Evolution or Extinction:Survive and Thrive with New Google Analytics Features



Find out more about the latest features in Google Analytics with Matt Stannard, Head of Analytics and Technology at 4Ps Marketing. Matt recently was invited to speak at the ‘Evolve with Google’ conference in the USA, where his session was the highest rated speaker slot of the entire conference.

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4Ps Marketing

Evolution or Extinction:

Survive and Thrive with New

Google Analytics Features


I am Matt Stannard, Head of Analytics and

Tech for 4Ps Marketing.

GAIQ qualified and member of the DAA.

Strong development background from the

days when we didn’t have jQuery.

Passionate about Google Analytics (I could

talk about this all day……)

Follow me:

Twitter: @mattstannard

G+ : https://plus.google.com/+MattStannard


This Sessions Objectives

I want you to leave this session today:

• Understanding Why Universal

• Knowing Custom Dimensions and Metrics are Awesome

• Understanding a customers “touch points” are key with

Cross Device measurement

• Seeing that tracking isn’t just about a website

• Understanding that demographics can help us


• Be excited about the future, we’ve come a long way!

Evolution and Extinction:

Why Universal?

1996 Hit Counters began to appear on web pages

A History of Analytics

1990 World Wide Web Invented

1993 Web trends packages emerge

A History of Analytics

1997 Javascript Tagging Begins

2005 – Google Analytics is born (from Urchin)

A History of Analytics

2007 – 2014 - Google Analytics

A History of Analytics

2014 – Universal Analytics out of Beta

Google recognised that Analytics is no longer only about

Sessions is about Users – Real People.

Universal Analytics provides a tool which tracks users.

It can track both on and offline and allows us to record

information that relate to our business – it’s not just about


Why Universal?

Universal Analytics extends the feature set allowing us to:

• Define Custom Dimensions and Metrics

• Track Users across devices (using User-Id)

• Integrate Offline Sources (through the Measurement


• Give us Demographics

• Access to other features (such as Enhanced Ecommerce)

Evolution and Extinction:

Custom Dimensions / Metrics


Dimensions : Describe Data“A dimension is a descriptive attribute or

characteristic of an object that can be

given different values.”

Metrics : Measure Data“Metrics are individual elements of a

dimension that can be measured as a

sum or a ratio.” – all metrics are

numbers, all numbers are not metrics.

What If…

The standard set of

Dimensions with

Google Analytics is


Custom Dimensions

allow us to extend the

information Google

Analytics collects.

You wanted to

capture Departure

Airport as a Dimension?

Built in Search?

GA already includes a built in Search but using Custom Dimensions and

Metrics allows us to refine how users use elements of our site to give us greater insights.


Country, Resort, Airport, Date

Metrics:Nights, People

What does this give us?

Google Analytics Dashboard

Immediate feedback through a Dashboard in a language our Stakeholders understand!

Collecting Data

1. Setup

Custom Dimensions and Metrics are defined at a Property Level

within Google Analytics.

2. Track

• As part of a send / set command

• Through GTM (Google Tag Manager)

We have Hit Scope


Relates to the specific hit sent to Google Analytics.

Product InformationSent with Event Hit

We have Session Scope

SessionRelates to all hits within a Session (even those before the CD was set).

Weather set at Session Level on

Entry – applied to all pages views

We have User Scope


Relates to the all hits sent within that Session and future

Sessions by the same User. There are limitations with cookies

and devices

Dimensions set at

User level on Purchase

Who has a blog?


Article Length

CategoryDate Published

Liz and Sally


• We can define our own Custom Dimensions and Metrics

(20 Free, 200 Premium) to compliment those built in.

• These are configured through GA and tracked either

using the code or GTM.

• Custom Dimensions allow us to record data in a language

relevant to key stakeholders in our business.

Evolution and Extinction:



Who is a better donor – men or women?


Men responsible for more donations

Women’s donations

tend to be for larger amounts

Configuring GA

1. Setup

Demographic Reporting is set at a Property Level within Google


2. Track

• Add the ga (‘require’,’displayfeatures’) to our tracking code

• Through GTM (Google Tag Manager)


• Enable in both Google Analytics User Interface and add

necessary tracking code.

• Understand limitations (not all of your users may have a

Doubleclick Cookie).

• Create and combine with existing reports, segments and

dashboards to benchmark demographics.

