JASON‟S JOURNAL – The Principal‟s Message Next week students in Years 3 and 5 will undertake the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) - an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling and numeracy. NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four areas of: Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. NAPLAN assesses skills in Literacy and Numeracy that are developed over time, through the school curriculum. NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but rather shows how individual students are progressing in Numeracy and Literacy skills, against national standards for all Australian children. I make the point that this test is only a small part of the assessment profile gathered on students and should be viewed as such. When results are returned to the school later in the year it will provide parents and staff, a snapshot of student‟s achievements but should not be seen as a definitive or comprehensive assessment. Families of students sitting these tests next week will receive a brochure addressing frequently asked questions. For more information (including some sample tests) please visit www.naplan.edu.au. EDUCATION WEEK Education Week is a wonderful opportunity to showcase what we do at the school. We have much to be proud of and we as a school really enjoy the chance to display all that is good at Blackburn Lake. I believe that Education Week occurs every week at our school. It is always a positive and productive place, with something extra happening each and every day. Whilst we don‟t necessarily need an official state determined „Education Week‟ to reiterate what‟s so important about a good education, I invite you to mark some of the following events - especially our “Learning Walk” open night on Thursday - into your diary for our daily events during Education Week (also noting Monday 21 st May is a Curriculum Day): MUSICAL SHOWCASECONCERT Tuesday 22 May 2012 7.00pm 8.00pm Performances by our school choirs and ensembles. GRANDPARENTS DAY Wednesday 23 May 2012 9.00 11.00am Various times of the day according to the class arrangements stay tuned Learning Walk Thursday 24 May 2012 7.00pm 8.00pm A treasure hunt for various „Learning‟ items around the school Including the annual Art WorksShow - A Celebration of the Arts’ Open morning – beginning with an early School Assembly Friday 25 May 2012 9.00am 11.00am A whole school assembly 9.00 9.30 held in the D J Centre - all welcome! No 13 10 May 2012

Art Works - blps.vic.edu.aublps.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files/media/newsletter_10052… · Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)

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Page 1: Art Works - blps.vic.edu.aublps.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files/media/newsletter_10052… · Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)

JASON‟S JOURNAL – The Principal‟s Message Next week students in Years 3 and 5 will undertake the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) - an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling and numeracy. NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four areas of: Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. NAPLAN assesses skills in Literacy and Numeracy that are developed over time, through the school curriculum. NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but rather shows how individual students are progressing in Numeracy and Literacy skills, against national standards for all Australian children. I make the point that this test is only a small part of the assessment profile gathered on students and should be viewed as such. When results are returned to the school later in the year it will provide parents and staff, a snapshot of student‟s achievements but should not be seen as a definitive or comprehensive assessment. Families of students sitting these tests next week will receive a brochure addressing frequently asked questions. For more information (including some sample tests) please visit www.naplan.edu.au.


Education Week is a wonderful opportunity to showcase what we do at the school. We have

much to be proud of and we as a school really enjoy the chance to display all that is good at

Blackburn Lake. I believe that Education Week occurs every week at our school. It is always

a positive and productive place, with something extra happening each and every day. Whilst

we don‟t necessarily need an official state determined „Education Week‟ to reiterate what‟s so

important about a good education, I invite you to mark some of the following events - especially our “Learning Walk” open night on Thursday - into your diary for our daily events

during Education Week (also noting Monday 21st May is a Curriculum Day):


Tuesday 22 May 2012 7.00pm – 8.00pm Performances by our school choirs and ensembles.


Wednesday 23 May 2012 9.00 – 11.00am Various times of the day according to the class arrangements – stay tuned

Learning Walk Thursday 24 May 2012 7.00pm – 8.00pm

A treasure hunt for various „Learning‟ items around the school

Including the annual ‘Art Works’ Show - „A Celebration of the Arts’

Open morning – beginning with an early School Assembly Friday 25 May 2012 9.00am – 11.00am

A whole school assembly 9.00 – 9.30 held in the D J Centre - all welcome!

