friends that said simply, ‘We want to adopt Keegan, but we need your help’ -- and everyone chipped in. It was a real community effort.” The case managers at Family Resource Center were quick to recognize the love and stability in the lively household; it was just the environment Keegan needed to thrive. “They were delightful,” Peggy says. “It was amazing to go in front of these people and give them your life story and have them be so supportive.” Tom laughs as he remembers one case manager exclaiming, “I just can’t believe you guys are going to do this!” “We measure success by the little things,” Tom says. “Keegan had never held a book until he came into our home, but this summer he joined the reading club at the library; he sings in our church choir, and he has actually learned to like vegetables.” This past spring the adoptive parents looked on proudly as Keegan took on a starring role in the school play. “He had a way of saying his lines that just brought down the house!” Tom says. It has been two years since Keegan became their son, and Tom and Peggy still remember the gratifying words of the family court judge who granted the adoption: “Thank you. You just saved this boy’s life.” Fall 2013 Giving abused kids a chance for a better life. “He’s coming back. My dad’s coming back to get me. You know that, don’t you, Tom?” It seemed like every time Tom tried to get close to his adopted son, Keegan pushed him away. “No matter how we sugarcoat it, Keegan was abandoned,” his adoptive mom, Peggy, says, “and abandonment is an awful thing. How do you explain that to a seven year-old boy?” Keegan came into their lives eager to please, but angry and puzzled by his biological dad’s absence. He would cry at the drop of a hat, Peggy recalls. “The beautiful thing was that we could go to bed thinking how tough the day had been, and the next morning Keegan would be up and smiling as if nothing had happened. Each morning that he bounced back I thanked God.” During those first few months Peggy says she clung to the assurance of Family Resource Center’s case manager: “Get him out of this mess and, nine times out of ten, it will change his behavior.” One night as Tom tucked Keegan into bed, he had a heart-breaking conversation with his young son. “Keegan said, ‘You know, Tom, I think my dad’s dead.’ And I said, ‘Why do you say that?’ And Keegan responded, ‘Because he kept saying he was going to come and get me, but he’s not coming, is he? So I think he’s pretty much dead.’” Tom pauses as he recalls that emotional moment and his efforts to comfort the boy. “I said, ‘Well, it is possible that he’s dead, Keegan… but you don’t have to worry about that now.’” And then Tom heard the words from Keegan that he had been longing to hear: “Tom, you’re my dad now.” “I just hugged him,” Tom says. Tom and Peggy were foster parents for Keegan before they applied to adopt him. They already had a large family and a house sorely in need of repair, but “I knew in my mind we were not giving this child up,” Peggy says. “I sent out an email to our Saving a Life november is national adoption month

2013 Fall Newsletter

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Page 1: 2013 Fall Newsletter

friends that said simply, ‘We want to adopt Keegan, but we need your help’ -- and everyone chipped in. It was a real community effort.”

The case managers at Family Resource Center were quick to recognize the love and stability in the lively household; it was just the environment Keegan needed to thrive. “They were delightful,” Peggy says. “It was amazing to go in front of these people and give them your life story and have them be so supportive.” Tom laughs as he remembers one case manager exclaiming, “I just can’t believe you guys are going to do this!”

“We measure success by the little things,” Tom says. “Keegan had never held a book until he came into our home, but this summer he joined the reading club at the library; he sings in our church choir, and he has actually learned to like vegetables.” This past spring the adoptive parents looked on proudly as Keegan took on a starring role in the school play. “He had a way of saying his lines that just brought down the house!” Tom says.

It has been two years since Keegan became their son, and Tom and Peggy still remember the gratifying words of the family court judge who granted the adoption: “Thank you. You just saved this boy’s life.”

Fall 2013Giving abused kids a chance for a better life.

“He’s coming back. My dad’s coming back to get me. You know that, don’t you, Tom?”

It seemed like every time Tom tried to get close to his adopted son, Keegan pushed him away. “No matter how we sugarcoat it, Keegan was abandoned,” his adoptive mom, Peggy, says, “and abandonment is an awful thing. How do you explain that to a seven year-old boy?”

Keegan came into their lives eager to please, but angry and puzzled by his biological dad’s absence. He would cry at the drop of a hat, Peggy recalls. “The beautiful thing was that we could go to bed thinking how tough the day had been, and the next morning Keegan would be up and smiling as if nothing had happened. Each morning that he bounced back I thanked God.” During those first few months Peggy says she clung to the assurance of Family Resource Center’s case manager: “Get him out of this mess and, nine times out of ten, it will change his behavior.”

One night as Tom tucked Keegan into bed, he had a heart-breaking conversation with his young son. “Keegan said, ‘You know, Tom, I think my dad’s dead.’ And I said, ‘Why do you say that?’ And Keegan responded, ‘Because he kept saying he was going to come and get me, but he’s not coming, is he? So I think he’s pretty much dead.’” Tom pauses as he recalls that emotional moment and his efforts to comfort the boy. “I said, ‘Well, it is possible that he’s dead, Keegan… but you don’t have to worry about that now.’”