Evolution and Extinction:

Cross Device Tracking

Introducing Cross Device Tracking

In 2013, Cisco and Sophos estimated the average user

connected to the internet on 2.9 devices.

With “The Internet of Things” more of our everyday household

items are becoming internet enabled and this with Classic

Analytics caused a problem:

3 Sessions

3 Users

Cross Device Tracking

Universal Analytics supports Cross Device Tracking so the same

journey would look like:

3 Sessions

1 User

This is done by using a feature called User-Id a unique

anonymous identifier.

Newsletter Signups

What if you have a newsletter signup? Can you track a user if

they open the newsletter on their mobile?


Access To New Reports

Access User-Id

1. Setup

User-Id is a property level tracking attribute – select User-ID and

agree to the policy.

Create a User-Id

2. Copy Code Snippet

GA will generate a code snippet, your website needs to populate

the {{USER_ID}} parameter.

Session Unification allows us to associate hits a user may have when they are not signed in with the User-Id if they sign in during

that Session.

Create a User-Id view

3. Create a User-Id View

Cross device measurement requires a new view. This view ONLY


Create a User-Id view

Our Example

1. Database (Simple CRM)

We created a simple database to store e-mail

address and a unique ID.

2. Form SubmittedWhen the form is submitted we lookup the e-

mail address and add or return its ID and

execute (where 1 is the User-Id)

ga(‘set’, ‘&uid’, ‘1’);

3. Link contains User-Id in URLOur e-mail link contains the User-Id as the tidparameter, this is then read and set:

ga(‘set’, ‘&uid’, ‘1’);

Summary : Cross Device

• Uses its own special view

- Remember it only includes hits with a User-Id so may be a

smaller subset

• Requires User-Id (privacy implications).

- Cannot store personally identifiable data in GA.

• Consider how a user will identify themselves and how you

will issue a Unique Id (CRM, ID Broker / Other)

• Plan – be clear to involve all necessary stakeholders,

especially developers.

Evolution and Extinction:

Offline Tracking

Offline Tracking

As well as sending data to Google Analytics through

analytics.js you are also able to use the Measurement


The Measurement Protocol defines a set of rules for sending

data to analytics from pretty much any internet connected

device using http / https requests.

This could be using:

• Excel / Google Docs (See who opens your documents!)

• Other platforms (such as Twitter) through their API

• From RFID / NFC or iBeacons• A CRM tool to log key offline interactions

Tracking Twitter

This example shows we can use Analytics to track anyone using

the #Evolve_GA hash tag.

I am really excited

to be speaking at


Twitter Streaming API fires Measurement Protocol Requests


Loyalty Cards


Eric is a customer of Starcups Coffee inc, and he has a

loyalty band.

We email Eric to inform him that we have released a new

coffee. This takes him to a web page:

Link contains User-Id in URLOur link contains Ericsunique Client ID:






Eric comes in store and purchases using his RFID band this

contains the same Client Id which we use to track the purchase.

User-Id http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?payload_data&z=123456


Summary : Offline Tracking

• Planning is key

- Are your “offline” devices internet enabled?

• Do I have a way of identifying the user?

- RFID has a unique ID built in

- CRM allows me to lookup data and return an ID

• Plan – be clear to involve all necessary stakeholders, especially


Evolution and Extinction:

The Past and the Future

The Past

The Past

Personally – I think we may have seen the extinction of purely

looking at Sessions.

The Future

Not Big Data but Smart Data – Google Analytics has empowered us to begin integrating all sources of user data

into one package.

Measurement Planning is key and looking beyond the Web is


The Happiness Index

We are measuring Happiness of our Staff and Clients

Evolution and Extinction:

Measurement Planning


Measurement Planning

Evolution and Extinction:

Key Takeouts

Why Universal?

My Key Takeouts For You Are:

• Define your Custom Dimensions and Metrics

- Blogs think Author, Publish Date, Article Type

- Ecommerce – Page Type, Product, Brand (or use EE).

• Do you need to Track Users across devices?

- If Yes - how can you integrate a User-Id- Create the User-Id view

• Integrate Offline Sources

- Discuss the Measurement Protocol with your developers.

• Embrace Demographics but contextualise with real data.

• Enjoy and be creative!


4Ps Marketing


The Happiness Index


Measuring Twitter with Universal Analytics


IDC Bands


Measurement Protocol



Please speak to your account manager or email


Want To Know More?

Evolution and Extinction:

