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CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation

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Page 1: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


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Page 2: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


jurisdictional structure of agencies differs throughout the country, with many agencies operating under municipal authority, while others operate under county, park district, or other structures. Further, the standards apply to agencies of all sizes in terms of personnel, budget, and population served. It is recognized that each community is unique and may meet the standards in differing ways. History of CAPRA Standards for National Accreditation A forerunner of the CAPRA standards was a document titled, Evaluation and Self-Study of Public Recreation and Park Agencies, first issued in 1965. The standards in the document were initially determined by leading professionals in the Great Lakes District of the then National Recreation Association. Eight years later, in 1972, a statewide study in Pennsylvania encompassing thirty municipal park and recreation departments resulted in the document being updated and revised; and, after twenty years, it was replaced by the CAPRA standards. The CAPRA standards were developed by a special committee initiated in 1989 by the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). The standards and accreditation process were field tested at park and recreation agencies of varying characteristics. In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation program. Since then, the CAPRA standards have been reviewed and revised several times, notably in 1996, 2001, and 2009. In 1998 work was begun to adapt the accreditation program to military recreation. An Army version of the standards, developed by the Army, was approved in 1999 and a representative of military services was added to the Commission board. In 2007, the Department of Defense proposed a revised set of military standards that applies to all military services; and was approved by the Commission in 2008 for use by all military services. The military accreditation standards are available as a separate document. About the Commission The Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies is a thirteen-member board composed of representatives from:

● American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (4 representatives) ● National Recreation and Park Association (4 representatives) ● International City/Council Management Association (1 representative) ● Council of State Executive Directors (1 representative) ● American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (1 representative) ● National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials (1 representative) ● Armed Forces Recreation Society (1 representative)

The Commission is administratively sponsored by the National Recreation and Park Association, but acts with independence and under its own authority in determining accreditation standards and conferring accreditation of applicant agencies. Using this Publication This publication includes all of the CAPRA standards for national accreditation. Standards are ordered numerically by section. Each section covers a specific component of, or within, an agency’s operations. The numerical ordering of standards is hierarchical and the relationship of the standards is identified by the numerical order (i.e., is a sub-standard of 3.4.1, which is a sub-standard of 3.4). A Suggested Evidence of Compliance section is included for each standard in order to identify acceptable means of demonstrating compliance with a standard. Agencies may have different evidence for a standards depending on the size, complexity and diversity of the agency. It is important to understand

Page 3: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


that these are only suggestions and that other evidence may be more appropriate for a given agency and standard. The burden of proof regarding compliance rests with the agency. Where appropriate, an agency is encouraged to provide more than one example of evidence of compliance for a some standard. For some standards, the Suggested Evidence of Compliance will include the visitation team being able to observe that the standard is being implemented by conducting site visits or tours and interviewing personnel. Writing Guidelines Agency Self-Assessment A well-developed and executed self-assessment document is essential for reviewers to both determine agency readiness to proceed and enable the visitation team to do a thorough verification. Lead and second reviewers, as well as the visitation team chair and team, will look for relevance to the standard, accuracy, specificity and completeness. When the agency provides evidence of compliance (EOC) with the self-assessment, the EOC must be correctly identified, thoroughly organized and referenced, and consistently presented throughout the self-assessment to avoid ambiguity and vagueness. Without appropriate references, the EOC lacks credibility and significance. Text Format

● Use the most current self-assessment template to help assure proper formatting and content. ● Include a narrative for each standard that provides a focused, concise and complete explanation of

how the agency meets the standard. ● Correctly name and address references to electronic links and online documents. ● Number pages in either the header or footer. ● Place the full agency name at the top of each page, e.g. put in header. ● Use 1.5 inch margins. ● Use a simple font (e.g., Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial) in size 12-point font.

Evidence of Compliance (EOC) Format

● Present the narrative and documented EOC in a consistent format for each standard. Refer only to those documents for which there is evidence presented. Number and list each piece of EOC as it is mentioned in the narrative. Do not list documents if they are not referenced in the narrative.

● When the EOC is an entire plan or manual, include only the title, date of publication, table of contents and, where required, the adoption or approval by the appropriate governing authority.

● When the EOC is only part of a multi-page document, plan or manual provide the title, date of publication, and page or pages with the relevant passage marked or highlighted. The report narrative or embedded electronic link must direct the visitation team to the exact page, paragraph and line on which the evidence is referenced.

● List all evidence in the self-assessment in the same order in which it is listed in the narrative to facilitate easy retrieval and review. The narrative should be a brief explanation of how the agency meets the standard.

● Onsite files must be well organized to facilitate quick visitor access. Documents must be available in hard copy or electronic format.

● Electronic links and online documents must be named exactly as referenced in the corresponding narrative.

● Focus on providing only the required EOC; do not include extra materials that are not necessary. Writing Guidelines

● Use proper grammar, syntax (sentence structure) and punctuation. ● Eliminate all spelling errors.

Page 4: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


● Use abbreviations only after the abbreviation or acronym has been fully described, e.g. when the agency provides evidence of compliance (EOC) with the self-assessment, the EOC must be correctly identified.

● Use succinct and factual sentences to produce a tightly-scripted document. ● Refrain from using proper nouns when referencing individuals; use pronouns, where possible. ● Write the self-assessment in a consistent “voice.” Identify and correct shifts in verb tense. Use

the active voice and when appropriate eliminate passages written in the passive voice. ● Refrain from using overstatement and hyperbole. ● Include titles, dates and page numbers in EOC references. ● Include, revision, adoption and approval dates for tracking purposes, e.g. revision of the 1995

policy on encroachment was adopted on October 2, 2013. ● Never cut and paste or copy word-for-word from any agency report or website, unless properly

cited. Consequences for Failure to Follow Format and Writing Guidelines

● If a self-assessment does not meet the above requirements, it will be returned. ● The CAPRA Commission, at its discretion, may allow the report be resubmitted within a specific

time period. Observable Standards A tour of the agencies parks and/or facilities must be granted to view the system to verify compliance with standards. This is required as part of the visit. Resources More information about CAPRA national accreditation, including how to apply for accreditation, the current CAPRA Handbook, and the list of currently accredited agencies, is available online at www.nrpa.org/CAPRA. For additional questions or concerns, please contact:

Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) c/o National Recreation and Park Association 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn, VA 20148 Tel (703) 858-2195 Fax (703) 858-0794 Email [email protected]

An additional resource is the publication, Management of Park and Recreation Agencies, 3rd Edition. This publication is based in part on the CAPRA standards and covers in detail best management practices for managing a park and recreation agency. After each standard, the chapter and/or page reference from the Management of Parks and Recreation Agencies, 3rd Edition is noted. This publication is available through the NRPA store at http://ipv.nrpa.org/store/

Page 5: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


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Page 6: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


reviewed and updated at various intervals. In those cases, the agency shall provide evidence that the document was reviewed and updates pursuant to the period specified in the standard.

Standards with a review requirement are: 1.4.1 Agency Goals and Objectives 1.6.1 Administrative Policies and Procedures

2.6 Strategic Plan 3.4 External Communication 3.4.2 Community Relations Plan 3.4.3 Marketing Plan 3.6 Records Management Policy and Procedures 3.6.1 Records Disaster Mitigation Plan and Procedures 4.1.2 Recruitment Process 4.1.8 Compensation Plan 4.3 Job Analysis and Job Descriptions 4.5 Workforce Health and Wellness Program 4.6.1 Employee Training and Development Program 5.1.1 Comprehensive Revenue Policy 6.1 Recreation Program Plan 6.2 Program Objectives 6.5 Community Education for Leisure and Recreation Program 7.1 Land Acquisition Policy and Procedures 7.2 Development Policies and Procedures for Areas and Facilities 7.5 Maintenance and Operations Standards 7.5.1 Facility Legal Requirements 7.5.3 Recycling Program 8.5 General Security Plan 8.6.2 Emergency Risk Communications Plan 9.1 Risk Management Plan and Procedures 104. Needs Assessment 10.5.1 Recreation and Leisure Trends Analysis

Suggested evidence of compliance:Provide the agency review schedule for the document, program, policy or procedure referenced in the enumerated standards.

1.2.1 - Document Approval Authority Standard: All documents designated for approval by the appropriate approving authority shall be

approved or adopted in a manner consistent with the agency process and procedure for adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and operational procedures, except that the agency budget and park and recreation system master plan must be adopted or approved by the entity responsible for policy-making.

Standards with an adoption or approval requirement are:

1.5 Vision 2.3.1 Community Comprehensive Plan with Park and Recreation Component 2.4 Park and Recreation System Master Plan 2.6 Strategic Plan 2.10 ADA Transition Plan 3.4.1 Public Information Policy and Procedure 4.4.1 Leadership Succession Procedure 5.4 Annual or Biennial Budget

Comment [2]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Page 7: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation




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Page 8: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


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ablishing homplemented

uthority, chie

mpassing adally, and m

nd 5; Pages 4

y policies anence of per

mentary orgns, and othe5-122]

rative efforthrough Memc.

ion Agreer agencies, oprogramin

rative agreem

tement that

roceduretions, and o agency. Tr the policyons of the ch

ow policies, d, including ef administr

dministrativmade availab

43-44, 87-8

nd procedurriodic review

ganizations,er governm

s, includingmoranda of A

ements organizationg, facility d


is available

es operational here shall b

y-making hief

rules and guidelines

rator, and st

ve aspects oble to pertin8]

res, demonstw by the app

, such as neental units

g a list of staAgreement,

ons, or indivdesign, land

e to the



of the nent

trate proving

earby and

aff with ,

viduals d

Page 9: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Planninof a pecontracresourcfuture p The streffort. The chplannindata an Strateginput tosystem These manag125] 2.1 - Standaleast o Sugges


2.2 - Standaplannidecisiocommi120] Sugges


2.3 - Standaagencirecrea


ng activitiesermanent comcted to an ouces require tprograms. P

rength of the This compe

hief administng personnend make rec

gic planningo identify an

ms, structures

standards exe both day-t

Overall Pard: The agne staff me

sted Evidencrovide resumapabilities.

Involvemard: The aging, and capons of plannittees that w

sted Evidencersonnel assigreements.

Planningard: The agies to ensuration service

E: Standardand are

s are essentimponent of utside profethat the parkPrecise guid

e planning uetence may trator should

el and the chommendatio

g is vital to hnd come to as, and strate

xamine the tto-day and l

Planninggency shall ember or co

ce of Complmes of traini

ment in Lgency shall pital improning and zowill impact

ce of Complignments an

g with Regency shall e the coordes within th

2ds markede required

al to effectivthe agency;ssional cons

k and recreadelines shou

unit's leadersbe reflectedd be closely

hief administons, and the

high performagreement ogies as a fra

types of planlong-term op

g Functionhave plann

onsultant w

liance: Provng and expe

Local Planbe involvedvement pla

oning boardparks and

liance: Demnd document

egional, Shave a wor

dination of phe jurisdicti

2.0 - Pld with a stad of all age

ve agency m; however, thsultant. Comtion agency

uld establish

ship is a majd both in acay involved intrator enhan

e chief admin

ming organizon vision, mamework for

nning necesperations of

n within ning functioith plannin

vide the resperience for s

nning d in local planning by reds or commrecreation

monstrate thetation of inv

State, andrking relatioplanning efion. [Chapte

lanninar ( ) arncies seeki

managementhey may be mplex dema

y carefully rethe parame

ajor ingredieademic trainn the planninnces the abilnistrator's ab

zations and imission, and

r organizatio

ssary for admf a park and

Agency ons with estng capability

ponsibilitiesstaff and/or c

lanning, e.geviewing de

missions andservices wi

e role of thevolvement, e

d Federalonship with

fforts that aer 7; Pages 1


re fundameing accred

t. Frequentlperformed

ands for servesearch operters of plann

ent in a prodning and in png process. lity for the pbility to mak

involves orgvalues that onal progres

ministrators recreation a

tablished rey. [Chapter

s and functioconsultants

g. compreheevelopment

d participatiithin the jur

e agency in le.g. minutes

l Agencieh the regionaffect the de120]

ental standditation.

ly, they are tby staff from

vices and limrational altening tasks a

ductive and eprior professA direct rela

planning perke informed

ganizationalsupport andss to achieve

to efficientlagency. [Cha

esponsibilitir 7; Page 120

ons of the plwho have p

ensive plant proposals,ing on task risdiction.

local plannins, agendas, a

es nal, state, anelivery of p


the responsim various unmited publicrnatives and

and responsib

effective plasional experationship bersonnel to cod decisions.

l and commud guide the e results.

ly and effecapter 7, Pag

ies, includin0-121]

lanning entiplanning

ning, strate, monitorinforces and[Chapter 7;

ng through and cooperat

nd federal arks and

ibility nits or

c d plan bilities.

anning rience. etween ollect


tively ges 111-

ng at


egic ng the d ; Pages


Page 10: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation



2.3.1 CompStanda



2.4 - Standarecomdeveloofficiaimprovpolicieorgani


2.5 - StandaPages 2 Sugges


2.6 - Standathe agethree tplan sh

sted Evidencvolvement (anning.

