g h a r b o r . o r g

6 3 1 8 4 8 2 0 9 0

M u l l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l l t i p l e T a s k s

S o u r c e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n

S t o r m W a t e r W e b i n a r s

S e d i m e n t & E r o s i o n T r a i n i n g

G r e e n I n f r a s t r u c t u r e C o n f .

Education on Pathogens.

If Yes, complete information below.Submit a separate sheet for each partner. Information provided in other formats will not beaccepted. If your MS4 cooperated with a coalition, submit one sheet with the name of thecoalition. It is not necessary to include a separate sheet for each MS4 in the coalition.

If No, proceed to Section 4 - Certification Statement.

MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification (MCC) Form

Partner/Coalition Name (con't.)



City State Zip



( ) -

Section 3 - Partner Information

SPDES Partner ID - If applicable

Yes No

What tasks/responsibilities are shared with this partner (e.g. MM1 School Programs or Multiple Tasks)?







Did your MS4 work with partners/coalition to complete some or all permit requirements during this reportingperiod? Yes No

Additional tasks/responsibilitiesWatershed Improvement Strategy Best Management Practices required for MS4s in impairedwatersheds included in GP-0-08-002 Part IX.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 3


Legally Binding Agreement in accordancewith GP-0-08-002 Part IV.G.?

MCC form for period ending March 9,


J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR Ex3.pdf 9

DRAFT2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

H e m p s t e a d H a r b o r P r o t e c t i o n

C o m m i t t e e N Y R 2 0

2 9 S p r i n g S t r e e t

O y s t e r B a y N Y 1 1 7 7 1

e . s w e n s o n @ h e m p s t e a d h a r b o r . o r g

5 1 6 6 7 7 5 9 2 1

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

W a t e r m o n i t o r i n g , O t h e r T a s k s

M o n i t o r f o r R u n o f f , T r a i n i n g

M o n i t o r f o r R u n o f f , T r a i n i n g

E d u c a t i o n , T r a i n g & R e s e a r c h

Education and literature on pathogens, pet waste, water fowl, and septic system inspection and maintenance.

If Yes, complete information below.Submit a separate sheet for each partner. Information provided in other formats will not beaccepted. If your MS4 cooperated with a coalition, submit one sheet with the name of thecoalition. It is not necessary to include a separate sheet for each MS4 in the coalition.

If No, proceed to Section 4 - Certification Statement.

MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification (MCC) Form

Partner/CoalitionName (con't.)



City State Zip



( ) -

Section 3 - Partner Information

SPDES Partner ID - If applicable

Yes No

What tasks/responsibilities are shared with this partner (e.g. MM1 School Programs or Multiple Tasks)?







Did your MS4 work with partners/coalition to complete some or all permit requirements during this reportingperiod? Yes No

Additional tasks/responsibilitiesWatershed Improvement Strategy Best Management Practices required for MS4s in impairedwatersheds included in GP-0-08-002 Part IX.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 3


Legally Binding Agreement in accordancewith GP-0-08-002 Part IV.G.?

MCC form for period ending March 9,


J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR Ex4.pdf 10

DRAFT2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

N a s s a u C o u n t y S o i l a n d W a t e r

C o n s e r v a t i o n D i s t r i c t N Y R 2 0

N a s s a u H a l l 1 8 6 4 M u t t o n t o w n R o a d

S y o s s e t N Y 1 1 7 9 1

n a s s a u s w c d @ o p t o n l i n e . n e t

5 1 6 3 6 4 5 8 6 0

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

C o n t r a c t o r T r a i n i n g

If Yes, complete information below.Submit a separate sheet for each partner. Information provided in other formats will not beaccepted. If your MS4 cooperated with a coalition, submit one sheet with the name of thecoalition. It is not necessary to include a separate sheet for each MS4 in the coalition.

If No, proceed to Section 4 - Certification Statement.

MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification (MCC) Form

Partner/CoalitionName (con't.)



