4- % T * '•fi. r> t ) -ts^s -sC ! 4 f i" * !' i ,> i * > -A A. Gallahan sells any make of Automobiles v* 1 1? In the Selection of a Rank The first thing of importance to be considered is absolute safety. Allow us to suggest that this bank fully meets that requirement. The Washburn State Bank Wanted—some plowing done. See K. Klein, Washburn.—Adv. Miss Mary Oberg left last Friday to visit, her parent? at Ffergus Palls. Cameras can be Lad at the Studio. You can use them or- buy, as you wish.—Adv. One marriage license was issu- ed in McLean county' during the month of August. Battle Cry of Peace to be Shown Here All qf Washburn; atad Vicinity} to (Learn Lesson, on Prepared- ness September 15th Yt,. J. BICKERT, Cashier WASHBURN, N. DAK. GEO. H. WEBER. Asst. Cashier LOCAL NEWS Wanted—some plowing done. See K. Klein, Washibum.—Adv. Lewis Baardson of Turtle Lake was a business visitor in town Monday. Dr. C. C. Hibibe, Bismarck's lead ing DENTIST not the cheapest but the BEST.—Adv. Martin Skjolberg, one of Tom Grothe's good carpenters, is laid up with a case of blood poisoning For Sale—The Butler house on very easy terms 1 . Klein-Johnson Co., Washburn.—Adv. A. R. Ellis is the new manager for thie Farmer's Union and Mer- cantile Company at Minden. He is a former Minnesota man Nels P. Nelson and the Jones boys w.ere down from Gonklang Tuesday and took home with them a new Case separator. For sale—the hay on the SE?4 Sec. 140.43-81. Apply to owner A. Kasofsiky, Spooner, Wis.., Drawer A.—Aidv. 10-11 Attorney and Mrs. McOurdy and children of Bismarck were Sunday guests at the J. E. Wil- liams home. Miss Elizabeth Summers who has been visiting at the home o'f her cousin, Mrs. R. W. Bro<wnson, left Monday for her home at Brazil, lad. Anion Peterson,W. H* Melick, Fred Macoinber and P. A. Larson are among those who have been to South St. Paul with stock dur- ing the week. Hogs continue high and are bringing above 10 cents, but cattle are down. Young stock can be bought at from 1 to 1% cento less than last year. Do yon want a good position in the Business World? We have prepared thousands who are now making good. Let us help you. ADDBB8S MCMTI Btcthcrm it HeNman, Interstate Sniinue College, Fargo.N. D See the Washburn State Bank for Insurance.—Adv. Mrs. J. Walker o'f Zap, was an over Sunday visitor at the Forbes home. For rent—living rooms in the HaUgeiberg building. See Holtan Merc. Co.—Adiv. Rev. Thoiber and wife and bab of Underwood were visitors at the Herman Boelter home oven Siunday. Found—iGold watch chain Owner may have same by calling at this office.—Adv. Mrs. E. K. Merrifield and •daughters, Minnie and Iris, of Underwood, are visiting at the Bowman home this week. Mrs. P. M. Ferguson went to Bismarck to spend Sunday with her histere and mother. She returned Monday morning. Plan now to see "The Battle Cry of Peace." Sept. 15(th. The best chance you will evier get to see this great picture.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Swanson and son of near Basto were in Washburn Monday and while in town made this office a pleasant call Jtohn Arngrimson is on the sick list and has spent the best part of the last ten days for treatment at the Bismarck* hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hanson made & trip, ito Bismarck during, the week where their daughter Sarah is at one of the, hospitals' undergoing an operation. Miss Anna Staley. left for her home at Garrison Saturday after spending the week here with Miss Hazel Forbes. A number o'f cso- cial functions were given in her home during her stay here. Threshing was started earfy this year. On August 24th, three threshing rigs were working within a few miles of town. This week all machines are out and will complete the threshing be- fore cold weather sets in. I have the agency for the Saxon. Roy Westmiller, Wash- burn, N. D., —Adv. tf. Miss Josephine Hamel cami* up from Bismarck Saturday to visit Mrs. J. W. Mangan. Don't fail to secure a copy of the "Battle Gry of Peace" at Mangan's. Read the story. See the picture.—Adv. John Schulz received a ne* separator for his International engine and is now helping- his neighbors to get their threshing done. The Hawaiian Troubodours On Friday evening September 15tth, the pieople of Washburn and vficinity will have the oppor- tunity to see right at home one of the most spectacular and won- derful photoplays ever produced, for the same price thiat it is shown in cities of ten times the size of Washburn. The Battle Cry of Peace, is a picture aim- ing to show the necessity of a more efficient policy of prepar- edness in the United Spates »r as ; t is termed, "A . call to arms against war". In a let- ter to the author of the story commending him for his work Theodore Roosevelt says, "As a good American I wish to thank you heartily for the "Battle Cry ol \of Peace." The New York Saturday Slept 9th. Real Haw- American terms it the greatest anan music.. The men who have produced ninety of the Hawaiian records for the Victor phono- graph. ; Joe Willits is re-arranging one of the warehouses o'f the Wash- burn Milling Company and is in- stalling a feed grinding outfit. He will be ready for business' very soon. HARNESS,. A fine line of light and fheavy harness, collars, harness goods have just been r-e ceived by the Mandan Mercantile Co. ' Prices are right and all goods guaranteed.