- Commponent ard: The juomprehensivansportatio

urisdictions he jurisdictiomprehensivurisdiction iith other la

sted Evidenc

Park andard: The agmendations

opment; mally adoptedvement bud

es adopted iizations, an

uggested Evipproval; descgency's capit

a. Ab. Ac. Red. Ne. Cof. Le

Feasibilitard: Studie215-218]

sted Evidencenefit, site, tr

Strategicard: An ageency will acto five yearhall be mea

ce of Compl(minutes, ag

unity Co

urisdiction wve plan ado

on, utilities,the compreon is basedve plan shantends to mnd use prio

ce of Compl

d Recreatgency shall s for provis

aintenance ad by the poldget and a pin the comp

nd groups sh

idence of Cocribe updatetal improvemgency missigency objececreation aneeds assessmommunity inevel of servi

ty Studiees shall be c

ce of Complransportatio

c Plan ency shall hchieve its ms. The stra

asurable to

liance: Defigendas, coop


with land uopted by th, public faciehensive pla

d upon the call have a pameet the neeorities.

liance: Prov

tion Systhave a com

sion of faciland operatiicy-makingphased devprehensive phall be enga

ompliance: e process; anment budgetion (1.4); ctives (1.4.1nd leisure trement (10.4);nventory (1ice standard

es conducted t

liance: Provon, environm

have a strat

mission, goalategic plan sdemonstrat

fine the role perative agre

nsive Plan

use authorite governingilities, land an is calledcomprehensark and/or eds for park

vide the curr

tem Mastmprehensivelities, progrions; and adg body, updvelopment pplan for theaged in the

Provide thend describe t. The system

); ends analysi; 0.5.2); and

ds (10.3.1).

to determin

vide examplmental and e

tegic plan, als, and objeshall be revte progress

of agency peements) in

n with Pa

ty within whg authority use, recrea

d the generasive plan. Trecreation kland and p

rent plan, w

ter Plan e park and rams and sedministrati

dated periodprogram. Te jurisdictioplanning p

e current plaa phased imm master pl

is (10.5.1);

ne the feasib

les of recenteconomic an

approved bectives overviewed annus and result

personnel anregional, st

ark and R

hich the agethat dictat

ation, and hal plan or thTo meet thicomponent

public recre

with date of o


ervices; parion and madically and The system on. Interes

process. [Ch

an with documplementatio

an shall incl

bility of pro

t feasibility nalyses.

y the appror an extendeually. The gs. The stra

nd documentate, and fed


ency operattes public phousing. Inhe land use is standard,t that discueation facil

official appr

system planrkland acqunagement. linked withmaster plan

sted and affhapter 7; Pa

umentation oon program lude:

oposed facil

studies such

oving authoed period ogoals and obategic plan s

tation of deral agenci


tes shall haolicy in term

n some plan. Zoni

, the usses how thlities in con


n that provuisition andThe plan sh

h a capital n shall impfected agencages 120]

of official with linkag

lities. [Chap

h as market,

ority, statinof time, typibjectives ofshall suppo


ave a ms of

ing for

he cert

vides d hall be

lement cies,

e to the

pter 11;


ng how ically f the ort the

Page 11: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


prioritParks Sugges

au 2.7 - Standaand fadelineacompo Sugges


2.8 - Standa



2.9 - Standaongoincriticanationsuch aand lo Sugges


2.10 -Standarecrearequireffectiv13, pag Sugges


ties and initand Recrea

sted Evidencuthority, evid

Site Planard: There acilities. Sitating areas onents of ov

sted Evidencte plans, whrigation, etc.

Historicaard: Historrategies for


sted Evidenc

Communard: The agng and systeal that the dnal non-goveas the Red Ccal foundat

sted Evidencnd individua

- ADA Trard: The agation facilitirements of tve March 1ge 288, Cha

sted Evidenpproving thsks were co

tiatives of tation System

ce of Compldence of las

ns shall be sit

te plans relaof activity,

verall devel

ce of Complich could in.

al and Curical and cur how they ws comprehe

ce of Compl

nity Invogency shall ematic outr

diversity of iernmental c

Cross, Sierrtions and em

ce of Complals) represen

ransitiongency shall ies, parks, athe US Dep15, 2011. [Capter 16; pag

nce of Comhe transitionompleted.

he whole orm Master P

liance: Provst review, an

te plans to gate to specif, circulationopment. [C

liance: Provnclude, but a

ultural Rultural planwill be manensive plan

liance: Prov

olvement include com

reach to incindividualscommunity

ra Club, Trumployers ar

liance: Desnting the div

n Plan develop an

and amenitiartment of

Chapter 9, Pge 400 ]

mpliance: Sn plan, or a

rganizationPlan. [Chapt

vide the agend indicate p

guide the usfic park siten patterns, Chapter 11;

vide a represare not limit

Resource Ms include an

naged. Theor the agen

vide the hist

mmunity include the ens (i.e., all cuy organizatiust for Pubre afforded

cribe how thersity of the

nd adopt a pies owned oJustice Titage 188, Ch

Submit mina copy of th

n. The stratter 7; Pages

ency's strategprogress bein

se of existines or speciabuilding loPages 230-2

sentative samed to landsc

Managemn inventoryse resource

ncy’s park a

torical and c

nvolvement ntire commuultures, agesions, agenci

blic Land, Yd opportuni

he interests e community

phased planor operatedtle II regulahapter 11, Pa

nutes of thehe plan noti

tegic plan is114-120]

gic plan, datng made in

ng and the dal use areascations, pa232]

mpling of thcape plans, f

ment Plany of historices may be aand recreat

cultural plan

in the planunity in thes, and abilities, busines

YMCA/YWities for inp

(communityy were invol

n for the remd by the ageation issuedage 236, Ch

e approvinging the date

s a tool to im

te of approvimplementin

developmens, legal descrking areas

he agency’s facility plan

ns cal, culturaladdressed astion system


nning procee planning pties) and locsses, and ser

WCA, Boys aut. [Chapter

y organizatiolved in the p

moval of baency, pursuad Septemberhapter 12, Pa

g authority es and time

mplement t

val by approng the plan.

nt of future criptions, s, and other

area and facs, drainage,

l resources s part of thmaster pla

ess that inclprocess. It cal, regionarvice providand Girls Cr 11; Page 2

ons, businesplanning pro

arriers at exant to the r 14, 2010 aage 253, Ch

meeting es when pla






and e


udes is

al, and ders

Club, 220 ]

sses ocess.


and hapter


CommenNew Fund

CommenNew Stan

nt [4]: Danielldamental

nt [5]: Daniellndard

e Price:

e Price:

Page 12: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


The orgagencystaff an AdminPropereffectiv Public The funcommusuccess To opecan obtin the cadmini An ageestablisorganizthe parbecompublic Effectideliveroperatipricingopportu All pardependmarketguidelirequirefunctio



ganizationay to carry ound the publi

nistrative reprly designed ve administr

informationnctions overunication tos, the purpo

erate effectivtain such sucommunity.istration and

ency should sh relationshzing commurk and recreae problems.support and

ive market rring demandions. Markeg, making acunities that

rk and recreds on their sting philosopines to implee that all ageons.

.0 - Or

E: Standardand are

l structure put its missionc.

porting systeadministrat

rative report

n, communitrlap becauseols. While tse of each d

vely, a park upport by inf By providi

d operations

make use ohips with thunity groupsation agency A well-org

d can serve t

research, plad-driven, higeting is a proccessible, ansatisfy the w

ation agenciize and manphy and maement that pency staff be


ds markede required

provides align. The roles

ems providetive reports wting system

ty relations,e they all dethey have th

differs and e

and recreatiforming the ing the new, a relations

of the many hem. The pas where theyy learns of iganized comto identify p

anning, prodgh quality process for acnd providingwants/desire

ies perform ndate. Amonarketing planphilosophy. e appropriat

ation a

d with a stad of all age

gnment of res, responsib

e managemewill reflect ensures com

and marketeal with an ohe same ultimeach approac

ion agency mpublic and s media andhip of mutu

community ark and recrey do not exisssues, needs

mmunity relaproblems in t

duct and prorograms andcomplishing

g accurate anes of target m

certain marng the funct

n, and develoThe compleely educated

and Ad

ar ( ) arncies seeki

esponsibilityilities and st

ent informaticomparativemmunication

ting are comorganizationmate purposches the task

must have thnews media

d the commuual trust, coo

organizatioeation agencst. By estabs, and opporations effortthe making.

gram develod services cog agency mind timely inmarkets.

rketing functtions are useopment of oexities of mad about mar


re fundameing accred

y and delegatructure sho

ion on the ae data and trns througho

mplementaryn’s relationshse of helpingk from a diff

he support oa of events thunity with inoperation, an

ons that existcy should plblishing suchrtunities andt can act as a.

opment, straontribute to ission and obnformation a

tions; the scer inquiry, doperational parketing andrketing and i


ental standditation.

ation of authould be clear

activities of trends on act

out the chain

y functions whips and emg assure an

fferent persp

of its commuhat affect thnformation ond respect ca

t in its jurisdlay an activeh links with d responds tan effective

ategies, and successful pbjectives by

about recrea

cope of theirdevelopmentprocedures ad related resits applicatio



hority to enarly understo

the agency. tivities. An n of comman

within the agmploy similar


unity. An ahe lives of cion agency an be maint

diction and e role in the commuo them befomeans of el

objectives fpark and recy developingational

r work howet of an agenand policy search function across

able the od by


gency. r n’s

agency itizens


unity, ore they liciting

for creation g,

ever, cy


Page 13: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


3.1 - Standa




3.2 - AStanda



ad 3.2.1 Standa




3.3 - Standa

of Sugges


3.4 - Standa



rep 3.4.1 Standa


Organizaard: The agterrelations

eflect its purommunity, a

sted Evidenchart) showiney are made

Administard: The age administranctions and

sted Evidencdministrative

- Supporard: Sufficie provided t1]

sted Evidencnctions. Dechnology, an

Internal ard: A comf internal in

sted Evidencommunicatio

Externalard: There formation,

eporting andnd outside aommunity. G87]

sted Evidencports and th

- Public ard: The aghen it shoul

ational Sgency shall ships and thrpose, its mand the rela

ce of Complng interrelatie available to

trative Ogency admiative, meetid responsib

ce of Comple equipment

rt Serviceient and apto enable th

ce of Complescribe the snd services


ce of Complons are man

l Commushall be ancommunity

d evaluatioagencies areGood comm

ce of Complhe latest eval

Informagency shall ld be releas

tructure establish a he purpose

methods of oationship of

liance: Provionships ando personnel

Offices nistrative oing and sto

bilities. [Pag

liance: Provt used by the

es propriate e

he professio

liance: Currsupport staffutilized by t

nication n system shamong staf

liance: Provaged by the

unication n establishedy relations, n. Timely ce crucial to munications

liance: Desluation.

tion Polihave appro

sed, and by

staff organ of organiza

operation inf the differe

vide the aged the purpos.

offices shallrage space,

ge 90]

vide documee agency an

equipment, onal staff to

rent technolof available tothe support

all be estab

ff. [Pages 86

vide a commagency.

d process reand marke

communicasuccess in

s with the a

cribe the est

cy and Poved policiewhom it sh

nizational station comp

n relation toent organiz

ency’s organe for organi

l be accessib, and equip

entation thatd how acces

technologyo perform th

ogy should bo professionstaff.

blished to en6-87]

munication m

egarding theting functitions with ecooperative


tablished pr

rocedurees that govehould be rel

tructure anponents. Tho its resourzation comp

nizational strizational com

ble to the pment adequ

t describes thss is provide

y, clerical anheir approp

be utilized tnal staff. Al

nsure the a

matrix illustr

he integrateions of the aexternal dee efforts in e news medi

rocess and p

e ern what inleased and

nd specify thhe agency's ces, its rela

ponents. [Pa

ructure (i.e.,mponents an

ublic and suate to perf

he types of oed to the sta

nd adminispriate funct

o effectivelylso, describe

ccurate and

rating how in

ed role of puagency inclpartments meeting thia are essen

rovide exam

formation sthat demon

he structure s

ationship to ages 73-87]

, organizationd indicate h

taff. There form the ag

office spaceaff and the pu

strative staftions. [Page

y perform e the equipm

d timely tra


ublic uding perioof governme needs of t

ntial. [Pages

mples of per

shall be relenstrate the

shall the

onal how

shall gency's

e and ublic.

ff shall es 90-



odic ment the s 375-



Page 14: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


agency’s commitment to inform the community and news media of events involving the agency. [Pages 375-377]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the written statement of policy and procedure, indicating

approval by the proper authority. - Public Information and Community Relations Responsibility Standard: A specific position in the agency shall be designated to direct the public information and

community relations functions. The position serves as a point of control for information dissemination to the community and the media. The intent of the standard is to establish the authority and responsibility for developing and coordinating the agency's community relations function in an identifiable position. [Pages 375-377]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the position description that reflects responsibilities for

public information and community relations functions. 3.4.2 - Community Relations Plan Standard: The agency shall have an established community relations plan that identifies and

addresses community needs for all segments of its service population, which is evaluated periodically for effectiveness. [Pages 375-377]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the community relations plan and latest evaluation. The

community relations plan shall address the following: establishing contact with formal community organizations and other community groups; developing community relations policies for the agency; identifying training needs through interviews with community representatives; and establishing community groups.

3.4.3 - Marketing Plan Standard: The agency shall have an established marketing plan, based on market research that is

evaluated periodically for effectiveness. The fundamental principle of marketing is to gain an understanding of customer needs, wants, concerns and behaviors. The marketing plan addresses the appropriate mix of communications tools to promote agency programs, facilities, events and services and to provide accurate, timely and useful information to the various segments of the target audience. [Pages 359-377]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the plan and latest evaluation. Suggested evaluation tools are: surveys, focus groups, customer comment cards, and mystery shopping are common research tools. It is important that the following components be integrated into the plan:

1. Organization mission, goals and objectives; 2. Situation assessment, to include:

a. Examination of demographic trends b. Economic climate c. Competition from alternative providers;

3. Marketing objectives; 4. Segmentation, targeting, and positioning; 5. Marketing mix; and 6. Marketing budget.

Research is important to support segmentation, targeting, and positioning. - Marketing Responsibility

Page 15: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation





3.5 - Standa



de 3.5.1 Standa




3.6 - Standa



the 3.6.1 Standa




ard: A specnctions shaith all agenan.

sted Evidencarketing.

