=::: - -- -- --- - --- - - - -- - U. S. WORKS PP.OGRESS BIB L lOG RAP H Y OF A E RON AUT I C S Part 21 Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation- Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([) ,F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York City The Index and Bibliographies have been prepared by workers under the supervision of the U.S. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Cecil Ross Senior Projoct Supervisor 165-97-6055 1 9 3 7

Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES

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Page 1: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES

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Part 21

Blind Flight Automatic Pilot

Ice Formation-

Compiled from the


of the


30 Rockefeller Plaza New York City

The Index and Bibliographies have been prepared by workers under the supervision of the


Senior Projoct Supervisor Pt~oject 165-97-6055

1 9 3 7

Page 2: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES

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This bibliography is one of a series which aiEls to '

covcr a large part of aeronautical literature. It is pub-

lished by thc U. S. Works P~ogress Administration Proj ect

165-97-6055 under the sponsorship of the Ncw York City

Department of Docks with the cooperation of the Institute

of the Acronautic~l Sciences.

Request for Additions

The Institute of the Ael'onauticnl Sciences which is

directing the U. S. Works Prog!'css Administration staff of

workers will nppreciate rece iving additional references,

corrections and cri ticism, so that tl~e bibli0graphies will

be more help~ul when issued i n final fo~m.

Reques t f or Copies

The bibliograpbies bave been prepared vlith funds

allotted by thc U. S. 1.'!orks Progress Adnir:istration. They

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Persons and organizations wishing to procure copies

may apply for the~ by letter, stating the usc for which

they are needed . When it is possible to prcpnre additional

copies such requests will receive first consideration.

Address nll correspondence to:

John R. Fo.lm8r Managing Project Supervisor U. S. Works Progress Administra,tion 5431 R.C.A. Building New Yorl{ City

Rob ert R. Dexter Aer onautical Engineer

Page 3: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES

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A R. C. R. & M. - Great Brite-tin. Aeronautical research coumittee. Reports and memoranda.

A.8.M.E. - American society of mechanical engineers, He H York.

Atti Assoc. ital. aerotecn. - Atti dell'Associazione italiana di nerotecnica. Roma.

C.l.N.A. - Commission interDat ionRle de navi gation aerienne, GelleVe.

, C.H. Acad. sc1., - COR'I)t Ct1 re n(1U ;~ 1::eb(l.otllEl.o.ail'p.s d.es

de l'Academie ~e8 science2, ~lri8. seances

D. V. L. - Dent sc> .. e versuc!'sans Lal'c [0.1' luf'tfRllrt, Berlin.

F.A.l. - F~d~ration aeronRuti0ue internationale, Paris.

H.M. Stat. o/f. - Hi ~3 Hnjesty's Stationery office, London.

N.A.A. - National ReronRutic association, ITashin~ton.

N.A.C.A. - National advisory committee for aeronautics, ''!ashington.

iT- P.L. - National physic8.l laboratory, Teo0..ington, England.

Pub. scient. tec11. Min. de l'Rir. - Publications scienti­fiqlles et techniques qu Ministere de l'aiY'. Service des recherches de l'aeronautiGue, Paris.

R.A.F. - Royn. l air force (Great Britain)

R.A.S. - Royal ael'onElutical socieT;Y (Great Britp.in)

Re nd . Istitut o Slper. ae ro - :lendiconto del1'Istituto sperimentRle ae r onaut ico, Roma.

S.A.E. - Socie t y of autoM ot ive engineerA, Nen York.

U.S. Govt. print. off. - U. S. Government printing office , i7ashington.

V.D.l. - Verein deutscher i ngen i eure, Berlin.

',L G. L. - ri'isseIlscl1aftliclle gesel lsc)-i..a.fT, fur luftfahrt, Berlin.

Z.A.lvI.M . - Zeitschrift fur an, ·;erlandte mathematik unO. mechanik, Berlin.

Z.F.M. - Zeitschrift fur flugtechnik unO. ~otorluftschif;nhrt Munchen.

Page 4: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES


Part I


Part II


part III

BImLIOGRAPHY ON IC~ FOru{~TION ••••••••• 34

AUTHOR INDEX. ................ • ............. 45

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Part I 1


. . .

Latest blind landing system explained by model. Popular mech?,nics, May 1937, v. 67, p! 72F,3-29. d:j..agrs., illus.

Air track. Aviation, Mar. 1937, p. 42! +llus. . . . .

Technical ?,chievements in review, by A. H. Sandwell. Canadian aviation, Mar. 1937, v. 10, no. 3, p . 20, 31. illus.

. . . . . Practic?,l aspects of ra~io navigation of aircraft, by H. W.

Roberts. Aero digest, Feb. 1937, v. 30, no. 2, p. 56, 58. diagr., illus.

. . . . Drawing the fog line. The Aeroplane, London, Jan. 20, 1937,

v. 52, no. 1339, p. 75-76. . .. . .

American accidents and bent beams. The Aeroplane, London, Jan. 6~ 1937, v. 52, no •. 1337,.p. 22.

. .. . Blind approach at Croyden, Pt. I-II. The Aeroplane, London,

Jan. 6, 1937, v. 52, no. ' 1337, p. 22. ,. . ,

L'Atterrissage sans visibilite des avions, par G. Jacquet. Revue de l'armee de 1 1?,ir, Dec. 1936, p. 1435-50. il1us.

. .. Automatic landtngs by radio. System developed by United

air lines. Scientlfic american, Dec. 1936, v. 155, p. 364-~5. illu~.

. . Blind flying. Part I., Medical aspects, by Eugene . Smith.

P?,rt II., The Li~k tra+ner, by.H. Latane Lewis II. National aeronautic magazine, Washington, Nov, 1936, v. 14, no. 11, p. 8-11. illus.

. . . Instrument landing systems for aircraft, by H. W. Roberts.

Aero digest, Oct., Nov. 1936, p. 43-44, 46; 32-34, 36. diagrs., ill us.

. . .. Preventing collision in the air; Radiaura.

american, Nov. 1936, v. 155, p. 301,

Schlechtwetter-landegerate; von W. Moser. zeitung, Nov. 1936, v. 17, no. 74, p. illus.

. . .


Telefunken-5-18. diagrs.,

Blind flying for fun, by C. G. Triest. Country life, Oct. 1936, v. 70, p . 70-71.

. . Controlled lighting for landing during zero-zero conditions,

by J. B. Bartow. Aero digest, Oct. 1936, v. 29, p. 25-27.

Page 6: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES


Department of commerce issues regulations governing blind flying on civil airways. Air commerce bulletin, Aug. 15, 1936, v. 8, no. 2, p. 38-45. table.

Les Radiophares d'atterrissage, par P. Lariviere. L'Aero­nautique, Aug. 1936. 7 p. illus.

Blind landing; Metcalf new system. Aviation, July 23, 1936, v. 35, p. 45.

Sonic marker beacon for fog aviation, by C. W. Rice. Journal of the Acoustical society of .lilllerica, July 19\36, v. 8", no. 1, p. 26-29, 30-35. illus.

Landing aircraft by Bound. Wireless w0rld, June 26, 1936, v. 627. illus.

Automatic landings; device to tie up radio lano.in8 aids wi th automatic piloting. Aviation, June 1936, v. 35, p. 53. illus.

Training pilots to fly the beam, by A. F. Bonnalie. Scientific american, June 1936, p. 322-24. illus.

United air lines instrument landing system. Aero digest, Juno 1936, v. 28, no. 6, p. 60. illus.

Weather hazards; fOB hazards, by W. H. Wenstrom. Aero digest, June 1936, v. 28, p. 21-22.

United lines blind landing a lone step toward safe flight . . News week, May 23, 1936, v. 7, p. 30. illus.

Leading the blind. (Lorenz system of blind approach to airports) The Aeroplane, London, May 20, 1936, v. 5 if, no. 1304, p. 641.

Blind landing. Time; May 18, 1936, v. 27, p. 69.

Air line develops l"obot lana inc. Aut Of'lOt i ve inclustries, May 16, 1936, v. 74, p. 686.

L'Atterrissage sans visibilite des avions, par P. Roland. La Nature, May 15, 1936, v. 64, pt. 1, p. 438-41. c1 ias;rs., illus.

P.S.V. (Pilotage 811ns vuo), par Dordilly. Revue du Ministere do l'air, Apr. 15, May 15, 1936, v. 2, no. 16, 17, p. 473-92, 640-51. diagrs., illus.

Blind f1yin~ by sound. v. 154, p . 266-67.

Scientific american, May 1936, illus.

Guida :?c horizontal et vcrtical des avions sans vieibili te, par Gaetnn Jacquet. Rovuo de l'armec cla l'air, May 1936, no. 82, p . 589-94. diagrs.

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New system for blind landing of airplanes, by K. Baumann and A. Ettinger. Proceedings of the Institute of radio engineers, May 1936, v. 24, no. 5, p. 751-54. diagrs.

Sch1echtwetter1andungen von flugzeugen, von C. A. Jab1enz. Zeitschrift des V.D.I., Mar. 21, 1936, v. 80, p. 347-48.

Pea-soup parking. Aeroplane, Mar. 4, 1936, v. 50, p. 303.

Flying the beams. Popular mechanics, Mar. 1936, v. 65, p. 402-04. il1us .

. Superpi10ts of tomorrow learn to fly by instrument and radio, by A. R. Boone. PDpu1ar science, Mar. 1936, v. 128, p. 29-32.

True blind flight, by L. ~e Florez. Journal of the aeronautical scienceG, Mar. 1936, v. 3, no. 5, p. 168.

Le Cable de ~u~dage elec"cr:o-magnetique, etc., par E. Fromy. Revue generR1e do l' c l~ctricite, Feb. 22, 29, 1936, v. 39, no. 8, 9, p. 275-88, 313-27.

Blind flying: Lorenz guiding system at Heston airport. Electrician, Feb. 28, 1936, v. 116, p. 29. il1us. (Also Electrical review, Feb. 28, 1936, v. 118, p. 315) - ,

Blind approaches in England. Flight, Feb. 27, 1936, v. 29, p. 240.

Homing signal; flyers can tune in on broadcasting stati.ns for radio guidance. Business week, Feb. 15, 1936, p. 24.

Blind approaches at Farnborough. Flight, Feb. 6, 1936, v. 29, p. 147, 150.

How radio makes flying safe~ by L. M. Cockaday. Radio news, Feb. 1936, v. 17, p. 457.

Instrument flying "Ftb initio", by S. A. Dalbro. Flight, Jan. 9, 1936, v. 29, no. 1411, p. 52-53.

Flying by radio, by J. P. De Wet. Canadian mining journal, ~n. 1936, v. 57, no. 1, p. 26-27.

La Methodes d' atterrissage radio-guide ElUX Etatf3-Unis. Revue do l'armoe de l'air, Jan. 1936, p. 88.

Polarisation errors in nirection, by R. A. W. Watt. Wireless engineering, Jan. 1936, v. 13, p. 3-6.

Brume8 et brouillards, par H. Clusy. 1936, v. 27, no. 139, p. 64-73.

.-Technique aeronautiquc,

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A New system for blind landing of ~irplDnes , by K. Baumnnn and A. Ettinger. Proceedings of the Institute of radio nnginears, 1936, v. 24, no. 5, p. 751-54.

Practicn.l flight training, revised edition, by B. Studley. Ne~ York, Mncmillnn co., 1936. 433 p. diagrs., illu8.

Le Vol nux instruments, pnr Gaetano Arturo Crocco. Revue de l'armec de l'nir, 1936, no. 87, p. 1085-1104. illus.

Instrument training from scratch. Avir'l.tion, Dec. 1935, v. 34, p. 16-17.

Another blind landing system - S:101't-~?flVe experiments at Croydon. FliGht, Nov. 21, 19,55, v. 28, no. 1404, p. 529.

Flying "blind", by O. Cn,thcr .... rt-Jones. Aero Ilnd n.irl!vnys, Nov. lS35, p. 5-7.

Instrument flying trainor acquircd by Bureau of nir commerce. Air commercu bulletin, Nov. 1935, v. 7, p. 111-14.

Instrument Inn~ing systems for nircraft, by H. W. Roberts. Aero digest, Oct.-Nov. 1935, v. 29, p. 32-34, 43-44, 46.

Instrument flying, the technique of modern training in blind flying: instruments employed and their method of application, by H. A. Taylor. FliBht, Oct. 17, 1935, v. 28, no. 1399, p. 402-404. d1~grs., il1us.

Blind landings. The Lorenz Lorelei (for instrument Inndings) Tho Aeroplane, London, Oct. 9, 1935, v. 28, p. 452.

Present state in the art of blind landing of nirplflnes using ultra-short wnves in Europe, by E. KrRmer. Proceedings of the Institute of radio engineers, Oct. 1935, v. 23, no. 10, p. 1171-82. diagrs. ,111u8.

