Fareham Methodist Church Magazine Registered Charity No. 1127814

Fareham Methodist Church Magazine · meeting of the new Connexional year where a broad range of subjects were discussed, including future services and the new Church Directory. Anyone

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ham M

ethodist Church


Registered Charity No. 1127814


MINISTER: The Revd. Claire Simpson 6 St Thomas Close, Fareham. PO16 7BZ Telephone: 01329 828706 E-mail [email protected]

EDITOR: Mrs. Jill Groom

9 Coppice Way, Fareham. PO15 7JY Telephone 01329 823347 Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07999 558524

Fareham Church website: www.farehammethodist.org.uk Circuit website: www.gosportandfarehamcircuit.org.uk

Number 608 October 2013 SERVICES DURING OCTOBER

6th 10.30 Fareham Team Harvest Festival 13th 10.30 Rev Malcolm Rothwell Family Holy Comm. 20th 10.30 Rev Claire Simpson All Age Worship 27th 10.30 Mr Gerry Williams 18.00 Rev Claire Simpson Iona Holy Comm.


3rd 10.30 Rev Jack Jenkins Holy Communion


6th Oct Fareham team at Fareham 27th Oct Andrew Wilcock at Portchester 3rd Nov Fareham Team at Stubbington

Please remember the preachers above in your prayers, as they prepare and conduct their services in our church and circuit.



Minister’s Letter October 2013 Dear friends, Some of you may have heard the joke that goes ‘How many Methodists does it take to change a light bulb?’ and the resounding reply ‘CHANGE!!??’. Whilst that might raise a smile or even a laugh, at the heart of that joke is the truth that not many of us readily embrace change and maybe Methodists are worse than most - I don’t know! And yet change is at the heart of life and faith. As we grow and learn more about ourselves and others and develop our faith and discipleship, then life can’t, by its very nature, stand still. But it is also true that we like routine, take comfort in familiarity and, if we are honest with ourselves, we may prefer to carry on in our old ways rather than consider and contemplate new ways of doing things – we are creatures of habit. And yet change is nearly always for the better, progressively moving us on to new things, to new experiences, to new insights and greater understanding. In the life of our new Circuit, all of us are experiencing change in our ways of being church in the places where God has called us to be. Change is requiring a lot of energy from those working purposefully together to map the way forward for the East Solent and Downs Circuit of which we are a part – we continue to hold them in our prayers. As a family we would like to thank the church community at Fareham for the way in which they have helped us to settle in as we have experienced change in our places of work, local community and schools. And as we all begin to work together changes will come about because life moves on and there are always new things on the horizon for us to discover. Methodism is a movement that sees the ebb and flow of change at its heart and, of course that is true for all Christian people. If we are the people of God then we know that God is always calling us onward to new things and this always involve change. In this time of challenge and change what is God saying to you? How is God calling you onward to new things? May God give us the energy and the


enthusiasm to embrace all that lies ahead knowing that God is always with us. Remember that in times of change, as the writer to the Hebrews so succinctly put it, ‘Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever’ (13:8). May God richly bless us all as we continue to worship and serve Him. With love,



East Solent and Downs Circuit 26/7

From the Co-Superintendents - East Solent & Downs Circuit

To… All Churches in East Solent and Downs Circuit

Dear Sisters and Brothers, Andrew and I wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the work that you and the members of your church have done both in sharing in the pilgrimage and in the day of celebration on Sept 1st. Individual letters of thanks have gone to Petersfield and the churches in the old PLH circuit who hosted and provided the refreshments. But, we are also aware that all present took it upon themselves to ensure that the day went well and were eager to step in when a need was seen. The worship, later in the afternoon, built upon the sense of fellowship that had developed both through the pilgrimage experience and also through the events during the afternoon. It was truly a time of praise, celebration, challenge and commitment.


Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and commitment to this new venture. We do believe that God has called us together for a purpose and trust that in the coming months and years we will be able to work together in ways that will build God’s kingdom in the communities we serve. As we continue to pray for the work of your church please continue to hold the work of the circuit in your prayers. With every blessing

Jeanette and Andrew

Vestry Jottings – October 2013

The Stewards were pleased to welcome Rev Claire Simpson to Fareham Church at the Folk Dance on 7 September; her first service, our Covenant service, on 8 September; and to our first Stewards meeting of the new Connexional year where a broad range of subjects were discussed, including future services and the new Church Directory. Anyone who has not yet checked their entry in the draft copy of this directory please speak to Jean Petter as soon as possible.

