What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity - 'NEWS. Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13, .909 NUMBER 52 Kuiaha Land Homesteads A.Ricli Farming Country for Hoineseekers. 4Tlio exchange of the Omaopio lands for Kui'aha lands uhovo Hai- ku, reported approved by Governor Frear, will bo a ureal thing for homesteaders in Makawno and for the County of Maui in general," if all thd proposed plans are carried out. The twelve hundred acres of land acquired by the government " for homesteads through tins exchange arc between twelve and fourteen miles, from Kahului harbor, and two public wagon roads pass through the district, one to Makawno and tlio other to Kahului and Wailuku which makes it easy of access to homesteaders. It lies between the ! vineyards of the Kaupakalua grape growers and the pineapple fields of the Haiku Fruit and Packing Gom- - any. The lands of this Company produce the biggest crops of pines of any devoted to growing pines for the market on these Islands. There are never failing springs of fresh water in the' several gulches running through' the land, and the rainfall is plentiful, more than enough to keep crops growing all the year around. Drouth was never known to ailcct the place, in fact outsiders say there is too much rain for comfort. Older settlements with schools and churches are within two miles of the heart of the tract. Any industrious man with small means can make an independent living thereon, raising fruits, pine-- t apples and grapes for the winery on . ' one hand, and for the pineapple cannery on the other. The land is undoubtedly fertile, but there are people with an eye to business who are lustily saying the lanil isn't any good. Experts say that with proper cul- tivation and the right kind of grape vine, as much as nine tons of grapes per acre could be raised in the adjoining Kaupakalua vineyards, ' where now only five toils an acre arc to be had. Lands planted to pineapples on the Haiku side arc yielding an average crop of over twenty tons of pines to the acre. The Kaupakalua winery has been ' paying forty dollars a ton for grapes delivered,. and the Haiku cannery, twenty-fou- r dollars'a ton for pines. Any one with pencil and paper can figure out tlio prospects 4'rom the above facts, providing the factories won't reduce the price. The following is from Thrum's Annual : "On Maui the Haiku Fruit and Packing Company gathers the pro- duce of a number of small farmers,-wh- devote to pineapples some very Contiuucd on Page 6. THE FIRST, NATIONAL Chns. M. Cooke, President W. D. H. Case, 2nd K. C. I). Luflcin, Cashier A. -- is RESOURCKS Loans and Discounts - $137,787.14 United States Bonds 16,500.00 Premium on U. S. Iionds 300.00 Other Bonds (quickly Cash and Due from Ikinks 50,433.4s franking House, I'urniture.etc 6,525.00 5 Redemption Pund 825.00 $250,457.54 TJ?KR'lTORy OP sa: . COPNTV 01' MAUJ, C. JJ. I.ufkin, Cashier of the alKive above statement is true the bet-- t of Pro osed mprovements Ships Wharf for Kahului to Cost $150,000.0(1. Editor Maih News: Sir: The President and Board of Directors of the Kahului Railroad Company feel that it is desirable that the public should be fully .in formed as to the status of the pro posal to build the or wharf at Kahului. This information seems to bo especially desirable at this time in view of the. next session of the Legislature, which will be con- vened this month, in order that not only the Legislators from Maui and other parts of the Territory, but also the general public, shall know the facia. The Federal Government Is about to establish harbor lines in Harbor, the Inner or Bulkhead Line being the limit of exte'hsioli to which private corporations can construct piers, bulkheads, and fillings for the purpose of carrying on shipping business. The Outer Line known as the Pierhead Line, is the limit beyond which no structure of any kind can bo built out into the harbor by either private, Territorial or Federal enterprise. At the between the Outer and Inner lines will be GOO feet, and this space will be con- trolled by the Territorial Govern-- , incut through the Department of Public Works; that is to say, pri- vate enterprise could construct wharves within this space only, un- der a license from the Territory, or the Territorial Government itself could construct wharves a'nd dredge slyis, etc., without further reference to Federal authority. Beyond the pierhead line the only work that could be done is dredging out basins and entrances, and deepening chan- nels, and the location of suitable moorings and beacons, or the con- struction of breakwaters. Tlio plans proposed by the Super- intendent of Public Works for the improvement to Kahului harbor in- volve the construction of a wharf COO feet long and 100 feet wide, and the dredging of a slip of sufli-cie- nt depth to permit the largest vessels which ply in these waters coining up to the dock and dis charging and taking on cargo. Room is contemplated also, for the accom- modation of Inter-Islan- d steamers to lie at the same dock, at the same time as the large vessels, for the ac- commodation of inter island trailic, both inward and outward. This involves the expenditure of a very largo sum of money, roughly esti- mated at $150,000.00. ,'fho ulti- mate cost would probably largely exceed this. It is thought that the Governor will recommend to the Legislature BANK OF WAILUKU T. Robinson, ist Vice-Prttide- A. Wifidsworth, Director Aalberg, Auditor IJAMMTII3S Capital Stock Surplus nnd Profits . Circulation 16,297.50 Deposits 156.641.54 Due to banks 16,307.31 Dividends Unpaid. 1,428,0a 25o.457.54 named bank, do solemnly swear that the knowledge and belief. v.. JJ. i.ui'kiis, Circuit. SEVENTH ANNUALSTATEIVIENT at the close of business, December 31, 1908 convert) 44,817.50 HAWAII, I, to my wharves Kahului Kahului distance Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1909. JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Notary Public Sec. Jud. Improvement ssociation Elects New Offcers for En suing Year. The Wailuku Improvement As sociation met in the district court room, Tuesday, February Oth, and elected Jas. N. K. Keola, President, R. A. Wadsworth, Vice-Preside- D. II. Case, Secretary, C. D. Luf-ki- n, Treasurer; Executive Commit- tee, J. N. S. Williams, W. Ault, C. Wilcox, W. A. McKay, J. L. Coke, 1). II. Davis,' and C. E. Copeland. After election of ollie'ers the matter of the erection of a public wharf for Kahului was brought up and dis- cussed., The Association was of the opinion that such a wharf should lie constructed, anil that efforts be made to iniluenee the legislature to provide a suitable appropriation for the purpose. The injunction against taking water from the government system was discussed and referred to the new executive committee for further action. Mr. Copeland brought up the matter of observing Lincoln's day with appropriate exercises. Left to a committee consisting of Mr. C 12 Copeland, It. B. Dodge, D. II. Case ind Brother Frank. Complaints voiced by leading at torneys recently at the County seat during last Circuit Court term in reference to conditions recently arisen were brought up for discussion Many spoke strongly of the evil con dition and of taking the matter in t T nami. various suggestions were made to send memorials to those in authority to act and to act quickly, but it was finally referred to the executive committee. suitable appropriations for this work, and if these appropriations are passed and the wharf construct- ed, the Kahului Railroad Company will enter into arrangements 'with the Territorial Government when by rights of way tor the public to the wharf will be secured, and the Kahului Railroad Company will in all things endeavor to cooperate with the Territorial Government for the furtherance of this important improvement for the Island of Maui. If, however, the Legislature fails to appropriate a suflicient sum of money to carry on this work, the Kahului Railroad Company pro- poses to obtain a license from the Superintendent of Public Works permitting it to construct tin; said wharf and dredge out the said slip, so that the progress of business may not be hampered, and the develop- ment of the port may proceed with- out any interruption. If tho Kahului Railroad Company should construct the wharf, it would be under an agreement to turn over tho wharf to the Terri-- , torial Government for a reasonable compensation, at any time that the Government might demand it. The Kahului Railroad Company believes that a wharf similar to the one planned by the Superintendent of Public Works, is absolutely necessary for the proper develop- ment of tho resources of Maui. This wharf should he constructed IN THE NEAR FUTURE, either by the Governnient or by the Kahului Railroad Company under license from the Government, The Kahu- lui Railroad Company is prepared to go ahead with this important work, if the Legislature should find it impossible to make the necessary appropriations, II. P. RALDWIN, President Kahului Railroad Co. Kahului, Maui, Feb. 9, 1909. Taxation and Tax Paying Instructive Figures on Maui Govern mental Revenues. .Figures showing the tax returns for the County of Maui for the year 190S are as follows: The assessment valuations are for real' property 81 1,010,195; personal property, 8S,202,ol 1 ; exemptions ili3,8.rio; leaving a total valuation of 821,975,053, taxable. By districts the tax levy run as follows: Wailuku, assessments SI 17,i),'52. (55; collections $1 1 1,207. -- 8(5; delinquent, 83,0(51.79. Maka- wno, assessment 87S,S37.77; col- lections, $77,125.00; delinquent, 81,712.71. Lahaina and Lanai, assessments, $57, 151 1.50; collections $50,(518,08; delinquent, $( 15.91. liana, assessments 880.27S.12; col- lection's, .'55,(515.82 delinquent, 1(5(52.20. Molokai, assessments 8; collections, 81,190,0:5'; de linquent 2,28S.70. 1 lie total collections run as fol- lows: On real property $13S,550.-'00- ; personal, 881,20(5.58; bicycles, 131. HO; automobiles, 812(5.00; car- riages and brakes, 81,185 00; dog tax, 8"3.30; personal taxes, 889,- - 05.00; penalties, interests and costs, 81,9(58.19; all delinquents collected, 15, 79, income taxes to 1,00:5.28, making a grand total of 1299,201 lnaddition to the foregoing, in- come taxes of corporations doing business on Maui paid in Honolulu amount to 8 1 9,(592.0:5, making the total tax collection for iMaui, $318, 89:5.52. Classified by nationalities the tax payers of Maui or the Second Tax Division are rated as follows Corporation, assessed, $221,875.-25- ; collected, $22 1,(537.7:5; delin quent 8287.52. Japanese, assessed, $29,(588.7(5; collected, $2S,I27.20; delinquent, $1,2(51.50. Ilawaiians, assessed, $14,(598.8(5; collected, $9,522.81; delinquent, $5,171.05. , ? n .iuucricaus aim Europeans, as sessed $11,475.18; collected, $18,- - 510.50; delinquent, $9(51.(58. Portuguese, assessed, $0,251.10; collected, 5,(581.0(5; delinquent, $020.10. Chinese, assessed, $0,903.07; collected, 80,115.10; delinquent, Total assessed, $290,S90.83; the collections, $2S7,Sl(i.90,Nthe delin- quents 89,018.43 not, including hold over delinquents from previous years, lrom wnoin t,88. 01. were collected the past year. From the above totals of collected taxes tho County of Maui received as special road taxes from bicycles, Automobiles, carriages, brakes and personal road tax, 819,783.00, and irom the remainder a fifty ner cent apportionment amounting to $149,- - SU.2(. Not including the income tax on Maui corporations collected in Ho nolulu, J. II. Kunewa tho Tax As sessor in chief for Maui estimates the tax receipts for the year 1909 at ToUO.OOO.OO, which is a very conser vative estimate, in view of the fact tho yearly increase in former times averages over six per cent a year. n increase at the same rate would put the total tax at about 8817.- - 000.00, and the figure for income taxes collected in Honolulu at about 821,000.00, or a total of $388,000.- - 00 for governmental revenues for the year 1909. n uiiiHirtant change has been made in tho method of navini: deputy tax assessors. Formerly payments were by commissions, be ginning from the first of this year tho dgputies are to be paid by monthly salaries. SUPREME COURT FAVORS ATCHERLEY Doctor is Remanded to Care of Sheriff and will be Given Trial by Jury-Lin- coln Day a Legal Holiday. (SPECIAL TO TIIU MAUI NEWS,) 9(5 dog. test 8.G1 Reels 10s. HONOLULU, February 12. The Sunrenin Court .l,.,.i.l..,l i,.,t n, defendant has a right to appeal in manded to the care of the Sheriif and t,. . . i 1,.. Uie transport Sheridan will arrive toniL-b-t tin. ,..,ut 'n. Lurline is expected Monday. I he Floral Parade will include a It is raining very hard here. be' postponed. WASHINGTON, February 12. iiamed to investigate the working of a report stating that the President has iii.mu uie use ol secret service different departments toearrv investigations. The President has carried out tion aside legal issued eltect. MADRID, February 12. King where will visit King Manuel. WASHINGTON, February 12. oration aniodgeville, Ky., Lincoln The recommendation for the yacht insanity cases. Dr. Atcherley from upon half will 1 ,.!,... n (r!,,i Lincoln Dnv u-i-ll ,.!, u,. The Senate Snoci'nl fi.mmiti- -. secret service law has presented not hampered by men are by of the Government on of Congress that today be set as a holiday and has iounimauon 10 mat he today on of the family. a I... carnival. nwmnniw engaged nnimmriiitinns. exnresscd in n inint vesterd.nv fnf President Roosevelt will deliver an sight original cabin million hosnitnl &, school secretary the Philip Great preparations are being today. assembly adopted resolu segregate school children. Attorney Hencv 'is ill. eisco has been favorably reported by Senate'. SACRAMENTO, February 12 The Senate defeated the bill providing for popular vote to decide Asiatic immigration. The bill appropriating $10,000 to take a of- - Japanese has passed.. HONOLULU, FJmiary.ll. There was a clash between Tullett Kuhio and McClellan in Washington. The. former olaims.the support of Chamber of Commerce and Secretary Wood denies it. Governor Frear cabled Secretary Garfield last night as to Friday being a legal holiday. The Chamber of Commerce refused to endorse the request for an addition to the National Guard of Hawaii. OLYMP1A, February 1 !. Washington has no intention of ham- pering Japanese who attend the Seattle exposition. SaCRAMUNTO, February 11. The resolution which passed in the Assembly relative to segregation of Japanese children re- considered ami withdrawn by a Vote of 41 to 30. An effort to reeoimider t'ho rescinding vote was defeated. This disposes of the mut- ter. President Roosevelt has telegraphed his congratulations. WASHINGTON, February The appointment of Knox proves to be in coniiiet tlieConsiilution as lie a member of the Senate when the vote was taken to increase pay of cabinet ollicers. An amendment to the salary appropriation will bo intioduccd rescinding, the increased pay his position. The memorial from Chinese not acted upon by the President. PALO ALTO, February 11. The Australian team defeated tho 3lunford Rugby team a score of I'd to 8. HONOLULU, February 11. Murderer Kuleikini had a lit during his trial today. Tho mandamus of the Mayor's proceedings to Friday. WASHINGTON. February 10. The naval annronriation hill nf passed. Tho bill creates the ranlr of vice-admira- l. NewtoiGilbort was nominated pines. NEW ORLEANS, February 10. made for reception of Tuft by the SACRAMENTO, February 10. tion to rescind tho vote on the bill to hAiN f IwUNClbCO, hebruary 10. Calhoun case postponed today. HONOLULU, February 10. Tho wish liV,,,,. with transport that 5.I10 will arrive on Saturday morning. She miles astern towing the bark Mohican. The Lurline carried away Saturday night and the Lurlino stood by her all night in a gale was ;.... log for was 11. was for was was 'SW inornin". I hey aro niaknm ten knots an hour. HONOLULU. February 10 Tho lishes tho following dispatch received resign knows matter. Commodore Cutt tho WASHINGTON, February Chinese schools. enters street the been limitations tl,u.,,l the Alfonso left Pmt,ml the the dollars municipality The the The the has census the the further the by goes over $180,725,199 Sheridan wirelessed reports tho Lurlino towline was Mohican lost mast. Tho and picked her up Sunday Advertiser this morninc nnb- - from Washington vesterdav: Anemone dead New York. Chinese memorial addressed stromr nrotest. "President expects Hreckons heed Senator Warren's letter and immediately, otherwise ho will be re- moved." U. S. District Attorney Rrtckons says he nothing of tho of 10 the President complains of the discrimination and ncneral trcitmnnt of in a re of nt is in A to 1 to . It It is proposed to have tho sclfoo law tested in the Courts. The Inter-Ocean- ic Canal Ooinmitho of the Senate has renorted adversely on the canal bond issue, iThr,.n on

What Maui MAUI' 'NEWS. - University of Hawaii...What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity-'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T.,

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Page 1: What Maui MAUI' 'NEWS. - University of Hawaii...What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity-'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T.,

What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity- 'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News


Kuiaha Land


A.Ricli Farming Country for


4Tlio exchange of the Omaopio

lands for Kui'aha lands uhovo Hai-

ku, reported approved by GovernorFrear, will bo a ureal thing for

homesteaders in Makawno and for

the County of Maui in general," if

all thd proposed plans are carriedout.

