ACJC Records Retention August 28, 2007 The Paperless Office What Is It? 1

ACJC Records Retention August 28, 2007 The Paperless Office What Is It? 1

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ACJC Records RetentionAugust 28, 2007

The Paperless OfficeWhat Is It?


Page 2: ACJC Records Retention August 28, 2007 The Paperless Office What Is It? 1

What Does Paperless Mean

– Having Paper Received From the Outside and Then Scanning Paper

– Having Paper Received and Scanned and Other Documents Coming in Electronically.

– Having 90% or More Records Come in Electronically

– Having 90% or More Records Come in Electronically and Then Print Them and Place Them In A File With AN RFID Tag To Locate the File


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What Would I Do Without My Paper


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Who Approves A Paperless Office

• Administrators In Government With Innovativeness, Strong Courage To Fight The Initial Resistance and A Vision For Efficiency

• CEO Is Critical. It Must Come From the Top • Pima County Attorney Is A Visionary Who

Recognized This– Not Many Around Who Understand or Can See The

Advantage Of This Concept• State Archives and Library Must Approve – Do Not

See This As Being A Problem


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Basics of a Paperless Concept

–Must Make Sure It Is Implemented Properly and End User Friendly.– Design and Ease of Use Is 98% of What Is

Needed–After The First Successful Implementation

Of A System You Pick Up A Lot Of Support From the End Users


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How Do You Store and Retrieve Paperless Documents

• Document Management Systems Are The Best— Document Management Can range From $100,000 to

$500,000 for small to medium agencies

• Storage Area Networks – Storage Is Cheap Today -- 5 Terabytes Cost $125,000

• Need Competent Personnel To Make All This Work

• Pays For Itself In Efficiency Over 2 to 5 years


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How Do You Store and Retrieve Paperless Documents Cont’d

– Need a good Case Or Records Management System where Electronic Files come in and are stored via case number or Incident Number along with Emails, search warrants, property records, etc.

– Does all the various searches to interact with the Document Management System


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Main Components


Document Management System

Storage Area Network


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How Long Does The Process Take and What is the Cost

• A lot depends on the size of the agency and how many documents it may have

• How far behind or ahead of the game are you now with your present systems–Worst Case Scenario if you can get the

expertise in personnel hired to work with is 2 to 5 years


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System Requirements

• Need Good Servers or mainframe capability and at least XP machines with enough memory and high speed connections.– In the police arena, car terminals are a must

• Very Critical -- Need people with a vision that can understand how all this fits together.


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• Without this you are doomed to failure• Hand Holding for the first week is critical.

Much more needed than a Help Desk• Remember – This is a whole new concept for

people and they need to know they have a “life jacket” near by

• Must get out on the floor or in the cars to insure the person is comfortable.


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Training Cont’d

• Look for suggestions and try to implement them if they make sense

• Cannot emphasize enough to have a person heading the project who is innovative and a visionary. He/she must have a competent technical team under them Cannot say we have no more resources and tell the end user what you get is what you see

• Technology is changing for the better every year and we must keep up with it


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Lessons Learned

• What NOT To Do

– Go into this system thinking anyone can do it. It takes people with a good systems ability and being innovative.– Stay at home and not see how other agencies have done this. By being very observant you can learn the good and the bad.


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Lessons Learned

– Work with competent IT personnel. Programming is one thing but systems development and screen design is also very important. – Be Prepared to have grumbling from the RTC group (Resistance To Change) but they will change once the others say the system is good- Remember to Build the system constantly. Each day new ideas will come from your end users


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Success Stories

• City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania– Mayor was a visionary and understood the

benefits of 37 agencies participating.– Funded the project from the beginning and

supported it. Knew the benefits for high cost savings in the end.

– Made police personnel at least 50% more efficient• Pima County Attorney Should Be Next