Web Site Address: www.methodist.org.nz “Our Church's Mission in Aotearoa New Zealand is to reflect and proclaim the transforming love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and declared in the Scriptures. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God in the world. The Treaty of Waitangi is the covenant establishing our nation on the basis of a power-sharing relationship, and will guide how we undertake mission”. Click on the links below to go to each section Official Communications ................................ 2 - A message from the President & Vice President - A message from the General Secretary Remember in your Prayers ........................... 5 News from Around the Connexion .......... 6 Public Issues Network .................................... 10 Methodist Mission & Ecumenical ............. 11 Ecumenical News & Views ........................ 13 Amendments to the Yearbook ................. 14 C C O O N N T T E E N N T T S S e e - - M M e e s s s s e e n n g g e e r r The Methodist Church of New Zealand ~ Te Hāhi Weteriana O Aotearoa J J u u n n e e 2 2 0 0 1 1 5 5

June 2015 - Methodist admin office...In the last few weeks we have been kept busy with Connexional meetings, but we have been able to attend a ... At 2.00pm was the combined service

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Page 1: June 2015 - Methodist admin office...In the last few weeks we have been kept busy with Connexional meetings, but we have been able to attend a ... At 2.00pm was the combined service

Web Site Address: www.methodist.org.nz

“Our Church's Mission in Aotearoa New Zealand is to reflect and proclaim the transforming love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and declared in the Scriptures. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God in the world. The Treaty of Waitangi is the covenant establishing our nation on the basis of a power-sharing relationship, and will guide how we undertake mission”.

Click on the links below to go to each section

Official Communications ................................ 2 - A message from the President & Vice President - A message from the General Secretary

Remember in your Prayers ........................... 5 News from Around the Connexion .......... 6 Public Issues Network .................................... 10 Methodist Mission & Ecumenical ............. 11 Ecumenical News & Views ........................ 13

Amendments to the Yearbook ................. 14


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Official Communications

A Message from the President and Vice President

Greetings from the Presidential Team… We are pleased to advise the Connexion that at the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) Assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia in May that Rev. Diana Tana was elected as Vice Moderator to serve a five year term beginning from May 2015. The Moderator is Rt. Rev. Willem Simartana, Bishop of the HKBP (Hurija Kristan Bapak Protestant) – Protestant Church of Indonesia. They both will steer the Executive Committee and the Officers’ meetings for the next five years. It is a great honour for the Methodist Church of New Zealand and Te Taha Maori to have Diana as the first Vice Moderator under the new constitution of 2015 in the CCA. This is a leadership role that has oversight for nearly 55 million Christians of Asia from Iran to New Zealand and Sri Lanka to South Korea. CCA is a regional ecumenical organisation with 101 member churches and 17 national councils and looks to fulfil its mission in Asia and in the global scene. The Methodist Church of New Zealand has been a member of CCA from its very inception in 1957 and Diana represents Te Runanga Whakawhanaunga i nga Haahi in that forum. We commend Diana as she commits to fulfilling this new role and we ask for the church to uphold her in our prayers. In the last few weeks we have been kept busy with Connexional meetings, but we have been able to attend a number of events that have signalled growth and ongoing development in our church. We met briefly with the Synod Superintendents sharing communion with them, and over the long weekend enjoyed the Christian Rally evening of the Sinoti Samoa Tupulaga Camp 2015. What a joyous occasion of youthful fun, laughter, song, dance and praise! We commend the youth who are our church of tomorrow. On Saturday May 23rd President Tovia, accompanied by his wife Leotele, travelled to Tauranga to take part in the service of Celebration for both Wesley Day and Pentecost on Sunday May 24th. This was an invitation to the 9.30am combined Tauranga Parish Service where Wesley Tauranga and St Stephen’s came together to celebrate these two important events in the life of not only the Methodists but of course Christianity all over the world, in particular the Day of Pentecost. Tovia said that it was an uplifting experience to have been involved in such a lively and well organised gathering with great singing of the Wesley Hymns, full of passion by both the choir and the rest of the congregation. The parish also organised a performance of some gifted actors who enacted a skit depicting the early days of John Wesley’s life. This was part of the service during the time for children’s ministry. At 2.00pm was the combined service of the Fijian congregations from Hamilton East, Rotorua and Wesley Tauranga, where Tovia and his wife were welcomed by Rev. Akuila Bale and leaders of the three congregations on behalf of the Fijian Tabacakacaka. It was a heartening experience for President Tovia to witness the Fijian ministry growing in this part of the Methodist family, the Waikato Waiariki region. Tovia spoke for ten minutes at the service before he and his wife excused themselves and made their way to the Waikato part of the Synod’s Wesley Day service at St Clare Church in Hamilton, starting at 5.00pm. Tovia learned that this was a long standing tradition of Waikato Waiariki, commemorating Wesley Day by holding special services in the Waikato and Waiariki sections of the synod. One of the highlights for President Tovia’s visit was having a two hour gathering on the following Monday morning from 10.00am to 12.00pm midday with the supernumeraries within the synod. It was an inspirational and a moving experience, meeting with and listening to the stories of their own personal journeys and their expressed privilege to serve the Church during their years of tenure. Tovia thanked each of them on behalf of the Methodist Church for their contribution, which assisted in paving the pathway for the present generation to carry on the batons of the gospel not only for the future of Te Hahi Weteriana o Aotearoa New Zealand but also Christianity world-wide.

