OPEN PUBLIC RELATION GROUP NO.-1. PUBLIC RELATION It is the process of managing outside...


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It is the process of managing outside communication of an organization or business to create and maintain a positive image.

Public relations involves popularizing successes, downplaying failures, announcing changes, and many other activities.


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Corporations using marketing public relations (MPR) to convey information about the products they manufacture or services they provide to potential customers in order to support their direct sales efforts.

Corporations using public relations as a vehicle to reach legislators and other politicians, in seeking favorable tax, regulatory, and other treatment

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Corporations using public relations as a vehicle to reach legislators and other politicians, in seeking favorable tax, regulatory, and other treatment.

Non-profit organizations, make use of public relations in support of awareness programs, fund-raising programs, staff recruiting, and to increase patronage of their services.

Politicians aiming to attract votes and/or raise money.

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Open PR

• Open PR is the process of making traditional PR process more transparent and involves rethinking relationship with stakeholders including company’s employees.

• It’s a two way process

Advantages of Open Public RelationAdvantages of Open Public Relation

• Gains customer belief and trust• Lower transaction cost and eliminate unnecessary

friction between companies and society.• It’s a two way conversation.• Company adopting Open PR system will get a

comparative advantage.• Transparency and Accountability• Product Innovation and improvement• Done right, blogging can help humanize a


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Disadvantages of open PRDisadvantages of open PR

• Losing control of the information

• Fear of loosing Privacy and Intellectual Property

• Misleading of the information by the sales & marketing team.

• Companies that lack confidence in their intrinsic values and/or have a vested interest in preserving their market and industry position would be unwise to facilitate a process that accelerates the erosion of stakeholder trust.

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Indian Context• Indian companies do use open PR in getting customer feedback and ideas in

product improvement.

• Its also used to get customer feedback on quality of services offered.

• Some Links are –• Blogging is used in raising various social issues such as reservations,impairity

is society, RTI etc.• Orkut Communities regarding social issues such as child and women issues,

war, education etc.

Group PerceptionGroup Perception• Some policies should be made regarding Open PR and limits of its

usages.• Open PR is good till certain limit till it doesn’t hamper

organization’s working and image.• Open PR gives customers a chance to be part of the product

innovation process and gives him them the due importance• In terms of citizens blogs it provides citizens a say in policy

framing• It’s also an open forum to put forth views and concerns…Ex –

blogs and communities made for anti reservation campaign• Analyzing public perception and attitudes and helps in better

execution of programmes.

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Question of the Week: Wikinomics and Public Relations

Networking & Advocacy LG 2Networking & Advocacy LG 2

what is PR?

“Public Relations is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between on organization and its publics.”

- Institute of Public Relations, USA

“Everything involved in achieving a favourable opinion."- George F. Meredith

Former President of the American Pubic Relation Association

“Good performance, publicity appreciated because adequately communicated.”

- Fortune (Magazine)

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what is OPEN PR?

From a companies perspective, open PR is a systematic interaction with its customers and other stakeholders to channelise the information flow about its products and services with a two way feedback communication channel/mechanism.

Forms of open PR: Blogging Forums Discussion Forums Wikis

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emerging marketing paradigm-

should companies go for Open PR?

Advantages Transparent and direct

dealing with customers eliminate unnecessary friction both within the company and the society.

Can function as an effective cost control measure.

Customer driven business development and solutions.

Constructive feedback

Disadvantages Loosing control of the

information flow. Privacy and intellectual

property rights may take a back seat.

May cause a threat to the existence of emerging industries.


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suitable environment for effective application of OPEN PR

Minimise ‘Beta’ through Comprehensive sharing with suitable filtering.

Where the customer is well acquainted with the blogging platform.

Organisations with lack of confidence in the intrinsic value of their products and services should opt for a defensive risk management approach (temporary/ short run).

Suitable pay-offs to the customers in lieu of strategic participation in product My Space

Understanding the governing competitive dynamics.

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• OpenPR was launched in April 2004. was relaunched in July 2005. It is run by the journalist Roland K. R. Becker and his team of editors in Schleswig and Hamburg, Germany.

• Thus reaches a large and constantly increasing number of decision-makers and policy-makers, which makes it an interesting platform for your corporate communication. Furthermore, the articles also appear regularly on Google News, often just a few minutes after its release on open PR.

• There are exactly 18201 releases by 8048 different authors/companies.

• Give smaller companies the chance to go public with their news at any time. A change to a fee-based service is not planned. 16

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This is an Open Enterprise. Do you need a secure, productive, cost-effective IT environment? Novell can get you there by helping you manage, simplify, secure, and integrate heterogeneous IT environments at low cost.

Novell Open PRNovell Open PR gives Novell watchers information about what's happening in the company that might not make the cut for a press release, but is still of interest to the market and Novell's customers. 17

Learning Group 2 N&A_Open PR

‘ideally the dialogue must be really open and uncontrolled’

- how feasible is it?

an example:


Now…the question we put forth for discussion:

18Learning Group 2 N&A_Open PR

Mass Collaboration and its effects on Music and other


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Mass Collaboration

Definition: a form of collective action that occurs when large numbers of people work independently on a single project, often modular in its nature. Such projects typically take place on the internet using social software and computer-supported collaboration tools

It is different from an online forum/ cooperation/etc.


Four Pillars of Mass Collaboration

Being openPeeringSharingActing Globally

What does mass collaboration do?

Support for conversational interactions between individuals, groups, and communities.

Support for building newer and wider social networks.

Support in the form of social feedback - Rating of the contributions by the peers part of the social network.

Benefits from Mass Collaboration to Music and Co. Musical collaboration occurs when two or more musicians of

different places or groups work on the same song or album. Eastern meets Western. Increase in boundaries of the community. Increased sharing of music, video help in testing newer sounds,

instruments. Helps in sharing technology that helps in editing music, video files

(Real-time editor). Benefits the music amateurs in providing services of musicians. Everyone now hs the ability to amplify ideas and behaviors. Source of advertising.

End of Originality?

Open source and global sharing makes the product and services very vulnerable w.r.t originality and security.

E.g. Making the products/ services open-source (like Linux) may give rise to gradual fading away of genuine products (Windows).

Price to pay for originality and creativity – Privacy? Websites like Flickr, YouTube, etc.

Difficulty in coming out of the old profit model.


Ninjam, which stands for Novel Interval-based Network Jamming Architecture for Music[ians], is a new software which allows individual musicians to collaboratively create and perform real music via the Internet.

Every live participant can hear every other connected musician. Each one can also tweak their personal mix to his liking.

Ninjam uses compressed audio which allows it to work with any instrument or combination of instruments.

You can sing, play a real piano, play a real saxophone, play a real guitar with whatever effects and guitar amplifier you want.

If your computer can record it, then you are in for doing a full session with remote musicians from around the world.


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A collective action

Large number of people

Single project

Independent working

Mediated by the content and not by social


Facilitated by internet( social software), computer supported collaboration tools


Based on peer group


Acting globally

Being open


Same song/ album, many musicians and composers

Rating of the contribution by the peers Sharing of music/ technology- music editing,

music amateurs For example- is a social workspace for

musicians. Used to compose new music with other artists around the world. Got an idea for a song? Record a track. Upload it. Then invite others to add drums, bass, vocals or anything else!


Providing room for experimentation!

Fading originality?

Legal issues and their dealings?

Privacy at stake ( youtube, metacafe,