City State Zip



( ) -

Section 3 - Partner Information

SPDES Partner ID - If applicable

Yes No

What tasks/responsibilities are shared with this partner (e.g. MM1 School Programs or Multiple Tasks)?







Did your MS4 work with partners/coalition to complete some or all permit requirements during this reportingperiod? Yes No

Additional tasks/responsibilitiesWatershed Improvement Strategy Best Management Practices required for MS4s in impairedwatersheds included in GP-0-08-002 Part IX.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 3


Legally Binding Agreement in accordancewith GP-0-08-002 Part IV.G.?

MCC form for period ending March 9,


J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR Ex5.pdf 11

DRAFT2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

S o u t h S h o r e E s t u a r y R e s e r v e

C o u n c i l N Y R 2 0

3 0 0 W o o d c l e f t A v e n u e

F r e e p o r t N Y 1 1 5 2 0

s s e r @ d o s . s t a t e . n y . u s

5 1 6 4 7 0 2 2 9 7

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

If Yes, complete information below.Submit a separate sheet for each partner. Information provided in other formats will not beaccepted. If your MS4 cooperated with a coalition, submit one sheet with the name of thecoalition. It is not necessary to include a separate sheet for each MS4 in the coalition.

If No, proceed to Section 4 - Certification Statement.

MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification (MCC) Form

Partner/CoalitionName (con't.)



City State Zip



( ) -

Section 3 - Partner Information

SPDES Partner ID - If applicable

Yes No

What tasks/responsibilities are shared with this partner (e.g. MM1 School Programs or Multiple Tasks)?







Did your MS4 work with partners/coalition to complete some or all permit requirements during this reportingperiod? Yes No

Additional tasks/responsibilitiesWatershed Improvement Strategy Best Management Practices required for MS4s in impairedwatersheds included in GP-0-08-002 Part IX.

Name of MS4

MCC Page 3


Legally Binding Agreement in accordancewith GP-0-08-002 Part IV.G.?

MCC form for period ending March 9,

4643023765 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR Ex6.pdf 12

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

F r i e n d s o f t h e B a y

N Y R 2 0

1 1 1 S o u t h S t . S u i t e 2 T o w n s e n d S q .

O y s t e r B a y N Y 1 1 7 7 1

i n f o @ f r i e n d s o f t h e b a y . o r g

5 1 6 9 2 2 6 6 6 6

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s

M u l t i p l e T a s k s



/ /

"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under mydirection or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnelproperly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person orpersons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is, the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I amaware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility offine and imprisonment for knowing violations."

This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or dulyauthorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-08-002 Part VI.J.

First Name MI Last Name



Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at:

MS4 Permit CoordinatorDivision of Water4th Floor625 BroadwayAlbany, New York 12233-3505

Name of MS4

MCC Page 4

(Clearly print title of individual signing report)

3165331518 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 13

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

R i c h a r d L e n z

C o m m i s s i o n e r o f P u b l i c W o r k s

The information in this section is being reported (check one):

On behalf of an individual MS4On behalf of a coalition


How many MS4s are contributed to this report?

Name ofMS4/Coalition

Yes NoIf Yes, choose one of the following

Report(s) attached to the annual reportWeb Page(s) where report(s) is/are provided below


If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Please provide specific address of page where report(s) can be accessed - not home page.

Water Quality Trends Page 1 of 1




1100364151 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 14

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

h e m p s t e a d h a r b o r . o r g / d o c u m e n t s .

a s p

f r i e n d s o f t h e b a y . o r g / r e s e a r c h - m

o n i t o r i n g / f r i e n d s - o f - t h e - b a y - w

a t e r - q u a l i t y - d a t a /


Construction Sites

General Stormwater Management Information

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

Infrastructure Maintenance

Smart Growth

Storm Drain Marking

Green Infrastructure/Better Site Design/Low Impact Development


Pesticide and Fertilizer Application

Pet Waste Management


Riparian Corridor Protection/Restoration

Trash Management

Vehicle Washing

Water Conservation

Wetland Protection


Check all topics that were included in Education and Outreach during this reporting period:


Public Employees







General Public



The information in this section is being reported (check one):

On behalf of an individual MS4On behalf of a coalition

How many MS4s contributed to this report?