Tovia and Arapera

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A Message from the Acting General Secretary

From David’s Desk... Why are some people creative and innovative? Is it possible to teach someone to be creative? Tomas Chamorro–Premuzic is convinced creativity can be taught and nurtured. I recall early in my ministry how two or three people encouraged me Sunday by Sunday with constructive and positive feedback. There is nothing more affirming than to hear that your sermons are getting better to ensure effort to further improve continues. Chamorro-Premuzic says feedback – lots of feedback is essential in closing the gap between confidence and competence. Those who don’t get enough feedback – or ignore it – only end up being creative in their own minds. There is a real sense then that we form, or fail to form, creative environments by the way we treat and encourage one another. If any of us are made to feel that our dreams and ideas are ‘half-baked’ then chances are we will keep our heads down and remain silent. When the good, the interesting and the creative is noticed, valued and reinforced chances are everyone will start trying to translate dreams into reality. To foster creativity we can also seek to detect novel ideas in ourselves and others, to take on challenging tasks, to combine unrelated ideas, and invest in what we love. Is it possible to teach creativity? Absolutely, and all of us can be and are creative. Travel to UK I will be attending the Conference of the Methodist Church in Britain and their partner consultation from 23rd June to 2nd July. The MCNZ is invited approximately every five years. Lynda is accompanying me and we will take 2 weeks annual leave prior to the consultation. I leave New Zealand on 6th June and will be back in the office on 7th July. Please communicate via email. RevDr Susan Thompson will be Acting General Secretary for any urgent matters and I will respond as I am able. World Methodist Conference Every 5 years the World Methodist family gathers. Next year from 31 August to 3 September 2016 in Houston Texas the Conference will convene around the theme: “One: One God, One Faith, One People, One Mission”. The Conference is open to anyone who wants to attend. Is this something you might be interested in? The website address is: www.worldmethodistcouncil.org. The World Assembly of Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women will be in Houston at the same time, running from 29 August to 3 September 2016, with the theme: “Chosen People: Called to Proclaim”. Check the website: www.wfmucw.org. Watch for more information and details of both events. Grace and peace


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Fourth International Methodist Young Leaders Seminar (IMYLS) This seminar is held every 5 years in conjunction with the World Methodist Conference, bringing together leaders aged 18-35 from member churches of the World Methodist Council. The seminar seeks to promote dialogue, Christian fellowship, mutual understanding and common ground among youth and young adults of the Methodist/Wesleyan family of faith. IMYLS will be held from 28-29 August 2016 at the Houston Intercontinental Hotel. The theme is shared with the World Methodist Conference "One". The Methodist Church of New Zealand is guaranteed at least one representative. Expressions of Interest and Nominations are being sought with a deadline of 1 November 2015. The Methodist Church of New Zealand will forward the names of possible representatives to the IMYLS organising committee who will confirm final representation early in 2016. As part of your application you are asked to answer these essay questions (250 words or less per question).