No 13

10 May 2012

Page 2: Art Works - blps.vic.edu.aublps.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files/media/newsletter_10052… · Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)

CLASS VISIT – PREP K Through careful timetabling at Blackburn Lake Primary School we promote maximum time on task in our classrooms. The planning of time is evidenced in our Junior School classrooms, where they begin each day with two hours of Literacy. On Tuesday this week I joined the children of Prep K for their “Literacy Block”. During the first hour – the reading hour, I worked with a small group of students in “sounding out” and practising start-of-word and end-of-word letter sounds. Whilst I was working on this task, the other Preps were either working with Kerryn or independently on other Literacy tasks. One group with a dad assisting completion of a Y-chart thinking tool as a part of their follow-up from last week‟s Chesterfield Farm excursion and another small group using computers to “click and drag” pictures of animals. I was impressed with the level of independence and focus for a group of children who have really only just begun at school. After sharing work from the reading tasks, the children stopped for a quick game to match capital and lower case letters. Then it was time for the writing hour. It was great to see all students experience success in writing as: they knew what the next task was (by looking at the “literacy board” to help them plan ahead); were able to choose a space on the floor with “someone who would help them concentrate”; they had a framework to use after Kerryn modelled the writing task; students were able to make spelling attempts in a safe risk-taking environment; they had support – from Kerryn and myself, and also the many wordlists on display in the room. This great learning environment promotes success, as does having attended the farm last week to give the children experiences and language to put pencil to paper – well done Preps! Thanks to Kerryn for her great work in building these important foundation skills in the children, and for her leadership as our Prep Coordinator.

WORKING BEE - SUNDAY 20 MAY On Sunday 20th May we are holding our second „Working Bee’ for the year. Working Bees are an important way in which we can maintain and improve our outdoor learning environment for our students. Without Working Bees we would have to spend many thousands of dollars paying commercial contractors to complete the work and in many cases the work would simply not get done, resulting in a deterioration of our school grounds. Working Bees help keep our school fees relatively affordable and ensure that we can continue the high standards we are proud to offer our students here at Blackburn Lake Primary School. Tasks typically include weeding, mulching, clearing drain pits, sweeping/blowing, pruning and other targeted projects.

We would appreciate it if each family supported one Working Bee each year, even if you cannot stay for the whole time. Children are welcome and generally enjoy getting involved or simply playing with their friends. As well as finishing off with a barbecue for those assisting, at this Term Two Working Bee we will be drawing a raffle prize for a family voucher for the cinema at Forest Hill.

EARN AND LEARN Parents will notice that the Woolworths „Earn & Learn‟ promotion is back this year. The program is a support for schools across the country and it has the potential to provide valuable resources for schools like ours. The resources can range from classroom materials, to sporting equipment and even furniture, all of which would be put towards supporting student learning. The program began yesterday and runs until July 27th. Families can deposit the “sticker cards” (to be sent home with children tomorrow) into the collection box located in the Office foyer and your support will be greatly appreciated. Thank you to our wonderful PA who once again organised a terrific selection of gifts for

Mother’s Day. I am sure there are some lucky mums who are in for a well deserved treat

on Sunday. I wish all our mums a great day - a time for warm thoughts and fond memories; for expressing the feelings and words that often go unspoken; for letting those special people know that they are loved and appreciated – have a super Sunday. I hope to see you at tomorrow‟s Whole School Assembly @ 3pm to acknowledge our „Students of the Week‟. Regards, Jason Walker – Principal [email protected]

SCHOOL & HOUSE CAPTAIN PHOTO A copy of the School Captains and House Captains photograph can be seen and ordered at the Office. There are also 8 sibling/family photographs that still have not been collected from the Office. Please do this as soon as possible. Thank you.