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition

MCM 1 Page 1 of 4


4286299954 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 15

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

C l e a n M a r i n a s , S e p t i c M a i n t e n a n c e

B o a t e r s , S t u d e n t s

Construction Site Operators Trained

Direct Mailings

Kiosks or Other Displays


Mailing List

Newspaper Ads or Articles

Public Events/Presentations

School Program

TV Spot/Program

Printed Materials:


Web Page:


Check all that apply:

# Trained


# Locations

# In List

# In List

# Days Run

Locations (e.g. libraries, town offices, kiosks)

# Attendees

# Attendees

# Days Run

Total # Distributed


If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition

MCM 1 Page 2 of 4

Provide specific web addresses - not home page. Continue on next page if additional space isneeded.


7870299956 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 16

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

T o w n F a c i l i t i e s

B e a c h C l e a n u p s

E a r t h D a y

H a r b o r C l e a n u p s

F a c e b o o k ; S i g n s

o y s t e r b a y t o w n . c o m / d e p a r t m e n t s / e n

v i r o n m e n t a l - r e s o u r c e s / s t o r m - w a t e

r - m a n a g e m e n t - p r o g r a m /

o y s t e r b a y t o w n . c o m / d e p a r t m e n t s / e n

v i r o n m e n t a l - r e s o u r c e s / e n v i r o n m e n

t a l - p l a n n i n g /

2 0 3


2 3

3 1

2 0 0 0 0

2 5 0 0


3. Web Page con't.: Provide specific web addresses - not home page.URL

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition

MCM 1 Page 3 of 4







0704299955 DRAFT

J:\_EnvPermitting\2505 (Town of Oyster Bay)\SWMPAR 2019\Oyster Bay 2019 SWMPAR.pdf 17

2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

o y s t e r b a y t o w n . c o m / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l

o a d s / G r a s s R e c y c l i n g 2 0 1 7 . p d f

o y s t e r b a y t o w n . c o m / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l

o a d s / 2 0 1 3 / 1 0 / T O B A Y _ S t o r m _ W a t e r _ W

e b s i t e . p d f

o y s t e r b a y t o w n . c o m / d e p a r t m e n t s / e n

v i r o n m e n t a l - r e s o u r c e s / g e e s e p e a c e


o y s t e r b a y t o w n . c o m / d e p a r t m e n t s / e n

v i r o n m e n t a l - r e s o u r c e s / s o l i d - w a s t

e - d i s p o s a l - a n d - l a n d f i l l - r e m e d i a t

i o n - d i v i s i o n /

o y s t e r b a y t o w n . c o m / r e c y c l i n g /

h e m p s t e a d h a r b o r . o r g

w w w . o y s t e r b a y c o l d s p r i n g h a r b o r . o r


w w w . n a s s a u c o u n t y n y . g o v / a g e n c i e s /

D P W / s t o r m w a t e r . h t m l


Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goalsidentified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in PartIII.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed.

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

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(ex.: samples/participants/events)

Yes No

Yes No

6932504403 DRAFT

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Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

The Town's Public Education and Outreach program will be tailored to describe topics related to theimpacts of storm water discharges on local water bodies, pollutants of concern and their sources, andthe steps that can be taken to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff and non-storm waterdischarges.

The Town has chosen to evaluate the educational materials distributed as an indicator for measuringthe overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Public Education and Outreach programrequirements. The Town continues to meet its compliance goal by distributing storm water andpollution prevention information, including sanitation and recycling.


The Town plans to continue evaluating the educational materials distributed as an indicator formeasuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Public Education andOutreach program requirements in the next reporting cycle. The Town plans to continue conductingwater quality education throughout the next reporting period.


