Nelson Central Schoo N elson Cen tral Schoo Nel son Cen tral Schoo Nelson Central School W e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r W e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r W e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r W e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r 70 Nile Street, Nelso n – P hone 03 548 4972 Fax 03 54 8 4483 Email [email protected] Principal: [email protected] Secretary: sec retary@nelsoncentral .school.nz  BO T C hair man: Dav id Joh nston Website: www .nelsonc entral.school.nz Our we ekly newsletter is kindly sponsored by – THE DOCUMENT COMPANY  Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tu ata hi o Wh akatu – g reetin gs to frien ds a nd famil y of Nelson Central School. Nelson Central School Curriculum Targets for 2011 Our goal this year as it was last year, is to contribute to government attempts to reduce the tail of und era chievement across the coun try. As a result o f assessment work carried out in 2010 we have identified a set of specific teaching targets for this year. Reading 1. The percentage of the 201 1 Y5 chil dren achi ev i ng at or above the National Standard will increase. 2. The group of 2 011 Y3 boys below or well be lo w the National Standard will have made more than 1 year’s progress. 3. The group of 2 011 Y3 & Y4 Mâori students belo w or well below the National Standard will have made more than 1 year’s progress. Writing 1. The percentage o f th e 201 1 Y4-6 child ren achieving at or above the National Standard will increase. 2. The group of 2 011 Y5 boys below or well be lo w the National Standard will have made more than 1 year’s progress. 3. The grou p of 2011 Y2-4 Mâori students b elow or well below the National Standard will have made more than 1 year’s progress. Mathematics 1. The percentage o f the 201 1 Y6 chil dren achi ev i ng at or above the National Standard will increase. 2. The percentage o f M âori students achi eving at or above the National Standard will increase. 3. The group of 2 011 Y3 & Y6 M âori students belo w or well below the National Standard will have made more than 1 year’s progress. 4. The group of 2 011 Y6 gi r ls be lo w or we ll be lo w the National Standard will have made more than 1 year’s progress. 5. The 2011 Y5 students bel ow or well below the National Standard will have made more than 1 year’s progress. Actions for Strategic Aim s in 2 011 1. Engage child ren in decisions that affect th eir learning 2. Implement a p rogramme o f self-review 3. Implement a pro fessional devel opment programm e 4. Implement a prog ramme fo r reporti ng to parents These are ambitious targets and they will provide us with a focus throughout the year. In addition to these we will also be implementing our plan to deliver the New Zealand Curriculum. Nelson Central School Achievers 1. Jac ob P, Eva L, Bail ey C (R6) for g reat ambassador speeches 2. Ba il ey C (R6) for improving i n writ ing and re ading 3. Maddi son T (R5), Aid en S (R5), Ari a S (R5)  Kahikatea Ambassadors 4. Ajani W, Har ry B (R1 ), Jasmi ne N (R8) for super earthquake stories 5. George B (R8) for a great story o rientati on 6. Michael L (R6) fo r pu tting l ots o f detail on his ca rd 7. Kody S (R16) for great writin g. Congratulations – well done everyone! Schoo l Photo s Heritage Photos will be in the school on Friday 11 th March to take class and individual photos. Worrie d about pic ture boo ks? In his February 2011 newsletter John McIntyre of The Children’s Bookshop in Kil birnie, Wellin gton re spond s to reports from the USA that sales of picture books are fading away as more and more parents regard them as unnecessary and too “babyish” for their children : batchain.110mb.com/cbslatest.pdf  Those of you who share picture books with your children will know their immense value in awakening your child’s interest in listening, talking, interacting with text as necessary steps on their way to reading for themselves. Par e nt-Teach e r Intervi e w s Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held during the week 28- 31 March, except for Rooms 12A, whose children will have been at school for less than three weeks, and Room 2, who will be on camp. Separate arrangements will be advised for Room 2 children. There are two main objectives for the interviews. The first is for you to meet the class teacher where the focus will be on your child and how they are settling into school and the second is to agree on some goals for him/her for the year. Bookings for interviews will need to be made through the internet www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and will open at 9am on 16 March. The school event code you will need is 7FXKV. If you do not have access to the internet you are more than welcome to visit the school library to make your bookings. International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – forme rly Australia n Scho ols Comp e titi ons This year we are again making it possible for children to take part in the ICAS Competitions organized by the Educational testing Centre at the University of New South T E R M 1 9th March  2011  

9th March Newsletter NCS

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Nelson Central SchooNelson Central SchooNelson Central SchooNelson Central SchoollllW e e k l y N e w s l e t t e rW e e k l y N e w s l e t t e rW e e k l y N e w s l e t t e rW e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r

70 Ni le Street, Ne lso n – P hone 03 548 4972 – Fax 03 54 8 4483 – Emai l s ta f f@ne l soncentra l . s choo l .nz Principal: [email protected]  Secretary: [email protected]  BO T Chairman: Dav id Johnston Website: www .nelsoncentral.school.nz 

Our we ekly newsletter is kindlysponsored by –


Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te

Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School.

