BBC Bitesize Primary Geography Fieldwork Skills – Video Brief BBC Learning May 2019

BBC Bitesize Primary Geography Fieldwork Skills – Video Briefdownloads.bbc.co.uk/.../site/...fieldwork-may-2019.pdfBitesize is used by approximately three-quarters of secondary school

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Page 1: BBC Bitesize Primary Geography Fieldwork Skills – Video Briefdownloads.bbc.co.uk/.../site/...fieldwork-may-2019.pdfBitesize is used by approximately three-quarters of secondary school

BBC Bitesize Primary Geography Fieldwork Skills – Video Brief

BBC Learning

May 2019

Page 2: BBC Bitesize Primary Geography Fieldwork Skills – Video Briefdownloads.bbc.co.uk/.../site/...fieldwork-may-2019.pdfBitesize is used by approximately three-quarters of secondary school

BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


Contents About BBC Bitesize ....................................................................................................................... 2

Who is our audience? ......................................................................................................................... 2

Style, tone and the Bitesize brand ...................................................................................................... 2

The commission .................................................................................................................................. 2

Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 4

Outline of work ................................................................................................................................... 4

The curriculum .................................................................................................................................... 4

Education consultant .......................................................................................................................... 5

General points ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Storyboards and scripts ...................................................................................................................... 6

Deliverables......................................................................................................................................... 6

Sustainable productions ..................................................................................................................... 6

Working together......................................................................................................................... 8

Who’s responsible for what? .............................................................................................................. 8

The BBC Learning team ....................................................................................................................... 8

Schedule/project management .......................................................................................................... 8

The process ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Proposal ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Proposal deliverable list ................................................................................................................ 10

Selection ............................................................................................................................................ 11

Pitch .................................................................................................................................................. 11

Key dates ........................................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... I

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


About BBC Bitesize

Who is our audience? Bitesize is the BBC’s study support service for students, helping 5-16+ year olds with their

coursework, homework and preparation for tests and exams. Bitesize covers core subjects at

primary, Scottish 1st and 2nd levels, and a much wider range of subjects at secondary, including KS3,

GCSE, Welsh TGAU, Scottish National 4 and 5 and Higher. It also covers Functional Skills Maths and

English in England and equivalent Core Skills qualifications in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Bitesize is used by approximately three-quarters of secondary school students in the UK. It received an average of 2.5 million unique UK users per week – with weekly traffic peaking at 3.5 million.

Style, tone and the Bitesize brand BBC Bitesize is a highly trusted brand that students know they can turn to for reliable and

trustworthy information that is produced in a high quality and entertaining way.

Bitesize values:

• Quality learning resources with high production values, tailored to the needs of our


• Clear, concise delivery of the key educational points - bite-sized chunks

• Inclusive

• Factually correct, high-quality and curriculum-relevant

• Simple, straightforward language

• Funny, quirky or irreverent tone where appropriate

• Accessible to every level of academic ability

Our current offering for Primary Geography consists of:

For KS1: eight case studies that each showcase a different part of the world (the UK, and

exemplars of each of the world’s seven continents):


For KS2: 22 explainer guides, which focus on the key concepts outlined in the curriculum to

explain features of human and physical geography, in addition to basic geographical skills:


This video commission is around Fieldwork at KS1 and KS2. It will sit alongside the existing Primary

Geography content, but submissions for this commission do not necessarily need to reflect or be

limited to the style or format of the existing animations.

The commission This commission is for video content. We are open to ideas for animation, live action or a mixture

depending on best fit.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


The BBC reserves the right to award this contract in the way that provides the best service and value

for money. The BBC Learning tariff ranges from £500 to £2000 per minute. Budget is dependent on

the idea and editorial ambition.

We expect 24 minutes of video:

For KS1, we expect 12 minutes of video

For KS2, we expect 12 minutes of video

Delivery of all content is required by the 3rd February 2020.

