How WordPress created the First From India, Online Platform for Taking Events and Conferences Global...



Paritosh Sharma presents at the First WordCamp in India, on how WordPress created the First From India, Online Platform for Taking Events and Conferences Global - OMShare ( WordCamp India is being attended by the founder of WordPress Matt Mullenweg and Om Mittal (of the GigaOm fame)

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2 minute noodlesYou would have heard of it

WordPressHelped us build a business

For Taking Events and Conferences


2 hours

Before I begin, a word of thanks!

How do you make people understand WP’s power?

The Story – 4 people . 1 room . 2 hours

So we were 4 people, sitting in a conference room thinking on…

Creating Magic!!!

40 minutes of

intense brainstorming

And was Born…OMShare – A business Idea which is growing by Leaps and Bounds!!

We put an event LIVE on the internet leveraging Social Media

But…there always are RoadBlocks!!

So we had 7 hours in which

we had to launch the platform LIVE

for an event to be covered, which was signed up 2 days back!!

And our designer said – I’ll build you a site in a couple of hours!!

And as we were putting

the pieces together

It all came

Crashing Down

Due to some emergency the designer had to leave work in the middle and there were 4 hours left for the sun to rise

And we were

In a FIX

Shall we call off the event?

Can we still pull it off?

And came the saviour…

It’s a bird…

It’s a plane…

It’s WordPress

And the REAL CHALLENGE begins!!4 hours . 2 guys . 1 BIG event

• We chose a premium theme •Integrated plugins

• Integrated the various SMM tools

• Did the first post LIVEAnd

Pressed this button

4:30 am in the morning and we were DONE

But Why WordPress

Well, because other than being easy,

WordPress is like

The Slice Bread

The Slice Bread that we know today, was a failure for more than 15 years after its invention till…

…Wonder bread came along


Otto Rohwetter

It spread the Idea

WordPress spreads the Idea

I swear I don’t know any coding

The amazing thing is that integrating widgets from various Social Media tools, to really take the message viral, was just kid stuff!!

And I still don’t know any coding

People don’t really need to go anywhere else, they have all access to any events’ photographs, ppt’s, videos – all on one platform!!

Thank you!