Page 3: Art Works - blps.vic.edu.aublps.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files/media/newsletter_10052… · Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)

„SEUSSICAL JR‟ As I am sitting here typing and I am listening to the „Seussical Jr’ CD and getting excited about the wonderful time we will have working with the children to produce this great school production. The music is catchy, the characters are known to students as they have read many Dr Seuss books and it allows all students in the school to participate.

Seussical Jr centres around Horton the Elephant, who finds himself faced with a double challenge. He must protect his tiny friend Jojo (and all the invisible Whos) from a world of naysayers and dangers and also guard an abandoned egg, left to his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird. Although Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping and a trial, the fearless Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him, the only one who recognizes "his kind and his powerful heart." Being a part of the Musical will provide the opportunity for your child to develop their skills in the area of Performing Arts as well as their social skills and learn valuable life lessons. In a Musical:

Everyone‟s contribution is important

Everyone must work together for the greater good, encouraging collaboration and community

Children learn the importance of listening to each other speak and waiting one‟s turn. They take positive risks and conquer fears while building self confidence

A Musical is a lot of fun for everyone involved. Next week we will be beginning the audition process for those students in Years 5 and 6 that are interested. They will be required to learn a section of the musical and may also need to learn part of a song. The rest of the school has been introduced to the Musical in their Music lessons. We ask that you all put the dates in your diary and continue to read our regular updates in the newsletter. A reminder for all those parents/grandparents wanting to get involved that a Meeting is being held Tuesday 15th May at 7.00pm in the Music Room (DJ Centre). Jo and I hope to see many faces there. Kerryn Straughan (Producer) Jo Myers (Creative Director)


Sunday 20 May 9am – midday Working Bee







Monday 21 May All Day Curriculum Day (student free day) Tuesday 22 May 7:00 – 8:00pm Musical Showcase featuring our

Ensembles and Choirs - DJC Wednesday 23 May Various Times Grandparents Day activities

Thursday 24 May 7:00 – 8:00pm Learning Walk (“school search”)

including Art Works Show


25 May 9:00 – 11am Open Morning (beginning with a

Special Morning Assembly @ 9:00)

Monday 28 May District Cross Country @ Ruffey Lake Park Doncaster

Wed – Friday 30 May –

1 June

3 days Year 6 Camp at Camp Wilkinson Anglesea

Monday 11 June All Day Queen's Birthday Holiday Wednesday 13 June 7.30pm Parents Association Meeting - MPR

Friday 29 June 2:00 – 2:30pm Assembly (Term 2 concludes - early dismissal)


Monday 16 July 9:00am Term Three commences

Mon - Friday 16 – 27 July Whole School Swimming Program

Mon & Tues 20 and 21 August

‘Suessical Jnr’ - Whole School Musical Production

Kel Watson Theatre (Forest Hill Secondary College)

Wednesday 22 August Curriculum Day (student free day)

Page 4: Art Works - blps.vic.edu.aublps.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files/media/newsletter_10052… · Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)


We congratulate the following ‘Students of the Week’ – to be presented at tomorrow’s Assembly


“MORNING MOVERS”! MM has commenced. The weather has meant some sessions have not been held but we still have many enthusiastic runners. Congratulations to 1/2 D for the highest total of laps last week. Get those runners out and we will see which grade does best each week.

Sunday 9 September PA „SAUSAGE SIZZLE’ @ Bunnings Nunawading

Thursday 20 September JSC - Cancer Council - „True Colours Footy Day’

Friday 21 September 2:00 – 2:30pm Assembly (Term 3 concludes - early dismissal)

Monday 8 October 9:00am Term Four commences

Tuesday 6 November Melbourne Cup Holiday

Thursday 22 November JSC - Melbourne Zoo - ‘Endangered Animals’ Day

Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)

Principal‟s Award Sam F – 4E Showing the „Blacky Lake Way‟ with his efforts and interactions

Assist Principal James G – P-K Showing beautiful „Blackburn Lake‟ manners

Prep A Amber K Her diligence towards her work – you always put in 110% Amber

Prep B Liam C Being a willing and responsible classroom helper and a kind and courteous classmate

Prep E Polly C Taking great care with all of her written work

Prep K Kamilia B Clear and careful Reading in our Literacy groups – well done!