—Adv. Mrs. C. A. Rust and daughter Edna of Underwood, Mrs-. Arline Rust of Warren, Minn., and Mrs. L. K. Thompson of Bismarck were over Sunday visitors at the Bowman home. Miss Mabel Jlohnson returned Friday from the Detroit lakes where she was the house guest of Mrs. C. W. McGray of Under- wood who spent the summer there. Mrs. McGray also return- ed Friday. Tlhose who were active in the Strawberry lake fight were tried last Saturday night and bound over to the N|ovte<m!ber term of war picture ever filmed. No picture yet produced has receiv- ed the amount of free adver- tising thlat has come to this film through editorials and magazine articles. It is a picture that is different than all of the rest. It teaches a lesson. It is one that you will remember when thie re- collection of all others have pass- ed. Men here in town who have seen it elsewhere say that for two hours the audience were held spellbound as they saw unfolded before their eyes a spec*.' taclie such as they nevjer pre- sumed could be and yet which they then realized might at any time occur under our present condition of unpreparedness. The show is being thoroughly advertised in the vicinity o'f Washburn and in neighbbring town® and it is anticipated that there will be a great crowd of attendance. Jiohn Schuler, Geo. Wagner an J Andrew Sauer received their ne\^ Aultman-Taylor Threshing outfit Saturday and Monday were busy in. the field with it. C. I. Walls left Monday for Minneapolis where he attended the National American National FOR LANDS Free! MAPS, DESCRIPTIVE PAMPLET, Photos, Statistics of a few States, 101 Names of Satisfied Customers. Write Klein«Johnson Co. Established 1898. Incorporated 1906. Capital and Surplus $100,000.00. WASHBURN, N. DAK. court. Some havle obtained bonc < Retail Jewelers Association 04 but others may remain in jail un August 29th. During his absence 1 til court sets. Six men were ar- hewi11 hls holiday goods, rested and tried. If a banker should today offer yiou a position as bookkeeper or. stenographer, could you accept it ? No. You are not prepared, but why don't you prepare} Why don't you attend Mankato Com- mercial College? Send for their catalog to find out more about it.—Adv.. The 'following went to Eblo- woods Sunday to attend the 40th anniversary of Rev. Hall's stay on the reservation: Messrs and Mesdames Hendricks, Stocker, Heck, Bmownson, Misses Gearhai ty Ferguson and Herred and Henry Wahl, W. J. Holt, Mike Tellefson and Geo. Cramer. Wanted—some plowing done. See K. Klein, Washburn.—Adv. Ladies' coats and Suits arriv- ing at Holtan Merc. Co.—Adv. j Rev. J. C. N. Pengelly return- ed Monda" evening from Elbo- (woods where he attended the 40th anniversary of Rev. Hall's stay on the reservation. A number of mixing bowls i free at HoltanAdv. ! On Sunday evening, September 1 10th a musical program will be given at the Methodist church', by the choir. A complete pro- gram will! be published next week | Andrew Sauer is adding to liis [herd of Hoist eins. This week he received two fine heifers I from Hutchinson, Minn. They I were purchased from Reuben jJeocks and are nice ones. j Mrs. Aug. E. Johnson and [ daughter Louise went to Minnea- i polis where they will visit Mrs. [Johnson's mother and Alys and | Joe Platterson. They will take | in ithe Minnesota State Fair be- fore returning. Mrs. J. M. Casey and son Paul left last Friday afternoon for their home at Los Angeles. They have been visiting in Minne sota and this state since June. Mr. Casey accompanied them as far as Minneapolis. He will re- main at Underwood until in Oct- ober. The interior of the Hub Theati is being painted and decorated. Thie work being done by Mr. Keierlaber the local decorator aiijj will be completed by the 9th when the Hawaiian Troubodours will) appear here. When the work is completed the place will present a very attractive ap- pearance. Some of the very best pictures available hlave been booked in and will be shown at the least possible cost. Among some of the best known are, "Tillie's Punctured Romance" ci| September Hth, featuring Char- lie Chaplin, conceded to be the 'best comedy feature produced. "The Battle Qry of Peace" on September 15, and several Blue- bird Features. Thos.e who saw "Tlhle Grip of Jealousy" the Bluebird feature shown last week will realize that they can be sure of a good show when going to see the Bluebird plays. Waist Sale at Sale Prices To Clean Up Balance of Summer Stock One lot of Percale waists, each 49c One lot of Lawn and Voile waists 98c One lot of China Silk waists S 1.98 One lot of Crepe Silk waists $2.89 Entire stock o f Misses' and Ladies' Middies, ranging in prices from $1.00 to $1.50, to close out— 89c A. Schulz & Sons WASHBURN, N. DAK. T|ie new fall dress goods are arriving at llol&an's daily.