E. A SIA & SE A SIA. J APAN B ECOMES AN E CONOMIC S UPERPOWER The end of WW2 meant Japan had to rebuild Recovery and Economic Miracle The Occupation –

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The end of WW2 meant Japan had to rebuild Recovery and Economic Miracle

The Occupation – 2 goals (end militarism, ensure a democratic government) Japan’s Armed Forces disbanded & trials held to punish leaders 1946 – a new constitution set up democracy and provided Japan with a

military only for self-defense Emperor lost all political power Basic rights protected by constitution and “Diet” (or parliament) Zaibatsu were weakened, but still used to help rebuild Japan 1952 – treaty ending occupation (bases & protection by US)

Economic Success GDP soared as Japan’s economy recovered and thrived Products exported became Japan’s main economic plan 1970’s –Japan became leader in cars, electronics (high tech) Competed with US/West Highly educated, skilled workforce Workers saved, banks loaned money for further expansion

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Japan reliant on trade (few resources) Used to manufacture goods for export As Japan’s wealth used to invest in foreign ventures Japan’s “PROTECTIONIST POLICIES” angered trading partners Tariffs and regulations limited foreign imports

A “TRADE DEFICIT” for most countries dealing with Japan US claimed trade barriers deprived other nations of fair trade

and threatened to raise tariffs or reduce trade

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JAPAN BECOMES AN ECONOMIC SUPERPOWER Global Interdependence both helped and hurt Japan Economic and Political Interaction

Dependence on Oil OPEC’s price hikes really hurt Japan in the 70’s Japan sought to improve relations with OPEC nations in Middle East Invested in alternative power (nuclear) and public transportation (to

decrease reliance on oil) Japan and Its Neighbors

Japan was slow to apologize for atrocities of WW2 Neighbors still angry about how Japan had treated them during war By 1980’s, Japan was a major investor in economies of China, South

Korea and other nations in the region, linking them economically 1990’s – Japan FINALLY apologizes to various countries

International Politics Supported west in military alliances Recently, Japan has tried to increase aid to nations in need Japan is an economic power, some believe they need to arm themselves

and become more of military influence as well

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Changing Patterns of Life Economic Crisis in the 90’s caused Japan to make cuts

Many workers lost security of life long guaranteed jobs ( loyalty to co.)

Political Stresses- Dominated by LDP party (coalition gov’t) Corruption weakened party, many younger broke away

Crowded Cities Expensive city living, scarce space (tiny cramped apartments) Earthquake zone – higher cost to build buildings, infrastructure

Kobe, Tohoku earthquakes Women

Economic equality, but social traditions keep them subordinate Society doesn’t allow them to lead country or companies

Work Ethic Traditionally, family sacrificed for work, security Money saved to ensure strength of family Younger generation wants to enjoy their lives more& want benefits of

prosperous society Older generation worries that work ethic is failing

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After WW2, the civil war between Mao (communist) and Jiang (nationalist) resumed. Mao wins and Jiang’s people flee to Taiwan and set up government there

Communists Control of China (1949 revolution – MAO) Reasons for Victory

Mao won support of the people of China (huge peasant population) Communists pledged to redistribute land and wealth, improve their

lives Most hoped Communists would end foreign domination and build a

new and better China Reorganizing the Economy

Set out to turn China into a modern society from a backwards one Nationalized all business (to build socialism and repair economy) 5 year plans created to develop agriculture and industry Soviets helped them, at first Land redistributed, COLLECTIVES created to increase efficiency

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Remolding Society One party totalitarian state Communist ideology replace Confucian and traditional

religions Workers honored, the elite were vilified (attacked, beaten,

imprisoned) Government attacked crime and corruption Schools opened, language simplified to make it easier to

learn Politics mixed with education – propaganda Health care improved for rural areas as aid workers sent

out to aid peasants Changes for Women

Women won equality, expected to work along side men State run nurseries were set up to care for children,

weakening family bonds Women still responsible for home duties as well

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Many reforms DID improve the lives of peasants, but at a very heavy cost

Economic Disasters The Great Leap Forward

1958 – Mao created program to increase agricultural output COMMUNES created to increase efficiency

Several villages, thousands of acres in a commune Own school, factories, housing, dining halls Each commune had a quota to meet

A dismal failure Low-quality, useless items produced Communes did not meet quotas, due to weather, low output Famine followed – up to 30 million died of starvation China will turn, eventually, to more moderate politics

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The Cultural Revolution 1966 – Mao launched “Great Proletarian Cultural

Revolution” Goal to purge “bourgeois” or nonrevolutionary

tendencies Teens formed RED GUARDS using the “Little Red Book” Attacked all they claimed were counterrevolutionaries

Targeted people in authority (party leaders, teacher, managers, writers, artists, etc)

Schools and Factories closed, the economy slowed even more, unrest

Mao had the Red Army restore order Red Guards sent to communes, undereducated & cut

off from family, they became known as the “lost generation”

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FROM REVOLUTION TO REFORM IN CHINA US continued to support Jiang/Taiwan China and the Cold War

