Final Report Deming

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  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming


    Running head: READING MOTIVATION 1

    The Impact of Goals on Reading Motivation of t!uggling Reade!s

    Mau!een DemingED" #$$

    D!% &essica 'o!( 

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming




    This !esea!ch p!o*ect e+plo!ed the impact of goals on the !eading motivation of st!uggling

    !eade!s% The ultimate aim ,as to c!eate an effective- eas. to use techni/ue teache!s can

    implement in thei! class!ooms% A p!otocol fo! a goal setting confe!ence to 0e used ,ith the

    e+isting population of Tie! II !eading inte!vention students in g!ades 2# ,as c!eated% Goals

    ,e!e t!ac(ed using the Google Apps fo! Education platfo!m% The Motivations fo! Reading

    3uestionnai!e ,as used to measu!e !eading motivation% The motivational impact of technolog.

    use ,as measu!ed 0. field o0se!vations%

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    Problem Statement

    Reading is a!gua0l. the most c!ucial s(ill taught and lea!ned in elementa!. school% 4o!

    .ea!s- common ,isdom and !eading !esea!ch p!oposed that independent !eading time ,as one of

    the 0est ,a.s to p!omote !eading s(ill 56a,le! 7 8ed,ic(- )91)% ;o,eve!- mandated

    standa!die!osion of engagement in some !eade!s? 5Ma!ina(- )91- p% $-

    !esulting in lo,e! !eading pe!fo!mance among those students% Acco!ding to the National @ente!

    fo! Education tatistics- #B of fou!th g!ade!s ,e!e !eading at o! 0elo, the 0asic level in )91

    5Reading Is 4undamental- n%d%% Teache!s need guidance on ho, to motivate thei! !eluctant


    Designing inst!uction fo! motivation leads to inc!eased student motivation 5@ola(oglu 7

    A(demi!- )919C Ma!ina(- )91% Motivated students spend mo!e time !eading 56a,le! 7

    8ed,ic(- )91)- leading to 0ette! pe!fo!mance 56a,le! 7 8ed,ic(- )91)C =ada( 7 =oten

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    t!ac(ing impactF

    )% ;o, can technolog. positivel. impact int!insic motivation of st!uggling !eade!sF

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     Review of Literature on Reading Motivation in Struggling Readers

    ince the advent of No @hild 6eft ehind in )991- !esea!che!s have noted a decline in

    student motivation as the. p!og!ess th!ough the g!ades- even in elementa!. school% This p!esents

    a p!o0lem fo! educato!s- especiall. in this envi!onment of high2sta(es standa!di

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    indicates that these !esults a!e inconclusive- and suggest that te+t difficult. ma. pla. a !ole in the

    inconsistent !esults%Goals ma. also mediate the !elationship 0et,een motivation and pe!fo!mance% mithson

    5)91) found that pe!sonal goals facilitate inc!eased pa!ticipation in academic settings% This

    stud. found that pe!sonal goal setting !esulted in maintained o! inc!eased assessment sco!es- ,ith

    the la!gest gains fo! ave!age and 0elo, ave!age students% Maste!. goals- also (no,n as

    (no,ledge o! lea!ning goals- a!e found to 0e mo!e conducive to lea!ning than a!e pe!fo!mance

    goals% =e!fo!mance goals cente! on o0taining positive outcomes and avoiding negative outcomes

    58o!th.- !e

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    most common !emed. fo! this is ta!geted inst!uction in the fo!m of !eading inte!ventions 56a,le! 

    7 8ed,ic(- )91)% (ills inte!vention is necessa!. 0ut not sufficient fo! inc!easing motivation K 

    motivation inte!vention is also needed% Int!insic motivation can g!o, ,ith choice- autonom.-

    colla0o!ation- and meaningful /uestions and connections 58igfield et al%- )99% Inst!ucto!s

    must 0e ca!eful not to sac!ifice !eading inst!uction to focus on motivation- as students ,ill not

    g!o, as !eade!s 5Ma!ina(- )91%

     Nota0l.- !esea!ch on students !eceiving !eading inte!vention has found that the t.pes of

    inst!uctional activities used impacts motivation% 6a,le! and 8ed,ic( 5)91) found that student

    motivation dec!eased ma!(edl. in inte!vention g!oups that completed disc!eet s(ill e+e!cise- 0ut

    no connected !eading% Instead- authentic 5>!eal? !eading- ,ith meaningful discussions-

    connections- and /uestions has p!oved to 0e most motivating 56a,le! 7 8ed,ic(- )91)C