The video content needs to appeal to KS1/2 students but should not alienate or patronise a wider

audience. Videos should be concise, lively, imaginative and accurate.

Subject specialism is not a prerequisite (although clearly would be useful) – what we’re looking for

are creative and engaging solutions.

Likewise, learning experience is not a prerequisite. However, a thorough understanding of the needs

of the Bitesize audience and a clear approach to addressing those needs is expected. Companies

should have experience delivering engaging content for young audiences, ideally including short

form content.

Deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday 7th June 2019.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018



Outline of work 12 films of the following lengths: 12 x 2 minutes, totalling 24 minutes. Within this total,

there may be some flexibility to make some videos shorter and others longer as the learning

requires. We intend to split the work in two: 6 videos for KS1 and 6 videos for KS2.

Each film must work as a standalone covering a specific set of learning objectives in a way

that is easily comprehensible for our audience, covering the key points of the curriculum. For

example, the KS1 video introducing fieldwork should answer the questions: What is

fieldwork? Why is it interesting? How could I use fieldwork to discover more about the world

in which we live? but must also fit together as a suite of content with built-in progression.

Note that the Bitesize team will make the Explainer itself, and will produce the associated

contextual content.

Videos will be published on bbc.com and other channels as appropriate.

Films should include voiceover, music, sound effects where appropriate. We are open to

ideas for animation, live action, archive or a mixture depending on best fit.

The commission will include 30-60 second ‘teasers’ for selected films for Social Media use.

They should be standalone and should be pitched as separate content. Requirement is for 1

x teaser for KS1 videos; 1 x teaser for KS2 videos. Specific films to be agreed by BBC Bitesize

and the indie.

Holding image relating to each film, to feature on the learner guides that the films sit in.

Films should be linear - interactivity is out of scope for this commission.

If there’s an animation element in the concept, we would need character sheets for each key

character in a variety of different poses and with different facial expressions, to be delivered

before work starts.

Please note that although Bitesize currently incorporates video clips for use in class by

teachers, this commission is part of our student-facing content and will sit within our


The curriculum A new primary Geography curriculum was introduced in England in 2013. This commission should

support the contents of this curriculum as much as possible.

The national curriculum for geography aims to ensure that all pupils:

are competent in the geographical skills needed to:

o collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through

experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes

o interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams,

globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

o communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through

maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


At key stage 1, in terms of Geographical skills and fieldwork, the curriculum states that pupils should be able to:

use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, as well

as the countries, continents and oceans studied at this key stage

use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) and locational and directional

language [for example, near and far; left and right], to describe the location of features and

routes on a map Geography – key stages 1 and 2

use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and

physical features; devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key

use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its

grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.

And, at key stage 2, pupils should be able to:

use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe

features studied

use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key

(including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United

Kingdom and the wider world

use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in

the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital


Education consultant You will need to contract and work with an educational specialist/consultant who will be involved

throughout the process to ensure all learning objectives are covered and content is accurate and

relevant. All content (ie video concepts, storyboards, initial scripts, final scripts, animatics, final

versions, etc.) will need to be reviewed by the consultant before it is sent to us.

General points All videos should use the learning outcomes provided by Bitesize as the basis for their


The videos should encourage multiple viewings.

The overall tone should be informal, chatty and appealing to the audience. Content should feel confident and assured, but not teacher-like. It should feel friendly and informal, but not like it is ‘trying too hard’.

The delivery should be quite pacey and natural, but not so quick that it loses learners. Clarity

is very important.

It is vital that the content feels part of the students’ world – the subject area can seem daunting so using easily-accessible examples should pique their interest.

Each video should stand alone in its own right as an engaging piece of content but also should feel part of a connected suite.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


It is essential that, where applicable, the characters and locations featured represent the diversity of the Bitesize audience in terms of gender, gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, disability, socio-economic status and regionality. For example, approximately 25% of school children today identify themselves as not being White British. BBC Bitesize celebrates diversity in all its forms: BBC Bitesize has produced a ‘Diversity and Inclusion Commissioning Guidelines’ document to support the attainment of the BBC and BBC Bitesize’s diversity targets.