/ Present stnte in the ~rt of blind lRndings, by O. C. Koppen. Avintion, Oct, 1935, v. 23, p. 1181-82.

Stn,ndardizing blind approach Inndings. The Aeropl.'"'.ne, London, Sep. 4, 1935, v. 49, no. 1267, p.301-02. illu8.

Dns Magnetische feld und dar noussere sche1nwiderstnnd cines ringformigen crdknbels, von H. Buchl101z. Electr1sche nRchrichten-technik, Berlin, Sop. 1935, v. 12, no. 9, p. 289-.303.

Blind approRch prospects. The Aeroplane, London, Aug. 21, 1935, v. 49, no. 1265, p. 243-44. 111u8.

A Worthy purpose. Aeroplnne, London, Aug. 14, 1935, v. 49, no. 1264, p. 195.

Page 9: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES


Dummy pl:me trnins nrmy pilots to :t'ly blind at SCI1. Populnr scinnce, Aug. 1935, v. 127, p. 20-21. illus.

Zero-zero, by E. A. Cutrell. Avi~tion, Aug. 1905, v. 4, no. 28, p. 2:2-24. dingr., illus.

Air ' s highest honor to deviser of fog-piercing eyes. News ~eek, July 27, 1935, v. 6, p. 23.

Covered cockpit; Collier trophy goes to CnptRin A. H. Ho[,;enberger for his achievements in blind Innding, by W. B. Courtney. Co11ier'G, July 27, 1935, v. 96, p. 9. o.ingrs., il1us.

Pcrson[11 observntions of blin(l fJ.:,ing. Aircrnft, July 19:35, p. 16.

Dop~rtment of commerce to survey siteD at twe lve nirports for inst~llntion of blln~ nppronch equipment. Air commerce ~ulletin, Juno 15, 1905, v. 6, no. 12, p. 277-78.

Instrument nnc.l r:'l.di6 flyine;, by E. A. Cutrell. Aviation, June 1935, v. 34, p. 11-14. dingrs., illus.

Instrument flying trRinlng, by H. R. Cnrefoot. Cnnndian avintion, June 1935, p. 6-7.

Blind lrtnding nnd "AI" Hee;enber3er, by Brndlcy Jones. U. S. Air scrvices, Washington, Apr. 1935, p. 13-15.

Erf!l.hrungen mit blindflugschlilern, von E. Everling. Luft-1fl issen, Apr. 1935, v. 2, no. 4, p. 96.

Le C..lble de gu~d.'l.gc, son emplot pour I' 0tterrissagc srms visibilite, par P. LnriviE)re. L'Aeronp..utique, Mnr. 1935, v. 17, no. 190~ p. 55-58.

New dcvelopments in blind flying, by H. L. Lcwis II. Universnl model nirplRne news, Mnr. 1935, p. 4-5.

Le Pilotage [tUX instruments, par Louis AU8sennc. L'Aero­nnutique, Mar. 1935, v. 17, no. 190, p. 59-64.

Radio blind landinG syst0m to be instnlled on midcontincntal ."). irway. Air commerce bullet in, Feb. 15, 1935, v. 6, no. 8, p. 179-82. diagr.

"Blind" into Tempclhof, by H. A. Taylor. Flight, Feb. 14, 1935, v. 34, p. 175-77.

Getting lost in foe or stormy peD.thor, by C. Caldwell. Aero digest, Feb. 1935, v. 26, p. 27.

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t rk on lnetru ent ,flying, by Alexander Xlemln. Scientitic ric I June 34, v. 150, p. 313. 111U.

Landing lr-llner ,n tog. i ht, 1 3, 1934, p. 447. ( a Aeronl e, 7 2, 193. • 74Q. )

Und r the hood, by 1111am C. Ock r. Southwe tern aytatlon, ., 193 , p. 4-6.

11nd fil1ng, by a hin ton,

J. Rogers, Jr. U. • Air arvie , pre 1934, T. 19, no. 4, p. 12-17, 31-34.

Plying 1n h tog. 01eno ; r. 2, 1934, p. 79.

opular avl ion;


etho ot b11nd landing. • 15 56.

r. 1934,

d'at ar1 8 ge •• D ecrlpt~on du radlophare age u Bourg <H It vue arona 1 ue 1nter-

r. 1934. p. 111u8.

d b!"d POll » le vol veugl, r uti ne, Fe. 934,~. 16,

g Loth tun a-ro p C.Uw08 eouterraln8. erophl1e, Peb. 1 34, v. 42, no. 2, • 44-45.

dio 8. under low . 1 • 193 , v 5,

, ,

B ttlin the elements, by • uok nd • N1xon. e York I ty, \t& , 0 ,1934. 192 p. 11 •

inter. 111uI.

easur ent ot a 1 tu 1n bllDd t111n I l' • G. rombactl ere a bing on, 1934. 34 • (. .O.A. Techn10Sl notes o. 503)

, A -Le B 1eage de Q rodro p r oable, ent rre • J. lanchard. Revue g nerale de l' leotr101te, Deo. 2,

1933, T. 34, no. 22, • 765-76.

Page 12: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES


.own aradl0 beam through mile ot fog, by D. 0 ~. PopUl r sol.nee, D c. 1933, v. 123, p" 34 .. 38 • . c11agre., 1I1us.

Oakland's blind landing sJ'stem, by R. l't1n. stern flying, Los gele~, Dec. 1933, Y. 13, no. 12. p. 18-19.

rog lose its perl1s, by J f/ B. 1111atlls. Selene. neW8 lett ,NoY. 18, 1933, v. 24, no. 658, ,,330~31, 335.

Perform noe t st of r dlo system of landing 11, by Hart')' Dla.mond. Bureau of standards JOUl'llal ot research, Oe'. 1933, v. 11, no. 4, p. 46~90" r... pe, plan "

Schleohtwetterlndung mlttels ultraJrurz.el.lel'l .... tmtkbak ft, von H~ Jaoobsha en und E. K m r. z.r .•• , Sept 28, . 1933, .~ 24, no. 18, p. ~ 3~95. dlagrs., tllus.

Blind landing 14 tor eather-proof fl,1ng. LIterary d1ge.t_ Sep. 16, 1933, 9. 116. p. 1&.

fhey',-e . comlng' ~ugh th oell1ng, b1 • a. Co-u.rtnel. 00111er' f Se • 16, 1933, v .. 92, p. 12-13.

Wlrele direotion ot ircrat landing lnfog. ture, Sep. 16, 1933, v. 132, • 451-52.

Fly1 g blInd, by H. L. t.,. 1 , II. Uni't"ersal odel airplane news. Sep. 1933, p. 4-5.

Alrpl pilote aunl1 " eyes .. bY' G .. Edward Pendra,y. L1tel'" r'1 digest, Aug .. 6, 1933, v. 116, p. 14.

1# Le V01 s ns 'V'ls1bl11te, par r. B:run. L'A1r, Aug. 1, 1933,

V. 15, no. 330; p. 19-20.

:Radl0.range tZ'an miners guide tr trio ot lr t by F. S~ br,. Electrio Journ • P1ttB~ rgh j A g. 1933. v. 30,

no, 8,. p. 333-36.

AUtOUlatl0 skipper ot the high a,... fopular Ul&ebanlce, lUI,. ]'933, v. 60, p. 1-3.

Radio syst$m to~ landlng 1rc tt durIng tog. by .arrr Dl on 11 Scientifio monthly, July 1933, v. 3?, p. 94~96. d1 gr.; 111U •

Fo~ a te nav1g tlon. FlIght, June 29, 1933, v. 25, no. 26, p. 662.

B11nd flIght tr 1nln , bY' Howard Oyru Stark. Sportsman pilot, ,-Jun 1933, p. 6-~.

CUrved radio beam no 1 nds planes in tog. Popul r sc1enoe, June 1933, v. 122" p. 28. 41 gr ., 111u •

Page 13: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES


Radio system for landing aircraft during fog, by H. Diamond. Electronic, June 1933, v. 6, no. 6, p. 158-61.

War on fog, by C. M. Young. Western flying, Los Angeles, June 1933, v. 13, no. 6, p. 8-10.

Performance data on system of radio aids for blind landing of aircraft. Air commerce bulletin, May 1, 1933, v. 4, no. 21, p. 525-27.

Down the landing beam; fog landing system demonstrated at Newark airport by· the Department of commerce, by S. P. Johnston. Aviation, May 1933, v. 32, no. 5, p. 162-63.

YAcnei1 fog-eye for navigation, by W. G. Barcus. Aviation engineering, May 1933, v. 8, p. 19-20.

Simplified system for landing blind, by Howard Cyrus Stark. Aero digest, May 1933, v. 22, p. 33. i1lus.

Department of commerce develops radio system for blind landing. Southern aviation, Atlanta, Ga., Apr. 1933, p. 5-6.

New England t~ces up blind flying, by G. Mason. U. S. Air services, Washington, Apr. 1933, p. 16-17.

Radio system for fog landings, by W. Belikoff. Aviation engineering, New York, Apr. 1933, v. 8, no. 4, p. 23, 25. diagrs., illus.

System of radio aids for fog landing. Parts I-II, by H. H. B1ee. Aero digest, Mar., Apr., 1933, v. 22, p. 27-29; 17. diagr., i1lus.

Unique plan of solving the problem of landing in fog, by C. Laird. Southern aviation, Atlanta, Ga., Apr. 1933, p. 3-4.

, Vo10 senza visibilita, di Gaetano Arturo Crocco. L'Aero­

tecnica, Roma, Apr. 1933. 13 p.

Radio system for blind landing of aircraft to be given service tests. Air commerce bulletin, Mar. 15, 1933, v. 4, no. 18, p. 441-47. diagrs.

Whe not to go through, by G. E. Gardner. Western flying, Los Angeles, Feb. 1933, v. 13, no. 2, p. 8-9.

Bill Eddy tell s of flInstrument flying lt • Aircraft age, Jan. 1933, p. 4.

Blind flying again, by L. D. Webb. U. S. Air services, Washington, Jan. 1933, p. 33.

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Hegenberger makes vlorld ls first blind 8010 flight. U. S. Air services, Washington, July 1932, v. 17, no. 7, p. 12-14. illus.

Instrument flyinG on the nir line to Mexico City, by D. G. Rich[1.rdson. U. S. Air services, Wushington, July 1932, v. 17, no. 7, p. 32-33.

Dan Gleichc;eVlichtoore;an als Yvendezeiger, von E. Everling. Z.F.M., June 24, .1932, v. 23, no. 12, p. 342-43.

Verfahren zur erleichterung von blindlr-mCl.ungen, von M. H. Gloeclmer. Z.F.M., June 2Lj" 1932, v. 23, no. 12, p. 3 L17-55.

Nebclflue;, von E. Everling. SC!1iffbau, June 20, 1932, v. 33, no. 12, p. 187-~n.

Sonic Darker bencon for fog avi~tion, by C. W. Rice. ndvrmcG paper for meotin;; , June 6-8, 19:32. 4 p.

A.S.IvLE. plates.

Streckenerfnhrm"lcen im infJt rumontanfluc;, von Schmidt-Reps und Polta. Die Luft;:![tc~t, Berlin, June 1932, no. 6, p. 210-16. illus.

Blind flying - why? by Willi/'11l1 C. Ocker. U. S. Air services, Washine;ton, May 1932, v. 17, no. 5, p. 33-38. illus.

Instrument flyinG unCl.er a hood. ~eBtern flyinc, Los fulgelco, May 1932, v. 11, no. 5, p. 30. illus.

Pilotaje sin vioibilidnd. El bnnco W.E.S. para. entrcnnmiento en tierra, por I. Warleta. Revistn de aeronnutica, Mndrid, May 1932, v. 1, no. 2, p. 70-71. illuo.

SeeinG the ~ir, by Ralph H. Upson. Wostern flying , LOB Angeles, Mny 193~, v. 11, no. 5, p. 34-36. illus.

When blind flyinG is nc1vis{1.ble, by D. fl. T0mlinson. Populru'" nvintion, Mny 19~2, p . 287-88.

A NO'.'/ blind-flyine; instrument, by Willi ... .m C. Ocl{er. Aero­plAne, Mnr. 2, 1932, v. 42, no. 9, p. 386.

Instrument flying instructions for E.A.T. pilots, by C. Lnird. Southern nvi f tti0n, Atl'1.nta, Ga., Mar. 19;)2, p. 9-10.

Radio system for flying nn~ Innding nircrnft in fog, by Hnrry Diamond nnd F. IT. Dun~ore. Aeronnutlcal engineer­j.ne;, New York, Jan.-Mar. 1902, v. 4, no. 1, p. 1~3-20.

Stark sYGte~ of instrument flying, by E. B. Schnefer. Avintion engineering, Mnr. 1932, v. 6, no. 3, p. 21-22. cUagr.