    Ma!ina(- )91C =ada( 7 =oten

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    intelligence 5in Vogle! and a((en- )99% The entit. vie, of intelligence means that

    intelligence is fi+ed and uncont!olla0le% tudents ,ith this vie, tend to pu!sue pe!fo!mance

    goals instead of lea!ning goals% On the othe! hand- the inst!umental2inc!emental vie, sees

    intelligence as inconsistent and cont!olla0le 0. the individual% tudents holding this vie,

     0elieve the. can cont!ol thei! effo!t to p!oduce lea!ning and to g!o, thei! intelligence 5Vogle! 7

    a((en- )99%

    The lite!atu!e offe!s seve!al othe! possi0le e+planations fo! lo, !eading motivation

    among st!uggling !eade!s% ehavio!al o! lea!ning difficulties can impact motivation 5e!!avallo-

    )91% tudents pe!ception of thei! pee!s and pa!ents involvement and engagement in !eading

    can impact thei! o,n motivation to !ead 5=ada( 7 =oteninstitute accounta0ilit. mechanisms to ensu!e that all students attain the p!oficienc.

    standa!ds? 56aguna2Rio!dan- )99$- p% 1#% Ove!all- N@6 has not met its stated goals of

    na!!o,ing the achievement gap and !aising achievement fo! unde!pe!fo!ming students 5;us0and

    7 ;unt- )91C 6aguna2Rio!dan et al%- )99$% In fact- this legislation has !esulted in a num0e! of

    unintended conse/uences- including lo,e! teache! mo!ale 5;us0and et al%- )91C 6aguna2

    Rio!dan et al%- )99$% 6aguna2Rio!dan et al% 5)99$ a!gue that N@6 does not add!ess the !oot

    social and emotional causes of poo! pe!fo!mance: pove!t.- communit. and home life- and

    socioeconomic status- all of ,hich impact student motivation in school% In o!de! to t!ul. close

    the achievement gap- these motivating facto!s must 0e add!essed%

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    Goals and Motivation

    A ,ide !ange of !esea!ch suggests that setting pe!sonal goals fo! lea!ning is 0eneficial fo! 

    student motivation 5Ro0e!tson et al%- )91C e!!avallo- )91C mithson- )91)C Vogle! et al%- )99C

    8e!. 7 Thomson- )91C 8o!th. et al%- )911% Goals motivate students 0. a!ticulating

    >!e/ui!ements fo! pe!sonal success? and p!ompting >self2monito!ing and self2*udgments of

     pe!fo!mance? 5mithson- )91)- p% $% Goals set and t!ac(ed 0. students also instill a sense of

    cont!ol- >o,ne!ship- !esponsi0ilit.- and commitment? 5mithson- )91)- p% 1- all aspects of self2

    efficac.% As pa!t of a 0!oade! class!oom envi!onment- goal setting can suppo!t individual needs

    and p!omote a love of !eading 5=ada( 7 =oten,o!(ing

     p!oductivel.? 5mithson- )91)- p% #9% The fi!st g!oup- ,ith the specific goal- had highe! sco!es%

    Goals should 0e measu!a0leC students and teache!s need to assess p!og!ess and ad*ust st!ategies

    and inst!uction if needed% Thi!dl.- goals should 0e attaina0le% The goal >0e a 0ette! !eade!? is

    un,ield.% It involves man. steps in man. diffe!ent a!eas 5decoding- fluenc.- voca0ula!.- gen!e

    (no,ledge- 0ac(g!ound (no,ledge- and comp!ehension of lite!al and deepe! meanings K too

    much fo! a student to tac(le at once% ;o,eve!- if the p!ocess is 0!o(en into smalle! managea0le

    chun(s 5smalle! inc!emental goals- students have a much 0ette! chance of !eaching those goals

    and feeling the satisfaction that comes ,ith accomplishment 5mithson- )91)% 4inall.- afte! the

    goals a!e set- teache!s must p!ovide suppo!t- usuall. in the fo!m of st!ategies- to help students in

    thei! ,o!( 5e!!avallo- )91% Goals give students a pu!pose fo! !eading K a destination to ,o!(