1/2D Meg W Always sharing interesting photos and „treasure‟!

IR Jamie B A wonderful reflection of his own interests and talents

1S Zeke M Being such a reliable and responsible monitor – I know I can always count on you – well done!

2D Jesse P Showing the class how to be a true supportive friend – very proud!

2L Zefang C Great progress in her language and maths learning – well done!!

2M Daniel F Constructing a very neat bar graph after collecting data about what brand of cars families in our class have

3A Ethan N Producing an excellent bar graph on „Favourite Sports‟ – well done!!

3J Zoe L Approaching every task with a positive attitude and persistence

3S Bella E Her excellent attempts at writing „Persuasive Text‟ – well done Bella

4E Olivia C Finding her sounds in Word Study

4K Mitchell C Excellent work making division sums and linking them with multiplication

4M Jonty H Showing great skills with long division questions and always being a polite member of the class

5/6C Samuel B Excellent class participation and risk-taking during learning!

5/6M Josh B-B His participation during word study and continual improvement on his spelling words each week

5/6N Kieren H Exemplary representation of BLPS during a transition excursion – fantastic display of leadership skills Kieren!

5/6S Darcie P Great improvement in calculating the perimeter & area of rectangles

Performing Arts Montsalvat Choir An outstanding performance that brought tears to my eyes – thanks for all your hard work!

Visual Arts Jacob K – 3S Volunteering his lunchtime to help in the Art room – thank you on a fabulous job!

Italian (LOTE) Bianca E – 3A Outstanding writing in Italian – fantastica!

Phys Ed / Sport Josh H – 4E For an outstanding 800 time trial!

Page 5: Art Works - blps.vic.edu.aublps.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files/media/newsletter_10052… · Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)

CROSS COUNTRY TIME - FRIDAY 18 MAY Our BLPS House Cross Country event will be held next Friday, 18 May 2012.

Junior grades will run as grades. Preps will run at 10.10am, Grade 1 at 10.20am and Grade 2 at 10.30am. Senior grades will run in age groups – 9/10 years (Grade 3‟s will run as 9/10‟s), 11 years and 12/13 years. We will need lots of helpers on the day to help with scoring, placegetters and out on the track. If you are able to help on the day please complete the form brought home by children and return to me by Monday, May 14. Following the House Cross Country are school team will be chosen to compete at the District Cross Country on Monday, 28 May at Ruffy Lake Park in Doncaster.

ELITE SPORT TRIALS Congratulations to those students who made it through to the neat round of trials to be held soon. At the time of printing we had 4 students who are progressing! Laura C - Netball Lachlan K - Basketball Sam P - Basketball Eloise K - Soccer Good luck at the next stage!! HOOPTIME Grade 4 and 6 students have begun preparing for their tournaments with great enthusiasm. If you would be able to assist please let your child‟s teacher know. Grade 4 will be taking part on Monday, 18 June and Grade 6 on Monday, 25 June.

WHOLE SCHOOL SWIMMING PROGRAM - MONDAY 16th July to THURSDAY 26th July Detailed notices relating to our upcoming swimming program scheduled for the first 2 weeks of Term 3 on Monday 16th July to Thursday 26th July at Nunawading Pool will be sent home soon. As for previous years, we anticipate that all of our students from Grade P- 6 will take part in this valuable, whole-school program. This year‟s program will cost $120 per child and this covers bus transport, pool entry fee and cost of instructors. We will be asking for payment by Friday 15 June 2012. Thanks for your support of this important whole school program. Phil Lumsden PE / Sports Coordinator [email protected]


MUSIC QUOTE FOR THE WEEK: “Music should be your escape” – Missy Elliot INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC UPDATE - SINGING LESSONS I am excited to announce that BLPS will be offering singing lessons as part of the Instrumental Program. We are fortunate to have Jane Stamp offering her time, as she has extensive experience as both a teacher and performer. If you are interested in your child having private or a small shared lesson please fill out the instrumental expression of interest form in the foyer and place it in my pigeon hole.


