*»^wi -? f XWt? 1 \ N. \s w ^ it * rf *tfe. ^ —^7 * '"<» ~ i frn**r<t ft 4 ( -j. ; f~ $ «T >} *y^ t 4fc> ^ J f .* "I ;aBE»3Es»saa(!HGaaHB8 j - <K ? [|HjW ft 11 / (HC0KKHWriEO> J . ' st*« sssataaHsllistJtffclsst bf BttrpLHickty.Jf. Y«r Eytt LHttm •MM* ts f* Y«r vpinpi mnnp Mal5T20 / / / «lifoip««i»»$iirijSSriij»ijA»*i"^ 3r & * * nt' M< -^ Watklna Glen — In addition to the regular Lenten serv- ices cririfMtefc Sfc"3ii*ryVott£«s |*k* cmursft* $&* »<*?« Beneuict^Bhtaaam* i»stor» fwf *$<$eC *ft4 ^ma«ct$ «ie Stations o* the* Cross to, JtiUar* every Sunday afternoon - *t 3> s 1 Station iATTERY CHAINS ' . WASHING ROAD SERVICE Ll»RlCAfl0rf\ ACGiSSQRJgS pjm A Bible Discussion Club has- been formed pjrFather Ehawuat and meetsf %. Friday ejvemng a£ tet l<itt^^a^o*Ss^J •••ieprtltei assignments ar^, r givm#<mew?«i bears ea^^J^i^i^^P' stons on ^jft'ttblfciiaft^ifljt*. are held at the next A large number ic&^ishionersp have beea atte^mt' .these #s- cussiortt* Our Lady's:. 5odal}ty, dlrectecl byti&JJKm.Husgh-F. Brady,are continlitog/jhSel* ettprts to the Corporal w h s : ot:Mercy,,a%one> of their pwjecfcs,- ^e Sodiilists, are busy visiting -wfemeji^ot *he; pafcish who |£e ipibje to-Wcut, out In th& \ i ^ 1 h ^ ^ i J f??heer. Public Morality Educator g^fe^fi^t^are'epntroUe^;!^: ^''••ja^vwh^-'or %j the:$MFiy #te&ge$Nfl>{l that \h<tfgcm&-t&ar- edy is therestoraWonoIreliglttus educa'tion to the school of America* but ttse burden of ^ttsis st«pfe|^-iiiMn-5 , riote5tattt s Amer' tea ttidag iwue with the forces dlie€*fli!iBi%» -! 1 : . •',' Mi ^i^l^^^e^^^life" (^t^llei^«Hc::;)stan3- ateaftr *&•--• ' optrate-in >«irlidni'*t'aft! a ® ment it mm be- »«ja t&kif.the siicem '«r^«aiae ot^mwnlng religion; *o AjRierlcai^cnobto de- iaeratlonby tants are , * N t,w W e f l p \M fwWIWSi « in I inn null mi n! i nun IMHIIII i l '.in iimiiiiiii ]ln iji I i»iiiiii|iiiiiiini mi mmiiii UJ u a i y n » N w ) ^CiMffrmi#^|difor Named To Succeed Fother Ehmann ; - ^ i ^ to the shuthyc ...... . *»•»»»6tiit*a»ir< . Apian l a b e i i ^ ' w « « k e a ! eQtM^^^£^ visJUnj -Wlrtoto-'*i£4M*9tiib. if the^otfjg; _ who are ttBM#H^.j*$ «**• - The So4all«t» . l i * i««l«in|E an- other plea to send .thejn thehr used postage stamps to aid the worfrof tte 'M^Mrfwatfles; Sfitm: may be ae^t v |®, i&b t trouo^jt mailing thert x jba .«ut.^JEWy. Hugh P. JBrady, 3(35 , .l^'3^^C*ER,and. right- ihjnldagr |»roteatant» are to re- turn rel^on to the school* tljey imjift be prepared to battte first m\h fl«s aniriorlty, group of Prot- «$t»»t» •wSio jflaee blind prejuaice helore the welfare ofcthe eountry , *nd the smoiwl good of ita <to& itor SVldren, Such a jnihwrlty group is the Protestants «fid Other Amer. leaiMt-tM^E Charles F. Pig] S^ndly they inust Iw-pre- rpawd tor tajce\ Issue ^itii the tfowei <>f/ «itre6<ihe4r femlarisni, ;that ea*rt'-iu<3i: an 'wSwarjc*inted .ittfl«enee in ^ - i o n t t p l and direc- :fiqirine pm* a^feofsoUraff such ata8«r • i*e- pfemnpfa by' tbe po*re*ful pfHonal Educatton A* i*»&tr«Hl»t: Jtaa conanuafly 6V its, oppoaiaoii to tax :»^nSe». oefag; *pprojaMted for lotion tha*J«irifls3oai. *H*$e|rt& tWar organicatloa ex- f!«tt fjnther.lt* policy a? . Soa^hea it atated in tfte ^paftr,,,)^.'. isnie ".of ; : tbe^ aff#t}onal Jtfitfaitioh Association *mt ,;*.* .rnajp ptt»wiy;4ae«tJon' ^ wSfcdpnH 'In' our democracy of sejrrt^rating several milUonyatiiyr '&&&*. on^ie*«tlt o|-re%loni^ rr*'Adr^ttfcthere are m$m ties *> be;«V»x«»ae -in iKavlng 4 . •the.^ueitidtf of xiyigfcn, iM edd« ,«atfo*),* r .»v Miflrtf^'.'cdftcMaed, f|tait •noWW'it t*^b*^«nied'o^ ;hurlkig; deflance. / V l M t aoh^aon wouai the enlightened educators ;-W#EHe«£ dsntoty^o »|t „. the IHJWIC schools the" core of'lie* Uglpn torn out by the m<^ulfc4 aialoti «£ the n»$eea'th ceiiiury; . S& .^^d^naide aH the educsfr •Uontl forces of Araerfca to labor nnl|Wt%_Jofetbef lto?--tfte ad- -wtBtop^; of ewe frue'Amertean: *ajy;«f:' JHe5* % * ; . •*''*:'. ' i t t y , . John", &.,' Rsa»8er-;fi>tiro.' K*d the soealcer.aBd acted 'w. TOOdewtor. A creation and an- anrtr perfod 'fottowed/tne. faBc, Co^rtCkHammoiK^ Swtral h u n d r e d organist^ 3PlanIats, and other interested, p«r- «ni f fewntlaoughout southern 414^16 CAMOU $% ^ HM*K if*. ^ BHa it.m.ifii.i.iwMjag Hli« a f V [% MY CLEAMING CO. (tOOCWOOO HIATH CUANIC IHCJ M*.l T mi. JO»H «, 1ACWS, MANACOtS DIAL 473> t J^ AND DfUVftr ^ ,, f ^ ^w-*,'litem jr.