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    to,a!ds 5e!!avallo- )91% t!ategies and suppo!ts give students a ,a. to navigate the !oad to

    thei! destination% Inte!estingl.- !esea!ch 0. Vogle! et al%- 5)99 suggests that inst!uctional st.le-

    such as setting inc!emental goals and p!oviding suppo!ts in !eaching goals- influences motivation

    mo!e than socioeconomic status o! ethnicit.%

    Motivation can also 0e impacted 0. the of goal a student ha!0o!s% Goals a!e

    f!e/uentl. classified as eithe! maste!. goals o! pe!fo!mance goals 58o!th. et al%- )911C Vogle! et

    al%- )99% Maste!. goals p!omote lea!ning and ove!all competence th!ough effo!t- time and

     p!actice- and a!e associated ,ith highe! motivation 58este!n O!egon "nive!sit.- )91)C 8o!th. et

    al%- )911% On the othe! hand- pe!fo!mance goals st!ess e+te!nal !e,a!ds and *udgments% Often-

    students ,ith a pe!fo!mance goal o!ientation ,ill displa. avoidance 0ehavio!s 5lea!ned

    helplessness fo! fea! of negative *udgments ,hen 0eing compa!ed to thei! pee!s 58e!. et al%-

    )91C 8o!th. et al%- )911% t!uggling !eade!s ,ill often displa. a pe!fo!mance goal o!ientation-

    ,hich ma. e+plain- in pa!t- the Matthe, Effect% tanovich 51$J#- cited in @iampa- )91)

    desc!i0es the Matthe, Effect as the patte!n ,he!e- >ove! time- good !eade!s get 0ette! and poo!

    !eade!s !emain ,ea(? 5@iampa- )91)- p% J% The lo,e! motivation indicated 0. pe!fo!mance

    goals could 0e a facto! in the continuing st!uggles of poo! !eade!s%

    A thi!d catego!.- (no,ledge goals- sometimes called lea!ning goals- is a ve!. sho!t2te!m

    goal that applies to a pa!ticula! instance of !eading% Teache!s ,ill often call a (no,ledge goal

    the >pu!pose fo! !eading%? Hno,ledge goals a!e motivating fo! this ve!. !easonC the. instill

     pu!pose- a main aspect of motivation acco!ding to =in( 5)99$- into the act of !eading%

    Hno,ledge goals a!e also motivating in thei! a0ilit. to lin( the content a!eas- thus c!eating

    cohe!ence 0et,een educational settings 5Ro0e!tson et al%- )91- ,hich is helpful fo! st!uggling


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    o0*ectives that leads to inc!eased and sustained motivation 5A.demi! 7 O

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    mitigate the negative facto!s- teache!s and !esea!che!s a!e attempting to design effective

    motivation inte!ventions% Motivation !esea!ch has made it clea! that inst!uction can 0e designed

    to 0oost motivation- eventuall. .ielding positive pe!fo!mance and achievement !esults% =e!sonal

    goals and technolog. integ!ation can help educato!s in thei! /uest to motivate all students to

    lea!n%The 0od. of !esea!ch on motivation lac(s sufficient e+plo!ation into specific applications

    of technolog. in !eading- especiall. in te!ms of st!uggling !eade!s% One difficult. in filling this

    gap is the ,ide va!iet. of educational settings in ,hich students !ead% tudents not onl. have

    t!aditional !eading time in thei! class!ooms- 0ut also !ead ac!oss the disciplines K math- science-

    social studies- ,!iting- even special a!eas li(e music and fo!eign language% Man. students

    !eceive pull2out inst!uction fo! special education o! Response to Inte!vention pu!poses% etting

    ma. impact the motivational impact of technolog.% As mentioned in the p!evious section- the!e

    ma. 0e glo0al shifts in motivation 0ased on age 5@heung et al%- )91 that ma(e ce!tain

    technologies less effective%This va!iation also e+tends to goals and goal setting% ome goals a!e set 0. teache!s-

    some 0. students- and some a!e co2c!eated% 4utu!e !esea!ch should conside! compa!ing goals set

     0. teache!s- students- and teache!s ,o!(ing ,ith students% 6ongitudinal studies to t!ac( the

    effectiveness of these motivational p!actices th!ough high school- highe! education- and into the

    ,o!(fo!ce and dail. life of adults ,ould give a mo!e detailed pictu!e of thei! impact% 6i(e,ise-

    e+tending motivation !esea!ch 0e.ond the class!oom to ,hole2school studies and to home

    settings ,ill give mo!e info!mation a0out the inte!action of va!ious motivational fo!ces%

