Delphi Method - Critique.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 Delphi Method - Critique.pdf



    The Delphi technique or method is an approach used to gain consensus among a panel of experts.

    This is normally achieved through a series of rounds where information is fed back to panel

    members using questionnaires. Questionnaire is distributed to participants (this can be by email,

    post or fax). Typically, the content analysis techniques are used to identify the major themes

    generated by the initial unstructured questionnaire. These are then translated into a structured

    questionnaire that forms the basis of the following rounds. Second and subsequent round data,

    being quantitative in nature, are analyzed using ranking or rating techniques (Jairath & Weinstein

    1994). Third and subsequent rounds should indicate to participants the central tendency and

    dispersion of scores from the previous round. The process goes on until there is no new opinion


    Before it was used in business setting, however, recently it has been used in other environments,

    including education. The Delphi technique has been described as a quick, cheap and relatively

    efficient way to combine the knowledge and abilities of a group of experts. The participants

    dont need to travel, but they still enable to participate in the responses, this is saving time and

    cost for both the researcher and the participants. Moreover, without face-to-face meeting, the

    participants don't feel the social pressure, but more flexible in answering the questions. This

    method is designed to encourage a true debate, independent of personalities. Therefore,

    anonymity is required in the sense that no one knew who else is participating. Further, to

    eliminate the force of oratory and pedagogy, the reasons given for extreme opinions are

    synthesized by the researchers to give them all equal "weight" and then feed back to the group as

    a whole for further analysis.

    The Delphi technique appears to be a straightforward approach to doing research in the area of

    forecasting and for building consensus. However, according to some expert researchers, the





  • 7/27/2019 Delphi Method - Critique.pdf


    consensus reached in a Delphi may not be a true consensus; it may be a product of specious or

    manipulated consensus. A specious consensus does not contain the best judgment. Instead, it is a

    compromise position (Mitroff & Turoff, 1975). For Fred Woudenberg, he found that Delphi does

    not produce more accurate answers than other methods, and that consensus occurs as a result of

    pressure brought on participants that have extreme opinions (Woudenberg, 1991). And the

    accuracy and reliability of a judgment method are difficult to evaluate. A measurement can be

    partitioned into a true score and an error component. The error component can be regarded as

    consisting of a number of random variables. These random variables tend to cancel each other

    out in the long run, giving the error component an expectation of zero.

    Other reasons make against Delphi such as a low level reliability of judgments among experts

    and therefore dependency of forecast on the particular judges selected; the sensitivity of results

    to ambiguity in the questionnaire that is used for data collection in each round; and the difficulty

    in accessing the degree of expertise incorporated into the forecast (Makridakis and Wheelright,

    1978). Olaf Helmer also agrees that, there are difficulties in defining qualifications and

    measuring relative performance of experts. That is, it is far from obvious what we mean or

    should mean when we say that somebody is an expert (who is expert, what biases each expert has,

    etc.). Because it is difficult to evaluate the accuracy of a judgment method, it is not surprising

    that the accuracy of the Delphi has been falsely inferred from other criteria, such as consensus,

    the log-normality of first estimates, and the relation between remoteness and precision of a

    forecast. The researcher might not be able to conceptualize different ways to examine the

    problem being investigated. As researchers become more creative in perceiving how different

    individuals may view the same problem in many different ways, this becomes less of a

    weakness. Also, if a researcher hastily tries to complete a Delphi, thorough time for thought may

    not be given to the problem and consensus may not be obtained.

    Therefore, researchers must be careful to follow the steps in any Delphi to make sure that the

    experts in the group have a chance to provide appropriate feedback. Time is also necessary sothat the researcher appropriately restructures the questionnaire from round to round so that

    adequate and correct feedback is provided through the questionnaire. All of these weaknesses

    and limitations result in a poorly designed and executed Delphi technique, which will result in

    inadequate or incorrect data.