And then Tom heard the words from Keegan that he had been longing to hear: “Tom, you’re my dad now.” “I just hugged him,” Tom says.

Tom and Peggy were foster parents for Keegan before they applied to adopt him. They already had a large family and a house sorely in need of repair, but “I knew in my mind we were not giving this child up,” Peggy says. “I sent out an email to our

Saving a Life

november is national adoption month

Page 2: 2013 Fall Newsletter

A Letter from Greg

Dear Friends,“Thank you. You saved this boy’s life.”

Those words from Judge Jimmie Edwards as Keegan was finally adopted [see article on page 1] were about one little boy. But what appropriate words to kick off Family Resource Center’s 40th Anniversary year with its theme: 40 Years. Countless Lives! The very same words could be said about thousands of children who, over the last 40 years, have come into our care, hurting and fearful, and have left our care with hope and a smile on their face.

40 years seems like a lifetime. I was a young social worker at Children’s Hospital when the opportunity came up to apply for a grant to create something that didn’t exist – a very special intervention for little children, 3 to 5 years old, that would help them replace the fear in their eyes and the trembling of their little bodies with a smile and a confident step into a future of hope. That program, our Therapeutic Day Treatment and Preschool, was the foundational program for Family Resource Center. Since we started in 1974, more than 1000 children have passed through the bright classrooms which are one of the highlights of any visit to our Center here on S. Kingshighway.

We learned, of course, that the best way to help these kids was to get them into a healthy, loving home as quickly as possible. Our Foster Care services fill that gap on a temporary basis, placing and watching over more than 400 children each year. That adds up to a lot of kids – tens of thousands over 40 years - thanks to the support of donors like you, our usually unseen and unheralded heroes. And we have an amazing staff of foster care case managers who are essentially on-call 24/7 – with a smile.

But the real heroes, in my book, are the Foster Parents like Keegan’s. These folks open their hearts and arms to these children, sight unseen, not knowing what kinds of physical and emotional issues they’re going to face.

Sometimes Foster Parents go on to become Adoptive Parents, such as Tom and Peggy, and the “Parker Team” with their 5 adopted children [see article on page 5]. In 2012 we placed 120 foster children into “forever” homes. (One of our Board members described the adoption ceremony she observed as “one of the most surreal moments of my life.”)

I know I’ve changed a lot over 40 years – my graying beard and hair attest to that – but one thing hasn’t changed: I still leave here with confidence each evening, knowing that I’m keeping the promise I made 40 years ago to those kids, and to our community – that I and my staff would do everything in our power to keep them safe and give them a future.

40 years. Countless lives! Now that’s something for you and us to celebrate!


Greg Echele

P.S. Thanks to the Rams organization and support from a corporate sponsor, Edward Jones, we recently were able to send 40 of our Foster Parents to a Rams game at the Jones Dome to give them a much needed respite.

Greg Echele, Chief Executive Officer

2 Family Resource Center Update

2 A Letter from Greg 3 News & Stories 6 Staff & Volunteers

8 Events & Fundraising 13 Board Information 14 Our Donors

Table of Contents

Page 3: 2013 Fall Newsletter

News and Stories


A Forever Home for Sandra

The Therapeutic Day Treatment Preschool held its First Annual Graduation ceremony on August 9.

It was a proud day for four of our children who will transition into traditional kindergartens with the start of the school year. FRC’s program has been in existence for almost 40 years but, “We never held a ceremony before when our kids moved on,” Day Treatment Supervisor Catherine Coyle said. “It’s time we let the FRC staff know how proud we are of these kids, and how proud the kids are of their progress.”

Congratulations to our smallest graduates!

Graduation Day

Remember the little girl you saw in the fast food restaurant the other day, the one who smiled so brightly when you admired her curls? That might have been Sandra, a little four year-old whose mother abandoned her at a crisis nursery. Our case manager was standing beside Sandra that day, and she tells us the little girl whispered in her ear, “Maybe that nice lady could be my new mommy.”

Will you consider adoption? The adoption process takes time and effort, but the rewards that come from reaching out to

a waiting child are immeasurable. As Bobbie Jo Parker surveys her five adopted children, she recalls the pivotal day when she learned she could not conceive children and her grandmother said, “Dry your tears; there are lots of children who need your love.” Today that seems like a long ago dream, and Team Parker is a wonderful reality.

And you will not make the journey alone. The case managers of Family Resource Center are ready to walk with you through the process as you find your “forever child.” Peggy, Keegan’s mother, fondly recalls FRC’s encouragement. “Are you seriously telling us that you would allow us to adopt, given the kids we already have, and our house looking like it does?” she asked our case managers. “And they said, ‘Yeah!’ We were floored.”

This year Family Resource Center hopes to find adoptive families for more than 100 of our kids. With a forever home, we know Sandra’s future can be just as bright as her smile.