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Landning i dimma med radiotekniska hjalpmedel. Flygning, Stockholm, Sep. 19~1, v. 9, no. 9, p. 17~-75. diagrs., illus.

A Ne"! instrument for blind flying. The Aeroplane, Aug. 19, 1931, v. 41, no. 8, p. 495-96.

On "instrument f1ying ll • Flight, Aug. 7, 1931, p. 779-81.

Cloud and fog flying. Part I-II, by C. J. Stewart. Air­craft, July, Aug. 1931, p. :35-38; 28-32.

Blindfliecren, von K. Weber. Die UmschA.u, Frankfurt a.M., July 25, 1931, v. 35, no. 30, p. 598-600. illus.

Airplanes land blind, r;ui ciec1 by radio, by Harry IHamond and F. W. Dunmore. Scientific americun, July 1931, v. 145, no. 1, p. 20-23 . diagrs., illus., pl~n8.

Photo-electric tube in fog flying, by W. F. Westcndorp. Aviation enginsoring, July 1931, v. 6, no. 1, p. 28.

Air speed L1dicators and blini flyinS, by VolneY C. Finch. Southern aviation, Atl :~.nta, Ga., June 1931, v. 2, no. 10, p. 8-10. illus.

Blind flyine; and its teachings, by William C. Ocker and K. Field. A.S.M.E. advance paper for meeti~g, May 12-14, 1931. 6 p. illus., plates.

Radio system for flying and landing aircraft in fog, by Harry Diamond and F. W. Dunmore. A~S.M.E. advance paper for meeting, May 1~-14, 1931. 8 p. illus.

Les Procedes Loth pour Ie guidage des Rvions par ondes hertziennes, par C. Dantin. Genie civil, May 9, 1931, v. 98, no. 19, p. 473-75. illus. (Abstract MechFtnical ongineering, Aug. 1931, v. 5;), p. 609-610)

Blind flying, by W. Jones Kennedy. Canadian aviation , May 1931, v. 4, no. 5, p. 14, 24. illus.

Flying blind, by T. S. Sprigg. Air and airways, May 1931, p. 60-62.

Instrument flying, by H. Stark. Aero cligest, May 1931, v. 18, p. 39. diagr.

Recent developments in radio fog flying, by Andre~ R. Boone. U. S. Air services, Washington, May 1931, v. 16, no. 5, p. 21-23, 56. il1us.

Seeing through the blindfold, by Paul W. Bigelow. Southern aviation, Atlnntn, Ga., May 19,)1, v. 2, no. 9, p. 15-16. illus.

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Premier con~es international de In. securite (tBrienne. Revue generale de l'electriclte, Apr. 11, 1931, v. 29, no. 15, p. 571-76. 111us.

Aplico.clones de las on&~s radlo-eleotromagnetic~s ~ 10. aVlacion, por Harry Diamond y F. W. Dunmore. Ingenierla international, New York, Apr. 1931, v. 19, no. 4, p. 177-79. illus4

British contribution to blind flying problems. Cnnadian air revie\~r, Apr, 1931, v. 4, no. 2, p. 27, 39, 41. diagr.

Radiobeacon and receiving system for blind landing of air­craft, by Harry Dinmond. and F. W. Dunmore. Proceedings of the Institute of ranio o n~ineers, Apr. 1931, v. 19, p. 585-626. (Also Bureau of st~ndnrds j0urnnl of resenrch, Oct.~O, v. 5, p. 897-931)

A New instrument for blind flying. The Aeroplnne, London, Mar. 25, 1931, v. 40, no. l~, p. 258.

The Loth system of navigation by rotating radio beaoons, by John Jr'lY Ide. U. S. Air services, Vlnshington, Mar. 1931, v. 16, no. 0, p. 29-30. illus.

New homing device for blind flylng, by G. G. Krueel. Aero digest, Mar. 1931, v. 18, no. 3, p. 39, 140-42. illus.

~ay home, by G. R. Fisher. Western flying, Los Angeles, Mar. 1931, v. 9, no. 3, p. 26-28. illus.

A New instrument for flying bllnd. The Aeropl~ne, London, Feb. 11, 1901, v. 40, no. 6, p. 253-54. diagrs., il1us.

Air transport in fog, by F. W. Meredith. Journr-tl of the R.A.S., Feb. 1931, v. 35, no. 242, p. 75-95. illus.

Up through the soup, by E. L. Remelin. Populnr mech~nics, Feb. 1931, v. 55, p. 258-61.

Cloud and fog flym g, by C. J. Stewart. Royn1 air force quarterly, London, Oct. 1930, v. , 1, no. 4, p. 674-679; Jan. 1931, v. 2, no. 1, p. 89-102. illus.

Foe eye. Scientific runericnn, Jnn. 19;n, v. 144, p. 53-54. diagr.

Blind flying, by Phi1in Van Horn Wnems. (In his A1r nnvi­gat ion. N. Y. & London, McGra''T-Hill DOokeO., inc., 1931, p. 535-42)

Blind flying or instrument flyinr,? Instruction book, by Howard Cyrus Stnrk. Newarp:., N. J., 1931. 31 p. 111us.

Fog flying, by Bradley Jone s. (In his Avigqtion. N. Y. & London, John Wiley, 1$3.11, p-:-281-96)

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15 R'1dio aids to rtvigntion - 1l1no.ing 1n a fog, by Philip Van

Horn Feems. (In his Air nttvigntion. N. Y. & London, IVicGrn.r.r-Hill boOk "CO:" , inc., 19:n, p. 260-9,'))

The Third o.imension in nvigation - flyinG in clouds and ,'I t night by instruments; rndio nvigntion, by Harvey H. Hollnnd. (In his Avigfltion. N. Y., McGrnYT-Hill, 1S131, p . 165-66, 258=67)

Instrumcnt flying to combat fog, by William C. Ockr; r. Sci entific american, Dec. 19jO, v. 143, p. 4jO-32. din.gr.

Mist in the pilot's oyes, by E. Deeds. Sportsmn.n pilot, Dec. 1830, p. 18-19.

Die Elelr.trotechn1.~ ituf dom Int ernl1tlOll').l en luftfn.r..rtkongress im Haag, von F. Born. Ele ); trotechni s che zeitschrift, Berlin, Nov. 20, 19~0, v. 51, no. 47, p. 1618-1619.

Beacons as aids for blind flying. Dunlo international review, Nov . 1930, v. 56, p. 54. dingr.

Blind flying - ~ rn.ce ngainst death, by A. Jordanoff. Populnr scionce, Nov. 1930, p. 38-39.

Lat est developments in blind flying, by H. H. Levy. Southern rl.viation, Atlnntn, Gn., Nov. 1930, v. 2, no. 3, p. 7-9. illus.

Rn.dio system for blind landing of aircrn.ft in fog, by Harry Diamonc1. and H. Dunmore. Proceedings of tre Nation:"-l.l academy of sciences , Washingtl) n, Nov. 1930, v. 16, , . 678-85.

Jahresb ericht 19,30 der ~bteilung fur funkwes en und elektrotech.l1iJc der Deut s chon versuchsanstn.lt fur luftfn.hrt, von H. Fassbender. ElektrotechniGche zeitschrift, Berlin, Oct. 30, 19;30, v. 51, no. 44, p. 1525-1527.

Flying in fog. Aeropl~ne , London, Oct. 29, 1930, v. 39, no. 18, p. 984-88.

Breaking the world~s blind flying record, by A. Page. Populnr mechnnics, Oct. 1930, v. 54, p. 29-30.

Economic value of flying by instruments , by Willi:lm C. Ocker. Aero digest, Oct. 1930, v. 17, no. 4, p. 62-63. diagr.

Etude critique des procedes Loth pour I n. nnvign.tion aerienne. L'Aeronautique , Oct. 1930. 13 p. 111us.

Some r~ndom r emn.rks on fog-flying, by Bra dley Jones. U. S. Air service s , Wl1shlngton, Oct. 1930, v. 15, no. 10, p. 21-23.

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Fog landlng develQpmente. v. 154" p. 17.

d10 senlce bull tin, lan!l! 1930,

sate nylng through the use ot lnstrumen 8. '1 111_ 0.. aro ! A iat10n en 1I1e rtng) Ian. 1930, v. 3, no. 1,

iI 21-24.

!raining in 1n8trument ~1,ing. eehan~c 1930. v. 62, no. 1, p. 63-84.

nglneerlng, Jan.

i!qU1p ent u8ed 1n exper1 ant 0 solve, th p:rob1emot tog . nlJ.ng,.lI 1"O~'t, n n1el ugge$el :fund (0)11 .'11. pro ot1on of ael'Onautl _ 19~O. 57 p. dla s.

A l ' nding ot, aeh1n on,

llnd pl101t p V'e, y to con u t of , tog. OpulfUt meob 1.08, D o. 1 29~ .. 52, p. 928.

COn u r!ng tog, bl • • J eot. lohOl, n c. 1929 • .. 5. no .. 2., p. 9t>- 7, 4 46" 111u. J.6l..ftR Revl~nr

ot rev 811' ; Ho • 1929, • eQ, n .. 5. .. 14(f.:I42)

'Reoent deve o,J.nn nt for 1noJ;ie satett 1n bl1n tlylng, bJ' 1111 ' " a~wn_ Ae naut1cal 0,..1 Journal. of Qommerce, LOll Angeles, nee. 929. .. 2, no. la, p. 37-39

Yolo nell nebb1 le lin eree, d1 . C ntonl. qillv1sta eron utle • D e. 1929, v. 62, no .. 12, p. 4 3-55. 111Uth

., , ~

&1 0 tlt de ourlte Lot d tine p ~ ttr 1 condulte et 1 'a.tterrl s ge s nons ns la brum. Lee 11ee,

QT. 28, 1929. 111 8.

Betraohtungen a n9 lnug~ von J. . l3oJkow.. Z.r.M~ __ OV' .. 14. 1929, V. 20, 'no. B1 .. p. 549-63.

Doollttl d • .. t rn flying. to Ang 1$. Nov. 1929, v. ,no. 5, p. 49_ 1 '. 1 lue.

uo e fUl demonstration of b11n news let r, Oct. 17, 1929 ••• 13t

A~ 'lon's ~etor,r ever tog. L1'e~ary dlge.t~ Oot. 5, 1929 • . • lO~" p. 1 ..

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Simulated landings and take-offs in fog made by James H. Doolittle. Aviation, Oct. 5, 1929, v. 27, no. 14, p. 718, 724. illus.

Daniel Guggenheim fund for promotion of aeronautics inc. Journal of engineering education, Oct. 1929, v. 20, p. 156-58.


La Sicurezza del yolo nella nebbia, di Gaetano Arturo Crocco. Riviste aeronautica, Roma, Oct. 1929, v. 5, no. 10, p. 1-47. d1agrs., illus., tables.

Fog flying school. Popular mechanics, Aug. 1929, v. 52, p. 250-53.

Spiral tendency in blind flying, by Thomas Carroll and William H. McAvoy . Washington, 19299 26 p. 11lus. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 314)

Flying and landing in fog, by A. P. Rowe. Aircraft engineer­ing, July 1929, v. 1, no. 5, p. 169-72. 1llus.

How to increase personal safety in flight, by James H. Doolittle. Airway age, July 1929, v. 10, p. 997-98.

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La Methode Rougerie de pilotage sans visibilite. L'Aero-phlle, June, July 1929, v. 37, no. 11-12, 13-14, p. 185, 214-15. 111us.

; , Le Vol a~eug1e; une methode de pilotage sans visibilite

exterieure, par A. Frachet. La Nature, June 15, 1929, v. 57, no. 2811, p. 537-41. 1llus.

Blind flying, by P. Franck. Canadian aviation, May, June 1029, v. 2, no. 5, 6, p. 14-16, 24-40. 111us.

A N1ght and fog-flying radio laboratory, by S. R. Winters. Radio, Apr. 1929, v. 11, no. 4, p. Il-J2. 111us.

Flugzeugsteurung be1 uns1chtigem wetter, von 0. Scheller. Elektrotecbnische zeitschrift, Ber11n, Feb. 7, 1929, v. 50, no. 6, p. 191-92. 1llus.

Fly1ng blind, by L. S. Jamieson. Popular mechanics, Feb. 1929, v. 51, p. 194-98.

Fog-flying possibilities, by A. F. Hegenberger, S.A.E. journal, Jan. 1929, v. 24, p. 8.

Flying b11nd by compass and turn indicator, by Logan C~rlisle Ramsey. (In his The Navigation of aircraft. N. Y., Ronald press, 1929. p. 192-194)

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Showing plnnes the right rO .'1d. 1929, v. 1, p. 26-27, 66.

U. S. Aviation quarterly, il1us.

Solving the problem of fog flyln~. New York City, The Dnniel Guggenheim fund for the promotion of aeronautics, inc., 1929.

