A connected University Presenter’s Name Add Date using Insert | Header & Footer

A connected University Presenter’s Name Add Date using Insert | Header & Footer

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A connected UniversityPresenter’s NameAdd Date using Insert | Header & Footer

Connecting for impactOur world-leading interdisciplinary expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and global partnerships give our research and education an international reach.

At a glance

• In the top one per cent of universities in the world1

• Over £100m research income in 2012/13• Russell Group University• 500 research links with overseas partners and growing• 23,000 students and more than 5,500 staff

(1) QS World Rankings 2013-14

• 40 year reputation for cancer immunology

• Pioneering immune-based therapies such as antibodies and DNA vaccines

• Partners with the Francis Crick Institute

• 50 per cent of trial participants showed improvement where traditional treatments failed

Harnessing theimmune system

• Low-loss optical fibres, developed at

Southampton, drive the internet• Our erbium-doped amplifiers

resulted in broadband and fast telecommunications

• Founded the discipline, Web Science• World’s first Open Data Institute• Centre of a photonics cluster of 10


Connecting the world

• 40 per cent of research involves external collaborators

• 80 per cent of income from EPSRC involves research linked with businesses

• At any one time, we are working with 1,000 companies

• Largest university-business collaboration in the UK with Lloyd’s Register

• One of the top universities in the UK for collaborating with SMEs

Connecting withbusiness

Commercial connections• Spun out 56 successful companies attracting investment

exceeding £100m• £75m income1 from enterprise activities in 2012/13• Portfolio of 350 patents with an annual income over

£500,000• Collaborations with multi-nationals such as Rolls-Royce,

Airbus, Microsoft, Ford, GE, Shell, Nestlé and Danone, • SETsquared: global top four university business incubator2

(1) Enterprise income from collaborative research, contract research, consultancy, facilities, CPD and IP(2) University Business Incubator (UBI) Index

• Students taught by world-leading researchers• Paid internships and work placements• 89 per cent of graduates in employment six months after

graduation*• Over 200,000 alumni in 178 countries• Notable alumni include:

– Adrian Newey, Chief Technical Officer, Red Bull Racing– Sir George Buckley, Retired CEO of 3M– Caroline Wyatt, BBC Defence Correspondent

Developing tomorrow’s experts

*Destination of Leavers from Higher Education

Flexible learning

• UK leader in flexible degrees where students can shape their own experiences

• Students have the option to take modules outside their area of study

• First UK university to offer Major/Minor degrees • Students can access many learning resources

on the move• Founding member of the FutureLearn Consortium and

member of FutureLearn’s MOOCs

• Over 7,000 students from outside the UK• 322 partnerships in 54 countries• Educational partners overseas include:

– Nanyang Technological University – Dalian Polytechnic University – Singapore Institute of Management – National University of Singapore

• University of Southampton Malaysia Campus • UK leader in study abroad opportunities• Engaged in research activity on every continent

Global education

• The University brings £1bn into the regional economy

• Second largest employer in Southampton

• Partner with University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

• Engagement with local schools• Our students volunteer for 131 local

and national organisations• Business engagement: University of

Southampton Science Park• EcoCampus Platinum Award

Local links

• One of the top four cities to live in Britain*• Rich history: Roman port and medieval hub• Most productive port in Europe• Cruise ship capital of Europe• Southampton airport links the city to Europe• Just over an hour from London


* based on economic growth; Good Growth for Cities report, PricewaterhouseCoopers

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• Read the following pages of instructions to get to know your template

• Insert the date on front page by going to Insert | Header & Footer | Fixed and overtyping “Add Date using Insert | Header & Footer” (see diagram right)