Cleanup Events

Comments on SWMP Received

Community Hotlines

Community Meetings


Storm Drain Markings

Stakeholder Meetings

Volunteer Monitoring


# Events

# Comments

Phone # ( ) -

# Attendees

Sq. Ft.

# Drains

# Events

# Attendees

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Name ofMS4/Coalition

How many MS4s contributed to this report?

The information in this section is being reported (check one):

On behalf of an individual MS4On behalf of a coalition

MCM 2 Page 1 of 6

Phone # ( ) -Phone # ( ) -Phone # ( ) -Phone # ( ) -Phone # ( ) -

Phone # ( ) -Phone # ( ) -Phone # ( ) -Phone # ( ) -

Phone # ( ) -


Newspaper Advertising

TV/Radio Notices


Web Page URL:

# In List

# Days Run

# Days Run

Enter URL(s) on the following two pages.

Yes No

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5 1 6 6 7 7 5 7 5 7

5 1 6 5 7 1 7 5 3 5

3 0 0

6 a c r e

5 0 0

6 7

F e s t i v a l s , R a i n G a r d e n s , E v e n t s

P o s t e d @ T o w n H a l l N o r t h & S o u t h

SPDES IDIf submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition

MCM 2 Page 2 of 6








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SPDES IDIf submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition

MCM 2 Page 3 of 6








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( ) -





( ) -





( ) -

MS4/Coalition Office



Web Page URL:


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Name ofMS4/Coalition

Please provide specific address of page where report can be accessed - not home page.

MCM 2 Page 4 of 6

Annual Report SWMP Plan Comments

Annual Report SWMP Plan Comments

Annual Report SWMP Plan Comments

Annual Report SWMP Plan Comments


Enter address/contact info and select radio button to indicate which document is available andwhether comments may be submitted at that location. Submit additional pages as needed.

5441172015 DRAFT

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T o w n C l e r k

5 4 A u d r e y A v e n u e

O y s t e r B a y N Y 1 1 7 7 1

5 1 6 6 2 4 6 3 3 3

If Yes, what was the date of the meeting?

If No, is one planned?


If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition

Yes No

/ /Yes No

MCM 2 Page 5 of 6

If Yes, attach comments, responses and changes made toSWMP in response to comments to this report.

Yes No

If submitting a report for single MS4, answer 5.a.. If submitting a joint report, answer 5.b..

If No, is one planned for each?

Yes No

Yes No

Leave blank if this report was not posted on the internet. / /

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Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goalsidentified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in PartIII.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed.

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition

MCM 2 Page 6 of 6

(ex.: samples/participants/events)

Yes No

Yes No

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Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

The Town's Public Involvement and Participation program will incorporate stewardship activitiesthat help to reduce pollutants of concern and encourage the general public, residents, employees andbusinesses to become involved in storm water management and environmental stewardship events.

The Town has chosen to evaluate the number of Town cleanup programs as an indicator formeasuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Public Involvement andParticipation program requirements. There were six cleanup events hosted by the Town and itspartners in this reporting period.


The Town plans to continue evaluating the number of Town cleanup programs as an indicator formeasuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Public Involvement andParticipation program requirements in the next reporting cycle. The Town plans to continueencouraging programs that promote public involvement in storm water management.

Auto Recyclers

Building Maintenance


Commercial Carwashes

Commercial Laundry/Dry Cleaners

Construction Vehicle Washouts


Distribution Centers

Food Processing Facilities

Garbage Truck Washouts


Improper RV Waste Disposal

Industrial Process Water



Landscaping (Irrigation)


Metal Plateing Operations

Outdoor Fluid Storage

Parking Lot Maintenance


Residential Carwashing


Schools and Universities

Septic Maintenance

Swimming Pools

Vehicle Fueling

Vehicle Maint./Repair Shops




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Name ofMS4/Coalition

The information in this section is being reported (check one):

On behalf of an individual MS4On behalf of a coalition

How many MS4s contributed to this report?