(a) What expectations do you have for the IMYLS? (programming, fellowship etc) (b) What will you share with your fellow attendees at IMYLS? (c) How is the World Methodist Conference theme, "One" relevant to your work as a Youth Leader?

Completed applications / expressions of interest to be sent to the General Secretary NO LATER THAN 1 NOVEMBER 2015: The General Secretary PO Box 931 Christchurch 8140

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REMEMBER In your Prayers

It is with sadness that I advise the Connexion of the death on Monday 18th May of Sister Pamela Beaumont. Pamela served as a Deaconess in Bougainville for most of her active life. A service to celebrate Pamela's life was held at Beckenham Methodist Church on Friday 22 May. Messages can be sent to [email protected].

It is with sadness that we advise the Connexion of Edith Olds on May 15th in Tauranga. Edith was the widow of the late Rev Mac Olds. The following notice was in The New Zealand Herald.

“OLDS, Edith May On 15 May 2015 at Acacia Park Rest Home, Omokoroa, aged 97years. Loved wife of the late Mac, and loved mother of David, Ron, Peter, Chris, Rosemary and their families. A service for Edith, will be held at the Omokoroa Community Church, Hamurana Rd Omokoroa, on Tuesday 19 May at 1pm, followed by private cremation. Communication to the Olds Family, c/o P.O. Box 3136 Greerton, Tauranga 3142. - See more at: http://notices.nzherald.co.nz/obituaries/nzherald-nz/obituary.aspx?n=edith-may-olds&pid=174865381&fhid=14344#sthash.kyGTF85I.dpuf “

The Lower North Island Synod wishes to advise the Connexion of the death of the father of the Rev Anne Bennett, Presbyter of Rongotea Uniting Parish. Les Fordyce died in Palmerston North on 20th May 2015. His funeral service was held at Wesley Broadway on Monday 25th May 2015. Les was the son of Robert Fordyce, a Methodist Minister. Messages may be sent to Anne Bennett [email protected].

It is with sadness we wish to advise the Connexion of the death in Fiji of Kamla Chandra's brother who died in Fiji on the 23rd May. Kamla is the wife of Suresh Chandra, Presbyter at Upper Hutt Uniting Parish. Kamla in less than 12 months has lost 2 sisters and 1 brother, and this is really difficult for her and the rest of the family. Please pray for Kamla and the family. Suresh and Kamla went to Fiji for the funeral and are spending time afterwards with Kamla's only sister. This means that Suresh will be away from New Zealand from 26 May to 14 June 2015. Messages may be sent to: Su Chan [email protected]

We express our sympathy and care to each of these families as they grieve and lovingly


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Connexional News

Connexional Office Staff We are very pleased to let you know that Sarah Andrews returned from maternity leave on 3rd June. Sarah and Rebecca Hitchcock are now sharing the Accountant’s role and will both be working part-time. The following table shows the current arrangement for their working hours and when they will each be available in the office:

Monday Sarah Tuesday Rebecca Wednesday Sarah Thursday Sarah and Rebecca Friday Rebecca

You will note that Sarah and Rebecca will both be in the office on a Thursday. They will normally be in the office between 9.00am and 4.30pm but there will be a need for some flexibility around the start and finish times.

Lay Ministry Support At Conference 2014 we offered to bring training to parishes, regions and synods to support lay ministries in the church. We will try to find the right experts to address the topics that are of relevance for your situation. So if you want to discuss possibilities, just contact Mission Resourcing [email protected] or (09) 525 4179.

There will be no charge to parishes or synods. Trevor Hoggard, Director, Mission Resourcing

Methodist Church of NZ Conference 2015 Conference this year will be held in Blenheim

Saturday 14 November - Wednesday 18 November 2015

For current information please visit the Methodist website http://www.methodist.org.nz/conference/2015. As more information becomes available it will be placed on the website, sent out via eMessenger and published in this eMessenger Newsletter.

PAC Distribution Group Applications 2015 PAC funding applications are due at the Connexional Office

no later than 30 June 2015 For full application details and a copy of the PAC Distribution Cover Sheet see the Methodist Church website: http://www.methodist.org.nz/organisations/pac_distribution_group. If you require further information or assistance in making your request, please contact the General Secretary, Rev David Bush, ph (03) 366 6049 ext 824 or email [email protected]. Please email completed documents to PAC Distribution Group via [email protected] or post to PO Box 931, Christchurch 8140.

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Media and Communication Endowment Fund 2015 Media & Communication Endowment Fund applications are due to the Convenor

no later than 30 June 2015

PLEASE NOTE: Media & Communication Endowment Fund is a subsidiary of PAC. Use this fund if your application is for media or communication equipment, e.g. sound systems, data projectors, publishing costs for media etc. (For all other applications please refer to PAC Distribution Group information above)

An Application Form and information leaflet are available on the Methodist website http://www.methodist.org.nz/organisations/media___communication_endowment_fund

Send completed form to: Trish Moseley-Taylor, Methodist Communications Fund, P O Box 125 194, St Heliers 1740 Auckland, or email to [email protected]

Please note: no late applications will be accepted for either fund Parish Statistics and Parish Financial Forms 2015 Parishes should have received the Annual Parish Statistics (M2) and Parish Financial (M4) Forms during the month of May. If you haven’t received your forms yet please email [email protected].

Some of the information collected will be required as part of the Annual Return for the Charities Commission. Detailed instructions on the information you need to collect and how to complete the forms will be included with the pack you receive.

Please remember that the M2 and M4 forms will be due at the Connexional Office no later than Friday 14 August 2015.

NOTE: Peter van Hout would like Parishes, Synods and other Methodist entities to note that if they are eligible to use the new financial reporting standards commonly known as Tier 3 and 4, that these be used to produce the annual accounts to be attached and the M4 and returned to the Connexional Office. Smethurst Trust Fund Grants 2015 The next meeting of the Smethurst Grants Committee for 2015 will be held on July 4th

All applications for grants must be received by the Convenor by SATURDAY JUNE 20th and accompanied by signed references and transcripts if applicable

No late applications can be considered

Application forms are available on the Methodist Website under MWF http://www.methodist.org.nz/organisations/methodist_women_s_fellowship

or from MWF District or Local members, or from your presbyter

Please read all the instructions before filling in the application forms

Applications may be emailed but scanned and signed copies of references; and scanned copies of transcripts must accompany applications.

Grants are not available for Secondary School pupils nor are they available for first year University study straight from secondary school.

Catherine Dickie (Convenor) Methodist Church of New Zealand Open Badges and 6senses The latest 6senses-Ardet edition 45 is now ready at https://6senses.nz/group/touchstone-news/updates

Learn all MCNZ Open Badges And you can watch the latest videos in the new series Through the Christian Year with John Wesley

(You will also find an Information Leaflet on Open Badges on the Methodist website under the ‘Connexional’ heading http://www.methodist.org.nz/administration_division/resources/information_leaflets)

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Friday Friend-zy Children’s Outreach Friday Friend-zy Children's Outreach is a program that Dargaville Methodist Parish runs twice annually on three consecutive Fridays for children aged 6-12 years from 5 to 7pm. Included in the program for the children, are bible stories, songs, memory verse, a meal, games, craft and fun, fun, fun.

Numbers are limited to 36 per night, we keep the cost low at $7 per child per night or $10 for a family of 2 or more children. Friday Friend-zy is sponsored, organised and led by a team of Methodists leaders whose average age is 70.

Friday Friend-zy along with our Make a Friend Playgroup, fulfils our desire and need for children and youngsters to be part of our church family.

If you would like more information about how start your own Friday Friend-zy group, please feel free to contact Margaret Bishop via email [email protected] or phone 094395065 during working hours. 100 Years - Methodist Parish of Te Awamutu, Piriongia and Otorohanga The Methodist Parish of Te Awamutu, Pirongia and Otorohanga is celebrating 100 years since the building at Te Awamutu was built. There will be celebrations on the weekend of 16th-18th October Past ministers and past people of the congregation are warmly invited to attend

More details to come soon

watch this space!