We are not necessarily looking for responses featuring established star names for the voice

overs or any on-screen talent – in fact, up and coming talent would be preferred.

Bitesize will require final sign-off on voice and on-screen talent and the opportunity to

attend voice over recording.

Where used, music should be production/mood music rather than commercial.

Video content typically remains live on Bitesize for at least 4-5 years, so topical references

should be avoided to ensure that the content does not date too quickly.

Storyboards and scripts The company awarded the contract will produce initial concepts, scripts, and storyboard and animatic (if appropriate) for each of the videos above. Bitesize requires full consultation during the production process, including the reviewing of drafts to

ensure the scripts hit the learning points, and full sign-off on completed scripts, voiceover artists,

any cast, any storyboards and animatics, and animations.

Deliverables Final masters in electronic format (a technical specification will be provided), both

uncompressed and compressed. Uncompressed audio provided in multiple editable audio layers.

All animation and illustration project files and assets, including character sheets.

30-60 second ‘teasers’ for Social Media use.

Post-production paperwork will be required (via Silvermouse).

All content should be cleared for all rights in perpetuity. Any exceptions to this must be agreed with

BBC in advance of inclusion. This commission will be based on a framework 2 contract. This link

provides further information:


Sustainable productions BBC Learning is working to ensure that all its projects are environmentally sustainable. As part of this,

we ask that any independent supplier we work with has an environmental sustainability policy,

carbon literacy aware staff (free training can be found here - http://wearealbert.org/help/get-

trained) and that all productions, where appropriate, complete an Albert carbon footprint


A good way to demonstrate your environmental credentials is to undertake Albert certification.

Please see here for more details http://www.bbc.co.uk/responsibility/environment/albert-plus or

contact [email protected] for more information.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


More details can be found at http://wearealbert.org/ and


BBC Policies and Guidelines For information on these please follow this link:


BBC Health & Safety The BBC needs to ensure that any Independent Production Company it commissions is able and

competent to make the programme with due consideration for health and safety, the following link

will take you to a guide which outlines the BBC's health & safety vetting procedure & requirements:


Child Protection Policy If the content being commissioned involves working with children, then ensure that you are familiar

with the BBC’s Child Protection Policy and the Child Protection Safe Guarding Framework, which

provides a guide to the minimum levels of safeguarding on any productions, information on this can

be found here:


If you have any queries or concerns about any of the guidelines or polices then please contact the

Production Manager.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


Working together

Who is responsible for what? You will be responsible for:

project management and production of deliverables to agreed deadline and budget

chairing regular production meetings and communicating project plans and status

quality assurance of content (in cooperation with the educational consultant)

We will be responsible for:

sharing project documentation from the wider suite of Bitesize primary Geography content

if available

collaboration throughout the production and delivery

sign-off on the following: storylines/initial concepts, look and feel, scripts, storyboards,

essential cast members, voice-casting, music, sounds effects, animatics and final delivery –

within an agreed timeframe

We will be jointly responsible for:

ensuring the learning outcomes are met

ensuring that content is best-fit for the Bitesize audience

The BBC Learning team Nicola Anderson – Editor, Bitesize

Vicky Birch – Producer, Bitesize

Delphine Désard – Assistant Producer, Bitesize

Laura O’Dwyer – Production Manager

Schedule/project management Although key points such as casting, concepts, script, animatic and animation sign-off, etc

will be identified in the Editorial Specification, all Bitesize production follows an iterative

development process. We will require accommodation for feedback cycles (including, but

not limited to: initial outlines; scripts – versions 1 and 2; storyboard/animatic – versions 1

and 2; key talent; music/sound sign-off; finished film – rough and fine cuts) in the schedule.

