End of Orient Dis-2




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Summary of Project 1Orientation/Disorientation Project

Make sure your sketchbook and portfolio have evidence of this project’s outcomes: Drawing Programme:

o Still life drawings (objects)o Analytical line/geometrical line (life model)

Annotations London Trip Research (annotation, drawings) Experimentation and Documentation (images) Found Alphabet Clock Reflective Writing Entries:

In Chapter 3, Berger maintains that the ‘social presence of a woman is different in kind to that of a man’ (1972:45). Use the images and text in chapter/essay 3 to suggest in your seminar to what extent this is true.

Final reflective entry in sketchbook:

How do you think the different outcomes of the Orientation/Disorientation Project helped you with orientation into IFAD?

Homework:For Monday, download the new Hybrid Home Space Project:

print it out deconstruct it match images with titles draw a mind map of how you understand the new project