At the inaugural East Solent and Downs Circuit service at Petersfield on 1 September Claire was welcomed as a new member of the Circuit Ministerial Team. During the service three candles, representing the three old circuits, were used to light one new candle, representing the new Circuit. At the end of the service one member from each of the 23 churches was given a candle, lit from the single candle to carry out of the church and to take back to their own church. In order to keep the new Circuit in the forefront of our minds, we will light this candle during services and remember the Circuit in our prayers.

As our Harvest Service, led by Fareham Team, is on Sunday 6th October, Family Communion will take place on the second Sunday of October. Communion services will revert to the first Sunday of the month from November.

The Stewards


Circuit Plan Anyone wishing to receive their Circuit Plan by email in future, please send an email to <[email protected]> to request this. These will be received quicker than paper copies. Paper copies will continue to be distributed to all those on my list who do not opt for the email method. Jean Petter


Thank you for the flowers sent from the church they were beautiful and brightened up the house for over a week, also all the support after my knee operation. Alan and Janice Sargent We would like to thank the Church for the beautiful flowers which have brought us great pleasure. We would also like to thank you for the many Get Well and Good Wish cards and letters which we have received. Gwen and Harvey Brosgall Many thanks for the beautiful flowers given to us on the occasion of our 68th Wedding Anniversary on the 22nd September. Also thank you for Irene’s kindness in giving them to us.

Cyril and Margaret Fielder Thank you for the lovely church flowers brought to us to celebrate our Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Irene and John Field Thank you for the lovely Church Flowers brought to us by Irene on the occasion of our 11th Wedding Anniversary

Margaret and Bob Temple Jean Petter brought me some lovely flowers, just prior to my operation. They really cheered me up. Thank you. Your cards and kind messages helped during my recovery. It was lovely to be back amongst you all once again. Ruth Hollinghurst Thank you for the lovely flowers and kind thoughts sent to me after my recent operation. They were very much appreciated at this difficult time. Thank you also to Bob who kindly delivered them.

Sylvia Savage


Thank you for the Church Flowers brought to me by Liz on Monday 2nd September. A lovely surprise for me! Thank you again.

John Ward I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed to the tiddler box and also to Alison’s toddler group. From September 2012 to August 2013 the total amount collected was £167.95. Thank you.

Karen Ferguson

The Flower Ministry

Once again, Irene and I would like to thank all those who contribute flowers to enhance Sunday Worship. The New Diary will soon appear in the corridor. In case you are new to our system, people sign up to provide flowers for a certain Sunday. These they either buy and arrange themselves (a key to the worship area can be borrowed), or if not able or confident, provide the money, and a volunteer will arrange them. Please be sure that Professional flower arrangers are not necessary!! We do thank those volunteers who have offered to do this occasionally and also those on the rota for delivering the flowers to appropriate recipients after Sunday Worship. Mary Bailey

The Healing Prayer Group The next Healing Group is on Wednesday November 6th at 10am at the home of Joan and Jeff Padley—2 Archery Lane, Fareham. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME—ALL ARE WELCOME.

Rita Jackson


Wednesday Fellowship

Everyone is welcome to our meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in each month. Our meetings are held in the Wickham Room and begin at 2.00 p.m. Tea is available from 1.45 p.m. 9th October. Edith Livingstone’s crafts. There will be a display of the

various items which will be on sale at the Action for Children event. Edith will be on hand to answer any questions.

23rd October. Life’s Experiences - Kath Stephenson Please remember our Bring and Buy for our Charity.

Shirley Henderson


The Outreach Committee has managed

to obtain some space for the use of our

church in the Fareham Community

Shop, located opposite Debenhams and

BHS in the eastern end of the shopping

precinct, Fareham. This will give our

church an opportunity to interact with

the local community and in particular to

offer an invitation to join us for Christmas activities. It is envisaged that a

nativity display, prayer tree, church and Christmas information will be

included together with children’s activities and a screen projection showing

facets of our church life.

The period will be between the 9th and 24th December and the committee

requests volunteers to be representatives at the shop during that period. So

if you feel that you could offer some assistance, if only for a few hours,

please contact Tony Elvery or Lynda Young.