- i T «£ Pari*, has appeared in red tal fti sir nsots of ita* country and' 3* 3MKJ» Amerfc* and. as soloist •wMhdsyniphonyordiostras, Dterfgt toe J « t IT year*. Jife OHsapaiisw been playing the Ham- saon* organ, almost exclusively, itcognhtlng that the .Hammond .jroride* forrfiurche*and other Jli^SJ Immag adequate pipe op* «aw the perfect solutton to their »n*)«n and, at the same time, ipmidm toe organiat wltli m materiaUy incresued number of ^ce* -wnere be can play, , Giant'Priest A giant In atature^ a giantin weight end a flantln ejtpwrfence J^ said to deectlbe the HEMM .siteeteA by ism $*r pm^m- .r^Ies.,'S4ll»ls>W i il :£*«# • sponsored flali^l&nM,,., f . • - "wiliest wmimM$ft$& Amy, &I.i~^- it, : ^ai£|p^ii^ 'wist' eleven' ,3f*a^g, -«t 'fx^phtii} In - giving- Missions .a^:^ re^relts': to hjgn- echooJ"**! ^Jl*gi**t# dentft; v i B^U|^i*Ht,..theV^aja^ v -»(»#: nita^rwes^. _.» v .;: :/-J$*£*;. Novitiate in P6ughKeepiie.Se re- ceived bis seminary training- in WoodstQ<% JCd* and. j^oifc *<^ vancedatudies ; ln,^i(J*nd.. ; .He has tatight High: ^c|w»k to Philadelphia an43Srevif foifedtyT fete ha* given, retreatii sutdl mis- sionstoMissouri, Mlcbigaii» Ohio, Pjennsylvaniai rljaryjan^ Wash- ington D.C, New Jersey, Con- necticut and all parts of Hew Yorfc State. 13ie mission, conducted'bsy Fa- ther Amy TYffl.feelimited teen- agers said young^peon|er~both Catholic and nonCatholIc It will begin <m Sunday eyeningi Wm% 30th at 7:45 pun, at SSLJ ?eter and PaoJ'*-Church on Wat Jfciln St ., •'-, ,- •wiiuwB. «KRVICIS eortsishajf O£T©*- warrant*. "^ S<pnon-and BewdBeHota will ^be held each ewrunt *£tfll* tttne throughout the weefe'^rhe wwn* tog services, consisting;, ol Mas* and sermon wrfll begto at 6:45 W*>" «. ./•' TJiese yrfunsr pepple frena out' side th^enparilb -whorewtve; Hely lunion wIU be aJole- t^^b- breakfast in the sKhoo* hall iwtog. the Mass, and.tlOM be able to be .on tithe foe »«*g^-~ Young; peoples' mlssioris~H*ve been gsunlkig fit popula Tl-ty throughout the .country, Saqour- aged by the Socialists tKroughout the dty, i.t is expeoted tlrtt* large number of young 3toch«a- teriana ^^ n*slc«'the nuaikm, especlaIry ; ,thos« from the West side. The pastors on the city's west side luv*. given enthusdutlc to the Sodality iporssored jpa^Jecfcx .-•'',• •' < iiiXiVr n -.;liii i I - ' - Saginaw Approves.. Caftolic Monumaat .' 'Sakliisw,. J|Id|u%ofcK!§),-^- SMi^ira^city 1 ©etofcfi»<i*it VHfp approved a proposal to erect In 'a, |»ubu^jpar|t.^ere , '*.n\cmuDnent coramemoratihr the etlebr^tion of the ^brstRornan Catholic Kass to tfua i «%^.". \ :,^X '. < A ^request for perrnWon to. erect the monuBJent w*s recently submitted to the couwlfefajf by Ks>bp Stephen %/W4£iB>k& : «t. Saglnawi The propos^ brought * prttt^'f-t •feintjM, Sagiii%V(r IIMsterial.AaaocJaflon. ' • • - Tn'e c«uncflnlan acted favor- ably im a ipeeial comnil^ee re- commendatiott. that a, 4 l?y ..0 foot boulder .with suitabUe ht- on. be erected o«'OJBb . oa a site approved by- City nager Charles A Milfec > p) •< . V f J i|nl)}|( nilli mil t IJ: A. *i lassaiassiijSsrisaasMN paMss^>*ia^Mh«t|ajsas4Mn's ilf. 'W<'l|"i Ujll)i^liijiiliiili|iiitiii(il!ii[iiiiiijiiiiipri|i^iiiiiii i.iiiyiiiiiyi^iiHiiV^fijj •fl •NH EtMHIA CATHOLIC HIQHX1IGHT8 EttWEMfpff <fil^Wift 6in3er, M 4i^am$ti prominent iKest-Jotinaalist has heeft nameoi editoV- of **The Catholic ^ciety of Americ^ncceedtosf the $ey. Benedict Ehrninn, prle^r b^thei Rochester Diocese>, ' Father Ehmann, pastor t»f v St, l^aryfs of the Lake Chyrch* W*C- fetos C3en «nd noted musician, wjn continue as consulting editor of 'The Catholic Choirmaster." He has handled the editorship of the publication and has been sac- retatjf of 4 thejSt Gregory Society for more than 10" years. -, THE NKW" EDITOR4s a recog- nized church musician "and com- mand haui the disttoetion elf tag; editor or associate editor of iour Catholic publications. H|s, appointment was announced by theltey. Dr. -John C. Seiner^•$&? president of the St, Gregory So» cJety.'Qne of the ftonet mem- bers of the Sodetyvwasjfte late, Rev, ^ohn M. Petter of St, Ber- rMrd* Seminar/ faculty, here,- _ . '^thejfXStoda? t* aWedifor of a^e>'n^ar^*»ThT,P*iest, , *' and' •*n' -as«!dat*r editor , of "the wm& %f«st*' «M "Chtr Sunday mpr,« all- <j|\Whlcb. ire nub- aabelC sit^itotihgton^ ItttdV #MO|»iBr«lf A lillowsbip in t^Amerjailrt Guild o£ Organists, Wi^er* Ctocier has meanwhile btJtgr.lBiade a member of. the bbair4 of tint St. Greg- ejcy-rSoeietR ^ther'Setoer'Jsiid. ' founded'in 39J3, tbe-St dreg- ory Sockty of America is devoted tA the promotion of better church music. Among its patrons are Their feminences, ^dward Card- inal Mooney, Ardbhisnop. of De- troit, and Pcaficj* Catdtoal SfpeJ xnaiT, ^af8tbi*hb#> of New? &rk The-vfodetK $ft pe^bapaXbesi Mom »r its publication of a •"White List,** 4 whlch/«italogues fesultablelforu^e in Catholic Worship. o- •k J^^ia^^^|^k. Hjt^yl^iyJ^h '^ISSMBMBST' U^V TsUW "IIVMI sls^ilfalc 1 -' * PRM^BJ. .* , SjHS||._.SaHtW*. SS7S»ai|WKp* . tatliiiMir ttiiiilj ailiaiiaus fcs itim&m. ijjsm "-MM iis\M* Ctefs-' aa^HB^pwHsj ^^^^^*s ?