Do I qualify to adopt a child?You qualify if:• You are at least 21, single or married, with or without other

children, • You are in good physical and mental health,• You have a stable income and live in housing that meets

licensing standards,• You are willing to complete the training and an assessment


How do I begin?Visit the website for the Missouri Department of Social Services (dss.mo.org) and download and complete the Adoption Home Assessment Application Form. A social worker with the Children’s Division will screen your application and contact you for a home study. Home studies usually take 2-4 months to complete, and you will be asked to provide personal references, a police record check, medical history, proof of financial responsibility, and a child abuse/neglect screening.

We encourage you to view photos of Missouri’s waiting children at “Heart Gallery of Missouri” (moheartgallery.org). If you have the generosity and resources to consider adopting a special needs child, assistance is available to cover on-going medical, dental and psychological services for the child.

For more answers to your adoption questions, call our office at 314.534.9350 and we will connect you with one of our case managers.

Catherine Coyle, Day Treatment Supervisor, and Teacher Stephanie Edwards prepare backpacks and certificates prior to the graduation ceremony.

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On Sunday, May 19, a beaming Jsasmine Williams walked across the stage at St. Charles Family Arena to receive her diploma from McCluer North High School.

As we celebrated Jsasmine’s accomplishment, Ariel Turner, a specialist in the Missouri Mentoring Partnership at Family Resource Center, recalled a very different scene that

took place only six weeks before. That day she had said firmly to Jsasmine, “No, you are not dropping out of school! You only have a month and a half to go and I’m not letting you waste 13 years!

The Missouri Mentoring Partnership (MMP) at FRC has been very successful in helping teen mothers stay in school, learn essential parenting skills, and become self-sustaining adults.

Jsasmine was a senior at McCluer North when she gave birth to a baby girl and found herself homeless. Completing school seemed out of the question. However, when the staff at the high school referred her to Ariel, our case manager

knew just what to do and how to accomplish it quickly. She helped Jsasmine move into an apartment provided by the Independent Living Program at Marygrove, a non-profit agency in north St. Louis County, and she found daycare for the baby. Then she began negotiating with Jsasmine’s teachers and counselors. “I became the middleman,” Ariel says. “I did a lot of begging and bargaining with the school principal and Jsasmine’s counselor, but they realized her potential and allowed her to stay after school to make up missing work and stay on track. And I met with her every week and helped her with transportation.” And then one day Jsasmine called Ariel with exciting news: “Guess what! I am graduating.”

“She never gave up!” Ariel says. “Sometimes I am all these girls have, so when I see someone like Jsasmine overcome huge obstacles to achieve her goals, it’s very rewarding. She’s a good mother and her apartment is immaculate. I’m very proud of her.”

This fall Jsasmine began classes at the Paul Mitchell School of Cosmetology. Congratulations, Jsasmine, and good luck!

News and Stories

A Teen Mom’s Success

4 Family Resource Center Update

Jsasmine Williams Sometimes I am all these girls have.

Ariel Turner, MMP Specialist

Susan Stith, Senior Director for Diversity and Inclusion at Express Scripts, and a member of Family Resource Center’s Governance Board, has been named a “2013 Diverse Business Leader” by the St. Louis Business Journal. According to the Journal, “Diversity and inclusion play an important role in maintaining businesses’ competitive advantage, and St. Louis is honored to have a number of diverse leaders, from high-ranking executives to fast –moving entrepreneurs, who are making their mark.”

Susan notes that Express Scripts is a leader in diversity. “As our nation becomes more diverse, so does our workforce,” she says. “Diversity goes beyond the human characteristics that you see on the surface. Studies show that diverse teams are more innovative and creative. When we respect and accept different points of view, only then can we all make contributions that will move the organization forward.”

Susan was honored at an awards luncheon at the Palladium in St. Louis on September 13.

Susan Stith Named “2013 Diverse Business Leader”

Susan Stith, FRC Governance Board Member

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The Parker children are proudly sporting baseball shirts with their lucky numbers: the years they were adopted by Bobbie Jo and Jim Parker. In 2011, three boys, the “Parker Posse,” joined the team, and a “Parker Princess” signed on in 2012. Last but not least, the Parkers finalized the adoption of baby Liam during the peak of this summer’s baseball season, on July 26. Welcome to the team, lucky #13! And thank you, Bobbie Jo and Jim, for giving these kids a chance for a better life.

Team Parker

When Eddie and Betsy Lawlor bid on auction item #3, “Fly Fishing Excursion in Missouri,” at Family Resource Center’s Gala event in April, they had no idea of the fun in store. The weekend in Lebanon, Missouri, on twenty acres backing up to Bennett Spring State Park (“The Best Trout Fishing in

Missouri”), was donated by the DiSalvo family and Tony Meoli of Meoli Studios, and promised cozy accommodations, home-cooked meals, thigh-high waders, and lots and lots of trout.