Outreach Committee

Fareham Community Shop



The pantomime “Aladdin” takes place at Titchfield Festival Theatre at St. Margaret’s Lane, Titchfield on Saturday, 7th December. All children and grandchildren are invited and any adults who would like to come. I have been offered a concession of £5 per ticket for the afternoon performance. I need names as soon as possible please. Alison Humby 01329 234882

New Circuit Prayer Group In the new East Solent and Downs Circuit we want to root and ground our lives together in prayer. A community that regularly prays together, grows together; by taking time to open ourselves up to what God is saying to us, our lives will be shaped by God’s will, rather than our own agendas. We hope that those who are interested will meet monthly to pray for the life of the circuit. Our initial suggestion is that we should meet at breakfast time once a month on a Saturday morning, but we would welcome feedback on the best day and time. We hope that we could meet in a different church each month on a rota basis, so we would be grateful for offers of hospitality. Initially we plan to spend half an hour in Quaker-style prayer: silence into which all are encouraged to share their prayers if desired. The person hosting, therefore, would need to provide:

A welcome, introduction to the Circuit Prayer Meeting and the format it will take;

A short opening prayer/reflection that leads the meeting into silence;


To keep an eye on the time (½ hour); Draw people’s prayers to a close on time with a final short prayer

or blessing.

After we have met a few times we will review the format and decide together how to go forward. We know that Saturday is a family day, so we are also exploring whether we could offer a more creative children’s prayer group or Godly Play in parallel to the adult prayer meeting.

Communication will be very important in such a big circuit, and we hope that praying regularly together will assist this. We hope to produce a summary of the concerns we have prayed for to circulate around the whole circuit so that everybody can join with us in prayer. If you are interested in offering hospitality to the meeting or in being part of the prayer group, please contact Rev. Janice Morgan

([email protected]) or Rev. Anna Bishop ([email protected]). In summary, we would like to know:

Is Saturday morning the best time? If not, when do you suggest? Could your church provide hospitality (space and some food and

drink) on a rota basis? Could you host the prayer time? Would it be helpful to offer something for children? Could you produce a written summary for the circuit?

We look forward to hearing from you and praying with you! With love from,

Janice and Anna.


(For ClaireGG.and all the other chocoholics!!!)

~“Anything that is good and useful is made of chocolate.” (Jo Brand)



Operation Christmas Child

- December 2013

With Regret, our collection this year will have to be curtailed. Marilyn, owing to other commitments, will not be available and we have had no response to our request (in Focus) for offers of help. I am willing to collect empty shoe boxes and gift wrap these on request. There will still be a box of items with which to supplement your own box. We have received a wonderful selection of knitted hats, all sizes and colours (from outside our Church) so please make use of them. Boxes and posters will be available in the Welcome Area after the Harvest Festival. Donations towards delivery of boxes would be most gratefully received. We must make the final date for collecting the boxes to be Sunday 10th November to enable Scott to deliver them to Mrs Meacher (area organiser) in good time. Grateful thanks - Una Peters


Without your shoebox, there will be no Christmas presents for these children!

In the run up to Christmas this year, hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country, from every community and all walks of life, will be packing shoeboxes of gifts for needy children overseas. Last year more than a million shoeboxes were sent. Operation Christmas Child (OCC) explains: “Every box is a precious gift for a needy child overseas, wrought out of heartfelt desire to show compassion, to express love and to share something of God's love for us and his greatest gift to us: Jesus.” But there’s more to it than shoeboxes – there is also a programme, The Greatest Journey, aimed at helping local churches overseas to reach as many children as possible with the Gospel. Since the


programme began worldwide in 2009, 1,710,993 children have enrolled in the programme, 665,332 children have made decisions to follow Jesus Christ, and 711,088 children have committed to pray for/share their faith with family and friends. OCC explains: “We are working to give every child receiving a shoebox from someone in the UK the opportunity to take The Greatest Journey, free of charge, with no strings attached.” The Greatest Journey is very applicable for children, with pictures and short stories from the Bible. But it starts with a shoebox, through Operation Christmas Child. For more details on how to pack a shoebox this year, visit: www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk/getting-started. For more info on The Greatest Journey, visit www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/the-greatest-journey.

Parish Pump


I wanna tell you a story: 13 November 2013

MHA’s 2013 day conference will explore ways to learn from the stories older people tell. It is aimed at anyone involved in older people’s issues in a church, care or community setting. This includes health and social care professionals, chaplains, clergy, pastoral leaders and, of course, older people themselves. The conference takes place at Yarnfield Park Conference Centre, nr Stone, Staffs ST15 0NL. For more details and a booking form visit MHA's website or call 0113 272 8471.