Managemard: The Agatistical andr use in maatistics. [Pa

sted Evidencescribe their

- Utilizatard: Technn agency sh05-345]

sted Evidencnd/or use of ystems, energnd irrigation gistration sy

Records ard: The agetention of rrocedures acluding fre


sted Evidence most recen

- Recordard: There rocedures thritical inform

sted Evidencocedures an

cific positionall be the recy units in

ce of Compl

ment Infogency shall d data sum

anagement dages 310-313

ce of Compluse in mana

tion of Tology shall

hould be res

ce of Compltechnology.gy and recorsystems, w


Managemgency shall records thaaddress reteedom of infs. [Pages 31

ce of Complnt review.

ds Disasteshall be an

hat are permation afte

ce of Complnd a copy of

n shall be desponsibilitydeveloping

liance: Prov

ormationhave manamaries of adecision-ma3]

liance: Provagement dec

echnologbe used to

searching a

liance: Prov. Examples crds managemork orders a

ment Polhave establt are period

ention, dispformation r12-313]

liance: Prov

er Mitigan establishediodically re

er a disaster

liance: Provf the most re

designated ty of a perm, coordinat

vide the posi

n Systemsagement infagency activaking. The

vide examplecision-maki

gy enable the

and applyin

vide examplcould includment system

and work ass

licy and Plished policdically reviosal, accessrequests, an

vide records

ation andd records deviewed forr. [Pages 25

vide the recoecent review

to direct themanent positting, and im

ition descrip

s formation syvities, such reports sha

es of recent ng.

agency to ong such reso

les of progrede but are noms, data mansignment ap

Procedurcy and procewed. Recos, disclosurend they mu

s manageme

d Recoverdisaster mit protecting


ords disasterw.

e marketintion of the a


ption that inc

ystems thatas daily, m

all provide

statistical an

operate morources as it

essive adoptot limited tonagement anpplications,

res cedures for ords manage and distrist be consis

ent policy an

ry Plan aigation and

g records, st

r mitigation

g function. agency thatg the agenc

cludes respo

t can produmonthly, and


nd data sum

re efficientldeems app

tion, upgrado communicnd sharing syfinancial sy

control, magement poliibution of dstent with le

nd procedure

and Proced recovery ptoring them

n and recove

Marketingt works closcy marketin

onsibility for

uce reliable d annual reve data and

mmaries and

ly and effecpropriate. [P

de, installatiations and systems, lighstems, and c

aintenance,icies and documents, egal

es and a cop

edures plan and

m and recov

ery plan and

g sely



ports d

ctively. Pages

ion, security hting class

, and

py of


Page 16: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


To proemployspecialand pardelivercompro Employleisure operatibenefitessentiemploypoliciewell asincludeprocedit commorganiz

4.1 - Standa



4.1.1 Stathpaor

Sugges 4.1.2


duce the levyees. Qualilized areas trk experiencring experienomise on hir

ying qualifi services orgional expendts. Considerial for manaying personnes and proces standardizee a systemat

dures for botmunicates tozation deals

Personneard: There rocedures fohe personneppropriate t

uggested Eviate of latest r

1. Se2. Be3. Sa4. In5. St

- Code otandard: Thhat provide ark and recrganizations

sted Evidenc

- Recrui

E: Standardand are

vel of qualityfied personnhat are needces. Organinces can attring quality

ed individuaganizations;ditures of rering the vitagement to hnel in the redures manued procedurtic and compth the profeso all employ with compl

el Policieshall be est

or both proel policies ato the posit

idence of Coreview. Theelection, hirenefits inclualary scheduncentive systtaff develop

of Ethics here must ba clear und

creation syss and agenc

ce of Compl

tment Pr

4.0 - H

ds markede required

y that customnel bring to ded to designizations thattract and retamay face d

als is not on; it is also onecreation andal importanchave a workiecreation, paual provides res. The devprehensive ossional and nyees the speclaints, griev

es and Prtablished poofessional aand procedution. [Pages

ompliance: e personnel ping, and disuding retiremule; tem; and ment progra

be an establderstandingtem, businecies, and int

liance: Prov



d with a stad of all age

mers have cthe organizan and delivet employ quaain a strong ifficulties in

nly one of thne of the mod park organce of hiring qing knowledark, and leisua consistent

velopment ooutline of honon-professcific expect

vances, and m

oceduresolicies, whind nonprofures manuas 443-44; Co

Provide thepractices shamissal;

ment, insura


lished stateg of ethical ress dealingsteractions w

vide the cod

n Reso

ar ( ) arncies seeki

come to expation the kner the “beneality individand satisfie

n remaining

he most impoost expensivnizations arequality empdge of the prure servicest road map f

of a personneow the organional emploations of emmorale prob

s Manualch govern tfessional emal shall be aompendium

e personnel pall include p

ance, leaves,

ment of ethresponsibils with otherwith partici

de of ethics.


re fundameing accred

ect, organiznowledge, skfits” that cu

duals who ared customer


ortant functve. Generalle allocated tloyees and trinciples, prs field. A wfor human reel policies anization adm

oyees, fair emmployment ablems.

l the adminis

mployees thavailable to

section 17-

policies andprocedures f

, and other b

hical principity involvinr entities, inipants. [Pag

ental standditation.

zations must kills, and abiustomers seere capable obase; organ


ions of recrely, more thato personnelthe associatractices, andell-preparedesources decand procedurministers themployment and finally, h

stration of phat are revie

each empl-7]

d proceduresfor


ples for ageng issues as nterrelationges 422-423


employ quailities in

ek from recrof packagingnizations tha

eation, parkan half of thel salaries anded expense,

d proceduresd personnel cision makinres manual me policies anpractices, anhow the

personnel ewed periodoyee, as

s manual an

ency personrelated to t

nships with ]


eation g and at

k, and e d it is

s for

ng as may nd nd how


d the

nnel the other

Page 17: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation




4.1.3 Standa



sh 4.1.4 Standa




4.1.5 Standa



ba 4.1.6 Standa


Sugges 4.1.7

ard: There ased upon aeriodically. hrough a staecruitment opplicable sta

sted Evidenc

- Equal Oard: There

hat assures eorking cond

sted Evidenchow evidenc

- Selectioard: There ave a role in08-414]

sted Evidence being follo

alidity, utilitysed in the sel

- Backgrard: The agvestigation

redentials, rhild/adult-aages 412-41

sted Evidencackground ch

- Employard: There mployees shxtent of the ave, vacatioenefits progmployees innd personne

sted Evidenc

- Superv

shall be a can establish It is under

ate or local of its park aatutes and p

ce of Compl

Opportushall be an

equal opporditions and

ce of Comple of implem

on Proceshall be co

n determina

ce of Complowed. The py, fairness, lection proc

round Invgency proceprior to ap

review of a buse record13]

ce of Complhecks comp

yee Beneshall be an

hall be descrbenefit. Ty

on leave, regram, liabili performinel support s

ce of Compl


comprehenshed recruitmrstood that civil servicand recreatpolicy state

liance: Prov

nity Empn establishedrtunities fothat compl

liance: Provmentation.

ss mprehensivation of skil

liance: Provprocedures sadverse imp


vestigatioess for hirinppointmentcandidate'sds, and driv

liance: Provpleted.

efits n establishedribed in terypes of bentirement prity protecti

ng park andservices to e

liance: Prov

sive recruitment plan/pin certain ce merit systtion personements. [Pag

vide the recr

ploymentd policy regr employmlies with th

vide the equ

ve procedurlls and the p

vide selectionshall includepact, admini

on ng personnet, including s civil and cving record

vide the back

d employeerms of whatefits often irogram, heion programd recreationemployees.

vide the emp

tment proceprocedures cases an agetem, and is,

nnel. Agencges 404-406

ruitment pla

t and Wogarding div

ment, promoe American

ual opportun

res for hirinpersonal at

n process pre informatioistration, sco

el shall inclverification

criminal recd for employ

kground inv

e benefits plt is provideinclude admalth insura

m, provisionn functions,

[Pages 416-

ployee bene

ess to attracwith specifency is requ, therefore,cies are obli6]


orkforce Dversity withotion, and en Disabilitie

nity and wor

ng personnttributes re

rocedures anon about the oring, and in

lude procedn of a candicord, particyees assigne

vestigation p

lan. Each od, under w

ministrativence progran of clothinemployee e


efits plan.

ct qualifiedfic goals thauired to han, linked to tigated to co

es with spec

Diversity evidence oquity in emes Act. [Pag

rkforce diver

nel. The agquired for p

nd evidencepurpose, de


dures for baidate's quacular attented to opera

procedures a

of the benefhat conditi

e leave, holiam, disabilitng and equipeducation b

d personnel at is reviewendle its perthat system omply with

cific goals.

y of implemenmployment

ges 437-438

rsity policy

gency shall positions. [

e that procedevelopment,n of all elem

ackground lifying tion to drug

ate motor ve

and example

fits provideons, and thiday leave, ty and deatpment usedbenefits, if a

that is ed

rsonnel in the all




also [Pages



g and ehicles.

es of

ed to he sick

th d by any,

Page 18: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Standard: There shall be constructive and effective supervision of all personnel to help them grow professionally and improve programs and services. Supervision is an on-going and systematic process that is helpful for the well-being of the individual and agency. Important characteristics of effective supervision are the ability to communicate expectations, delegate authority commensurate with the assigned tasks, provide feedback, and motivate. There should be supervisory processes, procedures, or tools that highlight staff orientation, staff coaching, mentoring and training, performance review, and human resource policies affecting supervision of staff such as those dealing with harassment and discipline. [Pages 461-484]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide examples of processes, procedures, or tools used to assure

constructive and effective employee supervision. 4.1.8 - Compensation Plan Standard: There shall be an established compensation plan and that establishes equity of

compensation among units within the agency that is reviewed periodically. The compensation plan for an agency shall take into account agency employment standards, agency skill needs, and compensation levels offered by other local employers. [Pages 414-422]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the compensation plan and a copy of its most recent review

or update. 4.1.9 - Performance Evaluation Standard: There shall be a fair and systematic procedure for annual or periodic appraisal of job

performance. Personnel evaluation shall be utilized for the development and improved quality of the individual's performance on the job, as well as a basis for promotion, monetary increments, and dismissal. Although evaluation is a day-by-day process, there shall be periodic specific reviews with the employee. An employee's personnel file shall include a written annual evaluation. [Pages 445-448]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the procedures and a sample of completed performance

evaluations without identifying personal information. 4.1.10 - Promotion Standard: There shall be an established policy and procedures available to all employees defining

the promotion process and the agency's role. The park and recreation agency may rely upon a state or local civil service commission, or other public or private external organization to administer one or more elements of the process in accordance with legal, professional, and administrative requirements. [Pages 445-448]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the policy and procedures, and indicate how they have been

communicated to employees. 4.1.11 - Disciplinary System Standard: There shall be an established disciplinary system based on the code of conduct and

performance. The system shall specify the conduct expected of employees.

Prohibitions should be specific, whereas approved behavior may be stated in general terms (e.g., courtesy, punctuality). [Pages 423-427]

Page 19: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation








em Sugges


4.2 - Standa




4.3 - JStanda



uggested Evind procedureade accessib

argaining aga. Cob. Unc. Apd. Ue. Af. Abg. Pr

2 - Grievard: There rocedure shresenting throcedure; ahall be writt

sted Evidencave been comargaining ag

3 - Termard: There mployment.

sted Evidencocedures, an

Staff Quard: The agnd services irovided in tark and rec

the positio

sted Evidencualifications

Job Analard: Estableriodically,

a. Db. Rc. Tad. M

abPages 439-4

idence of Coes that guideble to emploreements, ifompliance wnbecoming ppropriate ase of alcohocceptance obuse of authroper care an

vance Proshall be an

hall identifyhe grievancend establishten in clear

ce of Complmmunicatedreements, if

ination ashall be est

. [Page 426]

ce of Complnd indicate h

alificatiogency shall in furthera

the job desccreation pern. [Page 45

ce of Complto carry out

lysis andlished job dand includuties of eacesponsibilitasks of each

Minimum levbilities, and41]

ompliance: e the disciployees. Includf applicable.with agency conduct;

appearance; ol and drugsof gratuities,hority; and nd maintena

ocedures n establishedy matters the; establishh criteria fo, concise ter

liance: Provd to the emplf applicable.

and End otablished po

liance: Provhow they ha

ons employ pro

ance of goalcriptions anrsonnel sha1]

liance: List pt such dutie

Job Desdescriptionse, at a mini

ch position;ties of each h position; vel of profic

d behaviors.