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To: The Connexion

From: The General Secretary

Date: 9 April 2015

Re: LECTIONARY 2015/2016

The Lectionary for 2015/2016 will be distributed in July. To ensure we print sufficient copies please complete and return the order form below no later* than Monday 22 June 2015 (or email the relevant details required).

Lectionaries will only be produced for those parishes which respond*



Parish Name: Parish Number: Address:

Number of Lectionaries required for:




Lay Preachers:


Total Number:

Send order form to:

Lectionary Orders Methodist Church of New Zealand PO Box 931, Christchurch 8140 or email: [email protected] [T] 03 366 6049 [F] 03 358 7146

Please return by Monday 22 June

*All Lectionaries ordered after this date come

at a charge of $2 per booklet

Methodist Church of New Zealand Administration Division, PO Box 931, Christchurch 8140 Ph: 03 366 6049 Fax: 03 358 7146 Em: [email protected]

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Methodist Public Issues Network News

June 2015 Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Greetings for Pentecost

New Zealand’s Climate Target to Table at Paris for COP21 Public Issues worked with many contributors and organizations in our networks to share information and priorities for the submissions to the Government Consultation.They included scientists, theologians and policy people from Methodist churches, Quakers, Generation Zero, Environment and Conservation Organizations, Enspiral, Public Health Assn, and specialist climate advisors from the victoria University Climate Centre and Institute for Policy and Government. See Public Issues submission

The main thing is that it is no use New Zealand setting a target without a pathway for achieving it; this is the current situation: no plan! Our submission included an ethical approach of climate responsibility and:

• support for a 40 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 over 1990 levels and at a minimum a 80-90 percent cut by 2050, with policies for this decision path.

• a price on greenhouse gas emissions alongside sector-wide policy instruments • an Independent Climate Responsibility Commission with Māori and iwi representation, and cross

party, whole of government, public good approach. • a Law for Climate Responsibility with binding commitments to emissions reduction

Social Bonds Social Bonds are for private investment in social services to deliver outcomes. They are set to begin with our mental health. Listen to ‘Driving social change through profit?’ Radio NZ

Actions Stations is a site for campaigns. They ran the campaign for action on child poverty in the budget, and presented a petition to parliament just before 21st May. To subscribe mail Marianne - ActionStation [email protected] Parish and Public Issues Parish members are contributing to work on Climate, Living Wage and Green Church.

Wellington parishes involved in Living Wage worked very successfully on the City Council 10 year Plan, with implementation in Wellington. Revd. Hiueni Nuku, Rev Motokiai and parishioners from Trinity areinvolved, and the LNI Superintendents are supportive. Now Living Wage in Wellington is spreading its wings to Porirua and Lower Hutt.

In Hamilton, visits to the City Church and Chartwell co-operating Parish Chartwell led to parishioners contributing to Green church and climate work. In Auckland Ministers and parishioners from Papatoetoe parish, Mangere Sinoti Samoa and Warkworth as well as Jan Fogg are part of conversation re local issues and the Green Church resources.

There was a good group of Methodists at the Bill English post budget briefing in Mt Wellington.

Green church is working on Sunday School resources, parish guidelines to support low carbon frindly activities, and a guide for building decisions., with a theological introduction. We need to work further with the Methodist Church Property Committee before sending the draft guidelines out further.

Revd. Aso Saleupolu Samoa is keen to host the Climate Workshop for Methodist leaders (Ministers and lay leaders). While Aso is away I am working with Tumuaki Diana, Superintendents Tevita Finau and Sui Te’o, and Revd. Nasili Vaka’uta to make arrangements. Pentecost Blessings, Betsan

Wellington Climate Consultation

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Methodist Mission & Ecumenical Newsletter June 2015

14TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE OF ASIA The 14th assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia was held from 21 to 26 May 2015 in THE Mercure Convention Centre, Ancol, Jakarta, Indonesia. First day was an extra ordinary general assembly to adopt the proposed new constitution for CCA. The rationale for a new constitution was to ensure

1. Good governance with required expertise 2. Utilize the depleting financial resources responsibly and cut costs of travel of large groups 3. To have a relevant and effective structure that will deliver the Ecumenical mission of CCA to promote unity among the churches in Asia.