Don't forget to mark your calendars for Education Week. All the Ensembles (Junior & Senior Marimba

Ensembles, Concert Band, String Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble (formerly „The Trio‟) and Choirs (Junior, Senior & Chamber Choirs) will be performing on Tuesday 22nd May at 7.00pm. The Instrumental Teachers will also be attending so come along and say „Hi‟ to them.

All students will be required to meet at 6.45pm in the Music Room. Thanks everyone, Jo Myers Music Coordinator [email protected]

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Parents Victoria Online Conference Parents and other interested participants are warmly invited to take part in the sixth annual online conference to be held by Parents Victoria. The conference will be held non-stop on the internet during Education Week, commencing at 6.00 a.m. on Sunday 20 May 2012 with discussion topics including: Celebrating Public Education Travel to School Multiculturalism Curriculum Bullying Mental Health School Payments and Funding There is also the opportunity to comment on other Education issues that may concern you. No special software is needed just an internet-connected computer and a browser. The online discussions are very easy to join in, and guidelines about how to participate are provided. There are prizes for schools for participation. The conference is proudly sponsored by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Register at: http://www.cybertext.net.au/pv/ Further information, email: [email protected] Ph: 9380 2158 or visit: www.parentsvictoria.asn.au


HOW TO CONTACT US Please feel free to drop the PA a line via the “PA Mailbox” in the school Foyer or alternatively send us an email to [email protected] or click on the “Contact Us” on the school website.

NEXT PARENTS ASSOCIATION MEETING The next PA meeting will be held on

Wednesday 13th June @ 7:30pm in the MPR Everyone is welcome – come and join our friendly group!


Please note the Uniform Shop is open on Wednesdays 3.30 – 4.00pm. & Thursdays 9 - 9.30am

WINTER TUNICS Winter Tunics arrived earlier this week and all orders have been delivered to classes. There are a few extra's so if you still want one race in to Uniform Shop next week to snap one up.



Carolyn D Marina S Jenny F Holly-Joy P Angela K

CANTEEN NEWS! Reminder - that you cannot receive a Milkshake in your lunch order. Please ensure that your child has the money in their pocket for recess. SINGAPORE NOODLES ARE BACK! Lasagne is out of stock - so please don't order them until further notice. I am wondering if anyone would be willing to help me occasionally on a Tuesday with putting the food delivery away. It takes 30 mins to an hour to do (I usually do it before pick up) and requires just a small bit of paperwork to be done. Sometimes I am required to work or be somewhere else and would really love it if I did not have to worry about the food delivery on these days. Please contact me if you can help.

Page 7: Art Works - blps.vic.edu.aublps.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files/media/newsletter_10052… · Friday 21 December 1:00 – 1:30pm Assembly (last day of 2012 - early dismissal)

Help Needed! I am also looking for someone to Manage the Canteen on the 18th June (Monday) as I would like to attend the ‘Hoop Time’ with grade 4. I can be there to start if off, but you would be required to do all of the cooking, temperatures, processing etc. Let me know if you are willing to help. Keep those receipts coming in. Let's see if we can win a weekly prize! Danielle Canteen Coordinator


Win a $46,000 gold medal makeover for your school! We have now finished our third week of the run and what a great week it has been with the competition

between the schools really heating up. There has been a lot of movement in the leader board, please see

below for the latest results.

Leader board Rank Participating School

1 Parkmore Primary School 2 St. Luke the Evangelist P School 3 St. Timothy’s Primary School

4 Orchard Grove Primary School 5 Burwood Heights Primary School 6 St. Thomas the Apostle P School

7 St. Johns Primary School 8 Blackburn Lake Primary School 9 Mt. Pleasant Primary School

10 Livingstone Primary School 11 Kerrimuir Primary School 12 St. Francis Xavier Primary School

13 Vermont Primary School 14 Wattle Park Primary School 15 Essex Heights Primary School

16 Laburnum Primary School 17 St James Primary School 18 Rossbourne Primary School

19 Roberts McCubbin P School 20 Rangeview Primary School 21 St Philips Primary School

Remember you can visit runaroundaustraila.com.au to check your schools progress on the map around

Australia at any time during the program.

