H . il I1H I III ll tl iM w . Kv .... . r . ,., . VOLUME X WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, OC TOBER 2?., 1904 NUMBER-1- 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNBYJ JOHN RICHARDSON attorney at lav And Notary Puulic L AHA IN A, . . MAUI A. N. UAYSELDEN ATTORNEY AT . LAW AND NOTAUY PUBLIC . ' MAUI. LAHAINA, - - Telephone 220 J. M. VIVAS ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICES OVKIt Fiust National Bank WAILUKU, : : : : MAUI. W. F. CROCKETT ATTORNEY AT 'LAW WAILUKU. Maui-- : C. W. ASHFORD Attorney & CoO.ssr.t.i-o- at Law HONOLULU, HAWAII. M. S. DEPONTE, ATTORNEY AT LAW PAIA, MAUL .ENOS VINCENT Attorney at Law Notary Public and Ajumt 10 Grant Marriage Licenses. PAIA MAUI PHYSICIANS Da. JOHN WEDDICK, .WATLUKU. Oiici: rT'cicr.s: " 0 to 1U a. m.. 2 to 1 V. M., 7 tO 8 V. 51. HOSVITAIi 10 A. 51. EDWARD ARMITAGE, M. D, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Eye, Far. Nose and Thiioat Office Hours: 8 to 11 a. m, 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to8 p, m. Kuiholani Homestead, Walluku.Maui - DR. ROB'T DINEGAR Physician & Surgeon $W.'t office Hours at Puunenc Hospital 7:30 to 8:30 A. M. and 5 to fa P. M. Otherwise by appointment only Pudnene ll&m DR. WM. G. ROGERS ' Eye, Ear, Nose anil Throat Rooms 33-- 34 Alexander Yon no Building, Honolulu Phone Main No. 18. DENTISTS GEO. S AIKEN, D. D. S. Dentist Office, SUNNYSIDF. AND PUUNENE Telephone, Sunnyside Hours, 9 A. M. to 4. P. M. A. D. OLAKli, D. D. S. P. F. FREAR, D. D. S CLARK & FREAR DENTISTS Mclntyro Dldg. Fort and King. Hours, 8 A. M. tQ 4 P. M. ' Honolulu. H. T NOTARY PUBLICS. H. R. HITCHCOCK NOTARY PUBLIC PUKOO, MOLOKAI. HENRY DICKENSON. Notary run mo. LAIIAINA, MAUL EDMUND H. HART Notary Public, Convsysnoer and Typewriter Agent to Grant Marriage License Office, Circuit Corut, 2no Circuit "MOSES K. NAKUINA Notary Public For the Jsland of Molokai PUKOp, MOLOKAI N : COURT DISPOSES CRIMINAL CASES. Grand Jury Finds Ten True Bills. Five Not Indicted. On last- - Saturday afternoon the Grand Jury 'finished their labors and rendered the following report: We, the ' undersigned, Grand Ju- rors of your Honorable Court, beg to make our final report as follows: Wc havo investigated fifteen cases and have found ten true bills as fol- lows : True bills found and indictments presented, as follows: Tsiie, cmbcz- - 'zlementof more thau oue hundred dollars; Mitama, scll'iug liquor with- out license; Papa Kahaulelio, may-lc- Manuel Chase, assault and bat-t:r- y with a weapon dangerous to life; SnsaUe Kekichi, pmbezzlctncnt; Rokc Posano, larceny lirst degree; Tai Sing and Ah Mai. bursary first degree; Josepli Kaili, embezzlement; Kuaihue loane, ,and Kuiu, assault and battery. In tl o following ctues, after due investigation, wc have decliued to itidici viz: Y. Suiiiisaki, selling liquor without license; Ah Tong et al., gaming at Kahulu'.; Ah Lo (two cases), selling liquor without license; Aka, selling liquor without license. We have had several cases before us in which the Police Department lias Jigureit. We arc much impress- ed with the nietnods resorted lo by. them in obtaining testimony in liquor cases having no regard in many in- stances as tc the character ot their paid spies. Tn two cases before us we fcol ihat the spies were perjurers and one apy admitted having been in jail three times for various offeucoB. Ve have heard much evidence; so much as to make it convincing to our members that the Police Depart- ment are lax in their mothods; that many of the officers are inefficient; in fact, we think there should be a general shaking up of tho depart- ment. Instances have come to our knowl- edge of the divulgence by membors of former Graud Juries, of the pro- ceedings had before them. Without a desire to mention the names of offend .ing members of those bodies, we re spectfully recommend that all Grand Juries and jurors be so admonished by the court as to reprove past and pre- vent future violations of tho secrecy which should attend all proceedings before the Grand Jury. We further recommend that th9 clerk of this Grand Jury, Mr. T. M. Church, be paid a reasonable sum in addition to his per diem as a Grand Juror, tor his faithful and arduous services as clerk of this body. We thauk the Court and its officers for the courtesies extended to the members of this Grand Jury during our labors" And, having completed our duties and given our best attention to all the matters submitted, to our considera- tion by'lhe court ir by the Deputy At- torney General we respeotfu'.ly ask that this. Graud Jury be now dis- charged for tl ,o term. The followiug cases have been dis posed of sijico the opening of the court: Territory of Hawaii vs. Y. Sumlsa-ki- Sellir.jr liquor w.thout a lcentc Uiehnr Jsou for defendant. Nolkspros, Territory of Hawaii vs. Yak Man and John yaiuu. Violating Sec. 1418 oft no Penal Laws. .Coke for defend ai its. 'Nolle pros. Territory of Hawaii vs. All Tout' and live other?. Gamin". Bull forfeit- ed. Territory of Hawaii, vs. Akima dt al. Gamine. Vivas for defendants. Ball forfeited as to Hirochigi and nolle pros, entered as to other de- fendants. Tei ritory of Hawaii vs. Ah Lo (tw charges).' Selling liquor without ii' license. Coke for dcfcnlant. Noih pros. Territory of Hawaii vs. Aka. Sell ing liquor without a license. Lout for defendant. Nolle pros. Territory of 'Hawaii v. M.! Ciibrnh Burglary first.degree. Vivas for de. fendant. Dufendaut discharged oi. motion of the Deputy Attorney Gen- eral. Territory of Havaii vs. D. Kao men. Larceny second tk'gVd'e.' vivnf for defeudant.-Noll- pros; Territory of Hawaii vs. Funa'oka. Assault and battery. Defendant pleads guilt.'Fined SlO, cost rendu-ed- . J. A. Xheong vs. Haiku Sugar Co. Trespass on the case. Continued un- - til r.ext term by stipulation.' Kir ncy, McClanahan & Cooper for plain tiff; Smith & Lewif. for, defeudant. Ahmi vs. L. M. .Baldwin ot :il. Damages.. Coke and NValKoi: fot plaintiff; Magoon for .defendant Continued until next term' by ngree raent of counsel. W. L. Hardy vs. Hana Plantation Co. Coke and Watson for plaintiff - Holmes '& Stanley for' dJfendant. Continued until next term. ' Meleaka How On vs. Amoo Alio et al. Ejectment. Stricken from the carlender. Rosalie Lyons vs. J. W. Kalua. Ejectment. Coke for plaintiff; Rich- ardson and Vivas' for ' defendant. Continued for the term' Macfarlanu & Co. vs. William White. Assump'sitv Coke for plaintiff Correa and Creighton-fb- r defendant. Defondant confesses judgment. Hackfeld &. Co. vs William White. Assumpsit. Coke for plaintiff. Correa and Creighton for defendant. Defen dant confesses judgment. 'Territory of Huwaii vs. Ah Guy. Coke for defendant, charged with selling liquor without a license. Case was dismissed as tho principal wit. ness was missing. 1 Papa Kahaulelio, Coke for defend? ant, plead guilty to the charge .(of mayhem.Judgo Kepoikai suspended sentence' for thirteen months. ,fn Manuel Chase who on July 4th cee- - brated tho day "by building up a ja'g and assaulting Antone do Regoanu Manager Camara with a weapon dangerous to life, plead guilty and was sentenced to ten days hard labor. Tho Judge took cognizance of the fact -- that the defendant, had been confined to jail since the day of'the affray. Sasaki Kekichi indicted ' by .tho Grand Jury for embezzlement, .,ybeu brought before a jury vfas'founa not guilty. The same was 'the result of the assault and battery case. against Kaaihue Ioana and ' Kaiu on Leo Lung on the water r.ights of lower Wttiluku valley. ?r .v Juau Florcs, Poc.toJRfcan. Crock- - ott for defendant.uwagindictcd for Assult and Batteryoa iMrs. Wm. Morris on tho Wa'ihoe roacl. The jury brought in a verdict.of not guilty, Roko Posano. Jaiiotber Porto Rican, who prefers living inside the four walls of WailukuUai! than out- - side, was indiofed foriLaroeny in the First degreej' Posabo was recently released from jail and desiring to show his appreciatjoQ m the kindness of i mm AND DEPUTY PAD. Tender Their Resignation? ' at request of . . Govcrnop Cortcp ' (Special Vii (.'less to News) Honolulu Oct! 21-3:- 30 p. m. Higl. Sheriff A. M. ' Brown and Deputy Sheriff ClmrlcslK Chillingworth re igned at 3:00 o'clock this aftcrnooi at t lie requestof Governor Chrter. Jailor William Henry succeed Urown as Slicrlll uud Mr. Hattot vitl. bo his deputy. Jailor Croweli proceeded to put ellasi 5otne candy, and incidculinlly a jag. While presenting the jaiior with Hit candy for Hie chilili cn he espired a uandsomo watch bclonuiiiL' lo tin Jailor. An opportunity offered it ielf s'o he tha lime piece, tie will do two youro at hard labor. Territory of Hawaii vsMitami, Cas uid Coke fordefendunt. Selling liqtio. vithout a license at Kaanapali 1 'load not qtfilty-sustain- ed by jury. Territory of Hawaii vs Tsue, Cokt or defendant, Embezzlement of $305 uO Plead uotgulity-ji.r- y found verdici of guilty, sentenced to two years al fiard labor. Hana Kapaknhi vs Pioneer Mill Co. Lighfuol. representing Magoon f'hompsou and Peters, for Plaintiff, Coke and Case for defendant, Eject ment! Continued until tho next term. Territory of Hawaii vs Wm. Morris, D. Espinda and Moke Kamanu, Case, Vivas and Crockett for defendants, xVssnult to commit Rape. Nolle pros miiu oonjs conceited. Territory of Hawaii vs M. L. Deck-er- , and Fusikawa, Coke and Case for ilefendauts, selling liquor on a sunday Fusikawa was discharged by instruc- tion of the court. M. L. Decker was found guilty. Sentenco was suspend-- i ed for six months. Territory of Hawaii vs Tai Sing, and Ah Mai, Coke for defendants, Burglary in the first- - degree, pos-oone- d until this morning and finally carried over to the naxt term of court. ' Territory of Hawaii vs Kaili, Vivas 'Shd.Crockett for defendant, Embez- - meat. Plead not cuiltv. BKaili was a police officer in the . . fTr? J!.i 1 a aanu uistnci ana August iuu was ftscr- - sent out to crather un bail monev. amount to be collected from one Tr.iti i 3 chinaman was $400.00. ivuiu turnoa in $300.00 claiming that the latter amount was all that paid him by lh ehinawan. Tho jorv brought in a verdic t of guilty. Sentence 2 years nt liard labor. Deputy Attorney General Ah- - ford for tho Attorney Generals De partment and Judge Kepoikai for the Judiciary thanked this jury as well as the whole panel for their I lyalty, thoroughness and conscien tiousness of their labors and vor- - dlctS, The Court will, adjourn to day sine die. This completes the criminal cases on the calender to be tried at tbls term of court. Next week the following, jury waived cases will come up for trial: F. G. Correa vs L. von Tempsky aud Ji Francisco, Trespass, Vivas for plaintiff and Cf.se for defendants. P. lAimoku vs. Ah Tuck ot al, Coke fur plaintiff and Case for do fendanl. Ejectment. J. Oulshl vs. J. Esamersley. Case for plaintiff and Vivas for dofendanc. (Continued on puge h) THE SEME REDUCES JAPANESE ARMY. Estimate Fully Fifty Thousand FaU Bevone. Port Arthur. Fo Stops Fihtin, At The Front. EPISCOPALIANS COMPROMISE ON DIVORCE' Collision In Snowsheds Caus:s Firi. Marines Remain At-- . Panama. Three Notable Dead;' (Sptciul Wiieless, to News.) Sugar Oti test 4:25. Beets lis Cheefoo, Oct. 21. It is estimate! hero that fully i"0,000 Jaj'itet-- havi I'een killed before the attack on Port At ihur. Mukden, Oct. 21. -- A dense fog coi,- - cci-l.- s Imtli armies, consequently Ihei'i it no l'hting. WaMiington, Oct. 21.-:- It has bee) deehle'l ly the Navy Deiartnient t ri'inin ihe Marine Corps at Panam: . Dostr.r,, Cet. 21. The House : Di puiit-- s of the Espiscopol Conveu-lin- n has adopted a compromise canoi o.i iviuce, permitting the mnrriagi of Innocent parties after a year. Tokio, Oct 20. The Japanes-- Diet will. ci nveiie on November 2S. Honolulu, Oct. 21 Dr. W. S. Nt oli it, died last night of typhoid fever. Honolulu, Oct. 21 William Daly, wliowas injured by a driven bullock on tno waterfront rut sdny dlco yusUrdaj at the Queens Hospital. St. Petcrsdurg, Russia, Oct. 19. A part of the Baltic fleet will sail for the Orient by way of Suez and a part by the Cape of Good Hope. v Washington. D. C, Oct. i9.Sec-retar- y of War Taft is going to Pana ma to adjust differences between, the two Republics. Shanghai, China, Oct. 19. It is belioved that bandit pirates have formed an alliance for revolt in the proviuco of Kwangtung. BAYAN IS SUNK. London, Oct. shells have sunk the cruiser Bayan in the harbor of Port Arthur. COAL FOR RUSSIA. Cardiff, Oct. 18,-H- alf a million tons of coal are to be shipped from here on Russian account. RINGSIDE CABLES. New York, Oct, 18, Young Cor-bet- t, and Jabez While, tho English champion, havo been matched to light. Los 'Angeles, Oct.-Ja- ok Johnson has defeated Denver Martin in the second round. FOR EXTORTION. New York, Oct. the labor leader has been convicted of extortion. Shanghai, China, Oct. 18. Tho British steamers PakkangandKahio have been attcked by pirates near Canton. A British gunboal has been sent-out- . San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 18. Garrott was today sentenced to 15 years at San Quentin for killing McCung at the Palace Hotel last winter. London,. Oct. 17.-Ba- ron Hayashi, the Japanese Minister, says tho war will continue throughout the winter, When Tieling is taken tho Japaueso nill advanco to Harbin. BALTIC FLEET. Copenhagen, Oct. 17,-T- ho Russiau Baltic fleet is coaling in Langeland Belt. DIVORCE LEGISLATION. Boston, Oct. 17,-T- he Bishops have adopted the amendment to the divorce pacnon which the Deputies rejected. Tho convention has placed the islands near Hawaii under the Episcopal jurisdiction of the Bishop of Honolulu. QUIT THEIR JOBS. Lisbon, Oct. 17,-T- he Cabinet has wdt'L'sd I50WKER VS. NEIL. San Ftani Iseo, Oct. 18. B:wkpr' yol the deeif-ini- i ovor JCt-il- . Cico Cnl , Oei. 20. A eol'Mnn int the MiinvMicds loday resulted in the" di si riii-iin- I iy (ii r (f sevcial cartK C mi 2.200 feet i,; Sinivhutls, R. J. I..iu.-- . Siiiu-- i iiitciuU'iil of the Sacrn- - nil nio llvifiiiii, tvu ii and' dii.'.l of heart bi onla on by the nvk of l lit- - iifeiileiil. St. PuiLM'.-iiurj.--, Oct. 20. Thesus--ti- -t. ion of hostilities Mukdeni eoniiiiiies. Cliefoo, CI ii a, 0.'t.2n; i.s uejoi U'd at Pot t' Arthur., The Japanese have' Oiip'tui-ed.- minor positions. Tokio, .Japan, Oet 2)-- Tho- Ruj i ciitfoi eeil tiy 3 ',(i(),'i niiu; audi it total of six divisions, now confront. the Japanese. Loudon. England. Oct. 2fl, Kir.ir? ' EdwaiV lunched Unlay with .America olficerb on board the Warships. London, England, Oct. 19. Ad- - tniral Van Sittard is dead. ' Solonica, .Oct. 19. Poptamat, tho- - notorious agitator, has been mur dered. , DIEGO MONIZ. Practical Harness Maker Repairing in all branches. Strictly hand work. Hiding Leggings, and Saddleb made to order Shoe Repairing. Paia, t Maui. 10-- 3t. PIONEER HOTEL FACING THE SEA LAHAINA'S LEADING HOSTELRY. ONE MINUTE WALK FROM BOATLANDINQ HEADQUATERS FOR THJ3 TRAVELLING PUELIO COOL AJRY ROOMS BEST CUISINE SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH You make no mistake when you put up here. Sample Room Aitacubd Telephone For Use Of Guests GEORGE FREOLAND, Manngo Re mern ber MAUI DRUG STORE V.l. VHLhTEH.l'rewWw. S y


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Page 1: H...H. il I1H I III ll tl iM Kv.... w. r. VOLUME X WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, OC TOBER 2?., 1904 NUMBER-1- 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNBYJ JOHN RICHARDSON attorney at lav And Notary

H . il I1H I III ll tl iMw .Kv .... .r .

,., .




JOHN RICHARDSONattorney at lav

And Notary PuulicL AHA IN A, . . MAUI



' MAUI.LAHAINA, - -Telephone 220J. M. VIVAS


Fiust National BankWAILUKU, : : : : MAUI.


