3 Big Tips For Small Business Owners


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With great power, comes great responsibility.

Keep learning

So we get to the final words for the day.

Realize the importance of making sure that

you keep learning. As I said, I’m an avid

learner. I‘m constantly consuming as much

content as I can. I figure the more good

material that I can squash in there at some

point I hope some good material will start

to come out. So make sure that you go to seminars, read books, listen to podcasts,

surround yourself with people who make you grow as well. It’s very important the peer

group who will stretch you. You want people who are at the next level so that way you are

drawn up to that level.

That is really key, and model those who already have what it is that you want. When I think

back to Richard Bandler and the idea of these systems in your head, everybody has a way

that they process the information around them in the world that they’re in. Some systems

are more successful than other systems. What it is that you want to look for is find people

who have what it is that you already have and then start to model that success.

So if you want to become a really good internet marketer, or a really good online marketer,

find someone whose material you like and that resonates with you and then model the

steps that they do. If you want to have really good relationships, find someone who

already has a really good relationship and find what it is they’re doing and then model

that. So it’s all about trying to model and find what those systems are.

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Focus on the big rocks

The next thing is make sure you focus on

the big rocks. Here are some of the things I

would consider big rocks. You want to

make sure that you quit chasing the shiny

new object. It does feel like something new

is coming along every two seconds, that is

always going to happen. There is always

going to be a new product out there, there is always going to be a new opportunity. Focus

on that one thing, that is the key that will set you apart from everybody else. Everybody

else’s attention is getting pulled in every different way and they can’t focus, therefore they

get nothing done. So pick one thing and focus on that.

The guys from 37 Signals, they’ve got a really good book called REWORK that I’m just

starting at the moment. One of the things that they talk about, is working on your best

ideas and start working on them now. I used to put off working on my best ideas, thinking,

oh, I’ll get to that later and I was working on these little piddling sites, these $17 public

domain e books sites, because I was thinking I will do that to make enough cash to fund

what it is that I want to really be doing.

Don’t think like that, life is too short, time keeps on disappearing. Figure out where you can

add the most value, what it is you enjoy doing, what your best idea is and go straight for

that. Don’t muck around with all the other things. Run it like a business. You are running a

business here, you need to just start to think like a business mind in everything that you’re

doing when you’re creating wealth.

Don’t get caught up in the details as well. I talked a whole lot about some of the different

areas even in SEO, it’s very easy to get caught up in those details and sit there thinking

about what hosting account should I go for, what FTP program should I use? There are a

few things like that which it is very easy to get caught up in and you’ll just waste a lot of

time. You need to sometimes just step back, figure out what you outcome is and how can

you achieve that outcome? Being a success overnight – they say how long does it take to

become a success overnight, about ten years and 10,000 hours. That is Malcolm Gladwell,

he talked about the idea of the tipping point and how many hours it takes.

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You’ll hear people say they found the secret to their wealth and it almost appears like it

happened instantaneously. I said this at the start and I’ll say it again now, building a

business is hard work, building anything of value is hard work. Life is hard work. Just get

out there, and that is why you need to make sure you love what it is that you do. I put so

much into what I do because I love it. If it was something that I didn’t enjoy, and that’s why

you want to make sure you focus on your strengths, because if you’re not enjoying it then

you won’t be able to put in the effort and work required to get the results that you want to


Expect mistakes as well. I’ve made plenty along the way and it seems to be the more

mistakes I make, the luckier I seem to get. I’ll just make all of these different mistakes and

I’ll take that learning and I’ll apply it to what I’m doing now and I’ve got a better hit rate

now. I can analyze things a whole lot better because I’ve tried a lot of things, I’ve made a

whole lot of mistakes. So now when I analyze something, some things I don’t even bother

with any more because I know that is just not going to work.

I just wanted to finish up, we’re at the real tail end now, we’re going to have the

competition. I just wanted to see if you guys have been writing notes about what is your

biggest insights were or anything that you either got from today or maybe it is a traffic tip

that you learnt somewhere else or I want to know your best material. This is the point

where you don’t want to hold your best material to yourself. It’s all about putting your best

material out there. That’s how good things happen.