The twelve hundred acres of landacquired by the government " for

homesteads through tins exchangearc between twelve and fourteenmiles, from Kahului harbor, andtwo public wagon roads pass throughthe district, one to Makawno andtlio other to Kahului and Wailukuwhich makes it easy of access tohomesteaders. It lies between the

! vineyards of the Kaupakalua grapegrowers and the pineapple fields of

the Haiku Fruit and Packing Gom- -

any. The lands of this Companyproduce the biggest crops of pinesof any devoted to growing pines for

the market on these Islands.There are never failing springs of

fresh water in the' several gulchesrunning through' the land, and therainfall is plentiful, more thanenough to keep crops growing allthe year around. Drouth was neverknown to ailcct the place, in factoutsiders say there is too much rainfor comfort. Older settlements withschools and churches are within twomiles of the heart of the tract.

Any industrious man with smallmeans can make an independentliving thereon, raising fruits, pine-- t

apples and grapes for the winery on

.' one hand, and for the pineapple

cannery on the other.The land is undoubtedly fertile,

but there are people with an eye tobusiness who are lustily saying thelanil isn't any good.

Experts say that with proper cul-

tivation and the right kind of grapevine, as much as nine tons of grapesper acre could be raised in theadjoining Kaupakalua vineyards,

' where now only five toils an acrearc to be had. Lands planted topineapples on the Haiku side arcyielding an average crop of overtwenty tons of pines to the acre.

The Kaupakalua winery has been' paying forty dollars a ton for grapes

delivered,. and the Haiku cannery,twenty-fou- r dollars'a ton for pines.Any one with pencil and paper canfigure out tlio prospects 4'rom theabove facts, providing the factorieswon't reduce the price.

The following is from Thrum'sAnnual :

"On Maui the Haiku Fruit andPacking Company gathers the pro-

duce of a number of small farmers,-wh-

devote to pineapples some veryContiuucd on Page 6.


Chns. M. Cooke, President W.D. H. Case, 2nd K.C. I). Luflcin, Cashier A.


Loans and Discounts - $137,787.14United States Bonds 16,500.00Premium on U. S. Iionds 300.00Other Bonds (quicklyCash and Due from Ikinks 50,433.4sfranking House, I'urniture.etc 6,525.005 Redemption Pund 825.00



C. JJ. I.ufkin, Cashier of the alKiveabove statement is true the bet-- t of

Pro osed

mprovementsShips Wharf for Kahului

to Cost $150,000.0(1.

Editor Maih News:Sir: The President and Board of

Directors of the Kahului RailroadCompany feel that it is desirablethat the public should be fully .informed as to the status of the proposal to build the or wharfat Kahului. This information seemsto bo especially desirable at thistime in view of the. next session ofthe Legislature, which will be con-

vened this month, in order that notonly the Legislators from Maui andother parts of the Territory, butalso the general public, shall knowthe facia.

The Federal Government Is aboutto establish harbor lines inHarbor, the Inner or Bulkhead Linebeing the limit of exte'hsioli to whichprivate corporations can constructpiers, bulkheads, and fillings for thepurpose of carrying on shippingbusiness.

The Outer Line known as thePierhead Line, is the limit beyondwhich no structure of any kind canbo built out into the harbor byeither private, Territorial or Federalenterprise.

At the betweenthe Outer and Inner lines will beGOO feet, and this space will be con-

trolled by the Territorial Govern-- ,

incut through the Department ofPublic Works; that is to say, pri-

vate enterprise could constructwharves within this space only, un-

der a license from the Territory, orthe Territorial Government itselfcould construct wharves a'nd dredgeslyis, etc., without further referenceto Federal authority. Beyond thepierhead line the only work thatcould be done is dredging out basinsand entrances, and deepening chan-

nels, and the location of suitablemoorings and beacons, or the con-

struction of breakwaters.Tlio plans proposed by the Super-

intendent of Public Works for theimprovement to Kahului harbor in-

volve the construction of a wharfCOO feet long and 100 feet wide,and the dredging of a slip of sufli-cie- nt

depth to permit the largestvessels which ply in these waterscoining up to the dock and discharging and taking on cargo. Roomis contemplated also, for the accom-

modation of Inter-Islan- d steamersto lie at the same dock, at the sametime as the large vessels, for the ac-

commodation of inter island trailic,both inward and outward. Thisinvolves the expenditure of a verylargo sum of money, roughly esti-

mated at $150,000.00. ,'fho ulti-mate cost would probably largelyexceed this.

It is thought that the Governorwill recommend to the Legislature


T. Robinson, ist Vice-Prttide-

A. Wifidsworth, DirectorAalberg, Auditor

IJAMMTII3SCapital StockSurplus nnd Profits .

Circulation 16,297.50Deposits 156.641.54Due to banks 16,307.31Dividends Unpaid. 1,428,0a


named bank, do solemnly swear that theknowledge and belief.

v.. JJ. i.ui'kiis,Circuit.

SEVENTH ANNUALSTATEIVIENTat the close of business, December 31, 1908

convert) 44,817.50


I,to my



Kahului distance

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1909.JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Notary Public Sec. Jud.


ssociationElects New Offcers for En

suing Year.

The Wailuku Improvement Association met in the district courtroom, Tuesday, February Oth, andelected Jas. N. K. Keola, President,R. A. Wadsworth, Vice-Preside-

D. II. Case, Secretary, C. D. Luf-ki- n,

Treasurer; Executive Commit-tee, J. N. S. Williams, W. Ault, C.Wilcox, W. A. McKay, J. L. Coke,1). II. Davis,' and C. E. Copeland.

After election of ollie'ers the matterof the erection of a public wharf forKahului was brought up and dis-

cussed., The Association was of theopinion that such a wharf shouldlie constructed, anil that efforts bemade to iniluenee the legislature toprovide a suitable appropriation forthe purpose.

The injunction against takingwater from the government systemwas discussed and referred to thenew executive committee for furtheraction.

Mr. Copeland brought up thematter of observing Lincoln's daywith appropriate exercises. Left toa committee consisting of Mr. C 12

Copeland, It. B. Dodge, D. II. Case

ind Brother Frank.Complaints voiced by leading at

torneys recently at the County seatduring last Circuit Court term inreference to conditions recently arisenwere brought up for discussionMany spoke strongly of the evil condition and of taking the matter in

t T

nami. various suggestions weremade to send memorials to those inauthority to act and to act quickly,but it was finally referred to theexecutive committee.

suitable appropriations for thiswork, and if these appropriationsare passed and the wharf construct-ed, the Kahului Railroad Companywill enter into arrangements 'withthe Territorial Government whenby rights of way tor the public tothe wharf will be secured, and the

Kahului Railroad Company will inall things endeavor to cooperatewith the Territorial Government forthe furtherance of this importantimprovement for the Island of Maui.

If, however, the Legislature failsto appropriate a suflicient sum ofmoney to carry on this work, theKahului Railroad Company pro-

poses to obtain a license from theSuperintendent of Public Workspermitting it to construct tin; saidwharf and dredge out the said slip,so that the progress of business maynot be hampered, and the develop-

ment of the port may proceed with-

out any interruption.If tho Kahului Railroad Company

should construct the wharf, itwould be under an agreement toturn over tho wharf to the Terri-- ,torial Government for a reasonablecompensation, at any time that theGovernment might demand it.

The Kahului Railroad Companybelieves that a wharf similar to theone planned by the Superintendentof Public Works, is absolutelynecessary for the proper develop-

ment of tho resources of Maui. Thiswharf should he constructed INTHE NEAR FUTURE, either bythe Governnient or by the KahuluiRailroad Company under licensefrom the Government, The Kahu-lui Railroad Company is preparedto go ahead with this importantwork, if the Legislature should findit impossible to make the necessaryappropriations,

II. P. RALDWIN,President Kahului Railroad Co.

Kahului, Maui, Feb. 9, 1909.

Taxation and

Tax PayingInstructive Figures on Maui

Govern mental Revenues.

.Figures showing the tax returnsfor the County of Maui for the year190S are as follows:

The assessment valuations are forreal' property 81 1,010,195; personalproperty, 8S,202,ol 1 ; exemptions

ili3,8.rio; leaving a total valuationof 821,975,053, taxable.

By districts the tax levy run asfollows: Wailuku, assessmentsSI 17,i),'52. (55; collections $1 1 1,207. --

8(5; delinquent, 83,0(51.79. Maka-wno, assessment 87S,S37.77; col-

lections, $77,125.00; delinquent,81,712.71. Lahaina and Lanai,assessments, $57, 151 1.50; collections$50,(518,08; delinquent, $( 15.91.liana, assessments 880.27S.12; col-

lection's, .'55,(515.82 delinquent,1(5(52.20. Molokai, assessments 8;

collections, 81,190,0:5'; delinquent 2,28S.70.

1 lie total collections run as fol-

lows: On real property $13S,550.-'00- ;personal, 881,20(5.58; bicycles,

131. HO; automobiles, 812(5.00; car-riages and brakes, 81,185 00; dogtax, 8"3.30; personal taxes, 889,- -

05.00; penalties, interests andcosts, 81,9(58.19; all delinquentscollected, 15, 79, income taxesto 1,00:5.28, making a grand total of1299,201

lnaddition to the foregoing, in-

come taxes of corporations doingbusiness on Maui paid in Honoluluamount to 8 1 9,(592.0:5, making thetotal tax collection for iMaui, $318,89:5.52.

Classified by nationalities the taxpayers of Maui or the Second TaxDivision are rated as follows

Corporation, assessed, $221,875.-25- ;collected, $22 1,(537.7:5; delin

quent 8287.52.Japanese, assessed, $29,(588.7(5;

collected, $2S,I27.20; delinquent,$1,2(51.50.

Ilawaiians, assessed, $14,(598.8(5;collected, $9,522.81; delinquent,$5,171.05.

,? n.iuucricaus aim Europeans, assessed $11,475.18; collected, $18,- -

510.50; delinquent, $9(51.(58.

Portuguese, assessed, $0,251.10;collected, 5,(581.0(5; delinquent,$020.10.

Chinese, assessed, $0,903.07;collected, 80,115.10; delinquent,

Total assessed, $290,S90.83; thecollections, $2S7,Sl(i.90,Nthe delin-quents 89,018.43 not, includinghold over delinquents from previousyears, lrom wnoin t,88. 01. werecollected the past year.

From the above totals of collectedtaxes tho County of Maui receivedas special road taxes from bicycles,Automobiles, carriages, brakes andpersonal road tax, 819,783.00, andirom the remainder a fifty ner centapportionment amounting to $149,- -

SU.2(.Not including the income tax on

Maui corporations collected in Honolulu, J. II. Kunewa tho Tax Assessor in chief for Maui estimatesthe tax receipts for the year 1909 atToUO.OOO.OO, which is a very conservative estimate, in view of the facttho yearly increase in former timesaverages over six per cent a year.

n increase at the same rate wouldput the total tax at about 8817.- -

000.00, and the figure for incometaxes collected in Honolulu at about821,000.00, or a total of $388,000.- -00 for governmental revenues forthe year 1909.

n uiiiHirtant change has beenmade in tho method of navini:deputy tax assessors. Formerlypayments were by commissions, beginning from the first of this yeartho dgputies are to be paid bymonthly salaries.



Doctor is Remanded to Care of Sheriff and willbe Given Trial by Jury-Lin- coln Day

a Legal Holiday.

(SPECIAL TO TIIU MAUI NEWS,)9(5 dog. test 8.G1 Reels 10s.

HONOLULU, February 12. The Sunrenin Court .l,.,.i.l..,l i,.,t n,defendant has a right to appeal inmanded to the care of the Sheriif and t,. . . i 1,..

Uie transport Sheridan will arrive toniL-b-t tin. ,..,ut 'n.Lurline is expected Monday.I he Floral Parade will include aIt is raining very hard here.

be' postponed.

WASHINGTON, February 12.iiamed to investigate the working ofa report stating that the President hasiii.mu uie use ol secret service

different departments toearrvinvestigations.

The President has carried outtion aside legal issued

eltect.MADRID, February 12. King

where will visit King Manuel.

WASHINGTON, February 12.oration aniodgeville, Ky.,

LincolnThe recommendation for



insanity cases. Dr. Atcherley




will 1 ,.!,... n (r!,,i

Lincoln Dnv u-i-ll ,.!, u,.

The Senate Snoci'nl fi.mmiti- -.secret service law has presented

not hampered by

men are by of the Government on

of Congress that today be set as a holiday and hasiounimauon 10 mat


today onof the family.





exnresscd in n inint

vesterd.nv fnf

President Roosevelt will deliver ansight original cabin

million hosnitnl &,

school secretary the Philip

Great preparations are beingtoday.

assembly adopted resolusegregate school children.

Attorney Hencv 'is ill.

eisco has been favorably reported by Senate'.

SACRAMENTO, February 12 The Senate defeated the billproviding for popular vote to decide Asiatic immigration.

The bill appropriating $10,000 to take a of- - Japanese haspassed..

HONOLULU, FJmiary.ll. There was a clash between TullettKuhio and McClellan in Washington. The. former olaims.the supportof Chamber of Commerce and Secretary Wood denies it.

Governor Frear cabled Secretary Garfield last night as to Fridaybeing a legal holiday.

The Chamber of Commerce refused to endorse the request for anaddition to the National Guard of Hawaii.

OLYMP1A, February 1 !. Washington has no intention of ham-pering Japanese who attend the Seattle exposition.

SaCRAMUNTO, February 11. The resolution which passed inthe Assembly relative to segregation of Japanese children re-considered ami withdrawn by a Vote of 41 to 30. An effort toreeoimider t'ho rescinding vote was defeated. This disposes of the mut-ter. President Roosevelt has telegraphed his congratulations.