We will feed back ASAP on all editorial decisions, in line with the schedule.

Final delivery for the project is 3rd February 2020.

This project is highly dependent on specific delivery dates that will be defined in the contract. As

such we would like you to give particular attention to clause 9 in our standard terms which states

the following:

If you fail or are due to fail to deliver a Deliverable (or any part thereof) due at any stage specified in Schedule 2

for any reason not directly and solely attributable to the BBC, the BBC shall (without prejudice to any other

rights or remedies available to the BBC under this Agreement or at law) be entitled to terminate this


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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


Should this situation arise and the BBC is forced to terminate, the BBC would only be liable to you for

anything delivered prior to termination. For this reason we would ask that you give timeframes and

delivery the highest priority.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


The process

Proposal Proposals should be provided as either MS Word documents or PDFs. They should be a maximum of

15 pages long. Please submit proposals to Laura O’Dwyer (Production Manager, Bitesize) at

Laura.O'[email protected]. Proposals that are larger than 7 MB may not be accepted by our email

system. Please let us know, prior to the deadline, if your proposal is 7+ MB and we will agree

another delivery method.

The delivery date for the submission of proposals is 5pm Friday 7th June 2019. Please note that

submissions received after this deadline WILL NOT be considered.

Please use the following two videos to base your proposal on (highlighted in yellow in the appendix):

KS1: ‘What tools can we use to carry out fieldwork?’ KS2: ‘Analysing, presenting and evaluating your findings’

If there are any general questions about the project, rather than those specific to your own

approach, we will distribute responses to all companies pitching.

To allow you to work up your summary creative solutions in relation to this commission, we have

provided further information (see appendix) on the videos. For each video, we have provided a

potential title and a list of learning outcomes - what the students should know after they’ve watched

the videos.

Proposal deliverable list

Company overview

What relevant experience does your company have to deliver this project? We’re interested

in hearing about relevant previous projects, your experience in creating content for young

audiences and your understanding of the challenges of this commission.

Creative approach

Demonstrate what creative approach you would take for this commission in order to cover

learning points described. It would be helpful to include:

o design ideas or concepts

o an episode summary

Summary creative solutions to the two videos listed above


Please define your project team within your response, including an indication of core staff

members and freelance support. Please outline any talent, including – writer, director,

subject matter experts, etc.


How do you intend to deliver the project? Please outline your technical approach, project

management approach and approach to risk management.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018



The BBC Learning tariff ranges from £500 to £2000 per minute. Budget is dependent on the

idea and editorial ambition.

Your budgeting should not assume the BBC will deliver archive at no cost. [Independent

Producers have access to the BBC archives subject to the usual copyright restrictions of


Please refer to the Independent Production User Guide and the FAQ for Independent

companies more information:


Please provide a budget summary, more details may be requested at a later date.

The finer details of the payment schedule will be agreed with the BBC Production Manager

on commission. However, without exceptional business justification, BBC Learning will pay

no more than 5% of the total fee on signature, no less than 50% of the total fee on final

acceptance of (i) project delivery and (ii) post-production paperwork and the remainder of

the payments against delivery milestones as agreed within the budget summary.

Proposed payment schedule:

o 5% on signature of agreement

o 20% on script sign-off

o 25% on sign-off of all rough cuts and metadata

o 50% on BBC acceptance of full delivery, final paperwork and post-production



Please include an indication of key milestones and sign-off points for the BBC, as well as any

audience testing.