And it delivered as promised. Eddie Lawlor, Dean and William Gordon Distinguished Professor at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University, wrote us recently: “I want you to know what an exceptional prize we won at the FRC auction. We caught 18 trout, experienced great home cooking, and met some wonderful people. It was perfect fundraising – a gift for the important work of FRC, and a truly memorable experience for us. Thank you for all you do.”

FRC’s Young Professionals Board Member Mike DiSalvo and his father Jerry say the enjoyment was mutual. “It was a pleasure to fish with such eager to learn, grateful, patient and appreciative people,” they said of the Lawlors. “Hopefully the ‘itch’ for fly fishing will continue.”

We suggest you circle February 22, 2014, the date of our 40th Anniversary Gala and Auction, on your calendar… and keep your bid paddle handy. (For more information on the Gala, see the back cover.)

A Gala Weekend at Bennett Spring

Eddie and Betsy Lawlor

Page 6: 2013 Fall Newsletter

Dr. Joan Benz, Therapist and Family Treatment Coordinator at Family Resource Center, is hanging up one of her many hats. She leaves FRC to teach at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis and to expand her private counseling practice. “I call it partial retirement,” she says, “but other people are saying, ‘Joan, you are going to be as busy as you’ve always been.’”

In her ten years here, Joan has been a key partner in our efforts to develop Evidence-Based Practices and collaborate with the Brown School on professional development. “There’s been a huge change over the years in terms of accountability in family therapy,” she says. However, she points out that some things do not change, and the rapport -- the connection a therapist establishes with a client -- will always be at the heart of good therapeutic practice.

Despite her “partial retirement,” Joan will continue as President of the Family Violence Council of St. Louis and will be one of the keynote speakers at the council’s conference in October on “Children Witnessing Domestic Violence.”

Staff and Volunteers

Dr. Joan Benz Steps Down as Family Treatment Coordinator

Dr. Joan Benz, Retiring Therapist and Family Treatment Coordinator

I am a Parent Partner case manager in Family Resource Center’s PathBuilder’s Program. I have worked a case as fast as two weeks and as long as two years, but regardless of the time it takes, I never give up hope.

My fastest case? Faye was a young mother who drove here from Nashville to escape a physically and verbally abusive husband. The little family was living in a car in a shopping center parking lot when a security guard spotted the kids going into the store to use the bathroom. The next thing Faye knew, the children were taken away and she was sleeping in a shelter for battered women. So the case came to me. I told her I would meet her on the south side in front of a donut shop and she could tell me her story: I wasn’t going to show up at the women’s shelter out of concern for her safety.

Faye said she felt like she was going crazy. She didn’t know where her children were and no one would allow her to talk to them. She worried about her oldest son: too old to be placed in a foster home with the younger children, she was afraid he had been sent to a men’s shelter where someone might take advantage of him. And her baby girl! “My little girl has never been away from me,” the mother sobbed. “You don’t understand! She won’t be able to sleep at night without snuggling up to me.”

I knew from experience that the longer her kids were in foster care the harder it would be to reunite the family. “I do

understand,” I said. “And we need to begin the process now to bring your children home.”

Faye had tried without success to get assistance with housing. Unfortunately you usually have to live in the state three months in order to qualify for a housing subsidy, but I knew another way. In a situation where the mother has been physically abused, they can be “filtered” into the system without the 90 day delay. And this girl was really working with me! We sat in my office at Family Resource Center and between us we called every resource I could think of that might help with rent or a down payment, and then we set out to look at apartments. We found her a place to stay -- and two days later her children came home. Faye has a job at a fast food restaurant now and she is taking parenting classes.

Two weeks! Do I care too much? No. I care enough to get parents like Faye to believe in themselves. That’s my mission… that’s my job.

From the Desk of a Case Manager: Faye’s Kids

Page 7: 2013 Fall Newsletter

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the Young Professionals Board’s 2nd Annual Summer Party at Humphrey’s. The raffle for the cooler full of beverages raised over $200.

FRC’s Social Committee treated the Therapeutic Day Treatment Preschool kids and staff to cool refreshments from the Ice Cream Truck in August. We scream for ice cream!

Asmaa Alotaiby is interning in Family Therapy at Family Resource Center as part of her doctoral program in Marriage and Family Therapy at St. Louis University. A native of Saudi

Arabia, she welcomes the opportunity to learn about human relationships in cultures other than her own.

Asmaa notes that there are certain issues -- money, sex, children, and basic communication skills, for instance -- that

seem to affect marriages across the globe. Her approach to therapy is a universally accepted one, regardless of the culture: “I work from a strength-based approach. I believe that a couple’s resources and expertise are in themselves and I am just here to help and support them -- to empower them.”

Asmaa says that her supervisor, Trish Hobson, and all of the Family Therapy staff have been very welcoming; she knew from the moment she first experienced our diversity that this was the right place for her. She points out that the “resource” in our name cuts both ways: “Family Resource Center’s goal is to provide clients with the best resources,” she says, “but at the same time the agency focuses a lot of resources on its therapists’ training and needs.”