WAILUKU. Maui--:

C. W. ASHFORDAttorney & CoO.ssr.t.i-o-





.ENOS VINCENTAttorney at Law

Notary Public and Ajumt 10 GrantMarriage Licenses.





Oiici: rT'cicr.s:"

0 to 1U a. m.. 2 to 1 V. M.,

7 tO 8 V. 51. HOSVITAIi 10 A. 51.


PHYSICIAN & SURGEONEye, Far. Nose and Thiioat

Office Hours: 8 to 11 a. m, 1 to 3

p. m., 7 to8 p, m.

Kuiholani Homestead, Walluku.Maui


Physician & Surgeon

$W.'t office Hours at Puunenc Hospital7:30 to 8:30 A. M. and 5 to fa P. M.

Otherwise by appointment only

Pudnene ll&m

DR. WM. G. ROGERS' Eye, Ear, Nose anil Throat

Rooms 33-- 34 Alexander Yon no

Building, HonoluluPhone Main No. 18.




Telephone, Sunnyside

Hours, 9 A. M. to 4. P. M.

A. D. OLAKli, D. D. S. P. F. FREAR, D. D. S


Mclntyro Dldg. Fort and King.

Hours, 8 A. M. tQ 4 P. M.' Honolulu. H. T




HENRY DICKENSON.Notary run mo.



Notary Public, Convsysnoer andTypewriter

Agent to Grant Marriage License

Office, Circuit Corut, 2no Circuit


Notary PublicFor the Jsland of Molokai


N :



Grand Jury Finds Ten TrueBills. Five Not Indicted.

On last- - Saturday afternoon theGrand Jury 'finished their labors and

rendered the following report:We, the ' undersigned, Grand Ju-

rors of your Honorable Court, beg

to make our final report as follows:

Wc havo investigated fifteen cases

and have found ten true bills as fol-

lows :

True bills found and indictmentspresented, as follows: Tsiie, cmbcz- -

'zlementof more thau oue hundreddollars; Mitama, scll'iug liquor with-

out license; Papa Kahaulelio, may-lc-

Manuel Chase, assault and bat-t:r- y

with a weapon dangerous to

life; SnsaUe Kekichi, pmbezzlctncnt;Rokc Posano, larceny lirst degree;Tai Sing and Ah Mai. bursary first

degree; Josepli Kaili, embezzlement;Kuaihue loane, ,and Kuiu, assaultand battery.

In tl o following ctues, after dueinvestigation, wc have decliued toitidici viz: Y. Suiiiisaki, selling liquor

without license; Ah Tong et al.,gaming at Kahulu'.; Ah Lo (two

cases), selling liquor without license;Aka, selling liquor without license.

We have had several cases beforeus in which the Police Departmentlias Jigureit. We arc much impress-ed with the nietnods resorted lo by.

them in obtaining testimony in liquor

cases having no regard in many in-

stances as tc the character ot theirpaid spies. Tn two cases before uswe fcol ihat the spies were perjurersand one apy admitted having been in

jail three times for various offeucoB.

Ve have heard much evidence; somuch as to make it convincing to our

members that the Police Depart-

ment are lax in their mothods; thatmany of the officers are inefficient;in fact, we think there should be a

general shaking up of tho depart-

ment.Instances have come to our knowl-

edge of the divulgence by memborsof former Graud Juries, of the pro-

ceedings had before them. Without a

desire to mention the names of offend

.ing members of those bodies, we respectfully recommend that all GrandJuries and jurors be so admonished by

the court as to reprove past and pre-

vent future violations of tho secrecywhich should attend all proceedingsbefore the Grand Jury.

We further recommend that th9

clerk of this Grand Jury, Mr. T. M.

Church, be paid a reasonable sum in

addition to his per diem as a GrandJuror, tor his faithful and arduousservices as clerk of this body.

We thauk the Court and its officers

for the courtesies extended to themembers of this Grand Jury duringour labors"

And, having completed our dutiesand given our best attention to all the

matters submitted, to our considera-tion by'lhe court ir by the Deputy At-

torney General we respeotfu'.ly askthat this. Graud Jury be now dis-

charged for tl ,o term.The followiug cases have been dis

posed of sijico the opening of thecourt:

Territory of Hawaii vs. Y. Sumlsa-ki-

Sellir.jr liquor w.thout a lcentcUiehnr Jsou for defendant. Nolkspros,

Territory of Hawaii vs. Yak Manand John yaiuu. Violating Sec. 1418

oft no Penal Laws. .Coke for defend

ai its. 'Nolle pros.

Territory of Hawaii vs. All Tout'and live other?. Gamin". Bull forfeit-

ed.Territory of Hawaii, vs. Akima dt

al. Gamine. Vivas for defendants.Ball forfeited as to Hirochigi and

nolle pros, entered as to other de-

fendants.Tei ritory of Hawaii vs. Ah Lo (tw

charges).' Selling liquor without ii'

license. Coke for dcfcnlant. Noihpros.

Territory of Hawaii vs. Aka. Sell

ing liquor without a license. Loutfor defendant. Nolle pros.

Territory of 'Hawaii v. M.! Ciibrnh

Burglary first.degree. Vivas for de.

fendant. Dufendaut discharged oi.

motion of the Deputy Attorney Gen-


Territory of Havaii vs. D. Kao

men. Larceny second tk'gVd'e.' vivnf

for defeudant.-Noll- pros;Territory of Hawaii vs. Funa'oka.

Assault and battery. Defendant

pleads guilt.'Fined SlO, cost rendu-ed- .

J. A. Xheong vs. Haiku Sugar Co.

Trespass on the case. Continued un- -

til r.ext term by stipulation.' Kirncy, McClanahan & Cooper for plain

tiff; Smith & Lewif. for, defeudant.

Ahmi vs. L. M. .Baldwin ot :il.

Damages.. Coke and NValKoi: fot

plaintiff; Magoon for .defendant

Continued until next term' by ngreeraent of counsel.

W. L. Hardy vs. Hana PlantationCo. Coke and Watson for plaintiff -

Holmes '& Stanley for' dJfendant.Continued until next term. '

Meleaka How On vs. Amoo Alio

et al. Ejectment. Stricken from the

carlender.Rosalie Lyons vs. J. W. Kalua.

Ejectment. Coke for plaintiff; Rich-

ardson and Vivas' for ' defendant.Continued for the term'

Macfarlanu & Co. vs. William

White. Assump'sitv Coke for plaintiff

Correa and Creighton-fb- r defendant.Defondant confesses judgment.

Hackfeld &. Co. vs William White.

Assumpsit. Coke for plaintiff. Correaand Creighton for defendant. Defen

dant confesses judgment.'Territory of Huwaii vs. Ah Guy.

Coke for defendant, charged with

selling liquor without a license. Case

was dismissed as tho principal wit.

ness was missing. 1

Papa Kahaulelio, Coke for defend?

ant, plead guilty to the charge .(of

mayhem.Judgo Kepoikai suspended

sentence' for thirteen months. ,fnManuel Chase who on July 4th cee- -

brated tho day "by building up a ja'g

and assaulting Antone do RegoanuManager Camara with a weapon

dangerous to life, plead guilty and

was sentenced to ten days hard labor.Tho Judge took cognizance of the

fact -- that the defendant, had beenconfined to jail since the day of'the

affray.Sasaki Kekichi indicted ' by .tho

Grand Jury for embezzlement, .,ybeubrought before a jury vfas'founa not

guilty. The same was 'the result of

the assault and battery case. against

Kaaihue Ioana and ' Kaiu on Leo

Lung on the water r.ights of lower

Wttiluku valley. ?r .v

Juau Florcs, Poc.toJRfcan. Crock- -

ott for defendant.uwagindictcd for

Assult and Batteryoa iMrs. Wm.

Morris on tho Wa'ihoe roacl. The jury

brought in a verdict.of not guilty,Roko Posano. Jaiiotber Porto

Rican, who prefers living inside the

four walls of WailukuUai! than out- -

side, was indiofed foriLaroeny in the

First degreej' Posabo was recently

released from jail and desiring to show

his appreciatjoQ

mthe kindness of


Tender Their Resignation?'

at request of. . Govcrnop Cortcp '

(Special Vii (.'less to News)Honolulu Oct! 21-3:- 30 p. m. Higl.

Sheriff A. M.' Brown and Deputy

Sheriff ClmrlcslK Chillingworth reigned at 3:00 o'clock this aftcrnooi

at t lie requestof Governor Chrter.Jailor William Henry succeedUrown as Slicrlll uud Mr. Hattotvitl. bo his deputy.

Jailor Croweli proceeded to put ellasi

5otne candy, and incidculinlly a jag.While presenting the jaiior with Hit

candy for Hie chilili cn he espired a

uandsomo watch bclonuiiiL' lo tinJailor. An opportunity offered itielf s'o he tha lime piece,tie will do two youro at hard labor.Territory of Hawaii vsMitami, Casuid Coke fordefendunt. Selling liqtio.

vithout a license at Kaanapali1 'load not qtfilty-sustain- ed by jury.

Territory of Hawaii vs Tsue, Coktor defendant, Embezzlement of $305

uO Plead uotgulity-ji.r-y found verdiciof guilty, sentenced to two years alfiard labor.

Hana Kapaknhi vs Pioneer Mill Co.

Lighfuol. representing Magoonf'hompsou and Peters, for Plaintiff,Coke and Case for defendant, Ejectment! Continued until tho next term.

Territory of Hawaii vs Wm. Morris,D. Espinda and Moke Kamanu, Case,Vivas and Crockett for defendants,xVssnult to commit Rape. Nolle prosmiiu oonjs conceited.

Territory of Hawaii vs M. L. Deck-er- ,

and Fusikawa, Coke and Case forilefendauts, selling liquor on a sundayFusikawa was discharged by instruc-tion of the court. M. L. Decker wasfound guilty. Sentenco was suspend-- ied for six months.

Territory of Hawaii vs Tai Sing,and Ah Mai, Coke for defendants,Burglary in the first- - degree, pos-oone- d

until this morning and finally

carried over to the naxt term of

court. 'Territory of Hawaii vs Kaili, Vivas

'Shd.Crockett for defendant, Embez- -

meat. Plead not cuiltv.BKaili was a police officer in the

. .fTr? J!.i 1 aaanu uistnci ana August iuu wasftscr- -

sent out to crather un bail monev.

amount to be collected from oneTr.iti i 3chinaman was $400.00. ivuiu turnoa

in $300.00 claiming that the latteramount was all that paid him by lhehinawan. Tho jorv brought in averdic t of guilty. Sentence 2 years ntliard labor.

Deputy Attorney General Ah- -

ford for tho Attorney Generals Department and Judge Kepoikai forthe Judiciary thanked this jury aswell as the whole panel for theirI lyalty, thoroughness and conscientiousness of their labors and vor--


The Court will, adjourn to day sinedie.

This completes the criminal caseson the calender to be tried at tblsterm of court.

Next week the following, jurywaived cases will come up for trial:

F. G. Correa vs L. von Tempskyaud Ji Francisco, Trespass, Vivas forplaintiff and Cf.se for defendants.

P. lAimoku vs. Ah Tuck ot al,Coke fur plaintiff and Case for do

fendanl. Ejectment.J. Oulshl vs. J. Esamersley. Case

for plaintiff and Vivas for dofendanc.(Continued on puge h)



Estimate Fully Fifty Thousand FaU Bevone.Port Arthur. Fo Stops Fihtin,

At The Front.


Collision In Snowsheds Caus:s Firi. Marines Remain At-- .

Panama. Three Notable Dead;'

(Sptciul Wiieless, to News.)Sugar Oti test 4:25. Beets lisCheefoo, Oct. 21. It is estimate!

hero that fully i"0,000 Jaj'itet-- haviI'een killed before the attack on PortAt ihur.

Mukden, Oct. 21. -- A dense fog coi,- -

cci-l.- s Imtli armies, consequently Ihei'iit no l'hting.

WaMiington, Oct. 21.-:- It has bee)

deehle'l ly the Navy Deiartnient t

ri'inin ihe Marine Corps at Panam: .

Dostr.r,, Cet. 21. The House :

Di puiit-- s of the Espiscopol Conveu-lin-n

has adopted a compromise canoio.i iviuce, permitting the mnrriagiof Innocent parties after a year.

Tokio, Oct 20. The Japanes-- Dietwill. ci nveiie on November 2S.

Honolulu, Oct. 21 Dr. W. S. Ntoli it, died last night of typhoid fever.

Honolulu, Oct. 21 William Daly,wliowas injured by a driven bullockon tno waterfront rut sdny dlcoyusUrdaj at the Queens Hospital.

St. Petcrsdurg, Russia, Oct. 19.A part of the Baltic fleet will sail forthe Orient by way of Suez and a partby the Cape of Good Hope. v

Washington. D. C, Oct. i9.Sec-retar- y

of War Taft is going to Panama to adjust differences between, thetwo Republics.

Shanghai, China, Oct. 19. It is

belioved that bandit pirates haveformed an alliance for revolt in theproviuco of Kwangtung.

BAYAN IS SUNK.London, Oct. shells

have sunk the cruiser Bayan in theharbor of Port Arthur.

COAL FOR RUSSIA.Cardiff, Oct. 18,-H- alf a million tons

of coal are to be shipped from hereon Russian account.

RINGSIDE CABLES.New York, Oct, 18, Young Cor-bet- t,

and Jabez While, tho Englishchampion, havo been matched tolight.

Los 'Angeles, Oct.-Ja- ok Johnsonhas defeated Denver Martin in thesecond round.


the labor leader has been convictedof extortion.

Shanghai, China, Oct. 18. ThoBritish steamers PakkangandKahiohave been attcked by pirates nearCanton. A British gunboal has beensent-out- .

San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 18.

Garrott was today sentenced to 15years at San Quentin for killingMcCung at the Palace Hotel lastwinter.

London,. Oct. 17.-Ba- ron Hayashi,the Japanese Minister, says tho warwill continue throughout the winter,When Tieling is taken tho Japauesonill advanco to Harbin.BALTIC FLEET.

Copenhagen, Oct. 17,-T- ho RussiauBaltic fleet is coaling in LangelandBelt.

DIVORCE LEGISLATION.Boston, Oct. 17,-T- he Bishops have

adopted the amendment to thedivorce pacnon which the Deputiesrejected. Tho convention has placedthe islands near Hawaii under theEpiscopal jurisdiction of the Bishopof Honolulu.

QUIT THEIR JOBS.Lisbon, Oct. 17,-T- he Cabinet has


I50WKER VS. NEIL.San Ftani Iseo, Oct. 18. B:wkpr'

yol the deeif-ini- i ovor JCt-il- .

Cico Cnl , Oei. 20. A eol'Mnn intthe MiinvMicds loday resulted in the"di si riii-iin- I iy (ii r (f sevcial cartKC mi 2.200 feet i,; Sinivhutls, R. J.I..iu.--. Siiiu-- i iiitciuU'iil of the Sacrn- -

nil nio llvifiiiii, tvu ii and'dii.'.l of heart bi onla on bythe nvk of l lit- - iifeiileiil.

St. PuiLM'.-iiurj.--, Oct. 20. Thesus--ti- -t.

ion of hostilities Mukdenieoniiiiiies.

Cliefoo, CI ii a, 0.'t.2n;i.s uejoi U'd at Pot t' Arthur.,

The Japanese have' Oiip'tui-ed.- minorpositions.

Tokio, .Japan, Oet 2)-- Tho- Ruji ciitfoi eeil tiy 3 ',(i(),'i niiu; audi

it total of six divisions, now confront.the Japanese.

Loudon. England. Oct. 2fl, Kir.ir?'EdwaiV lunched Unlay with .America

olficerb on board theWarships.

London, England, Oct. 19. Ad- -

tniral Van Sittard is dead.'

Solonica, .Oct. 19. Poptamat, tho- -

notorious agitator, has been murdered. ,


Practical Harness MakerRepairing in all branches. Strictly

hand work.

Hiding Leggings, and Saddlebmade to order

Shoe Repairing.

Paia, t Maui.10--3t.








You make no mistake when you putup here. Sample Room Aitacubd

Telephone For Use Of GuestsGEORGE FREOLAND, Manngo


V.l. VHLhTEH.l'rewWw.



Page 2: H...H. il I1H I III ll tl iM Kv.... w. r. VOLUME X WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, OC TOBER 2?., 1904 NUMBER-1- 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNBYJ JOHN RICHARDSON attorney at lav And Notary


WA.Llkt. MAU, 1. li.

SUBSCRIPTION RAT KSOjo year, (in ndv&tn-- j . $250Si. hi. .1.1 ' . l.M)

I. ,11., '.I "! Wt

I,.- - ',iiX . :. '!

HI . Si ., ...Vf. vlii.i. il .i, :,. iifl'f.'n t:.l 'If

S. B. ROUERTSOtt, d. and 'Prop,

V, L CLIMENT, '.Bus.W:r;

pun-Kii- t

i .