    Design and Methodology


    The sample fo! this stud. consisted of )1 students in Tie! II !eading inte!vention% These

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    students ,e!e mi+ed in te!ms of g!ade level% The!e a!e eight g!ade th!ee students 5one female-

    seven male- five g!ade fou! students 5one female- fou! male- fou! g!ade five students 5one

    female- th!ee male- and fou! g!ade si+ students 5th!ee female- one male% Most of these students

    ,e!e @aucasian% T,o ,e!e 6atino- f!om panish spea(ing homesC one of these students !eceived

    English as a econd 6anguage inst!uction%These a!e students ,ho sco!ed 0elo, g!ade level on standa!di

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    Afte! the thi!d administ!ation of the MR3- the inst!ucto! instituted the goal setting

     p!otocol% This p!ocedu!e ,as 0ased on the models f!om t,o sou!ces% The confe!ence model in

    Reade!s 8o!(shop calls fo! the discussion to 0e student2led% The model desc!i0ed 0. e!!avallo

    5)91 uses !ecent student ,o!( f!om inte!vention g!oup- and suggestions offe!ed 0. the teache!-

    ultimatel. allo,ing the student to decide on the goal% The!efo!e- the goal2setting p!otocol fo!

    this p!o*ect is as follo,s: the inst!ucto! confe!s ,ith an individual student- p!esenting seve!al

    e+amples of the students !ecent ,o!( in inte!vention- including an. assessments% The inst!ucto!

     p!ompts the student to discuss thei! pe!ceived st!engths and ,ea(nesses and offe!s t,o

    suggestions fo! the students goal 5!elated to eithe! o!al !eading fluenc.- comp!ehension- o!

    ,!itten !esponse- 0ased on p!ofessional *udgment and the students input% The student ,ill

    select his o! he! goal f!om the t,o choices% 4inall.- the inst!ucto! int!oduces the online

    document in ,hich the student t!ac(s his o! he! p!og!ess 54igu!e 1% These confe!ences ,e!e

    meant to ta(e less than five minutes pe! student%

    Jane’s Goal Tracking

    Date: November 7, 2016

    Strengths Work On

    accuracygood expressionretell/summary

    written responseuse text evidence

    oal: !se text evidence

    "trategy: !se a #ig#lig#ter to $ind one piece o$ evidence eac# time % s#are my t#in&ingor write about my reading'

    (rogress:November 1) * % am remembering to use a #ig#lig#ter to $ind evidence $or every

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    +uestion' % need to remember to give evidence w#en % tal&'November 21 * % gave evidence $or every +uestion on my running record' % li&e using#ig#lig#ters, because it #elps me remember to $ind evidence'

     Figure 1% ample Goal T!ac(ing document%

    Du!ing the goal setting confe!ences- the inst!ucto! o0se!ved students !eactions to using

    the goal t!ac(ing document- including facial e+p!essions- speech- and 0od. language- and noted

    this info!mation on the technolog. use o0se!vation fo!m% Afte! the 1)2,ee( implementation

     pe!iod- these o0se!vations ,e!e com0ined ,ith data on student use of the t!ac(ing document to

    assess the motivational impact of the technolog.% oth the goal t!ac(ing and technolog. use

    fo!m a!e included in Appendi+ % To help the inst!ucto! sta. o!gani

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    concluded that goal setting and t!ac(ing have a positive !elationship ,ith !eading motivation%

    ;o,eve!- since the one2g!oup time2se!ies design does not cont!ol fo! histo!.- a causal

    !elationship cannot 0e infe!!ed% Outside events such as school vacations- holida.s- and testing

    could account fo! a po!tion of the diffe!ences in motivation sco!es%

    !valuation and Assessment

    Review by Panel of !"erts

    Due to time const!aints this p!o*ect could not 0e implemented- and ,as the!efo!e

    !evie,ed 0. a panel of e+te!nal evaluato!s% This panel consisted of the school p!incipal- p!ima!.

    and inte!mediate !eading consultants- the dist!ict technolog. integ!ation specialist- and a

    class!oom teache! ,ho ,as a mem0e! of the lite!ac. cu!!iculum committee% Evaluato!s gave

    feed0ac( on !esea!ch design and methods- ethical conside!ations- and use of technolog.%

    The p!incipal !aised t,o impo!tant points% 4i!st he noted that socioeconomic and

    envi!onmental facto!s impact motivation% Neithe! the lite!atu!e !evie, no! the one g!oup time2

    se!ies design add!ess these facto!s% A students home life and socioeconomic status can indeed

    impact motivation- and this should 0e conside!ed ,hen anal.

