Dollarization for the Americas? Editor's introduction This special issue of the Journal of Policy Modeling on ``Dollarization for the Americas?'' arose out of the session that I organized at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association AEA) held in New Orleans the 5th of January 2001. During the past year or two, a great debate has taken place in the Americas on the feasibility and benefits of official or full dollarization, where the dollar replaces the domestic currency and acquires the exclusive or predominant status of full legal tender in the country. Under full dollarization, the nation gives up control over the nation's money supply and hence its ability to conduct an independent monetary policy. This is already the case for some of the small Central American countries and is being considered by several others. Discussions and debate on dollarization, however, is taking place in practically all the countries of the Americas, including Canada and Brazil, even though the chance that these latter two countries will dollarize any time soon, if ever, is slim. As with most other major economic and financial changes, dollarization involves benefits and costs on the dollarizing nation. The relative size of these benefits and costs, and whether on balance the benefits of dollarization exceed the costs, depend to a large extent on the economic and political circumstances of the nation. The function of economists here is to try to identify and measure as precisely as possible the benefits and costs involved in dollarization for the countries contemplating making such a move. There are then important political factors that may in fact facilitate or hinder dollarization. For example, regardless of the potential net gains that Brazil might receive, dollarization does not seem to be politically possible for Brazil. Brazil considers itself and indeed is) the leading country in South America and it simply cannot give up its currency and adopt the dollar as its domestic currency, and abdicate the conduct of monetary policy to the United States. Canada may also face strong political difficulties and regards dollarization as unnecessary. On the other end of the spectrum are small open economies with very strong economic ties with the United States and with a dismal record of monetary stability as, for example, the 0161-8938/01/$ ± see front matter D 2001 Society for Policy Modeling. PII:S0161-893801)00043-6 Journal of Policy Modeling 23 2001) 237 ± 239

Dollarization for the Americas?: Editor's introduction

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Page 1: Dollarization for the Americas?: Editor's introduction

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Page 2: Dollarization for the Americas?: Editor's introduction

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Page 3: Dollarization for the Americas?: Editor's introduction

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