IDEA & FORM I Jose Lacruz Vela




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Jose LAcruz VeLAIdeA & Form IIe uNIVersITY

LAura MArtíNez de Guereñu

Le corBuSIerLAndscape studY

Le VILLa sAVoYeLe corbusIer : uN ATLaS

de paIsAJes modernoscaIxA forum


Le VILLa sAVoYe Is Located AT PoISsY, on the Western outskIrTS oF PArIs, FraNce. The house Is SItuATeD AT the top oF A grAsSY hILL, comPLeteLY SurrouNDeD BY treeS, whIch Act As A prIVAcY eLeMent, towarDS the outsIDe oF the house.

The house, Is heLD BY SeVeraL pILotIS, So thAT IT reduceS the AMouNT oF SPAce, thAT the house uses. at the Same tIme, thIs greeN SPAce thAT Is BeIng useD under the house, IT Is comPenSated BY haVING garDeneD rooFS, In order to merGe the LaNDScAPe oF the terrAces wIth the LaNDScAPe SurrouNDIng the house.

The house Is coVered wIth LoNG horIzoNTAL wINDoWS, whIch frAMe the LaNDScAPe Into A VIVId phoToGraph, And AT the Same tIme, theY gIVe NaturaL LIght And VeNTILATIoN.

The house counts wIth Both STAIrs And ramPS, In order to AcceSs each oF the fLoors. ThIS to waYs oF moVING throuGh the house Are Both tWo VerY dIfFerent experIenceS, As BY the STAIrs You AcceSs reALLY quIckLY But AT the Same tIme BLock moST oF the VIeWS, whILe IF You AcceSs throuGh the ramPS, thIs procesS Is more SLoW, But You haVe AMAzIng VIeWS, ALmoST 360º oF the entIre LaNDScAPe outsIDe.

The house Is SurrouNDeD BY A car path waY, whIch trIeS to coNnect the house to the trAnSPortatIon, But ALSo, cLearLY dIVIdING the SPAce useD BY the house And the LaNDScAPe outsIDe. The quoTe “A house Is A machIne for LIVING In”, ShoWS thIs coNnectIon, BetWeeN house And techNoLogY.

Le VILLa sAVoYe AnALYsIsPLaN&sectIonS

1:20 MoDeL


Le VILLA SaVoYeAbSTracT modeLs


spurT houseoNe room houSe

aNaLYtIcaL modeLs1:50

spurT houseone rooM house FroNT eLeVATIoN


spurT houseone rooM house SIde eLeVATIoN1:50

spurT houseone rooM house


spurT houseone rooM house SecTIoN1:50

spurT houseone rooM house


spurT houseone rooM house roof PLaN1:50

spurT houseone rooM house

SIte pLAn1:200

spurT houseone rooM house SIte SecTIoNs1:200

spurT houSeone rooM house

houSe modeL1:50

spurT houSeone rooM house

sITe modeL1:200

spurT houseone rooM house sectIon MoDeL1:20

spurT houSeone rooM house


nATure, BrIngs together Both IndIVIduALS, As the cook groWS fooD froM the SoIL, And the frAMer capTures the esSeNce oF Nature throuGh her paIntINGS. The house meeTS thIs requIreMent, As IT coNTAINs A garDeneD terrAce, whIch exteNDS to InfINItY, So the paInter caN paInt froM IT, whILe the cook caN harVest hIS faVourITe VegetaBLes.

The caNTILeVer house SeeMS As IF IT waS eMergING froM the SIde oF the waLLS oF the aLcAzAr´S park. The house InVadeS the puBLIc SPAce, thereFore IT proVIDes the cItY oF seGoVIa wIth An AMAzIng VIeWpoInt, And AT the Same tIme IT proVIDes A SPAce where parTIeS caN Be heLD, wheneVer ITS InhaBItaNTS waNT to.

The house Is AcceSseD BY Some STAIrs thAT Look As IF theY were carVeD froM the grouND, gIVING the SeNse As IF You entered A caVe. hoWeVer, when You enter the house SudDenLY You get AstoNISheD BY the AMAzIng VIeWS oF the VaLLeY. There Is A cLearLY dIfFerence BetWeeN the parT oF the house whIch Is Located In the STone, whIch Is A dark Area, whILe the parT thAT Is caNTILeVeLeD Is BrIGhT, As LIght enters dIrecTLY froM the onLY wINDoW In the house.

aNother keY eLeMent oF thIs house, Is thAT eVerY pIece oF furnITure Is BuILt-In the waLL. The counter exteNDS Into A dINnIng taBLe, whILe then IT trAnSForms Into A STuDY Area. The Bed Is encLoseD In one oF the waLLS, pLAceD BehIND the Sofa, So thAT You SaVe A Lot oF SPAce.