Selection The BBC will use the following standard criteria to evaluate the proposals submitted:

creative approach – originality / suitability for Bitesize audience

ability to meet editorial requirements, including appropriate consideration of diversity and


pricing / value for money

project management / production plan (schedule and budget)

prior experience of company and core staff experience

presentation of response

Any queries on this commission should be emailed to Vicky Birch – [email protected]

Pitch Shortlisted companies will be invited to a face-to-face pitch at MediaCityUK, Salford the week of 24th

June 2019.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


Key dates

Brief published 17th May 2019

Deadline for questions 23rd May 2019

Response to questions 30th May 2019

Deadline for proposal submission 5pm 7th June 2019

Invitation to pitch notification 13th June 2019

Face-to-face pitch w/c 24th June 2019

Notification of Contract Award 1st July 2019

Final delivery 3rd Feb 2020

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


Appendix NOTE: All the learning outcomes stated below are recommendations for content to be considered. We are not expecting all learning outcomes to

feature in the films. We expect collaboration between the chosen indie, the BBC and the Educational Consultants to determine how the creative

approach can best fit some, or all, of these outcomes.


Curriculum Guide number

What have we pulled out as a topic for each video? What learning outcomes/objectives should we assign to this video?

Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment

1 What are maps?

What are they for?

How to get around using a map

How to draw your own map

To understand what a map is and what we use them for

Pupils will be able to explain what a map is, what they are used for and why we need them.

Pupils will be able to explain the difference between a map, atlas and globe. To be able to read a map and use the symbols on a map to talk about places. Pupils will be able to explain what a simple map shows. Pupils will be able to read symbols and keys to explain what a map is showing. To use directional and locational language correctly when reading a map Pupils will be able to locate features on a simple map and explain where these are in

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


relation to other features using directional language. Pupils will be able to specify location using locational language and showing an awareness of features (mountains, rivers, towns etc) to specify location.

To be able to use symbols and keys to be

able to draw a map. Pupils will be able to recognise symbols and use a key to explain what these show. Pupils will be able to explain why we use symbols and keys over labels on maps. (To save space and to make the map more simple to read etc) Pupils will be able to develop their own maps using their own local knowledge and experience and use symbols and keys to help represent these.

2 What are human and physical features and how do we find out about them?

Discussing things that are environmentally based and those that are based on humans, therefore, students should begin to determine the difference between human and physical geography.

To understand that maps can focus on the environment, humans or both. Pupils will be able to identify whether the focus of their map is physical, human or both. Pupils will start to be able to explore features of maps that link to human or

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018


physical features. To explore how physical and human geography can interlink. Pupils will start to be able to discuss how human and physical features of maps interconnect. (Relief of the land impacting on location of key roads etc) Pupils will be able to identify why they may want to investigate human or physical issues.

3 What is fieldwork?

How do we pose questions about our school grounds?

Example questions that pupils can then explore in their own school grounds.

To form suitable questions. Pupils will be able to pose suitable questions based on the fieldwork that they plan to carry out. Pupils will be able to think about how they can answer the questions and think about what tools they might need to use in order to answer these questions.

4 What tools can we use to carry out fieldwork?

To identify the tools we may need to carry out fieldwork. Pupils will be able to identify tools and equipment that they may need when carrying out fieldwork and what each of those can be used for. To understand how to use tools safely.

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March 2018


Pupils will be able to identify the safety issues with the tools noted above and how they can work safely with their peers and adults to use them safely.

5 Fieldwork around our school What can we find in our school grounds?

Several short examples of questions pupils may ask about their school grounds:

o ‘How many people come to our school in a day?’

o ‘What is the most common plant in our school grounds?’

o ‘What lives in our school pond?’ o ‘Where is the best and worst place in our

school grounds?’ o ‘What lives in our school grounds?’ o ‘Which part of our school grounds has the

most rain?’

Examples of how they can use the tools from the previous clip to record or collect information to answer such questions.

What do we do with what we have found out?

When back in the classroom, what do we do with the data collected?

Show discussions amongst the children in a concept cartoon format – some correct and some

To carry out fieldwork in our school grounds.

Pupils will be able to work safely in their school grounds to collect the information or data needed to answer the questions that they have posed.

Pupils will be able to suggest ideas as to how they can collect the data that they need to answer the questions that they have posed. Pupils will be able to suggest how they can record the information that they collect and to link this back to their work on identifying tools/equipment needed to collect the data.