Hon. A . Kspolkat, Circuit JurtgiJ, WhIIukuHilmunrt Hirt. Clerli Circuit WnlluUBImi'o W. A. MuKnv Utst. Miistt.rto, Witlliilxi

" " " MilliiHAI.nChlK. fami.." V.. U " "' KiiTiu'iiiH, " Hftmiiin' i


" J'llmiinu, " Klpnlniln" McCorrtslon " " Molokt.1" Kiihoohiiliiimln, " ' Limnl

U. M. HulUwin.Shorifl. . Wiiiliil.nV. K. Diputy

I'.il ' ir 'nrtun " ) iHii iW

;. . " ' T.iilw'lim'. A" I' i "i-l.- . " ' 'mmI. t. Ili,' .tvvk. ' ,.M1.V.!iivi .l.i i. j).. ''' ''' Ki.mlillnl

Cfcptnlu l'uld-a- . Wiil'iiHu' " MukiiwiuiM, Iwi.fcli,

. ii. , " ".1. K;ilii. ' " I. mm.1. ' KulV. 'V.m lioiilnsiiu, Tux wu'lukiiI. N IC 'il l, 0Ut V Assi'Hr ' VViillulill

jii i..Vi,ii), "i. ivuin. H

,( H.,KLMircr, ' " H..i u

pineapple grown nny vl oreuperiority is the entire abj-en-

i left in the mouth after eatin-- ;

t SniilhMni Am.'-riiM- i

i id at pi'rfs.'.it with M uiiNews piedictv that in a ft.-

J.ia ued Maui pines will one da'

Fifteen years :ig, when ii b y h v i raluatocl frmi our publicschoois, ho could go m tho o.liice of a business man taking withhim sufficient knowledge to make liimself of some Recentlya )i'.i!iiiniiir. businn-i- uri'i of Uoiiulul i called on several lead ed-

ucators and linked luem v!..y Midi conditions iuto ceased 1"exist. II s'.i:' Ii n i :, rjjii'hid teeir replies, but. the ansWd-- reasy, b .mo years since, Mr. Il.mry Town send, a very clevergentle'Tian, but a pronoun coed f.iilure as an educator preps'tvd :i

Col:io of study fiir tiir e iiiim.iii s niools which was tentU-i- l Iner.id'cu'" ,- uui. Ii.i . a i.l wl.i-j- olinrii ited s , 1 i . .

ram hi i'. in 1. 'i !. hi . i .in i ,i .... .1 . si ai il,i iiii.l ii: ii-- , s.iii-.- .

Am lu i1. I or i. ij i' .; 5," iir. il i .i.sli'iiuliu.;, 1 iu ' "In mo soi i.i

;and other such lomuiy-rot- . Thusj bcietitific fads, which are oaiyintended as recreation exercises, have been made the whole men-Jta- l

bred, meat and million oar babes are fed in scho 1, soithat when thov l'iv s'j!i.))l t!ny are still mental babies. A fewrteiicln)f-- i i Ii r ml;'Iii. iii ill Ula.i Is u-- i ' those fads as tinjy inused and h suii. l.y practical methods. 1'i'ofessor AI.

M. IkuU, an ablo ii..r oJ ilo louilu, resigned from thulioarnof Edneu! inn rali.er iliau conuu-nanc- any such i'ol-de-r- Tinremedy for all this is easily applied. First kick the presentcourse of study 'out of the i ment, and then prepare a pr-ic-tica-l

course trttuly not Kindei garden work, and our publicschn'Js will soon .rcsun.e thci: old time usefulness.

tZ. Russia is pri.c'.ically (Ufratod iu Maucliuiiu, unu tlie remainderof the war will simply las a settlingof minor details, all oiwhich will hini;e on the cat i -- .( or surrender of Port Authur.after which it is probable tir.c nut another gun will be fire. I. Iiis possible that Russia with her vast resources could continue

the w;;r until! Japan would finally be compolled to" ticknowls.iyidefeat. Jnt Rossia is now facing imother war in the Spving w ii

a power which wid leave her no time or money to waste vManchuria. Great .Britain's move on Thibet will almost surd.)

lead a war with Russia, the Vuttle field of which will be inIndia. Russia on one hand has no fleet, and on the other is in tinparticular d.itu'er of dome invasion, but the settlement of tinIndian ipi.'siion h i Russia and Great Britain by an apneato arms is dauyerouslv iir.iniMeiu.,' and in Hio g(gatiti striyyliwhicli will loll.iw, Jijian will lo JVn'gotton,

6 C C

1$. TIie oX a"i Ihe ass mot in eounc.l at the sltating rink on Satur-day night with a home rule audience as a jury, and of course theymade hits." With Coke, Richardson and Ashford enounciat-in- g

JelTers.ini. in principles, the pr ifane K'ekipi urging Iho c'liiuiof Jeiniv.rn, J.'.iis C n-- i. nn th. i i

. Gi.ost for a loyisl i: i vo iii--

e!, and tli sira'-i.- i ion e in:o oak j s ;1 .mo; i:ig for a.ore ia.tdog leyisiaii n, lau ivsuU was a vai 'legated production. Kekipireceived the most koliuas,',' iki ' nos" ar.d pololeis," so lie

tli'i r .jpealcer of iho evening. Toor Tom Cl.irk,from the rear of the hall, tried U s ty s good word IauK-ea- , Iv.nas soon ns the audience causht his drift they yelled and stampedhim into meek silence. But W'r.o. nil things elsoi the meetingfinally came to an end, and the ox a ad I lia ass meditavtly at rolledaway, chewing their respective cud and switchingtheir respectivetail, to'await results nl t.!io polls.

& 9

Tlje test i.f the punding is iu th.o catmg of it, which homei.proverb lvis a most apt illustration on Mavi. Recently the flniknFruit & Canning O. sent down iis thi're varieties of canned es,

the cTirj.vl, l!i U,iM a i lS h i irritHd fruit 1' r th x i .nution a".i v iicr. :' i a X.cu's. ."'- - i md n.iit.v in fla v.ir. ami-VAtl as .!..,. ill,.. I ii!-- ,. il. ' ..i- - i,...-.- i ii'-t- l liH. fiuil., tin: li,.o..caiuie.1 pin. iiav ri.ms,:. the equals in h)1 resiu.ciiand the superiors in some to nnjyUne pif.noancod oliUHiit of fhe;rof all burning or sfiisuti'theca'oi.'d pine.- of i i.o Wnst j

, trtuinti ios. o.ilv .'.ut i i r

cdpii.es ir and ila.years tliii. fuuit wd oo t jmo.'o.l.

make Maui I'uii.y,.'.:.-- .



W.H. Court.


Kaliima, " ininn,-

SniTorv, Shown Wu'llnWS



II. Wniuiuftto'n. iiipinniAssessor,
















5 For several years past, in fiict. i ince Uio introduction of tingrand jury system in unir cart procedure, it has been? the poli-tical of I !.' CI. itmit C i irt. on M i P t lissnn venires for grand nntvi i! j ir t:. '.iii r thim i .'.ii ji s i n . d.k,-.- - w'.iit i.iv.lvcousideial.lu uuiiecssaiy expi-'isi- When llie Court uu i t, iiimerally imi. VV.dusda,v..Mie gran j i m impanelled, and the De.-iu-- .

Attorney Gnm-a- l in attendance pr.ic-f.is-tll-y iias all his tlm l;il?ei

up vith tlus.ii until S itnrcla- -, so,i hat it is the following Mouda;'before th i rial an yi-r-

. t.. wo if, mul fif several '.avs th'are kepi a ih vmio tlh-i- r 3xpn-i.-- : are runnirg. Bere-afi- . r,' '

would s i! n .vi er if tnij trial j i r- -vi!i-- e not, reipiired to b,- - n

attendance .uit.il lit' MonJay l' l.w-.- g the Wudiiisday h'n Com'meets. -

5f A g ;!o;i of vanil i oil or .; t was recently manufacturedon Hawaii and .hijuied to Honolulu. Do the people of Maui realiz,whatthh moms? The soil and cljnnale our Maui i's'jii.Vin resp.

from tliat of Jl iwaii. unit .if the vanil i hein is fruitful oHawaii, i!. ill ih q i ihy fr.otfal A i Maui. AH that is needed A

is for the riht man in c ine ilo!z and w'll have iinother prof.Uable inin, it iudusti'y u.i Alaui. i

The Buffalo in Hawaii.!

Chinese rir6 pl nntcra la theHawn-'.in- n

Island fincl .most useful helper..n the strcftigiftiid docile buffalo thaidraws the fcWv through - the mudJyrice piitclirs. These nre the realImffaloos inul hot to be confoundedwith tlfp yn'iii' iu-

- 'the- li I on , thew ilil oifiMi iT lai-- t IndianIn its' w?lii ,ihti Hie buffaloeniiRncil to a not vii-- hiryre urea,the county south of the Uimaluyns.and extoiidin.' for sunn? (listniicr, thelimits of which ure not perfectlykimwi!, hi tlio lerrllory of till'i ndo Chinese flutes. Yi-t-- thisenormously po.w.jr.'ul and liorctf ani-

mal has been so completely domes-

ticated by the Hindoos und Chinesethat the tame hei'ds are rejuhirlydriven out to feed in the sume jun-u'le- s

in which wild buff aloe live, theulls amouir wliL-l-. will cpme dowjn

..ml, after yi vinyr battle to the same' ulls, annex Hie cows for a time andki-e- I hem in the

The only s'l-ikhi- difference in

p: I'al-nia-- i' !i II lla' .ailn' mil!

ill l.i.l,.ll) - that tin- - ho us .f li.roi'iiK-- r t . i.oi ro.v to tlu si.o at-ain- d

in the wilj spjcimjii; and al-

ter their curve and pitch. Lock woodIviplitiK notes th'i curious . 6 (Tec t of

the grove of long horn9 above a herdthese an'unat. no . two buffaloes

..aviug tliein of the same pattern.a races of th.o.lutriiess" of the date of

their iippreiHicosaip to the serviceof man are seen in their power ofsell' defence and combination when'threatened with attack by tigers orriopards, by iheir inaliiiK with the

wild stock, und by the uncertainty ofi heir tempr, especially towardswhite people. Whenever they areused by Oriental races these out-r- i

aks f savaifenerw are always in

evidence from time to tiulP when thewhit:' man oiuountei them. InChina they have been known to chaseEuropeans when the latter were ridi as well in when passing "ir fool.L".:ev will (In the same in Eirypt,ihuniah and lndi i. Yet in the lastnamed country thev are generullytaken out to pasture by some smallioy, wlio is their tyrant and mastermd will protect' him, their calv. smd themselves from tho lier. Oncei herd of bulTaUu-- was used to beat,he jungle for a wounded :h.i-- whieh

,iul killed a .naiiv.'. Tho animalsvere driven up and clown for a whole

day, beating thegrou. d in a compactbody, until thev iound the tljjor,whose binding place was shown bythe excitement of the herd, at winchit charged almost is soon as theyobserved it, .'in' ivu shit hv theiai!8 following ll.'ein. '

As a hea.sl.uf lift tlie hulT do

powerj of hauling heavytraTic over bad mad.'. It can plow

iato mud over Its hocks and is. mostd loilo ui.der tho care and direction ofthe Chinese rice planters in iheteLlands. In East India or E.ypt itwill swim a river goinj,' to and fromwork and tow barges ninny canalsand streams, sometimes walking iuthe shallow wa'er by the banks. Itwil eat 'aiiviTnag it ean get and arkso ,ly for one in '.ult'i-ne"- , ai'o v' hfiur'sswim or mud bath in ' the nriddfe of

t' eday. The rice fields, which leedso i'teat a perceulajie of tho population of easti r.i A-- ia could searc lyI o cultivated wjihuiii iis i.i'1, ami ii

sc valuable ii .i iai:y a.iim .1 Ihuillua peri en t.ijje of butter in its mi.Uequal that of the best breeds of northern dairy cattle. The result is ihatit has become an equal favorite withthe Hindoo, the Arab and the Chi-na-

an, and plays a most lmpo'-tan- t

part in the agrieulture cf the lowerNile valley.

The great distance fi Jtc its orig-iu- al

home ia Iaula at which thebuffalo is now established is evidencethat the creature has a hist r? ofan exeeedirgly adv?nturcus kind,were it possible to- - trace the storyof its travels. Starting from theIudian junyles, ond then doxesticaledon the Iniun p'uine, this crslwhil.jwild beast has reached and beenc omesticated zni p'.ays a incst

part in Egypt, Palestine,southern Italy and the campaan.the south and east of Spain, Hungary, Turkey and western Asia it:,

far as the borders of Afghanistan.Dy'some un'rnr wn route it has reached the west coast c f Africa, und isestablished as a buat of draft andcultivation on the Kigen Jt hastravelled far up the NLe and will ofarther, for it woull b;i invaluable ontile grout sV.unps of Fashochi. It hasli.'n takei? ta JUjiaii, where it nowworks in th,' rh-- .'round; t,,i

ta those Island, and tot le islau Is of the Malay arciiinel tgo,

rarai ise wf '.!) Vacjliw,


No one likes to wear glsssrs, butwe should be unfortunate indeed if

we were deprived of this artifical aid

to failing vision.

The next best thing to NO glass is

thgsatisfactio'iVaiTo-dc- d by having thrBIGHT glass. .

We desire to tnake a walking adver-tisme-

of every person to whom we

sell glasses, and wo endeavor to do itby giving the ease and cmfort nny l'Ias's em off u--

A. N. SANFORD,Gradunta Optlctan

'BoHton BullcltnA, Hoiolulu' Over May & Co.

m 1 - 1 n Tl

l ie mi ot HawaiiLIMITED.


Incorporated Under thtt Laws of

the Republic of Hawaii.CAPITAL 100,000.00SURPLUS ' $00,000.00UNDIVIDED PROFITS .f0,000.00


Chas. M. Cooke .President1. C. Jones ViceiPtfesiden t

rW.Macfarlane..2ud Vic'e-Pesiec-

C. H. Cooke CashierC. Hustace Assistaht Cashier


E. D. Tenney, J. A. McCftndless,C. Fl. Atherton, E. F. P.isWp;

Tinnsact a General Commercialand Savings Business.

Correspondence Solicited. ' .

ot the

mamyour inclination to spend money

cut down uncessary expenditures-- and deposit your surplus in n paving

ecoutvi in 1 1 iis bank. 4 per cci.t

inter st on savings accounts--a- s

little as one dollar opens, one here.



Sf.ime jUable'STATIONS

McCall! iflcG McCall!!

Millions of McCallV- - PatternsSold Annually without Complaint

These Patterns arc The Mcst Perfect, The Most

PracticalrThe Most Stylish and The Most Economical

o any produced in any country. 'and the directions on

each envelope, showinjfho-- v to mike the garment Up,

are printed so plainly that the mcst inexperienced need i

not fear' a failure," if the directions arc' followed.


No. 10 STORE,







A List of High Grade Securities mailed on application


aya .


1 ISi


Chinese and Japanese;

In White and Fancy, from cheap grades to finest mi. 7

MATSPlain and Twisted Sti

III sizes from 2x3 to 14x14 feet. Nothing found which' wil:

give equal service same money. .Reds, Browne. Greens ... .

and Blues.Plain straw is thocheaper grade, and Twisted the better.

RUGS '.Japanese Cotton

In size from 2x4 to 12x12 feet. Tlluo and White, also SolidBlue Center with Grecian Border.











AGENToFort Street, Honolulu

. :

- Honolulu

A I LI v

STORE! t T--! C?


l tlj l i , ' A h L lir 1 ;r YuU

The Best Mckel Cigar In the Market


3(ahului Slailroad Company

VAii.uku-Pa- ia Pas I'.as: FaEi niTj FBGiaiiT. Fbhioiit Pas. Pas. iKArnTLUi PrCNENE'F & P f & t

A.M. A.M. ; AV .M. A.M. V. M. P.M. P.M. j A. M. P.M.fvihului Leave 7.0() 8.42 "

1 43" 2.01) j :5.4." Iiahului Leave u.20 1.2').Vail'jkui Arrive 7.12 .8.54, 12.00 2.12 3.57 Puunene Arrive G.3") 1 :.Wuiluku Leave 7.20 0.03 12.23 2.20 4.U.J Puuuene Leave sa J.4')ICahului Arrive 7.:i2 11.17 12.40 2 32 4.15 Kahului Arrive i;. 55 L,'5Kiiliului ' Lesive 7.33 j 0 40 2 35 K.'ihului Leave H.t'll , ;j.)5Sp'viil. Arrive 7.47 ;.55 2.47 Puunene Arrive j 8.15 3.21Sp'viilo Leave 7.3!) 10.10 2.50 Puunene Leiv.e j;2(l 3.25Paia . Arrive 8.02 10.25 3.07 Kalulci Arrive 8.33 I a 41)

P.da Leave 8.12 10.55 3.12 j

Sp'vilh, Arrive 8.34 ll.K) 3.24:Lear 8.27 11 20 3.SS

k'lhului Arrive 8.3" 11.35 3.3S


rr-f-- niiiuii,i ojArLW i

: KoHL4lui Foilroeid Company. AGENTS FOR

ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, Ltd. & BALDWIN, Li ie of 9ailinr V.-ss- . Is BetweenSail Fraucisco Und thd Hawaiian Islands; AMEniC.vN-T- I AWAIt VN STEAMSHIP CO


Importers eric Dealers liNOiJVEST and REDVVOOli LUMBEU in ull sizes rouh and surfaced SASH. DOORS and BLINDSin Cedar und Redwood. dBdAR MOULDINGS add INS1D1D FINISHING LU.MIJKR, td.so n full lme o!v

nuIicMng Material ,


iiv.i"'i "" r 'i'J






Page 3: H...H. il I1H I III ll tl iM Kv.... w. r. VOLUME X WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, OC TOBER 2?., 1904 NUMBER-1- 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNBYJ JOHN RICHARDSON attorney at lav And Notary


Hin'lT.I.Tv'AN P.U1TY

or M.ui

For PresidentTilKOI.Glii: EOOSKVELT.

For Vice-Preside-

(CHAKLES YVakken Fairbanks.For Delegate

Jonah Kuhio Kat.aniaxaoleFor Senators.

(Second Senatorial District.)


S. E. Kai.amaFor Representatives

(Third Representative District.)


(tlXlKOE Coi'l'


Jons Kali no

Mosks K. NakiinaPhilii' Pali


At the Wailuku SkatingRink.

A well attended republican meet-

ing was held in the old WailukuSkating Rink Saturday eveningC)ctol)er loth at 7 o'clock P. 51. Therewere fully 500 present among whom

were Senator Kaiue, Geo. Weight,Y. T. Robinson, F. W. Becklcy, J.

M. Vivas, Win. Kini, W. F. Crock-

ett, Rev. Nua, Rev. S, Kapu, Jno.Richardson, Thos. Clark, Win.White, Jas. N. K. Keola, P. Good

ness, Judge McKay, J. W. Kalua,Thos. Cumniings, J. K. Kohookele,and other prominent residents.