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    DRA ) p!og!ess monito!ing (it%

    The class!oom teache! !aised a c!ucial /uestion% ;o, do teache!s push motivation to last

    afte! the t!ial has endedF Goal setting can 0e inco!po!ated into all su0*ects: ,!iting- math-

    science- and social studies% This p!otocol is *ust one techni/ue teache!s can use to encou!age

    motivation% This p!otocol should 0e pa!t of a la!ge!- ove!a!ching class!oom and cu!!iculum

    design that encou!ages autonom.- cont!ol- and pu!pose%

    Self !valuation

    To self2assess this p!o*ect- I c!eated !u0!ic that delineates each outcome of the @apstone

     p!o*ect acco!ding to the cou!se s.lla0us and the @apstone p!o*ect document% The completed

    !u0!ic can 0e found in Appendi+ D%Ove!all- the p!o*ect is st!ong% It meets p!og!am and concent!ation outcomes- is ,ell2

    !esea!ched- and cont!i0utes to the field via the c!eation of an eas.2to2implement p!otocol%

    ;o,eve!- the technological component of this p!o*ect can still 0e imp!oved% Much of the

    e+pe!imental !esea!ch on technolog. and !eading focuses on !eading f!om a sc!een- and the

    !esulting changes in achievement- motivation- and pe!fo!mance% ince I am !e/ui!ed to use 66I

    in Tie! II inte!vention inst!uction- and the!e a!e no digital ve!sions of the p!og!ams te+ts- sc!een

    !eading ,as not an option fo! the technolog. component of this p!o*ect% This same cu!!iculum

    !e/ui!ement also meant that I could not use technolog. to pe!sonali

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     Discussion and Reflection

    Th!oughout the Maste!s of Education p!og!am- I have lea!ned the impo!tance of

    cognitive science in education% Designing schools- class!ooms- and inst!uction to 0est align ,ith

    ho, child!en lea!n !e/ui!es an unde!standing of cognition- memo!.- emotions- and- pe!haps most

    impo!tantl.- motivation% Motivation to e+plo!e- to inte!act ,ith pee!s and content- and to !ead is

    foundational in child!ens success in school% The topic of motivation is 0!oadC multiple facto!s

    cont!i0ute to an individuals motivation% The!efo!e- it ,as necessa!. to na!!o, the focus of m.

     p!o*ect% 8hile the 0od. of !esea!ch on motivation is vast- teache!s need conc!ete- e+plicit

    techni/ues fo! encou!aging motivation in thei! students% The ultimate aim of this p!o*ect ,as to

    c!eate an effective class!oom p!actice ,hich teache!s can easil. implement to imp!ove student


    4o! those inte!ested in implementing this p!o*ect- conside! e+isting cu!!iculum const!aints

     0efo!e ad*usting the e+pe!imental design% I mentioned in the Assessment and Evaluation section

    that I conside!ed a cont!ol g!oup time2se!ies design- using the 66I p!og!am as a cont!ol g!oup%

    ;o,eve!- since I had e+plicit inst!uctions to use 66I fo! inte!vention inst!uction- p!ofessional

     *udgment dictated that I (eep the o!iginal e+pe!imental design% If othe!s have mo!e f!eedom in

    cu!!iculum selection- I ,ould suggest using the cont!ol g!oup time2se!ies design% The cont!ol

    g!oup can use p!inted te+t% Inst!uction fo! the t!eatment g!oup can use technolog. fo! !eading

    te+ts 0ased on student inte!est and goals- leve!aging the motivational p!ope!ties of technolog. 0.

     p!omoting choice%

    Master of !ducation Program #utcomes

    Students will be able to identify$ analy%e$ evaluate$ and imlement research&based

    education ractices matched to an area of concentration 'instructional design and


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    This outcome ,as met 0. a !evie, of lite!atu!e on motivation and goals% A common

    topic in the motivation lite!atu!e is pe!sonal cont!ol and choice% The!efo!e- goals set in this

    e+pe!iment a!e selected 0. the students themselves%

    Students will be able to aly the rinciles of cognitive science to teaching and

    learning to ositively affect learning and imrove the ractice of teaching)