Nelson Central School Curriculum Targets for 2011Our goal this year as it was last year, is to contribute togovernment attempts to reduce the tail of underachievement across the country. As a result of assessment work carried out in 2010 we have identified aset of specific teaching targets for this year.

Reading1. The percentage of the 2011 Y5 children achieving

at or above the National Standard will increase.2. The group of 2011 Y3 boys below or well below

the National Standard will have made more than 1

year’s progress.3. The group of 2011 Y3 & Y4 Mâori students below

or well below the National Standard will havemade more than 1 year’s progress.

Writing1. The percentage of the 2011 Y4-6 children

achieving at or above the National Standard willincrease.

2. The group of 2011 Y5 boys below or well belowthe National Standard will have made more than 1year’s progress.

3. The group of 2011 Y2-4 Mâori students below or well below the National Standard will have mademore than 1 year’s progress.

Mathematics1. The percentage of the 2011 Y6 children achieving

at or above the National Standard will increase.2. The percentage of Mâori students achieving at or 

above the National Standard will increase.3. The group of 2011 Y3 & Y6 Mâori students below

or well below the National Standard will havemade more than 1 year’s progress.

4. The group of 2011 Y6 girls below or well below

the National Standard will have made more than 1year’s progress. 

5. The 2011 Y5 students below or well below theNational Standard will have made more than 1year’s progress.

Actions for Strategic Aims in 20111. Engage children in decisions that affect their 

learning2. Implement a programme of self-review3. Implement a professional development programme4. Implement a programme for reporting to parents

These are ambitious targets and they will provide us with afocus throughout the year. In addition to these we will alsobe implementing our plan to deliver the New ZealandCurriculum.

Nelson Central School Achievers1. Jacob P, Eva L, Bailey C (R6) for great ambassador 


2. Bailey C (R6) for improving in writing and reading3. Maddison T (R5), Aiden S (R5), Aria S (R5) – 

Kahikatea Ambassadors4. Ajani W, Harry B (R1), Jasmine N (R8) for super 

earthquake stories5. George B (R8) for a great story orientation6. Michael L (R6) for putting lots of detail on his card7. Kody S (R16) for great writing.

Congratulations – well done everyone!

School PhotosHeritage Photos will be in the school on Friday 11th March

to take class and individual photos.Worried about picture books?In his February 2011 newsletter John McIntyre of TheChildren’s Bookshop in Kilbirnie, Wellington responds toreports from the USA that sales of picture books are fadingaway as more and more parents regard them as unnecessaryand too “babyish” for their children :

batchain.110mb.com/cbslatest.pdf  Those of you who share picture books with your childrenwill know their immense value in awakening your child’sinterest in listening, talking, interacting with text as

necessary steps on their way to reading for themselves.Parent-Teacher InterviewsParent-Teacher Interviews will be held during the week 28-31 March, except for Rooms 12A, whose children will havebeen at school for less than three weeks, and Room 2, whowill be on camp. Separate arrangements will be advised for Room 2 children.

There are two main objectives for the interviews. The firstis for you to meet the class teacher where the focus will beon your child and how they are settling into school and thesecond is to agree on some goals for him/her for the year.

Bookings for interviews will need to be made through theinternet www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and will open at 9amon 16 March. The school event code you will need is7FXKV. If you do not have access to the internet you aremore than welcome to visit the school library to make your bookings.

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools

(ICAS) – formerly Australian Schools CompetitionsThis year we are again making it possible for children totake part in the ICAS Competitions organized by theEducational testing Centre at the University of New South

T E R M 19th March  

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Nelson Course March 28th - 31st.

Wales. However, children will need to pay for the teststhey wish to sit; there is no support from the school thisyear. The ICAS competitions are a suite of assessmentsdeveloped for primary and secondary students to providediagnostic information about student abilities in coreskills areas of the curriculum.

Critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving arehigher order skills essential for success in school as wellas in the wider community. The material presented in

the ICAS Competitions reflects this importance,providing the opportunity for students to perform arange of tasks using these and other skills. TheCompetitions cater for a wide range of student abilitiesusing contexts that stimulate students' interest andengage their attention.

If your child is interested in sitting one or more ICAS 

tests please ask them to obtain an information sheet from the front office.

Federated Farmers’ Farm DayIan & Barbara Stuart, Cable Farm, 799 Cable By Road,Nelson 7071 are opening their farm to families on

Sunday 13 March, 10am – 3pm. For further informationgo to: www.farmday.org.nz for maps, directions andfurther information.