Provide the inary systemde copies of. This systemstatements;

s; bribes, or r

ance of equi

d grievancehat are grievh steps and tor employerms. [Page

vide the grievloyees. Inclu.

of Emploolicies and

vide the termave been com

ofessional ss and objec

nd possess sll have cert


criptionss for all posimum: position; and ciency nece.

code of conm and how tf disciplinarym shall addr;



e procedurevable; estabtime limitate represent

es 427-430]

vance proceude grievan

oyment procedures

mination andmmunicated

staff qualifiectives. Staffspecified lictification an

l staff with t

s sitions shall

essary in th

nduct and pethis informay action stepress the follo

e, available blish time litions at eactation. For

edures and innce procedur

s for termin

d end of empd to employe

ed to develof shall be qucenses and cnd/or educa

the responsi

l be based o

e job-relate

erformance ation is commps included owing topic

to all emplimitations f

ch step in thmal grievan

ndicate howres included

nation and

ployment poees.

op and operualified for certificates.ational train

ibilities, cert

on the job a

ed skills, kn

and the polimunicated ain collectivs:

loyees. The for filing orhe grievancnce procedu

w the procedd in collectiv

end of

olicies and

rate prograthe position

. Professionning approp

tifications, a

analysis, rev


icies and ve

r ce ures

dures ve

ams ns as nal priate



Page 20: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation



4.4 - Standa




4.4.1 Standa



ind 4.5 - WStanda

ev Sugges

pr 4.6 - Standa



4.6.1 Standa


sted Evidencship position

Chief Adard: The ag

he managemith authoritme, year-roark, recreat

sted Evidencnd profession

- Leader

ard: The aghen the agenable to act

sted Evidencdicates appr

Workforard: The agvaluation of

sted Evidencogram, leve

Orientatard: There 42-443]

uggested Evixample of m

a. Phb. Thc. Pe

ned. Re


- Employard: There

he agency, bvaluated andequired traitended. Th

ce of Compln, if applicab

dministragency shall

ment, directty to perforound, and btion, or rela

ce of Complnal qualifica

rship Sucgency shall ency's chief t.

ce of Complroval by the

rce Healtgency shall f the progra

ce of Complel of particip

tion Progshall be an

idence of Co

materials disthilosophy, ghe history anertinent socieighborhoodeview of prorst aide and

yee Trainshall be a p

based on need updated pining, maine program

liance: Provble, an exam

ator have a chie

tion, and corm such resbe qualified ated discipl

liance: Provations of the

ccession Phave an est

f administra

liance: Provproper auth

h and Whave an em

am status. [

liance: Provpation and m

gram n orientation

ompliance: tributed at angoals, and obnd developmiological andds in which togram/parkssafety conc

ning and program ofeds of indivperiodicallytain traininshould inco

vide a job demple of a job

ef administrontrol of thesponsibilitie

by experieines. [Page

vide the chiee current age

Procedurtablished prator is incap

vide the writhority.

Wellness Pmployee hea[Pages 441-4

vide evidencmost recent e

n program

Provide outn orientationbjectives; ment of the ad environmethe individus policies an

cerns and gu

Developf employee dvidual emply. The progng records, orporate in

escription fob analysis w

rator respoe operationses. The chience, educat

es 433-438]

ef administrency chief a

re rocedure topacitated, o

tten procedu

Programalth and we442]

e of the ageevaluation.

for all pers

tline of the on. The orien

agency; ental factorsual is to servnd procedureuidelines and

pment Prodevelopmenloyees and fgram must and assure

n-service tra

or a full-timewith last revie

onsible to ths and admief administtion, certific

rator positionadministrator

o ensure thaoff duty, ou

ure, such as

llness prog

ency’s emplo

sonnel emp

orientation pntation progr

s of the comve (environmes manuals, d forms revi

ogram nt, availablfuture organotify pers

e that requiaining and

e, part-time,ew.

he approvininistration otrator shall cation, and

n descriptior.

at leadershit of town, o

continuity p

ram showin

oyee health

loyed by th

program andram should

mmunity andmental scan)

job duties, ew.

le for emploanizational sonnel of avred trainin succession


ng authorityof the agencbe employe

d/or training

on and the na

ip is availabor otherwise

plan, which

ng periodic

and wellnes

he agency. [

d a representinclude:

d specific ); and staff proced

oyees throuneeds that

vailable andg programs

n planning t


y for cy and ed full-g in


ble e






ughout is

d/or s are to

CommenNew Stan

nt [6]: Daniellndard

e Price:

Page 21: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


ensure the continued effective performance of the organization after the departure of key staff. [Pages 448-451]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Describe the scope and components of the employee development

and training program, provide an outline of training offered (mandatory and discretionary), and provide lists of participants for the prior calendar year, and last review.

4.6.2 - Professional Certification and Organization Membership Standard: Professional staff shall be active members of their professional organization(s) and

pursue professional certifications, e.g. Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP), Certified Park and Recreation Executive (CPRE), Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) for park and recreation professionals. "Active" means more than holding membership, including attendance at meetings, making presentations, participating in committee work, holding elected and appointed positions, and participation in educational opportunities. [Page 451]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a list of staff with professional certifications and also

provide a list of staff that have actively participated in a professional organization during the prior calendar year, indicating the nature of participation.

4.7 - Volunteer Management Standard: There shall be a volunteer management function within the agency, including a

comprehensive volunteer management manual that includes policies and procedures related to the management of volunteers. [Pages 454-458]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the volunteer management manual. 4.7.1 - Use of Volunteers Standard: Volunteers shall be used by the agency in a variety of positions. [Pages 455-456] Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide list of functions in which agency volunteers are used, the

extent of use, and examples of volunteer position descriptions. 4.7.2 - Volunteer Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training, and Retention Standard: There shall be an on-going function within the agency for the recruitment, selection,

orientation, training and retention of volunteers, including procedures on background screening. Background investigations shall be made for all volunteers who work routinely with vulnerable populations, especially youth, senior adults, and persons with disabilities. [Pages 456-457]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the agency’s recruitment, selection, orientation, training,

and retention procedures. Provide the agency’s background investigation procedures for volunteers and evidence of implementation.

4.7.3 - Supervision and Evaluation of Volunteers Standard: Agency volunteers shall be monitored, shall receive supervisory visits and conferences,

and be evaluated regarding performance. Supervision and evaluation of volunteers is important to ensure adequate training is provided and to verify satisfactory conduct and

Page 22: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


performance. The degree to which the agency supervises and evaluates volunteers may vary depending on the role of the volunteers. [Page 457]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide written description of the monitoring system including

current practices for supervisory visits, and examples of completed evaluations. 4.7.4 - Recognition of Volunteers Standard: There agency shall have a program to recognize volunteers for their contributions.

Recognition may take many forms, depending on the nature of the volunteer roles. [Pages 457-458]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a description of the recognition program and recognitions given over the past calendar year.

4.7.5 - Liability Coverage for Volunteers Standard: Agency volunteers shall be covered for negligence liability. [Page 458] Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide documentation indicating coverage of volunteers for

negligence liability. 4.8 - Consultants and Contract Employees Standard: The agency shall have policies and procedures regarding the use of consultants and

contract employees. [Pages 458-459] Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the agency’s policies and procedures regarding the use of

consultants and contract employees. 4.9 - Staff Acceptance of Gifts and Donations Standard: The agency shall have an established policy for the acceptance of gifts and donations by

staff members. Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the policy on acceptance of gifts and donations by staff


Page 23: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Financorganizupwardunwillibecommanagorganiz Formalwith fupropos

5.1 - Standa



5.1.1 Standa



co 5.1.2 Standa

[P Sugges 5.1.3 Standa


Suggesgrants descrip


cial managemzational goad spiral of cingness of tae more effecers must pozation to ass

l fiscal contunding authoses and to al

Fiscal Poard: Fiscal nd investmeearly establ

sted Evidenc

- Comprard: There es and charetermining

sted Evidencost recovery

- Agencyard: The agages 511-51

sted Evidenc

- Grantsard: Whereher applica

esearch, coohall evaluateoordinated.

sted Evidencreceived by

ptions, grant


E: Standardand are

ment is the pals and objecosts, increasaxpayers supctive and efssess the absure the succ

rol and monorizations anert agency m

olicy policies set

ent of fundslished. [Pag

ce of Compl

rehensiveshall be an

rges may befees and ch

ce of Complprocedures,

y Acceptagency shall 14]

ce of Compl

s Procedue feasible anable agencyordinate ande how appli[Pages 508-

ce of Comply the agency tor, date awa

0 - Fin

ds markede required

process of pctives. The ising emphaspport higher

fficient in allbility to secucess and sur

nitoring procnd restrictiomanagement

tting guidelis shall be seges 487-494]

liance: Prov

e Revenun establishede instituted harges. [Pag

liance: Prov, and the mo

ance of Ghave an est

liance: Prov

ures nd appropr

y grants to sd implemenication, app-509]

liance: Provfor the past

arded, grant


d with a stad of all age

planning for,increasing dsis on fiscal r taxes, are al aspects of

ure, organizervival of the

cedures enabons, to ensurt to possible

ines for maet forth clea]

vide fiscal p

e Policy d revenue pby type of

ges 500-515]

vide the policost recent re

Gifts and tablished po

vide the polic

riate, the agsupplementnt grant oppproval, imp

vide the proct five years, t amount and

l Mana

ar ( ) arncies seeki

, acquiring, demand for m

responsibiliall forcing ptheir financ

e, and controeir organizat

ble an agencre that disbue problems.

anagement aarly in writi

policies and

policy that iservices an]

cy on fees aview or upd

Donationolicy for th

cy on accep

gency shall t funding thportunities


cedure to princluding id

d agency ma


re fundameing accred

and using fumore and beity and accopark and reccial operationol the financtions.

cy to establiursements ar

and controing, and the

legal author

is periodicand the strate

and charges,date.

ns e acceptanc

ptance of gif

procure reghrough an e. Prior to gn and mana

rocure grantdentificationatch.


ental standditation.

unds to achietter serviceountability, acreation organs. Parks ancial resource

ish accountare for design

l of revenuee legal auth


ally updatedegies and m

the current

ce of gifts a

fts and donat

gional, statestablished grant procuagement pr

ts along withn of the follo


ieve predetes, continuinand the anizations tond recreationes of the

ability, to conated and ap

es, expendihority must

d regardingmethodologi

fee schedul

and donatio


e, federal aprocedure rement, age

rocesses wil

h a summaryowing: proj

ermined ng

o n

omply pproved

tures, be

g what ies for

les, or


and/or to encies ll be

y of ject

Page 24: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


5.1.4 Standa




5.2 - Standa Sugges 5.2.1 Standa


Sugges au 5.2.2 Standa



ag 5.2.2.Standa

se Sugges

5.3 - A

- Privateard: Whererofit supporoordinate angency shall rocess will b

sted Evidencupport alongcluding iden

f the contribu

Fiscal Mard: There

sted Evidenc

- Authorard: The agesponsibilitydministratohe agency mn identifiabl

sted Evidencuthority for t

- Purchaard: Agenciquipment, sequisition an

a. Spb. Bic. Cd. Pr


uggested Evigency equipm

.1 - Emerard: There cure equipm

sted Evidenc


e, Corpore feasible anrt to supplend implemeevaluate thbe coordina

ce of Compl with a sumntification oution and m

Managemeshall be est

ce of Compl

rity and Rgency's chiey for the fisr is ultimat

may dictate tle person or

ce of Complthe agency.

asing Proies shall havupplies andnd purchaspecificationidding procriteria for trocedures fards, if appl

idence of Coment, suppli

rgency Pushall be est

ment or ser

ce of Compl

ing Syste

rate, andnd approprement agencent alternat

he terms of aated.

liance: Provmmary of suc

f the followmethod of rec

ent Procetablished pr

liance: Prov

Responsief administrscal managetely responsthe need to r componen

liance: Prov

ocedures ve establishd services. se of agencyns for items cedures; the selectionfor disburselicable. [Pag

ompliance: ies, and serv

urchase Ptablished prrvices in a s

liance: Prov


d Non-Proriate, the agcy funding tive fundingacceptance

vide the procch support re

wing: projectcognition.

edures rocedures f

vide the proc

ibility forrator shall ement of thsible for alldelegate re

nt within th

vide docume

hed proceduThere shall

y supplies, erequiring s

n of vendorement of peges 515-517

Provide the vices.

Procedurrocedures fswift and ef

vide the proc

ofit Suppgency shall through ang options. Pand how th

cedure to soleceived by tt description

for the fisca

cedures for t

r Fiscal Mbe designat

he agency. Al agency fiscesponsibilithe agency.

entation dem

ures for thel be formal equipment standardize

rs and biddetty cash an7]


res for emergenfficient man

cedures for e

port Procsolicit priva

n establishePrior to acche impleme

licit private,the agency fns, grantor/sp

al managem

the fiscal ma

Managemted as havin

Although ancal mattersty for fiscal

monstrating c

e requisitionprocedureand serviceed purchas

ders; and nd issuance

for the requ

ncy purchanner.

emergency p

cedures ate, corpord procedurceptance ofentation and

, corporate afor the past fponsor, date

ment of the

anagement o

ment ng the authn agency's cs, the size an


clear delega

n and purchs for contro

es such as: es;

and use of

uisition and

ases within t


ate, and nore to researf support thd managem

and non-profive years e awarded, v


of the agenc

hority and chief nd complexent function

ation of fisca

hase of agenolling the


purchase of

the agency


he ment




xity of ns to






Page 25: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation



Sugges 5.3.1 Standa



5.3.2 Standa



po 5.3.3 Standa



5.3.4 Standa



ard: The agccurate, andcilitate rap

evenue any t

sted Evidenc

- Financard: The agxpenditure sbject, and p

Suggestedonths. Mont

a. Inb. Bac. Exd. Une. Re

- Positioard: The agnd type of agally emplo

sted Evidencositions.