A. X. Kepoikai as Chairman introduced the speakers with appropriate remarks.

W. F. Crockett spoke first. liesaid in the history of the humanfamily there were always two sidesto everything, a wrong and a rightside, and that the people are alwaysfollowing the wrong side. The man

who pays a dollar for a dollar'sworth is never popular, for the peo

ple like to be humbugged, l'heyprefer something that shines even

if its only brass with a little gold

washed over it and do not appre

ciate true gold. If President Roose

velt h in: self was speaking here to

night on the great issues of the day

and a dog right arose back there,he'd lose the audience for they wouldrush out there to look at the dog fight

to see which dog is on top or has the

. best of it, and forget all about himYes. The crowd would take to a

dog tight or a home rule meetingwhere there is a great noise in pre-

ference to hearing a sound argu

ment on republican principles(laughter it applause). That's hu-

man nature the world over. Fromth3 time ol Adam to this day manprefers wrong to the right. WhenBarabas the robber was placed a- -

longside Christ the people were

asked which of the two should be

released. They chose Barabas to befreed and Christ, the son of God, to

be erucilied. When God gave Noaha message for the people theywould not listen. And for a hundred years as Noah built the ark

the people laughed at him and hisark, and when the rains came andwaters rose to their necks they insisted 4hat the rains would stopbefore the ground would be suilieiently wet to benefit the cropsand so a whole human racewasdeslroyed except only one family be

cause the pcoi le would rather follow the wrong side which destroythan tho right side which buildsup. Phoenicia, Assyria, and Romewere great nations which once ruli'd the world, now nothing of

them remain except a few scraps of

history. The Roman empire, whosewealth and power once filled theentire known world, fell before thebarbarians of the North and wasswept away from the face of theearth because the people ever fol-

lowed the wrong side. It is thesame old story of the writing onthe wall in the Kings banquet hall.A people found wanting, a nationfound .wanting, a political party

i -

sva a y ifound wanting in the essentials ofright, must go down.

I stand litre tonight as a mem-

ber of that most glorious politicalpirty of the world, the republicanparly, which has existed for 51

years. Of all political parties thataro. e it is the most glorious, neverwas half whig, half home ruler, orhalf populist, was always a : ingleparty, standing in its strength on

its own feet through thick aid thin,through wars and strife, neverjoining with another lame party,so that two of them put togethercould form one party, laughter.The republican part favors alean campaign, since 18'J3 it hasfood for a clean campaign. It asks

the voter like the prophet of oldthat if (iod be God serve Him, but

f Baal be God then serve B.ial. Ithas no use for personal abuse, it is

willing to leave its fortunes to befreely discussed by its followers,and never to be upheld by a lot of

political slaves same as the homeulers ore leading their followers

about; it is asking the people to

join us; conic into the ark of republicanism and bo saved. Applause.

D. Kalauokalani Jr. wr.i thenintroduced and spoke. He claimedthat the" republican party ii theparty through which the peoplecould get a government of the peopie, for the people and by the people. He was one of the organizersof the home rule party and did so

to seek for the promotion of publicMeasures for he good of i'.ie peo- -

!e, but found that the ignorantcentral committee of the home rule party would not work for thecommon good, but were seeking to

train tin. irown selfisn ends.Shortly after theCounty election,

the question "who will the partysupport for eongress?"was raisedaudi.). Kalauokalani Sr. suggestedthat the party support the Prince.Immediately Iaukea ami Chas.

Totley began to raise objec tions inthe executive meeting of the partyleaders, and it appears I oth wanted the nomination.

J. K. Kalanianaole sent a letterto the party leaders fryingthat he would look after any nieasures desired by home rulers for

the public good if forwarded tohim at Washington. ' Notley andIaukea did not like that and opposed doing so. Finding that theso called home rule party was pira

tically without grounds or policieswhich would be of public benefit, 1

resigned. In regard to what thelelegatc has accomplished it is

not fair to compare with what wasdone during Wilcox' term in Conpress, because Wilcox had servedthro' three sessions, two short andone long, and Kuhio has only hadone term in Congrics. The fireclaims money was obtained princi-

pally because a republican Presi-

dent, Mr. Roosevelt had commend-ed the measure favorably in hismessage to Congress. Home ruleleaders know of it but they preferto mis-lea- d the common people.

Of the two great American poli-

tical parties the republicans arestronger, controlling the Senate by23 majority and the lower house by30 majority. They control in thenorth, and in the south the controlis in the hands of the demoeractswho draw the color line. Even ifthe demoeracts elect the;.1 Presi-

dent they can not remove Govern-or Carter against the wishes of areputlican senate. It is thereforebe.it for us to connect our politicalfortunes with the source of power;be in accord with the joweis thatbe, let us elect a republican legislature and a republican delegateand be benefitted thereby (applause).

W. J. Coelho, the favorite son ofthe fo ir waters, was next to speak.He stated that he became a republican because American historytells that it is the party who do notdraw the olor line. When it wasfounded in Jackscn Ci y, Michigan,there were but 14,000 miles of rail-ways in the United States how un-

der tho benelieient laws passed bythe rcpubl ican party there over; 2X)l-00-0

miles of railroads ill the coun


try. The republican party is theparty of prosperity. I'nder is con-

trol the industries, mines railroads.commerce, oil wells etc. etc. have

until now the revenuesof the govenment reach if700,000,- -

000 a vear. Our aoponents delightto accuse us of the '"land steal'" andof setting fire to Honolulu. Now Iwant to remind you that Newlands,a democrat, was the author of theresolution of annexation applause.The pani'ary fires of the Board ofHeath happened D:e. 18U'J toMarch l'JOO, before the republicanp:irty of Hawaii net was organized.Xow one of tho benefits proposedby the republican party is that onlycitizen labor be permitted on public works, not Asiatic labor, in orderto provide you with employment;

C leers another is to amend homestead laws so that you will be permitted to pay for homestead claimsby working on roads for the benefitcf homesteads Cheers; also the

of industrial schoolswhere our children may receive in-

dustrial education and lit them to

earn an honest living(Cheere). If youwant these things which former ad-

ministrations and legislatures haveneglected, vote the straight repub-lic m ticket (Cheers) Do not 'drawthe color line (cries of good for you).I assure yon that 1 am here tonightto support the entire repuolicanplatform, which to the foundationof our prosperity, and to supportthe wishes of the Wailuku Improve-ment Association and of all good

republicans (applause.) I desire toc 1 1I your attention to an additionalnumber of senses and they are onlythree, .'hat is first "business sense,"which republican have; second."nonsense," which is the only as-

set our opponent have (laughter)and lastly 'cents'' which we eai;nby our honest efforts and for whichour opponents desire to exchangetheirs (.laughter). Now u'e are allcitizens of one great na:ion from

the Atlantic to the Phillipiues, of

one common country under theglorious stars and stripes (Cheers);

let ns go forward hand in handwith the principles of the repub-

lican party anl vote the entirestiiglit republican ticket, but thereis one particular name on the tick-

et which we specially need in ourbusiness and I ask you one and allnot to skip him and not to hold agrudge against him on account ofhis usiness, I refer to Jno. Kaliuothe sky pilot Applause & Cheers.

The 'chairman then introducedour Delegate Jonah Kuhio Kalani-r.iaol- e,

and after the applause hadsubsided he spoke.

Mr. Chairman, la lies and fellowcitizens, I am here before you tonight to speak to you on that very.much alive and interesting subjectpolities. Seeing me here you per-

haps want to know what I 'havedone for you as your delegate toCongre-s- . 1 will tell you. Throughmy efforts, not by speechmaking onthe floor of the House of Representa-

tives for there they will not listento any speech unless from the lipsof a man of national reputationbut thro' the Light house Board theFederal Governn ent took over thecare of our light houses, and also tohave a building put up for receivingimmigrants in Honolulu for which$30,000 was set apart; also to havework at an annual cost of .'500,000

begun on fortifications for Honolulu. These forts will cost when com-

pleted from $5,000,000 to 10,000,-00- 0

apiece, and in the matter ofthis kind of Federal works, otherterritories and states received nomore attention than our territorydid cheers In getting this for you1 had to work against opposition ofSenators who thought that sincethe U. S. acquired the Phillipiiusfortifications would be needed thereand not here on Hawaii. In regardto the fire claims, Wilcox put in abill calling for not withthe idea ot getting it but for purpose of getting votes 'instead of the

1,000,(X)0 that finally passed.The lloor of the House of 1'epre'

sentativi'S is no place for makingspeeches. There the democrats sitLepaVate from us republicans; we

N E W8keep our lnf- - separate fro::i theirs;we never go over to their side f thehouse, and they come over to oursi le to bog favors from .us, so yousee it is utterly useless to send adel-ga- te who does net to oneof these two big parties.

Now your last legislature sent mea resolution requesting the Hawaii-- 'a:i language be permitted t heused officially in the legislature andI introduced a bill to carry the re-

quest in effei-- t according to yourwishes, but now my enemies arcaccusing me to trying to abolishthe Hawaiian language entirely. 1

did nosiK'h thing -- beers. Kinney,who is making this charge againstme, was the same Kinney whosentenced me to imprisonment forfighting for love of our country.Tlils law will not ;hangc your vot-

ing right, it simply puts a stopto the use of Hawaiian language inthe legislature ten years from now.If you wi.-.- now is your time forasking questions.

Now in regard to the troubles ofKeohokalole, you all know that we

played together when wo were boys;when he lost his position, I gavehim two shares of the KapioloniEstate limited, and made him book-

keeper under a salary; I took himfor my secretary by preference overmany other?; took him to Washing-ton at nij' own expense and let himst:1' in r.:;- - own houre ther?. BofivvI vent. I left directions t ) haveif 100

a month paid to Mrs. Kpihulu Keo-

hokalole and she has received thisnotwithstanding her denial pub-

lished in the "Aloha Aina". InWashington, Keohokalole wastedhis means in riotous livingin goingxviti. evil associates, both whiteand colored, and would do no workin his capacity as secretary. Thenhe. would go off for weeks and ectt.eback to a'j'.: :nc for money sayingthat he had been sick and was in ahospital to explain his absence; un-

til I could not stand it any longer.All this time he was drawing hissalary of i100. a month as secret.'.:;:.I then gave him $125.00 and toldhim to come back here to his home.He answered "alright," and disap-- 1

cared, and later 1 fev.nd he hadgone to New York. A month laterhe shov, ?d up, said he was short ofmoney and asked for more, I gavehim iflOO.OO and told him to go

home, he said "thank you" and dis-

appeared and later I found that hehad gone to Atlantic city. In an-

other mcnll: he returned to ask mefor money, I gave him $1)0.00 andtold him t ) go to San Francisco andwork his way home, thatwai thelast I heard of him until 1 receiveda copy of the Washington Pobtwhich he sent me giving an accountof his arrest, and I toll you I amsincerely sorry for him. But whatcan I do? When ho would not comeback, how could you blame me forthat? Am 1 to put him in a bag,tie it up and bring him heme thatway? When 1 caixe home I nutiaukea and told him all about Kec-hokalo- l;'

t.oubhs ar.d himnot to inject this iotfortunate occurence into is political cam-

paign. He said yes, and ha hasnot said a word about itcn thosunup, but he gave it out to thoAlchu Aina and that is how it cameto be publiihed anu I am accusedof ill heating Keohokalole.

What about Iaukea? Ho hasdriven aay his ow:: Son-hi- s o.vntlesh and blood from his home!and I met the poor boy in SanFrancisco whciv he i.; bauly off an i

often times has to beg for some-

thing to eat or go hungry!Jf you think that Iaukea or Not

ley are better men, send them toWashington and don't send ine. Iam not seeking election for thesalary, tiy parents v. ere well to Jouiid lefjt' me sufficient means to pro-vide for my wants. ' I advise you tjjointhorepublicanparty or democratparty, but do not remain outside,for the home rule party is like thoKaunoa which is without root ortrunk and if you peitist you maybecome uwiauchised like negroesin the South. Do not be misled.Join the republican party and votethe Straight republican ticket from

the dclegats to representatives. Donot go over to the democrats underthe mistaken notion that lhj elec-

tion of Judge Parker would causethe removal of tiovcrnor Carter, asthe Senate will still be republican.Applause

L. Desha was the next speak-er. He referred briefly to thechums made that the best thingscame from Maui, that while the sunrose first on Hawaii and was lastseen from Kauai, yet Maui had a'House of the Sun" hence Maui hadthe best of it. He said that aftera trip aboard and se-ir- .g the won- -

Ici s of Boston and New York andof strange countries, yet there wasno thrill of delight like that whichhe fcli when returning; he was in thesaloon of the steamer he when heardthe cry of "land ho" from the dickrusi ing up he saw the far off sum-mits of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loariding over the waves like a bird,and felt the sensations of that exilev( bo had pined among the palacescf Africa mid had written. An exilefrom home, splendors dazzle in vain,Oh give nie my lowly thatched cot-

tage again!"That is how I felt after the

changes which have set aside theAliis we used to love, on seeing ouryoung Alii trying to lead us in theright direction, and I am followinghim for the. good of the people andfor the good of the country, and amcalling on vou to follow us!

Of the polilical parties of :heUnited States the republican partyis the party of Lincoln; the prin-ciples of the republicans requirelaws for the protection of home in-

dustry while the democrat partystand for free trade. Secretaryi haw puts its in ibis way. Thedemocrat party would allow thebringing in of a diamond alreadycut and polished whereas tho rep-

ublican party.put.s.a ten per centduty on the finished article allow-

ing the uncut diamond to bebrought in without duty to allowa skilled machanic to earn his lu ingby polishing and cutting the diamond. When the democrats elected Clevelai d President, theindiistries oi the country became paralysed and Coxey gathered an armyof the unemployed and marchedthem to Washington, Thousands of,eople were without work and thecharitable people had to feed theirsands ol hungry peopie, but when a republican Prcsident was elected prosperity returned and we hear no more of suchabnormal conditions.

Let us compare the three candidates for congress, llawaiians arejealous of their gootl name. Thereis Wilcox, he was a man who s

for the love of his country.He was in the thick of the battleand' bore the brunt of the fight asbefits a Hawaiian patriot, new willyou compare him to Notley? Not- -

icy was in the Hilo Custom hoiseand when they told his fatherwhat Notley had d. no, the old manwas almost broken hearted, he re-

signed his scat in the senate andretired to private life because hisson had disgraced his name. If youelect him, tho good name of us lla-waiians would be gone. How aboutIaukea, he was honored by KingKalakaua, ho was sent to the courtof St. James to represent the King,was sent to Moscow as the representative of Hawaii at the corona-tion of the Czar, and the King showered honors on him, and when theKing died, the Queen also honoredhim, but when the wheels of fortuneturned and when the Queen wasoverthrown, there Iaukea wasshouldering a gun against theQueen who had honored him. Hereminds ine of a little story. In aNorthern port where fogs were frequent it was the custom for uavigators when there was fo,' to toottho whistle and keep on tooting till itcleared up or the vessel ;ot into port,Now there was a small steamer whiubwas caught in the ton outside- - of theharbor aud she kept on tooting herwhistle so long that a bigger vesselapproached and the master hailed, tofind out what was the trouble. The


master of our little craft sun' outllr.it lie had forgotten I, is compacta?! ore. What do y ni steer by theii?Weil I ua'ehed the s neko from m

t::io!;e stack and I steer whicheverway the smoke inclines. When thesmoke tfnes straight up v.hil i'km,'.-- '

Weil I lay to and wait for u to fail

o.ie way or the other and I steer thatway! Thai, is just what Iaukea doe.-- '

Laughter Wilcox, Kulaiiianao'i andother pa trio's went toprio;i becauseof '.heir love of country, Iaukea wascarrying a gun on tho other s,iu- -. Jsliiat tho kind of man you waul?

In Bost.m and in New York I wasa.-k-ed a:; to ike most prominent t riiits--

of the Hawaiian character, I loidthem there arc two. First ishisopinhearted hospitality and seeon l heloves his chief.

He quoted an old H.r.vitii.ni M: lewell known to Hawaiian scholars i -.

boding the old Hawaiian iJt e, ut lovefor his chief.

A id appealed to all Haw ;ii,trs tovote the straight repubhean tiremember t'at the home rule partyi.iea was Hie same idea which ho exqueen once followed until she turnedon her advisers with the never to be

forgotten expression, t!ut "you haveled me to the rdre of the pttli and leftme." so change your hearts and jointhe republican party. Applause.

A. S. Mahaulu made but a brief ad-

dress reciting an old mole which con-

veyed to llawaiiaan schoolars presenttho true unspoken reason why Keo-

hokalole had preferred to remainaway instead of returning home. Hewas followed by Hon. F. W. Becklfy;

Campaign Notes.

When parson Kekipi of the Hoomana Naauao got his colleagues torefram from villifying opponents hech btroyed the best home rule demo-

crat campaign ammunition. Nowonder vhebig guns at the homo rulera'ly Monuay evening had a hollow-sound- .

Tf tho parson wouid only convertKumalae we would pardon him forthose long subscription lists and the

missing church buildings and steepleshe was going to build with the pro-


Since muzzling his colleagues Kc- -

kqji enjoys the distinction o? beingthe boss wind bag of the homo ruledemocrat combination.

That bir slow moviui; machine known

as tho Hoard cf Health has finally

ground out an order against allow-outside- rs

to make po'.itical spaechesa1; the leper settlement for the rea-

son that political speeches causeamong the inmates. While

the board v as trying to make up itsmind on th's subject and before iktyaoted wc are told Kumulae, Notley

and lvahauh lio slipped into the settlemeat and woke the echoes at Kalau-pap- a

landing with homo rule "hotair."

