Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com 1 5 Common Mistakes People Make that a Good Story Can Fix Lisa Bloom MBA PCC Founder of Story Coach Inc.

5 Common Mistakes People Make that a Good Story Can Fix

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Page 1: 5 Common Mistakes People Make that a Good Story Can Fix

Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


5 Common Mistakes People Make

that a Good Story Can Fix

Lisa Bloom MBA PCC

Founder of Story Coach Inc.

Page 2: 5 Common Mistakes People Make that a Good Story Can Fix

Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


© 2011

Lisa Bloom

Story Coach Inc.

All rights reserved,

Including the right to reproduce this ebook

or any portions thereof in any form.

For further information, contact

Lisa Bloom

[email protected]



Page 3: 5 Common Mistakes People Make that a Good Story Can Fix

Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com



Introduction ................................................................................................ 4

Mistake 1 - Confusing your Audience ........................................................... 6

Mistake 2 - Alienating Your Audience by Using Marketing and Sales Language

................................................................................................................. 10

Mistake 3 - Not Giving your Audience Clear Direction ................................. 12

Mistake 4 - Not Connecting Emotionally with Your Audience ...................... 14

Mistake 5 - Not Sharing Your Passion – Leaving Your Audience Cold ............ 16

Lisa’s Story .................................................................................................. 6

Call to Action! ........................................................................................... 18

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com



A compelling story is at the core of every successful business, every successful

person. We always remember the story, other details fade away but the story

always remains.

How many times have you heard an amazing story about a person or a

business that you remembered later? These are the stories that we pass on.

The stories that really draw us in and we respond to.

In every interaction, we are drawn in by a good story and that is what we

remember! All we have to hear is the first few words.

’you’ll never believe what happened…’

‘so there I was minding my own business when…’

‘it was a long time ago but I remember it like yesterday…’

‘do you remember how it started…’

We are immediately interested, we want to hear what happened, we eagerly

await the next few words.

Well, it’s no different with business or individual success, when there is a

compelling story, we always remember it! Who can forget J.K. Rowling writing

the first drafts of Harry Potter in a café because she couldn’t afford to heat the

apartment where she lived; or how Bill Gates dropped out of college, how

George Eastman (Kodak) had a vision of every person owning a camera, or how

Henry Ford said they could produce a car in any color as long as it was black!

These are stories that stick, stories we remember!

You have an amazing story too! You have passion and expertise and you are

committed to what you do. When you can tell your story, you can build

confidence and create relationships; you can build credibility and trust. This

results in more clients, more sales and more vibrant business.

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


The chances are you are much more of an expert in your niche than you think;

certainly much more than you tell others. Once you can tell your story (or write

it down) your expertise will shine! Your ability to attract clients will increase


Your story will be the foundation of your success!

But beware of the 5 most common mistakes!

Yes, we all make mistakes but when it comes to telling your story and

communicating who you are and what you do in a powerful and effective way,

you need to take heed of the mistakes that you are likely to make!

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


Lisa’s Story

They say I was a late walker, but what I missed in mobility I made up for with

words. In fact, I never stopped talking, they say! I was telling stories even


I was born in Dublin, Ireland and grew up in a traditional home surrounded by

beautiful countryside (it really is greener than anywhere else!), amazing stories

of pixies and leprachauns, and the warmth of Jewish practice (not mentioning

chicken soup and kugel); I grew up to love to hear and tell stories!

I left Ireland and studied in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv learning the language and

strangely new but familiar culture of Israel. After completing my first degree I

traveled to Italy, Scotland and the Caribbean Islands and Highlands, working as

waitress, stable-girl, galley-slave, bar-tender and photographer.

Soon after returning to Israel I started working for the United States Agency for

International Development at the most exciting of times, in the office for

Development Programs in the West Bank and Gaza. I volunteered in the Rape

Crisis Center in Tel Aviv, learning in-depth counseling skills. Then I completed

my Boston University MBA (in conjunction with Ben Gurion Uni.), married Ilan,

and moved to Ireland.

Over the next 7 years, I worked in various roles and began to realize my

passion for adult learning and development; particularly in my role as Training

and Development Manager with Fidelity Investments. These years in Ireland

were filled with learning and stories; amazing work opportunities, re-

acquainting with Ireland as an adult and becoming a mother!