^^*w^ •^•w^^sf M i^i^ ^HfPis^^H fl^^W ^»1|»>^*^ B ^S» JSnSW*^*^"" S^^ 1* sdt HMtf *E Jte sewalssi'asMa*. taryartc * XUa asilnaBiif at sinCasao Jsv* ^Wal^^*ST|Sw|s^^Sk fl**^ «P*^*^p*™a»WW^s^^^s? ^^s>. ^•M^hsvUH^Htf" '^ads^UUC ^UhsV AWskMstt!UaA "flKvFs'X^sViVK' JWP^^wsF" JRa^y 4sy^vagfss;M^B^ JBw «S» J^PsWIsw^ajPw Js*—•* iBWa^ajSflSjgjp s«ir jsstraiMwt* i/sateiaiur ••.r*« l - "is^R^^ *V^taaiBa^sUb ^sf^BM^Hf A ^ ^uMrfhjJftsasfls^A ^aataflflKa^aav- ^^bss: S^M^B^^ak^lA^ktt^K>^v A—^^^JSJJ^ ^^ ^tr^Er ^f JUk^a' * ^-^* W#^S»S^glSJJ|B^BJ J^^^M^B^aggBW %^NPIWHHRVJPIPMNH||I TPWWMCSJJV 'HIMi i£t^ .^JL^_v^^^ ^VasasiiafeasfcteJK a^sa^^Mlaws Mitts -— I s * Ttolsi D«s»l«v JsTiC^KsV •MMIt'fEiVwlVsM St.' «taW§1l Dance At St Mary'f *^ttie "SU Patrick'* Cay datw Id be?held in the auditorium of S t _ _ Mary. Ptris*, Elmlra wIU bejWar^I. held on Monday' *evening*,and musie wfll be furnished by Dick Hamlin's orchestra. Assisttng oat the general com- mittees are, Edward Miele, tick- ed; Leo 3f r 1Pint SK. and'Corne- Mas J, - Sutoaa, refreshmenS; i '%^ff*f s ^***4* ,! i e f ^^^•W^^*^K^S^SW^^^^P»JS^S^SJS|gS^jJ rlH, wtPwataJEf-f H*»F *-»w*r»>rto «iii«#»i, M ni., > ,i,i| ! ,j- Baiiir. Sdki si %am JJIlwa»<a|ilWAt3Mr««*^ >; ^ y f g f f- | t"L f I*!!** Sturm *ro«, HART PHARMACY O^t-NM , iflRsia^^iWft'-Akflttstf •fw jfffr ant* ai«- asjv Ha*- Wall tiata, Hi V# , , > * list WS^Sml^SjafT^ ^pf^^S^^S^R^aBSSS^^ ^htf^aSBB^B^ »»ii iMiMirfwiiiiiiJII r » • » • niiMi'i*. JOHMF.GEHERIN JWBASTSTATE.ST. wiaoV. •»«»»»will«,>>'.-. .at' OWWI OUirtAiY' A pAimcuiAiiy N*M$CH00tS OIIUWBW LQNOVC TO you TO orvi THIM um ^ TSe JHtaf. jind Rosary Society of ( St;, JiCara*. parish,. EMifra, larsi Jsmei.Aitoalloi^ recently elede^jpteskferit of the iiecw addressed, the ladles aacl -spoke of plan* lor further expansion of tfieacdvJUes of •$&*• gispup r al the lls| ; meeting. ,*•,'• »*•'. -The business, session followed; iKMBtry and J^edljctton of the Blessed Sacrament. " '* Hey. ;Qusr'* Wert^ jaoderator spoke" on the advantages ofXent- en resolutkns and the fact that we should not be discouraged it ^iiil'Mtia^ittJcefipingrtbj •pjromtee*ibl!^ : ttth«f-*T|^ '^ renew our intentions and strive- to dp th#,itMn|f -fla'fc^e'.Javi-.- ; p«?mpedt ^>ft we'WJul '^» ferfum "l^tentlai- ietson.. Albert Denton, tables^' Named By State VEB¥ BEV. John A. Flynn, CJVI., president of St John's University, B r o o k l y n , anal formerly OD £}t. Bernard's Sem- inary faculty, Rochester, * been named to the " Council on Teacher Kftacatktxi of the New York SUtruepart- ment of Eduatlon^lne coun- cil^ is »ppotatcd/by the State Board of Regeifn, to advise on matters retarfed to teacher ce» tlflcatlon/Sind teacher educav 1lw» problems. lature Gets * Bids On Envoy Albany (RNS) Resolu- tions commending PrcsidentTru- man for promoting diplomatic relations with the Vatican and calling on Congress to send an envoy to the Vatican have been 'introouced in the New York leg- islature here^ One resoltition, sponsored by Sen. Frank £>.* O'Connor" and As- sembTymah WllHarn,- E. Clancy, .Queens County Dwanocrats, .calls on the tmgmW&T3yS. senatoas to confirm President Truman's appointment of an ambassador. Tne. other resolutlo'n,' Intro- duced by AsMwmblymian William G. Ghtc% Queens County ttom- ocrat, calls upon the legislature tt request the President asaii Congress^ to tafce ' toimedia^e ilctioft to coathweusenfltog a dip- lomatic envoy to tb:e Vatican, ;••• ^ -^-l—M) >—— i Catholics Plan High TCeelray, BL—mKS)—' ContrJ-; baHon* collects fetjhe .United States by ttie Society: %inixi Divine Worff yM finance tfae bufl'dkig of -'a GathoUc hlgrh school iff irsgrasakfc Japanv where the second^ ma£ Tjomb Was dropped by &*% lotctt to World ^Oflii whieh mm\ the Catholic order, its headquarters here, ..„ febool Would be buflt the site of thf Nagasafci Catiiedral, vrfileh was' destroyiad by the hdron. The school,will have" facilities, for gome pupils. ' ' - ' ; v^xn-wAYttvr. K-, m"-****^ * r< ^JSJf^^mKS.L^ FM(W 'HASSKS^-Bwa*)-.; *, i, it twrt) »«a Hits n ,11, Cowman A Son OM •*>*. Uff.t St^ki W Ayt*- ;«tk A.ti*w.> Ntw <f«% Stiff w*s»*i«t»ii«a«*»rt««t >St*t*«4 ' „ WlM*l*« -MsKiiaii* w*ip j.„. »,,.;. .in, KMAPP'S WAVIRIY,N.Y. <^»A#ig>>^a,i«iAmii MSMA JL »»i»»»i» LUCKMER . «VNOAL SHtVICC ^ I f )M)B> 9 7 3 *" W(Ht ^HWi «»« ^^ (f^^^w it^ IMBm^B^BaMy "fwjr was ^a*^»y , ^ \' sWl*M^ 4 t%w<rT*5~ WiilisilltMlBlBl ''rtlakBift "'' f a isisit* IMIth Va« ^ ^_ f,1|f •fHf|a} ffff*ffl- H>W» MO RET ON CLEANERS \f 1m# tick IJP l h « VeUvery ' Phone 54# ' XMfM John ri* Miirroy HUE COAL end FUf L OIL' v fHjpMaVjteftl is»f»Aasif»*i^d|i»»isM>iiii»isti s*ii»as1is>jaisai ^ *>'<•• / CLARK , NE1GHI0RHO00 GHOCtRY ; ' A.i'ir&iUDrri.MT.'rr.S* < "Our »««)« wilt iHrltt IMW »«K «»*• USROAUSt. , MONalrt •<»».