—Adv. Those who have charge of the . library have sent for $25 worth of new books for children. The children are the best patrons of the library and they will no doubt be pleased to hear of the new books. Sid Your Child of Worms Miss Mary Baardson returned to her home at Sidney, Montana, Monday. Three young sons o'f Lbuis Baardson went with hetf and will spend the fall with her and Miss Anna. Baard Baardson is now located at Lambert, Mont MACHINERY, IF in need of a plow, drill, harrow, harrow- cart, corn planter, cultivator, wa gon, buggy or any other farm machinery, go to the Mandan Mercantile Co.5 All machinery guaranteed.—Adv. E. Ash was down from his Coleharbor home Tuesday and while in town made this office a call. Mr. Ash is all through threshing and said his wheat ave« A Clogged System Cleared Must Be You will find Dr. King's New Life Pills a gentle yet effective laxiative for removing imparities from the system. Accumulated waste poisons the blood; dizzine i biliousness and pimply, muddy ' complexion are the distressing effects. A dose of Dr. King's New life Pills tonight will assure you ' a free, full bowel movetaent in the morning. At your druggist, 25c.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wiallbrecht'* 8 *^ 1( > ^ el * the acrej rye 9, oats 35 and barley 20 and his corn this year is viery good. Are you a judge of good dia- monds? If you are not you can- not do better than to buy from this reliable house. If you can distinguish the true quality you will readily appreciate the splen- did values we offer. Walls Jewelry Store.—Adv. Reports fro~n the threshing ma« autoed to Faulkton, S. D., their former home, during the week. Mr. Wallbrecht reports no wheat to speak of in the Aberdeen country and that the wheat crop is poor from Bismarck south— the bulk of the fields not having been cut.. Corn is good and hay plentiful. G. M. WaUbretcht hias leased the milling property of the Un- $5.00 a week good board, room and tuition in College, High School, Business, Shorthand, Pliano, Voice, Normal courses'. Fine gymnasium. Free catalogs. Write, for information, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.—Adv. Ifiousands of children have warms that sap their vitality and make them listless and irritable. Kfiekapoo Worm Killer kills and removes the worms and has a tonic effect on the system. Does your child eat splasimodically ? Cr out in sleep or grind its teeth? These are symptoms of worms and you should find relief for them at once. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a pleasant remedy. At your druggist, 25c.—Adv. If you write to me, I will tell you how you can get a new 5 passenger FORD AUTOMOBILE FOR ONE BUSHEL OF WHEAT V. J. MCNKI.LIB, 386 Jackson St. St. Paul, Minnesota EXPERIENCED Teachers, Modern Equipment, Thorough Courses- Business, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Civil Service, Preparatory. Graduates se- cure good positions. Free catalog. Interstate Business Cofcge, Fargo, No. Dakota. derwood Milling Company and ex chines are mixed. There is no pects to have the mill operating in ten days. Mr. Wiallibrecht knows how to make good flour complaint on rye, oats, speltz and bar 1 and flax promises well. Where wheat is early and and the trade that Mr. Wall- I of thie Marquis variety there are brecht has been serving during ! occasional fields that are yield- has five years with the Wasjhburt ing up to 12 bushels and of Milling Company are to be. con- j weight ito grade No. 3, but 7 and gratulated on his decision fco(8 bushels and below is catching in this continue in business neighborhood. The beautiful season known as Autumn is with us: The frost has not been here on a visit to most of the fields threshed and the smaller thie yield the poorer the quality. There will be an abundance o'f seed for local use but the greater part of the north* •b'SS be ^.pelkd to »r fall shades, but there's a erisp- ness in the early morning air that, tells us that the leaves range for seed from the outside. T|his year rust did not seem to effect durum wheat and there ar Market Report Wheat- Flax Oats--- Barley Rye Department in charge of Miss Millbrandt 91.39 1.85 .33 .63 I.OO Eggs, retail IS Butter, Dairy-. 20 Cattle--•• 84.75 to 7.75 Hogs, bulk 10.35 -V" \\T v- * < + < j ' \ 'i'.'/W (A' 4 ^ 1 ' J 7 " wv _fn Bu L t GASOLINE ENGINES FEED xGRINDERS, Etc. -Set Thompson Hdwe. Co. 1 Washburn, N. Dak. Will soon be turning to earth, the ver y «°° d fields of this birds will gosouth and the eve-! rie ty* nings become shorter. Auituinn I the most beautiful time of the year in this state. Clhilly days come once in a while but the still, soft, moody days are enjoy- ed to the fullest and the cold days of winter are slow in com- ing. Jt'» the time O'f year when one most enjoys a car and can spin over the country roads; smell the new mown hay and- see the shocks of grain and the busy threshers. It's the time- of yiear that is all too short. Millinery Opening We Announce Our Fall Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday September 8th and 9th i f f im m !l I -rt { 'iff 4(3 't 7:4 j 11 m