Relations With the United States US refused to recognize the new government of China US tried for years to isolate China 1971 – China gained entrance into the UN 1972 – US President Richard Nixon visited China and set up formal

relations between the 2 great nations Split with the Soviet Union

USSR and China uneasy allies USSR sent aid, expertise to China to help them modernize Leaders had VERY DIFFERENT ideas on major issues

Mao – adapted Marxism to the Chinese conditions Stalin – disagreed with Mao’s interpretations

USSR/China competed for influence among developing nations Border disputes increased tensions between the two 1960 USSR withdrew aid and advisors

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Mao will die in 1976 Many saw his leadership as disastrous for China, others revered him

as the Great Leader More moderate leaders will follow and bring China back to a world


Reform and Repression (new leader DENG) Economic Reforms

4 Modernizations (agriculture, industry, science and defense) Introduced economic reforms – private ownership, free market

policies Agri – farmers given land, gov’t took % of crop, family could sell the

rest Entrepreneurs allowed to open businesses Foreign capital welcomed (joint ventures, special enterprise zones) Improvements brought a higher standard of living for most Chinese Consumption and crime increased Inequality between rich/poor, city/rural increased

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Tiananmen Square Massacre – May 1989 Chinese people were demanding political change as well In Beijing – students and workers occupied Tiananmen Square while

the world press was in Beijing for a meeting between the Russian and Chinese leaders

100,000’s protested, calling for democracy in front of the world’s cameras

When the demonstrators refused to leave, the government sent in troops

1,000’s were killed or wounded, Some were put to death The crackdown showed China’s political leaders were still in control

and were determined to stay there. Order was more important than political freedom

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Challenges Today By mid 90’s –China became a world industrial power Population – growth posed problems for China’s future

Rapid growth threatened China’s economic power (1.2 B by 2000) China’s “One Child Policy” (rewards and penalties)

Worked better in cities than rural (needed workers for farms) Tragic effect of female infanticide

Economic and Political Issues New leader Jiang continued Deng’s policies Inefficiencies couldn’t be fixed without huge unemployment Inequalities between rich/poor & city/rural continued to grow Communist Ideology is weakening as desire for profit overshadows to continue

socialist/communist programs Corruption in government and business also became problem

Human Rights Issues To maintain monopoly on power, The Communist Party jailed critics Human rights abused brought protests from trading partners Prison labor, political dissent, tyranny in Tibet, repression of Falun Gong all create

troubles for China China believes foreign nations have NO RIGHT to tell China how to treat its

people and point out human rights abused of other nations

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THE ASIAN TIGERS Taiwan and Hong Kong (both have links to China but neither

experienced Mao’s revolution)

Taiwan (China still considers it part of China, but the people of Taiwan consider themselves independent) Ruled by China, then Japan, then China again Jiang set up a democratic China in 1949 Despite Jiang’s autocratic rule, economically Taiwan boomed US immediately recognized and supported Taiwan Trade boomed as Taiwan excelled in heavy industry & textiles With economic success came more political freedoms and

reforms Recently Beijing again is insisting that Taiwan is part of China

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THE ASIAN TIGERS Hong Kong (Britain gained control after Opium Wars)

Became huge commerce/financial center for all of Asia Millions of Chinese refugees fled to Hong Kong Wealth from industries and banks helped Hong Kong

modernize Financial ties with China even when China was cut off

from the world Hong Kong could buy/sell with China, a market closed

to rest of world 1997 – control of Hong Kong was returned to China Beijing allowed Hong Kong to continue as the financial

center of Asia

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THE ASIAN TIGERS Singapore (City-State) – 200 sq miles – 2 million people

British rule brings prosperity Many ethnic groups came to Singapore for jobs, biggest group

Chinese Order and Prosperity

1959 – won independence from Great Britain 1st leader (30 years autocracy) supported free market economy

Attracted foreign investment with low labor costs, skilled workforce

Government insisted on education for all (in English and Chinese) High tech industries, manufacturing and finance drove

economy Standard of living grew for most in Singapore

Ongoing Issues Limited freedoms (strict control of government) is an issue Government’s view is that order is more important than

individual freedoms Demand by youth for more freedoms is a constant challenge

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SINGAPORE Ethnic tensions have also caused problems

Chinese and Malay & Indian groups Economic problems of the region impact Singapore

Singapore weathered crisises that really hurt other Asian nations

The main reason is that they have a stable government Their government invests heavily in education A strong work ethic and low wages make it highly


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An American teenager sentenced to 6 strokes of a lash for vandalism made a final plea for mercy today, but there was no sign an exception to Singapore’s tough criminal laws would be made for him. Lawyers formally asked President Ong Teng Cheong to pardon Michael P. Fay . A decision is expected within days. The date of the flogging has not been scheduled. Fat, 18, of Kettering, Ohio, pleaded guilty last month to two counts of vandalism, two of mischief and one of possessing stolen property for spraying paint and tossing eggs on a car last October. But he said in a letter to his father that he had confessed only after a beating by the police.