Fog flyine and rndio-beacons, by F. W. Dunmore. Aeroplano, Dec. 26, 1928, v. 35, no. 26, p. 1110, 1112, 1111. ill'0.s.

No.vigncion sin viGion do tierr[', en nicbl r t y sobrn. nubes, pill' Hermann Roder. Icnro, Mn.drid, Nov. 1928, no. 11, p. 329-331.

Nebelflug, von H. Hnmmerstc i n . DcI' Luf' tvcg , Berlin und MUnchen, Son . 25; 1928, no . 18 , p. 197.

Le Vol sans viflibili te exturioui'E) . Uno logon fl.o vol avougle t11 l norodroHlo F:1.rnnn . L';~l5ronnutiquo, Sop. 1928, v. 10, no. 112 , p . ~O~- ~05 . illua .

The Ocer-Myero me t hod of blind flying, by R. H. Bourdrenux. Aero dig0S t, July 19~8 , v. 13, no. 1, p. 48, 183-85.

Le Pilotage dOG aYicll10 snns visibili te exterieure. Lo.. Vio nerienno , June 1, 1928, v. 13, no. 88, p. 2~-26.

Fog, by F. Entwi stle. Journ~l of the R.A.S., Mn.y 1928, v. 32, p. 3'12-8,1:. charts, diagr.

The FiGht with fog, by F. W. Wen.d. Western flying , Los Angeles, Mar. 1928, v. 4, no. 3, p. 25-26, 91. il1us.

Zur nn.cht- und ncbcl1nndunc;, von Robert W. E. Lndemann. Flu(~- \!o che, Berlin; 1928, v. 10, . no. 8, p. 217-18. il1us.

Flying tlu"'ough fog nn (~. ni t,!;ht, by Edmund T. Al1on. AVintion, Nov. 21, 1927, v. 23, p . 1234-39.

Night flying in bad 1.'!enther, b~r Edmund T. Allen. Aviation, Mar. 7, 1927, v. 22, no. 10, p. 461-63. illus.

Landing nircrnft in fog, by C. Co och . Journ~l of tho R.A.S., June 1826, v. 30, no. 186, p. 365-93.

The Drift of n.n nircl'aft GUided towards it s destin:ltion by directionrtl rec oiving of radio signals trnnsmitted fr om the ground , by E. P. Warner. '1.Vnshington, 1925. 5 p. 111us . (N .A. C oJ\. 'Technicnl note s no ~ 220)

Radi o compn.s8 to guide ,'1irmon t}1..r ough cloud and fog. Aero diGost, June 1925, v. 6, no. 1, p. 50.

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Indicntore olettrico di rilev~Jonti presi da stazioni r~diogonlometricho per atterrng~io di velivo11 in tempo d1 nebbin. Rivist3 Marconi, Genovn, 1924. illus.

Findins the way in cloudlnnd, by R. S. Wood. 1irel088 aco, Mar. 1923, v. 10, p. 41 .

Loca lizod radio landing signals for aeroplanes. Flight, London, Mny 25, 1922, v. 11, no. 21, p. 299.

Cnblcs to guide aircraft flylng in foC;. Liternry digost, Apr. 22, 1922, v . 73, 1) .71-73. (liner.

Safe flying in fog. AviQtion, Nc~ York, Mar. 13, 1922, v. 12, no. 11, p. 321.

Guiding airpl1.ncs thI'ol.J.gh fOf . Av1;,.tiol1, VInr. 6, 1922, v. 12; no. l (j , p. 279.

Controlling D.c:coplrme,J in :~o'-'· . 192'2 , v. l,) ~) , no. 3·1Ll ~j, r'.

EnGinoer, London, Feb. 3, 125.

Les C~b18s- ~ui~0n do M. Loth. La direction des n~ronefs Gnns nucune vis ib11 it c, pI',r P. Jnme s . L I Acrophile , Pnris, Jltn . 1-15 , 1922, v. 30, no. 1-8, p. 18-21. i11u8.

Aircrnft instrumento for blind flying. Aviation, Feb. 1, 1919, v. 6, no. 1, p. 22.

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Part II


Ael"oplan8 stability and the automatic pilot, by F. W. Meredith and P. A. Cooko. Journal of the R.A.S., London, June 1937, p. 415-36. ilDIS., table.


Principles and practice for automatic control; Siemens autopilot for aircraft. Engi~e cr, London, Feb. 19-26, Mar. 5-26, Apr. 2-23, 1927, v. 163, p. 204-05, 236-37, 268-69, 294-95, 322-23, 352-53, 380-82, 408-09, 438-39, 467-69, 481-82. illus.

Le Pilotage automatique on 1937, par H. Lescure. L'Air, Paris, Mar. 20, 1937. 3 p. illus.

Sperr~T automatic control. Aeroplane, Lond.on, Feb. 10, 1937. 2 p. illus., photos.

Installation factor in automatic control, by D. W. Harrison. Journal of the Society of chemical in&lstry, London, Dec. 4, 1936, v. 55, no. 49, p. 977-79.

Simple forms of automatic regttlators , by E. Griffiths. Journal of the Society of chemicQl industry, London, Dec. 4, 1936, v. 55, no. 49, p. 974-77.

Control clements. Power, New Yo~k, Dec. 1936, v. 80, no. 12, p. 666-67.

Le Pilotage automatique des avions, par J. Delsuc. scientifique, Nov. 14, 1936, v. 74, p. 641-46. illus.

Revue diagr. ,

Development and principles of a gyropilot, by P. R. Bassett. Instruments, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sep. 1936, v. 9, no. 9, p. 251-54.

Avec les girouettes les avions qui volent seuls. Les Ailes, PariS, Aug. 27, 1936, v. 16, no. 793, p. 3.

Tolecompas Holmes et pilote automat ique Smith . L'Aerophil0, Paris, Aug. 1936. 4 p. illus., photos.

Applications of electrical devices fop automatic operations. Product engineering, New Yorl.::., June 1936, v. 7, no. 6, p. 202-09.

Automatic landings; device to tic up radio landing aids with automatic piloting. AViation, June 1936, v. 35, p. 53.

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Air line develops robot landing. Automotive industries, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 16, 1936, p. 686. illus.


I·~'s tl1R top; Sperry gyro-pilot, "by F. D. Morris. Collier1s, May 2, 1936, v. 97, p. 30. illus.

Bpi tis:1 automat ic pilot for aircraft, by G. R. M. Garratt. E:1rsj.neer, London, .Apr . l7-24, 1936 , v. 161, no. 4188-4189, p . 419-<1:22, 430-431. o.iagrs ., illus.

Gyrosco)es and to:ps with ball bearings, by N. 1. Hall and R. C. Colwell. Scl ence, New York, Har. 20, 1936, n.s., v . 83, p . 289. dingrs.

Precession and nutation of ,;yroscopes, by N. 1. naIl and R. C. Colwell. Review of scientific inntruments, New York, Mar. 1936, p. 153.

Automatic control of airplanes. Aeroplane, London, Jan. 9, 1936, v. 48, no. 1233, p . 4~-44.

Principles underlying rational solution of automati~-control problems, by S. D. Mitereff. Transactions of the A.S.M.E., May 1935; Jan. 1936, v. 57-58, p. 159-63; 55-65.

Automatic stabilization, by Fr. Haus. Wnshington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1936. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 802) (From L'Aeronautique, Oct. 1935, Jan.-Mar. 1936, v. 17-18, no. 197, 200-02, p. 81-88; 1-6, 17-23, 29-37)

Gyroscop ic stabilization instrument, by A. Fiamberti. Interavia, Geneva, 1936, no. 389-90, p. 7-8. illus.

Exhaust-operated ventures. Flight, London, Oct. 3, 1935, v. 28, no. 1397, p. 367. diagr.

Robot plane, Q,ueen Bee, by Alexander Klemin. Scientific american, Nen Yor}~, Oct. 1935, v. 153, p. 204. illus.

Ci terne 8. roulis a controle gyroscopique, par L. Basso. Revue scientifique, Aug. 10, 1935, v. 73, p. 507-08. diagr.

Development of the Siemens autopilot. Aircraft, Melbourne, AU b ' 1935, p. 6-7.

High speed tops and gyroscopes, by N. I. Hall and R. C. Colwell. Roview of scientific instruments, New York, Aug . 1935, v. 6, p. 238-41.

Le Disposi tif de pilotage automatique ele8 avions, Ilyntcme Siemens. Genie civil, July 20, 19;55, v. 107, no. 3, p. 65-67.

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Stabilisation automntique des avions, par J. Lacaine. La Nature, Paris, July 15, 1935, v. 63, pt. 2, p. 60-68. diagrs., illus.


Automatic controls for pressure and temperature. Product engineering, New York, July 1935, v. 6, no. 7, p. 250-252.

La Dispositif Gianoli de pilotage nutomatique. L'Aero­no.utique, Paris, June 1935, v. 17, no. 193, p. 163-74. diagrs., illus.

II Comando nutomntiquo di rotta, tipo HIV, per velivoli. Rivistn. aeronnutica, Roma, May 1935, v. 11, no. 5, p. 346-50. diagrs., lllus., tables.

Germa n automatic pilot, by Alexander Klemin. Scientific american, Ne'.'.[ Yor]~, May 1935, v. 152, p. 242. diagr.

Automatic pilot; aileron control, by G. R. M. Garratt. Flight, Mar. 28, Apr. 25, 1935, v. 27, no. 1,)70, 1374, p. 332a-d, 448a-b.

Le Pilotage uutomatique des [l.vions, par Alfred Grudemvitz. La Nature, Puris, Apr. 1, 1935, v. 63, pt. 1, p. 312-15. diagrs., illus.

Pilotaje y estabilizaclon automaticos, pOl' Guy Robert. Revista de aeronautica, Madrid, Apr. 1935, v. 4, no. 37, p. 179-84. diagr., illus.

New automatic pilot. Fligl1t, London, Mar. 14, 1935, v. 27, no. 1368, p. 287-88. diagrs., illus.

The Automatic pilot, by P. R. Bassett. Journal of the aeronautical sciences, New York, Mar. 1935.

Automatic regulation-rapidly changing art, by A. J. Boynton. Power plant engineering, Chicago, Mar. 1935, v. 39, no. 3, p. 186-87.

Notes on automatic control, by P. W. Hill. Western gas, Los Angeles, Mar. 1935, v. 11, no. 3, p. 39-40.

Siemeno automatic aircraft pilot. Engineer, London, Feb. 1, 1935, v. 159, no. 4125, p. 120-22.

~ , L'Endome canique, par M. S. Ducout. L'Aerophile, PariS,

Feb. 1935, v. 43, no. 2, p. 35-40.

Der Siemens "Autopilot,1I von Joachim Matthias. Deutsche flu ghafen, J a n.-Feb. 1935, v. 3, no. 1-2, p. 7-9. di o.grs., ill us.

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German "robot" pilot. Flight, London, Jan. 10, 1935, v. 27, no. 1359, p. 41-42.

Automatic control of aeroplnnes. Aeroplnne, London, Jan. 9, 1935, v. 48, no. 1233, p. 42-44.

Der "Autopilot, 11 von A. ThnuGs und B. Von Knull. Siemens zeitschrift, Berlin, Jan. 1935, v. 15, no. 1, p. 1-6. (Also Siemens reView, 1935, v. 11, no. 4, p. 97-103)

Automatic pilot. InteraviQ, C~nevn, 1935, no. 214, p. 4-5. illus.

Siemens automatische flugzeugsteuerung. Flugsport, Dec. 24, 1934, v. 26, no. 26, p. 574-78. cliagrs., illUDe

Nouvelle methode d'explicnti')n qualitative du gyroscope, par P. Dapsence. La Nature, Paris, Dec. 15, 1934, v. 62, pt. 2, p. 549-53. diagrs., illus.

Le Pilotage automntique des "avions. L'nuto-pilote Siemens. L'Air, Paris, Dec. 15, 1934, v. 16, no. 363. 1 p. diagr.

Automatically stabilized ueroplane. Engineer, London, Nov. 2, 1934, v. 158, p. 434.

How the auto-pilot functions, by J. B. Ross. Popu1nr aViation, Chicago, Oct. 1934, p. 227.

Dove "Cloudring." Flight, London, Sep. 13, :l.934 , v. 26, no. 1342, p. 950-51.

Der Kreisel, seine gesetze und seine anwendung in der technik, von W. Hohmann. Werkstatt und betrieb, Sep. 10, 1934, v. 67, no. 17, 18, p. 28~-90.

Automntic control of aircraft, by G. R. M. Garrntt. Flight, London, July 26, Aug. 30, 1934, v. 26, no. 1335, 1340, p. 49-52, 57-62.

Automatic steering control for airplanes, by Alexander Klemin. Scientific nmeric:1n, New York, July 1934, v. 151, p. 36. diagr.

New automatic pilot. Aeroplane, London, June 13, 1934, p. 930-31.

