K E N T U J Ik ..' G i r 1 I i NUMB. XL. S A T U R D A- - V June 18, 1796. VOL, IX. .yitiact providing for the sale off the lands of the United States, in tne tenitoiy north-we- st of the river Ohio, anil above the mo uh of Kentucky river . Xr JO it enacted by the Senate and houfc of Reprefcntad.es of the Uni'ed Mates of rimejica, in Congress afi'embled, That a Stlr-vey- or Geneial shall be appointed-- , Hv hefe dv ty ir shall be to engage a fi'icierr number oi ikilful fur-vey- o s, as his deputies, whom he Ca 1 cause., without delay, to fur-vc- y aud mark .the uniiLettaincd oaM.nes of the lands lying uqi di- vert: of tl.c 1 iver Ohio, aud above the irouth of the rivev Kentucky, in v huh the titles of the Indian tribe have been cxrittguifhed, and to divide the same in the manner hereinafter directed -- , he fliall have an? iity to frame legulations and in Inactions for the government of lis deputies : to administer the Jjetcfi'ary oaths, upon appoint tients ; and to remov? them for necrho-rnc- or mifcondmfliu office. Z Be it further enacted, that the pa.t of the said lands, which has not been already conveyed by laerspatent, or divled, tu pur-fua.i- of an ordinance in Corigrefs jUod on iQ twentieth or Mayj one thofand fcvfcn hundred and sighty-fit- c, or which has not been heretofore, and, during the pre sent fellion of Consrci'?, may no be approp-Sats- d for fatisfjing mi-ica-- -y land bounties, and for other purposes, shall be divided by north end fonrh lines, run according to ihe true met idinh, and by others crolSrig them at right angles, so as to form tovvnihips of hx miles, fqiare, -- ' nl e Hi wAerg the Hue ajha-lac- e In lian ptirch-afe- , or of tracts of land heretofore Purveyed pr pa- tented, Or the courfc of navigable rivei3 may re.ider it impractica- ble , and then this rnle Ihatl be from, no further than iuch particular circumltances may require. The coitierj of the toivfn; ships ilill be uiiikcd with jjro-rrie.- 'u numbeis liomthe begini mr , e ich dilfcjnce of a mile be- tween the said corners mail be al so dilhnitly marked with marks different fro.n th e of the cor- nets. One hilf of the said tdwil-fhip- s, taking them ahe natcly, shall be subdivided into fecuoiis, con-gami- as ncaily as may be, six hinJred and Jo ty acies each, by running through the same, each Way, parallel hues, at the end of two miles , and by marking s, cpmer, on each of the said lines, at the enl cf every mile; the feet ion fnsll be numbered lcfpeet-ivel- y, beginning with the number cue, in the .Noith-hal- t section, and proceeding Welt and rail glter Jiately, tinough the townfhipj with progreihvc numbers, 'till the thirty sixth be completed. . And it shall be the' duty of ihe deputj-furveyoi- s, refpeccively, to cause to be marked, on a tree Beat each corner made, as aforesaid, and wiitun the fectionj the number of such. fectiun, and over ir, the num. Ler of thctownfhip, within which, such section may be ,- - and the laid deputies shall caicfully note, in their lefpeifiiic field boojo, the names of the corner trees marked, aiJ the numbers so irnde i 'Ihe fractional parts of townships fliall be divided intofijCtions, in manner aforesaid, and the fiaetiom of sec- tion shall be annexed to, and sold With, the adjacent entire fecliofts. ,11 lines shall be plainly marked Upon trees, and mesfured with chains containing two perches of fixicen Uet and one half each, sub- divided into twenty-fiv- e equal links, and the chain mall be ad-jull- to a ftandzrd to be kept foe that purpose. Every furvcyor shall note in his field book, the true situations of all mines, (alt licks, fait springs and mill Teats, which lliall com to his knowledge ; all water courfe3, over which, "the line he runs (hall pass ; and also the Quality of the lauds : these field books fiiall be returned to the furvcyor general, who mail there from csulc a description of the whale lands ftitv eyed,, to bs made out and transmitted to the officers who may superintend the Tales : he" fliall also cause a sail plat to be made "of the toWnihtpj, and fi ac- tional parts bf townihips, contain- ed in the said lands, delcribin the thereof, and the m?rks ofthe corners. This plat shall be, recorded in bodks to be kept for that pmpole; a copy thereof fhali be kept epe-- n at the Turvcyor general s oihee, tor pub- lic information j and other copies ftiit to the places of sale, ttnd to the secretary of the tieafury. 