Once she completes her graduate studies, Asmaa hopes to return to Saudi Arabia to teach marriage and family therapy.

Meet FRC Intern Asmaa Alotaiby

Summer Party Ice Cream for Kids!

Asmaa Alotaiby, FRC Intern

“It was a field trip with a purpose,” Catherine Coyle, Supervisor of FRC’s Therapeutic Day Treatment Preschool says. In observance of September 11th, the children in our preschool visited Engine House #36 so they could thank our “first responders” for keeping us safe.

The south town fire station, at the corner of Kingshighway and Christy, is probably the tiniest firehouse in the city, but it has a big heart, and the firemen treated our children as royal guests. The kids got a tour of the building, sat in the fire truck, and learned some important safety tips. In return, they gave the men handmade thank-you cards.

Given their life experiences, many of our children react very fearfully to unfamiliar adults in strange settings. However, the success of this field trip could be measured by the response of one small boy who dried his tears, offered his toy to a fireman, and said with a tentative smile, “I am not afraid of firemen anymore!”

Thank you, Engine House #36

Engine House #36

Page 8: 2013 Fall Newsletter

Events and Fundraising

8 Family Resource Center Update

The sun always shines at St. Alban’s! Family Resource Center’s 19th Annual Golf Tournament took place on a sunny and very warm - but beautiful - August day, and almost $120,000 was raised to help our hurting kids. As our foursomes paused under the plentiful shade trees of the country club and passed around refreshing drinks, FRC’s mission was a frequent topic of conversation.

After the tournament, 170 golfers gathered for a cocktail reception, dinner and auction emceed by former sportscaster Zip Rzeppa. Matt Hale, one of FRC’s Foster Care Supervisors, shared the touching story of a little girl who just the previous week had greeted him with a hug and a smile as she started kindergarten. When the badly abused and traumatized two-year old first came into our care he wondered if she could ever regain a happy childhood, but with the help of Family Resource Center’s dedicated staff, wonderful foster parents and generous donors, she is well on the way to a better life.

Thank you to our tournament host, Watlow, our 37 tournament sponsors, long time Board member Anna Beck who supplied her traditional homemade brownies, volunteers from FRC and Target who helped to keep everything running smoothly, and Tony Meoli of Meoli Digital who provided the photography.

19th Annual Golf Tournament Was a Sunny Success

Ameren MissouriAT&TBank of America Merrill LynchBMO Harris BankBoeingCBIZ Commerce TrustChristine and Scott HomanDatamaxEMC CorporationHusch Blackwell

MarshMcCarthyMcGladreyMidwest BankCentreMonsantoPricewaterhouseCooperSt. Luke’s HospitalSummit StrategiesThe Private Client Reserve US BankThompson Coburn

Thank you to our 2013 Golf Sponsors!

Tournament Host

Hole-in-One Sponsor

Birdie Sponsors

Hole Sponsors

Tournament Hosts Watlow: Peter Gonzalez, Chad Merryman, Bob Moore and Richard Greene

Eagle Sponsors

A Frazier and AssociatesCentral Bank and TrustClaycoEnterprise Consulting Group

IBMLocktonProtivitiRed Spider, LLC

Page 9: 2013 Fall Newsletter


McGladrey: Matt Harvey, Jay Wadkins, Jim Scheetz and Jim Souers

BMO Harris Bank: Paul Chapman, Christian Bugyis, Allie Middendorf and Tony Short

Husch Blackwell: Dave McCool, Jim Rowland, Bob Tomaso and Steve Wall

Consolidated Power Supply: Matt Rhoads, Eric Ludwig, Lee Jacobson and Alan Boldt

St. Luke’s Hospital: Rick Sonne, Brian Spillers , Scott Johnson and Bill Meyer

Ameren Missouri: Bill Dotson, Aaron Blake, Joe Blake and Ron Jones

Packaging Concepts, Inc.: Ben Maliszewski, Lynette White and Ben Poncelet

Centene: Mike Honer , Bill Reichmuth, Keith Bernier and Don Imholz

Ernst & Young: Dan Kelley, Joe Robinson, Greg Wilson and John Heithaus

Jan Massarella , Kent Chancellor, Diane Chancellor and Karch Chancellor

McCarthy: Ryan Freeman, Ryan Moss, Tom Miller and Patrick Monahan

Page 10: 2013 Fall Newsletter

Events and Fundraising

10 Family Resource Center Update

Scaling the Heights for FRC’s Kids

“Woke up at 4:30 this morning to the sound of one of our tents being ripped to shreds. I came out of the tent and found myself face to face with the biggest black bear I have ever seen.”

“Two more days to go and I’m ready to finish what I started. It is supposed to rain both days, but does the guy in this photo look like he’s ready to throw in the towel?”