WASHINGTON, February The appointment of Knox provesto be in coniiiet tlieConsiilution as lie a member of the Senatewhen the vote was taken to increase pay of cabinet ollicers. Anamendment to the salary appropriation will bo intioduccd rescinding,the increased pay his position.

The memorial from Chinese not acted upon by the President.PALO ALTO, February 11. The Australian team defeated tho

3lunford Rugby team a score of I'd to 8.

HONOLULU, February 11. Murderer Kuleikini had a lit duringhis trial today.

Tho mandamus of the Mayor's proceedings to Friday.WASHINGTON. February 10. The naval annronriation hill nf

passed. Tho bill creates the ranlr of vice-admira- l.

NewtoiGilbort was nominatedpines.

NEW ORLEANS, February 10.made for reception of Tuft by the

SACRAMENTO, February 10.tion to rescind tho vote on the bill to

hAiN f IwUNClbCO, hebruary 10.Calhoun case postponed today.

HONOLULU, February 10. Tho




transportthat 5.I10 will arrive on Saturday morning. She

miles astern towing the bark Mohican. The Lurlinecarried away Saturday night and theLurlino stood by her all night in a gale










inornin". I hey aro niaknm ten knots an hour.HONOLULU. February 10 Tho

lishes tho following dispatch received



Commodore Cutt tho


Chinese schools. enters


thebeen limitations



Alfonso left Pmt,ml

the the



The the










goes over


Sheridan wirelessedreports tho Lurlino

towline wasMohican lost mast. Thoand picked her up Sunday

Advertiser this morninc nnb- -

from Washington vesterdav:

Anemone dead New York.Chinese memorial addressed

stromr nrotest.

"President expects Hreckons heed Senator Warren'sletter and immediately, otherwise ho will be re-

moved."U. S. District Attorney Rrtckons says he nothing of tho


10the President complains of the discrimination and ncneral trcitmnntof in a




is in

A to




ItIt is proposed to have tho sclfoo law tested in the Courts.The Inter-Ocean- ic Canal Ooinmitho of the Senate has renortedadversely on the canal bond issue,



Page 2: What Maui MAUI' 'NEWS. - University of Hawaii...What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity-'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T.,


.THE MAUI NEWSutcred at the l'osl Olhce at W;iilnkti , M:iui, Hawaii, us second-clas- s nuittrr..... .

A Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the PeopleIssued Every Saturday.

Won i Publishing Company, Limited.Proprietors nnrt Ptibllahern

The column of the Nkws admit communications on pert intent iirs. Write onlvoil one side of paper. Sign your name which will lie lielil c ilidcnti.d if desired.

SuilSCIPTION TiATKf, IN AlVANCK !r'2..r0 pel0

lluu;h 7V . Coke, ...SATURDAY. - - - -

Year, Sjl.oO Six M out lis

1 1 ci 1 1 o r rind Vntinja;er

1 KP.KUAUY l.". ISHi!)

Meet The Issue. Tim conditions called to tlio attention of theWailuku Improveincnt Association are something to ho regretted.If through the misdeeds of a few the fair reputation of Maui'sfirst town is to be smirched and the peoples of Maui inadi' to blushover evil conditions which seem to have arisen it is time to mootthe issue.

It is time for the better people to get together and strike, and,so remove from the midst of this little community the evil whichis being detailed in other places by our candid friends, who have.no idea or intention of hurting the town, but are only rehitinjxwhat they saw and heard while Vie re.

Public senti-nen- t strongly favors stamping out the evil, real orfancied, and unless the offending parties mend their ways of livingso.in something is going to drop, and drop pretty hard. Housedpublic opinion on any particular object has got to he heeded, andoffenders should take a tumble to themselves or the communitywill put on hob-naile- shoes and jump on them with both' feet.

The Territorial The Territorial Legislature will he in business Ik

Legislature. fore our next issue, and ere it launches itself hit

the troubled waters before it we will say :i few pleasant things fur wc

hojie and wish our fellow political workers will do things for the peopleand incidentally get n few appropriations for public works on Maui.

We will admonish our Senators and Representatives to sink their littledifferences when it comes to a show down and to vote together as a unit,and also to do things. Let deeds discount mere words. In that wayonly can they make a showing and have inlluenee and he a force to be

reckoned with in the tortuous channels and shallows of the muddy watersof Territorial polities. Pew will probably read and none will care forthe advice we are giving, but still it is given .in the hope if anyone amongthem happens to need advice the remarks herewith turil loose will be

well worth heeding.AVe hope to be able to throw bomiuets and to point with pride at the

works of our legislators, hilt nevertheless we keep an odd collection ofstale cabbages and old bricks to shy at the contrary fellows if there heany.

That Injunction It seems that the Territorial autho- -

Aainst Taking Water, rities are not as anxious as the peo-

ple of Wailuku are about settling water works troubles. The in-

junction is a regular strangle hold on the further growth of thetown and parlies who were optimistic ubout. it and put up cottageson the strength of a childlike faith that the authorities will soonsettle the trouble are resorting to the country district, practice ofpacking water for household use from the water taps of their morefortunate neighbors, all of. which is dead wrong.

On the street the question is often ashed; Why does not theAttorney General move in the mutter?

Thoughtless people have answered the question to their ownsatisfaction. Their solution is that the Attorney General is afraidto try the issue with the high priced legal talent in the employ ofthe Wailuku Sugar Company, that he is waiting for an opportunitywhen the high priced fellows go away to the mainland and Mienspring the matter on the plaintiff corporation.

Well, why don't the Attorney General make a move? Perhapshe wants the situation used us an argument for turning over thewater works to the control of the counties?

Public Wharf It is hoped the Legislature of the Territory will

For Kahului. provide the funds. for constructing a publicwharf for the port of Kahului, which is preferable, but in case theLegislature fails to provide an appropriation therefor, the Kahu-lui Railroad Company, Limited, is prepared to step into the breachand build the wharf so urgently needed for the further growth anddevelopment of Maui trade and commerce.

Governor Frear makes the following statement to the Secretaryof the Interior in his report with reference to the shipping callingat the three principal ports of the Territory. "The io.al tonnage,including inter-islan- d vessels, entering Honolulu was l.XI!),0l';Hilo. 105,91)4; Kahului, 191,981)." It puts in a strong light the in-

creasing commerce of the port of Kahului. ,We hive no hesitation in saying that the policy of the Feueral

government, as laid down in President Roosevelt's message toCongress last Decembers to provide a good harbor for each of theprincipal Islands of the Territory, will be carried out; and fu'therimprovements in the shape of an extension or addition to thebreakwater and dredging to widen the harbor of Kahului will comein due time after the Federal surveys are made and harbor linesare established.

Whatever amounts are expended for port improvements will bemoney well spent, for the commerce of the port of Kahului is simto keep right on increasing and growing us it has been in the past,

The Federal government however does not provide for publicwharves so it falls to the lot of the Territory to provide wharves,and the request of our business leaders for improvements and ad-

ditional facilities for the protection of shipping and to expedite thehandling of cargoes i something to which the commercial interests of Maui are rightly and justly entitled to and should re-

ceive respectful attention and a liberal appropriation from theTerritorial Legislature.

GIVE ME COMFORT!is the cry of every man who has travelling to do, and when this iscombined with speed and safety, the acme of perfection has beenreached. For Reliability and Luxurious Hiding there is no better ('aron the Island than


No. .V:'.REPORT 01 1 III. CONDITION OFthe EirMt Not!, null l5onl ni Wnl-IuK- ii,

nt W.'iilokii. in the Ter. otlltivt iiii. jit the c!im.' of lti,itl.-vis- ,

l:ehcimrj' 5, M'U.UlSlMKl'IS I'ol.l. AHS

Loans and liisnunt- - 120,037 12

Overdraft's, secured and unse-

cured ' I,')''" 23

t S. bonds to secure circula-

tion 1(1,500 ivi

Premiums on t". S Honds .... xonl'.onds, securities, etc 44.17 5"Oilier Real Estate owned. 0.651 So

Due from National Hanks (notreserve agents) (n ;6

Due (rem State and I'nwtcHanks and Hanker.-.- , TrustCompanies, anil SavingHanks 25.15233

Due from approved reserveagents 12.510 27

Checks and other cash items... 77ft ylFractional paper c u r re 11 c y.

nickels, and cents 3409Specie .' 12,25 25

Redemption fund with V. S.

Treasurer (5, of circulation H25 00

Total 253,930 25

1.1A l:lMTU-:- Dol.i.AKS

Capital stock paid in 35.00000Surplus fund 24,1x10 00t'nilivided profits, Irss ex-

penses and taxes paid 7 y 53National 11 ink notes outstuml- -

Jng 15107 5

Due to other National Jianks.. 9,140. 71

Dividends unpaid ' .Jo 00Individual deposits subject to

check ls'7 2 54Savings Deposits 7S, 164 13

Demand certificates of deposit lS,SIif7Time certificates of deposit 13,500 17

Hills payable, including eerti- -

licates 01 deposit tor moneyborrowed 10,000 00

Toftd 253.950 25

Ter. of Hawaii, County of Maui, ss:

I, C. D. I,ufkin, Cashier of the above-name- d

Hank, ibi solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the best of myknowledge and belief.

c. i). h:fk.in,Cashier.

CokrklT Attest:R. A. WADSWORTII 1



Subscribed anil sworn to before me this12th day of February. 1909.

J. N. K. K I'O I. A.Notary Public.

Second Judicial Circuit

Homesteads and Recrea

tion Grounds kr Maui.

Senator (Am lho has presented thefollowing requests tothivernor Frearfor consideration, to wit:

That the Government acquire thevalley of Halawa, Molokai, from theliishop Estate to enable the nativesresiding in said valley to acquiretheir holdings as homesteads.

That each county be given atleast one bundled acres, apiece ofpublic land for county uses, andsome land be acquired within thelimits of important towns for publicrecreation grounds and parks, onMaui to he as follows:

Wailuku, two acres for govern-

ment stables; an acre or two forpublic recreation grounds; and oneacre for a public square.

Kahului, a large tract of land isneeded for a driving park. . The

present site of the race track wouldhe a desirable place. The benefitthe people would derive from itwould be more than repay for what-

ever tract the government might ex-

change for it. The country couldfix up such a park with very littleexpense.

Paia, a similar provision shouldhe provided.

liana, also needs a governmentlot for stabling government stockand storing road machinery and im-

plements. 1 am informed thatthere is a very suitable place in lia-

na for the purpose of the govern-

ment. A pieee of ground almostan acre in size, Ideated below theliana store, adjoining the telephonepremises.

Reservation should he made bythe government for a right of wayover public land which might besold or leased .hereafter borderingalong the sea, where lislmig is

carried on, so fishermen may passover without inti rl'eranee at alltimes.

In response Governor Frear statesthat some definiteshould be made by thepersons, so that theGovernment may havidefinite to act Upon.


I presumetin- - county supervisors would be t In

ones to act in most of the eases


;'o Sl'M.

ULPOtlT OF Tilt: CONDITION Orthe l.olinln:, l': t ioiml Until,, i.tE.'thnlnn, in the Tee, of Hnwjiii,nt the clone o? hasiiit h. , I cliriiary5,

Ri:soikcisLoans and Discounts 7

Ovcrdralls, secured and unse



cured 210 18

V . S. Honds to secure circulation 6,25000

Premiums on U. S. Ilonds, 200 00Ilonds, securities, etc -. 12,000 00Hanking hous;', furniture, find

fixtures I 240 00Due from National Hanks (not

reserve agciits) 9,V 'Due from State ami Private

Hanks and Hankers, TrustCompanies, and SavingsHanks ' 12S49

Due from unproved reserveagents 905 98

Fractional paper cu rrency.ami cents lb oh

Specie 23,226 40Redemption fund with t". S.

lrcasurcr, 01 circulation j 312 o


Capital Stock paid inSurplus fundUndivided profits, less ex-

penses and taxes paidNational Hank notes outslaiid- -

Due to Stale and Private Hanksand Hankers

Individual deposits subject to





92,804 07

Dollars25,(HK OO

750 OO

2S 66

6,230 00

.937 5'

check , 12,551 61Savings Deposits ,S,.5II 59Demand certificates of deo'.il 23,75300Time certificates of deposit 3.988 70

Total 92,80407Ter. of Hawaii, County of XI ni. ss:I,C. I). I.nlkin, Ca-lii- er of the above-name- d

bank, do solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the best of myknowledge and belief.

C. D. M'FICIN,Cashier.

CoKKUCr Attest:W.M. 1IKNNINOV. I,. DECOTO t Ii.recloi

A. N. IIAYStCLDKN )Subscribed and sworn to 'before me

litis 12II1 day ol February, igoy.J. N. IC. KE.)I,A,

Notary Public.Second Judicial Circuit.


iHtinhtittiin Cfif 1 & liiikcry Co. Ltd.At the regular annual meeting of the

stockholders of the Manhattan Cafe &

Bakery Co., Ltd., held on F'eb. 10, 1909,

the following officers were elected forthe ensuing year:H. J. Guerrero President.C. O'Sullivan Vice President.W. F. Crockett Treasurer.Jos. M. Ktauu Secretary.

HOARD OF DIRECTORS,li J. Guerrero, C. O'Sullivan, V. F.

Crockett, M. P. Eichandro, J. R. Coelho,Jr.

JOS. M. KKANV,Secretary, Manhattan Cafe & Bakery Co.

Feb. 13, 20, 27.


The undersigned hereby gives noticethat he will not be responsible for anydebts contracted without his written or-

der.E. H. I1AIEEY.

Dec. Jan. Feb.


I have given a General Power of Attor-ney to C. I). Eufkin v,ho will attend tomy business during my absence.

E. II. BAILEY.Dec Jan. Feb.


iiouhs:10 A. M. to 12 M.1 R M. to 3 l M.7 1'. M. to 8 P. M.



Oflief over First National HankWailuku, Maui, T. f).

" l. C FITZGLiRALDM. It. C. V. 8. I..

VETERINARY SURGEONResidence: I.urlcm House



Cnrringe TaintingEstimates Furnished

Vineyard Street, Wailuku, Maui.




Trade MarksCopyrights

Anvnnp wnnrtlnff ft kMch find dpucrtntlnn nmTqnlckly iwfortatn our opinion free whether nninvention Id prohahly patent nhln. Communion.

HANDBOOK on TntntitBpnt frnn. oMmt nirnrjr for twuriiig patont.

Pntmits taken thrmnrh Munn A Co, recelrttprritil nnftca, without chwrgg, lu the

A hfiTirtdometT HtnutrMed wwfctj. I,unroot elf.mint Ion of any nclentinc Journal. Terms. $3ynr; four month, 9L Sold by all newsdealer.

& New YorkBranch oflloo, C3S T BU Waablinitou, D. C

Fine Job at thoMaui Co.


i. .... 'VJ .. I


We nie-tli- Ajr, f,. (,t. iiml will givecsiimnfeF on:

(KN Hit A TOI1S from 10 Its. to :S00 Its.of all kinds. ,

COM I'LK l'E VI j VXTS installed.Let us talk "(JAS to yon 11 ml. wo can convince ynu

that you require an ,011 1 lit to make your liome



ain tliis and the best tonic for one

to take,i and tlie ph nsantest, is a filass of

r.KKl! will, lunch or dinner.