3. Be it further enacted, that d fait fpiing lying upon a cteck which eriptics inio the Scioto ri- ver, tin the East side, together with as many contiguous sections as mall be equal ro one tovrnfhip, aud eve- ry other sale spring, which may b& ihfcovtred, together with the sec- tion of one mile square which in eludes it, and also sour feiftions at the center of every townGilp, con- taining each one mile square, (hall be referred, for the suture difpo-fa- l of the United States: but there shall be norefervations, except for fait springs, in fractional tov. where the fi action is less' than three fourths of a townlhip. J 4. Ife it further enacted, that isdiaa-rei- ! fk.i- - WSSS .of towfc-fliip- s shall h,ave been surveyed bfel low the great Miami, tr between the Sciota river and the Ohio com- pany's purchase, or between the southern boundary ofthe Connec- ticut claims arid the ranges alreAdy laid off, beginning upon the Ohio livcir and expending WeftwarHlyj and the rjlats thereof made and tranfmit'eJ, in conformity tb the provisions of this act, the laid fec-tio- of six hundred and forty acres (excludinji thole hereby reserved) lhall bs offvred for sale, at public vehJile, under the di' et!tion'of the govenlor, or secretary of the Wes-ter- n TerMtory, and the surveyor general; such of them a4 lie be- low the great Miami fliall be sold at Cincinnati ; those of them which lie between1 the Sciota and the O-h- io company's purchase, at Pius ourgh ; and those between the Connecticut claim and the seven ranges, at Pittsburgh. And the townihips remaining tinditided shall be oflered for sale, inthdfame manner, at the seat of government of the United States, under the direction of the secretary of the trcafury.in tracts of one quarter of s tewnihxp, lying at ihe corners thereof, excluding the sour cen-- v tral feiftions, and the other fefer-vatio- befoie mentioned : provi- ded always, -- tha: no part' of the l?nda directed by thi act to be cf-- fsred for sale, lhall be sold for lffs than two dollars per acre. 5 5. Be it further eaacted, thai the secretary of the trafury, aster receiving the aforesaid plats, fliali forthwith give notice, in one news-pap- er in each of the United States; and the Ten horie3 Jjorth-wef- t and South of ths river Ohio, of the times of sale ; vhioh fliall in no case, be lef3 than two months from the datev oft the notice; and the lales at the different places shall not commence, within less than one month. of each other: and when the govfernor ofthe Western Tc ritory , or secretary of the trea-fur- y, fiiall find it neceflary to ad v journ, or fufpciid thefalefi under their direction; refpectively,,rfbr more than three days, at any one time, notice shall be given, in the public jjewlpapers, of such fufpen-fio- n, hU at wljot time, the f'alcs will ro'commcncc. j 6. Be it further enacted, that immediately aster the palhing ol this act, the secretary of the tiea- fury lhall in the manner herein before diiected, advtrtife for sale, the lands remaining nnlold in the 7 ranges oFtownlliips, which were fhxvtjed, in purfuame to an oidjn-anee-- of congrefs.pallcd May 20 1785 including the lands diawn for the aimy, by the late of war, and also those heiitofore'fbld but not paid for ; the townftiips, which by the laid o. din mce, are directed to be fr.ld etttiie,(liallbc otFered for sale at public vendue inPhiladelphia under the direction us the see: etary of the treafory, in quarter the Fourbenier fec-tion- s, acc'erdir.gto the directions of this act. The townlftips, w ludi by the said ordinance, ate- diiected to be sold in fedticni,, fliall be of- fered for f&le at publicvelidue, in Pittsburgh, ur.'Jer the direction of the governor or secretary of the efl:.rv Territoiy, znd lhchcr-fon- , the plefident may specially appoint for that purpose, by fec-tion- 3 of one nnie fquarK each, the soar center fecftions, as afore'aid ; end all fa actional town-fliip- S shall also be sold id fec-tio- at pitrfbiirgh, in the manner and under the teguja'ions pioi- - aea oy tnu ac: ; tor tne laie or factir al' town'l-ip- s : al- ways, that nothing in this act shall authorize the sale of those lots; which have been hcrctiofoi e 1 cfer-ve- d ir the tbjTrtiTps al.eady fol(H J 7. He it f'urthir enacted, that the hiheft bidder for any tract of land, sold by viitue of this act,, shall deposit, at the time of fa1e?' one twentieth part of the amtftint ofthe purchase mrincy ; to be for- feited, is a moiety of the sum bid, jncludihg the Taid twentieth part, is not paid within tlrirry days, to the tieafurer of the United States, or tb such person as lhall be ap- pointed by the prefidentof the L- inked States, to attend the places of sale foi that purpose ; and up- on the payment of a moiety ofthe purc'iafe money, withiu tuiriy dSys, the pnrchafer flail have