- Fiscal Card: The agsbursing fu

eceived by t

uggested Eviontrol and m

a. Mor

b. Prc. Cod. Pe

- Indepeard: There r at a time sovernment'sertified pub

uggested Evitter, or moste audit recom

gency shall d complete id retrievaltime the inf

ce of Compl

cial Statugency shall shall be cla


d Evidence ofthly financia

nitial appropalances at thxpenditures nencumbereevenue statu

n Authorgency shall authorized foyed and th

ce of Compl

Control agency shall unds. The phe agency.

idence of Comonitoring prMaintenance

rganizationareparation oonduct of inersons or po

endent Aushall be an

stipulated bs internal alic account

idence of Cot recent Commmendation

have a comdocumental of informaformation i

liance: Prov

s Reportutilize monssified acco

of Compliancal status rep

priation for ehe commencand encumb

ed balances;us.

rization Phave establ

filled and vhat positions

liance: Prov

and Monhave establrocedures s[Pages 572-

ompliance: rocedures shof an allotm

al componenf financial s

nternal auditositions auth

udit n independeby applicablaudit staff (eing firm. [P

ompliance: mprehensivens.

mprehensiveation of the ation on theis required.

vide a descrip

ts nthly financording to fu

ce: Provideorts shall in

each accouncement of thbrances mad; and

Procedurlished procacant posits are in acc

vide the posi

nitoring Plished procshall enhan-576]

Provide the hall include:

ment system,nts; statements; ts; and horized to ac

ent audit of le statute orexternal to Pages 520-5

Provide the e Annual Fin

e accountinflow of fun

e status of a. [Pages 517

ption of the

cial status runction, org

e financial stnclude, at a mnt (or programhe regularly de during th

res cedures for tions to ensucordance wi

ition authori

Procedurecedures usednce security

fiscal contr: , if any, or r

ccept or disb

f the agencyr regulationthe agency23]

most recentnancial Repo

ng system tonds. The acappropriati7-519]


reports. Eacganizationa

tatus reportsminimum: m); defined per

he period;

maintaininure that perith budget a

ization proc

es d for collec

y and accou

rol and moni

records of ap

burse funds.

y's fiscal actn. The audi

y being audi

t independenort (CAFR)

o ensure an ccounting syions, expend

g system.

ch appropral compone

s for the pre


ng control orsons on thauthorizati

edures and b

ting, safeguntability of

itoring proc


tivities condit may be pited) or by

nt audit andand provide

orderly, ystem shall ditures and

riation and nt, activity,

evious three

over the nume payroll arons.


uarding, anf all monies

cedures. The

ns among

ducted annuerformed ban outside

d managemee the respon



mber re

nd s

e fiscal

ually by the

ent nse to

Page 26: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


5.4 - AStanda



5.4.1 Standa



5.4.2 Standa



ev 5.5 - Standa

an Sugges

ex 5.5.1 Standa



Annual oard: There cluding bot

perating expve or six yeaetermined b

uggested Evimprovements

- Budgetard: The he

he agency burocess, guidnd procedurstructions fr major con


uggested Eviomponents in

- Budgetard: Majornd activity assessment ofssigned posiosts per prond service st

sted Evidencvidence of th

Budget Card: The agnd expendit

sted Evidencxamples of p

- Suppleard: The agppropriatioscal planninccount to an

sted Evidenc

or Biennishall be an

th revenuespenses, covears with anby the kind

idence of Cos budgets.

t Developeads of majudget. To in

delines shallres relatingfor preparintinuing exshould be i

idence of Con the budget

t Recommr organizatianalysis, forf future peritions to ensgram elemetatistics sho

ce of Complheir consider

Control Pgency shall tures, and c

ce of Complperiodic repo

emental/Egency shall ns and fundng efforts. Mnother and/

ce of Compl

ial Budgen annual or s and expener a one-ye

nnual reviewof system i


pment Pajor organizancrease thel be establisg to the budng budget r

xpendituresincluded reg

ompliance: t preparation

mendatioional compor use in thersonnel neesure that poent should ould be mai

liance: Provration in the

Procedurhave proce

continuous m

liance: Provorts.

Emergenchave establd transfers Mechanism/or requesti

liance: Prov

et biennial op

nditures. Opar or two-y

w. The natuin use by its

Provide the

articipatioational com

e value of thshed to infodget preparrequest doc or changesgarding ope

Provide evin process.

ons onents shale developmeeds, the anaositions allobe computeintained to

vide example budgeting

es edures for bmanagemen

vide the proc

cy Approlished procto meet cir

ms of adjusting that add

vide the supp

perating anperating buyear period ure of an ags governme

e current and

on mponents shhe input andorm the heaation procecuments ans in continuerating imp

idence of su

l provide reent of the ag

alysis shouldocated to aged and line assist in th

les of agencprocess.

budget contnt review.

cedures for b

opriationcedures for rcumstancetment may iditional fun


d capital im

udgets incluand capita

gency's budental author

d approved

hall participd to enhancads of compess. The gud for provi

uing expendpact.

uch participa

ecommendagency's budd include angency functitems estab

his process..

y componen

trol with pe

budget contr

ns Procedrequesting s that canninclude tra

nds be gran

mergency ap

mprovemenude both capal improvemdgetary systrity [Pages

operating an

pate in the dce coordinaponents of thuidelines shading adequ

ditures of bu

ation by maj

ations, basedget. In addn assessmentions are apblished; fin

nt recommen

eriodic repo

rol within th

dures supplemen

not be anticinsferring futed for agen


nts budgets,pital and

ments may etem may be527-576]

nd capital

developmenation in the he essentialall include

uate justificudget items

jor organiza

ed on operadition to annt of presenppropriate. ancial reco

ndations and

orting of rev

he agency an

ntal or emeripated by punds from ncy needs.

ns procedure


extend e

nt of budget l tasks

ation s.


ational n ntly Unit rds




rgency prior one


Page 27: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


5.5.2 - Inventory and Fixed Assets Control Standard: The agency shall have established procedures for inventory control of property,

equipment, and other assets to prevent losses and unauthorized use, and to avoid both inventory excesses and shortages. There shall be a complete and current listing of agency assets.

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide procedures for inventory and fixed asset control.

Page 28: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


A progHigh-qA systeservicecoordincommuminimu The priand recCertaindetermobjecti The recagencyinitiativoutgrow Park anextrinsdirecte(manipattitude A leisuApprecleisure interac



gram is a mequality progrematic and wes should benated with runity, such aum of dupli

imary respocreation expn program a

minants are: cives; constitu

creation proy’s programmves. While rwth of other

nd recreatiosic benefits ted recreationpulation andes and value

ure educatiociation of le participatio

ction. ExamCooperativchildren anCommunirecreation Distributinprograms cable TV cOrganizinwith targebenefits ofMarketingnewsletterIncluding participanIncluding causing th

0 - Prog

E: Standardand are

eans to leisuramming is well-researc

e provided brelated progras schools, vcation, as w

onsibility of periences annd service dconceptual fuent interes

ogramming pming functiorelated to a mr strategic an

n agencies sthat leisure (n activities pd coordinatioes) and cogn

n program cisure, 3) Un

on, 5) Knowmples include

ve agreemennd adolescety presentatassociation

ng a “benefiand serviceschannels. g and categoted programf outdoor plg and advertrs, and policbenefit statets will see wthe question

he participan


ds markede required

ure and recrea dynamic p

ched analysiy the agencyrams of othevoluntary ag

well as to red

the park andd environme

determinantsfoundations ts and desire

plan includeons, includinmaster or cond program

should have(time, activiprovide. It shon of physicnitive (intell

consists of snderstandingwledge and ue: nts with loc

ents of leisurtions regardins, and at buits” CD or ws through va

orizing agenms and servic

ay for childising the ben

cy manuals, ements in brwhat they can of “How hnt to reflect o

s and S

d with a stad of all age

eation as weprocess that is should be y. The publer governmegencies, andduce compet

d recreationents enhancs give directof play, rec

ed needs; an

es all elemenng activity somprehensivforecasting

a program tity, experienhould includ

cal skills andlectual skills

six (6) compg self-determuse of resour

al schools tore benefits. ing leisure b

usiness and iwebsite hypearious social

ncy publicatces, e.g., ben

dren. nefits messaon staff approchures and

an gain fromhave you benon the benef


ar ( ) arncies seeki

ell as a vehict continues acompleted

lic park and ental, for-prd churches, ttition.

n professionae the well-btion to whatcreation, andnd communi

nts and servselection, tyve plan, the

g tools.

that educatence) and parde the three d abilities), as and abilitie

ponents: 1) Amination in lrces for faci

o develop cl

benefits at lindustry mee

erlink to edul media outl

tions and phnefits of nat

age in agencparel, facilityd program d

m participatinnefited fromfits of the pr

es Man

re fundameing accred

cle to deliveas the recreain determinirecreation p

rofit and nonto provide m

al is to provbeing and qut is providedd leisure; agity opportun

ices of the pype and scoprecreation p

es the publicrticipation in(3) behavioaffective (ines).

Awareness oleisure, 4) Mlitating leisu

lasses, work

ibraries, senetings. ucate, publiclets (Facebo

hotos accordture walks f

cy telephoney and vehicldescriptions ng in progra this prograrogram.


ental standditation.

r benefits toation experieing what proprogram shon-profit orgamaximum co

vide programuality of lifed and assessegency philosnities for the

public park ape of prograprogrammin

c about the in self-directeor domains: pnterests, app

of self in leisMaking decisure, and 6) P

kshops or ev

ior citizen c

cize, and infook, Twitter,

ding to the bfor senior po

e messages, le signage.so that pros

ams. am?” in prog



o participantence unfoldsograms and ould be anizations inoverage with

ms by which for participed. These ophy, goals

e public.

and recreatiams and outrng plan shall

intrinsic anded and leadepsychomotoreciations,

sure, 2) sions regardPromoting s

vents to infor

centers, spec

form of agen, etc.) and p

enefits assoopulations an



gram evalua

ts. s.

n the h a

leisure pants.


on reach l be an

d er-or

ding social



ncy ublic

ciated nd


Page 29: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


● ●

6.1 - Standa



6.1.1 Standa



an 6.1.2 Standa

9; Suob

6.1.3 Standa


Including releases anConductinConductin

Recreatiard: The aeriodically und services ope of prog

uggested Evie update pro

a. Prb. Prc. Prd. Ree. Cof. Pe

- Progra

ard: The pundations o

onstituent inrgeted conslected. [Cha

sted Evidencnd service d

- Particiard: The dePages 176-

uggested Evibtains and ut

a. Plan

b. Coai

c. Spsp

d. Rene

e. Pe

- Self-Diard: The ag


the benefitsnd public seng benefits-bng and repor

on Progrgency shallupdated anof the agen

grams and o

idence of Coocess. This rogram objerogram and rogram and ecreation anommunity Ieople with s

am and Srograms anof play, recnterests andstituencies mapter 9, Pag

ce of Compldeterminants

pant Invevelopment177]

idence of Cotilizes particlanning activnd ad hoc coonducting ades for specponsoring acponsors, speecommendineighborhoodeople with s

irected Prgency shall e without le

s of programervice annoubased prograrting follow-

rammingl have a rec

nd a currentncy’s prograoutreach in

ompliance: plan shall in

ectives (6.2)service statiservice dete

nd leisure trenventory (1

special need

ervice Dend services reation, and desired nemust also bes 155-159]

liance: Provs are used in

volvementt of agency

ompliance: cipant input.vities througommittees; activities, succial group sectivities, succial project ng policy th

d and commspecial need

rograms offer self-d

eadership, u

ms and servicuncements. am research-up assessm

g Plan creation prot-year implamming funnitiatives. [C

Provide the nclude: ; istics (10.5)erminants (6ends analysi0.5.2); and s and disabi

eterminaprovided bd leisure; aeeds. Other

be a part of ]

vide documen providing p

t programs a

Describe the. Participangh such mea

ch as servinervices, judgch as playgrpatrons;

hrough citizemunity-wide

s or disabili

and Servdirected recunder only

ces on agenc

h studies. ments and da

ogramminglementationnctions, incChapter 8, P

current recr

; 6.1.1); is (10.5.1);


ants by the agencagency philor opportunithe conside

entation and programs an

and service

e process annts should haans as club o

ng as volunteges for conteround adviso

en advisory levels; and, ties.

vices creation oppgeneral sup

cy websites

ta analyses.

g plan covern plan. The cluding activPages 137-13

reation prog

cy shall be bosophy, goaities in the ceration for

examples dnd services.

s shall invo

nd provide eave involvemofficers, sen

eer leaders oests; ory councils


portunities pervision. E

and in ema

ring 3-5 yeaplan addrevity selectio38]

gramming pl

based on thals and objecommunityprograms a


olve particip

examples of ment in:

nior adult an

on playgrou

s, program a

s and study g

for individExamples i

il/e-blasts, p

ars that is esses all proon, type and

lan and desc

he conceptuectives; y and needs and service

ng that the p

pants. [Ch

f how the ag

nd teen coun

nds, recreat

and/or team

groups at bo

uals and grnclude picn


ograms d



of es






oth the

roups nic

Page 30: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


faop Surec

6.1.4 Standa



6.1.5 Standa

pragto mthpu


6.1.6 Standa



6.1.7 Standa



6.2 - Standa


cilities, tennpen playgro

uggested Evicreation opp

- Leaderard: The agpportunitiesasses. Examramatics for

uggested Evcreation opp

- Facilitaard: The agrovide or wgency. An e

start a comeeting place

he organizaturpose. [Ch

uggested Evicreation opp

- Fee-Baard: The agrvices for aclude the rexamples of 9; Pages 500

uggested Evie agency.