« .1,1*^1 »<«.»«»«» H "^.iHt ADDi&lal'C Ul>KltTl 5 '^MSKNJTC * MMMMB I^BfcWedneaday a»cj Thursday W MtmA of MtHfta, Catholic High School took the New IPork State Scholarship .exam. The testa, which "cover every imagin- able Held, determine the worthy <me» quickly. *lTUthfttlly though, those who finally receive the scholarships have really earned them. i X*st Friday afternoon we were fortunate to have with us Bather Tracy of the Columbian Fathers. Head ' Conung--lfterhbers ol the Holy Name Society of St. Vincent de Pawl's Church, receiv«d Holy Communion in a body at the 8 son. ^as*;S«today after which a breakiast"" was server, 'to the school hall. Quest speaker ior the occasion was the Rev. DeSaies Stander ment Semtoary^ai Montour Falls, He chose as his subject *The Role of the Holy Name Society to the.Sloaem* World." A feature of the breakfast was the election and Installation of officers ton the coming year. Elected to the presidency was Leo Harrison of Fainted Post Others elected were Robert Ains. worth, vice president! Peter Martuscello, secretary, and Philip Pellisante, treasurer. Dudley McLaughlin, outgoing president, served •« toastmaster. Breakfast arrangements were in charge of Warren Bonnell. Ladies of Coliunfius Set Corning Meeting Corning—Following the regu- lar business>nieetlng of the La- dles of Columbus held recently M^'the^feilghta of ' Columbus Homeinhe'Rev. Joseph D. Dona- assistant pastor of St. Pat- ck's Church, gave a talk on the vestments used to the Mass. The next toeetlng of fee or- ganization is scheduled for April 2 at 8 p. m. at the K. of C. Home. . —s—_o Girl Scout* Slate CommunionBreakfa«t C>>rahag-«In connection with the annual observation of Girl Scout Week Catholic Girl Scouts and. their ••mothers -will attend- the 8530 a, m. IKsss at St. Via- <*nt ue Paul'sV Church, oh Sun- day, March* 16V and receive Holy Ckmimunionto^ body. Mrs. Raymond Dell and airs. Charles Hquston are in charge of reservation -Jar the breakfast which will follow at ^hs-Bwron Steuben Hote» , •. ^^ Tftl»\el»g Tc^tlott^meiiuX^nli aubjeefc naturally was «ie twtenti jdeed for voeatfon* te ( the re. JigtoujKlife. B)y pointing cut the qualifications necessary tpt a vocation, I'm sure Father cleared up many doubts which may have beenttothe;back of our binds.' Today'la the day! The Cru- aaders journey to meet St. Mary's of Cortlana this* after- noon. All aboard, and hope for the best.. ' , ' . •jraOB TOPICS for the Bishop's Orafpricals have been,«jnowoed. There** qwite ^ Meetton «ni tfte contest should provide some in- teresting moments. This year Genevar Auburn,' and Elmira CathoUc Hfcjh will compete against each'other, , The «enlor St. P*trlck?f Pay assembly is just around the cor*. ner. The Irish-Americans of the High" are ck)lng their best to give honor to old Erin. Monday will teU- the~-tale of their en- deavors. ' ' ' A word again to the stamp collectors- The drive is two weeks old now, and some of the underclassmen are much in earn- est! We dontTyant them to beat us now,/do we| M. L. ALLEN & SON Qiulity Furmtur* C0RNIN6, N. V. •Mi Ecker Drug Store Hirry I. Eekw, Jn, fna> 47E.Mtrk.ntCa*r$t. , CORNING M.V. Pureed Motor Co. wc, 201-211 E. Market St. MMHW tli CkarraUtCars A.W.UIIJY l$OM HJNOAL HOMI . Walnut St IHa!t«Ui comtma. N. t. ;• K EEFE FUNERAL HOME 436 MOADWAY PHONE 6544 ELMIRA, N. T. ELEANOR V. McM AH ON QlNtRAL INSURANCE 31.1 ROBINSON. BIDG. Diol 6751 or 2-1191 ,m«.!»*»Msssasi •mmtgi* ?*n,si».ttt«*. H»H . I . . • . . . • • . , . . . , . - ? , . • . St. Ignatitit Loyola Churfh ! WINOURO * oaLXvsm w x*t* it* -— «««*»,«. % Agestcy Gotbam GoU Strips NYLON HOSIERY wntxstme a GUASON ma *Cfc»rtJ*frn«ar IRAUKSCHWEIfiER'S PHARMACY Kt L'lwim*cdWtii»r, fli. G. , -3MC<rnWa*$». Phant 1629 ' i if«n mi mil n i i ' 1 ""' • ' f RAT * ? . , PEACE! J. MillaRd's S M I "mMimSuppt'm from - Ctllit so Roof 7* MAIN STREET i*a**issW>ssjt*Wiiiia|saia»»t Tuttle & Rofkwell Co, TRU5T COMPANY' •WMMMMS^MMMHi Ann » mm Aysmne immm^pimemmi:^^ %%$&&?*& , - , - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ A .i ——,^,-i-^. •*•-!», ^i,.,.- a •- ^.T^MJ -,» ^^^w.ir-.tt. lt .j.-^. jr>^rul c iir , s" f SrfCn JTOWE fi ., ... s , qrrcttii'SWOB" '.•';,: = *" %*»jit«»*i(«4 , i%«ll» , 12lMifaSK MW..I5I-M ^^uSu^ i ui 'lap' snmifVLU, ... i « » < j « njiiiifctAijiifcinti ml«»'. m »itV ; ; .• . t , ' •{>•'•'<''<• ' ^*JLmU.mtM.M. J mii^* * m.mm M^^tm.m imL Ultim.' ••- CATHOUC HIADUNES * ' '",. ] . - . ..... ^Sm^m^ :m ^ CltMt ' , k Emplra -M. J?, * / ' » » * . . •„ J / / , * ' , . , '. «K#t**f «f-** ** Jt* P A>* *- f ** ^ * ,*w ^pi^-*^ «,*^**^»J^ i I