If anyone wants to share anything that has had a big

impact on them today, or in their business or anything

like that and as far as a prize is concerned, I’ll give you

a free copy of the DVDs from today and I’m happy to

do some coaching with you as well, we’ll chat on the

phone. So does anyone want to give some insights

and then we’ll maybe vote on who has the best ones.

Question: I don’t know if it is my biggest, but it is the first that popped into my mind. That is the idea of planning ahead, even though you’re not going to go into all of these things straight away, because you’re going to maintain focus on one thing at a time, but planning ahead and pre registering loads of domain names around that area , such that they’re pre aged, you get a few links to them so that you don’t trigger Google’s excessive link alarm when you finally do get to work on them. I guess if you don’t use them, you have a sale.

Answer: Yes, like we’re doing at the moment on Flippa.

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Question: I though the entire section on outsourcing and building your virtual team or building your team was excellent. Probably my biggest insight is I need to hire a finisher. I’m good at the strategic vision and all those sorts of things but having someone who keeps me accountable to actually getting things finished off would be a good addition

to my team. So that is what I got out of it which is really good.

Answer: Excellent.

Question: I suppose mine was, since I’m doing SEO, the biggest one for me was basically just getting everything into a process with all the videos and everything documented. I guess the thing that I’ve realized, I’ve been doing all the work but if I actually really want to have a business, I need to do that. I never actually create a business, it’s just a job. It doesn’t become a business until I do that. That was a really key thing, important for me.

Question: There were two things really and I’ll clarify them quickly. The first one was right at the start was buying a client. I’m not sure how many people realize that no one else is doing that. Or they say, why should I pay for a client? But actually buying a client when you know your maths, that just wipes out every other competition in the marketplace

and I’ll do that with one of my sites.

The other one which blew me away and which I think has a lot of potential too is that search box on the site from getting your user feedback and that’s why I suggested it to the guy down there, getting your feedback from the people who are going to give you money in the first place and then giving them what they want. You said that it worked with e commerce but you can take the distinction itself and apply it in so many areas.

That is really good.

Answer: Your customers will tell you what it is that they want and how they want to be

marketed to.

Question: Yes, the same as Alan, the search box, the feedback and then regurgitating that feedback into what goes on to the page is excellent. The other one was the method itself, the SEO method, how you had a method to go through the method. So it was almost like if you had a big sheet of paper with all those boxes on it, you could just tick them off as you

go and just go line by line and it just automatically just falls into place.

With that sort of system, with a tick box if you like, it’s all you’re going to focus on, that’s what you’re doing. Nothing else gets in the way, because there’s the visual, I’m only half

way through it, I’ve got to keep going.

Answer: Yes, that visual and I suppose distilling it into the system, it all comes down to

systems. Everything that you’re working on, comes down to systems. The more that you

create systems that creates that repetition and like I said, repetition creates money. So you

need to create those systems. Does anyone else have any insights?

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Question: The first one, just to pick up on what you said there, was the statement of create the machine. I hadn’t really heard the expression, but seeing that we are creating machines, these automatic systems, that stuck in my mind as a strong visualization. But I think amongst a whole bunch of really great things that you said today, it was about hiring only A players. I’m at the point where I need to do outsourcing more than just content and I didn’t really have any strategy for recruiting someone. I had heard MP3s about it, it would

be one in a hundred of the recruits that you get via outsourcing will be worth having, which is a fairly depressing thought.

Switching that around and taking it to look for the A players and give them enough hoops to jump through so that you know whoever gets through is going to have a degree of

value, gives you a much better chance and your business a much better chance, so I really appreciated that.

Answer: Anyone else?

Question: Yes, probably the same problem that Steve had. I’ve got four full timers working for me and they always want to chat on Skype, and probably like Steve, I need a virtual assistant to be the middle person so they don’t have to deal directly with me all the time. So that’s probably the biggest insight I’ve had today. I’ve been thinking about it for a while

but you explained it in much more detail, how to set up the process for that.

Question: Yes, this is something that has been bubbling away with me for me for a little bit, and I don’t know, it’s just hammering home this point, and there have been a lot of people talking about it. The systems and putting processes in place and really what that comes down to for me is ensuring predictability and it actually comes across, it seems like everything I look at the moment, a predictable outcome will actually produce the best

results in every case.