The President of the Wailuku home

rubrs announced that Jas. L. Coko

had taken the big homo rule oath in

his presence. And we hear that thedemocrat party of Honolulu bavesent up Sim Kaloa, a republicanturncoat to investigate Jimmie oat'.iis interesting subject and inciden-

tally to Col. Iaukea'sMaui Campaign.

The chairman of the biir homo rulemeeting iu the Wailuku SkatingRiuk declared that while Wihkokiwas the dereo lion of tho heme ruleparty, notlev would be the "bigfiy brush" that would sweep theenemies of home rule out of sight.An irrevcraut observer remarkedthat's what the "big fly brush" didwith something else at the Hilo Cutern house.



Page 4: H...H. il I1H I III ll tl iM Kv.... w. r. VOLUME X WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, OC TOBER 2?., 1904 NUMBER-1- 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNBYJ JOHN RICHARDSON attorney at lav And Notary



lYrer-Mi'iia- .



. Yai;;:i:n Fau:hani:s

.Jii.wMi Krino Kai.anusaou:In'?, ?;t';into.?.

(.pu;a Koho Sr.atoa Elua)A. N. Uaymoi.dk.n (Kikalia Opto)

P 12. K A I.AM A

Na Lunaiiiiikniujuia(Apana Koho Lunamakaainana Ekolu)

AY. J. (.'oi:i. no Wilimna Kudo!Koiio;c Corp

w. r. 1 1 ai

John Kai.ixoMosKf K. XakcinaPhilip Fau.

Haiolelo a naiMoho Repubalikama Waie'nu.

Ua malaiua ia he halavvai makaainanama ku luakini o Wiiieliu i ke uhiahi Potlua a inalailo ko nlakou mea kakau kalii

i hoololie ai i na olelo noeau ike kulichonu a na molio repubalika. Haiolelo po-ko- le

uiai o A.N. Hnyselden (KikahaO-pio)- .

Hoike uiai oia he keiki hanau oia

no ka aina; ua holo tnoho lunakiai uialu-l- o

o ke Aupuni Kalana, unnoho Hope

makai ma Wailuku, a i kcia kau ua wae

ia i uioho senetoa a ina hfliuai oukou i

ke kikalia ana a keia uiauu koho mai

ia'u, a i na wau e lilo i senetoa e lianano uu i ka pono kuullke mawaeiia o kapoe waiwai a me ka poe ilil'.une.

Kamailio mai o Moats K. Nakuinamaluna b ua unb kalai uianao imi balota.

He ekolu ano. (t) na olelo hoinoiuopilikiuo; (2) na olelo homakeaka a hoo-leale-

(3) na kalai manao hoonaaiiao

ana. Pono no oukou e wae i ke kanakakupono aole o ka porio koho wale no ma

ka paa balota. Iua he kanaka ino kekahikapae kona inoa, wae ponb i ka oukoupoe koho ai. E koho i kanaka kupono,ano hoopono, noho'na muikai, inoa mae-uia- e,

naauao, kulana kuokoa a hilinai ia.

Iua aole i loaa ia Nakuina keia mau ano

mai koho ia'u, ua lawa no au i ka noho

lho ma ke ano Kiaaina no Molokai.

Haiolelo mai o Geo. Gopp o Kula, kaaina i olelo ia he unalii hewaikahee.He kanaka mahiai au, aole au i make-mak- e

e holo balota aka ua onou ia u:ai

keia kuluna moho malnna o'u. He mol.o

repubalika au e kakoo ana i ke kulanahooponopouo aupuni repubalika. Ua ka-p- a

ia au o Haleakala ho ko'u nui. Keuoi aku nei au ia oiikou e koho pololei i

ka pa balota repubalika nil i ka elele, naeuetjj a hiki i na liiuaui.ikaainaiia.

Hoolauna ia mai o W. J. Coelho ma keano he kanaka kaulana a he milimili hoino Nawaieha. Hoike mai oia o kekahi

a ka aoao repubalika oia 110 11 ahome hookuonoono no ka poe ilihuueO ka hoonaauao ana kekahi i na keikima na ike kiekie H ike liana i loaa'i ia la-k-

he noho ana kuokoa aole hoi e piliwale aku malalo o ka poe waiwai. Hoikeae oia ua kukulu ia ka aoao repubalikaina Honolulu Mei 3 1900. ht na ia ka ho-oh-

aina Iulai 7, 1898, ma ka olelo liooho-l- o

a Ncwland, he demokalaka. Ua hauaiauo hoi ka puhi ahi kaulana a ka Papa Olamawaena o Dek. 1899 aine Maraki 1900,

mauiua'ku o ka hookuuiu ia ana o ka aoao kaUiaina repubalika o llawail nei no-lai- la

aole e kau ke koikoi o keia maumea maluua o ka aoao repubalika.

Olelo mai oia i pilikla no o Keohoka- -

lole m niuli no o kana maii hana, oiaiaia no he mau keiki Hawaii nia Anierikto Ainaua o Waihee kekahi oia poe, i hele no imua e hoohana i kahi makaukauuuku i loaa a ua pouo no ka noho ana a o

keia kanaka hoi i oi loa ae ka naauao be- -

le i ka uhauha lalau a paa i ka ava haukate, loaa ka mea hoohilahila i kona la--

liui oiwi.i

E koho pololei t ka paa balota repubalika holo-uko- a, mai manao he ino kekahi kanaka a ka pae iaia. E koho pololei

a pau loa i lawa ka ikaika e hooliolo ai

i na kanawai i inakeniakeiu iloko 'o ka

Ahaolelo,Hoiks mai 6' t, P. llaia ia lakou i ka--

allele lua nei ma ka lakou huakai hooika-

ika balota Itihe oia tia oleld.na home ru-

la he mau tnoho--' lakou1 na ka mahiko.Lai aka Kau i kekahi mau met i hana

a i maopopo ai ia oukoto o inakou ke imi

lieJ.i.pond no ka leuuicuu. , ,

tti'aaie Ili Kelama, ICeliiuot able

mBcoUley kai koho ia mai kcia'mokupuni

aku, a hiki no ia oukou keiiinau mai he

aha ka mnkou wahi po:io i hana ni? .Na-

na :11a ka moolelo o ka Ahaolelo. Re ou-

kou i na mi lihiui i koaio mai 10 kakou

11c he mau wahi makahiki pokolc wale

iuj ua kiionoono lakou f oia man no ko

ka'um kulana ilihune. No ke alia kcia?

N" ku nui loa ae o ko lakou naauao ma-

in 1 o ko kakou, noloila imi makou i

v thi e rut lion ac ai ka nanuao o 11a kei-

ki a kakou. Hooholo makou i haawina

d.ila e kukulu hou ia ai o I.uhainaluna u

ke liana ia nei na hule hou i wahi e hoo-u- a

luao ai i na keiki a kakou. Imi makou

i haawina dala i hale kula hou no Wailu-

ku a ua ike oukou ke ku nei i ke-

ia la. Hookaawa'.e makou i $40,000 no ka

ha::a hou nua i na alaiuii pali o uu

Roolau a ke hooniakaiikauia nei no ku

hoohana aku. No ka lehulehu keia mau

po'.naikai, aole no ka mahiko c like uie

ka na Home Ru'.a e olelo nei.Na S. 1-- Kaluuia. fiia au i mua o ou-

kou he uioho Senetoa no ka aoao repr.-balik- a,

ua haalele aku au i ka holo ana

ina keia kulana aka ua paakiki loa no na

elele i ka hookokono mai ia'u e holo a

hiki i ko'u ae ana akn. Eia i mua o ka-

kou i keia mau la he ekolu aoao kalai- -

aina, a na oukou e wae ae mailoko mai

oia mau aoao kalaiaina na poe kupono e

lilo i poe kau kanawai no kakou.No ka bila kanawai a ke Keikialii e o- -

lelo ia nei he kanawai e hoopauloa ana i

ka c lelo Hawaii, i ulu mai no ia mamuli

o Ua olelo hooholo a Pulaa i hooholo ia

e ka Ahaolelo Teritori. I ka waiho ia

ana aku o keia olelo hooholo ua koi ia

mai ke keikialii e hookomo aku i bilaKanawai e kaupaleua ana i ka manawa e

hoohana ia ai ka olelo Hawaii iloko o na

hana Aha Kanawai ame Ahaolelo; Ua

hoao oia e hookomo i 50 makahiki, a no

kc kite ia haule loa i ka umi makahiki, a

oia ka Kumalac e olelo nei he kanawai

peehi i ka olelo Hawaii.

O Kumalae kekahi o na kanaka ii.o

lo.i, i na la kinohi iloko o ka Ahaolelo uakakoo makou ia Kumalae a mahopemai ike makou i kona pono ole. Ua olelo

ia ua loaa ia Kumalae na dala uialiuahuano ka hooikaika ana a hooholo ia ka Bila

Kanawai koi djla a na pake. O ka Bila

w.'.i o Pauoa kekahi ana i hooikaika ai

bo $250,000, a ke Aupuni e uku ai no uawai ala, a ina i holo pono ina Ua loaa hemau dala mahuahua ia Kumalae. Ma-

muli o ka Kumalae mau halia i haalele ai

o Brown o Hilo ame Fernandez o Hama- -

kua i ka Aoao Home Kula, eia nae o keia

kanaka karuima kekahi o 11a alakai o kaAoao Home Rula i keia mau la a kakoue ike nei. Nolaila ke hiki maj ka la koho bale ta, e koho pololei oukou ika balo-- k

& oukou i makemake ai, ina be home

r.iiu koho ia paa balota holookoa, ina he

rtpubalika koho pololei mai ke Alii a

hiki ia makou apau.

Haiolelo o Philip Pali a olelo mai bekino nui kona aka aole on a palupalu heaa loa oia i ka hakaka ame ka hana. Ma

kemake au e panu i na olelo hoinc a kels

acao e olelo nei a'cle pala a Pali ma. Ua

hooikaika au i puu kala a loaa he $ 10,000

no ka hana ana i alanui kaa mai Kalia-k.'.'.o- a

a hiki i Waihee, mai Honokohauaku a Houolua $7)000 i hiki ia oukou kela ,ve mai iua waiwai oia uiau wahi iwaho

nei aohe ia he pala a Pali ma! Ua hooko-11- 1

j ia mai he bila kanawai mai ke senate111 li e papa ana i ka lawaia ana me kaUj tna makahi', a no ko'u ono i ka opelu,oiai oia ka tipena e loaa ai ka opelu, uapaio au i kcia bila kanawai a hiki i konamake ana a koe ia pouo ia kakoil. Aolelio au i makemake e holo balota, tia oi

aku ko'u iini e noho e liana i ka'u mau

hana ponoi i loaa kahi dala, oia kaobanauokamea aole dala o kcia hana he Lunamakaainana, O ka iki ulu ihola no ia o

Lele a paki kepaU, a oiai ke holo nei au

e Lfrii aku ana au ia otlkou ft koho mJoukou ia Pali.

Pau ka Pali a haiolelo uiai o Jao. Kali--

j olelo uiai oia ilia koho oukou i kc kabunapule e hana ia aua ka pouo iloko o

ka Ahaolelo, uokamea d kana bana ia.

He kuc kekahi poe i na kahuuapule akao ka poe bana bewa no id. Hauohauooukou ina oukou koho a puka o Kalino,ka oukou keiki, e Nawaieha; d ka poe

Fue iU'd oia ka poe makemake e aihue(lula a" Uwe kipe e like me Kumalae ma,

Makemake au ta oukou, e o n man

riiakua ame na hoabanku, e koho oukou i

ka1 paa balota repubalika holookoa; aole

waiwai itia koho oukou a puka o Kalinoh i Ilbmk Rula ka nui o ka Ahaolelo)

O ka paa balota kue ia makou he elulk

bna poo be1 lio kekilhi a be tkake kekahi


nw'li ae nei lakou ijkn paiiku kino a liloi liookalii olelo mni i tia kanaka aole e

na:!a i na poo tlua, aka e apo aku i kekiro o ka balota. Aole makemake o no

Home Kula i ka poe maikai, kapae ae

nei lakou ia Kaiue nine Becklcy, a lawe

ae :ici ia Kumalae, ke kanaka ahewaia

no ".;c kr.r.iimn nihue i kc dala o ka lehu-leh- a

i alakai no lakou.I'o 1). H. Kahaulelio mai koho oukou

iaia, aole 011a wahi e moe ai konu poo ma

McloUai. Hui aku nei oiauie Bila Whiteho 'punipuui ia o Uahinui a putii oia ka-- p

le ia ae nei o P.eckley lilo aku nei ke

ktr .iia 1110I10 no Molokai ia Kahaulelio.N J J. K. Ktkipi r.puka ia eia ka Alia

elele Home Rula hiamuli o kona olelo

aua he 200 ho; hanau "lloomana Naauao"e kakoo ana iaia, puni o Kalauokulanima kapae ia o Kamakau o Kula ka meai m ikeiiiake muoli ia a komo keia lalau

ma ia mukalua.

I'a l:ana naauao n na Home Rula o ko

lakou koho iho no in lakou Home Rula o

ku'u aku uo i ke Demokalaka e koho ia

Coke ame Likikini. Nokamca he hoo-

ikaika nui lauai balota no Iaukea, a kehooikaika ala uohoi o White i balota no

Notey, ke pepehi pu ala no nae o Whiteia Cke. iwaena o tie Home Kula a o Coke

ke j epehi ala ia White iwaena o na De-


Nolaila ke hiki mai ka la e koho oukou

i ka repubalika uiai ke keikialii, na sene-

toa elua, ame na lunauiakaainaua a pau

lo 1, a mai poina oukou i ka niuau aku ia

Coke ke hele mai oia owai la kana Elelee Koho ai? He hewa ia la? He ui hoi kau?

Uu haawi ia aku i manawa no Hon. F.W. Beckley e haiolelo ai, a ua hoike uiai

oia e holo LunauiakaainanaKuokoa ana

oia mamuli o ke koi ikaika o na Home

Ru'i, na Demokalaka ame na Repubalika

0 M jlokai no ko lakou kue i ka wae anaae r.ei o D. Kalauokalani ia D. H. Kaha-

ulelio i moho no na Home Rula o Molo-

kai oiai aole he wahi e moe ai kona poo

ma ia apana, a no ke kue no hoi o na De-

mokalaka i ka hooneleia ana oia aoao

1 ka wahaolelo ole e ka Ahuelele hui o na

Hume Rula ame Demokalaka huipuia me

ka hoowahawaha o na kanaka noonoo

maikai i ka hoolilo aua ae nei o D. Kala-

uokalani i kekahi kanaka i ahewaia no

ke karaima oia o Kumalae i Alakai no

ka Aoao Home Rula. K a no ke hohononei na hana a Notley ma ka hale Date c

Hilo, aka nafe wae ia ae nei oia i Moho

Eiele Lahui na na Home Rula. Ke kaihe'.e nei o D. Kalauokalani i na Home

Rula me he pua hipa ala no ka hooliloakit no ke kumukuai kiekie loa, nolai'apau keia koho balota uiake loa ka Aoao

Home Rula.Ua hoike ia mai o ka hana mua loa a

D. H. Kahaulelio i kona lilo ana he lalano ka Hale Kau Kanawai o kakou oia no

kona ae ana aku e hoohaiki ia ka pono

koho balota b na kanaka ma ke ana wai-

wai malalo o ke Kitmukanawai o ka Re--

pubulika o Hawaii nei. I ke kau Aha

olelo i pau iho nei, o Kumalae malokomai, a o D. H. Kahaulelio ame Enokamr walib akii nei tin huilike lakou no kabana ana i na bana ekaeka aihue dala o

ka lehulehu. Hoike pu mai oia i ua hanalap uwile a J. E. Kekipi, Kekahi o nakanaka i wae iae D. Kalauokalani i Ala-

kai no na Home Riila o Maui, Kue oia

i k2 Kiaaina Carter no kona koi i uaapana e waiho mua aku he

haalele oihana i hoopaa ole ia kala mamua o ka bookohu ia ana mai i


Halowai MakaainanaRepubalika me ka

Hale Holo Hau oWailuku.

Ma ke ahiahi Poaono Oct. 15, uaraulamaia he halawai makaainanama ka Hale Holohau o Wailuku nok a boolobe aua i ia, elele lahui J. Jv.Kalanianaole a me na moho repubalika. Maluua aku o haneri ia kanakai Likl au malafla. .

Ka W. F. Crockett ,ka haioleloniuli Hoike mai oia.ua ikeia ma cam olelo o ke ao nei ka hahai mau 0na kanaka ma ka uoao Bewa. Maiklaohimai neiahaawlua i katiula aiiloko o ke kanaka, mai ia Adaiuu maia hiki no I neia la. ia K a rib to ameBaraba I kukuluiu at imua 0 na kana-ka- ttt

nlnauia owl ka lakou i make-make ai e huikala la akuj hooholokoke tnai no lakou e htldkuu ia Bara-bi- ,

ka powa, e kali aku ia Karistoke elLi a ke .kua; ma kd amana, aemkepia) Vflanolkeuud Noa.Olelo mai ke Akua ia Noa e uo aku i

M: E W Sna kanaka e haalele 1 ku hewa ae liu-l- i

ma', uka aole ia, a lilo kaN' a limn liana i rnca ukanka ia.Ki kulu ihol a o N( a i l;a HaleUn.a, uliiki i Uoiia juia una, l"aa lie puuho-nu- a

11011a ante kona oh a 11 a. llamama maiUi na lpuka Umi, huulc mailaka na, a u'ii aola ho monna wai nuima'inia o ka ili houua a puu hu luhuikui akahol iokoa i ka make koo lioo-liah- l

oliana nana i hoolaupai lion kaho : a -- no ka hahai n na kanaka maliopi- - o nu alakai hewa. Nui na Au-pui- .i

inaiia o ko uu kuhiko i huliliiano i:a liulu'.io na kanaka i na nlakaiIwv :. Like me ka ikeia ana o kapuiiaia kum.ihuo u kuiiakaha aua 1

mau huaolelo ma 11a pai'a'o ke kcenaAliaaiaa o ku alii, e Imi mai ana i kaho;nia, pela no e ikeia nei; oka la-

hui. ku aupuni umc ka aoao kal ann-

ua i kaupaonaia a ikeia ka mama, epau aua

Kekuakuuei au he liooia no nahana maikai a ka repubal'ka. Hekuc ia 110110 i na hana imi balota hoi-

noiuo pilikiuo. Kona kumualakai kaolelo a kc Kaula "Ina o Iebova keAkua iiuoiiiana Iaia, ina o Baala keAki:a lio.imana iaia I" Aole hoi o kapaa : ua kanaka me ka hoomalar.iala-m-

ola uku ia lakou elike mo ka nahome rala e hana nei, aka ke kukalaakca nei ka repubalika i kana maukunmalakai a ke hea aku nei la oukoue k( mo mai iloko o ka Halelana repuba!. ka i pukele oukou!