Giant'Priest Public Morality Educatorlib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journ… · S^ndly they inust Iw-pre-rpawd tor tajce\ Issue ^itii the tfowei f

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Page 1: Giant'Priest Public Morality Educatorlib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journ… · S^ndly they inust Iw-pre-rpawd tor tajce\ Issue ^itii the tfowei f

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Watklna Glen — In addition to the regular Lenten serv­ices cririfMtefc Sfc"3ii*ryVott£«s | * k * cmursft* $&* »<*?« Beneuict^Bhtaaam* i»stor» f w f *$<$eC *ft4 ^ma«ct$ « ie Stations o* the* Cross to, JtiUar* every Sunday afternoon - *t 3>

s 1

Station iATTERY C H A I N S





pjm A Bible Discussion Club has-

been formed pjrFather Ehawuat and meetsf %. Friday ejvemng a£ tet l<itt^^a^o*Ss^J •••ieprtltei assignments ar ,rgivm#<mew?«i bears e a ^ ^ J ^ i ^ i ^ ^ P ' stons on ^jft'ttblfciiaft^ifljt*. are held at the next

A large number ic& ishionersp have beea atte^mt' .these #s-cussiortt*

Our Lady's:. 5odal}ty, dlrectecl by ti&JJKm. Husgh-F. Brady,are continlitog/jhSel* ettprts to the Corporal whs : ot:Mercy,,a%one> of their pwjecfcs,- ^ e Sodiilists, are busy visiting -wfemeji ot *he; pafcish who |£e ipibje to-Wcut, out In th& \ i^1h^^iJf ??heer.

Public Morality Educator

g^fe^fi^t^are'epntroUe^;!^: ^''••ja^vwh^-'or %j the:$MFiy

#te&ge$Nfl>{l that \h<tfgcm&-t&ar-edy is therestoraWonoIreliglttus educa'tion to the school of America* but ttse burden of ttsis st«pfe|^-iiiMn-5,riote5tatttsAmer' tea ttidag iwue with the forces dlie€*fli!iBi%» -!1: . •',' Mi • ^i^l^^^e^^^life" ( t llei «Hc::;)stan3- ateaftr *&•--• ' optrate-in >«irlidni'*t'aft! a ® ment i t mm be- »«ja t&kif.the siicem '«r^«aiae ot^mwnlng religion; *o AjRierlcai^cnobto de-

iaeratlonby tants are

, *Nt,w W e f l p \M fwWIWSi «

in I inn null mi n! i nun IMHI I I I i l '.in iimiiiiiii ]ln iji I i»iiiiii|iiiiiiini mi mmiiii UJ u a i y n » N w )

^CiMffrmi#^|difor Named To Succeed Fother Ehmann ;

- ^ i ^

to the shuthyc . . . . . . . *»•»»»6tiit*a»ir< . Apian l a b e i i ^ ' w « « k e a ! e Q t M ^ ^ ^ £ ^ visJUnj -Wlrtoto-'*i£4M*9tiib. i f t h e ^ o t f j g ; _ who are ttBM#H .j*$ «**• -

The So4all«t» . l i* i««l«in|E an­other plea to send .thejn thehr used postage stamps to aid the worfrof tte 'M Mrfwatfles;Sfitm: may be ae tv|®, i&bt trouo^jt mailing thertxjba .«ut.^JEWy. Hugh P. JBrady, 3(35

, . l^'3^^C*ER,and. right-ihjnldagr |»roteatant» are to re­turn rel^on to the school* tljey imjift be prepared to battte first m\h fl«s aniriorlty, group of Prot-«$t»»t» •wSio jflaee blind prejuaice helore the welfare ofcthe eountry

, *nd the smoiwl good of ita <to& itor SVldren, Such a jnihwrlty group is

the Protestants «fid Other Amer. leaiMt-tM^E

Charles F. Pig]

S^ndly they inust Iw-pre-rpawd tor tajce\ Issue ^itii the tfowei <>f/ «itre6<ihe4r femlarisni, ;that ea*rt'-iu<3i: an 'wSwarjc*inted .ittfl«enee in ^-ionttpl and direc-:fiqirine pm* a^feofsoUraff such ata8«r • i*e- pfemnpfa by' tbe po*re*ful pfHonal Educatton A* i*»&tr«Hl»t: Jtaa conanuafly 6V

its, oppoaiaoii to tax :» nSe». oefag; *pprojaMted for

lotion tha*J«irifls3oai. *H*$e|rt& tWar organicatloa ex-

f!«tt fjnther.lt* policy a? . Soa^hea it atated in tfte

^ p a f t r , , , ) ^ . ' . isnie ".of ;:tbe aff#t}onal Jtfitfaitioh Association *mt ,;*.* .rnajp ptt»wiy;4ae«tJon' ^ wSfcdpnH 'In' our democracy of sejrrt rating several milUonyatiiyr '&&&*. on^ie*«tlt o|-re%loni^ rr*'Adr^ttfcthere are m$m ties *> be;«V»x«»ae -in iKavlng4. •the. ueitidtf of xiyigfcn, iM edd«

,«atfo*),*r.»v Miflrtf^'.'cdftcMaed, f|tait •noWW'it t*^b*^«nied'o^ ;hurlkig; deflance.