The proposed constitution was passed by the extra ordinary assembly with 129 voting in favour out of 140. The five-yearly assembly started in the evening after the extra ordinary assembly under the theme of “Living together in the household of God.”

Some 437 participants representing the member churches and partners of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) coming from 28 countries gathered for the assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia. The six-day assembly reviewed the work of CCA, determined program directions, amended its constitution and elected new members of the assembly committees. The assembly was also a venue for “ Sarasehan” , an Indonesian word for dialogue, in order to engage the participants in discussions on emerging Asian issues that are relevant to the witness of the church.

Pre assembly Women’s’ meeting on gender justice Representing a notable number of delegates, women have gathered together at a Women’s Forum in preparation for the 14th general assembly of CCA. With the theme “Partnership between Women and Men: Towards Gender Justice”, the pre-assembly event was held on May 18 and 19 at Wisma Shalom, Lembang, West Java. The program also included

panel discussions on the current situation of women in Asia led by Dr. Kyung In Kim and Ms. Yuniyanti Chuzaifah that enabled participants to engage in discussions. Dr. Kim emphasized the struggles of women such as discrimination on salary systems for women workers, human trafficking, child marriage and the participation of women on public issues. She said that “we cannot close our eyes to the issues of women in the churches. There are still many forms of discrimination against women that exist.” Pre assembly youth gathering The pre assembly youth gathering reflecting on the CCA assembly theme, “Living Together in the Household of God”, called for young people to organize themselves and engage in united actions on what needs to be done for the household of God beyond just thinking about themselves.

REV.DIANA TANA ELECTED VICE MODERATOR – 2015 TO 2020 The assembly elected a 20 member executive committee to carry out the programmes proposed by the assembly. Bishop Willem TP Simarmata of Huria Kristen Batak Protestant was elected moderator and Rev. Diana Tana was elected vice moderator of Christian Conference of Asia for the next five years. They both will chair the meetings of the executive committee until the next general assembly in 2020.

Vice Moderator Rev. Diana Tana and the New General Secretary Dr. Matthews George

Participants and voting delegates from Aotearoa New Zealand

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D T NILES MEMORIAL LECTURE Named after late Dr. D. T. Niles, the first General Secretary of the then East Asia Christian Conference (EACC) and a leader of the global ecumenical movement. Niles Memorial Lecture is an integral part in CCA general assembly program in honour of the great leader. The lecture was given by Dr. Isabel Apawo Phiri, Associate General Secretary for Public Witness and Diakonia of the World Council of Churches (WCC). Dr. Phiri is an African woman theologian, who shared her theological and biblical insights on the assembly theme “Living Together in the Household of God.”

Dr. Phiri divided the assembly theme into two parts, focusing separately on “living together” and the “household of God” and then putting the whole theme in the context of pilgrimage for justice and peace. “Being an ecumenical church requires of us to share together our spirituality and to act together. It is these two which make the presence of Jesus Christ visible among us and in our witness in the world credible. This witness is based on what we have heard God saying to us about the issues in the church or in the world. It is a space for analysis of the state of the church and the society today and the role of the church in the world” Dr. Phiri said. Full version of Dr. Phiri’s lecture is available at http://www.oikoumene.org/en/resources/documents/wcc-programmes/diakonia/phiris-speech-at-ccas-14th-general-assembly

PUBLIC ISSUES FROM CCA ASSEMBLY 2015 The Assembly invites all to affirm that all are ‘Living Together in the Household of God’. At the Assembly we listened to each other, shared our burdens and struggles, celebrated our joys and gave voice to our concerns. The delegates of the churches councils of Asia presented the concerns and issues to the Assembly. The Public Issues Committee outlined

them and wanted these particular issues to be taken seriously by the CCA in its program planning and by the CCA members. This is not an exhaustive or complete listing of the issues being faced in Asia today.