Na D. Kalauokalani opio i hoikemai 1 kukulu ia ka aono home rub,no ka manao pela e loaa ai ka pouo i

ka lehulehu aka aole hana o ke komite liooko o na home rula i na hanae pomaikai ai ka lehulem. Mahopemai o ke koho Luna Kalana ana, uaau mai o D. Kalauokalani makua ekakoo ka borne rula ia J. K. Kalani-anaole i eiele lahui, aka hoomakakoko o Iaukea me Kale Nokale e kueeia ka he makemake kcia mau kanaka e lilo no lata ia kuluna. Oleloaku au e holo senetoa laua aole naehe a j mai. No ko'u ike aole kahuapaa o ka home ruia nolaila waiho akuau ia aoao a hoi mai me ka repubali-ka.

iNiai holo oukou mahope o na demokalaka no ka manao a lanakila ke demokalaka pau o Kiaaina Carter, no

kamea he repubalika ka seuale aolelakou e ae mai una e hoopau waleia ke Kiaaina repubalika. O kaaoao repuoalika ko Kumuwai, aiua makemake oukou i mau pono ehoo'iili ae iue Kumuwai.

Na W. J. Coelho (Kuelo) 1 Hoike mtti i

kouio oia ma ka aoao repubalika tld konaike ana oia ka aoao kau'.ike dole llookae

ili e like me ka demokalaka. He aoao

hooliolo uiua ia i ka aina. I kona hookumu ia ana he 14,000 mile alabao ma

Amerikaa i keia la malalo o na nawai

ams na hookele kalaiaina ana a ka repu-

balika he 20D,oo3 a oi na mile alahao o

Am.rika; ua holomua na oihana imi loaa

na alahao, na oihana kalepa, na lua eli

lauahu ame na iua aila houua.Ua b'.ki aku na loaa auplini i ka $700,

000,600 o ka makahiki.E'a 11 1 pono a ka repubalika e hana

nei uo kou pomaikai. I ke Kau Ahaolelo

repubalika hahaia ke kanawai e papa anai k : hana ia o na hana Aupuni e na lahuiAs a, i lilo ai ka hand ia oukou (huroia).O kekahi kumuhaua a na repubalika oia

na i.eme hookuonoono, ka hooponopouoana i ke kanawai i hiki ni ke uku ia kekumukuai oia mall apaiia aina ma ka ba-

na ana i na alaniii no na aina hookuono-

ono (liurdia) kekahi ka hookuuiu ana i

na kula ao bana i aoia na keiki a kakou i

ka ike hana (hurbia). Ke ku nei au ina-au-

no ke kakoo ana i keia maU kumu-han- a

e loaa ai ka holomua iwaena o nakanaka: nolaila e kakoo mai oukou i kekahuahaua ame ka paa balota repubalika;

E koho pololei i ka balota repubalika;a mai kapae oukou i kekahi o makou, e

koho pau loa aole hooko'e bookabi! (Pai-paii- a

me na iiuro).

Hoolauna ia mai o j. K, Kalanianaolea haiolelo mai oia be kumubana koikoike'a mea he kalaiaina, e boonioni aua i

ka noho alia o na Aupuni, aia a lanakilana kuiuualakai kalaiaina maikai alailamaluhia ka aina.

Owau ko oukou Elele Lahui ma Wasine

tona d mamiilt o ka'ti mau hooikaika anaua lake ae ke Auplini Federala 1 na lilt)

o !.a uialauia ana i iia bale kukui o Ha-

waii nei; ae kbkulUia alia hfchalehobluluohiia iua Honolulu nO' fjo.ood! a e ku-

kulu ia aua na papu kaua nuniii ma Ho-

nolulu nona ua hdolilo ana mil ka $5,000

ooa a $io,ooo,ood ltd Uu papu liboltabi kepaa, a Ua ae ia tnai e hoolilo 1 1300,000 o

ka makahiki ma ia bana, nd biikou kciapomaikai, (paipaiia)i ' No ha poU paua- -

hi un koi uku o Wilikoki i $3,000,000 110

kona makeninke i kiiuiu iini balota nanaa he ;; o?,oco wale 110 1 loaa mai aole i

like nu. kar.a i noi at. O na aoao kaluia-in- a

i ike ia oia ke demokalaka ame karepuba ika, aole home rula ma ka Ahao-

lelo 1,'iii, Malaila he noho kaawale karepubrlika uiai ke detnokalaka, uole omakf-i- i hele aia ko lakoi. aoao o lakou kahele .lyrt' ma ko makou aoao e noi mai

ai ia e kokua aku i ku lakou maukuu-.uliau- O ka Bila Kanawai e olelo

ia tui i.e kanawai hcopr.u i ka olelo Ha-

waii 11.'. lawe ia mai e a'u malalo o kekahiolelo li'ioliolo i r.ponoia e ko kakou Aha-

olelo e noi ana c ae ia ka olelo Hawaii

iloko o 11a hana Ahaolelo no umi maka-

hiki. (liuroia)j Aole ia he kanawai e

hoohall.i ana i ko oukou niana koho e

like mi ka Kini ame Iaukea ma e olelo

nei. No 11a mea pili ia Keohokalo-l- e

ua ike no oukou ua holoholo pu oia

me a'u i ko maua wa kamalii. Tail ae

oia t.'. '.i i.aaa hana kii aku au iaia a hoo-noh- o

iaia i kakauolelo no ka waiwai o

Kaniolani. He nui na poe kupono i

i:i mai i kakauolelo na'u aka huli ae

au n ::ia i ko'u mau hoa o ka wa kamalii

a lawe ;:e'.a au ia Keohokalole. Hele oia

me a' .i a noho pu me a'u ma Wasinetona

malalo o ko'u mau lilo, waiho iho au i ka

olelo e ukuia o Mrs. Leihulu Keohokalo-

le i $: x o ka uiahina a ua ukuia oia pela

eia no nae ua hoole ae o I.eihulu ia mea

maloko o Ke Aloha Aina. Ia inaua maWasl-.-.eton- a ua hele o Keohokalole i ka

lealer uhauha aole oaa hana i kana hana

kakauolelo, nalowale aku i kekahi mana-

wa he man pule a oili mai; me kona uku

ia no he $100 oka niahina hele mai no

oia e noi dala ia'u, a ike au i ka pono ole

o kau i hana haawi aku au he $125 a

:;u iaia e hoi mai pane mai oia "al-

right" a hele oia, mahope lobe au ua ba-l- a

i New York a hala be mahina hoea

hou ::iai oia a noi hou mai no i dala haa-

wi ah.u au $160 a olelo aku iaia e hoi mai

iwaho nei, o kana wale no i pane mai ai

"tha:.k you," a hele akula a lobe au ua

hala i Atlantic City me kona mau hoa

leale.i, pau he niRhina, hbea hou aua oia

a noi lieu mai no i dala, haawi au iaia he

$90 a olelo aku au e hoi mai oia a San

Frandsco a imi mai i alanui e hiki loa

mai '.ii i Hawaii nei. O ka hopena ia o

ko'u Ike ana iaia, mahope mai o ko'u

haalele ana'ku ia Wasinetona loaa maila

ia'u ha Nupepa Washington Post ike iho-

la au 1 ka moolelo o kona hopu ia aua no

ka u;ahaukae a nui ko'u minamina iaia;

Aka ua hana aku au ina mea apau e hikiai na kona hoi mai i ka aina nei, aole

nae oi.i i makemake e hoi mai. O na

dala :.u i haawi aku ai ua pau i ka inurama iu auie ka lalau ia. Alaila tia ma-

nao auei oukou o ka'u bana o ka hoopaaiaia a paa a kau maluna o ko'u kua a hoi- -

hoi laai i ka aina nei? Lawe hele iho uei

na i na pepa loloa noi dala

no ka .hoihoi mai ia Keohokalole a libou-n- a

aku nei iaia, hoole mai neioia aole

oia ae e hoi mai i mau nu imi balota nai

ke demokalaka, a kauoha mai oia i kanawahiae e hoolilo aku i kekahi aina oualoaa ui he dala nona e koi mai ai. Ke

hiki nil'.: o Iaukea niuau aku oukou iaia

aia la ihea kana keiki ponoi? Ua tt

oia i kana keiki kona io ame konakoko ponoi mai kona home aku me kealoha ole a aia ke keiki a Iaukea ma

he tnakilo ka hana i loaa kahipono o ka noho ana! Ninau ia Iaukea i

maopopo ia oukou owai la o maua kai

kumakuia i ke kanaka Hawaii?

Ina ua manao oukou o Notley a o Ia u

kea paha na kanaka kupono hoouna akuia laua ma Wasinetona nokamea o ko ou

kou kuleana la'. Aka ke ao aku nei au ia ou

kou e haalele akii i ka home rula a e hoimai iloko o ka aoao repubalika aiole kaaoao demokalaka no ke kumu aole ka-

hua o ka home nils, nidi boopaakiki oukou ma ta aoao mahope anei lawe ia ko

oukou maua koho a like Oukou me nanegero o na mokuaaina heuia o Amerika.

E l.o'io pololei i ka paa balota repubalikanlai ka elele a na aenatoa ame na luna- -


Nit'S. L.Desha (Kiwiu!) i hoikema', iwaena 0 na aoao kalaiaina. uahilinai na makaainana Amerika maluna o ka aoao repubalika, ka aoaoku'aiaina o Linekona, ka aoao 1 hooka!. uaia maluna o ka pulatna iua ha-

na i'tii loaa kuloko aole hoi elike meke demokalaka ka'aoao i hookahuuiamaluna oka aewaleaku ikekomi ko-

mo o ua waiwai Ifuwahome ke dute ole,a pnnei ke auo: ua ae aku ke demokalaka 1 ka hookomo wale ia mai okedaiinauaJ hoohinuhluu ia iloko okattiua, a tia kau &ku ka repubalika i

. .. .J,a

10 kenata duto miluaa o na daimar.n i hoohinuhinu ia i hookomo ttnai ui ka pohaku dnimnnii i okinle iaa loaa ia hana a kekahi poe ike hanao ka okioki i ke daimana, loaa hoi kolakou ola ma ia liana. I ke kau koho bnlota I lanaki'a nikcdimokalakaa lilo ai o Kaliv&lana i Pereidena uapom ku ta na liaie liana no ka mnkauia 0 poho mamuli o ke;a no ia aku o11a waiwai o w:.ho e komo mai me k'p

dute K a uu uwe ae 11a kanaka apuni ka aina no ka nele i ka hami, aalakr.i aku o Coxey lie mau umi-tau- -

sani poe nele huna a hiki I Wafcitielo-n- a

e noi aku i ke aupuni c liana mai i

mea e pau ai ko L kou pilikia; pololina wulune ame na keiki, akai ka la-

nakila ana 0 ka aoao repubalika uapau ka lohe ia ana o na leo kup'mal o- -

na oliana nele . na ivahme- - aiiio nakeiki pololi e kupiuai aua a puni kaainal

He lahui makee ka lahui Hawaii i

ka inoa maikai. ehia mea hilahila inapuka 0 Nokale me kona inoa haukaepau ka mcemae o ka inoa ou, c kaHawaii. No Wilikoki he kanaka oiai maewaewa no ko aloha ains, ro kealoha alii, he hewa hanohano kana i

hana ai a paa pu iloko o ka halepaa- -

hao me ke keikialii Kalaniauaole, cae hoolialike ana anei oukou iaia meNokale? Ke kanaka i haukae kainoa iloko o ka oihana Hale Dute maIIuo, a lohe ! kona makuakane i kahana a kana keiki ku ae oia a haalelei kona noho iloko o ka senate, to kahilahila a hoi aku la me na waimakae helelei ana! Oia anei ka oukockanaka e hilinai ai? No. Iaukea,hoomanao aela au he wahi moolelo01a keim aia ma ka Akau nei he awaku moku, he wati paa mau i ka ohu,a 0 ka rula o na kapena mokuke paai ka Uiu ka hookani mau i ke oeoe.Malaila he wahi moku utkn. iaia iholo ai i kekahi la halii malia ka ohua nalowale pu na mea apau, a hookani at la oia i kona oeoe, a loihi loa kekani aua o kona oeoe, nolo maila ke'kahi moku nui a kokoke hea akulakonc kapena ninau i keia kumu pilikia, l.oole maila kahi kapena o kamoku uuku aole piliki maoli koe keiaaia i:o kona pauaoai uka, alaila make aha oe e hookelo nei i kou moku?Ka, nana nei au a ma ka aoao e hinaai o ka uabi maila au e holo ai, a pe- -

hea ina pohu a pii pololei ka uahi iua lewa; ka leli pauki nohoi pabako'u mokU uaua aku 0 kahi e hina ai0 ka uwahil Pela ihola o Iaukea, iaWilikoki ma ame Kalauiatiaole ma elukoko ana iloko 0 ka make a paa i

ka halepaabao no ke aloha i ka ainaaia keia Iaukea e auamo ana i ka puma ka aoao kue i kona lahui ame kealii nana oia i hoolei aku i na hanohano kiekie loa!

Ia'u ma Bositona ame Nu Toka uaninau ia mai uu i ke ano o ke kanakaHawaii, olelo aku au he elua mea nuiloa i ke kanaka Hawaii; ka hookipai ka rnalihiui, ame ke aloha alii. Nolaila ke koi aku nei au ia oukou, ehoike i ko oukou aloha alii ma ke ko-

ho ana 1 ke alii opio i elele Uhui nokakuu.

Ku mai o A. S. Mahaula a he mailolelo pokole wale nj kana ho ko Ke-

ohokalole pilikia, a piiana mai oia 1

ke mele nona keia mau lalani:"Ua haunaele Ewa i ka MoaeKe 6h!. wale ia ala ka ia hama-hle- o

0 ka aina!"Na ke kaona oia mele i hoopau a'e

i ka pohlhihi 6 ko makou noonoo; dhahdia maila ke aloha no ia hoa '


loholo pu b na ia ihala, akaka aelake kuinu 6 kona hoomaniha i ka ainamaliblui a loaa i ka pilikia aka luhuiHawaii e kuhihewu aku uei.

Mahope mai ua haiolelo ka Hon. F;W. lieckley.

He Wdhi Itamu Meahou.

Lobe ia mai ua Hoole 0 Iaukea Uo- -

ko 0 kana iriau haiolelo ma na Koo-la- u

0 Maui aole kofco alii 0 Kalania-naole, aka he makaainana no elikeno meia (Iaukea). He mea auo koikoi keia Iwaena o na Hawaii oiaio,uolaila pono ia Iaukea ke hooia hiaii kana mau olelo ma ka hoike akeaana aa i kahi i paewa ai ma ka Mookiiauhuu 0 keia alii hanau o ka 'ainaIna aole hiki iaia pono oia e mihl maia nouioi nou aku I kana nr.au olelohook ano,

0 lie kahua hoomana kalaiaina aEli kikipl e kala nei oia no keia': QIehova, ka Peresidena, Icsu ke Ka-kauolelo, ka Uhane Hemolele ka Pu-uk- u,

a e lilo na home rula i lala. , Lo-he wule mai makou ua wao ae 0 Ela hooholo lho 0 ke kulana luna ohld,a!a hui hoomana kalaiaina kai.iaia,

fiM ko. ' nei naauao, iaia na ala k0 kit beo kai ri home' tula.

Page 5: H...H. il I1H I III ll tl iM Kv.... w. r. VOLUME X WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, OC TOBER 2?., 1904 NUMBER-1- 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNBYJ JOHN RICHARDSON attorney at lav And Notary



T.ixps bncotne deilnquont Novem-ber 15, lest than a month from now.

Prima Lajfr is just what the ln0.tor orders fr a otreiijf li build jijrtoniu. Try It.

The Kcvjulnu is now In port Mr'thi! lasi tipiH until augur xhinp'mj;Heason arrives.

The republican spellbinders left onClaudlne for a brief

tour o.i en.-:- t Maui.

CVio tfoocl way to keep cool l.s toCTop into Borba n niv.l try a refresh-ing draught of layer.

If you want a real choice, hlht'l-ad- c ii;ar, drop into the Maul No-i- i

1 nice mi.! vri:t oii'o.

A Viir l'i i i ir t.t lm iff vpn in 1 niiiirof Delegate Kuliio at Paia on Mmdav nltorn-vv- at five o'clock.

Good fish' are still scarce In theWailuicu market. What has becomeof the Kahoolawe proposition?

T!ie Maui Wine fe. Liquor Co. heldt'i.-ii- - rj i r t',"lv ni'e tin if on

.!m'.-jila..' cvciii.i' at li. ot P. lia;!.

The present summor and fall onMaui has been remarkable for thelong continued hot and d"y weather.

Cane is bejfiuninjr to tassul aridrlprn ou the central Maul plantationsand all the bi mills vill soon getbusy.

The Circuit Court trial jury hasbeen kept quite busy all week, andits members have fairly earned tneirfec.-t-

Paia Saloon is now prepared tofurnish all cisses of imported andAmerican Ijq'iors; genuine an.'lriylit price.