We have Kodaks and 1'rownie t'anieia.--'

of all sizes and juices, and thatgoes with ihctn. Write us for

We do and by mail.

Everything PI i otor ra ph i





Scientific American.

MUNN Co.36,BrM


MAKE YOUR OWN GAS.Sunlight "OMEGA" Acetelyn

Generators HAVE, EQUAL

m"OMKGA" cliecifully





ne Pleeds Toniceliieate;



Kodaks andCameras



Developing Printing


Honolulu Photo Supply Co.FORT ST., HONOLULU

Jime SablejfCahului Slat'road Company



Pas Fit Pas. Tasn1v

Kahului Leave 7.00 2.00 p. M. Kahului Leave 6.20 1.20Wailuku Arrive 7.12 2.12 Puunene Arrive C.35 1.35Wailuku Leave 7.20 2.20 4.15 Puunene Leave 6.40 1.40Kahului Arrive 7.35 2.35 . 4.30 Kahului Aj-riv- e 6.55 j.55Kahului Leave 7.40 0.40 2.40 4.35 5.10 Kahului Leave 8.10 o.lOSp'ville Arrive 7.52 J.55 2.52 4.47 5.22 ' Puunene Arrive 8.25 3.25Sp'vn'e Leave 7.55 10.15 2.55 4 50 5.25 Puunene Leave 8.30 3 :

Paia Arrive 8.10 10.35 3.10 5.00 5.40 Kahului Arrive 8.45 '3.45Paia Leave 820 10.50 3.20 5.P5 5.45 Kahului Leave 0.45Sp'ville Arrive 8.35 3.35 Puunene Arrive 10.00Sp'ville Leave 8.40 3.40 puunene Leave 10.30Kahului Arrive 8.52 11.30 3.52 5.30 ;.o5 Kahului Arrive 10.45Kahului Leave 8.55 1.00 3.55Wailuku Arrive 0.10 1.30 4.10 '

Wailuku Leave 9.20 2.00 4.15Kahului A 1 rive 0.35 2.30 4.30

KLaHului Railroad CompanyAGENTS KOIi

ALEXANDERS HALDWIN, Ltd.;-ALEXAN- DEK Jfc DALDWIN, Line of Suilinj? Vessels Pet.wtefSan Pruncisco and the Hawaiiau Islands; AM EPIC AN-- II AWAIIAN STEAMSHIP CO.;

Page 3: What Maui MAUI' 'NEWS. - University of Hawaii...What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity-'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T.,



In accordance with Section 1268, Revised Laws of Hawaii, the following list of Delinquent Taxpayers is hereby published and comprises delinquent taxesremaining unpaid on December 31, 1008, including 10 Penalty and Advertising Costs. Interest at the rate of I27 per annum on Income Tax and I07 per annum onall other Taxes, not included.

WAILUKU DISTRICT.Ah Chew, 930Aid, Kekoona 27 4Aloha Saloon 49 00Aid, Tarn Chee 7 10Ah Ho (Driver) 26 90Ah Mock Sang, Guard. 3210Ah Kang ai 30Amundsen, Hans 81 30Ah Sam (Restaurant). 19 10Ah Lo 17 00Ah Kuna, 0 105 90Ah Sam, J. C 17 20Andrews, L. A 16 20Hong On Tong, 35 60

Brown, John Sr 22 4JHums, Jerry 19 70Bismark Stables Co.

Ud 24 15Brown, J. Kahula 3 80

Carillo, Mary 48 7Clark, Thos 219 60Corn well, Mrs. Enialia 34 00Caswell, Mrs. Jas 13 50Cockett, Lizzie, 13 70Cleghorn, A. S 31 2oConway, Mrs. W. A... i860Cockett, Jos 63 15Conradt, C. C 5 00Decker, Mrs. Sam 28 00Decker, Sam 6 00Estate Kaehanui 4 90

" Maialoha, Ka- -makaiwi 28 50

Estate Emalia Nama- -kaokala 6 00

Estate Makahookano.. 4 9" Kaweawea 27 90" Fred Scholtz... 31 3" Kaliko Kainea 14 2" Iokama Kekua 1200" Kanalulu 2080" Hoomana 8 10"' Kapu Louzada IJ640' Noa Kaaa 21 30

" J. Brown, 93 60" Wtn. Saffrey,.. 22 80" Kanepaina 19 90" Maikaaloa, 4260" Uiaupio 2950" Solomon Hale, 19 00" KeaweKaulana 3000" W. H. Daniels 49 4" H. W. Daniels 67 00" KapeheKaolu- -

lo. 32 80

Estate Kekuahilo 8 20R. Keanu Ke- -

ahL 1230Estate Joaquin Enos, 54 20

" Keawe 13 6" Abr. Kunukau 126 50" Kalehuawehe, 14 10" Wm. Kahau- -

walu, 2 7

Estate B. K. Kaiwiaea,(N. Omsted, Admr) 59 70

Enos, Aug , 127 55Ferguson, T. W 17Fugimoto, I 2 70Funaoga, K 17 00Faustino, Ant. J 7 10Furusato, T... 15 9FookLin 1150Goodness, Pruvia 47 IO

Heleikalani 26 10Halatna, Kaili u 5Hong Chong ( Aki

Propr.) 22 50Ilansmann, Mary E... 16 9Huia, Adams 8 20Hazama, ' " 5Hirai, G 1040Hirotsu, M 8 75Hansen, Jennie 6 00Hanaoka, Mrs 18 10Harris, J. A 4a 80

Ishimaru, Y 21 40Ide, D 1 1 5

Jackson, Alonzo, 14 7

Jackson, Mrs. Hana... 980Kaialiilii, Fannie, 11 40Kolona, S 24 3

Kamana, Mrs. Pahu- -koa 30 00

Kaumualii, Laa 6 50Kalahele, S. P 21 60Kapohuli-opi- o 7 60

Kalino, Jno 3 80Kaimi, Punohu Mrs. 16 40Kekapai, E. H 58 35Kwong Lung Tai Co. 93 40Kaiae, Wm a 7

King, Mrs. W. H.... 7Kawailiilii, M 19Kawaihoa, Mrs. M.... 111 00Kahookele, Mrs. L. ... 6800Keanu, W. B a 15

Kekua, Kupau 24 00Keanini, Mrs. Mele- -

mele 23 60Kaonohi, Mrs. Api... 3 60Kosai 60Kahopewai, Kau 5 45Kondo, T 15 9"Keliinoi, S 223 10Keanini 153 7

Kahaleole 45 5Kuheleloa, Ikaia 14

Kailua, Lono l 60Kaahanui 7 60Kinolua, L'aua 2 15Kapono, Mrs. A a 70Kauhane, Mrs. J 10 35Kamakele, Estate J.

XJ. L. Coke, Admr) 186 50Kleihoa, A. S. W.... 5 80

Kaialiilii, D. K 8 10Kahookano, Mrs. He-

len 24 60

Kanikaula (w) 5 4Kamauolia 3 80Keoole, Aene 10 4Kaholokai, A. S " 5

Kaholokahiki 14 7

Kaaihue, 3Kaaihue, Malie 3 80

Kaili Kaloi (w).; 9 3Kaaemoku, D. K 8 10


Kuehu, G. Mnhiai 7 10Kuihelnni, Mrs. K.

Est., (C. A. Long,Admr) 107 lo

Kaiue, S. E 4 9Keanu, Mrs. W. B.... 7 10Kauahine, Keaka 9 80Keawe Kaiko (w) 1000Kahalnu 4 35Kaonohi, J 4 35Kimura S 151 20 ,Kaliko Makakoa 8 10

Kaaa, Mrs. J. Kini... 2 70Kasamoto, G 8 20Kido, M II 50Kahele Noeau 18 00Kondo, 1 600Kaailaau 5 4Kamee, Limalau (w)... 710Kekiohua, 17 75Kalaiii, Pahaa 19 5Kealoha, Waiu (w)... 9 80Kauwekane 5 4Keliiaa, D. II 14 4oKamanoulu, Mrs. Hat-ti- e

4 65Kealoha, Mrs. Annie

H 54 30Kahi, Mrs. Mary Sol. 6 50Lani, Lucy 44 5Lynch, Virginia E... 169 20Lemond, Win - 21 15Mahuka (w) 5 45Maikai, W. E 27 90Makolp, Wm 16 30Mahi, Kalaukua 14 80Malm, Wm 22 40Masuda, M 40 20Makaau 8 10Murakami 115Muraoka, K 7a 00Makee, C. B 3 80Maule, Hattie 65 40Morris, Mrs. Mary 2 70Manu Kapule 31 80McNamara, Geo 9 30Maui Land Co. Ltd.... 44 5Maui Drug Co. Ltd.... 34 60Malaiana (w) 3 80Maui Racing Assn 82 20Makahala (w) 2 70Makekau, R. II 46 5Napulou, Mrs. J. N... 1 60Nawahine, Rev. 0 19 00Nee Sing , 16 40Nahale-- a (k) . 13 10Nakihei, Kauhai 3 SoOneha, S K Jr. 3 20Oda 10 40Pa, T K Est. 19 20Pahuino, Ualua 16 40Papia, K 12 00Plemer, Mrs Mary . 10 40Paikaka, J 19 60Piipii, Mrs Isabella 3 80Parker, Sam 444 5Rego, Mrs Antonc 32 50Rogers, W H 9 20Rogers, EH - 28 50Shimizu, T 18 10Smith, Mrs Kamila 70 85Sugimoto alias S Ku- -

nimatsu 30 10St. Sure, A F 9 30Sylva, Mrs F 6 00Scholtz, Mrs Eunice 33 50Sylva, Kaauapu 6 00Sakurai, T 19 20Sniffen, EL 86 95Torres, M. Silva ' 14 25Tobita 11 50Takasi 11 50Tosu - 10 40Tanioka 19 60Tokuyama 4 90Tauaka, B 6 00Tokunaga, N 37 35Uwetaki 6 00Wong Kong, Ah Lee 10 40Whitford, JW 14 25Waldeyer, Carl 79 65Waihee Rice Plant Co

Ltd 456 75Wong, Ling 12 00Ye Quon 12 60Yasumori, G 41 20Young Men's. Saving

Society Ltd 1040Yeong Young 152 75Yeong Tung 64 70

Delinquent Income Tax.

Ah See, G 4 9Ah Chew a 70Aloha Saloon , 3 85Bal, WE 4 9Born, E O 10 40Coke, J L a2 5oCrawford, R B a 15

Enos, Aug '75 68Filler, R W 66 50Hart, EH 4 9Hirai, G a 70Hong Chong 4 9Harris, J A 18 60Kwong Lung Tai Co 27 40Kitnura, S 22 50Kaae, W F 4 9Kam Yen 1 1 50Kirkland, Jas 4 9Kagawa, Y 3 80Moeller, E 4 9"Maui Meat Market Ltd 11 50Muraoka, K 22 50Maui Drug Co Ltd 19 20Moody, W J 69 64Nicholson, D F 17 00Ordway, Geo 4 80Raymond, J II 22 50Saffery, WE 7 10Shimizu. T 2 70Sun Fat 4 9Simpson, AM 156Taylor, Jas 22 50Taylor, H T 22 94Tokunaga, N 1 1 5Vivas, J M 6 00Waldeyer, Carl 105 50

1st, 1909.

Waihee Rice Tlant CoLtd 40 2 1

Wai Kce 4 90Yasumori, G 13 70Yeong Young 30 10Yeong Tung 25 00

MAKAWAO DISTRICT.Ah Sa f 20 70Alves Manocl 8 54Ah .Sam J. C 75 51Ah Mi 7S 16Ah Pong C 7 00Ah Fook 24 76AlNee 17 32Aea, Mrs. L. K 5 66Apele Kaluau 73 96Ah Chew 8 20Avery Mary I 32Aiona 19 42Aruda Francisco a 14Akuna G 28 79Akuini Ahana 72Amo S 25 80Apele Hoopii and Me- -

leana 2 80Alana Jas. Estate 20 35Ah Fat 3 25Abo 7 21Abo, Jr 3 9'Brown Mrs. Julia 18 90Brown Mary K 14 74Booth C. W 30 40Boteilho Manoeljr.... 320Bras J. S 5 45Brown Emily J 2 14Baker Ed. Est 12 93Crook L. R 9 74Cockett J. P 8 31Cooper Henry Est 33 86Cummings W. H. Est. 12793Crowell D. Est 3 74Caires Anna F 3 41Camacho J. F 1 05Coelho Jose 5 34Costa Francisco 6 00Dang Young 12 50Emmerson, O. P 7 07Eldridge D. K 26 24Emmesley Joe 215Engle R. F 30 60Freitas Lelia A 20 50Fivella Ant. P 7 00Ferreira Euorme ... 19 10

Fernandez John 7 55Fernandez Est 5 11

Ferreira Antone 3 20Fat Sing 66 02Fong Wai Mrs. M. K. 41 47Fernandez Antone 25 32Fukuda 17 00Fernandez Joaq ".. 600Freitas Manoel - 6 00Franco M. A 5 34Grilho M. F 1 60Gouveia Est 4 34Godfrey Frank 8 00Haynes C. E 12 50Holiona 2 04Hamili Kama 11 00Haake Malie Poni Kiki 12 50Hekekia S. M 40 51Hale J. P 27 00Hookaia II 06Hiram Hattie M 10 23Honokaupu J. M 6 50Hayashi 6 20Hokoana Ben 6 27Holiona 6 54Hayashi T. 8 20Hayashida II 50Huluole 2 70Haake Mrs. Kakuila... I 60Henriques, Lucy K.... 1 60Heen H. A 18 10Ilae D. K 44 10Iwami 6 00Ikeda . II 50Jordon M. M 19 15

Jacintho Manoel '1 04

Juan Jose k 7 10Joseph Peter 6 82Kakalia - 452Kelupokaliilii 3 70Kaonohi 3 70Kekua Mioi 5 30Kaaimoku 14 74Kini (w) 8 10Kobavashi 17 40Kalohe P 6 50Kahoounauna ' 9 63Kekapai E. H 6 50Kealoha Annie 31 18Kuehu Keoni 19 40Kaauana (w) 34 85Kuula Sam 49 68Kahi 17 5Kaili 51 00Kaula Mrs. Maakealu 46 00Keanini 36 65Kaleihuia W. K 138 81

Kili 60 00Koloe (w) 3 20Kapiioho Victoria 4 3Keohokaua Est 63 08Kaili Est 22 76Kaawa Est. Dan 22 26Kahopuoku Est 10 20Kala W. B 32 16

Kapu Lewaina Est 16 22Kalawe Est 2 64

' Kamakele J. Est 356 44Kalama Mrs. S 170 00Kawabe 1 1 5Kawasaki 5 50Kuihelani 34 5Kekahuna K. Est 5 00Kiulu Halehua 16 00Kalia N. K. Est 13 95Keliinoi S. E 59 54Kanoholani Est I 7Kanaha Palaile 17 86Kaleikini 4 15Kali Kenoho 12 4"Kapihe J. P 18 92Kaliolokula Kuliaupio 6 00Kahiapo S. P. N 6 00Kaliolokula Kaleipopo 13 70Kekipi J. E 3 a