/ V l M t aoh^aon wouai the enlightened educators ;-W#EHe«£ dsntoty^o » | t „. the IHJWIC schools the" core of'lie* Uglpn torn out by the m<^ulfc4 aialoti «£ the n»$eea'th ceiiiury;

. S& .^^d^naide aH the educsfr •Uontl forces of Araerfca to labor nnl|Wt%_Jofetbef lto?--tfte ad--wtBtop^; of ewe frue'Amertean: *ajy;«f:' JHe5*%*;. • •*''*:'.

' itty,. John", &.,' Rsa»8er-;fi>tiro.' K*d the soealcer.aBd acted 'w.

TOOdewtor. A creation and an-anrtr perfod 'fottowed/tne. faBc,

Co^rtCkHammoiK^ Swtral hundred organist^

3PlanIats, and other interested, p«r-«ni ffewntlaoughout southern

414^16 CAMOU $% ^ HM*K i f* . ^ BHa it.m.ifii.i.iwMjag Hli«



[ %


M*.lTmi. J O » H « , 1ACWS, MANACOtS DIAL 473> t

J ^ AND DfUVftr ^ ,,f

^ ^w-*,'litem jr.-

i T

«£ Pari*, has appeared in red tal fti sir nsots of ita* country and' 3* 3MKJ» Amerfc* and. as soloist •wMhdsyniphonyordiostras,

Dterfgt toe J«t IT year*. Jife OHsapaiisw been playing the Ham-saon* organ, almost exclusively, itcognhtlng that the .Hammond .jroride* for rfiurche* and other Jli^SJ Immag adequate pipe op* «aw the perfect solutton to their »n*)«n and, at the same time, ipmidm toe organiat wltli m materiaUy incresued number of ^ c e * -wnere be can play, ,

Giant'Priest A giant In atature a giantin

weight end a flantln ejtpwrfence J said to deectlbe the HEMM .siteeteA by ism $*r pm^m-

.r Ies.,'S4ll»ls>Wiil :£*«# • sponsored flali^l&nM,,., f.

• - "wiliest wmimM$ft$& Amy, &I . i~^- i t , : ^ai£ |p^i i^ 'wist' eleven' ,3f*a g, -«t 'fx^phtii} In - giving- Missions .a^:^ re^relts': to hjgn- echooJ"**! ^Jl*gi**t# dentft; viB^U| i*Ht,..theV aja v-»(»#: nita^rwes^. _.»v.;: :/-J$*£*;.

Novitiate in P6ughKeepiie.Se re­ceived bis seminary training- in WoodstQ<% JCd* and. j oifc *<^ vancedatudies;ln,^i(J*nd.. ;

.He has tatight High: c|w»k to Philadelphia an43Srevif foifedtyT fete ha* given, retreatii sutdl mis­sions to Missouri, Mlcbigaii» Ohio, Pjennsylvaniai rljaryjan^ Wash-ington D.C, New Jersey, Con­necticut and all parts of Hew Yorfc State.

13ie mission, conducted'bsy Fa­ther Amy TYffl. fee limited t» teen­agers said young^peon|er~both Catholic and nonCatholIc It will begin <m Sunday eyeningi Wm% 30th at 7:45 pun, at SSLJ ?eter and PaoJ'*-Church on Wat Jfciln St ., •'-, ,-

•wiiuwB. «KRVICIS eortsishajf O£T©*-warrant*. " ^ S<pnon-and BewdBeHota will

^be held each ewrunt *£tfll* tttne throughout the weefe' rhe wwn* tog services, consisting;, ol Mas* and sermon wrfll begto at 6:45 W*>" «. ./•'

TJiese yrfunsr pepple frena out' side th enparilb -whorewtve; Hely

lunion wIU be aJole- t^^b-breakfast in the sKhoo* hall iwtog. the Mass, and.tlOM be

able to be .on tithe foe »«*g -~ Young; peoples' mlssioris~H*ve

been gsunlkig fit popula Tl-ty throughout the .country, Saqour-aged by the Socialists tKroughout the dty, i.t is expeoted tlrtt* large number of young 3toch«a-teriana ^ ^ n*slc«'the nuaikm, especlaIry;,thos« from the West side. The pastors on the city's west side luv*. given enthusdutlc

to the Sodality iporssored jpa Jecfcx .-•'',• •' <

iiiXiVr n - . ; l i i i i I - ' -

Saginaw Approves.. Caftolic Monumaat .' ' S a k l i i s w , . J|Id|u%ofcK!§),-^-SMi^ira^city1 ©etofcfi»<i*it VHfp approved a proposal to erect In 'a, |»ubu jpar|t. ere,'*.n\cmuDnent coramemoratihr the etlebr tion of the brstRornan Catholic Kass to tfuai «% .". \ :,^X '. < A request for perrnWon to. erect the monuBJent w*s recently submitted to the couwlfefajf by Ks>bp Stephen%/W4£iB>k&:«t. Saglnawi The propos^ brought * prttt^'f-t •feintjM, Sagiii%V(r IIMsterial.AaaocJaflon. ' • • -

Tn'e c«uncflnlan acted favor­ably im a ipeeial comnil ee re-commendatiott. that a, 4 l?y ..0 foot boulder .with suitabUe ht-

on. be erected o«'OJBb . oa a site approved by- City

nager Charles A Milfec

> p) •<

.V f J i|nl)}|( nilli mil

t I J : A. *i lassaiassiijSsrisaasMN


ilf. 'W<'l|"i

Ujll)i^liijiiliiili|iiitiii(il!ii[iiiiiijiiiiipri|i^iiiiiii i.iiiyiiiiiyi^iiHiiV^fijj • f l

• N H



<fil^Wift 6in3er, M 4i^am$ti prominent iKest-Jotinaalist has heeft nameoi editoV- of **The Catholic

^ciety of Americ^ncceedtosf the $ey. Benedict Ehrninn, prle^r b^thei Rochester Diocese>, '

Father Ehmann, pastor t»f vSt, l^aryfs of the Lake Chyrch* W*C-fetos C3en «nd noted musician, wjn continue as consulting editor of 'The Catholic Choirmaster." He has handled the editorship of the publication and has been sac-retatjf of 4thejSt Gregory Society for more than 10" years. -,

THE NKW" EDITOR4s a recog­nized church musician "and com­

mand haui the disttoetion elf tag; editor or associate editor

of iour Catholic publications. H|s, appointment was announced by theltey. Dr. -John C. Seiner^•$&? president of the St, Gregory So» cJety.'Qne of the ftonet mem­bers of the Sodetyvwasjfte late, Rev, ^ohn M. Petter of St, Ber-rMrd* Seminar/ faculty, here,- _ . '^thejfXStoda? t* aWedifor of a^e>'n^ar^*»ThT,P*iest,,*' and' •*n' -as«!dat*r editor , of "the wm& %f«st*' « M "Chtr Sunday m p r , « all- <j|\Whlcb. ire nub-

aabelC sit^itotihgton^ ItttdV #MO|»iBr«lf A lillowsbip in

t^Amerjailrt Guild o£ Organists, Wi^er* Ctocier has meanwhile btJtgr.lBiade a member of. the

bbair4 of tint St. Greg-ejcy-rSoeietR ^ther'Setoer'Jsiid. '

founded'in 39J3, tbe-St dreg-ory Sockty of America is devoted tA the promotion of better church music. Among its patrons are Their feminences, ^dward Card­inal Mooney, Ardbhisnop. of De­troit, and Pcaficj* Catdtoal SfpeJ xnaiT, ^af8tbi*hb#> of New? & r k The-vfodetK $ft pe^bapaXbesi Mom » r its publication of a •"White List,**4 whlch/«italogues

fesultablelforu^e in Catholic Worship.