Mike McLaughlin, the 2013 recipient of FRC’s Pott Child Advocacy Award and a survivor of child abuse, successfully stared down a black bear and placed Family Resource Center’s banner on the peak of Mt. Tecumseh -- all part of his effort to raise awareness of child abuse and neglect, as well as FRC’s efforts for these children. Mike is safely on the ground now, and he sent us the following:

“The past 5 days were hell and I’m having trouble walking but I can tell you this: in the past month I hiked, climbed, and scrambled my way on foot to and from the summit of all 48 “four thousand footers” in New Hampshire. Thank you for believing in me.

My own mother and father did not see anything of value in me so your belief is something I do not take lightly. I did what I did to help children, but the more I think about it I think there is a secondary factor as well. All those years I was told that I was

worthless…. But the measure of a human being is not whether someone can slam dunk a basketball or look like a movie star. There is something much more substantial than all of that, and I’d like to think of it as the power of the human spirit. I think I showed some of that spirit on my hikes. I hope others are inspired to believe that they too are capable of more than they ever thought possible.

While I am glad for the attention that the hikes, mountains, and my personal story have garnered for FRC and for abused and neglected children in general, I will never, ever forget who the real heroes are: the people who spend their day trying to help these children. Thank you for the work that you do. You are the unsung heroes for countless children.

See you soon. I’m coming home!”

Michael McLaughlin

Free Parenting Wisely Classes are offered regularly at a central location in mid-town St. Louis.

Sessions are available during the daytime and in the evenings throughout the year. Please contact Annie Herz at 314.534.9350

for additional information about class dates and enrollment.

Parenting Wisely Classes

Page 11: 2013 Fall Newsletter


Shop for an Angel is a tradition at Family Resource Center that began when our staff realized there was a void in many children’s lives during the holiday season.

Friends come together to provide toys and gifts for the children FRC serves, brightening their holidays and bringing back simple joys. In 2013, Shop for an Angel will supply gifts for over 700 children! Here’s how you can help:

• Sponsor a toy drive and ask your friends, family and coworkers to contribute.

• Keep FRC’s kids in mind as you shop for your loved ones.

• Below is a wish list of the items needed. • No time to shop? Cash contributions are welcome. Your

cash donation will be used to purchase new toys. Make checks payable to Family Resource Center.

• To arrange delivery of new, unwrapped toys, call 314.534.9350.

Shop for a Teen Angel provides new outfits for teens in FRC’s Foster Care Program. Consider adopting one of our teens for the holidays and giving them an outfit they can be proud to wear. For more information on either program, contact Tina Nelson at 314.534.9350 or [email protected].

2013 Shop for an Angel

· New stuffed animals · Learning and discovery toys · Rattles and teething toys · Trucks, cars and race sets

· Remote control cars · Building sets and blocks · Dolls of all ethnicities & accessories · Pretend dress-up kits · Tricycles, bikes and bike helmets · Kitchen and play food sets · Games for all ages · Radios · Handheld video games and batteries · MP3 players · Action toys and super hero figurines,

such as Transformers®, Spiderman® Batman ®, and Avengers.®

· Character theme toys, such as Disney®, Sesame Street®, Barbie®, and Thomas the Tank Engine®.

· Shower gel and cologne sets for teens · Watches · Trendy purses, jewelry, and

accessories for teen girls · Cardinals, Rams, and Blues apparel for

teen boys · Books for all ages, especially teens

and babies · Hats and mittens or gloves for all ages

Shop for an Angel Wish List

Q. The movie Zero Dark Thirty was filmed in…..?

a. Pakistan b. India c. Afghanistan

Know the answer? Ready for more? Join our Young Professionals Board on Friday, November 1, as they host their 4th Annual Trivia Night “At the Movies” at the Machinists Hall, 12365 St. Charles Rock Road in Bridgeton. The cost is $20 per person or $160 for a table of 8, and beer, wine and soda (and lots of fun) will be provided. Prizes will be awarded for the best table decorations. All proceeds go to help the kids of Family Resource Center have a chance for a better life. Register on our Facebook page or call Tina Nelson at 534.9350.

2013 Trivia Night is “At the Movies”

(A. b)

Page 12: 2013 Fall Newsletter

12 Family Resource Center Update

Events and Fundraising

On September 10, Family Resource Center held its annual kick-off rally to mark the opening of the 2013 United Way Campaign, “Helping People.” To make the fundraising fun (and a little competitive!) the committee created a Hawaiian themed event and divided employees into teams named after islands.

The United Way has supported the work of FRC for 35 years and contributed over $300,000 to its operations in 2013.

The United Way of Greater St. Louis funds 177 health and human service agencies in Missouri and Illinois. Their goal is to raise $71 million this year, which is not a small task. Greg Echele, FRC’s Chief Executive Officer, has encouraged employees to “give a little more” and has pledged to do the same.

This year’s campaign resonates with FRC because the message “helping people” is what we strive to do every day. With the help of the United Way, we can continue to help abused kids have a chance for a better life.