So even if it’s looking at the way a user goes through the site, if you can make it predictable and meet their expectations, then that is a great conversion. The same goes for the hiring process and all that sort of thing so I guess that’s a key thing that has really been bubbling away at me, is make things predictable. What can we do to

make it predictable?

Answer: Very good. Now we just need a way to choose the best. Alan was the best.

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Final attack plan

The super final last bit, the final attack.

Here’s the real simple plan of how you can

take everything that you’ve learned and

squash it all down into one slide. Number

one, you need to pick a niche, number two,

find out what it is that the people are

looking for by asking them and then make

it better. Find out your business model. Make sure that you calculate what you numbers

are so you’re building on something sound. Go ahead and build the site. Make sure you do

the keywords, the optimization and the proof, all that landing page optimization work we

talked about.

Then create a white paper where applicable, so that you can start to build that list which

integrates a little bit with finding out what they want. Do some off page SEO. Start to make

some videos. Do some web 2.0. Start to create the systems and then outsource it. Then

start to focus you attention on lead generation, that’s Jim Fleck’s insight there. Once you

create that back end system, don’t be those people who sit there and think the money is

all in the back end. Once you get your back end sorted, change your focus and start

focusing in on lead generation. If you want some good examples, head over to Melbourne

SEO, that is one of my most recent works. So that shows where I’m at with my evolution.

What can I do for you

The final thing, what can I do for you from

this point in time? We do offer some

personal coaching. I do some personal

coaching with Ryan. If you are interested in

personal coaching, pretty much we sit

down, plan out what you’re wanting to

achieve and come up with a step by step

process and I check in with you at the pace at which you need to be worked with and I’ll

grow you into where it is that you want to grow to. So if personal coaching is something

that you’re interested in, make sure that you get in contact.

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From attending the seminar, also in your notebooks, if you do want to get SEO work after

you’ve learnt all of this and you’ve realized hey, maybe we just want to get someone else

to do it, you get a free upgrade from attending the seminar, so if you buy the Gold Pack,

you’ll get put up to the Platinum Pack, the Silver Pack you’ll get put up to the Gold, so that

is like a free little bump. If you go for the Platinum Pack, you get some extra, extra material.

Also if you’re interested in getting the DVDs, because I threw so much at you that you’ve

probably grasped just a little bit. As long as you took one thing away today and it sounds

like a few of you did, then it was definitely worthwhile. But once you get the DVDs, we’ll

get an offer together so you get them pretty much at cost, just to say thanks for attending

the event and making it such a fantastic day.

Also I’m thinking about having a monthly coaching group as well. Possible rather than

doing the personal mentoring, having something like maybe we do a slightly larger group

where we go through a process and I facilitate how do we grow a business, get all of those

numbers and those different steps I talked about right and then start to build the virtual

assistants. So if that is something you’re interested in, probably if you send an email

through at the end, just to me to let as know and then we’ll put you on the waiting list if

that is something we end up doing. I just need to figure out whether or not there is going

to be enough interest and whether or not it is something I should look at.

Where you can find me

If you want to find out more from me, where

can you find me? You can find more out

about me from davidjenyns, Melbourne SEO

Services, podcast interviews, this is the main

material where I’m focusing a lot of my

attention at the moment. The last thing that

I just wanted to end on is a final quick story, to tell you that you just need to turn those

lemons into lemonade. For those of you who know the story, it’s from about seven years

ago now, I sold the MCG.

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They were doing some renovations on the Melbourne Cricket Ground, and being the

fantastic modeler that I am, the copycat, there was a guy Paul Hartunian in the States who

saw that they were doing some renovations on the Brooklyn Bridge and got a whole lot of

the leftover wood. He got it delivered to his house, cut it up into little pieces and then

wrote a press release saying ‘New Jersey Man Sells Brooklyn Bridge for $19.95’. He ended

up sending it out as a press release, got massive coverage and he ended up getting

hounded by CNN and TV crews came to his house and all that sort of thing.