Krumbhnar C. C 6 00Knnimnku Kelupnka... 14 24Kekua Mioi 1 60Kahapula 3 80Kawamura II 50Kashimura 12 71Kauhi Kekila 3 25Kalalani Ilolnmalie.... 2 70Kalalaui Philip 9 41Kuji 1 1 50Kalaninhiai D 8 98Kaimina Geo 17 22Kaleimakalii S. K 2 25

D... 3 80Kwock I ling Vi 4 90Kwock Ying Yuen 5 45Kaluau Apele 1 1 50Kaauana 6 00Kaonohi & Nuumea... 94Kaonohi Jack 4 34Kahue Est 3 6SKuehu Mahiai 3 80Kahoolawi Est 6 23Kahiapo Kekahuna I 60Lukai n 71Lee Seong 6 50Lee Pat Mrs. C 6 00Masaki S 6 50Morinaka 22 40Miura 22 90Martins M. C 6 50Miner G. E 262 37Mahuna B 71 51Manoanoa Ben 18 69Mattos Daniel 7 00Makia Peter 21 18

Momona Kamaka 7 7HMakua Est 21 72Momona Kawika 29 40Morton David 38 94Manoanoa Simeon M. 12 44Murashige 5 70Mukai II 50Martins J. P 2 92Mahoe Ululani 13 74Mitchell Joe I 60Masaki S 7 10Madeiros A. S 39 67Medeiros Manoel 8 45Mignel John II 20Mossman Mrs. L 8 88Manoel Muniz 4 34Manoe Est .'. 2 14Nakila N. K 22 80Nawahineokalani Est. 55 00Niue Mrs. Kuleana I 82Nui J. H 20 84Naaieono Moses Est... 20 30

.Olelo 27 00Okamura 1200Ozawa A. K 6 42Ozaka II 50Pa T. K 22 52Plunkett John.: 9 25Plunkett Robert 13 4"Pulehu 9 80Pavao Manoel 10 30Ponte Joseph da 650Puleloa Mrs. Kaailaau 16 30Peterson W. L 10 64Pupule Kamaka 35 34Papu Rose Est 56 30


Puu Est 6 80Pacheco Francisco 4 00Piohia Kupa 2 81

Piva 1 60Pires F. M 6 38Poepoe Kaai 2 53Paio Mrs. Ehu 2 26Pukila K 1 92Perreira Manoel Est... 3 24Pico M. P. Est 4 95Perreira Ant. Est 4 95Rapoza Joe 7 00Rodrigues John 10 40Silva Joe 6 50Sabey Dr. L. R 43 88Sato . 1250Snifnn S. K 118 06Smith G. W. Mrs 3" 82Sumida 6 40Souza Antone 8 00Souza Felavio 16 24Smith Wm 2 97Sen Chong 28 49Scholtz" Eunice 13 80Scholtz Fred. I Est 20 70Sato K 34 00Shimizu 2 70Sakemoto 11 50Sato T 13 4Saki 6 00Souza A. R 1 92Sniflin N. K 39 54Sylva Ant ' 2 58Thompson Mrs. Chas. 2 16

Tanaka Cho...: 16 20Tong Kau Lee 7 10

Tagiri 175Taneguchi M 12 71Taneguchi 7 70Tanagi 1 1 00Takahashi II 50Urada 17 00Veveiros Juan 7 10Vasconcellas John 5 4Ventura Antone 7 10Veveiros Manoel........ 3 20Wa Chun 1 2 45Wilikina 56 01Wilson Jos 9 05Wong Kiu 9 80Waikalau 9 50Wada II 9"Wailehua Mrs. J. B.... 7 90Yamamoto 17 50Yamota 17 5York Mum 45 9sYum Cook 9 74Yamamoto Y 2 70Yee Hop Tong 3 80

LAHAINA DISTRICT.Ah Puna f 6 00Cockett, C. B 26 30David, John 4 90Est. of Baker, R. II 14 20

' Cockett, Jos 2 70" Cummings, Wm. 41 60

1 hereby certify that the foregoing s a coi rect list of the Delinquent Tax Payers of thebest of my knowledge and belief.

Wailuku, February


" Gibson, W. M. ... 82 90" Hnyscldcn Talula 7 60" Jones, Alfred 14 70" Liilii 1520" Makoo 22 50" Mcheula 103 20" Nahaolelua, Kia 8 75" Shaw, Lahela 1200" Wnhineaea, Hana 3 80

Fardcn, E. K 3 80Hamanalau 15 20Hnuki 1 60Ilauki, Kapeka 2 70Haleiknlani . 600Hoewaa, Harry 28 40Hoopii, Wm. Mrs 3 80Hose, R. P 72 40Hose, John W. K 6 00Kaae, Alice Mrs 10 30Kaaipoalima 6 00Kaliaulelio, D. K 45 00Kahootuiha, Kckau 9 80Kahikina 2 70Kahue, Jcs 10 90Kaiwa 5 40Kaiwipuuakca, J. M 6 00Kaka 9 80Kalama, D. M 3 80Kalama, L. K 4 90Kalua, John K 40 50Kaluakini, Wm ... 930Kamakee 6 00Kamanoulu 2 70Kaniau 6 00Kaonohi 600Kauhane, Pia 6 00Kauhi, George 13 70Kaukau, John K 7 20Kaulalaiw 3 80Kauwenaole, Geo. W. ... 12 00Kealakaa 11 50Keawe, Kawa 6 00Kekele, Mile - 3 25Keliipio, Lilia 1 60Kilinahe 2 70Kuheleloa 6 00Leialoha 2 70Makaetia 600Martitisen, II 6 00Meleana 2 70Miner, Geo 3 25Murashige 6 00Nawahine, O. Rev II 50Nuuhiwa 6 00Oana, Nellie Mrs 3 80Paaoao, G. K 6 00Paki, Watiineaea Mrs. .. 2 70Pali, Philip 4 90Puona, David 6 00Peniainiua, I. Pa 1800Pimeuta, Antone 2 70Pupule (K) 3 80Reimann, August 2690Reimanu, August Jr. .... 9 30Sea, Louisa Mrs 18 60Seoug, G. G 6 55Seong, G. G. Mrs 46 15Spencer, Martina 35 00Taylor, David 23 00Taylor, Keola Mr 3 80Tetzlaff, Mrs. Gdn. 8900Treadway, S. K 3 20Vierry, Henry Sr 10 80Wainee Church 2 15


Ahulii, Est. of J.fil f 11 33Ahulii, Est. of J. 182Ahulii, J. 2 512Ah Fat 13 42Akiona I 10Ah W11 8 26Ah Sa 5 50Ako, Chas 7 49Akahi 994Akana, L 4 loAh Tuck 3 07Bridges, Rebeka 10 51Baker, Jno. A.. 32 62Coelho. Jo'ao R 7 02Capellas, Eliza R 5 28Cheung Chung 15 35Deas, W. B 33 94Esterella, Jaciutha 4 26Fereirra, Manuel 3 55Faustiuo and wife 17 74Gookim, E. Kamae 5 15Helela (w) 88Hopili, (w) Est 2 97Holani and Aikau I 15Hooliliamauu..... 24 66Haia, W. P. 34 47Haia, Fanny 22 90Hana Church 3 16

Hop Sing Co 9 35Hutchison, Jr. W. K.... 1840Hiapo, R lo 17Hoopai. W. P... 16 S9Hu, Lilia 4 70Issac, Win. K 28 38Ioscjm, Hana 21 72Kala, W. A 217Kuhaleuatii, S. K 50 53Kawaakoa, J. W 7 98Kaialoini, Hana 4 90Kuheleloa, W. K 10 73Kaai (w) 2 55Kahue, Est Kauhane... I061Kauiano (w) 3 81

Keopuhiwa, Est ... 1472Kupau, Mariana 3 90Kaeo, D. P I 70Kekuhuua, Wm. Altqwi 18 Ho

Kanakaole, Paahao 8 12Kamai, W. K 5 95Kaleo, J. Makole 22 84Kaleo, John K 18 19Kaleo, Est. J 62 90Kalunu 3 42Kakani, L. K 5 31Kalama, Kamanuliupu 15 42Keawehaku, K. P 5 95Kaiaka (w) 1 15Kau, Pika 20 06Kakalia ' I 27Kailihiwa - 7 17Kaulana 5 43Kcaheiuakaui (w) 6940

Second Taxation Division,

Kiuitnaka 15 39Kaleo (Kuau) 8 72Kaleo, J. Palau 2 97Kalielcmauna, Est. E-..- . 82 65Kalanihou (w) II 38Kamila, (w) Est 21 23Keliihelcla 16 55Kaaua, Kauanui (w).... 1209Kaleo, Jas. H. S 44 70Kalalaina, Lee Fat (w) 17 53Kalehua 10 67Kapuni, Frank 1 92Kanoho 10 75Kamakaono, S 10 75Kapu, S 48 76Kailiuli, L. M 25 74Kaualoku, G. II 2 40Kapiolani, Est. Ltd 214 10Kekuailani, P 9 60Kauimakaole, G. P 56 89Keoahu, G. W 8 54Kaiwiaea, Est. B. K.... 133 75Kelohanui Kalihi, O. 12 02Keliaa (w) 9 98Kahuena, Nohoanu (w) 3 64Kukauahi, J. K 20 94Kaiewe, Kahololio 10 59Kanakaokai, Loke 48 51Lyons, Est. Kekela (w) 23 25Lake, Chas 38 29Lyons, M. T 35 40Lyons, Jno. E 16 40Malulu, Lono 7 18Marian Cabral 2 55Makaena, Albert M 25 39Makaena, S. K 43 73Maule, Miss Hattie 5 91Murdock, D. B 2 57Makahio, Jno 2 16Malina, Louisa 2 83Maunaloa, Malie 128 23Maria Rosalina 16 04Mololani, M. K 16 ISMokulau Coffee Co 11 65Milaiua et al 3 41Nohua, J 2 61Naauao 1 28Nee Sing Wai 15 02Nakila, J. K 99 45Nawahineokalani Est... 46 12Nakoolani 7 65Nishwitz, J. H 3 26Nahalea, Sol 12 85Omsted p Chong Chung 8 25Ololua, Kaaihue 1 a 36Pomaikai Est. Kaaha-

nui 899Piilani, M 1 28Pupuhi, Hana 17 02Pila, Ben 236Piwai 1 2ftPuhi, Daniela 11 38Pauahi, Est. Enoka 862Poohina, D. M 52 79Paulo, Est. Akeneki(w) 83 45Pierre, Joe 31 66Puhihale, Kailianu 4 55Pahia 3 68Rubinstein & Co 2 88Roback, A 14 90Rosenwarne, Lena G.... 6 33Saunders, P. Richard... 8963Smyth, J. Kalani Hu.

elo 121 31Schleif, Jno 6 22Schnack, J. H 5 23Smith, Chas 15 77Smyth, Kike 14 05Tellos, E 27 04Tam Yau 8 55VI (w) Kuau 18 58Unauiia, Est. Jos. U.

Kauai 1476Wing Chiug 3 30Watanabe 6 39Wilkins, Ben 2 25Wills, T. C 74 67Wagoner, Kaniho (w).. 16 35Walia, Est i960Wilkingson, Beke 52 36Yap Toe 12 42Yee Chong 3 95

Income Delinquent Tax.Deas, V. B 39 23Kaiwiaea, B. K 39 52Watt, Geo 1047

MOLCKAI DISTRICT.Aim, Annie f 800Akela 4 80Apaiana 14 80Ax:laliama, Mele.... 2 70Huchanati, C. A 16 26Buchanan, Nauiaha- -

na 28 00Bishaw, minors 1140Brown, J. F 836 50Bannister, Andrew... Ill 40Callow, Jane 1 1 35Conradt, Mrs. C. C. 297 60Cockett, C. h 17 35Cockett, Isaac 4 80Clark. Mrs. R. K 3 25Castle, J. B 45 31Dudoit, Jules 4 30Dudoit, Kahoilina... 1 60Dart, Mary 1 1 40Dowsett, A. C 64 27Duvauchelle, Ed 7083Foster, Mrs. Prank.. 11 50Fountain, Robt .. 14 70Green, M 2 70Heirs of Moikeha.... 645

" Kaopeahiua. 42 60" Itiaina 8 10" Kupihca 42 10" Lililchua 41 60" Hulihee - 10 So" Kahiamoe... i960" Nakumu 8 10" Kapu 4820" Kauakuliilii. 8 60" Na)mpa 81 20" Kaokuka ... 2 70" llalualaui ... 2 70" SamNowleiii 2300

liana (w) 4 Ho

Territory of Hawaii,

Hikionn 38 KoHui, John 17 90Hitchcock, II. R... 10930IIulu, J 2b 30Huluol'j 7 60Hapipa i860Iokua 2 70Jones, W. F 28 30Kapiolani, Est 45 00Keaweolu, S. Est...- - 22 50Kahoino 9 10Kahananui (w) 13 50Kawainui 8 00Kailiula, Puna 11 90Kaalihikaua, Sol.. .. 7 boKekuiuae 8 60Kauhiokalani 27 90Keakuanui - 28 911Kamai, A. L - 24 10Kalua, J. W 30 00Kaahanui 14 70Kekoowai, Kaiakca. 38 30Keawepooole, Eliza 6 40Kahalekoolua 13 50Kaulili 4 80Kamakaia 22 90Kaaihue, Jos 15 70Kapu, Hiel 15 70Kukahi 64 60Kaanianamanu - 20 15Kaluaaha.S 2400Kahiamoe, Kamai... 4 80Kaleikoa 14 70Kuikahi, Chas 16 25Kekumu 28 90Kuhihewa 30 00Kahalewai 15 70Kukahaoa..; 6 40Kanewanui, Sam 13 50Kalalike 15 70Kahemalani 1900Kaluhi, Louisa 25 50Kahinu, Joel 8 10Kalauokalani 46 50Kalilikane 21 30Kahapuu, Kahele.... 4 90Kamai m 5 40Kamaewaewa 7 60Kalaluhi 4 80Kuene 5 40Kaiue, S. E 9 80Kulou '

3 20Kakani, David 17 50Keakamai 5 40Keohokalole, Leihu- -

lu 17 50Kekaula 2 70Kolo 3 80Kahele, Mary 1 60Kekahuna, S. K 4 35Kaahu, Kawaa 3 80Kaopuiki 8 20Kane, Emma 8 20Kamanao, Jack 1 93Kapawai 3 80Kalaau 6 00Kamoku w 4 35Kaiawe w 2 70Kaliele, Akoni ' 1 05Kapahu, Miss Kini.. 34 65Laakila v 1140Lewis, Chas 10 40Luuloa, Henry 2 70Mauase, Rev, II 20 10Makaleka 52 00Mahiai, Levi 25 70Mauliawa, Rahapa... 1900M orse .James 1 6 40Meyer, Theodore 33 50Makela w 3 80Makalei 2 70Melika 600McVeigh, J. D 1 60Naki, Paia 29 10Naki, Mrs. Clara 18 60Namakaokaiua 24 00Nakuiua, Emma M. 237 9sNauka 8 10Naeola 9 30Namaielua 3 80Nakaleka, Joel......... 4 90Oopa, Namaielua..- -. 6 00Pihe, John 2 15Papi, Harry 11 40Piiapoo 24 50Pa, Zelie Bal 11 40Paahao, Luka 5 40Poaha 13 50Pualani, Malie 9 75Prendergast, John... 13 50Peahi 6 40Pauhewa 12 95Paaluhi, Emma "4 30Paahao 7 loPawaa - 2 70Reimanu, Makaleka 8 00Spitz, Mrs. C. W 27 40Smith, Isaac..., 9 80Townsend, Geo n 40l'aua w 8 60Waiania 16 90Wilson, J. H 101 boWilliams, Chas , 3 20Weed, Mrs, Kupeke 2 1$Waiaholo, Ed 8 20

Income Delinquent Tux.Ah Toon 22 50Hartwell, C. A 31 30

LANAI DISTRICT.Chu Gam and Young

Chee 53 70Kauhane Pia 28 40Kealakaa A I boLupeau 26 20Mauuwai Ainoe 8 10Maheloua S. W... ....... 11 90Makahaualoa 1 60Smyth J. K 41 boZablan Ane Estate 17 4u

for the year 1008, to"Hhe

J. II. KUNEWA,Assessor, Second Taxation Division.

Page 4: What Maui MAUI' 'NEWS. - University of Hawaii...What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity-'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T.,






A List of High Grade Securities mailed on application




Best quality for the moneyr

That's what you can depend on when you deal withus. Our departments are always well stocked withthe best and freshest of goods. We mean just whatwe say. Call at our store and be convinced that youcan save time and money by dealing with us.