- Cooperard: The agonprofit ent

uggested Evocumentationartnership ag

Programard: There eriodically. esired by th

nis courts, rounds. [Cha

idence of Coportunities, i

r-Directegency shall s where parmples inclur children.

vidence of Cportunities, i

ated Proggency shall ant to provexample of mmunity the, some admtion will bechapter 9; Pa

idence of Coportunities, i

ased Proggency shall a fee can auental of picprograms f


idence of Co

rative Prgency shall tities to pro

vidence of Cn, such as Mgreements.

m Objectivshall be sp Objectives

he program

roadways iapter 9; Pag

ompliance: including a

d Prograoffer leade

rticipant inude tennis, c

[Chapter 9;

Compliance: including a

grams anfacilitate as

vide recreatfacilitated peater organministrativecome self-suages 161-162

ompliance: including a

grams anoffer progr

ugment recrcnic pavilionfor a fee inc


ogrammenter into c

ovide progr

Compliance: Memoranda

ves ecific objecs shall be spor service

n scenic aree 161]

Provide exalist of such

ams and Sr-directed rvolvement

crafts, dancPage 161]

Provide exalist of such

nd Servicssistance totion prograprograms anization; the help in puustaining. 2]

Provide exalist of such

nd Servicerams and sereational opns, ice skateclude instru

Provide a li

ing cooperativeamming. [C

Provide curof Understa

ctives establpecific and so that pro

eas, bridle t

amples of hoopportunitie

Servicesrecreation ois directed

ce; synchron

amples of hopportunitie

ces o individualms and leisand services

he agency mublicity, andDemonstra

amples of hopportunitie

es ervices for apportunitieses and skis,uction, trips

sting of the

e agreemenChapters 6 a

rrent exampanding (MOU

lished for pmeasurablegress on me

trails, self-g

ow the agences.

opportunitiby a leadernized swim

ow the agenes.

ls and grousure services is an indiv

may help inid "seed moation projec

ow the agenes.

a fee. Offers. Example, boats, vides, and theat

fee-based p

ts with puband 7; Pages

ples of coopeU), Memora

programs ore as to the aeeting objec

guiding nat

cy provides

ies that pror, including

mming perfo

ncy provides

ps of indivies independvidual or grtially by prney" with

cts may be u

ncy provides

ring some pes of serviceeos, safety eter product

programs and

blic, commes 98-102, 15

erative proganda of Agr

r services thactual outcoctives can b

ture trails, a


ovide recreag skills instrormance; cr

s leader-dire

iduals that dently from roup that wroviding a the intent tutilized for

s facilitated

programs aes for a fee equipment.tions. [Chap

d services w

ercial, and 59]

gramming wreement (MO

hat are reviome or impbe evaluated



ation ruction reative


the wishes

that this




with OA), or

iewed pact d.

Page 31: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation




6.3 - Standa

anbabashof17 Suclean



6.4 - Standa





bjectives capecial eventsdvanced. [C

uggested Evi

Scope of ard: The cond shall proackgroundsasic physicahould take iffered by ot79]

uggested Eviearly how th

nd ethnic bac

1 - Outreatandard: Thnderserved nd services, hysical, sociarriers mayclusionary

bilities and

sted Evidencsed for this aovide exam


Communard: The agarticipants)rvices that

ecreation shooperation wommercial rhe use of leis

dividual an

sted Evidenche communiange of parti

methods used


an be defines and they cChapter 9; P

idence of Co

f Programontent of agovide for inds. Activitiesal, emotionanto consideher organiz

idence of Cohe agency prckgrounds, a

ach to Dihe agency sin the commagencies sh

ial and meny be addresssupport sersocioeconom

ce of Complanalysis), de

mples of outre

nity Educgency shall on the outcis periodica

hould be ongwith the comrecreation esure time, end their effe

ce of Complity on the beicipants andd.

and Well

ed by progrcan be furtPages 165-1


m Opportgency progrdividual difs selected shal, social, aneration the zations, pri

ompliance: rovides oppages, and ge

iverse Unshall proactmunity. Tohall identifyntal abilitiessed throughrvices to enmic status.

liance: Idenescribe specieach progra

cation forhave a plancomes, benally evaluatgoing, opermmunity, eestablishmeemphasizingects or lack

liance: Provenefits, valud non-partici


ram area, sher defined72]

Provide obj

tunities rams shall bfferences ofhall be suitend intellecttotal commvate, public

Provide a mortunities foenders.

nderservetively exteno encouragey and addres and finanh reduced f

nsure access [Chapters

ntify underseific barriers

ams and serv

r Leisuren to educateefits, valuested for effecrational ande.g., schoolsents. It shoug the value

k thereof on

vide examplees, and impaipants. Prov

uch as natud into levels

ectives for p

be related df interests, aed to and coual require

munity offerc, and non-

matrix or listor proficienc

ed Populad programs

e participatiess barriers

ncial, geografees and schs to program8 and 9; Pa

erved populwithin the c

vices offered

e and Rece the comms, and positctiveness. Ed systematics, other leisuuld directlyof leisure a society. [C

es of the meacts of leisu

vide the last

ure, dance, s such as be

programs or

directly to sabilities (montribute to

ements of inrings; some -profit. [Ch

ting of progcy levels, so

ations s and servicion in parks that may laphic and cholarships. ms and serv

ages 139, 17

lations (provcommunity d by the age

creation munity (currtive impactEducating thc as well asure agencie

y educate thand recreat

Chapter 9, Pa

ethods utilizure and recreassessment

music, sporeginner, inte

r services an

stated progrmental, socia

oward fulfindividuals.

opportunithapter 9; Pag

grams by fielocioeconomi

ces to resid

ks and recrelimit access

cultural bar Agencies s

vices for pe7]

vide methodthat limit pa

ency to meet

Plan rent and prs of leisure he public a

s implementes, business,he general ction opportages 172-17

zed by the ageation servicof effective

rts, fitness, ermediate a

nd the last re

ram objectial, physical)illment of th The agencties may beges 163-165

lds, demonsic levels, rac

ents who meation progs including rriers. Finashould offe

eople of all

dology and darticipation t the needs o

rospective and recrea

about leisurted in , industry,

citizenry abtunities to t4].

gency to educes to a diveeness of the



ives ), and he y

e 5, 174-

strating cial

may be rams

ancial r

data and

of these

ation e and

and bout the

ucate erse

CommenNew Stan

nt [7]: Daniellndard

e Price:

Page 32: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Standard: The agency shall have policies, procedures, or efforts addressing areas of health and wellness such as physical activity, food and beverage offerings, nutrition education, substance abuse prevention, and tobacco use in parks and facilities.

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the agency’s policies, procedures, or efforts on physical

activity, food and beverage offerings, nutrition education, substance abuse prevention, tobacco use and examples that demonstrate its implementation.

6.5 - Participant and Spectator Code of Conduct

Standard: The agency shall have “code of conduct” guidelines for appropriate participant and spectator conduct at programs and events, and the agency shall proactively inform and remind staff, coaches, participants and spectators about the code of conduct.

Suggested Evident of Compliance: Provide the code of conduct for participants and spectators and describe how program participants, coaches, and spectators are informed of the code of conduct. The agency should collaborate with affiliate groups providing training for youth and coaches to inform and educate about the participant and spectator code of conduct.

Comment [8]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Page 33: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Physicthe visicontinuPages 2 The plamanagnatural(such acenters High-pspaces accrediplans, p[Chapt 7.1 - Standa



7.2 - Standa

ancocoPa Surev

7.2.1 Standa




al resource pion and misuum that has207-238].

anning, devers, whetherl undevelopeas sports ands and interpr

performing mand places.itation standpolicies, proter 13; Pages

Parklandard: The agark, recreatuthority andelegated to lecause land

Chapter 11; P

uggested Evif legal autho

Developmard: The agnd recreatiooncern for oommunity. ages 230-236

uggested Eviview.

- ADA Eard: The ag

he US Deparcilities and esign. [Chap

0 - Fac

E: Standardand are

planning is sion statemes strict prese

elopment anr they are ined lands andd aquatics), retive center

maintenance Customized

dards througograms, ands 267-304].

d Acquisiency shall htion, conserd periodicalocal govern

d costs rise rPages 207-2

idence of Cority to acqu

ment of Agency shall on land andoptimum usApplicable6]

idence of Co

Existing Fgency shall rtment of Jsites again

pters 11, 12

cility a

ds markede required

a process foent of the coervation at o

nd managemn the public, d waters, anand buildingrs [Chapter

e operationsd systems’ a

gh the develod procedures

ition Prohave establirvation, andally reviewenments andrapidly as a


ompliance: ire lands, an

Areas andhave establ

d facilities thsage and coe open space


Facility acomplete a

Justice Titlest the most, and 13; Pa

nd La

d with a stad of all age

ocusing on pontrolling agone end and

ment of physnonprofit, od developedgs of variou12; Pages 2

s organizatioapproaches opment, cons as well as i

ocedures ished policid historical-d. This aut

d is implemareas are de

Provide pond last revie

d Facilitilished polichat are per

oordination e and desig

Provide land

nd Site Aan access aue II regulatit current finages 226, 23

nd Use

ar ( ) arncies seeki

physical resogency. Natu

d complete m

sical resourcor for-profitd areas incluus functions 39-266].

ons insure quand solutionnsistent use,inspections

ies and pro-cultural puhority usua

mented throueveloped, p

licy and prow.

ies Policiecies and proriodically re

with the togn standard

d developm

Access Auudit of all exion at 35.10nal and enfo6, 253, 263,

e Man

re fundameing accred

ources. The ural resourcemodification

ces are functt sectors. Phuding urban (such as fitn

uality experns to operati, and periodiand assessm

cedures forurposes thaally originaugh local chlanned acq

ocedures for

es and Procedures foeviewed. Thotal area ands should be

ment policies

udit xisting sites05, the agenorceable St, 288]


ental standditation.

planning pres planning sn at the other

tions of all physical resou

parks, specness centers

riences throuions manageic review of

ment schedul

r the acquisat are backetes in state harters and

quisition is n

r land acquis

rocedurer the develohe review s

nd facility ree considered

and proced

s and facilitncy must evtandard for



rocess confostretches acrr [Chapter 1

park and recurces includeial complexs, communit

ugh well-maement, satisff managemeles and reco

sition of laned by legal enabling ac

d ordinancenecessary.

sition, the ci

es opment of pshould refleesources ofd. [Chapter

dures, with th

ties. Pursuvaluate its exr Accessible

orms to ross a 1;

creation e

xes ty

anaged fy

ent ords

nds for

cts, is es.


park ect a f the 11;

he last

uant to xisting


CommenNew Stan

nt [9]: Daniellndard

e Price:

Page 34: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation




7.3 - Standa

froterprnash20 Su

7.4 - Standa

resenethrewiplpathne Su

7.5 - Standa




7.5.1 Standa


sted Evidencvidence of c

Defense Aard: The agom encroacrm public irimitive camatural resouhould includ08, 224]

uggested Evi

Disposal ard: The agecreation lanrvices in ce

ecessary to hat the publecreation deithin the coan. In man

ark, cemetehe communiegotiation o

uggested Evi

Maintenard: The ageviewed perpecialty facicilities, aquher recreat

anging fromeveloped viahould be assequency an

sted Evidencandards for ans or samprvices; provcility operat

- Facilityard: There censes, sanit

ce of Complcompletion o

Against Egency shall chment. Viinterest. If amping, wetlurce areas, de progress

idence of Co

of Landgency shall nds. From

ertain geogrdispose of plic recreatioepartments mmunity se

ny jurisdictery, riverfroity interests

of long-term

idence of Co

ance andgency shall riodically foilities such auatic or athtional eleme

m heavily usa a park clasigned an apnd acceptab

ce of Complall parks, fa

ple external mvide evidenctions and ma

y Legal Rshall be a rtary regula

liance: Submof the access

Encroachhave proce

igilance andareas held ilands, etc.,"property b

sive steps to


s Procedhave establtime to tim

raphic distrpark lands onal benefitreceive caservice area

tions, law reont, or wates from shor

m benefits. [


d Operatihave establ

or managemas marinas,letic facilitients shouldsed and highassification ppropriate

ble quality.

liance: Provacilities and maintenance

ce of park/maintenance p

Requiremregular reviations, fire l

mit completes audit.

hment Predures for pd determinain reserve a" the commoundaries)

o address es

Provide the

ures lished proc

me demograricts. Need in specific ats are not dsh and landa. Land dispequires a reerfront proprt-term poli[Chapters 11

Provide the

ions Manlished main

ment of all , ice rinks, gies, nature c

d be identifih developedor maintenset of main[Chapters 1

vide the mainspecialty are contracts w

maintenance procedures.

ments iew of legallaws, and sa

ed checklist

roceduresprotecting pation are neare used and

munity will rand help r

scalated enc


cedures regaaphic shifts

for greaterareas. In suiminished.

d to provideposal shouleferendum perty. Suchitical decisio1, 12, and 13

disposal of

nagementntenance anpark and rgolf coursecenters, whed accordind areas to tnance classintenance sta2 and 13; Pa

ntenance anreas; providewhere applicclassificatio

l requiremeafety measu

ts, digital im

s park and reeeded to prd publicizerecognize thesist encroacroachment

regarding d

arding the may chang

r public inteuch cases n In many c

e similar facld be in accbefore the lh legislativeons base on3; Pages 208

f park and re

t Plannd operatioecreation as, zoologica

here applicang to the inthose that aification sysandards incages 253, 26

nd operatione individual cable when

on structures

ents relatedures, and in

mages and sit

ecreation lareserve and d for "use ahem as recrachment. Tt issues. [Ch

defense agai

disposal of ge the need erests may

negotiationsommunitiecilities in anord with thlocal govere requirem

n expedienc8, 210- 213,

ecreation lan

ns standard

areas and faal facilities, able. Parktended use

are lightly ustem. Eachcluding bot63, 290-300

s manual wimaintenanccontracting

s and other g

d to facilitienspections o

te reports as

ands and facprotect the

as trails, reation (i.e. The proceduhapter 11; P

inst encroach

park and for recreatmake it

s should inss the park another locahe comprehnment mayents safegu

cy while allo, 250, 286, 2

nd procedure

ds that are acilities, incequestrian

ks, facilities of the area

used and lesh of these arth recomme0]

ith maintenace managem out maintengeneral park

es, such as of adherenc


cilities e long-

ures Pages



sure and tion ensive

y sell uard owing 290]


cluding n

and a, ss reas ended

ance ment nance k and


Page 35: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


thereto. Special attention should be given aquatic facilities, child care facilities, concessions, kitchens, and zoos. [Chapters 11, 12, and 13; Pages 208-210, 214-216, 225-227, 231, 251, 259, 263, 267, 269, 286, 291]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a matrix showing a representative sample of facilities and the types of regulatory permits, licenses or inspections that are required including copy of last review or update.