at to be considered is absolute - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85000631/1916-09-01/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · BICKERT, Cashier WASHBURN, N. DAK. GEO. H. WEBER. Asst

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Page 1: at to be considered is absolute - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85000631/1916-09-01/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · BICKERT, Cashier WASHBURN, N. DAK. GEO. H. WEBER. Asst


% T *

'•fi. r> t ) -ts^s -sC

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* !' i

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> -A

A. Gallahan sells any make of Automobiles v* 1


In the Selection of a Rank

The first thing of importance

to be considered is absolute

safety. Allow us to suggest

that this bank fully meets

that requirement.

The Washburn State Bank

Wanted—some plowing done. See K. Klein, Washburn.—Adv.

Miss Mary Oberg left last Friday to visit, her parent? at Ffergus Palls.

Cameras can be Lad at the Studio. You can use them or-buy, as you wish.—Adv.

One marriage license was issu­ed in McLean county' during the month of August.

Battle Cry of Peace to be Shown Here

All qf Washburn; atad Vicinity} to (Learn Lesson, on Prepared­

ness September 15th


GEO. H. WEBER. Asst. Cashier

LOCAL NEWS Wanted—some plowing done. See

K. Klein, Washibum.—Adv.

Lewis Baardson of Turtle Lake was a business visitor in town Monday.

Dr. C. C. Hibibe, Bismarck's lead ing DENTIST not the cheapest but the BEST.—Adv.

Martin Skjolberg, one of Tom Grothe's good carpenters, is laid up with a case of blood poisoning

For Sale—The Butler house on very easy terms1. Klein-Johnson Co., Washburn.—Adv.

A. R. Ellis is the new manager for thie Farmer's Union and Mer­cantile Company at Minden. He is a former Minnesota man

Nels P. Nelson and the Jones boys w.ere down from Gonklang Tuesday and took home with them a new Case separator.

For sale—the hay on the SE?4 Sec. 140.43-81. Apply to owner A. Kasofsiky, Spooner, Wis.., Drawer A.—Aidv. • 10-11

Attorney and Mrs. McOurdy and children of Bismarck were Sunday guests at the J. E. Wil­liams home.