The Laiiaina StoreDry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,

Plantation Supplies, etc.LAHA1NA, MAUI.



A NewWing Tip

OxfordMade both in TAN RUSSIA and PATENT LEATHER. We

are selling them at $4.50 per pair. Send us your order by mail.

Include 25 cts. for postage when cash accompanies the order.



M r This brand denotes quality.Write us in regards to your

HrN Leather needs. Send yourHides to us and you may feel

TW9 certain of fair treatment.

Metropolitan Meat Co.


Telephone Main 143.


SUMMER SPORTSAre you all ready for the good times you are going to

have this Summer? If it's Tennis, keep in mind the fineassortment of Rackets we have from $2.50 to $10.00 eachand the Slazcriger and W. & D. Balls as well as Nets,Tapes, etc.

If it's Baseball, just remember that we have the com-

plete SPALDING line and also have as complete a line oflower priced baseball goods. Our sporting goods and ath-

letic supply stock is now most complete and you can getnearly everything you need on short notice.

Let us send you catalogues and prices.



When you want your carriage repaired to lastbring it to the right shop.


I r DAN. T. CAREYi Alain St. near Market, Wailuku, Maui .


Siijinr QC dejr. tet 3.61 Beets 10s.

HONOLULU, February 9 Curtis P. Iaukea will be an applicantfor the position of Census Director.

The films for the moving picture machine at the leper settlementhave been received from Burton Holmes.

A Democratic caucus will be held tonight.

WASHINGTON, February 9. An important conference was heldbetween President Boosevelt, Senators Flint and Kabn of California,the Secretary and the Assistant Sjcretary of State. A telegraph was

framed in which Boosevelt said he was anxious to securo the maxi-

mum efficiency with the minimum friction, but California seemed to

desire the opposite.Indignation is expressed in California over the message sent by

Roosevelt scoring Perkins.Congressman Knowland deplores the attack but adds that he will

stand by Roosevelt in getting the trouble settled without resorting to'arms.

CARSON CITY, Nev., February 9. The Senate has referred allbills directed against Japanese to the Committee on Federal Relations.

SACRAMENTO, February 9. A bill has been introduced provi-

ding for popular.yote on the subject of Japanese immigration. Actionon Japanese bills has been postponed until Friday.

WASHINGTON, February 9 President Boosevelt has sent aspecial message to Congress urging the passage of a bill making it a

compulsory matter for vessels to have wireless outfits

SHANGHAI, February 9. The census returns show more thanthirteen miUion opium smokers in China.

WASHINGTON, February 9. Captain Potts succeeds Qualtroughin the command of the battleship Georgia.

HONOLULU, February 8. Deputy High Sheriff George Sea isdead after a week's illness.

The Japanese newspapers now threaten plantation lunas.In the baseball game yesterday the iis scored 4 and the

Reach team 3. There was no game on Saturday.SAN FRANCISCO, February 8. President Boosevelt telegraphed

to Governor Gillette today and sharply criticized Senator Perkins,whom he charges with hampering the building of a navy during thepast seven years and is now advising the California legislature to pur-

sue a wanton policy of trouble making.

WASHINGTON, February 8. In an interview Senator Pekinssaid that in the face of any treaty and in spite of the opinions offoreigners he believed it right for his state to carry out its own policywhile the power to do so was beyond question.

COLON, February 8. Taft has left the Canal Zone for NewOrleans.

HONOLULU, February, 7. President Roosevelt denies that thecall for an increased militia on the Coast was due to the Japanese agi-

tation. -

Three thousand one hundred dollars were raised here on Tag Day.Violent thunderstorms interfered with the working.

The Atcherleys held a mass meeting last night. There was a slimaudience.

HONOLULU, February 6-- Wni. McCracken, boatswain of theAlameda and for 25 years an employee of the Oceanic S. S. Co. disap-peared from the steamer yesterday. It is supposed he committed sui-


, Dr. Sereno Bishop is stricken and is not expected to live.

CARSON CITY. Nev., February 6. The legislature passed a billprohibiting Chinese and Japanese holdin land in Nevada.

A petition to send the battleship fleet to the Pacific Coast on ac-

count of the menace of the Japanese has been telegraphed to Washing-ton.

SACRAMENTO, February 6. Governor Gillette has aoked theAssembly to reconsider the bill Bending Japanese to separate schools,calling it a breach of treaty rights. An identical bill was sent to theSenate today.

WASHINGTON, February 6. Roosevelt has vetoed the censusbill becaiue the appointments are and without exami-nations.

GIBRALTAR, February 6, Admiral Sperry confirms the Qual-trough verdict.

LONDON, February 6. The Admiralty demands that six Dreadnoughts be built.

Real Estate Doings.

Recorded December 31, 1908.Protestant Episcopal Church in Ha-

waiian Islds to Trs of Est of liernice PBishop, Exchge D; kul 962, Moanui, a,

Maui. B 311, p 320. Dated Dec30, 1908.

Est of Bernice P Bishop by trs to Pro-testant Episcopal Church in Hawu Islds,Exchge D; land patent 8181, kul 300,and 2 pes laud, Panaewa, etc, Lahaiua,Maui. B 311, p 320. Dated Dec 30,1908.

Recorded January 2, 1909.Yeong Young to First National Bank

of Wailuku, B b; 50,000 lbs rice paddy inwarehouse, etc. Waihee. Maui. 500, etc.B 321, p 40. Dated Dec 22, 1908.

Recorded January 7, 1909.Chas Makaokalaui to Meleana (w), D;

int in R P 7518, Liloa, Koolau, Maui.$24. B 3'S. P 92. Dated Oct 9, 1908.

Chas K Simpson to Theresa Puaokina,D; int in lands, Oahu; int in lands, Ha-waii; int in lands, Maui. $100. B 315,p 97. Dated October 17, 1908.

Maggie Fisher to Rauiao A Drummondet al, D; int in 33 a in hui laud, Muolea;int iu 3ij a in hui laud, Koali, Hana,Maui. 300. B 315, p 96. Dated Janu.ary 5, 1909.

VV O Aiken and wf to Manuel Matthias, D; lot 7, Kaououlu lots, Kula,Maui. $600. B 315, p 99. Dated DecDecember 26, 1908.

W. O. Aiken and wf to Miguel Purse,D; lot 40, Kaououlu lots, Kula, Maui5500. B 315, p 101. Dated Dec 26, 1908.

Bank of Hawaii, Ltd, to W O Aiken,ParRel; lot 40. Kaououlu lots, Kula,Maui. 300. B 315, p 103. Dated Janu-ary 8, 1909.

Recorded January 9, 1909.Susan K Blake and hsb (A) to Kalae-kah- i

Siiflery et al, D; J$ int in R P 1756,ap 3, kul 3702, ap 1, and pc land, Kela-we- a,

etc, Lahaina, Maui. io, etc. B 315,p 108. Dated November 21, 1906.

Joseph Cockett and wf et al to Ed-

mund Cockett, D; int in por kul 76, No.3, par 1, Auwaiolimanui, Waikapu, Maui.$100. B 215, p 110. Dated April 30,1908.

Jas N K Keola to J H Kala, Rel; R. P.6345, kul 3295, Kalua, Wailuku, Maui.$50. B 307, p 353. Dated January 13,1906.

J H Kala (k) to J Garcia, M; R P 6345,kul 3295, Kalua, Wailuku, Maui. $250.B 37, P 353- - Dated January 7, 1909.

Do not throw away yourold books. Send them tothe Maul Publishing Co.,Printers and Book-binder- s.










1 Modern Bath Rooms fI Make Modern Homes I

fJWhen visitors come isn't it gratifying to have your bath room

to equipped that it wins the approving glance of every critical

eye? "ifatodwd? Porcelain Enameled Fixtures make your bathroom modern and 1 room to be admired. We sell and installthis famous ware and can quote you prices that will please vouWhen you place youi plumbing contract with us vou are assurroof high-grad- work and prompt service. Booklet illustrating nianneat bath room sent frw

Kahului R. R. Co., Mdse. Dept.KAHULUI, MAUI.



Can secure our assistance in endeavoring to rind a market for hisvproducts. We are engaged in the business of selling Groceries,Provisions and numerous articles required by the farmer for thedaily use of his family. We Ixlieve we may be able at the sametime to sell his products; some of them anyway if not all.

If the farmer will let us know what he has to sell, when itwill be ready for market, how packed and how to be shipped,with probable quantities in each shipment; give us in advance allthe information he can ; we will at once start investigating themarket conditions and advise him of same.

We sell to family consumers throughout the Islands forCASH, money with order, and many acknowledge that they aresaving money every month. We want the farmers' family tradeand will sell their products for CASH also, so as to furnish thenecessary "GOLD LUBRICANT" to keep the farm runningsmoothly. No order too small or too large for us to undertake.

Get the CASH HABIT in buying and selling.

THEO. F. LANSINGCommission Merchant ,

Importer, Jobber and Retailer.03 ami 95 King Street,

r. O. BOX 351. Honolulu.


Page 5: What Maui MAUI' 'NEWS. - University of Hawaii...What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity-'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T.,

An association of Japanese will start aunite brewery for Hilo.

Tlie S. S. ITvudcs arrived at KahuluiThursday tuoruinu to take snj,'ar for 111

Co. "L" N O. II. Lahaiim, Cupt. Keliinoi expects to j;o to camp with 51 men

ntnl three oliicers

judc Kingsbury will not leave forMaui until his lonnnission comes. Itshould arrive nil the 13th.

Carl Sinitli Es. lias been appointeddeputy County Attorney for Hawaii at a

salary of fiso.oo a month.

iff. K. I). Baldwin, suhanent of theland office, was a through passenger by

the Clnudine for Honolulu.

The Women's Aid Society of UnionChurch will meet at three o'clock1 Tues-

day afternoon with Mrs. Buttelle.

Genial Hilly Green of l'hilips & Co. isaround town on business nnd as ready asever to crack a joke as lie is to dicker foryour trade.

Mr. Jos. K, Cockett gave a birthdayluau Tuesday afternoon, at his Waikapuresidence. The guests had a fine timenil oround. ..

Mr. II. B.' Penhallow, manager of theWailuku Sugar Company, is having tractsof plantation land above the canchVidsplanted to trees. '

It is reported on good authority thatMaui Soda & Ice Works will consolidatewith the Hygeia Soda and Ice Works ofKahului, beginning March 1st.

Co. "I" N. G. II. is drilling con-

stantly preparing for camping out. TheCompany expects to go to camp nextweek with 4S men and three officers.

II. F. Ludwig of Hilo has sent in a

petition asking for the formation of a

second military company for Hllo. There--e thirty-si- x names on the petition.

it rained all over Maui Saturday even-

ing last week, accompanied by muchthunder and lightning. The fall in Kularnnged from in. at Von Tempsky's toover two inches at Ulupalakua.

The Honolulu Promotion Committeesates that it "draws no lines and is work-

ing impartially for all parts of the Is-

lands." But few of the most adventur-ous tourists ever come to Maui.

It seems some of oui- visitors to the lastCircuit Court term have been talking of

the crudities of Maui manners, so nowit's mend your manners, boys, beforeworse things are said about us.

Matsuuuira who tued the County ofHawaii for damages on account of a

washout has been awarded f 7, 500.00 bythe jury. The case has been in court forthree years. The matter has been ap-


At the Wailuku Union Church, Sun-

day, February 14, at 7:30 p. ui., Rev. R.B. Dodge will give a review of the greatethical principles that governed Presid-

ent Lincoln. The public is invited tothis service.

Watch the paper next week for theannouncement of an entertainment givenon the evening of February twenty-secon- d

by the Women's Aid Society ofUnion Church. YOU'LL be sorry, ifYOU miss it.

Snow lay in streaks and splotchesalong the summit of Ha'.eakalu Sundaymorning as a result of the storm. Therounded crest of White hill was gleam-

ing in white. It was a refreshing sightto residents of Wailuku swelting in theheat with the temperature at 80 degrees.By Thursday the snow had vanished.

Mr. T. Onoda, assistant superintendentof Okayauia Orphauage will give his lastexhibition of moving pictures at theWailukvJ'Chinese Church, Monday even-

ing, February 15th at 7:30 o'clock. Mr.Onodf will show many picturesed with his work at the Orphanage, also

other interesting views. Admission foradults 25 cents, children 10 cent.

, Senator W. T. Robinson, Hon. E. H.

Carley, Hon. J. W. Kawaakoa, and, Hon.M. P. Waiwaiole went dowu to attend to

their duties as legislators from Maui. In

the past the Maui men have always actedas a unit on important matters, and theirexcellent work made them a power to bereckoned with in legislative matters.

There will shortly be advertised thelease for five years of seventy-fiv- e acresof land at Polipoli, in the neighborhoodof Wailuku plantation, of which 24. 6S

acres is cane land and the balance pas

ture land. The lease will contain thesettlement conditions under which, if theGovernment deems it advisable at any

time during the term to open the landor homesteads, the lessee will give it up.


Among the humbler passengers of theCloudine was Imau, a faithful Japanesehusband hurrying to rach thu bedsidof his sick wife in Japan. She returnedto Japan three months ago and is severely ill. Imau had been on the Islandthirteen yeat seven years of which he

passeil as anmpioyee 01 me Kauuiui kR. Co. His friends considered nun ;igood man and displayed much feeling onhi departure.