7.5.2 - Preventative Maintenance Plan Standard: There shall be a comprehensive preventative maintenance plan, which manages park and recreation areas and facilities on a proactive basis providing periodic, scheduled inspections, assessment and repair/replacement of infrastructure, systems and assets. This includes certifying, checking or testing for optimum operation based on applicable industry standards, local guidelines, city requirements and/or manufacturer's recommendation for maintenance and replacement of parks, with the intent to ensure that park assets are maintained for optimum use and safety and have the ability to reach or extend its full life cycle and expected return on investment. Preventative maintenance should not be thought of as reactionary, rather it should begin with an acceptance of need and the development of a pro-active, planned program. Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the preventative maintenance plan and examples of detailed

preventative maintenance programs for identified parks, recreation areas and facilities with special attention given to playground equipment, aquatic facilities, pedestrian pathways, building infrastructure and other high impact assets, along with copies of completed, recent inspections and safety checks for a sampling of facilities/areas.

7.6 - Fleet Management Plan Standard: The agency shall have an established fleet management plan comprised of an inventory

and maintenance schedule of all vehicles and other major equipment, annual inspections, and a replacement schedule. Chapter 13; Pages 296-297, 299-300]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the fleet management plan.

7.7 - Agency-Owned Equipment, Materials, Tools, and Supplies Policies and Procedures Standard: There shall be policies and procedures for the management of and accountability for

agency-owned equipment, materials, tools, and supplies. Procedures should include the purchase and distribution to authorized persons, proper training of appropriate personnel in use of equipment, safe and secure storage of equipment, and maintenance of all equipment in operational readiness and working order. Such property includes supplies, materials, tools, expendable items, vehicles, installed and mobile equipment, and personal wear items used by agency personnel. [Chapters 11, 12, and 13; Pages 213, 217, 229, 236, 251, 253-255, 258-259, 261, 264, 277-278, 282-284, 292-293, 295-300]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide policy and procedures regarding agency-owned equipment and property.

7.7.1 - Building Plans and Specifications Standard: The agency shall have on file sketch drawing plans, specifications, and/or as-built plans

and legal description of each building, property, or site. [Chapters 11, 12, and 13; Pages 207-208, 210, 216, 218, 222, 224-227, 230-231, 239, 243, 251-252, 255, 263, 267, 273, 279, 287, 292, 299]

Comment [10]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Page 36: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation



7.8 - Standa




7.9 NStanda




7.Staanshanrere Sufacma

7.10 -

sted Evidenc

Environmard: The aggency positiandling of wesign/constrnvironmentages 210, 21

sted Evidencxamples of pe elements o

cosystem andesigns, carboograms.

Natural Rard: There nd manage

aluable wetlabitat preseclude speci

uccession coatural resouewardship tarning oppo


sted Evidencat address nanagement panagement p

ublic steward

.9.1 - Rectandard: Thnd administhall also incnd/or zero wegion with aecreation us

uggested Evicilities and aaterials recy

- Mainten

ce of Compl

mental Sgency shall ion and on ewaste; wise ruction of bal educatio5-216,226,

ce of Complprojects and of its envirod green infraon footprint

Resourceshall be nament and tlands, riverervation, waes selection

ommunitiesurce, there through voortunities. ally sound

ce of Complnatural resouplans or proplans and exdship progra

cycling anhere shall btrative officlude an edu

waste plan san emphasissers. [Chapt

idence of Coadministratiycled and the

nance Pe

liance: Prov

ustainabhave an estenergy consuse and pr

buildings ann, stewards232-233, 23

liance: Provinitiatives tnmental susastructure panalysis and

e Manageatural resouthe need to rbanks and ater supply

ns for trees and woodlshall be pro

olunteer stewThe agencymaintenanc

liance: Provurce manageocedures, traxamples of oams.

nd/or Zerbe a recyclinces that is syucational coshould inclus on makingter 13; Pages

ompliance: ive offices ae percent of

ersonnel A

vide the plan

ility Politablished enservation; sotection of

nd facilities ship, trainin36, 240, 247

vide the agethat demonststainability pplans/programd reduction

ement urce managaddress envwoodlands

y reservoirs and shrubsland ecologyocedures toward progry should woce and land

vide the natuement, key pails/land manoutreach and

ro Wasteng and/or zystematicalomponent fude all majg the recycls 290-292]

Provide a deand provide f total waste


ns and legal

cy and Pnvironmentsustainableland, air, wand an out

ng and inte7, 286-295]

ency’s envirotrate the agepolicy and ams, capital igoals, intern

gement planvironmentas for erosionand water

s, integratedy. Even if t

o encouragerams and/orork with ot

d managem

ural resourceplans addresnagement pld education

e Plan zero waste plly monitorfor both useor productling proces

escription othe last revi recycled fo

ent Proce


Program tal sustaina

e product puwater and wtreach progerpretation.

onmental suency’s commagency goalsimprovemennal/external

ns and procally unique n control, nrecharge a

d pest manathe agency e and ensurr interpreti

ther agencieent standar

e managemesing wetlanlans, invasithrough inte

plan for pared and periers and empts suitable fs easy and

f the recycliiew with staor the most r



ability policurchasing;

wildlife; susgram in pla. [Chapters

ustainability mitment to is. Examplents utilizing l communica

edures thator sensitive

nature studiareas. Critiagement, kdoes not ow

re environmive educatioes to meet ards.

ent plan(s); nd/shorelinesive species cerpretive sig

rk and recriodically reployees. Thfor recyclingconvenient

ing and/or zatistics on threcent report

cy that statreduction atainable

ace that incl11, 12, and

policy and implementats include green/susta

ation and ou

t are integre areas suchies, wildlifeical element

knowledge own or contr

mental on and otheand promot

adopted pols; urban forecontrol, wildgnage and/o

reation facileviewed. Thhe recyclingg in the givfor park an

zero waste phe amounts oting period.

es the and

ludes 13;

tion of

ainable utreach

ral to h as e and ts

of plant rol the

er te

lices est dlife or

lities he plan g ven nd

lan for of

CommenFormer 7


nt [11]: Danie.5.3

nt [12]:

elle Price:

Page 37: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Standard: The agency shall have procedures for the assignment of competent personnel with clearly defined duties for routine maintenance, repairs, and improvement of areas, facilities, and equipment, including responsibility for general cleanliness and overall attractiveness. Effective maintenance of grounds and facilities requires the selection, training, and supervision of workers in a wide variety of tasks ranging from seasonal laborers to skilled trades. Supervisory staff must be able to focus on maintenance management, such as workload control, as well as supervise the technical details of maintenance work [Chapters 12 and 13; Pages 254, 259, 284, 295] Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide examples of methods used by the agency to assign staff.

7.11 - Capital Asset Depreciation and Replacement Schedule Standard: The agency shall have an established depreciation and replacement schedule for all park

and recreation capital assets including buildings, facilities, and equipment that have predictable life cycles. Schedules should identify the useful life of each element and the associated costs of replacement; replacement costs may be reflected in annual depreciation or a lump sum at the end of the element’s useful life. Capital asset depreciation and replacement schedules, including projected costs of replacement, should be reflected in the agency’s financial plan. [Chapters 11, 12, and 13; Pages 208, 213-215, 217-218, 220, 225-229, 231, 240, 247, 289, 294]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the capital asset depreciation and replacement schedule.

Page 38: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation



Laws aof the aparks aspecifiSpeciamay deand rec Agencywhethestaff haHowevofficer For ageit is essenforce ParticutowardPlans sdisplacaffecte

8.1 - Standa




8.2 - AStanda

spto withwh


en 8.3 -

.0 - Pu


and ordinancagency. Geand recreatiocity as they l laws and oelegate authcreation area

y staff are fier the agencave responsiver, when pars.

encies relyinsential that fement organ

ular attentiond large-scaleshould inclucement planed by emerge

Laws andard: Publice governed nd managemhall be poste

sted Evidencecifically to

pproval, and

Authoritard: The aupecifically to

ensure thaithin parks

he agency, bhich the age

sted Evidencnforcement o

Law Enf

blic Sa

E: Standardand are

ces provide neral municon areas andrelate to the

ordinances mority to issuas and facili

first-in-line ty employs libility to eduatrons fail to

ng on the seformalized lnization.

n should be e natural disaude evacuatis for facilityencies.

d Ordinac safety andby laws andment of pared or readil

ce of Complo areas and f

describe ho

ty to Enfouthority of lo activity wat enforcem

and recreaby contract ency operat

ce of Complofficers to en


afety, L

ds markede required

the foundatcipal codes, d facilities. e control andmay be enacue and enforities.

to gain complaw enforcemucate patrono comply en

ervices of lawliaison relati

given to natasters, such on procedury residents a

ances d law enforcd ordinancerks and recrly available

liance: Provfacilities undow they are

orce Lawlaw enforce

within parksment actionsation areas with anothtes. [Pages 6

liance: Provnforce laws

nt Officer

Law E

d with a stad of all age

tion for contlaws and orHowever, thd managem

cted to specice permits,

pliance withment officerns on the pronforcement b

w enforcemionships be

tional, state as earthqua

res, inventorand activitie

cement withes, some of reation aree to park pa

vide documeder the jurisposted or ot

ws by Lawement offics, recreations are upheldand faciliti

her agency, 606-612]

vide documeand ordinan

r Trainin


ar ( ) arncies seeki

trolling activrdinances anhese laws geent of parksfically addrelicenses, rul

h ordinancesrs or contracoper use of pbecomes the

ment officers established

and local emakes, tornadories and locas, and provi

hin parks awhich mayas and facil

atrons. [Pag

entation of thsdiction of ththerwise rea

w Enforcers to enforn areas, andd. Authorites must be or by policy

entation thatnces within



re fundameing accred

vities and bend state and enerally havs and recreatess and guidles and regu

s, rules and rcts for law eparks, recree responsibil

from other between ag

mergency poes, hurricanations of equision of psyc

nd recreatiy be enactedlities. The

ges 19-22]

he laws, ordhe agency, iadily availab

ement Orce laws and facilities sty to enforcestablishedy of the gov

t establishes parks, recre

t, and S

ental standditation.

ehavior withfederal laws

ve broad apption areas ande public usulations appl

regulations.enforcementation areas ality of sworn

jurisdictiongency staff a

lans and prones, forest fuipment andchological a

ion areas and specificallcodes, laws

dinances andincluding doble to park p

fficers d ordinancshall be cle

ce laws and d through avernment ju

the authoriteation areas,



hin the jurisds are applicaplication andnd facilities.e and behavlicable to pa

Regardlesst services, agand facilitien law enforc

ns or departmand the offic

ocedures dirfires, and flod materials, aid for staff

nd facilitiesly for the cos and ordina

d codes that ocumentatiopatrons.

es pertaininarly establiordinances

assignment wurisdiction

ty of law , and faciliti


diction able to d lack . vior and arks

s of gency es. cement

ments, cial law

rected oods.

s shall ontrol ances

pertain n of

ng ished s within in


Page 39: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Standard: Law enforcement officers with the authority to enforce laws within areas and facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency must have proper training in order to carry out their roles and responsibilities. [Pages 612-616]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a summary of the current training program for law

enforcement officers having jurisdiction within the parks and recreation agency, including provision for refreshers and updates.

8.4 - Public Information on Laws, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations, and Policies Standard: Agency staff shall participate in educating and informing the public on laws, ordinances,

rules, regulations, and policies that apply to parks and recreation areas and facilities. This role shall be established through policy directive. [Pages 616-617]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide documentation that defines the role of agency staff in

providing public information and education on laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and policies. 8.4.1 - Staff Liaison to Law Enforcement Officers Standard: There shall be established liaison assignments for agency staff to the official law

enforcement officers providing public safety and law enforcement service to the agency. Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide current documentation of staff liaison assignment(s) with

the law enforcement authority responsible for enforcement of laws and ordinances within the parks and recreation areas and facilities.

8.4.2 - In-Service Training for Staff on Public Safety and Law Enforcement Standard: Agency staff shall understand their role in public safety and law enforcement and

relationships with law enforcement officers having jurisdiction within parks and recreation areas and facilities. The purpose of this training to to ensure that staff understand where their authority ends and when an incident should be referred to law enforcement. In-service training shall be extended to front line staff such as lifeguards and park attendants to assure they are fully prepared to respond to law-enforcement incidents. [Pages 614]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide documentation of recent of in-service training for agency

staff, defining their role in public safety and law enforcement, including agendas and attendance rosters.

8.4.3 - Handling of Disruptive Behavior Procedures Standard: There shall be established procedures for agency staff on response to disruptive behavior

at agency areas and facilities. Procedures shall identify the role of staff in education of patrons, intervention when an incident occurs, documentation of behavior and delineation of law enforcement roles in handling behavioral issues. [Pages 620-624]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide current procedures regarding handling of disruptive

behavior. 8.4.4 - Traffic Control, Parking Plans, and Crowd Control Standard: The agency shall coordinate with the official law enforcement agency having jurisdiction

on large-scale events hosted or facilitated by the agency that require planning and coordination of traffic, parking and crowd control. Plans shall specifically define the role of the event

Page 40: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation





8.4.5 Standa

of estin as



8.5 - Standa




rev 8.6 - Standa


ponsor, agenoutes and pe

sted Evidencaffic controlgency.