Miss Elizabeth Summers who has been visiting at the home o'f her cousin, Mrs. R. W. Bro<wnson, left Monday for her home at Brazil, lad.

Anion Peterson,W. H* Melick, Fred Macoinber and P. A. Larson are among those who have been to South St. Paul with stock dur­ing the week. Hogs continue high and are bringing above 10 cents, but cattle are down. Young stock can be bought at from 1 to 1% cento less than last year.

Do yon want a good position in the Business World? We have prepared thousands who are now making good. Let us help you.

ADDBB8S MCMTI Btcthcrm it HeNman,

Interstate Sniinue College, Fargo.N. D

See the Washburn State Bank for Insurance.—Adv.

Mrs. J. Walker o'f Zap, was an over Sunday visitor at the Forbes home.

For rent—living rooms in the HaUgeiberg building. See Holtan Merc. Co.—Adiv.

Rev. Thoiber and wife and bab of Underwood were visitors at the Herman Boelter home oven Siunday.

Found—iGold watch chain Owner may have same by calling at this office.—Adv.

Mrs. E. K. Merrifield and •daughters, Minnie and Iris, of Underwood, are visiting at the Bowman home this week.

Mrs. P. M. Ferguson went to Bismarck to spend Sunday with her histere and mother. She returned Monday morning.

Plan now to see "The Battle Cry of Peace." Sept. 15(th. The best chance you will evier get to see this great picture.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Swanson and son of near Basto were in Washburn Monday and while in town made this office a pleasant call

Jtohn Arngrimson is on the sick list and has spent the best part of the last ten days for treatment at the Bismarck* hos­pital.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hanson made & trip, ito Bismarck during, the week where their daughter Sarah is at one of the, hospitals' undergoing an operation.

Miss Anna Staley. left for her home at Garrison Saturday after spending the week here with Miss Hazel Forbes. A number o'f cso-cial functions were given in her home during her stay here.

Threshing was started earfy this year. On August 24th, three threshing rigs were working within a few miles of town. This week all machines are out and will complete the threshing be­fore cold weather sets in.

I have the agency for the Saxon. Roy Westmiller, Wash­burn, N. D., —Adv. tf.

Miss Josephine Hamel cami* up from Bismarck Saturday to visit Mrs. J. W. Mangan.

Don't fail to secure a copy of the "Battle Gry of Peace" at Mangan's. Read the story. See the picture.—Adv.

John Schulz received a ne* separator for his International engine and is now helping- his neighbors to get their threshing done.

The Hawaiian Troubodours

On Friday evening September 15tth, the pieople of Washburn and vficinity will have the oppor­tunity to see right at home one of the most spectacular and won­derful photoplays ever produced, for the same price thiat it is shown in cities of ten times the size of Washburn. The Battle Cry of Peace, is a picture aim­ing to show the necessity of a more efficient policy of prepar­edness in the United Spates »r as ;t is termed, "A . call to arms against war". In a let­ter to the author of the story commending him for his work Theodore Roosevelt says, "As a good American I wish to thank you heartily for the "Battle Cry

ol\of Peace." The New York Saturday Slept 9th. Real Haw- American terms it the greatest an an music.. The men who have produced ninety of the Hawaiian records for the Victor phono­graph. ;

Joe Willits is re-arranging one of the warehouses o'f the Wash­burn Milling Company and is in­stalling a feed grinding outfit. He will be ready for business' very soon.

HARNESS,. A fine line of light and fheavy harness, collars, harness goods have just been r-e ceived by the Mandan Mercantile Co. ' Prices are right and all goods guaranteed.—Adv.

Mrs. C. A. Rust and daughter Edna of Underwood, Mrs-. Arline Rust of Warren, Minn., and Mrs. L. K. Thompson of Bismarck were over Sunday visitors at the Bowman home.

Miss Mabel Jlohnson returned Friday from the Detroit lakes where she was the house guest of Mrs. C. W. McGray of Under­wood who spent the summer there. Mrs. McGray also return­ed Friday.

Tlhose who were active in the Strawberry lake fight were tried last Saturday night and bound over to the N|ovte<m!ber term of

war picture ever filmed. No picture yet produced has receiv­ed the amount of free adver­tising thlat has come to this film through editorials and magazine articles. It is a picture that is different than all of the rest. It teaches a lesson. It is one that you will remember when thie re­collection of all others have pass­ed. Men here in town who have seen it elsewhere say that for two hours the audience were held spellbound as they saw unfolded before their eyes a spec*.' taclie such as they nevjer pre­sumed could be and yet which they then realized might at any time occur under our present condition of unpreparedness.