Since returning to Israel in 2004, I have worked as a Consultant for various

organizations and businesses; combining my passion for Storytelling and

Coaching, I founded Story Coach Inc. I was awarded the PCC from the

International Coach Federation and have served for 2 years consecutively on

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


the ICF Global Research and Education Committee. My Certified Story Coach

Program has been accredited by the ICF. I run workshops and Story Coach

session for clients all over the world!

Ilan and I have made our home in the beautiful Zichron Ya’acov, where we live

with our 4 boys!

I have been telling stories and coaching for as long as I can remember. Now I

have discovered how to do it together to empowering and enriching my

business. It has become the key to attracting clients and building my business.

I'd love to help you use your story, so join me to find YOUR Compelling Story!

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


Mistake 1 - Confusing your Audience

How often do you hear people talk about what they do but not really

understand what it is? How many times have you looked at attractive websites

that seem to be based on a good idea but they do not explain their services

well? How often have you read about a person’s great knowledge or

education but failed to understand what they are offering you?

There was a sign on the door that said ‘OPEN’ so I pushed the handle and

walked in. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans warmed me as I looked

around at the shelves of ornaments ranging from fairies to floor-mats and the

menu written on a blackboard on the wall. I asked for a pesto sandwich but

they were out of pesto, so I ordered a muffin to go with my coffee. ‘How much

is the Buddha’, I asked. ‘ He’s not for sale’, she said,’ just decorative’. ‘So what

exactly are you selling here’? ‘Oh pretty much everything you see’, she replied

with a smile. The coffee was mediocre and I couldn’t get the pesto and Buddha

figure out of my head!

Isn’t it time to be clear about what you do; time to be clear about what you

can REALLY offer your clients. Isn’t it time to communicate with clarity?

For so many people starting a new business, or developing an existing one –

CLARITY is a huge challenge. You may know what you want to do and what

you are good at, but are you communicating it in a clear and concise way?

Does your listener or reader really understand what it is you do, and more

importantly, who you are?

Have you taken the time to answer these questions?

• What do you do?

• Why do you do it?

• What’s your exceptional angle?

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


• Who is your target audience?

• Why should they choose you?

What you need is to articulate a story, a compelling narrative that tells all

about you. Storytelling is the easiest and most intuitive way to communicate.

It is the oldest and most powerful tool of influence. When you start to think

about your story – you are forced to think about the most vital questions. You

start to become clear about who you are, and how and where YOUR story


As you work though your very own narrative, you become clear about the

crucial questions about what you do and why you do it. A by-product of this

process is to hugely increase your confidence and self-esteem. You can create

a story that makes you feel great; great about yourself and about the

outstanding value you can give your clients.

You are working from a place of personal truth. Your life and your passion are

what it is all about. When you stop confusing your audience and start telling

your authentic, compelling story, there are no limits as to where it will take


When you create your compelling personal story with clarity, you have an

incredibly powerful asset for your business and for your life.

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


Mistake 2 - Alienating Your Audience

by Using Marketing and Sales


How often have you read the same old marketing copy; the words that

promise you everything you ever wanted. Often it’s the promise of lots of

money or the ability to attract all the things you have ever desired; to get

hundreds of new clients, or lose weight and meet the partner of your dreams.

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of this language, I don’t believe it

anymore. I need to believe in the story I read, I want to know that it’s true,

that the promises are realistic and attainable. I want to get results that are

measureable and authentic and, above all, right for me.

The conference room was comfortable even though the chairs were placed a

little too close together. Everyone had to shuffle around until they could feel

that they weren’t sitting on their neighbor’s lap during the presentation. The

regional manager was introduced and he stood up before the group. He looked

confident and calm. He was a rising star in the organization, known to have

cleared all his targets and be on track for serious promotion. He wore a blue

shirt and a matching smart tie, he looked pretty stylish. He cleared his throat

and put up the first slide. He reviewed the mission statement and project

vision. He then went on to talk about intention and planning. By the fourth

slide I started writing a menu for meals for my kids for the next week. By the

sixth slide I had written my shopping list, a chore chart, drawn a map to the

store and back. And then I ran out of paper. I don’t think one person in the

room really heard his presentation.

If you want powerful language for your website, your marketing material or

speaking engagements, you need to come up with your compelling story – the

true story of you. You need to let go of the language that you have been using.

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


You need to embrace your very own story. Yes, your story is THAT powerful

and the results will surprise and amaze you…this really does work!