Q life a y.umhpi- - or Ff-- nlnlu IrnV,

Si liin men arc mi Maui UiU weekn:ij report tli f. thy il.i i't Ihid ail yliiirii "lines over ho-v-

V. A Iiau.l-ioiu- tw.iminual pipe, orm i f iliij JI ts in & Hamlin muktarrived b t!nj N va(U'i fjr St. Anthony's Church, Wuiluku.

Now is the lime for the Kula peopie to begin to experiment with , theViinll-- . IWitin it I !li li.ia VM'nvnA itaMfa suice.'i.s in the lionu (ii.-tit-ct. . .fy. Ail of t!ie Cath'ilic prlesln on Mauisave Father Julien of the .WailukuCalhulic Missiuu Iiuvj gone to Hono-

lulu for a two week's "retrca'.",.

The term of Circuit Court practi-cally ends today, only one or two civ-

il ras remaining, which will betrie'd without jury, if tried a, nil.

U n'ufa.l loa'l ml the Now Enj

an. I J;ii.i;cr uli'uliU to In: kci vrtlbv the Ladies' Guild at the Episco-

pal Church, today from l'i to 2 o'clock

. Th.s Mnifim Star base ball teatWlt for IT vv.l:i!u !) T'i'irsd i.y'n Mau-i- ci

ij la ti pi.iy oiio or two in.iti-l- i

l'lUl':i Willi tilt iSllCCO s toy .u, l

A magnificent Great Dane houndtil pr.ip.Tly ..f .Mr. A. E ios Jr. urriv'uJ ni ,'u hikti by Vedneca V

Claudiue--j tho lirsl of liw breed tohere.

S.?o ad of H.iiku Fruit & CanningCn. in a "tl.i-- r i-- i'm mi. Thi'v 1 avi'"pulau e:cL'i-l'.iii.a.- t a:u ul

ca'.ncil piiie-ajil- umj j liy on theMaui mai ket.

A m'tsonlc lodge wita amcinrcrship has been- - institute

i Wailuku, and a mnsouio buildin


ouiu uuineu. i presouk iiii'ymeet at K. of P.' Hall. ' '

I, has been demonstrated by the'Wuiluku Japanese market gardeuei--

. that all varieties ol vegetables fouudin the temperuto zone can bo suc-

cessfully and 'profitably grown here.

Supt? Filler of the K. H. R. Co.h is a Torce of men at work fllliui.' h

u ul I'udiiiij t .e in ils hi KjIiuIi;'.Tills will duite a wclcm- -

c'liinge hen rainy weather sets hi.

If something is not done to letmire light into the school rooms oft'iei;fw schoolhou-'t- , i Ice trie lighUv ill have to be used. Somebody hamade a serious blunder in the matter.

The o v itatlo bi'j'un by the Newsrelative to the presentYflvthods of t euching in some of ourttctpoij is being taken up by tneIsland press, and a reform is lo heh.iped .'or, all aloi. iho l!i c.

Subscribers who fail to receive theNews regularly will kjndly ring upand eiter prot sts. There have bt-ei- i

tM'Veuvl complaints off tills kind re-

cently, the f .uli for Iwliioh has n..iai linuttd in the New oHlce;

Citizen' Labor.

While the News bas been. somewhat in sympathy., with Wiisou &

Dugjjan in the matter, of citizen labor, yet the subjoined letter throwsimii her liht, on ihe mallei'.

The Ki-w- vouclus loivthe reliability of. i'.ih writer, and if; the lac i.

stated in his letter bo true, it is uplo Wilson & Duan to explain.

Tho following Is the let ter.Maui Nuws:- -

Mr. W Isou fromHonolulu the fulli wiai; e.it'Z'iis tc

work on l ho. lvtauao roiii underpromiso of $1.23 per day.

Joe Claudio, A. Echo,' TrarfklinBaker, Daniel Eoowal, H. Harry,James Williams. Antone Feareffo",Jno. Kni.e, M.iimel Cuireirn, A

Souza. When lie V L'ol lo Wiiiuiit.tit ii.-o-ii t .Id t. .em til, 1 !ie tv..iilnot pay thun by the day, but wouldpay them 10 ct's. per foot. r

They refused to work, walked fromWfiane to Paia, aad are nu'.v workiui on the Puia Plantation.

M. L. Deponte.

Luuu Ac i'uiu Di.ut.

On next Monday afternoon at 5

o'clock, De'egate Kuhio will be tendered a luuu at , the Paia. warehousedepot, by the citizens of Makawnoan 1 Paia Districts. . , ,


Elaborate prearalioiis ore beingmade, and trains will be run fromPuuncho and iti. Arranirmeats arc beins' made to entertainall who attend, and all ore welcome.While the luau is primarily intendedas a kindly greeting to our delegatestill those who attend will doubtlesshave the pleasure of listen'my; to anaddress from Priuu-- i lvui.io.

Drum C'lincl-- i An-lvc-

.:nm,' t'.i fivi ;:'it, 'it fht do .vn

on ihe Aeva Ian wi. lull nrrueil vch- -

terd.iy is the laru drum eylim c

iress recently ordered lv thuNnwiThe pressxnow is use is in j.ip.tiilj ofproperly handling the work require 1

of it. and it will be a source of orati.fit nt ion to the readers of the Newsn ell ns the piib!ilii rs to I nve itsWeekly edit.mi run olT on t druin cyliuder. Some troublo and fiiiionwill occur inp substitutin-- ' the newpress for the old one, but no issueswill be missed, ond a six paire paperis promised. Subscribe fr" tl eNews.

Creoi 'MenX .N-- t f.ui ty.Hi i olul.!, Sept. 2l Judge Tolt ot

tin- - Peiiei iii Court trausacl'.'il consid-eibl- e

business to day in the matter6! seiitenccs.

Iii U. S. vs. Wiii, Treanor andCyrus T. Green, Treanor's interestin the case having alVeady leen dis-

posed of, Green pleaded mi guilty tothe of puiuiftfliiii.', and badi. is case set fur ihu lirsl of Novem-

ber. In a separate :' :ase againstGreiii, a somewhat" similar el. a--


connected whh thi hindlin of l;i,-uo- r,

defendant also pleaded not guil-

ty and this uffair was set to follow

his trial on the joint indictment. ,

Tl e nam ? of tho njv pa-ito- r of theMethodist Church is L.

laborer fell from a plantation car a few days nco, and bothleys were fine lured. He was takento the Laihainn Hospital.

C. li Coekett has been uppuiiitrdCaptain of Police

The Japanese Duddh'sl houe ofworship Is bcinjf enlarged. Servicesure held every evcuiiijj.

There was a Japanese funeral 'astSid ui day evening.

I.lii.k 11 pox is prevalent amo.i'the sehoul children.

Seonif 1 niovmif his residence totho J on is place, near Dr. Molony's.

Miss N. A. Flulden was at Laha-inalun- n

011 Saturday and Sundae.Mr. Stui te-a- l has rctu:'i;ed from

Olowalu.Prince Cupid and other speakers

vj: c aniiouiued for'tlio R 'publicanrally on Tuesday.

A v ry Euccessful Ce ublican rallywas held ill the lhh mcrk'etou Tuis-da- y

eei.inj.', Rev.' P. Eapu presid-ing. The e.ik.-r- s vfro PrinceKulaiihinaolc, Messrs. Nalcuina andand Desha.

A larye niMiib r if el.ll'len enj ivedho fe.slhities at Dully Hei. nine's

,iirlt day put'ty, ii few d .y ay.- liwas pleas.u;t-oeii.si'ii- i.

is V7V Ko.ea


The Governor i direl!t9, that notice begiven of the following Polling Placesand Inspectors of Election for the GeneralElection to be held November 8th.,1904, for the election of a Delegate to theHouse of Representative? of the Unitedjtiitc-- i to iluring t'.ie T'lfty-nint- h

Congress, and for Two Senators and Six.Representatives to t'.io Iv g slaturc of thei'erritor)- - of Hawaii from theTHIRDKErRESENTATIVE DISTRICT

Islands of Maui, Molokai, Lnnai andKahoolawe.

(The first named Inspector in each precinct acts us Chairman).

1st I'recinct Polling Place, KaluupapaStore House Inspectors: W. Clark;Euul Van Lit; and M. K. Makaena.

aud Treciuct Polling. Place, PukooCourt House. Inspectors: Dibble K. IlaeJ. H. Maimer and John Kauiai.

3rd Precinct Polling Place, CircaitCout flouse at 1 ihauia. Inspectors: W.Huning; Junior Makciki Ei'.hi; and V.'s

't'. Kniie. ' '

4th Precinct Polling Place, Honoka-ha- u

School House Inspectors: DavidTaylor, Jr.; D. Kapaku; and August Rei-inaii-

5th Precinct Polling place, Kahale-palao- a

Store House Inspectors: CharlesOay; S. Kahoohalahala; and X. Kealnkar.

Otli Precinct P.illin Pi ice, CircaM

Court House at Wailuku Inspectors: Jas.X. K. Keola; S. E. Kaiue'; and A. G.Dickins.

7th Precinct Polling Place, SugarRoom at Puunene Mill Inspectors: DanQuill; Win. Walsh; and Win. B. Hardy.

8U1 Trccinct Polling Place, HospitalBuilding at Kihei Inspectors: C. C. Hof-gar-

Sam Ku.t'.a; and JaaiM Sait.9th Precinct Polling Place, Kealahou

School House Inspectors: David Mort6nAntone F. Tavares; and Xoa Kamakau.

10th Precinct Polling Place, Mama.kuapoko Mill Inspectors: W. S. NicholsJ. H. Nui; and W. F. Mossman.

nth Precinct Polling Place, HueloSchool House Insiecto'rs: W. F. Pogue;J. Viiicent; and D. N. Opunu'.

li'.h Proeinsi Polling P. ace, Ke.tnril Housi inspectors: Charle. Hani

I). W. Napikaa; and S..K. Kaiiir.a.lj.h l'ivciuct i'oiiiu Place, Han.

Court House Inspector.-- : F. B. Rosecrans; B. K. ICaiwiaea; and Geo. Wait.

,t'a Prjc!n:t Polling Place, K jiahuliSAoot House Inspectors: A. Gross; M.

I. Kane, and G. W. Kauliaue.15th Precinct Polling Piuce, Homiau

la Court IIjusc Ins;ject5rs: G. K. ;

Ed. Wilcox; and Guy Goodness,16th Precinct Polling Place, Kauna-kaka-

School House Inspectors: H. R,Meyers; Jas: K. Koa; and S. N, Pahumi.

17th Precinct Polling Place, HalawrSoIiodI House Rev. J. Kaalouahi; S. N. Kauakahi; and Z. Kumauao

l3th Precinct Polling Place, WaihctShool House Inspectors: Rotert J. K.Nawahine; C. A. Kauachoio; und A. S.Kaholokai.

19th Precinct rolling Place, NnhiknSchool' House Inspectors: Hugh HowellJohn Kaiwi; and Henry Renter.

20th Precinct Polling Place, KaupoSc'.ioo! House Inspectors: I,. K. Keike:J. P. Iruina; and J. K. Knhoopii.

A. h. C. Atkinson.Secretary of the Territory e f Hawaii.

Capitol Building,Honolulu, October 10th, 1904.Oct., 15. 22. 29. Nov. 5.

Notice ok Commissioner's Salk ofReal Estate.

On Saturday the 29th day of October,1934, at 12 o'clock noon, at the door ofthe Courthouse at Ulupalukua, .District ofWailuku, Maui, I will sell to the highestbidder for cash, subject to confirmationby the Judge of the Circuit Court, .SecondCircuit: " ' v

All that certain pie?c and parcel of landcomprised in Royal Patent numbered5280, L. C. A. 4151, to Kalawaia Kumokuof Kanaio, Houuaula, Maui,- 3 apanas,having an area of 4.73 acre', more or less;

A'l that certain piecs and par cl of landcomprised in Royal Patent numbered 1248to Kalawaia Kumoku of Kanaio, Houuau-la, Maui, Territory of Hawaii, containingan area of 34.39 acres more or less, to-

gether with the improvements situate onsaid laud consisting of two frame houses(one a1xut 25ft. by 28ft, mid the otherabout iSft. by 20ft.) aud also a watertight cemented cistern of about loo barrelCapacity, reserving the family burial plotof aljout 103.:. by loj.t. 1:1 area.

For further particulars apply to D. H.Case Esq., Attorney for plaintiffs, in Wai-

luku or to the undersigned at Kihei,Maui. a

CHAS. WILCOX.Commission er,

Wailuku, Maui, Sjpt. 20, "1904.H in. ii. Oct- I. 1 . -- U.


A PLANTATION COMPANY.HAN of prluclpul plueu o( OUAiuudU, NauFruci'Uco, California. Location of works lluua,Muul, Territory of Huwuli.

Nulii-- If uoroby given, that at t moijtlug oftile lioard of Ulroolortt, bold on tho tliiluy ofAugust, lOot, au nsacHsmuut, No. 5, of tuu (III)ceut per t.huro, waji luvioj uixu the cuiiilu!alocU oftho Corporutlou, pujablo lmnieUiutelyiu I'ultOvl Ktat.'a oM to the TrcusuporofIhe Compay, Louis ISroui, ut Lis omue, .'o. (illFuImjiu Htiout, sau Francisco, Culiforniit.

Any Ktock uiou whfcU thin ussoK-smcn- uLallivtn-ii- unpaid oa the tlfloeath U.iy of October,Hull, will be (lulia juoBt, uud udvcrlisi'd for xulcut i.ulilic ; and uuh-:i- 1 mndcbefur.., will bu s.ild on TL'KKlJA V, tho l.iili J;iytif Novt.m'KT, IjiiI, to pay lUe dcliuqucut assc.i-miu- t,

togi-tiiu- I lie coal ;of advert Isluy audof bal.

Jly or k r of I li Hoard of UiruiMors,.1 Wtf , si ci'. l .ry.

ortici Na. Kol--oi- n, c;f

Culif- i 't lit.

13YAUTHORITYElection Proclbinntiort

Wiikuear, tho Act to provide B GovornmcDtr ta.j Tor- itury of Ha.viiil iro 1 los tlint a 51

otovllou .iiu bo l.el ou the Tuu. d.y Uexl

..lot laj lit'..l tiuud.:y lu XulUJ.!.', A. it. Ii 4

.iid llii'.t ut 111 a Im-i- duys bi.foro uuyclection..i.- Uj.u.'uui- .i.it.ll.id..u j iiu cijc'.iou procluiu.iion. au I

Wheiujas, It is provided la the Itulea undIvjgu'.atiouj for Adtiiiui aeiiag Oaths und Hold- -

I Elections that 110 chungo shull be made as

the uov.u lurlos pieclut within sixty

jyd ol elo. ill,--Vow'. Tiiehei ohe, In accordance therewith,

1. George R. Curler, Governor of the Territoryof Hawaii, hureby give notice that a gcucrul

olection for a Delegate to the Bouse of Repres--

ntatlvos of tho United States to serve during

tho Fifty-jiuil- i Cougrcsv, aud for Scua!ft-jau-

.1 );.rortoi,t;Uivos of t.iu l.ctl. t.iUiro of tl.o l';r--..U)rv of iiu vuii, ivt!l i Uoia ou Tusmcny, iov-'ijjMVSli.. A. u. rj.it, t uo.iiiuut 1:10 Veil. or..

jjiwJtu tho houra of S 'uiotk a. lu. .uU h

oVloclt p. 111.

Tue Svjatitoi'lul District.-- uro.r.s fullow-H--

Fiusr UisTitic y.e.I lua.l of lhiwuii;Sbcund ;Distiiilt The Islands of Maui,

Molokai Lanal and Kuhoclawe;'

Tiuiii) Distuict The Isdand of Oahu;

FoVIitii Disiuiot T;io I.. hinds of ,i ill: I

Tho elue'.or.s lu the said Senatorial Districtsare entitled to elect Senators as follows:

In tho Second District two.The Roprerentatlve Districts, Registrutim

and Polllus Places arc u follows:

THIRD DISTRUT.Islands 01 Vluut, Molokot, Lnnal and

Kahoolawe.FU'at l'reciact Tuat portioa of :.Milol:l

of ICuluwao auJ Ikalaupapa.'Poiliug Pl.ieo '.Ca'.iu'.papa Store Hoaso.Socond Preclnot That portion of Molokai

Hiundcd on tho east by Hououtiwut and Hula-

wa, uud ou the west by Kawula uud tho FlratProcinct,

Polltuj Place Pukoo Court Houso.

Third Pruvluct That Iportlon ofjWest Maullag botw-iHi- tiio lands of W niliai-- in ttm Ui

.'.ji ol W'ailuUu uu-- l..u 1 .nd.-- . ol Houo:u .val lut 10 Di .trlct of Ivnuui'.t'iill.

'VI ia l'lacc CI: cut' C.npi Ilov.snnt Lnliult


T:i.it:inrtion of" sst Mui.it 14 b.:l'.vo.;a t:o lnniis of Hituakutxj aud Win

;u 1.. a a i i.uani.ti:.ll.Polil g PI t..'u llo .oUnhaii S;.:io.l i:.m:-.-.-

Piviiiuji ' .u I iluad of Luiiui.Polling Place Iia'iuk'pulaoa Storo IIou. e.

Sixth portlouiof tlioi districtit Vuiluku lying south ot Wailuku Stream andv .:t of a lino running from tho mouth ot Wat

uku Stroam southly oloug the sand kills toM.t itu .vt Hay and iuclullug Tlha Island of Ka-

li luwc.

Polllug Place Circuit Court Hou..c at Wa:-lu-

1. .

rievout 1 Proctucl That portion of tho Dis

trict bouudod by the Sixth Prouinct, tho sco,

the laaJ: ot Pttlohuiu.i. Ivallullnv.t, Kallua,Hamakuapoko and the sea.