Pushing 'round a corner; Simm')nds-Brewster c0ntrol system, by Alexander Klemin. Scient ific americRn, Nonr York, Mny 1934, v. 150, p. 259-60. illus.

II Pilotn automatico. v. 12, p. 27-29.

L'Ala d'Italin, Milano , Jan. 1934, diagrs., illus.

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Robot pilot. Canadian aviation, Toronto, Jan. 1934, p. 19.

Parliament of dials, by P. W. Bigelow~ Sportsman pilot, New York, Dec. 1933, p. 12-13. (Sperry automatic pilot)

New automatic control. Flight, London, Nov. 23, 1933, p. 1186.


Le Pilote automatique Sperry. L'Aerophile, PariS, Nov. 1933. 2 p. illuDe

Airplanes that fly themselves. Aviation, July 193;), v. 32, no. 7, p. 213-15.

The Beeson automatic control. Aero digest, New York, July 1933, v. 23, p. 44. illus.

Robot pilot, by J. A. Fitz. Air transportation, New York, June 1933, p. 7-9.

Sperry automatic airplane pilot. Aero digest, New York, June 1933, v. 22, p. 45. diagrs., illus.

Le Pilotage automatique des avions. Note de M. A. ~teve. C. R. Acad. sci., Paris, May 15, 1933.

Ltlntegral gyroscopique de vol Haya (deja signale) LIAero, Paris, May 5, 1933. 1 p. illus.

And now comes the automatic robot pilot, by K. H. Kahle. Southern aviation, May 1933, p. 13.

Le Disposi~if gyroscopique Smith de pilotage automatique, (monte s~r Ie FaireY,de Gayford et Nichollets), par Pierre Leglise. LtAeronautlque, PariS, Apr. 1933. 8 p. illus.

~tude sur Ie pilotage automatique des avions, par A. Eteve. La Science aerienne, Mar.-Apr. 1933. 40 p. diagrs., illus.

Automatic pilots for aircraft. Air and airways, London, Jan. 1933, p. 349-50.

Applied gyrodynamics, revised edition, by Ervin Sidney Ferry. New York, J. Wiley and sons; London, Chapman and Hall, ltd., 1933. 277 p. charts, diagrs., illus., tables.

Gyroscope, its laws and mysteries, by F. Bodde. Peiping, China, Peiyang press, 1933. 23 p.


Appareils gyroscopiques anti-roulis, par L. Basso. scientifique, Dec. 24, 1932, v. 70, p. 754-55.

Revue illus.

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, , Phenom~nes gyroscopiques, London, par M. Mathieu. Arts et

metiers, Paris, Dec. 1932, v. 85, no. 147, p. 451-58.

Robot crew. Aeroplane, London, Nov. 30, 1932, p. 1066-68.

Elementary theory of the gyroscope, by P. L. Tea. Journal of the Franklin institute, Sep. 1932, v. 214, no. 3, p. 299-325.

Smith automatic control: The automatic pilot, by Smith. Flight, London, Aug. 12, 1932, v. 24, no. 33, p. 765-766. il1us.

Le Stkbilisateur Marmonnier (gyroscopique). L'Aerophile, Paris, May 1932. 1 p. illus.

Telecompass et stabilisateur automatique de cap' Systeme askania, pour la direction des avions. Genie civil Paris, Apr. 30, 1932, v. 100, p. 433-36.


Sperry automatic pilot, by Alexander Klemin. Scientific american, New York, Apr. 1932, v. 146, p. 237. diagrs.

Automatic flight, by P. R. Bassett. Angoles, Feb. 1932, v. 11, no.

Western flying, Los 2, p. 24.

Automatic pilot, by J. A. Fitz. Model airplane news, Feb. 1932, p. 39.

Pilotless planes of the future; first public demonstration of the Sperry gyropilot. Literary digest, Jan. 2, 1932, v. 112, p. 25. (Also Scientific american, New York, Dec. 1931, v. 145~ 371)

Description of the Sperry automatic pilot, by Elmer Ambrose Sperry, Jr. Aviation engineering, Washington, N. J., Jan. 1932, v. 6, no. 1, p. 16-18. diagr., illus.

Recherc~e~ et exp,eriences sur le pilotage automatique, par A. Eteve. L'Aeronautique, Jan. 1932, v. 14, no. 152, p. 11-15. diagrs., illus., tables.

La Stabilisation automatiaue des avions par girouettes Constantin, par R. J.- de Marolles. Genie civil, Paris, Dec. 19, 1931, v. 99, p. 623-26.

A Relief gear for the pilot. Aircraft engineering, London, Dec. 1931, v. 3, no. 34, p. 313-14. diagrs.

Robot co-pilot on E. A. T. Western flying, Los l~.ngeles, Nov. 1931, p. 30.

Sperry automatic pilot. Aero digest, New York, Nov. 1931, v. 19, p. 52. illus.

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Les Anomogirouettes, par A. Eteve. Genie civil, Oct. 3, 1931, v. 99, p. 358.


Le Applicazioni del giroscopio sul mare e nell'aria, di Fausto M. Leva. Bivtsta aeronautica, Roma, Sep. 1931, v. 7, no. 9, p. 393-402. diagrs., illus.

Controlling a gyro stabillzer, by E. Frisch. Electric journal, July 1931, v. 28, p. 408-10. diagrs., illus.

An Approach to automatic flight. Western flying, Los Angeles, May 1931, v. 9, no. 5, p. 31.

Automatislc l<.urs-styrni:1.g av flyg-plan. Flygning, Stockholm, Apr.-May 1931, v. 9, no. 40, p. 93-95. illus.

Pilotless plane to tour country. Popular science, May 1931, v. 118, p. 71. diagrs., illus.

Recherches et experience sur Ie pilotage autornatique, par ...< ..... T .. A . .t.teve. J...J'Aeronautique, Paris, Apr. 1931, v. 13,

no. 143, p. 117-21. illus.

Teaching the robot to think ahead, by A. Osbourne. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Apr. 1931, v. 38, no. 4, p. 245-47. illus.

Pilotaggio automat ico, II As k .:::m i a II • L I Ala d I Italia, Milano, Mar. 1931, v. 10, no. 5, p. 228.

Deux dlspositifs de stabilisation automatique. Le dispositif de stabilite par gyroscope Marmonnier. Les giroucttes do stabilis[).tion Constantin. LIAerophile, PariS, Jan. 15, 1931. 5 p. ilJ.us.

Die Entwi cklung des fernl:ompasses und seine bedeutung fur clie automatische steurung, von W. Moller. Zeitschrift fUr flugtechnik und motorluftschiffahrt, MUnchen, Ded. 29, 1930, v. 21, no. 24, p. 640-45. illus.

Robot air pilot keeps plane on true course. Populnr mecbanlcs, Dec. 1930, v. 54, p. 950. diagrs., illus.

La Stabilisation autolTIfl.tiquc pour avion CODstD.ntin. La Nature, Paris, Oct. 1, 1930, v. 58, pt. 2, p. 329.

Pilota auto~atico trifasG. Rivista aeronautica, Roma, Sep. 1930, v. 6, no. 9, p. 551-557. illus.

Gyropilot goes cross-cot;.ntl'Y, by Marion Huo;;;:;ins. Aero digest, New York, July 1930, v. 17, no. 1, p. 51, 52, 208. illus.

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Inventions of Dr. Elmer A. Sperry based on the gyroscope. Journal of the Franklin institute, May 1930, v. 209, p. 669-77. diagrs., illus.

Le IIGyrorector G.M.B.R.II L'Aerophile, Paris, Jan. 1-15, 1930. 1 p. illus.


Gyroscope on the airplane. Literary digest, Dcc. 14, 1929, v. 103, p. 33-34. illus.

Automatic pilot for airplanes. Airway age, New Yorl{, Dec. 1929, v. 10, no. 12, p. 1943. illus.

Gyroscopes pilot declared success. Airway age, New York, Dec. 1929, v. 10, p. 1943. (~Aviation, Nov. 16, 1929, v. 27, p. 990)

Sperry automatic pilot. Aero digest, New York, Dec. 1929, v. 10, no. 6, p. 166. illus.

The Sperry gyro-compass and gyro-pilot, by E. L. Rill. Commonwealth engineer, Melbourne, Dec. 1929, v. 17, no. 5, p. 175-80. illus.

The Gyroscope, by P. R. Bassett. Tech engineering news, Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 1929, v. 10, no. 5, p. 182, 194, 196, 198, 200. illus.

Nutations et resonance gyrostntiques, par G. Broulhiet. Bulletin de la Societe des engenieurs civils de France, July 1929, v. 82, p. 719-825.

Device for the automatic control of Gro.denwitz. Washington, 1929. Technical memorandums no. 495) Mar. 31, 1928)

airplanes, by Alfred 6 p. illus. (N.A.6.A. (~ Del'" IvIotorwagen,

Mechanics of the gyroscope, by R. F. Deimel. New York, Macmillan company, 1929. 192 p. dingrs., illus., tables.

Spinning tops, revised edition, by J. Perry. London, Society for the propogation of the gospel in foreign parts, 1929. 155 p.

Schneider Fieux anti-rolling gear controlled by twin gyroscopes, by E. J. Fieux. Engineering, London, Dec. 7, 1928, v. 126, p . 708-09.

L'Appare il anti-roulls par E. J. Fieux. enginieurs civils 72. diagrs.

, , o.u type passif Q gy~o~copes jUiTIeles, Bulletin de In Societe dos de France, Nov. 1928, v. 81, p. 1244-

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Automatic control of airplo.nes. Engineering, London, Oct. 12, 1928, v. 126, p. 447.

Le Pilota ge somi-nutomatique dos avions, par R. Mioche. L'Aeronautique, Paris, May 1928, v. 10,. no. 108, p. 155-58. illus.

Nouvel,appareil antiroulis gyroscopique, par E. J. Fieux. Genie civil, Paris, Feb. 4, 1928, v. 92, p. 122.


Development of the gyroscope, by P. R. BaRsett. Proceedings of the Brooklyn engineers' club, Jan. 1928, v. 26, pt. 2, p. 9-25. illus.

Some new lecture demonstrations in gyroscopic motion, by R. C. Colwell. Science, June 10, 1927, n.s., v. 65, p. 572-73. diagrs.

Motorische flugzeugsteurung, von Hans Boykow. (In Jahrbuch del' Wiss·enschaftlichen gesellschnft fur luftfo.hrt E. V. (WGL) Ivlunchen und Berlin, Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, 1927, p. 91-98. il1us.)

Automatic quartermaster; Sperry gyropilot. Scientific american, New York, Jan. 1926, v. 134, p. 32. illus.

Stabilization of unstable equilibrium by means of gyroscopic forces, by H. J. E. Beth. Philosophical magazine, June 1925, 6th series, v. 48, p. 447-50, 1183-90.

Beitrage zur ansschaulichen dnrstellung del' kroise1gesetze, von K. Scholl er. Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, May 1925, v. 340, no. 10, p. 113-16. illus.

He t ook a toy and m~de it the new mnrvel of navigo.tion, by N. S. Purdy. American mo.gazino, Mar. 1925, v. 99, p . 26-27. il1us.

Pilotless airplanes (abstract), by Edward Marcott1. Mechani­cal engineering, New York, Dec. 1924, v. 46, p. 898.

Gyroscope, by P. P. Schilovsky. New Yorl~, Spon, 1924.

Quicker than the steersman's brain. Literary digost, Nov. 24, 1923, v. 79, p. 24. il1us.

Gyroscopic motion, by L. A. Rallinan. Sci entific american, New' York, Aug. 1923, v. 129, p. 124.

, La Girouette Constantin; ses applications a In. navigation

aerienne, par J. Felix. La Nature, Paris, June 16, 1923, v. 51, p. 379-84. diagrs., illus.

Automatic pilot. Aviation, Jan. 1, 1923, p. 24.

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The Automatic pilot, by Elmer Ambrose Sperry. London, Report of the International congress of aerial navigation, 1923. 7 p.

Gyroscopes et projectiles, par H. P. M. Bouasse. Paria, Delagrave, 1923. 429 p.

Problem on the gyroscope, by I. F. Morrison. Transacti ons of the Royal society of Canada, 1923, v. 17, p. 147-50.

Automatic steering, by Elmer Ambrose Sperry. Society of Naval architects and marine engineers. advance paper no. 1 for meeting Nov. 8-9, 1922. 6 p. illus.

The Aveline automatic pilot. Aeroplane, London, Aug. 16, 1922, v. 23, no. 7, p. 127-30. dingr., illus. (~ls£ Flight, London, Aug. 10, 1922, p. 456)

A New gyroscopic construction in simple vectors, by Will C. Baker. Physical review, New York, Apr. 1922, v. 19, no. 4, p. 323-28. diagrs., illus.

