Affidavit of Juana Reyes (Secretary) 1.State your name and position in the company I am Ms. Juana reyes, I am employed as a secretary of Mr. Juan dela Cruz 2. Do you know a certain Juan Dela Cruz? How? Yes, I have been his secretary for 14 years now. From the day he started working as a general manager in ABC company until now, I have been his secretary and have known him for quite a while already. I work 6 days a week, excluding Sundays, from 8:00am-12:00nn, 1:00pm- 5:00pm. I therefore work everyday with Mr. Dela Cruz except for Sundays or those days that I am or he is absent. 3. As his secretary, what are your tasks/ responsibilities? I am charged with maintaining the general manager’s schedule, booking meetings and appointments, and serving as a gatekeeper, screening calls and prioritizing daily tasks and responsibilities. I am usually responsible for distributing meeting agendas, scheduling meetings and recording and transcribing meeting minutes. I also handle the general manager’s personal and business correspondence, including emails and memos. As his secretary I am frequently his representative outside the company. Requests for the general manager are typically funneled through me, such as requests for conference calls, public speaking engagements and professional organizational activities. 4. Did you happen to notice some anomalies or irregularities in the daily activities of the Company? During the first 10 years, there were no anomalies or irregularities whatsoever. But during the succeeding years, I have noticed that Mr. dela Cruz would fail to report on-time with regard to the allocation of the “fund”. Sometime on October of 2012, he would constantly order me to get money from the “fund” in the treasurer’s office and instructed me to deposit the said sum of money to his bank

Affidavit of Juana Reyes

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Affidavit of Juana Reyes(Secretary)1.State your name and position in the companyI am Ms. Juana reyes, I am employed as a secretary of Mr. Juan dela Cruz2. Do you know a certain Juan Dela Cruz? How?Yes, I have been his secretary for 14 years now. From the day he started working as a general manager in ABC company until now, I have been his secretary and have known him for quite a while already. I work 6 days a week, excluding Sundays, from 8:00am-12:00nn, 1:00pm-5:00pm. I therefore work everyday with Mr. Dela Cruz except for Sundays or those days that I am or he is absent. 3. As his secretary, what are your tasks/ responsibilities?I am charged with maintaining the general managers schedule, booking meetings and appointments, and serving as a gatekeeper, screening calls and prioritizing daily tasks and responsibilities. I am usually responsible for distributing meeting agendas, scheduling meetings and recording and transcribing meeting minutes. I also handle the general managers personal and business correspondence, including emails and memos.As his secretary I am frequently his representative outside the company. Requests for the general manager are typically funneled through me, such as requests for conference calls, public speaking engagements and professional organizational activities.

4. Did you happen to notice some anomalies or irregularities in the daily activities of the Company? During the first 10 years, there were no anomalies or irregularities whatsoever. But during the succeeding years, I have noticed that Mr. dela Cruz would fail to report on-time with regard to the allocation of the fund. Sometime on October of 2012, he would constantly order me to get money from the fund in the treasurers office and instructed me to deposit the said sum of money to his bank account. I asked him one time where he would allocate the money being deposited in his account, he said Its none of your business, if you still love your job then do whatever I would ask you to do and stop asking. Since then, I did not question him on whatever transactions he would make. From that moment, he would always fail to report on time to the board with regard to the allocation of the funds and his reports would always be incomplete or insufficient to justify the spending of the fund, in a sense that he could not really issue receipts on certain transactions. I know because I am his secretary and it is part of my duty to transcribe and record meeting minutes, I can hear all the things that he would tell to the board. I know there was already a misappropriation of funds since then. Maybe because of his good performance for the last 10 years as a general manager, the board trusted him so much and did not directly question his irregularities. As his secretary, he trusted me with almost everything because he knows I would not tell anyone with what he is doing since I cannot afford to lose my job. But I think it is high time to tell it all out in order to stop him from misappropriating the companys funds. 4.Upon noticing the same, what action did you opt to do?

5. Was there any particular incident that you can recall regarding the allegations?As what Ive said a while ago, he has been ordering me since October of 2012 to get money from the fund and deposit it to his account. I know he has been using it for personal use because his lifestyle suddenly, or should I say, abruptly changed after that (depositing) happen. He was able to buy luxury cars and a house and lot located at. Since basically, I am his alter ego, one of my administrative responsibilities is to open his email account to check for important matters, documents or meetings that he should cater to. I saw his transactions with different car dealers and was able to close a deal for a Porsche car to a man named Vermar Berungan. The car costs 5.9M. The said car, the same Porsche car, was the one of the cars hes driving right now.