•k J^^ia^^^|^k. Hjt^yl^iyJ^h '^ISSMBMBST'

U ^ V TsUW " I I V M I sls ilfalc1-' * PRM^BJ. .* ,SjHS||._.SaHtW*. SS7S»ai|WKp* .

tatliiiMir ttiiiilj ailiaiiaus fcs

itim&m. ijjsm "-MM iis\M* Ctefs-' aa^HB^pwHsj ^^^^^*s ?^^*w^ •^•w^^sf * « M i ^ i ^ ^HfPis^^H fl^^W ^»1|»>^*^B^S» JSnSW*^*^"" S^^

1* sdt HMtf *E Jte sewalssi'asMa*. taryartc * XUa asilnaBiif at sinCasao

J s v * ^Wal^^*ST|Sw|s^^Sk fl**^ «P*^*^p*™a»WW^s^^^s? ^s>.

^•M^hsvUH^Htf" '^ads^UUC ^UhsV AWskMstt!UaA "flKvFs'X^sViVK' JWP^^wsF" JRa^y 4sy^vagfss;M^B^

JBw «S» J^PsWIsw^ajPw Js*—•* iBWa ajSflSjgjp s«ir

jsstraiMwt* i/sateiaiur • • . r * « l -"is^R^^ *V taaiBa sUb ^sf^BM^Hf A ^ ^uMrfhjJftsasfls^A

^aataflflKa^aav- ^ bss: S^M^B^ ak lA^ktt K> v A—^^^JSJJ^ ^^

^tr^Er ^f JUk^a' * ^-^* W#^S»S^glSJJ|B^BJ J^^^M^B^aggBW

% ^ N P I W H H R V J P I P M N H | | I TPWWMCSJJV ' H I M i i £ t ^ .^JL^_v^^^ ^VasasiiafeasfcteJK a^sa^^Mlaws

Mitts -— Is* Ttolsi D«s»l«v JsTiC^KsV •MMIt'fEiVwlVsM

St.' «taW§1l Dance At S t Mary'f * ttie "SU Patrick'* Cay datw Id

be?held in the auditorium of St _ _ Mary. Ptris*, Elmlra wIU bejWar^I. held on Monday' *evening*,and musie wfll be furnished by Dick Hamlin's orchestra.

Assisttng oat the general com­mittees are, Edward Miele, tick­ed; Leo 3fr1Pint SK. and'Corne-Mas J, - Sutoaa, refreshmenS;

i'%^ff*fs^***4*,!ief ^^^•W^^*^K^S^SW^^^^P»JS^S^SJS|gS^jJ

rlH, wtPwataJEf-f H*»F

*-»w*r»>rto « i i i «#» i , M ni . , > , i , i | ! , j -

Baiiir. Sdki si %am

JJIlwa»<a|ilWAt3Mr««*^ >; ^ y f g ff-|t"Lf


S t u r m * r o « , HART PHARMACY O ^ t - N M , iflRsia^^iWft'-Akflttstf

•fw jfffr ant* ai«- asjv Ha*- Wall tiata, Hi V# , , >

* list

WS^Sml SjafT^ ^pf^^S^^S^R^aBSSS^^ ^htf aSBB^B^

» » i i iMiMirfwiiiiiiJII r » • » • niiMi'i*.


w i a o V . • » « » » » w i l l « , > > ' . - . . a t '


A pAimcuiAiiy N*M$CH00tS


TSe JHtaf. jind Rosary Society of (St;, JiCara*. parish,. EMifra, larsi Jsmei.Aitoalloi^ recently elede^jpteskferit of the i i e c w addressed, the ladles aacl -spoke of plan* lor further expansion of tfieacdvJUes of•$&*• gispupr a l the lls|;meeting. ,*•,'• »*•'.

-The business, session followed; iKMBtry and J^edljctton of the Blessed Sacrament. " '*

Hey. ;Qusr'* Wert^ jaoderator spoke" on the advantages of Xent-en resolutkns and the fact that we should not be discouraged it ^iiil'Mtia^ittJcefipingrtbj •pjromtee*ibl!^:ttth«f-*T| ' ^ renew our intentions and strive-to dp th#,itMn|f -fla'fc^e'.Javi-.-;p«?mpedt >ft we'WJul '^» ferfum

"l^tentlai- ietson..

Albert Denton, tables '

Named By State

VEB¥ BEV. John A. Flynn, CJVI., president of St John's University, B r o o k l y n , anal formerly OD £}t. Bernard's Sem­inary faculty, Rochester, * been named to the " Council on Teacher Kftacatktxi of the New York SUtruepart-ment of Eduatlon^lne coun­cil is »ppotatcd/by the State Board of Regeifn, to advise on matters retarfed t o teacher ce» tlflcatlon/Sind teacher educav

1lw» problems.

lature Gets * Bids On Envoy

Albany — (RNS) — Resolu­tions commending PrcsidentTru-man for promoting diplomatic relations with the Vatican and calling on Congress to send an envoy to the Vatican have been 'introouced in the New York leg­islature here

One resoltition, sponsored by Sen. Frank £>.* O'Connor" and As-sembTymah WllHarn,- E. Clancy, .Queens County Dwanocrats, .calls on the tmgmW&T3yS. senatoas to confirm President Truman's appointment of an ambassador.

Tne. other resolutlo'n,' Intro­duced by AsMwmblymian William G. Ghtc% Queens County ttom-ocrat, calls upon the legislature tt request the President asaii Congress to tafce ' toimedia^e ilctioft to coathweusenfltog a dip­lomatic envoy to tb:e Vatican, ;••• ^ - ^ - l — M ) > — — i

Catholics Plan High

TCeelray, BL—mKS)—' ContrJ-; baHon* collects fetjhe .United States by ttie Society: %inixi Divine Worff yM finance tfae bufl'dkig of -'a GathoUc hlgrh school iff irsgrasakfc Japanv where the second^ ma£ Tjomb Was dropped by &*% lotctt to World

^Oflii whieh


the Catholic order, its headquarters here,

..„ febool Would be buflt the site of thf Nagasafci

Catiiedral, vrfileh was' destroyiad by the hdron. The school,will have" facilities, for gome &» pupils. ' ' - ' ; v^xn-wAYttvr. K-, m"-**** * r< ^JSJf^^mKS.L^

F M ( W 'HASSKS^-Bwa*)-.;

*, i, it twrt) »«a Hits n ,11, Cowman A Son O M • *> * . U f f . t St^ki W Ayt*-;« tk A . t i * w . > Ntw <f«% Stiff

w*s»*i«t»i i«a«*»rt««t >St*t*«4 ' „ WlM*l*«

-MsKiiaii* w * i p j . „ . » , , . ; . .in,


< ^ » A # i g > > ^ a , i « i A m i i M S M A J L » » i » » » i »


I f )M)B> 9 7 3 * " W(Ht ^HWi

«»« ^^ ( f ^ ^ ^ w i t ^ IMBm B BaMy

"fwjr was a*^»y , \ ' sWl*M^4t%w<rT*5~

WiilisilltMlBlBl ' ' r t l a k B i f t "''

fa isisit* IMIth Va« ^ _ f,1|f •fHf|a} f f f f* f f l - H>W»


1m# tick IJP lh« VeUvery ' Phone 54# '


John ri* Miirroy


fHjpMaVjteftl is»f»Aasif»*i^d|i»»isM>iiii»isti s*ii»as1is>jaisai *>'<••

/ CLARK , NE1GHI0RHO00 GHOCtRY ; ' A.i'ir&iUDrri.MT.'rr.S* <

"Our »««)« wilt iHrltt IMW »«K «»*•

USROAUSt. , MONalrt •<»».« . 1 , 1 * ^ 1 » < « . » « » « » H " ^ . i H t

ADDi&lal'C Ul>KltTl 5 ' ^ M S K N J T C *


I BfcWedneaday a»cj Thursday W MtmA of MtHfta, Catholic High School took the New IPork State Scholarship .exam. The testa, which "cover every imagin­able Held, determine the worthy <me» quickly. *lTUthfttlly though, those who finally receive the scholarships have really earned them. i

X*st Friday afternoon we were fortunate to have with us Bather Tracy of the Columbian Fathers.

Head ' Conung--lfterhbers ol the Holy Name Society of St. Vincent de Pawl's Church, receiv«d Holy Communion in a body at the 8 son. ^as*;S«today after which a breakiast"" was server, 'to the school hall.

Quest speaker ior the occasion was the Rev. DeSaies Stander

ment Semtoary^ai Montour Falls, He chose as his subject *The Role of the Holy Name Society to the.Sloaem* World."

A feature of the breakfast was the election and Installation of officers ton the coming year. Elected to the presidency was Leo Harrison of Fainted Post Others elected were Robert Ains. worth, vice president! Peter Martuscello, secretary, and Philip Pellisante, treasurer.

Dudley McLaughlin, outgoing president, served •« toastmaster. Breakfast arrangements were in charge of Warren Bonnell.

Ladies of Coliunfius Set Corning Meeting

Corning—Following the regu­lar business>nieetlng of the La­dles of Columbus held recently M^'the^feilghta of ' Columbus Homeinhe'Rev. Joseph D. Dona-

assistant pastor of St. Pat-ck's Church, gave a talk on

the vestments used to the Mass. The next toeetlng of fee or­

ganization is scheduled for April 2 at 8 p. m. at the K. of C. Home.

. —s—_o

Girl Scout* Slate CommunionBreakfa«t

C>>rahag-«In connection with the annual observation of Girl Scout Week Catholic Girl Scouts and. their ••mothers -will attend-the 8530 a, m. IKsss at St. Via-<*nt ue Paul'sV Church, oh Sun­day, March* 16V and receive Holy Ckmimunionto^ body.

Mrs. Raymond Dell and airs. Charles Hquston are in charge of reservation -Jar the breakfast which will follow at ^hs-Bwron Steuben Hote» , •. • • ^ ^

Tftl»\el»g Tc^tlott^meiiuX^nli aubjeefc naturally was «ie twtenti jdeed for voeatfon* te( the re. JigtoujKlife. B)y pointing cut the qualifications necessary tpt a vocation, I'm sure Father cleared up many doubts which may have beent to the;back of our binds.'

Today'la the day! The Cru-aaders journey to meet St. Mary's of Cortlana this* after­noon. All aboard, and hope for the best.. ' , ' .

•jraOB TOPICS for the Bishop's Orafpricals have been,«jnowoed. There** qwite ^ Meetton «ni tfte contest should provide some in­teresting moments. This year Genevar Auburn,' and Elmira CathoUc Hfcjh will compete against each'other, ,

The «enlor St. P*trlck?f Pay assembly is just around the cor*. ner. The Irish-Americans of the High" are ck)lng their best to give honor to old Erin. Monday will teU- the~-tale of their en­deavors. ' ' '

A word again to the stamp collectors- The drive is two weeks old now, and some of the underclassmen are much in earn­est! We dontTyant them to beat us now,/do w e |

M. L. ALLEN & SON Qiulity Furmtur*

C0RNIN6, N. V.


Ecker Drug Store

Hirry I. Eekw, Jn, fna>



Pureed Motor Co. wc,

201-211 E. Market St. MMHW t l i




t» Walnut St IHa!t«Ui

comtma. N. t. ;•




31.1 ROBINSON. BIDG. Diol 6751 or 2-1191

,m«.!»*»Msssasi •mmtgi* ?*n,si».ttt«*. H»H . I . . • . . . • • . , . . . , . - ? , . • .

St. Ignatitit Loyola Churfh !

• WINOURO * oaLXvsm w x*t* it* -— «««*»,«. % Agestcy Gotbam GoU Strips


*Cfc»rtJ* fr n«ar


PHARMACY Kt L'lwim*cdWtii»r, fli. G. ,

-3MC<rnWa*$». Phant 1629 ' i — if«n mi mil n i i ' 1 ""' • '

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J. MillaRd's S M I "mMimSuppt'm from

- Ctllit so Roof

7* MAIN STREET i*a**issW>ssjt*Wiiiia|saia»»t

Tuttle & Rofkwell Co,



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