Best Performing School of the Week

Congratulation goes to St. Luke the Evangelist Primary School who is this week’s Best Performing School. They

have won a $200 gift voucher from Jamaica Blue and a bonus 200km toward their run. Keep up the great

work and remember your school could be the next weekly winner!


SCHOOL BANKING WEDNESDAYS! TOKENS FOUND IN THE SCHOOL YARD Two silver tokens with a reward sheet wrapped around them were found in the school grounds this morning. Please let me know if they belong to your child.

REWARD ITEMS If you have 10 tokens saved you can redeem them for the following reward items: Money box - choose from 5 characters

Drink bottle Lunch box Watch Handball BOOKLIGHT - new!

COMPLETING DEPOSIT SLIPS Please remember to fill in the details in your deposit slips - it saves us a bit of time if we have all the correct information ready to go. Don't forget to complete the stub as well for your own records.

DOLLARMITES ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATE Some school bankers are on their way to receiving their Bronze certificates for making 10 deposits through the school banking program, so keep up the good work. Your names will be published in the newsletter and your certificate will make its way to you via your classroom teacher. Thanks everyone for supporting the School Banking Program. It's a great way to encourage consistent saving among the school kids as well as fundraise for BLPS.

Regards Vickie L - School Banking Coordinator 0419 773335

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Who will be the new Dollarmite? As part of the Commonwealth Bank’s centenary celebrations we

want to find Australia’s best School Banking Saver!

Between 16 April and 30 June 2012, we are running a fun and exciting School Banking competition with the winning child being transformed into their very own

Dollarmite character. To enter is easy. A student simply needs to make 5 deposits at school during the competition period and

then provide us with their best savings tip AT www.commbank.com.au/beadollarmite The winning school/class will receive 25 IPads and a $1500 excursion!

For the winning student, as well as being ‘Dollarmized’, they will receive an annual movie pass for their family.

50 runner up prize packs that include iPads, excursions, movie tickets

Thousands of Dollarmites consolations prizes for the students. It’s not too late to join the competition – simply open a Youth Saver account at any Commonwealth Branch and bring your wallet to

school on banking day to be in with a chance to WIN!!

COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD Any advertisements in this newsletter are in no way endorsed by Blackburn Lake Primary School

HOUSE TO RENT - WALK TO SCHOOL! Would you like to rent a home within walking distance of school? A simple, affordable three bedroom home

with additional sunroom / playroom space - will be available within the next few weeks. There are lots of great kids in the neighbourhood who love to play!

For information please phone Alison 0414 883 565

HILLS SWINGSET FOR SALE Seven years old – already dismantled ready to collect. Only $20 Call Alison 0414 883 565


We invite all interested parents and carers to view our delightful, well-equipped Playgroup facility which caters for indoor and outdoor play. We are a non-profit organization owned by Manningham City Council, and a

member of Playgroup Victoria. Open Monday - Friday for 2 hourly sessions.

Please contact Krissy Carmichael 0422 953 625 for details

Blackburn Lake Netball Club is participating in Breast Cancer Network Australia‟s fundraiser this Saturday.

This is a great way for us to assist in raising money for breast cancer research and to also pay tribute to those who have been impacted by breast cancer.

To kick it off, some of our netballers will be shaking their donation tins after school assembly on Friday 10th May so please spare us your loose change. At the Saturday competition (11th May), HE Parker Reserve

Heathmont will turn into a pink fanfare. For a gold coin donation, you can get your hair sprayed pink, get pink nails or pink ribbons. You can also purchase pink Fairy Floss or a pink lady cut out on which you can write

your own message and place her in the „Pink Lady Field‟. Pink score sheets and pink balls are being used for the games.