Throughout the ages, communities have always used storytelling as a vehicle

for sharing and learning. We live in a world where there is a huge reliance on

technology and where there is a vast amount of knowledge on every subject

readily available to huge populations of people. In spite of this, or perhaps as a

result of this, people are craving the simplicity of the story.

The ‘story space’ is a safe place, a place where candid interaction and

communication is encouraged. Storytelling builds trust between the teller and

the listener (or reader). It is in this uncertain world, where people are scared

to take risks and need to trust, that your story will make all the difference.

As you ease away from traditional marketing and sales language and embrace

your own compelling story, you are setting the foundations for a relationship

built out of trust. As we know, people do business with those they know, like

and trust. This is the true language of successful business.

As you start to tell your story, and tell it again and again, you will see

outstanding results. And it will feel right, it will come from a place of

authenticity and truth and that makes ALL the difference in the world!

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


Mistake 3 - Not Giving your Audience

Clear Direction

Do you really know what YOU are trying to achieve?

Do you know what outcome you expect from your business?

Are you clear about what you can offer and what you want your potential

clients to do next?

If you lack clear direction yourself, then it’s really difficult to give your audience

clear direction. This works on several levels:

• As an individual; a person, partner, parent, child, sibling, or friend – do

you understand your own story? Do you know what you want and what

you are looking for from your business? Do you know how you define

success; what gives you meaning and happiness?

• For your business - do you know your purpose, do you know your

‘calling’ in the context of the work you have chosen to do? Do you give

your clients clear direction as to what they can achieve by working with

you? Do you tell them what to do next?

I called the toll-free number for Customer Service and was asked my language

preference, so far so good. And then I was given the choice of which service I

needed. I wanted some technical information about how they sourced the

organic food product they were selling; I had seen an ad in the local newspaper.

I was also interested in finding out where and when I could get this ‘organic

grain energy bar’. So, should I go to ‘technical services’ or ‘sales’? I tried both

but they kept forwarding me to an automated service. And the recorded

message didn’t offer the information that I was looking for. I reckoned I had

missed something along the way. I hung up and started again. I just could not

figure out what I needed to do to get the information that I wanted about their

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


organic grain energy bar. After the third attempt, I gave up. At this point I

really needed to speak to someone!

I have read dozens of websites and marketing materials that all sound alike,

and I still don’t really know what they are trying to sell me. Often the services

are interesting and the promises enticing, but invariably I don’t truly

understand what the outcome will be, or believe how it is supposed to affect

ME. If I don’t believe the promises or have difficulty connecting on a personal

level, I will surf on by to the next offer and the next website.

When you start to create your true, compelling, powerful story; the story that

will change your life and your business, not only will you become clear about

your purpose, you will give your audience clear direction. Your audience will

hear your story and connect on a personal level. They will believe in the

authenticity and truth of your compelling story and want to find out more.

When you start telling your own story, you will understand what YOU want to

achieve, and this clarity will be refreshing and compelling to your audience.

Your audience will understand what to do next, and your business will start to

create the success that you have always dreamed of.

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


Mistake 4 - Not Connecting

Emotionally with Your Audience

So your clients read this great copy but what does it mean for them?

What are the real benefits that you are offering?

What will your client gain from working with you?

Why is it any different than what the next person offers?

Why should they care what you have to offer?

There are so many people and companies out there offering the same thing.

Whether it’s a product or a service, why are you any different?

When I first starting going to the market to buy fruit and vegetables, I was

overwhelmed by the choice of beautiful looking produce, mostly the same

quality and price all lined up one beside the other. The red apples were

alongside the bright oranges and purples of eggplant and greens of avocados.

How would I ever know where to buy what I needed. And then I started paying

attention to the sellers; most of them where shouting or singing about their

wares, some were straight-faced and stern and others were smiling and

laughing. And then they were the people who engaged me. They were the

ones who told me something interesting and different. They were the ones

who told me a story – where the fruit came from, what time in the morning

they had opened the market, where his kids work, that the person on the other

side is her husband. These were the people I started, not only buying from, but

also, looking forward to meeting each week.

The people and services that we are all drawn to, tell a different story. They

tell a story that is interesting, memorable and stands out from the rest. The

story is compelling because it sounds true, it makes sense. The story is

memorable because it is authentic.

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


We recognize authenticity when we connect on an emotional level. We hear a

story and believe it because it sounds true to our emotional experience. If we

can relate to this ‘truth’ then we always want to hear more.