Did I mean what I just said?....

The following is a genuine note left for milkmen. You know what they mean, but...?! ~ Dear Milkman: I’ve just had a baby, please leave another one.


Methodist Church

Kings Road

Saturday 19th October

10 am-1.00pm

In Aid Of

Free Entry!

Tea, Coffee & Cake, Bottle, Bric-

a- Brac, Plant & Cake Stall, Plus

Handmade Wooden Toys and Gifts

Autumn Quiz is available from Mary Bailey at

the fayre also.


Michaelmas Fayre

We would welcome donations to the following stalls; Bottles, Bric a Brac, Craft, Plant and Cake stalls. We are setting up from 6pm. on Friday 18th. So please bring your items along at that time. If this is not possible please contact Tony Elvery ( 01329 288946 ) and I will make other arrangements to collect. Tony Elvery We are having a homemade cake and biscuits stall at the Fayre. Any contributions for this stall would be most welcome. If possible could you please bring your cakes and biscuits to the church between 6 and 7 p.m. on Friday 18

th October or early on

Saturday morning. Thank you. Margaret Temple


Methodist Women in Britain The District Celebration Day is to be held on Saturday, 12

th October 2013

at Gillingham in Dorset. The speaker is to be the New District President Rev Margaret Oxeham. Please take a packed lunch, drinks will be provided and there will be a donation for the day. Pat Crocker

3GENERATE 15th - 17th November 2013-09-30

3generate is the Children’s and Youth Assembly of the Methodist Church. There are a few places left in the Year 4-6 age group and the 18-23 year olds. There is one weekend ticket for a worker to attend 3GENERATE +. More details will be found at: www.childrenandyouth.org.uk/3generate/


4.00 – 6.00pm

Wednesday, 9th October

Fareham Methodist Church, Kings

Road, Fareham PO16 0NU

Things that go bump

in the night!

Everyone is welcome to join us for games,

craft, Worship and a meal.


SUNDAY LUNCH 20th October at 12.15 p.m.approx.

This is open to all members of the congregation and all family and friends. There is no set charge for the meal we just ask for donations for MRDF (Methodist Relief & Development Fund) this month. If you would like to make a pudding of your choice and bring it along that

would be very good – thank you!

The MenuThe MenuThe MenuThe Menu

Starter: Starter: Starter: Starter: Soup or Pate

Main Course:Main Course:Main Course:Main Course: Chicken Breasts in Gravy or BBQ Sauce, sau-

sages, Roast Potatoes and a selection of Vegetables.

Puddings: Puddings: Puddings: Puddings: Variety

There will be a list in the vestibule for you to sign. Please come along and enjoy a Sunday Lunch! Everyone is welcome even at the last


Please sign the list to help, if you possibly can,

As I am unavailable - Jill Groom


The Methodist Church and the Church of England

move closer to unity

The Joint Implementation Commission (JIC) of the Church of England and Methodist Church in Britain has called for “Church leaders and decision-making bodies to make the Covenant a priority in order to bring our Churches closer together in mission and holiness”. In a major report the JIC calls on both Churches to consider the impact that the 10-year-old Anglican/Methodist Covenant has made on their relationship, to rejoice in the progress that has been made and to face together the challenges of mission. The JIC is inviting feedback on the findings of the report. Over the next few months, various national and connexional bodies of the two Churches will be reflecting on the report in order to discern how to move forward into the next phase of the Covenant journey. Comments and submissions are being invited by 31 January 2014. Proposals for the next phase of implementation of the Covenant will then be presented to the General Synod and the Methodist Conference in July 2014.

Methodist Enews

The Frost report By Andrew Wilcock

So, the maverick of television is with us no more. The death of David, for many of us, marks the passing of an era. We will all have our favourite memories of the son of the Methodist manse, be it his groundbreaking interviews or his early satire which shocked, scandalized and amused a rather stuffy establishment which we had at the time. I wonder how many other Methodists have made such an impact upon British society? I have one memory of him. Like many others of my generation, I was privileged to attend the M.A.Y.C. London Week end shows and on one occasion he was the invited guest who made a brief


appearance. I've no idea what he spoke about, but I do remember seeing him in the flesh. But of course David was not the only child that the Reverend Wilfred and Mrs. Mona Frost had. His sister Jean I came to know and respect while I was teaching in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Jean married Dr Andrew Pearson, a brilliant but very humble man who spent most of his working life as a medical missionary in China until he came home on furlough one year and was not allowed back. Throughout his work he was ably and lovingly supported by Jean. Sadly both have passed on, but on reflection, I wonder which of Wilfred and Mona's children contributed more to our world?

