Dasar Ajna

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on dasarajna war in rigveda

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    It was the Vedic age and the entire land of the country was ruled by various kingdoms like those of Bharatas, Panchalas, Videhas and so on. Sudas was ruler of Bharatas and his territory lay between Parushni and Yamuna rivers. Sage Vishwamitra stayed with the Bharatas along with Sage Jamadagni as his chief priest. Sage Vasishta was the priest of Sudas earlier. However, Sage Vishwamitra performed great austerities and a four day rite called Sanjaya to obtain victory. He led Sudas to his victorious campaigns on Vipas and Shutudri rivers. Sudas being over ambitious learnt that Sage Vasishta possessed more divine knowledge. He also wanted to seek the help of the other kings known as Trtsus. Thus, Sage Vishwamitra was dismissed and he joined the enemies of Sudas. Sudas had hostility with 10 other tribes that ruled the Gangetic and Sindhu river plains like Anu, Druhyu, Puru, Turvasa, Yadu, Paktha, Bhalanas, Alina, Vishanin and Shiva. Sage Vishwamitra on his dismissal joined them and led the forces to march against their rival, Sudas. This event seemed to sow the roots of enemity between Vasishta and Vishwamitra. Sudas forces were attacked by combined army of the confederate kings on banks of Parushni river. King Sudas had a chaste queen Sudevi whom he had received through the favour of Ashvins. The Trtsus under the guidance of Sage Vasishta joined hands with Sudas and fought his enemies. As the battle enraged for days, on one day it turned out to be very fierce and Sudas felt that his army would be defeated. However, ambition let him to yearn for victory. At the request of sage Vasishtha, Indra made waters of river Parushni shallow and fordable so that Sudas army moved to other side. Allied forces of enemy tried to chase Sudas by crossing Parushni. Indra sent down heavy floods in order to route out Sage Vasishthas enemies. The allied forces drowned in the onrushing floods. Some of them tried to make the waters shallow by digging canals, but were washed away by mighty currents. Those who succeeded in reaching the other banks of the river were killed by Sudas armies. Bheda, an enemy of Sudas was defeated by Sudas himself on banks of the Yamuna. Indra fought and overthrow Kavasa, a principal enemy of Sudas. Kavi Chayamana, son of Chayamana and enemy of Sudas was killed when he was fleeing the battle. The defeated people were forced to bring heads of horses as tribute to the victor. Indra and Varuna at behest of Vasishta saved Sudas on many occasions. As Sudas was fighting the confederate 10 kings, he was attacked from east by three Non-Aryan tribes Ajas, Shigrus and Yakshus led by Bheda whom Sudas defeated all of them on banks of Yamuna. Thus, the Dasa Rajna battle was won over by King Sudas.