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THE ASIAN TIGERS The Two Koreas: Japan annexed in 1910, lost control after WW2

USSR/US agreed to a temporary division of Korea, the North being communist, supported by USSR and the South being democratic being supported by the US

The Korean War Both sides wanted to end division North Korean troops attacked South Korea to unify under

communism The US called on the UN to intervene

UN forces mainly US and SK troops UN forces pushed north nearing China China (Mao) sent in troops to help NK

The Korean War turned into a stalemate. Finally both sides agreed to end the war in 1953 creating a permanent North and South Korea North Korea became a closed country under strict communist rule

with aid from the USSR South Korea was based on a free market economy with aid from

the US (ruled by dictators)

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SK’s economy boomed in the 1990’s Based on textiles & manufactured goods early on, SK moved into

automobiles, heavy machinery and electronics Workers receive low wages, long hours which makes SK competitive Standard of living increased for most Educated youth pushed for democratic reforms and won

North Korea (Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong-Un) Since 1953, the Kim family has ruled North Korea and kept it

isolated Hardline communism enforced even when other reformed Propaganda used to convince NK people that their leaders were

great and their system was awesome 1990’s NK had to accept aid from the West/US to prevent mass

starvation Despite misery and famine, the Kim’s have held onto control

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THE TWO KOREAS The Nuclear Issue

The US tried for years to prevent NK from developing nuclear weapons Offered to trade oil and other assistance to stop them

North Korea became a nuclear state in 2006 Has tested missiles capable of hitting South Korea and Japan

Outlook for Unity Most Koreans would like to see Korea reunited Talks between the two countries have eased tensions but no

movement on reunification

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War in Vietnam and Cambodia After WW2, France tried to reassert control

Rebel leader, Ho Chi Minh, led resistance before, during and after war Communist Minh was VERY popular with the Vietnamese people

Vietnam Divided When France finally decided to leave, an international conference was

called Vietnam was divided into communist north and democratic south Election set to allow Vietnamese people to choose which direction they

should go Election cancelled by South (fearing loss, US fears of “Domino Theory”)

American Involvement Ho Chi Minh and the North attacked the South to reunite US gets involved to protect democratic government

Military Advisors sent to help SV Army 1964 – US begins actively bombing NV as USSR/China sent aid to NV

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When the US left the war, Vietnam was still a divided nation NV overtook SV 2 years later and Vietnam reunited under communism Despite American military superiority, NV outlasted the US Ho Chi Minh led Communist Vietnam

Vietnam Today Communist victors imposed harsh rule on the south 10,000’s fled (“Boat People”) Vietnam had to rebuild. Progress slow due to US embargo 1990’s – Vietnam introduced some free market reforms and their economy

began to grow US lifted its embargo and re-established trade with Vietnam, economy

continued to grow Tragedy in Cambodia – “Killing Fields”

The war spilt over into Cambodia After the US left, the Khmer Rouge took over and unleashed a reign of terror for

about 10 years. Millions will die (about 1/3 of their population) as Pol Pot tried to return his country to an agrarian economy

Eventually, Vietnam will overthrow the Pol Pot government and after Pot’s death, many leaders will be tried for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

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Challenges for the Philippines 1946 – Philippines granted independence from the US US continued to have economic and military influence over

them Marcos elected president in 1965 promising reform but instead

became a dictator, cracking down on the people’s freedoms 1990’s – Marcos overthrown and a democracy established Economic growth followed, though many remained in poverty Rapid urbanization brought many problems A string of natural disasters tested the Filipino government. Many

fled the country to the US for a chance at a better life Currently, struggling with Muslim Extremists

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Developing Nations of SE Asia Indonesia

13,000 islands make up this country (complex ethnic/religious issues)

Under military rule, economy boomed (exporting many products)

Problems in the 1990’s brought down their leader, Suharto Indonesia sunk back into poverty during the 90’s

Myanmar Ethnic tensions have plagued this nation (AKA Burma) Repressive military leaders have kept under strict control,

denying their people their rights Just this year, Myanmar has agreed to a few reforms in

exchange for American aid Regional Cooperation

Demands for Political and Social freedoms have rocked the region in the past 10-20 years.

Order and economic development are more important to some leaders than the rights of the people

To work towards great economic and social stability, ASEAN (Assoc. of Southeast Asian Nations) works together

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The Pacific Rim - All these counties are part of the vast region known as the PACIFIC RIM

Has ALWAYS been a strategic region for trade Now unite as a huge market that lures investors (world and US)

China (1.4 billion) India (1.2 billion) Indonesia (240 million)

Very DIVERSE region (ethnic, religious, cultural) Technology had linked these regions together and with the rest of

the world

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ESSAYS – CHAPTER 21 1) Mao brought communist revolution to China.

Explain the 2 ‘great’ movements enacted under Mao. Great Leap Forward The Cultural Revolution

2) Japan became an economic powerhouse after WW2. Explain 3 different things Japan did to rebuild their economy after the war.

3) Pick 3 of the countries below and explain what/how they developed after WW2. Taiwan * The Two Koreas Hong Kong * Vietnam Singapore * Philippines