Le Problemc du vol des avions sans pilotes. Genic civil, Paris, Dec. 3, 1921, v. 79, p. 496-97.

Gyroskopet som retningsviser og styrmancl. Tclmisk tids­skrift, Nov. 30, 1921, v. 17, no. 24, p. 203-05. illus.

The Aveline stabilizer. Flight, London, Oct. 27, 1921, v. 13, no. 43, 670, p. 704.

Del" Aveline-fluglagenregler. Flug-woche, Leipzig, Aug. 17, 1921, v. 3, no. 17, p. 348-349. illus.

Automatic means of control for commercial airplanes. Popular mechanics, Aug. 1921, v. 36, p. 222. illus.

The Aveline automatic airplane control. Aviation, New Yor~, Mar. 21, 1921, v. 10, no. 12, p. 363-64. diagr.

Die Dynnmik des kreisels und ihre technische anwendung, von Wilhelm Hart. Zentrnlblatt der bnuverwaltung, Feb. 2, 5, 16, 1921, v. 41, no. 10-11, 14, p. 61-64, 67-71, 85-88. illus.

Automatic aeroplane stabilizer. Electrical revieri, London, Feb. 4, 1921, v. 88, p. 148. illus.

R0mance of invention; Elmer Sperry, the man who harnasGcd the motion of the earth, by C. H. Claudy. Scientific american, New York, Apr. 17, 1920, v. 122, p. 420. illus.

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Le Gyroscope et ses applications, par H. Volta. La Nature, Paris, Sep. 29, 1917, v. 45, no. 2296, p. 193-200. illus.

Clnrk 18 stabilizer and L-l.utomatic control for aeropl[mes, by M. E. Clark. Aero world, Brnoklyn, Oct. 1916, v. 1, no. 3, p. 55.

Tho Sperry [l.utom:ltic pilot, by La'wrence 13. Sperry. Flying, Sop . 1916 . illus.

Gyrosc opic phenomenn, by B. L. Newkirk. american, New Yor~, June 12, 1915, illus.

Scientific v. 79, p. 380-81.

Stability devices. Resume of a lecture on stability and the Sperry gyroscopic stabilizer, by Lawrence B. Sperry. Aerial age , NeD Yor~ , Mny 17, 1915, v. 1, no. 9, p. 207-208.

GyrostRts and their leS8 0ns . Sci8ntific nmerican supplement, Apr. 10, 1915, v. 79, p. 238-39.

Gyrostatic action, by J. G. Gray. Scientific american supploment, Mar. 13-20, 1915, v. 79, p. 172-73, 188-89. illus.

Gyrostatic c (mtrols f~r torpedoes, 8ubii1nrinc:J, airships and aeroplanos. Flight, London, Jan. 22, 1915, v. 7, no. 4, p . 68.

Sperry gyroscopic stabilizer, by J. J. 10.0. Scientific americnn, New York, Aug. 8, 1914, v. Ill, p. 96. illus.

Schi10wsky gyroscope, by J. H. Stone . Scient ific american supplement, July 11, 1914, v. 78, p. 28. illue.

Gyrostatic c ontrol applied to aeroplanes. Aero and hydro, Chicago, June 13, 1914, v. 8, no. 11, p. 136.

Aeroplanes and gyros tat control. Scientific americnn, New York, June 6, 1914, v. 110, p. 468.

Gyroscope and gyroscopic o..ction in engineering practice, by T. R. Thomas. A.S.M.E. journal, Mar. 1914, v. 36, p. 69-70.

Gyrostats and gyrostatic action, by A. Gray. Washington, Smithsonian institution report, 1914. 15 p.

Report on gyroscoplc theory, by George Greonhill. London, Darling and son, 1814. 227 p. dingrs., plntes. (Also London, H.M. Stat. off., 1914 . (A.R.C. R.& M. n~46)

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Trying a gyroscope stabilizer. 1913, v. 13, no. 5, p. 82.

Aeronautics, New York, Nov. i11us.

Making the aeroplane safe by the gyroscopic stabilizer. Scicntific american,Ncvl York, June 7, 1913, v. 108, p. 511-12. i11us.

Engincering application of tho gyrosc~pe, by Elmer Ambrose Sperry. Journal of the Franklin institute, May 1913, v. 175, p. 474-82. i11us.

Gyrostats and gyr0static action, by A. Gray. 10-17, 1913, v. 91, p. 148-53, 175-79.

Nature, Apr. i11us.

Automatic 10ngitudinn1 stabilizer for aeroplanes, by W. H. Dettman. Scientific americ~n supplement, Feb. 15, 1913, v. 75, p. 112.

Gyroscope, by F. J. B. Cordeiro. New York, Spon, 1913.

Gyroscope on aeroplanes. Flight, London, Apr. 27, 1912, v. 4, no. 17, no. 174, p. 370.

Practical gyrostatic balancing, by Herbert Chat1ey. NeVI York, Van Nostrand; London, The Technic~l publication company, ltd., 1912, p. 72.

lVIaintnining the stability of aerop1aneo by means of gyro­scopes. Scientific american, New York, July 22, 1911, v. 105, no. 4, p. 82. i11us.

Gyrosc0pic control, by D. Greig. Flight, London, Mar. 4, 1911, v. 3, no. 9, p. 191.


Gyroscope rudders for steadying aeroplane flight. Scientific nmerican, Nm'l York, Mnr. 4, 1911, v. 71, p. 136.

Gyroscope, by V. E. Johnson. New YorJ.{, Spon, 1911.

The Gyroscope. Aero, London, Sep. 14, 1909, v. 1, no. 17, p. 284.

Le Gyroscope et l'aviation. L'Acrophi1e, Paris, Feb. 15-Aug. 1, 1909, v. 17, no. 4, 15, p. 75-76, 343.

Elementary treatment of the the0ry of spinning tops nnd gyroscopic motion, by H. Crabtree. New York, Longmans, 1909.

Un Stnbi1isnteur automntique pour aeroplanes: 1e pendule A gyroscope, par L. Marrnonnier. L'A6rophi1e, Paris, 1909, v. 17, p. 147-151. i11us.

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Ice formation found big hazard in aviatione Popular mechanics, July 1937, v. 68, pc 70-71. diagrs., illusc

Anti-ice solution c Aero digest, New York, May 1937, po 68.

Imperial airways erprobt enteisungsgerat. Korrespondent fur des gebiet der luftfahrt, May 1937, Vo 7, no. 5, p. 5.

Ice formation on aircraft. Engineer, London, Apr~ 30, 1937, po 509.

Combating ice. Flight, London, Apr. 29, 1937, p. 427.

The Accidents to No. 102 B squadron. Aeroplane, London, Apr. 7, 1937, pc 400.

Freak ice conditions blamed for 13 sudden deaths. News week, Apr" 3, 1937, v. 9, p. 40. illus.

Degivreur pour ailes d'avion, par Ho Vigueronc La Nature, Apr. 1, 1937, v. 65, pt. 1, pc 333.

Aircraft icing zones on the Oakland - Cheyenne airway, by John A. Riley. Monthly weather review, Mar", 1937, Ve 65, no. 3, p. 104-108. diagre

Le Degivreur a enduit resistant et a chauffage electriaue Rideau et Ducret, par George Chamagne. Les Ailes, Feb. 18, 1937, v. 17, no. 818, p. 7. illus.

Cold weather tests. Canadian aviation, Febe 1937, v~ 10, no. 2, p. 3 ..

Some notes on icing. Aeroplane, London, Jane 13, 1937, v. 52, nO e 1338, pe 37-380

De-icers protect air liners on winter flight. Popular mechanics, Chicago, Jan. 1937, v. 67, pc 85. illus.

Ice formation in the atmosphere, by D~ McNealc Journal of the aeronautical SCiences, Jan. 1937, v~ 4, no. 3, po 117-23. illuso, table.

Het Ysaanzettingsproblecme Meteorologiscm bespreking der door de K.K.M. verzamelde rapporten, van W. Bleckere Het Vliegveld, Jane 1937, v. 21, no. 1, po 9-10.

Exit the villain - ice, by Fred L. Hattoom. Western flying, Los Angeles, Nov. 1936, p. 16-17. illus.

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Installation of de-icer equipment for winter airline service, by Fred Lv Hattoom~ Aero digest, New York, Novo 1936, Vo 29, no. 5, p. 38. illus e

Heater to prevent ice formation on the wings. Automotive industries, New York, Sep. 19, 1936, Vo 75, po 3840 diagro

Airplane de-icere v. 94, p .. 57.

Inctia rubber world, New York, Sepo 1, 1936, il1us.

Massnahmen gegen vereisunge Luftwissen, Sep. 1936, Vc 3, no., 9, p ~ 264 0

Airplane de-icing preparation; U.S. patent. New York, Aug. 1936, v. 94, p. 388

Licking the icing menace, by J. P. Eames. Los Angeles, Aug. 1936, v. 8-10, 380

India rubber world,

Western flying, illus.

No ice today, by J. Frye. U.S. Air serv.ices, Washington, Aug. 1936, pc 13-14.

Weather hazards; ice hazards, by W. Ho Wenstrom. Aero digest, June 1936, v., 28, P. 22. illus.

Ice and what is being done about it, by SD P. John s ton. Aviation, May 1936, v. 35, po 15-19.. diagrsc, illus.

De-icing the propeller, by Alexander Klemin~ Scientific american, Apr., 1936, v. 154, po 200. diagrse

Dissipation of carburetor ice; newly developed stabilized alcohol-gasoline fuel, by C. C. Callis. Aero digest, New York, Apr. 1936 , v .. 28 , no. 4, po: 26.

Ice formation in a ir travel, by W. Polte and H. Notho Aero di ges t, New York, Mar G 1936, po 39.

Carburetor ice eliminator" Aero digest, New York, Feb" 1936, Va 28, p. 61. diagrso

La Navigazione aerea - Le forma.zione di ghiaccio, di Valentino Pivett i. F.ivista aeronautica, Roma, Feb. 1936, v. 12, no. 2, p. 171-202. illus.

The IIS1inger-ringll de-icer for propellers, by P. T. We Scotto Aero digest, New York, Febo 1936 , Vo 28, pc 42-436 diagr. illus.

Freezing in c~rbur etors, by Ac Swan. Aircraft engineering, Jan. 1936, v .. 8, nO e 83, p c 3-60

The Prevention of ice accretion, by Bo Lockspeiserc Journal of the F..A.S., Jan o 1936, Vc 40, no. 301, po 1-17. bibliog. (Also Flight, Nov. 14, 1935, Vo 28, no o 1403, pc 510-12; AiT,craft engineering, Nov. 1935, Vo 7, nO e 81, po 278-81 and Luftwissen, 1935, v. 2, no. 11, p. 211-12)

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The Formation of ice on airplanes, by H. Noth and W. Polte. Washington, 1936. 18 p. diagrsc, illuso (N.A.C.A. Technlc;tl..memorandums no. 786) (From Luftwissen, 1935, v. 2, nO e 11, p. 304-11)

This ice business. Flight, London, Dec. 19, 1935, p. 646.

Device for eliminating propeller ice developed by Bureau of air commerce in co-operation with industryo Air commerce bulletin, Washington, Dec. 1935, v. 7, po 140-41.

NorthweRt airlines install de-icers on all planes over the route ChicagO-St. Paul-Seattle. Western flying, Los Angeles, 1935, p. 45.

De-icing. Engineer, London, Nov. 8, 1935, p. 469 0

Method of removing ice from airplane propellers. Science news letter, Washington, Nov. 2, 1935, p. 286e

Use of carburetor air preheaters, by S. B. Spangler. Air commerce bulletin, Nov. 1935, v. 7, p. 109-11.

Ice hazard, by Charles Kingsford-S!!1ith. Aeroplane, London Oct. 30, 1935, p. 520.

Ice formation in carburetors, by William Cc Clothier. Journal of the R.A.S. London, Sep~ 1935, v. 39, no. 297, p. 761-806. bibliog., diagrs., illus.

Mechanical de-icer equipment $ Aero digest, New York, Aug. 1935, v. 27, no. 2, p. 34-35. diagrs g , illus.

New usc for ethylene glycol; . preventing the formation of ice on rnrcraft. Chemical age, London, July 13, 1935, v. 33, p. 30.

Combating ice formatione (Dunlop anticer) Aeroplane, July 10, 1935, v. 49, no. 1258, p. 5a. (Also Flight, London, July 4, 1905, p. 33)

Prevention of ice accretion on aircraft. Engineer, L~n~on~ July 5, 1935, v. 160, no. 4147, p. 7. (Also Engln~erlng, London, July 5, 1935, v. 140, no. 3625, po 20)

New de-icing equipment. Interavia, Geneva, July 4, 1935, no. 232.

De-icing wings. Aeroplane, London, Marc 6, 1935, v", 48, no. 1241, p. 276. illms.