one year's ci edit for theiefidue; and fliall receive fiom the feci etary of the tieafury, or the governor of thc Western Territorj', (as the "cafd iray be) aceitificate defcri-bin- g the land sold, the funl paid on account, the balance remainii 5 due, the timfe when such balance becomes payable ; an I that the whole land sold will be forfeited, is the said balance is nr then i'l ; but, that Is it fliall be dJv didhar-ged- , the purchaler, or his afligriee, 01 othei legal repie en itivc, fhail be entitled to a paten " y. the said laus; and on payment of the said balance to the trcafurdr, with- in the specified time, and produ-in- g to the fecrecary of flare a re- ceipt for the same, upon the afoie-fai- d certificate, the rjrefidentof the United States is hereby atnhoii-ze- d to grant a patent for the lands to the said purchafiJr, hh heirs or asfijjris: and all patents mail b counterCgned by the? fceretafy oi" state, and in his offic. But is" there should be i failure, in arly payment, the sale fliall be void, all money theretofore paid on ac- count of the purchase mall be for-- : felted to the United States, iind I the lands thus sold, shall be igatn difpoi.etl 01, in the lame manner as is a sale had never been made : provided nevenhtlefs, that should any jHirchafer xas.e payment of; the whole purchase nigpey, sr the time when ih payment ofthe sii'll: moiety is diiected to b; rjade he (hall be entire to a deduction often per centum on ths pa:t, for w hicb, a credit is hereby dii t'cted to be given-- , sicj h.s patent lhall be immediately iflucd. , 8. He it i'uj thcr enacted, that ths secretary cf the trealury, and the governor of the ferri ory Ndrth-- v cil of ;the Ohio, shall re- spectively, cause books to be Yeo't, in vvhith fliall be regiiiarlj enter- ed, isn! account of the dnt e,f ali the fal made, the fituati.m and nulnbtrs of the lot sold, the pries at wlich each was it nick o:r, tne mo. ydepofitedaTthctimeof f?ie, and the dates of the ccuihtates gi anted to the difie.entputcbafeis. lhegoveinor 0. secretary of the said tenitoiy shall, at every ins. penfi6n or adjournment, for mo.e than three days, of the sales under their djiection, transmit to the of the treifury, a copy of the said Looks, ccit'Hcd to hav& heed duly examined and compared with the original, Awl all t, acts sold under this act flial! be noted upon the general plat, alter tl.e certificate has been giamed to th pui chaser. 5 9- - nd be it fuither en?cted, that all navigable rivers withiri the ttrritoiy to be difpofd of us this act, fnall bq deemed to be, antl lemain public high, ways ; 'and that in all cases, wheie" the opposite banks of any ftteam,-no- t navigable, (ball belong to dif- ferent peffons, the ilream and the bed thereof shall become comtirori to both. 5 io.Ahd be it Fprfher enamrTj tkat U!feiceo-- r gtypral tll 1, telve "foi" ftis compehlation,' two thoufahd dolla's pei annum; and that the piefident of tl.e United , iitateStnay six the compensation of the alfiftani lurvevors, chain nd axe-me- n: provided, the Whale expert of furv eying and marking the lines, fnall not exceed thr-- dollais per mile, for eery mije that shall be aetnally run or ful veyed. J 11. And be it fuither enacted, tlac the following sees shall be paid for the ferviccs to be done 11 i. dcr this act, to the tieafuier of the pnited States, or to the leceiver in ,Veftern1 errjtoiy, as the case may be ; for each certi!ica:e for a tiac cfutaining a quanei oftowr.hip, twenty dollan ; for a certificate for a tract containing six hvndtrd and forty acies, six dollais ; and foi each pa"tcnt for a quaiter of a rowtiihlpi twenty dollars, for a lec'tion of six bundled ahd forty acies. fiv bollard- - inA . l, r:j ' ... M t ui. v. tarn sees .mail be accoun'ed iar by the receive", refpc6ively. i 12. AUd be it further enatfed, thst the furvcyor geneiaJ, aff.fhmt fm vcyors, and rhahl cariiers fha'l, before they enter on the several du- ties to be performed ujider this net, fevcrally take an oath or afliimtia-c- n, faithfully to peif jrm ths lames and the person, to be appointed receive the money on sales in tl..3 V ell 'in Tenitoiy, before he shall receive any money under this lhall give bond with fuffitint for the faithful difchage of his trull: that, for rocchi.i ', safe kceing and conveying to the treafjttry the money he may receive, he fliall be entitled to a compensa- tion to be hereafter filed. Jonathan DjUtton-- , Spseket of the hor.fr of EeprcfetitaHvei. Samuel I.jvi:rmorf. ft (J. Jtt.t of the Ten at', pro tempore. j4ppro.-Jcd$H- y li, 179G. Go. Washi .. c rrK, Trtpdttit t tbs Ujiii;dS.t4,ij, u S

