Why Non Website Marketing Funnels Have Limited Success


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Why Non Website Marketing Funnels Have Limited Success

In this post I'm going to on how to keep people focused on the dream they want to accomplish. So many people are distracted by so much information out there that this post is necessary so that people can find and consume the right information so that they can focus on accomplishment.

People need to focus on accomplishing what they need to accomplish so that they can fully complete and learn each step.

If people are learning the wrong things, then they are going to move in the wrong direction and not create that dream they want to accomplish.

Keep people focused on their dream.

For success to happen you have to keep people focused on their dream so that they stay on course to get results.

They need to start with this mindset right away and really dig deep into what is best for them, their clients and the future of their business. It needs to carry into the future so that they don't have to worry about having to start all over again.

What you can do to keep people moving in the right direction is create a list of the problems others in your niche have right now. Write those problems on a piece of paper. That's what I like to do anyway. I can find what I need to fond easier and not worry about finding those problems on my computer once they start getting bigger. But anyway...

Those problems can be something that maybe you have struggled with.

Those will change over time but the more you have been in a niche, the more problems you will up against in finding those solutions to your own problems. That is a good thing.

The more problems you know about, the more you can figure out a great solution and teach that solution to the people who need that solution. Selling doesn't sell but teaching how to do something does. Long term anyway. Anybody can have success for a month or two but I'm talking long term business from people who know and respect you.

If you are new to a niche and want to keep people focused on accomplishing their dreams, add each problem that you run up against on a list. That list should get bigger as time goes on and will propel you to get people to focus on problems that they have right now and in the future.

A great way to go about this is asking those people what their challenges are and what's keeping them from completing those challenges. The people who have visited your website (that's why you need a website) and got to know you and like and feel you can help them, will communicate with you.

Most wont but the few that do will, because they have had a chance to visit your website over and over again because you provide the best content on that ste for one of those problems on your list if problems you wrote down.

That’s why we hear so much about asking people about challenges. People get to know you from a place where you post these challenges, have some recommendations in your website posts and get people to want more from you.

Open New Markets With a Website

So you can be one of the few that are doing things differently. You can open up new markets and dominate those markets by looking for new problems that you add to your list, so that you can help people focus and accomplish their dream.

You see, so many people forget about their problems. They know what it is but in time, they get thrown off course. In many cases they forget what the problem was and forget it was ever a problem.

That’s what hurts so many people keep on track.

Keep Mentioning Those Problems

Keep mentioning those problems everywhere path they choose to go down. Get the problems you have added to your list and keep mentioning those problems throughout their experience with you.

Those problems needs to connect with people, not the search engines. Your audience are people, not robots. I'm sure you know that but think about it. So many people never try to communicate with people as real human beings anymore. They just want to automate everything because they would rather just use somebody elses content or secret marketing funnel that promises no work on your part.

In time, if you have a website to do it's job, you will come to see that you are not only more unique with your own unique set of skills but you are somebody that provides what others need, not what you need. You become a bonefied solutions provider for your niche.

Not very many people can help people accomplish their dreams and get results to grow a long term business but you can. This is why non website marketing funnels are limited success.

You can separate yourself from everybody else in your niche if you are building out that list of problems.

Keep reminding them about those problems. Remind them in your articles. Remind them in your sales pages. Remind them in your emails, Remind them in your products to allow themselves to remember their problem so that you can solve it in your next product. Remind them in everything you create.

Keep your niche focused on what they want to accomplish because if you don’t help them, they might not ever stay focused enough to move forward working on what works in business. They will be all over the place.

Keep them focused on your website and share that website content to your list. The people in your marketing funnel will get great content from what you share from your website.

Ask yourself questions about the problems on your list. You’ll know what questions to ask people, so that you can know how to keep people focused on the dream they want to accomplish.

You’ll be able to persuade the right people to stay on track with a website marketing funnel instead of forcing people to move forward in something that will move them in the wrong direction by having a non website marketing funnel.

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The Disadvantages of a Non Website Marketing Funnel