FRC Staff Kicks Off United Way Campaign

For more information about these or other

events, contact Tina Nelson at 314.534.9350

or [email protected], or visit our website at


Upcoming Events . . .5th Annual Trivia Night Friday, November 1, 2013

The Machinists Hall, Bridgeton, MO

Get ready for another fun evening of

trivia with FRC’s Young Professionals


From Darkness To Light: 40th Anniversary Gala Event

Saturday, February 22, 2014 Save the date to celebrate FRC’s 40th anniversary. More details on the back cover.

Shop for an Angel and Shop for a Teen Angel

December 2013 Now accepting donations for FRC’s

annual holiday project to provide new

toys and clothing for children and


Page 13: 2013 Fall Newsletter

Board Members

President Steven Goldstein

VP - Human Resources Steve Smith

Secretary Ronald T. Barnes

Treasurer David W. Haynes

Advisor to the President Asha Lundal

Governance BoardBrian L. Clevinger, PhDCindy S. HandyMatt HarveyAnne H. HerzogJan L. HessLaura HoltScott HomanLorraine KeeJuliane PraissMark M. ReedChristopher B. ReidTina ShannonSusan StithJackie Kaullen WatsonLina A. Young

Advocacy BoardAnna Mayer BeckDean BoeschenSatonya L. BookerValori BringStephen J. BurrowsKent A. ChancellorDannae DelanoSherry B. DeloThomas L. Ferris

Andrea P. FrazierSarah FuhrmannJohn D. HeithausPhyllis A. HoffChristine HomanDonald G. Imholz John J. IraceCyeria JacksonLiz Johnson

Joseph KelleyAshley KemperMary Jane KingTom LaMantiaKjell LundalMichael ManchisiCarol MargreiterDebbie MarshallLeo H. Ming, Jr.

Deborah MorleyAlison C. Nash, M.D.Tim Person, Jr.Thomas P. PollihanHeather RhodesWilliam RoseKathy SiddensEllen C. Smith

Young Professionals BoardPresident Portialyn Buzzanga Vice President Nathan Holt Treasurer Michael DiSalvo

Secretary Dan Michalski Nominations Chair Tia Jenice Morris

Catie BeykirchJaclyn DavisMaurice EndsleyEmily HenkeKathy LyPhuong Nguyen Jamie Nichols

Megan StrickMychal Voorhees

Family Resource Center Update is published to further our mission and to acknowledge our partners in achieving this mission. Client confidentiality is always maintained in stories, unless permission has been granted by a client to use real names and photos. For corrections or questions, please contact the Development Department at 314.534.9350 or via email at [email protected]

Editorial Information

Chief Executive OfficerGreg Echele

Chief Development OfficerJohn Heithaus

Editor and Graphic DesignSherry LeBlanc

CopywriterJean Monahan

ContributorsStephanie GrantTina Nelson

Please help us give a child a chance for a safe, happy, and better life.

This little girl and thousands of others like her look to Family Resource Center for

help. You can help rebuild the lives of abused and neglected children in the St. Louis

community by the simple act of writing Family Resource Center into your will. Talk to

your financial advisor or call John Heithaus at 314-534-9350.


The cost of this publication has been partially subsidized by in-kind services from our generous vendors.

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Donor Acknowledgements

$50,000 and above The Forrest & Frances Lattner FoundationHerman T. and Phenie R. Pott Foundation

$10,000 - $24,999Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. LouisWatlow Electric Manufacturing Company

$5,000 - $9,999Consolidated Pipe & Supply Co.Delta Dental of MissouriPrivate Client Reserve of U.S. Bank

$2,500 - $4,999Centene Charitable FoundationCindy and John HandyKent and Diane ChancellorMasterCard Worldwide Matching Gifts ProgramPrime Blend IndustriesSummit Strategies Group

$1,000 to $2,499

Accord Carton CompanyAnderson & Vreeland, Inc.Andrea FrazierBank of AmericaBill and Paula OttBMO Harris Bank, N.A.Bob TomasoCBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services, Inc.CBIZ MHM, LLCChristine NeubauerClayco Construction Co.Commerce BankComputer Sales International, Inc.DatamaxEMC CorporationEnterprise Leasing CompanyFirst BankGoldstein & Pressman, P.C.Greg and Angie EcheleHusch BlackwellIBM SoftwareJackie and Scott WatsonJuliane and Omri PraissLockton CompanyMcGladreyMichael and Julie Mangan

Midwest BankCentreMonsanto CompanySSM Health CareSt. Joseph Parish- CottlevilleSteve HarpoleThe Boeing CompanyThompson Coburn LLPTowers WatsonValori and Pete Bring

$500 to $999Centene Management Company, LLCChristopher Reid and Jennifer DeLaneyDaniel and Sarah WesselDawn Niermann and Bill OverturfDonoson GroupEnterprise Consulting GroupEric HomanGlaxoSmithKlineGood Shepherd Lutheran ChurchJohn and Sandy IraceMargaret and Nadir DjavaherianMichael and Cynthia BehrPeggy and Andy NewmanPhyllis HoffTim Smith