To create simple charts and graphs. Pupils will be able to create simple tables, charts and pictograms to represent the data that they have collected. To discuss what we have found out. Pupils will be able to explain to their peers and teachers what their tables, graphs and charts show.

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March 2018


incorrect statements based on the fieldwork.

Develop the discussion points above to then guide to the correct statements.

Show some simple pictogram work to graph the results.

To think about true and false statements. Pupils will be able to link their questions to their findings. Pupils will be able to talk about what worked well and what they could improve if they were to repeat their fieldwork again.

6 Fieldwork in the local area

Overview of the above process, applied to the local community.

Should the high street be closed to traffic?

Should we build a new school in our town?

What happens in our local river?

To think about what we can find out in our local community. Pupils will be able to think about how they can apply the skills that they have developed in a piece of fieldwork in the wider community. Pupils will be able to identify the tools or equipment that they may need to carry out fieldwork in their wider community. To apply the skills we have learnt in our school grounds. Pupils will be able to transfer the skills that they learnt and developed in the school grounds to their wider community. Pupils will be able to justify their choices based on prior learning.

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March 2018



Curriculum Guide number

What have we pulled out as a topic for each video? What learning outcomes/objectives should we assign to this video?

Use the 8 points of a compass, 4- and 6-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world

1 Map-reading skills:

4- and 6-figure references

Symbols and keys – include a variety of symbols with a key alongside so that the video covers these elements without specifically focusing on them

To develop pupils’ understanding of how to use four figure grid references to specify a location. Pupils will be able to specify a location of a place using 4 figure grid references and will be able to read maps using 4 figure grid references to find a given place. To develop pupils’ understanding of how six figure grid references can give a more detailed idea of where a place is. Pupils will understand that using 6 figure grid references will give further detail on locating a place and how the digits that make up the 6 figures work to specify a more exact location within the grid referenced.

Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies

2 Introduction to geographical fieldwork:

Human vs. physical fieldwork

Primary vs. secondary sources

To be able to identify between physical and human fieldwork. Pupils will be able to identify physical and human fieldwork. They will be able to describe what makes the fieldwork physical or human. Pupils will understand how physical fieldwork and human fieldwork differs, and how approaches may differ. Pupils will be able to identify similarities between

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March 2018


carrying out physical and human based fieldwork. To be able to understand and work with a variety of sources. Pupils will be able to successfully differentiate between primary and secondary sources. Pupils will be able to identify secondary sources that will support them in planning their fieldwork. Pupils will be able to identify the primary data that they will collect as part of their fieldwork.

3 Introduction to geographical fieldwork – Researching your investigation:

Deciding what to ask (your aim)

Health and safety – what might the risks be? Why do we need to consider them?

Open vs. closed questions

Qualitative vs. quantitative data

To consider how to pose and develop clear questions/hypothesis (as pupils move through the Key Stage) to direct their fieldwork. Pupils can pose questions in an appropriate manner and can think carefully of what they want to achieve from a piece of fieldwork. Pupils will develop the ability to phrase a hypothesis to then prove or disprove through their fieldwork. To encourage pupils to think about what risks are and how these can be mitigated. Pupils will have a clear understanding of why we consider risk, how to use technology/maps/other tools to think about risk and to identify potential risks in situations that they may or may not be familiar with.

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March 2018


Pupils will be able to create a risk assessment from their initial work and work to identify how they will reduce the risks identified and who will be responsible for reducing these. To understand the importance of varying question styles and how these question styles will impact on the data collected; ie, closed questions – easier to analyse and graph, open questions – adding more personal views and thoughts, but harder to graph and analyse. Pupils will be able to identify the difference between an open and a closed question in a geographical context. Pupils will be successful in thinking about the type of data they want to collect and how this can be represented following their fieldwork. They will be able to think about physical/human fieldwork and the types of things they could collect to support their working. To support pupils in considering the link between open and closed questions and qualitative and quantitative data. (building on the outcome above) Pupils will be able to think about how they can present their data and will be successful in planning their questions/data capture methods to best achieve this.