• Before completing your presentation delete all unused slides

Using your template

Template colours

R: 255G: 255B: 255

R: 112G: 111B: 111

R: 0G: 124B: 146

R: 81G: 98B: 111

R: 145G: 186B: 163

R: 110G: 118B: 69

R: 171G: 199B: 133

R: 163G: 168B: 107

R: 0G: 92B: 132

R: 0G: 152B: 195


Theme Colors

Standard Colors

Do not use

Branding colours for use in Presentations

DO NOT USE – Colours generated by PowerPoint

DO NOT USE – Standard non-branding colours

Grid layout

• Set your drawing guides in PowerPoint to match the lines on this slide for professional alignment of content throughout the presentation

• View your screen drawing guides or switch drawing guides off with ALT+F9

• Drawing guides will show on all slides but will not print or show in screen-show mode

• You can move drawing guides on your screen to help align similar content in the same position on multiple slides

• However, do not move the lines on this slide as they can be used to re-set your drawing guides to the default position

• Select the required layout from the ‘New Slide’ dropdown button on your Home Ribbon

• All slide layouts contain ‘content’ placeholders for text or items such as graphs and tables

• All slide layouts can also be applied to existing slides. Content (if allocated correctly) will be reformatted to the correct settings

Slide layouts

• To create a slide with a picture or image copy one of the layouts provided at the end of this template

• This will allow you to create slides with different pictures – changing the Master will give you the same picture every time that layout is used

• Follow the instructions that are to the left hand side of the picture placeholder slides

Picture placeholders

1. Don’t use the original, copy the slide to and paste it in the correct position in your document (View | Slide Sorter is the best way to do this). There is a layout for these Picture Slides in the Master Layouts but changing the picture here will change ALL slides using this layout to the same picture.

2. Follow the instructions on how to insert the picture.3. Original pictures need to be in the right size or ratio for the

space (so they fit as expected) and should not have too much ‘going on’ behind the text in order to be readable.

4. This is a copy of the logo and is floating on this page – do not move or delete this.

5. There is a text placeholder sitting behind the picture that will appear once you have ‘sent the picture to back’ as per the instructions.

6. Click on the Picture icon which will take you to your browser to find the correct picture. Alternatively if you have the picture in your clipboard just click anywhere on the grey box and paste.







Text styles

1st level Subheading2nd level flow text without indent• Main bullet

– Sub bullet– Minor sub bullet)

• Format text with Home | Paragraph | Increase / Decrease List Level (Alt+Shift+Arrow key left/right)

• Do not use the bullet button

This is the first text level, use as subtitle

• Main bullet style

This is the second text level, use as paragraph



Use the Increase/Decrease List Level buttons on the toolbar to create bullets

Table style: Inserting

Insert a new table with the ‘Insert – Table’ function. • This will automatically default to the table style ‘~University

of Southampton Table’.

Column Title Column Title Column Title

Text Text Text

Text Text Text

• Bullets (Increase List Level)

• Bullets (Increase List Level)

• Bullets (Increase List Level)

Table style: Formatting

• To format the table, tick the box ‘Header Row’ on the left of the ‘Table Tools’ – ‘Design’ Ribbon. You may also change the margins (spacing of the table) with the options on ‘Cell Margins’ found on the Table Layout Ribbon

• Tables pasted from other sources can also be re-formatted using this table style

• Bullets can be formatted in tables like in all other text boxes by using the ‘Increase/Decrease Indent’ buttons on the Home Ribbon

• After working on a table, drag the bottom handle right up to re-set the row height to the space required by the content of the table

Create new charts using your customised chart templates:• The chart templates work in

Word, PowerPoint and also Excel

• Select ‘Insert – Chart – Templates’ and choose from the available templates









Series 1 Series 2 Series 3Series 4 Series 5 Series 6Series 7 Series 8

Table description

Column one title Column two title Date

Content of cell one Content of cell on column 2


Bar chart description

UK students International Students

Mature Students

Distance Learning








4.3 2.4 2 3.5 1.8

2.5 4.42


3.5 1.84.3


4.52.8 2.5


3.54.3 3.5



2.5 4.52.8 4.5


3.5 1.8 3 1.8




Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8




Line graph description

UK students International Students

Mature Students

Distance Learning








Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8




Connect with usView the University of Southampton film

search ‘we are connected’#we are connected