    This outcome ,as met 0. add!essing motivation% Villavicencio and e!na!do 5)91

    state that a lea!ne!s *udgment of tas( value- 0ased on emotion and motivation- can 0ecome

    ing!ained in thei! schema- thus colo!ing thei! e+pectations of futu!e lea!ning% This p!o*ect

    attempted to align class!oom p!actices ,ith cognitive science 0. c!eating an inst!uctional

     p!actice to imp!ove motivation%

    Students will be able to define$ understand$ analy%e$ and use metrics to measure

    student$ rogrammatic$ and institutional achievement)

    This outcome ,as met 0. the use of /uantitative data to assess student motivation% The

    MR3 !esults in motivation sco!es that can 0e compa!ed ac!oss time% The data can also 0e 0!o(en

    do,n 0. demog!aphics to assess diffe!ences in motivation- o! into dimensions of motivation to

    fu!the! desc!i0e changes in motivation%

    Concentration in *nstrucitonal Design + Technology #utcomes

    Students will be able to design and develo learning environments using models of

    instructional design$ such as the ADD*! model)

    This outcome ,as met 0. c!eating an inst!uctional p!otocol that follo,s the p!ocess of

    inst!uctional design% The p!otocol 0egins ,ith an assessment of st!engths and ,ea(nesses% The

    inst!ucto! then designs and delive!s a st!ateg. fo! the student to implement% G!o,th is evaluated

    ,ith 66I o! DRA ) =!og!ess Monito!ing assessments- and then the student decides ,hat goal to

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     pu!sue ne+t%

    Students will understand and be able to aly theories of design and instruction to

    the develoment$ design$ and imlementation of educational e"eriences and events)

    This outcome ,as met 0. inco!po!ating !esea!ch on goals and motivation into the

    c!eation of an inst!uctional p!actice% The goal setting p!otocol met =in(s 5)99$ th!ee aspects of 

    motivation 5cont!ol- autonom.- and pu!pose- and ,as 0ased on the ,o!( of e!!avallo 5)91%

    Students will be able to integrate aroriate technology in a diversity of

    educational settings$ including schools$ universities$ cororations$ non&rofits and

    government agencies)

    App!op!iate- /ualit. integ!ation of technolog. sta!ts ,ith inst!uctional goals and

    o0*ectives K the tool must fit the *o0% As mentioned p!eviousl.- cu!!iculum const!aints do not

    allo, technolog. to 0e used to p!omote choice in content fo! this p!o*ect- ,hich ,ould 0e a

    close! integ!ation of technolog. and inst!uction fo! motivation% ;o,eve!- technolog. can 0e

    used to communicate and t!ac( p!og!ess% ased on the technolog. availa0le in the school 5i=ads

    and laptops- the Google Apps fo! Education platfo!m ,as a natu!al selection%

    Students will be able to assess$ budget$ and evaluate education technology)

    This outcome ,as met 0. ongoing field o0se!vations% The LLLLLLL fo!m allo,s the

    inst!ucto! to assess student !eactions to using technolog. du!ing the p!otocol% The!e ,as no

    moneta!. 0udget fo! this p!o*ectC the!efo!e choice of technolog. ,as limited to that !eadil.

    availa0le to students in Tie! II inte!vention%

    ,inal Thoughts on ,inishing the Master of !ducation Program

    8hen I sta!ted the @apstone cou!ses- one of the fi!st discussions points ,as the

    impo!tance of using !esea!ch and data to suppo!t inst!uctional decisions% Instead of acting on

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    hunches o! imp!essions- anal.

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming




    A.demi!- %I%- 7 O

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    ;us0and- T%- 7 ;unt- @% 5)91% A !evie, of the empi!ical lite!atu!e on No @hild 6eft ehind

    f!om )991 to )919% (lanning and !hanging, 4 51- )1)2)%6aguna2Rio!dan- @- 7 Aguila!- &%=% 5)99$% 8hats missing f!om No @hild 6eft ehindF A polic.

    anal.sis f!om a social ,o!( pe!spective% !hildren & -chools, 315- 121%6a,le!- &%- 7 8ed,ic(- 6% 5)91)% The effect of time spent !eading du!ing inte!vention 0loc(%