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March 2018


Pupils will be able to successfully link open questions and qualitative data and closed questions and quantitative data.

4 Geographical fieldwork – Designing your investigation:

Choosing a good location

Sample sizes

Collecting information: o Interviews o Questionnaires o Observation

To successfully use map reading skills and an understanding of prior research to best consider where to carry out fieldwork. Pupils will be able to select and justify their choice of location and to explain why this location is a preferable one to others that could be used. Pupils will be able to use secondary sources successfully to support their determination of where to carry out their fieldwork. To carefully consider what a manageable data set looks like and how this will impact on the fieldwork carried out. Pupils will be able to identify the size of their sample that will give enough data to identify trends and patterns, but not too much that it is unmanageable. Pupils will be able to carefully consider what data they will collect and whether this is physical or human data. They will also be able to justify the data that they plan to collect based on their initial question/hypothesis. To consider different ways of collecting the data needed to ensure that the aims of the fieldwork

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March 2018


are realised and achieved. Pupils will be able identify varying methods of colleting the data they need, and where working as a group, will be able to successfully allocate roles to members of the group. Pupils will be able to identify any bias that could occur as a result of their planning and how they will work to mitigate this.

5 Geographical fieldwork – Carrying out your investigation:

Choosing a good location

Staying safe

Recording your results in the field

To be able to carry out a fieldwork activity safely. Pupils will be able to choose and justify their choice of location whilst carrying out fieldwork. Pupils may change the location of their fieldwork and will be able to justify any changes (due to weather changes, building use change, out of date secondary data etc) Pupils will be able to put their risk assessment into practice whilst carrying out their fieldwork and may amend this as their fieldwork progresses. To record results in an appropriate manner whilst carrying out fieldwork. Pupils will be able to develop an appropriate and suitable way to record their results whilst carrying out fieldwork that they will be able to analyse when back in the classroom.

6 Geographical fieldwork – Analysing, presenting and To develop pupils’ data handling skills in context and to understand how to work with data to

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March 2018


evaluating your findings:

Presenting your findings:

o Tables

o Graphs

o Maps

What do your findings tell you?

How could you improve your fieldwork?

What could be a useful next project to find out more about your original aim?

identify clear trends and patterns. Pupils will be able to work effectively with the data that they have collected to develop tables and graphs. Pupils will be able to work effectively with the data to develop an understanding of averages, modes, median and range to support them in their analysis. Pupils will be able to identify why they have collected the data and explicitly state what their data shows. To develop graphing skills to ensure that the appropriate graph is used based on the data collected. Pupils will be able to select the most appropriate type of graph to best represent the data that they have collected from their fieldwork. Pupils will be able to successfully apply their mathematical age related graphing skills to a geographical context. To represent data collected on maps to further support pupils’ in identifying geographical trends and patterns. Pupils will be able to use maps, atlases and base maps to transfer their findings to support them in forming conclusions based on their fieldwork and

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March 2018


to link this to localities. To be able to develop a conclusion from the data that pupils have analysed. Pupils will be able to develop detailed conclusions based on their analysis of the data collected. Pupils will link their analysis back to their initial question or hypothesis. Pupils will be able to use the data collected (quantitative) to support their conclusions. To evaluate the planning and carrying out of fieldwork. Pupils will reflect on their work and identify what has worked well. Pupils will reflect on their work and identify what they would change next time. Pupils will reflect on their work and identify ways that they could strengthen the reliability of their collected data. (repeating results etc) To identify next steps to further develop the fieldwork. Pupils will be able to note how they could extend their work further, using further secondary sources, carrying out further fieldwork etc.

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BBC Bitesize: Primary Geography Video Brief

March 2018