The show is being thoroughly advertised in the vicinity o'f Washburn and in neighbbring town® and it is anticipated that there will be a great crowd of attendance.

Jiohn Schuler, Geo. Wagner an J Andrew Sauer received their ne\^ Aultman-Taylor Threshing outfit Saturday and Monday were busy in. the field with it.

C. I. Walls left Monday for Minneapolis where he attended the National American National


Free! MAPS, DESCRIPTIVE PAMPLET, Photos, Statistics of a few States, 101 Names of Satisfied Customers.


Klein«Johnson Co. Established 1898. Incorporated 1906.

Capital and Surplus $100,000.00. WASHBURN, N. DAK.

court. Some havle obtained bonc < Retail Jewelers Association 04 but others may remain in jail un August 29th. During his absence1

til court sets. Six men were ar- hewi11 hls holiday goods, rested and tried.

If a banker should today offer yiou a position as bookkeeper or. stenographer, could you accept it ? No. You are not prepared, but why don't you prepare} Why don't you attend Mankato Com­mercial College? Send for their catalog to find out more about it.—Adv..

The 'following went to Eblo-woods Sunday to attend the 40th anniversary of Rev. Hall's stay on the reservation: Messrs and Mesdames Hendricks, Stocker, Heck, Bmownson, Misses Gearhai ty Ferguson and Herred and Henry Wahl, W. J. Holt, Mike Tellefson and Geo. Cramer.

Wanted—some plowing done. See K. Klein, Washburn.—Adv.

Ladies' coats and Suits arriv­ing at Holtan Merc. Co.—Adv.

j Rev. J. C. N. Pengelly return­ed Monda" evening from Elbo-

(woods where he attended the 40th anniversary of Rev. Hall's stay on the reservation.

A number of mixing bowls i f r e e a t H o l t a n A d v .

! On Sunday evening, September 110th a musical program will be given at the Methodist church', by the choir. A complete pro-gram will! be published next week

| Andrew Sauer is adding to liis [herd of Hoist eins. This week he received two fine heifers

I from Hutchinson, Minn. They I were purchased from Reuben jJeocks and are nice ones.

j Mrs. Aug. E. Johnson and [ daughter Louise went to Minnea-i polis where they will visit Mrs. [Johnson's mother and Alys and | Joe Platterson. They will take | in ithe Minnesota State Fair be­fore returning.

Mrs. J. M. Casey and son Paul left last Friday afternoon for their home at Los Angeles. They have been visiting in Minne sota and this state since June. Mr. Casey accompanied them as far as Minneapolis. He will re­main at Underwood until in Oct­ober.

The interior of the Hub Theati is being painted and decorated. Thie work being done by Mr. Keierlaber the local decorator aiijj will be completed by the 9th when the Hawaiian Troubodours will) appear here. When the work is completed the place will present a very attractive ap­pearance. Some of the very best pictures available hlave been booked in and will be shown at the least possible cost. Among some of the best known are,

"Tillie's Punctured Romance" ci| September Hth, featuring Char­lie Chaplin, conceded to be the 'best comedy feature produced. "The Battle Qry of Peace" on September 15, and several Blue­bird Features. Thos.e who saw "Tlhle Grip of Jealousy" the Bluebird feature shown last week will realize that they can be sure of a good show when going to see the Bluebird plays.

Waist Sale at

Sale Prices To Clean Up Balance of Summer Stock

One lot of Percale waists, each 49c

One lot of Lawn and Voile waists 98c

One lot of China Silk waists S 1.98

One lot of Crepe Silk waists $2.89 Entire stock o f

Misses' and Ladies' Middies, ranging in prices from $1.00 to $1.50, to close out—


A. Schulz & Sons


T|ie new fall dress goods are arriving at llol&an's daily.—Adv.

Those who have charge of the . library have sent for $25 worth of new books for children. The children are the best patrons of the library and they will no doubt be pleased to hear of the new books.