The date ot drawing ot grand and trialjurors li .is been changed to Wednesday,the 24th inst.

The Young Men's Savings Society Ltd.have increased their capital stook from

10,000.00 ttt JO.OtMi.OO.

Mr. W. Hering, Fish Inspector of llilo,h.is gone into retirement. Some oneelse lias received tile appointment.

Hd itor II. M. Coke is rxpuclcd hackFebruary 20th, am! thereafter the hiredman will pass inlv innocuous desuetude.

There is a proposition on foot to consolidate the Iao and Hismark Stables hackand liverv business under one manage-ment. .

In the expressive language of oldtimers it was blowing great guns butraining only shredded cat tails yesterdayin Wailuku.

Mr. II. P. Baldwin is up and aroundthe house and has so far recovered as tobe able to give his attention to pressingbusiness matters.

The Gem Theatre will give a matineeat 3 o'clock this afternoon in the Alulibuilding, Market Street. New movingpictures will be shown.

Supervisor Haia of liana rejxrtsa veryheavy rain storm in the I'laino section ofhis district last Saturday, and much da-

mage dyne to the public road.

Damp weather and high winds interfered somewhat with the Lincoln Dayexercises a', the Wailuku Union School,the attendance not being as lare as ex-


The price of taro per bag is risingsteadily. It has jumped from seventy- -

five cents lust reported to $ 1.1 s per baguid promises to go higher. A scarcity oflaro in the near future is imminent.

Kam Yen has on exhibition at hisMarket St. restaurant a twenty-eigh- t

pound cabbage from the Haiku sectionof Makawao. Props have to be used byfanners to keep crops of that kind fromspoiling on the ground.

Dr. J. J. Carey, the dentist, will be atMakawao for a w eek or two doing dentalwork. Beginning next Monday he canbe found at the residence f Mrs. J. N.K. Keola, Makawao. All persons desiring first-clas- s dental work done shouldsee him.

The mosquito nuisance is again in evidence. The molasses turned into theditches from the Wailuku sugar millwhich the Chinese rice planters use tofertilize their rice patches are the incu-

bating places where the pests are bred atthe rate of a thousand a minute.

Kahului Feb. 10. Passengers FxClaudine, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. C. E. Rose,Miss L. Weight, Jas. Ralama, J. P. i,

Win, Bell, Rev. Jno. Kalino, F.B. Sinuock, Miss Kratz, Hon. E. B.

Carley, Hon. W. T. Robinson, Mrs. Morris, Miss J. Morris, Master A. Morris,Mrs. M. R. Medeiros, Hon. M. P. e,

D. Waiwaiole, Mrs. A. Douseand child, Rev. C. K. Pa, Mrs. A.

Gomes, Dr. F. A. St. Sure.

Mr. C. D. Lufkin of Wailuku, Maui,sells the Inner Player Piano, now so ex-

tensively advertised in the magazines.If you want a piano of any style or priceit w ill be to your interest to consult him.When in the East last Spring Mr. Lufkinrenewed business relations with pianomanufacturers with whom he had donebusiness before coming to these islands.It will.be to your interest to ring up Mr.Lufkin if you contemplate purchasing a

piano. The Inner Player can be seen inWailuku by ctlling on Mr. Lufkin.

The Maui County Fathers.

The board of supervisors met as usualWednesday afternoon approved bills andclaims on the County treasury and readreports of officers, but owing to yesterdaybeing proclaimed a holiday deferred actionon appointments of district road overseerstill today, too late for this issue of theNews. It is stated on good authoritythat J. W. Kalua is likely to be appointed road overseer for the district of Wailuku. The proceedings of the supervi-sors will appear in our next issue.

. . m m m

Oun MembcPHhip Card.Shake, Maui New s! You have the right

spirit. It's kick and kick year in and yearout that has brought Hilo what little weget. In kicking for ourselves, we "kick"for you, too! A Setta.

Gem TheatreNOW OPENAluli Block, Market Street

Latest Moving Picture Kuccchhch

Wednesday andSaturday evenings

Admission: Adults, 25c, Children, lotk



Notick ok Draw inc. of r.KANir amTkiai. Ji pors.

Notice is hereby given that the draw-ing of Grand and Trial Jurors to servennd act as such during the March, 1909Term of the Circuit Court of the SecondJudicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, w illtake place in the Court Room of the saidCourt, at Wailuku, Island and Countv idMaui, Territory of Hawaii, on Wednesday,the 24th day of February A. D. lyoy, at ino'clock in the forenoon of said day.

S. B. KINGSBURY,Judge of the Circuit Court of the Second

Circuit, T. II.Dated at Wailuku, Maui, February 12,

1909.Feb. 13, 20.


Iltiwnilmi-Americti- n Rubber Co.Limited.

At the regular annual meeting of theshareholders of the Hawaiian-America- n

Rubber Co. Ltd., held at the BaldwinNational Bank of Kahului, Maui, Wed-

nesday, February IS, 1909, at 2:30 P. M.

the following officers were elected toserve for the ensuing year:William Williamson PresidentH. A. BaldwinE. M. Campbell TreasurerHugh Howell SecretaryC. D. Lufkin Director

BOARD OF DIRECTORS.William Williamson, II. A. Baldwin,

E. M. Campbell, Hugh Howell and C. D.Lufkin.

Hl'GII HOWELL,Secretary, Hawaiian-America- n Rubber

Co. Ltd.Feb. 13, 20, 27.


The Kooluu Rubber Co., Ltd.

At the regular annual meeting of theshareholders of The Koolau Rubber Co.,Ltd. , held at the office of the Companyin Wailuku, Maui, on Saturday, January30, 1909, the following officers were elect-ed to serve for the ensuing year.J. L. Coke '. PresidentII. StreubeckR. A. Wadsworth TreasurerHugh Howell SecretaryW. A. McKay AuditorW. L. Decoto..: DirectorJ. J. Molony -- Director

BOARD OF DIRECTORS.J. L. Coke, H. Streubeck, R. A. Wads- -

worth, Hugh Howell, W. A. McKay, W.L. Decoto and J. J. Molony.

HUGH HOWELL,Secretary.

Feb. 13, 20. 27.

No. 8207.

REPORT OF THE CONDITION OFthe Baldwin National Bunk of Ka-

hului, ttt K.ihului in the Ten, otHawnll, at the clone of buisineHH,

February 5, 1909.Ri:soi;rcks DollarsLoans and Discounts 99.54o 93Overdrafts, secured and unse-

cured 3,50900U. S. Bonds to secure circula

tion 13,000 00Premiums on U. S. Bonds 5(0 28Bonds, securities, etc 20,510 94Banking house, furniture, and

fixtures 3,4lS 26Due from National Banks (not

reserve agents) 157 64Due from State and Private

Banks and Bankers, TrustCompanies, and SavingsBanks 4, 1S5 47

Checks and other cash items.. 67 00Notes of other National Banks 6S 00Fractional paper currency,

nickels, and cents 20 76Specie 43,220 10 43,220 toRedemption fund with U. S.

Treasurer ( 5 ,' circulation ).. 650 00

Total lS8,9oS 3S

LiAim.iTiKS DollarsCapital stock paid in 50,000 00Surplus fund 1,934 06National Bank notes outstand-

ing 13,00000Dividends unpaid 2100Individual deposits subject to

check 70,219 10

Savings Deposits 43,903 07Demand certificates of dexsit 2,65000Time certificates of deposit 7,181 15

Total 188,908 38Ter. of Hawaii, County of Maui, ss:

I, D. C. Lindsay, Cashier of the above-name- d

bank, do solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the best of myknowledge and belief.

D. C. LINDSAY,Cashier,

CorrkcT Attest:J. N. S. WILLIAMSII. A. BALDWIN Directors.S. E. TAYLOR )

Subscribed and sworn to lie fore methis 1 2th day of February, I909.

F. P. ROSECRANS,Notary Public.

13, 1909




Regular meltings wili be lu 11 at theKnights of Pythias Hall, Wailuku, nil thesecond anil fourth Saturdays of each '

month.All visiting members are cordially in-

vited to attend.W.M. AULT, C. C.

JOHN J. WALSH. K. Ol- R. .S: S.

LODC.t: MALI I, No. OS4. A I fir A M.

Slated mcpiinirs will be held atMas'inir Hall, Kuhului, on Hie firstSaturday niirht of each month at 7. Sit

P. M.Visi1 ino hi ethreii are c rdiallv in-

vited to attendC. K. COPJCI.ANI) K. W. M.

I5KXJAMIX WILLIAMS,t f. Secretary.

FARM PRODUCTSDelivered in Wailuku every-Saturda-

and at Paia ami Hamaknapoko onWednesdays at lowest prices.


Telephone Orders to

A. M . L ti n d K r n fProprietor KA LUA FARM.

Telephone No. 359.



i'YII lino of popular hi inn's o


Wil.:- - K1KS, GINSEtc. Etc.

Celebrated Prinio & Seie25c 2 Glasses 25c


Orders taken for ICE CREAM,F R UlTS," N UTS, C I G A RS.

Ice Cold Drinks Always on Hand.

Market. St. : : Wailuku. Maui

Bismark Stables Co.Limited



Automobiles for HireAt Hack Notes

Meet nil Island Steiirners

Excursion Kates to Iao and Uaknkiilwith competent guides.




llemlqimrttrs ofWAILUKU EXPRESS.



IIoNOl.l'l.f, T. II., AND

WAiWKr, Mati, T. H.

Hawaiian Iron Fence andMonument Works, Ltd

Honolulu T. M.


We Sell Iron Fence


Whoso Fence received tlio HighestAward, "(.old ItleUal," World'sl uir, M, uuih, 11104.

Tho moft economical vou canliny. I'rlen lev. limn a ri JxH'taMt' woodfence. hy not t ::( your old onenow, with aueat. ui ic.ivi lbo ICMK,

"iwta i.t'i'.Tini;,HOver lt",-- h V Iri Flimic

VetUi'H, ... . i' .' M

CALL, A.u bk.t. lit.

liyiilkThatKeepsjin niiy vi iilliif fin1 Mtiy lonnlli of time' till 1 it- ciin

jiul tlicii for time or four ilny.I'm.', ricli, eii'imiy milk th.it ;iv s liini: a

Ix'ttiT llavnr, itml - (iiially useful in tin- kitclicn:iinl ut t.iMc

A I. V I X K M ILK(rnswcctcnoil)


TT. Hackfold & Co., Ltd.AGENTS, HONOLULU.

I Primo I

ockWe have the first outputof the season in pints and


1 Maui Wine & Liquor Co. 1g SOLE AGliNTS FOR MAUI. 2

Good CigarsNot i'vcry cigar is a pod nijru. ; m't'rv smoker knowsthat from x o

Tliat's why wo carry only the Staph; Iiraiuls ofcip.irs. Soml for them. We pay special al Iciitiotito all until orders.

Robert Burns, Little Bobbies,

Cooke, Win.Vice

Cnshier Asst.Auditor

THIRD A IJat close

Loans Div.-ount- s f.VJ.h" J"Cash and Due (roui It. inks. 34,21 2.Itomls 1 .',000. 00l"uited Kouds (, 250.00

on S. liouds 200.00and L'ixtures l,2.o.oo

5 luind 31 2.i




L STATEMENTDecember 31, 190S.

Stock f .s,UKI.rttand I'ndividcd I'rolits.. 75f'."S

Circulation 250.110Dividends I'miaid 750.00 'Dcxsitors (, 327 4o


Van Dyck, General Arthur,and Owl


The Lahaina National BankCIihs. M. l'resiilent Helming,V. L. Decoto, 2nd l'resiilent K. A. Wiulsworth, Director

C. I). V. C. SchoenbcrK, CashierA. Aiilberi;,


ol ousines.



Suitesrreiiiium I'.l'"uruiture





I, C. D. Lufkin. Cashier of the nlve named hank, do solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the U st of my knowledge and belief.C. 1). Lt'l KIN, Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th dav of January, lijoy.JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Notary I'ublic Sec. Jud. Circuit.

Page 6: What Maui MAUI' 'NEWS. - University of Hawaii...What is Best for Maui MAUI' If you wish Prosperity-'NEWS.Is Best for the News Advertise in the News VOLUME xv WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T.,



''That was only n sample of thedeviltries wo hail round this 'crctown of Wailuku in those good oldtimes. Honest, I didn't think itwould shock you, else I would nothavo told you.''

"Well," said Jimmy Jones, "Iknow Bill Jones of Waikapu hcforethat. ( knew the times when hecould out drink, out swear, and outlight any man round these parts.It was lucky for you fellers, whenhe got into his fighting paint youmade tracks for somewhere else.Ho could have laid out the wholebunch of you as easy as turningover his finger.

"I knew Bill Jones, when he wasthe terror of Waikapu when hegot drunk of cause. I never knewof anyone getting the better ofhim at a show down with brawnand muscle, except once and I'lltell you that just to show you ofthe narrow escape you fellers hadfooling round Bill Jones, whenhe wasn't looking for a scrap.His rule was to hit first, hit hardenough to put you to sleep, thenbring you round later, and apolo-gize and tell you he didn't meanit, which is mighty poor comfortto the feller who got hit."

"Never mind preaching a per

nion Jimmy' said Billy Heed. "Ifthe story aint long, let's hear it.We can sit round here and swap'yarns a little longer before its timefor me to go home."

"Oh, I aint as long winded asyou are in telling what I know.My rule is make it short andsweet, get to tho point and the restis alKplain sailing.

"Well you know Bill Jones gotmarried to Maria, the daughter ofKamaka, a toothless dried up oldwoman, who had the awfulestsharp tongue you'd ever want toseo or hear."

"I know Kamaka, she is all yousay. But her daughter Maria,"lrcamily remarked Billy Bead,

"was a peach! She is one of thoseWaikapu girls, that mado the placefamous for lovely women! A re-

putation that sent many a wildyoung feller snooping around thelittle burg looking for a chance toget aquaintcd with Waikapu girls.And Maria was the Waikapu girlthem days! Dark haired, fairskinned with laughing eyes anddimpling cheeks, of slender buildwith red cherry lips well worth theransom of a king! I was one ofMaria's admirers them days!"

"Faugh! an old stick like youought to be ashamed of yourselfgetting daft over girls like that! I

suppose tho next you'll say is

them's the kind that gives 'tasty'kisses."

"I was thinking of the pictureMaria made when she was in her'teens at the time I first saw her,"replied Billy Reed.

"Maria was nothing extraordi-nary. Sho had good looks alrightenough, but I'd sooner havo temp-ered girls than good looking ones.She had points, I don't deny that.All you fellers went daft over her,I know that too. Thero was Sylvester, he went daft over her, andI think she was inclined once to tieup to him. Ilomadoouta lot o'poetry over her, as the 'Mauigirl.''"But Kamaka was shrewd enough

to seo that his spooning an' poetrywon't feed hungry mouths, and sheput her foot down and turned herton"guo loose on him.