Formation of ice on aircraft: Conclusions from an investiga­tion, by E. J. Minser. Flight, London, Febo 21, 1935, v. 27 no. 1365, p. 199-201. (Also Air .commerce bulletin, Dec. 15, 1934, v. 6, no. 6, p. 144-49)

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Ice removal from airplanes, by William C. Geer. Sibley journal of engineering, Jan. 1935, v. 49, p. 11.

Uses of rubber for tr~nsportation; airplane de-icers, by H. F. Schippel. India rubber world, New York, Jan. 1935, v. 91, p. 45-46 . illus.

Beitrage zum vereisungsproblp.m del' luftfahrt, von O. Rei~bold. Meteorologische zeitschrift, Braunschweig, 1935, v. 52, p. 49-54. bibliog., diagrs., tables.


ICing of aircI'9.ft, by E. J. Minser. Bulletin of the AQ8rican meceorological society, 1935, v . 16, p. 129-33.

Refrigorating installations in laboratories at Paris, Trappes and Desancon, for research in connection with aeronauties, meteorolo~y and chronometry. Sulzer technicn.l review, New York, 1935, no. 1, p. 10-14.

Icc formation on aircraft-engine carburetors, by H. H. Allen, G. C. Rodgers and D. B. Brooks. S.A.E. journal, Oct.-Nov. 1934, v . 35, no. 4-5, p. 390, 417-429. diagrs., illus.

Ice, pneumatic de-icerJ. Principally a description of the Goodrich de-icer installation TIith an Eclipse air pump. AViation, Nov. 1934, v. 33, no. 11, p. 353-54. diagr.

Wing icing problems studied. Popular aviation, Dec. 1933, p. 371-72.

Oiled curtain to brca~ ice, by Alexander Klemin. Scientific american, N~v. 1933, v. 149, p. 228. diagrs.

A Treacherous foe to aviators. Tycos, July-Oct. 1933, v. 23, p. 89.

Ice shields for nirpln.ne propellers. Aero digest, New York, July 1933, v. 23, no. 1, p. 45.

The Meteorological conditions for the formation of ice on nircraft, by Leroy T. Samuels. Bulletin of the Americc1.l1 meteorologicn.l socl ety , Milton, Mass., Feb. 1933, v. 14, p. 40-41. (Also N.A.C.A. Technical notes n o . 439) ----

La Formati0n de la glace sur les avions, par H. Wegener. Congr~s internationn.l de la s~curit~ a6rienne, 1933, v. 4, p. 107.

Fuel volatility and carburetor froezing, by William C. Clothier. London, H. M. Stat. off., 1933. 21 p. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. & M. n0. 1549)

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Eliminating thc ice hazard. A study of the phenomenon of the formation of ice on airplRnes in flight and the means to combat and prevent it, by Conrad H. Biddle­combe and Benjamin Weisberg. Aviation engineering, East Stroudsburg, Pa., Sep. 1932, v. 7, no. 3, p. 7-9, 30. illus.

Goodrich de-icers. no. 9, p. 398.

Aviation, New York, Sep. 1932, v. 31, illus.

Combating ice formation with heat, by WilliR.m C. Clay. Aviation, New York, Aug. 1932, v. 31, no. 8, p. 353-54. illuDe

The Problem of the formation of ice on airplanes in flight, by Benjamin Weisberg. Thesis for degree of B.S. in M.E., Guggenheim school of aeronautics, N. Y. N. Y. university, June 1932. 40 p. diagrs., illus.

Engine exhaust prevents ice formation, by Alexander Klemin. Scientific a.merican, Ma.y 1932, v. 146, p. 298. dia.gr.

Goodrich de-icers perfected for airplanes. Southern aviation, Atlnnta, Ga., May 1932, p. 31.

Ice on airplanes, by Cha.rleo Fitzhugh Talman. Bulletin of the America.n meteorological society, Milton, Mass., Ma.y 1932, v. 13, p. 96.

Die Bedeutung der aerologisch-synoptischen luftmemassen­ana.lyse zum erkennen gefahrlicher flugzeugvereisung, v-on Gerhardt Schinze. Zei tschrift fur angewandte meteorologie, Apr. 1932, v. 49, no. 4, p. 107-115. dia.gr., table.

Ice prevention by engine heat, by Theodore Theodorson and William C. Clny. Western flying, Los Angelos, Apr. 1932, v. 11, no. 4, p. 58.

Ein Aussergerwohnlicher fall von eisansatz am flugzeug, von A. Hausen. Erfahrungsberichte des Deutschen flug­wetterdienstes, Mar. 1932.

Ice hazard on a.irplanos, by William C. C~er. Aeronautica.l engineering, Jan.-Mar. 1932, v. 4, no. 1, -p. 33-36.

Die Aerologisch - synoptischc darstellung der grossgU.gigen stromungsglieder troposphnrischor zirkulation und ihre bedeutung fur die diagnose spezieller wetterlngen insbesondere vereisungsgefahr, von Gerhardt Schinze. Erfahrungsberichte des Deutschen flugwetterdienstes, Berlin, Jan. 1932, v. 2, p. 163.

Ice forma.tion on airplQnes. Tycos, Ja.n. 1932, v. -22, p. 33.

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Einige bemerkungen liber eisansatz nn flugzeugen, von W. Bleeker. Meteorologische zeitschrift, 1932, v. 49, no. 9, p. 349-54.

Protecting airplanes from ice, by W. L. Smith. advance paper for meeting June 6-8, 1932.

A.S.M.E. 1 p.


Overshoes free airplanes of ice. Nov. 1931, v. 36, p. 3634.

Compressed air magazine, illus.

~ , Recherches americaines sur 10. formation de la glace a bord

des avions en vol. LIAeronautique, Paris, Oct. 1931, v. 13, no. 149, p. 367-68. illus.

Ice on the wings, by George O. Noville. National glider and airplane news, New York, Sep. 1931, v. 3, no. 2, p. 20, 70.

Ice-warning indicator for airplanes. Tycos, July 1931, v. 21, p. 117-18. port.

Tegen ijsuanzetting. Het Vliegveld, Amsterdam, June 1931, v. 15, no. 6, p. 196. illus.

To cure the ice hazard in aviation. Literary digest, May 30, 1931, v. 109, p. 30.

Goodrich airplane de-icers. Aero digest, May 1931, v. 18, no. 5, p. 66. illuG.

Some recent engineering applications of rubber; removing the aviation ice hazard, by J. R. Hoover and F. L. Haushalter. Industrial and engineering chemistry, Washington, May 1931, v. 23, p. 467-68. diagr., illus.

Taking ice out of aviation; rubber chemists develop device. Chemicals, Apr. 20, 1931, v. 35, p. 21.

Die Eisbildung am flugzeug wnhrend des fluges, von O. Heitmanek. Schweizer aero revue, ~hr. 15, 1931, v. 6, no. 6, p. 72-75. illus.

Is bildning pa flygplan, van O. W. Schaefer. Flygning, Stockholm, Feb. 1931, v. 9, no. 1, p. 33, 36. illus.

Schutz des flugzeuges gegen vereisung. Die Luftwacht, Feb. 1931. 6 p.

Tulsa inventor patents wing ice , eliminator, by Sherman J. Kline. Southern aviation, Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 1931, v. 2, no. 6, p. 43. illus.

Vereisungsgefo..hr bei flugzeugen, von Georg Goldbach. Die Umschau, Frankfurt a.M., Feb. 1931, v. 35, no. 6, p. 106.

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New instrument warns fliers of fog and icc, by Sherman J. Kline. Southern aviation, Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1931, v. 2, no. 5, p. 40. illus.


Ice prevention on aircraft by means of engine exhaust l~at Rnd a technical study of heat transmission fr om a Clark Y airfoil, by Theodore Theodorsen and William C. Clay. WaShington, U. S. Govt. print. off., 1931. 24 p. dingrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 403)

Prevention of ice formation on gasoline tank vents, by The 'J dore Theodoroen and Willinm C. Clay. Washington, 1931. 7 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 394)

Die Vereisung des flugzeuges, von Kurt Wegner. Archiv der Deutschen seewarte, Hamburg, 1931, v. 49, no. 10.

Der Zustand der freien atmosphare bei nebelfrost-und . glatteis-wetterlngen, von Heinrich Nohascheck. Archiv der Deutschen seewarte, Hamburg, 1931, v. 50, no. 3. 18p. bibliog., graphs, t ables.

Vereisung von flugzeugen, von R. 0. Steiner. Meteorologische zeitschrift, Sep. 1930, v. 47, n o . 9, p. 335-36.

The Formation of ice on aircraft, by V. 0. Clapp. U. S. Navnl institute proceedings, Annapolis, Md., Aug. 1930, v. 56, no. 330, p. 743-44.

Airp1~ne overshoes. Scientific american, New York, July 1930, v. 143, p. 58. illus.

B. F. Goodrich company perfects device to retard formation of ice on airplane wings. Commercial and financial chronicle, June 28, 1930, v. 130, p. 4616.

Aviation Heather hazllrds. MonthJy wen.ther review, June 1930, v. 58, no . 6, p. 231-234.

Supersnturati on and icing of airplanes, by W. J. Humpl~eys. Monthly weather reView, June 1930, v. 58, no. 6, p. 245-16.

Ice protection developed. Airway nge, New York, May 1930, v. 11, no. 5, p. 702, 704. (Als o India rubber world, Ner! Yorl~, Mny 1930, v. 82, p.'7C)and Aviation, Apr. 26, 1930, v. 28, p. 857) ---

Ice wings, by Bradley Jone s. U. S. Air services, Washing­t on, Apr. 1930, v. 15, no. 4, p. 22-25. illus.

Di e Vereisung von luftfahrzeugen, von Kurt Wegner. Metc or ologische zeitschrift, Apr. 1930, no. 4.

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A Henric~s~n ice warner nnn8unccd. Aviation, Mnr. 1, 1930 , v. 28, n8. 9, p. 461.

Meteorologic~l notes on the formati~n ~f ico on nircraft, by C. G. Andruo. Monthly we~ther review, Jan. 19~0, v. 58, no. 1, p. 2~-21.


Ice form['.tion in aircraft, 'oy C. G. Andrus. metoorolocy, 2d. edition, by W. R. Gregg . Ronn,ld press c~., 1330. chapter 13)

(In Aoronnuticnl No Y., The

The PreYention of the ico hazard on nirplnnes, by ITillinrn C. C-e or and Ivieri t Scott. ~Vrwhington, 1930. 23 p. diagrs., illuR. (N.A.C.A. Technical n')tes n0. 345) (Also Journal of the FrnnJ;:lin inntitute, Nov. 1930,---V-:-2l0, no. 5, p. 537-586)

Refrigerated wind tunnel tests on surface contings for preventing ice formntion, by Montgomery Knight nnd William C. Clay. Wnshington, 1930. 21 p. illus. (N.A.C.A. TeclLnicnl notes no. 339)

Die Vereisungcgefnhr bei flugzeugen, vo.!} H. Noth. Die ':~rbci ton des Prcussischen aer~no.uti8chen observatoriums bei Lindenbor~, 1930, v. 16, no. 3.

Ice coating on planes. Bulletin of the American metoorologi­cal cociety, Milton, Mass., Dec. 1923, v. 10, p. 231.

Study ico forr.ring on pl:lnes for snfer flying. Popular mechanics, Dec. 1929, v. 52, p. 897. diaV.... (lUSO Liternry digest, Dec. 7, 1929, v. 103, p. 30)

Weather problems pcculnir to the New Yor~-Chicago airway, by Wenley L. Soith. Monthly ~enther reView, Dec. 1929, v. 57, p. 503-506.

Von den ge falrren den luftmeeres, yon H. Koppe. Z.F.M., July 31, 1929, v. 20, n0. 14, 15, p. 367-75. illus.

ACrO-ei.1gine problems in flight with pnrticul:lr referenco to car~urettors, by R. J. Ponn. J ournnl of the R.A.S., London, Mny 1929, v. 33, no. 221, p. 325-56. diagrs., tables. .

De Vorming vnn ijo op blootgestelde deelen van een vliegtuig in de vlucht, do~r Thomas Carroll en TIillinm H. McAvoy. Het Vliegveld, Aostcrdnm, May 1929, v. 13, no. 3, p. 84-86. illus.

Learning to use 0ur \vings. An ico-wurninc; indicrtt 'Jr, by Alexander Klemin. Scientific n~ericnn, NOTI York, Mar. 1929 , v. 140, n~. 0, p. 258-61. illus.

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Tho Ho.znrct 0 f 8ub-c001od fng nnd icc storms in nviati0:1, by Alexrmdor IvlcAdlc. Bulletin of t he Ar.lOri C'l.fl m otoorologi­cnl so cioty , Milt on , MaDs., Feb . 1929 , v. 10, p . 37-30.

AOJ.1.08ion of ico reGo!""',rch, by H. T. 3n1'n08. Waf)hin~t on , National 1'osenrch council, 1320.