MCM 3 Page 1 of 4

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3 1 8 1 0 0


E n d o f p i p e o u t f a l l s

If No, approximately what percent was completed in this reporting period?Yes No


If Yes, provide URL(s):

Yes No



If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name of MS4/Coalition

Yes No

Please provide specific address of page where map(s) can be accessed - not home page.

MCM 3 Page 2 of 4

Broken Lines From Sanitary Sewer

Cross Connections

Failing Septic Systems

Floor Drains Connected To Storm Sewers

Illegal Dumping


Industrial Connections


Pump Station Failure

Sanitary Sewer Overflows

Straight Pipe Sewer Discharges



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Name ofMS4/Coalition

Yes No

Yes No NT

MCM 3 Page 3 of 4







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1 0 0


Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goalsidentified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in PartIII.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed.

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(ex.: samples/participants/events)

Yes No

Yes No

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2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

The Town Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program will focus on identifying, locating,eliminating, reducing and preventing illicit discharges to the maximum extent practicable.

The Town has chosen to evaluate the number of illicit discharges identified as an indicator formeasuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the IDDE program requirements.The Town identified no illicit discharges in this reporting period.


The Town will continue to follow the procedures for IDDE described in the Town's WrittenProcedures for MCM 3: IDDE and the CWP/USEPA Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: AGuidance Manual for Program Development and Technical Assessment. Illicit discharges will beinvestigated and eliminated according to the authority provided by the Town code on a case-by-casebasis.

If Yes, Towns, Cities and Villages provide date of equivalent NYS Sample Local Law.

Yes No

Yes No

If Yes, how many public comments were received during this reporting period?

Yes No NT

Yes No

09/2004 03/2006 NT

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How many MS4s contributed to this report?


MCM 4/5 Page 1 of 2

Yes No NT

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Notices of Violation

Stop Work Orders

Criminal Actions

Termination of Contracts

Administrative Fines

Civil Penalties

Administrative Orders

Enforcement Actions or Sanctions










No Authority

No Authority

No Authority

No Authority

No Authority

No Authority

No Authority

No Authority

MCM 4/5 Page 2 of 2


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The information in this section is being reported (check one):

On behalf of an individual MS4On behalf of a coalition

How many MS4s contributed to this report?

MCM 4 Page 1 of 3

Yes No NT

If Yes, use the following page to identify location(s) where SWPPPs can be accessed.

Yes No NT





Yes No

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( ) -





( ) -





( ) -


MS4/Coalition Office



Web Page URL(s):

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Name ofMS4/Coalition

MCM 4 Page 2 of 3

Please provide specific address where SWPPPs can be accessed - not home page.

Submit additional pages as needed.


7482169883 DRAFT

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P u b l i c W o r k s - E n g i n e e r i n g

1 5 0 M i l l e r P l a c e

S y o s s e t N Y 1 1 7 9 1

5 1 6 6 7 7 5 9 3 0


Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goalsidentified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in PartIII.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed.

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

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MCM 4 Page 3 of 3

(ex.: samples/participants/events)

Yes No

Yes No

7935007876 DRAFT

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2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

The Town's Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control program will provide equivalentprotection to the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from ConstructionActivity.

The Town has chosen to evaluate the number of SWPPPs reviewed as an indicator for measuring theoverall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Construction Site Storm Water RunoffControl program requirements. The Town reviewed the nine SWPPPs submitted in this reportingperiod. Deficiencies are handled in writing.


The Town plans to continue evaluating the number of SWPPPs reviewed as an indicator formeasuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Construction Site StormWater Runoff Control program requirements in the next reporting cycle. The Town will reviewSWPPPs as they are submitted.

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

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The information in this section is being reported (check one):

On behalf of an individual MS4On behalf of a coalition

How many MS4s contributed to this report?