Race Unity Day – Sunday 13 March - Victory Square 

Dr Paul Potaka


Nelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social Skills  

David has offered to do an evening session for parents on “Children coping with Trauma” for either families

who have been affected by the earthquake or children traumatised by what they have seen on TV. He has

worked extensively with children affected by the Australian bushfires. If you would be interested in

attending the evening please contact Robyn ([email protected]) or Noeline on 547 5050.

Club Italia: Invites you to VIVA IL PIZZA, Saturday19th March at 9 Trafalgar Street, Nelson. Join us

for an open day for a family day of continuousPizza. Lunchtime sitting 11.30am - 2.30pm.

Dinner sitting 4pm onwards. Tickets $15 per head.Children under 5 free. Door sales $20.

Tickets from Romano's Park Store Fruit and Veg,31 Trafalgar Street ph 546-8866.

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PURPLE CAKE DAYYesterday it was Purple Cake Day. It was at

Nelson Central School. We did it so we couldraise money for the people in the earthquakes.

My mum and I decorated cupcakes. I gotdressed in a purple dress. Kayla wore shorts anda long sleeved top. The choir did beautifulsinging indeed.

Purple cake day was amazing.

By Paige S Room 14 Aged 6 

PURPLE CAKE DAY - March 1st and 5th Thanks to everyone for making these days such a huge success.Well done all the children who dressed in purple.You looked wonderful!! Your messages of hope on the flags werethoughtful and positive.

What a tremendous effort by Steph Menzies and her team ofadults and children in producing the most gorgeous cup cakes.Thanks to the face painters for their time and effort.Extra special congratulations and thanks to the amazing TanyaNock and the Purple Cake Day choir and musicians.We were so proud of the performances both at school and at

the Saturdayperformance in front

of a large audience.

Well done Room One

for their winningcreation in The Purple

Passion fashioncompetition.

Everyone in the classcontributed to thecreation of the outfit

aptly named King Cup Cake. On Saturday it was so ably modelled by Luke Meehan and tookout the supreme award. Fantastic team work. We are so pleased to announce that we raised the grand total of

$1650 . These funds will go toward the Kenbe La FoundationHaiti and the Children of Canterbury. THANK YOU ALL AND WELL DONE. ChristineChristineChristineChristine 



Orders taken before school outside the library Delivered to your class at lunchtime Flavours available : Wildberry, Tropical, & Apple

PURPLE CAKE DAYYesterday at Nelson Central School it was Purple

Cake Day. We raised money for people in Haiti andChristchurch.

Kath Bee sang a song about love to Haiti andChristchurch. Then I had a cupcake, it was yummy.Then I had my face painted and Paige B got her facedone. She had a butterfly on her face. I got a loveheart, it was red! Then I put glitter on me.

Then it started to rain and we had to go under cover.

We did not get wet. It was fun.

By Grace Room 14 Aged 6 Kidz Yoga

4 Week course starting March 17th, Thursdays3.45 – 4.30 pm. At Maitai School, 93 TasmanStreet. Call Nikki on 0211638549 / 548 3745.

$6 drop in or $20 for 6 sessions. Suitable for kidsaged 3 – 7 years.

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Nelson City Footballwarmly invites any new players to town or newplayers to the sport, to register with our club.

We cater for Midgets (4yrs) through to SeniorsRegister by Friday 18 March

Midgets $25Juniors $70

Registration forms to all existingplayers have been emailed

If you are interested or would like more informationplease contact

Martin Workman ph 545 [email protected]

A big thank you from the SCG for everyone who supportedthe picnic. All who came seemed to have a great time.Special thanks to Emma Halsey and Ellie Cathman (big

kids) who sold Juicies for us on the night.

Lois Muir Challenge Competition

Opening Weekend GamesSaxton Stadium, Nelson

Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th March

Netball Tasman will now host theOpening Weekend of the Lois Muir Challenge Competition due to the

Christchurch earthquake.

The draw is available onwww.netballcm.org.nz or the sports

noticeboard. Please come alongand support this competition andsee ex-Tasman players in action!

Gold Coin Donation – All proceedswill go to the earthquake relief 


Weet –bix TryathlonThe whistle blew and we were off swimming for victory!Water splashed in our faces as if we were in a water fight.We ran back up the beach covered in soggy sand.

People cheering us on as we ran to our speedy geared upbikes. As we jumped on our bikes we could feel the windwhip our faces. Peddle faster we yelled to ourselves.

When we ran around the slippery, slimy snake track sweat

dripped from our overheated faces. We sprinted to claimour gold medals. We shouted “Hooray we’re finished”.

By Molly (R3) and Baimon (R2)!