All are welcome to come down and witness the pink action!

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TUESDAY - Netball


FRIDAY - Soccer Right now we are conducting free sports clinics. As our numbers grow, we will commence competitions.



Meet @ the Visitors Centre Central Rd Blackburn „Need to Weed‟ Saturday 12 May 2012 10am – 12noon Everyone welcome to help maintain the bushland! „Sticky Beaks‟ are back! Sunday 20 May - 2-4pm With lots of games, feathered fun & bird watching for the kids For information: email: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~blsac

Junior Naturalists Juniors Group of FNCV Inc

The group meets at 7.30 pm on the

last Friday of each month (except

Dec) at the rooms of the Field Naturalists Club

of Victoria Inc, 1 Gardenia St Blackburn 3130. MAY EXCURSION – Sunday 13 May @ 10am „Bunyip Fungi Foray‟ Bunyip State Park (Gembrook) MAY MEETING - Friday 25 May @ 7.30pm „Fungi‟ – speaker Jurrie Hubregtse JUNE EXCURSION – details to come „Walk in the Dandenongs‟ JUNE MEETING – Friday 29 June @ 7.30pm „Reptiles‟ – speaker Simon Watharow Editor of „Wildlife Secrets‟ magazine & author of „Living with Snakes and other Reptiles‟ JULY EXCURSION – 8 July @ 11am „Dingo Discovery Centre‟ JULY MEETING – Friday 27 July @ 7.30pm „Helmeted Honey Eater‟ – speakers Bruce & Sue AUGUST EXCURSION – 25 August @ 10am „Planting with Helmeted Honey Eater‟ AUGUST MEETING – Friday 31 August @ 7.30 „August Birthday Party – theme – Desert Life‟

For further information & bookings contact: Clare Ferguson 8060 2474 or

email: [email protected]

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A Special Introductory Information Session for Parents

"Parenting For Fun - How To RaiseChildren That Love, Trust and Confide in You!" – Introductory

Session Date: Tuesday 22nd May 2012 Time: 7:30pm Location: Koonarra Hall, 7 Balwyn Road, Bulleen Melway: 32 F9

Bookings: Contact Jenny at [email protected] orPhone or Text: 0408 400 659

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Get Involved with Aussie Hoops!

For more Information contact: Marilyn (Secretary) on 0425 889 442 or [email protected]

Register for Vikings Mini Ball Today! For more Information contact: Marilyn (Secretary) on 0425 889 442 or [email protected]

Brings to you a

FREE Single Parent Family Fun Day

Sunday 10th of June 2012.

12 noon – 5 pm

The wonderful Temple Society

premises, indoor/outdoor options 54Elizabeth st Bayswater melways

reference is 64 F7!!

Free BBQ and Drinks Free kids activities and games

Free face painting, Membership Specials + So Much More!!


Please RSVP to Moush on 0430 504 119 or [email protected]

Nunawading Vikings Basketball Club Junior Programs - 2012

The best way to learn the fundamentals of

basketball under the guidance of experienced


Aimed at having fun, meeting new friends and

learning the skills of the game.

Players Receive: Bag, Singlet and Basketball

Venue: Slater Reserve Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm (Two Sessions) Ages: 5 – 7yrs (5-6pm Session) 7½ - 10yrs

(6-7pm Session) Cost: $60 1st term / $30 repeat term Players only receive the items in their first term. ALL YOU NEED TO BRING IS YOUR LUNCH AND A


The Program is designed as the next step after Aussie Hoops

Consist of Skill Sessions and Modified Basketball Games

A fantastic way to extend their skills before entering competition basketball

Venue: Slater Reserve Time: 5:00pm – 6:00pm Ages: 7 – 10 years old Cost: $70 1st term / $45 repeat term Players Receive: Reversible Singlet and Drink Bottle (1st term)