    Illinois Reading @ouncil &ou!nal- 95- )#2%Ma!ina(- % A% 5)91% @ou!ageous !eading inst!uction: Effects of an elementa!. motivation

    inte!vention% The Journal of Educational Research- 19#- $2J%

    Mo!gan- =%6%- 7 4uchs- D% 5)99% Is the!e a 0idi!ectional !elationship 0et,een child!ens !eading

    s(ills and !eading motivationF Ece#tional !hildren, /35)- 1#21J%

    =ada(- N%- 7 =oten

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    "nited tate Depa!tment of Education Office of Educational Technolog.% 5)919% Transfor"ing

     "erican education %earning #oered 5y technology. 0ational education technology

     #lan 2616% Ret!ieved f!om http:files%e!ic%ed%govfullte+tED1)#J1%pdf 

    Villavicencio- 4%T%- 7 e!na!do- A%I% 5)91% =ositive academic emotions mode!ate the

    !elationship 0et,een self2!egulation and academic achievement% 7ritish Journal of

     Educational (sychology- J- )$29%

    Vogle!- &%%- 7 a((en- 6% 5)99% Motivation ac!oss domains: Do goals and att!i0utions change

    ,ith su0*ect matte! fo! g!ades and studentsF %earning Eniron"ents Research- 19-

    12% doi: 19%199s19$J2992$9)12

    8e!.- &%- 7 Thomson- M%T% 5)91% Motivational st!ategies to enhance effective lea!ning in

    teaching st!uggling students% !itish &ou!nal of 6ea!ning uppo!t- )J5- 19219J% doi:


    8este!n O!egon "nive!sit.% 5)91)% !haracteristics of learners ith "astery ersus #erfor"ance

     goals% Ret!ieved f!om


    8igfield- A%- 7 Guth!ie- &% 51$$% 8otiations for reading 9uestionnaire% Ret!ieved f!om


    8igfield- A%- Guth!ie- &%T%- Ton(s- %- 7 =e!encevich- H%@% 5)99% @hild!ens motivation fo!

    !eading: Domain specificit. and inst!ucitonal influences% Journal of Educational

     Research, */ 5#- )$$29$%

    8o!th.- D%A%- !e

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    Appendi+ A

    =!o*ect Management =lan

    Problem Statement

    t!uggling !eade!s often e+hi0it dec!eased !eading motivation- ,hich can lead to

    dec!eased !eading amount and lo, academic pe!fo!mance% This p!o*ect ,ill e+plo!e the impact

    of goal setting on the !eading motivation of st!uggling !eade!s%


    The lea!ne!s in this p!o*ect a!e elementa!. age students in Tie! II !eading inte!vention%

    This g!oup of )1 child!en !anges in age f!om g!ade th!ee to g!ade si+- and is p!edominantl. male

    51 male- si+ female% T,o of these students a!e f!om panish spea(ing homesC one !eceives

    English as a econd 6anguage inst!uction% Acco!ding to assessment data- these students !ange

    f!om one2half .ea! to one and a half .ea!s 0elo, g!ade level in !eading%

    Learning #b-ectives

    1% . the end of this p!o*ect- students ,ill 0e a0le to anal.