"Sho.knew trouble of that kindhad to havo heroic treatment, sowhen Billy Jones camo blunder-ing along, silly on hie looks liketho rest on 'em, sho snapped himup for a son-in-la- w and had thotwo spliced in a jiffy.

"As to her looks and figure Syl-

vester says of her sho had 'opunowy-now- which in Hawaiianlingo stands for being 'pot bellied.'

"Sylvester got sour for beingturned down and got that off as aCitfy pootic rovengo which isn'tTrue and represents only so much


'4 T Vtx i



Tales Olden Times RoundWailuku.


meanness." said Billy Uecd."And I don't approve of your sen-

timent, for poetry has itu place inany plan which makes life worthliving. If"

"Faugh! such truck won't keeptho pot a bilin'l See here, wheredo I come in with you butting inon my story? Turn and turnabout is fair play," said JimmyJones, and Billy Heed meekly com-

posed himself to take in the yarnJimmy Jones was going to inflicton him, and seeing his friend in aproper receptive mood, Jimmy pro-

ceeded to make his hair stand onend by telling ' the story of thotaming of Bill Jones when he wasthe terror of Waikapu.

"After Bill Jones and Maria hadmarried and gone to housekesping,he kept sober and steady for a longtime, something contrary to hisusual habits, for ho was used tohaving convivial times. Putting onnoso paint, going out for a socialtime or a hot old time every nowand then had been the usual thingwith him and once in a great whilegoing olT on a roaring spree.That's the custom them days ' andBill Jones kept bis end of it uplike tho rest of the boyB.

"Six months after getting tiedup he sneaked out with the' boys,got full of bad whiskey and return-ed home beastly drunk; and Maria,poor girl, got frightened out of herwits and skipped homo to hermother.

"You see, Bill Jones could nomore break away from his fixedhabits than you or I can. Habitshave to bo changed gradually.After leading a bachelor life for afew days he screwed up enough cou-

rage to go after his wife to bringher home.

"Then ho run into somethingnew and quite surprising to him.

"Old mothor-in-la- w Kamakawas laying for him, and Bill Jonesin his innocence of tho ways ofwomen know it not. When he gotthere Kamaka was there to re-

ceive him, and she opened up onhim.

"Ho was outclassed at the start,but didn't know enough to runfor shelter. Kamaka held tho fort,and gave him aqneco of her mind.It was a big piece, baked red hot,and she laid it all over Jones goodand hard.

"Bill was a fighter from wayback and always had more couragethan.what was good for him, butKamaka with her sharp tonguehad him from tho start.Tho longer ho stayed the hotter itgot, until ho took a tumble to him-

self and got away as fast as hecould go.

"Ho was too llabbergasted tothink what to do next, exceptingto go and get drunk, but Mariafollowed and saved the day, forhim.

"Sho took offense at tho wayKamaka abused her simple, wellmeaning spouso and promptly va-

cating the parental roof she follow-

ed and overtook him just as hewas making to go into Lum Sing'sback door where bad whiskey eouldbe had on tho sly and towed himhome safe and sober.

"After that Maria took Jones'convivial lapses as a matter ofcourse. But you can't tell noth-

ing about women, she may go dafton you so you could wipe your footon her and it would bo alright;then again sho may get a suddenchange of ideas and .make a foolof you, and you wouldn't knowwhere you are at.

"After a whilo sho got to givingJones curtain lectures, but hishabits couldn't change worth acent. Poor follow, ho tried hardenough but just couldn't.

"Then she got to giving it to himin a regular hot tamalo stylo,handing it to him right out in theopen, but it didn't do no good.

"Tho next time ho camo homodrunk she changed her tactics andfired him bodily out of the house.

This happened several limes, untilthe neighbors got to noticing itand gossiped aboil, it.

"When Bill Jones became awareof it he got awfully wild, got beast-ly drunk and started out 'to lickall creation.'

"He ran amuck. He laid out aman with one blow from his list,threw another into a taro patch,chased another into the cane-field- s,

and got dangerously near knock-ing Major Cornwoll into the mid-dle of the next week The- majorsaved himself by slaming theollieodoor in Bill Jones' face, and there

a spring lock on the door."Bill Jones raved and cussed

and dared any man to any oldkind of a scrap, and Jones waspowerful handy with his fists thou)days. Some thoughtless fellowsung out to him to go home ,andhave his wife box his ears for histrouble, which gave direction tohis fury, and he lore home like amad bull.

"Some friends of the family ranahead to warn Mrs. Jones of hiscondition, advising her to seek re-

fuge elsewhere until Hie passionsof her drunken spouse had cooled.

"Mrs. Maria Jones was in thecottage living room, where sho satmending clothes and sewing but-

tons, humming a ditty over herwork. Her mother Kamaka waswith her, gossiping and sitting ontho floor, sprinkling water overstarched clothing preparatory toputting them through the ironingprocess. The dog lay stretched outon the mat in the doorway and thefamily eat was washing her faceunder the table.

"To the warning of friends Mrs.Jones gave scant heed, she tartlyreminded them to tend to theirown business, and remarked thatBill Jones' drunken ravings weiomatters of little moment, so soonhad the timid girl got accustomedto the brutal ways of her husband.

"In a minute Bill Jones burst inon tlio domestic scene. Loudlynursing he reeled into tho houseand laid hold of his wife. Shewrenched herself free and turnedon him, and it would have been agreat saving to his pride and feel-

ings if he had ceased pestering herthen and there, but ho didn'tknow when he was well off.

"He let out a string of cusswordsand bellowed 'I want you to know,I'm boss here!'

" 'You boss nothin1, You're crazy drunk!' Bill Jones reached outat her, a movement she nimbly.avoided. He made another trrasnat her and she got to tho other sideof the table and .still he kept trying to reach her.

"Maria Jones was getting mad.and she had good reason to, so shopicked up a long handled fryingpan and vith an overhead swingbrought it down slap bang on hishead. The bottom How off in bro-

ken pieces, and tho ragged rimbund ringed round the neck of BillJones. Tho force of the blow senthim reeling out the open door intothe yard. He staggered half sob-

ered and turned to come in again.But Mrs. Jones was coming with abroom stick in her hand and hertongue working loose a storm ofwomanly wrath on him.

"Bill Jones was rattled. Tohavo a woman making remarksabout him was more'n he couldstand so ho turned and ran withtho rim of tho broken frying pandangling from his neck.

"That was something out of theordinary and exciting for the littleburg. People wagged their tonguesover it, and tho parson got some-tin- g

realistic to freshen his ser-

mons with for a long time."But it was hard lines for Bill

Jones. Tho blow sobered him,and later ho felt soro and awfullyscandalized over it. 'J ry all hocould tho broken frying pan rimwouldn't slip off his head, so hohad to havo tho v blacksmith, Mr.Wilson, take it off for him. Iliun-ine- r

and cold chisel couldn't beused on it. It had to bo cut offwith a file, and it took all tho restof the day and pretty near allnight boforo it would como off.

"The squoazy rasping of that

file so near his ears was" an awfultorture, and Bill Jones expressedhis feelings over it tn a lot of pro-

fanity, but it made him think, andmaybe ho earnestly began to reformhis habits from that time, for asyou say later he wouldn't drink.WhereaB them days he was thoworst sot I over set eyes on."

"You are pretty hard on thoWaikapu girls, limmy," was BillHeed's comment.

"Sho! Was I?" said' JimmyJones.

"I should say so, when youmake out one of them nice look-

ing gii Is to have'sueh tempers asto hit a feller over the head with a

frying pan, why that's a prettyrough story."

"Well, it may be hard but itsthe truth. I heard it, everybodywas talking about it them days.But that's nothin'g, just a bit ofwomanly temper. And I offset i:all by saying that them Waikapugirls are tho ones that can give afeller what we call a 'tastky' kiss.Now that's something fresh fromWaikapu, and worth knowing.

"What's a 'tasty' kiss anyhow,since you seem to gloat and smirkover it, tell us? said Billy Heed.

"Now you said, a girl had redcherry lips, to kiss such a girlwould give you a ripe cherry taste,that's what I mean." said JimmyJones.

"Ha, ha, ha! you're a joker al-

right Jimmy! You took me inthat time," laughed Billy Heed.

Ami Jimmy seeing he had putBilly Hoed in a pleasant humor,proceeded like any successful pro-

moter to carry a selfish design io afavorable conclusion.

He put on a wistful face andlooked in mule and eloquent ap-

peal as it something and acicdwas on his mind. A confidentialmatter to be only imparted to atried and true friend like BillyHeed.

Reed felt the unspoken appealanil asked pleasantly, "What is itJimmy?"

"It is this," remarked the wiseman Jones. He touched Billy'sarm, pointed to the neighboringresort where bibulous cheer couldbe had, then dramatically andlovingly put his hand to his throatworked off a grimace which spokeplainer than words of a torturingthirst which can only bo quenchedat the bar so near, yit withoutprice, beyond reach, lie put hishands into his jeans to showtho void, where neither pricenor scrip is to be had, andonce more the mute and touch-

ing appeal shone softly from theface of genial Jimmy Jones.

Billy Heed understood the pan-

tomime and felt the touch of nature, and like a generous frienddrew out his well filled purse torespond to the appeal of his friend,but before passing over tho silverquarter ho paused and said:

"Jimmy, tell mo how you camoto bo in such a fix. I hope every-

thing is well with you,- - I hope agoand want haven't drained yourpurso so as to leave you in suchstraits as you seem to be."

"It is this way. Mrs. JamesJones got it into her head to makea New Year resolution. And withtho unreasonableness of a womansho aimed it at me. Her resolu-

tion is that I stay on tho dry dockthis year. We've been havingspats over it sinco New Year day.Sho gathered all tho loose ends oftho family resources into herhands, and is holding it tight. Shewon't oven trust me with a quart-er to buy fish! Sho is that suspicious. My God, just think of it!Hero I'vo lived all my life trustedby high and low, rich and poor,alike, and now when I am old andstill respectable, my wife loses con-

fidence in mo, and won't trust meany more! Oh, won't that jaryou!"

"Thankee, thankpo, Sir) Its agood turn you aro doing to a mis-

erable old maul"For Billy Heed, touched at tho

apparont distress of Jimmy Joneshad passed him the silver quartor,

"I thought, you claimed the pre-sent times better'n the good old

days," said Billy Heed as ho re-

turned his purso to his pocket."So it is'', cheerily chimed the

irrepressible aspostlo of good hu-

mor, Jim Jones. " 'Tis only atemporary infliction, such as hap-pen now and again in all well re-

gulated families. It'll blow overby next month may he, and theneverything will be as serene andlovely as usual.

"Won't you join me and have asmile?"

"No, thanks. I never drink,"said Bill Heed, and he got up, andwent home pondering on how Jim-my Jones could manage to remainso cheery and full of good humorwhen things were squally at home.

And Jimmy Jones jmt up with abenignant smile spilling into abroad grin over his face, and cheer-l- y

stepped over to the next door,cheerful as though he hail tho priceto treat the whole town, when thowhole resource at his commandwas just tho price of two beers anda borrowed quarter at that!

(Continued from Pajje I.)fertile parcels of land on which thefruit grows to an average ofpounds without manuring, andthough this does not seem an ex-

cessive size yet the growers hereboast that the total crop they obtainper acre is not equalled on anyplantation of the other Islands.Thus it is said a field of ten aens ofratoons, i. e. the offshoots of thefirst planting, pi odueed two-hundr-

fifty tons of fruit or twenty-fiv- e tonsto the acre.

"The .Haiku Company buys thefruit for manufacturing preserves inslices, gratings and small cubescalled 'tid-bit- s' and also manufac-tures the necessary tins at the rateof .'5,000 tins a day. The financialresults of the --Company have beenso satisfactory that the cultivatedarea is constantly increasing; andeven in the neighboring district ofMakawao largo tracts are beingplanted in view of taking advantageof the local railroad to carry thecrops to the Haiku Cannery. TheMaui preserves are shipped direct toSan Francisco and New York onthe steamers which call at Kabuluito load sugar."

The Kaupakalua winery manufac-tures wines and brandies reputed tobe the best produced on the Islands,and the largest crops of pines peraero are produced on the Haikufields, adjacent to these lands, aboutto bo opened for homesteads in fortyacre farm lots. These are establish-ed industries ready to take the pro-

duce of the homesteader if he wantsto take up pine or grape culture.

He does not have to hunt for or tocreate a market for his produce, un-less ho wants to branch off in anew line.

The Maui Agricultural Companyand the Hawaiian Commercial andSugar Company, controlled byMr. II. P. Baldwin and hissons, are offering to dispose 801110of their adjoining lands to settlerswhich will open up more lands forpeople who aro looking , ,,.steads in this very desirable locality.

1110 Kaliului Hallway Companyproposes to extend its lino into theregion later 011 and in the meantimehas ordered two auto trucks foj,.handling tho freight traffic between'the Paja end of their system fourmiles from tho proposed homesteadsand the Haiku region, and there isalso a gooil twelve mile governmentwagon road between the Kuiahalands and Kabului which makestransportation a simple matter forsettlers.

As much as 1,000.00 was madefrom one acre of pineapples, andWSO.OU from an acre of grapesgrown in the Kaupakalua and Hai-ku regions. These are of course ex-ceptional eases, but they serve toshow the productivity of the landabout to be opened for homesteads.

News Items from

Old Hawaiian

Wireless Export Hawlston lecturedon Tuesday evening before tho La-hai- na

Literary Society on WirelessIclegraphy.

School Inspector Wells was ifftown last week on his way fromHonolulu where he had been assist-ing in making out reports.

Mr. Bortfeld, father-in-la- w ofpostmaster Waal has been herefromHonolulu for a week or so on avisit. Bo has a large; chicken ranchnear Diamond Head. -

I)r. Derby of Honolulu has beenin Lahaina about a week practicingdentistry.

The Hev Mr. White and familyhave returned from Honolulu wherethey spent a few days.

There are twenty-seve- n girls do-ing fancy sewing in tho class con-ducted by Mrs. Simpson and MissClaphain of the Settlement.

Mr. Golding representing TheStar of Honolulu reports success atLahaina. Be has gone to Wailuku.

There was a heavy rain last Sun-day night in Lahaina. It has bene-fited the plantation very much.

Messrs. Conway and Green, twocommercial men of Honolulu, worein town on Wednesday.

Seeing is Believing;.Wo havo in exhibition in our show room a choico

selection of nickel plated BATHROOM ACCESSORIES, such as

Soap Dishes for the Bathtub,Showor Heads,

French Plate Glass Mirrors.Soap Dishos for tho Wall.

Sponge Holders,Spongo Cups,

Soapjind Spontro Holders,Towel Bars in various sizes,

Towel Racks, 2-- 3 and 4 fold,Comb and Brush Trays,

Tooth and Brush Holders,Tumbler Holders,

Buth Seats,Sprnys,

Robe Hooks, etc., etc.

To roalizo thoir beauty anil usefulness thoymust be soon and used. Takon as a whole thosofittings aro tho most artistic, practical, easily cloanodand thoroforo tho MOST

Our prices bring thorn within to roach of all.Wo invito your kind