Polling Place Sugar Itoora at Puun?no Mill.Eighth Prjciact All that portion of Kula ou1 t .'.la.il wu.it of a li ruu'itii:-- ' f .1 m

t .U'.iat-.l- to tl:c nnrlh N ui!i?i-r- Pn'.ol.miui11 the llaoof t:.o t.o l.ill. , Puu 1: l: ttd 1'i.u

0 Koha.

Polling Place Hospital Building at Kihei.Ninth Product The rcmutudcr of Kulii and

that portion cf Irumakuapoko lying southwestof 1 Mnll'io U ilch aud maukuof the road ri n

niug from K itnniif to tlie Malta vim J til 111. d a

line la m t:i. rciif.Polling Place Kealahou School House.

Touth The r.imaludor of Hamukua-po'.;-

und that )ortlon of Hauiakualou lyingw st of tin Haielia'tu Stream.

PoltlngPi.'u ria-.- I'ci.iriiko Mill. ;

ElevoatU' Product That lo.-tlo- of EustMaul lylug butwucu Ilal.haUu aud OpuoluStreams.

Polling Plaoe Huelo School House.' Twelfth Precinct That portion of F.ast Maullying botw-v- Opuol.i uud K upanlii Streams.

Polliug Pla.c .kc.uau sicaoui House.Thlrteeontli Precinct Tho District of Hanu

lylug between the Dlstriots of IKoolau and

Polling Plao Court H msp.

Fourteenth Precinct The District of Klpa- -


Kipahulu School Houso.Flftioutli Product T iut portioa' of East

Maul lylog west of the District of Kaupo andsouth of Pr irtncts Eight and Nine.

Polliag Piuco Honuuula Court House.Sjt i ni i Prcduct The western portion of

Molokai lyaig west of tho Second Product andsouth of Hie First Piednct.

Polling Place Kaunukakul Hcliool House,

Seventco'ita Prcu'nrt T at portion of Mol

lylug oast of the Socoad Precinct.Polling PIucj H..'i.wa School House.Eighteenth Pr ciuct That portion of the

District ol Wuiluku lylug belweuu the WuilukuSi roam aud the Fourth Product.

Polliug Place Wulheo School House.

Nluctaeuta Precinct Tint portion of theDl.lrlct of K.xiluu lyln : between tho Twelfthaud Thirteenth Precincts.

Polliug Place Nuhiku school He use.

Twentieth That portion of EustMaul kuoTvn'ai thu District of Kuupi.

Polliug Place Kuupochool House.The electors la the foregoing Rjprcsentutlves

District are entitled to elect Representativeus follows:

lu the Third District six;

Is Tksximo.-j- Wukhkok, I :.a c bert-unt- wmy Uahd and cau. ed the se of the Territory ofHawaii 10 be utllxod.

Ho:; is At The Caimtoi., in Honolulu, this th!; of Au:'t;-A- V. !Wl.

c. n. cahter,Ctii rno'r of Hawaii.

1. -- Jt


1 Better Than Ever 1

I3qti!pped to ef.ppJy you wit Si




JUST m.We Restring Lavn Tennis Rackets




PEARSON fir POTTER CO., Ltd- 1. O.JJ X. JXU St., H.iii.il-ilii- . II.

- I ho Oldest Edtabl:ljedf urm'tura Utj.io intinj Isl tnUWit Imvi; ii l iryvr a.i innrvs var'wO stiivk tii.iti we;-!- , by any otherlirm in thu sinnu laic. Funitturti iviiiruis d mo skillfull v andquickly by experts.

Wo luivo just received, direct Uew Ynrk fiiclttryi n slr11. fin if tlie ruinous '

: , .

' Gsiernioor Patent Eiuslic Felt iliaitrees . v,These :iro specially ndapatablu to this clinmti Wa will be plbAsetlto furnish particulavs rocarding these Inilivsiees and solicit A'trial order. They are eqtml to hair mattressi's and tost .a gVealdeal less. We keep the best wire iniittrssps in the City;


Pacific Hardvape Co., Lt'd

Absolutely safe a.id reliable saves tlmi fuel anitemper, once tried, always tist id- - '

1 burner $5.53'

- 2 bjnfs $M 3 m:ti $151

Securely crated for shippingFort and Metcltnnt Gts., lionoluld

Jiist Whatthe Doctor Ordered

The wonderful ionicproperties of pure hopscombined with absolute "

purity makes

. the Best tonic for mind And,1ody'







Hire's Gomethln worth tryingKASTMAX'S W: D. PLATINUM PAPER.

racked iu nirstlt'lit. ncalcd tubes. A purfv il;itlniitu piiprrjn'(uirlu; only wnici' di'Vf lopmcnt, wltlniu.ClrifSin water ami ttcul. Sititptt to liiindli', fl jtikIui'i's cfTirlsoiltuil iit li:uiy M nn.v iliotosritphlc prones:Tvcii C riidos ''.SiiLLUii'' imci ''llouxh," X'"w k iuitvn luuui.













. t.


. .





Page 6: H...H. il I1H I III ll tl iM Kv.... w. r. VOLUME X WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, OC TOBER 2?., 1904 NUMBER-1- 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNBYJ JOHN RICHARDSON attorney at lav And Notary


I'crnonnl Aletitioii. Jim :CIRCUIT COURT STIRLING- -,r Mr '.srvcif W rus.TH n cook,


Lf)EH:.:,:::jATE.' flou


Sold By r:At 'Reliable " tracers

.'. .;"'WHQi'SsAjL'p:Ri4' !

mi Wins


.'J & A .? - .v' U. 'COAST

AL!' y - 'Paul iones

p'-trz&m- - PbfVHye Y&iInes. Special delivery every htv.r in Wailuku.

3. SJMUiRAjV Ho Dsaie Dealer In

Stamiaisj) HiiAMrf oy

. WIILSKIKS, l.;UAXD.Y, '...,, .v.:"i ' xylJMOR-T- a ni DOMESTIC' WINES

LICjtiliiJKs, COKDIALS, GINS, ETC,iAr.s-;-- , a. n. n., lemi'3,..rainier,i ak pkimo

EoiV!l?cX Bebr ' v")' '


S. KlViURA,' .


Vour Brand 0p ."

Ice Cold Beer

A I ways .O n ,Xap.'.,. ,Choice Winn for Btii- - aiid'Tiible Use

told Drinks and All Varieties of ''Aerated and' Mineral Waters

A.. K. STENDER : PnopKiEfon

v'Kaljului Maui

LEE HOPContractor Tr IZillld&r

WAI-DI- t j.v


Il'ARDWARE"S Paixts, Oils k Class

A!arkctStr'"M, Y'aiiuku

Tfflfi'l """ 1. . P. O. Uox 17.

PultaianiNiKik Dairy. T

If V'Hi .vatil i n..ily .l v offro.".!:, puir iriilk, or frt'i-l- i mill:,butti t JjPI'lv



f M .V



& Liquor Co.

t..,-,..- -. ft.



Wiiiiulcu, Muui.

MARKET"' SALOON.Majiket Sihe?t , Wailuku

'ANfONE B9RBA, Prop.

Celebrated Prioio & SeattleBattld-Bee- r

25c 2 Glasses 25c

i . When you-uan- t cool rrfrcsliins beverage, call.

". at.tlr.s poiiulnr raiort

21-- tf


Market St reel, Wailuku

Nothing but the best of

Wt'll.Knuwij Sttuidaid BrandsOf

Wines 'WhiskeysCordi&:sr Liqueurs


2iDC 2 Glasses

HEADQUARTERS FOR, T. ,I5Jimtl Sporjittg Pooplo

Yl$." LYQNS, Pi-o- p

biutuu!i Ult to U'litluliU.

Mrs. II. C. Orrmlcn and itnuubtcr returned to

Ilanu by Wctloodny'iiBtcnmor.

W. L. Uci'oto of Litliutuu roturu?il truiii lloolulu lij-- Wednol Kteiiruur.

Curtis 1. I;iul;t:n, ilcciocrutlo cimCl t..t s forittleyiitj to Couiirjiit U on Mu'.tt tlil.i wtu!:.

A, J. Sjjltzcr of Uubon.stutu & Co., Ilonoiuli

has bccupaylDt' n prolltablo butlncas visit toMaul.

Attoruc; D. II. C;u;o tool: u run to IIouoluluoa Saturday, returning ou yVeauuscUy of tUI:


Mr. V. U. MurJoo'.;, AuJIlor fo.' n.H II wiih u

liastcnyur to Honolulu by last Saturdaysteamer.

Fathers Charles, Justin and Muxlmlu wenii.sf.ut'ei-.- to Honolulu by luil biuii:i 'i

Claudlua. "'"Ai'-- i

Attorney' A. O. Correo, who has.buenon M:" I

TMftVviriLl til.s. luSt left' for IIoloIuIu lasSTtHrday. '

Mr. and Mrs. li. S. Itoss of Honolulu canivoer ou Wednesday, nud uru registered at tlilMaul Hotel.

Mr, Ji Crawiey.ot thullawultan rorilllznCo. came mtr ou Weduesday to loolt utter 1nossforhlallrui. '

Mr. A. ilhun Jr. and wltoroturued to WiilluUion Wednesday flout a tno tuouth'a trip to tkiat. Louis Uxixj.sltlou.

Attorney Llghtfoot of Ilunolulu ei.uiM over uli euuu..uay lo uttcnj tnulilalof a cull eattuuforu thu Ulreult Court.

Mauayer L. Harct:liuiu.u of I'Ioucli- - planttlou, Labatua, n as a passenger to Honolulu lylust Saturday's Clauntno.

Mrj. Mo.uiau and MrJ. II. C. lli.hor.'Oi.wi'utbUVLr fioni Lahalna ou i'Lur.duy alternoon, and are vlUllus: up country.

Ir. T. A. Lloyd, head ueeouutaut cf tho KIt. It. Co. returned fron a two weeks1 lueatlentrip to Honolulu by Tuesday's Kluau.'

j-- lira. Charlos Athortuuof Honolulu vamo oveiou Wednesday and will visit Mr. and Mrs

Frank Athcrton and Mr. uud Mrs. 1). Casiivhllo In Wailuku.

'Mr. W. 1). Keystone, of San Francisco, nrrhed by Thursday wight's Jfjtna Loa from II.".

wail, to Islt 1'uuueiiu I'lauiaiiuj, In vjlu kholds uu Interest.

UillyQi-cc- of M.Philips & Co. finished his

work on Maui this week and loft yesterday forHonolulu, llo will shortly tale u Lit lot uc

tlou tiip to t!w Coast.

Mr. C. II. Judd who leeently brought oertivm Hawaii and disposed of a band of Addliiiore. , lotum'.-- lo Kawulhau ,by Tujjdajdight's Uluau. expects to ruturu !.horti,

'lth siuothtr baud.

Dulcguiu iuhlu, accontpaiued by Gcorgu i.

Cjoper uud a.uumborof local euudldutospasycageM by Wednesday's Claudmo to Hanu.T.iey will return overland, reaching, centralMaui early next week.

Services at Island Churches

Kaaiiumanu Ciiuiicii, Wailukultov. J. Kua, l'astoi. ,

Sunday school, D:3J A, M. Morulug scrvlio11.1K) A. M. Topic, "iho Uanm-- r of Victory." Y,

P. S. C. 13. from ::uui. Id. to P. M. Aft. rnxu service, Watkapu, SundaSehoolS:liU P.M

itivival meeting 3;0U P. M. All welcome."

The Church Or The Good siiEniEitDWAILUKU.

ltov, Canon Ault, ltcctor.Holy Communion, 1st, 3rd, 1th, 5th Sunday at

A. M. 2nd Sunday at 11 A. M. Matins & sermon

at 11 A. M. Children's service, 1st Sunday ut 2

P. M. Uvonsoug and sermon at Puunenc, 7:30,

noly"Days, Holy Communion at 7 A, M. Dally,

Matins at 7:30.

St. Anthony's Church, Wailuku.Sunday service. Communion, 0;UO A. M. Child

ren's Mahs, 8:30 A. M. Instruction in English,second Mass, 10:UO A. M. sermon in Hawaiianand Portuguese. After Muss: lienedition. 11:45

A. M., uoscry and instruction for natives. Weekdays Mass 6. A. M. Holidays falling duringweok: Communion at G: A. M, Mass at 0:03 AM;


E. O. Ileckwlth, Pastor,-Sunda-

Sehool at 10:03 A. M,

Public Worship at 11:00 A. M,

Ciiuiieu Or Hoi.v Iknocknxs, LahainaCanon A. U. Weymouth, Rector.

Holy Communion, 7:00 A, M. over; Sunday.Sunday school 10: 1.". A. M. Morning survlco 11:00

A.M. Evening Prayer, 1:301. M. During Advent aud Lenten sua ton speclul wceli day services.

Waixee' ciFcjicii, L.VII.VIKA.

Hov. R. Ka;i", Pni.tnr. .Sunday hehooi; V;:U A. 51. Morning Porvicc,

UKXIXM. Y. T. s.C. K. at l:(l P. M,

Prayer Mooting at 3O0-P- . M.,Thurslay aftornoon; Worn tu's Mcettn;', :i:30 PM Friday afternoon, Choir Ilohearsal, :W0P.

Itojus Catholuj Ciiuitnn. Laiiaisia.

.Rev. Father Wendflin. '

l';rt !.!ah.'ci-- i'r, (n a. m .hnlldnyj), I0.tu A'..M; HoCeditftUn S:30p. m.

(Continued from pno 1.)

Assumpsit.U. Fujimoto vs.V. Siiitnlzu, Caso

for plaiutiir, Ashford and Richardson for defi'iidant, Replevin.

A. EnosvsC. D. Lufldn, Coko forplaintllf, Case for defendant, Ejectincnt.

Mi).es. Mohonla vs Pioneer Mill Co

Ltd, Coke for plaintiff, Case fordefendant Ejectment.

Ltrontf CI10113 Tal vs Loirs Ping,Vivas and Coke for plaintiff, Ash for J

and LiiehurtJaou for defoinlLt.t,' Av- -

' '"

Honolulu, Out. 20 The coast andGeodetic Survi-- stea.ner Patterso,)i:i bcilitf overhauled ai d repairedShe wi 1 o on the mai iue railway.iext week. After she comes off thevitys she will ro to work surveying

In Hawaiian waters. ,Sliu will bekept, busy fur some time after she1,'ols back into active. Cunumssion,

The A. H. steamer Ncvadan whicharrived at Kahului yesterday morn- -

iiiuy brought one of the largest car,'ii(s from Puyet Sound country tolie islands. Her carao for Kahului

consists 01 eleven hundred and liftvtons.

The Oceanic liner' Alameda sailedat nine o'clock ycsteiday .morningfor San Francisco with one of thesmallest crowds that she has evertalan. 'I here was-- big crowd to10c the ship off although Ihero wereout fourteen cabin passengers. Overa hundred Japs went in the steerageUr. St. Suro was ou the dock sayingfarewell to his old shipmates audhelping in the examination of the,steerage. Alight.' mail was tnksny the steamer. Her cargo, was a...II one, ciMioiaihii! of nuur, bunauus,

pineapples and miscellaneous freight.--Advertiser.

.Vctfscli lit tort--K::Iiul- ui

y. S. ...Ne'vaj.iu Green, from Sane raucisco.

ArrivalsOct. 19, S. S. Claudine, Parker,

from Honoliiiu.Oct. 121. S. S.-- Novadan, ' Green,

trotn fadn Francisco via Honolulu.Oct. 11, S. S. Claudine, Parker,

from liana.

DeparturesOct. 19., S. S. Claudine, Parker,

for liana.

Oct. S. S. Claudine, Parker,for Honolulu.

Oceanic Time Table.date name from" 20 Mongolia S. F." 22 Aoraugi. . . .Victoria, B. C." 23 Sierra ....Colonies." 2G Ventura S. F." 29 Manchuria Yokohama.

Nov. 1 China. r. , S. F." 4 Alameda S. F." 5 Coptic. - Yokohama


" 20 Mongolia.. 'Yokohama" 22 Aorangi Colonies" 2a Sierra.. .....S. F." 2G Ventura Colonies" 23 Manchuria S.F.

Nov. 1. China Yokohama" 5 Coptic. S. F.



For L.1iaina,,Maalaea Day and- Hawaii, ou

TUESDAY October 25FRIDAY November 4TUESDAY November 15FRIDAY November 25


For Hovolulii, on

THURSDAY Ortober 2;)

MONDAY October 31THURSDAY Novembor 10MONDAY November 21

For particulars, Freight & PassageApply to

liter Islaml Stain"

must .,(!.







a T.hal St. near



iasasse Fisnsace


Which Is

Yonr carriage TYiil last twice as long


DAN.I Market,








Satisfaction jiunrantecil in every Instance.




'HAWAIIAN BRAND."Tidbits, Sliced and feted Pineapple.

Also Guava and Pineapple









proposes to run the Leadinq Liveiiy

Stable Business on M A'UI


Excursiou, Rates to lao and .Hale- -

akala with competent guides

and drivers




HONOLULU, H. TThis name on a Package

of Drugs or Medicine is a

guarantee of the SUPERIOR

QUALITY of the Article.

All first class stores handlepur goods.





Wailuku, Maul

P. II.







1 .










ConvoyanceslMeet-Al- l Stoamoraand Trains." '

Competent Guides to lao andHaleaUala,

WailukuLahaina Stage

Stages leave Wailuku daily at li38 P. Mi

." Lahaina " --


Antone do Reo, Jlr.

T. MURAKAMI!Market St. WxuX ikh


gleaning, Dyeing and RepairingSatisfaction guaranteed. Givo

mc a call. Prices reasonable,0-l- t.

Candyend 75c $1.00 31.2F'

or $1. .10 ft h-- a nice lox of jThnrolnt.and confections, sent post.or rrelhtfree to any parjb o,f the. Islands.

Hart Sr Co.y Ltd.tt4h'Hu1uTT T.

' '