- Handliard: Procedf evidence utablished inensuring th

ssumes com

sted Evidencgency staff in

General ard: The agnd facilities uilding or faompilation oans should

a. Lob. Ac. Od. Fie. Emf. C

Hazardous oach specificignage syster facility is 27-637]

sted Evidencview or upd

Emergenard: The agnd its role inrvices prov

oles in emerpplicable optegral to thffice of Homaintenance

ncy staff, thersonnel as

ce of Compll, parking pl

ing of Evdures shall

until transfen coordinathat evident

mmand of th

ce of Compln the discov

Security gency shall under its j

acility shouof security pinclude: ocking key larm system

Opening andire alarm amergency eritical incid

or flammabc site. Signaem. To be eadded, secu

ce of Compldate.

ncy Manaency shall bn emergencvided by thergency manperations plhe plan and meland Secof emergen

he law enforsignments.

liance: Provlans and crow

identiarybe establish

erred to thetion with thtiary items ahe scene. [P

liance: Provvery, preserv

Plan have a comurisdiction

uld be availaplans from

systems anm and assigd closing prnd fire supevacuation dent responble materialage at each effective, thurity system

liance: Prov

agement be aware ofcy manageme agency an

nagement sylan. The agmay be depurity provincy manage

rcement ag[Pages 624

vide a recenwd control f

y Items Phed that gue appropriahe appropriare preserv

Pages 622-62

vide the provation and h


that is updable at eacheach majo

nd associategnment of serocedures; pression syprocedures

nse proceduls storage arsite should

he security pms are mod

vide the age

Planningf emergencyment systemnd the locatiystems withency’s specployed in thides guidanement plan

gency regard-637]

nt example ofor activitie

Procedureuide agency ate law enfoate law enf

ved until th23]

cedures defihandling of e

e general sedated periodh site. The gr area, buil

ed assignmeecurity cod

ystems; s; and ures. reas should

d be installeplan should

dified or wh

ency’s gener

g y operation

ms. Roles mion of its fa

hin their loccialized stafhe event of ce and supps. [Pages 63

ding traffic

of coordinatis and events

es staff in the

orcement auforcement ae proper la

fining the rolevidentiary i

ecurity plandically. Plageneral seculding or fac

ents; des;

d be clearlyed in accordd be update

hen legislati

ral security p

ns planningmay vary deacilities. Recal jurisdictff, buildingsa large-scaport for the34-637]

c layouts at

ion with laws hosted or f

e preservatiuthority. Pragencies to daw enforcem

le and respoitems.

n addressinns for eachurity plan m

cility. At a

identified idance with ted when a non requires

plan with th

within theiepending onecreation agtion, shall bs and equip

ale emergene preparatio

the venue,

w enforcemefacilitated by

ion and hanrocedures sdefine staff

ment agency

onsibility of

g areas, buh major areamay be a minimum,

in plans anthe unified

new area, bus change. [P

he most recen

ir jurisdictin the scope gencies, havbe aware of pment may ncy. The U.on and


ent on y the

ndling hall be f roles y


ildings a,


d at

uilding Pages


ion of

ving f the be S.

Page 41: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the applicable emergency management plan with the most recent date of approval. If, due to security concerns, the emergency management plan is not available for public review, provide the emergency management plan table of contents.

8.6.1 - In-Service Training for Staff on Emergency Management Standard: Through in-service training, agency personnel shall understand their role in ongoing

security and emergency management. In-service training should inform staff of their role in response to critical incidents and emergencies and provide specific procedures for routine operations. [Page 636]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide documentation of in-service training programs on general

security and emergency management, including a dated outline of the presentation topics and a roster of participants.

8.6.2 - Emergency Risk Communications Plan Standard: There shall be a communications plan, that is reviewed and updated periodically, to

accurately and effectively communicate with the public and experts during a catastrophic event that attracts significant media attention, such as a health emergency, terrorist attack, earthquake or storm. The crisis communication plan shall delineate individuals responsible for communicating with the press, chain of command on notifying proper people of the incident and communicating status updates. [Pages 634-637]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a copy of the Emergency Risk Communications Plan and the

most recent review. 8.6.3 - Care and Shelter Procedures Standard: There shall be procedures to coordinate with agencies designated to provide care and

shelter to those in need during disasters or emergencies. Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide procedures to coordinate with agencies designated to provide

care and shelter during emergencies.

Comment [13]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Comment [14]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Page 42: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


A comThe agof the amethodevaluatstructuinsuranequipm In somby a andepartm 9.1 -



9.1.1 Standa



9.1.2 Standa



mprehensive gency shall iagency. Thd and tools uted for effec

ure set in plance, preventment and fac

me cases, the nother goverments and a

Risk Matandard: Thppropriate ahe proper au

uggested Evipproval by th

- Risk Mard: The agrocedure throper autho

mpact for thanaged for

uch injury a

uggested Evioper authoristaff. The r

1. Ri2. Ri3. In

- Accideard: There ccident and mployees. Doordinated a

E: Standardand are

risk managemplement aere is no preused will vactiveness anace to implemtion) and indcilities, failu

risk managrnment authgencies, pri

nagemenhe agency sauthority fouthority. [P

idence of Cohe proper au

Managemgency shall hat is periodority that enhe agency T

personal inand loss. [P

idence of Coity, the mosrisk manageisk identificisk response

ntegration of

nt and Inshall be estincident re

Data shall beaccident pr

9.0 - R

ds markede required

ement plan iapproaches fescriptive mary. Risk mand adjustmenment an effedirect costs (ure to provid

gement plan hority. Specivate contrac

nt Policy shall have aor impleme

Pages 579-59

ompliance: uthority.

ent Plan have an est

dically reviencompassesThe plan shnjury and fPages 583-59

ompliance: t recent revi

ement plan scation and ase strategies; f the risk ma

ncident Rtablished preports. There obtained

revention pr

Risk M

d with a stad of all age

is essential tfor identifica

method for idanagement ints made as ective plan. (time lost fr

de services a

and functioial cooperatictors, and co

a policy for enting opera98]

Provide the

and Proctablished riewed, access analysis of

hall analyze financial los96]

Provide the iew, and indshall reflect ssessment; and

anagement p

Report Prrocedures fre shall be in an approrograms wi


ar ( ) arncies seeki

to minimizeation and co

dentificationis an on-goinappropriateThe analysi

rom work byand loss of in

n may occuive arrangemommunity o

risk managational pra

risk manag

cedures isk managessible to all f risk exposthe progra

ss potential

current riskdication of hall three ph


rocedurefor accidentan accidentopriate manithin the ag


re fundameing accred

e legal liabiliontrol of riskn of all risks ng process t. Responsibis shall incluy injured emncome).

ur outside thements shouldrganizations

gement thatctices and p

ement polic

ement plan agency persure, controams/servicel and identi

k managemehow the planases of risk

s t and incidet/incident rnner to sup

gency. [Page

ental standditation.

ities and perks based on suitable for

that must bebilities mustude the direc

mployees, da

e park and rd be in places.

t sets directprocedures

cy including

and manuarsonnel andol approachs offered anfy approach

ent plan withn and procedmanagemen

ent reportinreport formpport plannes 583-589]


rsonal injurithe specific

r all entitiese systematict be assignedct costs (sta

amage to

recreation age with other

tion and giv that appro

g indication o

al of operatid approved hes and finand facilitieshes to mana

h approval bdures are avnt:

ng and anam available t

ed and

ies. c needs ; the ally d and ffing,

gency r public

ves oved by


ing by the ancial s/areas age

by the vailable

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Page 43: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the accident/incident form(s) and the procedures for documenting and analyzing accidents and incidents. The accident/incident form(s) may include identification information (who), specific location of accident (where), description of accident in terms of action of injured and sequence of activity (what), possible preventative measures the injured could have taken, procedures followed in rendering aid, and disposition.

9.1.3 - Personnel Involvement and Training Standard: The agency risk management function shall involve and train personnel at all levels.

[Pages 594-596] Suggested Evidences of Compliance: Demonstrate how personnel at all levels are involved and trained

regarding risk management. 9.2 - Risk Manager Standard: A specific position within the agency shall be designated with risk management

responsibility and authority to carry out the policies established for risk management. [Pages 82-583]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Demonstrate the assignment of risk management responsibility to an

individual authorized to carry out the policies established for risk management.

9.3 - ADA Compliance and Face-to-Face Resolution Standard: The agency shall have a written ADA statement of compliance and a written process for

addressing and resolving issues of accessibility, both physical and programmatic. [Pages 253, 287, 400, 584-588]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the written ADA statement which is present on marketing

materials whether printed or electronic. There should be an avenue for raising a question of ADA compliance available to all members of the community, either in a written or electronic format. Provide a written policy or procedure available to the residents which outlines the steps taken to resolve questions, concerns, or complaints of accessibility along with a reasonable timeline for completion and have a process for face-to-face meetings is in place. Provide evidence of staff training regarding resolving ADA questions, concerns, or complaints is provided.

Comment [15]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Page 44: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


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Page 45: CAPRA Accreditation Standards DRAFT 11-05-13...In 1993, the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies was established to implement and administer the accreditation


Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide examples of how evaluations have been used to assess levels of performance and effectiveness in the organization and how evaluation are used to determine if specific programs, services or facilities are achieving planned or projected results.

10.3 - Performance Measurement Standard: The agency shall have a procedure for tracking and monitoring data trends and

measuring performance against targets linked to achievement of goals and objectives. [Chapters 11 and 23; Pages 222-224, 656]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide performance targets and measurement in use by the agency.

Describe the process and frequency of performance measurement and cite examples for how the results have been used by the agency to affect decisions. The measures may include data gathered from the following qualitative and quantitative sources:

a. Recreation and demographic trends; b. Needs assessment; c. Community inventory; d. Surveys; e. Program and service statistics; f. Inspections; g. Customer feedback; h. Program evaluation; i. Risk management reports; and j. Budget and financial reports.

10.3.1 - Level of Service Standards Standard: The agency shall have level of service (LOS) standards for provision of land, facilities

and services within the jurisdiction. LOS standards are a type of performance measure associated with equitable provision service, such as the number of facilities per 1,000 residents in a service area or facilities available within a designated travel distance or travel time, e.g. percent of population that have a park within a 10 minute walk. LOS standard can also address other dimensions of equitable access, such as connectivity, maintenance and affordability, e.g. percent of parkland connected to the trail network. [Chapter 11; Pages 223-224]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the LOS standards, describe the process for developing the

standards and describe how LOS standards are used to establish facility and service priorities. 10.4 - Needs Assessment Standard: The agency shall periodically conduct an assessment of assets and needs to identify

existing and projected gaps in service and determine land, facility and service priorities. Need assessments are used to help determine priorities for developing services with the agency. Needs assessments can use a variety of methods to obtain input from the community, including focus groups, advisory boards, forums, and surveys. [Chapters 5, 8, 11; Pages 107, 133-134, 228]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide the current needs assessment, describe the procedural steps

in conducting the assessment, describe the frequency of updates, and describe the use of the assessment in agency planning.

10.5 - Program and Service Statistics

Comment [17]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Comment [18]: Danielle Price: New Standard

Comment [19]: Danielle Price: Former 2.4.2

Comment [20]: Danielle Price: Former 6.8

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Standard: The agency shall collect and analyze statistics on its programs and services for evaluation and future program and service development. [Chapters 11, 15, and 23; Pages 226-227, 370-372, 660-663]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide examples of statistics collected, describe the frequency of

updates, and describe how the agency makes use of the information. 10.5.1 - Recreation and Leisure Trends Analysis Standard: The agency shall assess periodically societal and local recreation and leisure trends and

determine how those trends impact existing and projected user populations. [Chapter 23; Page 644]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide trends analysis, describe frequency of updates, and describe

linkage to agency goals and objectives. 10.5.2 - Community Inventory Standard: The agency shall compile a complete and current inventory of parkland and recreation

facilities, programs and services in the service area, including those provided by the agency and those offered by schools and other alternative public, private, non-profit providers. [Chapter 8; Pages 129-130]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a complete and current inventory of parkland, programs and

services available in the community, describe the frequency of updates, and describe how the agency makes use of this information.

10.5.3 - PRORAGIS

Standard: The agency shall have a data profile entered into PRORAGIS, the national park and recreation database. Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a copy of the agency data profile from the PRORAGIS database.

10.6 - Research Investigation Standard: The agency shall conduct at least one experimental exploration or research investigation

each year related to park and recreation operations. These are demonstration or pilot projects where performance data are collected before and after the test to determine effectiveness. [Chapter 23; Pages 658-659]

Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide a report on a current or recent experimental or demonstration

research project designed to improve a product or to test a new process or procedure, including methods used and research findings; provide brief descriptions of other research investigations undertaken over the past five (5) years.

10.6.1 - Quality Assurance Standard: The agency shall monitor and evaluate the quality of its programs, services and facilities

from the user perspective. Examples include but are not limited to customer comment cards, secret/mystery shopper surveys, user satisfaction surveys, program evaluations and focus groups. [Chapter 15; Pages 370-372]

Comment [21]: Danielle Price: Former 2.4.1

Comment [22]: Danielle Price: Former 2.4.3

Comment [23]: Danielle Price: New Standard

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Suggested Evidence of Compliance: Provide recent examples of methods used to collect, monitor and evaluate quality assurance data from users.