Take this example: You get to work in the morning and you tell your colleague

about the restaurant where you ate dinner the night before. It’s a simple

story, it tells about a real experience, it is authentic, it really happened. And

you colleague is interested, why? Well, because going out for dinner is a

universal experience and your story express an opinion; it creates an emotional

connection. You won’t just tell them you went out; you will tell them what it

was like, what happened; you will tell the story with enthusiasm and passion.

The meal may have been excellent, the ambiance delightful; or perhaps the

service was terrible and you found a cockroach in your soup! Either way, your

colleague is interested in hearing your story for two reasons; firstly, because

there is a shared understanding of the experience in general (ie. we all know

what it is to go out to a restaurant), and secondly, because we create an

emotional connection and so there is interest in the outcome of this specific


You need to create your compelling story. When you have a compelling story

about who you are and what you do, it creates an immediate emotional

connection with your audience. Once you are connected, they will want to

hear more. They will be interested in what you do, how you do it and will want

to take the next step so that they can get involved too.

Your story is what makes you stand out – it connects you!

Why are people reaching out through social networks? Why are they

connecting and reconnecting with ‘virtual’ friends? It is because people CRAVE

connection. Connection is what makes us feel alive. When you create an

authentic, compelling story, you are developing a channel for positive, active


Your story is the authentic, talented YOU, offering exactly what your client

wants by giving them a way to connect to you emotionally.

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


Mistake 5 - Not Sharing Your Passion

– Leaving Your Audience Cold

Okay, so there is emotional connection and then there is PASSION! How often

do we read smart, interesting copy that describes a great idea, is wonderfully

intelligent but has absolutely no passion? We are inundated with information

through every channel imaginable. We have so many choices because of the

information that is available to us and yet when we hear passion, it strikes a

very different chord!

When Mark starts talking about his car his eyes light up. He had always

dreamed of owning a vintage car and finally here it was! When Sarah dances,

it is as if a spirit of a different creature altogether has overtaken her body.

From when Timmy was a tiny baby he always got excited about food, and

today there is nothing that makes him happier than sitting down to a good

meal. When I was in first grade John taught me how to draw an airplane, and

laughed when I drew the wings the wrong way around. Today he’s a pilot and

adores his job. Whenever Jesse is beside the sea, she feels calm and more

peaceful than any other place on earth. How wonderful are the passions that

we recognize and claim in our lives!

If we decide to go on a vacation, we can find hundreds of books and websites

to guide us. Similarly, if we decide to join a gym or take up a new sport, there

are also lots of books and informational materials to tell us what we need to

know. But one personal recommendation, that has an element of passion

attached, can change all of that. One person telling us a story about how

wonderful a certain destination is will change our mind entirely about where

we spend our vacation. One personal anecdote about a specific sport or gym

can change our decision about how we are going to spend all our free time in

the near future. It is, once again, the amazing power of our stories, and

particularly how our passion is transferred through our storytelling that makes

all the difference.

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


If you speak or write about yourself and your business, it has to be about what

makes you really excited; about what makes you come alive. It is your passion

that sells who you are and what you do best.

What do you do that makes you really happy?

What makes you excited to get up in the morning?

What aspect of your business puts a glint in your eye and makes you smile?

What do you talk about that raises your pulse and generates a response in

your listener?

Whatever it is – that’s your passion!

Now you have to channel it and put it in your story! This is what will make

your story interesting, compelling and important to listen to. When your story

is full of the passion you have for what you do – your listener will want to hear

more. Not only hear more, your listener or reader will want to act on your


As you uncover your passion and use it in your compelling story, you will get

more clients and your business will start to thrive. You’ll have a great time

talking about what you do and you will see outstanding results!

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Copyright © 2011 Lisa Bloom, Story Coach Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.story-coach.com


Call to Action!

Thank you for investing your valuable time and reading this e-book.

Now is the time to take action – if you want to create the success you deserve,

here’s what you can do:

Contact Lisa at [email protected] and schedule your FREE (30 minute)

Business Breakthrough Story Coaching Session – so that you can:

• Create a crystal clear vision for your ultimate business success and the

perfect lifestyle you’d like your business to provide

• Uncover hidden stories and challenges that may be sabotaging the

growth of your business and keeping you working too many hours

• Leave the session renewed, re-energized and inspired to turn make

your business highly profitable and your lifestyle balanced and joyful

Remember - Your Story is Your Success!

Contact Details:

Lisa Bloom

Story Coach Inc.

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.story-coach.com