Dn~~er of ice formnt i ~n an airpl~nc0 , by W. Kopp . Unshin~­ton , F'2J . 1 4 p . dL::'f,rG., t .:t.bl cc . ( n.A. C.l\. Technical memorandULlS n'). ~99 )

Tho Formation of ico upon Qirp1'l.nes in flight, by Thoene Carroll and Wil!inn H. McAvoy. Washington, 1920 . 13 p. i11uD. (N.A.C.A. Technica l 110tcS n0. 313)

Ice warning somaphore, by l\loxo.ndor I':IcAdio. Readville, MasG., Bluo Hill Obs orvnt0ry, 1929 . 5 p.

Ovor hot govuar v nn ijeaanzotting bij vliogtuigen, van W. Kopp . Het Vli ogv 01d , Amsterdam, Dec. 1028 , v. 12, n o . 12, p. 353-54.

Hot VrQngstuk der bestrijding van ijsnnnzettinc bij vliegtuie;cn. Het Vlio Gvc ld, .Al'18torclan, Se:? -Oct. 1 928 , v. 1 2 , no.9-10, p. 246-48, 286-87. map.

Ic c c oating on aer oplnncs , b::r Chnr1eo Fitzhugh T3.1onn. Bullotin of the Aoerienn Meteor ologicn1 society, Milt on , MaDs., Nay 1 928 , v . 9 , p. 106-107.

The Sori ous nenace l.:nown no iCG on the plnne, by F. R. Ne e ly. U. S. Air service G, Wnshin~ton, Mny 1028, v. 13, no. 5, p. 31-32 .

The Prob1cf:.1 of cOElbnting iCG nccuElU1ntion, by C. G. Andrus. Aviat ion, Apr. 16, 1~28, v . 24, no . 1 6 , p. 9 75, 1030-103·L i11u8 .

Eisnns:1"t z an f lugzeu8en , v(m E. Hebner. Die Arbei ton des Prou8sischen aeronnutischen observat oriums bei LindenberG , 1828, no. 25 .

The Forr:1D.tion of ice upon CXp08GO_ parts of .'1n n, irp l n.nc in flight;, by Thm:Jas Ca:r'r oll and. iVillin.r:l E. McAvoy. i7Ctohing ton, 1928 . 10 p. diD.2~r ;3 . (N.A.C.A. Technical note;] n'l . 2G3 ) (Al so Popu1rtr av in.tion , Nov. 1'328, v. 3, n 8 . 5, p . 10 , 4:2,lTI-112 o.nd Air\'iD.Y nge, Scp o 1'328, v. 9 , nne 9 , p . 58-58 ) --

Ice formrttion on a irp l ane,'] , by E. H8bner. District o f Boeo1C)r:, Linde:1berg aeronautical obocrvCLt ,ry r:1eteor o l08 i­cn.l scrvicc , 1328. (Report no. 25 )

Perfor DaDce of air-speed tubeD exposed. to r a in drops and fr eezing ruin . ~n.shinGton, U. S. Govt. print. off., 1926. di a::~r f.l ., illuo., tables. (Air oervi cc inf or mQt ion circulnr 110 . 549 )

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Un Cas sursQturntinn extrnnrdin~ire dans Ilntmnsphare libre, pnr J. Jnumnttc. Ciel at terre, Mar. 1925, v. 41, no. 3, p. 42-49. illus. (Abs tract Monthly 1:l8n ther review, Feb. 1925, v. 53, n()-:--2, p. 79)

Roif-und oisbildung in dor frcien atr:l0spharo, v')n \1. Popplor. Beitr1:ige, zur physik der frcien ntD0sphnre, Loipzig, 1~21, v. 10, p. 38-50.

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Allen, Edmund T. Allen, H. H. Ander'son, S. H. Andrus, C. G. Ansscnac, Louis Babson, William Balter, Will, C. Barcus, W. G. Barns, H. T • . Barrie, Allen, A. Bartow, J. ;B. Bassett, . P. R.


16,20 37

12,17 41,42

5,7 10 31

9 42 10

1 22,24,27,29

Basso, L. . 23,26 Baurno.nn, K. 3,4 Beth, H. J ~ E. . 30 Biddlecombe, Conra~ H~ 38 Bigelow, Paul W. . ·13,26 Blancha~d, J. 7,16 Blecker, W. ·34,39 , . Blee, H. H. 9 Bodde, F. 0 26 Bonnalie, A. F. . . 2,10 Boone, And.J;>ew R. . 3,13 Born, F. 15 Bbuas s~e, H. p~ M. .·31 Bouche, Henri 17 Bourd~eaux, R. H. 20 Bov~an, D~ ~ Boykow, Hc:'1.l)s .30 _: Boy~ow, J. M. ' . 18 Boynton , · A. J, 24 Bradbrooke, ~. D. 12 Brombacher~ W. G. 7 Brooks, D. B. 37 Broulhiet, . G. 29 Brown , William G. 18 Bruce, ]iII'S. Victor . 12

. Brun, F. B . Buchholz, H. · 4 Buok, B. . c 7 Buc~ler, H. 17 Caldwell, C. 5 Callis, C. C. . 35 Cantoni, A. '. 18 Carefoot, H. R. 5 Carroll, R. 16 Carroll.> · Thomas o·.~l,42 C)brelli M. 10 C.eller ,f. . o. 12 Chamagne, George 34 Chatley, Herbert· 33 Clapp, V. o. ' 40 Clar~, M. E. 32

C1audy, C. H. Clay, William C. Clothier, William C. Cluey, H. . Cockaday, L. M. Collings, K. B. Colwell, . R. C. Cooch, C. Cooke, P. A. Cordeiro, F. J. B. Courtney, W. B. Crabtree, H. Crane, Cal"l L.

31 38,40,41

36,37 3

, 3 6

23,30 20 22 33

8 33

Crocco, Gaetano Arturo 12

4 9, 19 .

Curtrell, E. A.·· Dalbro, S. A. Dantin, C. Dapsence, P. Deads, E. Deimel, R. F. Delsuc, J. Deti:;man, W. H. DeW8t , J. P. Diamond, Harry

13, 14: , 15 , 18· . ·Doolittle~ James H.

5 3

13 25 15 29 2·2 32

3 8,9,11

16,171J..9 BO

, DOl,>ao:.lly Dunmure, Jr. W. · 11,13,lL1,15,

19,20 DUCOLlt , M. S. Eames, J. P. E:r:twistle, F. itJ~le ~ A. . Et""Ginger, A. Eve!'ling , E. Fassbender, H. Felix, J. Ferry, Ervin Sidn~y Fiamberti, A. Fielcl., !C. Fieux, E • . J. Finch, Volney ~. Fisher, G. R. Fitz, J. A. Florez, L. de Foges, G. Fr;tchet, A. Franck, P. Frisd', :. Fron·~, =:. Frye, •

.:. ,24,25

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37,38,41 6

Geer, William C. Gibbons, A. B. Gloeckner, M. Heinrich Goldbach, Georg Gradenwitz, Alfred Gray, A.

11,12 39

24,29 32,33

Gray j George W. Gray, J. G. Greenhill, George Gre1g, D. Griffiths, E. Gromoll, H. Hall, N. I. Hammerste1n, H. Handel, P. Von Harrison, D. W. Hattoom, Fred L. Haus, Fr. Hausen, A. Haushalter, F. L. Hebner, E. Hegenb e:rge:r, A. F .-, Hei tmam;k, _ O. ' Hill, E. L, Hill, P. W. Hohmann, \V. Holland, -~rvey H. Hoover, J. R. Hoover, Jr., H.

12 32 32 33 22 10 23 20

6 22

34,35 23 38 39 42

,19 39 29 24 ,25 ,15 39

Horn Weems, Philip van 16 14

15,17 Hort, Wilh~lm , Houghton, H. G.' Hubbard, H. p. Huggins, Marion ' Humphreys" W. ,J.' Ide, John,Jay 'Jablenz, C. A. Jacobs, A. M. Jacobshagenl. H. Jacquet, Gaetan J'ames, P. " James, R~ch~t'd Jamieson, 't.. S.· Jaumotte, :I. Jenkins, H. ,F. ' Johnson, V. E. Johnston, S. ,P. ' Jones, Bradley, Jones, 0, Cathcart Jordanof!, A. Kahle, K, H. Kaster, H, Kaull, B. von Keeney, D. Kennedy, W. Jones

31 6

17 28 40

14,32 3

18 8

1,2 21 17 19 43

6,12 33

9,35 5,14,15,40

4 15 26

6 25 16 13

Kingsford - Smith Charles 36 Klemin, Alexander 7,10;12,23

24,25,27,35,37,38,41 Kline, Sherman J. Kopp, W. Koppe, H. Koppen, 0, C. , Knight, Montgo~ery Kramer, E. Kruesi, G. G. Lab oureur , L~ Lacaine, J.

39,40 42 41

4 41

4,8 14 10 24

Lademann, Robert W~ E. 20 9,11

6 Laird, C. La.ncia~l., E., Lar1viere, P. L~te, G. Leg1ise, Pierre Lescure, H. Leva, Fausto, M. ' Levy, H. H.

2,5 10 26 22 28 15

Lewis, II, ij. ~" L1ave, Joaq~in de1s .

5,6,8 16 35

8 42

Lockspeiser, B. "Mabry, F. ,S •. " _ McAdie, Alexander McAvoy-Wi~1i~m, ,H. McNeal, D. Marcotti, Edward Marmonni e:r , L., :, Marolles, R. ,J. de Martin, R. , Mason, G. _ Mathieu, M. , , Matthias"Jo~c~im Meredi th, ,F. W. Minser, E. :I. Mioche, R~ Mitereff, S. D. Moller, W, ' Monk, F. V. , Morris, ,. D. Morrison, I. F. Moser, W. Myers, G. I. Neely, F. R. Newkirk, a. L. Nixon, S. _, Nohasceck, Heinri9h Noth, H. , Novi11e, George 0. ' , Ocker, Willi~ C.

13,15 Offermal)n, E. v. Osbourne, A. Page, A.

41,42 34 30 33 27

8 9

27 24

14,22 36,37

30 23 2$

7 23 31

1 6,16

42 32

7 40

' 35,36,41 39


17 28 15

Page 50: Blind Flight, Automatic Pilot, Ice Formation · Blind Flight Automatic Pilot Ice Formation-Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE ([),F THE AERONAu'rICAL SCIENCES

PallavioinQ, C. Pendray, G. Edward Penn, R. J. Peppler, W. Perry, J. Pivetti, Valentino Polte, W. . Pretzel, . Dr. Priester, A. A. Purdy, N. S.

12 8

41 43 29 35

11,35,36 7


Ramsey, .Logan Carlisle 30 17,

19 Reo.man, L. A. Reinart z, E. 0-. Reinbolo., O. Remelin, E. L. Rice, C. W. Richardson, D. G. Riley, Joh1:l A. Robert, Guy Roberts, H. W. Rochford, .naniel Roder, Hermann . Rodgers, 0-. C. Rogers, . Jr., E. J. Roland, P. Ross, J. B • . Samuels, Le~oy T. Sandwell, A. H. Schaefer, E. B. Schaefer, O. W. Scheller, O. Schilovsky, .P • . P.

. Schinze, Gerbardt Schippel, H. F. Schmidt ... Reps Scholler, K. Schwartz, Vlctor Scott, P. T. W. S$likoff, W. Smith Smith, Eugene Smith, Wesley L.

30 6

37 14

2,11 11 34 24

1,4 17 20 37

7 2

25 37

1 11 39 19 30 38 37 11 30 17 35

9 27 1



Spangler, S. B. Sperry, Lawrence B. Sperry, Jr.,.Elmer Ambrose

36 32 27,

29,31,33 Sprigg, T. S. 13 Stark, How~d.Cyrus 7,8,9,10

13,14 Steiner, R. O • Stephens, J. B. Stewart, C. J. Stone, J. H, Studley, B. Stuessel, R.

40 12

13,14 32

4 6

35 Swan, A. Talman, Cbarles Taylor, H. A, Tea, P. L,

Fi tzhugh 38,42

Tomlinson, D. W. Thauas, A. Theodorson, Theodore Thomas, T. R. Triest, C. G. Upson, Ralph H. VerduranQ., A. Vigneron, a. Volta, H • . Warleta, I. Warner,. E • . P. Watt, R. A • . W. Wead, F • . W. Webb, L. D, Weber, K. Wegener, H. Wegner, Kurt Weisberg, Benjamin Wenstrom, W, H, Westendorp,.W. F. Whitaker,.O •. B .. Williams, J. a. Winter, . H • . T. Winters, .S • . R. Wood, R. S. Young, C. M.

4,5 27 11 25

38,40 32

1 10,11

16 34 32 11 20


20 9

13 37 40 38

2,35 13 16 a 7

19 21