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



      Deliverables Draft goal-setting conference protocol

      Draft goal-tracking protocol

      Draft instructor materials

    Draft parent permission form

      Self-Assessment of Proect Draft rubric

      !valuation b" !#perts$ontact an% inform e#perts aboutevaluation

      Draft rubric

     &/Mar 1'-&( Deliverables )evise goal-setting protocol

      )evise goal-tracking protocol

     )evise instructor materials an%permission form

      Submit %eliverables for revie*

      Self-Assessment of Proect +inali,e rubric

     Submit Self-Assessment rubric forrevie*

      !valuation b" !#perts +inali,e rubric

     Submit !#pert !valuation rubric forrevie*

     3/Mar &1-&7 +inal )eport Submit for revie*

      !valuation b" !#perts Deliver proect an% rubric to e#perts

    '/Mar &-

    Apr 3 +inal )eport

    )evise report base% on fee%back from

    Week 3  .p%ate Proect Management Plan

      Draft Abstract Discussion/)e0ection

      !valuation b" !#perts Start to compile fee%back


    /Apr '-1( +inal )eport .p%ate PMP

      Draft )e0ection

      !valuation b" !#perts $ollect rubrics an% fee%back b" '/1(

      $ompile all fee%back$ontinue to %raftAssessment/!valuation

    Deliverables )evise base% on fee%back

    Submit for revie*

    2/Apr 11-17 !valuation b" !#perts )evise proect base% on fee%back

      Draft !valuation/Assessment section

    A%% rubric as Appen%i# $

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



      +inal )eport)evise report base% on fee%back fromWeek

      .p%ate PMPA%% evi%ence of pro%uct to bo%" ofreport

     $reate Presentation for Sare+air Select me%ium for presentation

      4ater information from +inal )eport

      4ater appropriate visuals evi%ence

     7/Apr 1-&' Deliverables

    +inali,e goal setting an% trackingprotocol

     +inali,e %ata collection an% anal"sisgui%elines

      +inali,e instructor materials

     $reate Presentation for Sare+air !%it an% revise presentation

      +inal )eport !%it an% revise

    A%% PMP %ocument as Appen%i# A

      P5! Page $reate page

      Pass*or% protect page

     $omplete Self-Assessment ofProect

    A%%ress proect strengts an%*eaknesses

      )evie* proect outcomes

      +ill out rubric

    A%% rubric as Appen%i# D

    /Apr &-Ma" 1 Sare +air 5ink presentation in %iscussion boar%

      6ie* presentations from classmates

      $omment on peers presentations

     )espon% to comments aboutpresentation

      P5! Page !mbe% +inal )eport

    !mbe% presentation

      Write e#planation of $apstone proect

      8nclu%e appropriate grapics

      Submissions !%it an% revise +inal )eport

      Submit +inal )eport an% Deliverables

      8nclu%e P5! link in comments bo#

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming




    Technology Use Observations

    Note students be#avior and reactions w#ile using t#e oal -rac&ing document'

    rade: "tudent . %nitials: -otal -imes -rac&ing Document ccessed:

    Date Note i$ a goalsetting con$erence

    rade: "tudent . %nitials: -otal -imes -rac&ing Document ccessed:

    Date Note i$ a goalsetting con$erence

    Goal Tracking

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    on$erence .1Date:

    Strengths Work On




    on$erence .2Date:

    Strengths Work On




    on$erence .3Date:

    Strengths Work On

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming






    on$erence .)Date:

    Strengths Work On




    on$erence .4Date:

    Strengths Work On

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming






    on$erence .6Date:

    Strengths Work On




  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming


  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    8hat a!e the p!o*ects st!engthsF

    8hat pa!ts of the p!o*ect can 0e imp!ovedF

  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    Appendi+ D

    elf Assessment

    Element "nsatisfacto!.9


    8o!( 1






    4inal Repo!t K A=Afo!matting-



    st.le- f!ee of e!!o!s

    =!oof!ead and consulted =u!dueOnline 8!iting 6a0%

    4inal Repo!t K all sections



    evidence ofdelive!a0les


    Evidence of delive!a0les in 0od. of!epo!t and appendices% =M= included

    in appendices%

    4inal Repo!t

     K !eflectsthoughtful


    assessmentand e+te!nal


    Ma*o! points of e+te!nal evaluation

    discussedC !u0!ic included inappendices% elf2assessment

    4inal Repo!t K discussion




    g!o,th-value added

    to field

    Add!esses p!og!am and concent!ationoutcomes% Value added to field K eas.

    to use teaching techni/ue

    Total =oints 111)


     K cove!seach aspect

    of final


    Includes each section of final !epo!t


     K Media5images-

    video- etc%

    Video helps e+plain motivation-

    MART g!aphic e+plains goals ,ithimages and te+tC some slides te+t2


  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming




    content-slides follo,

     p!inciples of 

    good design

    =!esentation K Accessi0leto 0!oad



    =u0lished and can 0e sha!ed


     K tone-



    fo! audience

    5teache!sand pee!s

    6anguage accessi0le to non2teache!s

    Total =oints 11 1)


     K designedacco!ding to

    theo!ies of

    teaching andlea!ning

    =!otocol g!ounded in theo!ies of


    Delive!a0les K clea! to


    ome e+pe!t evaluato!s !e/uestedcla!ification of technolog. component

     K did not e+plain ,hat p!ecisel.needed cla!ification%

    Total =oints #





    Motivation impacts lea!ning and


    =!o*ect has


    implicationsfo! p!actice%

    =!otocol eas. to implement ,ith little



    featu!es ,elldesigned


    g!ounded in!esea!ch

    E+pe!iment ma. 0e made st!onge!

    ,ith inclusion of cont!ol g!oup Kcu!!iculum const!aints eliminate this


  • 8/17/2019 Final Report Deming



    Total =oints J $