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K E N T U J Ik ..' G ir

1 I iNUMB. XL. S A T U R D A-- V June 18, 1796. VOL, IX.

.yitiact providing for the sale off

the lands of the United States,in tne tenitoiy north-we- st ofthe river Ohio, anil above themo uh of Kentucky river .

Xr JO it enacted by the Senateand houfc of Reprefcntad.es ofthe Uni'ed Mates of rimejica, inCongress afi'embled, That a Stlr-vey- or

Geneial shall be appointed-- ,

Hv hefe dv ty ir shall be to engage afi'icierr number oi ikilful fur-vey- o

s, as his deputies, whom heCa 1 cause., without delay, to fur-vc- y

aud mark .the uniiLettaincdoaM.nes of the lands lying uqi di-

vert: of tl.c 1 iver Ohio, aud abovethe irouth of the rivev Kentucky,in v huh the titles of the Indiantribe have been cxrittguifhed, andto divide the same in the mannerhereinafter directed --, he fliall havean? iity to frame legulations andin Inactions for the government oflis deputies : to administer theJjetcfi'ary oaths, upon appointtients ; and to remov? them fornecrho-rnc- or mifcondmfliu office.

Z Be it further enacted, thatthe pa.t of the said lands, whichhas not been already conveyed bylaerspatent, or divled, tu pur-fua.i-

of an ordinance in CorigrefsjUod on iQ twentieth or Mayjone thofand fcvfcn hundred andsighty-fit- c, or which has not beenheretofore, and, during the present fellion of Consrci'?, may nobe approp-Sats- d for fatisfjing mi-ica-- -y

land bounties, and for otherpurposes, shall be divided by northend fonrh lines, run according toihe true met idinh, and by otherscrolSrig them at right angles, so asto form tovvnihips of hx miles,fqiare, --' nl e Hi wAerg the Hue ajha-lac-e