Alternative Practices

Filter Systems

Infiltration Basins

Open Channels




Yes No

MCM 5 Page 1 of 3

Building Codes

Overlay Districts



Watershed Plans


Municipal Comprehensive Plans

Open Space Preservation Program

Local Law or Ordinance

Land Use Regulation/Zoning

Other Comprehensive Plan

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2 1 1

3 6






4 4

1 4 4






4 4

1 4 4





R e q t . t o s t o r e 8 " r a i n f a l l

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MCM 5 Page 2 of 3

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No


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5 0


Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goalsidentified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in PartIII.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed.

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MCM 5 Page 3 of 3

(ex.: samples/participants/events)

Yes No

Yes No

1610116332 DRAFT

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2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

The Town Post-Construction Storm Water Management program will address storm water runofffrom regulated (i.e., land disturbances of an acre or greater) new development and redevelopmentprojects to the Town's MS4.

The Town has chosen to evaluate the number of post-construction storm water BMPs inventoried asan indicator for measuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Post-Construction Storm Water Management program requirements. 256 BMPs (including filters,infiltration basins and rain gardens) have been inventoried.


The Town plans to continue evaluating the number of post-construction storm water BMPsinventoried as an indicator for measuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with thePost-Construction Storm Water Management program requirements. The Town will add BMPs tothe inventory as necessary in the next reporting cycle.

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

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The information in this section is being reported (check one):

On behalf of an individual MS4On behalf of a coalition

How many MS4s contributed to this report?

Street Maintenance......................................................Bridge Maintenance....................................................Winter Road Maintenance..........................................Salt Storage.................................................................Solid Waste Management...........................................New Municipal Construction and Land Disturbance..Right of Way Maintenance.........................................Marine Operations......................................................Hydrologic Habitat Modification................................Parks and Open Space.................................................Municipal Building.....................................................Stormwater System Maintenance................................Vehicle and Fleet Maintenance...................................Other...........................................................................

Yes NoYes NoYes NoYes NoYes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes NoYes NoYes NoYes No

Yes NoYes No















Yes No

Yes NoYes NoYes NoYes NoYes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes NoYes NoYes NoYes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

MCM 6 Page 1 of 3

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Parking Lots Swept

Streets Swept

Catch Basins Inspected and Cleaned Where Necessary

Post Construction Control Stormwater Management Practices

Phosphorus Applied In Chemical Fertilizer

Nitrogen Applied In Chemical Fertilizer

Pesticide/Herbicide Applied

If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank.

Name ofMS4/Coalition


Inspected and Cleaned Where Necessary

# Acres

# Miles



# Lbs.

# Lbs.

# Acres .

/ /


MCM 6 Page 2 of 3

(Number of acres X Number of times swept)

(Number of miles X Number of times swept)

(Number of acres to which pesticide/herbicide was applied X Number oftimes applied to the nearest tenth.)

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2 7 5 0

2 6 3 2

3 0 0

8 9


3 7 4 7

2 8 5 0


0 3 0 6 2 0 1 9


1 0 0


Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goalsidentified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in PartIII.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed.

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MCM 6 Page 3 of 3

(ex.: samples/participants/events)

Yes No

Yes No

7123078468 DRAFT

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2 0 1 9

Town of Oyster Bay N Y R 2 0 A 3 7 1

The Town Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations program willaddress operations that collect, store or release sediments, wastes or other potential pollutants.

The Town has chosen to evaluate the self-assessments completed as an indicator for measuring theoverall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the Pollution Prevention and GoodHousekeeping program requirements. The assessment of municipal operations has been completedand routine follow up assessments are ongoing. The Town provides formal and on-the-job training toemployees with regard to good housekeeping/pollution prevention practices.


The Town plans to continue the ongoing self-assessment program and to evaluate the program as anindicator for measuring the overall effectiveness of the Town's compliance with the PollutionPrevention and Good Housekeeping program requirements in the next reporting cycle. The Townwill continue to follow the BMPs outlined in the Town Best Management Practices for MunicipalFacilities and Operations guidance document.