Under the category of suffering of people the following were highlighted: Human Trafficking, Forced Migration, The Marketing of Motherhood, Organ Trafficking, Violence Against Women, Youth, Children and Gender Minorities, Refugees and Displaced People and Nepal Earthquake Victims. Under the category of Peace and Security the following were noted for further action: Militarization North and Southeast Asia, Peace and Justice in Myanmar, The Rise of Religious Fundamentalism and Violence and Peace and Human Rights for West Papuans. The assembly also called on churches and national councils to work at climate justice. The resolution passed in support of action in West Papua stated “Supports the planned dialogue between the Indonesian authorities and West Papua so that Papuans can live with justice, peace, dignity and security.”

Towards a Common Vision A Six-day Winter School on Ecumenism In the 21st Century – 13 to 17 July 2015 The Biennial winter school on ecumenism will be held from Monday 13 July to Friday 17 July 2015 followed by an open Symposium on Saturday 18 July 2015 at St. John’s College, Meadowbank Auckland.

Tutors from Centre for Ecumenical Studies of Charles Sturt University Canberra include Rev. Prof. Robert Gribben (Uniting Church), Rt. Rev. Prof. Steven Pickard (Anglican Diocese of Canberra – Goulburn) and Rev. Dr. Ray Williamson. In addition there will be tutors within New Zealand to bring about the aspects of ecumenism within New Zealand.

Those who wish to attend please register before 30 June 2015 by getting a brochure by email from [email protected]

FEES (INCLUDES GST, LUNCH, MORNING AND AFTERNOON TEA) Undergraduate students $ 300 Audits $ 175* Symposium (Saturday only) $ 35* *No assignments required

MISSION AND ECUMENICAL BOARD Methodist Church of New Zealand Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa

Director: Rev. Prince Devanandan 409 Great South Road Private Bag 11 903 Ellerslie

Auckland 1542 Phone: 09-571 9142 Fax: 09-525 9346

E-mail: [email protected]

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News & Views Christian World Service Refugee Sunday

Fatimeh is a Palestinian refugee who fled Syria when war became widespread. She is one of 1,183,327 refugees now resident in Lebanon. CWS has prepared worship resources focusing on the readings for Sunday 21 June or 5 July (Anglican lectionary) to help parishes join in prayer and action. John Bluck has written a reflection “Their only Security is Us”. CWS is asking parishes to support the Syria Appeal and write to the government asking them to increase the number of refugees resettled in New Zealand by increasing the refugee quota.

Nepal Appeal Update

CWS is grateful for the strong support to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal. Donations have topped $100,000 in the month and a half since the first earthquake struck. ACT Alliance is working hard to bring food, water, sanitation, shelter, psychosocial care, education and more. With June monsoons starting soon, corrugated iron and other building materials are in high demand. You can read more in Touchstone or watch the video clips.

Vanuatu Appeal

Work is moving ahead in Vanuatu as local people continue to clean up three months after Tropical Cyclone Pam with your help. Replacing homes and gardens are keeping residents like this man on Tongoa Island (pictured) very busy. Working as part of the Vanuatu’s government efforts, the Vanuatu Christian Council and Act for Peace are re-establishing gardens and helping people with tools and materials. They need help to “build back better”. Donations can be made to the Vanuatu Cyclone Appeal.

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June Amendments

To the Yearbook

Amended details are in red (Correction for error in the April update for Dale’s details) 2010 1 Peach, Dale [H] 03 342 4236 8120 8a Fovant Street [O] 03 348 5519 Russley, Christchurch 8042 [M] 027 436 2698 [E O] [email protected] [E H] [email protected] 1955 1991 Bennett, Trevor L [H] 07 853 7595 3090 Unit 82, Summerset Down the Lane 206 Dixon Road [E] [email protected] Hamilton 3206 1976 2009 Greer, Michael W [M] 021 632 716 5150 Suite 6639, 515A Wairakei Road [E] [email protected] Burnside, Christchurch 8053 (NOTE: this is a postal service only address– please use email wherever possible) 2004 7 Ieli, Paulo [H][O] 09 279 3667 9570 41 Cambridge Terrace [M] 021 0251 5755 Papatoetoe, Auckland 2025 [E] [email protected] If you have any amendments or updates to the yearbook please feel free to email Wendy at [email protected] with the updates and they can be published here for the information of the Connexion.

Names & Addresses (Pg 22)

June 2015 14 e-messenger