Why Email Marketing is Dominant


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Why Email Marketing isStill Dominant?

Email Marketing is one among those powerful marketing tool, which has the strength to communicate directly to customers.

Even though people are coming up with different marketing strategies Email marketing is still strong enough to compete with them.

And the reasons for which Email Marketing rules are the following:

Strength of Email Marketing Campaigns: Almost every digital media platform enables organic and paid

promotion, and there may or may not be some traction out of it, we cannot measure it.

Whereas in Email Marketing we clearly have a picture of to whom we can delivering the campaigns and what their response is.

Customised Campaigns:

In other digital media we don’t have an option to send customised campaigns based on customer preferences.

Whereas in Email Marketing we are free to create customised campaigns, considering the interest and preferences of each customer.

Get Response or Feedback: In Email Marketing we can run different survey campaigns

depending on the customer performance. For example: If a customer stop clicking the campaigns, we can

deliver survey campaigns asking for preferences or directly ask them why they have stopped responding.

Apart from this within an interval of 6 months we can run a survey asking for preference changes or where we need to improve with our offers or services.

All these features are unique for email marketing.

Specific Reach: In other digital media promotions we don’t have an idea to whom

we are speaking, or how many people have even seen or clicked it.

Whereas in Email Marketing we can get a clear idea on everything.

Adding to this we all know that we have a wide array of social media networks, but everyone don’t find it interesting and they might not have account.

Or even may be even if they have an account, chances of checking them regularly is 1:9.

But there can be hardly anyone who don’t have an email id. Usually people have both personal and official account. And everyone checks their inbox on a daily basis. So we can be sure that once we reach the inbox of our

customers, they will check our emails. And clearly we reach out to those, who have opted for us.

Now we know why there is no argument on the success of

Email Marketing.