Sid Your Child of Worms

Miss Mary Baardson returned to her home at Sidney, Montana, Monday. Three young sons o'f Lbuis Baardson went with hetf and will spend the fall with her and Miss Anna. Baard Baardson is now located at Lambert, Mont

MACHINERY, IF in need of a plow, drill, harrow, harrow-cart, corn planter, cultivator, wa gon, buggy or any other farm machinery, go to the Mandan Mercantile Co.5 All machinery guaranteed.—Adv.

E. Ash was down from his Coleharbor home Tuesday and while in town made this office a call. Mr. Ash is all through threshing and said his wheat ave«

A Clogged System Cleared

Must Be

You will find Dr. King's New Life Pills a gentle yet effective laxiative for removing imparities from the system. Accumulated waste poisons the blood; dizzine i biliousness and pimply, muddy ' complexion are the distressing effects. A dose of Dr. King's New life Pills tonight will assure you ' a free, full bowel movetaent in the morning. At your druggist, 25c.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wiallbrecht'*8*^ 1(> ^el* the acrej rye 9, oats 35 and barley 20 and his corn this year is viery good.

Are you a judge of good dia­monds? If you are not you can­not do better than to buy from this reliable house. If you can distinguish the true quality you will readily appreciate the splen­did values we offer. Walls Jewelry Store.—Adv.

Reports fro~n the threshing ma«

autoed to Faulkton, S. D., their former home, during the week. Mr. Wallbrecht reports no wheat to speak of in the Aberdeen country and that the wheat crop is poor from Bismarck south— the bulk of the fields not having been cut.. Corn is good and hay plentiful.

G. M. WaUbretcht hias leased the milling property of the Un-

$5.00 a week good board, room and tuition in College, High School, Business, Shorthand, Pliano, Voice, Normal courses'. Fine gymnasium. Free catalogs. Write, for information, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.—Adv.

Ifiousands of children have warms that sap their vitality and make them listless and irritable. Kfiekapoo Worm Killer kills and removes the worms and has a tonic effect on the system. Does your child eat splasimodically ? Cr out in sleep or grind its teeth? These are symptoms of worms and you should find relief for them at once. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a pleasant remedy. At your druggist, 25c.—Adv.

If you write to me, I will tell you how you can get a new 5 passenger


V. J. MCNKI.LIB, 386 Jackson St. St. Paul, Minnesota

EXPERIENCED Teachers, Modern Equipment, Thorough Courses-

Business, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Civil Service, Preparatory. Graduates se­cure good positions. Free catalog.

Interstate Business Cofcge, Fargo, No. Dakota.

derwood Milling Company and ex chines are mixed. There is no pects to have the mill operating in ten days. Mr. Wiallibrecht knows how to make good flour

complaint on rye, oats, speltz and bar1 and flax promises well. Where wheat is early and

and the trade that Mr. Wall- I of thie Marquis variety there are brecht has been serving during ! occasional fields that are yield-has five years with the Wasjhburt ing up to 12 bushels and of Milling Company are to be. con- j weight ito grade No. 3, but 7 and gratulated on his decision fco(8 bushels and below is catching

in this continue in business neighborhood.

The beautiful season known as Autumn is with us: The frost has not been here on a visit to

most of the fields threshed and the smaller thie yield the poorer the quality. There will be an abundance o'f seed for local use but the greater part of the north*

•b'SS be ^.pelkd to »r fall shades, but there's a erisp-ness in the early morning air that, tells us that the leaves

range for seed from the outside. T|his year rust did not seem to effect durum wheat and there ar

Market Report Wheat-Flax • Oats---Barley • Rye

Department in charge of Miss Millbrandt

91.39 1.85 .33 .63

I.OO Eggs, retail IS Butter, Dairy-. 20 Cattle--•• 84.75 to 7.75 Hogs, bulk 10.35

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Thompson Hdwe. Co. 1 Washburn, N. Dak.

Will soon be turning to earth, the very «°°d fields of this

birds will gosouth and the eve-! riety* nings become shorter. Auituinn I the most beautiful time of the year in this state. Clhilly days come once in a while but the still, soft, moody days are enjoy­ed to the fullest and the cold days of winter are slow in com­ing. Jt'» the time O'f year when one most enjoys a car and can spin over the country roads; smell the new mown hay and- see the shocks of grain and the busy threshers. It's the time- of yiear that is all too short.

Millinery Opening

We Announce Our Fall Millinery Opening

Friday and Saturday September 8th and 9th

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