In lian ptirch-afe-, or of tracts

of land heretofore Purveyed pr pa-

tented, Or the courfc of navigablerivei3 may re.ider it impractica-ble , and then this rnle Ihatl be

from, no further thaniuch particular circumltances mayrequire. The coitierj of the toivfn;ships ilill be uiiikcd with jjro-rrie.- 'u

numbeis liomthe beginimr , e ich dilfcjnce of a mile be-

tween the said corners mail be also dilhnitly marked with marksdifferent fro.n th e of the cor-

nets. One hilf of the said tdwil-fhip- s,

taking them ahe natcly, shallbe subdivided into fecuoiis, con-gami-

as ncaily as may be, sixhinJred and Jo ty acies each, byrunning through the same, eachWay, parallel hues, at the end of

two miles , and by markings, cpmer, on each of the said lines,at the enl cf every mile; thefeet ion fnsll be numbered lcfpeet-ivel- y,

beginning with the numbercue, in the .Noith-hal- t section, andproceeding Welt and rail glterJiately, tinough the townfhipjwith progreihvc numbers, 'till thethirty sixth be completed. . And itshall be the' duty of ihe deputj-furveyoi- s,

refpeccively, to causeto be marked, on a tree Beat eachcorner made, as aforesaid, andwiitun the fectionj the number ofsuch. fectiun, and over ir, the num.Ler of thctownfhip, within which,such section may be ,-

- and the laiddeputies shall caicfully note, intheir lefpeifiiic field boojo, thenames of the corner trees marked,aiJ the numbers so irnde i 'Ihefractional parts of townships fliallbe divided intofijCtions, in manneraforesaid, and the fiaetiom of sec-

tion shall be annexed to, and soldWith, the adjacent entire fecliofts.

,11 lines shall be plainly markedUpon trees, and mesfured withchains containing two perches offixicen Uet and one half each, sub-divided into twenty-fiv- e equallinks, and the chain mall be ad-jull-

to a ftandzrd to be kept foe

that purpose. Every furvcyorshall note in his field book, thetrue situations of all mines, (altlicks, fait springs and mill Teats,which lliall com to his knowledge ;

all water courfe3, over which, "theline he runs (hall pass ; and alsothe Quality of the lauds : thesefield books fiiall be returned to thefurvcyor general, who mail therefrom csulc a description of thewhale lands ftitv eyed,, to bs madeout and transmitted to the officerswho may superintend the Tales :

he" fliall also cause a sail plat to bemade "of the toWnihtpj, and fi ac-

tional parts bf townihips, contain-ed in the said lands, delcribinthe thereof, and them?rks ofthe corners. This platshall be, recorded in bodks to bekept for that pmpole; a copythereof fhali be kept epe--n at theTurvcyor general s oihee, tor pub-lic information j and other copiesftiit to the places of sale, ttnd tothe secretary of the tieafury.

3. Be it further enacted, thatd fait fpiing lying upon a cteckwhich eriptics inio the Scioto ri-

ver, tin the East side, together withas many contiguous sections as mallbe equal ro one tovrnfhip, aud eve-

ry other sale spring, which may b&

ihfcovtred, together with the sec-

tion of one mile square which ineludes it, and also sour feiftions atthe center of every townGilp, con-

taining each one mile square, (hallbe referred, for the suture difpo-fa- l

of the United States: but thereshall be norefervations, except forfait springs, in fractional tov.

where the fi action is less'than three fourths of a townlhip.

J 4. Ife it further enacted, thatisdiaa-rei- ! fk.i-- WSSS .of towfc-fliip- s

shall h,ave been surveyed bfel

low the great Miami, tr betweenthe Sciota river and the Ohio com-

pany's purchase, or between thesouthern boundary ofthe Connec-ticut claims arid the ranges alreAdylaid off, beginning upon the Ohiolivcir and expending WeftwarHlyjand the rjlats thereof made andtranfmit'eJ, in conformity tb theprovisions of this act, the laid fec-tio-

of six hundred and forty acres(excludinji thole hereby reserved)lhall bs offvred for sale, at publicvehJile, under the di' et!tion'of thegovenlor, or secretary of the Wes-ter- n

TerMtory, and the surveyorgeneral; such of them a4 lie be-

low the great Miami fliall be soldat Cincinnati ; those of them whichlie between1 the Sciota and the O-h- io

company's purchase, at Piusourgh ; and those between theConnecticut claim and the sevenranges, at Pittsburgh. And thetownihips remaining tinditidedshall be oflered for sale, inthdfamemanner, at the seat of governmentof the United States, under thedirection of the secretary of thetrcafury.in tracts of one quarter ofs tewnihxp, lying at ihe cornersthereof, excluding the sour cen-- v

tral feiftions, and the other fefer-vatio-

befoie mentioned : provi-ded always, --tha: no part' of thel?nda directed by thi act to be cf--

fsred for sale, lhall be sold for lffsthan two dollars per acre.