$250 to $499Active NetworkBill MuzikBrad HallDale and Rhonda RickardDick and Sylvia SchuchardDon MillerElizabeth and Randy StrootGreg WilsonHolly McCullenJeff DavisJohn and Laura LeeKevin ConnellyLiz and Scott JohnsonMark and Cathy LitowMark CochraneMatt and Kelly HarveyMichael and Brooke McLaughlinMonsanto FundNexeo SolutionsPolyplexRichard and Judith Laitman Richard and Peggy BakerVicki Wroblewski $100 to $249Allen and Lori Boldt

Anthony IraceAT&T United Way / Employee Giving CampaignBill and Ellen WeberBob and Rose AhrensCarol MargreiterChristy HortonDan MichalskiDave McCoolDavid NewmanDeborah RoseGreg Echele and Gail GordonGreg St. ClairJake and Kathryn LindleyJeff and Holly CrawfordJerry JasiekJulie DubmanLangston ChambersLouise HalvorsonMerchandise Pickup Service, Inc.Mercy Technology ServicesMichael and Joann WullerMichael WetmoreMike and Mary WisslerPeruvemba SeetharamanRick and Carol ShortRick and Pam GuilanderScott FrazeeTech ElectronicsTom and Dolly CorbettZip Rzeppa

Up to $99Aisha WhiteAlicia FeitoAT&T Advertising SolutionsBill MeyerBrad NailCatherine BeykirchCharity Gift CertificatesCharles ShofnerClara ParsonsDaisy SchraderDale and Marion LindquistDan and Rochelle ZimbalistDeanna LeeDon and Gerry AbellDon DeasoneScrip Schnucks ProgramFletcher LaneHans and Evelyn VetterJaclyn and Tyson DavisJamie Mahler

14 Family Resource Center Update

Page 15: 2013 Fall Newsletter

Jamie NicholsJan MassarellaJanette BizzellJim RowlandJohn and Angela HeithausJohn and Jean FleckJulia HodgesJune CohenKen KotizaKevin and Mary KingLarry and Jill LevyLina and Ellis YoungLinda AtkinsonMarilyn AndersonMatt CorcoranMaurice EndsleyMegan LosseMike ChatfieldMike DiSalvoMile High United WayMr. and Mrs. ShadaksharappaMr. and Mrs. William GetzNathan HoltNewstar Fresh Foods, LLCPat and Bob ForcheePortialyn and Aaron BuzzangaRick ChatfieldRob and Pat MillerSandra HornsbySharon LewisThomas and Jane PotterTia Jenice MorrisTim and Jennifer PotterTony RuggeriUnited Way Suncoast

In-Kind Donors Susan AllmanAssistance League of St. LouisBirthday Joy FoundationBourbon LodgeCallaway Golf Company FoundationRobert and Paulette CarronCountry Club of St. AlbansMike DiSalvoSue GiannottiGoldstein & Pressman, P.C.Grey Eagle DistributorsCindy and John HandyDavid and Lisa HaynesHeather and Marc AllmanDonald and Patricia ImholzBen MaliszewskiMark and Brenda Maly

In-Kind Donors (cont)Cindy MeredithOlive JuiceNancy PaulusPeabody EnergyPNCJuliane and Omri PraissProject Linus - St. Louis County, MO ChapterSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Luke’s HospitalThe DublinerWatlow Electric Manufacturing CompanyMatt and Jaden Yarbrough

May 1, 2013 - September 1, 2013

Julie and Omri PraissKaren and Michael Wetmore

Satonya BookerAndy and Peggy Newman

Ron BarnesKen and Leslie Kotiza

Steve GoldsteinJune Cohen

In Honor Of


Boeing Employees Give to Therapeutic Day Treatment PreschoolThe Employee Community Fund (ECF) of Boeing St. Louis awarded a grant of $15,000 to Family Resource Center to help heal abused children through the agency’s Therapeutic Day Treatment Preschool. The grant will provide for staff training and classroom renovations designed to create a calm and nurturing space for these kids.

ECF is a unique employee-owned and operated giving program that allows Boeing employees to support needs in their local community. Over the past 30 years, Boeing’s employees have

generously donated $299,600 to Family Resource Center to assist its mission of giving abused kids a chance for a better life.

The Therapeutic Day Treatment Preschool, one of only three such programs in Missouri, uses a blend of behavior management, socialization, and remedial academics to help abused and neglected children transition into traditional school settings. Thank you, Boeing employees, for 30 years of kindness to our kids!

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A better life for a child. A stronger family. Breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect. For 40 years Family Resource Center has strengthened families through therapy, education and support.

Date: February 22, 2014Time: 6 pm - 10 pmLocation: St. Louis Science Center


JOIN US for “From Darkness to Light”, a celebration of the mission and successes of Family Resource Center. Bradley is just one example of the countless children and family members who have found safety and healing at Family Resource Center since 1974. With your support, we can continue to give abused kids a chance for a better life. Be the light for a child. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend this exciting event.

you can be the light for a child.