Tanda Klinis Konjungtivitis




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Tanda Klinis Konjungtivitis

Mata memerah ( pink eye )Reaksi radang akibat

infeksi menyebabkan pelebaran pembuluh darah mengakibatkan mata bewarna kemerahan

Discharge of pus Discharge of pus,

especially yellow-green (more common in bacterial conjunctivitis)

Air infeksi virus atau alergi Purulen bakteri dan klamidia Hiperpurulen gonokok atau meningokok Lengket alergi atau vernal Seros adenovirus

Lakrimasi Produksi air mata berlebih Sebagai reaksi terhadap adanya benda

asing pada konjungtiva atau kornea

Infections that cause of pinkeye usually start first in one eye and then spread to the other eye within a few days. Allergic reactions usually involve both eyes right away. Swelling of the eyelids may be seen; this is particularly common with bacterial infections and allergies.

 Swollen, Red Eyelids

Sometimes people with pinkeye awaken in the morning with their eyes "stuck shut" due to discharge that is produced during sleep.

Crusting of eyelids or lashes sometimes occurs, especially in the morning

Crusty Eyelids

Pseudoptosis Kelopak mata atas terlihat seperti turun Diakibatkan adanya edema pada palpebra


Chemosis Edema konjungtiva Pada konjungtivitis alergik

Hipertrofi Papil Merupakan reaksi konjungitva non spesifik kumpulan eksudat yang melekat dengan

fibril, sehingga terjadi pembesaran pada konjungtiva. Hipertrofi ini berbentuk papila karena terdapat cabang-cabang pembuluh darah pada kumpulan eksudat tersebut sehingga membentuk papila-papila pada konjungtiva.

Hipertrofi Folikuler Hiperplasia limfoid lokal Struktur : bulat, avaskuler putih , atau abu-

abu Sitlamp pembuluh darah kecil mengitari

folikel >> pada konjungtivitis viral dan klamidial

Limfadenopati Preaurikuler Enlargement and/or tenderness, in some

cases, of the lymph node in front of the ear. This enlargement may feel like a small lump when touched.

Pembengkakan nodus limfatikus yang berada di preauricula

Pada konjungtivitis virus

Itching, irritation, and/or burning Feeling like a foreign body is in the eye(s) or an

urge to rub the eye(s) Sensivity to light

Mild sensitivity to light can accompany pinkeye. But severe pain, severe sensitivity to light, and vision changes are all signs that the infection may have spread beyond the conjunctiva. These symptoms should prompt a visit to the doctor for an examination.

Because of conditions such as infection or inflammation that can irritate the eyes

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