Are you a budding thespian?

Straight after Easter 2014 on Sunday April 27' we would like to be able to put on two performances of "Time to Speak", a play about Peter and Pilate 30 years after the crucifixion. It was written by Rev. Ron Rich, who was a script writer who worked with Dennis Norden and Frank Muir producing material for the BBC, especially for Eric Sykes, before going into the Methodist ministry, and who has 92 published plays to his name. I propose that we have our initial meeting before Christmas and start rehearsals in early January. Your commitment would be to meet twice a month for rehearsals as well as learning your lines. The characters in the play are:

Pilate Senator. Former Governor of Judea Peter Apostle Sennus Servant to Pilate (could be male or female) Aurelia Pilate's wife Tryphena Friend of Aurelia Maelius Servant to Pilate Lexus Legion Commander Soldier (non — speaking part) Added to that we shall require people for props and scenery


This play came second in the Nimbus Press Christian Playwriting Competition in 1997 out of 42 entries. The whole thing takes about 35 minutes to perform. I will need to know by the start of November if we have enough people to cast the play, and further arrangements will be made once we are sure we can put it on. It will then give the plan organizers plenty of time to include it in the March to May edition. Please let me know if you are interested in taking part in the production. Thank you! Andrew Wilcock


Searching for the Nativity in your Christmas cards?

Look no further than the Mission in Britain and World Mission Fund Christmas cards. The cards come in packs of ten and cost £3.50. £1 from each pack will be donated to the Mission funds. You can order packs from Methodist Publishing (01733 235962) or online at www.mph.org.uk/ .


Two observations concerning the art of conversationG..

~ One reason why a dog is such a lovable creature is that

his tail wags instead of his tongue.

~ The real art of conversation is not only to say the right

thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong

thing at the tempting moment.





Dates for your Diary (All meetings at church unless otherwise stated) OCTOBER

1st Pastoral Committee 19.30

3rd Singing Group Practice 19:30

4th Friday Luncheon Club 13.00

Decorate Church for Harvest 18.00

5th Decorate Church for Harvest 09.00

7th Worship Consultation 19:30

8th Ladies Night @ Jill’s 20:00

9th Wednesday Fellowship 14:00

Messy Church 16.00

10th Messy Church wash-up mtg. 10:00

Fresh Expressions 11:00

Singing Group Practice 19:30

15th Tuesday Morning House Group 10:00

16th East Fareham House Group 19:30

@ Joan & Jeff’s

Church Council 19.30

17th Service at Red House 14:30

Singing Group Practice 19:30

18th Badminton & Games evening 18:00

19th Michaelmas Fayre 09:30

20th Sunday Lunch 12:15

22nd West Fareham House Group @ ? 10:00

Ladies Night @ Marilyn’s 20:00

23rd Wednesday Fellowship 14:00

24th Singing Group Practice 19:30

26th Film Afternoon @ Stubbington 14:00

31st Singing Group Practice 19:30


1st Friday Luncheon Club 13:00

6th Healing Prayer Group 10:00


Door Stewards October

6th Sheila & Graham Dyer 13th Margaret & Bob Temple 20th Rosemarie & Tony Jackson 27th Linda & Kevin Foster Eric Wheeler (6:00pm)


3rd Bessie & Daniel Taabu

Flower Rota October

6th Joan and Jeffrey Padley 13th Louis Clement 20th Flower Fund 27th Rosemary and Tony Jackson


3rd Margaret and Cyril Fielder

Refreshment Rota October

6th Rosemarie Jackson and Margaret Boyd

13th Sheila Dyer, Sarah Brooks and Meg Cox 20th Margaret Temple, Sally Bland and Brenda Bennett 27th Cath Stevenson, Janice Collins sand Judith Bramall


3rd Pat Crocker and Mary Bailey


All items for the November Magazine should be in the box in the Welcome Area or handed/emailed to the Editor - Jill Groom - by 25th October. Thank you