KPMG in Romania | KPMG | RO


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© 2014 NTMO sprl, a Romanian law firm, member of the Bucharest Bar Association. NTMO is associated with KPMG Legal, an international

network of independent law firms. All rights reserved. Printed in Romania.

Issue 95

Legislative amendments on

outsourcing of activities by


Norm no. 25/2014 issued by of the Financial Supervisory Authority

(“ASF”), amending the Norms regarding the principles for the

organization of an internal control and risk management system and

the organization and performance of internal audit activities by

insurers/reinsurers, approved under Order 18/2009 by the President

of the Insurance Supervisory Commission, was published in the

Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No. 835 of 17 November 2014

(“Norm no. 25/2014”).

Pursuant to Norm 25/2014, insurers/reinsurers will have the

possibility to outsource, subject to prior notification of ASF, the

establishment of damages and settlement of claims deriving from

compulsory motor third party liability insurance for damages resulting

from road accidents in Romania.

Under the currently applicable regulations, as a general rule,

insurers/reinsurers may outsource the establishment of damages and

settlement of claims for types of insurance coverage other than the

compulsory motor third party liability insurance for damages resulting

from road accidents in Romania.

Norm no. 25/2014 will take effect on 1 January 2015.

Modificări legislative privind

externalizarea activităților de

către asiguratori

În Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 835 din 17 noiembrie

2014, a fost publicată Norma Autorității de Supraveghere

Financiară („ASF”) nr. 25/2014 pentru modificarea Normelor

privind principiile de organizare a unui sistem de control intern şi

management al riscurilor, precum şi organizarea şi desfăşurarea

activităţii de audit intern la asigurători/reasigurători, aprobate prin

Ordinul preşedintelui Comisiei de Supraveghere a Asigurărilor nr.

18/2009 („Norma 25/2014 ”).

Prin Norma 25/2014 se instituie posibilitatea ca

asigurătorii/reasigurătorii să externalizeze, cu notificarea prealabilă

a ASF, activitatea de constatare şi lichidare a daunelor, inclusiv

pentru asigurarea obligatorie de răspundere civilă pentru prejudicii

produse prin accidente de vehicule pe teritoriul României.

Conform reglementărilor aplicabile în prezent, ca regulă generală,

asigurătorii/reasiguratorii pot externaliza activitățile de constatare

şi lichidare a daunelor, cu excepția celor privind pentru asigurarea

obligatorie de răspundere civilă pentru prejudicii produse prin

accidente de vehicule pe teritoriul României.

Norma 25/2014 va intra în vigoare la data de 1 ianuarie 2015.

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although

we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or

that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough

examination of the particular situation.

© 2014 NTMO sprl, a Romanian law firm, member of the Bucharest Bar Association. NTMO is associated with KPMG Legal, an international

network of independent law firms. All rights reserved. Printed in Romania.

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Daniela Nemoianu

Managing Partner

Laura Toncescu

Managing Partner

Alina Mihaila


Sebastian Olteanu


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Sector 1, 013685

Tel. +40 (741) 800 800

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