So when they were doing the renovations on the MCG, fireworks went off in my mind and I

thought, hey, here is an opportunity. At first I probably wasn’t the smartest tack in the box,

I thought, how about I get the bricks and I’ll mail the bricks out. I went down to the

wreckers and he said, oh, the bricks are a pretty good idea but if you head over to Whelan

the Wreckers you’ll be able to buy all of the wood, the green wood and the carpet. So the

MCC crested carpet that lay on the floor in the Ponsford Stand, I purchased a whole bunch

of that and I purchased a whole bunch of the wood.

When I was there, I borrowed a van from my Dad and we loaded as much of the material as

we could into the car and they had this massive roll of carpet left at the end, so I thought,

right I want that so I said to the guy, look I’m going to come back tomorrow, can you just

earmark that as mine and I’ll come back and collect the rest of it? They just wanted to clear

it out, for them it was rubbish, and I think I paid about $1000, so a massive roll of carpet

and the wood and all this sort of thing. So I said, ok, I’m going to come back.

The next day I went back and he said, oh, look, someone came in and bought the carpet

before you got here. I thought, oh, this is not sounding too good. The person who bought

it said they were just going to use it to line their pool room and that sounded like a

plausible thing so I thought, ok, I’m still all in the clear here. I had all of my material and

had it stored at Mum’s. The timing was such that I headed up to the Gold Coast to see Brad

Sugars an Action International coach guy from Billionaire in Training and that is where I

met Ian.

While I was up there, I thought, I’m going to hold off launching this until I get back

because I don’t want all the news crews to be rocking around to my house and I’m not

going to be there, especially if I got even half as much luck as this guy Paul Hartunian did.

So I ended up going to that seminar and it was fantastic. On day one or day two, I got a call

from a friend who said, did you give the wood and the carpet to anyone? I said, no, why

would you be asking that? He said, there’s a guy, he’s 21 years of age and he was on Today

Tonight and he’s selling pieces of the MCG.

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I remember at the time feeling physically sick. I’d thought this was my thing, ok, I got there

first. I’d come up with this magnificent idea and I’m lying up there and I’m getting phone

calls from all my friends because I told my friends before I went this master plan that I had.

They’re all saying this guy was appearing in newspapers and all that sort of thing.

I ended up getting back down to Melbourne and even though I’d been to Brad Sugars so I

felt six feet tall and bullet proof because it was one of those motivational type seminars, I

got back and I thought, right, what am I going to do here? I turned what most people

would just sit there and think this is an opportunity lost, but what I ended up doing was I

said, no, I’m still going to give this a good go. I started running little ads in MX, that almost

looked like an editorial.

I’d just written up, using some copywriting, Melbourne

Man Sells the MCG and started off small. Even though a

lot of media coverage had happened, then the Herald

Sun picked it up. Then once the Herald Sun picked it up,

then it ended up getting picked up the Today show and

then they ended up coming and doing a story on me. I

think it was just coincidence and it was luck I suppose,

that the other guy who was selling it as well was 21 years of age and it almost sounded like

me. He was a young entrepreneurial type dude and his name is Pete Williams and he

ended up selling the MCG and running with that.

I ended up following that and I still didn’t give up and gave it my best go. The lesson to be

learned there is one, you need to always look for the opportunity and I learned then, when

you have something, a good idea, you need to run with it straight away. That was that idea

of you never want to not work on your best ideas and you should start implementing them

straight away. If you’ve got a good idea, you know it’s cutting edge, make sure you put it

into practice straight away. On the other side of the world, someone else is coming up with

exactly the same idea as you, and if you don’t implement it, they will and they’ll make it a

whole lot of cash and you’ll be feeling sick for the rest of your life.

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So the best thing you can do is make sure that you go ahead and start implementing these

as quickly as you can. The story ends quite well. I actually saw Pete Williams at a seminar,

ended up catching up and now we are best buddies and we go rock climbing and it is all a

little bit weird really because this is how we first met. Now it’s like turning lemons into

lemonade. So there is opportunity in absolutely everything. Hopefully I’ve just opened your

eyes a little bit to some of what you can do online and I think that brings the seminar to a

close. Thank you very much for your time.