5 5. Be it further eaacted, thaithe secretary of the trafury, asterreceiving the aforesaid plats, flialiforthwith give notice, in one news-pap- er

in each of the United States;and the Ten horie3 Jjorth-wef- t andSouth of ths river Ohio, of thetimes of sale ; vhioh fliall in nocase, be lef3 than two months fromthe datev oft the notice; and thelales at the different places shallnot commence, within less thanone month. of each other: andwhen the govfernor ofthe WesternTc ritory , or secretary of the trea-fur- y,

fiiall find it neceflary to ad


journ, or fufpciid thefalefi undertheir direction; refpectively,,rfbrmore than three days, at any onetime, notice shall be given, in thepublic jjewlpapers, of such fufpen-fio- n,

hU at wljot time, the f'alcswill ro'commcncc.

j 6. Be it further enacted, thatimmediately aster the palhing olthis act, the secretary of the tiea-fury lhall in the manner hereinbefore diiected, advtrtife for sale,the lands remaining nnlold in the7 ranges oFtownlliips, which werefhxvtjed, in purfuame to an oidjn-anee--


congrefs.pallcd May 20 1785including the lands diawn for theaimy, by the late of war,and also those heiitofore'fbld butnot paid for ; the townftiips, whichby the laid o. din mce, are directedto be fr.ld etttiie,(liallbc otFered forsale at public vendue inPhiladelphiaunder the direction us the see: etaryof the treafory, in quarter

the Fourbenier fec-tion- s,

acc'erdir.gto the directionsof this act. The townlftips, w ludiby the said ordinance, ate- diiectedto be sold in fedticni,, fliall be of-fered for f&le at publicvelidue, inPittsburgh, ur.'Jer the direction ofthe governor or secretary of the

efl:.rv Territoiy, znd lhchcr-fon- ,

the plefident may speciallyappoint for that purpose, by fec-tion- 3

of one nnie fquarK each,the soar center fecftions, as

afore'aid ; end all fa actional town-fliip- S

shall also be sold id fec-tio-

at pitrfbiirgh, in the mannerand under the teguja'ions pioi- -

aea oy tnu ac: ; tor tne laie orfactir al' town'l-ip- s : al-

ways, that nothing in this act shallauthorize the sale of those lots;which have been hcrctiofoi e 1 cfer-ve- d

ir the tbjTrtiTps al.eady fol(HJ 7. He it f'urthir enacted, that

the hiheft bidder for any tract ofland, sold by viitue of this act,,shall deposit, at the time of fa1e?'one twentieth part of the amtftintofthe purchase mrincy ; to be for-feited, is a moiety of the sum bid,jncludihg the Taid twentieth part,is not paid within tlrirry days, tothe tieafurer of the United States,or tb such person as lhall be ap-

pointed by the prefidentof the L-

inked States, to attend the placesof sale foi that purpose ; and up-on the payment of a moiety ofthepurc'iafe money, withiu tuiriydSys, the pnrchafer flail have oneyear's ci edit for theiefidue; andfliall receive fiom the feci etary ofthe tieafury, or the governor ofthc Western Territorj', (as the

"cafd iray be) aceitificate defcri-bin- g

the land sold, the funl paidon account, the balance remainii 5due, the timfe when such balancebecomes payable ; an I that thewhole land sold will be forfeited,is the said balance is nr then i'l ;

but, that Is it fliall be dJv didhar-ged- ,

the purchaler, or his afligriee,01 othei legal repie en itivc, fhailbe entitled to a paten " y. the saidlaus; and on payment of thesaid balance to the trcafurdr, with-in the specified time, and produ-in- g

to the fecrecary of flare a re-

ceipt for the same, upon the afoie-fai- d

certificate, the rjrefidentof theUnited States is hereby atnhoii-ze- d

to grant a patent for the landsto the said purchafiJr, hh heirs orasfijjris: and all patents mail bcounterCgned by the? fceretafy oi"state, and in his offic.But is" there should be i failure, inarly payment, the sale fliall be void,all money theretofore paid on ac-

count of the purchase mall be for-- :felted to the United States, iind

I the lands thus sold, shall be igatndifpoi.etl 01, in the lame manner asis a sale had never been made :

provided nevenhtlefs, that shouldany jHirchafer xas.e payment of;

the whole purchase nigpey, sr thetime when ih payment ofthe sii'll:moiety is diiected to b; rjadehe (hall be entire to a deductionoften per centum on ths pa:t, forw hicb, a credit is hereby dii t'ctedto be given-- , sicj h.s patent lhallbe immediately iflucd.

, 8. He it i'uj thcr enacted, thatths secretary cf the trealury, andthe governor of the ferri oryNdrth-- v cil of ;the Ohio, shall re-spectively, cause books to be Yeo't,in vvhith fliall be regiiiarlj enter-ed, isn! account of the dnt e,f alithe fal made, the fituati.m andnulnbtrs of the lot sold, the priesat wlich each was it nick o:r, tnemo. ydepofitedaTthctimeof f?ie,and the dates of the ccuihtatesgi anted to the difie.entputcbafeis.lhegoveinor 0. secretary of the

said tenitoiy shall, at every ins.penfi6n or adjournment, for mo.ethan three days, of the sales undertheir djiection, transmit to the

of the treifury, a copy ofthe said Looks, ccit'Hcd to hav&heed duly examined and comparedwith the original, Awl all t, actssold under this act flial! be notedupon the general plat, alter tl.ecertificate has been giamed to thpui chaser.

5 9- - nd be it fuither en?cted,that all navigable rivers withirithe ttrritoiy to be difpofd of

us this act, fnall bq deemedto be, antl lemain public high,ways ; 'and that in all cases, wheie"the opposite banks of any ftteam,-no- t

navigable, (ball belong to dif-ferent peffons, the ilream and thebed thereof shall become comtirorito both.

5 io.Ahd be it Fprfher enamrTjtkat U!feiceo--r gtypral tll 1,telve "foi" ftis compehlation,' twothoufahd dolla's pei annum; andthat the piefident of tl.e United

, iitateStnay six the compensation ofthe alfiftani lurvevors, chain nd

axe-me- n: provided,the Whale expert of furv eying andmarking the lines, fnall not exceedthr-- dollais per mile, for eerymije that shall be aetnally run orful veyed.J 11. And be it fuither enacted,

tlac the following sees shall bepaid for the ferviccs to be done 11 i.dcr this act, to the tieafuier of thepnited States, or to the leceiver in,Veftern1 errjtoiy, as the case maybe ; for each certi!ica:e for a tiaccfutaining a quanei oftowr.hip,twenty dollan ; for a certificatefor a tract containing six hvndtrdand forty acies, six dollais ; andfoi each pa"tcnt for a quaiter of arowtiihlpi twenty dollars, for alec'tion of six bundled ahd fortyacies. fiv bollard- - inA . l, r:j' ... M t ui. v. tarnsees .mail be accoun'ed iar by thereceive", refpc6ively.

i 12. AUd be it further enatfed,thst the furvcyor geneiaJ, aff.fhmtfm vcyors, and rhahl cariiers fha'l,before they enter on the several du-ties to be performed ujider this net,fevcrally take an oath or afliimtia-c- n,

faithfully to peif jrm ths lamesand the person, to be appointedreceive the money on sales in tl..3

V ell 'in Tenitoiy, before he shallreceive any money under thislhall give bond with fuffitint

for the faithful difchageof his trull: that, for rocchi.i ',safe kceing and conveying to thetreafjttry the money he may receive,he fliall be entitled to a compensa-tion to be hereafter filed.

Jonathan DjUtton-- ,

Spseket of the hor.frof EeprcfetitaHvei.

Samuel I.jvi:rmorf.ft (J. Jtt.t of the Ten at',

pro tempore.j4ppro.-Jcd$H- y li, 179G.

Go. Washi .. c rrK,Trtpdttit t tbs Ujiii;dS.t4,ij,
